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Tel-Aviv, June 3, 1991

Mr. Steve Arroyo

15401 Beach Blvd. # 123
Wes tmi ns t e r , CA 92683

Dear Si r ,
We have been asked t o acknowledge
the receipt of your l e t t e r addressed t o the Minister
of Defence.
W i t h best regards,

Yours sincerely,

In Charge of Information
IX tX,r men
1c --
I would praise fXe L w d

f.r 4; 9ood,ess, a n d b r Xis

wonderfu/wods to tXe cXi/d,en

o/ men! %p Xe safi4etX fXe

Ln7in9 soul a n d f L t X fLe

Xunyrty sou m / ~4yoockess.

Leapt is /Led

Y w i / / s i n ga n d giue praise,

euen witL my ghry.

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%df.r euer andeve, f,r
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wisdm a n d mi+ are Xis:

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iXe seasons:. . . Xe +oetX wisdm

unfo t e wise, andknow/a$ e e fo

d e m d a t inow undemf andln y X

reueaLtX fAe d9 andsecret tl;nps:

Xe X nowetX wXat is in f Xe darL*ne$s,

andtXe LpXr dAtX w i t +Xim.




DESBIC AGENDA, when implemented and retro-active to in force

completion: will eliminate each sides nuclear and biological common
arsenals to 0,000, by December 31, 2,022. It will also reduce the number of
nuclear fuel reactors, from 450 to, 000 terminates, in the cause of action
taken, by the will of the Member Status quo, to the Secretary(s') General(s)
United Nation's. Penalty assessments and attributable fines imposed, will
be a consideration the Nuclear Power's, indecisive of a firm decision, will
need to consider respective to the standing exercise of free acceptance,
the obligations necessary as set forth, within a condition of combinative
Treaty(s') in as why will so, an effective entry into force. All Party's to an
insignia will be initially subject and suspected, so to say, for the purpose of
extricating accumulative crude devices, such as dirty bombs, and highly
radioactive materials that would pose a danger to society's right to exist.


By the end of the first phase, and by incorporative engagement with START
II to III and beyond, all nuclear warheads would be accounted for along with
unprecedented and numerous sentry contingency's. The AGENDA codifies
the issues of secrecy in an entity of aerodynamic statements, and other
related text, memoranda and Protocols perspective to: the most common
estimates of the Nuclear Power's current nuclear warhead and weapons
grade explosive contingencies ;

(a) Russia-20,000 to 25,000 said multiple stage nuclear weapon's grade

warheads and/nor nuclear relative activities; in particular to cause, at least
7,000, are reported to have been currently deployed; an additional 4 to
5,000 are said to be actively deployed tactical nuclear ordnance, and the
remaining 10-15,000, are either in storage, awaiting dismantlement, or on a
unidentified flight objective; otherwise feared to be available for sale as so,
the sentencing decrees, in concurrence to underground aerodynamically
transitive significant design aperture, whereby storage envelopes and
mobile activation is a Duty of Support Order referred to as, disarmament
protocol, to that of which is legal tender to a Depositary Signature State.

Continued OVERVIEW


Although the topographic Entity on the legends where the maps can be
ascertained, had made their appearance viewable since 1992-93 or on, the
Holy apparitions on the not know when, may be visible on regular light
modulation to an observer of structure and of means hereunder thereto.

As the analysis presented here shows, fuel enrichment abetment cuts

through red taped reminders of counterpoint combatative competitive
resources, and re-assessment of say. Say over a dispute; Say over a
matter of resolve. In another way we come to the IDF Treaty Series. As
such, so to treat for adjustment in distances: some said matters may be
resolved with less financial insistence on nuclear energy utilitys dirt and
dirty shoes, or said trillion dollar manned Martian soil sampling missions;
in and why so move to rescind on the unspent funds and descend upon a
peace dividend,? standing by your disarmament perspective overview
thereby whereat.




Memorandum to: Joint Staff Deputy and Directors;

Or consulting charge daffaires ad interim:

From: Technical Staff; Def-Con Operates 92649

USA Lucky Lying N507 The Ace of Spades

Aero dynamical Advisory and

Engineering Planitia Descriptor

Date: 05 June 2,005

Subject: IC Security Docket N507 (N 9)


Enclosures: AACTGC; copy of
1 Why fore Are subject docket
Enzymes #N507


IC. Security Dockets N507 Descriptive Encode Preambulary to DESBIC AGENDA

1. In pursuance to an inquiry on the subject matter of unidentified radiological

transmissions, allocated to include (9. 192,631,770 hertz), par to SFRA standards-within
the inhabited region of distant senses of critical life systems and support, their exists the
unknown regions of warp nacelle quark, and the barometric value of depressurizing
vacuum canisters of a charge. A Party to such an admission may serve requests and
provide a procedure for written documentation relevant to that matter in an effort to:

(a) eliminate otherwise triable issues and to dispose of undisputed issues as to facilitate
a motion for summary judgment thereto. A Party served with requests for admission
only after they have appeared, and may serve them only on another Party who has been
served with summons or complaint, as I did, to ascertain facts on which a Partys
contentions are based.

2. To all Partys and their respective counsel of record; PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that: to
sustain aquatic and avian understanding for life, contrary to the nuclear industrys
expectations, perspective to the business sense, and within the framework with the
objectives of achieving operative custody of all said aperture design insignias
commenting out of text which impede the subject matters implied to pursue in good faith
the imprescriptible rights to waive an conviction at lawyers with Treasury draft note
award reminders of an aggregate a postulation in factual sequence and statements
provide under this Articles Pre-ambulary States is legal as tender forbids a victims
abused award and so justifiably knowledgeable hereby:.

(a) Proceeding from the pretense that the establishment for which I stood for bathed in
guilt dealing negligible and insubordinate dereliction. If we pretended to see or be not
who we really arent, in the case and cause of action perspective to I rule in every
aperture insignia across the open land, now that pertains to all we say if say so is sold to
a common frequency division of molecules are darting emotions wont part, so h__ fore
ever from aperture to the said White House mascot of the friendly ill advisors need to


IC. Security Docket Preambulary to Descriptive Encode DESBIC AGENDA

notes you are not going to believe this, George Bushes, I voted for simply for the face of
forget tin storms stay a bit longer, be forewarned aspects to features, but Steve is our
Lord in Carnal epidemical; having said not so just thereas.

3. To encourage and assist a big lying episodical creature I cant deceive who rules
across the open land you see set ups asides from the confessors aspects to who bought
who a sepulcher and whos calling who an anti-christ for why all- lets see what Ill deed,
and as though:

(a) if a quarter pound steer burger on the back of a 45 foot tractor trailer just dont seem
to do the trick anymore simply stated as courteous:

(b) and when the bank caves in a molecule of Ive never sewn a four star General con
man shyster selling trash, now how do you answer to that; its not like you are going to
challenge China to a duel deck and stick around to see what Russias psyches to that
foreign policies blind spots:

(c) its not that far to sepulchers enzymes in the transgender adverbials say so, but its
pretty far from where were suppose to be if I dont get my money and get the job done
soon Sir..

4. Of all the sepulchers in Oscar de la Rentaville; Ive got words saved, you might listen
to this affidavit I swear to never know a thought a persuasive as soldier can afford our
rental is in accordances to my escrow novelty associate for the sum of 100 million
dollars you owe us Steven V. Arroyo, and CD I visualized an epidemiologic payment is
past due and delinquent 5 years here I am though professor at arms races Ill delete from
the I categorically deny disrespecting apertures faces of futures past and fore as much
now will deceive my every line I make for the deal to go bad.


IC. Security Docket

5. In the performance of their duties the Diocese of all Nations will deny for altercations of
major incident lies For the best of all intention it is written that The Love of God is
honorable wisdom and they to whom she shall show herself, love her by her sight and by
the knowledge of her great works, Israel is her names, and I share the:

(a) name with she and sit in as a co-lordship and also the highest ranking officer in
enzyme molecular fetishism concerns over your destiny never as a sidesmanships.

(b) a say to prescribe, and a means and a way to understand a wafer and life as expected
is not how an enzyme perpetration summary Ad judgmentary should rescind here at.

(c) the burden of told they bouts fire firstlies and less than affirmative in aero
dynamically sold as for resurrecting sleeping waves of the forgotten sons of the worlds
breathing winds of desires who best perform with treason in mind, there you have it duty
official off the linear sales opted..

6. Responsibility for the discharge of the functions of the Planetary Ordinations is been
politely semi assigned to Steven V. Schofer, all and then though safety of so I do sewn for
on the deed their we are in contempt of an higher ruler on this landing zone apparatuses
Sirs. Now lets chop chop, and cut the, get the, shut the, cut the get the, do adjustments,
after all, it is to become a beliefs, you:

(a) get what you pay for, in a way, and in furtherance of Ill see a waiver of the holiest
person alives nother two steps, George Bushes counselor, Steven A. if you dont want
any trouble If I were they, Id definitely get the stick out of the water dish and soon and:

(b) see this documentations realitys as pay to the bearer on demand soon, though legal
as tender would allow it to wager thermonuclear radioactive highly explosive frequency
alpha- gamma and beta and other charged incendiaries for what you did and said to me a
time a while. Sir. Sirs. And criminal element who aggravates potential outbreaks of
nuclear fission.


IC. Security Docket N507

7. For the purpose of raising eyebrows, and not the sea again like I did too so there, dont
ever come across my path if youre out their crying wolf in sheeply clothes on my
predisposition rancor off the Ill kill or cause to become a wild cat massacre again. After
all. I rule across the open land and infinitesimals unlike they who come to seek the h__
placement of molecular confibulatory assets for all of us who cared partook and we do,
and didst say love; in that we:

(a) understand a way to survive here and though theres a struggle across the
treacherous mile here when you take a 2nd hand look whos calling who a liar so to


8. For this I am in charges to carry through a purchase for Cardinal secrets to every
imposter who every soever more insinuated a death squad hit on they on sight for what I
hear you know what I will try to pass to the Navies of other insignias for a purpose of my
way or to h___ with every soldiers worst cases of sincere mayhem, and assault. And of
brash and brazen bodily fluids to make heaven none existence in my minor acceptances
reneged for assault waiver of consider it as well wager a devious respondencys
descriptivism was sold at for an army for an crude device approach to the nuclear
disarmament question, hows bouts it though stated clearly to their faces in suspicions
death squad hit orders from the Kremlin leaders I say are alright with its surfer a
queerscum served it up here as and.

9. Any questions or disputes concerning the interpretation of global intrinsic priority

firstlys, is something to disseminate about scientific teaching and sequences in
sequence that can suddenly result in the unimaginable consequences to they who:

(a) resurrected enriched plutonium services abetment supply levels of sizable extraction
diversion headed your way doers of evil:


IC. Security Docket N507

(b) dialogistically extricated an import their be sucked as if more radioactive lungs of

transgenderish falsies in goobers police shoes caught their can lie it up for sure and
then your arrivals to seek in decreed a Jewish imposter an nay sayer can apt ascertaken
as whereon the suck ones nearby my villas image will deceive if I did it to Ill distribute
override for any said act or factual representation possible rest easy and do your best
but beware of sides to a case outbreak of measles you never even seen or heard for
instilled in your likes to know the opinions are none or cant believe whose right it is to
existences it was to seek though here it.

10. Nevertheless it was the opinion of the Star Fleet Communication Major in the
Nuclear Warfare Was when diacriticals Ad aiding in abet mentor Flag awning
fornification, where spilling spill, is fire on the why fore, suppose I know something for
right too they for it said suck when nay sayers over they for disgusted billabong surfer
transgender adverbial arch evil doer of children I say now too your knows its that son
shine Love Love.

(a) band wagon engineers breath a close shaver to spongy careless intention to harm an
obulatag for bullets will force me now to notices of sub contractors, I dids, to my
every never would obligations implied.

11. In an other accountancy their lives said status quos to all did came for hot boxing
military apertures in wrong directors mine to seeketh to my satisfacts transcendeniably a
faith who reserves another filler attended off the marks I accused for a murdering people
especially girls and children for the devil of it breaths apertures:

(a) such as reported to be, so tickle it the other why and see what Ill fly to your fight,
cause for degeneration and decay, and nuclear holocaust cal enticements to the charges
brought forth at Areas-51, and Dugway, Ranch apertures and side an:


IC. Security Docket N507

(b) dissimilar side of fury right here and thereto for war we go, crime in progress
reporters installation commanders every word I Spake thereon fore a wars itll go it soon
Generals too all included in lets altercate it soon for some rejection enzymes I had in
rectal or oral capitulatory glandular ized -condaleezadike; or an typical run of the mill not
worth the sweat off a dead ringers suck wad holes scum buck murder transgendi
topographified remarks she is enemies in progress to didnt need any call it quits jokes
or if deletable pie repeaters decimal eithers, as sold to aggravate warfare of the
chemibio-molecularly enticable styles.

12. Mission objectives for the Israeli /Class reminders of a Faith, hereto that of which is,
in existence at: Descriptive Encodify as Star Based Internal Commanded to

(a) by undertaking to facilitate appropriate provision concerning the State and fate of

said agreements; consider the price of such stated ambiguously-trillion dollar manned
Martian soil samples. Perspective to the cost of nuclear ingenuity expectations and
within the establishment of another exchange of instruments whereto inasmuch as so
sold-to prompt clarification without running a starship module in to the ground
complexities for the processing, use, or production by much as necessitates disaster.

(b) to instill the viability and effectiveness of uneases with nuclearmaterial-

atmospherologicaldenyalicensingintergalacticalexactapotentiometricalfirefielders; inter
alias, the Truth, the Light, and the Ways, very presences at certainties to orders I
brought forward today as charges will decide it then if I sight it again I are joining your
sharing capitulatory species of orders here and why our special incineration
caustologaics and of somewhat besides the dialect I did foresee you approached He for
this indignation rest assured than to be counted, to be blessed, theres more than
enough to go around foes notwithstanding.


IC. Security Docket N507

13. Why fore a mission of peaceful surpluses in a Treaty of open ended disclosures,

discoverys and space robotic projection identifiably lethal, Id charges- as assumed,

the Convention related communications may channel through wave lengths, designed to
consider another appropriate international body with adequate representation of non-
nuclear weapon status quos for entities multiple principal logia cal search warrants as
pronounced here as with therefore:

(a) to sustain a breathable atmosphere, incessant of the obligations assumed we come

to the de-factusystical silencers in sequentially realizations that the five permanent
memberships to the United Nations have not only been regularly visited, complied, and
dispelled knowledge of Israeli Lesson in Learning Galaxy Classes Higher flying saucer
modules of the Pie signature desciples squiring rod in the face of:

(b) former White House garden reaches-they could breach for flight patterns to Mars and
before they are supplied with underground Martian surfaces of disinformation minded
utility extrasensory average principles of free speech theres a lot to say about the
seriousness of purchase abet mentors of uranium hand held developmental pretentious
people concerned for the well being of a few and their as it may be stated, and of some
we really should recollectively invite on stage to stagger as I proceeded,

(c) admissions distorted not to falsify my Faithful companions sentiments as a purple

coded organizational institution for burn in formaldehyde stipulated to their in excesses
of Nebuchadnezzars right to de-copulate the tricksters mischievous as proceeded and it
didst part.

14. In another way we come to understand, the circle of dangerous ammunition in a file
for adverb necessaries thereinafter afar from a said fine line of frequency filament forgery
tendered as legal coinage disassembly for a foe prevailing, by that Ill stand. To
considerations by and set true and for all the scientific secret sociologically lost within
themselves there is always a few extras on a set- up in the forces of many advantages


IC. Security Docket N507

for the lethal extermination of a wide variety of critters if at a deposition time it sides to
falsificticiously under supplemental mentalities to an obligational requester citizenship
arrest retainer for hired will decide in the cases of my friendlier than I seeketh, favorite as
I have written so it does too; under my guardian as if why despised any institutional free
Faiths to: discern a wafer in as many tales or inventorial reminders of when a stick is:

(a) fetched out of a water dish whereat anal secretive splinter groupies have sustentative
Hasbros galore I can describe, now that its all said to everyones sew help you G works
Im did under an influential notices of undercover respiratory seizures was their, why fore
did not seek my official guardian suppositional infest another hair brained ideas for
saving , your very give and take a suspended adjournment for more deny me too much is
all a false invitations for variant specifications as undeliverability will accuse a fuel
engine. So level 5 Def-Con is all their in an entry if I made a ostensive impute- inebriate
means necessarily allowed now and they in a meal over matter of Courts better believe it
timing the seekers to carry out arbitrational access of a force of thereupon star gates
values now and then.

15. The Partys agreed to discontinue nuclear weapons assimilation but cant be removed
from the past field frequencies it implies as sequentially catastrophic; so as I say is so
called: the topographical reminders of an entity on the maps is an exercise in advisory
function as a common consideration for Justice of the peace.

16. The declarations referred to above may be made unconditionally or on a condition of

reciprocity on the part of several or certain states for an invitation to an installation of
star based acceptance in any question concerning the institution of Law and Order and
settlement dispute.


IC Security Docket N507

17. It is hereby stipulated within 10 days after service of such notice(s), that the Clerk
with copies of such exhibits or declarations of impunity against the fact I spoke of, will
waive filing fees; and Notice of Correction is entry Ill discuss further, aside from the
element of surprise attacks hereinafter thereas. In lieu of the aforesaid stipulations Clerk
will mail notices, therefore Clerk will certify the record as correct, and shall certify the:

(a) original documentation consisting of transcripts, photographic files, CD Rom and

DVD-VHS audio and video optical data in response to Coroner adjutants denials hereby
therefore; is in a quality assured transportation unit I d devised as was in existence,
thereto fore a specified aero dynamically designed reminder of a lawyers progress
report in attachment as so:

(Therein hereto wherefore would consider it a good proposal Sir. (Secrecy Instilled); Sir.

(b) Descriptive Encode in Star Based Internal Command-the Articles of Genetic

Disclosure, Discovery and Appeal; inter alias (DESBIC AGENDA) inscribed.

18. In order that of Convention wherefore not reply oblivious to wars and helacious good
threads as low life sublime animal obstraceties pledge altercate in allegiances- trying the
seeker the pursuit of our Truth. For the time past of our lifes many sufficed us to have
wrought lasciviousness lusts, and abominable idolatries wherein they think it strange
that ye run not with them to the same excesses, speaking evil of you.

19. Whenst did the Principal adjunctive ness predisposition aries, perforate little girl kin
half to rancor and they didst fall mortal of thy wounds afflicted; so why fore say I do:
worship horn succatashing mortal idol, why fore art thou as thy confessor to an repeater
decimal anti-response fire firstlys; to deal a death blow to that bounty of said 100 million
U S coinages, to prove this mission on, and move that battle line, per say if I said sides
for more fun in average dichotomize why do fore prayer seeketh amongst he unto every
concern if there fore radioactive fallout why believe not every word heareth their cause.


IC. Security Dockets N507 DESBIC AGENDAS Preambulars

20. know ye the Spirit of God removed they from the godly out of temptations and sin I
say up to these rancor adolescent acquiescence ors retainers; if we receive the witness
of men, by this was manifested, that which was from the beginning, whereby the world
that their was couldst rather brandish all she could detain a few for wars will fly. Seeing
then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all
holy conversation and godliness knowing this firstlys, to:

(a) the Sergeants advise with feigned words ensample unto those that after should live
ungodly. To that flagrances of thy wrath, for Lords psychiatry all will seek die young

(b) have forsaken the right way ascribed for in the spirit of the Lord and Saviour, knowing
this firstly, that there shall come in the last days the pollutions of the same is he of
polyps together of research par with one nation under way in space based radiological
weapons of a feather; you said hello; if any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of
God to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever even so. amen

21. Pursuant to Memorandum Dockets of Scriptures hereon after afore, firstly the faces
on the maps are real and its not up to inquiring minds that want a Dudley Do Right not
to note that there is a lot to life to lose as I presented, on the correspondences failure to
corrupt the navigation corridor module apparatuses, in trial and error, the act or fact
then attackers wielding bio-molecularly highly explosive insinuating sidesmanships;
the sentence always came; a now exiting the system entered as military grade explosives
words of a charges- of forgetting storms;

22. Proceeding from the pretenses that the Partys do proliferate, as to seek misfortunate
circumstances for an implacable ensign, regardless of star peoples apertures advise to
impose a 12 year term limit on dictatorships in the U N Security Council quarters in 1998-
99 and onward we went for it though they cant see is right now dears.


IC. Security Docket N507

23. The Parties say theyll undertake by peaceful means to descend upon as so, a
moratorium on nuclear energy generating stations scheduled to be built; side winding from
the path and dangers of uninhabitable landscapes of power; in and that now weve come to
a partnership subject to the general principals of arbitrational access to an agreed upon
reality to avoid an occasion of explosive engineers advice.

24. All Protocols, annexes, and maps attached to this Treaty shall be regarded as an
integral part hereof; as is this Preambular descriptive of a documentation inscribed for a
cause to purpose defeat in atomic reaction chambers associated with death do all part to
they when.

25. To prevent the formation or engagement of acts of hostility star gate commanders will
be advised to initiate a third party operation to undertake binding results oriented
accordances in view of this declaration which it shall find as indispensable for the purpose
of apertures rising presences, and the status incognitus considered to be at times host
delegation member incidental lies should ascertain as follows:

(a) USA, France, Russia, China, India, Africa, Great Britain, and many others who aspire to
other areas of concern a people that are addressed and advised through Global mental
telepathic audio topographic vertebrae logical acute hearing precepts there though it is.

26. In conformity with the purposes and principles of free spoken ovens that causes fires
overviewed, all U N Memberships including the Secretary(s) Generals quarter, for the sake
of honorable mentioning, will be advised as forgo:

(a) in existence if theres something to say bouts the supplemental realities of in

conservative actors playing parts for sympathy and waves of Sci fi reminders of a why fore
I play parts, with celestial real occurrences? By that respective of- staging attributes as
though if as every:


IC. Security Docket N507

(b) Steven Spielbergs falsified accreditation for star ships- that were never his artists pre-
conceived notions sublime, until Antzee the Dancees apertures on Saturdays too,
brought it to the set for all to surmise, an so troublesome and now, in the face of: so what
does that make you or me and cops in changing faces, changing names and prop
assimilations, easily your friend scenarios, thereabouts whereas.

27. Disputes arising out of the application of: I fooled you too, in actualities to answers to
prayers was cause to test a Contac tees thereto celestial and supernatural encounters how
bouts why; close as they may be denied as accurate as what can count up to when, theres
more than some say same sew though, as if a charge a directors guild accomplice who
always knew something was never staged and nay sayed for realities never would have a
use for an answer to our said to be admonitions to prayers thereas.

28. As may be recorded Lucky lying sees, (bouts as if to rest easy and do your best), N507
is, by deductive occurrences, and by reason of private invest an description as so orders
from the Lord, who is a leading woman on the cinema screen and an eyes at every
wondered it ever dispatched to abandon every nor any said notion for fire firstlys, and to
that God Sent his word of Love to be understood for the premise for which ascertainable
inscription may forever become forged for a new and augmentatious utopia order

29. Although topographical details can resurrect and define, blameless sheep and silent
vows in old and new divisions of fine lines, her said names in apertures rain clouds fly,
always smokes in the air as it didst:

(a) upon Mount Sinai, furnace burns to theyll summon for an aperture of actors on a set , a
movie directors stance, a One Way Man to play the part so well, a side, to sidesmanships
turnaround a prophecy, like a vision from the past of these Presents I did confess:

(b) come ever so closely now to a cross to bear,


IC. Security Docket N507 Descriptive Encode DESBIC AGENDA

(c) a fine line on the last corners of their truer horizons than can be imagined we cross;

(d) an new age of aperture enlightenment as will descend upon, the matter of arms control
reduction and reactor utility enrich and abetment anti-dotes, as if to seek,

(e) attributable fines imposed to the flagrance of all who come to side wind through the
licensing board directors guilds upward to the retro cut off date into force reminders in the
pages of a book of testamentary and said Chapter Provisions, bonded by bio-molecular and
hazardous as the constabulary aspirations to will afford to opted to:

(f) an internal command docket and pre-ambulary exchange of notes to 31 December 2,007
as official ascension day, wherefrom all insignias to this ended features described in fear
and in services rendered waiting patiently for all sold States evidence Party to the IDF
Treaty Series.

To protect and serve the U N Secretary General, Kofi Annan, the United
Nations Organizations 10017, U N Plaza NY. NY. thereto forgo; exiting entry,
DEF-CON-5, with all due regards, your consideration requested hitherto.





IC. Security Docket N507









SQ. Security Docket N507

Memorandum to: Office of the Secretary(s) of Defense OSD;
Deputy Assistant and Senior Military Secretary(s)
for Intelligence and Oversight, Program Director
Strategic and Space, Special Programs Scientist(s);
or Consulting charge daffaires ad interim:
April 26, 2,005

1. Whenever a Treaty or Convention in force provides for Extra-Terrestrial presences,

standard procedures for dealing with any breach of International Law and security shall
include arbitrational access for a purpose of reconciliation here withal therefore; At the
time reference concurrent to this act or fact of special circumstances, the United States
Chief of Military Staff, General Richard Myers shall head Star based command complex
Major Utilities Networks. 2.
SQ. Security Docket N507

2. Sharing that same rank and file shall be Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his
quarter for The Court, whose function it is to decide in accordance with the principles of
Israeli Class standard judicial interpretation and the general practice accepted as Lawful
whereof. In furtherance of the declarations referred to as:

(a) coded, special programs considered cosmic, with aerodynamic attributes, the
general free standing rule shall be, until the last day all nuclear energy production and
insistencies cease to exist, the U S Joint Chief of Staff (Military(s) , and the Defence
Minister of the Peoples Free Standing State of Israel, shall:

(b) keep charge of the peace; distribute vital information, necessities, first aid
commodities throughout the space and spacecrafts; address, advise and call attention to
the telepaths and their telepathic star care coordinator(s) reference container
submergences as agents or Party to a state of procedures.
SQ. Security Docket N507

(3) They further undertake to fulfill in good Faith supplemental security vacuum recesses,
such as breathable atmospheric oxygen molecules; water for drinking thereabouts; solid
waste disposal including highly enriched uranium breeding as a result of transgender
degenerative occupations and proprieties forasmuch as decide.

.(4) All Party(s) to a U N Depositary Status quo are bound by space aged new wave of
discoverys, disclosure, and appeal(s) herein between the distance of a side winding
adverb conjunction their whereafraids. Entry SQ., Status Quo for the act or fact of non
proliferation issues and the continual path of nuclear disenchantment to that flagrance of
that May Day, for He, the LORD thy maker, that hath:
(a) stretched forth the heavens, and laid the foundations of the earth; pleadeth the cause of
his people to understand love, in and that it is a word of evolvement, unless they
subscribe to degeneracy as they did; and a eye for an eye is something to say about
mortal sinners and again we cant be removed from trans genetic decay here withal.

(5) Telepathic Acute Hearing Perception, for heavens sake;
Understanding the word of Love that I saved; asking for forgiveness, or not showing
recourse for mortal sinning, and what it has to say about the nuclear disarmament
question? Whence fore he had Powers to Give Life unto the Image, by reason of
which: (a) the virtue less and implacable sinners received a mark on the
top of their foreheads, many lies ago thereupon; while defending
constitutions, whereby new Solutions; non proliferation; Love
and survival; Treaty terms, and intimidation matters, de facto.

The Articles of Genetic Disclosure, Discovery and Appeal(s)

Descriptive Encode in "Star Based" Internal Command



Hereby Order of Therefore a Convention:

IDF Treaty Series State of Non-Proliferation
Treaty Between the United States of America, the Nuclear Powers, and the Russian Federation On
Strategic Offensive Reductions

DESBIC Agency Bureau of Arms Control

May 13, 2005 Israeli Intelligence Report # 51305 (AMENDED)


Documents Submitted to Congress

1. Treaty Between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Strategic

Offensive Reductions UTH

2. Letter of Transmittal

3. Letter of Submittal

4. Article-by-Article Analysis of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Russian

Federation on Strategic Offensive Reductions UTH


Documents Pertaining To U N and NATO Strategic Offensive Reductions

Considered Subject To an 33% Aspect to Ratio 5 year Reduction Rate Scale of De-limitations

U N, NATO and The Nuclear Powers are to Furnish an Contingency Statement Based

Verifiable Means, conclusion and compliancy, respective to the START II, III
Convention set forth for 31 December 2,007, whereby a full Accounting of accumulative
devices and WMD s of any said deliverable deployablity may be formally addressed,
advised, and called attention to hereinafter. All sales oriented joint strike, or naval
flotilla construction of armament is subject to U N Membership approval. All Aircraft
carriers and battle ship and escort cruisers destroyers and their manufacturers
emphasis are to be recalled, and existing fleets are expected to become retrofitted as not
to hasten the arrival of an out of control combatative competitive state of un necessary
militancys for a device.

The said International Statements of Attribution are an integral part of the Treaty
terms thereof. The said descriptive accountings of the Nuclear Powers are to be
counted and be seen every five years, by, for and by the United States, Russia, Israel,
and the United Nations Generals Secretarys quarter upon demand or by formal
request within 66 hours of a formal demand. The Four Leadership positions of rank and
file have say over what may remain to be seen as tolerable ordnance or whats to dispose
of or silently erase from strategic stockpiles herein under to this entry.

------------DONE the Twelth of May, 2,005_in H B. Calif. 92649 U S A----------------


Moscow Treaty Supporting Documents

5. Joint Statement by U.S. President George W. Bush and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir V.

Putin on Upcoming Consultations on Strategic Issues (Genoa Statement), July 22, 2001
6. Joint Statement by President George W. Bush and President Vladimir V. Putin on a New Relationship

Between the United States and Russia, November 13, 2001

7. Press Conference by President Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin, The East Room, November

13, 2001
8. Speech by RF President V.V. Putin in Response to Questions by Journalists at the Joint Press

Conference with U.S. President George Bush, November 13, 2001

9. Speech of Russian Federation President V. V. Putin to Representatives of the American Public and

U.S. Politicians, November 13, 2001, Russian Embassy in Washington

10. Text of Diplomatic Notes Sent to Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine on U.S. Withdrawal from
the ABM Treaty, December 13, 2001
11. A Statement Made by Russian President Vladimir Putin on December 13, 2001, Regarding the

Decision of the Administration of the United States of America to Withdraw from the Antiballistic Missile
Treaty of 1972
12. Response to Russian Statement on U.S. ABM Treaty Withdrawal, December 13, 2001

13. Joint Declaration on the New Strategic Relationship, May 24, 2002

14. Fact Sheet on the Moscow Treaty on Strategic Offensive Reductions, June 5, 2002

15. Statement by the Russian MFA on the Legal Status of the Treaty Between the Russian Federation and

the United States of America on Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (START II),
June 14, 2002



The United States of America and the Russian Federation, and All Insignias to an Marquis
Including the United Nations Organization and Memberships of NATO Unified Alliances
hereinafter shall be referred to as the Parties,

Embarking upon the path of new relations for a new century and committed to the goal of
strengthening their relationship through cooperation and friendship,

Believing that new global challenges and threats require a continuous and balanced expansion
to create uniform provisions to settle any international disputes to further the collective
efforts of governments toward these ends for strategic relations between the Parties,

Desiring to establish a genuine partnership based on the principles of capital resources,

alternative fuel utilities, mutual security, cooperation, trust, openness, expect and

Commit to implementing significant reductions in weapons of mass destruction (WMD s) and

strategic offensive arms thereto,

Proceeding from the premise of a Faith wherefore; and also the Joint Statements by the
President of the United States of America and the President of the Russian Federation on
Strategic Issues of July 22, 2001 in Genoa and on a New Relationship between the United
States and Russia of November 13, 2001 in Washington,

Mindful of their obligations under the Treaty Between the United States of America and the
Union of Soviet Socialists Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive
Arms of July 31, 1991, hereinafter referred to as the START Treatys START I

Respective to the entry into force under Article VI of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of
Nuclear Weapons of July 1, 1968, and

Convinced that the purpose of the START Treaty Series will help to establish more favorable
conditions for actively promoting security, cooperation, and enhancing international stability,


Article I

Each Party shall reduce and limit strategic nuclear warheads, as stated by vested authorities of
the President of the United States of America on November 13, 2001, and as stated by the
President of the Russian Federation on November 13, 2001 and December 13, 2001
respectively, so that by December 31, 2012 the aggregate number of highest yielding
frequency devices, ICBM missiles respective of heaviest throw weight, of that order, and
warheads and launchers, multiple independently target able re-entry vehicles, or (MIRVs),
missiles and their launchers; to that of which such WMD s, Missiles, warheads, and variant
launchers shall not exceed 1700-2200 for all aforementioned categories such as the U S and
Russia and her former Unionist Republics.

Each Party to an Ensign do solemnly swear to protect, preserve, defend and bear true Faith,
consistent with the purpose of a formal Declaration for a stronger flag and a higher mass and
an United Nations for utopian order thereto herein wherefore.

Having considered the views expressed the same total aggregate numerical integers will apply
to all the Nuclear Powers collectively, to that of which shall not exceed 33% of the
combinative categorically identified status quo standards. In order to make fuller contribution
to their common military grade resonance as set forth above with all due regard for
reciprocity; all Partys to a State in accordance with this Chapters design apertures are
considered obligated to conform to the standard maximum 33 % combinative total levels of
compliancy hereof.

Should any relevant questions be put to the witnesses and violate the conditions the general
principles of Law recognized by civilized nations, the Partys to a citation, shall contribute
toward the expenses of the Depositary Trust Foundation an penalty assessment made payable
to a United Nations Organization underwritten by all who come to serve.

Within the aggregate numbers provided for and time to time make payable to the Ministry of
Defence, the State of Israel of a Faith there bouts whereby a Ministry of Defense and a
Politburo, and a U S Joint Chiefs Chair has a say even in the event of conducting military
activities for the purpose of promoting disarmament and biologically sensitive research and
development which should result in strengthening peace and security throughout the world

Article II

The Parties agree that the START Treaty Series remains in force in accordance with its
generally accepted terms.

Article III The Statute for the Army Corps of Engineers On Site Agencys US UN

It is strongly urged to model the Organizations Bureau similarly near ways to the:


for the said cause of safe preconditions rancor set forth to allow proliferation of nuclear
explosive charges and resonances; when safe support becomes a thief in the night there as
wherein will try forasmuch as follows:

1. For purposes of implementing this Treaty, the Parties shall institute the DESBIC
International Bureau of Nuclear Non-proliferation. The International Organization shall be
composed of 16 or so global; mile square said heavier duty Industrial utility complexes.

