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ViBE VS7000

Convergent Video System

User Manual
Release 02.11
Contacting Thomson Video Networks

Contacting Thomson Video Networks

2 ViBE VS7000
User Manual

Preface ............................................................ 11

Chapter 1
Overview ......................................................... 17
Product Overview .................................................................. 18
Purpose ....................................................................................... 18
Main Features ............................................................................. 18
System Applications .................................................................. 19
Product Description ............................................................... 20
Chassis ........................................................................................ 20
Overview ................................................................................ 20
Front Panel ............................................................................. 21
Rear Panel .............................................................................. 22

Chapter 2
Installation and Startup .................................. 25
Unpacking .............................................................................. 26
Mounting in Rack (Recommendations) ............................... 27
Ventilation................................................................................... 27
Cabling ........................................................................................ 27
Power Supply and Protective Ground ...................................... 27
Power Supply Cord(s) ........................................................... 27
Installing the Device (Steps) ................................................. 28
10RU and 6RU Devices .............................................................. 28
1RU Device.................................................................................. 28
Powering Up .......................................................................... 29
6RU and 10RU Devices Specificities......................................... 29
Performing the Initial Settings.............................................. 30
Preparing the Connection.......................................................... 30
Accessing the Web Interface for the First Time....................... 30
Checking the Nodes Status ....................................................... 30
Performing the IP Configuration ............................................... 31
Preparing the Definitive Connection......................................... 31
Establishing the Definitive Connection .................................... 32
Setting the Date and Time (Optional)....................................... 32

ViBE VS7000 3
User Manual

Chapter 3
Web Browser Interface .................................... 35
Reaching the GUI.................................................................. 36
GUI Overview........................................................................ 37
General Organization ................................................................. 37
Customizing the Display ............................................................ 38
Resizing the Columns............................................................ 38
Sorting Elements in Arrays................................................... 38
Commonly Used Elements........................................................ 38
Status Pictograms ................................................................. 38
Other Pictograms................................................................... 39
Tables ..................................................................................... 39
Basic Settings........................................................................ 40
Creating a Job ............................................................................ 40
Launching a Job from a Workflow....................................... 40
Setting the Job Parameters .................................................. 42
Creating a Job Based on a Sample Workflow ......................... 43
Sample IP TV 1....................................................................... 43
Sample Web TV HLS 1 .......................................................... 46
Sample Web TV Smooth Streaming 1................................. 49
Sample Web TV Smooth Streaming 2................................. 51
Adapting a Sample Workflow ................................................... 53
List of Sample Workflows to Adapt ..................................... 53
Adapting a Sample Workflow (Steps) ................................. 54
Creating a Workflow .................................................................. 55
Introduction............................................................................ 55
Creating the Workflow .......................................................... 55
Adding Items to the Workflow ............................................. 56
Setting the Parameters of the Items .................................... 56
Publishing the Inputs and/or Outputs .................................. 56
Checking the Consistency..................................................... 57
Encoding a File ........................................................................... 57
Using a Hot Folder ..................................................................... 60
Configuring the Workflow .................................................... 60
Configuring the Hot Folder ................................................... 60
Using the Hot Folder ............................................................. 61
Configuring an SDI Input ........................................................... 61
Naming the SDI Inputs .......................................................... 61
Using an SDI Input in a Workflow ........................................ 61
Workflow Example With an SDI Input ................................. 61
Configuring an SDI System With a Matrix ............................... 62
Declaring an SDI Matrix ........................................................ 62
Naming the Matrix Inputs .................................................... 64
Linking the SDI Inputs To the Matrix ................................... 65
Using the Matrix Inputs ....................................................... 65
Creating a Snapshot View ......................................................... 65
Creating a New Snapshot View............................................ 65
Creating a Snapshot View From a Workflow ...................... 67
Interface Description ............................................................ 68
System ........................................................................................ 68
Identity.................................................................................... 68

4 ViBE VS7000
User Manual

Nodes...................................................................................... 68
IP ............................................................................................. 69
Hot Folder............................................................................... 72
SDI........................................................................................... 74
SNMP...................................................................................... 75
Date & Time ........................................................................... 75
User Accounts........................................................................ 76
Download ............................................................................... 77
Logs ........................................................................................ 78
Network Storage.................................................................... 81
Workflows ................................................................................... 82
Left Area ................................................................................. 82
Right Area............................................................................... 85
Jobs ............................................................................................. 96
Console ....................................................................................... 98
Snapshot ..................................................................................... 99
Logs ........................................................................................... 100
Purpose................................................................................. 100
Logs Array ............................................................................ 100
Filters and Sorting Options................................................. 101
Advanced.............................................................................. 102
Status Bar.................................................................................. 102
Workflow Library Content Parameters .............................. 104
Introduction .............................................................................. 104
Item Parameters Array ........................................................ 104
Input/Output ......................................................................... 106
Common Parameters ............................................................... 107
Specific Parameters ................................................................. 109
Workflow Library: Inputs..................................................... 109
Workflow Library: Decoding ............................................... 114
Workflow Library: Preprocessing ....................................... 115
Workflow Library: Encoding ............................................... 124
Workflow Library: Outputs.................................................. 131
Workflow Library: Samples ................................................ 146
Tools ..................................................................................... 146

Chapter 4
Servicing ....................................................... 149
Adding a Diskless Node to Your System........................... 150
Configuring the BIOS of a Diskless Node............................... 150
For a blade: Accessing the BIOS ........................................ 150
For 1-RU Devices: Accessing the BIOS .............................. 154
Setting the BIOS Parameters .............................................. 154
Requesting a New License File ............................................... 160
Declaring a New License File .................................................. 161
Adding Options.................................................................... 162
Replacing a Diskless Node of your System....................... 163
Configuring the BIOS of the New Node ................................. 163
Replacing a Node ..................................................................... 163

ViBE VS7000 5
User Manual

Chapter 5
Troubleshooting ............................................ 165
Troubleshooting Procedures ............................................. 166
Exporting Information for the Customer Support ................. 166
Modifying a Workflow from a Text Editor.............................. 167
Exporting Logs ......................................................................... 167
Using the Console .................................................................... 167
Providing Remote Access to the ViBE VS7000 System ........ 167
Frequently Asked Questions .............................................. 168
Why cannot I instantiate my job
whereas there is space on the ViBE VS7000 system?........... 168
I do not see my workflow in the list
when I want to create a job. Why?.......................................... 168
I cannot create a workflow. Why?........................................... 168
I cannot create a job. Why? ..................................................... 168
When I want to launch a job, I get a "Job is waiting: license not
available" message. What should I do? ................................. 169
I cannot modify the system parameters. Why? ..................... 169
I modified a workflow parameter, but it was not applied on the
currently running jobs. Why?.................................................. 169

Chapter 6
Customer Service .......................................... 171
Support Centers Contacts .................................................. 172
Warranty.............................................................................. 174
Services ............................................................................... 175
Spare Parts .......................................................................... 176
Returning an Equipment .................................................... 177
Repackaging for Shipment ................................................ 178
Long Term Product Support .............................................. 179
Recycling the Product......................................................... 180

Chapter 7
Tools ............................................................. 181
Equipment Setup ................................................................ 182
Overview ................................................................................... 182
Operation .................................................................................. 182
Launching the Equipment Setup........................................ 182
Connecting to a Device ....................................................... 183
Setting the Device Parameters ........................................... 185
HP Monitoring Tools (6RU and 10RU Devices) ................ 186
Connecting to the HP Monitoring Tools................................. 186
Method #1: Connecting via the iLO Port in DHCP............. 186
Method #2: Connecting on the DHCP Network
using the IP Address of the Device .................................... 187

6 ViBE VS7000
User Manual

Method #3: Connecting After Configuring Manually

the IP Address of the Device............................................... 188
Performing the IP Configuration from the HP Interface........ 190
Accessing the Interconnect Bays Management Console 190
Configuring the Interconnect Bays..................................... 192
Saving your Configuration.................................................. 192
More Information................................................................. 193

Appendix A
Technical Specifications ............................... 195
Specifications....................................................................... 196
Electrical, Thermal and Mechanical Specifications ............... 196
VS7000 10RU........................................................................ 196
VS7000 6RU.......................................................................... 205
VS7000 1RU.......................................................................... 209
Inputs Specifications................................................................ 210
Live Inputs ............................................................................ 210
SDI Inputs ............................................................................. 210
File Formats.......................................................................... 211
Decoding Specifications .......................................................... 211
Audio Decoding ................................................................... 211
Video Decoding.................................................................... 212
Processing Specifications........................................................ 212
Video Processing ................................................................. 212
Audio Processing................................................................. 213
Encoding Specifications .......................................................... 213
Audio Encoding ................................................................... 213
Video Encoding.................................................................... 215
Outputs Specifications............................................................. 216
Live Output........................................................................... 216
File Output............................................................................ 218
Latency ................................................................................. 219
Blade Center Physical Interfaces Specifications .................... 219
Control-Command Specifications........................................... 219
Standard Compliance.......................................................... 221
Ordering Guide .................................................................... 223

Appendix B
SNMP Management ....................................... 229
MIB Description ................................................................... 230
Trap Descriptions ..................................................................... 231
Register/Unregister a Manager to Receive the Traps ........... 233
Get the Active Log List or the Closed Log List....................... 234
Registering SNMP Manager on the GUI............................ 235
Enabling HP Blade Center SNMP Agent ............................ 236

ViBE VS7000 7
User Manual

Appendix C
Safety Instructions ....................................... 237

Appendix D
Regulatory Notices ....................................... 239

Appendix E
Logs .............................................................. 241
Logs Categories .................................................................. 242
List of Logs .......................................................................... 243

Appendix F
Network Settings (6RU and 10RU Devices) .. 249
Blades .................................................................................. 250
Internal Switches (Flex10) ....................................................... 250
Interfaces Bonding ................................................................... 250
10RU Device......................................................................... 250
6RU Device........................................................................... 250
VLAN Tagging...................................................................... 251
Internal Switches & Software Configuration Consistency 252
Flex10................................................................................... 253
External Connectors Description ............................................ 253
Grouping Possibilities.............................................................. 253
Detailed Factory Network Configuration................................ 253
Flex10 Configuration................................................................ 256
How to Use a Configuration File? ...................................... 256
Description of the Configuration Files ............................... 256
Redundancy Schemes ........................................................ 258
Internal LAN.............................................................................. 258
External LAN............................................................................. 258
Multicast Management ...................................................... 260
Multiple Blade Centers Configuration............................... 261
Interfaces Bitrates ............................................................... 263
Bitrates Allocation on 10-RU Interfaces.................................. 263
Bitrates Allocation on 6-RU Interfaces.................................... 263
Bitrates Allocation Rules.......................................................... 263
HP Documentation.............................................................. 264

Appendix G
Network Settings (1RU Devices) ................... 265
Network Configuration ....................................................... 266

8 ViBE VS7000
User Manual

Glossary ........................................................ 267

Index ............................................................. 273

ViBE VS7000 9
User Manual


10 ViBE VS7000
User Manual

Standard Documentation Set

The ViBE VS7000 documentation set consists of:
A User Manual
A Quick Start Guide
A Web Services SOAP API Getting Started document

The ViBE VS7000 User Manual contains background information about

the ViBE VS7000 Convergent Video System, and describes operating
procedures. This manual can be used while learning about ViBE VS7000,
and for enhancing your basic knowledge of the product.

The ViBE VS7000 Quick Start Guide contains information about installing
and configuring the equipment.

The ViBE VS7000 Web Services SOAP API documentation provides you
with the basic information you need to use the products SOAP API.

Software Version
This manual covers the functionality of the software version 02.11 of the
ViBE VS7000 product.

This manual continues to be relevant to subsequent software versions

where the functionality of the equipment has not changed. When a new
software version changes the functionality of the product, a new version
of this manual is provided.

About this Manual

This manual is written for Operators of the ViBE VS7000.

This manual should be kept in a safe place for reference for the life
time of the equipment. If passing the equipment to a third party,
please ensure to pass all relevant documentation including this

ViBE VS7000 11
User Manual
Preface Conventions Used in This Manual

The manual is organized into the following chapters and appendices:

Chapter 1 Overview gives a general description of the equipment
and its main features.
Chapter 2 Installation and Startup provides the procedures
required for device installation and initial configuration, and describes
how to connect the device to other devices in your system.
Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface details how to use the Web
Browser Graphical User Interface.
Chapter 4 Servicing describes how to add or replace nodes of your
system, and how to add options.
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting describes the procedure to follow when
you face any problem with the equipment.
Chapter 6 Customer Service provides you with the customer
service contacts and information on how to return a product.
Chapter 7 Tools describes the Equipment Setup tool delivered on
the CD-ROM with the product.
Appendix A Technical Specifications gives specifications of the
device, device compliance, declarations of conformity and ordering
guide to order the device and its options.
Appendix B SNMP Management explains how to set the SNMP
community string and the access rights. You will also find MIB
description, how to register the SNMP Manager on the VS7000
Graphical User Interface etc.
Appendix C Safety Instructions gives instructions related to risk of
fire, electric shock or injury to persons. This important section is
available in English, German and French versions.
Appendix D Regulatory Notices provides device compliances.
Appendix E Logs gives the list of alarms visible in the Logs panel of
the GUI (XML file).

A Glossary can be found at the end of the manual just prior the Index.

Conventions Used in This Manual

Warnings, Cautions and Notes

Heed Warnings
All warnings on the product and in the operating instructions should be
adhered to. The manufacturer cannot be held responsible for injuries or
damages where warnings and cautions have been ignored or taken

12 ViBE VS7000
User Manual
Preface Conventions Used in This Manual

Read Instructions
All the safety and operating instructions should be read before this
product is operated.

Follow Instructions
All operating and use instructions should be followed.

Terms in this Manual

Safety-related statements appear in this manual in the following form:

Warning statements identify conditions or practices that may result

in personal injury or loss of life.

Caution statements identify conditions or practices that may result in

damage to equipment or other property, or which may cause
equipment crucial to your business environment to become
temporarily non-operational.

Notes provide supplementary information. They are highlighted for

emphasis, as in this example, and are placed immediately after the
relevant text.

ViBE VS7000 13
User Manual
Preface Documentation Feedback

Naming conventions for the interface elements and Windows elements
in this manual follow the Microsoft Manual of Style, Third Edition.
Naming conventions for MPEG-2, ATSC, and DVB structures follow the
conventions derived from the standards documents listed in
Appendix A Technical Specifications. In addition, the following
formatting conventions apply to this manual:
Pale blue text refers to specific interface elements that you are
instructed to select, click, or clear.
Example: Select Settings from the Configuration menu.
Blue-Green text refers to document names, sections, figures or tables.
Example: Refer to Section Warnings, Cautions and Notes on page
13 for more information.
Mono-spaced text can indicate the following:
Text you enter from a keyboard
Example: Enter administrator for your login and
administrator for your password.
Paths to components on your hard drive
Example: The MIB is at the following location: C:\MIB.

Documentation Feedback
We are taking great care of our publications. Please help us to improve
them by sending your feedback with the reference of the manual at the
email address:


Important Notice
Thomson Video Networks reserves the right to make corrections,
modifications, enhancements, improvements and other changes to its
products or services at any time and to discontinue any product or
service without notice.

14 ViBE VS7000
User Manual
Preface Trademarks

Dolby and the double-D symbol are registered
trademarks of Dolby laboratories.
Supply of this Implementation of Dolby technology
does not convey a license nor imply a right under any
patent, or any other industrial or intellectual property
right of Dolby Laboratories, to use this
Implementation in any finished end-user or
ready-to-use final product. It is hereby notified that a
license for such use is required from Dolby

MPEG-2 / MPEG-4 AAC audio encoding technology is

authorized by the Fraunhofer IIS license

Thomson is a trademark of Technicolor S.A.

All other tradenames referenced are service marks, trademarks, or registered

trademarks of their respective companies.

Copyright 2012 Thomson Video Networks. All rights reserved.

ViBE VS7000 15
User Manual
Preface Copyrights


16 ViBE VS7000
User Manual


This chapter gives a general description of the equipment and its main

In this Chapter

Product 18

Product 20

ViBE VS7000 17
User Manual
Chapter 1 Overview Product Overview

Product Overview
The Thomson Video Networks ViBE VS7000 Video System is a
fully-integrated video solution tailored for all new convergent
applications such as Web TV and Over-The-Top (OTT) service delivery, as
well as traditional IPTV and IP/Cable delivery.

The ViBE VS7000 provides a flexible way to design workflows. The
Workflow Builder allows the creation of live, file-based and mixed
workflows, for any kind of network.

Combining all the major audio/video codecs and the latest adaptive
streaming formats, the ViBE VS7000 provides a unique answer to IPTV
delivery, Mobile 3G/4G, Web TV streaming and OTT services

Simplicity: one unique graphical user interface lets you control and
monitor hundreds of channels simultaneously. With built-in 10GigE
switches, racking and cabling nightmares vanish.

Reliability: built around highly resilient IT platforms equipped with

hot-swappable, redundant components, the ViBE VS7000 provides
native load-balancing and system redundancy to avoid downtime.

Scalability: from a single-server to multi-blade systems, the ViBE VS7000

is designed to scale and grow with your business.

Flexibility: the ViBE VS7000 allows heterogeneous architectures (SDI and

IP inputs) and simultaneous live and off line encoding.

Main Features
Best-in-class video quality
Support of multiple video/audio codecs
Support of MPEG transport stream
Adaptive Bit Rate:
Adobe Flash
Apple HTTP Live Streaming
Microsoft Smooth Streaming
Video resolution up to 1920 x 1080
Progressive and interlaced modes
Multiple output formats per channel

18 ViBE VS7000
User Manual
Chapter 1 Overview Product Overview

Scalable number of input channels

Scalable number of output profiles
Advanced video and audio pre-processing
Integrated content protection
HTTP Centralized Operation
Workflow Builder
SOAP/Web services for external interfacing
Integrated load balancing and failover
IPV4 support
SDI/HD-SDI and router management

System Applications
Figure 1-1. System applications

ViBE VS7000 19
User Manual
Chapter 1 Overview Product Description

Product Description


The ViBE VS7000 product is proposed on three chassis: 1RUx19,
6RUx19, or 10RUx19.

Physical characteristics are as follows:

Hot swappable power supplies
Hot swappable fans
Hot swappable processing units
Hot swappable IP switches
Cooling: front-rear airflow

For more information on the specifications, refer to Appendix A

Technical Specifications on page 195.

The sections below show the front and real panels of the devices. For a
full description of the device, refer to the HP documentation:
For a 1-RU device, see:
For a 6-RU server, see:
For a 10-RU server, see:

20 ViBE VS7000
User Manual
Chapter 1 Overview Product Description

Front Panel

Figure 1-2. ViBE VS7000 front panel of the 10-RU server

Figure 1-3. ViBE VS7000 front panel of the 6-RU server

Figure 1-4. ViBE VS7000 front panel of the 1-RU server

ViBE VS7000 21
User Manual
Chapter 1 Overview Product Description

Rear Panel

Figure 1-5. ViBE VS7000 rear panel of the 10-RU server

Figure 1-6. ViBE VS7000 rear panel of the 6-RU server

Figure 1-7. ViBE VS7000 rear panel of the 1-RU server

slot 1 slot 2

slot 0

Depending on your server, the content of the slots may vary:

On a G7 server:
Slot 0: 4 Ethernet interfaces
Slot 1: optional additional Ethernet card
Slot 2: optional SDI card

22 ViBE VS7000
User Manual
Chapter 1 Overview Product Description

Figure 1-8. Rear panel connector of the G7 1-RU server

Optional additional network SDI board (optional)*: Power supply

connectors (5 to 8) IN1 IN2 connectors

Network connectors Serial/ Optional

1 to 4 COM port redundant power
supply unit
USB connectors VGA iLO port
(not used) output
(not used)

* Other connectors are not used.

On a G8 server:
Slot 0: 4 Ethernet interfaces
Slot 1: optional SDI card
Slot 2: optional additional Ethernet card

Figure 1-9. Rear panel connector of the Gen8 1-RU server

SDI board (optional)*: Optional additional network Power supply

IN2 IN1 connectors (8 to 5) connectors

Network connectors Serial/ USB Optional

4 to 1 COM port connectors redundant power
supply unit
VGA iLO port
(not used)
* Other connectors are not used.

ViBE VS7000 23
User Manual
Chapter 1 Overview Product Description


24 ViBE VS7000
User Manual
2 Chapter
Installation and Startup

Read and follow the important safety information in Section

Safety Instructions on page 237, noting especially those
instructions related to risk of fire, electric shock or injury to


This chapter provides the procedures required for device installation

and initial configuration and describes how to connect the device to
other devices in your system.

In this Chapter 26

Mounting in Rack (Recommendations) 27

Installing the Device (Steps) 28

Powering 29

Performing the Initial Settings 30

ViBE VS7000 25
User Manual
Chapter 2 Installation and Startup Unpacking

Table 2-1 lists the accessories that are always shipped with your device.
Use this list to ensure that your order is complete.

More accessories can be delivered depending on options you chose.

Table 2-1. List of accessories delivered with the device

Quantity Description

n ViBE VS7000 blade center or server: 10RU, 6RU or 1RU

n Bays (if the device is a blade center)

n Ethernet connectors (if the device is a blade center)

n Power cords

1 Cable to connect a screen, a keyboard and a mouse to a bay (if

the device is a blade center)


26 ViBE VS7000
User Manual
Chapter 2 Installation and Startup Mounting in Rack (Recommendations)

Mounting in Rack (Recommendations)

Rack mounting is not mandatory for ViBE VS7000 but the ventilation and
safety requirements given in this section must be observed in all cases.

Please refer to the recommendations provided by HP.

It is essential to separate the power supply cables from the signal cables.
When facing the rear of the rack (as the device is connected via the rear
panel), the power supply cables must be guided to the right of the chassis
and the signal cables to the left.

Power Supply and Protective Ground

Power Supply Cord(s)

Never supply a power supply unit which is not in the chassis.
The built-in overload protection cannot be accessed or reset.

The AC mains power cords are only shipped with the device if ordered.

For DC supply units, use power cords suitable with the HP specifications.

Connecting AC Mains Power Supply Cord(s)

Power Supply End

The connection panel should comply with the legislation in force in the
country of installation. The connection panel must be positioned in the
rack in such a way that the plug and power cord(s) are within easy reach
for switching off purposes.

For (each) mains inlet, the wiring system must feature overload and earth
fault protection and a bipolar cut-off device or a differential circuit
breaker. If in doubt, contact a qualified electrician.

ViBE VS7000 End

Plug the power cord(s) into the mains inlet.

ViBE VS7000 27
User Manual
Chapter 2 Installation and Startup Installing the Device (Steps)

Installing the Device (Steps)

Depending on the type of device, follow the steps below to install the
device and perform its initial configuration.

10RU and 6RU Devices

1. Install the blade center at its definitive place.

If you need to move the blade center, it must be empty.

2. On the front panel, install the blades in the blade center: the blades
and the bays in the blade center are numbered (stickers). Insert
blade #1 in bay #1, blade #2 in bay #2, etc.
3. Install the power supply units.

1RU Device
Mount the device in a rack.

28 ViBE VS7000
User Manual
Chapter 2 Installation and Startup Powering Up

Powering Up

Check that ViBE VS7000 is not yet connected to a LAN. Indeed,

factory-set IP addresses may cause disturbance (address conflict) on
the LAN when ViBE VS7000 is switched on. For more information,
see Section Detailed Factory Network Configuration on page 253.

Connect the power cord(s). The green POWER LED comes on.

6RU and 10RU Devices Specificities

If needed, configure the power supply management (refer to the HP
Blade System Enclosure Setup and Installation Guide that corresponds to
your system, provided on the CD-ROM).

On the first start-up, use the front panel screen to check the status of the
equipment. To do so:
1. Press OK to activate the display.
2. Select Health Summary from the menu.
3. Check that all indicators are green.

ViBE VS7000 29
User Manual
Chapter 2 Installation and Startup Performing the Initial Settings

Performing the Initial Settings

Preparing the Connection

1. Connect the Private System LAN of all the platforms composing the
ViBE VS7000 to a single GiGE switch:
For blade centers: insert an SFP coupler on interface x1 of the
first internal switch of the blade center, and connect it to the
GigE switch.

Gigabit copper couplers are not fast-Ethernet compliant. Make sure

you use a device that is able to process Gigabit.

For 1RU servers: connect the NIC 1 to the GigE switch.

The GigE switch shall be isolated from your network, as the presence
of a DHCP server could cause conflicts.

2. Connect a PC in DHCP on the GigE switch.

Accessing the Web Interface for the First Time

To access the Web interface, proceed as follows:
1. Open a Web browser.
2. Type the IP address in the address bar and press
3. Use the following account information:
Login: admin
Password: admin

If you cannot connect to the IP address, which might

happen if the factory-set IP address has been modified, use the Discover
feature of the equipment set-up tool. See Chapter 7 Tools on page 181.

Checking the Nodes Status

1. Select the System tab.
2. Go to the Nodes category.
3. Check that:
All nodes present in the device are displayed in the list in the
The status of each node is OK.

30 ViBE VS7000
User Manual
Chapter 2 Installation and Startup Performing the Initial Settings

Performing the IP Configuration

1. Select the System tab.
2. Go to the IP category.
3. Set the Control (X6 on 6RU and 10RU devices) network on your
control/command network:
If there are n nodes in the system, you need n consecutive
addresses, plus one for supervision.
Set the following parameters:
- Address
- Mask
- Gateway (optional)
- First address: first address of the n consecutive addresses
- Supervision address
4. Set the Data 1 (X2 on 6RU and 10RU devices) network on your data
If there are n nodes in the system, you need n consecutive
Set the following parameters:
- Address
- Mask
- Gateway (optional)
- First address: first address of the n consecutive addresses
5. Click Apply.

Preparing the Definitive Connection

Once you have made your IP configuration from the GUI:
1. Disconnect the supervision PC from the GigE switch.

ViBE VS7000 31
User Manual
Chapter 2 Installation and Startup Performing the Initial Settings

2. Depending on the composition of your ViBE VS7000:

For a stand-alone blade server:
a. Remove the SFP coupler from interface x1.
b. Insert an SFP coupler on interfaces x6 and x2 of the two internal
switches of the blade center.

You could perform the operation on one internal switch of the

blade center only but there would be no redundancy.

c. Connect interfaces x6 on your control-command network, on

one unique switch or on two switches if they are redunded.
d. Connect interfaces x2 on your data network, on one unique
switch or on two switches if they are redunded.
If your ViBE VS7000 contains several 10RU blade centers, connect
them using specific stacking cables. Refer to Appendix F Multiple
Blade Centers Configuration on page 261.
For 1RU devices:
a. Connect interface 3 to your control-command network.

b. Connect interface 4 to the data network.

Establishing the Definitive Connection

1. From a supervision PC connected on your control-command network,
open a Web browser.
2. Type in the address bar the supervision IP address that you configured
earlier and press Enter.
3. Use the following account information:
Login: admin
Password: admin

Setting the Date and Time (Optional)

1. Select the System tab.
2. Go to the Date & time category.
3. Choose the method that should be used to get the UTC:
Fix it manually: enter the date and time in the UTC date and time
Get it from one or several NTP servers: add the IP address(es) of
the server(s) to the NTP synchronized list.

32 ViBE VS7000
User Manual
Chapter 2 Installation and Startup Performing the Initial Settings

4. Choose the time zone to use from the drop-down list.

5. Indicate if you want to adjust the time automatically for Daylight
Saving Time.

Figure 2-1. Date and time settings

6. Click Apply.

ViBE VS7000 33
User Manual
Chapter 2 Installation and Startup Performing the Initial Settings


34 ViBE VS7000
User Manual
3 Chapter
Web Browser Interface


This chapter explains how to use the Web Browser Graphical User
Interface to configure the equipment.

In this Chapter

Reaching the 36

GUI 37

Basic 40

Interface 68

Workflow Library Content Parameters 104

ViBE VS7000 35
User Manual
Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Reaching the GUI

Reaching the GUI

You can run the ViBE VS7000 GUI provided you observe the following
requirements for your personal computer:
INTEL-Based PC (at least Pentium 1 GHz with 512 Mbytes of memory)
running Windows XP or Windows 7.
Web browser must be Internet Explorer 7.0 (or higher) or Mozilla
Firefox 3.0 (or higher).
Java Runtime Environment 2.0 or higher must be installed on client
PC. If not present, install the JavaTM 2 Standard Edition Runtime
Environment on your supervision computer. The installation software
is on the CD-ROM that has been supplied with your ViBE VS7000

The Graphical User Interface (GUI) is a Java applet. To launch it:

1. Open a Web browser.
2. Type the equipment IP address in the address bar and press Enter.
3. Use the following account information:
Login: admin
Password: admin
This is the default factory account. With administrator rights, you can
change the password at your convenience.

36 ViBE VS7000
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface GUI Overview

GUI Overview
This section describes the general organization of the graphical user
interface and its main components. The display may vary depending on
the rights of the connected user.

General Organization
The graphical user interface is divided into three main areas, shown in
Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1. Graphical user interface overview


Main area

Logs panel

Status bar

The GUI contains the following areas:

A Snapshot view, on the left, that shows the content of inputs in a tree.
A main area from where you can perform configuration and
monitoring. This area contains several tabs. Click them to navigate in
the GUI.
A Logs panel that shows the logs that are raised on the equipment.
A status bar that provides information on the equipment status, the
date and time, etc.

ViBE VS7000 37
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface GUI Overview

Customizing the Display

Resizing the Columns

In arrays, columns can be resized. Move your mouse cursor between two
header columns. The mouse cursor should change to . Click and drag
the column to the desired size, and then release the mouse button.

Sorting Elements in Arrays

In any array, you can sort elements by any column. To do so, click the
header column once. A white arrow appears in this header.

To change the sorting mode, click the header once more. When sorted in
increasing order, the arrow is displayed. In decreasing order, the
arrow is shown.

Commonly Used Elements

Some elements are recurrent in the GUI, as pictograms for instance.
These elements are described here.

Status Pictograms
Table 3-1 lists the status pictograms used in the GUI.

