Rross Climate Change

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Climate Change is Happening!

Randy Ross | Professor Pappoe | University of Texas at El Paso

Background Materials Results

The effects of climate change are happening The ice caps are melting which is making the sea level rise.
even quicker then were original proposed. The world temperature is rising faster then it ever has in
history. The human interaction is making things worse,
The ice shelf is melting, the sea levels are humans are releasing more greenhouse gases now then
rising and temperatures global are rising every before.
there are efforts that are changing the way The sea level since has risen 3 inches in the last 20 years
the world sees the climate. The world needs with an average of 1/8 of an inch per year.
to be more aware of the situation. If the Since satellite records began in the late 1970s, Arctic sea
ice has disappeared at a rate of 13.4 percent per decade.
world is more aware then these programs With that has exposed the Northwest Passage in which until
and efforts will be more successful. 2007 was just hypothetical
Surface temperature rose at an average rate of about
0.17C (around 0.3 Fahrenheit) per decademore than
twice as fast as the 0.07C per decade increase observed
for the entire period of recorded observations (1880-2015). (
LuAnn Dalhman)
The use of fossil fuels to create energy cause emissions,
Purpose Materials and Methods which increases pollution.
Deforestation removes large amounts of trees and plant life
To inform people about the changing climate Used some research that I have already had that counteracts greenhouse emissions.
and the effects that it is having on the world. done.
This is significant in that if we dont change the Used a poll that was conducted Conclusion
way people live today there might not be a
Used NASA and climate central
world to live in for the future generations. The Paris agreement is very beneficial for the world with an
Scholarly articles global agreement that would be able to get everyone the
same information to prevent and slow down the climate
changing. The significance of this topic is that it effects
every living thing on this plant and without starting now it
Research Questions bring the extinction of the world to closer

What is the significant evidence to support claims that Works Cited

global warming and climate change is happening?
With Texas being a leader in producing oil, what has Saad, L. and Jones J. (2016, March 16) "U.S. Concern
Texas done to implement more renewable energy About Global Warming at Eight-Year High."Gallup.com.
sites? Gallup INC., 16 Mar. 2016. Web. 29 June 2017.
With the push globally for renewable energy what Shaftel, H. (2017, June 26). Climate Change: Vital Signs of
companies and cities in Texas are supporting the the Planet: Evidence. Retrieved from
push for renewable energy and what have they done?
Kahn, B. (2016, August 23). This Is What the Ice-Free
What has the U.S. and Texas done as far as policies Northwest Passage Looks Like. Retrieved June 30, 2017,
to promote or to prolong the use of renewable from http://www.climatecentral.org/news/ice-free-northwest-
energy? passage-20624

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