Từ Điển Toán Anh-Việt

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T in Ton hc Anh - Vit

Khong 17 000 t
Nh xut bn KH v KT
In ln th 2 - 1976
Tp th hiu nh: Phan c Chnh, L Minh Khanh, Nguyn Tn Lp,
L nh Thnh, Nguyn Cng Thu, Nguyn Bc Vn
Tiu ban duyt: L Vn Thim, Phan nh Diu, Trn Vinh Hin, Nguyn
Cnh Ton, Nguyn nh Tr, Hong Tu

Nhng k hiu vit tt

c. c hc
tk. thng k
s. i s
top. tp hc
gt. gii tch
trch. l thuyt tr chi
hh. hnh hc
tr. trc a
kt. ton kinh t
tv. thin vn
k. k thut
vl. vt l
log. ton logic
xib. xibecnetic; iu khin hc
mt. my tnh
xs. xc sut

abac, abacus bn tnh, ton , bn tnh
abbreviate vit gn, vit tt
abbreviation s vit gn, s vit tt
aberration vl. quang sai
ability kh nng
abnormal bt thng; tk. khng chun
about , chng; xung quanh; ni v, i vi
a.five per cent chng trm phn trm
above trn, cao hn
abridge rt gn, lm tt
abscissa, abscissae honh
absolute tuyt i // hnh tuyt i
absolutely mt cch tuyt i
absorb hp thu, ht thu
absorption s hp thu, s thu ht
abstraction s tru tng ho, s tru tng
absurd v ngha, v l, phi l
absurdity [s; tnh] v ngha, v l, phi l
abundant tha
abut k st; chung bin
accelerate tng tc, gia tc, lm nhanh
acceleration s tng tc, s gia tc, s lm nhanh
a. by powering s tng nhanh hi t bng cch nng ln lu tha
a. of convergence s tng nhanh hi t, gia tc hi t
a. of Corriolis s tng tc Coriolit
a. of gravity gia tc trng trng
a. of falliing body s tng tc gia tc vt ri
a. of translation gia tc tnh tin
angular a. gia tc gc
average a. gia tc trung bnh
centripetal a. gia tc hng tm

complementary a. s tng tc Coriolit, gia tc Coriolit
instantaneous a. gia tc tc thi
local a. gia tc a phng
normal a. gia tc php tuyn
relative a. gia tc tng i
Standar gravitationnal a. gia tc trng trng tiu chun
supplemental a. gia tc tip tuyn
total a. gia tc ton phn
uniform a.gia tc u
accent du phy
accept nhn, chp nhn; tha nhn; khng bc b
acceptable nhn c, chp nhn c, tha nhn c
acceptance s nhn, s thu nhn
accepted c cng nhn, c tha nhn
access s cho vo; mt. li vo nhn tin
random a. th t chn ngu nhin
accessible ti c, t c
accesory ph thm; ph tng
accident s ngu nhin, trng hp khng may
accidental ngu nhin
account k n, tnh n
accumulate tch lu, t
accumulation s tch lu; s t, im t
accumulator mt. b tch lu, b m; b cng tch lu
adder a. b cng tch lu
double precision a. b cng kp
floating a. b cng vi dy phy di ng
imaginary a. phn o ca b cng tch lu
real a. phn thc ca b cng tch lu
round - off a. b tch lu sai quy trn
singleprecision a. b cng n
sum a. b tch lu tng

accuracy [s; ] chnh xc
a. of a solution chnh xc ca nghim
adequate a. chnh xc [cn thit, i hi, thch hp]
attainable a. chnh xc trong, thng tin Fis
accurate chnh xc
a. to five decimalplaces chnh xc dn nm s thp phn
ace trch. im mt, mt nht (sc sc), qun t (bi)
acentral khng trung tm
acnode hh. im c lp (ca ng cong)
acoustical (thuc) m thanh
acoustics vl. m hc
across ngang, qua
act tc ng
action tc dng, tc ng
brake a. tc dng hm
control a. tc ng iu chnh, tc ng iu khin
delayed a. tc dng lm chm
edge a. tc dng bin
instantaneous a. tc dng tc thi
integral a. tc dng tch phn
on-off a. mt tc dng loi ng - m
actual thc, thc ti
actuarial (thuc) tnh ton bo him
actuary kt. chuyn vin tnh ton bo him
actuate khi ng
acute nhn
acyclic khng tun hon
acyclicity tnh khng tun hon, tnh xilic
ad absurdum n ch v l
reduction a. a. s a n ch v l
adaptation s thch nghi
add cng vo, thm vo, b sung
a. together, a. up cng li ly tng

addend s hng (ca tng)
adder b cng
algebraic a. b cng i s
amplitude a. b cng bin
counter-type a. b cng bng nt bm
digital a. b cng bng ch s
full a. b cng y
half a. b na cng
left-hand a. b cng bn tri (b cng hng cao)
one-column a. b cng mt ct
parallel a. b cng ng thi
right-hand a. b cng bn phi (b cng hng thp)
serial a. b cng ln lt
single-digit a. b cng mt hng
ternary a. b cng tam phn
adder-subtractor b cng v tr
addition php cng
a. of complex numbers php cng cc s phc, tng cc s phc
a. of decimals php cng cc s thp phn
a. of similar terms in algebra php cng cc s hng ging nhau trong
biu thc i s
algebraic a. php cng i s
arithmetic a. php cng s hc
additive cng tnh
completely a. hon ton cng tnh
additivity (tnh cht) cng tnh
address a ch
current a. a ch hin i
fast a. a ch c nh
floating a. a ch di ng
start a. a ch [ban u, xut pht]
zero a. a ch khng, a ch zer

adequacy s ph hp, s thch hp
adequate ph hp, thch hp
adherence top tp hp cc im dnh
a. of a set (ci) bao ng ca mt tp hp
adic aic
adinfinitum v cng
adjacent k
adjoin k, ni; chung bin
adjoint lin hp, ph hp
a. of a differeential euation phng trnh vi phn lin hp
a. of a kernel lin hp ca mt ht nhn
a. of a matrix ma trn lin hp, ma trn Hecmit
adjgate lin hp, ph hp // b sung, thm vo
adjunct phn ph, s b sung
algebraica a. phn ph i s
adjunction s ph thm; s m rng
a. of root s. s ph thm mt nghim
algebraic(al) a. s m rng i s
adjust mt. iu chnh; thit lp
adjustable mt. iu chnh c
adjustment s iu chnh
a. of rates mt c trng ca cc t s thng k
admissibility tk. tnh chp nhn c
admissible chp nhn c
advection s bnh lu
advantege tri hn u th
aerodynamic kh ng lc
aerodynamics kh ng lc hc
aerostatics kh tnh hc
affine afin
affinity php bin i afin
affinor afin, ton t bin i tuyn tnh
affirm khng nh

affirmation s khng nh, iu khng nh
affirmative khng nh
affixe to vi
a fortiori li cng
after effect hu qu
aggregeta tp hp; b
bounded a.tp hp b chn
closed a. tp hp ng
comparable a. tp hp so snh c
countable a. tp hp m c
denumrable a. tp hp m c
equivatent a. tp hp tng ng
finite a. tp hp hu hn
incomparable a. tp hp khng th so snh c
infinite a. tp hp v hn
non - denumerable a. tp hp khng m c
ordered a. tp hp sp c
product a. tp hp tch
similar ordered a.s. cc tp hp c sp ging nhau
aggregation s gp; ghp gp; kt. s tng hp
linear a. s gp tuyn tnh
aggreement tho thun, quy c, ng
aid thm vo, ph vo // s thm vo, s ph vo
training a. sch gio khoa
visual a. dng ging dy
aim mc ch
albedo sut phn chiu, anbe
aleatory ngu nhin
aleph, alef alep
aleph-null, aleph-zero alep khng
algebra i s hc, i s
a. of classesi s cc lp

a. of finite order i s c cp hu hn
a. of logic i s lgic
abstract a. i s tru tng
algebraic a. i s i s
associative a. i s kt hp
Boolean a. i s Bun
cardinal a. i s bn s
central a. i s trung tm
closure a. i s ng
complete Boolean a. i s Bun u
complete matrix a. i s ton b ma trn
convolution a. i s nhn chp
derived a. i s dn xut
diagonal a. i s cho
differential a. i s vi phn
division a. i s (c php) chia
elementary a. i s s cp
enveloping a. i s bao
exterior a. i s ngoi
formal a. i s hnh thc
free a. i s t do
graded a. i s phn bc
graphic (al) a. i s th
group a. i s nhm
homological a. i s ng u
involutory a. i s i hp
linear a. i s tuyn tnh
linearly comphact a. i s compc tuyn tnh
linearly topological a. top, o s tp tuyn tnh
logical a. i s lgc
matrix a. i s ma trn
modern a. i s hin i
non-commutative a. i s khng giao hon

polynomial a. i s a thc
power-associative a. i s c lu tha kt hp
propositional a. i s mnh
quaternion a. i s cc quatenion
quotient a. i s thng
rational division a. i s (c php) chia hu t
relation a. i scc quan h
right alternative a. i sthay phin phi
separable a. i s tch c
simple a. i s n
supplemented a. i s ph
symmetric(al) a. i s i xng
tensor a. i s tenx
universal a. i s ph dng
vector a. i s vct
zero a. i s khng
algebraic(al) (thuc) i s
algebraically mt cch i s
algebroid phng i s
algobrithm thut ton, angrit
division a. thut ton
Euclids a. thut ton clt
algorithmical (thuc) thut ton, angrit
align sp hng, lm cho bng nhau
aligned c sp hng
alignment s sp hng
alined c sp hng
aliquot c s
all ton b, tt c
allocate sp xp, phn b
allocation s sp xp, s phn b
optimum a. tk s phn b ti u (cc i tng trong mu)
allokurtic tk. c nhn khc nhau

allot tk. phn b, phn phi
allowable tha nhn c
allowance mt. cho vay tip; kt. tin tr cp; tin hoa hng
almacantar tv. v tuyn thin vn
almost hu nh, gn nh
almost-metric gi mtric
almucantar tv. v tuyn thin vn
alpha anpha (); tv. sao anpha (trong mt chm sao)
alphabet bng ch ci, bng ch
anphabetic(al) (thuc) ch ci
alphabetically theo th t
alphanumerical ch - ch s
alternate so le; lun phin; an du
alternation s so le; s lun phin; s an du
alternative (kh nng) loi tr nhau (gi thit)
alternion antenin
altitude chiu cao, cao
a. of a cone chiu cao hnh nn
a. of a triangle chiu cao ca tam gic
amalgam s hn hp, hn hng
amalgamated hn hng
ambient hh. khng gian xung quanh
ambiguity [s; tnh] nhp nhng
ambiguousness tnh nhp nhng
among trong s
among-means trong s cc trung bnh
amortization k. s tt dn; s gim chn (ng); kt. s thanh ton
a. of a debt kt. s thanh ton n
amortize tt dn, gim chn ng; kt. thanh ton
amount s lng, lng
a. of infomation tk lng thng tin, lng tin
a. of inspection kt s lng kim tra, khi lng iu tra
ample p ng, phong ph

amplification s khuch i, s m rng
a. of regulation s khuch i iu ho, s khuch i iu chnh
linear a. s khuch i tuyn tnh
amplifier vl. my khuch i
cascade a. my khuch i [nhiu tng, ni cp]
crystal a.my khuch i [tinh th, bn dn]
electronic a. my khuch i in t
feedback a. my khuch i nghch o
linear a. my khuch i tuyn tnh
pulse a. my khuch i xung
servo a. my khuch i secvo, my khuch i ca h tu ng
amplify khuch i
amplitude bin , gc cc; agumen; tv. phng v
a. of complex nember agument ca s phc
a. of current bin dng in
a. of oscillation bin ca dao ng
a. of point gc cc ca mt im
a. of simple harmonic motion bin chuyn ng iu ho n gin
a. of vibration bin ca chn ng
complex a. bin nguyn s
delta a. bin delta
primary a. bin nguyn s
scattering a. bin tn x
unit a. bin n v
velocity a. bin vn tc
analog tng t
analogus tng t
analogue s tng t, h m hnh ho
electromechanic(al) a. mt. m hnh in c
hydraulic a. m hnh thu lc
physical a. mt. m hnh vt l
pneumatic a. m hnh kh lc

analogy s tng t by., on the a. bng tng t, lm tng t
membrane a. tng t mng
analysable khai trin c, phn tch c
analyser mt. my phn tch
circuit a. my phn tch mch
curve a. my phn tch ng cong
differential a. my tnh vi phn
digital differential a. my tnh vi phn (bng) s
direct-reading a. my phn tch c trc tip
electronic a. my phn tch in t
fourier a. my phn tch Furi, my phn tch iu ho
frequency response a. my phn tch tn s
harmonic a. my phn tch iu ho
motion a. my phn tch li
network a. my phn tch li
servo a. my phn tch secvo
transient a. my phn tch chuyn tip, my phn tch cc qu trnh
chuyn tip
analysis gii tch; s phn tch
a. of causes phn tch nguyn nhn
a. of convariance phn tch hip phng sai
a. of regression phn tch hi quy
a. of variance phn tch phng sai
activity a. of production and allocation kt. phn tch hot ng trong
sn xut v phn phi
algebraic a. gii tch i s
bunch map a. tk. phn tch biu chm
combinatory a. gii tch t hp
component a. tk. phn tch nhn t
confluence a. phn tch hp lu
correlation a. phn tch tng quan
demand a. kt. phn tch nhu cu
dimensional a. phn tch th nguyn

discriminatory a. tk. phng php phn loi; phn tch phn bit
economic a. kt. phn tch kinh t
factor a. phn tch nhn t
functional a. gii tch hm
harmonic a. phn tch iu ho, gii tch iu ho
indeterminate a. gii tch v nh
infinitesimal a.gii tch v cng b
linear a. gii tch tuyn tnh
mathematical a. gii tch ton hc
multivariate a. tk. phn tch nhiu chiu
nodal a. gii tch cc nt
numerical a. gii tch s, phng php tnh
operation a. vn tr hc
periodogram a. tk. php phn tch biu chu k
probit a. phn tch n v xc sut
rational a. phn tch hp l
sequential a. tk phn tch thi k k tip, phn tch qu trnh dy k tip
statistic(al) a. phn tch thng k
strain a. phn tch bin dng
stress a. phn tch ng sut
successive a. phn tch lin tip
tensorr a. hh. gii tch tenx
unitary a. tk. phn tch phng sai
variance a. gii tch vect
analysis-situs tp
anamorphosis tim bin
ancestral di truyn
ancillary b sung, ph thuc
angle gc
a. of attack gc ng
a. of contingence gc tip lin
a. of friction gc m sat, gc c st
a. of incidence gc ti

a. of inclination gc nghing, gc lch
a. of intersection gc tng giao
a. of osculation gc mt tip
a. of reflection gc phn x
a. of rotation gc quay
a. of twist gc xon
acute a. gc nhn
adjacent a. gc k
alternate a. gc so le
alternate exterior a.s cc gc so le ngoi
apex a., apical a. gc nh
base a. gc y
central a. gc tm
complementary a. gc ph (cho bng 900)
concave a. gc lm
cnugate a.s cc gc b sung (cho bng 3600)
convex a. gc li
coordinnate a. gc to
corresponding a. gc ng v
conterminal a.s cc gc khc nhau 3600
dihedral a. gc nh din
direction a. gc nh hng, gc ch phng
excentric a. of an ellipse gc tm sai ca elip
explementary a.s cc gc b sung (cho bng 3600)
exterior-interior a.gc ng v
Eulerian a. gc le
flat a. gc bt (1800)
hour a. gc gi
obtuse a. gc t
opposite a. gc i nh
phase a. gc pha
polar a. gc cc
polarizing a. gc phn cc

polyhedrala a. gc a din
precession a. gc tu sai
quadrantal a. gc bi ca 900
rectilinear a. gc phng
re-entrant a. gc vo
reflex a. gc ln hn 1800 v nh hn 3600
right a. gc vung (900)
round a. gc y (3600)
salient a. gc li
scattering a. gc phn x
sight a. gc nhn
solid a. gc khi
spherical a. gc cu
supplemental a.s cc gc b nhau (cho bng 1800)
straight a. hh. gc gia tip tuyn v dy cung ti tip im
tetrahedral a. gc t din
trihedral a. gc tam din
vectorial a. gc cc ( trong h to cc)
vertex a. gc nh
vertical a.s cc gc i nh
angular (thuc) gc
anharmonic phi iu ho, kp
anholonomic khng hlnm
anisotropic khng ng hng
annihilation s linh ho, s lm khng
annihilation s. linh ho t, ci lm khng
anuual hng nm
annuity kt. nin khon
annul lm trit tiu
annular c hnh khuyn
annulet s. linh ho t, ci lm khng
annulus hnh khuyn
anode ant, dng cc

anomalistic d thng, phi l
anomalous d thng, bt thng
anomal [s; iu] d thng
antapex i nh
ante trch. m (bi); tin t (trong vn bn)
antecedence log. tin kin
antenna anten
umbrella a. k. anten o
antiacoustic phn t quang
anti-automorphism phn t ng cu
involutorial a. phn t ng cu i hp
antichain s. dy chuyn ngc, phn xch
anticipate thy trc vn , on trc
anticlockwise ngc chiu kim ng h
anticollineation php phn cng tuyn
anticommutative phn giao hon
anticommutator phn hon t
anticorelation php phn tng h
anticosine accosin
anticyclone i xiclon
antiderivative nguyn hm, tch phn khng nh hng
antiform phn dng
antigenus i ging
antiharmonic phi iu ho
antihomomorphism phn ng cu
antihunting chng dao ng, lm n nh
anti-isomorphism phn ng cu
antilogarithm i lga
antimode xs. antimt (im cc tiu ca mt phn phi)
antinode bng
antinomy nghch l
antiparallelogram hnh thang cn
antipodal s. xuyn tm i, i xng qua tm

antipodal s. s xuyn tm i xng, i xng qua tm
antiprojectivity php phn x nh
antiradical s. i cn
antirepresentation php phn biu din
antiesonance phn cng hng
antieries tk. chui ngc
antisine acsin
antisymmetric phn xng
antisymmetrization phn xng ho
antitagent actang
antithesis mu thun, phn (lun)
antithetic(al) mu thun, phn (lun)
antitone s phn t
any bt k
aperiodic khng tun hon
aperture khu , l hng
apex nh, chp
aphetion tv. im vin nht
apical (thuc) nh
apogee tv. vin im, vin a; tuyt ch
a-point gt. a- im
apolar lin hp
a posteriori hu nghim
apothem trung on
apparatus my mc, cng c
apparent b ngoi
applicable tri c, p dng c; thch dng
application php tri, s ng dng
applied c ng dng
apply ng dng
approach s gn ng, php xp x, cch tip cn
radial a. gl. ghp xp x theo tia
approximability tnh xp x c

approximate gn ng, xp x
approximately mt cch xp x
approximation [s; php] xp x, tim cn a. in the mean xp x trung
best a. php xp x [ti u, tt nht]
cellular a. xp x khi
closest rational a. phn s st nht, php xp x bng phn thc st nht
diagonal a. xp x cho
fist a. php xp xr bc u
mean a. xp x trung bnh
numerical a. [lng xp x, php xp x] bng s
one-sided a. gt. php xp x mt pha
polynomial a. gt. php xp x bng a thc
rational a. php xp x bng phn thc
second a. php xp x bc hai
successive a. php xp x lin tip
weighted a. gt. php xp x c trng s
a priori tin nghim
apse(apsis) im xa nht trn ng cong (trong to cc); tv. im cn
nht v vin nht
apsidal (thuc) im xa nht trn ng cong (trong to cc); tv. (thuc)
cn nht v vin nht
arbitrarily mt cch tu
arbitrary tu
are cung
a. of cyloid cung xicloit
analytic a. cung gii tch
circular a. cung trn
diurnal a. tv. nht cung
forward a. cung thun
free a. gt. cung t do
major a. cung ln
minor a. cung nh

pseudo-periodic a. cung gi tun hon
regular a. cung chnh quy
short a. of cirele cung ngn (ca ng trn)
simple a. cung n
arch vm; nhp cun cu
circularr a. nhp trn
hingeless a. nhp khng tit hp
hydrostatic a. nhp thu tnh
parabolic a. nhp parabolic
Archimedes Acsimet
area din tch
effective a. din tch hu hiu
intrinsic a.hh. din tch trong
lateral a. din tch xung quanh
phase a. din tch pha
sectional a. din tch ca thit din ngang
sector a. din tch qut, din tch sect
surface a. din tch mt
tail a. ui phn phi, xc sut cc lch ln
area-preserving bo ton din tch
areal (thuc) din tch
areolar (thuc) din tch
argue tho lun, bn lun, l lun; phn on
a. from the sample da vo mu phn on
a. in a cirele ri vo vng lun qun
a. in favour of ... l lun nghing v ...
argument agumen, i s; gc cc; l lun, chng minh
a. of a complex nhumber agumen ca s phc
sound a. l lun c c s
arithmetic s hc
additive a. s s hc cng tnh
mental a. tnh nhm
recursive a. log. s hc quy

arithmetic(al) (thuc) s hc
arithmetically theo s hc v mt s hc
arithmometer my tnh t bn, my tnh sch tay
arithmograph s s hc, hnh s hc
arm cnh; cnh tay; cnh tay n
a.of an angle cnh ca mt gc
a. of a couple cnh tay n ca ngu lc
a. of a lever cnh tay n
arrange sp xp
arrangement s sp xp, chnh hp
array bng, dy sp xp; mt. mng
frequency a. dy tn s
rectanggular a. bng ch nht
square a. bng vung
two-way a. bng hai li vo
arrow mi tn (trn s )
artificial nhn to; gi to
ascend tng, tin, i ln, tro ln
ascendant tng ln
ascension s tng, s tin
right a. xch kinh
ascertain thit lp; lm sng t
aspect dng; pha; kha cnh
asphericity tnh phi cu
assay tk. s th nghim, s th
six- point a. tk. phng php su im
assemblage tp hp, s lp rp
assembly s tp hp, kt cu (nhiu linh kin)
control a. mt. bn iu khin
plug-in a. kt cu nhiu khi
assert khng nh; gi vng; bo v
assertion s khng nh, iu quyt on
assess nh gi

assets kt. ti sn; tin c
fixed a. ti sn c nh
personal a. ng sn
real a.bt ng sn
assignable khng ngu nhin
assignment s phn b, s phn cng; php gn
state a. xib. php gn m trng thi
assist gip , tng tr
associate lin kt, kt hp, lin i, lin hp
associated lin kt
association s lin kt, s kt hp
associative kt hp
associativity tnh kt hp
associator s. ci lin hp
assume gi thit; tha nhn
assumed gi nh
assumption s gi nh, iu gi nh, gi thit
assurance s bo him
life a. tk bo him sinh mng
asterisk du sao ()
asteroid hnh sao
astroid ng hnh sao
oblique a. ng hnh sao xin
projective a. ng hnh sao x nh
regular a. ng hnh sao u
astrology thut chiem tinh
astronautic(al) (thuc) du hnh v tr
astronomic(al) (thuc) thin vn
astronomy thin vn hc
mathematical a. thin vn ton hc
astrophysical (thuc) vt l thin th
asymmetric(al) khng i xng
asymmetrically mt cch khng i xng