Table 3-1. Status pictograms

Status icon Meaning


Information message


Minor error

Major error

Critical error

38 ViBE VS7000
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface GUI Overview

Other Pictograms

Table 3-2. Pictograms

Pictogram Meaning Behaviour

Add Adds an item to a list.

Remove Removes a selected item from a list.

Edit Edits a parameter.

Search Indicates a search field.

The GUI contains numerous tables. In some of them, it is possible to
modify the content.

To add an item to a list, click the button.

To remove an item from a list, select a line and click the button.

To modify a value in a table, double-click the corresponding cell and type

the new value or if it is a list, select a value from the list. In some lists, it
is also possible to add values. For instance, in a TS audio video
extractor item, you can leave the PMT PID to Auto or enter your own

Figure 3-2. Example of editable drop-down list

ViBE VS7000 39
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Basic Settings

Basic Settings

Creating a Job
To create a job, follow the procedures below.

Launching a Job from a Workflow

1. Click the Jobs tab.

Figure 3-3. Opening the Jobs tab

2. Click Create.

Figure 3-4. Creating a job

40 ViBE VS7000
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Basic Settings

3. In the list, select a workflow. The description on the right may help you
to choose a workflow.

Figure 3-5. Choosing the workflow on which to base the job

ViBE VS7000 41
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Basic Settings

4. Click Ok.

Setting the Job Parameters

The list of parameters that you must set to create the job is displayed.

Figure 3-6. Setting the job parameters

1. Fill in the Name field on the left. This name will later appear in the list
of jobs. Choose this name carefully so that you are able to recognize
it easily in the list, as there may be a high number of jobs in the list.
2. For an offline job, you can set a priority for the job and its speed:
Priority: if there are not enough resources (CPU, memory...) to
process all the jobs, and if you want this particular job to be
processed before the others, set an important priority (between
1 and 250; 250 being the highest priority). The other jobs will be
processed more slowly.
Speed: if set to 1, the job will last at most as long as the video
duration. If set to 2, the job will last at most half as long as the
video duration, etc.
Note that if the network bitrate is too low, the speed goal might
not be respected.
If not configured, the job will get the available resources of the
most available node.
Note that a live job always holds priority over offline jobs. If there are
not enough resources, the transcoding is kept in waiting state until
resources become available.

42 ViBE VS7000
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Basic Settings

3. In the array, double-click the cells in the Value column to enter your
values. If you need details on the parameters, refer to section Section
Workflow Library Content Parameters on page 104.
4. Click Create.

The job is displayed in the Jobs list. Check its status and its state.

For more information on the Jobs tab, see Section Jobs on page 96.

Creating a Job Based on a Sample Workflow

Sample workflows are provided with the ViBE VS7000 equipment. To use
them, proceed as described in Section Creating a Job on page 40

When selecting a sample workflow from the list of workflows, you have
to set a number of parameters before launching the job. These
parameters are split into different tabs.

Browse the tabs and set the parameters shown in the figures.

Once you are done, click Create.

Sample IP TV 1
The Sample IP TV 1 workflow generates an IP TV MPEG-2 transport

The source is a program issuing from a TS over IP stream.

The video is transcoded into H.264. Audio components can be

transcoded or sent in pass-through mode. Other components are sent in
pass-through mode.

The output stream is TS over UDP/IP or TS over RTP/UDP/IP.

The figures below show the different tabs and parameters to set in the
Sample IP TV 1 workflow.

Figure 3-7. Sample IP TV 1 workflow Input TS tab

If you need details on the parameters, refer to Section Workflow

Library: Inputs on page 109.

ViBE VS7000 43
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Basic Settings

Figure 3-8. Sample IP TV 1 workflow Video, Processing, Encoding tab

If you need details on the parameters, look for the video subsections in
Section Workflow Library: Preprocessing on page 115 and Section
Workflow Library: Encoding on page 124.

44 ViBE VS7000
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Basic Settings

Figure 3-9. Sample IP TV 1 workflow Audio tab

If you need details on the parameters, look for the audio subsections in
Section Workflow Library: Preprocessing on page 115 and Section
Workflow Library: Encoding on page 124.

Figure 3-10. Sample IP TV 1 workflow Output TS tab

If you need details on the parameters, refer to Section Workflow

Library: Outputs on page 131.

ViBE VS7000 45
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Basic Settings

Figure 3-11. Sample IP TV 1 workflow Pass-through component tab

Sample Web TV HLS 1

The Sample Web TV HLS 1 workflow generates an HLS output.

The input is a TS file or a TS over IP input. A program is transcoded

(audio and video), the chunks are generated and may be encrypted, and
are then available on the local Web server.

The figures below show the different tabs and parameters to set in the
Sample Web TV HLS 1 workflow.

Input, Audio, Video, DRM and Output Parameters

Figure 3-12. Sample Web TV HLS 1 workflow Input TS tab

If you need details on the parameters, refer to Section Workflow

Library: Inputs on page 109.

Figure 3-13. Sample Web TV HLS 1 workflow Video tab

If you need details on the parameters, refer to Section Workflow

Library: Decoding on page 114 and Section Workflow Library:
Preprocessing on page 115.

46 ViBE VS7000
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Basic Settings

Figure 3-14. Sample Web TV HLS 1 workflow Output HLS tab

If you need details on the parameters, refer to Section HLS Output on

page 134.

Figure 3-15. Sample Web TV HLS 1 workflow DRM tab

If you need details on the parameters, refer to Section HLS Output on

page 134.

Figure 3-16. Sample Web TV HLS 1 workflow Audio component tab

If you need details on the parameters, refer to Section Workflow

Library: Preprocessing on page 115.

ViBE VS7000 47
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Basic Settings

Resolutions and Encoding Profiles

This workflow lets you configure the video resolutions (size and frame
rate). You may define from 1 up to 5 video resolutions. For each video
resolution, you can then define one or several encoding profiles. You can
also define 0 or 1 audio component.

Figure 3-17. Sample Web TV HLS 1 workflow Resolutions

Proceed as follows:
1. Define the number of video resolutions you want to use.
2. For each resolution:
a. Set the frame rate, in frames per second.

b. Select a size from the list (if custom, enter the values in pixels).

c. Open the appropriate Profiles tab and set the encoding profiles

48 ViBE VS7000
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Basic Settings

Figure 3-18. Sample Web TV HLS 1 workflow Encoding profiles on resolutions

To add an encoding profile on a resolution, click the Add Profiles on

resolution button on the right side of the panel.

Sample Web TV Smooth Streaming 1

The Sample Web TV Smooth Streaming 1 workflow generates a
Smooth Streaming output.

The input is a TS file or a TS over IP input. A program is transcoded

(audio and video), the chunks are generated and may be encrypted, and
are then available on the local Web server.

Two URLs can be used to retrieve the program:

http://<IP address>/<Folder>: choose this URL to first download
the embedded player, which will display the program.
http://<IP address>/<Folder>/manifest.ismc: choose this URL
if you do not want to use the embedded player.

The figures below show the different tabs and parameters to set in the
Sample Web TV Smooth Streaming 1 workflow.

ViBE VS7000 49
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Basic Settings

Input, Audio, Video, DRM and Output Parameters

Figure 3-19. Sample Web TV Smooth Streaming 1 workflow Input TS tab

If you need details on the parameters, refer to Section Workflow

Library: Inputs on page 109.

Figure 3-20. Sample Web TV Smooth Streaming 1 workflow Video tab

Figure 3-21. Sample Web TV Smooth Streaming 1 workflow Output Smooth Streaming

If you need details on the parameters, refer to Section Smooth

Streaming Output on page 139.

50 ViBE VS7000
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Basic Settings

Figure 3-22. Sample Web TV Smooth Streaming 1 workflow DRM tab

If you need details on the parameters, refer to Section Smooth

Streaming Output on page 139.

Figure 3-23. Sample Web TV Smooth Streaming 1 workflow Audio component tab

If you need details on the parameters, refer to Section Workflow

Library: Preprocessing on page 115.

Resolutions and Encoding Profiles

This workflow lets you configure the video resolutions (size and frame
rate). You may define from 1 up to 8 video resolutions. For each video
resolution, you can then define one or several encoding profiles. You can
also define 0, 1 or more audio components.

The operating mode and the parameters are exactly the same as on an
HLS output: refer to Section Resolutions and Encoding Profiles on
page 48.

Sample Web TV Smooth Streaming 2

The Sample Web TV Smooth Streaming 2 workflow generates a
Smooth Streaming output.

The input is a TS file or a TS over IP input. A program is transcoded

(audio and video), the chunks are generated and are then posted to a
remote IIS server.

The figures below show the different tabs and parameters to set in the
Sample Web TV Smooth Streaming 2 workflow.

ViBE VS7000 51
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Basic Settings

Input, Audio, Video and Output Parameters

Figure 3-24. Sample Web TV Smooth Streaming 2 workflow Input TS tab

If you need details on the parameters, refer to Section Workflow

Library: Inputs on page 109.

Figure 3-25. Sample Web TV Smooth Streaming 2 workflow Video tab

Figure 3-26. Sample Web TV Smooth Streaming 2 workflow Output Smooth Streaming

If you need details on the parameters, refer to Section Smooth

Streaming Output on page 139.

52 ViBE VS7000
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Basic Settings

Figure 3-27. Sample Web TV Smooth Streaming 2 workflow Audio component tab

If you need details on the parameters, refer to Section Workflow

Library: Preprocessing on page 115.

Resolutions and Encoding Profiles

This workflow lets you configure the video resolutions (size and frame
rate). You may define from 1 up to 8 video resolutions. For each video
resolution, you can then define one or several encoding profiles. You can
also define 0, 1 or more audio components.

The operating mode and the parameters are exactly the same as on an
HLS output: refer to Section Resolutions and Encoding Profiles on
page 48.

Adapting a Sample Workflow

In the workflows library in the Workflows tab, you can find some sample
workflows with a red category ( ). Those that do not have a lock sign
are meant to be adapted to your needs.

List of Sample Workflows to Adapt

The following sample workflows are provided:
Sample IP TV - SDI input:
SDI input
No preprocessing
Audio and video encoding
TS over IP output

ViBE VS7000 53
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Basic Settings

Sample IP TV - HD to SD:
SDI input in HD
Resize into SD
Audio and video encoding
TS over IP output
Sample IP TV - TSoIP input (transcoding workflow):
TS over IP input
No preprocessing
Audio and video encoding
TS over IP output
Sample Mosaic - 6 HD inputs:
6 TS over IP inputs in HD
Mosaic generation
TS over IP output
Sample Web TV - HLS WebDAV:
TS over IP input
Generation of 3 adaptive bitrate profiles with audio encoding
HLS output sent to a remote Web server in WebDAV
Sample Web TV - Smooth Streaming to IIS server:
TS over IP input
Generation of 3 adaptive bitrate profiles with audio encoding
Smooth Streaming output sent to an IIS server in http post
Sample file-to-file transcoding:
TS file input
Video transcoding in 720p59.94 resolution
Audio and data in pass-through
TS file output with PIDs identical to the ones in input
TS output filename identical to TS input filename
Workflow usable directly or via a hot folder

Adapting a Sample Workflow (Steps)

To adapt a sample workflow, proceed as follows:
1. Identify the sample workflow in which you are interested.

54 ViBE VS7000
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Basic Settings

2. Double-click it to display it in the right area.

3. Click Duplicate so as to keep the original sample workflow and to work
on a copy.
4. Click Properties and enter an explicit name for your workflow.
5. Open the items and modify the values at your convenience.
6. Save the workflow.

You can now create jobs based on this workflow.

Creating a Workflow

A workflow is not necessarily instantiable. It is instantiable if it forms a
full chain from input to output. Otherwise, it can be considered as a
sub-workflow. With several sub-workflows, you can make a full
instantiable workflow.

For instance, you could have one workflow with input items and one
workflow with output items, and include these two workflows in another
workflow to form a full chain, as shown in Figure 3-28.

Figure 3-28. Creating a workflow using other workflows

Instantiable workflow

Input workflow Output workflow

The benefit of creating sub-workflows is that you can save a series of

modules, and then use them without having to define all the parameters
all over again.

The process to create any workflow is the same. The only difference is
that for sub-workflows, it is necessary to publish the inputs and/or
outputs. Follow the steps below.

Creating the Workflow

1. Click the Workflows tab.

ViBE VS7000 55
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Basic Settings

2. Click New.
3. Enter a name for your workflow.
4. Assign a category.
5. Enter a summary and a description to provide information on your
workflow. This will be useful later to find it more easily.

Note that your workflow does not yet appear in the list in the left area.
6. Click OK.

Adding Items to the Workflow

Once the workflow is created, you need to fill it with items.
1. To add the first item, click an item from the list in the left area, and drag
it to the right area.
2. Right-click one of the items interface buttons and choose Link to new
from the menu.
3. Choose an item from the proposed list. The option you are pointing
with the mouse pointer is highlighted in the list and its description is
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each item to add.

Do not forget to hit the Save button once in a while.

Setting the Parameters of the Items

To access the parameters of an item:
1. Double-click the item. This displays a Properties dialog box that lists
parameters in an array.
2. Choose the parameters that you want to publish, i.e. the parameters
that the person who will create a job based on your workflow will need
to define. By default all parameters are set to private. Set the
parameters that should be editable to public.
3. From the default value column, click the cells to add your values if
4. Click OK to validate.

Publishing the Inputs and/or Outputs

Perform the following steps only if you are creating a sub-workflow,
i.e. a workflow that does not include all items from input to output.
1. If the first item of your workflow is not an input, in the Input category,
check the Publish box.

56 ViBE VS7000
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Basic Settings

2. If the last item of your workflow is not an output, in the Output

category, check the Publish box.

Figure 3-29 shows an example of a workflow that includes an input, a

decoding item and a preprocessing item. In this case, it is necessary to
publish the output of the preprocessing item.

Figure 3-29. Workflow publication example

Checking the Consistency

To know if your workflow is consistently built, click Check.

A report is displayed and indicates the problems, if any.

If there are errors:

1. Click the link of each error to open the item where the problem is
2. Save your configuration.
3. Click Check again.

Encoding a File
This section provides you with an example of workflow using a TS file in
input and in output.

Figure 3-30 shows what the workflow example looks like.

ViBE VS7000 57
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Basic Settings

Figure 3-30. TS file workflow example

This workflow contains:

1 TS file input
For the video component:
1 TS audio/video extractor
1 Video decoder
1 H.264 AVC encoder
1 TS audio/video packetizer
For the audio component:
1 TS component extractor
1 TS multiplexer
1 TS file output

58 ViBE VS7000
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Basic Settings

Prerequisite: before creating the workflow, make sure you have created
the network storage(s) that will be used to read the input files and write
the output files in the System tab, in the Network Storage category.

To create this workflow:

1. Proceed as described in section Section Creating a Workflow on
page 55 and add all the items listed above.
2. Perform the settings described in the table below.

Table 3-3. Settings to perform to encode a file

Item Parameter Action

TS file input TS file network Set the default value and set to public

TS file folder Set the default value and set to public

TS file name Set to public, label = "Input TS


TS Maximum format Set to HD 1080i50

extractor Program number Label = "Input PN"

PMT PID Label = "Input PMT PID"

Component PID Label = "Input video PID"

Codec Set to Any

H.264 AVC Bitrate Set to public, label = "Output video

encoder bitrate"

Profile Set to High

Frame structure Set to Interlace, public

TS component Component PID Label = "Input audio PID"


TS multiplexer TS bitrate Set to 2,500,000 bps, public, label =

"Output TS bitrate"

TS multiplexer Component PID Make a link to "Input video PID"a

(input 1)
PMT PID Make a link to "Input PMT PID"a

TS multiplexer Component PID Make a link to "Input audio PID"a

(input 2)

TS file output TS file network Set the value


TS file folder Set the value

TS file name Make a link to "Input TS filename"a

ViBE VS7000 59
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Basic Settings

To know how to make links between parameters, refer to Section Link
Tool on page 107.

3. Apply the configuration.

4. Launch a job based on your workflow.

Using a Hot Folder

Configuring the Workflow

Create the workflow that you wish to apply on the files that will be placed
on the hot folder. For instance, use the workflow procedure given in
Section Encoding a File on page 57.

Configuring the Hot Folder

1. Go to the System tab and choose the Hot folder category.
2. Edit the configuration.
3. Click the button and add a hot folder.
4. Choose from the list the workflow you wish to apply on the files that
will be placed in the hot folder.
5. Set the public parameters of the workflow.
6. Apply the configuration.

Figure 3-31. Configuring the hot folder

1. Add 4. Apply

2. Set the
hot folder

3. Set the workflow parameters

60 ViBE VS7000
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Basic Settings

Using the Hot Folder

Place a file in the input folder.

A job is automatically created to process the file and an output file is

placed in the output folder.

Configuring an SDI Input

If your system is equipped with SDI inputs, this section explains how to
configure and use them.

Naming the SDI Inputs

Before using the SDI inputs, it is recommended to name them so that
they have explicit names that you can easily recognize when configuring
workflows. To do so:
1. Go to the System tab and choose the SDI category.
The tab displays the nodes that contain SDI inputs.
2. Edit the configuration.
3. Double-click the node(s) you wish to use and enter names for the
inputs in the fields.
4. Apply the configuration.

Using an SDI Input in a Workflow

To use an SDI input in a workflow, proceed as follows:
1. Create a new workflow.
2. Add an SDI Input item.
3. In the SDI input list, choose the SDI input you wish to use among the
inputs you named during the previous step.
4. Set the usual SDI parameters.
5. Build the rest of the workflow at your convenience, or use the example
provided in the next section.

Workflow Example With an SDI Input

Here is an example of workflow that uses an SDI input.

ViBE VS7000 61
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Basic Settings

Figure 3-32. Workflow example with an SDI input

This workflow contains:

1 SDI input
For the video component:
1 H.264 AVC encoder
1 TS audio/video packetizer
For the audio component:
1 AAC HE v2 encoder
1 TS audio/video packetizer
1 TS multiplexer
1 TS over IP streamer

Configuring an SDI System With a Matrix

If you have an SDI matrix in your system to manage redundancy, you
need to declare and configure it in the ViBE VS7000 equipment.

Declaring an SDI Matrix

To declare an SDI matrix, proceed as follows:
1. Go to the System tab.

62 ViBE VS7000
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Basic Settings

2. Choose the SDI category.

3. In the top-right corner of the view, click Edit.
4. In the top-right corner of the view, click Add matrix.

Figure 3-33. Adding a new SDI matrix

5. Set the SDI matrix parameters:

Number of inputs/outputs: size of the matrix.
Name: enter a name for the matrix, at your convenience.
IP address to connect to the SDI matrix remote equipment.
6. Click OK.

Once you have declared a matrix, the GUI displays a representation of

the matrix.

ViBE VS7000 63
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Basic Settings

Figure 3-34. New SDI matrix representation

Naming the Matrix Inputs

To ease your configuration, it is advised to name the matrix inputs.

To do so, double-click the purple matrix bar to access its parameters.

Then enter a name for each input in the Input list area.

Figure 3-35. Naming the SDI matrix inputs

64 ViBE VS7000
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Basic Settings

Linking the SDI Inputs To the Matrix

You can then create links between the matrix outputs and the ViBE
VS7000 inputs. To do so, click an output node of the matrix, hold the
mouse and drag it over an input node of an SDI card. A link is created.

Figure 3-36. Linking the SDI inputs to the matrix

For more information on the SDI category, see Section SDI on page 74.

Using the Matrix Inputs

When creating a workflow, in the SDI input item, you can enter the name
of the SDI matrix input in the SDI input parameter.

Otherwise, proceed the same way as for a simple SDI input, as described
in Section Configuring an SDI Input on page 61.

When you launch a job, the matrix is automatically configured.

Creating a Snapshot View

There are two ways of creating a snapshot view:
By clicking New in the Snapshot view.
By specifying it when creating a job with a TS over IP or file input.

Creating a New Snapshot View

If you want to see what your input contains so as to ease your
configuration, you can display the content of your input transport stream
in a tree in a snapshot view. To do so:
1. In the Snapshot view top-right corner, click New.

ViBE VS7000 65
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2. Choose the type of input: TS over IP or TS file.

3. Depending on the type of input, set the following parameters:
For a TS over IP input:

Figure 3-37. Creating a new snapshot view for a TS over IP input

a. If your input is multicast, check the corresponding box and set

the LAN.

b. Enter the IP address and UDP port of the source.

c. Indicate a maximum TS bitrate, in bits per second.

For a TS file input:

Figure 3-38. Creating a new snapshot view for a TS file input

66 ViBE VS7000
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a. Enter the network storage where the TS file to use as a source is

b. Enter the name of the folder on the network storage where the
TS file to use as a source is stored.

c. Enter the name of the TS file to use as a source.

4. Select the standard of the input stream: MPEG-2, DVB or ATSC.

The snapshot view is automatically created and updated.

To delete the snapshot view, you can either click the cross button in the
Snapshot panel, or remove the job corresponding to the snapshot view
in the Jobs tab.

Figure 3-39. Deleting a snapshot view

Creating a Snapshot View From a Workflow

When creating a workflow that contains a TS over IP input or a TS file
input, you can specify directly in the input configuration that you want to
create a snapshot view.

To do so, set the Monitoring view parameter to true, and specify the
Standard parameter by choosing the table on which the tree should be

Figure 3-40. Creating a snapshot view from a workflow (TS over IP input)

A snapshot view is automatically created when a job based on this

workflow is launched. Click the Play button to start displaying and
updating the view. It is dynamically updated as long as the job is running.
It is deleted when the job is deleted.

ViBE VS7000 67
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Interface Description

Interface Description
This section is a complete reference to the ViBE VS7000 modules,
including the complete details on the interface menus and icons.

The System tab lets you define all the parameters related to the whole
ViBE VS7000 system. The System tab is composed of several categories,
detailed in the coming sections.

The Identity category lets you give a name to your ViBE VS7000 system
and describe it.

System name: enter a name for your ViBE VS7000 system, at your
Description: provide a brief description of your ViBE VS7000 system,
at your convenience.

Specifying these parameters can be useful to identify more easily your

ViBE VS7000 system among a list of equipment, for example if your ViBE
VS7000 system is integrated into a management system.

The Nodes category provides you with the list of nodes (i.e. blades or
servers) of your ViBE VS7000 system.

Figure 3-41. System tab Nodes category

The table contains the following elements:

ID: identifier of the node. This ID cannot be modified. It is contained in
the license file.
State: Master or Slave.

68 ViBE VS7000
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Interface Description

Status (to see the details of status, refer to Table 3-1).

CPU usage, in percentage.
Memory usage, in percentage.
CPU: number and type of CPU.
Memory: size.
Disk: number and capacity.
Description: serial number, vendor, type.
Highlight: if enabled, highlights the corresponding blue LED on the
front panel of the node.

From the Nodes category, you can also:

Request a new license: click the New license request button.
Search the nodes available on the internal system network, if you
want to obtain a list of the available nodes: click the Discover button.

To know how to request a license for a new node, refer to Section

Adding a Diskless Node to Your System on page 150.

The IP category lets you configure all the parameters related to the IP

It is divided into four main areas.


Figure 3-42. LANs configuration

The table displays for each LAN the following elements:

Number: number of the LAN, used to identify the LAN in logs.

ViBE VS7000 69
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Interface Description

Default gateway

When selecting a LAN, additional parameters are displayed on the right:

Interface: interface (NIC) of the node that is connected to this LAN.
Interface 1 is reserved for System private LAN. For more information
on interfaces of the blades, refer to Appendix F Network Settings
(6RU and 10RU Devices) on page 249.
Data access: there are two types of networks:
Internal: reserved for communicating audio/video data between
nodes of the blade center.
External: used of audio/video data exchanged with the outside
(in input or in output), or for control-command.
Supervision address: this is a virtual IP address allocated to the master
node, allowing supervision of the VS7000 on this LAN. It allows to
connect to the VS7000 without knowing which node is currently the
master one. It is recommended to set it on the control-command
First address: address of the first node. Node #1 will have this 1st
address, Node #2 will have this address plus 1, etc.
VLAN tagging: compliantly to the IEEE 802.1Q standard, VLAN
tagging allows grouping several Virtual LANs on a single Ethernet
Maximum input bitrate and Maximum output bitrate: these bitrates
may be automatically computed. They indicate the maximum quantity
of data that the system is allowed to exchange on the network. These
values are used by the load-balancer to check that there is enough
network bandwidth to instantiate a job on a node.

If you are using VLAN tagging to share an Ethernet network between

several VLANs, you must define the available bandwidth allocation
between the VLANs: this is done via the two above parameters.

All nodes: this mode lets you quickly configure the network on all the
Ranges: use this mode if you want to apply a different configuration
on the nodes, for instance if you wish to authorize access to a network
only from some given nodes.

70 ViBE VS7000
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Interface Description


Figure 3-43. Routes configuration

The table shows a list of routes and displays for each of them the
following elements:
IP address
IP mask
Metric: lets you define a preferred path if there are several routes to
reach a same destination. By default, the IP stack always chooses the
route that costs the least.

DNS servers are used by Web TV outputs (HLS, RTMP and Smooth
Streaming). If the connection is lost, the VS7000 performs a DNS request
and the connection is quickly restored.

Figure 3-44. DNS configuration

You can specify up to 3 DNS servers.

For each server, check the box and enter its IP address in the field.

If you want to specify a DNS suffix, check the corresponding box and
enter a suffix value in the field.

ViBE VS7000 71
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System Private LAN

Figure 3-45. System private LAN configuration

This area contains parameters related to the private LAN of the system:
Interface: always interface #1.
Number: number of the LAN, used to identify the LAN in logs.
Address range: range of addresses that the ViBE VS7000 can use. This
range shall include at least (more if possible) one address per node
plus 2 addresses. Note that at least one of these addresses will be
available through the included DHCP server, for any additional node
or for a supervision PC. The first address is reserved for internal use,
the second one is for node #1, the third one for node #2, etc.
Supervision address: this is a virtual IP address allocated to the master
node, allowing supervision of the ViBE VS7000 on this LAN. It allows
to connect to the ViBE VS7000 without knowing which node is
currently the master one.

Hot Folder
A hot folder is a directory that, when you place a file in it, automatically
detects the file and creates a job to apply the processing you specified.

The Hot folder category lets you set the parameters for hot folders. This
is where you can create hot folders and define the processing that must
be applied to the files placed in them.

You must create one hot folder for each type of processing.

72 ViBE VS7000
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Figure 3-46. Hot folder configuration

The table shows the list of hot folders. Click one of them to access its
File network storage (mounting point): indicate in which network
storage the hot folder should be created.
File folder: enter the name of the folder on the network storage where
the hot folder should be created.
File name filter: if you want to process only part of the files that are
placed in the hot folder, enter filter rules. For instance, if you want to
process any file with a trp extension, enter: *.trp.
Delete source file after treatment: check the box to delete the source
file once the workflow have been applied on it.
Workflow: select from the list the workflow that must be applied to the
files present in the hot folder.
In the frame below the list of workflows, you can see the public
parameters of the workflow. You can change the values at your
For workflow that use a file input, the network storage, file folder and
file name parameters are automatically linked to the parameters set
above for the hot folder. If you want to use different parameters, select
the workflow parameter from the list and click the button to
remove the link.
You can also specify the following parameters for the job:
Name: name of the job.
Priority (available for file workflows only): if there are not
enough resources (CPU, memory...) to process all the jobs, and
if you want this particular job to be processed before the others,
set an important priority (between 1 and 250; 250 being the
highest priority). The other jobs will be processed more slowly.

ViBE VS7000 73
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Speed (available for file workflows only): if set to 1, the job will
last at most as long as the video duration. If set to 2, the job will
last at most half as long as the video duration, etc.
Note that if the network bitrate is too low, the speed goal might
not be respected.
If not configured, the job will get the available resources of the
most available node.

The SDI category provides you with a representation of nodes and SDI
cards present in your system and lets you configure SDI matrices to
manage redundancy.

Figure 3-47. SDI category

SDI Cards
The nodes that contain SDI cards are represented. The slot in which the
SDI card is installed is indicated.

You can double-click the card item to name it and to give a name to the
inputs. This will ease your configuration when creating workflows and

SDI Matrices
If you have a matrix in your system, you need to declare it in this view.
The list of supported SDI matrices is available in Table A-29 on page 211.

The GUI displays a representation of the matrices declared in the ViBE

VS7000 equipment.

To know how to declare a matrix, refer to Section Configuring an SDI

System With a Matrix on page 62.

You can find the SDI matrices alarms in the Logs panel.

74 ViBE VS7000
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Figure 3-48. SNMP configuration

The SNMP category lets you perform the SNMP configuration.

Read community: enter the name of the community.
Read/Write community: enter the name of the community.

The table gives you the list of trap destination IP addresses with their
associated SNMP version.

For more information on SNMP, refer to Appendix B SNMP

Management on page 229.

Date & Time

Figure 3-49. Date and time configuration

You can choose to:

Use the UTC date and time: enter the current date and time of your

ViBE VS7000 75
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Synchronize your ViBE VS7000 system with an NTP server: choose

NTP synchronize and enter the IP address(es) of one or several NTP

You can also:

Select the Time zone to use from the drop-down list.
Enable the Automatic adjustment for the daylight saving time option.

User Accounts
The User accounts category is available provided you have
administrator rights.

Figure 3-50. User accounts configuration

In this panel, you can define and manage user accounts and groups of
users, via two tables.
The table on the left lists the user accounts with their associated
You can modify the values by double-clicking them in the table.
A password protects each user account. To change it, click the Change
password button.
You can add or remove accounts using the buttons.
The admin administrator account cannot be removed.
The table on the right lists the groups of users.
For each group, you can define the types of actions that users of this
group will be able to perform:
System: you can grant rights for configuration and supervision,
for supervision only, or no rights at all.
Workflow configuration: you can let the groups users edit the
configuration of the workflows or not.
Job configuration: you can grant rights for:
- Jobs configuration

76 ViBE VS7000
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- Modification of the jobs you created (User), of the jobs

created by another member of your group (Group), of any
job (All) or of no job (No).
Job supervision: you can grant rights for the supervision of the
jobs you created (User), of the jobs created by another member
of your group (Group), of any job (All) or of no job (No).

The Download category lets you manage software versions and
licenses, via two tables.

Figure 3-51. Download panel

Software Versions
The table on the left contains the list of software versions installed on the
ViBE VS7000 system.