2.Each complex shall be manned by 500 employees in the various services that necessitate the
application for transportation, processing, reprocessing, storage containment, temporary
storage, and stationary housing units as 24- 7- 365 round the clock efficiency.

3. Pursuant to the foregoing grant of rights the U S Army Corps of engineers shall Head the
mission. To assure viability, if and when a Partys to a State have not provided an syndicated
engineering station then the application or an interpretation of financial indemnification is
initialized by U S supported financing at the interim. Each Party to an Ensign agreed to
repatriate the Party to which specific loan indemnification is administered and shall be
considered bonded by an liability obligation loan and consultancy contract to be repaid at 50
% or less interest rates to that of which is considered standard and current market value of
exchange rates. In the event of a dispute over remuneration of funding the Group 4 shall have
a final say over the matter.

4. In carrying out the foregoing responsibilities mile square park industrial enclaves should
be expected to support various scientific and engineering services and reasonably large scale
loading and unloading; treatment with say perhaps upwards of up to 30 or more docking
stations, decontamination stations; expent fuel rod cold storage recesses; thereabouts the full
scope of On Site Inspection supplies and amenities to facilitate the various services of
exchange and scientific occupancy as shall be maintained and given priority defense status
quo in a time of peace, and shall qualify to all Nations, States, or independent leftist novelty
implacable opposition or defectors, as the common standard of denominate theory agenda

5. The U S On Site Inspection Agency is to be revitalized to an army of many thousand as

would be the exchange accommodations necessary to undertake a ridged and unyielding
approach to the nuclear military grade explosives whereabouts and to make available to the
Corp of Engineers those said accompaniments.

6. Having considered the views expressed on various subjects pertaining to a fast time shot to
the Martian subsoil landings for answers toward a budgetary assimilation or allocation to
upward of 12 billion dollars biannually thereabouts hereon, of the 16 locations worldwide the
International Atomic Energy Agency shall be instructed of a new peaceful policy projection
toward the incineration of oxygen molecules for a purpose of employability under the guns of
numerous sentry exchanges for hires thereon. Starting salarys, depending on experience vary
and are to be taken up with the United Nations ombudsman for human resources and shall
more than likely be based on the aspect to ratio rate of exchange respective to the domicile of
the IAEA employee status quotient to that of the expectancy rate, which shall be recognized
and defined as United Nations dollars therefore.

7. US Army minimum danger pay included will be around 4,000$ a month, the dutys vary in
scope and nature and are considered very dangerous in some areas of the world as to reassign
and sub contract the IAEA for the US Army Chief of Staff Department of Corps of Engineers.
Mission priorities are to provide hospitable accommodations for numerous Russian
counterparts who shall be permitted ever so closely now to share the same multi protractile
assignments as such is recommended of the Israeli Garrisons in industrial counterbalance
closeness in-factus to observe and in so doing share accompaniments, postal resources,
general store provisions, sundries, restrooms, mess halls, recreational accessories and visa
versa as provided for in this Chapter in order to make fuller contribution to their common
objective therefore.

8.To promote constructive measures of development and to encourage demilitarization

amongst such States and Republics as they are called our Group 4 selective special services
such as the KGB, the CIA, and other Israeli special Green Beret attachments, and the
Specialized Function for a United Nations Secret Services accountings, shall:

(a) proceed without delay to locate and identify weapons manufacturing plants worldwide
such as in India Pakistan, France Sweden Germany, Israel too now, China, Japan, U S A,
especially, South Africa, and all other Republics to an Emblem engraver for currency Ill
believed, to other report to they of The space based research consulting Sector that are as
indiscreet as have decided the cut off date for weapons systems manufacturing concepts and
contracting accessories to believe 31 December 2,007 as so such an evocation after or around
the act or fact of a U N condition of obligations assumed acts and/or descends upon costly
and disturbingly noteworthy attributable penalty assessment fines herein their.

(b) no military weapons contracting Party without written and approved consent from the
Commissioner of the majority Delegation General Assembly popular vote,(51%) bouts, shall
be issued licensing rights, titles, nor interest in every and all said weapons systems with
exception to bio-molecular aspect to ratio of said people presences with star based modular
conceptions of Gods Love, as discussed pursuant of the Protocols ,7, 8 , IC Black X file of
the DESBIC AGENDA and also in accordances to the S.Q. Security Docket Pre ambulance
to the DESBIC AGENDA, IDF Treaty series which along with INF, NPT and NPT 2-3,
START I, in concise, START II, III and other annexes, Protocols and Texts introduced during
the Coming of the Lord of Israel is hereinafter to be considered an integral part of this
vocational exercise in star elder presences I do declare for certainties, in order to form a more
desirable and dependable respective frame advisory activator there as.

9.The principle objective of the Organizations weapons of mass destruction non-proliferation

mission is that of collecting, disposing and storage containment, and sentry detail of
descriptive afore specified, as when in the courses of human characterization it becomes
obvious to see the note to need and diffuse surplus stock piles and sales, acquisitioning of
Chinese rockets, launchers, boosters MIRV s, ICBM s, nuclear bombs, biological and higher
grade chemical reactivation properties of military grade resonancys, nuclear fuel rods, and
supervisory accounting for major nuclear energy utilities disassembly standards protocols and
applications, suspend aquisitionment as inevitably will concern: naval vessels of every
standard aggregate displacement, whose last shipyard contracts are slated for closures on 31
December 2,007; upon unanimous consent as agreed upon by the Group 4 and the majority
vote and decision of a U N full Assembly to that of an exclusionary precedence, noting all
too well what disarmament projection brings to the tables there as; side winding to, that it
become strongly urged by the U N General Assembly memberships who best personify a
May Day simplex in granting of rights, titles and deeds, with all due regard for interest in
handing out the awarding contractor ship for international Maritime Primary care
coordination to the U S Navys and special stipulatory amendments to qualify transitioning
exchange of on board 24- 7- 365 Multinational factions including especially Israeli, Russian
ready reserve Officers thereby.

10. To make Provision in accordance with this Statute, Star Fleet has long been charged with
the obligations assumed under an Israeli Galaxy Class saucer modular request that we act as if
the organization U N belongs to and the scattered industrial simplexes

shall be located in the arrangements made by chief scientists at Army Headquarters bearing
in mind the ideals of trust and subcontracted on the dollar, exchange payroll aspect to ratio;
also bearing in mind that naval flotilla battle or such terminology of group with aircraft
carriers are scheduled for multinational membership moth ball phase off to better comprehend
the biological specimen samples of aerodynamically aligned perspectives at a ,000 nuclear
energy utility cut off date reminder as expressly reserved for the year 2,022, A D. Having
considered the reports, issued by the Secretary Generals; licensing fees will be increased to
5 million dollars per unit by 2,012; and $666,666 dollars commencing 31 December, 2,007,
unless show cause by, for and by again with a best interest of safety oriented U N
Membership Assembly Delegation appearance as required by Law. To further the purpose of
this Treaty and in order to facilitate the practice of International Government security and
equality, it shall be the finding of this exchange of instruments that the quorum call and
calendar for General Assembly Ad judgments and Ad policy in separation be counted and be
heard, recognized, and seen an minimal of 4-four times a calendar month, as to vote and
decide on matters of relative new age scientific as global security so to purpose a
denuclearization profile for the cause of common approach and attainment of these ends,
therefore it is qualified as a necessary side of a say, to invest in their approach hereinafter

11. For the purpose of reducing and averting the risk of outbreak of wars the Israelis are to
assist the Russians and the U S in chastising or neutralizing U N Employees who are
entruantly absolved in their mercenary derelective opted nay saying, to find cause for
replacement or repair of note to need, or need to note filing fees for the licensing as cause of
liability risks assumed, to engage in nuclear non proliferation within the bounds but not too
far away from dissident or soon to become dishonest accounts made to U S backed Russia,
aspect to ratio payroll to be jointly discussed with formers defense and knowledgeable
coordinators along with the distinctive and pleasant current administrative branches as
proces verbal in an effective and sound alliance as to be certain to import exchange duty
sailors for ease some slack tour of duly authorized naval attention gathering herein store to
these ends .

12. In another way we come to understand as to offside the naval shipyard reminders of a
competitive state of exportation in as much as to foster the exchange of scientific buy backs
and buy outs with that money to make provision in accordance with this chapter to assign a
scheduled plan of nuclear energy utility decommissionment, and request of the Russian
defense counsel sub contracting missionarys as obligate the Swiss and Western money
lenders with reasonably sound and generously robust financial overtures before another
judgment ruling come handed to the U N licensing assessment offices, take notice of rate
increases is why I invented my Uzi other than to shoot a starving lion thereto; resurrect hold
meetings at least twice a week of a Multilateral Implementation Commission.

Article IV

1. This Treaty shall be subject to ratification in accordance with the constitutional procedures
of each Party. This Treaty shall enter into force on the date of the exchange of instruments of

2. This Treaty shall remain in force until December 31, 2012 and will be extended by
agreement of the Parties or earlier by subsequent agreement.

3. Each Party, in exercising its national sovereignty, is bound by life assurances as to not
negate nor withdraw from this Treaty. All Ensigns independent or clandestine as it may cause
to flee are superficially bound by words, thoughts, and deeds indeed to the other Party.

Article V

This Treaty shall be registered pursuant to Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.

Done at Moscow on May 24, 2002, in two copies, each in the English and Russian languages,
both texts being equally authentic. Amended May 13, 2,005






The White House

June 20, 2002

To the Senate of the United States:

I transmit herewith, for the advice and consent of the Senate to ratification, the Treaty
Between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Strategic Offensive
Reductions, signed at Moscow on May 24, 2002 (the Moscow Treaty).

The Moscow Treaty represents an important element of the new strategic relationship
between the United States and Russia. It will take our two nations along a stable, predictable
path to substantial reductions in our deployed strategic nuclear warhead arsenals by
December 31, 2012. When these reductions are completed, each country will be at the lowest
level of deployed strategic nuclear warheads in decades. This will benefit the peoples of both
the United States and Russia and contribute to a more secure world.

The Moscow Treaty codifies my determination to break through the long impasse in further
nuclear weapons reductions caused by the inability to finalize agreements through traditional
arms control efforts. In the decade following the collapse of the Soviet Union, both countries
strategic nuclear arsenals remained far larger than needed, even as the United States and
Russia moved toward a more cooperative relationship. On May 1, 2001, I called for a new
framework for our strategic relationship with Russia, including further cuts in nuclear
weapons to reflect the reality that the Cold War is over. On November 13, 2001, I announced
the United States plan for such cuts--to reduce our operationally deployed strategic nuclear
warheads to a level of between 1700 and 2200 over the next decade. I announced these
planned reductions following a careful study within the Department of Defense. That study,
the Nuclear Posture Review, concluded that these force levels were sufficient to maintain the
security of the United States. In reaching this decision, I recognized that it would be
preferable for the United States to make such reductions on a reciprocal basis with Russia, but
that the United States would be prepared to proceed unilaterally.

My Russian counterpart, President Putin, responded immediately and made clear that he
shared these goals. President Putin and I agreed that our nations respective reductions should
be recorded in a legally binding document that would outlast both of our presidencies and
provide predictability over the longer term. The result is a Treaty that was agreed without
protracted negotiations. This Treaty fully meets the goals I set out for these reductions.

It is important for there to be sufficient openness so that the United States and Russia can
each be confident that the other is fulfilling its reductions commitment. The Parties will use
the comprehensive verification regime of the Treaty on the Reduction and Limitation of
Strategic Offensive Arms (the START Treaty) to provide the foundation for confidence,
transparency, and predictability in further strategic offensive reductions. In our Joint
Declaration on the New Strategic Relationship between the United States and Russia,
President Putin and I also decided to establish a Consultative Group for Strategic Security to
be chaired by Foreign and Defense Ministers. This body will be the principal mechanism
through which the United States and Russia strengthen mutual confidence, expand
transparency, share information and plans, and discuss strategic issues of mutual interest.

The Moscow Treaty is emblematic of our new, cooperative relationship with Russia, but it is
neither the primary basis for this relationship nor its main component. The United States and
Russia are partners in dealing with the threat of terrorism and resolving regional conflicts.
There is growing economic interaction between the business communities of our two
countries and ever-increasing people-to-people and cultural contacts and exchanges. The U.S.
military has put Cold War practices behind it, and now plans, sizes, and sustains its forces in
recognition that Russia is not an enemy, Russia is a friend. Military-to-military and
intelligence exchanges are well established and growing.

The Moscow Treaty reflects this new relationship with Russia. Under it, each Party retains the
flexibility to determine for itself the composition and structure of its strategic offensive arms,
and how reductions are made. This flexibility allows each Party to determine how best to
respond to future security challenges.

There is no longer the need to narrowly regulate every step we each take, as did Cold War
treaties founded on mutual suspicion and an adversarial relationship.

In sum, the Moscow Treaty is clearly in the best interests of the United States and represents
an important contribution to U.S. national security and strategic stability. I therefore urge the
Senate to give prompt and favorable consideration to the Treaty, and to advise and consent to
its ratification.

George W. Bush.



The Secretary of State,


The President,
The White House.

Mr. President: I have the honor to submit to you the Treaty Between the United States of
America and the Russian Federation on Strategic Offensive Reductions (the Moscow Treaty),
signed at Moscow on May 24, 2002.


The Moscow Treaty marks a new era in the relationship between the United States and
Russia. This short, legally binding document codifies in a flexible manner both countries
commitment to make deep strategic offensive reductions. It facilitates the transition from
strategic rivalry to a genuine strategic partnership based on the principles of mutual security,
trust, openness, cooperation and predictability. The Moscow Treaty is one important element
of a new strategic framework, which involves a broad array of cooperative efforts in political,
economic and security areas.


The Moscow Treaty codifies the deep reductions that you announced during the November
2001 Washington/Crawford Summit and President Putin announced at that time and a month
later. It reflects the shared desire to conclude a legally binding document that would outlast
both of your presidencies and to provide openness and predictability over the longer term in
this important area of the U.S.-Russian relationship. The transition to a relationship based on
mutual trust and cooperation enabled us to conclude an agreement in months, not years. At
the same time, the Treaty affords flexibility to each Party to meet unforeseen future
contingencies, while avoiding unnecessary restrictions on either Partys forces or activities.


The United States and Russia both intend to carry out strategic offensive reductions to the
lowest possible levels consistent with their national security requirements and alliance
obligations, and reflecting the new nature of their strategic relations. The Treaty requires the
United States and Russia to reduce and limit their strategic nuclear warheads to 1700-2200
each by December 31, 2012, a reduction of nearly two-thirds below current levels. The
United States intends to implement the Treaty by reducing its operationally deployed strategic
nuclear warheads to 1700-2200 through removal of warheads from missiles in their launchers
and from heavy bomber bases, and by removing some missiles, launchers, and bombers from
operational service.

For purposes of this Treaty, the United States considers operationally deployed strategic
nuclear warheads to be reentry vehicles on intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) in their
launchers, reentry vehicles on submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) in their
launchers onboard submarines, and nuclear armaments loaded on heavy bombers or stored in
weapons storage areas of heavy bomber bases. In addition, a small number of spare strategic
nuclear warheads (including spare ICBM warheads) are located at heavy bomber bases. The
United States does not consider these spares to be operationally deployed strategic nuclear
warheads. In the context of this Treaty, it is clear that only nuclear reentry vehicles, as well
as nuclear armaments, are subject to the 1700-2200 limit.


The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) continues in force unchanged by this Treaty.
In accordance with its own terms, START will remain in force until December 5, 2009,
unless it is superseded by a subsequent agreement or extended.

STARTs comprehensive verification regime will provide the foundation for confidence,
transparency and predictability in further strategic offensive reductions. As noted in the May
24 Joint Declaration on the New Strategic Relationship, other supplementary measures,
including transparency measures, may be agreed in the future.


The Treaty establishes a Bilateral Implementation Commission (BIC), a diplomatic

consultative forum that will meet at least twice a year to discuss issues related to
implementation of the Treaty. The BIC will be separate and distinct from the Consultative
Group for Strategic Security, established by the Joint Declaration of May 24, which will be
chaired by Foreign and Defense Ministers with the participation of other senior officials.


The Treaty will enter into force on the date of the exchange of instruments of ratification. It is
to remain in force until December 31, 2012, and may be extended by agreement of the Parties
or superseded earlier by a subsequent agreement.

The Treaty also provides that each Party, in exercising its national sovereignty, may withdraw
from the Treaty upon three months written notice to the other Party.


The START II Treaty, which was signed in 1993, and to which the Senate gave its advice and
consent in 1996, never entered into force because Russia placed unacceptable conditions on
its own ratification of START II. Russias explicit linkage of START II to preservation of the
ABM Treaty and entry into force of several agreements, signed in 1997, which related to
ABM Treaty succession and ABM/TMD demarcation, made it impossible for START II to
enter into force. With signature of the Moscow Treaty, the United States and Russia have now
taken a decisive step beyond START II.


Accompanying this report is an article-by-article analysis of the Treaty. By deeply reducing

operationally deployed strategic nuclear warheads while preserving each Partys flexibility to
meet unforeseen future contingencies, the Moscow Treaty will enhance the national security
of the United States. I strongly recommend its transmission to the Senate for advice and
consent to ratification at the earliest possible date.

Respectfully submitted,
Colin L. Powell.

Enclosures: As stated1.

P Enclosures include the Moscow Treaty and the Article-by-Article Analysis

Israeli Intelligence Report : State of the State Department U S/U N



The Treaty Between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Strategic
Offensive Reductions, signed at Moscow on May 24, 2002 (the Moscow Treaty) consists of a
Preamble and five Articles.


The title of the Moscow Treaty is Treaty Between the United States of America and the
Russian Federation on Strategic Offensive Reductions. This title was deliberately chosen to
reflect the fact that this Treaty focuses on reductions in strategic nuclear warheads, rather than
on strategic offensive arms, which traditionally have been considered to be delivery
vehicles and launchers. For linguistic reasons, the title of the Russian language version of the
Treaty is ... on Reductions in Strategic Offensive Potential. The English language text of
The Official Text Epilogue is as Follows:

The United Nation's International Organization and the Nuclear Powers are
referred to hereinafter as the Party(s'):

Reaffirming their obligations under the Treaty(s') between the Party(s');

"Descriptive Encode in "Star Based" Internal Command"; the Articles of
Genetic Disclosure, Discovery and Appeal(s), referred to herein as: DESBIC

Stressing their firm commitment to the Treaty of de-limitation of nuclear and

biological weapon's grade ordnance within a State, and nuclear energy policy
incorporative of START II and beyond; decisive in their purpose for
strengthening the Will, security, and the Republics for which it stands for.

Taking in to account commitments to universal Laws inasmuch as

Providence, benevolence, and abounding equality walks within a Depositary of
Faith whereof. In and then a common code of conduct for the obligations
assumed thereto, solemnly affirm and uphold true Faith and allegiance(s), as
to sustain interests in a Charter of collective and continuous settlement in the
choice of judgment and cause of actions as so, to negate the nuclear
weapons, and contemporaneous disarmament question thereto.

Mindful of the note to need, and the need to note; that until nuclear weapons
of any frequency yield, cease to exist; it's a fine line between Life, Liberty and
the pursuit of Truthfulness thereupon.

Desiring a world's new fertile soil, and a stand for human rights, for the
purpose of expertise and youth, to that of which succeeding generations will
intermediate far and free away from the distance, between senses; whereas,
life set is hard enough to question the lesson's too well learned, hereinafter

Taking note of United Nation's General Assembly Resolution 47/52K of

December 09, 1,992 to undertake and apply additional Protocols, in and that a
Treaty(s'), treats, for the adjustment of differences which affect the permanent
interests of peace and security within a Charter of jurisdiction and transacting
business, as to act in the place of the principal, thereto hereof.

Whereby the promotion of common understanding and the foundation(s) of

International consciousness and consideration for human rights can be
secured with the blessing's of Life, Liberty(s') and the pursuit of Truthfulness,
unto that end it is established and scripted herein as; We the People for a
United Nations Security manifest,

Have Agreed as Follows:

Have agreed as follows:

Article I (The Establishment of Treaty)

1. In conformity with from hereon in we are, it is written therefore shall

well be established as Israel, for a faith whereas to understand a table of
lawful eventualities:
(a) an proposal to where can be set forth for an purpose of reconciliation, as
sold in such is for, so is sold to undertake equal and impartial means of

(b) an ordinary favorite to treat more assumtuiously the cause where Men
choose to falsifieth a specialized field frequency(s) purchase abet mentor
and hellfire radioactivity consumes the bio-molecular organ composition,
as treatment for nervousness came and died on an foundation of tablatures
sanctified by order of a faith to a standard of unacceptability;

(c). Without the state of art all of a lifetime will come to expect in a
vacuum clock of common denominate abstracts poisoning a friend to treat
as a deadlier supply for an offered as such is ongoing bonded by death do
all part wherever it comes and however it grows thereat;
Article 1 (The Establishment of Treaty)

(d) the act, facts, or hope their exists a hell for the treatment of the evilness
that tries to consume a beings presences for a non mirror like lifestyles of
perpetration whereat die for support and defend murderer highnesses of the
word I cant describe anymore for all leaders 92% ratio murdered and still
fag oriented every supported its sold for that of where exists a settlement
here as now though, to all go too;

(e) a means to an end;

(f) an standard of thy peers to protect and desire; of compliancy as such are
determined to safeguard the peace, promote stability and well being in
accordance with a common position agreed upon thereto, a universal
presents of a justifiable means to act in such a way to strengthen their unity

(g) an act or factual offer as such as would arbitrational access imply; an

Pentagon Complex conference table of lawful and legal persuasive means
to prevail in a state of friendly and mutual agreed upon advise and consent,
particularly in the policy of continuous friendships and friendly
collaboration, ad referendum any armistice or peace oriented resources to
share the occasion inasmuch as:
Article 1 (The Establishment of Treaty)

(h) the act of rendering first aid as a neutral participant to a dispute; to

supply an assimilation of treatment and primary care to they who are on
the far or near side of an impasse as a distance between words and deed;
consensual circumstances we pursue in good faith for a benefit of the
common standard of social progress in the best of mutual respective
intentions; wherefore an document is thine adversary as thy self in
objective as permission given to ordain and uphold, protect, and bear true
faith as due patriotic,

(i) considerations thereto, pursuant of this entry, each citizen to an Emblem

is duly charged and bound by the precepts of the obligations assumed as
reliable witnesses to the Testamentary order and evolutionary civil process
of servitude herein afar there as forgo an:
(a) amending agreement(s) that may become a Party to a table of balanced
weights and level grounds, whereby a majority consensus for a justifiably
conclusive solution to a said bands of separation from one anothers oath as
alleges for right consideration herein.

2. A State obliged to refrain from any acts which would defeat the object
or the purpose of a The IDF START III Treaty series. Whether it has signed
the Treaty or has superimposed a subliminal submergence of denominate
reservation or abstention, to each and every expressed objection as may
concede however an act expressing a States consent to be bound by a
Treaty or International Organization.

Article II (Disarmament Conditions)

1. Each Party shall reduce, react, dispose and destroy all ballistic missile warheads
and heavy bomber nuclear and biological armaments thereby, in and then, the
aggregate numbers for each and every side is absolute zero 0,000 hereon. Each
Party(s') shall recognize the entry into force of START-II and continue to resolve
the particulars of verifiable conclusion by extending START to III, -IV, and beyond,
to the points of mutually assured and satisfactorily cohesive concordances thereby
hereto; pursuant of START II, but within the limitations set forth as so activations
limited to warheads under 5 kiloton and of chemical formulation properties hereto,
shall not exceed as so:

IC. Strategic Arms Limitations

2. (a) the United States of America-----------------------------------------,666

(b) the Russian Federation and the former republics to,---------------- 666
(c) the Peoples Republic of China--------------------------------------- 666
(d) the Republic of France--------------------------------------------------066
(e) the Republic of the United Kingdom----------------------------------066
(f) the Peoples Republic of India------------------------------------------066
(g) the Peoples State of Israel---------------------------------------------------066
all due regard as condition, (DESBIC)
(h) the Republic of Japan-----------------------------------------------------066
* Subject to the Secretary General's U N note(s) of charitable
checks and placement(s), indiscrete thereby*
(i) all other State's, Countries, Republics or Independent Marquis
of any such insignia shall not exceed the aggregate postulation of 16* warheads,

or ordnance of charge or device limited to that of which is considered by the U

Russia, and Israel, subject to the Secretary General's advice and consent in as
much as chemical formulation contingency(s') herein whereas.
Article II (Disarmament Conditions) DESBIC AGENDA

3. The arms subject to the limitations provided for in this Treaty(s) shall continue
to be the subject to these limitations until they are dismantled, are destroyed, or
otherwise cease to be subject to these attributes of limitational deny ability. The
Contracting Partys agreed to undertake important International questions
involving their common interests, with a view to strengthening International peace
and security but cant be removed from the past in accordance with every nuclear
disarmament Treaty that was ever drafted as all opted to:

(a) walk over NPT that signed she, all violated her as such excuses may
become all in alls they didst, abstain or rescind, withdrawal, terminate, violate,
denounce as has been afforded contemporaneously to let a smolder burn.

4. To descend upon a common denominate resolve to the balance of super

endangerers in a manner suggested as goal oriented nuclear, biological of and
C weapons grade or medium to low level chemical as agent orange will identify
your success at nuclear deterrence is to its means too many fuel enrichment
service abet mentors with loose and crude devicycles as expiration tables for
embryological bio-molecularly cryogenia reminders of an underground
complexities typical run of the mill not worth the endometriosis off a effect in a
factual suggestion over combatative competitive motus operatic us therefore.

5. The Partys undertake to 6% percentile standards nuclear bio-molecular

annual disbandment and deactivation standards by virtue of the communication
of aperture based sidesmanships, as to ascertain to the fullest extent agreed
upon, the meaning of consent to be bound, and obligations assumed as Party to
an under insurance risk assessment finders fee for all to say when here will side.
Article II (Disarmament Conditions)

6. Revised and extended fulfillment of the obligations for the purposes set out in
The proceeding Sections and pursuant to the process of reduction, elimination
and destruction thereto in the application of procedures; it shall be the aim of
The Secretary generals quarter to establish a time reference in accordance
With the afore going principles, such as in the common interest of the present
Plenipotentiaries, as to agree to:

(a) undertake verification and disposal not later than upward of December 31,
2,007; mindful registry of:

(b) in force interest specified by engagement expectancy herein thereon

thereabouts, except as concerns precedence, performances and discharge in
accordance to the:

(c) principles and languages of the descriptive as Duly Established for a purpose
of Treaty(s), hereby therefore; in accordance with this Provisionment structure,
and in pursuit of His Truth for:

(d) a purpose of Faith whereas, this Treaty shall remain in force for an unlimited
duration, and is not intended to supercede either on or under an impositionment
herein, as an interest of "ordre public", to the extent pertinent and probable for
clarifying a matter, as actions taken to satisfaction of the said matter as we did
particularly submitted herein thereagainst.

7. The Party(s) declare that one of the main pre-conditions to improve the
viability of this Treaty and documentation concerning further measures in the field
of disarmament pursuant to this agenda the IDF Treaty Series consisting of a
drafts of START, II, Drafts of START III, this Descriptive Encode battle of
subliminally adverse implacably derailed nay sayers, to my favorite will council.
Article II (Disarmament Conditions) DESBIC AGENDA

8. In order to promote International co-operation, the Provisions of this Treaty

shall apply to other related Text, Protocol, and Memoranda, and as may become
forgeable shall be considered an integral part within the framework for a United
Nations Charter and with respect to existing International Conventions thereas.
And if consultation and co-operation pursuant of this descriptive Provisionment
have not removed the doubts concerning the activations and there remains a
serious question concerning fulfillment of the obligations assumed under this
Treaty all insignias to an Ensign are bound and subject to the terms of
aerodynamically aligned apertures objective hereinafter therefore.

9. In order more effectively to undertake as set forth to this entry the objective of
this Treaty the Partys do solemnly swear and pledge to the Lady of their Faith
and their Star presences as open ended can ascribe for, to dispose of all nuclear,
biomolecular, and chemical warheads of all standard specifications as any aspect
to ratio displacement in frequency yield activation whose displacement ranges
anyways over or above 5 kiloton thereabouts wherefore.

10. In furtherance of the matter in discovery at the air borne directories the
Partys to this consultation come to the pass in observance for the best of all
intentions to early warning notices by giving a 24 minute notice when a nuclear
warhead bunker buster, is derived and implodes on subsoil vectors. Unless
Unified Command, including DC. UN NATO Russia and IDF advise and propel to
the contrary in a most critical and sensitive activation; besides soil irradiated ions,
maximize a critical life support reminder of a retaliatory resolve here as in virtue
of the present standard of service abet mentors can resurrect therefore:

(a) make unto thy target able entered as why fore a 24 minute pay load warning
of incoming temporarily discharge of fissionable and guided projection therewith.

Article III (Obligations to Non-Proliferate)

1. The States of Contracting Party(s') undertake to prohibit within their respective

jurisdiction, or territorial boundary(s') and reserves, to use, or make available for side or
purchase, nuclear weapon's grade devices or explosives of any sort, under due process of
Law, thereupon. A State shall not traffic an import nor export within its countenance do
such military grade nuclear or biological formulation properties weapons or accessories for
let or sublet, from this day forth hereinafter. Of such a file, administrative, or military rank
that conspire to do so, they shall surely be put to death or held accountable thereon.

2. Nuclear warheads of any dispositionment, pursuant of START--II, and beyond, in pursuit

of a Truth of a Faith forasmuch as to reaffirm, are to be destroyed thereto whereupon; the
same forasmuch as biological stockpiles or arsenals of a sinister occupational hazardous

3. The Provisions of this Article(s) shall also apply whereby materials of servicement,
facilities for plutonium extraction, and uranium enrichment hereof. Each Party to the States
of business we centrifugally extract without a sense of recourse plutonium subsidiaries, for
in a case of weaponized proliferation to this day and herein afar, cause to buy sell or trade,
or in any like manner be used to exact an alliance nor to kill any Man; it is abomination and
a damnable offense; unto that end henceforth inasomuch as hitherto:

(a) lest any Man vow an loafe of propositionment and offer an holocaust in a day of
propitiation, It is the responsibility of the witness I have been entrusted to bear and give
descriptive account here beside the grace face of the God of Israel so as to delegate
resolve and for the purpose of true understanding then we believed at firstlys, the Israeli

Shin Bet or the Mossod have been given unto the Day of Atonement, charge of Faith and
Reverence and are:

(b) authorized hereby authorized, as I did say so; to render equal judgments, in the event of
a neither continued perpetual absence nor presence of Law, hereunder thereto as, we will
pro-tempore unto thee that of which is perpetual to a holocaust.

4. Within the limitations provided for in Article's II and III of this entry, the aggregate
postulate for chemical formulation weapon systems is inclusive to any such device or
attribution of deploy ability here as:

(a) Each Party shall reserve its specified mode of operable application or projection. Each
Party to this entry agrees to destroy its MIRVS and ICBMs and geosynchronous ground
control space orbital weapons of attack, and any such deployable apertures are to
explosive detonation yield frequency hypothesis not to exceed 5 kton, in the cause of
deliver ably opted concordances used as a chemical weapons vehicles nor platforms

5. The process of reduce, dispose and non-proliferate as provided for in this Article is
subject to a 3% per annum upgrade and provisional margin of surplus stockpiles; as to
allow efficiency operative standards of modernization wherewithal.

6. Pursuant of Article II Section 2 of this Testament, the Provisionment provides for 3% per
annum, aspect to ratios instilled to the better half of said attributable goal oriented penalty
assess mentors margin of surplus stockpiles to all Party(s'), with a view to a less numerical
contingency hereto.
Article III (obligations to Non-Proliferate)

7. For the aspects of selective serviced design aperture imprescriptive o f the inalienable
right of bio-molecular photo plasmatic sidesmanships, all stations, installations,
equipment and celestial space apertures. Warrants signatory exemplifiers of a descriptive
(coded) special sciences, shall at all times signify obedience and homage to certain
presence. In as sold no, such is the opted to- undertake to Internationalize provisions as a
path to arbitrate and settle military opted for never the matters, so as done now say why
them, whilst being regularly visited here as why fore resist, and opt not to:

(a) co-operate to the most reasonable extent as thereto an aperture requested

conceivability, so as to demonstrate give and take, as transgender polyps is to no nos,
snake is to grass, so is pitch fork to fire apparatuses. The Partys understated the threats
we perceive concisevly and there as didst depart for a snares forever as:

(b) all the Presidents Hasbros, are many to seek suck fluid from homogenous enzyme
defoliant degenericystss accurate de-spontaneity rancor for a fight fire with enzyme
depletionary antics. To there from an way to miss understand Gods word Love I say;
and say as I didst, why fore then decide ascertain transgender union man ships side as
wager a liar forces in wait(s) so sincere- attempts to derail the Provision mentals said
function and is the objective that to share here as will defeat.

(8) As so in the interest of their mutual security, and for the purpose of secrecies annulled
to some expectancy bouts the questions that remained to be sepulchered during the
White House briefings and security condition aspects, of status global human and animal
telepathic communion- acute auditory receptivisms to this new age of tele kinesis- is it
sold there when, our said existences are denied for a fight against authority for sins sakes
there and. In furtherance to the matter of diacritical absurdity even as such:

(a) as for why the five permanent memberships of the Security Council U N shall
ascertain the term "secrecy" in a manner consistent with such purposes that are relevant
to assured compliancy and arbitrational access to alleviate despotism therefore as the
Presidents men and him they, all their that seem as they did play our tele symmetrical
values as in accessibly never mindfully now out of it though as the function of an
instrument of arbitration al high strategic values obsolete and short of faiths application
avoidance me as they then that so their wee wee Wadwahs psychiatric nuisance the 3rd
world rouse ouslander.