asymmetry tnh khng i xng
asymptote ng tim cn
curvilinear a. tim cn cong
inflexional a. tim cn un
reetilinear a. tim cn thng
asymptotic(al) tim cn, gn ng
asymptotically mt cch tim cn
asynchoronous khng ng b
at , vo lc at fist t u; at least t nht; at most nhiu nht; at once
ngay tc khc, lp tc; at times i khi
atmosphere atmtphe, kh quyn
standard a. vlc. kh quyn tiu chun
atmospheric(al) (thuc) atmtphe, (thuc) kh quyn
atmospherics vl. nhiu lon ca kh quyn
atom nguyn t
tagged a. vl. nguyn t nh du
atomic(al) (thuc) nguyn t
atomicity tnh nguyn t
attach buc cht, ct cht
attached c buc cht
attain t c, hon thnh
attainable c th t c
attenuation s gim nh
attenuator my gim nh
attraction [s, lc] hp dn
capillary a. sc ht, mao dn
attractor gt. im hp dn
attribute thuc tnh
atypical khng in hnh
audio (thuc) m
audit th, kim nghim
augend mt. s hng th hai
augment tng thm, b sung

augmentation s tng
augmented c tng
authenticity tnh xc thc
autocorrelation t tng quan
autocorrlator my phn tch s tng quan
autocorrelogram biu s tng quan
autocovariance t hip, phng sai
autoduality tnh t i ngu
automatic(al) t ng
automaticlly mt cch t ng
automatics t ng hc
automation s t ng; t ng hc; k thut t ng
automatism tnh t ng
automatization s t ng ho
automaton my t ng tmat
deterministic a. tmat n nh
finite a. may t ng hu hn, tmat hu hn
linear bounded a. tmat y xung
non-deterministic a. tmat khng n nh
probabilistic a. tmat xc sut
automorphic t ng cu
automorphism [tnh, php, s] t ng cu, php nguyn hnh
central a. t ng cu trung tm
interior a. s. php t ng cu trong
outer a. php t ng cu ngoi
singular a. php t ng cu k d
autonomous t tr, t qun, t iu khin; tmn
auto-oscillation s t dao ng
autoprojectivity php t x nh
autoregression s t hi quy
autoregressive t hi quy
auxiliary b tr, ph
average trung bnh at the a. mc trung bnh;

above a. trn trung bnh
arithmetic a. trung bnh cng
geometric (al) a. trung bnh nhn ( ab )
harmonic a. trung bnh iu ho
process a. gi tr trung bnh ca qu trnh
progressive a. tk. dy cc trung bnh mu
weighted a. tk. (gi tr) trung bnh c trng s
averaging s ly trung bnh
group a. ly trung bnh nhm
avoirdupois h thng cn dng pao lm n v
axial (thuc) trc
axiom tin
a. of choise tin chn
a. of completeness tin y
a. of congruence tin tng ng
a. of connection tin lin thng
a. of continuity tin lin tc
a. of infinity tin v tn
a. of order tin th t
a. of parallels tin ng song song
a. of reducibility tin kh quy
a. of scheme log. s tin
categorical a. tin phm tr
distance a. tin khong cch
exactness a. tin khp
exchange a. tin thay th
excision a. s tin khot
fist countability a. tin m c th nht
general a. tin tng qut
geometric a. tin hnh hc
norm a.s gt cc tin chun

plane a. tin mt phng
second a. of countabitity tin m c th hai
separation a.s cc tin tch
space a. tin khng gian
triangle a. top. tin tam gic
axiomatic(al) (thuc) tin
axiomatics tin hc, h tin
formal a. h tin hnh thc
informal a. h tin khng hnh thc
axiomatizability tnh tin ho
finite a. tnh tin ho hu hn
axiomatizable tin ho c
axiomatization tin ho
axis trc
a. of abscissas trc honh
a. of a cone trc ca mt nn
a. of a conic trc ca cnic
a. of convergence trc hi t
a. of coordinate trc to
a. of a curvanture trc chnh khc
a. of cylinder trc ca hnh tr
a. of homology trc thu x
a. of linear complex trc ca m tuyn tnh
a. of ordinate trc tung
a. of a pencil of plane trc ca mt chm mt phng
a. of perspectivity trc phi cnh
a. of projection trc chiu
a. of a quadric trc ca mt quaric
a. of revolution trc trn xoay
a. of symmetry trc i xng
binary a. trc nh nguyn
circular a. ng trn trc
conjugate a. of a hyperbola trc o ca hipebon

coordinate a. trc to
crystallograpphic a. trc tinh th
electric a. trc in
focal a. trc tiu
homothetic a. trc v t
imaginary a. trc o
longitudinal a. trc dc
majorr a. of an ellipse [trc ln, trc chnh] ca elip
monor a. of an ellipse trc nh ca elip
moving a. trc ng
neutral a. trc trung ho
number a. trc s
optic a. quang trc
polar a. trc cc
principal a. trc chnh
principal a. of inertia trc qun tnh chnh
radical a. trc ng phng
real a. trc thc
semi-transverse a. trc na xuyn
transverse a. trc thc, trc ngang, trc xuyn (ca hipebon)
vertical a. trc thng ng
axle trc
instantaneous a. trc tc thi
axonometry trc lng hc
azimith gc cc; tv. phng v
azimuthal (thuc) gc cc; phng v

back lng; ci nn // ng sau; theo hng ngc li
calling b. tk.tr v, tr li
back-action phn tc dng, tc dng ngc
back ward pha sau // theo hng ngc li
balance ci cn; s cn bng; qu lc ng h; i trng: kt.cn cn thanh ton
dynamic b. cn ng lc
spring b. cn l xo
static b. cn tnh hc
torsion b vl. cn xon
balanced c cn bng
balayage s quyt
ball qu bng, qu cu, hnh cu
ball and socket k. bn l hnh cu
ball-bearing bi
ballistic x kch
ballistics khoa x kch
exterior b. khoa x kch ngoi
interior b. khoa x kch trong
band di bng b
b. of semigroup b na nhm
base c s, nn, y, c s
b. of point c s ti mt im
b. of cone y ca hnh nn
b. of logarithm c s ca loga
b. of triangle y tam gic
countable b. c s m c
difference b. c s sai phn
equivalent b. c s tng ng
neighbourhood b. gt. c s ln cn
proper b. gt. c s ring
basic c s, ct yu

basis c s
b. of intergers c s ca h m
absolute b. gt. c s tuyt i
intergity a. c s nguyn
orthogonal b. c s thc giao
transcendental b. s. c s siu vit
unitary b. c s [unita n nguyn]
batch mt nhm, mt ton, mt m
batching nh liu lng
battery b, b pin, b c quy
beam dm; tia (sng) chm (sng)
b. on elastic foundation dn trn nn n hi
b. on elastic support dn trn gi n hi
compuond b. dm ghp
conjugate b. dm lin hp
continuos b. dm nhiu nhp, dmlin tc
electron b. tia in t, chm electron
fixed b. dm c nh
floor b. dm ngang
hinged b. dm tit hp
lattice b. dm mng, dm thnh phn
narrow b. mt. chm hp
scanning b. tia qut
bearing ch ta, im ta; gc phng v
compass b. gc phng v a bn
radial b. trc hng tm
beat phch
become tr nn
bigin bt u
biginning s bt u
behaviour dng iu; cch x l, ch
asymptoic(al) b.gt. dng iu tim cn
boundary b. dng iu bin

expectation b. xs. dng iu trung bnh
goal-seeking b.xib. dng iu hng ch
linear b. dng iu tuyn tnh
transient b. ch chuyn tip
behavioural (thuc) dng iu
bell-shaped hnh qu chung
beft i ai
confidence b. i tin cy
belong thuc v
below di
bend un cong
bending s un
pure b. s un thun tu (ca dm)
benifit quyn li, li ch; kt. li
insurance b. kt (tin) tr cp bo him
best tt nht, ti u
bet trch. nh cuc
beta bta (); sao bta ca mt chm sao
betting s nh cuc
between gia
bevel nghing; gc nghing
bi-additive song cng tnh
biaffine song afin
bias tk. chnh lch, sai s h thng ri, dch chuyn
downwarrd b. tk. chch xung di, chch thp i
grid b. s dch chuyn li
inherent b. tk chch khng kh c
interviewer b. tk. chch ph quan ( chch ca kt qu iu tra do
ch quan ngi iu tra gy ra)
upward b. tk chch ln trn, chch ln cao
weight b. chch trng lng ( chch do gim trng lng sai gy ra)
biased tk. chch; khng i xng

biaxial lng trc, song trc
bicategory song phm tr
bicharacteristic song c trng
bicompact song compc
bicompactification song compc ho
bicompactum song compc
bicomplex song phc
biconvex hai pha li
bicylinder song tr
bidirectional hai chiu, thun nghch
bidual song i ngu
biennial hai nm mt
bieqiuvalence song tng ng
bifactorial hai nhn t
bifecnode song flecnt
bifunctor song hm t, hai t hai ngi
bifurcate tch i chia nhnh
bifurcation s tch i, s chia nhnh
bigenus ging kp
bigrade song cp
biharmonic song iu ho
biholomorphic song chnh hnh
bijection song nh
bilateral hai bn, hai pha
bilinear song tuyn tnh
bill kt. ngn phiu; ho n
b. of exchange ngn phiu trao i
billion mt nghn t (1012) ( Anh), (109) ( m)
bimodal hai mt
bimodule song mun
binariants song bin thc
binary nh nguyn, hai ngi
bind buc, lin kt

binodal (thuc) nt kp
binode nt kp
b. of surface nt kp ca mt mt
binomial nh thc
binormal ph php tuyn
biomathematics ton sinh vt hc
biometric tk. sinh trc
biometric tk. sinh trc hc
biorthogonal song trc giao
biorthogonalization s song trc giao ho
biostatiste thng k sinh vt hc
bipart hai tng
bipartite hai phn, hai nhnh
bipolar lng cc
biquadratic trng phng
biquaternion song qua - tenion
bational song hu t
birectangular c hai gc vung
biregular song chnh quy
bisecant song ct tuyn
bisect chia i
bisection s chia i
bisector phn gic
b. of an anglephn gic (ca mt gc)
external b. phn gic ngoi
internal b. phn gic trong
perpendicular b. ng trung trc
bisectrix phn gic
biserial hai chui
bistable song n nh
bisymmetric song i xng
bit bit (n v thng tin) s nh phn
bitangent lng tip (tip xc ti hai im)

biunique mt i mt
bivariate tk. hai chiu
bivector song vect
black en
blackbroad bng en
blank ch trng
blink vl. mng chn
block khi, ng, kt cu
buiding b. c; khi xy dng; mt. khi tiu chun
incomplete b. tk. khi khuyt
linked b.s cc khi giao nhau
ramdomized b. khi ngu nhin
blocking cn
boad mt. bng, bn
calculating b. mt. bn tnh
computer b. bn tnh
control b. bng kim tra
distributing b. bng phn phi
instrument b. bng dng c
key b. bn phm, bng iu khin
panel b. bng (danh sch) dng c
plotting b. bn can (thit k)
body th, vt, vt th, khi
convex b. vt li, th li
heavenly b. thin th
multiply connected b. th a lin
rigid b vl. vt rn (tuyt i)
star b. th hnh sao
bolide tv. sao bng
bond mi lin kt, mi quan h
book sch
book-keeping cng vic k ton
boom tk. s bun bn pht t

boost tng in th
booster my tng in th
border bin, b
bore l hng
bottle chai
Kleins b. chai Klein
bottle-neck c chai
bound bin gii, ranh gii cn
b. of the error cn ca sai s, gii hn sai s
essential upper b. cn trn ct yu
greatest lower b. cn di ln nht
least upper b. cn trn b nht
lower b.cn di
upper b. cn trn
boundary bin, bin gii, gii hn
b. of a chain bin gii ca mt dy chuyn
acceptance b. gii hn thu nhn
glued b. ies top. bin b dn
homotopy b. bin ng lun
ideal b. gt. bin l tng
lower b. bin di
natural b. of afuntion cn t nhin ca mt hm
bounded b chn
almost b. hu b chn
essentially b. gt. b chn thc s, b chn ct yu, b chn hu khp ni
totally b. hon ton b chn
uniformyli b. b chn u
boundedly b chn
boundedness s b chn, tnh b chn
b. of solution tnh b chn ca li gii
boundless khng b chn
box hp
brachistochrone ng on thi

bracket du ngoc
curly b. du ngoc {}
round b. du ngoc ( )
square b. du ngoc [ ]
braid top. bn, tt
brain b c; tr tu; tr lc
artificial b. c nhn to
electronic b. c in t
branch nhnh, cnh
b. of a curve nhnh ca mt ng cong
b. es of knownledge cc ngnh tri thc, cc ngnh khoa hc
analytic b. nhnh gii tch
linear b. nhnh tuyn tnh
positive b. nhnh dng
principal b. nhnh chnh
branched c chia nhnh
breadth chiu rng
break lm v, t, di ra
b. off ngt
breakkable [v, t, ri] ra c
breaking s v, s t, s ri ra
b. of waves sv sng
breed sinh, sinh ra, sinh si
brevity tnh ngn gn
broad rng
broken b [v, gy, gp]
bridge k. cu
suspension b. k. cu treo
bridging in addittion php nh trong php cng
brightness vl. s sng chi
buckle un cong li
budget kt. ngn sch
buffer mt. b phn nh trung gian

build xy dng, thit k
build-in mt. lp rp
bulk m, khi; phn chnh i b phn
bunch chm, nhm, b
bundle chm, m, b; top. khng gian phn th
b. of cireles chm ng trn
b. of coefficients chm h s
b. of conis chm cnic
b. of lines (rays) chm ng thng
b. of planes chm mt phng
b. of quadrics chm quaric
b. of spheres chm mt cu
fibre b. khng gian phn th chnh
principal fibre b. top. khng gian phn th chnh
simple b. chm n, phn th n
sphere b. chm mt cu
tangent b. chm tip tuyn
tensorr b. chm tenx
burner b phn chy
bus xe
common b. mt. vnh xe chung
number transfer b. mt. xe truyn s; bnh truyn s
pulse b. mt. xe xung lng
storage-in b. mt. xe vo ca b nh
bisiness cng vic; kinh doanh thng mi
button nt bm, ci khuy
push b. nt bm y
reset b. nt bt li
start b. mt. nt bm khi ng
stop b. mt. nt dng
buy kt. mua
buyer kt. ngi mua

by bng, bi b. formula bng cng thc. b. nomeans khng c cch no,
khng khi no, b. virtue of v, do, theo
bypass i vng quanh

cable c, dy cp
suspension c. dy cp treo
cactoid top. cactoit
calculability tnh, cht tnh c
effective c. log. tnh cht, tnh c hiu qu
calculagraph my m thi gian
calculate tnh ton
calculation s tnh ton, php tnh
automatic c. tnh ton t ng
fixed point c. tnh ton vi du phy c nh
floating point c. tnh ton vi dy phy di ng
graphic (al) c. php tnh th
non-numerical c.s tnh ton khng bng s
numerical c.s tnh ton bng s
calculator dng c tnh ton. my tnh
analogue c. my tnh tng t, my tnh m hnh
card programmed electronic c. my tnh in t dng ba c l
desk c. my tnh bn
digital c. my tnh ch s
direct reading c. my tnh c trc tip
disk c. b phn tnh hnh a
function c. b phn tnh hm s
hand c. my tnh xch tay
high-speed c. my tnh nhanh
logarithmic c. my tnh lgarit
printing c. my tnh in
table c. my tnh dng bng
vest-pocket c. my tnh b ti
calculus php tnh, tnh ton
c. of variations tnh bin phn
differential c. tnh vi phn

differenttial and integral c. php tnh vi tch phn
functional c. php tnh v t
high predicate c. php tnh v t cp cao
infinitesimal c. php tnh cc v cng b
integral c. php tnh tch phn
logical c. php tnh lgic
numerical c. tnh bng s
operational c. php tnh ton t
predicate c. php tnh v t
propositional c. php tnh mnh
restricted predicate c. php tnh hp cc v t
sentential c. php tnh mnh , php tnh phn on
calendar lch
calibrate nh s, xc nh cc h s; chia ly mu
calibration s nh c; s ly mu; s chia
calk sao, can
call gi, gi l // s gi
incoming c. tk. ting gi vo
caloric (thuc) nhit; cht nng
calorie calo
cam c. cam, a lch trc
cam-follower c. b phn theo di cam
cam-shaft c. trc cam; trc phn phi
canal ng
cancel gin c (phn phi), gch b c. out trit tiu ln nhau, gin c
cancellable gin c c
cancellation s gin c; s trit tiu nhau
candle-power lc nh sng
canonical chnh tc
cantilever c. dm cha, cngxon, gi
cap m; ngi thuc n
speracal c. hh. cu phn
cap-product tch Witny

capacitanci in dung
capacitor ci t (in); bnh ngng hi
capacity dung lng, dung tch, nng lc, cng sut, kh nng, kh nng
thng qua
bearing c. ti dung
channel c. kh nng thng qua ca knh
digit c. mt. dung lng ch s
firm c. kt. lc lng ca mt hng
flow c. kh nng thng qua
heat c. nhit dung
information c. dung lng thng tin
logarithmic c. gt. dung lng lgarit
memory c. dung lng b nh
production c. kh nng sn xut
regulator c. cng sut ca ci iu hnh
thermal c. vl. nhit dung
traffic c. kh nng vn chuyn
capital kt. vn, t bn // chnh, quan trng
circulating c. kt. vn lun chuyn, t bn lu thng
fixed c. kt. vn c bn, vn c inh
floating c. kt. vn lun chuyn, vn t bn lu thng
working c. kt. vn lun chuyn
capture s bt
card mt. tm ba, phiu tnh c l; bng; trch. qun bi
correetion c. bng sa cha
plain c. trch. qun bi cng khai
punched c. ba c l
test c. phiu kim tra
trump c. quana bi thng
cardinal c bn, chnh
cardinality bn s; lc lng
cardioid ng hnh tim ( th r=a (1-cos))
carriage mt. bn trt (ca my tnh trn bn); xe (la, nga)

accumulator c. mt. xe tch ly [bn, con] trt tch lu
movable c. mt. [bn trt, xe trt] ng
carier gi (mang)
carry mt. s mang sang hng tip theo, s chuyn sang // mang sang
accumulative c. s mang sang c tch lu
delayed c. s mang sang tr
double c. s mang sang kp
end around c. hon v vng quanh
negative c. s mang sang m
previous c. s mang sang trc (t hng trc)
simultaneous c. mt. s mang sang ng thi
single c. mt. s mang sang n l
successive c. ies mt. s mang sang lin tip
undesirable c. mt. s mang sang khng mong mun
cartessian (thuc) cc
cartography mn bn
cascade tng, cp
case trng hp in c. trong trng hp
degenerate c. trng hp suy bin
general c. trng hp tng qut, trng hp chung
limiting c. trng hp gii hn
limit-point c. gt. trng hp im gii hn
ordinary c. trng hp thng thng
particularr c. trng hp [ring, c bit]
special c. trng hp c bit
cash kt. tin mt
cast nm, qung
casting out phng php th tnh (nhn hay cng)
catalogue mc lc
library c. thc mc
categorical (thuc) phm tr
category phm tr, hng mc
c. of sets phm tr tp hp

Abelian c. phm tr Aben
abstract c. phm tr tru tng
additive c. phm tr cng tnh
cocomplete c. phm tr i y
colocally c. phm tr a phng
complete c. phm tr y
conormal c. phm tr i chun tc
dual c. phm tr i ngu
exact c. phm tr khp
marginal c.tk. tn sut khng iu kin (ca mt du hiu no )
normal c. phm tr chun tc
opposite c. phm tr i
catenary dy xch, dy chuyn, ng dy chuyn
hydrrostatic c. ng dy xch thu tnh
hyperbolic c. ng dy xch hipebolic
parabolic c. ng dy xch parabolic
spherical c. ng dy xch cu
two-based c. ng dy xch hai y
catenoid mt catinoit
cathode vl. catt, m cc
coated c. catt ph, m cc ph
hot c. m cc nng (trogn n)
causal (thuc) nguyn nhn; nhn qu
causality vl. tnh nhn qu
cause nguyn nhn, l do vl. nhn qu
assibnable sc. tk. nguyn nhn khng ngu nhin
chance c. nguyn nhn ngu nhin
causeless khng c nguyn nhn
cavitation s sinh l hng
cavity ci hc, l hng
toroidal a. l hng hnh xuyn
celestial (thuc) v tr, tri
cell t bo; , ngn (my tnh); khi

binary c. nh phn
degenerate c. ngn suy bin
storage c. ngn nh, ngn lu tr
cellular (thuc) t bo
cellule mt, , t bo (nh)
censor tk. lm thiu; nhn vin kim duyt
censorred tk. b thiu; kim duyt
cent mt trm per c. phn trm (%)
center (centre) trung tm // t vo tm
c. of a bundle tm ca mt chm
c. of buyoancy tm ni
c. of s cirele tm vng trn
c. of compresssion tm nn
c. of a conic tm ca mt cnic
c. of curvature tm cong
c. of figure tm mt hnh
c. of flexure tm un
c. of gravity trng tm
c. of a group tm ca mt nhm
c. of homology tm thu x
c. of inversion tm nghch o
c. of isologue tm i vng
c. of mass tm khi
c. of mean distance tm khong cch trung bnh
c. of moment tm mmen
c. of oscillation tm dao ng
c. of a pencil tm mt b
c. of percussion tm kch ng
c. of perspectivity tm phi cnh
c. of projection tm chiu
c. of a quadratic complex tm mt m bc hai
c. of a quadric tm mt quadric
c. of a range tm ca mt min bin thin

c. of similarity tm ng dng
c. of sphere tm hnh cu
c. of surface tm ca mt
c. of suspension tm treo
c. of twist tm xon
aerodynamic c. tm p
computation c. trung tm tnh ton
elastic c. tm dn hi
harmonic c. tm iu ho
instantaneous c. tm tc thi
median c. tk tm [trung v; meian]
radical c. tm ng phng
ray c. tm v t
shear c. tm trt, tm ct
centesimal bch phn
centile tk. bch phn v
central (thuc) trung tm
centralizer s. nhm con trung tm
centric(al) trung tm chnh
centred c tm
centrifugarl ly tm
centring a tm v // s nh tm
centripetal hng tm
centrode ng tm quay tc thi
centroid trng tm (ca mt hnh hay mt vt); phng tm
c. of a triangle trung tuyn ca mt tam gic
curvature c. trng tm cong (trng tm ca ng cong c mt khi
t l vi cong)
cemtrum tm
c. of a group tama ca nhm
centuple gp phn trm, nhn vi mt trm
certain chc chn, bit for a c. chc chn; to a c. tt nhin
chain dy xch, dy chuyn chui

c. of syzygies s. xch [hi xung, xiziji]
atternating c. dy xch an, dy chuyn an
finite c. xs. xch hu hn
Marcop xs. xch Maccp
normal c. dy chuyn chun tc
reducible c. s. dy chuyn kh quy
smallest c. top. dy chuyn nh nht
chance trng hp ngu nhin, kh nng c th; c hi
by c. ngu nhin
c. of acceptance xc sut thu nhn
change s thay i, s bin i // thay i, bin i
the signs changesthay i du
c. of base (basis) i c s; i c s
secular c. s thay i trng k
channel ng knh
binary c. knh nh nguyn, knh nh phn
communication c. knh thng tin
correction c. knh hiu nh, knh sa sai
frequency c. knh tn s
noiseless c. ng khng c nhiu m, knh khng n
open c. knh nh
recording c. ng ghi gi
signal c. ng tn hiu
transmission c. knh truyn tin
undellayed c. knh khng tr
wrong c. xib. knh sai
chapter chng (sch) // chia thnh chng
character s. c trng, c tnh; c s; mt. du ch
conjugate c. s. c trng lin hp
group c. c trng nhm
irreducible c. tnh cht khng kh quy
non-principal c. tnh khng chnh
perforator c. s v du hiu trn phm my c l