The Active column shows you which version the ViBE VS7000 system is
currently using.

To use a different software version, click the radio button that

corresponds to the version you wish to use and confirm your choice in
the displayed dialog. When you apply a new software version, jobs that
were running are stopped and recreated on the newly active release. This
procedure implies a short service interruption.

To download a new version, click Download new version. Browse to

locate the file of the version and click Open.

Downloading a version does not affect the running version, it is not

automatically activated.

To remove a version, select the line of the version to remove and click

ViBE VS7000 77
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The table on the right lists the licenses installed on your ViBE VS7000
system and shows information about these licenses.

You can see the number of licenses you are currently using (Quantity
used), and the number of licenses that you own (Quantity max). That
lets you check if you can perform other processings or if you have
reached the maximum capacity.

You can download a new license. Click the link, browse to locate the file
of the license and click Open.

The new license is enabled as soon as the download completes.

The Logs category lets you define settings related to the logs generated
by ViBE VS7000.

It is divided into three parts.

Figure 3-52. Logs configuration

Automatically export: click to automate the export of the logs and
define the frequency.
Frequency: define how often the logs should be exported (in days,
weeks or months).
Export logs older than: define the age that the logs should have to be
exported (in days, weeks or months). The date taken into account is
the date of log closure.
Network storage: choose from the list the network storage where the
exported logs should be saved. To define network storage places, go
to the Network Storage category. For more information, refer to
Section Network Storage on page 81.

78 ViBE VS7000
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Path: enter the path to where the exported logs should be saved on the
network storage defined earlier. To set sub-directories, use the /
separator. If the directories you enter do not already exist, they are
automatically created. If no path is defined, the exported logs are
saved at the root of the network storage.
Purge exported logs: if enabled, logs that have been exported will be
deleted from the equipment. Note that if the export fails, for instance
if the network storage is unreachable, logs are not purged.

You can also click the Export now button to export the logs immediately.
The name of the exported logs file follows the convention below:
yyyy is the year
mm is the month
dd is the day
hh is the hour (in 24 hour format)
mm are the minutes
ss are the seconds

For example, the file ExportLogs_20110406_101536.txt was saved on

April, 6th of 2011 at 10:15:36.

Tip: you can open the logs export files in MS Excel.

ViBE VS7000 79
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The exported logs file contains all the same categories of information as
this displayed in the Logs tab, as well as additional information that is
useful for a management system equipment.

Table 3-4. Categories of information about logs

Column name in the Column name in

export file the GUI

Severity Severity

Category Category

Type Not available An event is

punctual, and has a
severity from
information to
An alarm has a
duration, and has a
severity from
warning to critical.
A status has a
duration and has a
severity of

NId Node Id Identifier of the node

JobId Job Id

ProbableCause Not available Identifier

Description Description

UTCStartDate Raising date Start date and time of

the log

UTCEndDate Clearing date End date and time of

the log

Resource Resource

JobName Job name Name and identifier of

the job

JobStartDate Raising file time Start date and time of

the job

JobEndDate Clearing file time End date and time of

the job

The export feature exports all the logs stored in the database.

80 ViBE VS7000
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The Purge feature removes logs to clear the database. Only past logs can
be purged.
Automatically purge: if enabled, the past logs are automatically
removed from the Logs view after a given period. Specify the
Frequency: define how often the past logs should be purged (in days,
weeks or months).
Keep logs for: specify how long the past logs should be kept (in days,
weeks or months). All older logs will be removed during the automatic

You can also click the Purge now button to purge the past logs

This part is purely informative and indicates:
Percent usage: use rate of the logs database, in percentage. The
database can host up to 1,000,000 logs.
Number of logs into database.

Network Storage
The Network Storage category lets you define specific storage locations
on the system so that you can later access them directly.

Figure 3-53. Network storage configuration

The table contains the list of network storage places with associated
Name: name that you will be able to use to refer to this mounting
point. Note that this is a name, not a path: do not use the "/" or "\"
Type: Network File System (NFS) or Common Internet File System

ViBE VS7000 81
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IP address: IP address of the file server.

Directory: target directory on the file server. There are no conventions
to respect in this field, simply respect the conventions that match the
type of network storage you defined. For instance, there is no need to
enter a "/" or "\" symbol on Windows, but on a Linux operating system,
you must enter the full path to the network storage from the root.
Login: if authentication is required to access the network storage,
enter the login.
Password: if authentication is required to access the network storage,
enter the password.
Workgroup: if needed, specify the workgroup on which the network
storage is.

On MS Windows, you must first share the directory before being

able to mount it.

The Workflows tab is where you are going to create theoretical groups
of actions, called workflows, that you want to perform. Later, you will
implement (instantiate) them by creating jobs (instances).

This section describes the way workflows work. If you want information
on the workflows provided with your ViBE VS7000 equipment, refer to
Section Workflow Library Content Parameters on page 104.

The Workflows tab is divided into two main parts:

The left part contains the list of all the existing workflows.
The right part displays the detail of the workflows selected from the

Left Area
The left area contains the following elements:
A series of buttons.
A search field, that lets you filter the list.
A list of existing workflows, sorted by category.
A Description field, that provides information on the actions included
in the workflow that is selected from the list.

82 ViBE VS7000
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Figure 3-54. Left area of the Workflows tab

New: to create a new workflow.
Delete: to delete the workflow selected from the list.
Show: to display the details of the workflow selected from the list in
the right area.
Edit: to display the workflow selected from the list in the right area and
open it in edition mode.
Create job: to create a job based on the workflow selected from the

You can search in the name of the workflows, in the keywords defined for
the workflows, or in both. Click the arrow on the right of the search field
to choose where to search.

The list contains workflows and tools.

Workflows Library

The list displays the workflows that have been delivered with the
software version, and the workflows that you or another user have
created and saved.

ViBE VS7000 83
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Figure 3-55. Workflows library

The workflows displayed in bold are those that you can use to create

The workflows displayed with a lock sign are those delivered with the
equipment. You cannot delete them.


Two tools are available: the Choice and the Selector. They both let you
define a condition in your workflow, to choose either the output or the
input that should be used.

The condition can be set on a parameter that is already defined, or on a

new parameter that will be displayed when creating the job.

The first met condition is applied.

The Choice tool applies a condition to choose the output.

The Selector tool applies a condition to choose the input.

For more information on how to use these tools, refer to Section Tools
on page 146.

The description helps you identify the workflow. It is supposed to
indicate what the workflow does. Be sure to fill in the field carefully when
creating a new workflow, as this information is very useful to people who
create jobs and to people who create other workflows based on the one
you created.

84 ViBE VS7000
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Right Area
The right-area displays the details of workflows.

First select a workflow from the list in the left area, and click Show. The
details are displayed in a tab.


To add an item to a workflow, you can either:

Click items from the list in the left area and drag them to the right area.
Right-click the interfaces buttons of an existing item and choose Link
to new from the menu. In this case, the option you are pointing with
the mouse pointer is highlighted in the list and the description is
displayed, as shown in Figure 3-56. This method is recommended if
you are not sure of which items you can link.

Figure 3-56. "Link to new" feature

Item selected in the

workflow library


ViBE VS7000 85
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To remove an item, you can either:

Right-click it and choose Remove.
Click it and press Del on your keyboard.

Links Between Items

To create a link between two items, you can:

Click the interface button of one item, hold the mouse and drag it to
the interface button of the other item. Note that to help you, the
interface buttons where you are allowed to create your link blink.
Right-click the interface button of one item, select Link to current and
then choose the other item.

To remove a link, right-click the interface button of one end of the link,
choose Remove link to and then click the name of the other item.

To remove all links to an item, right-click anywhere in the item and

choose Remove all links.

Parameters of the Items

Items each have their own parameters. For more clarity, they are
described in a separate section of this manual. Refer to Section
Workflow Library Content Parameters on page 104.

The following buttons are available in this area:
Parameters: displays the list of public and protected parameters in a
separate column on the right, i.e. the parameters that are visible
(protected) and editable (public) by job authors. For a full explanation
of the status, refer to Paragraph Item Parameters Array on
page 104.
Properties: lets you set the properties of the workflow. You can also
double-click the box of a workflow, located on the top-left corner of the
right area to open this dialog. See Properties of the Workflow
Edit/Unedit: switches to the edition mode / cancels the changes
applied to the workflow.
Save: saves the changes applied to the workflow.
Check: checks the coherence of the workflow. If there are errors, a
summary is displayed. You can click the links to open the item where
the problem is located.
If there is at least one error message, the configuration is not applied.
If there is at least one warning message, a confirmation is required.
Duplicate: duplicates the workflow.
Delete: removes the workflow from the list.
Create job: creates a job based on the workflow.

86 ViBE VS7000
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Rights: lets you set the rights to see, instantiate, modify, delete or
manage the workflow.

Parameters Column
Click the Parameters button to display the Parameters column.

If the workflow is instantiable, this column lists the parameters that will
be visible by a user who uses this workflow to create a job or to create
another workflow.

Sorting Parameters

If you have a great number of public parameters, you may want to sort
them into groups. To do so:
1. Click Parameters to display the list of public parameters.

By default all the public parameters are displayed in the same panel.

Figure 3-57. Parameters column

To create a new group of parameters:

2. Click the Add button.

A new group is created. It appears as a tab at the bottom of the panel.

ViBE VS7000 87
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Figure 3-58. New group of parameters

3. Click the Rename button in your new group and give it a proper name.
4. Click the tab and drag it to the middle of the panel.

Figure 3-59. Moving a parameters tab

You now have the two tabs displayed in the same panel.

88 ViBE VS7000
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5. From the default Parameters tab, select a parameter and drag it to

your new tab. Repeat this step as many times as needed to sort all
your parameters.

Figure 3-60. Moving a parameter from a group to another

You can create other groups, at your convenience.

Parameters Name Conflict

If a parameter you are meaning to publish (paramB) has the same name
as a parameter already published (paramA), a message is displayed to
warn you and it offers you the following options:
Unpublish: unpublishes paramB, which consequently remains
Cancel: cancels the action and lets you go back to the edition dialog to
modify the parameters and avoid the name conflict.
Auto rename: automatically renames paramB by adding a digit at the
end of the name.

Properties of the Workflow

When creating a workflow, the Properties dialog opens automatically. In
other cases, click the Properties button in the toolbar or double-click the
box of a workflow, located on the top-left corner of the right area.

This dialog contains two tabs.

ViBE VS7000 89
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Figure 3-61. Properties of a workflow Basic tab

The Basic tab contains the following fields:

Name: name of the workflow.
Category: choose a category for your workflow or create your own
category. For more information, see Paragraph Categories and
Colors on page 94.
Summary: text that is displayed:
On the item when it is used to create a new workflow
In the preview of the workflow, in the top-left corner of the right
Description: text that is displayed:
In the Description field of the left area, when the workflow is
selected from the list
In the job creation view

90 ViBE VS7000
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Figure 3-62. Properties of a workflow Advanced tab

The Advanced tab offers the following options:

Logs publishing: reserved for future use.
Factorization: reserved for future use.
Allow Web Service job creation: reserved for future use.

Copy and Paste Options

When manipulating a workflow in the right area, there are several
possibilities to copy and paste items:
Paste at the location of the mouse pointer: select the item to copy,
press Ctrl + C, then right-click and select paste, or press Ctrl + V.
Multiple paste: to select several items to copy, hold the Ctrl key and
click the items. You can then copy and paste the items as usual.
Copy from a workflow to another: you can copy one or several items
from a workflow and paste it/them in another workflow.

When copying and pasting items, only the boxes are copied, not the links
between them.

Workflow Import and Export Options

Exporting a Workflow

It is possible to export workflows to a file. There are two ways to do it.

ViBE VS7000 91
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From the list of workflows:

1. Select a workflow.
2. Click Export.

Figure 3-63. Exporting a workflow selected in the list

You obtain a ZIP file containing a summary and the workflow you

92 ViBE VS7000
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From the workflow panel

1. Open a workflow.
2. Click Export.

Figure 3-64. Exporting a workflow displayed in the panel

You obtain a ZIP file containing a summary and the workflow you

ViBE VS7000 93
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Importing a Workflow

To import a workflow that you have previously exported, or that

someone else has transmitted to you, proceed as follows:
1. In case you have extracted the workflow XML file, include it back in the
ZIP file that resulted from the export operation.
2. Click Import.

Figure 3-65. Exporting a workflow selected in the list

3. Browse to select the ZIP file corresponding to the workflow to import.

Note that you must not modify the ZIP files structure, it should remain
the same as an exported ones.
4. Click Open.

The workflow is added to the list.

Categories and Colors

A number of categories are defined by default. A color is associated to
each category of workflow.

Colors are used in the list of workflows, and in the headers of the boxes
in the right area.

Table 3-5 shows the colors associated with the categories available by

Table 3-5. Colors associated to categories of workflows.

Color Associated category







94 ViBE VS7000
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You can create your own categories. In this case, you can associate the
color you want with them. Proceed as follows:
1. Click the Properties button.
2. From the Category drop-down list, select Create a new category.
3. Enter a name for your category and pick a color from the color chart.
4. Click Ok.

ViBE VS7000 95
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The Jobs tab displays the list of existing jobs in an array.

Figure 3-66. Jobs tab

The following buttons are available:
Create: lets you create a job from a workflow, to select from the
displayed list.
Duplicate: duplicates the selected job. In the displayed dialog, enter a
name for the new job, and if necessary, adjust the parameters. Click
Create to validate the job creation.
Abort: aborts the selected job. The job is still displayed in the list, Click
Delete to remove it from the list.
Show parameters: displays the job parameters and lets you change
Delete: deletes the selected job.

Job Parameters
To display the Job parameters dialog, click Show parameters.

The Job parameters dialog shows the following elements on the left:
Id: identifier of the job (non-editable).
Workflow: workflow on which the job is based (non-editable).

On the right, the array contains the list of parameters of the jobs. You can
edit the values and apply them, even while the job is running.

Jobs Array
For each job, the following information is provided:
Job id: identifier of the job, automatically created.

96 ViBE VS7000
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Job name: at your convenience. You can modify it in the job

Workflow: workflow on which the job is based.
Source: user who created the job.
Status: list of possible status and their meaning is provided in
Table 3-1 Status pictograms on page 38.
State: state of the job. See State below.
Type: real-time or offline.
Progress: for offline jobs only, indicates the progress percentage of
the job.
Submission time: date and time of creation of the job.
Start time: date and time when the job started.
End time: date and time when the job was completed or aborted.

You cannot modify the values in the array. To change the properties of a
job, click the Show parameters button.

Table 3-6 lists the possible states of the jobs, shows the colors
associated with them, provides informations about the states and the
possible actions that you can perform.

ViBE VS7000 97
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Table 3-6. Job states: colors, descriptions and possible actions

Job state and

Description of the state Possible actions

The job has been created Duplicate: duplicates the

and is waiting before selected job.
switching to the Running Abort: cancels the job.
state. Show parameters: lets
you see and modify the job

The job is being executed. Duplicate: duplicates the

selected job.
Abort: cancels the job.
Show parameters: lets
you see and modify the job

The jobs execution has Duplicate: duplicates the

ended. selected job.
Show parameters: lets
you see and modify the job
Delete: deletes the job.

The job has been started Duplicate: duplicates the

and then aborted, i.e. selected job.
cancelled. You cannot start Show parameters: lets
this job again. you see and modify the job
Delete: deletes the job.

Filters and Sorting Options

You can filter and sort the jobs in the array to display only the ones on
which you want to focus.

You can filter the jobs by their state - running, waiting, completed,
aborted - by checking the corresponding boxes.

You can also group the jobs that have similar characteristics by selecting
an option from the Group by list.

At the end of the sorting options line, the number of matching jobs is

The Console tab is available only if you are connected with an
administrator account. It should be used only under the customer
supports supervision.

98 ViBE VS7000
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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Interface Description

Figure 3-67 shows the different areas of the Console tab.

Figure 3-67. Console tab

List of commands sent

Debug traces and result of the commands sent

Field to send commands

The Clear buttons let you clear the messages displayed under the button.

In the right area, the Scroll lock box lets you stop the scrolling of
messages to be able to read them more easily.

The Snapshot view is available for jobs that include a TS file input or a
TS over IP input.

It provides a tree representation of the transport streams composition,

basing itself on MPEG, DVB or ATSC tables, as specified in the workflow
or snapshot configuration.

Note that ghosts are not displayed.

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Figure 3-68. Snapshot view

To know how to create a snapshot view, refer to Section Creating a

Snapshot View on page 65.


The Logs tab, at the bottom of the view, lists all current and past
equipment logs. It contains an array with the list of logs, filters and
sorting options. Logs (current and past) are saved in a database on ViBE
VS7000 hard drives.

Figure 3-69. Logs tab

See Appendix E Logs for the list of logs (XML file).

Logs Array
The array provides the following information for each log:

100 ViBE VS7000

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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Interface Description

Severity: see Table 3-1 Status pictograms on page 38.

Node Id: identifier of the node on which the error occurred.
Category: category of the log. See Section Logs Categories on
page 242 for the list of categories.
Resource: resource to which the log refers.
Description: log description.
Raising date: raising log date and time.
Clearing date (for closed logs only): falling log date and time.
Job Id: identifier of the job to which the log relates, if applicable.
Job name: name of the job to which the log relates, if applicable.
Raising file time: in file mode, moment in the file when the log was
Clearing file time: in file mode, moment in the file when the log was

Filters and Sorting Options

You can filter and sort the logs to display only the ones on which you
want to focus. Filters and sorting options are located above the array. You
can apply several types of filters simultaneously.

From the first drop-down list, you can choose to display only the current
logs, only the past logs or both.

You can filter the logs by their source:

System: check the System logs box to display the logs that regard the
Job: choose if you want to display the logs that regard:
Only the jobs you created: My jobs
The jobs created by members of your group: Group jobs.
All jobs.
Selected jobs: first select jobs in the array of the Jobs tab.
Or select None if you do not want to display logs that regard jobs.

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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Interface Description

You can also choose to display the logs of only a given severity. Table 3-7
details the options of this filter and the logs consequently displayed.

Table 3-7. Options of the severity filter of the logs.

Option Icon Info Warning Minor Major Critical

Info to critical x x x x x

Warning to critical x x x x

Minor to critical x x x

Major to critical x x

Critical x

At the end of the sorting options line, you can see the number of
displayed logs out of the number of logs that correspond to the filters.

See Appendix E Logs on page 241 for the list of logs (XML file).

Click Advanced to define the number of logs that should be displayed in
the array. This parameter is also taken into accounts for requests related
to the logs.

Status Bar
Figure 3-70. Status bar

The status bar gives the following information:

CPU: graphical indication of the CPU load (usage ratio), based on the
average value of all nodes of the system except those that are
unreachable or in maintenance mode.
Memory: graphical indication of the use of memory (ratio), based on
the average value of all nodes of the system except those that are
unreachable or in maintenance mode.
Status: general status of the ViBE VS7000 equipment. See Table 3-1
Status pictograms on page 38 for the list of possible status.
Name of the user connected and name of the ViBE VS7000.
Date and Time

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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Interface Description

Time zone: click to choose the time zone to apply to the graphical user
interface. This settings is taken into account for the display of the date
and time in the status bar and in the Logs panel. This is different from
the date and time settings that you set in the System tab, as those
apply to the equipment.
About displays software and hardware information about the
Serial number
Version number
You can also find information to contact Thomson Video Networks.

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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Workflow Library Content Parameters

Workflow Library Content Parameters

This section provides details on all the items that can constitute a
workflow. Some parameters are recurrent, others are specific.

To access the parameters of an item, double-click the item.

The Properties dialog box displayed for an item always looks the same.
It contains:
An array with the list of parameters
An input and/or output category
A multi-instance check box

Item Parameters Array

The array lists the parameters that should be set for the item. It contains
a row per parameter, and the following columns:
Name: name of the parameter, not editable.
Default value: click to enter a default value. This default value is
applied for private and protected parameters. For public parameters,
the default value is proposed but the job author can modify it.
Publish: choose if the parameter should be:
Private: the parameter is set and invisible during instantiation.
This is the status you must use when creating a workflow for
parameters that you do not want the job authors to see or
Protected: the parameter is visible but not editable during
instantiation. Use this status if you want to let the job authors
see the value of a parameter without being able to change it.
Public: the parameter is visible and editable during instantiation.
Use this status for all parameters that the job authors must set.
Label: click to choose an explicit name for the parameter, as it will
appear to the workflow user instead of the original name (optional). If
you want to be able to link a parameter to a private parameter, it is
imperative that you give a label to this private parameter.
Value restriction: double-click to define restrictions for a value. Check
the box and choose a type of restriction:
Range: enter the minimum and maximum values.

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Figure 3-71. Restriction configuration on an item Range

List: use this option to restrain the value to a list of values. Enter
the possible values in the list.

Figure 3-72. Restriction configuration on an item List


Figure 3-73. Condition configuration

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Double-click the elements of the condition to set them:

Select a parameter from the available parameters. Only the
public parameters with labels are proposed, as well as the
parameters specially created to be used in the condition.
Choose the operator: equal to, different than, lower than or
superior to.
Enter a value in the field.
You can use the OR, AND and NOT operators on the right to build a
more complex condition.
Summary: check the box if you want the parameter to appear in the
summary of the workflow.

Whether the Input and Output categories are available depends on the
nature of the item.

When such a category is available, it lets you publish the input or output
and specify a label, as well as setting some specific parameters.

Publishing Inputs and Outputs

Publishing the input or output is useful if the workflow you create is not
a full, instantiable workflow, but is an intermediate workflow (i.e. a series
of modules) that will later be used in other workflows. In this case, you
may for example publish the input of the first module and the output of
the last module.

To publish an input or output, check the Publish box.

If you want, type a Label in the field.

Figure 3-74. Publishing an output

Specific Input and Output Parameters

For some items, a table is also available and lets you define parameters
for this specific input or output.

For example, in the TS multiplexer output item, you can set if the input
type should be a program or a component.

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Figure 3-75. Specific parameters in the TS multiplexer item

Common Parameters
Parameters or tools that are systematically or commonly found in the
items are described in this section.

Conditioned Parameters Display Button

A workflow can contain a large number of parameters; some of them
being conditioned on other parameters values. These are called
conditioned parameters.

By default, conditioned parameters are hidden in the list of parameters

and are displayed automatically when you select an option that requires
setting other parameters. This prevents you from setting parameters that
will not be used in the configuration.

If you want to display all parameters nonetheless, you can click the
button. Conditioned parameters that should be hidden are greyed.

Publication Mode Switch Button

The button lets you apply the same publication mode to all the
parameters of a workflow. The mode switches from public to protected
and then private. Click the button until you reach the publication mode
that suits you.

This is useful when you need to change the publication mode to a large
number of parameters in a workflow.

Link Tool
When making a configuration where the same parameter is asked
several times, it can be useful to set it once and then make a reference
back to it. This is what the link tool is for. It lets you make a reference to
a parameter that is already specified in another item.

The following conditions should be respected:

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The two parameters must be of the same type.

The two parameters must have the same restrictions (for example,
have the same length or the same range).
The parameter toward which the link will be made must be public, or
private with a label defined.

Example: lets us consider a workflow that contains 2 TS over IP inputs,

and we want to set the synchro loss threshold to the same value in both
inputs. In this case, we can set the value in the first input item, and insert
a link from the second input to the first one.

To use the link tool, proceed as follows:

1. Open an item. In our example, open the second TS over IP input item.
2. Select the parameter for which you wish to make a link to another
parameter. In our example, the Synchro loss threshold.
3. Click the button located in the top-right corner.

Figure 3-76. Setting a link to another parameter

4. Select the parameter that should be used. In our example, select the
synchro loss threshold of the first TS over IP input item.

Figure 3-77. Selecting the parameter to link with

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In the item, you can see that there is now a link to the other parameter.

Figure 3-78. Link established between two parameters

You can click the link to open the item in which the parameter is specified.

To remove the link, select the parameter and click the button again.

In case you try to remove the item toward which a link is made, a
message is displayed to warn you. Click Cancel to cancel the removal, or
OK to proceed, knowing that the links will be broken.

Specific Parameters
This section lists all items and details their specific parameters. Items are
sorted by category.

Workflow Library: Inputs

TS over IP Input
The TS over IP input item lets you manage an MPEG-2 transport stream
over UDP/IP or RTP/UDP/IP.

MPTS and SPTS are supported.

CBR and VBR (i.e. without stuffing packets) transport streams are

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Figure 3-79. TS over IP input parameters

For this item, you must set the following parameters:

IP address: set the IP and LAN parameters. If it is a unicast address, it
must be part of a local network and must be consistent with the IP
configuration of the ViBE VS7000.
UDP port: enter the port used to get the stream.
Synchro loss threshold: set the number of milliseconds after which the
absence of signal in input is considered a loss of synchronization.
Maximum TS bitrate: enter the maximum bit rate of the transport
stream, in bits per second. Be sure to set a correct value as the system
will use it to decide which node will be able to manage this input.
Define backup input: set to true if you want to define a backup input
for this input. In that case, enter values in the Backup input IP address
and Backup input UDP port fields.

TS File Input
The TS file input item supports only CBR transport streams (i.e. with
stuffing packets).

Figure 3-80. TS file input parameters

For this item, you must set the following parameters:

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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Workflow Library Content Parameters

Monitoring view: set to True if you want to create a snapshot view for
this input. In this case, indicate the Standard that the TS file to import
respects (DVB, MPEG-2 or ATSC). For more information on snapshot
views, refer to Section Creating a Snapshot View on page 65.
TS file network storage (mounting point): location on the server where
the TS file to import in input is stored.
TS file folder: folder on the network storage where the TS file to import
in input is stored.
TS file name: name of and relative path to the TS file to import in
Iterations: number of consecutive times the file will be played.

Loops are not seamless: there are continuity counter errors, and
audio/video disruption.

The TS bitrate is automatically computed from the file PCRs.

SDI Input

Figure 3-81. SDI input parameters

For this item, you must set the following parameters:

SDI input: number of the physical SDI input to use. The names set in
the SDI category of the System tab are available in the list.
Maximum video format: PAL, NTSC, or a variety of HD resolutions.
Number of audio components: enter the number of audio
components that the SDI input contains. For each component, set the
following parameters:
Mode: stereo, mono left or mono right.

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Source L/R: select the audio component to be extracted from the

SDI signal.
An SDI signal can contain several audio channels which can be
dissociated (dual mono mode) or associated (stereo mode). Two
mono audios or one stereo audio form an AES/EBU mux.
AES/EBU mux are grouped into pairs, each one forming a group.
An AES/EBU mux is referenced by the group number and the
number of the AES/EBU mux in the group. The term channel in
the audio source parameter in fact refers to the channel pair
Default display aspect ratio: 16/9 or 4/3.
Display aspect ratio mode: Auto (WSS or AFD when WSS is absent),
Auto (WSS), Auto (AFD), Manual.
Display aspect ratio when WSS and AFD are absent: in case WSS and
AFD are absent, define if the VS7000 should Keep last WSS/AFD or
Use default display aspect ratio.
Raise a log when WSS and AFD are absent: set to true if you want to
see a log for this absence.

For more information on SDI inputs, see also Section SDI Inputs on
page 210.

TS Audio Video Extractor Item

The TS Audio Video Extractor item lets you extract an audio or a video
stream from a transport stream. The output stream may for instance be
forwarded to a decoder.

Figure 3-82. TS audio video extractor parameters

The parameters you set here act as filters for the component extraction,
that is, the VS7000 will extract the first component it finds that matches
the parameters you defined.

For this item, you must set the following parameters:

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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Workflow Library Content Parameters

Component type: audio or video.

Maximum format (useful only for a video component): maximum
format that this input can receive. This information is essential for the
load-balancer as it will use it to allocate resources (CPU, memory,
license). Setting an HD format when the source is SD leads to an
underuse of the ViBE VS7000 system.
If you choose custom, set the Maximum picture size and Maximum
frame rate fields.
Program number: source program number of the audio or video
Component PID: PID of the audio or video component.
Align timestamps: if set to false, original timestamps are kept. If set to
true, the component is timestamped with system clock. This allows for
instance to create a mosaic. Indeed, in this case, when creating a
program using different components that originate from various
programs, it is necessary to align the clocks of these different
Maximum number of audio channels (useful only for an audio
component): maximum number of channels that this input will
receive. This information is essential for the load-balancer as it will
use it to allocate resources (CPU, memory, license).
Codec: H.264, MPEG-2, AAC, MPEG-1 Layer 2 or AC3.

For audio components, also set the following parameters:

Maximum number of audio channels: if the expected audio if 5.1, set
this value to 6, if it is stereo, set this value to 2, and if it is mono, set
this value to 1.
Language: leave to Any if you do not want to specify the language of
the audio component, or use the ISO codes1 to specify it (for instance,
enter ENG for English, SPA for Spanish, etc.).

TS Component Extractor
The TS Component Extractor item extracts the transport packets of a
component from a program of an MPEG-2 TS.

For the whole list of ISO codes, refer to this Website:

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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Workflow Library Content Parameters

Figure 3-83. TS component extractor parameters

If the output is linked to a TS multiplexer item, the input descriptors

will be kept in the output TS.

For this item, you must set the following parameters:

Program number
Component PID
Component Type: Any, Audio, Video or Custom.
If set to Custom, indicate the Stream type.
If not set to Video, set the Language.
Align timestamps: if set to false, original timestamps are kept. If set to
true, the component is timestamped with system clock. This allows for
instance to create a mosaic. Indeed, in this case, when creating a
program using different components that originate from various
programs, it is necessary to align the clocks of these different

Workflow Library: Decoding

Video Decoder
The Video Decoder item is able to decode video in MPEG-2 or H.264

For this item, there are no particular parameters to set.

Audio Decoder
The Audio Decoder item is able to decode audio AAC-LC, AAC-HE v1,
AAC-HE v2, AC-3/AC-3+ or MPEG-1 Layer 2 format.

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Figure 3-84. Audio decoder parameters

For this item, you must set the following parameter:

Dolby stereo downmixing (useful only if the incoming audio is Dolby
Digital 5.1 audio, otherwise the parameter is ignored whatever its
value): if set to true, the decoder can provide stereo in output.

