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Chapter 5 doping

1. 1. 5.1 Concept and Classification of Doping 5.2 Prohibited Substances &

Methods 5.3 Responsibilities of Athletes 5.4 Side Effects of Prohibited
Substances 5.5 Ergogenic Aids and Doping in Sports 5.6 Doping Control
Procedure (Testing In Competition & Out of Competition)
2. 2. In Modern Era, the use of performance enhancing substances and techniques
by the top sports person of the world has been a persistent issue in the world of
sports. In 1st Century AD , the Greek runners used to drink a herbal beverage
to increase their strength and be capable to run long distance races. During
the Olympic Games in 3rd Century B.C. the athletes were trying to increase
their sports performance by taking mushrooms and opium.
3. 3. Use of Prohibited substances or methods to unfairly improve their sporting
performances and to gain an advantage over their competitors. According to
IOC , Doping is the use of any method or substance that might harm the
athlete, in a quest to gain an unfair advantage over his/her fellow competitors.
According to WADA ,Doping is defined as the occurrence of one or more of
the anti-doping rule violations set forth in Article 2.1 through Article 2.8 of the
4. 4. Anti-Doping Rules: 1. Presence of Prohibited Substance or Methods 2. Use
or Attempt to use a prohibited substance or method 3. Refusing to submit a
sample collection after being notified 4. Failure to file athletes whereabouts
after being notified 5. Tampering with any part of the doping control process 6.
Possession of a prohibited substance or method 7. Trafficking a prohibited
substance or method
5. 5. Physical Methods Performance Enhancing Substances
6. 6. 1) Stimulants : Stimulants are drugs that enhances alertness and physical
activity by increasing heart rate and breathing rate and the functions of brain .
They stimulates the body physically and mentally . Effects Usage Examples
Mind is more alert By injection Cocaine Reduces feeling of fatigue By nasal
spray Ephedrine More aggressive Orally Adrafinil Amphetamines
7. 7. 2) Anabolic Steroids : They stimulates the growth of muscles and help
athlete to train harder and recover rapidly. By boosting the muscle power and
strength , they enhance the performance . Effects Usage Examples Muscle
power growth By intramuscular injection Drostanolone Muscle size growth
Orally Metenolone Rapid recovery Oxandrolone
8. 8. 3) Peptide Hormone : These are the substances produced by glands in the
body. They carry the oxygen and circulate in the blood . They increase the
production of RBC and hence improves the growth of muscles . Additional
intake of these hormones can enhance the performance hence prohibited In and
Out of competitions.Effects Usage Examples Increase in RBC By injection
Erothropoietin (EPO) Muscles growth Orally Insulin Hormonal imbalance
Human growth hormones
9. 9. 4) Beta-2-Agonists : These drugs are generally used to treat Asthma and it
relax the muscles that surround the air way and opening of the air passage .It
allows more oxygen to reach the blood .It enhances the respiratory function ,
increase their capacity for strenuous effort and shorten recovery time. Effects
Usage Examples Increases oxygen in blood Inhalers Acebutolol Opens air
passage Orally Betaxolol Rapid recovery Carteolol
10. 10. 4) Beta-2-Agonists :
11. 11. 5) Narcotics : It reduces or eliminate pain from injuries , Allow athletes to
do persistent efforts for a longer time . By using Narcotics to ignore the injury ,
athletes increase further risk to damage their body . It also reduces anxiety ,
which enhances the performance . Effects Usage Examples Reduces pain By
injection Morphine Improves stamina Orally Heroine Reduces anxiety Inhaling
12. 12. 6) Diuretics : These are non-performance enhancing drugs but are used in
sports to remove fluids( water in particular) from the body, These are used to
reduce the body weight rapidly as in weightlifting, boxing and wrestling etc.
These drugs are also used to evade anti-doping test. These drugs are used by
athletes in and out of competitions. Effects Usage Examples Rapid weight loss
Orally Dexatran Remove fluid from the body By injection Amiloride Evade
Anti-Doping Test Canreone
13. 13. 7) Glucocorticosteroids : These drugs relieve fatigue and pain, giving more
tolerance for pain and prepare the athletes to continue the efforts. 8)
Cannabinoids : These are psycho active chemicals that cause a feeling of
relaxation. Hashish and Marijuana are examples and their use is prohibited in
14. 14. 1. Blood Doping 2. Gene Doping
15. 15. 1. Blood Doping : According to WADA ,the misuse of techniques or
substances to increase ones RBC count is Blood Doping . Athletes blood is
taken a few weeks prior to competition and is frozen until one or two days
before the competition when it is injected into the athlete. This procedure is
known as Autologous Blood Doping. When the fresh blood of another person
is taken and injected straight into the body of athlete, the procedure is known as
Homologous Blood Doping .