principal c. c trng chnh
characteristic c tnh, c trng; c tuyn
c. of a complex c tuyn ca mt m (ng thng)
c. of correspondence c trng ca mt php tng ng
c. of a developable c tuyn ca mt mt tri c
c. of a family of surfaces c tuyn ca mt h mt
c. of a field c s ca mt trng
c. of logarithm phn c tnh ca lga
complementary c. c tnh b
control c. c trng iu chnh, c trng iu khin
decibellog frequency c. c trng bin tn lga
delay c. c trng tr
drive c. c trng bin iu
dynamic(al) c. c trng ng
Euler c. c trng le
exterrnal c. xib. c trng ngoi
feed back c. c trng lin h ngc
hysteresis c. c trng hin tng tr
idealized c. xib c trng c l tng ho
impedance c. c trng tng tr
lumped c. c trng chung
noise c. c trng ting n
no-load c. xib. c trng khng ti
operating c. xib c trng s dng; tk. ng c trng
overload c. c trng qu ti
performance c. c trng s dng
phase c. c trng pha
recovery c. c trng qu trnh chuyn ti, ng hi phc
resonance c. ng cng hng
response c. xib. c trng tn s
rising c. xib c trng tng (thm)
saturation c. c trng bo ho
selectivuty c. c trng tuyn la

square-law c. xib. c trng bnh phng
static(al) c. xib. c trng tnh
steady-state c. xib. c trng ca ch n nh
steep-sided c. c trng c nht ct dng ng
surge c. xib. c trng chuyn tip
target c. c trng mc ch
through c. c trng xuyn qua
total c. xib. c trng chung
transmission c. c trng truyn t
characteristically mt cch c trng
charge s np in; gi c; s chi tiu; trng ti
maintainance c.s kt. chi ph s dng
chart biu ()
arithmetics c. biu nhng thay i s lng
circular c. biu vung
control c. phiu kim tra
dot c. biu im
double logarithmic c. bn c t l xch lga hai trc
efficiency c. biu hiu sut, hiu sut biu
impedance c. th tng tr
logarithmic c. tk. biu lga
percentile c. tk. ng phn phi
recorder c. bng ghi, biu ghi
chase theo di
chasing s theo di
diagram c. s theo di trn biu
cheek kim tra c. on accuracy kim tra chnh xc
cyele c. kim tra chu trnh
digit c. kim tra ch s
even-parity c. kim tra tnh chn
odd-even c. mt. kim tra tnh chn - l
parity c. kim tra tnh chn l
checker thit b th; ngi kim tra

cheeking s kim tra
c. by resubstitution kim tra bng cch th (vo phng trnh lc u)
chequers trch. tr chi c (ty)
chess trch c
chief chnh, c bn
choise s chn
choose la chn
chord dy cung, dy trng
c. of contact dy tip xc
bifocal c. of a quadric dy song tiu ca mt quadric
focal c. dy tiu
upplemental c.s dy cung b
chromatic sc sai
chromation tnh sc sai
cinq(ue) trch. qun bi nm
cipher s khng; k hiu ch s, m // lp m, tnh bng ch s
cirele vng trn, ng trn, hnh trn c. at infinity vng v tn,
imaginary c. at infinity vng o v tn
c. of convergence hnh trn hi t
c. of curvature ng trong chnh khc
c. of declination vng lch
c. of influence vng nh hng
c. of inversion vng trn nghch o
c. of permutation chu trnh hon v
asymptotic c. ng trn tim cn
circumscribed c. vng trn ngoi tip
coaxial c.s vng trn ng trc
concentric c.s vng trn ng tm
critical c. vng trn ti hn
director c. ng trn chi phng
eccentric c.s of an ellipse vng tm sai ca elip
escribed c. (of a triangle) vng trn bng tip (ca mt tam gic)
externally tangent c.s cc vng trn tip xc ngoi

focal c. vng trn tiu
generating c. ng trn sinh
great c. vng trn ln (ca hnh cu)
horizontal c. vng chn tri
imaginary c. vng o
impedance c. vng tng tr
inscribed c. (of a triangle) vng trn ni tip (mt tam gic)
limit c. ng gii hn (trong hnh hc Lbatrepxki)
nine-point c. vng trn chn im (ca mt tam gic)
non-degenerate c. vng trn khng suy bin
null c. vng im
oriented c. vng trn nh hng
orthogonal c.s vng trn trc giao
osculating c. vng trn mt tip
parallel c. hh. ng trn v tuyn
proper c. vng trn [thng thng, tht s]
radical c. vng trn ng phng
small c. vng trn b (ca hnh cu)
simple c. vng trn n
tangent c.s cc vng trn tip xc
transit c. tv. vng kinh tuyn
vertical c. hh. vng kinh tuyn
virtual c. chu trnh o, vng trn o
circuit mt. mch, chu tuyn, s , chu trnh
add c. mch ly tng, mch cng
and c. mch v
analogous c. mch tng t
anticoincidence c. mch r
antihunt (ing) c. s chng dao ng, so lm n nh
arithmetical c. mch s hc
astable c. mch t dao ng
averaging c. mch ly trung bnh
basic c. mch s s

brocken c. mch gy
commutation c. mch chuyn, mch i
compound c.s mch a hp
decoding c. s gii m
delay c. mch lm tr
differentiating c. chu tuyn ly vi phn
diode logical c. s lgic it
discriminator c. s my phn bit
display c. s bo hiu
divide-by-two c. s chia i (1:2)
doubling c. mch tng i
drive c. s ng b ho
dual c. s i ngu
efficient c. s hiu dng
electric c. mch in
energizing c. mch kch thch
equivalent c. mch tng ng
error correction c. mch sa sai
error indicating c. mch pht hin sai, mch ch sai
exciting c. mch kch thch
feedback c. s lin h
forward c. s tc dng thng
grid c.mch li
guard c. s bo v
halving c. s chia i
high-frequency c. mch cao tn
hold c. mch c nh, mch chn
impulse c. mch xung
incomplete c. mch khng ng
inverter c. mch nghch o
linearity c. mch tuyn tnh ho
logical c. mch lgic
low-order add c. mch cng hng thp

made c. mch ng
marking c. mch nh du
measuring c. mch o
memory c. mch nh
metering c. mch o
mixing c. mch hn hp
modulator c. mch iu phc
monitoring c. mch n nh n (c nhng trng thi n nh v ta n
multiple c. mch hi
multiple output c. mch nhiu li ra
multi-stage c. mch nhiu bc
network c. li mch phc tp, mch r nhnh
not c. mch khng
open c. mch m
oscillating c. mch dao ng
output c. mch ra
parasitic c. mch nhiu lon
passive c. xib. mch b ng
phantom c. mch ma
power c.mch lc
primary c. mch s cp
printed c. s in
protection c. s bo v, mch bo v
pulse discrimination c. mch phn bit xung
pulse memory c. mch nh xung
reducible c.s mch kh quy
redundant c. mch d, mch kp
reset c. mch phc hi
rewriting c. mch ghi li
sampling c. s tc dng t on
scaling c. mch m gp
secondary c. mch th cp

sequenti al c. s trnh t cc php tnh
shift c. s trt
smoothing c. mch lc trn, mch san bng
squaring c. s hnh thnh cc xung vung gc
stabilizing c. chu tuyn n nh
stamped c. s dp
subtraction c. mch tr
sweep c. khi qut, mch qut
switching c. [s ngt, s o] mch
symbolic(al) c. mch k hiu
symmetric(al) c. s i xng
synchronizing c. mch ng b ho
test c. mch kim tra
times c. s nh thi gian
typical c. s in hnh
circuital (thuc) mch, chu tuyn, s
circulant (thuc) ng trn, vng trn, vng quanh
circulary trn, c hnh trn
circulate tun hon, i vng quanh chu trnh
circulation gt. lu s, lu thng; s tun hon, s lu truyn
goods c.kt. s lu chuyn hng ho
circum chung quanh, vng quanh
circumcentre tm vng trn ngoi tip
circumcirele vng trn ngoi tip
circumference ng trn, chu vi vng trn
c. of a sphere ng trn ln (ca hnh cu)
circumflex du m
circumsphere mt cu ngoi tip
cissoid xixit ( th ca y2(2x-x)=x3)
clamp mc st, bn kp, ci kp, ci gi
clamping s gi c nh
clan clan (na nhm compac (v) lin thng Hauxdop)
class lp

c. of a congruence lp ca mt on
c. of conjugate elements lp cc phn t lin hp
c. of a nilpotent group lp ca mt nhm lu linh
additive c.s lp diviz
canonical c. lp chnh tc
complete c. tk. lp y
conjugate c.s s. cc lp lin hp
density c. lp mt , lp tr mt
differential c. lp vi phn
divior c. lp cc s chia lp diviz
empty c. lp trng
equivalence c.s cc lp tng ng
hereditary c. lp di truyn
homology c. lp ng u
lower c. lp di
negaitive sense c. lp c hng tm
non-null c. lp khc khng
null c. lp khng
selected c. lp truyn, lp chn lc
split c. s. lp tch
unit c. lp n v
void c. lp trng
classic c in
classical (thuc) c in
classification tk. s phn loi, s phn lp, s phn hng
attributive c. s phn theo thuc tnh
automatic c. s phn loi t ng
manifold c. s phn theo nhiu du hiu
marginal c. s phn loi bin duyn
one-way c. s phn loi theo mt du hiu
two-way c. s phn loi theo hai du hiu
classify phn loi, phn lp, phn hng
clear lm sch, xo b ( my tnh)

clearance s lm sch, s xo b ( my tnh)
cleavable tch c, chia ra c
cleave tc ra, chia ra
clock ng h; s ng b ho
master c. mt. s ng b ho chnh
clockwise theo chiu kim ng h
closed ng, kn
absolutely c. ng tuyt i
algebraically c. ng i s
mutiplicatively c. ng i vi php nhn
closeness tnh chnh xc, s gn
closure ci bao ng
integral c. bao ng nguyn
ordered c. bao ng c sp
clothe ph, mc
clothing s ph
c. of surface s ph b mt
clothoid clotoit, ng xon c Cocnu
cluster tch lu; tp hp thnh nhm, nhm theo t // nhm, chm
star c. chm sao
ultimate c. tk. chm cui cng
clutch s nm; k. rng vu
cnoidal(way) sng knoit
coalition s lin minh, s hp tc
coalitional lin minh, hp tc
coarse th
coarseness tnh th
c. of grouping tnh th khi nhm
coat ph, bc // lp ngoi
coated c ph
coaxial ng trc
coboundary i bin, i b
cocategory i phm tr

cochain top i xch
coconnected i lin quan
cocycle i chu trnh
code mt; xib. m, ch s; tn hiu // lp m
address c. m a ch
amplitude c. m bin
aythemtication c. m on nhn
binary c. m nh phn
brevity c. m ngn gn
comma-free c. m khng c du phy
error-correcting c. m pht hin sai
excess-six c. m d su
five-unit c. m nm hng, m nm gi tr
four-address c. m bn a ch
frequency c. m tn s
ideal c. m l tng
identification c. m ng nht ho
instruction c. m lnh
letter c. m bng ch
minimun redundance c. m c di t nht
multiaddress c. m nhiu a ch
non-systematic c. m khng c h thng
number address c. m c a ch s
numerical c. m bng s
order c. m lnh
permutation c. m hon v
position c. m v tr
pulse c. m xung
reflected c. m phn x
safety c. m an ton
self-correcting c. m t cha, m t sa
signal c. m tn hiu
single-address c. m mt a ch

syllable c. m c h thng
teleprinter c. m tltip, m in bo tin
timing c. m tm thi
codeclination tr. khong cch cc
coded m ho
coder thit b ghi m; ngi nh m
coding s lp m, s m ho
alphabietic c. s lp m theo vn ch ci
automatic(al) c. s m ho t ng
codify nh m
condimension top. s i chiu, s i th nguyn
coefficient h s tk. thng k khng th nguyn
c. of alienation tk. k = 1 r 2 (r l h s tng quan hn tp)
c. of association h s lin i
c. of compressibility h s nn
c. of determination tk. h s xc nh (bnh phng ca h s tng
quan hn tp)
c. of diffusion h s khuych tn
c. of divergence h s phn k
c. of efficiency h s tc dng cch, h s hiu dng, hiu sut
c. of excess tk. h s nhn
c. of lift h s nng
c. of multiple correlation tk. h s tng quan bi
c. of partial corretation t. h s tng quan ring
c. of recombination h s ti hp
c. of regression tk. h s hi quy
c. of restitution h s phc hi
c. of rotation hh. h s quay
c. of varation tk. h s bin sai, h s bin ng
absorption c. h s ht thu
autocorrelation c. h s t tng quan
binomial c. h s nh thc
canonical correlation c. h s tng quan chnh tc

confidence c. tk. h s tin cy
damping c. h s tt dn
differentival c. gt. h s vi phn
direction c. h s ch phng
elastic c. h s n hi
force h s lc
incidence c. top. h s giao h
indeterminate c. h s v nh
inertia c. h s qun tnh
intersection c. ch s tng giao
kinematic c. of viscosity h s nht ng hc
leading c. of polynomial h s ca s hng cao nht
literal c. h s ch
local c.s h s a phng
mixed c. h s hn tp
moment c. tk. mmen
non-dimnional c. h s khng th nguyn
partial differentical c. h s vi phn ring
pressure c h s p lc
propulsive h s y
reflection c h s phn x
regression c. h s hi quy
reliability c. tk. h s tin cy
resistance c. h s cn
serial correlation c. tk. h s tng quan [chui, hng lot]
strain-optical c. h s bin dng quang
stress-optical c. h s ng sut quang
successive differential c. h s vi phn lin tip
torsion c top. h s xon
total diferential c. h s vi phn ton phn
transmission c. h s truyn t
triple correlation c h s tng quan bi ba
undetermined c h s bt nh

vector correlation c. h s vect tng quan (i vi hai i lng ngu
nhin nhiu chiu)
coerce khng; p buc; cng bc
coercive vl. khng t; cng bc
coerciveness tnh khng t
coexistence s cng tn ti
cofactor phn ph i s
normalized c. phn ph i s chun ho
cofibration top. s i phn th
cofibre i phn th
cofinal top. cng gc, cng ui
cofunction i hm
cogency s hin nhin
cognet tk. hin nhin
cohnate log. ging nhau, tng t
cogradiency s tnh hip b
cograduation s hip b
cogradiently v mt hip b
cograduation tk. s chia cng nhau
cohere kt hp, dnh vo; n khp vi
coherent mch lc
cohesion vl. s kt hp, s lin kt; lc c kt
cohomology top. i ng iu
cubic c. i ng iu lp phng
vector c i ng iu vect
cohomotopy i ng lun
coideal i ian
coil mt. cun (dy)
induction c. cun cm ng
coimage s i nh
coin tin bng kim loi, ng tin
biased c. ng tin khng i xng
coincide trng nhau

coincidence s trng
coincident trng nhau
coinitial top. cng u
coition s hp
cokernel s. i hch
colatitude tv. phn ph v
colimit i gii hn, gii hn phi
collapse s sp // co, rt
collapsible top. co c, rt c
collator mt. my so (cho ba c l), thit b so snh
collect thu thp, cp nht
collection s thu ht, s tp hp, tp hp
Abelian c. [h, tp hp] Aben
collective tp th, tp hp
collectively mt cch tp th
collide va chm; i lp
colligate tk. lin quan, lin h
colligation tk. mc lin h gia cc du hiu
collinear cng tuyn
collinearity tnh cng tuyn
collineation php cng tuyn
opposite c. in space php cng tuyn phn hng trong khng gian
affine c. php cng tuyn afin
elliptic c. php cng tuyn eliptic
hyperbolic c. php cng tuyn hipebolic
non-singular c. php cng tuyn khng k d
periodic c. php cng tuyn tun hon
singular c. php cng tuyn k d
collision s va chm
double c. va chm kp
collocate sp xp
collocation s sp xp
cologarithm clga

color, colour mu, s t mu
colourable top. t mu c
column ct
cheek c. ct kim tra
table c. ct ca bng
terminal c. ct cui cng
column-vecto vect ct
comaximal s. ng cc i
combination s t hp, s phi hp
c. of observation tk. t hp o ngn
c. of n things r at a time tk. t hp chp r trong n phn t
code c. mt. t hp m
control c. t hp iu khin
linear c. t hp tuyn tnh
switch c. t hp ngt
combinatorial (thuc) t hp
combinatorics ton hc t hp
combinatory t hp
combine t hp li, kt hp
combined c t hp, hn hp, hp phn
combustion s chy, s t chy
comet tv. sao chi
comitant hh. comitan
comma dy phy
inverted c. du ngoc kp ( )
command xib. lnh // lnh, iu khin
control c. lnh iu khin
stereotyped c. lnh tiu chun
transfer c. lnh truyn
unnumbered c. lnh khng nh s
commensurability tnh thng c
critical c. tnh thng c ti hn
commensurable thng c

commerce kt. thng mi
commercial kt. (thuc) thng mi
commission kt. tin hoa hng
commodity kt. hng ho
common chung, thng
communality tk. phng sai tng i ca cc yu t n gin
communicate bo tin truyn tin
communication xib. thng tin, phng tin lin lc, thng bo
digital c. thng tin bng ch s
oneway c. thng tin mt chiu
radio c. thng tin v tuyn
two-way c. thng tin hai chiu
voice c. thng tin bng ting ni
wire c. thng tin ng dy
wireless c. thng tin v tuyn
commutability tnh giao hon , tnh kh ton
commutant s. hon tp
mutual c.s. hon tp tng h
commutative giao hon
commutation s. s giao hon; mt. [s i, s chuyn] mch
regular c. s giao hon u
commutator s. hon t , mt. ci chuyn bnh
extended c. hon t suy rng
higher c. hon t cao cp
commute giao hon chuyn mch
compact top. compac
absolutely c. compac tuyt i
countably c. compac m c
finitely c. hh. compac hu hn
linearly c. s. compac tuyn tnh
locally c. compac a phng
rim c. top. compac ngoi vi
sequentially c. compac dy

compactification top. s compac ho, s m rng compac
onepoint c. compac ho bng mt im (theo Alexanrop)
compactifi compac ho
compactness top. tnh compac
weak c. tnh compac yu
compactum top. compac (khng gian Hauxrop compac)
company kt. hng, cng ty
insurance c. cng ty bo him
stock c. cng ty c phn
comparability tnh so snh c
comparable so snh c
purely c. s hon ton so snh c
comparative so snh
comparator b so snh
amplitude c. b so snh bin
data c. b so snh d kin
tape c. b so snh trn bng
compare so snh
comparer b so snh
compararison s so snh
group c. so snh nhm
paired c. so snh theo cp
compass compa; a bn; vng trn, ng trn
azimuth c. a bn phng v
bearing c. t thin ; trd a bn phng hng
bow c. es (caliber c. es) compa o, compa cng cng, compa v ng
trn nh (5-8 mm)
celescial c. a bn thin vn
compatibility tnh tng thch
compatible tng thch
compensate b, bi thng, b chnh
compensation s b, s bi thng, s b chnh
compete kt. chy ua, cnh tranh, thi ua

compiler bin son
complanar ng phng
complanarity tnh ng phng
complanation php cu phng (cc mt)
complement phn b // b sung, dng lm phn b
c. with respect to 10 b cho 10
o. of an angle gc b, phn b ca mt gc
c. of an are cung b, phn b ca mt cung
c. ofan event phn b ca mt bin c; bin i lp
c. of a set phn b ca mt tp hp
algebraic c. phn b i s
orthogonal c. phn b trc giao
complementary b
complemented c b
complete y // lm cho y , b sung
c. of the square b sung cho thnh hnh vung
conditionally c. y c iu kin
completed c b sung
completely mt cch y [y , hon ton]
completeness log. tnh y
c. of axiom system tnh y ca mt h tin
c. of the system of real number tnh y ca mt h s thc
functional c. tnh y hm
simple c. tnh y n gin
completion s b sung, s lm cho y ; s m rng
c. of space s b sung mt khng gian
analytic c. s m rng gii tch
complex hh. m; s; top. phc; phc hp
c. in involution m i hp
c. of circles m vng trn
c. of curves m ng cong
c. of spheres m cc hnh cu
acyclic c. hh. m phi xiclic; s. phc phi chu trnh

algebraic c. phc i s
augmented c. phc b sung
bitangent linear c. m tuyn tnh lng tip
cell c. phc khi
chian c. phc xch
colsed c. phc ng
covering c. phc ph
derived c. phc dn sut
double c. phc kp
dual c. phc i ngu
geometric c. phc hnh hc
harmonic c. m iu ho
infinite c. m v hn; s. phc v hn
isomorphic c.es phc ng cu
linear c. m tuyn tnh
linear line c. m ng tuyn tnh
locally finite c.es phc hu hn a phng
minimal c. phc cc tiu
normalized standard c. phc tiu chun chun ho
n-tuple c. n- phc
open c. phc m
ordered chain c. phc xch c sp
osculating linear c. m tuyn tnh mt tip
quadratic c. m bc hai
quadraitic line c. m ng bc hai
reducel chain c. phc dy truyn rt gn
simplicial c. phc n hnh
singular c. phc k d
special linear c. m tuyn tnh c bit
standart c. phc tiu chun
star-finite c. phc hnh sao hu hn
tangent c. m tip xc
tetrahedral c. m t din

topological c. phc tp
truncated c. phc b ct ct
complexification s. s phc ho
c. of Lie algebra phc ho ca i s Li
complexity [, tnh] phc tp
computational c. phc tp tnh ton
compliance thun, ho hp, s d di
coustic c. m thun
conponemt thnh phn b phn cu thnh
c. of force thnh phn ca lc
c. of the edentity thnh phn ca n v
c. of momnet thnh phn ca mnen
c. of rotation thnh phn ca php quay
c. of a space thnh phn lin thng ca mt khng gian
c. of variance tk. thnh phn phng sai
boundary c. thnh phn bin
control c. thnh phn (ca h thng) iu khin
covariant c. thnh phn hip bin
data handling c. b x l d liu
delay c. thnh phn tr
dection c. thnh phn ch phng
exetitive c. phn t chp hnh
floating c. xib. mt phim nh
harmonic c. thnh phn iu ho
imaginary c. of complex function thnh phn o ca hm phc
isolated c. thnh phn c lp
logical c. mt. thnh phn lgic
logical and c. mt. thnh phn lgic v
logical or c. mt. thnh phn lgic [hoc, hay l]
major c.s mt. cc b phn c bn
miniature c.s. mt. cc chi tit rt b
normal c. of force thnh phn php tuyn ca lc
primary c. thnh phn nguyn s