Workflow Library: Preprocessing

Audio Mixer
The Audio Mixer item lets you modify the number of audio channels.

Figure 3-85. Audio mixer parameters

For this item, you must set the following parameter:

Mode: audio, stereo or 5.1.

Audio Loudness Control

The Audio Loudness Control item is able to perform automatic or static
loudness control, or to be a peak limiter.

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Figure 3-86. Audio loudness control parameters

For this item, you must set the following parameters:

Mode: choose from the list the mode to apply: Automatic loudness
control, Static loudness control or Peak limiter.

If the mode is set to Automatic loudness control, set the following

Noise level: level of noise under which the audio level is not modified,
in decibels relative to full scale.
Target level: audio level towards which the output level is modified if
the Signal ratio value is higher than 1. In decibels relative to full scale.

Figure 3-87. Audio loudness control Target level

Noise level Target

-10 Audio
Max Gain -30 output
-40 (dB)
Gain Increase Gain Decrease -60
-80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30
Audio volume in input (dB)

Audio level if no processing is applied
Audio level with processings applied

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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Workflow Library Content Parameters

Signal ratio: signal ratio applied on the input level. If the value is
higher than 1, the output level is modified towards the Target level.

If the mode is set to Static loudness control, set the following

Left gain: in decibels. For a mono input, the left gain is applied.
Right gain: in decibels.
Center gain: in decibels.
Left surround gain: in decibels.
Right surround gain: in decibels.
LFE gain: Low Frequency Effects channel, in decibels.

If the mode is set to Peak limiter, set the following parameter:

Peak level: if the mode is set to Peak limiter, audio level to which the
audio input is limited, in decibels relative to full scale.

Figure 3-88. Audio loudness control Peak limiter

-10 Audio
-30 output
-40 (dB)
-80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30
Audio volume in input (dB)

Audio level if no processing is applied
Audio level with processings applied
Audio level of the limiter

Audio Resampler
The Audio resampler item lets you modify the sampling frequency.

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Figure 3-89. Audio resampler parameters

For this item, you must set the following parameter:

Resampling frequency: choose the resampling frequency you wish to
apply from the drop-down list, in kilo Hertz.

Audio Delay
The Audio delay item lets you advance or delay the audio input.

Figure 3-90. Audio delay parameters

For this item, you must set the following parameter:

Delay: in milliseconds.

Audio Processing
The Audio Processing item processes uncompressed audio.

It is a workflow that groups several other existing workflows. All

parameters are already described in the corresponding sections:
Audio resampler: see Section Audio Resampler on page 117
Audio loudness control: see Section Audio Loudness Control on
page 115
Audio delay: see Section Audio Delay on page 118
Audio mixer: see Section Audio Mixer on page 115

The Chunker item lets you define chunks for adaptive bitrate outputs. It
defines the video frames that will be encoded as IDR frames among all
following encoders.

There is no need to define chunks for audio components.

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Figure 3-91. Chunker parameters

For this item, you must set the following parameter:

Chunk duration: enter the duration of the chunk, in seconds.

Logo Inserter
The Logo inserter item lets you insert a logo in a video.

Figure 3-92. Logo inserter parameters

For this item, you must set the following parameter:

X and Y: position of the upper left corner of the logo. It is relative to
the upper left corner of the video.
Transparency: transparency percentage to apply to the logo.
Logo file network storage (mounting point): location on the network
where the logo file to insert is stored.
Logo file name (relative path included): name of the logo file to insert.

The Clipping item lets you clip a video.

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Figure 3-93. Clipping parameters

For this item, you must set the following parameters:

Cropped area X and Y: location of the upper left corner of the area to
crop, in pixels.
Insertion area X and Y: location of the upper left corner where the
cropped area should be inserted in the output video, in pixels.
Cropped area size: size of the area to crop, in pixels.
Background color: enter the values of the red, green and blue
Output size: enter the size that the video should have after clipping, in

The Deinterlace item detects if the video is interlaced and deinterlaces if

For this item, there are no particular parameters to set.

DVB Subtitle Inserter

The DVB Subtitle Inserter item lets you extract the DVB subtitles
contained in a TS input program and insert them in the associated video.
Subtitles are thus inserted before the video is encoded.

Connect this item, as shown in Figure 3-94, with:

On input 1: the Video decoders output.
On input 2: the output of the TS component extractor configured to
extract the PID that contains the DVB subtitles.

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Figure 3-94. DVB subtitle inserter connection with inputs

Figure 3-95. DVB subtitle inserter parameters

For this item, you must set the following parameter:

DVB subtitle composition page ID: indicate the identifier of the
composition page of the DVB subtitle that should be inserted.

Frame Rate
The Frame Rate item lets you modify the frame rate of a video.

Figure 3-96. Frame rate parameters

For this item, you must set the following parameter:

Frame rate: in frames per second.

The Resize item lets you resize a video.

It manages interlace/progressive conversion. Examples: 1080i50 to

720p50 (which includes a duplication of the frame rate), 1080i59.94 to
720p29.97 (same frame rate). It is thus not necessary to add a deinterlace
processing before the resize when the input is interlaced and the output
is progressive.

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Figure 3-97. Resize parameters

For this item, you must set the following parameters:

Output size: select a standard format for the destination frame from
the drop-down list or select Custom and set your own values for the
width and the height in the Custom output size field.
Output frame structure: choose if the video structure should be
Progressive or Interlaced.
Modify frame rate: if set to False, the input frame rate is kept in output.
If set to True, define the Output frame rate in frames per second.
For instance, if you want to change a 1080i60 input into a 720p60
output, you need to duplicate the output frame rate; using this
parameter will give you the best video quality for this case.
Horizontal resize: set to true to reduce the size of the video only
horizontally. In this case, from the Ratio drop-down list, select a
percentage of the original size to apply.

Mosaic Editor
The Mosaic Editor item generates a mosaic of video thumbnails.

Figure 3-98. Mosaic editor general parameters

For this item, you must set the following general parameters:

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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Workflow Library Content Parameters

Mosaic size: choose a predefined SD or HD format, or set to Custom

and specify a Background picture size, which is the size of the file that
will be used as the mosaic background, in pixels.
Background display aspect ratio: choose from the list the display
aspect ratio that should be used for the mosaic background.
Mosaic frame rate: enter the frame rate that will be applied to the
stream, in frames per second.
Use background color:
Set to True to use a color as background. In this case, specify the
Background color (RGB value).
Set to False to use a picture as background. In this case, set the
following parameters:
- Resize the input picture for the background: set to true if
your background input picture is not the same size as the
mosaic you are creating. In that case, it is resized to fit into
the background.
- Background file network storage (mounting point): location
of the file that will be used as the mosaic background.
- Background file name (relative path included): name of the
file that will be used as the mosaic background.

Figure 3-99. Mosaic editor specific parameters

Link inputs to add thumbnails to your mosaic. For each linked input, you
must also set the following specific parameters:
Thumbnail size: size to which the input will be resized. Choose a
format from the list or choose Custom and specify your values in the
Custom thumbnail size field.
X and Y: position of the upper left corner of the thumbnail, relative to
the upper left corner of the background.
Thumbnail order: order used if a thumbnail partially covers another
one, to know which thumbnail should be on top of the other, 0 being
in front of 1, etc. Make sure you do not use twice the same value as
the overlap would then be random.

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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Workflow Library Content Parameters

Workflow Library: Encoding

AAC-HE v2 Encoder
The AAC-HE v2 encoder item is able to encode audio in AAC-LC, AAC-HE
v1 and AAC-HE v2 format. It generates a raw audio stream.

Figure 3-100. AAC-HE v2 encoder parameters

For this item, you must set the following parameters:

AAC type: choose the format from the list.
Bitrate: enter the bitrate of the audio stream, in bits per second.
Signaling mode: choose the mode from the list:
Implicit and Explicit backward: a player that supports only
AAC-LC will be able to decode the AAC-LC part of the stream.
Explicit hierarchical: the stream cannot be decoded by a player
that supports only AAC-LC. This ensures that listeners will get
the full audio quality.

MPEG-2 Video Encoder

The MPEG-2 video encoder item is able to encode MPEG-2 video in
format 4:2:0, 8 bits, SD and HD format.

Figure 3-101. MPEG-2 video encoder parameters

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For this item, you must set the following parameters:

Bitrate: enter the bit rate value (without encapsulation overhead), in
bits per second.
Profile: select from the drop-down list the profile you wish to apply:
Main: I, P and B pictures are encoded.
Simple: only I and P pictures are encoded.
Level: select from the drop-down list the level you wish to apply:
Low: the maximum horizontal resolution is 352, the maximum
vertical resolution is 288, and the maximum bit rate in Main
profile is 4 Mbps.
Main: the maximum horizontal resolution is 720, the maximum
vertical resolution is 576, and the maximum bit rate in Main
profile is 15 Mbps.
High1440: the maximum horizontal resolution is 1440, the
maximum vertical resolution is 1152, and the maximum bit rate
in Main profile is 20 Mbps.
High: the maximum horizontal resolution is 1920, the maximum
vertical resolution is 1152, and the maximum bit rate in Main
profile is 20 Mbps.
Interlace support: if set to true, interlaced streams will be handled.
Display Aspect Ratio: leave to Auto to keep the source display aspect
ratio. If you want to use another ratio, enter it manually in the editable
I period: maximum size of the GOP.
Minimum I period: minimum size of the GOP.
P period:
1 if the GOP contains no B frame
2 if a B frame is present between each P frame
3 if two B frames are present between each P frame
Closed GOP period: set to 0 for no periodicity, 1 for every GOP, 2 for
every second GOP, etc.
Decoder delay: this parameter is associated to the decoder buffer.
Increasing this delay improves the quality. However, the zapping time
is longer.

MPEG-1 Layer 2 Encoder

The MPEG-1 layer 2 encoder item lets you encode audio in MPEG-1
layer 2 format.

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Figure 3-102. MPEG-1 layer 2 encoder parameters

For this item, you must set the following parameters:

Bitrate: enter the bit rate value (without encapsulation overhead), in
bits per second.
Stereo mode: choose the stereo mode to use from the drop-down list.
Available modes are:
Joint stereo: removes stereo intensity irrelevance
Dual channel: uncorrelated (contains two completely different
audio streams but encodes them together).
This parameter is ignored when the input is mono.

H.264 AVC Encoder

The H.264 AVC encoder item is able to encode H.264 AVC video in 4:2:0,
8 bits, from low resolution up to HD.

When the input video is chunked, an IDR frame is set at the beginning
of the chunk. This overrides the configuration parameters.

Figure 3-103. H.264 AVC encoder parameters

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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Workflow Library Content Parameters

For this item, you must set the following parameters:

Bitrate: enter the bit rate value (without encapsulation overhead), in
bits per second.
Profile: select from the drop-down list the profile you wish to apply:
Baseline: simplest profile in H.264; B pictures and CABAC are
not encoded. It is used for low resolutions. In this case, also set
the following parameters:
- Frame structure: choose from the drop-down list the way
you want to handle interlaced streams. Possible options
- Progressive: the whole frame is encoded. This mode is
suitable for IP TV 720p and Web TV.
- Interlace: fields are encoded separately. This mode is
suitable for IP TV SD and 1080i.
Make sure that this respects the format of the input
connected to the H.264 AVC encoder item.
- P period:
- 1 if the GOP contains no B frame
- 2 if a B frame is present between each P frame
- 3 if two B frames are present between each P frame
- etc.
- Hierarchical GOP: if set to true, B frames can be used as
- Closed GOP period: set to 0 for no periodicity, 1 for every
GOP, 2 for every second GOP, etc.
Main: generally used for SD resolutions.
High: generally used for HD resolutions.
Level: select from the drop-down list the level you wish to apply.
Mode: select an encoding mode:
Premium: this encoding mode provides the best video quality.
High-density: this encoding mode provides the best density (it
uses less CPU and thus allows to perform more encodings).
Display Aspect Ratio: leave to Auto to keep the source display aspect
ratio. If you want to use another ratio, enter it manually in the editable
I period: maximum size of the GOP.
Adaptive GOP: if set to false, GOPs always have the same structure. If
set to true, the scene cut detection feature is used and the GOP
structure is modified consequently. Adaptive GOP is always the best
choice regarding video quality, even for Web TV adaptive bitrates.

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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Workflow Library Content Parameters

Decoder delay: this parameter is associated to the decoder buffer.

Increasing this delay improves the quality. However, the zapping time
is longer.
Deblocking: enter a value to define the strength of the deblocking filter
that will be applied to the stream. This helps to prevent the blocking
artifacts resulting from image compression. Disabling the deblocking
gives a sharper image, which might be a good choice when the video
bitrate is high.
Closed caption: set to Insert closed caption if you want closed captions
that are present in the incoming MPEG-2 video stream to be collected
and integrated in output. No processing is applied.

Dolby Digital Encoder

The Dolby Digital Encoder encodes in Dolby Digital and Dolby Digital

Figure 3-104. Dolby digital encoder parameters

For this item, you must set the following parameters:

Dolby Digital Plus: set to true for Dolby Digital Plus or to false for
Dolby Digital. If set to false, also set:
Room type: type of mixing room that was used for the final

128 ViBE VS7000

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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Workflow Library Content Parameters

Dolby surround EX: set to enable to identify the encoded audio

as material encoded in Surround EXTM. This parameter is only
used if the encoded audio has two Surround channels.
A/D converter type: enables audio that has passed through a
particular A/D conversion stage to be marked as such, so that a
decoder may apply the complementary D/A process. Choice
between: Standard or HDCD.
Mixing level: acoustic pressure of the sound during the final
mixing, in decibels.
Bitrate for Mono: choose from the list the bitrate to use for mono
Bitrate for Stereo: choose from the list the bitrate to use for stereo
Bitrate for 5.1: choose from the list the bitrate to use for 5.1 audio.
Bitstream mode: choose from the list the type of audio service:
Complete main: main audio service
Music and effect: main audio service
Visually impaired: associated service
Hearing impaired: associated service
Dialogue: associated service
Commentary: associated service
Emergency: associated service
Voiceover: associated service
Karaoke: associated service
Line mode DRC: information used by Dolby Digital audio decoders
with line-level outputs, to adjust their output dynamic according to a
profile. Choose from the list the line mode to use for Dynamic Range
RF mode DRC: information used by Dolby Digital audio decoders
with an RF-remodulated output, to adjust their output dynamic
according to a profile. Choose the profile from the list.
Preferred stereo downmix mode (multi-channel only): choose from
the list if you would rather use Lt/Rt or Lo/Ro downmix in a decoder
with stereo outputs:
Lt/Rt preferred: Left total/Right total. The Lt/Rt downmix totals
the Surround channels and adds them in-phase to the Left
channel and out-of-phase to the Right channel. This enables a
Dolby Surround Pro Logic decoder to rebuild the L/C/R/S
channels for a Pro Logic home theater.

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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Workflow Library Content Parameters

Lo/Ro preferred: Left only/Right only. The Lo/Ro downmix

discretely adds the Left and Right Surround channels to the Left
and Right speaker channels, respectively. This preserves stereo
separation for stereo-only monitoring and produces a
monocompatible signal.
The LFE channel is not included in any downmixes.
Lt/Rt center downmix level (multi-channel only): level shift applied to
the Center channel when adding to the left and right outputs as a
result of downmixing to an Lt/Rt output, in decibels.
Lt/Rt surround downmix level (multi-channel only): level shift applied
to the Surround channels when downmixing to an Lt/Rt output, in
Lo/Ro center downmix level (multi-channel only): level shift applied to
the Center channel when adding to the left and right outputs as a
result of downmixing to an Lo/Ro output, in decibels.
Lo/Ro surround downmix level (multi-channel only): level shift applied
to the Surround channels when downmixing to an Lo/Ro output, in
Dolby surround mode (stereo only): indicates whether the stereo
audio is Dolby Surround encoded or not. The value is not taken into
account in 1/0 mode.
Dialogue normalisation: average dialog level, in decibels.
DC highpass filter: set to true to enable the high pass filter on the input
audio samples.
Copyright bit: set to true if the encoded Dolby Digital bitstream is
copyright protected.
Original bitstream: set to true if the encoded Dolby Digital bitstream is
the master version or to false if it is a copy.
LFE channel filter: set to true to enable a 120 Hz filter. The filter is
applied to the LFE channel input of a Dolby Digital encoder prior to
encoding. It is ignored if the LFE channel is disabled. The filter
removes frequencies above 120 Hz that would cause aliasing when
decoded. This filter should only be switched off if the audio to be
encoded is known not to have any signals above 120 Hz.
Surround 3 dB attenuation: set to true to apply a 3 dB attenuation
before encoding the Surround channel(s).
Surround phase shift: set to true to apply a 90-degree phase shift to
the Surround channels. The Dolby Digital decoder can therefore easily
create an Lt/Rt downmix.

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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Workflow Library Content Parameters

Workflow Library: Outputs

TS over IP Streamer Output

The TS over IP Streamer output item streams an MPEG-2 TS over
UDP/IP or over RTP/UDP/IP in CBR mode (i.e. with stuffing packets). Both
multicast and unicast are supported.

Figure 3-105. TS over IP streamer output parameters

For this item, you must set the following parameters:

IP address: to set the IP address, click in the field. In the displayed
dialog, define if the address is multicast and if so, set the LAN. Enter
the IP address in the field. If it is a unicast address, it must be
reachable, otherwise the job creation will be refused. To check that the
address is reachable, ViBE VS7000 uses its IP configuration (LAN,
default gateways, IP routes).
UDP port
Source IP address: can be used to force the source IP address, if
TTL: Time-to-live field of the IP headers. This is the maximum number
of IP routers that a stream is allowed to cross.
MTU: Maximum Transmission Unit. This is the maximum size of a
datagram that can be streamed on the network without being
fragmented. Default value is Ethernet one (1500). This MTU also
defines the number of MPEG-2 TS packets by IP datagram. By default
this number is set to 7, but if you modify the MTU parameter, the
number of MPEG-2 TS packets by IP datagram will be the highest
allowed by the MTU.
Protocol: the protocol can be:
TS/UDP/IP: the MPEG-2 TS packets are directly in the UDP
TS/RTP/UDP/IP: the MPEG-2 TS packets are in the RTP payload.

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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Workflow Library Content Parameters

TS Audio Video Packetizer Item

The TS Audio Video Packetizer item encapsulates an audio or video
elementary stream into MPEG-2 transport packets. These packets can
then be sent to a TS multiplexer.

Figure 3-106. TS audio video packetizer parameters

For this item, you must set the following parameters:

AAC encapsulation (useful only for an AAC component): choose
whether the AAC audio should be encapsulated with an ADTS or an
LOAS header. LOAS is mandatory for ISDB-Tb, otherwise ADTS is a
good choice.
PCR generation: choose from the list if the PCR generation mode
should be:
Auto: a PCR is added in a video PID but not in an audio PID.
Choose this mode for TV programs.
Add on component: allows to add a PCR in an audio PID. Choose
this mode for radio programs.
Create independent PCR PID: an independent PID for the PCR is
created. Choose this mode for ISDB-Tb programs. In this case,
you must indicate the PID value in the TS multiplexer item, in the
Input tab, in the PCR PID field. See Section TS Multiplexer
Output on page 133.
None: no PCR is added.
Optimize video encapsulation: if set to true, less bandwidth is used.
However, some receivers do not support this feature.
Audio encapsulation mode: choose whether the number of frames per
PES should be variable or fixed. If it is variable, less bandwidth is
used. However, some receivers do not support this feature.
If the number of frames per PES is fixed, set the Number of
frames per PES.
If the number of frames per PES is variable, set the Maximum
interval between PES in milliseconds.

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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Workflow Library Content Parameters

Adaptation for Anevias external packager: set to true to generate a

transport stream that can be read and processed by Anevias
ViaMotion devices. Do not use this feature if your TS is not sent to this
kind of device.

TS Multiplexer Output
The TS Multiplexer item multiplexes transport packets in an MPEG-2 TS.

Figure 3-107. TS multiplexer parameters

For this item, you must set the following parameters:

TS rate: set the TS rate in bits per second.
PAT period: enter the period of the PAT, in milliseconds.
PMT period: enter the period of all the PMT, in milliseconds.
Standard: set the standard that the output TS should respect (DVB,
MPEG-2 or ATSC).

In the Input tab, additional parameters are available:

Input type: choose between:
Program: defines a program and a component of this program.
In this case, set the following parameters:
- PCR PID: the Auto value is suitable in 99% of cases. Specify
the PID if you asked to create an independent PCR PID in the
TS audio video packetizer item, in the PCR generation field
(see Section TS Audio Video Packetizer Item on
page 132).
Component: defines a component of a program that has already
been defined.
For example: define a program input for the video component
and a component input for the associated audio component.
Program number: program number of the component.
Component PID

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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Workflow Library Content Parameters

RTMP Output
The RTMP output sends audio/video to a Flash Media Server (FMS) using
RTMP push (to TCP port 1935 of the FMS).

Adaptive bitrate is supported (a single chunker shall be defined for all the
video components).

Figure 3-108. RTMP output parameters

For this item, you must set the following parameters:

Flash media server URL: indicate the LAN used to communicate with
the Flash Media Server (FMS). If the FMS URL contains a name instead
of an IP address, you must configure the DNS in the System tab, in the
IP category (see Section DNS on page 71).
If you do not wish to use the IP address resolution by DNS, you can
also directly enter the IP address of the FMS in the Flash media server
IP address field.
Authentication type: choose:
None or in FMS URL: if there is no authentication or it is
indicated in the URL of the flash media server.
Akamai: if the authentication is managed by an Akamai server.
In this case, indicate the User name and Password to use.

In the Input tab, you can also set the following parameter:
Stream name: this parameter must be identical to all the components
of a stream. When present, an audio component should be present on
all the streams of an output.

HLS Output
The HLS output receives audio/video components, creates the chunks
and the manifests, encrypts the chunks, makes them available on the
local Web server.

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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Workflow Library Content Parameters

Figure 3-109. HLS output parameters

For this item, you must set the following parameters:

Manifest file name: name of the main manifest.
Add prefix: set to true to use the name of the manifest as a prefix for
all file names (chunks and secondary manifests). This is useful to
differentiate the files originating from several streams.
HLS Protocol version: choose one version:
Version 2: suitable for programs with only one audio language.
The generated chunks contain both video and audio
Version 4: mandatory for programs with more than one audio
language. Video and audio components are not in the same
chunks (only one component per chunk). This version may be
not supported by old devices.
Available stream duration: depth of chunks that are available on the
Web server.
Add low bitrate audio only stream: if set to true, chunks that contain
only the audio component are generated.
Stream available on local web server: if set to true, the stream is
available on the VS7000 internal Web server. In this case, set the
following parameters:
Local Web server IP address: virtual IP address. A player can
receive the chunks from this address. This address must be part
of a ViBE VS7000 LAN, otherwise the job creation will be
Folder: folder where the manifests and chunks are stored on the
local Web server.
Max clients number: expected maximum number of clients for
this output stream. This parameter is used to check that the
device has the resources to process the requests for this stream.

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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Workflow Library Content Parameters

Push stream on remote web server: if set to true, the stream is pushed
to a remote Web server. In this case, set the following parameters:
Remote web server URL: indicate the LAN used to communicate
with the remote Web server. If the remote Web server URL
contains a name instead of an IP address, you must configure
the DNS in the System tab, in the IP category (see Section DNS
on page 71).
If you do not wish to use the IP address resolution by DNS, you
can also directly enter the IP address of the remote Web server
in the Remote web server IP address field.
Local storage duration when remote server is unreachable:
enter the time during which the content should be bufferized if
during a push action, the remote server becomes unreachable.
When the remote server is available again, all the content is sent
at once.

Before using this feature, check that the bandwidth is widely

dimensioned, because otherwise there is a risk of network
congestion when the remote server is back up, which can impact
other streams.

Delete files from remote web server: if set to true, the files
posted on the remote Web server are deleted after the Available
stream duration set above.
Remote web server authentication: if the remote Web server
requires an authentication select its HTTP type, Basic or Digest,
and enter the User name and Password.
Define backup remote Web server: if set to true, the stream is
also sent to a backup remote Web server for redundancy
purposes. Indicate the URL and the IP address of the backup
server in the dedicated fields, as well as the authentication
parameters, if needed.
Encrypt files: if set to true, DRM is activated. Set the following
Key server connection: select from the drop-down list the
conditional access server to which ViBE VS7000 should connect
to get the key. If set to None, ViBE VS7000 generates the key
itself. Otherwise, enter the specific parameters of the CAS
- Content id (Nagra): identifier of the program to encrypt
- Resource id (Verimatrix): identifier of the program to
encrypt (integer).
- Account Id (Irdeto): identifier of the account to connect to
the Irdeto server.

136 ViBE VS7000

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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Workflow Library Content Parameters

- Use last key (Irdeto): Set to true to return the last registered
encryption key for a specified live event. Use this method if
an encoding session reuses the last generated encryption
key for the live event instead of generating a new key. This
is particularly useful when multiple encoders are
configured, to use the same encryption key for a live event.
Set to false to generate and return a new PlayReady
encryption key for the specified live event.
- Key server URL: URL of the CAS server. DNS is not
supported for this URL, so the IP address shall be explicitly
contained by the URL.
- Define backup key server: set to true if you want to declare
a backup CAS server. Enter the URL of this backup server in
the Backup key server URL field.
- Use authentication (Nagra, Verimatrix): set to true if the
CAS server requires an authentication, and enter the User
name and Password. Also specify the HTTP Authentication
type (auto, basic or digest).
Key mode:
- if set to Fixed Key, the key is fixed once. Enter the value of
the key in the Key field (32 characters).
- if set to Key Rotation, the key is periodically renewed. Enter
the refresh period in the Key refresh period field, in number
of chunks.
IV value: value of the initial vector. This can be:
- Chunk number
- Random value: in this case, enter the refresh period of the
initial vector in the IV refresh period field, in number of

HLS File Output

The HLS File output receives audio/video components, creates the
chunks and manifests, encrypts the chunks and makes them available on
a network storage.

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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Workflow Library Content Parameters

Figure 3-110. HLS file output parameters

For this item, you must set the following parameters:

HLS files network storage (mounting point): indicate the network
storage where the output files must be placed.
HLS files folder: indicate the path to the folder on the network storage
where the output file must be placed.
Manifest file name: name of the main manifest.
HLS Protocol version: choose one version:
Version 2: suitable for programs with only one audio language.
The generated chunks contain both video and audio
Version 4: mandatory for programs with more than one audio
language. Video and audio components are not in the same
chunks (only one component per chunk). This version may be
not supported by old devices.
Add low bitrate audio only stream: if set to true, chunks that contain
only the audio component are generated.
Encrypt files: if set to true, DRM is activated. Set the following
Key mode:
- if set to Fixed Key, the key is fixed once. Enter the value of
the key in the Key field (32 characters).

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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Workflow Library Content Parameters

- if set to Key Rotation, the key is periodically renewed. Enter

the refresh period in the Key refresh period field, in number
of chunks.
IV value: value of the initial vector. This can be:
- Chunk number
- Random value: in this case, enter the refresh period of the
initial vector in the IV refresh period field, in number of
Key server connection: select from the drop-down list the
conditional access server to which ViBE VS7000 should connect
to get the key. If set to None, ViBE VS7000 generates the key
itself. Otherwise, enter the specific parameters of the CAS
- Content id (Nagra, Irdeto, PolyMedia): identifier of the
program to encrypt (string).
- Resource id (Verimatrix): identifier of the program to
encrypt (integer).
- Account Id (Irdeto): identifier of the account to connect to
the Irdeto server.
- Use last key (Irdeto): Set to true to return the last registered
encryption key for a specified live event. Use this method if
an encoding session reuses the last generated encryption
key for the live event instead of generating a new key. This
is particularly useful when multiple encoders are
configured, to use the same encryption key for a live event.
Set to false to generate and return a new PlayReady
encryption key for the specified live event.
- Key server URL: URL of the CAS server.
- Define backup key server: set to true if you want to declare
a backup CAS server. Enter the URL of this backup server in
the Backup key server URL field.
- Use authentication (Nagra, Verimatrix): set to true if the
CAS server requires an authentication, and enter the User
name and Password. Also specify the HTTP Authentication
type (auto, basic or digest).

Smooth Streaming Output

The Smooth Streaming output receives audio/video components,
creates the chunks and the manifest, encrypts the chunks, makes them
available on the local Web server and/or on a remote Web server.

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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Workflow Library Content Parameters

Figure 3-111. Smooth streaming output parameters

For this item, you must set the following parameters:

Use local Web server: if set to true, the chunks are available on the
devices Web server. In this case, set the following parameters:
Local Web server IP address: virtual IP address. A player can
receive the chunks from this address. This address must be part
of a ViBE VS7000 LAN, otherwise the job creation will be
Folder: folder where the manifests and chunks are stored on the
local Web server.
Max clients number: expected maximum number of clients for
this output stream. This parameter is used to check that the
device has the resources to process the requests for this stream.
Available stream duration: depth of chunks that are available on the
Web server.

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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Workflow Library Content Parameters

Push on remote Web server: if set to true, the manifest and chunks are
posted to a remote Web server, an IIS server for example. In this case,
set the following parameters:
Remote Web server URL: indicate the LAN used to communicate
with the remote Web server. If the remote Web server URL
contains a name instead of an IP address, you must configure
the DNS in the System tab, in the IP category (see Section DNS
on page 71).
If you do not wish to use the IP address resolution by DNS, you
can also directly enter the IP address of the remote Web server
in the Remote Web server IP address field.
Authentication type: set to true if the remote Web server
requires an authentication, and enter the User name and
Encrypt files: if set to true, DRM is activated. Set the following
Algorithm: two algorithms are available:
Key server connection: select from the drop-down list the
conditional access server to which ViBE VS7000 should connect
to get the key. If set to None, ViBE VS7000 generates the key
itself. Otherwise, enter the specific parameters of the CAS
- Key server URL: URL of the CAS server.
- Use authentication (BuyDrm): set to true if the CAS server
requires an authentication, and enter the User name and
Password. Also specify the HTTP Key server authentication
type (auto, basic or digest).
- Key server user name (Irdeto): enter the user name required
to access the Irdeto key server.
- Key server password (Irdeto): enter the password required
to access the Irdeto key server.
- Server key, User key, Key Id and Media Id (BuyDrm): enter
the values provided by BuyDrm.
- Account Id (Irdeto): identifier of the account to connect to
the Irdeto server.
- Content id: identifier of the program to encrypt (string).