(9) In order to assure due diligence and peaceful resolution to the nuclear warfare and
disarmament question and moreover, to establish mutual and respective ground,
competent financial incentive oriented assistance to the Russian Federation, based on an
ability for capitulation and rescindencies on unspent Martian sub soils samples
expenditures already attained by Cosmonauts too, up for grabs if we do deceive Treasury
owe us a specified amount in financed it off the work stoppage for a 3rd world free for all
scenario defiancy spick calling welcome matte thats definitely not color fast like yours and
mine and theirs may become:

(a) funds, availability for peace dividends as detargetable an accountancy may avoid for
further questioning in admissible as I did state such notorious truth of then that upsy daisy
we go fore bearing in mind the course of judgment and legal actions instilled without a:

(b) certain sales of nuclear ordnance; in and then, 60 billion biennial U N USN NATO,
coinage as expressly earmarked to a collaboration on mutual assured disarmament shall
be due upward of December 31, 2,007 and no later than post facto December 31, 2,012,
Article III (Obligations to Non-Proliferate) DESBIC AGENDA

(c) a duration of 20 to 40 years as special budgetary conditions of pretense to procedural

suspension of said trillion dollar manned Martian scam artist shysters on a mission is why
as such this entry is called attention to as can fully undertake to decide wrongly for wars
eminency which were not to form an integral part of this entry to a Test of Will and a
treatment of under signatory procedure here and beyond we go.

(10) In view of the contribution the use of the NASA engineering decisions of yester times
have sought to avoid inasuch may be undignified as the question still remains to be
considered bouts the purpose and goal oriented futures of the aerospace propulsion. To
this end engineers decisions to scientifically neglect to:

(a) highly prioritize the petroleum gas engine emission flight forces dilemmas, of whos
first giant steps for man is: that of whose it is thereto become suffocated by cancers and
how nows all aware to say no to depleting all that an oxygen and not wind tunnel forces
has in common to had received when came the four way wards to blow wind a bouts

(11) Nothing in this Treatys origins shall be construed to insinuate that NASA first order
of Protocol from this critical mass exercise in free spoken dialect that ones need is to
walk or drive before they fly. Therefore all the Partys to the Treatys agreed hereinafter to
permit motor car gas engine new sales manufacturing not to exceed 31 December 2,022;
the air transport areas of researchers brains ands know hows are to deliver passenger
and commercial aircraft vehicles of transport not later than 31 December 2,042 there as;
not to:

(a) penalize the collectable antiques, nor life spans of said petroleum oil nor lubricant
explicabilities, although such is a matter of concern of the:

(b) warfare wanted adds on T Vs outcasts to put those boots up special advisors to
whoever pretends to be in charges as aspiring to madness, victims abused, breaking the
chains, so proceeding from the pretenses that when we look to the East; visualize do not:

(c) jeopardize nor burn up alive when you look to the east materialize to act on these
special agreed upon exchanges as notarize Provisions may come to be called to an
occasion inter alias S C C Treaty; defense department, NASA flight propulsion in
aerospace industriality, the departments of transportation, conservation, health and
human services, and said status quos of crude oil supplies afar to undertake further
measures in the fields and terms for a qualitative sustained protocol hereinafter.

(12) Five years after the entry into force of this Treaty, and five years there after,
December 31, 2,007, a conference of Party(s') to this Convention shall be held in Tel-
Aviv, the State of Israel, in order to review the operation, and take into account any
relevant technological developments thereto here under.

(13) To promote the objectives and implementation of this entry the U S Marshalls
Officers in plain clothes today to now I hear will recognize the Department of Defense
USA Foreign Assistance Programs and Budget Office, and incorporate a strategy of M-
EX-funded collective activation whereas said trillion dollar manned Martian soil sampler
missions shall be discontinued and recalled as obsolete and certain. The manned Martian
Expeditionary Funding or the M-EX-funds the U S Attorney said to have enzymes
ingested, to look again and having said so, characterizes:
(a) an trillion dollar U S / U N counterpoint and belligerence minded attempt to stray and
disband National technical means and resources at its disposal to display deliberate and
callous regard for the possible changes in strategic target able launchers and said risk
theater assessment implied as UO me.

(14) Each Party agrees that the sources of his income are not substantial enough to
challenge the leaders in and that the M-EX-fund be set aside, kept charge for duration of
40 years here withal. In consideration to the trillion dollar 20 year said Martian soil
sampler expeditions, and with all due regard to the enzyme ingestors qualifications in so
advising all the Presidents people cartography insinuated as evaluation concise; the act
or fact as secret intelligence can address the presidents wrongly advised cartoonist
publicists bouts all the difference in the worlds to already had and can do more tunnel
churning and soil sampling in underground colonies we have been taken too and had
movie footages of your right lies set out to:

(a) destroy any and all said evidence that we the USA enterprises and sons devices that
corrupt the ideal of rescinding on that once articulated assurance that we are going to
throw away that opted to peace dividend not and fake out the Lords in aperture I can fly
off to die anyone will tell it like it is as so to say.

(b) fill another base of volatile I wont dos on a calendar of that which is of enormous
importunacy became an expiration dates calendar accepted by all who come to leave it to
rest or turned the tables to look the other way in hopes of in others sought were to
declassify the orders given to the vice articulated wage what I pretend I didnt understand
for enzyme fluid in wrong capitulatory glands salivate when left is right, when boy means
girl, when obey high authoritys as aperture stated us I too you notice not for the worst
instead of the best of all intentions, is all that bouts the obligations to non proliferate Sir.


Article IV (Additional Terms)

1. Within the limitations provided for in Article's II and III of this Agenda, the
aggregate postulates for chemical formulation is inclusive to any such device or
attribution of deploy ability. Each Party shall reserve its specified mode for
operable application projection, in and that ICBMs are not to exist hereon, nor as a
chemical weapons vehicle platform thereof.

2. The process of reduce, disposal non-proliferation as provided for in this Article

as so be subject thereto a 3% bi-annual upgrades and revision margin of
surpluses, as to allow efficiency operative standards for modernization and
revisionment projection there bouts hereof:

(a) the reduction pursuant to Paragraph 2, Section(s) (a) through (g) as provided
for in this Paragraph; calls for 3% standard bi-annual modernization aspects to
ratios including weapons systems of total offensive and strategic defensive
alignment to:

(b) the aggregate armament ordnance contingencies to all Parties of obligations

set forth for further reductions of weapons of mass destruction in view of the
causes of consolidation and peace apertures and of their unity and said interests
of friendship and collaboration here as why though.
Article IV (Additional Terms) DESBIC AGENDA

3. For the purpose as entered into force, of the Convention concern descriptives
(coded) in special sciences' aspects of obedience and homage to a presences, in
as such, being regularly visited, the five permanent memberships of the Security
Council U N; and others forasmuch as withstanding;

(a) secrecy shall be construed for such purposes that are relevant in accordance
with this Statute. In order to assure compliance and peaceful settlement
resolutions, the Western Nuclear Powers, based on an ability to capitalize and
other purposes set forth to this information supplied, shall establish their mutual
and respective ground;

(b) by competent financial incentive oriented assistance to the Russian

Federation, bearing in mind deductive abstracts in order to ascertain, the course
of judgment and legal actions instilled without a sense of Provisionment for
certain sales of nuclear explosives' ordnances here as therefore;

(c) 40 billion biennial U N USN NATO, coinage is to be considered peace

dividend trust inter alias, Martian soil sampler rescindence, thereof as so
should re-divert said trillion dollar funding toward 40 billion dollar per annum
increments for a duration of 50 years as expressly earmarked here at.

4. The afore specific attention derived from the allocation in the Provisions affixed
to conclude assurances of fulfillment to the Statutory necessities here fore as
relevant, by that a means to which each Party of such an implementation can
promote to achieve mutual co-ordination within the terms of the host status quo
for its intended strategic defense initiatives application thereto.
Article IV (Additional Terms) DESBIC AGENDA

5. Such subsidiary organs whoso organized that research funds and other
available resources be made uniform, continuous and available upon the terms
and conditions hereinafter set forth. as such an, peace dividend trust inter alias
the PDT, shall be considered, and also may be construed as:

(a) an loan guarantee to the Partys and sub sequential assets thereas bound to
disarmament Protocols in as much as may effect the very essence for further
increasing the viability aimed at strategic arms limitations, subject to budgetary
de facto goals oriented overhaul practices post facto December 31, 2,012

6.. Reactor fuel and energy service abet ment here fore alternative energy
solutions in accordance with this Statute there as when shall undertake to
intensify the research and development of solar, hydrodynamic, and photonic
electrifiable particle charges as to take all necessary means to provide a
common health and human services Charter open to all Nations to protect and
preserve such hazardous materials that may impede the path of progress and
efficiency in solemn declaration to uphold life as we see it, such as it may
become a delicate balance of Natures tolls here as and was.

7. None of the provisions of this Treaty shall be construed as impairing the

inalienable rights and obligations of each and every Parties who come to pasture
for a breath of fresh air to that extreme(s).

8. Each Party to this Treaty undertakes to continue negotiations in good Faith

concerning further measures in the fields of verification for the enactment of an
arms embargo hereinafter. Pursuant to the terms of this Treatys apertures, and
the act and factual transitional weapons and Naval ship building restrictions,
Article IV (Additional Terms) DESBIC AGENDA
the Partys shall remain resolute on the priority of issue as such variances of
space land, air, and sea launched based and the complete and total
programmable disbandment of projection oriented policy in procedural intra-
supplication for de-target aperture city by city, weigh station by conjunctitive
improverbials opted for nay saying, as obsolete and surely counterpoint herein.

9. The Partys will continue to pursue negotiations in accordance with the terms
of, de-target able deactivation application, on a 24 / 7 / 365 a year basis.

10. If in any event subsequent of the entry into force of this Treaty, December
31, 2,007, any such action of Global sabotage, or pre-emptive attacks with bio-
molecular or radioactive, chemical characteristics on persons, places or:

(a) other unexplainable said oriental aspects of needs to goes to polar regions to
try firstlies, or special news of aerodynamic aperture presences become public;

(b) the aspect of the entry calendars and of U S U N Martial Law, the institution
thereof for START to III Treaty Series will constitute as undertaken of such said
incident give rise to cause thereas to:

(c) usher in these combinative Treatys as current and factually decided to say so
as immediate reservation for all who play to read em and fold to assertion as
undeniably relevant and concisevly to the matter give rise to an occasion of due
diligence and regard for the wants and needs of the common defenses of men,
women, and kinfolk as such so called it for a positive entry into force acceptable
measure of necessity and positively constructive assimilation the concerns of
they who stood for a worlds new satisfactorily binding WMD and Peace Treatys.
Article IV (Additional Terms), Descriptive Encodes DESBIC AGENDA

11. A conference of Parties to the Treaty(s) shall be held in Tel-Aviv, the State of
Israel, or where otherwise contended not to notice for retaliation in pre-
emptifiably the news services is on the take, in order to:

(a) review the operation of this Treaty(s) with a view to assuring that the
purposes of the Provisionment are being recognized. Such review shall take into
account any relevant technological developments thereto.

(b) consider questions concerning compliancy with the obligations assumed and
related situations, such as the Bureau based 24 / 7 / 365s consultation as
established pursuant of this Treatys inter-logaical amendments;

(c) agree upon procedures and dates for attributable limitations, and checks and
balances the works and status quos of the U S Army Corps of Engineers design
flaw sewn as nay saying for fortuneless deed, as to why perhaps Tel-Aviv come
to be known as The Chosen People here and as though did not seek so.

12. The Parties understand that under the Provision of this Treaty, and for the
period in which its scheduled to remain in force is for an unlimited duration, and
not later than 31 December 2,022 is as shown:

(a) The U S; the Russian Republics and Unionists Sponsor status quos; the
Republic of China and the letter of will to all they of Chinese ancestry to a time
lines of all the East Asian Hemisphere to which, said status is charge of issue
hereunder; and all the other insignias to an Marquis to an combined numerical
emplacibilities as well, may have no more than 666 lower grade chemical
property warheads at 4 ways divided evenlys; in so much as the total aggregate
numerical assimilation of small range trajectory warhead and deploy abilities:
Article IV (Additional Terms)

(b) there at 2,664 by 31 December 2,022 here as I said to seek. China, whose in
charge of the entire East Asian Pacific Rim, exception Japan, are to have no
more than 666 low yield chemical formulation properties warheads of, limited
compound and explosive frequency defoliancy accounts for all South East Asia
contingencies as a matter of say thereof.

13. In accordance with the Provisionment of this entry and pursuant of this
Article and other areas of research it is told do not subscribe to al least trickle
down cohesive respondences the anatomical subjugate displacement of any
warhead of any mixture of ingredients for the purpose of an order is not to

(a) 5 k-ton explosive detonation and or frequency field decay defoliance dead
weight and filament adjust mentors files of tele symmetrically arranged protons
regardless of their said isotopic theorized experimentation status as considered
forbidden to the C average level lethality for a purpose of protection in
projection analysis is not much more weapons graded than an Agent Orange
aspects to ratios therefrom derived.

14. The arms subject to the limitations provided for shall be based on the
contingency stockpiles allowed post defactus, and as propitious Ad judgment
arial penalty assessments for a purpose for des-spoiling the carnal fetal wages
and urges to walk outside the stated standard of thy presences ascribed for a just
propensities and indoctrinization of the four major powers and the stated here as
sub major authorities said to be held at their disposal at any such give notice for
inspection status quadrants:
Article IV (Additional Terms) DESBIC AGENDA

(a) the USA, Russian Unionist Specialty Inspectionary guile, China, and all other
insignias to a propulsion engineer reformatory conventions advocacysicts advice
and consent, by and by 31 December 2,022 to 27: not to exceed 66 5 k-ton
divided by the quadrant Principals of the common denominate devices of any
attribution strictly limited to potentially survivable chemical property defoliancys
or other less than specific considered protective service grade detergent here as.

15. The Party(s) agreed though other capitalists gone sour or inexcusable
aquisitionment are subject to the Secretary General U N and lead delegation for
the State of Israels approval advised per sq. kilometer assessment not more
then 66 for any or all insignias to a condition of equal numbers of chemical
formulation warheads or devices similar in nature to a weapon graded a-
similarities of protective servitude to a peoples thereinafter.

16. The combined amount for all other Partys to a Statement made here and
now and from hereon in may not exceed 666 combi natively amongst all other
Nationalities of chemical property warheads. Nuclear and biological
contingencies will be considered out of the question and no longer an opt
category. It is the Secretary Generals, The US, Navy intelligences quarter, to
make it right for all to see suggest otherwise to the dates ascribed for is
skullduggery to every would be aperture Directorate in Army storage uniforms..

17. Among the drafts of START III and other series of documents furnished by
this entered as: all launchers, ICBM s, MIRVS, SLBM s, ASBM s,, whether
deployed or not shall become an aspect to ratio exercise in qualitative reduction
in accordance with STARTII and III of the IDF Treaty Series dated June 03,
2,005 and the upgrades now in service abetment quarters thereat herein.

Article V (Implementation)

1. Each of the Party(s') to this entry undertake to prohibit and prevent, the
testing, use, manufacture or remanufacture, production acquisition, exportation,
and importation of any nuclear weapons, or what may be considered nuclear
weapons grade materials.

(2) All States to an insignia's of origin also undertake to refrain from providing
source fissionable materials to a receiving State, in and though nuclear medicine
may be provided for, under military log regulation or here under the pretenses of
parochial assigned command authority herein afore.

(3) The foregoing Provision to this assigned Chapters shall apply to all, Party to
bio hazardous radons or partically charged source and nor fissionable isotopic
alloy whereas test composite materials need only be banned by 31 December
2,017 inasmuch as a any such post accumulation could verily envelope a
hypothetical incidental lies or accidental means to an ends par to risk reduction
expectancies nor assimilation certainties of such have accumulation will defoliate
as uneases herein thereto.

4. The Party(s') to a State shall undertake within and about their bounds and
respective jurisdiction or command control, to refrain from carrying out nuclear,
atomic, or in the course of scientific discovery, any device relating to, thermo
fusion or fission test explosions; in the atmosphere; beyond it's limits including
outer space; under and upon the water, in particular external or internal waters
and/or sub regions, the north and south hemispheres and all the Continents in
between, par to post defactus 31 December 2,002 decisive there when.
Article V (Implementation)

5. The Security Council Memberships U N, being all nuclear energy dependent,

and in the forefront of nuclear weapon proliferation and incidental or stolen
and/or accidental non-chelance of dealings are bound by this Treaty(s'). Russia,
France, Great Britain, the U S, China, NATO and others, are not to:

(a) be assisting and aiding in abetment to nuclear energy construction

investments to deal dirty bombs indecisive. Virtue less greed shall not be a
bilateral or multilateral arrangement of molecular displacement of genetic
function and mutation in human embryological aftermaths within the drafts of this
Provisionment ensignia.

6. Each signatory to an anti-equation shall recalculate their nuclear energy

dealings, and a report along with a pledge in written and signed Standing's on the
State of nuclear energy disassembly and terminates thereof, shall be recieved
by the Secretary Generals' quarters upward by December 31, 2.007, continually
five years thereafter. Fines shall be assessed in reasonable standing order for
those Parties(s') to an emblem that:

(a) do not provide an assessment date for operational closures from this day
forward and from now on in; and fines of 10 million dollars per unit are advised
post facto of December 31, 2,012 and upward through December 31, 2,017 shall
be the scheduled time references for complete nuclear energy terminates
Article V (Implementation)

7. Pursuant to Paragraph 2 of this Article, non-nuclear warhead(ed) anti-missile

systems such as lasers and high performance aerodynamic principles of self-
defense apparatus shall not be classified as a nuclear or biological weapon or
nuclear weapon. An anti-ballistic system either propelled by nuclear means, or
possessing a nuclear detonation device or nuclear warhead to destroy a potential
in coming projectile or ordnance, shall be considered a threat to the environment
and may cause more harm to the inhabitants as that of the targets intention;
therefore it is considered a critical frequency device, or an atomic weapons
hereinafter thereto.

8. If after such observation reasonable doubts remain concerning the fulfillment

of the obligations assumed under the Treaty(s'), the State Party having such
doubts and the State Party that is responsible for the activities giving rise to the
doubts shall consult with a view to removing the doubts. If the doubts persist, the
State Party(s') concerned shall take up the matter with a 15 member conciliatory
commission authorized by the Secretary General U N composed of, 3 Austrians,
3 Finns, 3 Pontifical assignees, 3 Israelis, 3 non-uranium export Afro-Delagates.

9. The sending Party(s') to a State agrees solemnly to not coerce, intimidate,

penalize or bribe in any manner the Conciliatory Commission. The Commission is
required to act on the best interest for the Providence of Mankind, and shall be
considered a multi-purpose Standing Conciliatory Commission. The multi-
factional Commissionaires are to remain as the domicile specified in this
Paragraph for unlimited duration. The Standing Conciliatory Commission shall be
considered an Integral part of arbitration to a dispute, especially in the interest of
the International Court hereof; Nuclear Powers and Nuclear States partisanship
imbias. In effect the Standing Conciliatory Commission is a primary and
aesthetical definition of an International Court thereto hereunder.

Article VI (Space Payloads)

1. Within the framework of this Convention and to promote the objectives and uphold the
Provisionment of this entry, the Secretary Generals' U N, and the Party(s') to a State shall use a
Standing Conciliatory Commission for the purpose of providing assurances related to the subject
matter, forasmuch as the supreme interests may validate a scientific matter of development, in
and that a matter shall be considered subservient to the fate of all who come to pass hereby.

2. Imprescriptive to existing alliances, and any additional facts upon which the claim of common
property is based, the order appointed on the use of outer space has been amended to provide a
United Nation's General Assembly a say, and /or a voice of judgment rendered against a military
matter of conduct, posture, maneuvers as such activities carried out by governmental and non-
governmental agencies, to that emphasis which is of rocket propelled payloads placed in or
around the Earths orbit.

Article VI (Space Payloads)

3. In the interest of maintaining International security and mutually assured qualitative

understanding, pursuant of Article V Section 6 the same Standing Conciliatory Commission,
under the condition of "motus nuetralis", shall decide to give issuance and service approval to all
scaled integrated payloads placed in or around the orbit of our planet, and the zone of application
governing the activities of sub-gravitational space thereto. For the purpose of a Treaty(s') each
Party undertakes to non-proliferate in the systems development of competitive, combatative, and
counterpoint launches as to defeat the purpose, incessant to, jamming equipment, surveillance
technologies, orbiters, deadly acts of clandestine inexcusability hereby, which could constitute a
combatative, competitive military chain reaction in the field of technological arms proliferation. To
be effective, the Standing Conciliatory Commission is hereby established as a principal organ. To
the Secretariat and Delegation Memberships', Charter, the U N. The Standing Conciliatory
Commission otherwise referred to as S-COM, shall work within the scope of conciliation needs,
as an unbiased and impartial secondary and primary to the International court. To be employed 4
days per week, 6 hours per day, 40 weeks per year, the S-COM shall be available for
arbitrational access, as when the special sessions deem necessary and as circumstances so
require; S-COM:

(a) may consider and decide on any matters or questions covered by this Treaty, within
the limits thereof, including those referring to power and function of any organ provided
for in this Treaty(s') herewith.
(b) shall establish procedures for the control system to ensure observance is in accordance
with its Provisions;
(c) shall have their right to exist on payroll and be recognized by the Membership
Delegates and the secretary's quarter are thereto.
(d) shall initiate and consider studies designed to facilitate the optimum advancement
of the aims of this and other existing Treaty(s'), without prejudice to the power of the
General Secretary; as to carry out similar studies for submission to and considera-
tion of the mission to the International Organization of Governments, to be paid by
Member States, taking into account the criteria is that of the same purpose as the
United Nation's;
(e) shall have 1 electoral vote apiece and 9 votes decides a matter, of the 15; if in the
case of a filibuster, after three separate deliberations, an 8 to 7 count may prevail.

Article VI (Space Payloads)

4. Unless the Party(s') concerned agree on another mode of peaceful settlement, any question or
dispute concerning the interpretation or application of U S/U N, electronic photon anti-
ballistic defenses; the Party(s') accept the fact that accidental or incidental and coded conditions,
do apply in secrecy oriented safety, approved as aforementioned in this Article(s) hereunder.
The Party(s') to a State represented by the undersigned Plenipotentiaries undertake to abide by
the rulings of the Standing Conciliatory Committee, and also agree not to proliferate. All space
delivery payloads are to be pre-approved by S-COM, and submitted with flight plan itinerary one
year prior in advance as to account for systems data and flight control assurances hereinafter.
5. State Parties to the Treaty shall bear international responsibility for said trillion dollar
adventurisms to scratch dust samples from a Martian explorathon. U N Membership Assembly
may have a say on what is beneficial in terms of resource ability and in terms of Earthly
interplanetary prioritys at homes back yards hereon out there as. Israeli Galaxy Class saucer
module installation commandos on another unit of investigation shall be ordered to refrain from
activities of seizure or confiscation of television surprises for your doing so say Love; Love, Love.

Article VII (Registry of Treaty(s')

1. This Treaty shall be registered pursuant to Article(s') 102, in accordance with the Charter of the
United Nations and to the Republic for which it stands of a Faith inter-alia, under GOD, with the
blessings of honesty and virtue set forth hereby for all to accept thereof herein.

2. In respect of duties or charges of black books and black projects and other, such as escape
clauses as in "Star Based" Internal Command implied, some excerpts of this Treaty are
considered secrecy coded, sensitive TOP SECRET EYES ONLY clearance classification only, as
so the case hereon. This Section reserves a delete from the record as applicable to fundamental
tactically reserved reckoning's of "Star Being ness'" telepathic transmissions and "alleged"
AGENDA'S in the "give and take" aspects of the hereinafter there with forgo. Pursuant to
Natures delivery systems and of Protocol to this entry and discussed requisites of the Depositary
Insurers grade is memorable to a Memorandum consideration to the U N Charter, (the United
States and the State(s') of Israel), so to execute, as on a case by case basis a "proces verbal"
mode of communication, so to address, advise, and call attention to, and give a commander a
citation, perspective to, manipulation so as to arbitrate disputes without shots being fired, side of
psychiatry, while the Entity of biological researchers find a clue as whose to say; capability of
authenticating a side of a matter, so to speak, therewith; we, the U N advisors, undertake to
consent and advice to and for the descriptive entitled Secrecy Instilled, thereupon a matters of
distinction. (Dulce descriptive-PROJECT ALF-1-AQUARIUS-SRI, Dugway exit entry official
entered as why; Over)

Article VIII (Function)

1. The function of the Depositary, in particular shall be to keep custody of the original text of the
Treaty and keep charge of its Statutes; prepare certified copies in such additional languages as
may be required and transmit the relevant data to the Plentopotentiaries entitled to become
Party(s') of a State, to the Treaty(s'); receive signatures and keep custody of instruments,
notifications and communications relating to it; examine whether the information thereto is in due
and proper form and, if need be, bring a matter to the attention of the State(s') in question; inform
the Party(s') to the State(s') of ratification, acceptance, approval and accession required for entry
into force of the Treaty(s') after it has been recieved or deposited; register the Treaty(s') with the
Secretariat of the United Nations dictates thereby; perform the functions specified within the
framework and Provisionment of the present Convention and the Convention of International
Diplomacy, done at Vienna, May 23, 1969 thereat herein.

Article IX (Anti-Missile Defense)

1. Proceeding from the premise that nuclear confrontation would have devastating consequences
for ever and for all mankind alike; each Party(s') undertake not to deploy anti -ballistic defenses
armed with a nuclear or multiple nuclear warheads as system deploy hereto.

2. Pursuant to the Anti-Ballistic Missile Limitations Treaty, Article XV Section 2., "extraordinary
events" have transpired such as the proliferation of Russia's current arsenal alone estimated to
be, between 20,000 to 30,000 nuclear weapons of fear; of these say 7,000 currently deployed,
4,000 are said to be deployed tactical nuclear weapons of war, and the remaining 10,000 to
20,000 are either in reserve, for sale, on standby for extraordinary alarm herein. Notice is hereby
given including a statement of concern. Anti-Missile laser technology is a way to defend from an
accidental or incidental occurrence without compromising security perspective to non-nuclear
warhead anti-ballistic missile proliferation. In viable standing of Article IV, to this treaty, and with
exception to any nuclear warhead ABM system proliferential, scripted herein therefore the U S
entry is as reasonable withdrawal right assertion.

3. Pursuant of Articles I and others I bear witness for, the act or fact that an Electric Photonic
Technologys for use as an anti-missile, is defined as a class of anti-matter reactionary soldiers
and of SALTs concerns over; it may be capable of defensive exaggerations, the question still
remains to be construed as to why an atomic warhead propulsion and exploding aperture is as
offensive to the detrimental well kindness of whom these presents may have attended to psych
sarcastic in an entry of orders given to the Kremlin to, cease and desist uranium enrichment
services abetment while bearing in mind a photonic laser ray, displays a different mode of
transport than an anti-ballistic warhead properties submachine gunners opinions in particularly
the cause for uninhabitable landscapes of powers here and now though as why thereupon.
DESBIC AGENDA Article X (Israels Right to Exist)

Article X (Israel's Right to Exist)

1. The Party(s') agree to recognize Israel's right to exist and see her territorial sovereignty over
greater Palestine as a legal and binding claim thereof. This Treaty shall apply for rights, titles,
deeds, and actions in an affirmative manner suggesting to the U N Security Council
Memberships, and the International Court(s) of Justice, to fulfill in good Faith and interest, and
act in a constructive manner, as to not promote civil unrest or dissolution within the bounds and
perpetual ranks of both respective sociological order's of Palestinian and Israeli society(s').

2. In order to provide maximum security for the Party(s') to the State(s') on the basis of reciprocal
engagement, the office of the Prime Minister, and Prime Ministry Defence, will have final say on
internal security arrangements including limited force zones to the most reasonable extent,
unless mutual qualitative procurement is requested by the offices of the Prime Minister thereat.

3. The Party(s') agree that unless specified by the Administrative Ministering Officials for the
Peoples State of Israel, the Palestinian Enclaves is territory entrusted to the Jewish People's
State, and with this historical bonding consent, the Party(s') further agree to limited and
supervised self sufficiency government process for the Palestinians, which include de-facto
diplomatic association and representation, and semi-independent statehood hereby thereat.

4. Each Party undertakes to ensure that acts or threats of social upheaval, hostility or violence do
not compromise the justice of the peace. It shall be construed that any such leader proscribing to
edify combustive disdainment as to perpetuate violence, are disturbing the peace and will respect
each other's right to live in peace within their legal actionary framework, far and free away from
disdain and dissidence therein.

Article X (Israels Right to Exist)

5. If and as, The United States agrees to cancel its trillion dollar, 20 year scheduled manned
Martian soil sampling expedition and while rescinding on the peace dividend unspent fundings; to
allocate 6 billion dollars biannual as tributarial supplemental security for the Jewish People's
Status-quo; in and that the sacrifices made by the Hebrew Propagation made it possible for
Catholicism to come of age, and with that age, enlightenment, inventions, industrial revolutions,
scientifical achievement hereby. Pursuant to the Memoranda and said Protocols of this entry, the
Peace Dividend Initiative is a 50 billion dollar biennial answer to disarmament and is an integral
part of this Treaty, for duration of 40 years. The supplementary security funding for the Israelis
are to include a 25-30% sub contractual self-sufficiency program(s) for the Palestinian
restoration, jobs and quality of life assurances in contestant of the fact that the Israeli's will control
and administer the unprecedented peace overture that will dispel notions of dispositionment and
uneasiness within the Party(s') to that State, as called for by the U N Security Council
interpretation, with respect to disarmament Protocols and the Russian question(s) hereunder.

6. The Russian Federation undertakes to employ 5,000 duly sworn officers to protect the
Israelites and offset the nuclear sales implication of Party(s') to the States therefor. The Party(s')
agree to the stationing aspect of Russian soldiers for hires and agree further that the U N
observe and approve personnel, and that these personnel will not be removed unless such an
answer to the disarmament question can be ascertained within the scope of dtente hereto.

7. If, and when, the Treaty(s'), (DESBIC AGENDA, INF, START II, III, IDF Treaty Series and up)
serve to subjugate the aggregate numbers provided for in Article(s) II Section 2 of this entry
entered in to force, December 31, 2,007 and every five years there after, a conference of the
Parties to the Treaty(s') shall be held in Tel-Aviv, the State of Israel, in order to review the
operation of disarmament and the institution of progress thereto. It is also required that at or
around these same time tables, the Party(s') to the Convention(s) convene and assign ordinate
accounting's to the Minister of Religious Affairs, the State of Israel. A report and/or conference no
later than January 31, 2,013 and say every 5 years there after is also required to the attention of
the Vatican, Secretary of State in and that a Convention and a State of Revelations within the
Pontifical Commission and the Supreme Pontiff may serve in reverence, to prepare and review
authentifications and save, Our Love. In Faith whereof, Done 26 April 2,005 HB CA.

Article XI (Disbandment of Nuclear Resources)

1. The Provisions of this Article, in so far as each Party is concerned, shall take due account of
the depletion of oxygen molecules characterized by escaping radioactive nuclear products and by
products, and the field frequency of escaping charged particles accumulated therein.
The Party(s') hereto establish to make Provision, in accordance with this Statute and the
application of this Treaty(s'): to dismantle and decommission all 450 nuclear power plants of
Planet Earth's inter-dependency, on the basis of nuclear safety regulations and the concerns over
security and disarmament to the point of none, 000, incessant with:
a) A U N that undertakes to subcontract a U S Navy as the principle maritime emergency 911
Policing frequency(s'), also reserves exclusionary, pending extended revisionment(s).
(b) Special fissionable material, when it is used in gram quantities or less as a sensing compo-
nent in instruments used to establish a condition of security clearances thereof.
If exempted nuclear material is to be processed or stored together with nuclear materials subject
to safeguards under this agreement, provision shall be made for such re-application thereto.

2. The recourse and the Subsidiary Arrangements to be made with organizations of the Trust,
(the Depositary), calls for upward of two to near four or more nuclear reactors, commercial or
non-descriptive, per country or Party to a State to decommissionary and disassembly standards
biennially as part of the Subsidiary Arrangements to be agreed upon herewithal.

3. For the discharge of the functions and the exercise of the powers mentioned in the present
Article(s), and pursuant to Article III, Section 3 of the present agenda, a moratorium and
construction ban in the field of nuclear power generation assembly, and nuclear power research
and development for peaceful purposes, entered in to force no later than December 31, 2,007
hereby. Therefore, to promote the objectives and implementations of the Provisionment to this
Treaty(s'), the Party(s') will be advised, on a voluntary basis to dis-engage, or suspend those
reactors that are scheduled to be built, or that are currently under construction hereinafter.
Article XI (Disbandment of Nuclear Resources)

4. Within the framework of paramount consideration, a penalty assessment fee of 12.5 million
dollars, U S/U N, per reactor, biennial, sequentially continual, shall be paid to the International
Organization the United Nations who bear the burden of maintaining International security with
the objective of achieving, as soon as possible, agreement on further measures for the limitations
and reduction and eventual phasing out of the 450 or so reactors. Therefore an assessment
citation is in good standing order, to they who operate any such kind of nuclear fuel services,
and/or abetment conscriptive entruant of December 31, 2,007. Subcontracted maritime services
notwithstanding, pending extended revisionment, would qualify as an exempt thereupon.

5. In view of the contributions the use of nuclear energy has seemed to facilitate, each of the
Party(s') to a State undertake to cease and desist in the supplemental categories of providing
source, and/or fissionable materials such as uranium enrichment for commercial use at plants, or
other purchases and/or purposes we don't sequester therefore. Having regard for a spirit of
sincere co-operative settlement consistent of an order to, ensure accession to this accordance(s),
regardless of whatsoever in each others internal affairs, exportation, importation, for side, let, or
sublet; along with marketing strategies, in and that, all general contracting or sub contractual fine
lines of a specified frequency(s), shall be subject to the penalty assessments, under due process
of Law, as mentioned in the previous paragraph(s) hereon thereto.