principal c.stk. cc thnh phn chnh
real c. thnh phn thc
restoring c. b phc hi
stable c. xib. mt tnh, mt n nh
transition c. xs. thnh phn bc nhy (trong phng trnh ca qu trnh)
unstable c. xib. mt khng n nh
variance c.s thnh phn phng sai
componemtwise theo tng thnh phn
composant b phn hp thnh, thnh phn
composite hp phn, a hp, phc hp
composites hp t
c. of fields s. hp t ca trng
composition s hp thnh, s hp; tch; tng
a c
c. and division in a proportionbin i t l thc = thnh
b d
a+b c+d
= ;
a b c d
a c a+b c+d
c. in a proportion bin i t l thc = thnh = ;
b d b d
c. by volume s hp (bng) th tch;
c. by weight s hp (bng) trng lng
c. of insomorphism s hp thnh cc ng cu
c. of mapping s hp thnh cc nh x
c. of relation s hp thnh cc quan h
c. of tensors tch cc tenx
c. of vect s hp vect
cycle c. s. s hp vng
program c. mt. lp chng trnh
ternarry c. s. php ton ba ngi
compound phc, a hp
compress nn, p cht li
compressed b nn
compressibility tnh nn c
compressible nn c

compression vl. s nn; top. s co
adiabatic c. s nn on nhit
one-dimensional c. s nn mt chiu, bin dng mt chiu
comptometer my k ton
computable tnh c
computation s tnh ton, tnh
analogue c. s tnh ton trn cc my tng t, s m hnh ho
area c. tnh din tch
digital c. tnh bng ch s
hand c. tnh tay
industrial c.s tnh ton cng nghip
step-by-step c. tnh tng bc
computational (thuc) tnh ton
compute tnh ton
computed c tnh
computer my tnh, ngi tnh
airborne c. my tnh trn my bay
all transistore c. my tnh ton bn dn
analogue c. my tnh tng t
ballistc c. my tnh ng n
binary automatuic c. my tnh t ng nh phn
Boolean c. my tnh Bun
business c. my tnh kinh doanh
continuosly c. my tnh hot ng ln tc
cut-off c. my tnh hm thi im
cryotron c. my tnh crritron
deviation c. my tnh lch
dialing set c. my tnh c b a
digital c. my tnh ch s
drift c. my tnh chuyn ri
drum c. my tnh c trng t (tnh)
electronic analogue c. my tnh in t tng t
file c. my thng tin thng k

fire control c. my tnh iu khin php
fixed-point c. my tnh c du phy c nh
flight path c. my tnh hng khng
floating-point c. my tnh c dy phy di ng
general-purpose c. my tnh vn nng
high-speed c. my tnh nhanh
large-scale c. my tnh ln
logical c. my tnh lgic
machinability c. my tnh xc nh cng sut (my ci)
mechnical c. my tnh c kh
polynomial c. my tnh a thc
program-controlled c. my tnh iu khin theo chng trnh
punch-card c. my tnh dng ba c l
relay c. my tnh c rle
scientific c. my tnh khoa hc
self-programming c. my tnh t lp chng trnh
sequence-controlled c. my tnh c chng trnh iu khin
small c. my tnh con
special purpose c. my tnh chuyn dng
square-root c. my tnh cn bc hai
statistic(al) c. my tnh thng k
steering c. my tnh li
switching c. my tnh o mch
transistor c. my tnh bn dn
universal digital c. my tnh ch s vn nng
weather c. my d bo thi tit
computing s tnh ton
correction c. tnh cc lng sa
computor my tnh
computron computron (mt n trong my tnh)
concatenation [s, php] ghp
concave lm
c. down-warrd lm xung

c. to ward lm v phi
c. up-ward lm ln
concavo-concave vl. hai mt lm
concavo-convex vl. tp trung; c c
concentration s tp trung, s c c
stress c. s tp trung ng lc
concentre c cng tm hng (v) tm
concentric ng tm
concentricity tnh ng tm, s cng tm
concept khi nim, quan nim
absolute c. khi nim tuyt i
conception khi nim, quan nim
conceptional (thuc) khi nim, hnh dung c, c trong ngh
concern lin quan, quan h
conceptual log. c khi nim
conchoid controit ( th ca (x-a)2(x2+y2) = b2x2)
concirlular hh. ng vin
conclude log. kt lun, kt thc
conclusion log. kt lun, s kt thc
c. of a theorem h qu ca mt nh l
concomitance s km theo, s ng hnh, s trng nhau
concomitant km theo, ng hnh, trng nhau
concordance s ph hp
concordant ph hp
concordantly mt cch ph hp
concrete b tng // c th in the c. mt cch s th
concurrent s ng quy
condensation s ngng, s c ng
c. of singularities s ngng t cc im k d
condense lm ngng, lm c ng
condenser ci t (in); bng ngng (hi); my p lnh
condition iu kin, tnh hnh, a v
c. of equivalence iu kin tng ng

c. of integrability iu kin kh tch
adjunction c. iu kin ph hp
ambient e.s iu kin xung quanh
annihilator iu kin lm khng
ascending c. iu kin dy chuyn tng
auxiliarry c. iu kin ph
boundary c. iu kin bin, bin kin
chain c. iu kin dy chuyn
competibility c. iu kin tng thch
corner c. gt iu kin ti im gc
countable chain c. iu kin dy chuyn m c
deformation c. iu kin bin dng
desscending chain c. iu kindy chuyn gim
discontinuity c.s iu kin gin on
end c.s iu kin im cui
equilirium c. iu kin cn bng
external c. iu kin ngoi
homogeneous boundary c iu kin bin thun nht
initial c.s iu kin ban u
instep c.s xib. iu kin trng pha
integrability c. iu kin kh tch
limiting c. iu kin gii hn
load c.s mt. iu kin ti
maximal c. iu kin cc i
mechanical shock c. iu kin c kch
minimal c. (minimum c.) iu kin cc tiu
necessary c iu kin [cn, t c]
necessary and sufficient c. iu kin [t c v , cn v ]
non-homogeneousboundarry c. iu kin bin khng thun nht
non-tangency c. iu kin khng tip xc
normality c. iu kin chun tc
normalizing c iu kin chun ho
no-slip c iu kin dnh

onepoint boundary c. iu kin bin mt im
operating c.s iu kinlm vic
order c.s gt. cp tng
permanence c. iu kin thng trc
pulse c. ch xung
regularity c. top iu kin chnh quy
servicwe c.s mt. iu kin s dng
shock c. iu kin kch ng
side c. gt. iu kin b sung
stability c iu kin n nh
start-oscillation c. xib. iu kin sinh dao ng
starting c.s mt. iu kin ban u
steady-state c.s ch [dng, n nh]
sufficient c. iu kin
surface c. iu kin mt
conditional c iu kin
conditionally mt cch c iu kin
conduct dn, mang, dng lm vt dn; iu khin, ch o
conductivity dn
conductance vl. tnh dn in
conduction s truyn, s dn
c. of heat vt. dn nhit
conductor vl. vt dn; s. ci dn, ian dn
lightning c. thu li
cone hnh nn, mt nn
c. of class nhnh nn lp n
c. of constant phase nn pha khng i
c. of friction nn ma xt
c. of order nnn bc n
c. of revolution nn trn xoay
algebraic c. mt nn i s
blunted c. hnh nn ct
circular c. hnh nn trn

circumscribed c. mt nn ngoi tip
confocal c.s nn ng tiu
dector c. mt nn ch phng
elemntary c. nn s cp
equilateral c. mt nn u
imaginary c. mt nn o
inscribed c. mt nn ni tip
isotrophic c. mt nn ng phng
mapping c. mt nn nh x
null c. nn khng, nn ng phng
oblique c. hnh nn xin
orthogonal c. nn trc giao
projecting c. nn chiu nh
quadric c. mt nn bc hai
reciprocal c. mt nn i cc
reduced c. nn rt gn
right circular c. nn trn phng
spherical c. qut cu
truncated c. hnh nn ct
cone-shaped c hnh nn
conet top. i li
confide tin cy
confidence s tin cy, lng tin tng
configuration hh. cu hnh; log. hnh trng
c. of a samplecu hnh ca mu
c. of a Turing hnh trng ca my
algebraic c. cu hnh i s
core c. cu hnh ca li t
harmonic c. cu hnh iu ho
planne c. cu hnh phng
space c. cu hnh khng gian
configurrational (thuc) cu hnh
confluence s hp lu (ca cc im k d); tk. tnh hp lu

confluent hp lu; suy bin
confocal ng tiu
conform thch hp, ph hp, tng ng; ng dng
conforrmable tng ng c
conformal bo gic
conformally mt cch bo gic
conformity tk. tnh bo gic; s ph hp, s tng quan
confound tk. trng hp (cc yu t, cc gi thit)
confounded tk. trng hp
confounding tk s trng hp
balanced c. s trng hp cn bng
partial c. s trng hp b phn
congest tk. cht qu ti
congestion s qu ti
congregation top. s tp hp, s thu thp
congruance s. ng d, tng ng; hh. don; s so snh, ng d thc
c. of circles on vng trn
c. of curves on ng cong
c. of first degree ng d th bc nht
c. of lines on ng thng
c. of matrices s. s tng ng ca cc ma trn
c. of spheres on mt cn
algebraic c. on i s
canonical c. on chnh tc
confocal c.s on ng tiu
elliptic c. on eliptic
hyperbolic c. on hipebolic
isotropic c. on ng hng
linear c. on tuyn tnh
linear line c. on ng thng
normal c. on php tuyn
quadraitic c. on bc hai
rectilinear c. on ng thng

sextic c. ng d thc bc su
special c. on c bit
tetrahedral c. on t din
congruent ng d
congruous ng d
conic cnic, ng bc hai
absolute c. cnic tuyt i
affine c. cnic afin
bitangent c.s cnic song tuyn
central c. cnic c tm
concentric c.s cnic ng tm
confocal c.s cnic ng tiu
conjugate c.s cnic lin hp
degenerate c. cnic suy bin
focal c. (of a quadric) cnic tiu
homothetic c.s cnic v t
line c cnic tuyn
nine-line c. cnic chn ng
non-singular c. khng k d
osculating c. cnic mt tip
point c. cnic im
proper c. cnic tht s
self-conjugate c. cnic t lin hp
singhlar c. cnic k d
similar c.s cnic ng dng
conical (thuc) cnic
conicograp compa cnic
conicoid cnicoit (mt bc hai khng suy bin)
conjecture s gi nh, s phng on
conjugecy tnh lin hp
conjugate lin hp
c. of a function lin hp ca mt hm
harmonic c. lin hp iu ho

conjunction s lin hp; log. php hi, hi
conjunctive hi
connect ni li, lm cho lin thng
connectted lin thng
arcwise c. lin thng ng
cyclic lly c. lin thng xilic
finitely c. lin thng hu hn
irreducibly c. lin thng khng kh quy
locally c. lin thng a phng
locally simple c. n lin a phng
simple c. n lin
strongly c. lin thng mch
connection s ni, s lin h; s ; tnh lin thng
affine c. lin thng afin
bridge c. ni bc cu
delta c. k. u kiu tam gic
nonlinear c. hh. lin thng khng tuyn tnh
non-symmetric(al) c. lin thng khng i xng
parallel c. k. [ghp, mc] song song
projective c. hh. lin thng x nh
semi-metric c. lin thng na mtric
semi-symmetric c. lin thng na i xng
series c. k. [ghp, mc] ni tip
symmetric(al) c. lin thng i xng
tendem c. k. ni dc
connective ci ni, b phn ni
connectivity tnh lin thng
transposse c. lin thng chuyn v
connexion s ni, s lin h; s ; tnh lin thng
conformal c. lin thngbo gic
conoid hnh nm conoit
right c. conoit thng

consecutive lin tip
consequence log. h qu, hu qu
consequent hu thc
conservation vl. bo ton
c. of energy bo ton
c. of momentum bo ton ng lng
conservative bo ton
consider xt, ch n cho rng
consideration s xt n, s ch in c. of ch n
consign kt. gi i (hng ho)
consignment hng ho
consignor ngi gi hng
consist (of) gm, bao gm
consistence tnh nht qun, tnh phi mu thun
consistency tnh nht qun, tnh phi mu thun;tk. tnh vng
c. of an estimator tnh vng ca mt c lng
c. of axioms tnh phi mu thun ca cc tin
c. of systems of equations tnh phi mu thun ca h cc phng trnh
simple c. tnh phi mu thun n gin
consistnet tnh nht qun, phi mu thun; vng
console k. dm cha. bn iu khin
constancy tnh khng i
c. of curvature hh. tnh khng i ca cong
constant bng s, hng lng, s khng i
c. of integration hng s tch phn
c. of proportionality h s t l
absolute c. hng s tuyt i
arbitrary c. hng s tu
beam c. hng s dm
characteristic c. hng s c trng

coupling c. hng s ngu hp
damping c. hng s lm tt dn
dielectric c vl. hng s in mi
elastic c hng s n hi
gravitation c. hng s hp dn
logical c. log. hng lng lgic
multiplication c.s of an algebra hng s lng nhn ca mt i s
nummerical hng s
oscillation c hng s dao ng
plase c. hng s pha
separation c hng s tch
structural c. hng s kt cu
time c hng s thi gian
transferr c. hng s di chuyn
constellation tv. chm sao
zodiacal c. chm sao hong i
constituent cu thnh
c. of unity cu thnh ca n v
c. of zero cu thnh khng
constrain rng buc, kim ch
constraint s rng buc, s hn ch
artificial c. lin h gi to, rng buc gi to
dual c.s rng buc i ngu
feasible c.s trch. rng buc chp nhn c
geometric c. rng buc hnh hc
ideal c. rng buc l tng
nonintegrable c. rng buc khng kh tch
rheonomous c. c. lin kt khng ngng
row c. rng buc v hng
scleronomous c. c. lin kt dng

construct xy dng, dng
construction log. s xy dng; hh. php dng hnh
c. of function s xy dng mt hm
approxximate c. php dng xp x
geometric c. php dng hnh
constructive log. xy dng
constructivity tnh kin thit
consume tiu dng
consumer ngi tiu dng
consumption s tiu dng
contact s tip xc; s mt tip; cng tc // tip xc
c. of higher order s tip xc bc cao
adjustable c. s tip xc iu chnh c
break c. mt. cng tc hm
double c. hh. tip xc kp
high c. tip xc bc cao
make c. mt. cng tc ng
normally closed c. mt. cng tc ng thng
normally open c. mt. cng tc m thng
poor c. mt. cng tc xu
retaining c. mt. cng tc gia
shut-off c.mt. cng tc hm
total c. tip xc ton phn
transfer c. mt. cng tc i mch
contain cha, bao hm; sh. chia ht 10 contain 5. 10 chia ht cho 5
contensive log. sc tch
content dung, dung lng
c. of a point set dung lng ca mt tp hp im
frequency c. ph tn xut
information c. lng thng tin

contiguity top. s mt tip, lin tip, tip cn
contiguous s mt tip, tip lin, tip cn
contigence tip lin, tip cn
mean square c. tk. tip lin bnh phng trung bnh
contigency tk. s ngu nhin, s tip lin
contigent tip lin
c. of a set tip lin ca mt tp hp
continual contunuan
continuation s m rng, s tip tc
analytic c. [s m rng, thc trin] gii tch
continuity tnh lin tc
absolute tnh lin tc tuyt i
approximate c. tnh lin tc xp x
left hand c. tnh lin tc bn tri
stochastic c. ngu nhin
uniforme c. tnh lin tc u
continuos lin tc, ko di
c. on the left (right) lin tc bn tri, phi
absolutaly c. lin tc tuyt i
equally c. lin tc ng bc
piecewise c. lin tc tng mnh
sectionally c. lin tc tng mnh
totally c. lin tc tuyt i
continuously mt cch lin tc
deformation-free c. continum khng bin dng
indecomposablr c. continum khng phn tch c
irreducible c. continum khng kh quy
linear c. continum tuyn tnh
locally connected c. continum lin thng a phng
rigid c. continum cng

snake-like c. continum hnh cy
tree-like c. continum ba cc
webless c. continum khng thnh mng
contour chu tuyn // v chu tuyn, v trong ba mt nm ngang
contract co, rt ngn, co rt // kt. hp ng
contracted b rt ngn, b co rt
contractible top. co rt c
contractive co, rt, rt ngn
contraction [php, s] co rt, s rt ngn
c. of indices s co rt ch s
tensor c. php co tenx
contracdict ph nh, t chi; mu thun
contradictory log. s ph nh, s mu thun
contradiction log. s ph nh, s mu thun
contradictory log. mu thun
contragradient tnh phn b
contraposition log. lp trng mu thun
contrary log. tri li, ngc li on the c. ngc li
contrast s tng phn // i lp, i chiu
contravaid log. v hiu, phn hu hiu
contravariant phn bin
contribute ng gp, cng tc
contribution s ng gp; kt. thu
contributory gp li
control iu khin, iu chnh, kim tra
anticipatory c. iu chnh trc, kim tra ngn nga
automatic(al) c. kim tra t ng, iu khin t ng
automatic flow c. iu chnh lu lng t ng
automatic remote c. iu khin t ng t xa
closed-cycle c. iu chnh theo chu trnh ng

dash c. iu khin bng nt bm
derivative c. iu chnh theo o hm
differential c. iu khin vi phn
direct c. iu chnh trc tip
discontinuous c. iu khin gin on
distance c. iu khin t xa
dual c. iu khin kp
emergency c. iu khin d tr
feed c. iu khin cp liu
feed-back c. [iu khin, iu chnh] c lin h ngc
fine c. iu khin chnh xc
floating c. iu chnh phim nh
frequency c. n nh ho tn s
gain c iu chnh c lp
independent c. iu chnh c lp
indirect c. iu chnh gin tip
industrial c. iu chnh cng nghip
integral c. iu khin tch phn
inventory c. qun l chi tiu, qun l cc qu lun chuyn
load c. iu chnh theo ti trng
manual c. iu khin bng tay
master c. iu khin chnh
mechaincal c. iu khin c gii
multicircuit c. s iu khin chu tuyn
multiple c. iu khin phc tp, iu khin bi
multivariable c. iu khin nhiu bin
non interacting c. iu chnh tnm
numerical c. iu chnh s tr
open-loop c. iu chnh theo chu trnh h
optimization c. iu khin ti u

peak-hold optimizing c. h thng iu chnh ti u theo v tr
pneumatic c. iu khin kh lc
process c. kim tra cng nghip iu khin qu trnh cng nghip
product c. kim tra sn phm
programme c. iu khin c chng trnh
proportional c. iu chnh t l
pulse c. iu khin xung
push-button c. iu khin bng nt bm
quality c. tk. kim tra phm cht
rate c. iu chnh theo vn tc
ratio c. iu chnh cc lin h
reaction c. iu chnh lin h ngc
remote c. iu khin t xa
retarded c. iu chnh chm
self-acting c. iu chnh trc tip
sensitivity c. iu khin nhy
servo c. iu khin secv
sight c. kim tra bng mt
slide c. iu khin nhp nhng, iu khin dn dn
split-cycle c. iu khin nhanh
satble c. iu chnh n nh
statistical c. tk kim tra thng k
step-by-step c. iu chnh tng bc
supervisory c. iu khin t xa
terminal c. iu chnh cui cng
time c. kim tra thi gian
time schedule c. [iu khin, iu chnh] theo chng trnh
time variable c. iu chnh theo thi gian, iu chnh c chng trnh
two-position c. iu khin hai v tr
undamped c. iu chnh khng n nh, iu chnh tn mn

controllability s iu chnh c, s iu khin c, s kim tra c
controllable iu khin c, iu chnh c
controlled c iu chnh, c kim tra
controller b iu khin; ngi iu chnh; ngi kim tra
counter c. b m
programme c. b iu chnh bnh chng trnh
convection s i lu
c. of energy s i lu nng lng
c. of heat s i lu nhit
forced c. s i lu cng bc
free c. s i lu t do
convention quy c, hip c
conventional c quy c
converge hi t, ng quy
c. in the mean hi t trung bnh
c. to a limat hi t ti mt gii hn
convergence [s, tnh] hi t
c. almost everywhere hi t hu khp ni
c. in mean hi t trung bnh
c. in measurre hi t theo o
c. in probability hi t theo xc sut
c. of a continued fraction s hi t ca lin phn s
absolute c. tnh hi t tuyt i
accidental c. [s; tnh] hi t ngu nhin
almost uniform c. s hi t gn u
approximate c. s hi t xp x
asymptotic c. tnh hi t tim cn
continuos c. s hi t lin tc
dominated c. gt. tnh hi t b tri
mear c. s hi t trung bnh

non-uniform c. gt. tnh hi t khng u
probability c. s hi t theo xc sut
quasi-uniorm c. tnh hi t ta u
rapid c. s hi t nhanh
regular c. s hi t chnh quy
relative uniorm c. s hi t u tng i
stochastic c. xs. s hi t theo xc sut; s hi t ngu nhin
strong c. s hi t mnh
substantial c. s hi t thc cht
unconditional c s hi t khng iu kin
unioform c. of a series gt. s hi t u ca mt chui
weak c. s hi t yu
convergent hi t
conditionally c. hi t c iu kin
everywhere c. hi t khp ni
restrictedly c. hi t b chn
unconditionally c. hi t khng iu kin
uniformly c. gt. hi t u
converse o // nh l o; iu khng nh ngc li
conversely mt cch ngc li, o li
conversion s bin i; s chuyn; php chuyn ho
code c. s bin i m
data c. s bin i cc s liu
digital c. s bin i ch s
convert lm nghch o, bin i
converter mt. my bin, my i (in)
analog-to-digital c. my bin tng t s
angle-to-digit c. my i v tr gc thnh dng ch s
binary-to-decimal c. my bin nh phn, thp phn (cc s nh phn
thnh cc s thp phn).