16. 16. Blood Doping : Another procedure of blood doping involves the injection
of Artificial Oxygen Carriers . Haemoglobin Oxygen Carriers are chemicals
or purified proteins which have the ability to carry oxygen . It enhances aerobic
capacity . Blood Doping increases the number of RBC , hence the oxygen
carrying capacity to the muscles is increased . Thereby enhancing the athletes
performance .
17. 17. 2. Gene Doping : It is the manipulation of cells or genes to enhance the
bodys sports performance . Modifying genes enable faster reaction and
increase physical strength . It is based on the principles of Gene Therapy . Gene
Therapy may play a vital role in the growth and development of musculo
skeletal structures . It will speed up the repair of the injuries of muscles ,
tendons and ligaments etc.
18. 18. Athlete would face vital health problem without drugs If the substance or
method is being used by the athlete for therapeutic use , he will take the
permission from concerned authority . In this case the physician has to verify
that : WADA is responsible for maintaining and updating these substances
and methods annually . The substances and methods which are banned or
prohibited from use in sports .
19. 19. Substance Prohibited at All Times or InAndOutof Competition S.No.
Name Reason Example 1. Anabolic Steroids Enhance the performance Serious
side-effects Drostanolone Metenolone 2. Peptide Hormones Increase muscle
growth & strength Increase RBC Count Erythropoietin (EPO) Human Growth
Hormone (HGH ) 3. Beta-2-Agonists Enhances Respiratory efficiency
Acebutolol Betaxolol 4. Diuretics Evades Anti Doping test Unfairly manages
body weight Dextran Probencid 5. Hormones & Metabolic Modulators
Interfere with function of Estrogen Tamoxifen Clomipherne
20. 20. Methods Prohibited at All Times or InAndOutof Competition S.No.
Name Reason Example 1. Blood Doping It increases the RBC Counts
Enhancing the oxygen carrying capacity Autologous Homologous Artificial
Oxygen Carriers 2. Gene Doping Very significant in growth & development of
musclo-skeletal structure Gene Doping 3. Chemical and Physical Manipulation
An attempt to tamper the validity of collected sample Manipulation
21. 21. Substances Prohibited In-Competition (Banned only In-Competition) S.No.
Name Reason Example 1. Stimulants Improves the performance by stimulating
mind & body artificially Amphetamines Ephedra (Caffeine is non- prohibited
but monitored) 2. Narcotics Reduces pain & allow athlete for persistent effort
Fentanyl Morphine Oxydcodone 3. Cannabinoids Gives feeling of relaxation
Hashish Marijuana 4. Glucocortico - Steroids Gives relief from pain and
fatigue Increases tolerance
22. 22. Substances Prohibited in Particular Sports These substances keep heart rate
low & reduces tremble in hand . S.No. Prohibited Substances Sports 1. Alcohol
(ethanol) Archery Karate 2. Beta blockers Archery Shooting Golf
23. 23. There are various responsibilities of athletes regarding anti doping
policies formed by WADA . There should be no violation of code by the
athletes . 1) To be aware & comply with all anti-doping policies. 2) To be
available for sample collection at all times as some athletes take like dosages of
EPO between two standard timings of sample collection. 3) To be responsible
for ingest and use of any substance or method in context of anti-doping.
24. 24. 4) To inform medical personnel of the team about any medical treatment
taken and confirming that it does not violate anti-doping policies. 5) To report
immediately to doping control station for testing unless delayed for valid
reason. 6) To maintain control of the sample until its sealed.
25. 25. Anabolic Steroids : 1) Cardiovascular Effects : a) Elevates the Blood
Pressure & decrease High Density Lipoprotein (HDL). b) Increase the risk of
atherosclerosis . c) May lead to sudden cardiac death. 2) Endocrinal Effects : a)
Increases aggressiveness which may lead to criminal behaviour. b) Males
become impotent, physical appearance changes , becomes bald.