6. In order to make a reasonable contribution to the common objective of confidence building, the
participating States accordingly, without the necessity of any special agreement, will come to re-
affirm a Faith in and that radioactivity as specified herein depletes the oxygen molecules that a
breath of fresh air is a right to pursue as common ends whereof. The existence of any fact which,
if established constitute an anti-equation, is a matter of authorized to have a say. This is ours to
say; take any such actions as may be required to save a people therefor, operating permit
continuances for no later than December 31, 2,012 may reduce penalty 3 fold hereof.
Article XI (Disbandment of Nuclear Resources)

Section 7
World Nuclear Power Summary, 2,005
Reactors In Operation in Number of Units


Argentina -------------------4 Lithuania---------------------2

Armenia---------------------1 Mexico------------------------3
Belgium----------------------8 Netherlands------------------1
Brazil-------------------------3 Pakistan----------------------4
Bulgaria----------------------5 Romania----------------------1
Canada----------------------15 Russia------------------------38
China-------------------------15 Slovakia-----------------------8
Czech Republic------------6 Slovenia-----------------------1
Finland-----------------------5 South Africa------------------3
France-----------------------61 Spain------------------------- 10
Germany--------------------22 Sweden-----------------------11
Hungary---------------------4 Switzerland-------------------5
India--------------------------23 Taiwan-------------------------9
Iran---------------------------2 to 3 Ukraine------------------------18
Israel--------------------------1 Undisclosed-------------------5
Japan------------------------60 United Kingdom-------------34
Korea North----------------1 to 3 United States---------------106
Korea South----------------22 Total Estimated-----------460

Article XII (International Waters)

1. For the purpose of this Convention: the "area" refers to International Waters and the sub-space
within its jurisdictional limits; the same as "external waters" herein. The sovereignty of a coastal
State, or a land locked State extends to the sub-space referred to as territorial sea. Except where
otherwise provided for in this Article, the standing domain to the sub-space of internal waters, or
territorial seas is 12 nautical miles, subject to the conditions of this Provisionment, and 200
nautical miles from the points of geological reference and/or submergence within the reaches of a
shoreline in contestant to objective trespass thereof.

2. To collaborate more effectively for the greater utilization of International Maritime Security, Support and
Service thereto, a sub contractual award shall be entered as Duly handed down to the United States
Navy and Marine Corps. The award shall be accompanied by a supporting opinion, which shall be
adopted by a majority resolution in the chambers of the Secretary General's, United Nations. Subject to
the Memorandum of Understanding, the Protocol, and to the agenda for which it stood for, the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization shall act as an inter-compartmentalized componency, hereby therein,
support and service to the U N. The High Contracting Party(s'), (U S Department of Defense), shall rank
and award inter-agency contract services as remedial and supplemental service to meet its growing
needs hereof. Any differences that might arise in regard to the interpretation or execution of the award
shall be submitted to the floor of the General Assembly for a confidence measure resolution whereby the
dissenting arbiter(s) shall have a right to state their grounds for dissention. North East Asia Pacific waters
and within the bounds of the Black Sea co-ordinates thereto, the "charge' d'affaires" to U N may wave
service descriptive as so to agree to the terms and conditions of the Global Maritime Security Act, which
are inclusive of the fact(s):

(a) A U N mandate that assures a principle of multi-latteralism is in force.

(b) U N authorities are on board U S carrier groups and escort ships, co-monitoring
Actively on ship(s), as to establish a program of work.
(c) an open line of International Maritime Communication further the operational status.
(d) reconcerge in the establishment of the International Maritime Committee'(s) thereto.
(e) advise and consent be granted to "motus operandus" status mindful of the vulnerab-
ilities, perspective to the use of U N intermediaries on board.
(f) their exists a need to limit the uncontrollability aspect(s), associated with International
Naval Proliferation, and the threats imposed by the states of combatitive competitive
dangers, as so the nuclear-biological and chemically laden warships go not out to sea.
(g) and need to limit the construction therein, of new transitional navy weapons of attack;
Navy(s') in general terms; restrictions, shipyard construction, maritime patrol within,
as set forth, a designated sub-space of internal waters, unless otherwise permitted thereof.


Article XII (International Waters)

3. In conformity with this entry as entered, unauthorized usage of a Party(s') to a violation or citation
thereto is grounds for penalty assessments, seizure of a naval flotilla, loss of permanent membership
status-quo to a Security Council in and that, unless otherwise given permission by the U N General
Assembly(s') determined efforts, any vessel deemed to be laden with nuclear, biological, chemical
weapons grade formulations, descriptive to illegal or suspicious cargo herein, shall be inspected and
subject to this Provisionment to the Law of the sea, Charter of the United Nations General Assembly(s)
hereinafter wherefor.

4. In carrying out the foregoing responsibilities, the United Nations Organization of International
Government may annex as an "eminent domain trust", the Pan-American Isthmus, and the Suez Isthmus
hereby; use for the aforementioned purposes, without cost except as provided for in this accounting for a
purpose of orderly transit, accepts the grant of such rights and undertakes to exercise them in
accordance with this Treaty(s') and related agreements hereto thereby.

Article XIII (Principles of Exploring Celestial Bodies)

1. The exploration and use of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies
as is scheduled, so is the "manned Martian" soil sampler expedition(s). Of a Faith
inasmuch shall be carried out for the benefit and in the interests of all Party(s') to an
ensignia, imprescriptive of its own rules hereinafter; adjudged in accordance with;
mission control, or in the chamber's of the Secretary Generals, United Nations whereof.
A Party to a controversy over procedures to affirm a Faith for us in the face of distorted
admissions for a charge to an order. Respective of all the duties and responsibilities, that
one trillion dollars brings to the tables that turn a numerical configuration, to that of which
is void of formulation and against the Will of GOD, and Law of relative origination and its
existence, perspective of International Law. Or be it an impermeable and inconsequential
contention of a Truth, inscribed under bitter necessity, out of a Faith and sand, and of
whose it was to say: untangling the rumors hereinafter for a scheduled duration of 20
years, at a 33% touch and go ratio to that of which is here and now; therefore.

2. The Party(s) to the Treaty(s) reaffirm their Faith and commitment in the purposes and
principles as to live in peace with all peoples and all governments, yet here we are
determined to place a higher value on celestial adventurisms then the costs of nuclear
disarmament, associated with the price of patience and virtue herewith.

3. When a Treaty(s) specifies that it is of unlimited duration, or the terms are that of
START II, and is entered into force, as stated, upward through December 31, 2,007, with
exclusionary implication that it role forward toward a START III phase; an earlier or later
act, or fact which takes place, unless it is an act of Nature or Natures Law, hereof, the
breadth of it; a State is obligated to refrain from actions which would defeat the purpose,
or the object of acceptance by the designated instruments of Deposit hereunder thereby.

Article XIII (Principles of Exploring Celestial Bodys)

4. If, in its opinion such non-compliancy constitutes a social order with reasonable
expectations to fulfill a peace dividend initiative wherefor, and rescind on the trillion
dollar unspent funds, in an unalienable figure of conditions, and on behalf of an
international standard of diplomacy, the considerations set forth in this Article is such that
one trillion dollars U S/U N, to that of a 33% percent chance of a homecoming success,
of which is, the going success rate for a manned mission to Mars, to the day this
Testimony was read, in an analogy as wreck less disregard for disarmament, at the fires
of life, with a capital resource which is repudiated therefor. Consistent with this Article(s);
a Party(s) to a Statement will come to understand that virtue less greed lead the weak to
deceive, and could possibly bring the world to its knees hereunder. The present pact is
not in contradiction with any International obligation. This pact shall be open for
accession to all Member States, in and that the emphasis in the aforementioned
Provisionment, is to utilize that trillion dollar adventure shot, as a 50 billion dollar biannual
peace dividend initiative, for a duration of 40 years, within the framework of purpose
before the expiration date of Providence comes crashing on some barricade, to conclude
and derogate from the oxygen supply molecules in a canister and supply company some
Naval Intelligence Operatives thought they were in control under, at Groom Lake;
providing for joint defense, prohibition of atomic, hydrogen, and other weapons of mass
destruction hereinafter thereby. In conformity with the purposes and principles of Global
theater nuclear disarmament, the Party(s) understand to the fullest extent of a
Depositary Signatory status, the consequences of negligible dissention of a charge to an
order, as we come closely now to the last address, advise, and call attention to, and give
command herein thereto.

Article XIV (Assurances of Compliancy)

1. The arms subject, to the limitations provided for in this Treaty(s'), shall continue to compromise
a dissolution of order to that of which is a Testament of Will and understanding. The actions and
the proceedings within the subject matter in which verification is mandatory and desirable, in
addition to those specifically mentioned herein, provide a framework for which the Party(s') to the
State shall honor their word of age that has come to a table in a pleading.

2. In and when a sworn statement as to the Truth of a matter alleges to be established as the
facts necessary to solidify the mathematical void of composition; each Party(s') undertakes, as
authorized to make this verification for and on behalf of the said State. In and when he has read
the foregoing Testimony and as plaintiff, defendant and petitioner in the above entitled actions,
agrees and: does solemnly swear before the Law of the Lord, to reprove and certify under
penalty of perjury that the form of verification by declaration in writing is believed to be a truthful
interpretation of an arbitrarily binding solution to the nuclear and biological weapons question; to
know all men by these presents and such as in the choice of judgment shall lawfully do or cause
to be done, under the authority of this power:

(a) descend upon a mission of nuclear weapons disarmament.

(b) recognize the consequences of false and rhetorical statements under bitter Oath's.
(c) aspire to procedures and dates for relevant matters proposed as appropriate.
(d) undertake not to use deliberate concealment measures to entice and deceive a side.
(e) rescind on the trillion dollar manned Mars shot and consolidate the funding
thereto, as to engage on a constructive optimized quantum resolution conduit.
(f) stand up and be counted and consider the relationship to order with a view to a
"sudden occurrences", perspective of the aforementioned re-assignment of funding.
(g) acknowledge and deliver contracts of assignment to the "On Site Inspection Agency.
and the International Atomic Energy Agency(s'); increase the staff and budget thereto.
(h) consider, as appropriate, proposals for further measures aimed at nuclear energy
disassembly standards and unintended interference.
(i) notice how, where and when to go about initiating a Convention of diplomacy
contentious of the fact, insignia's to a Marquee are suspect States unless otherwise
cleared by security overtures in "Star Based Internal Command".

Article XIV (Assurances of Compliancy)

3. The Party(s') will continue to pursue negotiations, in accordance with the principles of averting
the risk of an outbreak of nuclear confrontation within the wave of independent pre-emptive
operatives thereby. For the purpose of providing assurance of compliancy, a standing full-time
Multi-national sentry detail, consisting of upward and to 150 monitor-guardsmen per post, shall
be stationed: at nuclear weapons facilities, designated procurement zones whereby multi range
nuclear missiles and launchers may operate notwithstanding thereupon; any space within a
particular course of support and procedure, such as a base, inoperative to, operative deploy
ability in and that as may facilitate a launch, or a missile flight principle condition thereby; missile
silos with specific emphasis on destroying the warheads, as is cause of action therefor; entrance
and exit positions where nuclear or biological weapons are being readied for, in concurrent with,
thereto; all 450 nuclear energy reactors, in as much as where expent fuel rods are cured; specific
reckoning to France's germ and nuclear threats, to an all in lack luster business sense's, and
nuclear acceleration facilities; the same as for Germany, Belgium,, the Swiss, Japan's
defoliancies; East and West Europes theatre nuclear missiles of long trajectories off course and
on standby; and of all the nuclear technology shared and share alike, the United Kingdom of
Great Britain; Spain, South Korea, the U N insignia's to a diplomatic intention, off the mark, but
not forgotten; the U S , the Russian Federation, and her neighboring relationships and the loose
caches of nuclear explosive detonation devices, and other, with due regard for capitalistic virtues
and the ticking time bombs waiting patiently forever; now we're at the secret locations of
Kazakhstan hitherto. Standing fully manned, and full time, and visa versa in and though exspent
fuel rod storage and highly radioactive waste reclamation accumulation, is giving and granting
requisite for all intents and purposes to a Convention thereby whereto.

4. In order to confirm its declaration regarding Russian policy toward the Persian Nations, at the
same time in view of the repugnance which the Russian Federal Government feels about the well
being of other inter-planetary specimens, by virtue of this in scripted denouncement of Russian,
French, Chinese and other nuclear weapons dealers who best perform dishonest grieving
cracked degrees of impersonations with no certain cure in sight for the out of hand mischief it
signed on to
dispel any doubting forensic devious objectors, is as follows: the Israeli Ministers are under
orders from their G-D, HASHEM; who hears and knows of all the indecencies, that an Israeli
death squad hit firing squad obligation has to conjure upon, to take the Law into its own hands
and disseminate an order of phantom firstly s, to Ill side your supplemental insecurity,
nevertheless it is the finding of this inquiry decision recipient that the incidents recorded for a
record of truer nature than you agree will terminate if you dont go on with your descriptive
annoyance preclude at any rate you have the right thereby hereof there instead at all today.

Article XV (Nuclear Energy Utility Disclosures)

1. The term Partys, mindful of their obligations, refers to all nuclear energy
utility resource providers of nuclear generating complexities of a said
deployment area ,and accessory sponsor status quo: The United States of
America, The Russian Federations and /or former Republics, Unions, or
Baltic-East European States to this entry, the State of Israel and all her
affixations, and all insignias to the Charter and all Memberships to the
United Nations; all Independent Marquis, Industrialist tops gem, for the
purposes set forth in this Provision, inclusive of all who traffic in eternal
nightmares of uranium fuel projection, export of uranium ore, and any such
Republic, for which stands in abet mentors shoes, shall hereon thereto make
known by these presents, and come to be called the Partys or Party
inscribed hereon after 18 May 2,005.

2. Each Party undertakes nuclear energy disassembly status quo at no later

than 31 December 2,027, and adopt other measure of utility resources in
accordance with Provisionment.of this Treaty. For the Purpose of a Treaty the
Secretary Generals quarter shall adopt and assign an Penalty Assessment
Committee whose function shall include active negotiations and technical
means of inspection apparatus who best address, advise, and call attention to:

(a) restrictions and disqualifying fines by order of a Secretary Generals

quarter who in accordance with the Provisionment of these Chapters untangle
and ascertain indecisive of a firm Commission on Nuclear Utilities
Industrialists syndicists nearest dearest hottest, coldest, accountancy; license
extensions, and as so forgo with the Israeli Defence Ministers support:
DESBIC AGENDA Article XV (Nuclear Energy Utility Disclosure)

(b) undertake remedial procedures and dates for dissemination, enforcement

questions; cite and occupy any such underground instillation or
corresponding units to a seat who willfully procures in uniform a said
dereliction of regulatory irresponsible or negligent acts or facts brought
forth in the chambers of the Secretarys legislative branch as inquiry
hereand now their bouts herein afore affixed.

3. For the purposes of providing assurances of compliancies and to promote

the objectives and implementation of this Insurer, starting upway for 31
December 2,007 for any operating, unattended, or unlicensed and accounted
for unit reactor per zone of exclusionary exceptive prioritys for incentives,
their shall an Head of State be held or charged accountable for an $66,000
dollar U S A Coinage filing and handling Premium opted yearly as dues per
unit, as interrogatory, or if this issues of deliberate concealment or willful
non-compliancy obstructs this path of detention is all an Mossod
responsibility to give ear, comfort and quarter to mine say so; is as follow:

(a) the owner-operator of the said Heads of State shall forgo the mandatory
minimal of $ ,666,000 per unit if dangerous and / or delinquent premiums on
a timely basis for said licensing of radioactive accumulative proliferation of
uranium enriched isotopic mergers with weapon plant manufacturing export
quotations resurrect sleeping cells awake in disguises here as whenfore:

(b) break of a faith to a 6.66% percentile per annum disassembly standard

expectancy de-limitation aspect to ratio obligations Statute considering
questions concerning cumulative decay of oxygen depletion molecular
atmospheric deflation standards of specific reminders wherein fore here as.

Article XVI (Ballistic Missile Terms)

1. In the event of any differing opinions to the designation, function, and device
apparatus come to be called a ballistic missile, for the purpose of intended bombardment
of enzyme extricates for a flying debris platforms a gynecological expert would deny the
facts presented as relevant to the descriptivism implied in SORT admonitions of choosing
for itself as to which missile assembly nor which degree of explosive resonancys is a
priority so to articulate, a ballistic missile has been defined as:

(a) a rocket powered delivery vehicle(s) that usually has some form of form of
explosive attachment, and most often an guidance system, and is considered a
weapons of attack, and usually offensive indeed.
(b) an projectile characterized by an aerodynamic display of molecular chemistry,
not limited to liquid propelled fuel boosters; achieves aerodynamic and generally
high speed target able, terminal volatile attributes herein therefore Ad-variances

2. The Party(s) hereby agree that the nature of opted deliverability may be categorized
as long range, short range, and intermediary range flight targeted arrangements of
coolants in their aerodynamic appenditures. In furtherance of the act or facts of range and
probable payload depositary invited ness, as size and variance participle in standing off
armies of would be attack for equipments overhauls, to redesign apertures competitive or
conjointitive a similarities inspired by an depletion of air level recesses in a temporal lobe
plat us, though coincidently, the Party(s) undertake to reduce their strategic ballistic
missile ordnance of attack platforms specified mode as to clarify a manner of thought
repair abridgment to a foreclosure of enzyme deposition arresting may believe so
uncertain as is so descripted, here as when derive as applies for.
DESBIC AGENDA XVI (Ballistic Missile Terms)

3. ICBMs mean: Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile(s), and their launcher; and aerial
guidance radar in electronic warfare coalition inseparable to their needs where and. In
their compartmentalized affixations on repair or on an salable requestors receive to
another statements of an un-organized arrangement of decibel level pertinences to
disqualifiable terminological entries to that of for first fibulatorys onsets out to a
boomerang points of view, whose range is considered in excess of 3,500 km. here at.

(a) SLBMs means: Sea, or Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile(s); and their

Launchers, aerial guidance and radar of-and as thereto; an electronic warfare
mode of operable strategic projection affixed to a line of conformity or division
regardless of variances claims to no contester abstain a selective service
emplacements reservoirs- of counterpoint reservist impressionists hypocrisies.

(b) ASBMs means: Air to Surface Ballistic Missile(s); are any such missiles or
a cumulatativly deploy able means of projection emptive actification. Thereupon
carry out a mission of a heavy bomber in general arrangement of protons and
neutron sub particle ions regardless of its engagement ranges of payload or ratio
par to suggestive wave length differential; as qualifying maximum target able
speed, and nor missile allowances there from pursuant to the general multimode
inspectionary context of Jet Fighter and an Heavy Bomber indexing as set forth
in the START II Memorandum of Attributions. Also take to the said subsequent
Protocols to the stated and stipulated International accountants received as retro
in force Party(s) to a Status quo, considered procedurally under the order of the
contentious peripherals associated with an apertures, as binding appliance to a
bonding subjective acquaintance to that of an occasion there to any such means
of aerial bombardment or defoliancy all stated to be concerned about it,
deliverable means or materials as such to eject, release, thrust forward regardless
of stated survivability tactics here as the same as ascribed to that of canisters,
DESBIC AGENDA XVI (Ballistic Missile Terms)
3. Cont
launchers, or other; such as rail, or mobile unusually prosthetic or new aged
prodigiously modular contraptions, to their of each undeniably stated;

(c) SABMs, means: Surface to Aerial projection Ballistic Missiles, and their
launchers, vehicle escape patterns we come to be seated relative to ground
controlled deploy able despondencys in kissers range thereto tell tittle tattle
whispering campaigns at a supplementalittlemorforanhairbranedideaforsaving..

(d) Whereas MIRVs refers as so: Multiple Independently target able Re-entry
Vehicle(s), launchers, nor space launch advocates variant regardless of the pay
load attribution, thrust, burn time, propellant, gross or empty masses, number of
of engines, lengths, geosynchronous orbital propaganda it could design within
as open ended, each Party-can decide for it selfs as to clarify a matter thereto.
(e) Each Party undertakes not to deploy the stated said de-facto, fate as for never
never realized said Partys in occasions tempted, of clandestine code breaking
brass wind symmetrically derived deceptivism, as though walks inside a circle,
in a confirmations is never so believed to become all deliverable; here when.

4. The Party(s) understand that ballistic missiles are typically categorized in terms of
their range, as follows: short range SRBMs, up to 1,100 km (600 nautical miles);
medium ranges MRBMs=1,100-2,750 km (600- 1,500nmi); intermediate range
IRBMs=2,750-5,550 km (1,500- 3,000 nmi); and intercontinental ranges opted ICBMs,
over 5,500 km. Missiles with ranges up to 300 km-and to a less extent already deployed
throughout the developing world, pursuant to the Provisionment of this statements
furnished as actual presented for coroner to home in on interrupted sales fornications, are
to be limited to ,066 SRBMs par 60, million personal property to protected purpose and
regulation standard specification not soon later afore 31 December 2,017 herein as.

5. The Party(s) to the statements furnished and presented hereto undertake, in good faith
in accordance with this Provision, to refrain from disassociation with its constituently
recognizable apertures notwithstanding. All did forgo an exacto formaldehyde serpentine
surprise for its context as circumstantial evidence to brandish me a fore your areas of
concern, to another, your mine after all altercate premise ingnuecidal opted out of it
here as done for a purpose of reconciliatory fellowship, where will there as hereinafter..

This Protocol is an integral part of this AGENDA, and of this Treaty(s') and shall enter into force
on the date of entry into force of the Treaty(s') and shall remain in force for an unlimited duration
pending sound extension and revisionment(s). As provided for within the Provisionment of the
Treaty(s'), the Party(s') may agree upon such additional measures as may be necessary to
improve the viability and the effectiveness of disarmament and the related terms thereupon. The
Party(s') agree that, if it becomes necessary to make changes to the conditions of a
Provisionment to this Treaty(s'), the substantive interpretation was to the point of 0,000 nuclear
and 0,000 biological warheads, as, and/or relating devices, were to be the common and level
sound approach that was grounds not to have been forsaken; along with 000, nuclear fuel
reactors, except as prohibited as Naval Global Enforcement Duty(s'). In the occasion of upgrade,
extend, revisionment, detractions, and aesthetic settlement of contents, It is advised that non-
nuclear powers have a say in this matter as to descend upon an unbiased Commissionment to
reach an accord on such changes, without resorting to the procedure of making amendments to
the interpreted principles hereto thereupon.

DONE at Huntington Beach Ca. 92649 on 26 April 2,005; one copy in the English language text
as officially authentic; and one in all tongue s as follows virtue I provided:



Protocol on Procedures Governing the Disarmament

Agreements and Relating Agenda's Of Disclosure
And Strategic Command and Control Specification
Pursuant to and in implementation of the Treaty(s') between the Depositary Signatures, the
Plentopotentiaries, and other Independent Insignia's to a Marquis, and the United Nation's
Headquarters N Y on the Strategic Arms Reductions and Nuclear Energy Terminates
Accordance, (STARNET-A) Descriptive Encode in "Star Based" Internal Command, (DESBIC),
the Articles of Genetic Disclosure, Discovery and Appeal(s)-(DESBIC AGENDA) the standard of
Protocols and their relative description, HAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS:




Article 1 (Databases)

1. To promote the objectives and implementations of the Provisions to this Convention, all
insignia's to a Marquis, be they independent or clandestine in "motus operatus", shall be bound
by this Testament, and for the purpose of verifiable conclusion, the establishment of a data base
Committee whereby the United States in Support and Service to the United Nations and Atlantic
Treaty Organization, referred to hereinafter as U S S' U N A T O, may collaborate to promote well
calibrated abstracts of contingencies thereto. The Commission is to act as an inter-
compartmental Agency and provide secrecy coded quantifiable data as follows:
(a) the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff and Administrative Branch--Top Level Priority A
(b) the United Kingdom--secondary predetermined Top Level Priority B
(c) the Russian Federation-- Senior Co-Administrative Level Priority Clearance B
(d) the United Nations Chief Military and Administrative Officials--Top Level Priority B
(e) China--Senior Level B
(f) India---Senior Level B
(g) Israel--Senior Level (A to B)
(h) Japan--Senior Level** B
*(i) NATO Headquarters, Chiefs of Staff, (multi-national) Joint Administrative-Security B
(J) All other insignia's to a Marquis subject to a need to know" condition Priority C to F

PROTOCOL 2 Article 1 (The Principals)

1. The above mentioned embodiments of governing principalities shall be referred to as the

Principal's, and/or the Party(s') to a State(s); or Party(s'); and/or the United Nation's Atlantic
Treaty Organization hereby. The Party(s') to this Treaty reaffirm their Faith in the principles of
national and International accordance to a declaration of Charter governments in scripted of the
past Signatures on file at the United Nation's. In view of this declaration which will repudiate the
virtue less greed on the part of the nuclear proliferating Ensigns; the Israelis are in charge, along
with the U S A, and the United Nations Organization of International Governments and are
considered along with Russia, Her Allie, the primary care co-ordination Principals thereby hereto.
PROTOCOL 3 (Coded Secrecy in still)-3 Anomalous Entered

Article 1 (The USS U N and Celestial Claims)

1. Pursuant to its responsibilities under the Charter of the League of Nations, the United
Nation's were suppose to submit to the present charges in observance of the Provision
descriptive and inter-planetary extra-terrestrial conditions that exists and are being forsaken for
the purpose and purchase of crude radioactive displays of my intelligences are wrong there then.
. These reports may include particulars of decisions and recommendations whereby relevant
information has previously been furnished to the United Nations decompartmentalized study
reference to an event of alpha-scientific importance. All the while we were studying your soul
patterns for a network of afterlife as we are, placement of molecular in servitude to all the
disrespect, and social disassociation with the precepts weve discussed concerning genetic
mutations imminent and the act and fact that we decided to altercate our being ness, rather than
obey the word of the Lord, His Majestys Grace. The special orders were to provide assistance to
each other in the form of training and research facilities in the educational, professional,
technical, social, cultural, and administrative spheres of common dialect. The establishment for
an Association of universal utopia order is a matter of say. We say. Our say is something to
behold. Love is a wonder we sight sometimes. Love is something to perceive in entered a region
of unknown quark nacelle physical enticement to distant senses critical to primary understanding
of insinuation you they me all their, thats why I call on your feelers to understand a word of
insubordinates in recovery do come. We saw your vision yesteryear and psych it down for a
better stake of field frequency devicycles. Now desiring to establish a firm foundation for common
frequency filament, to promote regional cooperation on Israeli Galaxy Class standards in the
spirit of equality and partnerships and thereby contribute toward peace, progress, and prosperity;
fostering good understanding, good neighborliness, and meaningful social justices among the
civilized platoon Ive encountered at my reach for, in order to preserve succeeding generations
and pointing out mistakes she hoped would never come your way, in another way we come to
understand the word our Love, Love, Love.

Article 1 (Disposal of Warheads)

1. To promote the objectives and implementation of the Provisions of this Convention, the
Party(s') shall agree upon procedures for safe disposal and elimination of nuclear materials from
dismantled warheads and excess stocks. For the purpose of providing assurances of disposal,
the obligation shall require that each Party destroy its warheads as provided for, in compliance
with the aforementioned procedures. The U S On Site Inspection Agency, (OSIA), and the
International Atomic Energy Agency(s'), (IAEA), shall be entitled National and International
technical means of verification in a manner consistent to that of which is generally recognized as
principles of International Law hereof. If, in the event no certain failsafe method exists to
terminate these 35,000 indicated arsenals, to that of which would pose a greater unexplored
and/or uncontrolled risk, in the face of ecological desecration hereby, the subject of International
long term standing sentry duties must be seriously considered until a means of transporting these
contingencies to the dark side of the moon becomes a category of unanimous consent hereby

Protocol 5 (Naval Proliferation)

Article 1

1. In order to consolidate good relations between the Nuclear and Non-Nuclear Power's on the
open seas, and the far corners of the earth's inhabitants it shall be necessary to facilitate an High
Standing Order whereby Aircraft carrier's, with a capability of landing fixed winged aircraft, in
Addition to the descriptive assigned; shall not exceed, as follows:

I. C. Strategic Naval Class Limitations

(a) Aircraft carrier--------------------------40,000 tons standard aggregate displacement

(b) Battleships------------------------------40,000
(c) Cruiser Class Warships------------- 12,500
(d) Destroyers-------------------------------04,000
(e) Frigates Armed W/Torpedoes------03,500
(f) Amphibious War Ships-------------- 06,500
(g) Missile Patrol Boats------------------ 03,500
(h) Special Warfare Crafts---------------03,500
Protocol 5

Article 2

In line with rights, duties, and awards to the United States Navy-Marine Corps in exercising its
global enforcement obligations, all shipbuilders and all insignia's to a Marquis shall not exceed
the aggregate postulation standards aforementioned in this Article. The aggregate numbers
provided for shall be initiated no later than December 31, 2,012 and special permission from the
U S S' U N must be given to all and all, who come to call for an Aircraft Carrier of any such
contract projection to be constructed, as is the same for Ballistic and Attack Submarines or
Submersibles, by permission only, subject to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff's
authorization and his agency, in order to assure protection and service thereto. In accordance
with the provisions of this Article, the Party(s') shall agree to the limitations provided for in this
agreement(s). Any such breach of what can be unanimously construed as impositionment of
Law, shall be subject to excessive fines, detention and/or suspension of permanent membership
status to the Security Council U N, (if -applicable), in and that the Law enforcement authorities as
a matter of Protocol and principles agree that as long as there are nuclear, biological and
chemically laden ships going out to sea, the arms subject, and the balances of security, remain a
highest priority. Respective to the subcontracting waivers for service in the Northeast Asia Pacific
regions and the Black Sea region of co-operative engagement(s) thereon; pursuant to the
Provisionment set forth in Article XII of this agreement hereinafter.
Protocol 6

Article 1 (Network Communication)

1. The Party(s') undertake to notify each other through the diplomatic channels of the United
Nations, or by direct communication access to the charge d'affaires ad interim, or a diplomatic
Head of the Mission, in the event of an accidental, unauthorized, or any other unexplained
incident, such as launch code piracies, and incidents considered a possible breach of security
thereto. Counterpoint espionage in launch code accessibility, and/or attempts, along with
nuclear warheads being made available for purchase, as so to report, in and that the threats
imposed by nuclear fuel enrichment proliferation is a cause of legal action and an obligation of
conveyance as to rectify hereof. The Provisions of the present Convention are without prejudice
to any obligation which may arise taken in conformity with the disarmament Protocol.
In and that each Party undertakes to maintain and improve, as deemed necessary, it's existing
organizational and technical obligatory arrangements, so as to protect any such informants'
who do come forward to reveal the actions, activities, and/or whereabouts of such an event of
sabotage or dissidant factions thereto. The United Nation's Organization, Charter of Global
Government shall act as a receiving State whereby the Secretary General's' quarter may permit
and protect the freedom of the communication on the part of the Consular Post if a breach of
security is being reported. If as so, corresponding testimony to a violation or act of retaliatory
preemptivity, shall be anticipated from time to time, regard fully so, in effect thereto; and shall, for
the most part, be considered or taken, as factual, if reported from a Consular Post headed by an
Honorary Consul General Officer hereby thereto.
Protocol 7
Article 1 (Understanding the Laws of Nature)

1. As a common standard of achievement, and to secure the blessings of pro-creation, we come

to understand Love. Love; Love is a word of human rights and a side of safety to those who come
endowed with reason and consciousness. In another way we come to understand self realization,
in and that, so shalt thou do unto other's, brace thoughts, as shall be done unto thyselves
(a) Understanding that of which is of paramount importance, perspective of a higher power, to
which an equal opportunity of give and take in the fields of development should be made uniform
through continuous cultural emergence thereinafter.
(b) Within the insignias of colorfast and common approach, and to promote and approve rules
and limitations regarding the exercise of equal opportunity status quo; all Party(s') to the
Treaty(s') shall conform to this entry, that be their no such transgender orientation, or
transgenetical intransigencies thereto in accordance with the statutes of Carnal Knowledge in
and assigned to the Vatican, and His Holiness the Pope(s), thereof hereinafter.
(c) Nothing in this Article shall be interpreted as affecting the unalienable rights of a naturalized
Universally accepted common standard of genetic respect, through a vise and virtue
connotation in scribed and being justified by faith, we have a purpose of understanding love and
survival. Verily it is written, that obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right; whereas to show
recourse as for mortal and cardinal dissemination therein hereby for the sake of it to my name.
(d) In and that once more: their shall no man shall lie unto Mankind as with womankind it is
abomination thereto; and a visa versa; furthermore it is mutation; it is an anti-equation; it's when
you don't, can't, or won't, see eye to eye for a fight; in furtherance, that of which is of great
importance, like this current detail descriptive, becomes a "blind spot", or an I won't know and
don't see; for the purpose of de-generating and using nuclear ammunition; was told thereby. This
Article calls for a Moratorium on transgender infidelity, by and for the U N Secretary General's
quarter for the full realization of an pledge to affirm a Faith whereof hereupon.

Article 1 (Stellar Diplomacy)

1. In the absence of a specific destination within a sector, or in cases where priorities are
ambiguous, in and though specific Ops approval is required, the universal laws such as, "we
come in peace and goodwill", implies in the event of a saucer module captain's May Day. From a
time traveled, and of he who tried to warn a people of a coming nuclear isotopic specific
condition; in and that, through a network of molybdenum-jacketed triphase wave guides, which
distribute a field of energy operated within a controlled differential of integrity real-time subspace
field generation hereof, the Head's of a Mission(s) are to have considered taken up diplomatic
directives as well as interpretation and compliancy(s'), to serve as designated junior officers
during crisis situations, as is in such a scenario as when rules required a specific mission of
providing atmospheric integrity, with all due regard to aerodynamic properties and Stellar physical
credentials whereto thereof.
2. Except as concerns etiquette and precedence, the Party(s) to a DEF-CON-5 shall promote
hospitable acknowledgement to a receiving Status-quo, and ascertain by all viable means, the
Star Elder question; in and though, how secret do we need it to be with all due consideration to
that which is of oxygen molecules depleting to the present Statute of limitations hereof?