code c. my i m
data c. my bin i cc s liu
film c. my bin c phin
number c. my i s (ca mt h thng m thnh mt h thng khc)
pulse c. my bin xung
radix c. my i h thng m
rotating c. my i in quay
serial-to-parallel c. mt. my bin ni tip - song song
convex li || v li c. toward... li v ...
completely c. gt. li tuyt i
relatively c. hh. li tng i
strictly c. gt. li ngt
convexity tnh li; b li
modified c. gt. b li i dng
stric c. gt. tnh li ngt
convexo-concave li lm
concexo-convex vt. hai mt li
convexo-plane li - phng
convolute mt cun || chp cun
convolution php nhn chp, tch chp; vng cun
c. of two function tch chp ca hai hm s
c. of two power series tch chp ca hai chui lu tha
bilateral c. tch chp
cooperation s hp tc
cooperative hp tc
coordinate to
absolute c. to tuyt i
allowable c.s to tha nhn
areal c.s to din tch
axial c.s to trc

barycemtric c.s to trng tm
biaxial c.s. to song trc
bipolar c.s to lng cc
Cartesian c.s to cc
circle c.s to vng
circular cylindrical c.s to tr trn
confocal c.s. to ng tiu, to elipxoit
current c.s to hin ti
curvilinear c.s to cong
cyclic c.s to xiclic
cylindrical c.s to tr
elliptic c.s to eliptric
elliptic cylindrical to tr eliptric
ellipsoidal c. to elipxoian
focal c.s to tiu
generalized c.s to suy rng
geodesic c.s to trc a
geodesic polar c.s to cc trc a
geographic(al) c.s to a l
heliocentric c.s to nht tm
homogeneous c.s to thun nht
ignorable c.s to xiclic
inertial c.s to qun tnh
intrinsic c.s to ni ti
isotropic c.s to ng hng
line c.s to tuyn
local c.s to a phng
non-homogeneous c.s to khng thun nht
normal c.s to php tuyn
normal trilinear c.s to php tam tuyn

oblate spheroidal c.s to phng cu dt
orthogonal c.s to trc giao
orthogonal curvilinear c.s to cong trc giao
osculating c.s to mt thit
parabolic cylinder c.s to tr parabolic
paraboloidal c.s to paraboloian
parallel c.s to song song
pentaspherical c.s to ng cu
plane c.s to phng
point c.s to im
projective c.s to x nh
prolate spheroidal c.s to phng cu thun
ray c.s to tia
rectangular c.s to vung gc
rectilinear c.s to thng
relative c.s to tng i
semi-orthogonal c.s to na trc giao
spherical c.s to cu
spherical polar c.s to (cc) cu
spheroidal c.s to phng cu
tangential c.s to tip tuyn
tetrahedral c.s to t din
time c. to thi gian
toroidal c.s to phng tuyn
trilinear c.s to tam gic
trilinear line c.s to tam gic tuyn
trilinear point c.s to tam gic im
coordinatograp tk. dng c ch to (ca cc im ngu nhin trn mt
Copernican (thuc) h Copecnic

coplanar ng phng
coplanarity tnh ng phng
coprime nguyn t cng nhau
copunctal c mt im chung
copy bn sao chp tay, ti liu chp tay; s bt chc
cord si dy
extension c. mt. dy ko di
flexible c. mt. dy un c; c. dy mn
patch c. dy ni (cc b phn)
three-way c. mt. dy chp ba
core li; thc cht, bn cht
c. of sequence gt. li ca mt dy
ferrite c. mt. li ferit
head c. mt. li ca u ci ghi
ring-shaped c. mt. li vnh, li khuyn
saturable c. mt. cun bo ho
toroidal c. li phng tuyn
coresidual ng d
corner gc nh (tam gic, a gic); im gc (ca mt ng )
cornoid ng sng
corollarry h qu, h lun
corporation kt. nghip on, hip hi; cng ty (c phn)
stock c. cng ty c phn
corpuscle vl. ht
corpuscular (thuc) ht
corect sa, sa cha, hiu nh || ng n c. to the nearest tenth ng
n mt phn mi
corrected sa (cha), hiu nh
correction s sa cha, s hiu nh
c. for continue sa cho lin tc; c. for lag sa tr

double-error c. sa cho trng nhau
end c. hiu chnh cc gi tr bin
frequency c. hiu nh tn s
index c. hiu nh c dng c, sa c dng c
corrective sa (sai), hiu nh
corrector dng c sa, phng tin sa, cng thc sa
correlate tgn quan
correlated tng quan
correlation s, tk. s tng quan; hh. php i x
c. in space php i x trong khng gian
c. of indices tng quan ca cc ch s
antithetic(al) c. tng quan m
biserial c. tng quan hai chui
canonical c. tng quan chnh tc
circular c. tng quan vng
direct c. tng quan dng
grade c. tng quan hng
illusory c. tng quan o tng
intraclass c. tng quan trong lp
inverse c. tng quan m
involitory c. hh. php i x i hp
lag c. tng quan tr
linear c. tng quan tuyn tnh
multiple curvilinear c. tng quan bi phi tuyn tnh
multiple noraml c. tng quan bi chun tc
nonlinear c. tng quan khng tuyn tnh
nonsense c. tng quan [khng tht, gi to]
non-singular c. hh. php i x khng k d
partical c. tng quan ring
perfect c. tng quan hon ton

product moment c. tng quan mmen tch
rank c. tng quan hng
singular c. hh. php i x k d
spurious c. tng quan [khng tht, gi to]
total c. tng quan ton phn
true c. tng quan tht
vector c. tng quan vect
correlatograph my v tng quan
correlator my tng quan
analogue c. my tng quan tng t
high-speed c. my tng quan nhanh
speech-waveform c. mt. my phn tch cu ni
correlogram tk. tng quan
correspond tng ng
correspondence [php, s] tng ng
algebraic c. tng ng i s
birational c. tng ng song hu t
boundary c. tng ng bin
direct c. tng ng trc tip
dualistic c. tng ng i ngu
homographic c. tng ng phn tuyn
incidence c. s; hh. tng ng lin thuc
irreducible c. tng ng khng kh quy
isometric c tng ng ng c
many-one c. tng ng mt i nhiu
non-singular c. tng ng khng k d
one-to-one c. tng ng mt i mt
point c. tng ng im
projective c. tng ng x nh
recprocal c. tng ng thun nghch

reducible c. tng ng kh quy
singular c. tng ng k d
symmetric c. tng ng i xng
corrigendum bn nh chnh
cosecant cosec
arc c. accosec
coset lp (mul)
double c. s. lp kp
left c. lp (bn) tri
right c. lp (bn) phi
cosine cosin
are c. accosin
direction c. cosin ch phng
versed c. of an angle cosin ngc ca gc (covers = 1in)
cosinusoid ng cosin
cosmiic(al) (thuc) v tr
cosmogony tv. tinh nguyn hc
cosmography tv. v tr hc
cosmology tv. v tr lun
cosmos tv. v tr, th gii
cost kt. chi ph, ph tn
c. of handling stock gi bo qun hng tn kho
c. of observation tk. ph tn quan trc; gi thnh quan st
c. of ordering gi t hng
c. of production gi thnh sn xut
c. of a sample ph tn ca mu
manufacturing c. gi thnh sn sut
marginal c. chi ph gii hn
prime c. gi thnh sn phm
purchasing c. gi bn l

cotagent cotg; i tip xc
arc c. accotg
cote cao
count s m; s tnh ton || m, tnh ton; quyt ton c. by twos, three
fours m cch mt (1, 3, 5, 7...), cch hai, cch ba...
column c. tnh theo ct
digit c. tnh ch s
lost c. tnh tn tht
reference c. m kim tra, tnh th li
countability tnh m c
countable m c tnh c
counter my tnh; my m; trch. qun c nhy || ngc li
alpha c. my m ht anpha
batching c. my m nh liu lng; my m nhm
battery operated c. my m chy bng pin
beta c. my m ht bta
bidirectional c. my m hai chiu
continuos c. my tnh lin tc
digit c. my m ch s
directional c. my m c vn hnh nh hng
discharge c. my m phng in
dust c. my m bi
electromagnetic c. my m in t
flat response c. my m c c trng nm ngang
flip-flop c. my m trig
frequency c. my m tn s
friction revolution c. my m ma st cc vng quay
functional c. my m hm
gamma c my m ht gama
gated oscillation c. my m nhng dao ng iu khin c

impulse c., pulse c. my tnh xung; ng m xung
ion c. my m ion
lock-on c. my m ng b ho
modul 2 c. my tnh theo mdul 2
non-directional c. my m khng c phng
part c. my m cc chi tit
portable c. my tnh cm tay
predetermined c. my m c thit lp s b
production c. my m sn phm
proportional c. my mt l
radiation c. my tnh bc x
revolution c. my m vng quay
scale-of-two c. my m nh phn
scintillation c. my m nhp nhy
seconds c. my m giy
spark c. my m nhp nhy
speed c. my m vng quay
start-stop c. my m khi dng
step c. my m bc
storage c. my m tch lu
television c. my m v tuyn truyn hnh
tubeless c. my m khng n
counteraction phn tc dng
counter-clockwise ngc chiu kim ng h
counter-compact phn conpact
counter-controller b m
countless khng m c
couple c ngu lc; mt i, mt cp || lm thnh i
exact c. top. cp khp
resultant c. c. ngu lc tng

coupled c ghp thnh i
coupler b ghp
computer c. b o mch
coupling ghp; tng tc, lin quan
electromagnetic c. ghp in t
random c. xib. s hp nht ngu nhin
course qu trnh, qu trnh din bin of c. tt nhin
c. of value function hm sinh
covariance tk. hip phng sai
lag c. tk. hip phng sai tr
covariant hip bin
covariation s bin thin ng thi
cover ph || ci ph
coverage tk. ph; bn bo co tnh hnh
covered b ph
finitely c. top. ph hu hn
simple c. top. ph n
covering ph || ci ph
closed c. ci ph ng
finite c. ci ph hu hn
lattice c. ci ph dn
locally finite c. ci ph hu hn a phng
open c. ci ph m
stacked c. ci ph thnh ming
star-finite c. ci ph hnh sao hu hn
crack c. lm nt, lm nt thnh khe
cracovian gt. cracvian
create to ra, to thnh, ch thnh
creative to ra, sng to
credible tk. tin c

credit tk. tn dng, s cho vay, cho vay on c. n, mua chu; bn chu
creditor tk. ngi cho vay
creep c. ro; t bin
crescent tv. trng li lim, trng khuyt
crescent-shaped hnh trng li lim
crest c. nh (sng)
crinkle un, np un
crikly mt cch un
crisis kt. khng hong
criss-cross cho nhau, ngang dc || k hiu ch thp
criterion tiu chun
control c. tiu chun kim tra
convergence c. tiu chun hi t
error-squared c. tiu chun sai s bnh qun
logarithmic c. tiu chun lga
pentode c. tiu chun nm ngn (trong hai phn tch nhn t)
reducibility c. tiu chun kh quy
root-mean-square c. tiu chun sai s bnh phng trung bnh
stability c. tiu chun n nh
switching c. tiu chun o mch
unconditional stability c. tiu chun n nh khng iu kin
critical ti hn
cross s cho nhau, s giao nhau || cho, giao nhau || lm cho nhau, lm
giao nhau
cross-cap top. m cho, hng Mobicut
cross-cut nht ct; top. thit din; s. tng giao
cross-term top. thnh phn cho nhau
crosswise cho nhau
crossed cho
crude th s, th, cha c ch bin

cruciform c hnh ch thp
crunode im kp (thng); im t ct (ca ng cong)
cryctron critron
cryptogram bn vit mt
crystal tinh th; bn dn
crystallography tinh th hc
crystallometry php o tinh th
cubage php tm th tch
cubature php tm th tch
cube hnh lp phng; lu tha bc ba || tnh th tch; nng ln bc ba
c. of a number lu tha ba ca mt s
half open c. lp phng na m
cubic bc ba; phng trnh bc ba; ng bc ba, cubic
bipartile c. ng bc ba tch i hai nhnh (y2=x (x-a) (x-b) 0 < a < b)
discriminating c. phng trnh c trng ca mt bc ba
equianharmonic c. ng bc ba ng phi iu
harmonic c. ng iu ho bc ba
nodal c. cubic c nt
osculating c. cubic mt tip
twisted c. cubic xon
two-cireuited c. cubic hai mch
cubical (thuc) cubic
cuboid phng lp phng, hnh hp phng
culminate t (qua) nh cao nht
culmination im cao nht
cumulant na bt bin
factorial c. na bt bin giai tha
cumulate tch lu
cumulation s tch lu
cumulative tch lu, c tch lu

cup top. tch, du
curl rta (ca trng vect)
current dng || hin hnh
action c. dng tc dng
anode c. dng ant
alternating c. dng xoay chiu
convection c. dng i lu
eddy c.s dng xoy
direct c. dng khng i, dng mt chiu
displacement c. dng hn hp; vl. dng in tch
filament c. dng nung
four c. dng bn chiu
leakage c. dng (in) r
secondary c. dng th cp
standing c. dng ngh
tidal c. dng thu triu
cursor con chy ca (thc tnh)
curtail rt ngn
curtailed c rt ngn
curtailment s rt ngn
c. of sampling s rt ngn, vic ly mu
curtate rt ngn
curvature cong
c. of beams cong ca dm
c. of a conic cong ca mt cnic
c. of curve cong ca mt ng (cong)
asymptotic c. cong tim cn
concircular c. cong ng vin
conformal c. cong bo gic
fist c. cong, cong th nht (ca ng cong ghnh)

Gaussian c. cong Gaux, cong ton phn
geodesic c. cong trc a
high c. cong bc cao
integraal c.s cong tch phn
mean affine c. cong afin trung bnh
principal c. cong chnh
principal c. of a surface cong chnh ca mt mt
scalar c cong v hng
second c. xon, cong th hai (ca ng cong ghnh)
sectional c. cong theo (phng) hai chiu)
tangential c. cong tip tuyn
total c. cong ton phn
tatal afine c. cong afin ton phn
curve ng cong
c. of constant slope cong c dc khng i
c. of constant width cong c b rng khng i
c. of flexibility ng un
c. of persuit ng ui
c. of zero width cong c b rng khng
adiabatic c. ng cong on nhit
adjjoint c. ng cong lin hp
admissible c. ng chp nhn c
algebraic(al) c. ng cong i s
analagmatic c. ng t nghch
analytic c. ng cong gii tch
anharminic c. ng cong khng iu ho
base c. ng cong c s
bell-shaped c. ng cong hnh chung
bicircular c. ng lng vin
binomial c. ng nh thc

biquadratic c. ng cong trng phng
bitangential c. ng cong lng tip
boundary c. ng bin gii
catenary c. ng dy xch
central c. ng cong c tm
characteristic c. ng cong c trng
circular c. ng n vin
complex c. ng ca m
confocal c. ng ng tiu
concave c. ng lm
conjugate c.s ng cong lin hp
convex c. ng li
consecant c. ng cosec
cosine c. ng cosin
cost c. ng cong gi c
cotangent c. ng cotg
covariant c. ng hip bin
critacal c. ng ti hn
cruciform c. ng ch thp ( th ca x2y2-a2y2-a2x2=0)
decomposed c. ng cong tch
dextrorse c. ng cong c xon dng (ng cong bn phi)
diametral c. ng cong knh
directrix c. ng cong chun
discharge c. ng phng in
distribution c. ng phn phi
epitrochoidal c. ng pitrcoit
equianharmonic c. ng ng phi iu
equiprobability c. ng cng xc sut
error c. ng cong sai s
focal c. ng tiu

frequency c. ng tn s, ng mt (phn phi)
generating c. ng sinh
geodesic c. ng trc a
growth c. tk. ng tng
harmonic c. ng iu ho
high plane c. ng phng bc cao
homothetic c. ng v t
hydraulic characteristic c. c tuyn thu lc
hydrostatic c. ng thu tinh
hyperelliptic c. ng siu eliptic
hypergeometric c. ng siu bi
inverse c. ng nghch o
irreducible c. ng khng kh quy
isologic c. ng i vng
isothermal c.s ng ng nhit
isotropic c. hh. ng ng hng
kappa c. ng kapa ( th ca x4 + x2y2=a2y2)
left-handed c. ng xon li
level c. gt. ng mc
limiting c. ng gii hn
logarithmic c. ng hm lga
logistic c. ng lgitic ( th ca y=k(1+ea+bx)
loxodromic c. ng t hnh
neighbouring c. ng ln cn
null c. ng ng hng
orbiform c. hh. ng c rng khng i
oblique pedal c. ng thu tc xin
oribiform c. ng c rng khng i
orthoptic c. ng phng khuy
oscillating c. ng dao ng

pan-algebraic c. ng phim i s
parabolic(al) c. ng parabolic
parametric c. ng tham s
pear c. ng qu l
pedal c. ng bn p
percentile c. ng phn phi
plane c. hh. ng phng
polar c. ng cc
polar reciprocal c. ng i cc
polytropic c. ng a hng
power c. ng lc lng
principal c. ng chnh
probability c. ng xc sut
quartric c. ng bc bn
quasi-plane c. ng hu phng
quintic c. ng bc nm
rational c. ng hu t
rectifiable c, ng cu trng c
reducible c. ng cong tch
regression c. ng hi quy
regular c. ng chnh quy
rose c. ng hoa hng ( th nose=asin 2)
saw tooth c. ng rng ca
secant c. ng sec
self-polar c. ng t i cc
serpentime c. ng hnh rn ( th ca x2y +b2y- x2x = 0)
shock c. ng kch ng
signoid c. ng xicnoit
similar c.s cc ng ng dng
simple abnormal c. ng cong n bt thng

simple closed c. ng ng n
sine c. ng sin
sinistrorsal c. ng xon tri
skew c. hh. ng lch
space c. hh. ng ghnh
star-like c. ng ging hnh sao
stress-train c. ng ng sut bin dng
syzygetic c. ng hi xung, ng xiziji
tangent c. ng tip xc
three leaved rose c. ng hoa hng ba cnh
trannsendental c. ng siu vit
transition c. ng chuyn tip
triangular symmetric c. ng i xng tam gic
trigonometric(al) c. ng lng gic
twisted c. ng xon
unicursal c. hh. ng n hoch
curved cong
curvilinear cong, ph tuyn
curvometer my o ng cong
cusp hh. im li
c. of the first kind (simple c.) im li loi mt)
c. of the second kind im li loi hai
double c. im t tip xc
cuspdal (thuc) im li
cut nht ct || ct c. in bt, cho chy; c. off, c. out. ct, tt, hm
cybernetics iu khin hc, xibecnetic
engineering c. iu khin hc k thut
cycle s tun hon, chu trnh, chu k || lm theo chu trnh
accumulation c. chu trnh tch lu
effective c. s. chu trnh hu hiu

essential c. top. chu trnh ct yu
fixed c. chu trnh khng i
forword-type c. chu trnh chuyn ng ln trc
ideal c. chu trnh l tng
limit c. gt. chu trnh gii hn
magnetic c. mt. chu trnh t ho
major c. mt. chu trnh ln
open c. chu trnh m
print c. mt. chu trnh in
pulse-repetition c. mt. chu trnh lp li cc xung
rational c. chu trnh hu t
relative c. chu trnh tng i
repetitive c. mt. chu trnh lp
scanning c. chu trnh quyt
storage c. chu trnh d tr
timing c. mt. chu trnh nh thi
variable c. chu trnh bin thin
virtual c. chu trnh o
cycler thit b iu khin chu trnh
cyclic(al) xiclic, trn, tun hon
cyclically mt cch tun hon
cyclide xilic
binodal c. xiclit hai nt
nodal c. xiclit c nt
cycling c. cng c chu trnh; s dao ng, s chuyn xung lng
cyclograph th chu trnh
cyclogram biu chu trnh
cycloid xicloit
curtate c. xicloit co
prolate c. xicloit dui

cyclometer my o qung ng, my o chu trnh
cyclosymmetry s i xng chu trnh
cyclotomic trn, v vic chia vng trn
cyclotron xicltron
cylinder tr, hnh tr, mt tr
algebraic c. mt tr i s
circular c. hnh tr trn
coaxial c. hnh tr ng trc
compound c. hnh tr a hp
elliptic(al) c. mt tr eliptic
envoloping c. mt tr bao
hyperbolic c. mt tr hipebolic
imaginary elliptic c. mt tr eliptic o
obliqua c. hnh tr xin
projecting c. tr chiu
right circular c. hnh tr trn phng
rotating c. hnh tr trn xoay
cylindrical (thuc) mt tr
cylindroid phng tr
cypher s khng, ch s, m

D Alembert ton t Alembect
damp vl. lm tt dn
damped tt dn
damper ci tt dao ng, ci trng rung
damping s tt dn-
critical d. s tt dn ti hn
dash nhn mnh // nt gch
dash-board mt. bng dng c (o)
data mt. s liu, d kin, d liu
all or none d. d kin lng phn
ana logue d. s liu lin tc
basal d. d kin c s
coded d. d kin m ho
correction d. bng hiu chnh
cumulative d. tk s liu tch lu
experimental d. s liu thc nghim
graph d. s liu th
initial d.mt. d kin [ban u, khi thu ]
input d. d liu vo
integrated d. tk. cc s liu gp
numerical d. mt. d liu bng s
observed d. s liu quan st
qualitative d.tk. d kin nh tnh
randomly fluctuating d. mt. d kin thay i ngu nhin
ranked d. k d kin c xp hng
refereence d. d kin tham kho, s liu tham kho
sensitivity d. d kin nhy
tabular d. d kin dng bng

test d. s liu thc nghim
data-in s liu vo
data-uot s liu ra
datatron my x l s liu
date ngy; thng // ghi ngy
datum s liu, d kin
dead cht
debentura cng tri, tri khon
debit kt. sc bn, tin thu nhp (ca hng bun); s tin thiu; c. lu lng
debt kt. mn n
national d. quc tri
public d. cng tri
debtor tk. ngi mc n
next d. hng, (s thp phn) tip theo
previous d. hng, (s thp phn) ng trc
decagon hnh thp gic
regular d. hnh thp gic u
decagonal (thuc) hnh thp gic
decahedron (thuc) thp din
decahedron thp din
decamter mi mt
decatron decatron (n dng cho my tnh)
decay vl. phn hu
deceterate vl. gim tc
deceleration s gim tc, s lm chm li
decibel quyt nh
decile thp phn v
decillion 1060 ( Anh); 1033 ( M)
decimal s thp phn
circulating d., peroidical d. s thp phn tun hon

finite d. s thp phn hu hn
ifninite d. s thp phn v hn
mixed d. s thp phn hn tp
non-terminating d. s thp phn v hn
signed d. s thp phn c du
terminating d. s thp phn hu hn
decimeter ximet
decipher tk. c mt m, gii m
deccision quyt nh
statistic(al) d. tk. quyt nh thng k
terminal d. tk. quyt nh cui cng
deck trch. c bi
declination tv. nghing
d. of a celestial point chnh lch ca thin im
north d. lch dng ( lch v pha Bc)
south d. lch m ( lch v pha Nam)
decode c mt m, gii m
decoded c c mt m, c gii m
decoder my c mt m
strorage d. xib. my c m c nh
trigger d. b gii m trig
decomposable phn tch c, khai trin c
decompose phn tch
decomposed c phn tch, c khai trin; b suy bin
decomposition s phn tch, s khai trin, s phn hoch
d. into direct sum phn tch thnh tng trc tip
d. of a faction s khai trin mt phn s
additive d. s. s phn tch cng tnh
central d. s. s phn tch trung tm
direct d. s phn tch trc tip

standard d. s phn tch tiu chun
decrease gim
decrement bc gim, gim lng
logarithmic d. gim lng lga
deduce log. suy din; kt lun d. from suy t
deducibility log. suy din c
deduct tr i
deduction s tr i, suy din, kt lun
contributorry d. kt lun mang li
hypothetic(al) d. suy din, [gi nh, gi thit]
resulting d. kt lun cui cng
subsidiary d. kt lun, ph tr, suy din b tr
deductive log. suy din
deep su, su sc
defect (s) khuyt; khuyt tt
d. of an analytic funetion s khuyt ca mt hm gii tch
d. of a space s khuyt ca mt khng gian
angular d. khuyt gc (mt tam gic)
defective khuyt
faction d.tk. t s ch phm
deferlant sng dn
defernt qu tch vin tm
deficiency s khuyt
d. of a curve s khuyt ca mt ng cong
effective d. s khuyt hu hiu
virtual d. s khuyt o
deficient khuyt, thiu
definability log. tnh xc nh c, tnh kh thi
combinatory d. tnh kh nh t hp
definable nh ngha c kh nh

define nh ngha, xc nh
definiendum log biu thc c xc nh
definiens log. biu thc nh ngha
definite xc nh
positively d. xc nh dng
stochastically d. xc nh ngu nhin
definiteness tnh xc nh
definition log. nh ngha
explicit d. nh ngha r
implicit d. nh ngha n
impredicative d. nh ngha bt v t
inductive d. nh ngha quy np
operational d. nh ngha ton t
recursive d. nh ngha quy
regressive d. nh ngha hi quy
deflate h hng; h cp (ca ma trn)
deflect lch (khi mt ng thng); (b) khc x
deflection vl. s i dng; s lch, lch; vng
bending d. mi tn ca vng
large d. lch ln, vng ln
deflective lch
deflector ci lm lch
deflexion s i dng
deform lm bin dng, lm i dng
deformable bin dng c
freely d. bin dng c t do
deformation s bin dng
d. of a surfface bin dng ca mt mt
angular d. bin dng gc
chain d. bin dng dy chuyn