ViBE VS7000 141

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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Workflow Library Content Parameters

- Use last key (Irdeto): Set to true to return the last registered
encryption key for a specified live event. Use this method if
an encoding session reuses the last generated encryption
key for the live event instead of generating a new key. This
is particularly useful when multiple encoders are
configured, to use the same encryption key for a live event.
Set to false to generate and return a new PlayReady
encryption key for the specified live event.
- Define backup key server: set to true if you want to declare
a backup CAS server. Enter the URL of this backup server in
the Backup key server URL field.
Key: enter the value of the key (32 characters).

Upon an important configuration change, it is necessary to restart

the IIS server. For instance, when adding a new video profile, the
VS7000 stops the IIS server and restarts it. However, for this restart
action to be possible, the IIS server configuration must authorize it.
To to so, the IIS server administrator must add the following line in
the isml file:
<meta name="restartOnEncoderReconnect"
content="true" />
Without this line being present, the administator will need to restart
manually the IIS server publishing point.

The MPEG-DASH output receives audio/video components, creates the
chunks and manifests and makes them available on the local Web server.

Figure 3-112. MPEG-DASH output parameters

For this item, you must set the following parameters:

Available stream duration: depth of chunks that are available on the
Web server.

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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Workflow Library Content Parameters

Output file prefix: prefix added to the output file name.

HbbTV compliant: set to true to generate an HbbTV compliant stream.
Chunks are then compatible with MPEG-DASH and HbbTV. Manifests
for MPEG-DASH and HbbTV are generated.
Use local Web server: if set to true, the chunks are available on the
devices Web server. In this case, set the following parameters:
Local Web server IP address: virtual IP address. A player can
receive the chunks from this address. This address must be part
of a ViBE VS7000 LAN, otherwise the job creation will be
Folder: folder where the manifests and chunks are stored on the
local Web server.
Max clients number: expected maximum number of clients for
this output stream. This parameter is used to check that the
device has the resources to process the requests for this stream.
Push on remote Web server: if set to true, the manifest and chunks are
posted to a remote Web server. In this case, set the following
Remote Web server URL: indicate the LAN used to communicate
with the remote Web server. If the remote Web server URL
contains a name instead of an IP address, you must configure
the DNS in the System tab, in the IP category (see Section DNS
on page 71).
If you do not wish to use the IP address resolution by DNS, you
can also directly enter the IP address of the remote Web server
or enter the number of the LAN to connect to the remote server
in the LAN to remote Web server or Remote Web server IP
address field.
Authentication: set to true if the remote Web server requires an
authentication, and enter the User name and Password.
Delete files from remote web server: if set to true, the files posted on
the remote Web server are deleted after the Local storage stream
duration when remote server is unreachable.

MPEG-DASH File Output

The MPEG-DASH File output receives audio/video components, creates
the chunks and the manifest and makes them available on a network

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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Workflow Library Content Parameters

Figure 3-113. MPEG-DASH file output parameters

For this item, you must set the following parameters:

MPEG-DASH files network storage (mounting point): indicate the
network storage where the output files must be placed.
MPEG-DASH files folder: indicate the folder on the network storage
where the output files must be placed.
MPEG-DASH files format: choose one of the available formats:
Disk file format: in this format, all chunks are grouped into a
single MP4 file (moof).
Wire file format: in this format, all chunks are delivered in
distinct files. This format is compatible with all types of Web
HbbTV compliant: set to true to generate an HbbTV compliant stream.
Chunks are then compatible with MPEG-DASH and HbbTV. Manifests
for MPEG-DASH and HbbTV are generated.

MP4 File Output

The MP4 file output supports the following tracks:
Video: H.264, MPEG-2
Audio: AAC, Dolby Digital, MPEG-1 layer 2

RTP hints tracks are automatically included in MP4 files.

Figure 3-114. MP4 file output parameters

For this item, you must set the following parameters:

MP4 file network storage (mounting point): indicate the network
storage where the output file must be placed.

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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Workflow Library Content Parameters

MP4 file folder: indicate the folder on the network storage where the
output file must be placed.
MP4 file name: enter the name of the MP4 file.
MP4 file name extension: enter the extension of the MP4 file.

For each component added in the output stream, a new Input tab is

Figure 3-115. MP4 file output Input tab parameters

The Input tab contains the following parameters:

Track ID: the value set for the parameter must be unique. Leave it to
Auto to ensure its uniqueness.
Language: set the language of the MP4 file, or leave it to Auto.

TS File Output
The TS file output records the output of a TS multiplexer into a file.

Figure 3-116. TS file output parameters

For this item, you must set the following parameters:

TS file network storage (mounting point): indicate the network storage
where the output TS file must be placed.
TS file folder: indicate the folder on the network storage where the
output TS file must be placed.
TS file name: specify the name of the output TS file.

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Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Workflow Library Content Parameters

TS file name extension: specify the file extension that the output TS
file should have.
If this parameter is not filled, the TS file name will be kept "as is".
If this parameter is filled, any extension of the TS file name parameter
will be replaced by this extension. This is useful when you want to
keep the input file name (hot folder application, for example) and
replace only the extension: you link the TS file name to the input TS
file name, and you force the extension using the TS file name

Workflow Library: Samples

The following sample workflows are provided:
Sample IP TV 1
Sample Web TV HLS 1
Sample Web TV Smooth Streaming 1
Sample Web TV Smooth Streaming 2

These workflows are presented in Section Creating a Job Based on a

Sample Workflow on page 43.

The Selector and Choice tools let you define a condition to choose the
input or output that should be used, respectively. They are both built the
same way.

Dialog Description
The dialog contains two parts.

Create a parameter to be used in the condition: check the box if you
want the jobs author to set a parameter that will be used in the
condition to choose the output. Edit the cells to create the parameter.


The array lets you set a condition for each output. Double-click in the
Condition column or click the button to access the condition editor.
This editor is described in Section Item Parameters Array on page 104.

You can add inputs or outputs if needed.

The Choice tool lets you define a condition to choose the output that
should be used. For example, let us imagine you want to send the stream
to a different output based on the input bitrate, e.g. send it to output A if
the bitrate is lower than 80,000 kbps, and to output B if it is higher.

146 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Workflow Library Content Parameters

To use the Choice tool, you first need to have in your workflow a public
parameter with a label. For our example, publish and give a label to the
bitrate parameter in the input item.

Insert the Choice item in your configuration and link it to the preceding

Figure 3-117. Inserting the Choice item in a workflow

Use the condition editor to perform your configuration. For our example,
set the condition of the Choice item as shown below.

Figure 3-118. Example of condition configuration for a Choice item

The Selector tool lets you define a condition to choose the input that
should be used. It works basically the same way as the Choice tool, but

Let us take an example: a configuration contains two inputs: one TS over

IP input and one TS file input. We want the job author to choose whether
to use one input or the other. We thus use the Selector tool, as shown in
Figure 3-119.

Figure 3-119. Example of use of the Selector tool

ViBE VS7000 147

User Manual
Chapter 3 Web Browser Interface Workflow Library Content Parameters

Figure 3-120 shows the parameters set for the Selector tool.

Figure 3-120. Selector properties

In our example, we create a parameter called Use TS file to be used in the

condition and we limit the possible values to true or false.

Then we set the condition as follows:

Input #1, i.e. the TS over IP input, must be used if the Use TS file
parameter is set to false.
Input #2, i.e. the TS file input, must be used if the Use TS file
parameter is not set to false (i.e. true).

148 ViBE VS7000

User Manual

In this Chapter

Adding a Diskless Node to Your System 150

Adding Options 162

Replacing a Diskless Node of your System 163

ViBE VS7000 149

User Manual
Chapter 4 Servicing Adding a Diskless Node to Your System

Adding a Diskless Node to Your System

If you want to expand your system by adding diskless nodes, you first
need to purchase the physical nodes and to rack them. Once you have
done that, you need to configure them, and finally to declare them in the
system. This section explains how to perform these operations.

Configuring the BIOS of a Diskless Node

Once you have racked your new node, follow the procedures below to
configure it.

For a blade: Accessing the BIOS

Connecting to the ILO Interface

1. Launch Internet Explorer
2. Enter the IP address of the ILO interface of the blade center. For more
information, see Section Connecting to the HP Monitoring Tools
on page 186.
3. Enter the user name and the password indicated on the asset tag.

Figure 4-1. Connection to the ILO interface

150 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Chapter 4 Servicing Adding a Diskless Node to Your System

The HP OnBoard Administrator interface is displayed.

Figure 4-2. HP OnBoard Administrator interface

1. Click the Front View.

2. Select a node.

Figure 4-3. Selecting a node from the HP OA interface

ViBE VS7000 151

User Manual
Chapter 4 Servicing Adding a Diskless Node to Your System

Setting the Boot Options of the Blade

1. Still from the OnBoard Administrator interface Front View, select the
Boot Options tab.

Figure 4-4. Accessing the Boot options

2. From the One Time Boot from drop-down list, choose RBSU
(ROM-Based setup utility). This option lets the server reboot directly
on the BIOS parameters without any particular action.

Figure 4-5. Setting the boot option

3. Apply the change.

4. Select the Virtual Devices tab.

Figure 4-6. Selecting the Virtual Devices tab

5. Click the Cold Boot button.

Figure 4-7. Clicking the Cold Boot button

The blade center boots on the BIOS parameters.

152 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Chapter 4 Servicing Adding a Diskless Node to Your System

Accessing the System KVM

1. Select the Status tab.

Figure 4-8. Accessing the Status

2. Choose ILO.

Figure 4-9. Selecting the ILO

3. Click Integrated Remote Console.

Figure 4-10. Accessing the Integrated Remote Console

ViBE VS7000 153

User Manual
Chapter 4 Servicing Adding a Diskless Node to Your System

4. Run the application.

For the ILO3 firmware version 1.20, the framework .net 3.5 must be
installed on the machine on which Internet Explorer is launched.
If the PC has an Internet connection, the installation is automatically
This installation is only necessary the first time the PC is used, for

For 1-RU Devices: Accessing the BIOS

1. Connect a mouse and a screen to your ViBE VS7000 device.
2. Start the device and launch the BIOS configuration.

Setting the BIOS Parameters

Figure 4-11. BIOS parameters

In the BIOS parameters, use the following commands:

To move, use the up and down arrows.
To go back to the previous screen, press Esc.
To validate, press Enter.

Enabling the Network Boot Support on NIC 2 (Blade Centers Only)

1. From the main menu of the BIOS, choose System Options.

154 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Chapter 4 Servicing Adding a Diskless Node to Your System

Figure 4-12. Accessing the system options

2. Select Embedded NICs.

Figure 4-13. Selecting the embedded NICs

3. Select NIC 2 Boot Options.

Figure 4-14. Accessing the NIC boot options

A warning message is displayed.

Figure 4-15. Warning message when setting the NIC boot options

ViBE VS7000 155

User Manual
Chapter 4 Servicing Adding a Diskless Node to Your System

4. Press Enter to continue.

5. Choose Network Boot.

Figure 4-16. Enabling the network boot

Modifying the HP Power Profile

1. Go back to the main menu of the BIOS.
2. Select Power Manager Options and press Enter twice.
3. Select Maximum Performance.

Figure 4-17. Selecting the HP power profile

4. Press Enter to apply the change.

Setting the Advanced Power Management Options

1. Select Advanced Power Management Options.

156 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Chapter 4 Servicing Adding a Diskless Node to Your System

On G7 blades and servers:

2. Select the Memory Interleaving submenu.
3. Choose the Full Interleaving option.

Figure 4-18. Setting the memory interleaving on G7 blades and servers

On Gen8 blades and servers:

2. Select the Channel Interleaving submenu.
3. Choose the Enabled option.

Figure 4-19. Setting the memory interleaving on Gen8 blades and servers

ViBE VS7000 157

User Manual
Chapter 4 Servicing Adding a Diskless Node to Your System

Setting the Advanced Performance Tuning Options

1. Go back to the main menu.
2. Select Advanced Options.
3. Select Advanced Performance Tuning Mode.

Figure 4-20. Accessing the advanced performance tuning options

4. Press Enter.
5. Select Node Interleaving.

Figure 4-21. Setting the node interleaving

6. Press Enter to access the parameters.

A warning message is displayed.

Figure 4-22. Warning message when setting the node interleaving

158 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Chapter 4 Servicing Adding a Diskless Node to Your System

7. Press Enter to continue.

8. Select Enabled.

Figure 4-23. Enabling the node interleaving

Rebooting the Node

1. Go back to the main menu of the BIOS.
2. Press Esc several times until reaching the menu shown in Figure 4-24.

Figure 4-24. Exiting the BIOS menu

3. Press F10 to reboot the node with the new BIOS parameters.

ViBE VS7000 159

User Manual
Chapter 4 Servicing Adding a Diskless Node to Your System

Requesting a New License File

To add a node to your system, Thomson Video Networks needs technical
information on your system to be able to answer your request. To
facilitate this, the GUI lets you generate a file that contains all the
information that Thomson Video Networks needs to identify your system
and to generate a new license file for you.

To request a license for adding a node, proceed as follows:

1. In the GUI, point to the System tab and click the Nodes category.
2. Click New license request.

Figure 4-25. New license request dialog

3. In the displayed dialog, the new nodes appear in the Available nodes
column. Sort the nodes by placing the nodes for which you want a
license in the Nodes to use column.
Tip: If needed, you can discover nodes from this dialog.
4. When you are done, click the Generate license request button.
5. Enter a name for the resulting file (without the extension) and validate.
6. Send this request file to your Thomson Video Networks sales

This process is only needed if you need to add a node to your ViBE
VS7000 system. For other license requests, simply make the
request to your sales representative.

160 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Chapter 4 Servicing Adding a Diskless Node to Your System

Declaring a New License File

Once you have received your new license file, proceed as follows:
1. In the GUI, point to the Download tab.
2. On the upper-right corner, click Download new license.

Figure 4-26. Downloading a new license file

3. Select the new license file that Thomson Video Networks sent to you
and click Open.

The new nodes declared in the new license file are now operational.

ViBE VS7000 161

User Manual
Chapter 4 Servicing Adding Options

Adding Options
To add options to your system, contact your Thomson Video Networks
sales representative. Upon payment, you will receive a new license file.

To declare this license file in your system, proceed as described above in

section Declaring a New License File.

The new option declared in the new license file is now available on the

162 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Chapter 4 Servicing Replacing a Diskless Node of your System

Replacing a Diskless Node of your System

To replace a diskless node of your system, you need to configure the
BIOS of the new node. After that, the process is basically the same as for
declaring a new node.

Contact your Thomson Video Networks sales representative to buy a

new node.

Configuring the BIOS of the New Node

The process is exactly the same as when adding a new diskless node.
Follow all steps of the procedure described in Section Configuring the
BIOS of a Diskless Node on page 150.

Replacing a Node
To replace the node, proceed as follows:
1. Remove the node from your VS7000:
For a 1-RU server: switch off the front panel and then power the
device off.
For a blade server: remove the blade (no specific precautions to
2. Insert the new node at the old ones location:
For a 1-RU server: cable the device and start it using the front
For a blade server: insert the new blade and start it using the
front panel.
3. In the GUI, click New license request, then Discover. The new node is
displayed in the Available nodes list.
4. Select the node to replace from the Nodes to use list and put it in the
Available nodes list.
5. Inversely, select the new node from the Available nodes list and put it
in the Nodes to use list.
6. Click Generate license request.
7. Enter a name for the resulting file (without the extension) and validate.
8. Send this request file to your Thomson Video Networks sales
representative. When you receive the new license file to download,
refer to Section Declaring a New License File on page 161 to know
how to declare it.

ViBE VS7000 163

User Manual
Chapter 4 Servicing Replacing a Diskless Node of your System


164 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
5 Chapter


If you face any problem with the equipment, follow the procedures
described in this section.

In this Chapter

Troubleshooting Procedures 166

Frequently Asked Questions 168

ViBE VS7000 165

User Manual
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Procedures

Troubleshooting Procedures

Exporting Information for the Customer Support

If you have problems with workflows or jobs, there is a simple way to
export the information and send it to the customer support:
1. In the lower-right corner of the GUI, click Export.
2. Select the folder where you want to store the file and give it a name.

A zip file is created and contains the workflows configuration, the list of
jobs as well as the system configuration.
3. Send the resulting zip file to the customer support for analysis,
indicating the workflows or jobs that cause trouble.

The customer support might also need the following information:

Network topology: provide the diagram.
For a blade center:
Flex10 configuration: export the Flex10 configuration as follows:
a. Open an SSH connection with the active Flex10 module,
for example using Putty.

b. Enter your login and password.

c. Type the following command: show config

The whole configuration is displayed.

d. Save the configuration to a text file.

e. Send the file to the support team.

Enclosure information: to get this information, proceed as
a. From the HP OA interface, choose Enclosure Settings.

b. Select Configuration scripts.

c. Click the SHOW ALL link.

d. Save the configuration to a text file.

e. Send the file to the support team.

166 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Procedures

Modifying a Workflow from a Text Editor

If needed, you may perform some changes in the code, and then import
them back in the GUI to apply your changes. To do so:
1. Follow the steps described above to export the workflows
configuration to a zip file.
2. Find the XML file corresponding to the workflow you wish to modify
and extract it from the zip.
3. Open the XML file in a text editor.
4. Perform your changes.
5. Re-include the XML file of the workflow in the original ZIP file.
6. In the lower-right corner of the GUI, click Import and select the ZIP file.

The modified workflow is now available in the list of workflows.

Exporting Logs
To export logs, proceed as follows:
1. From the GUI, open the System tab.
2. Select the Logs category.
3. From the Export area, click the Export now button to export the logs

A text file is generated with all the logs stored in the database.

For more information on the export feature, refer to Section Export on

page 78.

Using the Console

The Console tab is available only if you are logged with an administrator
account. It is described in Section Console on page 98.

This tab should be used only under the customer supports

supervision. If needed, the customer support team will indicate the
commands to send.

Providing Remote Access to the ViBE VS7000 System

The remote access must accept remote access of SSH type and Web
type, for example via a VPN.

ViBE VS7000 167

User Manual
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Why cannot I instantiate my job

whereas there is space on the ViBE VS7000 system?
Perform the following verifications:
Check the coherence messages: there might be an explanation why
you cannot instantiate the job.
Check that there is no license restriction. You may have reached the
maximum number of jobs you are authorized to instantiate.
Check that the job is properly configured. If in a TS audio video
extractor item you have set an HD 1080i video when the source is
actually an SD video, the system will nevertheless allocate resources
for an HD video. The system will this be underused.
Check that there is no Ethernet "link down" alarms. Indeed, if the job
is using a LAN for which the interface is disconnected, then the job will
not be instantiated.

I do not see my workflow in the list

when I want to create a job. Why?
Your workflow is probably non-instantiable. This might be because the
workflow contains no source. For instance, an encoding workflow in
which the input is not linked is not instantiable.

I cannot create a workflow. Why?

This is probably because you are not authorized to do so. If you have an
administrator account, you can modify the user account settings (refer to
Section User Accounts on page 76). Otherwise, contact your

I cannot create a job. Why?

This is probably because you are not authorized to do so. If you have an
administrator account, you can modify the user account settings (refer to
Section User Accounts on page 76). Otherwise, contact your

168 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Frequently Asked Questions

When I want to launch a job, I get a "Job is waiting:

license not available" message. What should I do?
The "Job is waiting: license not available" message indicates that you
already use the whole number of licences that you own for this feature.
You can check this from the System tab, in the Download category, by
looking at the Quantity used / Quantity max values.

In this case, the job stays in Waiting state until a license becomes

I cannot modify the system parameters. Why?

This is probably because you are not authorized to do so. If you have an
administrator account, you can modify the user account settings (refer to
Section User Accounts on page 76). Otherwise, contact your

I modified a workflow parameter, but it was not

applied on the currently running jobs. Why?
When modifying the default value of a private parameter of a workflow,
the value is applied for currently running jobs that are based on this
workflow. However, modifying the default value of a public parameter
does not affect running jobs based on this workflow.

ViBE VS7000 169

User Manual
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Frequently Asked Questions


170 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
6 Chapter
Customer Service


This chapter indicates what you should do if you have a problem with an
equipment, whether you need to repair it or to return it.

In this Chapter

Support Centers 172

Warranty 174 175

Spare Parts 176

Returning an Equipment 177

Repackaging for Shipment 178

Long Term Product Support 179

Recycling the Product 180

ViBE VS7000 171

User Manual
Chapter 6 Customer Service Support Centers Contacts

Support Centers Contacts

Our international call center provides Thomson team members to
answer your product and customer service questions. It is available by
phone or e-mail 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The Thomson call center phone numbers are available on our website
(Service & Support / Contact Support page):

After your call is logged by our call center, you are called back by a
technical support engineer.
To contact the Thomson support center by email please write to us at:
To ensure fast customer service please include the following
information when contacting Thomson by email:
Your contract number
Your geographical location (i.e. country you are in)
The name of your product

172 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Chapter 6 Customer Service Support Centers Contacts

Any additional system configuration information relating to

your product

ViBE VS7000 173

User Manual
Chapter 6 Customer Service Warranty

Thomson Video Networks guarantees that the product will be free from
defects in materials and workmanship, and that the product and/or
software will conform to the applicable specifications, within the
duration of the warranty.

The product is under warranty for a period of twelve (12) months.

The software is under warranty for a period of ninety (90) days.

Concerning the software warranty, Thomson guarantees that, for a

period of 90 days, after the products delivery date, or after a systems
Site Acceptance Test, the physical media will be free from defects and
viruses and the embedded software will conform to applicable
specifications. There is no warranty that Thomson software will be
error-free. The purchase of a software license entitles the customer to use
the Thomson software release shipped at the time the license is
purchased. Rights to new releases (upgrades) are only provided through
a Thomson OneCare service level agreement or can be priced upon

Concerning third party firmware & software (e.g. Java,

SunMicrosystems, etc.), when supplied with a Thomson product,
Thomson is not responsible for supplying any support or information
regarding said software.

Concerning Thomson products based on HP Servers, Hardware is

covered by the 1-year and Software by the 90-day Thomson Warranty
During the Thomson Warranty period, Thomson should serve as the
primary point of contact for support. In addition to the contractual
Thomson Warranty, when included free as part of the HP Global Limited
Warranty program, the HP services available locally should be used as
much as possible by the local Thomson support team to maximize
customer satisfaction.
After the Thomson Warranty period, the remainder of the HP Server
Hardware warranty period (generally 2 years) is automatically
transferred (linked to part and serial number) to the Customer. The local
HP Terms and Conditions then apply to the product warranty.

The Distributor Warranty Policy described in the individual

distributorship agreement applies.

For details on the Thomson warranty policy, please contact your

Thomson sales representative (list of sales representatives available on
the Thomson website at:

174 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Chapter 6 Customer Service Services

Training and assistance service offers are available and can be quoted for
upon request.

Thomson OneCare service level agreement offers apply to this product.

ViBE VS7000 175

User Manual
Chapter 6 Customer Service Spare Parts

Spare Parts
The spare parts are listed in Table A-35 Ordering references for ViBE
VS7000 on page 223, in the Spare Parts category.

176 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Chapter 6 Customer Service Returning an Equipment

Returning an Equipment
Please contact the call center with questions about the process for
returning Thomson equipment. Within the standard Thomson warranty
period, there is a 30 day turnaround (factory in/out) guarantee for repairs.

Unless specifically agreed, cost and risks for return shipment of

equipment are borne by the Customer. The faulty device must be packed
where possible in its original packaging (protective corners and boxes) If
you no longer have the packaging, the faulty device must be protected
against shocks during the transportation. The company may not be held
liable for any consequence resulting from non-observance of this return
procedure. The company will not be able to guarantee a repair time for
any RMA request for which we do not have a clear and complete fault
description. If no fault is found, a fixed price will be raised to cover
shipping and testing of the unit.

ViBE VS7000 177

User Manual
Chapter 6 Customer Service Repackaging for Shipment

Repackaging for Shipment

Retain original packaging Unless specifically agreed, cost and risks for
return shipment of equipment are borne by the Customer. The faulty
device must be packed where possible in its original packaging
(protective corners and boxes) If you no longer have the packaging, the
faulty device must be protected against shocks during the transportation.
The company may not be held liable for any consequence resulting from
non-observance of this return procedure. The Thomson Customer
Service Department will examine packaging on arrival and can refuse to
carry out repairs if the packaging has been visibly damaged during
transportation and this has led to further damage in addition to the fault
originally noted.

For a blade center, the nodes and the SFP couplers must be removed
from the blade center for transport.

178 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Chapter 6 Customer Service Long Term Product Support

Long Term Product Support

Long-Term Product Support (LTPS) is the Thomson support provided
during the product life cycle, starting at the announcement of the end of
product manufacture and ending at the announcement of the end of

After product phase-out announcement, LTPS data is provided by the

Thomson Regional Sales and Field Services organizations.

The Thomson OneCare SLA commitment concerning LTPS data and

associated services may differ from those included as part of the general
Thomson LTPS policy. In such cases, LTPS data and associated services
governed by the terms and conditions of OneCare contracts override the
general LTPS policy.

ViBE VS7000 179

User Manual
Chapter 6 Customer Service Recycling the Product

Recycling the Product

Thomson Video Networks has developed a comprehensive

end-of-life product take back program for recycling or
disposal of end-of-life products. Our program meets the
requirements of the European Unions WEEE Directive and,
in the United States, those of the Environmental Protection
Agency, individual state or local agencies.
Thomson Video Networks guarantees the proper disposal
of your end-of-life products. A Certificate of Recycling or a
Certificate of Destruction, depending on the ultimate
disposition of the product, can be sent upon request.
Thomson Video Networks will be responsible for all costs
associated with recycling and disposal, including freight,
however you are responsible for the removal of the
equipment from your facility and packing the equipment
ready for pickup.
For further information on the Thomson Video Networks
product take back system, please visit our websites
Environmental Policy page:

180 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Chapter 7


This chapter describes the Equipment Set-up tool delivered in the

CD-ROM with the product as well as the monitoring tools delivered by
HP for the blade centers configuration.

In this Chapter

Equipment 182

HP Monitoring Tools (6RU and 10RU Devices) 186

ViBE VS7000 181

User Manual
Chapter 7 Tools Equipment Setup

Equipment Setup

The Equipment Set-up tool provided by Thomson Video Networks lets
you perform the setup of the equipment through the network. It also
lets you discover the equipment that is present on the local network,
and this even if their IP address is not configured.

This tool works only on interface 1 (System private LAN) of the system.

This section explains:
How to launch the Equipment Set-up
How to connect to a device
How to set the system private LAN parameters

Launching the Equipment Setup

1. Insert the CD-ROM supplied with your ViBE VS7000 product into your
CD-ROM drive.

182 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Chapter 7 Tools Equipment Setup

2. Double-click the EquipmentSetup.jar file to launch the application.

Connecting to a Device

Figure 7-1. Equipment set-up

To connect to a device:
1. Choose a mode of connection:
If the IP address of the equipment is known and can be reached,
check the first option: IP address is known and reachable. This
method must be used if the equipment is not on the local
network, but can however be reached through routers.
If the equipment is physically connected to the local network,
whatever its IP address, check the second option: IP address is
unknown or unreachable. When choosing this option, the list of
detected equipment on the local network is displayed (see
Figure 7-2). Criteria may be given, such as serial number and/or
part number.

ViBE VS7000 183

User Manual
Chapter 7 Tools Equipment Setup

2. Click Connect in the menu bar on the left.

Figure 7-2. List of detected equipment

For each piece of equipment, the following information is provided:

Equipment name
IP address (LAN1)
Serial number
Product type

184 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Chapter 7 Tools Equipment Setup

3. Select one piece of equipment from the list and click Select to reach its

Setting the Device Parameters

Figure 7-3. Equipment set-up settings

Once you are connected to a device, you can set a number of parameters
regarding the system private LAN:
LAN number: number of the LAN, used to identify the LAN in logs.
Supervision address: this is a virtual IP address allocated to the master
node, allowing supervision of the ViBE VS7000 on this LAN. It allows
to connect to the ViBE VS7000 without knowing which node is
currently the master one. It is recommended to set it on the
control-command network.
Addresses range

When the parameters are set, click Send to apply them to the equipment.

If the supervision PC is in DHCP, unplug and replug it so as to

force it to get a new address.
Number of necessary addresses = number of blades + 2.

ViBE VS7000 185

User Manual
Chapter 7 Tools HP Monitoring Tools (6RU and 10RU Devices)

HP Monitoring Tools (6RU and 10RU Devices)

Connecting to the HP Monitoring Tools

To perform the IP configuration of a blade center, there are several steps.
The ViBE VS7000 device is delivered with a preconfiguration that you
may need to adapt to your needs and to complete.

There are several ways to connect to the device, depending on your

network configuration. All possibilities are described in the coming

Before you start, on the rear panel of the blade center, locate the Active
OnBoard Administrator module. Pull the tag attached to the OnBoard
Administrator and write down the DNS name, the user name and the
password indicated. You will need this information to connect to the

Method #1: Connecting via the iLO Port in DHCP

The easiest way to connect to the device is using the iLO port. In this case
you need to have a DHCP server and a DNS server.

Proceed as follows:
1. Plug an Ethernet cable on the active iLO port on the rear panel and
connect it to your Ethernet network.
2. On a remote computer, type the DNS name in the address bar of a
Web browser.

Figure 7-4. HP configuration interface login page

3. Enter the user name and password indicated on the asset tag.

You are now connected to the HP configuration interface.

186 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Chapter 7 Tools HP Monitoring Tools (6RU and 10RU Devices)

Figure 7-5. HP configuration interface welcome page

Method #2: Connecting on the DHCP Network

using the IP Address of the Device
If you have a DHCP server but you do not have a DNS server, you can
retrieve the IP address of the blade center from the front panel and use it
to connect to the equipment via the DHCP network.