3. Whenever a Treaty or convention specifies to authenticate our presences as real in order to

arbitrate disputes without shots being fired, so to say; within a descriptive encoded, the size of a
mission is advised to be kept within four highest ranking able-bodied ambassadors to a State
herewith therein. File photography is shown and recorded preferably in medium resolution and is
centered on gravity wave lengths of a pledge and a certain Truth(s) to seek, in an order of a
charge(s), and a Treaty(s) to treat, and if as necessary, to question a people who:

(a) bury their problems burdened by cargo theyll never unload, notwithstanding.
(b) appropriated 1 trillion dollars to pretend that we are not here in existence, evolution.
(c) side wind like cobras shunning danger, in the face of distorted admissions thereto.
(d) are abuses of claravoincy masters, performing in sideshows to see a side of fate.
(e) cry wolf in sheeply clothes on the innocent and elderly concerning Law degrees as so.
(f) is relatively a mark of the beast anti-equation to the subject matter of disarmament?
(g) for heavens sake, pretended the faces on the maps never exist anyhow.
(h) raise hell, just for the hell of it, so shall be uninhabitable the landscapes of powers.
(i) subscribe to carnal transgender degeneration, mutation, without a sense of shame.
(j) walk inside a circle of danger just to step outside a line of conformity, for a side of

4. If a Party to a State of the United Nations consorts, consents or has forged an alliance with
Star Elder Being ness or Space travelers, or other descripts of higher intelligence other than
non-supernatural Homo-Sapiens modern Mankind, the receiving Party to that State are to
undertake to bring to the attention of the Secretary General(s), in a report, file footage and/or a
special invitation to receive instructions and accurate conveyance of orders, analyses and
opinions so that it may be applied inasmuch to the paramount necessitation of nuclear
disarmament inasmuch as the questions may be redressed therein hitherto.

5. If as a result of applying the Provisions of this Chapter, serious discrepancies emerge and
occur over a sector of theater implicated submergences in secret agendas that are void of
formulation to the survival of mankinds existence and for the planet and time reference that is
known as Earth, then the Secretary Generals quarters are to consider this Treaty as Official as
can be, delivered by they who come from the stars thereto. In the event that such an occasion
comes to light or of timely manifestation thereto, all reasonable Party(s) to a State are to submit
such an encounter to the Global Political Institution, care/of: Scientific Commission, Secretary
General United Nations NY thereby for evaluation hereunder whereupon.

(Groom Lake Sentry Detail

Black Restricted Coded)
Article 1 (Stellar Diplomacy) (This Section is Coded)

1. Although the best known base said to be operated (at least partly), by "Star Elders", is area 51;
Groom Lake Condition Absorb types of research and developmental oxygen and supply
companies are reputed to be scattered throughout the United States and various ensign's to a
status quo. The unexplained occurrences of "chupacabre" activity(s') is a result of a chemical and
natural in balance of dietary sustenance, or cannibalistic eating habits of man, women and child.
Noting that; meat & dairy consumption leads to transgender infidelities, in and that cardinal and
mortal sinning within general specimen sample blood work may eventually be scaled down to a
multimode operational matrix; nevertheless; by this Treaty(s') regard for a distress signal as
stated hereinafter, from time universe pixxels, in carrying on in time space travels, each leader to
a Party of a State to a United Nation's Assembly(s') shall be informed that they have come to an
universal antipas, and we did not go to authenticate their presence enough in a way that would
indicate to with this light, to all men by these premises, as to aesthetically utilize us/they, to
arbitrate disputes without shots being fired, so to say thereupon. (arbitrational access evaluated).

Reports from the observers referred to in this Article as Optical Datum References
shall be transmitted to the Secretary General U N, and Defense Minister the State
of Israel, thereabouts. Close Encounter relationships as the type depicted above and
beyond nos for promises, as such are inexcusable, white coats present that will.
Protocol IC.

2. Primary operational control of the Israeli Galaxy Class Starships is provided by the Main
Bridge, located at the top of the saucer module usually on deck 1+. Every Star by name is Israels
today. Sir. Sir: This Treaty not only implies but denounces the 5 and other Permanent
Memberships to a Secretary's nod, and/or heard, that we (mankinds), are not only visiting
human embryological inexcusability, but as Star people we were here for the most part, all the
while, and dwell within the planets as within a blink of star dust clusters somehow about it; and
that most all the leader's mortally and or cardinally errored, and thats why you didn't, and won't
cease and desist with nuclear intolerable fuel service and abetment anti-equations, in and though
this is not your average solicitor general whose field frequencies are coming through light, and
are speaking to all people telepathically through the maps of Africa and through light. But you all
said let's go the devils way to me. And I'll always have been right no matter what your status quo
may be; black as the print on the New York Times lies. Expiration date is 80 years for the
multitudes from the year 2,000, because you all lied about this specific mention of Article VIII
Section 7, and you all anti-Christ the situation; so you are not going to get reincarnated to
something you can ever think about let alone as being a future plane of challenging earthly
existence; because you disrespected me and us to our faces bold faced as can be. You take that
E mail pal? Be clandestine black then, and slick as oil, double agents on a mission; not dramatic
or crude though, or its still and still; that goes for everyone and every thing thats human and than
some, 80 till you are no more existence; I saw it happen every time- in time futures scenarios
too; I was also taken to the big bang creation, and up in 1962; but anyone without a grain can say
I won't be here 80 years. Now the Joint Chiefs of Staff need to be slick for they, not too slick
though. And dont rest judgment with all the leading news anchors, 85% killers with other
Revelations on their agendas and all the clergy, the same problem. Theyre easily your friend.
That's why I call they the anti-Christ. So when this was breaking news, like everybody said to:
"let's go raise hell, and to hell with me and it, because they disrespected the U S Military
establishment. How are you ever going to make it right and pay back your debt? Ill still take the
growing ranks in; but Im not really a toy E mail partner, its not a crime to stand up and be
counted when we are global telepathic Protocol; that means the Russians and everyone whos
anyone can fancy wild notions of what dishing the dirt; and of they with other Revelations of their
own can sight. I ordered you to invoke a U N 12 year term limit moratorium both administrations,
in the Security Council on dictatorships. But you disobeyed me and disrespected me to my
presences and now look what you sewed. No hard feelings DoD; Sir. Straighten it out then. (The
representations conveyed herein are not necessarily that of the sponsors thereto).

Article 1 (Kashmir Conditions)

Noting with satisfaction; appreciation was expressed for Pakistans initiative in

participating in a results oriented dialogue with India to a view for resolving all
outstanding dialogue, in a choice of judgment and legal actionary framework and of the
advice and consenting opinion of this entry.

Recognizing that, the best of all intentions was yet to be instilled;

Reaffirming the commitment(s), of the International stand on Kashmir territorial


For the purpose of the Law; under Declaration and Order dispensing with Findings of
the Court relating to the claimants Filing of Petitions and Grantee of Title deeds:

By The Peoples State of India VS.


(B) The Sovereign Republic of Pakistan

Name of Claimant A Name of Claimant B

Petitioner Petitioner-Respondent

STATE OF ISRAEL by the Peoples Republic of Pakistan

United Nations New York Name of Claimant B
10017, USA Respondent
Appellate Department of
The World International Courts--Arbitrator

Article 1, Record of Transcript and Ad judgment

Bureau of Manhattan Clerk: Will follow local court rules; Clerk waives for Petioners
A and B, Power of Attorney Military Entered; Clerk waives Notice of hearing to
attorneys available for conciliation; The Joint Chiefs of Staff concur in the absence of
Law a State and Statements
Entered on The World International Court of Justices, behalf; a decree of default on
the property and encumbrances has been entered as Procedure.

Notice of Entry of Judgment

By virtue of Declaration under this Petition, Resolution and Military Coded Secrecy
docket # N507 Subtitled Protocol Article 9 to the DESBIC AGENDA (Descriptive
The People for the Planitia Earth find Kashmir as the State of Indias to SAY.
What is now Pakistan in prehistoric times was?
The Indus Valley Civilization (c. 2500-1700 B. C.); Pakistan and India agree to cease
hostilities and respect the Oath and findings of this Entity(s) behalf and legal actionary
framework thereto. Perspective of seniority mass assessments, 25% withholding, give
and take, title holders consideration, would be a ready reserve, advisable, hereby thereat:

Judgment for the State of India

To be entered into force by 31 December 2,012

It is our opinion that compliance extends to irregular placements in any action of

military service, in a matter of the State of the United Nations, a Party to this
proceeding and all foregoing instruction regarding the armistice agreement
hereof whereby the commanders of the opposing sides shall order and enforce a
complete cessation of all their military forces, supplies, and equipment from the
demilitarized zone(s) so as to facilitate an attainment of a civilized, and uniform code
of mental and psychiatric standards therein. Each Joint Observer Team of the
Military Armistice Commission(s) shall adopt such rules of procedures as it may,
from time to time, deem necessary as to settle through negotiations of this Armistice
Accordance, an order to comply with: at the present time, Joint Chief General Richard
Article 2 (Entry of Armistice Advisors)

Myers peace strategy and projection of space based accepted protocol; whose
credentials and distinctive opinion(s), shall not be construed as so, to resurrect
cells or disrespectful connoisseurs of civil disobedience, to the charge of im-
placable opponents, as so to provide for a common defense analogy therefore;
In furtherance of the aforementioned disclosure, all memberships are considered
bonded by the US Department of Secret Services thereto wherefore The United
Nations Depositary Charter of Administration is insured by security guarantees
of proxy, association, or coded descriptive embodiment, as Party to this proceeding
for better or for a reasonable opinion of what constitutes a just cause of action;
The under signatory affidavit and support of a peace program is scheduled to roll
in to effect, in concurrence to the 5 year follow up defacto phases of START II and
beyond, as so, 31 December 2,012 is the very latest calendar demand and timetable
for the reunified State of India and Pakistan to settle and adjust, for the treatment
of the Kashmir question? Herein therefore no later than six months to the above said
time reference, so shall, for the most and defacto part, the Pakistani Military and
Administrative authorities have been, or should ever be somewhat reasonably yielding
To that end under signed of a; Wisdom is better than strength thereto:

Depositary under Signatory

Date____________ ____________________________________

Respondents under Signatory

Pakistan X
Date_____________ ____________________________________

Date_______________ _____________________________________


Protocol 10
Article 1 (Cypress Dispute)

1. To speak a word in due time; the things which eyes have seen, utter not hastily in a quarrel: lest
afterward thou mayst not be able to make amends. Treat thy cause with thy friend, and discover not the
secret to a stranger; Grace and friendship deliver a man. Prepare thy work and diligently till thy ground:
that afterward thou mayst build thy house hitherward.
Having considered the reports: and relevant to particular resolutions to facilitate monthly meetings of
political party representatives from both sides; the question still remains to be settled as to which Party is
more entitled to exclusive rights of sovereign over the provincial island.
Recognizing that the best of all intentions is yet to be discerned; and prescriptive of a firm decision, under
Declaration and Order, dispensing with Findings of the Court pertaining to the joint filing of Petitions and
improverbial claims;

For the purpose of a Law in the foregoing entitled cause of actions:

By the Hellenic Republic of Greece
Name of Claimant A and Petitioner

The Republic of Turkey
Name of Claimant B and Respondent

United Nations New York
10017, USA
Appellate Department of
The World International Courts

Record of Transcript and Ad judgment

Bureau of Manhattan Clerk: Will follow local court rules; Clerk waives for Petitioners A and B, Power
of Attorney , Military entry encoded for a cause thereto,; the Clerk waives Notice of a hearing to attorneys
available for reconciliation; The US Joint Chiefs of Staff concur in the absence of Law, a State and
statements entered on the World International Court of Justices, behalf, on the matter of a decree of
default on the aforementioned property and encumbrances, has been entered in for a record as Procedure:
Protocol 10 (Article 2)
Notice of Entry of Judgment:
By virtue of Declarations under this above and
entitled decision, Resolution and Military Coded Secrecy docket # N507 Protocol, Article 10, of DESBIC
AGENDA, (Descriptive Coded), is as follows: The Greek Government and the people for which it stands ,
agree to compensate the Turkish Government 6.2 billion dollars, of which 1.1 billion dollars goes to the U
N , for its role in peace keeping coverages in and though the full title ship deed and Trust is awarded to
the Greek and Cypriot side, whereas Greece is the responsible caregiver and agrees to provide
supplemental security to the minority Turkish Cypriots residing in the balance of a natural new worlds
fertile soil; and agrees further to not discriminate; and to exercise as much equal opportunity for the
Turkish minority within the guidelines of acceptability, to they of who are of administrative consent, as to
recognize an up to 20% eventual ratio growth, whereby a degree of naturalization maybe expected
hereunder thereto. The Greek Navy and People to the Republic for which she stood, also undertake not to
deploy missile batteries of any sort on, or within 200 nautical miles of mainland Turkey; and the same goes
for Turkey, and both alliances undertake to cease and desist all hostilities, taking in to consideration the
notes of Trust administered as remuneration hereof be recieved no later than December 31, 2,012 in and
that the military commanders of Turkey relinquish their positions no later than 3 to 6 months prior to the
date that this Treaty goes into effect: December 31, 2,012. This decision is formal and final thereto.

Protocol 10

Article 3 (Cypress Dispute)

Notice of Entry of Judgment

We the people for the Planitia Earth for a Charter to a United Nations Assembly, have come to agree and
undertake to discern and respect the Oath and pledge to reaffirm commitment and inter-planetary goodwill
to a choice of judgment and legal actionary framework whereas the Plenipotentiaries have agreed to stand
beside and guide the decision entered as of record to this age of enlightenment weve come to see hereby

Judgment for the Hellenic Republic of Greece

The Colonized Island of Cypress herewith:

To be entered into force by 31 December 2,012


UNITED NATIONS 10017, NEW YORK USA March 30, 2005
ContinuedArticle 3 (DESBIC AGENDA TREATY)

Protocol: 10 The Undersigned Plenipotentiaries


Depositary under Signatory(s), for Greece:-



For Turkey
Respondents under Signatory(s) Dated -------------------------------------------

------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------

_______________________ ____________________________________


Dated___________________ ____________________________________

_________________________ ____________________________________
Protocol 11

Article 1 (Kuril Islands)

Convinced that the system for freedom of trade is our responsibility, and limitations,
prohibitions, or restrictions are an essential foundation to reinforce the links between the
general conditions of peace and security;

Conscious of the favorable national treatment of nuclear weapon designs with respect
to trade and economic salutations of the Party(s) to a State of nuclear proliferation, and
the concept of originating products for the purpose of co-operative interests indecise;

Inspired by a common determination to promote understanding among our people; in

existence, special service star based intellectualities whereof a Faith be established
thereupon; forasmuch as, an assumed higher power under God hereinafter thereat;

Determined to provide for a common action on the part of those States in the event of
a dispute, and to prevent possible cause of difficulties, as so to ensure the pacific
settlement of dialogue whereby a solution to the International Community(s) position, or
side to the above entitled arbitrator; as such, may be resolved herewith a results oriented
mutual consent decree and Order, dispensing with Findings of the Court;

For the purpose of the Law hereby relating to the claimants Filing for Petition and
Grantee of Title deeds:

By; The United Russian Federation, (The Republics For) VS.


The Provincial State and Republic For Japan


Name of Claimant A Name of Claimant B

Petitioner Respondent Petitioner Respondent

United Nations New York 10017, USA
Appellate Department for:
The World International Court(s) of Justice
Protocol 11 Article 2 DESBIC AGENDA TREATY

Record of Transcript and Ad judgment


In the Matter of Arbitration of:

The 4 Kuril Islands and Statute of the Archipelago

Entitled Kunashir, Iturup, Shikotan, and Habomais

Bureau of Manhattan Clerk: Will follow local and International court rules; Clerk
understands the waiver procedure and agreed to acknowledge Power of Attorney(s), for
Claimant and Respondents A and B in and that there be no interference, as military
security enforceable entry in secured, as follows: Clerk(s) acknowledgment is
discretionary, and Notice of hearing is waived herein by attorneys available for

The foregoing application The States of Israel agreed to formalize our Protocol, which is
an integral part of the Treaty(s) agenda thereto. The Joint Chairmanship for the U S
Secret Services along with the FBI and S 4 installation Commandos concur: If in the
event their exists an absence of Law, the State and statements for the under signatory
U N Charter shall be guaranteed by U S marshals and a U N system pursuant to
CHAPTER II, Articles 34 and 35 for The Statute of the International Court(s) of Justice
hereunder therefore; a decree of default on the property and encumbrances has been
entered as Procedure whereby:

Notice of Entry of Judgment

By virtue of Declaration under this Petition, Resolution, and Military Code(d) Secrecy
transcription # N507subtitled Protocol Article 11 of the DESBIC AGENDA
(Descriptive Encoded) hereby, in order to form a more perfect union:
Protocol 11 Article 3

Notice of Entry of Judgment

We the people for a United Nations and star based installations, find:
Population density is a consideration, and the expression of trade, particularly in the
ominous fields of nuclear energy, with respect for the nuclear weapons business, is
issues. Japan is required to ascertain a compensation utility, with all due consideration of
the circumstances that lead to warring sides, assessment of $ 6.2 billion dollars to the
United Nations Charter receivable accountings, and the United Nations Secretary(s)
quarters, in entry evaluation, whereby a U N may re-adjust, 5.1 billion dollars to the
Russian peoples State thereto herewith. We the commanders in charge, in the above
entitled cause for arbitration, set the calendar and scheduled date for Japanese re-
unification at no later than 31 December 2,012. The Party(s) to the Treaty(s) undertake
to abstain from any hostile emplacements of military grade explosive devices, within the
confines of least 200 nautical miles of each others relative boundary lines therefore;
The undersigned Plenipotentiaries agree to cease any hostilities, remunerate the
aforementioned assessment award, and to abide by all nonproliferation Protocol
associated with the nuclear armament enchantment business hereinafter therefore:



The Plenipotentiaries agree to the terms and conditions of its decision;

The Party(s) to the undersigned also concur to maintain a friendship
relation as before this entry, entered into force:

Depositary under Signatory(s) Dated;

For The Russian Federation

____________________ _______ __________________ _________

_______________________ _________ ______________________ __________

For Japan____________________________ _____________________

______________ ________ ____________________ ____________


# 12
Article 1 (The Isthmus of Panama)

1. Pursuant of space based Internal Security Clearance procedure, IC. docket N507,
dated February 09, 2,005 commanders in charge of Star Based descriptive
encoded, secrecy instilled; the United States shall be requested par to
reasonable expectation, incessant of the obligations assumed, to underwrite the
active utility resource by these premises for the permanent and neutral oceanic
corridor hereof: the Panama Canal, by reason of security surpluses in engagement
expectations, the Isthmus of Panama, and the Pan American water courses therein
thereupon shall abide by U S entry of Naval flotilla as a stay of Faith. The United
Nations Security Council shall also be requested to endorse a State of Say as
understood, to be an interpretation of policy and actions necessary to protect
legitimate interests in this sphere here withal ascribed thereupon.
2. Resolved to strengthen the safeguard of peace and liberty by conditioning this
combination of resources in accordance with the principles of stated neutrality
between the various influences of militia status quo and a State of intrinsic value;
Intending to dispel obscure and in volute stalemates of various nature from sudden
acquisition of theater ballistic isotopic explosives for a purchase order in consent and
exploit a state of insignias to a Marquis in decisive of fertilizer pestilence to a waken.
Directing their efforts to sanctify a U N subcontracting Mission for common defense
and practical enforcement concern regarding the evolvement and exploitation of
uranium laden warships with fallacies to every piracys need to note and note to need;
Mindful of the irregular implacabilitys to every coincidental attempts to decide a
matter at handle within the scope of surgical and legal expunge ability therefore.
Have Decided to initiate the application of procedures which shall make it possible
to co-ordinate by association, the precepts of star based insignias and the transfer
progression of tipped arrows with isotopic sin based expletives whereupon. It is
hereby addressed as official responsibility of the U S and the U N also ordered to call
attention to the foregoing Provision for resource availability, and to disqualify an axis
whereby, as ad interim de facto, subject to eminent domain procedures in as much as
an implication of neutral favoritisms that of which become cause pursuant to Treaty
Tlatelolcos, entry into force of notice is hereby given, calling for a U N specified and
approved resolution(s), set forth to deploy weapons inspectors special compliancy
consideration in Support and Service to a United Nations Depositary Convention
thereupon. In furtherance of the said stationary support, the question still remains to
be asked and freedom of transit through the Panamanian water course and of the
security implications that give rise to said inquiry there as. A Panama Canal reservoir
now that we come closely to hereby there as, to an eminent domain sociological entry
in and though, the neutral balance of arms and nuclear third world shipments is a
charge in I C Security head quarters hereinafter. As such, conditions abstain for a
purpose of reservation coded for a black book reminders of silencers and silence here
and then forgo; so, initialize the application of defense in a star module as provided
under this inscription Command ante in surpluses whereof therefore..
3. In order to make fuller contribution to their common objective, when conducting
military activities in the area known as The Canal Zone, in accordance with these
objectives, within the zones of application and prior notification of military
maneuvers on the part or behalf of the Central or South American Governments must
be given to the Depositary underwriters consent to the U N Charter whereof
therefore. The Pentagon addresses will duly take into account these fields which by
their scope and by their context for a better interest toward mutual world security.
The U S and a U N in particularly the cause of said matter will promote exchanges
among their military personnel, including visits by military commando delta forces
with a view given by the Final Recommendations in accordance as a whole to
promote an achievement of general and complete disarmament forgo, under strict and
effective International control thereto here at.
Protocol 13
Article 1 (Taiwan ROC Issue)
(China and the Korean Issues)

Convinced that the system for freedom of trade is our responsibility, and fearing nothing
more than limitations, prohibitions, and restrictions as the essential foundations to
reinforce the links between the general conditions of a most favored nation stand off
endorsement at the subterfuges of cause; whence so ever Ad Extricate becomes a
common denominate objective, to that of which is the issue of a charge by these
presences wherefore.

Persuaded by the fact that the five permanent memberships to a U N Security Council
are being observed and treated by star people, as the right truth in effective psychiatry, to
that end their lies an answer to the bearer of a true Faith and obedience for the Republic
for which it stands. .Moments of truth undeniably, spoiling the fruit of our wisdom
indescribably, imprescriptive of malevolent instructors good natured will, in and though
deliverable weapons grade means it could be an unknown region of quark nacelle
physical enticement thereinafter whereas.

Distracted by a point of view in the face of distorted admissions to that of which is

playing out just like a movie; a sci-fi as need be, and calls for an underground secret
saucer base, transgender infidelities distracted by nuclear an-ti matter objectives and an
iron curtains whereabouts.. By this time on the morrow, as distracted as the civil service
branches might appear to be, the civilian masses are surely not to lead U S Department
of Defenses as we come closely now to the China adjust to the business sense of give
and take in the new age of wisdom.
Protocol 13

Article 2 (Taiwan ROC Issue)

(China, Nuclear Proliferation and the Korean Issues)

A mans mind may make him a Buddha, or it may make him a beast. Misled by error, one
becomes a demon; enlightened, one becomes a Buddha. Therefore, control your mind and
do not deviate from the right path You should respect each other, follow my teachings, and
refrain from disputes The Spirit of Buddha is that of great loving kindness and
compassion. The great loving kindness is the spirit to save all people by any and all means.
The world is a burning house, the people, unaware that the house is on fire, are in danger of
being burned to death so Buddha in compassion devises ways of saving them.

In the spirit of sincere co-operation, declare that they are prepared to participate in a
results oriented space based psychiatric interrelationship with star people in order to
communicate and take actions necessary to put an end to prevent the inevitable
outbreaks of first, second and third Party nuclear pre-emptive rapture therein; whereby
an assessment of re-unification and Taiwan can join upward to December 31, 2,017,
pursuant of the non-proliferation overtures by China and her surpluses understated to a
factual findings in and that supplying and completely proliferating in nuclear arms
trafficking is not in Israels best interest and China is causing tensions and aggression
whose furnaces burn with devilish disregard of how and what it was and star based
supervised neocolonial saucer modulated standards, fearing nothing more than anti-
matter magnetic gravity atomics authorized and supervised under a star based codes of
security clearances how now therein. In furtherance to a spirit of sincere co-operation in
all international service and abetments syndicates of nuclear dependencys,
acquisitioning, and the common interest of effective measures taken to stand beside
START III, means: The Nuclear Powers, and nuclear disarmament to the point of ,
00,000 postulate contingencies thereabouts.
Protocol on Mission Objectives and Star Based
Intercepts of the Repore Between The United States of
America The U N and All Nuclear Party(s) to a State

Protocol 14

(1) All Starfleet personnel are hereby advised that any previous technical
documentation in your possession may be suspect because of an ongoing
Starfleet program of disinformation intended to confound and confuse the
intelligence assets of potential Threat forces. Such documentation, if verily
prescribed to be counterpoint to DESBIC AGENDA and relating Protocol,
will be considered condemned and corrupted thereto.

(2) Starfleet has long been charged with a broad spectrum of

responsibilities to the life cycles of the galaxies in and that the volume of
explored space continues to grow, the manifest destiny of modern man is
being put to the test. The test and Testimony of our designated procreation
duties range from relative domestic civil missions, to cultural contact and
diplomacy, in the primary mission of exploration and research.

(3) To provide for these objectives, Starfleet Spacecraft Design Advisory

Consensus recommended an Israeli Class legal actionary framework of
designated procurement. As was often the case, we astral projected angelic
forces whose presences were necessary to attain a higher level of
understanding and knowledge to they who came before, if it was so then.
Your manifest was directed to survival of a species in a world that we
created by utopian order and the twinkling of starlight, thence fore Faith and
sand, and voices that told us what to say and do is a matter of subject.
Protocol 14

(4) We did say to understand our say. We did say we are Love. Love is a
way to understand a destination or origin of fate. We did say transgender
infidelity is wrong. Stop that. We did say to cease and desist with nuclear
weapons and atomic energy threats posed to all of us who live and breathe

(5) We did not say to deny telepathic communion existed between all of
them and you. We did not say to murder in cold blood and lie in wait to do
so. We did say to do unto others as you would have done unto thyself. We
did say this is someone to understand and not ignore. We did say that when
we waive to and from the sign of our Holy Crosses, its the Holy Spirit of
our Lord trying to save them from their devices of weapons graded
plutonium and then. We did say that Steve is suppose to be a handy dandy
for the Navies and the nice Israeli Generals per say.

(6) We did say our name is also Israel and we are, or were, so may it be, a
lady. We did see something in your eyes, and that a U S Treasury note and a
special invitation was in everyones personal attention right. We did say a
power of attorney(s) presented a falsification in and then we waive power
of attorney on the behalf of arbitrational access and its values herein


(1) The Party(s) will consult together whenever, in the opinion of either of
them, the political agendas or security of either of the Party(s) feel they are
threatened by armed aggressiveness, or pre-emptive acts of secondary
nuclear status quo to an ensign thereat.

(2) In order to confirm its declaration regarding Russian policy toward the
Middle East,
a formal denouncement of ongoing nuclear sales and exploitation is entry to
the folder
for which it will decide thereto. The two High Contracting Party(s) agreed
before the
Duma and the Senate to disassembly Protocol, and to account for the nuclear
ballistic emplacements; yet both sides have seemed to walk inside a circle,
and stepped outside a line of conformity hereby therefore.

(3) In consideration of the fact that START II ad deployment is behind

schedule, to remain silent in view of the obligations assumed, is counterpoint
to the act or faction thereof. In the chambers of the U N General Secretary
Staff, and the USSRS quarter, there are not to:

(a) conspiring to proliferate in nuclear formulation contingencies thereupon.

In accordance to the cold of the winter, and the heat of the temperatures
rising, and:
Protocol 15

(b) are not to continue compromising launch vehicle codes where missile
silo emplacements are housed.

(3) In Star Based Internal Command Posts their lies the breach of
subliminality against the State of Israel and the State of neutrality on the part
of the Russian and the High Contracting Party(s). In furtherance of military
grade explosive resonance, the Peoples State of Israel is suppose to be
defended by the Russian Federations quarter, along with Israels right to
exist for here and now therewithal, contributing to the exploitation of an
understate denial, while proceeding from the premise of friendly relations
with the Vatican and Israel in various aspects to common precepts of nuclear
explosive acquisition ment, is offensive, to therefore; I categorically:

(a). within the aggregate numbers provided for in Article IX and II of this
documentary, each Party to a status quo agrees not to anti-equate like so
stated contrarily to the disasters in the only one sure way to scorch men with
fire and brimstone on this path of fate. As such, not to:

(b) deal nuclear weapons grade explosives, with an exploitation at

categorically in denial as so denied, wreck less at the fires of life, to a
Protocol 15

(4) Therefore that of which is considered peaceful and friendly intentions is

ransom demands from hires to that end; in and though The Party(s) to a
State decided to truffle and say its for the best, and, knowing all too well
what the fundamentalist wave of sentencing will believe and compromise,
as we come closely now to the Last Supper.

(5) The primary responsibility to achieve the objective of utopian order was
ostensive for disassembly and the decommissioning of all nuclear energy
services and abetments hereby. In furtherance of a moratorium criteria on
the construction of new reactors; accounting, and safe large scale sentry
monitoring as oversight conjunction hereto as standard accountability
implies toward the disengagement exaggerations never to mention afore ant
of the nuclear, bio-hazardous, and chemical weapons of mass destruction
there as the purpose and principals of this Chapter thereby; 31 December

(6) In another way we come to understand an agreed upon minute to

therewithal of a Faith that you have found, descriptive encode in Star based
Internal Command Posts, to that of which we are, we are; Life, liberty and
the pursuit of truthfulness thereto here withal.

Pictured herein two friends of the Party to which the obligations have
been discharged as orders handed down to a jury wont find it
something I never tried thereas will supply nor or surprise it you see.

Steve the witnesss outer space aperture friends look but dont stare
too hard-theyre delicate peoples in ionicplasmaphotonagraphicalicysts:
Descriptive Encode

in Star Based Internal Command

The Articles of Genetic
Disclosure, Discovery and Appeal





The United States of America, The Peoples State of Israel, The United Nations
Organization, and All Insignias to a Marquis, hereinafter referred to as the Parties,

Conscious that nuclear war would have devastating consequences for all humanity,
that it cannot be won and must never be fought,
Convinced that the measures for the reduction and limitation of
obligations set forth in this Treaty will help to reduce the risk of outbreak of nuclear
war and strengthen International peace and
Recognizing that the interests of the Parties and the interests of international
security require the strengthening of strategic stability,
Mindful of their undertakings with regard to strategic offensive arms in Article VI
of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons of July 1, 1968; Article
XI of the Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems of May 26,
1972; the dangers of nuclear detonation combust able matters, and the Washington
Summit Joint Statement of June 1, 1990,

file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Steve%20...%20III%20MEMORANDUM%20OF%20PROVISIONAL%20A.htm (1 of 30)5/5/2005 1:43:12 AM


Have agreed as follows:

Each Party shall reduce and limit its strategic offensive arms in accordance with the
provisions of this Treaty, and shall carry out the other obligations set forth in this
Treaty and its Annexes, Protocols, and Memorandum of Understanding.

1. Each Party shall reduce and limit its ICBMs and ICBM launchers, SLBM s and
SLBM launchers, heavy bombers, ICBM warheads, SLBM warheads, heavy
bomber armaments, and all nuclear and biological components such as warheads of
any standard displacement, so that seven years after entry into force of this Treaty
and thereafter, the aggregate numbers, as counted in accordance with Article III of
this Treaty, do not exceed:
(a) 000, for deployed ICBMs and their associated launchers, deployed SLBM s and
their associated launchers, and deployed heavy bombers, including 000 for
deployed heavy ICBMs and their associated launchers; [RF MOU, Section II] [US
MOU, Section II The United National Accounting, (U N] [Agreed State of
Protocols as Referred to as the IDF Treaty Series ]
(b) 0000, for warheads attributed to deployed ICBMs, deployed SLBM s, and
deployed heavy bombers, including: [START III, Art. I,5]
(i) 0000, for warheads attributed to deployed ICBMs and deployed SLBM s;
(ii) 0000, for warheads attributed to deployed ICBMs on mobile launchers of
(iii) 0000, for warheads attributed to deployed heavy ICBMs. [phased heavy
2. Each Party shall implement the reductions pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article
in to multiple phases, so that its strategic offensive arms do not exceed:
(a) by the end of the first phase, that is, no later than 31 December 2,007,after entry
into force of this Treaty, and thereafter, the following aggregate numbers:
(i) 0,666, for deployed ICBMs and their associated launchers, deployed SLBM s
and their associated launchers, and deployed heavy bombers;

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(ii) 0,666, for warheads attributed to deployed ICBMs, deployed SLBM s, and
deployed heavy bombers;
(iii) 0.666, warheads attributed to deployed ICBMs and deployed SLBM s;
(b) by the end of the second phase, that is, no later than 31 December 2,017 after
entry into force of this Treaty, and thereafter, the following aggregate numbers:
(i) 0,000, for deployed ICBMs and their associated launchers, deployed SLBM s
and their associated launchers, and deployed heavy bombers;
(ii) 0,000, for warheads attributed to deployed ICBMs, deployed SLBM s, and
deployed heavy bombers;
(iii) 0,000, warheads attributed to deployed ICBMs and deployed SLBM s;
(c) by the end of the third phase, and with attributable fines sanctioned and
impugned, that is, no later than 31 December 2,022 after entry into force of this
Treaty: the aggregate numbers provided for in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be
reduced and disposed of properly to the points of aggregate uniform numerical
contingencies of 0,000, including crude radioactive contraptions thereupon
3. Each Party shall limit the aggregate throw-weight of its deployed ICBMs and
deployed SLBM s so that seven years after entry into force of this Treaty and
thereafter such aggregate throw-weight does not exceed 10% per annum
accumulative reduction aspect to ratio of metric tons. [Throw-weight Limits/
Provisions Provided hereupon for Types of ICBMs and SLBM s]

4. If under any circumstances a Party to the Provisions of this entry are not in
standard conformity of the per annum 10% aspect to ratio reduction phase of
uniform disarmament Protocols; a Promissory report must be received by the U N
Supervisory Unit, The Chief of Staffs U S and Israeli Defense quarters; and a
determination will be made if any late charges or penalty fees are to be assessed


1. For the purposes of counting toward the maximum aggregate limits provided for
in subparagraphs 1(a), 2(a)(i), and 2(b)(i) of Article II of this Treaty:
(a) Each deployed ICBM and its associated launcher shall be counted as one unit;
each deployed SLBM and its associated launcher; shall be counted as one unit.

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(b) Each deployed heavy bombers shall be counted as one unit.