26. 26. Anabolic Steroids : 2) Endocrinal Effects : c) Females become muscular,
excessive hair growth, deepening of voice, imbalance of female hormones . d)
Causes liver tumour, cancer and jaundice. 3) Psychological Effects : a) Mood
swings, Aggression, Depression, Withdrawal from the problem and
dependence on other persons. b) May cause disturbances in personality traits
27. 27. Stimulants : Increase heart rate & palpitation . Causes insomnia, anxiety,
aggressiveness, dehydration & heart failure. Loss of judgement power
(indecisiveness). Narcotics : Causes loss of balance & co-ordination, loss of
concentration. False sense of security & power. Causes nausea, drowsiness,
vomiting, constipation, fainting, coma etc.. Highly addictive & causes
withdrawal symptoms when stopped.
28. 28. Peptide Hormones : Erythropoitein (EPO) : Causes thickening of the blood.
Increases risk of heart attack & pulmonary embolism. Human Growth
Hormones (HGH) : Causes overgrowth of limbs & face. With the age muscles
become weak. Increase sweating . Causes musculo - skeletal changes
(enlargement of heart, headache, joint pain etc.). Insulin : Causes low blood
sugar, weakness, shortness of breath, brain damage, death.
29. 29. Beta -2- Agonists : Prolonged use causes trembling, headache & risk of
cardiac arrest. Diuretics : Causes dehydration which can seriously affect the
health. Lead to mineral imbalances, muscle weakness, irregular heart beat &
low blood pressure. Sodium & Potassium are decreased in body. Causes
damage to kidney.
30. 30. Glucocorticoids : Prolonged use causes : Weak tendons, Torn muscle, High
blood sugar, slower healing of wounds, Sodium & water retention leading to
weight gain & edema. Physical dependence & chronic fatigue. Cannabinoids :
Reduce concentration & co-ordination. Reduce lung capacity leading to poor
endurance. Cause heart disease & lung cancer.
31. 31. Name of Drugs Anabolic Steroids Cortico steroids Diuretics Stimulants
Narcotic Analgesics Beta Blockers Effects Increase s Muscles Mass & Strength
Increases Aggressiv e-ness, Reduces Fatigue & pain Reduces wt. quickly &
mask other drugs Increases Alertness & delay fatigue Kill pain & induce
feeling of calm Slow heart beat & study body movemen t Minor Compli
cations Male , Female hormona ls imbalanc e Retard healing or foster
infections Dehydratio n, cramps, loss of sodium & potassium Restless,
Anxiety, Palpitation , Irregular Breathing Aggravatio n of injuries, Coma
Causes Asthma , Decrease Mental Alertness More Severe Compli cations Heart
& Liver diseases Damages Kidney, Pituitary Gland & Palpitation, Heart
Attack, Kidney Erratic Heart Beats & severe Slow Breathing & Dangerous
Heart rate is severely slowed
32. 32. Ergogenic Aids Definition Ergogenic aids are substances, devices, or
practices that enhance an individuals energy use, production, or recovery.
Stretching and weight training are physical ergogenic aids. Visualization and
hypnosis are mental ergogenic aids. Lighter weight running shoes and better
designed golf clubs are mechanical ergogenic aids. But perhaps the most
commonly recognized form of ergogenic aids is the dietary supplement.
33. 33. Nutritional Physiological Pharmacological Mechanical
Psychological Ergogenic Aids : Types
34. 34. Superstitions A widely held but irrational belief in supernatural influences,
especially as leading to good or bad luck, or a practice based on such a
belief.Music Hypnosis The induction of a state of consciousness in which a
person apparently loses the power of voluntary action and is highly responsive
to suggestion or direction. Psychological Aids :
35. 35. To develop game-specific strategies and game plans Develop confidence
post-injury Improve or balance motivation for optimal performance To
instill a healthy belief system and identify irrational thoughts Find the right
zone of intensity for your sport Develop coping skills to deal with setbacks
and errors Grow confidence in athletes who have doubts Improve focus
and deal with distractions Performance Enhancement Techniques. Mental
Game Coaching is the segment of sports psychology that concentrates
specifically on helping athletes break through the mental barriers to achieve
their peak potential. Psychological Aids :
36. 36. Environment (Playing Conditions and Surface)Improved Body
Mechanics. Definition: the use of one's body to produce motion that is: safe,
energy conserving, and efficient, all of which allows the person to maintain
balance and control Heat and Cold Application Equipment Clothing
Mechanical Aids :
37. 37. Over the Counter Drugs: Over-the-counter drugs are medicines sold
directly to a consumer without a prescription from a healthcare professional
Caffeine, Nicotine, Amphetamines, Melatonin.etc; Increased mental
alertness/concentration (central nervous system stimulant) Elevated mood
Decreased fatigue Improved muscular strengthPharmacological Aids :
38. 38. Recreational Drugs: Recreational drugs are mind-altering chemical
substances that are used for non-medicinal, leisure purposes (i.e. taking a