To do so:
1. On the front panel of the ViBE VS7000 device, press OK to activate the

Figure 7-6. ViBE VS7000 front panel screen Main menu

ViBE VS7000 187

User Manual
Chapter 7 Tools HP Monitoring Tools (6RU and 10RU Devices)

2. Select Enclosure Info and press OK.

Figure 7-7. ViBE VS7000 front panel screen Enclosure information

3. Note the IP address indicated in the Active OA field.

4. From a remote computer, type the IP address in the address bar.
5. Enter the user name and password indicated on the asset tag.

You are now connected to the HP configuration interface.

Method #3: Connecting After Configuring Manually

the IP Address of the Device
If you do not have a DHCP server nor a DNS server, you can configure the
IP address manually using the front panel.

To do so:
1. On the front panel of the ViBE VS7000 device, press OK to activate the

Figure 7-8. ViBE VS7000 front panel screen Main menu

188 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Chapter 7 Tools HP Monitoring Tools (6RU and 10RU Devices)

2. Select Enclosure Settings and press OK.

Figure 7-9. ViBE VS7000 front panel screen Enclosure settings

3. Select the OA1 IPv4 field and press OK.

Figure 7-10. ViBE VS7000 front panel screen Onboard Administrator selection

4. Once again, select the OA1 IPv4 field and press OK.

Figure 7-11. ViBE VS7000 front panel screen Onboard Administrator network mode

ViBE VS7000 189

User Manual
Chapter 7 Tools HP Monitoring Tools (6RU and 10RU Devices)

5. Set the Network Mode to static and press OK.

6. Select Accept and press OK.

Figure 7-12. ViBE VS7000 front panel screen Onboard Administrator IP address setting

7. Use the arrows to enter the IP address in the OA1 IP field.

8. Select Accept and press OK.

Once the IP address is set, you can access the equipment remotely.
1. From a remote computer, type the IP address in the address bar.
2. Enter the user name and password indicated on the asset tag.

You are now connected to the HP configuration interface.

Performing the IP Configuration from the HP

Once you are connected to the HP configuration interface, you can
perform a variety of settings, and particularly the settings of the
interconnect bays. What we call interconnect bays are the HP VC Flex-10
Enet Modules.

Accessing the Interconnect Bays Management Console

Before configuring the interconnect bays, make sure you write down the
user name and password of each module. They are indicated on the label
on the rear panel of the blade center.

To connect to the interconnect bay:

1. From the tree menu on the left, select Enclosure Information,
Interconnect Bays and select a bay.

190 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Chapter 7 Tools HP Monitoring Tools (6RU and 10RU Devices)

Figure 7-13. HP configuration interface Interconnect bay

2. Click the Management Console link on the right.

You are redirected to a dedicated HP configuration interface.

ViBE VS7000 191

User Manual
Chapter 7 Tools HP Monitoring Tools (6RU and 10RU Devices)

Figure 7-14. Accessing the HP Virtual Connect Manager interface

3. Enter the user name and password of the interconnect bay and click
Sign in.

Configuring the Interconnect Bays

Interconnect bays are delivered with a default configuration, described in
Section Detailed Factory Network Configuration on page 253. If you
need to modify it, read the information below.

The ViBE VS7000 product requires an internal system network for

communication between the blades. This network must be linked to the
first interface of each blade. You must perform the first IP configuration
via this network.

Once you are logged in, perform the following global steps:
1. In the Ethernet networks category, define the LANs.
2. Assign the LANs to the output ports.
3. Modify the server profiles so that they see these networks.

When your configuration is complete, connect the Ethernet cables to the

interconnect bays.

Saving your Configuration

When your configuration of the interconnect bays is complete, you may
want to save it to a file for backup purposes. To do so:
1. From the HP Management Console, in the tree menu on the left, under
Domain Settings, choose Backup/Restore.

192 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Chapter 7 Tools HP Monitoring Tools (6RU and 10RU Devices)

Figure 7-15. HP Virtual Connect Manager interface Domain settings

2. If you wish to encrypt your backup, enter an encryption key in the field.
3. In the Backup Domain Configuration area, click the Backup
Configuration button.
4. Save your file.

If you need to restore this configuration, proceed as follows:

1. In the same configuration panel, click Browse in the Restore Domain
Configuration area and select your backup file.
2. Click the Restore Configuration button.

You can also use the Import/Export feature in script format, as described
in Section Exporting Information for the Customer Support on
page 166, in the Enclosure information paragraph.

More Information
For more information on the HP configuration interface, refer to the HP
documentation available on the HP Website and on the CD-ROM.

ViBE VS7000 193

User Manual
Chapter 7 Tools HP Monitoring Tools (6RU and 10RU Devices)


194 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
A Appendix
Technical Specifications


This chapter gives:

Specifications: mechanical, electrical, inputs and outputs, decoding,
pre-processing, encoding, etc.
Standard compliance
Ordering guide to order the device and its options

In this Chapter
Electrical, Thermal and Mechanical Specifications 196

Inputs Specifications 210

Decoding 211

Processing Specifications 212

Encoding 213

Outputs Specifications 216

Blade Center Physical Interfaces Specifications 219

Control-Command Specifications 219

Standard Compliance 221

Ordering Guide 223

ViBE VS7000 195

User Manual
Appendix A Technical Specifications Specifications


Electrical, Thermal and Mechanical Specifications

For all specifications of your equipment, please refer to the HP Technical
Specifications provided on the CD-ROM.

Values in the tables in this section are based on N + N redundancy mode

for the power supply, unless specified otherwise.

VS7000 10RU

VS7000 10RU (AC 200-240V single phase)

VS7000 10RU fitted with 16 system storage and processing blades

Table A-1. VS7000 G7 10RU fitted with 16 blades (AC 200-240V single phase), Electrical
and Thermal specifications

Idle Utilization Max

Total system Inrush Current --------------------- < 210A @ 230V, < 2ms -------------------------

Total Input Power (W) 2268 4429 5443

Total Input VA 2314 4519 5554

Total Input Current (A)t 10.06 19.65 24.15

Input Current per cord (A) 1.68 3.27 4.02

Total Airflow (CFM) 180 352 560

Total Airflow (CCM) 5109 9978 15853

Heat Dissipating Power (BTU) 7734 15102 18561

196 ViBE VS7000

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Appendix A Technical Specifications Specifications

Table A-2. VS7000 Gen8 10RU fitted with 16 blades (AC 200-240V single phase), Electrical
and Thermal specifications

Idle Utilization Max

Total system Inrush Current --------------------- < 210A @ 230V, < 2ms -------------------------

Total Input Power (W) 1604 5035 6328

Total Input VA 1637 5137 6457

Total Input Current (A)t 7.12 22.34 28.07

Input Current per cord (A) 1.186 3.723 4.679

Total Airflow (CFM) 128 386 628

Total Airflow (CMM) 4 11 18

Heat Dissipating Power (BTU) 5470 17168 21577

Table A-3. VS7000 10RU fitted with 16 blades (AC 200-240V single phase),
Dimensions and Weight

Dimensions (H x W x D) 17.4 x 17.6 x 32 in / 442 x 447.04 x 813 mm

Weight 471 lbs / 213 kg

ViBE VS7000 197

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Appendix A Technical Specifications Specifications

VS7000 10RU fitted with 8 system storage and processing blades

Table A-4. VS7000 G7 10RU fitted with 8 blades (AC 200-240V single phase), Electrical
and Thermal specifications

Idle Utilization Max

Total system Inrush Current --------------------- < 210A @ 230V, < 2ms -------------------------

Total Input Power (W) 1299 2535 3131

Total Input VA 1326 2587 3195

Total Input Current (A)t 5.77 11.25 13.89

Input Current per cord (A) 0.96 1.87 2.31

Total Airflow (CFM) 106 210 347

Total Airflow (CCM) 3011 5941 9817

Heat Dissipating Power (BTU) 4431 8645 10672

Table A-5. VS7000 Gen8 10RU fitted with 8 blades (AC 200-240V single phase), Electrical
and Thermal specifications

Idle Utilization Max

Total system Inrush Current --------------------- < 210A @ 230V, < 2ms -------------------------

Total Input Power (W) 973 2853 3574

Total Input VA 993 2911 3647

Total Input Current (A)t 4.32 12.66 15.86

Input Current per cord (A) 0.720 2.109 2.643

Total Airflow (CFM) 80 236 381

Total Airflow (CMM) 2 7 11

Heat Dissipating Power (BTU) 3320 9728 12188

198 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Appendix A Technical Specifications Specifications

Table A-6. VS7000 10RU fitted with 8 blades (AC 200-240V single phase), Dimensions
and Weight

Dimensions (H x W x D) 17.4 x 17.6 x 32 in / 442 x 447.04 x 813 mm

Weight 357 lbs / 162 kg

VS7000 10RU (AC 380V triple phase)

VS7000 10RU fitted with 16 system storage and processing blades

Table A-7. VS7000 G710RU fitted with 16 blades (AC 380V triple phase), Electrical and
Thermal specifications

Idle Utilization Max

Total system Inrush Current ---------------- < 210A @ 208V, < 2ms ----------------------------
per Branch

Total Input Power (W) 2298 4425 5443

Total Input VA 2344 4515 5554

Total Input Current (A)t 6.51 12.53 15.42

Input Current per cord (A) 3.25 6.27 7.71

Total Airflow (CFM) 183 352 560

Total Airflow (CCM) 5176 9968 15853

Heat Dissipating Power (BTU) 7834 15088 18561

ViBE VS7000 199

User Manual
Appendix A Technical Specifications Specifications

Table A-8. VS7000 Gen8 10RU fitted with 16 blades (AC 380V triple phase), Electrical and
Thermal specifications

Idle Utilization Max

Total system Inrush Current ---------------- < 210A @ 208V, < 2ms ----------------------------
per Branch

Total Input Power (W) 1676 5066 6342

Total Input VA 1710 5170 6472

Total Input Current (A)t 4.75 14.35 17.96

Input Current per cord (A) 2.374 7.175 8.982

Total Airflow (CFM) 133 388 630

Total Airflow (CMM) 4 11 18

Heat Dissipating Power (BTU) 5715 17277 21627

Table A-9. VS7000 10RU fitted with 16 blades (AC 380V triple phase), Dimensions
and Weight

Dimensions (H x W x D) 17.4 x 17.6 x 32 in / 442 x 447.04 x 813 mm

Weight 471 lbs / 213 kg

200 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Appendix A Technical Specifications Specifications

VS7000 10RU fitted with 8 system storage and processing blades

Table A-10. VS7000 G710RU fitted with 8 blades (AC 380V triple phase), Electrical and
Thermal specifications

Idle Utilization Max

Total system Inrush Current ---------------- < 210A @ 208V, < 2ms ----------------------------
per Branch

Total Input Power (W) 1389 2555 3130

Total Input VA 1418 2608 3194

Total Input Current (A)t 3.94 7.24 8.86

Input Current per cord (A) 1.97 3.62 4.43

Total Airflow (CFM) 114 211 347

Total Airflow (CCM) 3219 5989 9817

Heat Dissipating Power (BTU) 4735 8710 10670

Table A-11. VS7000 Gen8 10RU fitted with 8 blades (AC 380V triple phase), Electrical and
Thermal specifications

Idle Utilization Max

Total system Inrush Current ---------------- < 210A @ 208V, < 2ms ----------------------------
per Branch

Total Input Power (W) 1073 2869 3582

Total Input VA 1095 2927 3655

Total Input Current (A)t 3.04 8.12 10.15

Input Current per cord (A) 1.519 4.062 5.073

Total Airflow (CFM) 88 237 382

Total Airflow (CMM) 2 7 11

Heat Dissipating Power (BTU) 3658 9782 12214

ViBE VS7000 201

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Appendix A Technical Specifications Specifications

Table A-12. VS7000 10RU fitted with 8 blades (AC 380V triple phase), Dimensions
and Weight

Dimensions (H x W x D) 17.4 x 17.6 x 32 in / 442 x 447.04 x 813 mm

Weight 357 lbs / 162 kg

VS7000 10RU (DC 48V)

VS7000 10RU fitted with 16 system storage and processing blades

Table A-13. VS7000 G7 10RU fitted with 16 blades (DC 48V), Electrical and Thermal

Idle Utilization Max

Total system Inrush Current ---------------- No Inrush current----------------------------

Total Input Power (W) 1950 3934 4829

Total Input VA 1950 3934 4829

Total Input Current (A)t 40.63 81.96 100.6

Input Current per cord (A) - - -

Total Airflow (CFM) 155 313 497

Total Airflow (CCM) 4393 8862 14065

Heat Dissipating Power (BTU) 6650 13414 16466

202 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Appendix A Technical Specifications Specifications

Table A-14. VS7000 Gen8 10RU fitted with 16 blades (DC 48V), Electrical and Thermal

Idle Utilization Max

Total system Inrush Current ---------------- No Inrush current----------------------------

Total Input Power (W) 1368 4532 5677

Total Input VA 1368 4532 5677

Total Input Current (A)t 28.49 94.42 118.28

Input Current per cord (A) - - -

Total Airflow (CFM) 112 347 564

Total Airflow (CMM) 3 10 16

Heat Dissipating Power (BTU) 4664 15455 19360

Table A-15. VS7000 10RU fitted with 16 blades (DC 48V), Dimensions and Weight

Dimensions (H x W x D) 17.4 x 17.6 x 32 in / 442 x 447.04 x 813 mm

Weight 458 lbs / 208 kg

ViBE VS7000 203

User Manual
Appendix A Technical Specifications Specifications

VS7000 10RU fitted with 8 system storage and processing blades

Table A-16. VS7000 G7 10RU fitted with 8 blades (DC 48V), Electrical and Thermal

Idle Utilization Max

Total system Inrush Current ---------------- No Inrush current----------------------------

Total Input Power (W) 1078 2214 2724

Total Input VA 1078 2214 2724

Total Input Current (A)t 22.46 46.12 56.74

Input Current per cord (A) - - -

Total Airflow (CFM) 88 191 302

Total Airflow (CCM) 2498 5406 8543

Heat Dissipating Power (BTU) 3676 7549 9288

Table A-17. VS7000 Gen8 10RU fitted with 8 blades (DC 48V), Electrical and Thermal

Idle Utilization Max

Total system Inrush Current ---------------- No Inrush current----------------------------

Total Input Power (W) 1078 2214 2724

Total Input VA 1078 2214 2724

Total Input Current (A)t 22.46 46.12 56.74

Input Current per cord (A) - - -

Total Airflow (CFM) 88 191 302

Total Airflow (CMM) 2 5 9

Heat Dissipating Power (BTU) 3676 7549 9288

204 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Appendix A Technical Specifications Specifications

Table A-18. VS7000 10RU fitted with 8 blades (DC 48V), Dimensions and Weight

Dimensions (H x W x D) 17.4 x 17.6 x 32 in / 442 x 447.04 x 813 mm

Weight 345 lbs / 156 kg

VS7000 6RU

VS7000 6RU (AC 200-240V single phase @ 115VAC)

VS7000 6RU fitted with 8 system storage and processing blades

Table A-19. VS7000 G7 6RU fitted with 8 blades (AC 200-240V single phase @ 115VAC),
Electrical and Thermal specifications

Idle Utilization Max

Total system Inrush Current ---------------- < 140A @ 115V, < 2ms ----------------------------

Total Input Power (W) 1458 2751 3330

Total Input VA 1488 2807 3398

Total Input Current (A)t 12.94 24.41 29.55

Input Current per cord (A) 2.16 4.07 4.92

Total Airflow (CFM) 119 228 369

Total Airflow (CCM) 3378 6447 10445

Heat Dissipating Power (BTU) 4972 9381 11355

ViBE VS7000 205

User Manual
Appendix A Technical Specifications Specifications

Table A-20. VS7000 Gen8 6RU fitted with 8 blades (AC 200-240V single phase @ 115VAC),
Electrical and Thermal specifications in Power Supply Redundancy mode N +1

Idle Utilization Max

Total system Inrush Current ---------------- < 210A @ 115V, < 2ms ----------------------------

Total Input Power (W) 1109 3030 3821

Total Input VA 1132 3092 3899

Total Input Current (A)t 9.84 26.89 33.90

Input Current per cord (A) 1.640 4.481 5.651

Total Airflow (CFM) 91 251 408

Total Airflow (CMM) 3 7 12

Heat Dissipating Power (BTU) 3781 10333 13030

Table A-21. VS7000 6RU fitted with 8 blades (AC 200-240V single phase @ 115VAC),
Dimensions and Weight

Dimensions (H x W x D) 10.4 x 19.1 x 32.977 in / 265 x 485 x 835 mm

Weight G7: 279 lbs / 126 Kg

Gen8: 252 lbs / 114 kg

206 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Appendix A Technical Specifications Specifications

VS7000 6RU (AC 200-240V single phase @ 230VAC)

VS7000 6RU fitted with 8 system storage and processing blades

Table A-22. VS7000 G7 6RU fitted with 8 blades (AC 200-240V single phase @ 230VAC),
Electrical and Thermal specifications

Idle Utilization Max

Total system Inrush Current ---------------- < 140A @ 115V, < 2ms ----------------------------

Total Input Power (W) 1418 2688 3271

Total Input VA 1447 2743 3338

Total Input Current (A)t 6.29 1.93 14.51

Input Current per cord (A) 1.05 1.99 2.42

Total Airflow (CFM) 116 222 362

Total Airflow (CCM) 3285 6300 10260

Heat Dissipating Power (BTU) 4835 9168 11154

Table A-23. VS7000 Gen8 6RU fitted with 8 blades (AC 200-240V single phase @ 230VAC),
Electrical and Thermal specifications

Idle Utilization Max

Total system Inrush Current ---------------- < 210A @ 115V, < 2ms ----------------------------

Total Input Power (W) 1076 3027 3704

Total Input VA 1097 3089 3779

Total Input Current (A)t 4.77 13.43 16.43

Input Current per cord (A) 0.795 2.238 2.739

Total Airflow (CFM) 88 250 395

Total Airflow (CMM) 2 7 11

Heat Dissipating Power (BTU) 3668 10321 12630

ViBE VS7000 207

User Manual
Appendix A Technical Specifications Specifications

Table A-24. VS7000 6RU fitted with 8 blades (AC 200-240V single phase @ 230VAC),
Dimensions and Weight

Dimensions (H x W x D) 10.4 x 19.1 x 32.977 in / 265 x 485 x 835 mm

Weight 281 lbs / 127 kg

VS7000 6RU (DC 48V)

VS7000 6RU fitted with 8 system storage and processing blades

Table A-25. VS7000 G7 6RU fitted with 8 blades (DC 48V), Electrical and Thermal

Idle Utilization Max

Total system Inrush Current ---------------- No Inrush current----------------------------

Total Input Power (W) 1993 3950 4867

Total Input VA 1993 3950 4867

Total Input Current (A)t 41.51 82.29 101.41

Input Current per cord (A) - - -

Total Airflow (CFM) 159 314 501

Total Airflow (CCM) 4489 8898 14177

Heat Dissipating Power (BTU) 6794 13469 16598

208 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Appendix A Technical Specifications Specifications

Table A-26. VS7000 Gen8 6RU fitted with 8 blades (DC 48V), Electrical and Thermal

Idle Utilization Max

Total system Inrush Current ---------------- No Inrush current----------------------------

Total Input Power (W) 1771 4348 5392

Total Input VA 1771 4348 5392

Total Input Current (A)t 36.89 90.58 112.34

Input Current per cord (A) - - -

Total Airflow (CFM) 141 346 555

Total Airflow (CMM) 4 10 16

Heat Dissipating Power (BTU) 6038 14826 18387

Table A-27. VS7000 6RU fitted with 8 blades (DC 48V), Dimensions and Weight

Dimensions (H x W x D) 17.4 x 17.6 x 32 in / 442 x 447.04 x 813 mm

Weight 381 4lbs / 174 kg

VS7000 1RU

VS7000 1RU (AC 100-240V single phase)

G7 Total Input Power: 295 W

Gen8 Total Input Power: 350 W

Dimensions and Weight:

Table A-28. VS7000 1RU (AC 100-240V single phase), Dimensions

Dimensions (H x W x D) 1.7 x 17.1 x 29.5 in / 43.2 x 434.7 x 746.7 mm

Weight 42.6 lbs / 19 kg

ViBE VS7000 209

User Manual
Appendix A Technical Specifications Specifications

Inputs Specifications

Live Inputs
Bitrate range: 0 - 100 Mbps
Supported protocols: TS/UDP/IP or TS/RTP/UDP/IP
Packet sizes: 188/204
Unicast and multicast, IGMP v3
IPV4 support

SDI Inputs
SMPTE 259M (SD-SDI) (see SMPTE 259M-2008)
SMPTE 292M (HD-SDI) (see SMPTE ST 292-1:2011)
Supported video formats:
SD: NTSC 480i59.94, PAL 576i50
HD: 1080p25, 1080p29.97, 1080p30, 1080i50, 1080i59.94, 1080i60,
720p50, 720p59.94, 720p60
4:2:2, 10 bits
Supported audio formats:
PCM, 48 kHz, 16 bits (Dolby not supported)
Mono, stereo, 5.1
Up to 8 channels per SDI input, e.g. 8 mono or 4 stereo
Closed captions extraction (CEA-608, CEA-708)
Aspect ratio: WSS, AFD (RP186), AFD Ready (SMPTE 2016), Manual

210 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Appendix A Technical Specifications Specifications

SDI Matrices
The supported SDI matrices all support the Grass Valley protocol.

Table A-29. List of supported SDI matrices

Type Reference Name

8x8 SDI SL-SD0808-N-CP Nevion - VikinX Sublime

8x8 HD-SDI SL-HD0808-N-CP Nevion - VikinX Sublime

16x16 SDI SL-SD1616-N-CP Nevion - VikinX Sublime

16x16 HD-SDI SL-HD1616-N-CP Nevion - VikinX Sublime

32x32 SDI SL-SD3232-N-CP Nevion - VikinX Sublime

32x32 HD-SDI SL-HD3232-N-CP Nevion - VikinX Sublime

64x64 or more Concerto matrices

File Formats
MPEG-2 TS input:
Bitrate: 10 kbps - 50 Mbps
Bitrate auto-detection (PCR based)
Supported image file formats:
Gif (fixed and animated)
Bmp (windows bitmap)
Tga (targa)

Decoding Specifications

Audio Decoding
MPEG-1 Layer II
AAC-LC, AAC-HE v1 / v2
Dolby Digital / Dolby Digital +

ViBE VS7000 211

User Manual
Appendix A Technical Specifications Specifications

Table A-30. Audio decoding specifications.

Dolby Digital / Dolby

AAC MPEG-1 layer 2
Digital +


Profiles - -

Mono, Stereo, Joint

Modes Mono, stereo 2.0 or 5.1
Stereo, Dual Channel

- 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz -

Video Decoding
H.264 AVC
MPEG-2 Video

Table A-31. Video decoding specifications.

MPEG-2a H.264

Format 4:2:0, 8 bits

Maximum 20 Mbps 12 Mbps


Profiles Simple, Main, High Baseline, Main, High

Levels Low, Main, High up to 4.2

Resolution up to 720p60, 1080i60 or 1080p30

Implemented - 3:2 pull-down support

- Closed captions
DigiCipher II is supported.

Processing Specifications

Video Processing
Smart de-interlacing
Picture resizing: up to 1920x1080
Picture cropping/clipping
Animated/static logo insertion

212 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Appendix A Technical Specifications Specifications

Mosaic generation
DVB-Subtitle burn-in video
Frame-rate adaptation

Audio Processing
Re-sampling: 8 to 48 kHz (8, 11.025, 12, 16, 22.05, 24, 32, 44.1, 48 kHz)
Stereo / mono conversions
Dolby stereo down-mixing
Static gain adjustment: -30 to +30 dBFS
Automatic Loudness Control:
Noise level: -90 to 0 dBFS
Target level: -90 to 0 dBFS
Signal ratio: 0.1 to 200
Peak limiter: -90 to 0 dBFS
Delay Adjustment from -3 s to + 3 s by step of 1 ms

Encoding Specifications

Audio Encoding
MPEG-1 Layer II
AAC-LC, AAC-HE v1 / v2
Dolby Digital / Dolby Digital +

Table A-32. Audio encoding specifications.

Supported Preferred
Bit range
Codec Mono/Stereo sampling rate sampling rate
[kHz] [kHz]

AAC-HE v2 Stereo 8000-11999 22.05, 24 24

12000-17999 32 32

18000-39999 32, 44.1, 48 44.1

40000-56000 32, 44.1, 48 48

ViBE VS7000 213

User Manual
Appendix A Technical Specifications Specifications

Table A-32. Audio encoding specifications.

Supported Preferred
Bit range
Codec Mono/Stereo sampling rate sampling rate
[kHz] [kHz]

AAC-HE v1 Mono 8000-11999 22.05, 24 24

12000-17999 32 32

18000-39999 32, 44.1, 48 44.1

40000-56000 32, 44.1, 48 48

Stereo 16000-27999 32, 44.1, 48 32

28000-63999 32, 44.1, 48 44.1

64000-127999 32, 44.1, 48 48

AAC-LC Mono 8000-23999 16 16

24000-31999 16, 22.05, 24 24

32000-55999 32 32

56000-160000 32, 44.1, 48 44.1

160001-288000 48 48

Stereo 16000-31999 16 16

32000-39999 16, 22.05, 24 22.05

40000-95999 32 32

96000-111999 32, 44.1, 48 32

112000-320000 32, 44.1, 48 44.1

MPEG-1 Mono 32000, 48000, 32, 44.1, 48 32, 44.1, 48

Layer 2 56000, 64000,
80000, 96000,
112000, 128000,
160000, 192000

Stereo 64000, 96000, 32, 44.1, 48 32, 44.1, 48

112000, 128000,
160000, 192000,
224000, 256000,
320000, 384000

214 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Appendix A Technical Specifications Specifications

Table A-32. Audio encoding specifications.

Supported Preferred
Bit range
Codec Mono/Stereo sampling rate sampling rate
[kHz] [kHz]

Dolby Mono 56000, 64000,

Digital / 80000, 96000,
Dolby 112000, 128000,
Digital + 160000, 192000,
Dolby Digital:
Stereo 96000, 112000, 32, 44.1, 48
128000, 160000, 48
192000, 224000, Dolby Digital +:
256000, 320000, 48
384000, 448000

5.1 384000, 448000,

512000, 576000,

Video Encoding
H.264 AVC
MPEG-2 Video

Table A-33. Video encoding specifications.

H.264 AVC MPEG-2 Video

Format 4:2:0 8 bits

Rate 10 Kbps 12 Mbps 1 20 Mbps

Bit rate control CBR

Maximum: up to 1080i60, 720p60 or 1080p30.

Minimum: down to 64x64.

Frame-rate minimum: 5 fps.

Horizontal and vertical resolutions have to be a multiple of 2.

Baseline Profile Simple Profile

Profile Main Profile Main Profile
High Profile High Profile

ViBE VS7000 215

User Manual
Appendix A Technical Specifications Specifications

Table A-33. Video encoding specifications.

H.264 AVC MPEG-2 Video

1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, Low Level, Main Level, High Level
3.2, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 5.0

All profiles: I, P, B slices

I, P slices Scene-cut detection
Scene-cut detection Interlace support
Deblocking filter Open GOP
Open GOP
Closed captions insertion
Implemented tools (CEA-608 / CEA-708)
Baseline profile:
Main Profile:
Hierarchical B slices
Interlace support: frame field

Outputs Specifications

Live Output
Bitrate range: 10 kbps - 100 Mbps
Packet size: 188
Multicast / unicast
IP v4
Video encapsulation: H.264 AVC, MPEG-2 Video
Audio encapsulation: AAC-LC, AAC-HE v1/v2, MPEG-1 Layer 2,
Dolby Digital / Dolby Digital +
Pass-through: DVB-Teletext, DVB-Subtitles, SCTE-35, audio,
video, data, descriptors
Adobe Flash / RTMP:
RTMP push
Adaptive bitrate
Authentication: in FMS URL or via an Akamai server
IP v4
Video encapsulation: H.264 AVC
Audio encapsulation: AAC-LC, AAC-HE v1, AAC-HE v2

216 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Appendix A Technical Specifications Specifications

Apple HTTP Live Streaming:

Adaptive bitrate
Segmentation: chunks from 1 to 10 seconds, by steps of
1 second
Protocol version 2 and 4 (see document
- Key servers: Nagra, Verimatrix, Irdeto (PlayReady),
- AES scrambling
2 modes:
- Push: http PUT to a Web server
- Origin server: Apache Web server1
IP v4
Video encapsulation: H.264 AVC
Audio encapsulation: AAC-LC, AAC-HE v1, AAC-HE v2
Multi audio
Support of radio program
- Closed caption (passthrough)
Microsoft Smooth Streaming:
Adaptive bitrate
- AES CBC, AES CTR, Microsoft PlayReady DRM
- BuyDrm, Irdeto, Polymedia, Technicolor
2 modes:
- Push: http POST to an IIS server
- Origin server: Apache Web server1
IP v4
Video encapsulation: H.264 AVC
Audio encapsulation: AAC-LC, AAC-HE v1, AAC-HE v2
Support of radio program

This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (ht-

ViBE VS7000 217

User Manual
Appendix A Technical Specifications Specifications

- Closed caption (passthrough)
Adaptive bitrate
Compatibility with HbbTV: generation of a specific manifest for
this format
Mode: ISO base media file format (see ISO/IEC 14496-12)
Origin server: Apache Web server1

File Output
CBR, packet size = 188
Video: H.264, MPEG-2
Audio: AAC, MPEG-1 layer 2, Dolby Digital
- DVB subtitles (passthrough)
- DVB teletext (passthrough)
- Closed caption (passthrough)
Supported tracks:
- Video: H.264, MPEG-2
- Audio: AAC, Dolby Digital, MPEG-1 Layer 2
RTP hint tracks are automatically included in the MP4 file
Apple HTTP Live Streaming:
Adaptive bitrate
Segmentation: chunks from 1 to 10 seconds, by steps of
1 second
Protocol version 2 and 4 (see document
- Key servers: Nagra, Verimatrix, Irdeto (PlayReady),
- AES scrambling
Video encapsulation: H.264 AVC
Audio encapsulation: AAC-LC, AAC-HE v1, AAC-HE v2
Multi audio

218 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Appendix A Technical Specifications Specifications

Support of radio program

- Closed caption (passthrough)
Microsoft Smooth Streaming:
Adaptive bitrate
File format: disk file format, wire file format
- AES CBC, AES CTR, Microsoft PlayReady DRM
- BuyDrm, Irdeto, Polymedia, Technicolor
Video encapsulation: H.264 AVC
Audio encapsulation: AAC-LC, AAC-HE v1, AAC-HE v2
Support of radio program
- Closed caption (passthrough)
Adaptive bitrate
Compatibility with HbbTV: generation of specific manifest for
this format (see HbbTV Version 1.5)
Mode: ISO base media file format (see ISO/IEC 14496-12)

In IPTV, with a TS input, a TS output, an H.264 AVC encoding and a
decoder delay set to 1 second, the latency is of 5 seconds.