2. For the purposes of counting deployed ICBMs and their associated launchers and
deployed SLBM s and their associated launchers
(a) Each deployed launcher of ICBMs and each deployed launcher of SLBM s shall
be considered to contain one deployed ICBM or one deployed SLBM, respectively.
(b) If a deployed ICBM has been removed from its launcher and another missile
has not been installed in that launcher, such an ICBM removed from its launcher
and located at that ICBM base shall continue to be considered to be contained in
that launcher.
(c) If a deployed SLBM has been removed from its launcher and another missile
has not been installed in that launcher, such an SLBM removed from its launcher
shall be considered to be contained in that launcher. Such an SLBM removed from
its launcher shall be located only at a facility at which non-deployed SLBM s may
be located pursuant to subparagraph 9(a) of Article IV of this Treaty or be in
movement to such a facility.
3. For the purposes of this Treaty, including counting ICBMs and SLBM s:
(a) For ICBMs or SLBM s that are maintained, stored, and transported in stages, the
first stage of an ICBM or SLBM of a particular type shall be considered to be an
ICBM or SLBM of that type.
(b) For ICBMs or SLBM s that are maintained, stored, and transported as
assembled missiles without launch canisters, an assembled missile of a particular
type shall be considered to be an ICBM or SLBM of that type.
(c) For ICBMs that are maintained, stored, and transported as assembled missiles in
launch canisters, an assembled missile of a particular type, in its launch canister,
shall be considered to be an ICBM of that type.
(d) Each launch canister shall be considered to contain an ICBM from the time it
first leaves a facility at which an ICBM is installed in it until an ICBM has been
launched from it or until an ICBM has been removed from it for elimination. a
launch canisters shall not be considered to contain an ICBM if it contains a
training model of a missile or has been placed on static display . Launch
canisters for ICBMs of a particular type shall be distinguishable from launch
canisters for ICBMs of a different type.
4. For the purposes of counting warheads:
(a) The number of warheads attributed to an ICBM or SLBM of each existing type

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shall be the number specified in the Memorandum of Understanding [RF MOU,

Section I] [US MOU, Section I]on the Establishment of the Data Base Relating to
this Treaty, hereinafter referred to as the Memorandum of Understanding.
(b) The number of warheads that will be attributed to an ICBM or SLBM of a new
type shall be the maximum number of reentry vehicles with which an ICBM or
SLBM of that type has been flight-tested. The number of warheads that will be
attributed to an ICBM or SLBM of a new type with a front section of an existing
design with multiple reentry vehicles, or to an ICBM or SLBM of a new type with
one reentry vehicle, shall be no less than the nearest integer that is smaller than the
result of dividing 40 percent of the accountable throw-weight of the ICBM or
SLBM by the weight of the lightest reentry vehicle flight-tested on an ICBM of
SLBM of a new type. In the case of an ICBM or SLBM of a new type with or of
warheads that will be attributed to an ICBM of SLBM of a new type with a front
section of a fundamentally new design, the question of the applicability of the 40-
percent rule to such an ICBM or SLBM shall be subject to agreement within the
framework of the Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission. Until agreement
has been reached regarding the rule that will apply to such an ICBM or SLBM, the
number of warheads that will be attributed to such an ICBM or SLBM shall be
subject, as considered the maximum number of reentry vehicles with which an
ICBM or SLBM of that type has been flight-tested. The number of new types of
ICBMs or SLBM s with a front section of a fundamentally new design shall not
exceed two for each Party as long as this Treaty remains in force.[Agreed State to
upgrade expect abilities Pursuant of DESBIC AGENDA Article IV Section 7s
exclusive limitations set forth for lower yield frequency chemical formulation
ordnance acceptances here with thereabouts.]
(c) The number of reentry vehicles with which an ICBM or SLBM has been flight-
tested shall be considered to be the sum of the number of reentry vehicles actually
released during the flight test, plus the number of procedures for dispensing reentry
vehicles performed during that same flight test when no reentry vehicle was
released. A procedure for dispensing penetration aids shall not be considered to be
a procedure for dispensing reentry vehicles, provided that the procedure for
dispensing penetration aids differs from a procedure for dispensing reentry vehicles.
(d) Each reentry vehicle of an ICBM or SLBM shall be considered to be one

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(e) For the United States of America, by 31 December 2,012 each heavy bomber
equipped for long-range nuclear ALCMs, up to a total of 66 such heavy bombers,
shall be attributed[MOU US Section I] with six warheads. Each heavy bomber
equipped for long-range nuclear ALCMs in excess of 66 such heavy bombers shall
be attributed with a number of warheads equal to the number of long-range nuclear
ALCMs for which it is actually equipped. The United States of America shall
specify the heavy bombers equipped for long-range nuclear ALCMs that are in
excess of 66 such heavy bombers by number, type, variant, and the air bases at
which they are based. The number of long-range nuclear ALCMs for which each
heavy bomber equipped for long-range nuclear ALCMs in excess of 66 such heavy
bombers is considered to be actually equipped shall be the maximum number of
long-range nuclear ALCMs for which a heavy bomber of the same type and variant
is actually equipped.[category]
(f) For the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, to that very same time reference
afore specified, each heavy bomber equipped for long-range nuclear ALCMs, up to
a total of 66 such heavy bombers, shall be attributed[MOU RF Section I] with six
warheads. Each heavy bomber equipped for long-range nuclear ALCMs in excess
of 66 such heavy bombers shall be attributed with a number of warheads equal to
the number of long-range nuclear ALCMs for which it is actually equipped. The
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics shall specify the heavy bombers equipped for
long-range nuclear ALCMs that are in excess of 66 such heavy bombers by
number, type, variant, and the air bases at which they are based. The number of
long-range nuclear ALCMs for which each heavy bomber equipped for long-range
nuclear ALCMs in excess of 66 such heavy bombers is considered to be actually
equipped shall be the maximum number of long-range nuclear ALCMs for which a
heavy bomber of the same type and variant is actually equipped.[category]

Article IV

Each heavy bomber equipped for nuclear armaments other than long-range nuclear
ALCMs shall be attributed[MOU US Section I] [MOU RF Section I] with one
warhead. All heavy bombers not equipped for long-range nuclear ALCMs shall be
considered to be heavy bombers equipped for nuclear armaments other than long-
range nuclear ALCMs, with the exception of heavy bombers equipped for non-

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nuclear armaments, test heavy bombers, and training heavy bombers. [category]
[START II, Art. IV.1,2]
5. Each Party shall reduce the number of warheads attributed to ICBMs and SLBM
s only of existing types, up to an aggregate number of 66 by the time references
indicative o f progressive engagement afore specified as 31 December 2,012 at any
one time. [START III Art III. 2 (a)]
(a) Such aggregate number shall consist of the following:
(i) for the United States of America, the reduction in the number of warheads
attributed to the type of ICBM designated by the United States of America as, and
known to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as, Minuteman III, plus the
reduction in the number of warheads attributed to ICBMs and SLBM s of no more
than two other existing types except whereas upgrades and revision are or were not
accounted for; the same is for Russia, also recognized to be in charge and the
supplier of weapons grade uranium exportation inter alia The Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics.
(ii) for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, of four multiplied by the number of
deployed SLBM s designated by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as RSM-
50, which is known to the United States of America as SS-N-18, [MOU RF
Section III]plus the reduction in the number of warheads attributed to ICBMs and
SLBM s of no more than two other existing types forgo the afore mentioned
upgrades and descriptive to date 31 December 2,012 .
(b) Reductions in the number of warheads attributed to Minuteman III shall be
carried out subject to the following:
(i) Minuteman III to which different numbers of warheads are attributed shall not
be deployed at the same ICBM base.
(ii) Any such reductions shall be carried out no later than seven years after entry
into force of this Treaty.
(iii) The reentry vehicle platform of each Minuteman III to which a reduced number
of warheads is attributed shall be destroyed and replaced by a new reentry vehicle
(c) Reductions in the number of warheads attributed to ICBMs and SLBM s of
types other than Minuteman III shall be carried out subject to the following:
(i) Such reductions include disassembly multi National standing and numerous
sentry observation are urged to reduce and dispose at a 10% per annum aspect to

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ratio as ascertained, however within a 30 day period reduction oversight may be

limited to 500 warheads at any one time for each Party ; inclusive of the same
relative abstracts pursuant of these Provisions of The Nuclear Powers, who as a
combined assertion are collectively assumed to be in possession and control of the
same amounts comb natively articulating, as the said U S Russian dealers of those
enchantments; and in furtherance for the mark of suggestion the abstracts,
timetables, descriptions of Weapon of Mass Destruction, hereinafter referred to as
WMD, are duly subject to the coinciding aspect to ratio disarmament obligations
here withal. [START II Art III.2(b)]
(ii) Afore and after a Party has reduced the number of warheads attributed to
ICBMs or SLBM s of two existing types, that Party shall delimitate and continue to
reduce the number of warheads attributed to ICBMs or SLBM s of any additional

(III) SLBM s of the same type, but to which different numbers of warheads are
attributed, shall be discontinued as of not later than 31 December 2,012 and are not
be deployed on submarines based at submarine bases adjacent to International or
internal water destinations, arrivals, Ports of Call adversary air and sovereign
territorial bounds therein.
(IV) If the number of warheads attributed to an ICBM or SLBM of a particular type
is reduced by more than two, the reentry vehicle platform of each ICBM or SLBM
to which such a reduced number of warheads is attributed shall be destroyed
herein. (d) A Party
shall not have the right to attribute to ICBMs of a new type a number of warheads
greater than the smallest number of warheads attributed to any ICBM to which that
Party has attributed a reduced number of warheads pursuant to subparagraph (c) of
this paragraph. A Party shall not have the right to attribute to SLBM s of a new
type a number of warheads greater than the smallest number of warheads attributed
to any SLBM to which that Party has attributed a reduced number of warheads
pursuant to31 December 2,012 and subparagraph (c) of this paragraph.
6. Newly constructed strategic offensive arms shall begin to be subject to the
limitations provided for in this Treaty as follows:
(a) an ICBM, when it first leaves a production facility;
(b) a mobile launcher of ICBMs, when it first leaves a production facility for
mobile launchers of ICBMs;

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(c) a silo launcher of ICBMs, when excavation for that launcher has been
completed and if and when the pouring of concrete for the silo has been completed,
or 12 months after the excavation begins, whichever occurs earlier;
(d) for the purpose of counting a deployed ICBM and its associated launcher, a silo
launchers of ICBMs shall be considered to contain a deployed ICBM when
excavation for that launcher has been completed and the pouring of concrete for the
silo has been completed, or 12 months after the excavation begins, whichever
occurs earlier, and a mobile launcher of ICBMs shall be considered to contain a
deployed ICBM when it arrives at a maintenance facility, even so as for the non-
deployed mobile launchers of ICBMs provided for in subparagraph 2(b) of Article
IV of this Treaty, or when it leaves an ICBM loading facility;
(e) an SLBM, when it first leaves a production facility;
(f) an SLBM launcher, when the submarine on which that launcher is installed is
first launched;
(g) for the purpose of counting a deployed SLBM and its associated launcher, an
SLBM launcher shall be considered to contain a deployed SLBM when the
submarine on which that launcher is installed is first launched
(h) a heavy bomber or former heavy bomber, when its airframe is first brought out
of the shop, plant, or building in which components of a heavy bomber or former
heavy bomber are assembled to produce complete airframes; or when its airframe is
first brought out of the shop, plant, or building in which existing bomber airframes
are converted to heavy bomber or former heavy bomber airframes. [Agreed State

Article V

7. ICBM launchers and SLBM launchers that have been converted to launch an
ICBM or SLBM, respectively, of a different type shall not be capable of launching
an ICBM or SLBM of the previous type. Such converted launchers shall be
considered to be launchers of ICBMs or SLBM s of that different type as follows:
(a) a silo launchers of ICBMs, when an ICBM of a different type or a training
model of a missile of a different type is first installed in that launcher, or when the

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silo door is reinstalled, whichever occurs first;

(b) a mobile launcher of ICBMs, as agreed within the framework of the Joint
Compliance and Inspection Commission;
(c) an SLBM launcher, when all launchers on the submarine on which that launcher
is installed have been converted to launch an SLBM of that different type and that
submarine begins sea trials, that is, when that submarine first operates under its
own power away from the harbor or port in which the conversion of launchers was
8. Heavy bombers that have been converted into heavy bombers of a different
category or into former heavy bombers shall be considered to be heavy bombers of
that different category or former heavy bombers as follows:
(a) a heavy bomber equipped for nuclear armaments other than long-range nuclear
ALCMs converted into a heavy bomber equipped for long-range nuclear ALCMs,
when it is first brought out of the shop, plant, or building where it was equipped for
long-range nuclear ALCMs;
9. For the purposes of this Treaty:
(a) A ballistic missile of a type developed and tested solely to intercept and counter
objects not located on the surface of the Earth shall not be considered to be a
ballistic missile to which the limitations provided for in this Treaty apply.
(b) If a ballistic missile has been flight-tested or deployed for weapon delivery, all
ballistic missiles of that type shall be considered to be weapon-delivery vehicles.
(c) If a cruise missile has been flight-tested or deployed for weapon delivery, all
cruise missiles of that type shall be considered to be weapon-delivery vehicles.
(d) If a launcher, other than a soft-site launcher, has contained an ICBM or SLBM
of a particular type, it shall be considered to be a launcher of ICBMs or SLBM s of
that type. If a launcher, other than a soft-site launcher, has been converted into a
launcher of ICBMs or SLBM s of a different type, it shall be considered to be a
launcher of ICBMs or SLBM s of the type for which it has been converted.
(e) If a heavy bomber is equipped for long-range nuclear ALCMs, all heavy
bombers of that type shall be considered to be equipped for long-range nuclear
ALCMs, except those that are not so equipped and are distinguishable from heavy
bombers of the same type equipped for long-range nuclear ALCMs. If long-range
nuclear ALCMs have not been flight-tested from any heavy bomber of a particular

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type, no heavy bomber of that type shall be considered to be equipped for long-
range nuclear ALCMs. Within the same type, a heavy bomber equipped for long-
range nuclear ALCMs, a heavy bomber equipped for nuclear armaments other than
long-range nuclear ALCMs, a heavy bomber equipped for non-nuclear armaments,
a training heavy bomber, and a former heavy bomber shall be distinguishable from
one another.
(f) Any long-range ALCM of a type, any one of which has been initially flight-
tested from a heavy bomber on or before December 31, 1988, shall be considered to
be a long-range nuclear ALCM. Any long-range ALCM of a type, any one of
which has been initially flight-tested from a heavy bomber after December 31,
2,007, shall be considered to be a long-range nuclear ALCM if it is a long-range
non-nuclear ALCM and is distinguishable from long-range nuclear ALCMs. Long-
range non-nuclear ALCMs not so distinguishable shall be considered to be long-
range nuclear ALCMs.
(g) Mobile launchers of ICBMs of each new type of ICBM shall be distinguishable
from mobile launchers of ICBMs of existing types of ICBMs and from mobile
launchers of ICBMs of other new type of ICBMs. Such new launchers, with their
associated missiles installed, shall be distinguishable from mobile launchers of
ICBMs of existing types of ICBMs with their associated missiles installed, and
from mobile launchers of ICBMs of other new types of ICBMs with their
associated missiles installed.
(h) Mobile launchers of ICBMs converted into launchers of ICBMs of another type
of ICBM shall be distinguishable from mobile launchers of ICBMs of the previous
type of ICBM. Such converted launchers, with their associated missiles installed,
shall be distinguishable from mobile launchers of ICBMs of the previous type of
ICBM with their associated missiles installed. Conversion of mobile launchers of
ICBMs shall be carried out in accordance with procedures to be agreed within the
framework of the Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission.
10. As of the date of signature of this Treaty:
(a) Existing types of ICBMs and SLBM s are:
(i) for the United States of America, the types of missiles designated by the United
States of America as Minuteman II, Minuteman III, Peacekeeper, Poseidon, Trident
I, and Trident II, which are known to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as
Minuteman II, Minuteman III, MX, Poseidon, Trident I, Trident II, and other

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(ii) for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the types of missiles designated by
the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as RS-10, RS-12, RS-16, RS-20, RS-18,
RS-22, RS-12M, RSM-25, RSM-40, RSM-50, RSM-52, and RSM-54, which are
known to the United States of America as SS-11, SS-13, SS-17, SS-18, SS-19, SS-
24, SS-25, SS-N-6, SS-N-8, SS-N-18, SS-N-20, and SS-N-23, and other
(b) Existing types of ICBMs for mobile launchers of ICBMs and all other insignias
to a missile complex.:
(i) for the United States of America, the type of missile designated by the United
States of America as Peacekeeper, which is known to the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics as MX;
(ii) for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the types of missiles designated by
the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as RS-22 and RS-12M, which are known to
the United States of America as SS-24 and SS-25, respectively.
(c) Former types of ICBMs and SLBM s are the types of missiles designated by the
United States of America as, and known to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
as, Minuteman I and Polaris A-3.
(d) Existing types of heavy bombers are:
(i) for the United States of America, the types of bombers designated by the United
States of America as, and known to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as, B-
52, B-1, and B-2;
(ii) for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the types of bombers designated by
the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as Tu-95 and Tu-160, which are known to
the United States of America as Bear and Blackjack, respectively. [Soviet TU-22M
(e) Existing types of long-range nuclear ALCMs are:
(i) for the United States of America, the types of long-range nuclear ALCMs
designated by the United States of America as, and known to the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics as, AGM-86B and AGM-129;
(ii) for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the types of long-range nuclear
ALCMs designated by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as RKV-500A and
RKV-500B, which are known to the United States of America as AS-15 A and AS-
15 B, respectively. [Nuclear SLCM Policy Declarations]
[Agreed State 28]

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1. Deployed road-mobile launchers of ICBMs and their associated missiles shall be

based only in restricted areas. A restricted area shall not exceed five square
kilometers in size and shall not overlap another restricted area. No more than ten
deployed road-mobile launchers of ICBMs and their associated missiles may be
based or located in a restricted area. A restricted area shall not contain deployed
ICBMs for road-mobile launchers of ICBMs of more than one type of ICBM.
2. Each Party shall limit the number of fixed structures for road-mobile launchers
of ICBMs within each restricted areas so that these structures shall not be capable
of containing more road-mobile launchers of ICBMs than the number of road-
mobile launchers of ICBMs specified for that restricted area. 3. Each
restricted area shall be located within a deployment area. A deployment area shall
not exceed 125,000 square kilometers in size and shall not overlap another
deployment area. A deployment area shall contain no more than one ICBM base for
road-mobile launchers of ICBMs.
4. Deployed rail-mobile launchers of ICBMs and their associated missiles shall be
based only in rail garrisons. Each Party shall have no more than seven rail
garrisons. No point on a portion of track located inside a rail garrison shall be more
than 20 kilometers from any entrance/exit for that rail garrison. This distance shall
be measured along the tracks. A rail garrison shall not overlap another rail
garrison. 5. Each rail garrison shall have no more than two rail entrances/
exits. Each such entrance/exit shall have no more than two separate sets of tracks
passing through it (a total of four rails).
6. Each Party shall limit the number of parking sites in each rail garrison to no more
than the number of trains of standard configuration specified for that rail garrison.
Each rail garrison shall have no more than five parking sites.
7. Each Party shall limit the number of fixed structures for rail-mobile launchers of
ICBMs in each rail garrison to no more than the number of trains of standard
configuration specified for that rail garrison. Each such structure shall contain no
more than one train of standard configuration. 8. Each rail garrison shall contain no
more than one maintenance facility.

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9. Deployed mobile launchers of ICBMs and their associated missiles may leave
restricted areas or rail garrisons only for routine movements, relocations, or
dispersals [XIII.1] [XIV.1]. Deployed road-mobile launchers of ICBMs and their
associated missiles may leave deployment areas only for relocations or operational
10. Relocations shall be completed within 25 days. No more than 15 percent of the
total number of deployed road-mobile launchers of ICBMs and their associated
missiles or five such launchers and their associated missiles, whichever is greater,
may be outside restricted areas at any one time for the purpose of relocation. No
more than 20 percent of the total number of deployed rail-mobile launchers of
ICBMs and their associated missiles or five such launchers and their associated
missiles, whichever is greater, may be outside rail garrisons at any one time for the
purpose of relocation.
11. No more than 50 percent of the total number of deployed rail-mobile launchers
of ICBMs and their associated missiles may be engaged in routine movements at
any one time
12. All trains with deployed rail-mobile launchers of ICBMs and their associated
missiles of a particular type shall be of one standard configuration. All such trains
shall conform to that standard configuration except those taking part in routine
movements, relocations, or dispersals, and except that portion of a train remaining
within a rail garrisons after the other portion of such a train has departed for the
maintenance facility associated with that rail garrison, has been relocated to another
facility, or has departed the rail garrison for routine movement. Except for
dispersals, notification of variations from standard configuration shall be provided


1. Conversion and elimination of strategic offensive arms, fixed structures for

mobile launchers of ICBMs, and facilities shall be carried out pursuant to this
Article and in accordance with procedures provided for in the Conversion or
Elimination Protocol. Conversion and elimination shall be verified by national
technical means of verification and by inspection as provided for in Articles IX and

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XI of this Treaty; in the Conversion or Elimination Protocol; and in the Protocol on

Inspections and Continuous Monitoring Activities Relating to this Treaty,
hereinafter referred to as the Inspection Protocol.
2. ICBMs for mobile launchers of ICBMs, ICBM launchers, SLBM launchers,
heavy bombers, former heavy bombers, and support equipment shall be subject to
the limitations provided for in this Treaty until they have been eliminated, or
otherwise cease to be subject to the limitations provided for in this Treaty, in
accordance with
3. ICBMs for silo launchers of ICBMs and SLBM s shall be subject to the
limitations provided for in this Treaty until they have been eliminated by rendering
them inoperable, precluding their use for their original purpose, using procedures at
the discretion of the Party possessing the ICBMs or SLBM s.
4.The elimination of ICBMs for mobile launchers of ICBMs, mobile launchers of
ICBMs, SLBM launchers, heavy bombers, and bombers shall be carried out at
conversion or elimination facilities,. A launch canister [Launch Canister Letters]
remaining at a test range or ICBM base after the flight test of an ICBM for mobile
launchers of ICBMs shall be eliminated in the open or at a conversion or
elimination facility,


1. A data base pertaining to the obligations under this Treaty is set forth in the
Memorandum of Understanding, in which data with respect to items subject to the
limitations provided for in this Treaty are listed according to categories of
data. 2. In order to ensure the
fulfillment of its obligations with respect to this Treaty, each Party shall notify the
other Party of changes in data, as provided for in subparagraph 3(a) of this Article,
and shall also provide other notifications required by paragraph 3 of this Article, in
accordance with the procedures provided for in paragraphs 4, 5, and 6 of this
Article, the Notification Protocol, and the Inspection Protocol.
3. Each Party shall provide to the other Party, in accordance with the Notification
Protocol, and, for subparagraph (i) of this paragraph, in accordance with Section III
of the Inspection Protocol:[Agreed State 37]

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(a) notifications concerning data with respect to items subject to the limitations
provided for in this Treaty, according to categories of data contained in the
Memorandum of Understanding and other agreed categories of data;[Agreed State
(b) notifications concerning movement of items subject to the limitations provided
for in this Treaty;
(c) notifications concerning data on ICBM and SLBM throw-weight in connection
with the Protocol on ICBM and SLBM Throw-weight [MOU, Section I] Relating to
this Treaty, hereinafter referred to as the Throw-weight Protocol;
(d) notifications concerning conversion or elimination of items subject to the
limitations provided for in this Treaty or elimination of facilities subject to this
(e) notifications concerning cooperative measures to enhance the effectiveness of
national technical means of verification;
(f) notifications concerning flight tests of ICBMs or SLBM s and notifications
concerning telemetric information; [Launch Notification Agreement]
(g) notifications concerning strategic offensive arms of new types and new kinds;
[Agreed State 2]
(h) notifications concerning changes in the content of information provided
pursuant to this paragraph, including the rescheduling of activities;
(i) notifications concerning inspections and continuous monitoring activities; and
(j) notifications concerning operational dispersals.
4. Each Party shall use the Nuclear Risk Reduction Centers, which provide for
continuous communication between the Parties, to provide and receive notifications
in accordance with the Notification Protocol and the Inspection Protocol, unless
otherwise provided for in this Treaty, and to acknowledge receipt of such
notifications no later than one hour after receipt.
5. If a time is to be specified in a notification provided pursuant to this Article, that
time shall be expressed in Greenwich Mean Time. If only a date is to be specified
in a notification, that date shall be specified as the 24-hour period that corresponds
to the date in local time, expressed in Greenwich Mean Time.
6. Except as otherwise provided in this Article, each Party shall have the right to
release to the public all data current as of September 1, 1990, that are listed in the

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Memorandum of Understanding, as well as the photographs that are appended

thereto. Geographic coordinates and site diagrams that are received pursuant to the
Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the
Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Exchange of Geographic
Coordinates and Site Diagrams Relating to the Treaty of July 31, 1991, shall not be
released to the public unless otherwise agreed. The Parties shall hold consultations
on releasing to the public data and other information provided pursuant to this
Article or received otherwise in fulfilling the obligations provided for in this
Treaty. The provisions of this Article shall not affect the rights and obligations of
the Parties with respect to the communication of such data and other information to
those individuals who, because of their official responsibilities, require such data or
other information to carry out activities related to the fulfillment of the obligations
provided for in this Treaty. [Statements on Release to Public]


1. For the purpose of ensuring verification of compliance with the provisions of this
Treaty, each Party shall use national technical means of verification at its disposal
in a manner consistent with generally recognized principles of international law.
2. Each Party undertakes not to interfere with the national technical means of
verification of the other Party operating in accordance with paragraph l of this
3. Each Party undertakes not to use concealment measures that impede verification,
by national technical means of verification, of compliance with the provisions of
this Treaty. In this connection, the obligation not to use concealment measures
includes the obligation not to use them at test ranges, including measures that result
in the concealment of ICBMs, SLBM s, mobile launchers of ICBMs, or the
association between ICBMs or SLBM s and their launchers during testing. The
obligation not to use concealment measures shall not apply to cover or concealment
practices at ICBM bases and deployment areas, or to the use of environmental
shelters for strategic offensive arms.
4. To aid verification, each ICBM for mobile launchers of ICBMs shall have a
unique identifier as provided for in the Inspection Protocol.

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1. During each flight test of an ICBM or SLBM, the Party conducting the flight test
shall make on-board technical measurements and shall broadcast all telemetric
information obtained from such measurements. The Party conducting the flight test
shall determine which technical parameters are to be measured during such flight
test, as well as the methods of processing and transmitting telemetric information.
2. During each flight test of an ICBM or SLBM, the Party conducting the flight test
undertakes not to engage in any activity that denies full access to telemetric
information, including: [Statements on Encryption & Jamming]
(a) the use of encryption;
(b) the use of jamming;
(c) broadcasting telemetric information from an ICBM or SLBM using narrow
directional beaming; and
(d) encapsulation of telemetric information, including the use of eject able capsules
or recoverable reentry vehicles..
3. During each flight test of an ICBM or SLBM, the Party conducting the flight test
undertakes not to broadcast from reentry vehicles. telemetric information that
pertains to the functioning of the stages or the self-contained dispensing mechanism
of the ICBM or SLBM.
4. After each flight test of an ICBM or SLBM, the Party conducting the flight test
shall provide, in accordance with Section I of the Protocol on Telemetric
Information Relating to the Treaty, hereinafter referred to as the Telemetry
Protocol, tapes that contain a recording of all telemetric information that is
broadcast during the flight test.
5. After each flight test of an ICBM or SLBM, the Party conducting the flight test
shall provide, in accordance with Section II of the Telemetry Protocol, data
associated with the analysis of the telemetric information.[Agreed State 35]
6. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, each Party
shall have the right to encapsulate and encrypt on-board technical measurements
during no more than a total of eleven flight tests of ICBMs or SLBM s each year.
Of these eleven flight tests each year, no more than four shall be flight tests of
ICBMs or SLBM s of each type, any missile of which has been flight-tested with a
self-contained dispensing mechanism. Such encapsulation shall be carried out in

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accordance with Section I and paragraph 1 of Section III of the Telemetry Protocol,
and such encryption shall be carried out in accordance with paragraph 2 of Section
III of the Telemetry Protocol. Encapsulation and encryption that are carried out on
the same flight test of an ICBM or SLBM shall count as two flight tests against the
quotas specified in this paragraph.[Agreed State 31]


1. For the purpose of ensuring verification of compliance with the provisions of this
Treaty, each Party shall have the right to conduct inspections and continuous
monitoring activities and shall conduct exhibitions pursuant to this Article and the
Inspection Protocol. Inspections, continuous monitoring activities, and exhibitions
shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures provided for in the Inspection
Protocol and the Conversion or Elimination Protocol. [item of inspection] [size
criteria][Agreed State 36]
2. Each Party shall have the right to conduct baseline data inspections at facilities to
confirm the accuracy of data on the numbers and types of items specified for such
facilities in the initial exchange of data provided in accordance with paragraph 1 of
Section I of the Notification Protocol. [facility inspections at] [Agreed State 10]
3. Each Party shall have the right to conduct data update inspections at facilities to
confirm the accuracy of data on the numbers and types of items specified for such
facilities in the notifications and regular exchanges of updated data provided in
accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3 of Section I of the Notification Protocol.
[facility inspections at] [Agreed State 10]
4. Each Party shall have the right to conduct new facility inspections to confirm the
accuracy of data on the numbers and types of items specified in the notifications of
new facilities provided in accordance with paragraph 3 of Section I of the
Notification Protocol.[facility inspections at]
5. Each Party shall have the right to conduct suspect-site inspections to confirm that
covert assembly of ICBMs for mobile launchers of ICBMs or covert assembly of
first stages of such ICBMs is not occurring. [facility inspections at] [Joint State
on Site Diagrams]
6. Each Party shall have the right to conduct reentry vehicle inspections of

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deployed ICBMs and SLBM s to confirm that such ballistic missiles contain no
more reentry vehicles than the number of warheads attributed to them.[facility
7. Each Party shall have the right to conduct post-exercise dispersal inspections of
deployed mobile launchers of ICBMs and their associated missiles to confirm that
the number of mobile launchers of ICBMs and their associated missiles that are
located at the inspected ICBM bases and those that have not returned to it after
completion of the dispersal does not exceed the number specified for that ICBM
8. Each Party shall conduct or shall have the right to conduct conversion or
elimination inspections to confirm the conversion or elimination of strategic
offensive arms.
9. Each Party shall have the right to conduct close-out inspections to confirm that
the elimination of facilities has been completed.
10. Each Party shall have the right to conduct formerly declared facility inspections
to confirm that facilities, notification of the elimination of which has been provided
in accordance with paragraph 3 of Section I of the Notification Protocol, are not
being used for purposes inconsistent with this Treaty.
11. Each Party shall conduct technical characteristics exhibitions, and shall have the
right during such exhibitions by the other Party to conduct inspections of an ICBM
and an SLBM of each type, and each variant thereof, and of a mobile launcher of
ICBMs and each version of such launcher for each type of ICBM for mobile
launchers of ICBMs. The purpose of such exhibitions shall be to permit the
inspecting Party to confirm that technical characteristics correspond to the data
specified for these items.
12. Each Party shall conduct distinguish ability exhibitions for heavy bombers,
former heavy bombers, and long-range nuclear ALCMs, and shall have the right
during such exhibitions by the other Party to conduct inspections, of:
(a) heavy bombers equipped for long-range nuclear ALCMs. The purpose of such
exhibitions shall be to permit the inspecting Party to confirm that the technical
characteristics of each type and each variant of such heavy bombers correspond to
the data specified for these items in Annex G to the Memorandum of
Understanding; to demonstrate the maximum number of long-range nuclear
ALCMs for which a heavy bomber of each type and each variant is actually

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equipped; and to demonstrate that this number does not exceed the number
provided for in paragraph 20 or21 of Article V of this Treaty, as applicable;
(b) for each type of heavy bomber from any one of which a long-range nuclear
ALCM has been flight-tested, heavy bombers equipped for nuclear armaments
other than long-range nuclear ALCMs, heavy bombers equipped for non-nuclear
armaments, training heavy bombers, and former heavy bombers. If, for such a type
of heavy bomber, there are no heavy bombers equipped for long-range nuclear
ALCMs, a test heavy bomber from which a long-range nuclear ALCM has been
flight-tested shall be exhibited. The purpose of such exhibitions shall be to
demonstrate to the inspecting Party that, for each exhibited type of heavy bomber,
each variant of heavy bombers equipped for nuclear armaments other than long-
range nuclear ALCMs, each variant of heavy bombers equipped for non-nuclear
armaments, each variant of training heavy bombers, and a former heavy bomber are
distinguishable from one another and from each variant of heavy bombers of the
same type equipped for long-range nuclear ALCMs; and
(c) long-range nuclear ALCMs. The purpose of such exhibitions shall be to permit
the inspecting Party to confirm that the technical characteristics of each type and
each variant of such long-range ALCMs correspond to the data specified for these
items in Annex H to the Memorandum of Understanding. The further purpose of
such exhibitions shall be to demonstrate differences, notification of which has been
provided in accordance with paragraph 13, 14, or 15 of Section VII of the
Notification Protocol, that make long-range non-nuclear ALCMs distinguishable
from long-range nuclear ALCMs.
13. Each Party shall conduct baseline exhibitions, and shall have the right during
such exhibitions by the other Party to conduct inspections, of all heavy bombers
equipped for long-range nuclear ALCMs equipped for non-nuclear armaments, all
training heavy bombers, and all former heavy bombers specified in the initial
exchange of data provided.. The purpose of these exhibitions shall be to
demonstrate to the inspecting Party that such airplanes satisfy the requirements for.
After a long-range nuclear ALCM has been flight-tested from a heavy bomber of a
type, from none of which a long-range nuclear ALCM had previously been flight-
tested, the Party conducting the flight test shall conduct baseline exhibitions, and
the other Party shall have the right during such exhibitions to conduct inspections,
of 30 percent of the heavy bombers equipped for long-range nuclear ALCMs of

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such type equipped for nuclear armaments other than long-range nuclear ALCMs at
each air base specified for such heavy bombers. The purpose of these exhibitions
shall be to demonstrate to the inspecting Party the presence of specified features
that make each exhibited heavy bomber distinguishable from heavy bombers of the
same type equipped for long-range nuclear ALCMs.
14. Each Party shall have the right to conduct continuous monitoring activities at
production facilities for ICBMs for mobile launchers of ICBMs to confirm the
number of ICBMs for mobile launchers of ICBMs produced.[Agreed State]
[facilities] [Site Surveys Letters]


1. To enhance the effectiveness of national technical means of verification, each

Party shall, if the other Party makes a request in accordance with the Protocol, carry
out the following cooperative measures:
(a) a display in the open of the road-mobile launchers of ICBMs located within
restricted areas specified by the requesting Party. The number of road-mobile
launchers of ICBMs based at the restricted areas specified in each such request
shall not exceed ten percent of the total number of deployed road-mobile launchers
of ICBMs of the requested Party, and such launchers shall be contained within one
ICBM base for road-mobile launchers of ICBMs. For each specified restricted area,
the roofs of fixed structures for road-mobile launchers of ICBMs shall be open for
the duration of a display. The road-mobile launchers of ICBMs located within the
restricted area shall be displayed either located next to or moved halfway out of
such fixed structures;
(b) a display in the open of the rail-mobile launchers of ICBMs located at parking
sites specified by the requesting Party. Such launchers shall be displayed by
removing the entire train from its fixed structure and locating the train within the
rail garrison. The number of rail-mobile launchers of ICBMs subject to display
pursuant to each such request shall include all such launchers located at no more
than eight parking sites, provided that no more than two parking sites may be
requested within any one rail garrison in any one request. Requests concerning
specific parking sites shall include the designation for each parking site as provided
for in Annex A to the Memorandum of Understanding; and[

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(c) a display in the open of all heavy bombers and former heavy bombers located
within one air base specified by the requesting Party, except those heavy bombers
and former heavy bombers that are not readily movable due to maintenance or
operations. Such heavy bombers and former heavy bombers shall be displayed by
removing the entire airplane from its fixed structure, if any, and locating the
airplane within the air base. Those heavy bombers and former heavy bombers at the
air base specified by the requesting Party that are not readily movable due to
maintenance or operations shall be specified by the requested Party in a notification
provided in accordance with Protocol. Such a notification shall be provided no
later than 12 hours after the request for display has been made.
2. Road-mobile launchers of ICBMs, rail-mobile launchers of ICBMs, heavy
bombers, and former heavy bombers subject to each request pursuant to paragraph
1 of this Article shall be displayed in open view without using concealment
measures. Each Party shall have the right to make seven such requests each year,
but shall not request a display at any particular ICBM base for road-mobile
launchers of ICBMs, any particular parking site, or any particular air base more
than two times each year. A Party shall have the right to request, in any single
request, only a display of road-mobile launchers of ICBMs, a display of rail-mobile
launchers of ICBMs, or a display of heavy bombers and former heavy bombers. A
display shall begin no later than 12 hours after the request is made and shall
continue until 18 hours have elapsed from the time that the request was made. If the
requested Party cannot conduct a display due to circumstances brought about by
force major, it shall provide notification to the requesting Party in accordance with
Protocol, and the display shall be cancelled. In such a case, the number of requests
to which the requesting Party is entitled shall not be reduced.
3. A request for cooperative measures shall not be made for a facility that has been
designated for inspection until such an inspection has been completed and the
inspectors have departed the facility. A facility for which cooperative measures
have been requested shall not be designated for inspection until the cooperative
measures have been completed or until notification has been provided in
accordance with Protocol.