substancePharmacological Aids : Prescription Drugs: A prescription drug is
a pharmaceutical drug that legally requires a medical prescription to be
dispensed. Anabolic Steroids, Benzodiazepines, Beta-Adrenergic
Agents.etc;for the sole purpose of getting 'high') Alcohol, Marijuana,
39. 39. Glycerol (for keeping the body hyper hydrated) Altitude Training
Altitude training is training for several weeks at high altitude, preferably over
2,400 metres (8,000 ft) above sea level for endurance. The effects of altitude
training on body include an increase of endurance, reduced recovery time,
weight loss etc. Erythropoietin (EPO) The primary role of erythropoietin is
red blood cell production. Blood Doping Physiological Aids :
40. 40. Water or Special BeveragesCreatine Phosphate Coenzyme Q-10
Carbohydrate Loading Bee Pollen Nutritional Aids :
41. 41. Nutritional Aids : Bee Pollen: Mixture of vitamins, minerals, amino acids
and other nutrients thought to improve performance. Carbohydrate Loading
The practice of eating high amounts of carbohydrates, sometimes after a period
of low carbohydrate intake, for several days immediately before competing in
an athletic event, especially a marathon, in order to store glycogen in the body,
thereby providing greater reserves of energy. Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinon): It's
used for energy production by every cell in your body, and is therefore vital for
good health, high-energy levels, longevity, and general quality of life.
Facilitates aerobic metabolism as part of the electron transport chain (classified
as a vitamin)
42. 42. Water or Special Beverages Water: Water causes bloating which will
suppress thirst and therefore drinking; water contains no carbohydrate or
electrolytes and it also increases urine output. Sports drinks: These enhance
performance during exercise, have a good absorbability as they are isotonic
(meaning that they have a similar composition to that of body fluids). Isotonic
fluids, because of their good absorbability quickly replace fluids lost by
sweating and supply a boost of carbohydrates.
43. 43. Water or Special Beverages Juice: Juices are hypertonic, that means they
have more carbohydrate or glucose molecules per ml. They may be nutritious
but are not a good choice for hydration. The fructose or the fruit sugar in the
juices reduces the rate of water absorption so the cells do not get hydrated
quickly. Hypertonic fluids should be taken along with Isotonic solutions or in
diluted form. They should normally be taken after exercise. Carbonated
beverages: Carbonated beverages cause dehydration. They have caffeine and
thus have a diuretic effect which means that they increase urine output. Also
they have a bloating effect and give a feeling of fullness. This inhibits the
natural thirst mechanism.
44. 44. Caffeine : A substance that is found especially in coffee and tea and that
makes you feel more awake Creatine Phosphate (equivocal) : Creatine
phosphate is an organic compound that provides a quick source of energy for
muscle fibers to contract when they need an initial burst of energy. Legal
Supplements / Behaviors:
45. 45. Testing of prohibited substances is mandatory in the field of sport. An
Athlete can be called for dope testing at any time In or Out - of Competition.
Following are the tests: Urine Testing Blood testing
46. 46. Athlete or his representative is authorized to be present at the time of
unsealing of sample B and testing . If sample is tested positive, athlete is
notified. Samples are sent to registered lab where sample A is tested.
After sampling , medical declaration is done by the athlete. Code is provided
by the officials. Sample is split into two and sealed by the athlete. Sample
is taken in presence of an official of same gender Sample is provided in the
supervision of coach or doctor . Urine Testing :
47. 47. Same procedure as mentioned for Urine test is followed. Samples are
sealed in the presence of Athlete. Two samples are taken in the presence of
an Official. It is used to detect EPO or Artificial Oxygen Carriers . Blood
Testing :
48. 48. It is for the detection of Anabolic Steroids , Stimulants and Blood Doping
Hormones . LEVEL ORGANIZATION Olympic Games International Olympic
Committee World Championship International Federation National Level
National Anti Doping Organization A single doping control organization is
responsible for In-Competition doping test. In-Competition testing is at
International and National level. It is the testing period commencing twelve
hours prior to the event for the athlete who is to compete , sample is taken for
49. 49. It is initiated It is the testing of an athlete not In-Competition but is
associated with the immediate participation in the event & directed by both
International & Any time . Any place of work . An advance notice test.
A random test . World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) may take :National
doping control organization .

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