continuos d. bin dng lin tc
finit d. bin dng hu hn
homogeneous d. bin dng thun nht
irrotational d. bin dng khng rta
linear d. bin dng di, bin dng tuyn tnh
non-homogeneous d. bin dng khng thun nht
plane d. bin dng phng
plastic d. bin dng do
pure d bin dng thun tu
tangent d. bin dng tip xc
topological d. bin dng tp
degeneracy s suy bin, s thoi ho
degenerate suy bin, lm suy bin
degeration s suy bin, s thoi ho
degenerative suy bin
degree , cp bc
d. of accuracy chnh xc
d. of an angle s ca mt gc
d. of are cung
d. of a complex bc ca mt m
d. of confidence tin cy, mc tin cy
d. of correlation tng quan
d. of a curve bc ca ng cong
d. of a differential equation cp ca mt phng trnh vi phn
d. of a extension of a field m rng ca mt trng
d. of freedom tk. bc t do
d. of map bc ca mt nh x
d. of a polynomial s. bc ca mt a thc
d. of separability s. bc tch c
d. of substituition bc ca php th

d. of transitivity s. bc bc cu
d. of unsolvability log. khng gii c
d. of wholeness xib. ton b, ton th
bounded d. s. bc b chn
reduced d. bc thu gn
spherical d. cu
transcendence d. s. siu vit
virtual d. o
zero d. bc khng
del nabla (), ton t nabla
delay lm chm tr // s trm, s tr
adjustable d. s tr iu chnh c
corrective d. s tr hiu chnh
one-digit d. s tr mt hng
static(al) time d. s tr thi gian n nh
time d. chm v thi gian
delayed b chm
delayer ci lm [chm, tr]
delete gch, b i
deleted b b i
delicacy gt. tnh sc so, tinh vi (ca phng php)
delicate gt. (phng php) sc so, tinh vi
delimite phn gii, nh gii hn
delineate v, m t
delineation bn v, hnh v
deliver phn phi
delivery mt. s phn phi, s cung cp
delta denta ()
Kronecker d. k hiu Krneck
demand yu cu, nhu cu

demilune tv. na thng; gc phn t th hai
demodulation s kh bin iu
demodilator ci kh bin iu
demography tk. khoa iu tra dn s
demonstrable chng minh c
demonstrate chng minh
demonstration [s, php] chng minh
analytic d. php chng minh gii tch
direct d. php chng minh trc tip
indirect d. php chng minh gin tip
denary (thuc) mi (10)
dence trch. mt nh, mt ch s hai
dendritic top. hnh cy
dendroid hnh cy
dendron top. cy
denial log. s ph nh
denominate gi tn, t
denomination kt. s nh gi; s t tn (tin t)
denominator mu s, mu thc
common d. mu chung, mu thc chung
least common d. mu chung nh nht
lowest common d. mu chung nh nht
denote k hiu : c ngha l
dense tr mt
d. in itself tr mt trong chnh n
metriccally gt. tr mt metric
nowhere d. khng u tr mt
ultimately d. tr mt ti hn
denseness tnh tr mt
density mt , tnh tr mt; t trng

d. of intergers s. mt cc s nguyn
asymptotic d. s. mt tim cn
lower d. mt di
metric d. mt metric
outer d. mt ngoi
probability d. mt xc sut
scalar d. hh. mt v hng
spectral d. mt ph
tensor d. hh. mt tenx
upper d. mt trn
denumerable dm c
deny ph nh
departure lch, sai; s thay i kinh
depart khi hnh; ri khi; nghing v, lch v
depend ph thuc
dependence s ph thuc
functional d. ph thuc hm
linear d. ph thuc tuyn tnh
stochastic d. ph thuc ngu nhin
dependent ph thuc
algebraically d. ph thuc i s
lincarly d. ph thuc tuyn tnh
depolarization s kh cc
deposit kt. gi tin (vo ngn hng) // mn tin gi
depository h, gim
depreciation s gim, s h, kt. h, gim (gi)
depress gim, h
depressed b gim, b h
depression s gim, s h; vlc. min p sut thp; kt. s suy thoi

d. of order (of differential equation) s gim cp (ca mt phng
trnh vi phn)
depth su
d. of an element cao ca mt phn t
critical d. su ti hn
hydrraulic mean d. su thu lc trung bnh
skin d. vl. su ca lp ngoi nht
true eritical d. su ti hn thc
derivate gt. o s // ly o hm
left hand lower d. o s tri di
left hand upper d. o s tri trn
normal d. o s theo php tuyn
right hand upper d. o s phi trn
derivation php ly o hm; ngun gc, khi thu
derivative o hm
d. from parametric equation dn sut t cc phng trnh tham s
d. on the left (right) o hm bn tri (bn phi)
d. of a group cc dn sut ca mt nhm
d. s of higher order o hm cp cao
d. of a vect o hm ca mt vect
absolute d. o hm tuyt i
approximate d. gt o hm xp x
areolar d. o hm din tch
backward d. gt. o hm bn phi
covariant d. o hm hip bin
directional d. o hm theo hng
forward d. o hm bn phi
fractional d. gt. o hm cp phn s
generalizer d. o hm suy rng
hight d. gt. o hm cp cao

left d. o hm bn tri
logarithmic d. gt. o hm lga
maximum directional d. o hm hng cc i
normal d. o hm php tuyn
parrmetric d. o hm tham s
partial d. o hm ring
particle d. o hm ton phn
right-hand d. o hm bn phi
succes ive d.s cc o hm lin tip
total d. o hm ton phn
derive log. suy ra
dervived dn sut
descend gim, i xung
descendant con chu (trong qu trnh phn nhnh)
descent s gim
constrained d. s gim rng buc
infinite d. s gim v hn
quickest d., steepest d. s gim nhanh nht
describe m t
description log. s m t
descriptive log. m t
design thit k; d n || s lp k hoch
d. of experiments lp k hoch thc nghim; tk. [b tr; thit k] th
balanced d. k hoch cn i
control d. tng hp iu khin
logical d. tng hp lgic
program d. lp chng trnh
sample d. thit k mu
designate xc nh, ch, k hiu

designation log. s ch; k hiu
desire c mun
desired mun c i hi
desk mt. bn; ch ba c l
control d. bn iu khin
test d. bn th, bng th
destination mt. ch ghi (thng tin)
destroy trit tiu, ph hu
destructive ph b
detach tch ra
detached b tch ra
detachment s tch ra
detail chi tit
detailed c lm chi tit
detect vl. pht hin, d, tm
detection vl. s pht hin
error d. pht hin sai
detent nt hm kho, ci nh v
determinancy tnh xc nh
determinant s. nh thc
d. of a matrix nh thc ca ma trn
adjoint d. nh thc ph, nh thc lin hp
adjugate d. nh thc ph hp
alternate d. nh thc thay phin
axisymmetric d. nh thc i xng qua ng cho
bordered d. nh thc c vin
characteristic d. nh thc c trng
composite d. nh thc a hp
compound d.s nh thc a hp
cubic d. nh thc bc ba

group d. nh thc nhm
minor d. nh thc con
signular d. nh thc k d
skew-symmetric d. nh thc i xng lch
symmetric d. nh thc i xng
determinantal di dng nh thc, cha nh thc
determinate xc nh
determination s xc nh, nh tr
determine xc nh, gii hn; quyt nh
determinism quyt nh lun
local d. xib. quyt nh lun a phng
deterministic tt nh
detonation vl. s n
deuce trch. qun nh
develop pht trin, khai trin; vl. xut hin
developable tri c || mt tri c
d. of class n mt tri c lp n
bitangent d. mt tri c lng tip
polar d. mt tri c cc
rectifying d. mt tri c trc c
development s khai trin, s pht trin
developmental mt. th thc nghim
deviate lch || lch
deviation tk. s lch, lch
accumulated c lch tch lu
average d. lch trung bnh
mean d. lch trung bnh; lch tuyt i
mean squara d. lch bnh phng trung bnh
root-mean-square d. lch tiu chun
standard d. lch tiu chun, sai lch in hnh

device mt. thit b, dng c, b phn
accounting d. thit b m
analogue d. thit b m hnh
average computing d. thit b tnh cc s trung bnh, thit b tnh trung
code d. thit b lp m
codingd. thit b lp m
electronic storage d. thit b nh in t
input d. thit bvo
locking d. thit b kho
null d. thit b khng
output d. thit b ra
plotting d. dng c v ng cong
protective d. thit b bo v
safety d. thit b bo v
sensing d. thit b th cm
short-time memory d. thit b nh ngn hn
storage d. thit b nh
warning d. thit b bo hiu trc
devise ngh ra, pht minh ra
diagnose mt. chun on, pht hin sai (trong my)
diagnosis s chun on, pht hin sai (trong my)
automatic d. s chun on t ng
diagnostic mt. chun on pht hin
diagonal ng cho
dominant main d. ng cho chnh bi
principal d. ng cho chnh
secondary d. of a determiant dng cho ph ca mt nh thc
diagram mt. biu , s
arithlog d. biu lga s

assumption d. biu l thut, biu gi nh
base d. s c s
bending moment d. biu mmen un
block d. s khi
circuit d. s mch
cording d. s mc, cch mc
correlation d. biu tng quan
discharge d. th phng in
elementary d. s v nguyn tc
energy discharge d. biu tn nng
flow out d. biu lu xut
functional d. s hm
influence d. ng nh hng
inspection d. biu qu trnh kim tra, biu phn tch lin tip
installation d. s b tr
interconnecting wiring d. s ni, s lp rp
key d. s hm
line d. s tuyn tnh
load d. biu ti trng
memoric d. s nh
natural alignment d. s thng hng t nhin
non-alignment d. s khng thng hng
percentage d. kt. s phn trm
phase d. s pha
schematic d. mt. biu khi lc
skeleton d. mt. s khung
vector d. biu vect
velocity time d. biu vn tc thi gian
wireless d. s ni, s lp ghp
diagramamatic(al) (thuc) s , biu

dial mt (ng h, la bn, Ampe k )
counter d. mt s ca my m
normal d. mt s chun
standard d. mt. thang t l tiu chun
dialectical log. (thuc) bin chng
dialectican log. nh bin chng
dialectics php bin chng
marxian d. log. php bin chng macxit
diamagnetic vl. nghch t
diamgantism vl. tnh nghch t
diameter hh. ng knh
d. of a conic ng knh ca mt cnic
d. of a quadratic complex ng knh ca mt m bc hai
d. of a set of points ng knh ca mt tp hp im
conjugate d.s nhng ng knh lin hp
principal d. ng knh chnh
transfinite d. ng knh siu hn
diametral (thuc) ng knh
diametric(al) (thuc) ng knh
diamond trch. qun vung (car) || c dng hnh thoi
diaphragm iafram
dib trch. th nh bi, tr chi nh bi
dice trch. qun (ht) sc sc; tr chi xc sc
dichotomic lng phn
dichotomous lng phn
dichotomy php lng phn
binomial d. lng phn nh thc
dichromate top. lng sc
dichromatic c lng sc
dichromatism top. tnh lng sc

dictating mt. c vit, vit chnh t
dictionary t in
mechanical d. t im c gii ( dch bng my)
die qun sc sc
balanced d. qun sc sc cn i
dielectric vl. (cht) in mi
diffeomorphism vi ng phi
differ khc vi, phn bit vi
difference hiu s; sai phn
d. of a function (increment of function) s gia ca mt hm s
arithmetical d. hiu s s hc
backward d. sai phn li
balanced d.s sai phn bng
central d. sai phn gia
confluent devided d. t sai phn c cc im trng
divide d. t sai phn
finite d,s gt. sai phn hu hn, sai phn
first d.s gt. sai phn cp mt
forward d. sai phn tin
mean d. tk. sai phn trung bnh
partial d. sai phn ring
phase d. hiu pha
potential d. th hiu
reciprocal d.gt sai phn nghch
socond order d. gt. sai phn cp hai
successive d. sai phn lin tip
tabular d.s hiu s bng
different khc nhau
differentability tnh kh vi
differenible kh vi

continuossly d. gt. khai vi lin tc
diferential vi phn
d. of vomume, element of volume vi phn th tch, yu t th tch
associated homogeneous d. vi phn thun nht lin i
binomial d. vi phn nh thc
computing d. my tnh vi phn
harmonic d. vi phn iu ho
total d. vi phn ton phn
trigonometric d. vi phn lng gic
differenttiate ly vi phn; tm o hm; phana bit
d. with respect to x ly vi phn theo x
differentiation php ly vi phn, php tm o hm
d. of an infinite seri ly vi phn mt chui v hn
complex d. php ly vi phn thc
covariant d. php ly vi phn hip bin
implicit d. php ly vi phn tm o hm, mt n hm
indirect d. gt. php ly vi phn mt hm hp
logarithmic d. php ly o hm nh ly lga, php ly vi phn bng
(php) ly lga
numerical d. php ly vi phn bng s
partial d. php ly vi phn ring, php ly o hm ring
succesive d. php ly vi phn lin tip
differentitor b ly vi phn, my ly vi phn
difficult kh khn
diffract vl. nhim x
diffraction vl. s nhiu x
diffuse tn x, tn mn, khuch tn, truyn
diffuser c. ng khuch tn
diffusion s tn x, s khuch tn
difusivity h s khuch tn, nng sut khuch tn

digamma igama
digit ch s, hng s
d.s with like place values cc ch s cng hng
binary d. ch s nh phn
carry d. mt. s mang sang
check d. ct s kim tra
decimal d. s thp phn
equal-order d.s mt. cc s cng hng
final carry d. mt. s mang sang cui cng
high-order d. mt. hng s cao hn (bn tri)
independent d. mt. hng s c lp
input d. mt. ch vo, ch s
least significant d. mt. ch s c ngha b nht
left-hand d. mt. hng s cao (bn tri)
lowest-order d. mt. hng s thp bn tri
message d. xib. k hiu trong thng tin, du hiu truyn tin
most significant d. mt. hng s c ngha ln nht
multiplier. mt. hng s nhn
non-zero d. mt. hng s khc khng
quinary d. mt. ch s theo c s nm, hng s theo c s 5
sign d. hng ch du
significant d. mt. hng s c ngha, ch s c ngha
sum d. mt. hng s ca tng, ch s ca tng
tens d. hng trc
top d. mt. hng cao nht
unist d. mt. hng n v
digital (thuc) s, ch s
digitizer thit b bin thnh ch s
voltage d. thit b biu din ch s cc th hiu
dihedral nh din

dihedron gc nh din
dihomology top. lng ng u
dilatation s gin, php gin
cubical d. s gin n khi
dilate m rng, gin n
dilation s gin, hhs. php gin
dilemma log. lng ilem
dilute lm long, pha long
dilution s lm long
dimension chiu, th nguyn (ca mt i lng)
cohomology d. th nguyn i ng u
global d. s chiu trn ton trc
harmonic d. th nguyn iu ho
homology d. th nguyn ng u
transifinite d. s chiu siu hn
virtual d. hhs. s chiu o
weak d. th nguyn yu
dimesional (thuc) chiu th nguyn
dimesionality th nguyn, s. hng bc
d. of a representation bc ca php biu din
dimensionnally theo chiu, theo th nguyn
dimensionless khng c chiu, khng c th nguyn
dimenisons kch thc
dimidiate chia i
diminish lm nh; rt ngn li
diminished c lm nh li, c rt ngn li
diminution lm nh, s rt ngn; php tnh tr; s b tr
diode mt. it
crytal d. it tinh th, it bn dn
dioptrics vl. khc x hc

dipole lng cc
electric d. lng cc in
magnetric d. lng cc t
oscillating d. lng cc dao ng
direct trc tip
directed c hng, nh hng
direction hng, phng
d. of polarization phng phn cc
d. of the strongest growth gt. hng tng nhanh nht
asymototic d. phng tim cn
characterictic d. phng c trng
cunjugate d.s phng lin hp
exce ptional d. phng ngoi l
normal d. phng php tuyn
parameter d. phng tham s
principal d.s phng chnh
principal d.s of curvature phng cong chnh
directional theo phng
director thit b ch hng; dng c iu khin
fire control d. dng c iu khin pho
directrix ng chun
d. of a conic ng chun ca mtm cnic
d. of a linear congruence ng chun ca mt on tuyn tnh
disc vl a, bn
punctured top. a chm thng
shock d. a kch ng
discard trch. chui (bi)
discharge s phng in
critical d. lu lng ti hn
disconnect phn chia, phn hoch; k. ct, ngt

disconnected gin on, khng lin thng
totally d.top. hon ton gin on
discontinue lm gin on
discontinuity s gin on, bc nhy
contact d. c. gin on yu
finite d. gin on hu hn
infinite d. gin on v hn
jump d., ordinarry d.im gin on c bc nhy hu hn
removable d. gt. gin on kh c
shock d. gin on kch ng
discontinuos gin on ri rc
pointwise d. gin on tng im
discordance s khng ph hp, s khng tng ng; s bt ho
discordant khng ph hp, khng tng ng, bt ho
discount kt. [s, c] chit khi, s khu n, s h gi
discoruse bin lun
discover khm ph ra
discovery s khm ph, s pht minh
discrepancy s phn k, s khc nhau
discrepant phn k, khng ph hp
discrete ri rc
discriminant bit s, bit thc
d. of a differential equation bit s ca mt phng trnh vi phn
d. of a polynomial equation bit s ca mt phng trnh i s
d. of a quadraitic equation in two variables bit s ca phng trnh
bc hai c hai bin
d. of quadraitic from bit s ca dng ton phng
discriminate phn bit khc nhau, tch ra
discrimination s phn bit, s tch ra
discriminatormt. thit b so snh, my phn bit (cc xung)

pulse height d. mt. my phn bit bin xung
pulse with d. mt. my phn bit b rng xung
trigger d. mt. my phn bit xung khi ng
discuss tho lun
discussion s tho lun
discentangle tho ra, ci ra
disintegrate phn r, phn ly, tan r
disintegration s phn hu
disjoint ri (nhau)
mutually d. ri nhau
disjointness tnh ri nhau
disjunction log. php tuyn
exclusive d. php tuyn loi
inclusive d. php tuyn khng loi
disjunctive tuyn
disk a, hnh (trn)
closed d. (open d.). hnh trn ng, (hnh trn m)
punctured d. a thng
rotating d. a quay
dislocate lm hng, lm lch
dislocation s hng, s lch (cu trc tinh th)
disnormality tk. s phn phi khng chun
disorder khng c th t, lm mt trt t
disorientation s khng nh hng
dispatch gi i, truyn i
dispatcher mt. b phn gi i
disperse tn x, tiu tn
dispersion s tiu tn, s tn x; tk. s phn tn
d. of waces s tn sng
acoustic d. m tn

hypernormal d. s tiu tnh siu chun tc
dispersive phn tn
displace di ch; th
displacement php di hnh; [s, php] di ch
d. of on a line tnh tin trn mt ng thng
infinitesimal d. php di ch v cng nh
initial d. hh. s ri ch ban u
parallel d. hh. php di ch song song
radical d. s ri theo tia
rigid body d. s di ch cng
transverse d. s di (ch) ngang
virtual d. s ri (ch) o
display s biu hin || biu hin
disposal s xp t; s kh; s loi
disproportion s khng t l, s khng cn i
disproportinate khng t l, khng cn i
dissect ct, phn chia; phn loi
dissection s ct; s phn chia
d. of a complex top. s phn ct mt phc hnh
dissimilar khng ng dng
dissimilarity tnh khng ng dng
dissipate tiu tn; tn x; tiu ph (nng lng)
dissipation s tiu tn, s hao tn
d. of energy s hao tn nng lng
dissipative tiu tn, tn x
dissociation s phn ly
dissymmetircal khng i xng
dissymmetry s khng i xng
distal vin tm
distance khong cch

d. of between lines (planes, points) khong cch gia hai ng thng,
(hai mt phng, hai im)
a point to a line of a plane khong cch t mt im n mt ng
thng hay mt mt phng
d. from a surface to a tangent planes khong cch t mt mt n mt
phng tip xc
angular d. khong cch gc
apparent d. khong cch [b ngoi, biu kin]
focal d. (from the center) na khong tiu
geodesic d. khong cch gc ca mt trng
lunar d. khong cch gc ca mt trng
polar d. khong cch cc
zenith d. khong cch thin nh, khong cch znit
distinct khc bit, phn bit || r rng
distinction s phn bit; c im phn bit; s c th
distinctive phn bit, c tnh
distinguish phn bit
distinguishable phn bit c
distinguished c nh du
distort xon, vn, lm bin dng, lm mo
distorsion s mo, s bin dng, bin dng mo
amplitude d. s mo bin
delay d. s mo pha
envelope s mo bao hnh
frequency s mo tn s
low d. xib. s mo khng ng k
phase d. xib. s mo pha
wave from d. s sai dng tn hiu
distortionless khng mo
distribute phn phi, phn b

distributed c phn phi, c phn b
distrribution s phn phi, s phn b, lm suy rng
d. of demand tk. s phn b nhu cu
d. of eigenvalues gt. s phn b cc gi tr ring
d. of primes s phn b cc nguyn t
d. of zero gt. s phn b cc khng im
age d. tk. s phn b theo tui
arcsime d. phn b acsin
asymptotic(al) d. xs. phn phi tim cn; gt. phn phi tim cn
beta d. phn phi bta
bimodal d. phn phi hai mt
binomial d. phn phi nh thc
bivariate d. phn phi hai chiu
censored d. phn ph b thiu
circular d. phn phi trn ng trn
compound d. phn phi phc hp
compound frequence d. mt phn phi trung bnh
conditional d. tk. phn phi c iu kin
contagious d. phn phi truyn nhim (ph thuc vo nhng tham s
ngu nhin)
discontinuos d. phn phi gin on
discrete d. tk. phn phi ri rc
double d. phn phi kp
empiric d. phn phi thc nghim
e quimodal d.s tk. phn phi cng mt
exponential d. phn phi m
fiducial d. tk. phn phi tin cy
frequency d. mt phn phi; phn phi tn s
gamma d. phn phi gama

geometric (al) d. tk. phn phi hnh hc (xc sut l nhng s hng ca
mt cp s nhn)
grouped d. tk. phn phi c nhm, phn phi c chia thnh lp
heterogeneous d. tk. phn phi khng thun nht
hypergeometric d. tk. phn phi siu bi
involution d. phn phi i hp
joint d. tk; xs. phn phi c iu kin ph thuc
limiting d. phn phi gii hn
logarithmic d. phn phi lga
logarithmic-series d. tk. phn phi lga
lognormal d. tk. phn phi lga chun
marginal d. tk. phn phi bin duyn
mass d. s phn phi khi lng
molecular d. s phn phi (vn tc) phn t
multimodal d. phn phi nhiu mt
multinomial d. xs. phn phi a thc
multivariate d. phn phi nhiu chiu
multivariate normal d. phn phi chun nhiu chiu
negative binomial d. phn phi nh thc m
negative multinomial d. tk. phn phi a thc m
non central d. tk. phn phi khng tm
non singular d. tk phn phi khng k d
normal d. tk. phn phi chun
parent d. tk. phn phi ng loi
potential d. phn phi th hiu
pressure d. phn phi p sut
random d. xs phn phi u
rectangular d. phn phi ch nht
sampling d. tk. phn phi mu
sex d. tk. phn phi theo gii