Blade Center Physical Interfaces Specifications

Supported modules:
SFP+ transceiver module - 10GBase-SR (optical) - 850nm - LC
multi-mode - plug-in module - up to 980 ft.
SFP (mini-GBIC) transceiver module - 1000Base-SX (optical) - plug-in
SFP (mini-GBIC) transceiver module - 1000Base-T (electrical) - plug-in

Control-Command Specifications
IP v4

ViBE VS7000 219

User Manual
Appendix A Technical Specifications Specifications

Web services (http/SOAP)1

1. For more information on the Web services control-command, refer to the Web Services SOAP API
Getting Started document.

220 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Appendix A Technical Specifications Standard Compliance

Standard Compliance
Table A-34. Standard compliance

Standards Title

MPEG-2. ISO/IEC Information technology - Coding of audio-visual objects

14496-10 Part 10: Advanced video coding

MPEG-2. ISO/IEC Information Technology - Generic Coding of Moving

13818-6 Pictures and Associated Audio

ETSI EN 300 468 Specification for Program Information (SI) in DVB


ETSI TR 101 162 Allocation of Service Information (SI) codes for DVB

ETSI TR 101 211 Guidelines on implementation and usage of Service

Information (SI)

ETR 289 V1 Support for use the scrambling and conditional access
(CA) within DVB systems

ETSI TS 103 197 Head-End Implementation of DVB Simulcrypt

ETSI TR 101 154 Implementation Guidelines for the use of MPEG-2

Systems, Video and Audio in Satellite, Cable and
Terrestrial Broadcasting Applications

ETSI ETR 289 Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Support for use of
scrambling and Conditional Access (CA) within digital
broadcasting systems

ETSI TR 102 135, Implementation Guidelines of the DVB Simulcrypt

DVB Standard

ETSI TR 101 162, Allocation of Service Information (SI) codes for DVB
DVB systems

ETSI TS 103 197 DVB SimulCrypt Head-end implementation of DVB


ATSC-Mobile DTV AVC and SVC Video System Characteristics, Document

Standard, Part 7 A/153 Part 7:2009, 15 October 2009

The Protected Portable encoding of audio-video objects, Revised

Interoperable File 2010-03-09
Format (PIFF)

draft-pantos-http-l HTTP Live Streaming, March 23, 2012


IEEE 802.1Q IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area

networks--Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges and
Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks

ViBE VS7000 221

User Manual
Appendix A Technical Specifications Standard Compliance

Table A-34. Standard compliance

Standards Title

ISO/IEC Information technology - Dynamic adaptive streaming

23009-1:2012(E) over HTTP (DASH) - Part 1: Media presentation
description and segment formats

HbbTV Version 1.5 HbbTV Specification 6th March 2012

ISO/IEC 14496-12 ISO Base Media File Format

SMPTE SMPTE STANDARD for Television SDTV1 Digital

259M-2008 Signal/Data Serial Digital Interface
Revision of SMPTE 259M-2006

SMPTE ST SMPTE STANDARD for Television 1.5 Gb/s

292-1:2011 Signal/Data Serial Interface
Revision of SMPTE 292-2008

IRTF RFC2250 RTP Payload Format for MPEG1/MPEG2 Video, January


222 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Appendix A Technical Specifications Ordering Guide

Ordering Guide

Table A-35. Ordering references for ViBE VS7000

Code Description

Base system


NVSSASP1AB VS7000 1RU platform for system storage & processing.

Equipped with dual HDD in RAID 1 configuration and dual

NVSSAPP1AB VS7000 1RU platform for processing. Equipped with dual

PSU, no HDD.


VS7000-6RU-AC VS7000 6RU platform. Hosts up to 8 blades. Equipped with AC

100-240V single phase power feeding. Includes 6 fans and 6
PSUs. Includes redundant internal 10GiGE switches. Includes
redundant chassis manager boards.

VS7000-6RU-DC VS7000 6RU platform. Hosts up to 8 blades. Equipped with DC

48V power feeding. Includes 6 fans and 6 PSUs. Includes
redundant internal 10GiGE switches. Includes redundant
chassis manager boards.


VS7000-10RU-AC-SP VS7000 10RU platform. Hosts up to 16 blades. Equipped with

AC 200-240V single phase power feeding. Includes 10 fans
and 6 PSUs. Includes redundant internal 10GiGE switches.
Includes redundant chassis manager boards.

VS7000-10RU-AC-TPI VS7000 10RU platform. Hosts up to 16 blades. Equipped with

AC 380V triple phase power feeding with IEC 309 16A cables
(international). Includes 10 fans and 6 PSUs. Includes
redundant internal 10GiGE switches. Includes redundant
chassis manager boards.

VS7000-10RU-DC VS7000 10RU platform. Hosts up to 16 blades. Equipped with

DC 48V power feeding. Includes 10 fans and 6 PSUs. Includes
redundant internal 10GiGE switches. Includes redundant
chassis manager boards.

VS7000-10RU-AC-TPU VS7000 10RU platform. Hosts up to 16 blades. Equipped with

AC 208V triple phase power feeding with NEMA L15-30P
cables (US, Japan). Includes 10 fans and 6 PSUs. Includes
redundant internal 10GiGE switches. Includes redundant
chassis manager boards.

ViBE VS7000 223

User Manual
Appendix A Technical Specifications Ordering Guide

Table A-35. Ordering references for ViBE VS7000

Code Description

Hardware options


VS7000-1RUOPT-IP Additional quadriport GigE interface board for VS7000 1RU


VS7000-1RUOPT-2SDI Additional dual-port SDI/HD-SDI interface board for VS7000

1RU platforms.


NVSBLSN6AB Hot-swappable system storage and processing blade for

VS7000 6RU platform. Equipped with dual HDD in RAID 1

NVSBLPN6AB Hot-swappable processing blade for VS7000 6RU platform.


NVSBLSN1AB Hot-swappable system storage and processing blade for

VS7000 10RU platforms. Equipped with dual HDD in RAID 1

NVSBLPN1AB Hot-swappable processing blade for VS7000 10RU platforms.

VS7000-10RUOPT-PC CEE7-VII European power cord for VS7000 10RU platform. Fits
AC 200-240V single phase platform only.


VS7000-OPT-SFPO-1 GigE optical SFP coupler for VS7000 internal IP router for
VS7000 6RU and 10RU platforms.

VS7000-OPT-SFPO-10 10GigE optical SFP coupler for VS7000 internal IP router for
VS7000 6RU and 10RU platforms.

VS7000-OPT-SFPE-1 GigE copper SFP coupler for VS7000 internal router, RJ45
connection for VS7000 6RU and 10RU platforms.

VS7000-OPT-STACK Stacking cable for VS7000 6RU and 10RU platforms.

Spare parts


VS7000-1RUSPA-ACP Hot-swappable power supply unit for VS7000 1RU platforms.


VS7000-6RUSPA-ACP Hot-swappable AC power supply unit for VS7000 6RU


VS7000-6RUSPA-DCP Hot-swappable DC power supply unit for VS7000 6RU


224 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Appendix A Technical Specifications Ordering Guide

Table A-35. Ordering references for ViBE VS7000

Code Description

VS7000-6RUSPA-FAN Hot-swappable fan unit for VS7000 6RU platform.

VS7000-6RUSPA-MGR Hot-swappable chassis manager board for VS7000 6RU



VS7000-10RUSPA-ACP Hot-swappable AC power supply unit for VS7000 10RU

platform. Fits all single phase and triple phase platforms.

VS7000-10RUSPA-DCP Hot-swappable DC power supply unit for VS7000 10RU

platform. Fits 48V DC platform only.

VS7000-10RUSPA-FAN Hot-swappable fan unit for VS7000 10RU platform.

VS7000-10RUSPA-MGR Hot-swappable chassis manager board for VS7000 10RU



VS7000-SPA-SWITCH Hot-swappable 10GigE internal IP switch for VS7000 6RU and

10RU platforms.

VS7000-SPA-HDD Hot-swappable hard-disk drive for VS7000 1RU, 6RU and

10RU platforms.

Software options


VS7000-LIC-FRMWORK This option enables the VS7000 video system on 1 server.

This license is required for every 1RU platform or blade in the
VS7000 system.

Video Encoding

VS7000-LIC-EQCIAVC This option enables 1 live QCIF video channel encoding using
H.264 baseline profile. It can be used up to 176x144 output

VS7000-LIC-EQVGAVC This option enables 1 live QVGA video channel encoding

using H.264 baseline & main profiles. It can be used up to
320x240 output resolution.

VS7000-LIC-EMRAVC This option enables 1 live mid-resolution video channel

encoding using H.264 baseline & main profiles. It can be used
up to 480x360 output resolution.

VS7000-LIC-ESDAVC This option enables 1 live SD video channel encoding using

H.264 baseline, main & high profiles. It can be used up to
720x576 output resolution.

VS7000-LIC-EWHDAVC This option enables 1 live WebTV HD video channel encoding

using H.264 baseline, main & high profiles. It can be used up
to 1280x720p30 output resolution.

ViBE VS7000 225

User Manual
Appendix A Technical Specifications Ordering Guide

Table A-35. Ordering references for ViBE VS7000

Code Description

VS7000-LIC-EFHDAVC This option enables 1 live broadcast HD video channel

encoding using H.264 baseline, main & high profiles. It can be
used up to 1280x720p60 or 1920x1080i60 output resolution.

VS7000-LIC-ESDMP2 This option enables 1 live SD video channel encoding using

MPEG-2 MP@ML format. It can be used up to 720x576 output

VS7000-LIC-EHDMP2 This option enables 1 live HD video channel encoding using

MPEG-2 MP@HL format. It can be used up to 1920x1080
output resolution.


VS7000-LIC-SCRAMB This option enables the scrambling for one output profile. It
performs AES-128 encryption.

Audio Encoding

VS7000-LIC-EMP1AAC This option enables 1 live stereo audio channel encoding

using MPEG-1 L2, AAC-LC, HE-AAC V1 or HE-AAC V2 formats.

VS7000-LIC-EAC3MCA This option enables 1 live multichannel audio channel

encoding using AC3 or E-AC3 formats. It can be used to
encode 1 multichannel 5.1 audio or up to 3 stereo audios.

File Encoding

VS7000-LIC-FILE This option enables file-based encoding on 1 server. It

supports MPEG-2 TS input format. It supports MPEG-2 TS,
mp4, HLS, Smooth Streaming & MPEG-Dash output formats.

226 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Appendix A Technical Specifications Ordering Guide

Table A-35. Ordering references for ViBE VS7000

Code Description

Video Decoding

VS7000-LIC-DSDMP2 This option enables 1 live SD video channel decoding using

MPEG-2 MP@ML format. It can be used up to 720x576 input

VS7000-LIC-DHDMP2 This option enables 1 live HD video channel decoding using

MPEG-2 MP@HL format. It can be used up to 1920x1080 input

VS7000-LIC-DSDAVC This option enables 1 live SD video channel decoding using

H.264 baseline, main & high profiles. It can be used up to
720x576 input resolution.

VS7000-LIC-DHDAVC This option enables 1 live HD video channel decoding using

H.264 baseline, main & high profiles. It can be used up to
1920x1080 input resolution.

Audio Decoding

VS7000-LIC-DMP1AAC This option enables 1 live audio stereo channel decoding

using MPEG-1 L2, AAC-LC, HE-AAC V1 or HE-AAC V2 formats.

VS7000-LIC-DAC3MCA This option enables 1 multichannel audio decoding using AC3

or E-AC3 formats. It can be used to decode 1 multichannel 5.1
audio or up to 2 stereo audios.


NVSFEL01AA This option enables WebTV scrambling for file encoding.

ViBE VS7000 227

User Manual
Appendix A Technical Specifications Ordering Guide


228 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
B Appendix
SNMP Management


This chapter gives all information required to monitor ViBE VS7000 via
It gives a description of the ViBE VS7000 MIB.
It explains how to register the SNMP Manager(s) on the GUI of the
ViBE VS7000.
It also indicates how to enable the HP Blade Center SNMP Agent.

In this Chapter

MIB Description 230

Registering SNMP Manager on the GUI 235

Enabling HP Blade Center SNMP 236

ViBE VS7000 229

User Manual
Appendix B SNMP Management MIB Description

MIB Description
ViBE VS7000 can be monitored via SNMP (v1 or v2). The parameters may
be consulted at any time. You may then check its status and get the lists
of active and closed logs (alarms and events).

Furthermore, SNMP TRAPs are used to send notification of logs of the

equipment. On the CD-ROM provided with ViBE VS7000, you will find a
MIB file in the MIB directory. The MIB details how to monitor the

Figure B-1. ViBE VS7000 MIB

The ViBE VS7000 MIB is composed of a number of parts:

Traps (see Paragraph Trap Descriptions on page 231 for more
Description: containing the equipment serial number and
version (these elements are also available in the ViBE About
Supervision: containing the current status, the active log list and
the closed log list.
Agent Settings: containing the SNMP agent configuration (Trap

The MIB contains useful information in the description of each field.

The ViBE VS7000 equipment can send notifications to SNMP managers

when the status of the equipment changes (each time an alarm appears
or disappears or an event occurs).

230 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Appendix B SNMP Management MIB Description

Trap Descriptions

Table 1. Description of the alarm trap: vs7000Traps(0).supTrapLog(100)

Parameter Description

supLastTrapIdLog Counter that is incremented each time a trap is

sent. Thanks to this counter, you can track the
loss of logs. In the MIB, look at the
supLastTrapIdLog field. If there is a gap
between this value and the supLastTrapIdLog
value received in the last trap, you can deduce
that a trap has been lost. For example, if the
supLastTrapIdLog contained in the last trap
you received is equal to 3 and the
supLastTrapIdLog you get from the MIB is
equal to 4, you can deduce the trap number 4 has
been lost.

supLogId Log identifier. It is a unique ID that remains the

same whether it is an active log or a closed log.

supLogCode Code of the log. This code is used to get the

description of the log.

supLogType Type of the log. This code is used to get the type
of the log (event, alarm).

supLogNodeId Node identifier of the associated log.

supLogRaisingDateMs UTC time of the log in milliseconds from


supLogClearingDateMs UTC time of the log ending in milliseconds from

1/1/1970. It is equal to zero if the log appears.

supLogJobId Job identifier. It is equal to zero if system log.

supLogJobName Job name.Significant if supLogJobId is not

equal to zero.

supLogJobRaisingDate Optional, can be significant only for file-to-file

jobs (off-line jobs). Time in milliseconds from the
beginning of the file.

supLogJobClearingDate Optional, can be significant only for file-to-file

jobs (off-line jobs). Time in milliseconds from the
beginning of the file.

supLogSeverity Log severity.

supLogCategory Log category.

supLogProbableCause Log probable cause.

supLogProbableCauseText Log probable cause text.

ViBE VS7000 231

User Manual
Appendix B SNMP Management MIB Description

Table 1. Description of the alarm trap: vs7000Traps(0).supTrapLog(100)

Parameter Description

supLogSpecificProblem Specific problem text (can be empty).

supLogXMLResource Optional XML resource (format is described by

resource.xsd file).

supLogNbParam Number of log parameters.

supLogParam1 Parameter 1.

supLogParam2 Parameter 2.

supLogParam3 Parameter 3.

supLogParam4 Parameter 4.

supLogParam5 Parameter 5.

supLogParam6 Parameter 6.

supLogParam7 Parameter 7.

supLogParam8 Parameter 8.

supLogParam9 Parameter 9.

supLogParam10 Parameter 10.

232 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Appendix B SNMP Management MIB Description

Register/Unregister a Manager to Receive the Traps

Figure B-2. MIB trap addressee table

To register or unregister a trap receiver, add or remove the

agtStgTrDstTable table lines. For example:
To add an snmpV2 trap receiver with the IP address:

SET agtStgTrDstEvalRowStatus. integer 4 (Create and


SET agtStgTrDstSnmpVersion. integer 2 (snmp v2)

To add a snmpV1 trap receiver with the IP address:

SET agtStgTrDstEvalRowStatus. integer 4 (Create and


SET agtStgTrDstSnmpVersion. integer 1 (snmp v1)

To remove a trap receiver with the IP address:

SET agtStgTrDstEvalRowStatus. integer 6 (Remove)

ViBE VS7000 233

User Manual
Appendix B SNMP Management MIB Description

Get the Active Log List or the Closed Log List

Figure B-3. MIB log list and closed log list

To retrieve the active log list or the closed log list, walk either the
supActiveLogTable or the supClosedLogTable. For example:
To retrieve the active log list:

WALK supActiveLogTable
To retrieve the closed log list:

WALK supClosedLogTable

Each time a change occurs in one of these two lists, the supLogVersion
variable is updated. To find out if there has been a change in one list:

GET supLogVersion.0

If the result value is not the same as the previous one, a change has

234 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Appendix B SNMP Management Registering SNMP Manager on the GUI

Registering SNMP Manager on the GUI

To register a Manager to receive the traps, proceed as follows:
1. Open the GUI as described in Section Reaching the GUI on page 36.
2. Select the System tab.
3. Select the SNMP category.
4. Click the Edit button on the top-right corner to be able to modify the
5. Fill in the Read Community and Read/Write Community fields.

By default, two community strings are declared:

public associated with R/O access level
private associated with R/W access level

6. In the table, add the IP addresses of the SNMP Managers so that they
can receive the traps.

To know how to use a table, see Paragraph Tables on page 39.

ViBE VS7000 235

User Manual
Appendix B SNMP Management Enabling HP Blade Center SNMP Agent

Enabling HP Blade Center SNMP Agent

In addition to the ViBE VS7000 SNMP agent, the HP blade center
provides an SNMP agent that can be used to monitor the hardware.

To use it, you need to enable SNMP and to set a number of parameters.

This configuration is made through the HP configuration interface of the

device. Proceed as follows:
1. Open the HP configuration interface, as explained in Section
Connecting to the HP Monitoring Tools on page 186.
2. From the tree menu on the left, under Enclosure Information, select
Enclosure Settings and then SNMP Settings.
3. Check the Enable SNMP box.
4. Fill in the System Location, System Contact, Read Community and
Write Community fields.
5. In the Community String field, enter the IP addresses of the SNMP
Managers so that they can receive the system alerts and click Add.
6. Repeat this step for each trap addressee to add.

For further details on SNMP management of the HP blade center, refer to

the HP documentation.

236 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Safety Instructions

The safety instructions, provided by HP, are available in printed format in

your equipment packaging.

ViBE VS7000 237

User Manual
Appendix C Safety Instructions


238 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Regulatory Notices

Refer to the documentation provided by HP in your equipment


ViBE VS7000 239

User Manual
Appendix D Regulatory Notices


240 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Appendix E


This chapter provides the list of logs visible in the Logs panel.

In this Chapter

Logs Categories 242

List of Logs 243

ViBE VS7000 241

User Manual
Appendix E Logs Logs Categories

Logs Categories
A category is indicated for each log. This may be:
Quality of service
Processing error

242 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Appendix E Logs List of Logs

List of Logs
The XML file copied below contains the list of logs with which you may
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
- <LOGS Name="maltese" Version="1"
- <GROUP Name="System" GroupId="0">
Type="Alarm" Severity="Critical"
<LOG Name="NODE_IN_MAINTENANCE" Code="1" Type="Alarm"
Severity="Undefined" PC="ENU_PC_NODE_IN_MAINTENANCE" SP=""
<LOG Name="NODE_UNREACHABLE" Code="2" Type="Alarm"
Severity="Undefined" PC="ENU_PC_UNREACHABLE_NODE" SP="" />
<LOG Name="LAN_OVERLOAD" Code="3" Type="Alarm"
overload (%d bps used instead of %d bps)" />
<LOG Name="JOB_DELETED" Code="4" Type="Event"
Severity="Major" PC="ENU_PC_JOB_DELETED" SP="incompatible
with configuration" />
<LOG Name="DATABASE_PURGED" Code="5" Type="Event"
Severity="Undefined" PC="ENU_PC_DATABASE_PURGED" SP="by %s"
<LOG Name="DATABASE_EXPORTED" Code="6" Type="Event"
Severity="Undefined" PC="ENU_PC_DATABASE_EXPORTED" SP="by %s
to %s" />
<LOG Name="DATABASE_EXPORT_FAILURE" Code="7" Type="Event"
%s to %s, cause %s" />
<LOG Name="DATABASE_PURGE_FAILURE" Code="8" Type="Event"
%s, cause %s" />
<LOG Name="WORKFLOW_OPERATION" Code="9" Type="Event"
Severity="Undefined" PC="ENU_PC_WORKFLOW_OPERATION" SP="%s
%s by %s" />
<LOG Name="JOB_OPERATION" Code="10" Type="Event"
Severity="Undefined" PC="ENU_PC_JOB_OPERATION" SP="%s by %s"
<LOG Name="FILE_NOT_FOUND" Code="11" Type="Alarm"
Severity="Undefined" PC="ENU_PC_FILEERROR" SP="Could not
open file %s on folder %s" />
<LOG Name="TS_SYNCHRO_LOST" Code="12" Type="Alarm"
Severity="Critical" PC="ENU_PC_LOSS_OF_TS_SYNCHRO" SP="" />

ViBE VS7000 243

User Manual
Appendix E Logs List of Logs


Type="Alarm" Severity="Undefined"
on server %s protocol %s" />
<LOG Name="MASTER_NODE" Code="14" Type="Alarm"
Severity="Undefined" PC="ENU_PC_MASTER_NODE" SP="" />
<LOG Name="MASTER_CHANGE" Code="15" Type="Event"
Severity="Undefined" PC="ENU_PC_MASTER_CHANGE" SP="previous
master node %d, cause %s" />
<LOG Name="MAIN_DISK" Code="16" Type="Alarm"
Severity="Undefined" PC="ENU_PC_MAIN_DISK" SP="" />
<LOG Name="MAIN_DISK_CHANGE" Code="17" Type="Event"
Severity="Undefined" PC="ENU_PC_MAIN_DISK_CHANGE"
SP="previous disk node %d, cause %s" />
<LOG Name="LICENSE_FILE_DOWNLOAD" Code="18" Type="Event"
Severity="Undefined" PC="ENU_PC_LICENSE_FILE_DOWNLOAD" SP=""
<LOG Name="LICENSE_EXPIRATION" Code="19" Type="Event"
Severity="Undefined" PC="ENU_PC_LICENSE_EXPIRATION" SP="%s"
<LOG Name="VERSION_DOWNLOAD" Code="20" Type="Event"
Severity="Undefined" PC="ENU_PC_VERSION_DOWNLOAD"
SP="version %s, actual version %s" />
<LOG Name="VERSION_ACTIVATION" Code="21" Type="Event"
SP="version %s, actual version %s" />
Type="Alarm" Severity="Warning"
<LOG Name="CONFIGURATION_CHANGE" Code="23" Type="Event"
SP="System parameters %s by %s" />
<LOG Name="OUTPUT_OVERFLOW" Code="24" Type="Alarm"
Severity="Major" PC="ENU_PC_OUTPUT_OVERFLOW" SP="" />
<LOG Name="ACTIVE_INPUT" Code="25" Type="Alarm"
Severity="Undefined" PC="ENU_PC_ACTIVE_INPUT" SP="%s" />
<LOG Name="ACTIVE_INPUT_SWITCH" Code="26" Type="Event"
Severity="Undefined" PC="ENU_PC_ACTIVE_INPUT_SWITCH" SP="%s
is active" />
<LOG Name="CONFIGURATION_ERROR" Code="27" Type="Alarm"
SP="received video format (%s) higher than configured maximum
one (%s)" />
<LOG Name="CC_ERROR" Code="28" Type="Alarm"
SP="continuity counter error on PID %d" />
<LOG Name="MISSING_VIDEO" Code="29" Type="Alarm"
Severity="Major" PC="ENU_PC_NO_COMPONENT" SP="%s" />

244 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Appendix E Logs List of Logs

<LOG Name="MISSING_AUDIO" Code="30" Type="Alarm"

Severity="Major" PC="ENU_PC_NO_COMPONENT" SP="%s" />
Type="Alarm" Severity="Critical"
rate (%d Hz) should be in the range [%d-%d] for %s encoding
at %d bps" />
<LOG Name="FIRMWARE_ERROR" Code="32" Type="Event"
Severity="Critical" PC="ENU_PC_SOFTWAREERROR" SP="workflow
%s has been modified without update of its version number" />
Type="Alarm" Severity="Critical"
higher than configured maximum one (%s bps)" />
Type="Alarm" Severity="Critical"
channels (%d) is higher than configured maximum one (%d)" />
Type="Alarm" Severity="Critical"
the configured one (%s)" />
<LOG Name="JOB_IN_FIFO" Code="36" Type="Alarm"
Severity="Warning" PC="ENU_PC_JOB_IS_WAITING" SP="%s" />
<LOG Name="LOGO_OUT_OF_BOUNDARIES" Code="37" Type="Alarm"
SP="%s is out of the picture boundaries" />
<LOG Name="FILE_FORMAT_ERROR" Code="38" Type="Alarm"
Severity="Undefined" PC="ENU_PC_FILEERROR" SP="format not
supported" />
<LOG Name="JOB_NODES_DISTRIBUTION" Code="39" Type="Event"
SP="%s" />
<LOG Name="JOB_DELETION_ON_NODES" Code="40" Type="Event"
Severity="Undefined" PC="ENU_PC_JOB_DELETION_ON_NODES"
SP="%s" />
Type="Alarm" Severity="Major" PC="ENU_PC_NO_COMPONENT"
SP="PID %d not referenced in program %d" />
<LOG Name="PID_MISSING" Code="42" Type="Alarm"
Severity="Major" PC="ENU_PC_NO_COMPONENT" SP="PID %d
missing" />
<LOG Name="UNSUPPORTED_FRAME_FORMAT" Code="43" Type="Alarm"
SP="%s" />
<LOG Name="ENCAUDIO_FORMAT_ERROR" Code="44" Type="Alarm"
SP="audio format %s is not compatible with %s encoding" />

ViBE VS7000 245

User Manual
Appendix E Logs List of Logs

<LOG Name="REBOOT_NEEDED" Code="45" Type="Alarm"

Severity="Warning" PC="ENU_PC_VERSIONMISMATCH" SP="a new %s
version is required, please reboot the node to activate it" />
<LOG Name="LOSS_OF_SYNCHRO" Code="46" Type="Alarm"
SP="%s" />
<LOG Name="REFERENCE_SIGNAL_LOST" Code="47" Type="Alarm"
SP="%s" />
<LOG Name="CONNECTION_FAILURE" Code="48" Type="Alarm"
<LOG Name="UNREFERENCED_PN_IN_PAT" Code="49" Type="Alarm"
Severity="Major" PC="ENU_PC_SERVICEID_NOT_PRESENT" SP="%d in
PAT" />
Type="Alarm" Severity="Warning" PC="ENU_PC_NO_COMPONENT"
SP="program number %d, %s" />
<LOG Name="JOB_RESTARTED" Code="51" Type="Event"
Severity="Undefined" PC="ENU_PC_JOB_RESTARTED" SP="detection
of new input component(s)" />
<LOG Name="FILE_WRITE_FAILURE" Code="52" Type="Alarm"
Severity="Undefined" PC="ENU_PC_FILEERROR" SP="cannot write
file %s on folder %s" />
<LOG Name="OUTPUT_FILE_RENAMED" Code="53" Type="Event"
Severity="Warning" PC="ENU_PC_FILEERROR" SP="output file
renamed %s (file %s already exists)" />
<LOG Name="OUTPUT_FILE_RENAME_ERROR" Code="54" Type="Event"
Severity="Major" PC="ENU_PC_FILEERROR" SP="cannot rename
output file %s into %s on folder %s" />
<LOG Name="OUTPUT_FILE_CREATE_ERROR" Code="55" Type="Event"
Severity="Undefined" PC="ENU_PC_FILEERROR" SP="cannot create
output file %s on folder %s" />
Type="Event" Severity="Major"
<LOG Name="INPUT_OVERFLOW" Code="57" Type="Alarm"
Severity="Major" PC="ENU_PC_INPUT_OVERFLOW" SP="" />
<LOG Name="NO_AFD_DATA_PRESENT" Code="58" Type="Alarm"
Severity="Minor" PC="ENU_PC_NO_AFD_IN_SIGNAL" SP="" />
<LOG Name="NO_WSS_DATA_PRSENT" Code="59" Type="Alarm"
Severity="Minor" PC="ENU_PC_NO_WSS_IN_SIGNAL" SP="" />
<LOG Name="PMT_PID_NOT_SPECIFIED" Code="60" Type="Alarm"
SP="PMT PID is not defined for output program %d" />
<LOG Name="LINK_DOWN_INTERFACE" Code="61" Type="Alarm"
Severity="Major" PC="ENU_PC_LINK_DOWN" SP="interface %d" />

246 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Appendix E Logs List of Logs

<LOG Name="BAD_PMT_PID" Code="62" Type="Alarm"

SP="PMT PID %d is not the configured one (%d)" />
<LOG Name="LINK_DOWN_NIC_INTERFACE" Code="63" Type="Alarm"
Severity="Warning" PC="ENU_PC_LINK_DOWN" SP="%s NIC of
interface %d" />
<LOG Name="JOB_COMPLETED" Code="64" Type="Event"
Severity="Undefined" PC="ENU_PC_JOB_COMPLETED" SP="" />
- <GROUP Name="Scrambling" GroupId="1">
<LOG Name="CURRENT_CP_DURATION" Code="1000" Type="Event"
SP="period %d s, channel %d, stream %d" />
<LOG Name="EXTENDED_CP_DURATION" Code="1001" Type="Alarm"
SP="ECM channel extended crypto period for channel %d, stream
%d" />
Type="Alarm" Severity="Warning"
Type="Alarm" Severity="Warning"
Type="Alarm" Severity="Warning" PC="ENU_PC_SCRAMBLING_ERROR"
SP="%s (stream could not be decrypted)" />
- <GROUP Name="Hardware" GroupId="2">
<LOG Name="HARDWARE_FAILURE" Code="2000" Type="Alarm"
Severity="Critical" PC="ENU_PC_HARDWARE_FAILURE" SP="%s" />
<LOG Name="FAN_FAILURE" Code="2001" Type="Alarm"
Severity="Critical" PC="ENU_PC_VENTILATION_FAILURE" SP="%s"
<LOG Name="HIGH_TEMPERATURE" Code="2002" Type="Alarm"
Severity="Undefined" PC="ENU_PC_HIGHTEMPERATURE" SP="%s" />
<LOG Name="POWER_FAILURE" Code="2003" Type="Alarm"
Severity="Critical" PC="ENU_PC_POWERSUPPLYFAILURE" SP="%s"
<LOG Name="MEMORY_FAILURE" Code="2004" Type="Alarm"
Severity="Critical" PC="ENU_PC_HARDWARE_FAILURE" SP="%s" />
<LOG Name="DRIVE_FAILURE" Code="2005" Type="Alarm"
Severity="Critical" PC="ENU_PC_DISKFAILURE" SP="%s" />
Type="Alarm" Severity="Critical"
PC="ENU_PC_HARDWARE_FAILURE" SP="accessing problem" />
- <GROUP Name="Server" GroupId="3">

ViBE VS7000 247

User Manual
Appendix E Logs List of Logs


Type="Alarm" Severity="Critical"
<LOG Name="SERVER_PROTOCOL_ERROR" Code="3001" Type="Alarm"
SP="%s" />
- <GROUP Name="Automation" GroupId="4">
Type="Event" Severity="Critical"
- <GROUP Name="WorkflowManager" GroupId="5">
Type="Alarm" Severity="Major"
<LOG Name="WFM_CONSISTENCY_ERROR" Code="5001" Type="Alarm"
SP="%s" />
<LOG Name="WFM_ERRONEOUS_VERSION" Code="5002" Type="Event"
SP="description of workflow %s has been modified but not its
version %s" />

248 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
F Appendix
Network Settings (6RU and 10RU Devices)


This chapter provides detailed information on the network configuration

for 6RU and 10RU devices.