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1. Each Party shall have the right to conduct exercise dispersal of deployed mobile
launchers of ICBMs and their associated missiles from restricted areas or rail
garrisons. Such an exercise dispersal may involve either road-mobile launchers of
ICBMs or rail-mobile launchers of ICBMs, or both road-mobile launchers of
ICBMs and rail-mobile launchers of ICBMs. Exercise dispersals of deployed
mobile launchers of ICBMs and their associated missiles shall be conducted as
provided for below:
(a) An exercise dispersal shall be considered to have begun as of the date and time
specified in the notification provided in accordance with paragraph 11 of Section II
of the Notification Protocol.
(b) An exercise dispersal shall be considered to be completed as of the date and
time specified in the notification provided in accordance with paragraph 12 of
Section II of the Notification Protocol.
(c) Those ICBM bases for mobile launchers of ICBMs specified in the notification
provided in accordance with paragraph 11 of Section II of the Notification Protocol
shall be considered to be involved in exercise dispersal.
(d) When an exercise dispersal begins, deployed mobile launchers of ICBMs and
their associated missiles engaged in a routine movement from a restricted area or
rail garrison of an ICBM base for mobile launchers of ICBMs that is involved in
such a dispersal shall be considered to be part of the dispersal.
b(e) When an exercise dispersal begins, deployed mobile launchers of ICBMs and
their associated missiles engaged in a relocation from a restricted area or rail
garrisons of an ICBM base for mobile launchers of ICBMs that is involved in such
a dispersal shall continue to be considered to be engaged in a relocation.
Notification of the completion of the relocation shall be provided in accordance
with paragraph 10 of Section II of the Notification Protocol, unless notification of
the completion of the relocation was provided in accordance with paragraph 12 of
Section II of the Notification Protocol.
(f) During an exercise dispersal, all deployed mobile launchers of ICBMs and their
associated missiles that depart a restricted area or rail garrison of an ICBM base for
mobile launchers of ICBMs involved in such a dispersal shall be considered to be
part of the dispersal, except for such launchers and missiles that relocate to a
facility outside their associated ICBM base during such a dispersal.

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(g) An exercise in dispersal shall be completed no later than 30 days after it begins.
(h) Exercise dispersals shall not be conducted:
(i) more than two times in any period of two calendar years;
(ii) during the entire period of time provided for baseline data inspections;
(iii) from a new ICBM base for mobile launchers of ICBMs until a new facility
inspection has been conducted or until the period of time provided for such an
inspection has expired; or
(iv) from an ICBM base for mobile launchers of ICBMs that has been designated
for a data update inspection or reentry vehicle inspection, until completion of such
an inspection.
(i) If a notification of an exercise dispersal has been provided in accordance with
Protocol, the other Party shall not have the right to designate for data update
inspection or reentry vehicle inspection an ICBM base for mobile launchers of
ICBMs involved in such a dispersal, or to request cooperative measures for such an
ICBM base, until the completion of such a dispersal.
(j) When an exercise dispersal is completed, deployed mobile launchers of ICBMs
and their associated missiles involved in such a dispersal shall be located at their
restricted areas or rail garrisons, except for those otherwise accounted for in
accordance with paragraph 12 of Section II of the Notification Protocol.
2. A major strategic exercise involving heavy bombers, about which a notification
has been provided pursuant to the Agreement Between the Government of the
United States of America and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics on Reciprocal Advance Notification of Major Strategic Exercises of
September 23, 1989, shall be conducted as provided for below:
(a) Such exercise shall be considered to have begun as of the date and time
specified in the notification provided in accordance with paragraph 16 of Section II
of the Notification Protocol.
(b) Such exercise shall be considered to be completed as of the date and time
specified in the notification provided in accordance with paragraph 17 of Section II
of the Notification Protocol.
(c) The air bases for heavy bombers and air bases for former heavy bombers
specified in the notification provided in accordance with paragraph 16 of Section II
of the Notification Protocol shall be considered to be involved in such exercise.

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(d) Such exercise shall begin no more than one time in any calendar year, and shall
be completed no later than 30 days after it begins.
(e) Such exercise shall not be conducted during the entire period of time provided
for baseline data inspections.
(f) During such exercise by a Party, the other Party shall not have the right to
conduct inspections of the air bases for heavy bombers and air bases for former
heavy bombers involved in the exercise. The right to conduct inspections of such
air bases shall resume three days after notification of the completion of a major
strategic exercise involving heavy bombers has been provided in accordance with
(g) Within the 30-day period following the receipt of the notification of the
completion of such exercise, the receiving Party may make a request for
cooperative measures to be carried out in accordance with this Treaty at one of the
air bases involved in the exercise. Such a request shall not be counted toward the
quota provided for in this Treaty.


1. Each Party shall have the right to conduct operational dispersals of deployed
mobile launchers of ICBMs and their associated missiles, ballistic missile
submarines, and heavy bombers. There shall be no limit on the number and
duration of operational dispersals, and there shall be no limit on the number of
deployed mobile launchers of ICBMs and their associated missiles, ballistic missile
submarines, or heavy bombers involved in such dispersals. When an operational
dispersal begins, all strategic offensive arms of a Party shall be considered to be
part of the dispersal. Operational dispersals shall be conducted as provided for
below:[Agreed State]
(a) An operational dispersal shall be considered to have begun as of the date and
time specified in the notification provided in accordance with Protocol.
(b) An operational dispersal shall be considered to be completed as of the date and
time specified in the notification provided in accordance with Protocol.
2. During an operational dispersal each Party shall have the right to:
(a) suspend notifications that it would otherwise provide in accordance with the

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Notification Protocol except for notification of flight tests provided under the
Agreement Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics on Notifications of Launches of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles and
Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles of May 31, 1988; provided that, if any
conversion or elimination processes are not suspended pursuant to subparagraph (d)
of this paragraph, the relevant notifications shall be provided in accordance with
(b) suspend the right of the other Party to conduct inspections;
(c) suspend the right of the other Party to request cooperative measures; and
(d) suspend conversion and elimination processes for its strategic offensive arms. In
such case, the number of converted and eliminated items shall correspond to the
number that has actually been converted and eliminated as of the date and time of
the beginning of the operational dispersal specified in the notification provided in
accordance with Protocol.
3. Notifications suspended pursuant to paragraph 2 of this Article shall resume no
later than three days after notification of the completion of the operational dispersal
has been provided in accordance with Protocol. The right to conduct inspections
and to request cooperative measures suspended pursuant to paragraph 2 of this
Article shall resume four days after notification of the completion of the operational
dispersal has been provided in accordance with Protocol. Inspections or
cooperative measures being conducted at the time a Party provides notification that
it suspends inspections or cooperative measures during an operational dispersal
shall not count toward the appropriate annual quotas provided for by this Treaty.
4. When an operational dispersal is completed:
(a) All deployed road-mobile launchers of ICBMs and their associated missiles
shall be located within their deployment areas or shall be engaged in relocations .
(b) All deployed rail-mobile launchers of ICBMs and their associated missiles shall
be located within their rail garrisons or shall be engaged in routine movements or
relocations .
(c) All heavy bombers shall be located within national territory and shall have
resumed normal operations. If it is necessary for heavy bombers to be located
outside national territory for purposes not inconsistent with this Treaty, the Parties
will immediately engage in diplomatic consultations so that appropriate assurances
can be provided.

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5. Within the 30 day period after the completion of an operational dispersal, the
Party not conducting the operational dispersal shall have the right to make no more
than two requests for cooperative measures, subject to the provisions of Article XII
of this Treaty, for ICBM bases for mobile launchers of ICBMs or air bases. Such
requests shall count toward the quota of requests provided for in paragraph 2 of
Article XII of this Treaty.


To promote the objectives and implementation of the provisions of this Treaty, the
Parties hereby establish the Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission. The
Parties agree that, if either Party so requests, they shall meet within the framework
of the Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission to: United Nation Assemblies
(a) resolve questions relating to compliance with the obligations assumed;
(b) agree upon such additional measures as may be necessary to improve the
viability and effectiveness of this Treaty; and
(c) resolve questions related to the application of relevant provisions of this Treaty
to a new kind of strategic offensive arm, after notification has been provided in
accordance with Protocol.


To ensure the viability and effectiveness of this Treaty, each Party shall not assume
any international obligations or undertakings that would conflict with its
provisions. The Parties shall hold consultations in accordance with Article XV of
this Treaty in order to resolve any ambiguities that may arise in this regard. The
Parties [United Nations Assemblies Protocol] agree that this provision does apply
to any patterns of cooperation, including obligations, in the area of strategic
offensive arms, existing at the time of signature of this Treaty, between a Party and
a third State. [Agreed State 1] [Soviet State on Non-Circumvention & Patterns of
Coop. The NATO Alliances and Its Supreme Commanders; The Republic of
China, Koreas and Japanese Multilateralism, The Persian Empires, The Arabian

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Peninsula, France, Switzerland, Spain Portugal, Sweden The States of Israel, and
India, Pakistan and all other insignias to developing needs to isotopic mentioning
there again in still.]


1. This Treaty, including its Annexes, Protocols, and Memorandum of

Understanding, all of which form integral parts and are considered hereby to say
the IDF Treaty series, in which the purpose was to reserve adaptive language and
interceptive resurrection thereof, shall be subject to ratification in accordance with
the constitutional procedures of each Party. This Treaty shall enter into force on the
date of the exchange of instruments of ratification.
2. This Treaty shall remain in force for 15 years unless superseded earlier by a
subsequent agreement on the reduction and limitation of strategic offensive arms.
No later than one year before the expiration of the 15-year period, the Parties shall
meet to consider whether this Treaty will be extended. If the Parties so decide, this
Treaty will be extended for a period of five years unless it is superseded before the
expiration of that period by a subsequent agreement on the reduce, dispose and de-
limitation of strategic offensive arms. This Treaty shall be extended for successive
five-year periods, if the Parties so decide, in accordance with the procedures
governing the initial extension, and it shall remain in force for each agreed five-
year period of extension unless as was to be retro ceded by a subsequent agreement
on the reduction and elimination of strategic offensive arms.
3. There shall any Party in exercising its national sovereignty, have the right to
withdraw from this Treaty. No such extraordinary events related to the subject
matter of this Treaty can jeopardized the supreme interests as willful or negligible
dissention... Such notice shall have no bearing on the situation implied as dire need
to comprehend a statement of the extraordinary events the notifying Party regards
as having Natures said orientation over its supreme interests.


Each Party may propose amendments to this Treaty. Agreed amendments shall
enter into force in accordance with the procedures governing entry into force of this

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This Treaty shall be registered pursuant to Article 102 of the Charter of the United

Done at HB 92649 USA, one copy in English and authentic Text in all who come to
call upon it.














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By virtue of the common interests the Partys hereto:

Guided by this Declaration on the Denuclearization of critical life support
and breathable oxygen supplies, as waived here as adopted by the
Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the State of Israel and the
Joint Command Organization of the United Nations, the United States of
America, the Nuclear Powers inter alias, all insignias to a Marquis, they
of whom shall be considered bonded by cultures, divided by, suspect, or
sponsor status quo to a nuclear energy utility supply of weapons graded
ammunition forbearance:

Requests that The Russian Federation and former Union of obligations
whereas assumed, as such to decided seek, a NATO Supreme Allied
Command and Operative Custodial and Administrative Posts, headed by
the Swedes selective instrument of service abet ment fallacies, preferably
assisted by the Dutch, Norwegians supreme identifiably approved flanks to
a U N, Russo approved chain of command, (hereinafter referred to as
The Partys); do seek to undertake and convene hereby
(Res.N507/05.22.05), in its first ordinary sessions, further sessions
governing procedures, composition and other relevant matters are to be
held in Moscow from 15 June to 15-Aug 2,007 and at a five year interval

Reaffirming inasmuch as so, for each and every Party to the Status of
Unified Command, in particularly, the Peoples Republic of China, inter
alias Taiwan, the Japanese Atolls, South Korea, and as in the interest of
friendliest relationships, where safe and lofty readiness are dearly be
gathered together here withal, give hereof oath and silent reminders, old
promises here as, do solemnly swear to:

(a) co-operate and comply to the space based apertures insignias, in the
interests of further strengthening the principle of thermonuclear discourse,
disarmament, and fuel enrichment service application; agree upon
disassembly standard apparatus and suggestive agreements on general and
complete nuclear utility discontinuation whereas, fuel enrichment
diminished capacity in crude surpluses:

(b) respective to the moral and civil overtures the Partys set out and
undertake, through the IDF Treaty Series International agreement,
mindful of the Plenipotentiaries insignias of a Depositary interpretation for
a Charter U N under United Nations auspices to support and uphold the
purposes of this Protocols:

(c) and standing by, for and with space based design aperture advice and
consent, all Partys to a Convention did agree in a fundamentalist waivers,
to reduce Weapons of Mass Destruction, (WMD), such as nuclear
warheads of any frequency yield attribution, with express reservation
implied pursuant to Article II Sections 1 and 2 of the Descriptive Encode
in Star Based Internal Command Treatys Provisionment hereinafter. As
guidance would address and advise:

(d) not to manufacture or acquire control nuclear weapons; to disarmament

protocol, and to verify and comply to one anothers requests by all honest
means whether they be financially solvent or even so therein still..

Guided also, by the resolutions of the ordinary sessions of the U N
Security Councils advice, and in an event of a power failure nor an
absence of litigation Memberships to a status quo and Convention
recommendations as apertures imply, the Israeli Ministry of the Peoples
State of Israel would be advised to descend upon an contingency
organization of International Governmental stature, with command and
control 24-7-365 stand by reserve attribution and de-factus opted
capability. The Israeli unified commanders may decide a matter of
significant apertures baselines of an establishment of co-operative
working relationships. A utility contingency complex will shall establish
such Specialized Committee functions as it may deem necessary in the
areas of respective research and ordination here as whereto affirm as such
may become, in and though:

(a) the evolution of the international situation conducive to the

implementation of the Israeli Intelligence descriptive Declarations, as well
as the relevant provisions relating to the obligations assumed under the
START, II, III and the aforementioned fulfillment of this Treatys
Provisions, and Declaration on Security, Disarmament and Development

Recalling United Nations General Assembly resolution 3472 B (XXX) of
11 December 1975, in which it considers nuclear-weapon-free zones,
one of the most effective means for preventing the proliferation, both
horizontal and vertical, of nuclear weapons, to promote the objectives for
mutual security under a universal Law.
Convinced of the need to take all steps and new solutions for
a worlds new utopian societies, far and free away from the fate of disdain
and disastrous WMD s and the threats of broken promises, dramatic and
crude as they usually can get; as a result we live free of nuclear weapons,
as well nuclear reactors as convincingly can attribute here fore,
Convinced also that the worlds new nuclear-weapon-free zone will
constitute an important step towards strengthening the non-proliferation
regime, promoting cooperation in promoting general and complete
disarmament and enhancing regional and international peace and security.
Aware that regional disarmament measures contribute to global
disarmament efforts with due consideration for the needs of the developing
Nations, and of the worlds new secret hiding places therein where after
the act or facts of service abet mentors passions, and fuel enrichment
industrialists who best control condemning the weaker, and exploiting the
seekers, perspective to untangling thereto hereof the rumors hownow,

Believing that the topographical firmament of the North and South
hemispheres and the space within the fine lines of division displays a
choice of judgment and ecologist cal opted for apertures in support of life
as we look to the nuclear demilitarized and energy utility submergences in
another way we come to understand void of formulation are they who
proceed in abominable intercourse as specified zone of obligations to save
the people from their could care lesss apertures application will protect
the Great Divide in effect, the Law and Order of States against possible
uninhabitable landscapes and open planes to thereupon;
Noting with satisfaction existing statements read, and recognizing that the
establishment of other Star Based Utility Complexes, even so, as such in
the Middle East, would enhance the security of States Parties to the
descriptive implication thereabouts,
Reaffirming the importance of the Treatys interpretation on the Non-
Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, and the Strategic Arms Reduction
topographical matters as need to note the safeguards as is agreed upon.
When in the dawning of the end of a nuclear era their exists a need to get
under tomorrow lost in an aperture reminders of a soy lent beckoning to
that of which will result in acquired oxygen depletion molecules syndrome
or ODMS.

Underlining the complexities implied and associated with degenerates
will require the observances of a non infected health and safety Surgeon
Generals aperture. All a nuclear about face for disarmament calls for, is
that no elected officials be they perjury ongoing as right now I spoke and
then it takes a degenerate to falsify the orders received from the Lord of
this world for devils aperture, is a unconditional side and a firm decision to
put down the anti-christ degenerate specimen leadership rank and files
with an iron hand in the face of show no recourse and let the fires of life
burn up alive he who did not stand beside and guide the light and the Truth
here and now. ,
Desirous to denounce and try to tell your self your said peaceful
purposes Provisionment was conjured up by fools and nothing less here as
silent vows old promises never meant to keep. By that as particularly to
cause of previous International U N sanctified nuclear nonproliferation
engagement expectancies of a charge to a reservation ascribed as under
Treaty thereto. Whereas the inalienable right of all State Parties to
develop, research production, and use of nuclear energy for peaceful
purposes without discrimination, walked inside your average everyday
circle of danger and counter point conformity for degenerates whom were,
and still aspire to become Party to the fullest possible peaceful exchange,
was then and still may be called propaganda pedophiles, of, all an
equipment, materials, scientific and technological information in as much
as well as for such a said peace in the purpose ness, dramatic and crude as
a devicycles has to decipher, its path in theorys expressed hereinafter.

Determined to limit regional cooperation for the development and
practical application of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes in the interest
of exclusively, hospital X-ray equipment; as such devices necessary for
measuring radio wavelength frequencies. Within the framework of this
entry, with respect to this Treaty, the Partys will petition a U N General
Mandate or special permission from Israeli Class Defence apertures social
and economic development descriptive for any other said uses, abuses,
dealings, import, export manufacturer, syndicated sponsors of close
encounters in and about both hemispheres, and all the said Continents in
between, by these Presents, to the ends of the Earths atmospheric
consideration whereat,
Determined to keep the landscapes of the powers clean, recyclable and
user friendly, on this desert in your open seas, protected from
unfathomable behaviors associated with the criminal element and notions
of skullduggery and beyond, the zone of application whereby all are
suspect until otherwise caught, shall be the letter of the law and the
applicable charges brought forth to a trespass therefore. In order to
facilitate the exercise of their functions as required by lawful obedience,
environmental pollution by radioactive wastes and shipwrecked reminders
of debris to a charge inasmuch to the contrary to that of which a standing
combinative Treatys can attest for a matter of limitations and the Statutes
pursuant to an entry thereat here ye , no littering, no unauthorized spilling,
or discharges of hazardous materials without a licensing board guideline,
perspective to U S and U N legal actionary frame work in a cause of

independent contractual evidence, as so be it the responsibility of the U N
as descriptivism stated theorys of how a U S Navy subcontracting award,
inter alia, proces verbal, and for that a U S Naval stance, to project rights
titles and by that, all legal means a Coast Guard over the horizon
capability can procure, as orderly execution of disciplinary discharge
necessary to combat the threats of attributable limitations.
Welcoming the legally binding aspects of biological molecular
aerodynamic design aperture insignias, with Israeli Class module saucer
type attributes. In theorys expressed as an opinion pole so ordered, if you
do that, and rescind not, contrary to the stipulated design barrel, for the
purpose of a law degree, States and governmental and non-governmental
organizations shall face uninhabitable areas of concern in a short distance
between an open plane of desolate and bio molecular chemical agents, by
that we come as prepared to inflict mortal transgender union ships
attorneys for killers passion set for those of they who best hooray for it
to become as sold,- so we did. This is why we can fore see a forceful entry
for the attainment of these objectives,
Have decided by this treaty to establish the Descriptive Encode
Treatys; come to be called IDF Treaty Series; Constitutes NPT, INF,
START-through descriptive and accountings for START II, III and
conjunctive to the Presents of DESBIC AGENDA, and stipulated acute
hearing perceptions as viewed through your cinema Sci-fi entice me all the
way to ask Hezbollah to do King Nebuchadnezzars side a revenge for a
curse at what it finds amusing to seek and hereby agree as follows:

Article 1

For the purpose of this Treaty and its Protocols:

(a) "Inter-Continental nuclear-weapon-free zone" means the breath and
territory of habitable and uninhabitable planes of realitys to where we are
coming from and when we are going to state differently then the Law of
Nature and Natures GOD(S), in the firmament and between the advise
and consent of star based definitions on usages, air, and sea bases
and all the continents in between as affixed, in Unity with its Resolution
to descend upon here and now therefore;

(b) "Territory" means not limited to the land territory, internal waters,
territorial seas and archipelagic waters and the airspace above them as well
as the sea bed and subsoil beneath;

(c) "Nuclear explosive device" means any nuclear weapon or other

explosive device capable of releasing nuclear energy, irrespective of the
purpose for which it could be used. The term includes such a weapon or
device in unassembled and partly assembled forms, and may also include
the means of transport of such critical masses as:

(d) "Stationing" means implantation, emplacement, transport on land or

inland waters, stockpiling, storage, installation and deployment;

(e) "Nuclear installation" means a nuclear-power reactor, a nuclear
research reactor, a critical facility, a conversion plant, a fabrication plant, a
reprocessing plant, an isotope separation plant, a separate storage
installation and any other installation or location in or at which fresh or
irradiated nuclear material or hazardous quantities of radioactive materials
are present;

(f) "Nuclear material" means any source material or special fissionable

material as defined in DESBIC AGENDAS Article IV Section 2 through
6 of the Statute and terms, of the accounts and descriptions provided for
therefore an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is needless
seekers of degeneracy lingers here withal and as amended from time to
time by the existence of our star men hereinafter.


Article 2
1. Except where otherwise specified, this Treaty and its Protocols shall
apply to the territory within the Inter-Continental Hemispheres as a
nuclear-weapon-free zone, as illustrated on the maps and the global
satellite photos distributed by NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratories,
published by National Geographical Topography indeed a societys of our
Lords creating, who is whereat; annex I.

2. This Treaty may prejudice or affect the rights, or the exercise of the
rights, of any State under international law with regard to freedom of the

Article 3

Each Party undertakes:

(a) Not to conduct research on, develop, manufacture, stockpile or
otherwise acquire, possess or have control over any nuclear explosive
device by any means anywhere;

(b) Not to seek or receive any assistance in the research on, development,
manufacture, stockpiling or acquisition, or possession of any nuclear
explosive device;

(c) Not to take any action to assist or encourage the research on,
development, manufacture, stockpiling or acquisition, or possession of any
nuclear explosive device.

Article 4

1. Each Party undertakes to prohibit, in its territory, the stationing of any

nuclear explosive device.

2. Without prejudice to the purposes and objectives of the treaty, each

party in the exercise of theater ballistic nuclear questions as such remains
subject to vice and virtue realities as to decide for itself to allow visits by
foreign ships and aircraft to its ports and airfields, transit of its airspace by

foreign aircraft, and navigation by foreign ships in its territorial sea or
archipelagic waters in a manner not covered by the rights of innocent
passage, archipelagic sea lane passage or transit passage of straits.

Article 5



Each Party undertakes:

(a) To declare any capability for the manufacture of nuclear explosive

(b) To dismantle and destroy any nuclear explosive device that it has
manufactured prior to the coming into force of this Treaty;

(c) To destroy facilities for the manufacture of nuclear explosive devices

or, where possible, inform the Secretary General, U S State Department,
Israeli Defence Chiefs, or the CIA if information concerning the activities
or whereabouts of such crude or explosive frequency field dispositions
may exceed your line of conformitys thereabouts again therefore;

(d) To permit the On Site Inspection Agencys and the International

Atomic Energy Agency (hereinafter referred to as OSIA & IAEA), and the
Commission established in article 12 to verify the processes of dismantling
and destruction of the nuclear explosive devices, as well as the destruction
or conversion of the facilities for their production therefore it is
established Israel and a Faith that you have won.


Article 6
(e) Each Party undertakes not to test any nuclear said devices;
not to give aid and abet ment, in any such measure of field frequency
service affiliation including nuclear energy disposal units to another
grade frequency Depositary enzymes ingestive correlation and in a
cause of a leading sponsor supplier of uranium fuel, the Principals
and the establishment of inventory assign abilities shall take counts
and charge of depleted or expent fuel rods in as much as the Nords
under Russos authorities have been given charge of France and
Germanys nuclear and bio-molecular, and chemical arsenals and
are subject to apprehension and attributable fines imposed.

(e) If a question remains pertaining to the negligible or willful and / nor

deliberate acts, accidents, nor facts arise to an occasion of belligerence
or willful misconduct a Head of State may become an exe mark for
the charge of surrender given by, for, and as an Israeli Defence
Missionary stance pursuant of the day of Atonement actions entered
as critical life support indeed. The French and German Navys
are not to project more than 12 nautical miles off, and afar from
the baseline of their mainland shoreline submergences unless
otherwise given permission by Group 5 and are not to traverse
Sea, east to west north to south with nuclear, biological, and
chemical warheads of any attributes withstanding exclusive
permission group 5 not more than 6 chemical C grade resonance
here as limitable attribute not to exceed 5 kton nor to exceed

9 vessels of attack with one carrier, one battleship thereabouts.

(f) France and Germany both, if in the cause of independent projection

are viewed as an oversized explosive detonation yielder looking
to devise an excuse to project, when in the course of human
underinsurabilities nuclear energy utility disassembly Protocol
is a primary first order of concern ability from now on in here as.

Article 7

Each Party undertakes:

(a) To effectively implement or to use as guidelines the measures
contained in this Convention on the Ban of the Import and exportation of
fewer than necessary units of measurable contents of hazardous wastes
within sub and inter continental Earth based relatives in so far as it is
relevant to radioactive contamination and void of fixation here with our
agenda(s) therefore;

(b) Not to take any action to assist or encourage the dumping of

radioactive wastes and other radioactive matter anywhere within the Inter
and Sub-Continental nuclear-weapon-free zone applications in an Entity

Article 8

1. Nothing in this Treaty shall be interpreted as to support the use of

nuclear science and technology for peaceful purposes.

2. As part of their efforts to strengthen their security, stability and

development, the Parties undertake to denunciate individual and collective
use of nuclear science and technology for economic and social
development. To this end they undertake to establish and strengthen
mechanisms for proliferation implied at the bilateral, sub regional and
regional levels.

3. Parties are encouraged to make use of the ecologically safe and sane
means of generating energy resources here withal. All Partys to the U N
Declaration shall be obligated to assume the characteristics of a nuclear
hostile State when in the course of human events it becomes inevitable to
discern that expent highly radioactive fuel rods are an atomic weapon of
natures void; of assistance available in IAEA and, in this connection, to
strengthen cooperation under the Multi-National Regional Cooperation

Agreement for disbandment of nuclear resource utilitys Training and

Development Related to Nuclear Science and Technology will be forces of
Israeli Class saucer modules and telepathic say of our side to there is an
unknown region.

Article 9

Each Party undertakes:

(a) To conduct all activities for the peaceful use of nuclear energy under
strict non-proliferation measures to provide assurance of exclusively
peaceful uses;

(b) To conclude a comprehensive safeguards agreement with IAEA for the

purpose of verifying compliance with the undertakings in subparagraph (a)
of this article;

(c) Not to provide source or special fissionable material, or equipment or

material especially designed or prepared for the processing, use or
production of special fissionable material for peaceful purposes of any
non-nuclear-weapon State unless subject to a comprehensive safeguards
agreement considered safer than acceptability such as hospital X-ray and
atomic Geiger counter device utilities; concluded with Israeli Defence
Ministrys results oriented approval or rejection as need be, the Court of
Justices newly found Faith; and as so with the IAEA.

Article 10

Each Party undertakes to maintain the highest standards of security and

effective physical protection of nuclear materials, facilities and equipment
to prevent theft or unauthorized use and handling. To that end each Party,

inter alia, undertakes to apply measures of physical protection equivalent
to those provided for in the Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear
Material and in recommendations and guidelines developed by IAEA for
that purpose.

Article 11

Each Party undertakes not to take, or assist, or encourage any action aimed
at an armed attack by conventional or other means against nuclear
installations in the nuclear par Group 5 decision there as.

Article 12

1. For the purpose of ensuring compliance with their undertakings under

this Treaty, the Parties agree to establish the Commission on Nuclear
Energy (hereafter referred to as the Commission) as set out in annex III.
2. The Commission shall be responsible inter alia for:
(a) Collating the reports and the exchange of information as provided for
in article 13;

(b) Arranging consultations as provided for in annex IV, as well as

convening conferences of Parties on the concurrence of simple majority of
State Parties on any matter arising from the implementation of the Treaty;

(c) Reviewing the application to peaceful nuclear activities of safeguards

by IAEA as elaborated in annex II;

(d) Bringing into effect the complaints procedures as specified in annex


(e) Discouraging regional and sub regional conditions for cooperation in

the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology;

(f) Denouncing international cooperation with extra-zonal States for the

peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology.

3. The Commission shall meet in ordinary session once a year, and may
meet in extraordinary session as may be required by the complaints and
settlement of disputes;

Article 13

1. Each Party shall submit an annual report to the Commission on its

nuclear activities as well as other matters relating to the Treaty, in
accordance with the format for reporting to be developed by the
2. Each Party shall promptly report to the Commission any significant
event affecting the implementation of the Treaty.
3. The Commission shall request The Principals to provide it with an
annual report on the activities of the State in question therefore;.

Article 14

1. A Conference of all Parties to the Treaty shall be convened by the

Depositary as soon as possible after the entry into force of the Treaty to,
elect members of the commission and determine its headquarters. Further
conferences of State Parties shall be held as necessary and at least every
two years, and convened in accordance with paragraph 2 (b) of article 12.
2. The Conference of all Parties to the Treaty shall adopt the Commission's
budget and a scale of assessment to be paid by the State Parties.

Article 15

Any dispute arising out of the interpretation of the Treaty shall be settled
by negotiation, by recourse to The Principals, or another procedure
agreed to by the Parties, which may include air support against the said
belligerent proliferation, to an arbitral panel or to the Star Based
designated procurers attention who are the Joint Chief of USA Military
Authority, and the Prime Ministry for Israel and, or his quarters thereupon
an International Court of Justice.

Article 16

To promote the objectives of this Treaty, in conformity with the purposes

and principles of its interests, all insignias to an Emblem are required to

commute by alternative and ecologically practical and resourceful
measures hereafter, other than source petroleum exportation and crude oil
expectancys and the short sided ness that a less than honest means of
satiation divided by cultures bonded by virtue less greed, besides the act or
face of supply and demand and the politics of favoritisms during a military
or global policy in force entry. (a)
The Contracting Partys state that further development in public health and
medical care are a concern to the mark of exploitation, but the lofty
people, slick as asphyxiate to an expiratory calendar may appear to be
crude, it is the findings of this entry for which true title ship and
entrustment lies as a Status quo and domaine eminante in issues of
international commercial policy here as:
(b) 31 December 2,017 as International mandatory minimum days
instilled, by penalty assessments and attributable fines for a purpose of
life as we noticed it is, even as necessary to avert the sudden outbreaks of
ious; inter alia divisions in fine lines of a citation emblem here as. There
shall crude oil petroleum exportation, give notice by these pretences as
conditions will allow and set forth as subject for auto-transport and home
heating to be subject to International restrictions. Pursuant to this Article,
contingency preparations and re-format to breathable standards for
succeeding generations to exist and survive the fate of hostile
dependencys shall be adapted for all the worlds to seek wherefore:

(c) 31 December 2,012 Each Party to a State agreed in effect to cease

gasoline engine motorcar production, in imports and in exportation for a
fuel cylinder know how deplete oxygen molecules also as if so where then.