simultaneous d. phn phi ng thi
singular d. phn phi k d
shew d. tk. phn phi lch
stationary d. tk. phn phi dng
surface d. phn phi mt
symmetric(al) d. phn phi i xng
temperate d., tempered d. hm suy rng n ho (phiu hm tuyn tnh
trn khng gian cc hm gim nhanh v cc)
triangular d. tk. phn phi tam gic
truncated d. tk. phn phi ct
uniform d. tk. phn phi u
distributive phn phi phn b
distributivity tnh phn phi, tnh phn b
distributor mt. b phn phi, b phn b
pulse d. b phn b xung
disturb lm nhiu lon
disturbance s nhiu lon
compound d. nhiu lon phc hp
infinitesimal d. nhiu lon v cng nh
moving average d. nhiu lon trung bnh ng
ramdom d., stochastic d. xs. nhiu lon ngu nhin
disturbancy s nhiu lon
disturbed b nhiu lon
divector s. song vect, 2-vect
diverge phn k lch
divergence s phn k; tnh phn k
d. of a series gt. phn k mt chui
d. of a tensor tnh phn k ca mt tenx
d. of a vector function tnh phn k ca mt hm vect
average d. s phn k trung bnh

uniform d. s phn k u
divergency s phn k
divergent phn k
diverse khc nhau, khc
deversion s lch; c. s tho, s rt; s trnh
divide chia, phn chia
divided s b chia
divider mt. b chia; s b chia
binary d. b chia nh phn
frequency d. b chia tn s
potential d., voltage d. b chia bng th hiu
divisibility tnh chia ht
divisible chia c, chia ht
d. by an integer chia ht cho mt s nguyn
infinitely d. s. chia ht v hn
division php chia
d. by a decimal chia mt s thp phn
d. by use of logarithms lga ca mt thng
a c a-b c-d
d. in a proportion php chuyn t l thc = thnh =
b d b d
d. of a fraction by an integer chia mt phn s cho mt s nguyn
d. of mixednumbers chia mt s hn tp
abridged d. php chia tt
arithmetic d. php chia s hc
exact d. php chia ng, php chia ht
external d. of a segment hh. chia ngoi mt on thng
harmonic d. phn chia iu ho
internal d. of a segment hh. chia trong mt on thng
long d. chia trn giy
short d. php chia nhm
divisor s chia, c s, c; mt. b chia

d. of an integer c s ca mt s nguyn
d. of zero c ca khng
absolute zero d. s. c ton phn ca khng
common d. c s chung
elementary d. s. c s cp
greatest common d., highest common d. c chung ln nht
normal d. s. c chun
null d. s. c ca khng
principal d. c chnh
shifted d. mt. b chia x dch c
do lm
dodeccagon hnh mi hai cnh
regular d. hnh mi hai cnh u
dodecahedron khi mi hai mt
regular d. khi mi hai mt u
domain min, min xc nh
d. of attraction min hp dn
d. of convergence gt. min hi t
d. of connectivity p min lin thng p
d. of dependence gt. min phc thuc
d. of determinancy gt. min xc nh
d. of influence gt. min nh hng
d. of a function min xc nh ca mt hm
d. of integrity s. min nguyn
d. of a map top. min xc nh ca mt nh x
d. of multicircular type min bi vng
d. of rationality (field) trng
d. of univalence gt. min n hip
angular d. min gc
complementary d. top. min b

complex d. top. min phc
conjugate d.s min lin hp
connected d. min lin thng
conversr d. log. min ngc, min o
convex d. min li
counter d. min nghch
covering d. min ph
dense d. tk. min tr mt
integral d. s. min nguyn
mealy circular d. gt. min gn trn
u-tuply connected d. gt. min n-lin
ordered d. min c sp
plane d. min phng
polygonal d. min a gic
real d. min thc
representative d. gt. min i din
ring d. min vnh
schlichtartig d. min loi n dip
star d. min hnh sao
starlike d. min ging hnh sao
tube d. gt. min [hnh tr, hnh ng ]
unique factorization d. min nhn t ho duy nht
universal d. hh; s. min ph dng
dominance s tri, tnh u th
dominant tri, u th
dominate tri, u th
domino c min, tr chi min
dose tk. liu lng
median effective d. liu lng 50% hiu qu
dot im || v im

dotted chm chm (...)
double mt. i, ghp || lm gp i
d. of a Riemannian surface mt kp ca mt din Riaman
doubler mt. b nhn i
frequency d. b nhn i tn s
doublet mt. nh t; lng cc
three dimensional d. nh t ba chiu
doubly i, hai ln
doubt s nghi ng, s khng r
doubtful nghi ng, khng r
downstream c. xui dng || h lu
dozen mt t
draft n, k hoch, bn v || phc tho
drafting ho hnh, v k thut
drag tr lc
draught trch. tr chi c am
draughtsman qun c am
draw trch. ko, rt (bi); v
d. a line v ng thng
drawing v k thut, bn v; tk. s ly mu; mt. s ko (bng)
d. to scale v theo thang t l
d. with replacment rt c hon li; ly mu c hon li
isometric d. v ng c
drift s tri, s ri, ko theo
frequency d. s mt tn s
sensitivity d. dch chuyn nhy
voltage d. s ko theo th hiu
zero d. xib. s ri v khng
drive c. iu khin, li, s chuyn ng
automatic d. s truyn t ng

film d. mt. thit b ko phim
independent d. xib. iu khin c lp
tape d. mt. tht b ko bng
driver ngi iu khin, ngi li
drop kt. s gim thp (gi c); vl. git || nh git; ri xung
d. a perpendicular h mt ng thng gc
drum ci trng, hnh tr, mng trn
magnetic d. trng t
recording d. trng ghi gi
tape d. mt. trng bng
dry kh ro // lm kh
dual i ngu
duality tnh i ngu
duct vl. ng, ng ngm; knh
ductile c. do, ko thnh si c
ductility tnh do, tnh ko si c
duodecagon hnh mi hai cnh
duodecahedron khi mi hai mt
duodecimal thp nh phn
duplet lng cc; nh t
duplex ghp cp
duplicate bn sao || tng i
duplicated lp li
duplication s sao chp; s tng gp i
d. of cube gp i khi lp phng
tape d. bng sao li
duplicator mt. dng c sao chp, my sao chp
duration khong thi gian
d. of selection thi gian chn
averge d. of life tk. tui th trung bnh

digit d. khong thi gian ca mt ch s
pulse d. b rng ca xung
reading d. thi gian c
during trong khi lc
dust bi
cosmic d. bi v tr
duty ngha v, nhim v
ad valorem d. tk. thu phn trm
continuos d. ch kop di
heavy d. xib. ch nng
operating d. xib. ch lm vic
periodie d. ch tun hon
varying d. ch bin i; ti trng ch
dyad iat
dyadic nh nguyn, nh thc
dynamic(al) (thuc) ng lc
dynamics ng lc hc
control-system d. ng lc hc h iu chnh
fluid d. ng lc hc cht lng
group d. ng lc nhm
magnetohydro d. vl. t thu ng lc hc

e e (c s ca lga t nhin)
each mi mt
easy d dng, n gin
eccentric tm sai
eccentricity tnh tm sai
echo ting vang
flutter e. ting vang phch
harmonic e. ting vang iu ho
eclipse tv. s che khut; thin thc
annular e. tv. s che khut hnh vnh
lunar e. tv. nguyt thc
partial e tv. s che khut mt phn
solar e. tv. nht thc
total e. tv. s che khut ton phn
ecliptic tv. (ng) hong o; mt phng hong o || (thuc) hong o
econometrics tk. kinh t lng hc
economic (thuc) kinh t
economical tit kin
economically v mt kinh t, mt cch kinh t
economics kinh t hc, kinh t quc dn
economy nn kinh t
expanding e. nn kinh t pht trin
national e. nn kinh t quc dn
political e. kinh t chnh tr hc
eddy vl. xoy, chuyn ng xoy
edge cnh bin
e. of a dihedral angle cnh ca mt gc nh din
e. of a polyhedron cnh ca mt a din

e. of regressioncnh li
cupspidal e. mp li, cnh li
lateral e. of a prism cnh bn ca mt lng tr
leading e. c. cnh trc (my bay)
edit bin son, bin tp, xut bn
edition s xut bn
effaceable s. kh c
effect tc dng, hiu qu, hiu ng, nh hng
curvature e. hiu ng cong
diversity e. tc dng khc nhau v thi gian
eccentricity e. hiu ng tm sai
edge e. vl. hiu ng bin
ghost e. xib. hiu ng parazit, hiu ng ph
hunt e. tc dng sn lng
ill e. xib. tc dng c hi
immediate e. xib. tc dng trc tip
interference e. xib. nh hng ca nhiu lon
leading e. hin tng vt trc
local e. hiu ng a phng
mutual e. xib. tng tc
net e.tng nh hng
piezoelectric e. hin tng p in
proximity e. hiu ng ln cn
quantum e. hiu ng lng t
scale e. hiu ng t xch, tc dng thang t l
skin e. hiu sut mt ngoi
usef e. tc dng c ch
effective hu hiu, c hiu qu
effectively mt cch hu hiu, mt cch hiu qu
effectiveness tnh hu hiu, tnh hiu qu

effectless khng hiu qu
effector [phn t, c quan] chp hnh
efficiency hiu sut; tk. hiu qu, hiu lc; sn lng
average e. hiu sut trung bnh
luminous e. hiu sut pht sng
net e. h s tng hp sn lng c ch; kt qu tnh
transmilting e. hiu sut truyn t
efficient hiu dng, hiu nghim, hiu sut; tk. hu hiu
asymtotically e. hu hiu tim cn
egg-shape hnh trng
eigen ring, c bit, c o
eigenfunction hm ring
eigenvalue gi tr ring, gi tr c trng (ca ma trn)
eigenvectow vect ring
eight tm (8)
eighteen mi tm (18)
eighteeth th mi tm; mt phn mi tm
eighth th tm, mt phn tm
eighty tm mi (80)
einartig s. n v, iu
einstufig s. mt bc, mt cp
eject vl. nm b
ejection mt. s nm, s b
automatic e. mt. s nm t ng, ba c l
ejector k. [bm, vi, sng my] phun
elastic n hi, co gin
partially e. n hi khng tuyt i
perfectly e. n hi tuyt i, n hi hon ton
elasticity tnh n hi, n hi
cubical e. n hi th tch

electric(al) vl. (thuc) in
electricity in
electrify nhim in, in kh ho
electrization s nhim in
electrodynamic in ng lc hc
electromagnet nam chm in
electromagnetic in t
electromagnetics, electromagnetism hin tng in t, in t hc
electromechanic(al) in c
electromechanics in c hc
electromotive in ng
electromotor ng c in
electron in t, lctron
electronic (thuc) in t
electronics in t hc, k thut in t
transistor e. in t hc, cc thit b bn dn
electrostatic tnh in
electrostatics tnh in hc
element phn t, yu t
leading e. in a determinant phn t trn ng cho chnh ca nh thc
e. of an analytic function yu t ca mt hm gii tch
e. of are yu t cung
e. of a cone ng sinh ca mt nn
e. of cylinder ng sinh ca mt tr
E.s of Euclid sch nguyn l ca clit
e. of integration biu thc di du tch phn
e. of mass yu t khi lng
e. of surface yu t din tch
e. of volumn yu t th tch
acentral e. phn t khng trung tm

actual e. phn t thc ti
adding e. phn t cng
algebraic e. phn t i s
associate e.s phn t kt hp
basis e. phn t c s
circuit e. chi tit ca s
comparison e. mt. b so snh
complex e. phn t phc
computing e. mt. bloc tnh ton
coupling e. phn t ghp
cyclic e. phn t xilic
decomposable e. phn t phn tch c
delay e. mt. mt tr
detecting e. phn t pht hin
disjoint c.s s. cc phn t ri nhau
divisible e. phn t chia c
double e. (of an in volution) phn t kp (ca mt php i hp)
effaceable e. phn t kh c
final e.top. phn t cui cng
fixed e.(of a collineation) phn t c nh (ca mt php cng tuyn),
phn t kp
fluid e. yu t lng
function e. yu t hm
generatinge. phn t sinh
harmonic e. phn t iu ho
homogeneous e. phn t thun nht
ideal e. phn t l tng
identical e. phn t ng nht
identity e. (of a group) phn t n v (ca mt nhm)
imaginary e. phn t o

improper e. phn t ghi chnh
infinitesmal e. phn t v cng nh
input e. mt. b vo
inverse e., inverting e. phn t nghch o
isolated e. phn t c lp
line e. gt. phn t tuyn tnh
linear e. phn t tuyn tnh; gt. vi phn cung
memory e. phn t ca b nh
negative e. phn t m
neutral e. phn t trung ho
nilpotent e. phn t lu linh
non-central e. phn t khng trung tm
non-comparable e.s cc phn t khng so snh c
null e. phn t khng
passive e. phn t b ng
perspective e. s. cc phn t phi cnh
pivotal e. phn t ch cht
primal e. phn t nguyn thu
primitive idempotent e. phn t lu ng nguyn thu
principal e. phn t chnh
probability e. phn t xc sut
self-conjigate e. phn t t lin hp
self-corresponding e. phn t tng ng
gingular e. phn t k d
stable e. s. phn t n nh
superconpact e. phn t siu compact
surface e. phn t din tch
switching e. phn t ngt mch
time e. phn t thi gian, rle thi gian
thermal computing e. mt. phn t tnh dng nhit

torsion e. s. phn t xon
transmiting e. xib. phn t truyn t
unidirectional e. phn t n hng; phn t c mt bc t do
unipotent e. phn t n lu
unit e., unty e. s. phn t n v
universal e. s. phn t ph dng
zero e. of projective coordinate system phn t khng ca h to x nh
elemntary s cp, c bn
elementwise theo tng phn t
elevate a ln, nng ln
elevation s a ln, s nng ln; ; php chiu thng gc
front e. mt trc
side e. mt bn
eleven s mi mt (11)
eleventh th mi mt; mt phn mi mt
eliminability log. tnh kh c, tnh b c
eliminable b c, kh c
eliminant kt thc
eliminate kh b, loi tr
elimination [php, s] kh, s b, s loi tr
e. by addition or subtraction php th bng cng hy tr
e. by comparison kh bng so snh (cc h s)
e. by substitution kh (n s) bng php th
e. of constants php th hng s
Gaussian e. php th Gaux
succssive e. php th lin tip
ellipse elip
cubical e. elip cubic
forcal e. elip tiu
geodesic e. elip trc a

imaginary e. elip o
minimum e. of a hyperboloid of one sheet elip tht ca mt hipeboloit
mt tng
null e. elip im, elip khng
ellipsograph thc v elip
ellipsoid elipxoit
e. of revolution elipxoit trn xoay
e. of stress elipxoit ng lc
confocal e.s cc elipxoit ng tiu
imaginary e. elipxoit o
null e., point e. elipxoit im
similar e.s elipxoit ng dng
ellipsoidal elipxoidan
elliptic(al) eliptic
strongly e. gt. eliptic mnh
ellipticty tnh eliptic
elongate ly gic, ly nht ; ko di ra, gin ra
elongation ly gic, ly ; s ko di, s gin
effective e. ly hu hiu; s gin hu hiu
unit e. ly n v, s ko di n v
elude trnh, thot, tut, sng
emanation top. s pht x
embed nhng
embeddability tnh nhng c
embedded c nhng
embedding php nhng
invariant e. php nhng bt bin
emerge xut hin, ni ln, nh ln
emergence s xut hin, li ra, u ra, mi ra
emergency trng hp bt ng, s hng bt ng

emfasy nhn mnh, cng iu
emigrate di c, di tr
emigration s di c, s di tr, s di dn
emission s truyn, s pht hnh (tin t), s pht x (kh)
emit pht, pht hnh
empiric(al) theo kinh nghim, thc nghim
empty trng rng
enable c th
enclose bao quanh, cha |
encode ghi m, lp m
end cui cng, kt thc || im cui, u cui
e. of a space top. im cui cng ca mt khng gian
free e. c. u t do
pinned e. c. u gm
prime e. gt. u n
simply supported e. c. u ta t do, u khp, u gn bn l
endcondition iu kin cui
separated e.s iu kin tch cc im cui
endless v hn
endomorphism s. t ng cu
join e. t ng cu ni
operator e. t ng cu ton t
partial e. t ng cu ring phn
power-type e. t ng cu kiu lu tha
endogenous trong h; tk. ni sinh
endothermal vl. thu nhit
endowment kt. nin bng; tu kh; mn tin gi, tin quyn gip
energize mt. kch thch, m my
energy nng lng
e. of deformation nng lng bin dng

binding e. vl. nng lng lin kt
complementary e. nng lng b
electrostatic e. tnh in nng
excitation e. nng lng kch thch
intrinsic e. nng lng t ti, ni nng
kinetic e. ng nng
minimum potential e. th nng cc tiu
potential e. vl. th nng
potential e. of bending th nng un
potential e. of strain th nng bin dng
surface e. nng lng mt
total e. nng lng ton phn
engine my, mt, ng c, c cu, dng c
explosion e. ng c t trong, my n
jet e. ng c phn lc
engineer k s
engineering k thut
civil e. ngnh xy dng
communication e. k thut thng tin
control e. k thut [iu chnh, iu khin] (t ng)
development e. nghin cu nhng kt cu mi
electrical e. in k thut
electronics e. in t hc
heavy current e. k thut cc dng (in) mch
human e. tm l hc k thut
hydraulic e. k thut thu li
light-current e. k thut cc dng (in) yu
mechanical e. k thut c kh, ch to my
military e. k thut qun s
power e. nng lng hc

process e. k thut
radio e. k thut v tuyn
reseach e. nghin cu k thut
system e. k hoch ho h thng, k thut h thng
enlarge m rng, pht trin, phng i
ensemble tp hp
ensure m bo
enter vo, ghi, ra nhp
entire nguyn
entity i tng; vt th; bn th
entrance li vo // s ra nhp
entropy entrpi
entry trch. s ra nhp; mt. a s (vo my); li vo (bng)
latest e. mt. gi tr tnh cui cng
enumerble m c
enumerate m, nh s
enumeration s m, s lit k
e. of constants s lit k cc hng s
enumaerator ngi m, ngi nh s
envolop bao hnh, bao
e. of characteristics bao hnh cc c tuyn
e. of urves bao hnh ca cc ng
e. of a family of curves bao hnh ca mt h ng cong
e. of holomorphy gt. bao chnh hnh
e. of a one-parameter family of curves bao hnh ca mt h tham s
ca ng cong
e. of a one-parameter family of straight lines bao hnh ca mt h
tham s ca ng thng

e. of a one-parameter family of surfaces bao hnh ca mt h tham s
ca mt
e. of surfaces bao hnh ca cc mt
modulation e. bao hnh bin iu
pulse e. bao hnh xung
sinusoidal e. bao hnh sin
environ vng quanh, bao quanh
environment mi trng xung quanh, s i vng quanh
ephemeral chng tn, khng lu, khng bn
epicenter chn tm
epicyloid epixicloit
epimorphism (php) ton cu
epitrochoid pitrocoit
epoch thi k, giai on
epsilon epsilon ()
equal bng nhau, nh nhau
identically e. ng nht bng
equality ng thc
e. of two complex numbers ng thc ca hai s phc
conditional e. ng thc c iu kin
continued e. dy cc ng thc
substantial e. ng thc thc cht
equalization s lm cn bng, s nh cn bng
phase e. s cn bng pha
equalize lm cn bng
equalized clm cn bng
e qualizer b cn bng, b san bng; [b phn, ci] b
e quate lm bng nhau, lp phng trnh
to e. one expression to another lm cn bng hai biu thc
equation phng trnh

in line coordinates phng trnh theo to ng
e. in point coordinates phng trnh theo to im
e. in plane coordinates phng trnh theo to mt
e. of compatibility phng trnh tng thch
e. of dondition phng trnh iu kin
e. of continuity phng trnh lin tc
e. of a curve phng trnh ng cong
e. of dynamics phng trnh ng lc
e. of equilibrium phng trnhcn bng
e. of higher degree phng trnh bc cao
e. of motion phng trnh chuyn ng
e. of variation phng trnh bin phn
e. of varied flow phng trnh bin lu
e. of time phng trnh thi gian
accessory differential e.s phng trnh vi phn ph
adjoint difference e. phng trnh sai phn lin hp
alegbraic(al) e. phng trnh i s
approximate e. phng trnh xp x
associated integral e. phng trnh tch phn lin i
auxiliary e. phng trnh b tr
auxiliary differential e. phng trnh vi phn b tr
backward e. phng trnh li
binomial e. phng trnh nh thc
biquadraitic e. phng trnh trng phng
canonical differential e. phng trnh vi phn chnh tc
characteristic partial differential e. phng trnh vi phn ring c trng
class e. phng trnhlp
comparison e. gt. phng trnh so snh
conditional e. phng trnh c iu kin
confluent hypergeometric e. phng trnh siu bi hp lu

cubic e. phng trnh xiclic
cyclic e. phng trnh bc ba
defective e. phng trnh ht nghim
delay differential e. phng trnh vi phn tr
depressed e. phng trnh ht nghim
derived e. phng trnh dn sut
determinantal e. phng trnh cha nh thc
differenci e. gt. phng trnh sai phn
differential e. phng trnh vi phn
differential-difference e. phng trnh vi-sai phn
diffusion e. phng trnhkhuych tn
dominating e. phng trnh tri
elliptic(al) e. gt. phng trnh eliptic
eikonal e. phng trnh cnan
equivalent e.s cc phng trnh tng ng
estimating e. phng trnh c lng
exact differential e. phng trnh vi vi phn ton phn
exponential e. phng trnh m
fictitious e.s cc phng trnh o
first order integro-differential e. phng trnh vi - tch phn cp mt
forward e. phng trnh tin
functional e. phng trnh hm
general e. phng trnh tng qut
generalized hypergeometric differential e. phng trnh vi phn siu
bi suy rng
heat conduction e., heat e. phng trnh truyn nhit
homogeneous differential e. phng trnh vi phn thun nht
homogeneous linear e.s phng trnh tuyn tnh thun nht
hyperbolic partial differential e. phng trnh o hm ring loi hypebon
hypergeometric e. phng trnh siu bi

hypergeometric differential e. phng trnh vi phn siu bi
incompatible e.s, inconsistent e.s s. cc phng trnh khng tng thch
indeterminate e. phng trnh v nh
indicial e.gt. phng trnh xc nh
integral e. of the first kind phng trnh tch phn loi mt
integro-differential e. phng trnh vi-tch phn
intrinsic e.s of a space curve phng trnh ni ti ca ng cong ghnh
irrational e. phng trnh v
irreduccible e. t phng trnh khng kh quy
linear e. s. phng trnh tuyn tnh
linear difference e. phng trnh sai phn tuyn tnh
linear differential e. phng trnh vi phn tuyn tnh
linear homogeneous e. phng trnh thun nht tuyn tnh
linear integral e. (of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd kind) phng trnh vi phn tch
phn tuyn tnh (loi 1, 2, 3)
linear partial differential e. phng trnh vi phn ring tuyn tnh
literal e. phng trnh c h s bng ch
logarithmic e. phng trnh lga
matix e. phng trnh ma trn
menbrane e. phng trnh mng
minimal e. phng trnh cc tiu
modular e. phng trnh mula
momentum e. phng trnh mmen
multigrade e. phng trnh nhiu bc
natural e. of a curve phng trnh t nhin ca ng cong
non-homogeoeous differential e. phng trnh vi phn khng thun nht
non-homogeoeous linear differential e phng trnh vi phn tuyn tnh
khng thun nht
non-integrable e. phng trnh khng kh tch
non linear differential e. phng trnh vi phn phi tuyn tnh

