Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) : Identification of Microorganisms

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(4) The specimen causes the scattering of electrons that are eventually gaining an entry through it.
(5) The electron beam thus emerged is adequately focused by the aid of Electromagnetic
Projector Lenses strategically positioned which ultimately forms an enlarged and distinctly visible
image of the specimen upon a Fluorescent Screen (or Photographic Plate).
(6) Specifically the appearance of a relatively denser region in the specimen helps to scatter
much more electrons ; and, hence, may be viewed as darker zones in the image because only fewer
electrons happen to touch that particular zone of the fluorescent screen (or photographic plate).
(7) Finally, in a particular contrast situation, the electron-transparent zones are definitely
brighter always. The screen may be removed and the image may be captured onto a photographic
plate to obtain a permanent impression as a record. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

As it has been discussed under TEM that an image can be obtained from such radiation which
has duly transmitted through a specimen. In a most recent technological advancement the Scanning
Electron Microscope (SEM) has been developed whereby detailed in-depth examination of the sur-
faces of various microorganisms can be accomplished with excellent ease and efficiency. In reality,
the SEM markedly differs from several other electron microscopes wherein the image is duly obtained
right from the electrons that are strategically emitted by the surface of an object in comparison to the
transmitted electrons. Thus, there are quite a few SEMs which distinctly exhibit a resolution of 7 nm
or even less.
Fig. 4.10. duly depicts the diagramatic sketch fo a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) that
vividly shows the primary electrons sweeping across the particular investigative specimen together
with the knock electrons emerging from its surface. In actual practice, these secondary electrons (or

Electron gun Primary electron beam

Electromagnetic lenses





Fig. 4.10. Diagramatic Sketch of a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) : Depicting the
Pathways of Electron Beams Utilized to form Images of the Investigative Specimens.

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