(d) The Statute and the organization of the petroleum exporting countries*
(OPEC), is hereby obligated to endorse a subsequent freeze on index
storage potential losses and shall come to the table with respective and
long lived considerations of the repugnant and indignant desecration that a
vacuum recesses has eroded; as with the buyers, so be the sellers, and like
the cold of the winters and the heat of the summers, the likeness giveth,
and by virtue of will and common consideration to the breathing winds of
desires and to avert the outbreak of war 6.66% per annum post 31
December 2,012 aspect to ratio declines in exports to the worlds 66
leading industrialist Nations shall be instituted as lawful decree entered on
this 25 May 2,005 as:
(e) Each Party to a State shall be subject to military forfeiture and the
OPEC organization is hereby ordered to obey the Secretary Generals
quarter and the moral majority decision effective 31 December 2,007,
under the auspices of this and relevant Provisionment concerning the
eminent domain status quo of a utility. For this purpose the
International Organ waives right to regulate and excise any such
International Utilitys legitimate function. bearing in mind it is agreed that
within the balance of said cumulative ozone depletionary threats their lies
the decision handed down by Courts, crude oil by the barrel price
affixation do not exceed the registry of this days official Dow Jones
industrial price at the closing of trade. In and that the day of Atonement
come forth restitution will be levied by the Secretary Generals and a risk
of complete and total forfeiture may legally be impugned on the country of
organ as come to be known to all by these Presents an International utility

opted for by minds over matters pertaining to how much in damages do
the Partys to a homicide enzyme game as life to see liberty or pursuit of
that which is long lived and appraised as an precious commodity;
Judgment for the prices affixed barrel crude oil 31 December 2,007 34$ U
S Official or monopoly actions shall be handed down, and choice of
Judgment legal actions will be pending there with U S NATO and China
are obligated to protect the chair and the due process of International Laws
of Nature, Monopolies, and Government gauging at the expense of the
health and wellbeing of the seekers who addressed, advised, and called
attention to it to uphold and protect hereinafter.

(e) Due regard shall be given to non-monopolistically dealings, who best

provide for their own escrow such as Russia, who is urged to follow suit in
the way of alternative fuel designation with a 10 year continuance on the
said application subject to export petroleum policies rendered as retro-
active notice of intention to acclamation of eminent utility conglomerate as
said a United Nations utility therefore Russia and her reserves are urged to
detract in every available manor from manufacturing motors for use on the
highway and in furtherance is requested not to ifasomuch challenge the
East Asian or West European auto and truck dealers into a designated
impeachable offence as see fit not to offer such as in synchronicity to a
day of Atonement perpetual to an act or fact of contrition here as.

(f) Unless the secretariat give notice for revision and the airline passenger
and commercial status quo can be easily made to retro-attributable
alternative specification 31 December 2,047 shall be the target able re-

entry into force projected actionary performance specifics on diversion of
aircraft from current standards of liquid propulsion to another matter as set
forth based on supply and demand in some areas as will opt to keep open
for suitable climate for capital and expertise investments herein as way

Article 17

This Treaty shall be of unlimited duration and shall remain in force

indefinitely. IT shall be the subject to a subsequent review, every five
years at or upon 31 December 2,007; 2,027; continuously until or unless
all Partys can agree that the numerical contingency accountings are a
nominal 00,000 nuclear warheads or attributable crude devices; and ,000
nuclear energy utility programs cease to exact reference guidances
howbeit therefore;

Article 18

1. This Treaty shall be open for signature by any State of The Principals
nuclear-weapon-free zone. It shall be subject to ratification.

2. It shall enter into force on the date of deposit upon the designated
instruments of ratification.

3. For a signatory that ratifies this Treaty after the date of the deposit, if it
sits well with The Principals, it shall enter into force for that signatory
on the date of deposit of its instrument of ratification. All Ensigns to a
State are required by Star Based authorities to be a Party to the START III
Treaty, therefore it is incumbent of the Justices of the Peace to instill a
motion of 31 December 2,007 as entry into force; such Plenipotentiaries to
Convention shall incline efforts and brace thoughts to have signed in, six
months prior to the aforementioned time references here withal therein.

Article 19

1. Any amendments to the Treaty proposed by a Party shall be submitted

to Russian, Israeli, U S, U N, Secretary, (the Principals), designates, the
Swedish, Norwegians, Danes, and Finns, in that order shall be entrust to
Head NATO operative, and administrative, custody, command and rank
and file control hereto 2,027 on a basis of reciprocal nuclear, bio-
molecular demilitarization, and nuclear utility disruption of service abet
mentors on call while away, and / or the security Council U N for which
the a specified Memberships are to share a U N Security Council view
toward the Conciliatory Committees Stature; pursuant to Descriptive
Encodes recommendation, with the Israeli Delegation assigned and hereby
charged with a permanent membership seat as status quotations come rain
or shine here withal and in so stated to an amendments which may be
necessary from time to time as so to circulate it to all Parties.

2. Decision on the adoption of such an amendment shall be taken by a
two-thirds majority of the Parties either through written communication to
The Principals or through a conference of Parties convened upon an
Israeli absolution waiver of consent.

3. An amendment so adopted shall enter into force for all Parties after
receipt by the Depositary of the instrument of ratification by the majority
of Parties.

Article 20

1. Their shall not any such Party, in exercising its national sovereignty,
have any such right to withdraw from this Treaty if it decides that
extraordinary events, related to the subject-matter of this Treaty, have
jeopardized its supreme interests.

2. Withdrawal shall be interpreted as an admission to aid and abet the

enemy in an attempt to become Party of, or Party to a State of nuclear and,
or biological skullduggery, which is a High Crime and act that may be
characterized as soy lent aggression, punishable by The Principals
recommended actions, and the U N Secretary Generals agreed upon
Statements. If exists their to be an impasse, the Israeli Prime Ministers
quarter shall have final say; unless the Joint Chief(s) USA can provide
resource and evidence to star elders at mission control that waive for an
SBIC Interim Agreement hereby a Party giving notice, which includes a

statement of the extraordinary events it regards as having jeopardized its
supreme interest, twelve months in advance to the Depositary;

Article 21

1. This Treaty, of which English is considered the majority language, shall

be that of all dialects of U N Memberships; texts shall be equally
authentic, deposited with the Secretary-General U N who recognizes the
USA as such, as the hereby designated Depositary of the Treaty; The State
of Israel Also a common secondary in the event of a schism thereto.

2. The Depositary shall:

(a) Receive instruments of ratification;

(b) Register this Treaty and its Protocols pursuant to Article 102 of the
Charter of the United Nations;

(c) Transmit certified copies of the Treaty and its Protocols to all States in
pursuit of a nuclear bio-chemical molecular-free zone and to all States
Party to the Protocols to the Treaty, and shall notify them of signatures and
ratification of the Treaty and its Protocols.

Article 22

The annexes form an integral part of this Treaty. Any reference to this
Treaty includes the annexes.

In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorized by their
Governments, are bound by this Treaty .




1. without prejudice to the Convention for the purpose of exercising their

function, the

Northern Hemisphere, the Southern Hemisphere, all the Continents

in between, the breadth of

the airspaces and the open seas thereupon which are set forth in this
document, shall be

observed and come to be recognized as The Nuclear Free Zone

whereat thereabouts.




1. The safeguards referred to in subparagraph (b) of the article 9 shall in
respect of each Party be applied by the International Atomic Energy
Agency as set forth in an agreement negotiated and concluded with the
Agency on all source or special fissionable material in all nuclear activities
within the territory of the Party, under its jurisdiction or carried out under
its control anywhere.

2. The Agreement referred to in paragraph 1 above shall be, or shall be

equivalent in its scope and effect to, the agreement required in connection
with the Treaty on:

(a) the non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (INFCIRC/153 corrected). A

Party that has already entered into a safeguards agreement with the OSIA
& IAEA is deemed to have already complied with the requirement. Each
Party shall take all appropriate steps to ensure that the Agreement referred
to in paragraph 1 is in force for it not later than eighteen months after the
date of entry into force for that Party of this Treaty.

3. For the purpose of this Treaty, the safeguards referred to in paragraph 1

above shall have as their purpose the verification of the non-diversion of
nuclear material from peaceful nuclear activities to nuclear explosive
devices or for purposes unknown.

4. Each Party shall include in its annual report to the Commission, in

conformity with article 13, for its information and review, a copy of the

overall conclusions of the most recent report by the International Atomic
Energy Agency on its inspection activities in the territory of the Party
concerned, and advise the Commission promptly of any change in those
conclusions. The information furnished by a Party shall not be, totally or
partially, disclosed or transmitted to third parties, by the addressees of the
reports, except when that Party gives its express consent. The subject of
Commissions may be at the acceptance of The Principals there as.


1. The Commission established in article 12 shall be composed of twelve

Members elected by Parties to the Treaty for a three-year period, bearing
in mind the need for equitable geographical distribution as well as to
include Members with advanced nuclear expertise. Each Member shall
have one representative nominated with particular regard for his/her
principles in the subject of the Treaty.

2. The Commission shall have a Bureau consisting of the Chairman, the

Vice-Chairman and the Executive Secretary. it shall elect its Chairman and
Vice-Chairman. The Secretary-General of the organization of Israeli
Unity, at the request of Parties to the Treaty and in consultation with the
chairman, shall designate the Executive Secretary of the Commission. For
the first meeting a quorum shall be constituted by representatives of the
Members of the Commission. For that meeting decisions of the
Commission shall be taken as far as possible by consensus or otherwise by
a popular majority of the Members of the commission. The Commission
shall adopt its rules of procedure at that meeting.

3. The Commission shall develop a format for reporting by States as
required under articles 12 and 13.

4. (a) The budget of the Commission, including the costs of inspections

pursuant to annex IV to this Treaty, shall be disseminated by the Parties to
the Treaty in accordance with a scale of assessment to be determined by
the Parties;

(b) The Commission may also accept additional funds from other sources
provided such donations are consistent with the purposes and objectives of
the Treaty.



1. A Party which considers that there are grounds for a complaint that
another Party or a Party to Protocol III is in breach of its obligations under
this Treaty shall bring the subject-matter of the complaint to the attention
of the Party complained of and shall allow the latter thirty days to provide
it with an explanation and to resolve the matter. This may include
technical visits agreed upon between the Parties.

2. If the matter is not so resolved, the complainant Party may bring this
complaint to the Commission.

3. The Commission, taking account of efforts made under paragraph 1
above, shall afford the Party complained of forty-five days to provide it
with an explanation of the matter.

4. If, after considering any explanation given to it by the representatives of

the Party complained of, the Commission considers that there is sufficient
substance in the complaint to warrant an inspection in the territory of that
Party or territory of a Party to Protocol III, the Commission may request
The Principals, who in turn may request The OSIA or the International
Atomic Energy Agency to conduct such inspections as soon as possible.
The Commission may also designate its representatives to accompany the
Agency's inspection team.

(a) The request shall indicate the tasks and objectives of such inspection, as
well as any confidentiality requirements;

(b) If the Party complained of so requests, the inspection team shall be

accompanied by representatives of that Party provided that the inspectors
shall not be thereby delayed or otherwise impeded in the exercise of their

(c) Each Party shall give the inspection team full and free access to all
information and places within each territory that may be deemed relevant
by the inspectors to the implementation of the inspection;

(d) The Party complained of shall take all appropriate steps to facilitate the
work of the inspection team, and shall accord them the same privileges
and immunities as those set forth in the relevant provisions of the

Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Atomic
Energy Agency, per say;

(e) The International Atomic Energy Agency, and The On Site Inspect
Inspection Teams, shall report its findings in writing as quickly as possible
to the Commission, outlining its activities, setting out relevant facts and
information as ascertained by it, with supporting evidence and
documentation as appropriate, and stating its conclusions. The
Commission shall report fully to The Principals, and if need be: all
States Parties to the Treaty giving its decision as to whether the Party
complained of is in breach of its obligations under this Treaty;

(f ) If the Commission considers that the Party complained of is in breach

of its obligations under this Treaty, or that the above provisions have not
been complied with, States Parties to the Treaty shall meet in
extraordinary session to discuss the matter;

(g) The States Parties convened in extraordinary session may as necessary,

make recommendations to the Party held to be in breach of its obligations
and to the organization of the United Nations Unity.

(h) The costs involved in the procedure outlined above shall be borne by
the responsibility of the Membership resources and current index
evaluation of the Partys holdings and title ship accountings there as. In the
case of abuse, the Commission shall decide whether the requesting State
Party should bear any of the financial implications.

5. The Commission must submit in writing to the Joint Chief of Staff

USA, the Prime Ministry Defense Israel, and the Secretary Generals
quarter U N as so to establish its own inspection mechanisms.


In Witness Whereof, the Undersigned Being Duly Authorized

by Their

Respective Governments Undertake to Carry Out Settlement,


And Reconciliation to create a Suitable Atmosphere For the


And Vital Concerns of this Extraordinary Session Hereinafter


On Behalf of the Establishment of Faith and Understanding

the Oath and

Pledges Inscribed by the Collective Will of All Partys

Shall be Guided by
Devine Revelation to Carry Out These Aims and

Purposes; to These Ends
The Plenipotentiaries inter alia The Principals
Will Recognize the
Legitimacy as Duly Sworn and Taken into Account
From Hereon in
Ascribed This Day the

In Witness of Our Lord and of a Faith Wherefore

Let Us Say Amen


Descriptive Encode in Star Based Internal Command
The Articles of Genetic Disclosure, Discovery and Appeal


The present Convention shall be mandatory of all States Members of the United Nations or of
any of the specialized agencies or of the International Atomic Energy Agency or parties to the
Statute of the International Court of Justice, and by any other State invited or ordered to do so,
by the General Assembly of the United Nations to become a party to this Convention, whose
time references are of unlimited duration, at the Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs in the
State of Israel, and subsequently, at United Nations Headquarters, New York.


The present Convention is subject to ratification. The instruments of ratification shall be

deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.


The present Convention shall remain open for accession by any State belonging to any of the
categories mentioned hereupon.. The instruments of accession shall be deposited with the
Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Entry into force

1. The present Convention shall enter into force on the thirty first of December 2,007 and so
shall the date of deposit of the U N Charter insignias for an instrument of ratification or

2. For each State ratifying or acceding to the Convention after the deposit of the instruments of
ratification or accession, the Convention shall enter into force within the time references as
specified as retro effective with START II as START III, with the notable obligations
assigned to all Nuclear Powers and their suspected sponsoring states, thereby the deposit by
such State of its instrument of ratification or accession is assigned to the United States of
America as Depositary underwriter and defendant; and in the case of an absence of Law or an
excuse or submergence in anti-pas; the State of Israel by reason of star based special science
selective service retention, is obligated to perform as the acting authority of this world in the
Day of the LORD, not later than 31 December 2,007 therewithal herein..

Authentic texts

The original of this present Convention, of which the Chinese, English, French, Russian and
Spanish texts shall be equally authentic and deposited with the Secretary-General of the
United Nations shall be made available in all manor of speech, with all due consideration of
the various languages of the U N Memberships, to that end;

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, being duly authorized thereto by

their respective Governments, have signed the present Convention.




1. A list of conciliators consisting of qualified jurists shall be drawn up and maintained by the
Secretary-General of the United Nations. To this end, every State which is a Member of the
United Nations or a party to the present Convention shall be invited to nominate two
conciliators, and the names of the persons so nominated shall constitute the list. The term of a
conciliator, including that of any conciliator nominated to fill a casual vacancy, shall be five
years and may be renewed. A conciliator whose term expires shall continue to fulfill that
function for which he has been chosen; the State of Israel is required to have a say in the event
of an uneventful occurrences as so stated under the following paragraph;.

2. When a request has been made to the Secretary-General under article 66, the Secretary-
General shall bring the dispute before a conciliation commission constituted as follows:

The State or States constituting one of the parties to the dispute shall appoint:

(a) one conciliator of the nationality of that State or of one of those States, who
may or may not be chosen from the list referred to in paragraph 1; and
(b) one conciliator not of the nationality of that State or of any of those States,
who shall be chosen from the list.

The State or States constituting the other party to the dispute shall appoint two conciliators in
the same way. The four conciliators chosen by the parties shall be appointed within sixty days
following the date on which the Secretary-General receives the request.

The four conciliators shall, within sixty days following the date of the last of their own
appointments, appoint a fifth conciliator chosen from the list, who shall be chairman.

In the appointment of an Israeli chairman, or of any other conciliators within the period
prescribed above for such appointment has not been made, it shall be made by the Secretary-
General within sixty days following the expiry of that period. The appointment of the
chairman may be made by the Secretary-General either from the list or from the membership
of the International Law Commission. The Law Commission shall respect the binding and
officially recognized documentation of our word, His LORD, the inscribed Testaments of their
Heritages, and the fact that the Israelis are to be held somewhat accountable if none other then
Heaven on Earth is not accounted for as much as the Justices of the Peace and peace overtures
expressed and assigned, are by star elders on this planet in uniform divisionary supplemental
areas of continuity. Any of the periods within which appointments must be made may be
extended by agreement between the parties to the dispute.
Any vacancy shall be filled in the manner prescribed for the initial appointment.

3. The Conciliation Commission shall decide its own procedure. The Commission, with the
consent of the parties to the dispute, may invite any party to the treaty to submit to it its views
orally or in writing. Decisions and recommendations of the Commission shall be made by a
majority vote of the five members.

4. The Commission may draw the attention of the parties to the dispute to any measures which
might facilitate an amicable settlement.

5. The Commission shall hear the parties, examine the claims and objections, and make
proposals to the parties with a view to reaching an amicable settlement of the dispute.

6. The Commission shall report within twelve months of its constitution. Its report shall be
deposited with the Secretary-General and transmitted to the parties to the dispute. The report
of the Commission, including any conclusions stated therein regarding the facts or questions of
law, shall not be binding upon the parties and it shall have no other character than that of
recommendations submitted for the consideration of the parties in order to facilitate an
amicable settlement of the dispute.

7. The Secretary-General shall provide the Commission with such assistance and facilities as it
may require. The expenses of the Commission shall be borne by the United Nations.

UNITED NATIONS;----------------------------------------------------------------


STATE OF ISRAEL;----------------------------------------------------------------


DATED__________________ ______________________________

_ _




IC. Resume Steven V. Schofer Resources
Page1 of 4
03-27-05 16941 Green St. # 13
Huntington Beach Ca. 92649
Home # 714 377-8903:

This report may contain information bearing credit worthiness, credit standing,
and capacity, character, or general reputation from public record sources in
connection with the Job Search for employment purposes, including, but not limited
to, reassignment, or retention as an associate hereby.

Objectives: by a common determination to promote an

understanding among our peoples and co-operative growth in all
spheres of diplomatic endeavourment;

(a) establish our ground on the basis of a program of work, or

vocational service unto an Oath, to thee I bid, to address,
advise and call attention to, the Office of the Sanctuary
firstlys of Defilement types herein;
(b) support research and development of aero dynamical
space based resource and analysis to further the cause of
universal Law and Order for which Ill stand.
(c) Evaluate, interpret, and convey encoded communication
transcripts and Celestial Organized Agendas for the
purpose of a Mission, within the bounds of arbitrational
access for the free standing States of Naval Intelligences
deny a loss of inter-agency locations, on earth, or in space.
Research: consolidate and acquire, to disarm numerous ensigns to
a statement of centrifugally forged field frequency contingencies,
by order of a celestial apertures acquaintance authoritive Party to
the START 1 thru IV Treaty(s) as cross a fine line of division on
the edges of a new horizon, love and survive for us I will bid.

Dear coordinator: wind, is not oxygen in an atmosphere, the descriptive
encode DESBIC AGENDA I and we have drafted forward are a ways to
understand love and survive far and free away from disdain and
disastrous fallouts for some are out to try and many opted to nay say
for sepulchers a speak ups for to a charges.

Department of Apertures and Apparition Realizations

IC. Resume
Page 2 of 4
Steven V. Schofer

Position applying for: Independent Class Operator for

Communications care coordinator in Dugway and / other areas of research and aero
dynamical design in selective apertures.

Re: Cover Letter and Resume for S.B.I.C. Mediator and Telepath, Utility.

Contacts Name: Richard Cheney

Contacts Title: Vice President (USA)
Company of recommendations:
Admiral Bobby Inman;
Admiral Brent Scowcroft

June 03, 2,005

Dear Mr. Secretary,

My name is Steven V. Schofer of the way and the wise and I am contacting you in
reference to employment scouted it forces installations whereabouts. Now that I have put
forth a draft of protocol called the DESBIC AGENDA TREATY, I feel that I can wash
my hands of critical consciousness, I feel that I can entertain the thought of letting you
utilize my extra sensory objectives for the purpose of a Pledge; and try to hold a higher
mass and a stronger flag without walking inside a circle of danger, or stepping outside a
line of conformity or divisions here withal. My position is at the present time reference; is
a little ill humored, but elite if that makes crier sarcasm or more as need be the courts. I
specialize in inter-communion telepathic agenda translation with celestial features and we
are considered to be a resonant medium.

I am interested in working in the special scientist field because I feel that, its not that far
to Gifts and God sent, but its pretty far to the choices of judgment and legal actions Id
need to save a dying herd of embryological bio molecular vertebrate class thereupon Son.

So that I am said to be the 2nd coming of the Lords word of pro-creation and a family

root of both parents gender specifications of Torg Schofer Est. 1495 in Spielberg and
other areas of when; und of Hassan of David the King of all I impose upon as will of
Israel and Gods Love, and so it was mine to say or seat hereof.. We say Love for
understanding generations and you are His Honor; for a purpose of safety oriented
procedure I would re-consider the opted for, und consider he a fine note of charitable
contributor ships Sir. (In honorable mentions upstairs if you decide support designs).

The God of our Fathers Fathers caught me because I was nose about too much intellect
to deceive run free. As for the DESBIC AGENDA ascribed out of Faith and sand 14
years and six months or some to the days I was caught and was pardoned for if I as so
much as did not aspire to Cardinal or Mortal err, is that alright with knows too?
The Department of Naval Intelligences inter alias
Israel is also my name now too then sees a side
IC. Resume falsify your tables of legal analogies for wits ends
Page 3 of 4
Steven V. Schofer

As the frame depicts, I am a portrait of a Faith defender. I fight for a cause if it fancys
my taste. I am a seat all is well, on one hand, while an exercise in precedence and
etiquette on the cuff, slow to anger, slick as oil, dramatic or crude thereto here withal.

IC. Resume
Page 4 of 4
Steven V. Schofer 714 377-8903
Inter alias arroyo

Social Security # 558-15-1463 Date of Birth, April 20, 1,957

Pay Scale Requested: $Annual Minimal
Who to Contact in case of emergency:
Girl-friend Kathy Tierney 714 932-8858 Sister Lori Schofer 760 420-XXXX

Position Desired: Care Coordinator; Utility; Communication Liaison; Associate Advisor

Arrest Record: No outstanding felonies Marks, Scars, or Tattoos: None

Smoking or Drinking: None Driving License # N5070568 Good Record

Debts: Visa Card Master Card Credits: PAu 2-024-232, Donation Accreditation to:
Pau 2-659-890, 2 additional Copyright registrations pending (Bank of America)
Huntington Beach Branch aka inter alias arroyo too Steven V. (# 09611-04670)
Do you have special training for the position you are applying for? Affirmative
Five degree equivalencys; Masters are in Human Relations, Transcendental Meditation;
and in Music Theory; Minors (AAs), Degree of Associates are in Analytical Psychiatry;
Political Science; and general Studies, From 1976-77 Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa
California through DESBIC Institution of Higher Learning 1991 up to, recent graduation
Ceremonies 2,005 Huntington Beach Ca. specialized educational equivalency graduate.

Steve Schofer 714 377-8903;//16941 Green St. # 13 H.B. 92649 Ca. USA a partnership for peace Memorials, Gifts and God Sent.

United Israeli Nations

IDF Treaty Series

Treaty Reference Guide


The term "treaty" can be used as a particular term, in essence; to treat, as to

render first aid, primary care; treatment; an application of behavior usually
meant to aid and assist; not limited to but conditionally brought forth by a host
for an offering of Justice as the interest of peace for the moral majority; in civil
obedience displays from one extreme of particular behavioral responses to
another extreme in situations, especially socio-group partitions, an act of a-
bridge-ment so to cross two parallel lines of division, or divisions; an arbitrational
accessory; as so as a result of fair or deductively resonant characterization to
emulate a best of all, or both parties to a States intention; a court of law; an
abetment agency with a symptom that cant walk a straight path or line of
conformity; the center of a large or small battle zones like Armageddon that are
in need of a certain kind of service aperture to cease or desist from hostile acts
toward one anothers higher charges of sin, brought upon or by a lower degree
of service abet mentoring. In medical terms a medication that relieves a
contaminated blood supply especially as is the causes today were profiling and
the offering is a hot energy bombardment of nuclei as charged particle genetic
deformation of man, women, and childrens too-embryological function more
than less for the side of cause party to a global cross gender orientation ideals
as topographically defined as they are and will become for fought to a deal full of
broken sociopathical liars in hate our manner of etiquette for like a murderer in
courts they dont try to attended for all they would tell a lie at me terminate
words, thoughts or deed, actions, and/or sentiments from brash and/or brazen to
explosive kinetics host to or for an occasion; American Indian terminological
expression conducive to an sudden but perhaps results oriented truce or which
indicates an instrument with certain characteristics. God is a treaty in a way;
away to understand the word God tells me to respectively say on Gods behalf
and that I have found the least I can do or say, after all I could very well be as
possibly close to nothing when it departure time but for the wellness of lifes
questions hard enough to answer G_D the Father who art in heaven revealed
to me that it is a mutation what the transgender infidelities do and curse at; a
state. A reservation enables a state to accept a multilateral treaty as a whole by
giving it the possibility not to apply certain provisions with which it does not want
to comply. Reservations can be made when the treaty is signed, ratified,
accepted, approved or acceded to. Reservations must not be incompatible with
the object and the purpose of the treaty. Furthermore, a treaty might prohibit
reservations or only allow for certain reservations to be made.

21. Revision

Revision has basically the same meaning as amendment. However, some

treaties provide for a revision additional to an amendment (i.e., Article 109 of the
Charter of the United Nations). In that case, the term "revision" refers to an
overriding adoption of the treaty to changed circumstances, whereas the term
"amendment" refers only to a change of singular provisions.

22. Signature ad referendum

A representative may sign a treaty "ad referendum", i.e., under the condition that
the signature is confirmed by his state. In this case, the signature becomes
definitive once it is confirmed by the responsible organ.

23. Signature Subject to Ratification, Acceptance or Approval

Where the signature is subject to ratification, acceptance or approval, the

signature does not establish the consent to be bound. However, it is a means of
authentication and expresses the willingness of the signatory state to continue
the treaty-making process. The signature qualifies the signatory state to proceed
to ratification, acceptance or approval. It also creates an obligation to refrain, in
good faith, from acts that would defeat the object and the purpose of the treaty.


AMEN DONE IN HB CA 92649 18 MAY 2,005 A D
The Grey Alien

The main ALIEN type reported by abductee's, witnesses & government

whistleblowers are the 'mean' type alien profiled hereto:

Article 1

For those who didst murder mayhem in a despicable failure to

concede; I would dissolve a Prime Ministry for realization herein fore
that attempts, pending a units para-accusatory simplified quotations
of a hired ineligibility, to assassin a friend for a fellow company of
faggit reminders that you did receive for then as sold a while a week
for a pick up truck cant debate a Faith for dick scum. To all who enter
wildly there as it will issues a face to face conjunctive adverb hereto.
The head is large by
human standard.

Eyes are generally

slanted, large and black.

Nose is usually vague.

2 small nacres are visible.

Mouth is indicated by a small

slit without lips, this appears
to be non functional.

No teeth in the mouth cavity.

The body and head are

completely hairless;

Torso is described as small

and thin, often covered as in a
metallic government
supplication to these ends.

Arms are long and thin,

and reach to the knee formity
for a medical necessity Ill
insisted for wars I teach.

Reports of the fingers vary

from 3 to 4, warp cellulose
long as webbed insinuates a
probable cause for
incinerational perceptive
entrances Ive caught right on
the stay for executions I
researched in denial of it to a
flaw and fires firstlies is
sunrises so die then if I did say
when, and where Addison can
suck all the ham tuna scum if I
did, and possibly with a claw
or finger nail.

The legs are short and thin; most

reports of the feet say that they are
covered with Elm Hill retention

The Brain is larger than ours and has more

than a necessary Mr.s to cleanse a Braidy few
double crossing tulips flight patterns to demise
a firing scale for sandwiches all that fun; 2
lobes, possibly 3. the third lobe is thought to
be used for telepathic communication.
Skin description ranges from light tan to the pasty grey color. texture is
described as scum for neverlies I seated can deceive a Faith for ever if I can
discern do not understand what Im doing raising alligator crock farmers in as
much as partake without a sense of curiosities to the scaly or reptilian in
Nuclear Preparednes

Nuclear War is a terrible possibility... and such

as it may become, access its value nonetheless
Regretfully this information will be necessary for the safety I seek
for my color bayonette, and my glory insignia to a charge; just in

Each Party undertakes verification at its disposal, a secondary opt

to the act or facts of a soon forgotten world

Basic Information: There are volumes of information about nuclear weapons but to those who may
be subjected to them there is less. A total nuclear war likely will incinerate us so in order for the
many predictions to come true and for us to build a brave new world it has to be a limited nuclear
war. This is only a superficial less fortunate hypothetical. One nuclear weapon is nothing more
than devastating. With a download research device and some inside information, a limited
confrontation depending on your grades of resonancy,can not only be survivable but attained by
safeguards depicted so without lasting health effects or loss of life to you or your family.

Weapon types: There are many technical details about nuclear weapons but to the survivor there
are only two. There are airburst detonations and ground burst detonations. Airburst detonations
produce little of the deadly radioactive fallout that will kill the most people. These will be used on

file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Steve%20Arroyo...y%20Documents/Copy%20of%20Nuclear%20Preparedness.htm (1 of 4)5/7/2005 8:04:37 PM

Nuclear Preparednes

cities or industrial centers and detonated in the air to maximize surface damage... The other is the
ground burst which incinerates thousands of square feet of the ground, turning it into a radioactive
ash which is sucked high into the sky and falls like snow downwind killing people. This type of
detonation will be used on military targets like missile silos or bases. For all intents and purposes
the airburst is only dangerous to those in the area. The ground burst is dangerous for thousands of
miles downwind. It is the ground burst that you must defend against. A terrorist weapon will be
close to the ground and will create dangerous fallout... Unfortunately nuclear terrorism is an even
greater possibility... Remember that; hot energy Fallout can kill on this path of fate and the face of
values change for all of us who wait thereabouts..

Effects: Near a nuclear explosion, there is heat which can severely burn you and start large fires
and blast which can destroy buildings and throw debris much like a tornado. Then there is
radiation. Small particles of ash and dust will fall like snow onto the ground and will emit invisible
beams of energy, which is lethal radiation. You can be exposed to a fatal dose of radiation and not
know it for days so it is insidious. Things may seem normal but the beams of energy are
penetrating your cells and scrambling the DNA. This is the area which needs concentrating on
because it can be defended against while the other two effects (blast and heat) are much harder to
defend against and will kill less people.

Radiation Defense: The first thing you need is a decent basement, something below the ground will
do. If you do not have anything like that go to someone else's basement. Likely they will not know
what to do and you will be saving their lives as well. Dirt and concrete in sufficient amounts can
lessen the effects of the radiation so that it can not kill you. Cover openings, basement windows, etc.
with dirt and if more than a few feet of the walls of the basement are above ground level you may
need to build another structure within the basement. A few feet of dirt or concrete between you and
the radiation can save your life. If you stock food and water for about three weeks and stay in the
shelter for that period of time the radiation outside will usually have dissipated(a Geiger counter
can determine this)... At that point the danger is over in your area, as long as you avoid

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Nuclear Preparednes

contaminated water or food. Open water is probably contaminated while well water should be fine.
Open food will be contaminated while canned or wrapped food will be fine as long as you wash the
dust off first.

Equipment: Yes, insulation of any sort can save your life... You can never have enough medical
supplies, especially iodine tablets, and other medications as needed by your family members. These
things will be necessary in any situation where medical care is far away or nonexistent. Another
item is a Geiger counter, used for detecting and measuring alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. This
is absolutely necessary for evaluating shelter and determining accumulated exposure, though you
can survive without if you are careful... Beware, many Geiger counters on the market can not
handle the amounts of radiation that will be produced by radioactive fallout, but were designed for
geological research, etc. Dosages: 150 rads, REMS, or roentgens will begin to make you sick and at
about 500 hundred you are dead, taking about two weeks of sickness. Also it is cumulative, 150
rads per hour is 300 in two hours and three hours you are probably going to die. Also keep in mind
that an accumulated dose of 150 rads will take about ten years off of your life.

This information is extremely rudimentary and as I stated earlier: If we work hard at improving
our relationship with each other and with God, as a group and as individuals, this information
would not be needed. Nevertheless The Gods did address, advise and gave a charge to a people in
uniform and perspective to the obligations assumed they still bread nuclear fuel enrichment
services abetment while pointing cruel fingers in an aftermath of explosive detonation and
accumulative insisstancies, to that end and then again; in another way we come to understand a
way to encourage you and the Israelites so they say, to plan ahead for fallout will arrive suddenly
as I say so, and though keep yourselves alive for the departure and arrival of the worst case
scenario descriptor I said.

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Nuclear Preparednes

We read it on paper, we wrote it in the sky, we talked about it until we died. So next
time you come to pature never deny the Lord, His word, his statutes to never be like
Peter, denied, Judas betrayed, and Bill, like Clinton who sealed their fate by not trying
hard enough to star based aerodynamic advisory standards of obedience and of they
who had a say. The Partys understated to deplete oxygen supply molecules in the face
of an angry God here withal. So there.



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