It also contains a list of HP documents to which you can refer for more
information on the blade centers.

In this Chapter 250

Internal Switches & Software Configuration 252

Flex10 253

Redundancy Schemes 258

Multicast 260

Multiple Blade Centers Configuration 261

Interfaces Bitrates 263

HP Documentation 264

ViBE VS7000 249

User Manual
Appendix F Network Settings (6RU and 10RU Devices) Blades


Internal Switches (Flex10)

Each blade has two physical 10 Gbps interfaces, also called pNIC. The use
of Flex10 modules, i.e. the internal switches of the blade center, allows to
demultiply these interfaces to reach a number of 8 interfaces, or FlexNIC:
4 by physical interface.

The allocation of the 10 Gbps of a physical interface between the

4 FlexNIC is customizable. To make this bitrate allocation, you must use
the HP interface to configure the Flex10:
10RU device: one physical interface is on the first Flex10, the other is
on the second Flex10.
6RU device: both physical interfaces are on the first Flex10. We add a
mezzanine to the blade so as to have also two physical interfaces on
the second Flex10. In total, there are consequently 16 FlexNIC.

To know how to use the HP interface, refer to the HP Virtual Connect for
c-Class BladeSystem - User Guide provided on the CD-ROM.

Interfaces Bonding
Interfaces are grouped in bonds, in fail-over mode, with the main
interface always being on the first Flex10.

10RU Device
Each blade has 8 network interfaces. On the Flex10, they are named
LOM:1-a to LOM:4-a and LOM:1-b to LOM:4-b; a blades being on the first
Flex10 and b blades on the second one.

On the 10RU device, interfaces are defined as follows:

Interface 1: LOM:1-a & LOM:2-a
Interface 2: LOM:1-b & LOM:2-b
Interface 3: LOM:1-c & LOM:2-c
Interface 4: LOM:1-d & LOM:2-d

6RU Device
Each blade has 16 network interfaces. On the Flex10, they are named
LOM:1-a to LOM:8-a and LOM:1-b to LOM:8-b; a blades being on the first
Flex10 and b blades on the second one.

250 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Appendix F Network Settings (6RU and 10RU Devices) Blades

On the 6RU device, associations between interfaces in the software

application and the FlexNIC in the Flex10 are defined as follows:
Interface 1: LOM:1-a & MEZZ1:1-a
Interface 2: LOM:2-a & MEZZ1:2-a
Interface 3: LOM:1-b & MEZZ1:1-b
Interface 4: LOM:2-b & MEZZ1:2-b
Interface 5: LOM:1-c & MEZZ1:1-c
Interface 6: LOM:2-c & MEZZ1:2-c
Interface 7: LOM:1-d & MEZZ1:1-d
Interface 8: LOM:2-d & MEZZ1:2-d

VLAN Tagging
When using VLAN tagging to have more than four interfaces in total in
the 10RU device, or eight interfaces in total in the 6RU device, it is
imperative that the configuration be consistent with the Flex10

ViBE VS7000 251

User Manual
Appendix F Network Settings (6RU and 10RU Devices) Internal Switches & Software

Internal Switches & Software Configuration Consistency

The configuration of the blade internal switches (Flex10) must be
consistent with the network configuration in the software application

Here are the main configuration principles:

Interfaces 1 are reserved to the system network of the blade center, for
In the software application, it is possible to define networks of internal
data and external data.
On the Flex10:
A private network forbids the dialog between two blades of the
blade center.
Internal data networks and the System network must never be
set as private network.
External data networks must be set as private networks. For
example in an IP TV configuration in which blades generate
multicast, this prevents the multicast from affecting the blades.
Otherwise, if an external data network is not set as a private
network, as long as no client has sent an IGMP request to
receive the stream, the network is flooded by the Flex10 on all

252 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Appendix F Network Settings (6RU and 10RU Devices) Flex10


External Connectors Description

X2 to X6, used with SFP couplers, can be Gbps copper/optical
interfaces or 10 Gbps optical interfaces.
X1 can be used:
The same way as X2-X6.
As a link between several blades, via a specific stacking cable.
X7 and X8 can be used:
As an internal link between the 2 Flex10 of the blade center. For
ViBE VS7000 needs, at least one connector (X7 or X8) must be
used this way.
The same way as X2-X6.

Grouping Possibilities
It is possible to group:
several LANs on one unique external connector. To do so, you must
create a Shared uplink set using VLAN tagging.
several external connectors on one unique LAN (trunk): this lets you
increase the bandwidth.

For more information on these aspects, refer to the HP Virtual

Connect - Ethernet Networking Scenario Cookbook.

Detailed Factory Network Configuration

System private LAN network:
LAN Id: 1
No gateway
Supervision address:
Address range: is a virtual address for internal use. is for node #1, is for node #2, etc.
Unused IP addresses are managed by the DHCP server.

ViBE VS7000 253

User Manual
Appendix F Network Settings (6RU and 10RU Devices) Flex10

Flex10: only one network (System_private_LAN), connected to

both FlexNIC of interface 1.
Uplink: x1 on the two Flex10. Once the setup is complete, it is
possible to undo the configuration of the output on interface x1
of the Flex10.
Internal data network:
LAN Id: 2
First address:
No gateway
No supervision address
Flex10: only one network (Internal_data), connected to both
FlexNIC of interface 2
No uplink
Control (X6) network:
LAN Id: 3, VLAN tagging (on 10-RU devices only)
Supervision address:,, or
First address:,, or
Flex10: one network for each Flex10 (Control-A and Control-B),
connected to a FlexNIC of interface 3, on private network and
smart link. Control-A, Control-B and data networks are set as
private networks and smart link.
Uplink: x6 on the two Flex10.
Data 1 (X2) network:
LAN Id: 4, VLAN tagging (on 10-RU devices only)
No gateway
No supervision address
First address:,, or
Flex10: one network for each Flex10 (Data_1-A and Data_1-B),
connected to a FlexNIC of interface 2 on 10-RU devices or
interface 4 on 6-RU devices, on private network and smart link.
Uplink: x2 on the two Flex10.
Data 2 (X3) network:

254 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Appendix F Network Settings (6RU and 10RU Devices) Flex10

LAN Id: 5, VLAN tagging (on 10-RU devices only)
No gateway
No supervision address
First address:
Flex10: one network for each Flex10 (Data_2-A and Data_2 - B),
connected to a FlexNIC of interface 3 on 10-RU devices or
interface 5 on 6-RU devices, on private network and smart link.
Uplink: x3 on the two Flex10.
Data 3 (X4) network:
LAN Id: 6, VLAN tagging (on 10-RU devices only)
No gateway
No supervision address
First address:
Flex10: one network for each Flex10 (Data_3-A and Data_3-B),
connected to a FlexNIC of interface 2 on 10-RU devices or
interface 6 on 6-RU devices, on private network and smart link.
Uplink: x4 on the two Flex10.
Data 4 (X5) network:
LAN Id: 7, VLAN tagging (on 10-RU devices only)
No gateway
No supervision address
First address:
Flex10: one network for each Flex10 (Data_4-A and Data_4-B),
connected to a FlexNIC of interface 3 on 10-RU devices or
interface 7 on 6-RU devices, on private network and smart link.
Uplink: x5 on the two Flex10.

The factory network configuration is also available on the CD-ROM.

If you need less than four data networks, simply do not connect those
you do not need.

ViBE VS7000 255

User Manual
Appendix F Network Settings (6RU and 10RU Devices) Flex10

Flex10 Configuration
On the CD-ROM, you will find a folder named Flex10. This folder contains
configuration files for the Flex10 modules.

The format of these files is CLI.

How to Use a Configuration File?

1. Open an SSH session with the active Flex10 (for such a session, you
can use for example the free tool "putty").
Login and password are required to establish the connection.
2. When the SSH session is established, open the configuration file with
MS Wordpad.
3. Copy all the content of the configuration file (using CTRL-A then
CTRL-C, for example), and copy it into the SSH session.
4. Check that all the instructions are correctly executed (reports are given
on the SSH session).

The configuration file is also applied to the other Flex10 of the


Description of the Configuration Files

Factory Configuration Files


When you received your VS7000, the Flex10 was configured with a
default configuration.

The configuration files listed above contain this factory configuration.

There is one file for the HP C3000 enclosure and one file for the HP C7000

Files to Help You Apply your Own Configuration


When you want to configure the Flex10, it can be easier to reset the
configuration at first and then build your own configuration.

These files will help you do this.

The steps are:

256 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Appendix F Network Settings (6RU and 10RU Devices) Flex10

Preliminary: you shall know exactly the network topology you want to
Which Shared Uplink Sets (SUS)?
Which LANs? Using VLAN tagging?
Which connectors on the Flex10 panel, for which usage?
Which blade interfaces, for which LANs? Using VLAN tagging?

Step 1: Reset the Flex10 configuration. To do this, open an SSH session

to the active Flex10, and enter successively the following commands:
poweroff server *
remove profile *
delete domain
import enclosure UserName=Administrator Password=xxxxxxx
(replace xxxxxxx by the password of the on-board administrator).

Step 2: Apply the first part configuration file (use either C7000 or C3000
one, depending on your enclosure). This step automatically:
Creates the 2 LANs that are absolutely necessary to the VS7000:
System private LAN, and Internal data LAN.
Creates a server profile that contains only these 2 LANs.
Applies this server profile to the first blade of the enclosure.

Step 3: Open the Web interface on the Flex10, and perform the following
1. Create the Shared Uplink Sets (SUS) you need.
2. Create the LANs you need: Control, data, etc.

A LAN can be associated to an SUS at creation, but not after.

3. Do not forget to configure correctly the external LANs: SmartLink and

Private Network feature shall be activated, and a LAN shall be
accessible by a blade on both NICs of a bond.
4. Edit the server profile, and configure it with the LANs you created.

Step 4: Apply the last part configuration file. This step automatically:
Creates new profiles identical to the first profile.
Assigns these profiles to the other blades of the enclosure.

As usual, when the configuration is finished, save it carefully in a file (you

can use the "show config" command).

ViBE VS7000 257

User Manual
Appendix F Network Settings (6RU and 10RU Devices) Redundancy Schemes

Redundancy Schemes
Figure F-1. Redundancy scheme for an internal network or an external network

bond 3

pNIC 1 pNIC 2
bond 2
FlexNIC 1 FlexNIC 2 FlexNIC 3 FlexNIC 4 FlexNIC 5 FlexNIC 6 FlexNIC 7 FlexNIC 8

Flex10 A Flex10 Flex10 B

Internal LAN

External LAN-A External LAN-B

1 or 2 switches

External LAN

Internal LAN
An internal LAN must be configured on the two Flex10.

The two interfaces of a blade bond are connected to this same LAN.

Redundancy is thus ensured if:

An interface of a blade is faulty.
A Flex10 is faulty.

External LAN
At the Flex10 level, an external LAN is divided into two LANs: one being
on the first Flex10 and the other one on the second Flex10.

One interface of a blade bond is connected to one of the 2 LANs, the other
one being connected to the other LAN.

These 2 LANs are configured in SmartLink, i.e. if a LAN looses its external
interface (link down of an external connector), the link down is "sent" to
the internal interfaces of this LAN, and thus to the blades, which causes
to switch the bonds on the other Flex10.

258 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Appendix F Network Settings (6RU and 10RU Devices) Redundancy Schemes

Redundancy is thus ensured if:

An interface of a blade is faulty.
A Flex10 is faulty.
An external interface is faulty.
One of the external switches is faulty, when each Flex10 is connected
to a switch.

For more information, refer to the HP Virtual Connect - Ethernet

Networking Scenario Cookbook document.

ViBE VS7000 259

User Manual
Appendix F Network Settings (6RU and 10RU Devices) Multicast Management

Multicast Management
IGMP snooping is enabled on the two Flex10, with the default time-out of
260 seconds.

IGMP snooping must not be disabled as it is mandatory on the

Internal data network. If disabled, the system will not be operational.

To ensure a proper multicast management, the network must contain an

IGMP Querier. You must thus ensure that one of your switches acts as
such (the Flex10 cannot have this role).

External LANs are configured as private networks, which forbids any

traffic between blades. In an IP TV environment, this prevents from
flooding a multicast stream in output of a blade towards all the other

260 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Appendix F Network Settings (6RU and 10RU Devices) Multiple Blade Centers

Multiple Blade Centers Configuration

Using stacking cables, it is possible to create groups of four 10RU blade

Figure F-2. Stacking of multiple blade centers1

Table 1. Caption of the Stacking of multiple blade centers figure

Item Description

1 10 Gb Uplink

2 Switch Cross Connect

3 Enclosure 1

4 Enclosure 2

5 Enclosure 3

6 Enclosure 4

7 External 10Gb Stacking link

8 10 Gb Uplink

9 Internal Dual 10Gb Stacking links

1. The
diagram and the associated caption originate from the HP Virtual Connect Cookbook (see full
reference in Section HP Documentation on page 264).

ViBE VS7000 261

User Manual
Appendix F Network Settings (6RU and 10RU Devices) Multiple Blade Centers

If there are more than four 10RU blade centers, or several 6RU blade
centers, they must be linked via an external switch, at least considering
the system private LAN.

An internal data LAN must not be shared on several blade centers: each
blade center must have its own internal data LAN.

262 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
Appendix F Network Settings (6RU and 10RU Devices) Interfaces Bitrates

Interfaces Bitrates
You may adjust the bitrates of the interfaces.

Bitrates Allocation on 10-RU Interfaces

You may adjust the bitrates of the four interfaces, for a total of 10 Gb/s.

The factory configuration is as follows:

Interface 1 (System private LAN): 1 Gb/s
Interface 2 (Internal data): 3 Gb/s
Interface 3 (Data 1 & Data 3): 3 Gb/s
Interface 4 (Control, Data 2 & Data 4): 3 Gb/s

Bitrates Allocation on 6-RU Interfaces

You may adjust the bitrates of the eight interfaces, for a total of 20 Gb/s.

The factory configuration is as follows:

Interface 1 (System private LAN): 1 Gb/s
Interface 2 (Internal data): 3 Gb/s
Interface 3 (Control): 3 Gb/s
Interface 4 (Data 1): 3 Gb/s
Interface 5 (Data 2): 3 Gb/s
Interface 6 (Data 3): 3 Gb/s
Interface 7 (Data 4): 3 Gb/s
Interface 8 (Unused): 1 Gb/s

Bitrates Allocation Rules

You can allocate these bitrates differently provided you respect the
following principles:
Avoid reducing the System private LAN bitrate as it has a primary role
in the blade centers proper functioning.
If the Internal data bitrate is too much reduced, this creates additional
restrictions for the load-balancer. The blade center risks being
under-used, or it will be impossible to create some jobs that need to
be allocated on several nodes.

ViBE VS7000 263

User Manual
Appendix F Network Settings (6RU and 10RU Devices) HP Documentation

HP Documentation
HP provides a number of documents for their blade centers. These
documents are available on the HP Web site, but you can also find them
on the CD-ROM delivered with your ViBE VS7000 system:
HP BladeSystem c7000 Enclosure - Setup and Installation Guide
HP BladeSystem c3000 Enclosure - Setup and Installation Guide
HP Troubleshooting Guide
HP Virtual Connect - Ethernet Networking Scenario Cookbook
BladeSystem for ProLiant Release Set Compatibility Table
HP BladeSystem Onboard Administrator - User Guide
HP Virtual Connect for c-Class BladeSystem - Setup and Installation
HP Virtual Connect for c-Class BladeSystem - User Guide
HP Virtual Connect Manager Command Line Interface for c-Class
BladeSystem - User Guide
HP BladeSystem c3000 Enclosure Quick Specs
HP BladeSystem c7000 Enclosure Quick Specs
HP Proliant BL460c G7 Quick Specs
HP Proliant DL360 G7 Quick Specs
HP Proliant BL460c G8 Quick Specs
HP Proliant DL360p G8 Quick Specs

264 ViBE VS7000

User Manual
G Appendix
Network Settings (1RU Devices)


This chapter provides detailed information on the network configuration

for 1RU devices.

In this Chapter

Network Configuration 266

ViBE VS7000 265

User Manual
Appendix G Network Settings (1RU Devices) Network Configuration

Network Configuration
On 1RU devices, the network configuration is as follows:
Interface 1: LAN 1, System private LAN
Interface 2: LAN 2, Internal data
Interface 3: LAN 4, Data 1
Interface 4: LAN 3, Control

266 ViBE VS7000

User Manual

100/1000Base-T An Ethernet standard designed to generate, monitor and capture 100/1000

Ethernet traffic.

API Application Programming Interface

Specification intended to be used as an interface by software components
to communicate with each other.

ASI Asynchronous Serial Interface.

Buffer A memory store used to provide a consistent rate of data flow.

BW Bandwidth: a measure of the width of a range of frequencies, measured in


CBR Constant Bitrate. The bit-rate of the bitstream is constant.

Codec Compressor-Decompressor.
A codec is a device or computer program capable of encoding and/or
decoding a digital data stream or signal.

Compression The process of removing redundant data from audio or video streams to
reduce the amount of data transferred or stored.

CPU Central Processing Unit.

DASH Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP

Decoder The device containing the electronic circuitry necessary to decode

encrypted signals. Some Decoders features a receiver.

DNS Domain Name Server

DRC Dynamic Range Control.

DVB Digital Video Broadcasting

The Digital Video Broadcasting Project (DVB) is an industry-led consortium
of around 250 broadcasters, manufacturers, network operators, software
developers, regulatory bodies and others in over 35 countries committed
to designing open technical standards for the global delivery of digital
television and data services. Services using DVB standards are available
on every continent with more than 500 million DVB receivers deployed.

EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility.

Ethernet The most widely used local area network (LAN) defined by the IEEE as the
802.3 standard.

Field For an interlaced video signal, a "field" is the assembly of alternate lines of
a frame. Therefore, an interlaced frame is composed of two fields, a top
field and a bottom field.

ViBE VS7000 267

User Manual

FTP File Transfer Protocol.

It is a standard network protocol used to copy a file from one host to
another over a TCP-based network.

Frame A frame contains lines of spatial information of a video signal. For

progressive video, these lines contain samples starting from one time
instant and continuing through successive lines to the bottom of the
frame. For interlaced video a frame consists of two fields, a top field and a
bottom field. One of these fields will commence one field later than the

GPI General Purpose Interface.

GUI Graphical User Interface

It is a type of user interface that allows users to interact with electronic
devices with images rather than text commands. A GUI represents the
information and actions available to a user through graphical icons and
visual indicators such as secondary notation, as opposed to text-based
interfaces, typed command labels or text navigation.

HbbTV Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV

Both an industry standard and promotional initiative for hybrid digital TV
to harmonize the broadcast, IPTV, and broadband delivery of
entertainment to the end consumer through connected TVs (Smart TVs)
and set-top boxes.

HD High Definition.

HD-SDI 1.5 Gbps High-Definition Serial Digital Interface.

HDTV High Definition Television.

HTML Hyper Text Markup Language.

HTML is the predominant markup language for web pages. That is the
basic building-blocks of web pages.

HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.

IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol.

IGMP is a communication protocol used by hosts and adjacent routers on
IP networks to establish multicast group memberships.
There are three versions of IGMP, as defined by "Request for Comments"
(RFC) documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). IGMPv1 is
defined by RFC 1112, IGMPv2 is defined by RFC 2236 and IGMPv3 was
initially defined by RFC 3376 but has since been superseded by RFC 4604.

IIS Internet Information Services.

Web server application and set of feature extension modules created by
Microsoft for use with Microsoft Windows. IIS 7.5 supports HTTP, HTTPS,

IP Internet Protocol.

IP Address A 32-bit (IPv4) or 128-bit (IPv6) numerical identifier for a specific TCP/IP
host device on a network, that represents the sender or receiver of
information sent across the network.

268 ViBE VS7000

User Manual

IRD Integrated Receiver Decoder.

The IRD is the official name for the satellite receiver, which has a built-in
decoder for unscrambling subscription channels. It is also known as
Set-Top Box for the cable.

ISO International Standards Organization.

ITU-R International Telecommunications Union - Radio.

Formerly CCIR. Deals with the standardization of wireless communication.

ITU-T International Telecommunications Union - Telecommunications.

Formerly CCITT. Produces global telecommunication standards, and
defines tariff and accounting principles.

JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group.

Name of the committee that created the JPEG standard (and also other
standards). The JPEG standard specifies the codec, which defines how a
still image is compressed into a stream of bytes and decompressed back
into an image.

LAN Local Area Network.

A local area network is a network that connects computers and devices in
a limited geographical area such as home, school, computer laboratory or
office building.

LED Light Emitting Diode.

LFE Low Frequency Effects

MIB Management Information Base.

SNMP collects management information from devices on the network and
records the information in a management information base. The MIB
information includes device features, data throughput statistics, traffic
overloads, and errors.

MPTS Multiple Programs Transport Stream

MTU Maximum Transmission Unit: The size of the largest packet that a network
protocol can transmit.

Multicast Process where a single stream is served from one source to multiple
receivers. The multicast address range is: -

NMS Network Management System.

NTP Network Time Protocol.

Packet - In networks, a unit of data transmitted over a packet-switching network.

A packet consists of a header followed by a number of contiguous bytes
from an elementary data stream.
- In transport streams, a packet is a small, fixed-size data quantum.

PSU Power Supply Unit.

R, G, B Red, Green, Blue.

Resolution Determined by the number of pixels displayed per line or for a given area.

RTP Real Time Transport Protocol.

This Protocol defines a standardized packet format for delivering audio
and video over IP networks.

ViBE VS7000 269

User Manual

RU Rack Unit. It is a unit of measure used to describe the height of equipment

intended for mounting in a 19-inch rack or a 23-inch rack. One rack unit is
1.75 inches (44.45 mm) high.

SD Standard Definition.

SDI Serial Digital Interface.

SD-SDI 270 Mbps Standard-Definition Serial Digital Interface.

SDTV Simple Definition Television.

SMPTE Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers.

A Standards Organization devoted to advancing theory and application in
motion imaging, including film, television, video, computer imaging, and

SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol.

SNMP provides a means to monitor and control network devices, and to
manage configurations, statistics collection, performance, and security.
SNMP network management is based on the client and server model. Each
managed host runs a process called an agent. The agent is a server
process that maintains the Management Information Base (MIB) database
for the host. SNMP uses ports 161 and 162.

SPTS Single Program Transport Stream

TCP Transmission Control Protocol.

One of the main protocols in TCP/IP networks. TCP enables two hosts to
establish a connection and exchange streams of data. TCP guarantees
delivery of data and packets, and will be delivered in the same order in
which they were sent. While IP takes care of handling the actual delivery
of the data, TCP takes care of keeping track of the individual units of data
(called packets) that a message is divided into for efficient routing through
the Internet.

TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

Two interrelated protocols that are part of the Internet protocol suite. TCP
operates on the OSI transport layer and breaks data into packets. IP
operates on the OSI network layer and routes the packets. While IP takes
care of handling the actual delivery of the data, TCP takes care of keeping
track of the individual units of data (called packets) that a message is
divided into for efficient routing through the Internet. TCP/IP allows the
construction of very large networks with little central management.

TS Transport Stream.
A multiplex of several Elementary Stream that are contained in packets.

UDP User Data Protocol.

A connectionless protocol, like TCP, that runs on top of IP networks. Unlike
TCP/IP, UDP/IP provides very few error recovery services, offering instead
a direct way to send and receive datagrams over an IP network without
acknowledgements for guaranteed delivery.

Unicast Unicast is communication between a single sender and a single receiver

over a network.

UTC Coordinated Universal Time.

UTC is the time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time. In
casual use, UTC corresponds to Greenwich Mean Time (or GMT).

270 ViBE VS7000

User Manual

VBI Vertical Blanking Interval.

In analog video, the interval after the last displayed line of video in a field
and before the first displayed line of video in the next field, during which
a television receiver will synchronize vertically.

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User Manual


272 ViBE VS7000

User Manual

Audio 124, 125, 213, 226
Video 124, 126, 215, 225
AC Mains power supply cord(s) 27 F
Default GUI account 36 File
User account configuration 76 Encoding 57, 226
Audio Formats 211
HLS file output 137
Audio/video extraction 112 MP4 file output 144
Decoding 114, 211, 227 MPEG-DASH file output 143
Delay 118 Output specifications 218
Encoding 124, 125, 213, 226 TS file input 110
Loudness control 115 TS file output 145
Mixing 115
Multi audio 217, 218 Front panel 21
Processing 118, 213
Resampling 117
Supported formats 210 H
TS audio/video packetizing 132
HbbTV 143, 144, 218, 219, 268
C File output 137
Output 134
Cabling 27 Sample workflow 46
Specifications 217
Hot folder
D Definition 72
GUI description 72
Date Tutorial 60
Configuration 32, 75
Display in the GUI 37, 102
Log clearing 101 I
Log raising 101
Decoding Input
Audio 114, 211, 227 SDI 111
Video 114, 212, 227 TS file 110
DNS 71, 186, 267 TS over IP 109
DRM 136, 138, 141, 217, 219 Installation procedure 26
see also Scrambling IP 36, 183, 184

Requirements 36

ViBE VS7000 273

User Manual

Job O
Creation 40, 83
Creation from a sample workflow 43 Output
Parameters 42
States 98 HLS 134
Tab description 96 HLS file 137
MP4 file 144
MPEG-DASH file 143
L RTMP 134
Smooth streaming 139
LAN TS file 145
TS over IP streamer 131
Configuration 69, 192
System private LAN configuration 72, 185
Declaration 161 P
Download 78
List 78 Password
Management 77 GUI default password 30, 32, 36
New option 162 ILO interface password 150
Request 69, 160 Modification 76
Live Power up 29
Inputs specifications 210 Protective ground 27
Outputs specifications 216
GUI default login 30, 32, 36
Logo R
Insertion 119
Supported image file formats 211 Rear panel 22
Categories 242
Configuration 78 S
Export 78, 167
Filtering and sorting 101 Scrambling 217, 218, 219, 226, 227
List 243
Panel 37, 100 see also DRM
GUI description 74
Input item 111
M Inputs naming 61
Inputs specifications 210
Matrix System with a matrix 62
see SDI system with a matrix Tutorial 61
MIB description 230 Workflow example 61
MP4 SIG Editor
File output 144 Operation 182
MPEG-DASH Smooth streaming
File output 143 Output 139
Live output 142 Sample workflow 49, 51
Specifications 218, 219 Specifications 217
Configuration 75
Definition 270
N HP blade center SNMP agent 236
Management 229
NTP Software version
Definition 269 Management 77
Synchronization configuration 32, 76 Manual covering 11

274 ViBE VS7000

User Manual

Electrical and Thermal 196
Standard compliance 221
Job states 98
Definition 80
Equipment status 29, 37, 102
Jobs status 97
Nodes status 30, 69
Pictograms 38
Status bar 37, 102
System KVM (HP interface) 153
DVB subtitles 120
HLS specifications 217, 219
MPEG-2 TS specifications 218
Smooth streaming specifications 218, 219

Configuration 32, 75
Daylight saving time 33, 76
Display in the GUI 37, 102
Job end 97
Job start 97
Job submission 97
Zone 33, 76, 103
TS file
Input 110
Output 145
TS over IP
Input 109
Streamer output 131

User account
Configuration 76

Ventilation 27
Audio/video extraction 112
Decoding 114, 212, 227
Encoding 124, 126, 215, 225
Processing 212
Supported formats 210
TS audio/video packetizing 132
VS7000 10-RU (AC 200-240V single phase) 196, 199, 202, 205, 207, 208, 209

ViBE VS7000 275

User Manual

Web TV
HLS 46, 134, 217
Smooth streaming 49, 51, 139, 217
Categories 94
Creation 55
Library 104
List 83
Publication 57, 104
Samples 43
Tab description 82

276 ViBE VS7000

User Manual

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