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Passive Radar

To see without being seen

THE PERFECT PARTNER FOR ACTIVE SYSTEMS Be it pop or sports broadcasts, its all helpful, even
if upbeat music is preferred in the analogue FM band
(VHF) as it achieves better location accuracy.

Passive radar is set to become a supplement to Central Europe and other densely populated areas
conventional active radar within the next few years. all over the world have enough VHF and digital
It offers a decisive operational advantage: it cannot be transmitters that passive radar can use. But the
located. Unlike active systems, passive radar does not system works in inaccessible areas, too. One can
emit any waves of its own, meaning that it cannot be just set up his own transmitter and start our own radio
jammed. The system uses VHF (very high frequency), station broadcasting classical music, pop or just white
digital radio and television frequencies as carrier waves noise.
rather than its own transmitter.
This makes it possible to position passive radar in
The passive radar system requires a whole lot of remote valleys to track flying objects at low altitudes,
computing power and extremely complex signal including small aircraft, which have flown under the
processing software. The high-performance on- radar until now. The systems mission planning tool
board computer enables the simultaneous use of can simulate the best location for passive radar, be
20 transmitters, in a mixture of VHF and digital it for todays mobile unit or tomorrows stationary
frequencies. systems.
it to locate stealth aircraft that DAB/DVB-T Up to a distance of approximately
cannot be detected using ac- 40 kilometres, small aircraft can be detected with
tive systems. an error margin of just 20 metres.

Application What frequencies does

Passive Radar System
Ellipsoidal fields Flying object
Passive radar uses many differ- passive radar
located use?
ent transmission sources that
Application What frequencies does
are sent out from various loca- FM To detect large aircraft at a Application What freque
passive radar use?
No own transmitter, only receiver
Passive radar uses many differ- tions to determine the position distance of up to 200 kilometres. Passive radar uses many differ- passive rad
ent transmission sources that of flying objects. This enables ent transmission sources that
Radio transmitters
are sent out from various loca- it to
FMlocate stealth
To detect aircraft
large aircraft at athat DAB/DVB-T Up to a distance of approximately TV transmitters are sent out from various loca-
tions to determine the position
FM To detec
tions to determine the position cannot beofdetected
distance using ac-
up to 200 kilometres. 40 kilometres, small aircraft can be detected with
distance of up
of flying objects. This enables
of flying objects. This enables tive systems. an error margin of just 20 metres. it to locate stealth aircraft that DAB/DVB-T
it to locate stealth aircraft that DAB/DVB-T Up to a distance of approximately cannot be detected using ac- 40 kilometres
cannot be detected using ac- 40 kilometres, small aircraft can be detected with tive systems. an error marg
tive systems. an error margin of just 20 metres.
Application Ellipsoidal fields Flying object
Passive radar uses many different located Ellipsoidal fields Flying object
transmission sources that are located
sent outfields
from various locations Flying object
to determine the position of flying
objects. This enables it to locate Radio transmitters Radio transmitters
TV transmitters
stealth aircraft that cannot be
detected using active systems.
Radio transmitters TV transmitters Event that needs

Illustration: KircherBurkhardt Infografik

Event that needs e rBu
protection irch
Event that needs Receiver

Photos: Thomas Dashuber, Cassidian, Montse Vellando/Contrasto/Agentur Focus, Jim Wileman Illustration: KircherBurkhardt Infografik
Photos: Thomas Dashuber, Cassidian, Montse Vellando/Contrasto/Agentur Focus, Jim Wileman
Mobile Passive Radar Different types of radar detection

Illustration: KircherBurkhardt Infografik

Antenna fo g
t In
a rd
fik rkh
ra Bu
In fo g irc her
dt K
har Mobile Passive Radar D
Receiver urk
h erB

Active Passive
The radar transmits signals Low radio frequencies from different
Antenna height and receives reflections. This transmitters are reflected by the radar
up to 13 m is how it can be located. and analysed without being detected.
Mobile Passive Radar Different types of radar detection Ac

Photos: Thomas Dashuber, Cassidian, Montse Vellando/Contrasto/Agentur Focus, Jim Wileman

Antenna height an
What Passive Radar
frequencies does Different types of radar detection
Antenna Detection using interaural time difference up to 13 m is

differ- passiveAntenna
radar use? Bistatic De
that distance
oca- FM To detect large aircraft at a
ition distance of up to 200 kilometres. Vehicle
bles (e.g., Wolf) Vehicle
that DAB/DVB-T Up to a distance of approximately Normal distance (e.g., Wolf)
Active Passive
ac- 40 kilometres, small aircraft can be detected with The radar transmits
Transmitter signals Low radio frequencies from different
an error margin of just 20 metres. Active Antenna height Passive and receives reflections. This transmitters are reflected by the radar Tr
The radar transmits
up to 13 signals
m Low radio frequencies from different The
is how it can befirst information on the possible position
located. and analysed without being detected. Th
Antenna height and receives reflections. This transmitters are reflected by the radar of the object to be located is obtained with a of
up to 13 m is how it can be located. and analysed without being detected. transmitter-receiver. tra
Flying object
located Detection using interaural time difference
Detection using interaural time difference Bistatic
Applications of Passive Radar Bistatic Operational
distance Advantages
TV transmitters (e.g., Wolf)
General ApplicationVehicleApproach
(e.g., Wolf)
Sea and ground surveillance No emissions (no active transmitters,
Normal distance
See without being seen scenarios Normal
distance awareness & protection
invisible to radar search, jammer resistant)
Detect non-emitting targets Transmitter Ship self-protection Receiver possible
The first information on the No electro-magnetic
position pollution
Gap filler/sensitive spot coverage Border
The first information protection
on the possible position

of the object to be located isDetection
obtained with of
a low altitude targets
of the object to be located is obtained with a
Radar performance where active radars transmitter-receiver. (diffraction)
are no option Anti-stealth (multi-static, low frequencies)
Passive Radar sensor fusion with active Multi-angle target detection when using
radars & PET multiple illuminators
Sensor chain: strip
that needs Sensor
cluster: improved spot protection
surveillance Functional Capabilities

Air surveillance Multiband demonstrator

Detection of non-emitting & LPI-targets (FM/DAB/DVB-T) Other advantages
ssidian, Montse Vellando/Contrasto/Agentur Focus, Jim Wileman Illustration: KircherBurkhardt Infografik

Long range border/coastal surveillance 360 coverage/3D location/Real-time

Near-range high precision slow & low processing k Low cost procurement & maintenance
fo g
target tracking Real a rd
t In time fusion of 8 FM transmitters, (no transmitter needed)
u rkh
Camp & event protection: G8 summit, K
erB 1 Single Frequency Network (SFN) DAB Operation in difficult terrain
Receiver sport events, ... and 1 SFN DVB-T Due to low cost sensors a network
Air Traffic Mgmt/Low Cost airfield radar Real-time sensor cluster performance (cluster) with multiple
performance Antenna-to-track delay: 1 2 seconds, sensors is easily installed
High building & infrastructure signal lighting track update rate 0,5 seconds Remote, stand-alone operation
control Remote ASTERIX data link to CRCs High detection update rates
Radar Different types of radar detection

Active This document is not contractual. Subject to change without notice.

Passive HENSOLDT Sensors
The radar transmits signals
2016 HENSOLDT Sensors.Low radio frequencies from different
a height and receives reflections. This transmitters are reflected
HENSOLDT Sensors and its logo are registered by the radar
Woerthstr. 85 / 85077 Ulm / Germany
3m is how it can be located. and analysed without being detected.
All rights reserved. // 0716 E 0928

Detection using interaural time difference


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