normal e.s phng trnh chun tc
normalized e. phng trnh chun ho
numerical e. phng trnh bng s
ordinary differential e. phng trnh vi phn thng
original e. phng trnh xut pht
parametric e.s phng trnh tham s
partial difference e. phng trnh sai phn ring
partial differential e. phng trnh [vi phn ring, o hm ring]
polar e. phng trnh cc
polynomial e. phng trnh i s
quadratic e. phng trnh bc hai
quartic e. phng trnh bc bn
quasi linearr differential e. phng trnh vi phn ta tuyn tnh
quintic e. phng trnh bc nm
reciprocal e. phng trnh thun nghch
reciprocal differential e. phng trnh vi phn thun nghch
reduced (characteristic) e. phng trnh (c trng ) rt gn
reduced wave e. vl. phng trnh sng rt gn
reducible e. phng trnh kh quy
redundant e. phng trnh tha nghim
resolvent e. phng trnh gii thc
retrospective e. phng trnh cho phn phi qu kh
second order differential e. phng trnhvi phn cp hai
second order integro differential phng trnh vi - tch phn cp hai
second order linear differential e. phng trnh vi tuyn tnh cp hai
secular e. s. phng trnh [c trng, th k]
self-adjoint linear differential e. phng trnh vi phn tuyn tnh t lin hp
simple e. phng trnh tuyn tnh
simultaneous e.s h phng trnh, cc phng trnh xt ng thi
standard e. hh. phng trnh tiu chun

strain-optical e. phng trnh bin dng quang
symbolic e. phng trnh k hiu
tangential e. phng trnh tuyn
tangential e. of a net phng trnh tuyn tnh mt li
telegraph e. gt. phng trnh in bo
three moment e. phng trnh ba mmen
total e. phng trnh vi phn ton phn
total difference e. phng trnh sai phn ton phn
total differential e. phng trnh vi phn ton phn
totally hyperbolic differential e. phng trnh vi phn loi hon ton hipebon
transcendental e. phng trnh siu vit
trigonometric e. phng trnh lng gic
trinomial e. phng trnh tam thc
unicursal e. phng trnh n hoch
universal resistance e. phng trnh cn ph dng
universal velocity e. phng trnh vn tc ph dng
variation e. phng trnh bin phn
wave e. phng trnh sng
wave differential e. phng trnh vi phn sng
equationally tng ng
equator xch o
e. of an ellipsoid of revolution xch o ca mt elipxoit trn xoay
celestial e. xch o tri
geographic e. xch o a l
equiaffine ng afin
equiffinity php bin i ng afin
equiangular ng gic, c gc bng nhau; bo gic
equinaharmonic ng phi iu
equiareal c cng din tch; ng din; bo ton din tch
equicenter c cng tm, ng tm

equicharacteristic s. c c trng nh nhau
equi continuous lin tc ng bc
equiconvergent hi t ng ng
equidistant cch u
equifrom ng dng
equifrequent ng tm
equilateral u (c cnh bng nhau)
equilibrate lm cn bng
equilibration s cn bng
equilibrium s cn bng
e. of forces s cn bng lc
e. of a particle [of a body] s cn bng ca mt vt th
configuration e. cu hnh thng bng
dynamic e. cn bng ng lc
elastic e. cn bng n hi
indifferent e. cn bng khng phn bit
labile e. vl. cn bng khng n nh
mobile e. xib. cn bng di ng
neutral e. c. cn bng khng phn bit
phase e. vl. cn bng pha
plastic e. cn bng do
relative e. cn bng tng i
semi-stable e. cn bng na n nh
stable e. cn bng n nh
trasient e. xib. cn bng ng
unstable e. vl. cn bng khng n nh
equimuliple cng nhn t, ng nhn t, cc s ng nhn t
equinoctial (thuc) phn im
equinox tv. phn im
autummal e. thu phn

vernal e. xun phn
equipartition phn hoch u
equipment trang b, dng c, thit b, my mc
audio e. thit b m thanh
automatic control e. my mc iu khin t ng
dislay e. my bo hiu
electric e. trang b in
industrial e. trang b cng nghip
input e. thit b vo
interconnecting e. thit b ni
metering e. dng c o lng
peripheral e. thit b ngoi
production run e. trang b sn xut hng lot
punched card e. mt. thit b c l ba
equipoise s cn bng, vt cn bng
equipolarization s cng phn cc, s ng phn cc
equipollent bng nhau (vect)
equipotent cng lc lng
equipotential ng th
equiprojective ng x nh
equiresidual cng thng d, ng thng d
equisummable ng kh tng
equivalence, (cy) s tng ng
e. of propositions tng ng ca cc mnh
algebrai e. tng ng i s
analytic e. s tng ng gii tch
cardinal e. tng ng bn s
natural e s. tng ng t nhin
topological e. tng ng tp
equivalent tng ng

almost e. gn tng ng, hu tng ng
conformally e. tng ng bo gic
equivariant ng bin
equivocate lm mp m, biu th nc i
equivocation s mp m, s biu th nc i
erasable mt. xo kh
erased b xo, b kh
erassibility tnh xo c, tnh kh c
erasure s xo, s kh
erect thng, thng gc || dng, xy dng
e. a perpendicular dng mt ng thng gc
ergodic egodic
ergodicity tnh gc egodic
erratum bn nh chnh
erroneous sai lm
error sai, sai s
e. of behaviour sai khi x l
e. of calculation sai s trong tnh ton
e. of estimation sai ca c lng
e. of first (second) kind sai lm loi mt (loi hai)
e. of observation sai s quan trc
e. of solution sai s ca nghim
absolute e. sai s tuyt i
accidental e. sai s ngu nhin
actual e. sai s thc t
additive e. sai s cng tnh
alignmente e. sai s thit lp
approximate e. sai xp x
ascertainment e. sai do iu tra bng mu
average e. sai trung bnh

compemsating e. sai s b chnh
connection e. sai s [khi m, khi ni mch]
constant e. sai s khng i
dynamic(al) e. sai ng
elementary e. sai s s cp
experimental e. sai s thc nghim
fixed e. sai s c h thng
following e. tk. sai s theo sau
gross e. sai s ln
hysteresis e. sai s do hin tng tr
indication e.mt. sai s ch
inherent e. sai s ni ti
inherited e. sai s tha hng
integrated square e. xib. tch phn bnh phng sai s
interpolation e. sai s ni suy
instrument e., instrumentale e. sai s do dng c
limiting e. mt. sai s gii hn
load e. xib. lch ti
mean e. sai trung bnh
mean absolute e. sai tuyt i trung bnh
mean square e. () sai s bnh phng trung bnh
mean-root-square e. sai tiu chun
meter e. sai s dng c
metering e. sai s o
miscount e. tnh ton sai, tnh nhm
observational e. tk. sai s quan trc
out put e. sai s i lng
percentage e. sai s tnh theo phn trm
personal e. kt. sai s o ngi
presumptive e. sai gi nh

probable e. sai s c th
quadraitic mean e. sai bnh phng trung bnh
random e. sai ngu nhin
relative e. sai s tng i
residual e. sai s thng d
response e. tk. sai s khng ngu nhin
root-mean-square e. sai s [qun phng, tiu chun]
round-off e. sai s lm trn
sampling e. sai s lymu
single e. sai s n l
standard e. of estimate tk. sai tiu chun ca c lng
steady-state e. sai s n nh
systematic e. sai s c h thng
total e. sai s ton phn
truncation e. mt. sai s ct
turning e. mt. sai quay
type I e. tk. sai lm kiu I
type II e. tk. sai lm kiu II
unbias(s)ed e. sai s ngu nhin
weight e. sai s trng lng
wiring e. sai s lp rp
escribe dng ng trn bng tip
escribed bng tip
essence bn cht; ct yu
in e. v bn cht
of the e. ch yu l, ct yu l
essential thc cht; ct yu
essentiality bn cht, tnh ch yu, tnh ct yu
establish thit lp
estate ti sn

personal e. ng sn
real e. bt ng sn
estimable c lng c
estimate c lng, nh gi
e. of the number of zeros c lng s lng cc khng im
admissible e. c lng chp nhn c
combined ratio e c lng t hp di dng trung bnh
consistent e. tk. c lng vng
grand-lot e. c lng theo nhng l ln
invariant e. tk. c lng bt bin
minimax e.tk. c lng minimac
ordered e. tk. c lng nh thng k th t
overall e. c lng y
regression e. c lng hi quy
unbiased e. c lng khng chch
upper e. gt. c lng trn
estimated c c lng
estimation c lng, s nh gi
e. of error s nh gi sai s
e. of the order s nh gi bc (sai s)
efficiency e. tk. s c lng hu hiu
error e. s nh gi sai s
interval e. tk. s c lng khong
point e. kt. s c lng im
sequetial e. s c lng lin tip
simultaneous e.tk. s c lng ng thi
estimator cng thc c lng, tk. c lng
absolutely unbiased e. c lng khng tuyt i
best e. c lng tt nht
biased e. c lng chch

efficient e. c lng hu hiu
inconsistent e. c lng khng vng
least-quares e. c lng bnh phng b nht
linear e. c lng tuyn tnh
most-efficient e. c lng hu hiu nht
non-regular e. c lng khng chnh quy
quadraitic e. c lng bc hai
ratio e. c lng di dng t s
regular e. c lng chnh quy
unbiased e. c lng khng chch
uniformly best constant risk e. (UBCR) c lng c mo him b
u nht
eta eta ()
evaluate nh gi; c lng, tnh biu th
evaluation s nh gi, s c lng
e. of an algebraic expression tnh gi tr ca mt biu thc i s
approximate e. s c lng xp x
effective e. log. s nh gia c hiu qu
numerical e. s c lng bng s
evaporation vl. s bay hi
even chn; bng, u nhau // ngay khi, ngay c
evenly u
event s kin; xs. ; tk. bin c
antithetic(al) e.s tk. bin c xung khc
certain e. [s kin, bin c] chc chn
compatible e.s tk. cc bin c tng thch
complementary e. bin c i lp
dependent e. bin c ph thuc
equal e.s cc bin c bng nhau
exhaustive e.s nhm y cc bin c

favourable e. bin c thun li
imposible e. xs. bin c khng th
incompatible e.s xs. cc bin c khng tng thch
independent e. xs. bin c c lp
mutually exclusive e.s cc bin c xung khc
null e. bin c c xc sut khng
random e. tk. bin c ngu nhin
simple e. bin c s cp
eventual c th, c th xy ra, s xy ra
eventually cui cng, tnh cho cng
every mi, mi
everywhere khp ni
almost e. hu khp ni
evidence s r rng
evident r rng
evidently mt cch r rng, hin nhin
evolute ng php bao
e. of a curve ng php bao ca mt ng cong
e. of a surface ng php bao ca mt mt
intermediate e. ng php bao trung gian
plane e. ng php bao phng
evolution s tin ho, s pht trinm s khai (cn)
evolutional tin ho, pht trin
evolve tin ho, pht trin, khai trin
evolvent ng thn khai
exact chnh xc, khp, ng
generically e.hh; s; khp ni chung
exactitude [tnh, ] chnh xc
exactness [tnh, ] chnh xc, tnh ng n, tnh khp
partial e.top. tnh khp ring phn

examine nghin cu, quan st, kim tra
example v d
for e. v d nh
graphical e. v d trc quan
exceed tri, vt
excenter tm ng trn bng tip
e. of a triangle tm vng trn bng tip ca mt tam gic
exception s ngoi l
exceptional ngoi l
except s loi tr // tr ra e. for tr (ra)
excess (ci, s) d, s tha; tk. d nhn
e. of nine s d (khi chia cho chn)
e. of triangle gc d ca tam gic
spherical e. s d cu
exchange s trao i, s thay i
heat e. trao i nhit
stock e.tk. phng hi oi
excircle vng trn bng tip
e. of triangle vng trong bng tip mt tam gic
excision top. s ct
generalized e. s ct suy rng
excitation vl. s kch thch
excite vl. kch thch
exclude loi tr
excluded b loi tr
exclusion s loi tr
exclusive loi tr
mutually e. loi tr ln nhau, xung khc nhau
exclusion s i lch (khi qu o thng thng) dch
execute chp hnh, thi hnh, thc hnh

executive chp hnh
exemplar hnh mu, bn
exemplify chng minh bng v d, ly v d
exercise bi tp
exhaust vt kit
exhaustible vt kit c
normal e. vt kit chun c
exhaustion s vt kit
exhaustive vt kit
exist tn ti, c, hin hnh
existence s tn ti
unique e. log. tn ti duy nht
exit li ra
exogenous ngoi l
exothermal vl. to nhit
expand m rng, khai trin
expanded khuch i
expanse khong, qung; khong thi gian; k. chon
expansion vl.; kt. s m rng, s khai trin
e. in to partial fractions khai trin thnh phn thc n gin
e. (of a function) in a series s khai trin thnh chui
e. of a determinant s khai trin mt nh thc
e. of a function s khai trin mt hm
asymptotic e. s khai trin tim cn
binomial e. s khai trin nh thc
isothermal e. vl. s n ng nhit
multinomial e. s khai trin a thc
orthogonal e. gin nhit
expect ch i, hy vng, k vng
expectation tk. k vng

expectation tk. k vng
e. of life tk. k vng sinh tn
conditional e. tk. k vng c iu kin
mathematical e. k vng ton
moral e. tk. k vng
expected c ch i hy vng
expend tiu dng, s dng
expenditure tk. s tiu dng, s s dng
expense tk. tiu dng, s dng, tin ph tn at the same e. cng gi
experience kinh nghim
experienced c kinh nghim, hiu bit
experiment th nghim, thc nghim // lm thc nghim
combined e. tk. th nghim hn hp
complex e. th nghim phc tp
factorial e.tk. th nghim giai tha
model e. th nghim m hnh
experimental thc nghim da vo kinh nghim
explain gii thch
explanation s gii thch
explanatory gi thch
explement hh. phn b (cho 3600)
e. of an angle phn b ca mt gc (cho 3600)
explementary b (cho 3600)
explicate gii thch, thuyt minh
explicit hiu, r rng; hon ho, chi tit // nghin cu chi tit
exploit li dng, bc lt
exploitation kt. s li dng, s bc lt
exploration s thm him, s nghin cu (trc)
explore thm him, nghin cu
epxonent s m

e. of convergance gt. s m hi t
characteristice e. of field s. bc c trng ca trng
fractional e. s m phn
horizontal e. of Abelian p-group loi ngang ca p-nhm Aben
imaginary e. s m o
real e. s m thc
exponential (thuc) s m // hm s m
exponentiation s m ho
export kt. xut cng
exportation kt. s xut cng
expose trnh by
exposition s trnh by, s m t, s gii thch
exposure vl. s phi sng, s khng nh
express biu th
expression biu thc
algebrai e. biu thc i s
alternating e. biu thc thay phin
canonical e. biu thc chnh tc
differential e. biu thc vi phn
general e. biu thc tng qut
mixed e. biu thc hn tp
numerical e. biu thc bng s
exradius bn knh ca vng trn bng tip (mt tam gic)
extend m rng; gin; ko di; thc trin; khuch
extensed c m rng, c ko di
extensible extnadible, m rng c, ko di c, gin c
extension s m rng; s ko di; s gin c, s khuch
e. of a field m rng mt trng
e. of a function m rng ca mt hm
e. of a group m rng mt nhm

algebraic e. s. m rng i s
analytic e. m rng gii tch
equationally complete e. m rng hon ton tng ng
flat e. m rng phng
inessential e. s. m rng khng ct yu
iterated e. m rng lp
purely transcendental e. s. m rng thun tu siu vit
ramified e. hhs. m rng r nhnh
relate e.s s. cc m rng ng loi
separable e. m rng tch c
superharmonic boundary value e. m rng gi tr siu iu ho
transcendental e. of a field m rng siu vit ca mt trng
unramifield e. hhs. m rng khng r nhnh
extensional log. m rng khuch trng
extensive rng ri
extensor hh. gin t
absolute e. gin t tuyt i
extent kch thc, ngoi din
exterior bn ngoi, ngoi
extinction s dp tt, s lm ngng; s nh ch; kt. s thanh ton (n)
extinguish s dp tt, s lm ngng; kt. s thanh ton (n)
extra b sung; c bit hn
extract trch, khai (cn) e. a root of a number khai cn mt s
extraction s trch; s khai (cn)
e. of a root s khai cn
extraneous ngoi lai
extraordinary c bit
extrapolate ngoi suy
extrapolation php ngoi suy
exponential e. php ngoi suy theo lut s m

linear e. php ngoi suy tuyn tnh
parabolic e. php ngoi suy parabolic
extremal (ng) cc tr
accessory e. ng cc tr
broken e. gt. ng cc tr gy, ng cc tr gp khc
relative e. ng cc tr tng i
extreme cc tr u mt, cc hn
extremum cc tr
relative e. gt. cc tr tng i
weak e. cc tr yu
eye mt || nhn, xem
electric (al) e. con mt in; quang t
eyepiece vl. th knh, knh nhn

fabric c cu, cu trc
face mt, din; b mt
f. of simplex mt ca n hnh
end f. mt. mt cui
lateral f. mt bn
old f. mt bn
proper f. mt chn chnh
tube f. mn ng (tia in t)
facet mt, din
facient mt. nhn t
facile d; n gin
facilitate lm d dng, to iu kin, gim nh
facility thit b, trang b, cng c, phng tin
communication f. phng tin thng tin
test f. dng c th nghim
fact s vic in f.tht ra
factor nhana t, nhn t, tha s, h s
f. of a polynomial nhn t ca mt a thc
f. of a term tha s ca mt s
accumulation f. nhn t tch lu (nhn t 1+r trong A=P(1+r)n trong
php tnh phn trm)
adjustment f. nhn t iu chnh
amplification f. h s khuch i
attenuation f. nhn t suy gim, h s tt dn
bearing capacity f. h s ti chung
common f. nhn t chung
aomposition f. nhn t hp thnh
constant f. nhn t khng i, tha s khng i

conversion f. nhn t chuyn hon
correction f. h s hiu chnh
coupling f. h s ghp
damping f. h s lm tt dn
delay f. h s tr, i lng tr
depolarizing f. nhn t kh cc
determining f. yu t xc nh
direct f. s. nhn t trc tip
dissipation f. h s hao tn
distorsion f. h s mo
divergence f. h s phn k
efficiency f. tk. h s hiu qu; xib. h s hiu dng, hiu sut
extraneous f. nhn t ngoi lai
feedback f. xib. h s lin h ngc
form f. h s dng (ca mt trng)
frequency f. nhn t tn s
gain f. h s khuch i
general f. tk. nhn t chung (cho tt c cc bin)
integrating f. gt. nhn t ly tch phn
interaction f. h s tng tc
invariant f. nhn t bt bin
load f. h s ti
loss f. xib. h s tn tht
modulation f. h s bin iu
monomial f. of an expression nhn t n thc ca mt biu thc
mutual coupling f. xib. h s lin h tng h
normalization f. nhn t chun ho
operational f. xib. c trng lm vic, tham s tc dng, tham bin tc dng
output f.xib. h s hiu sut
periodicity f. gt. nhn t tun hon

phase f. xib. hng s pha, tha s pha
post f. nhn t sau (bn phi)
prime f. [tha s, nhn t] nguyn t
propogation f. h s truyn
rationalizing f. nhana t hu t ho
safety f. h s an ton
selectivity f. h s tuyn la
shape f. h s dng
single scale f. h s chuyn dch n v
smoothing f. h s trn
stability f. h s n nh
stabilization f.xib. h s n nh ho
utilization f. h s s dng
visibility f. nhn thy tng i, th kin
factorability tnh phn tch c (thnh nhn t), tnh nhn t ho
factorable phn tch c (thnh nhn t)
factorgram biu nhn t, nhn t
factorial giai tha; nhn t
generalized f. giai tha suy rng
factoring s phn tch (thnh nhn t)
scale f. chn ty , s chn thang t l
factorisable phn tch c (thnh nhn t)
factorisation s phn tch thnh nhn t
f. of atransformation s phn tch mt php bin i
factorization [php, s] nhn t ho
direct f. of algebra php nhn t ho trc tip mt i s
polar f. of a matrix phn tch cc mt ma trn
unique f. nhn t ho duy nht
factory nh my, xng
automatic f. xib. nh my t ng

factory-built mt. ch to nh my
facultative khng bt buc, tu
fade vl. s phai mu, s tn li // thay i dn dn cng tn hiu; lm
phai tn f. in lm mnh ln; f. out lm yu i
fading vl. fading; s phai mu
fail khng t, cha kt. ph sn
failure mt. ch hng; c. s ph hng; kt. s ph sn; trch. s tht bi
power f. mt. gin on trong vic cp nng lng
faithful ng, khp; chnh xc
fall s ri; ct nc, bc nc, thc nc
free f. s ri t do
fallacy ngu l, ngu bin
false log. sai
falschood log. s sai
regular f. phng php t sai
faltung tch chp
familiar quen thuc, thng; thng thng
family h, tp hp, h thng
f. of circles h vng trn
f. of ellipses h elip
f. of spirals h ng xon c
f. of straight lines h ng thng
f. of surfaces h mt
cocompatible f. h i tng thch
complete f. s. h y
confocal f. h ng tiu
normal f. of analytic function h chun tc cc hm gii tch
n-parameter f. of curves h n-tham s ca ng cong
one-parameter f. h mt tham s

far xa
farther xa hn
farthest xa nht at the f. xa nht, nhiu nht
fastness cng, bn
fatigue vl. s mi (kim loi)
fault mt. s sai, s hng
incipient f. s hng bt u xut hin
ironwork f. ci che thn (my)
sustained f. s hng, n nh
transient f. s hng khng n nh
faulty sai; khng r cht lng
favourable thun tin, tt
feasible cho php; c th thc hin c
physically f. thc hin c th c
feature nt, c im
feeble yu
feed mt. s cp (liu) s cung dng
automatic f. cp liu t ng
gravity f. cp liu do trng lng bn thn
line f. s chuyn bng (sang dng mi), s cho bng
tape f. c cu ko bng
feedback xib. s lin h ngc
curent f. lin h ngc dng
degenerative f. lin h ngc m
delayed f. lin h ngc c chm
devivative f. lin h ngc theo o hm
envelope f. lin h ngc theo hnh bao
external f. lin h ngc ngoi
inverse f. lin h ngc m
lagging f. lin h ngc tr

local f. lin h ngc a phng
monitoring f. lin h ngc kim tra
negative f. lin h ngc m
output f. lin h ngc t li ra
position f. lin h ngc theo v tr
rate f. theo vn tc
reference f. lin h ngc khi u, lin h ngc xut pht
voltage f. lin h ngc theo hiu th
fecder mt. b phn cung dng, tuyn cp liu; vl. dy ti in; fid
feeding mt. s cp (liu), s cung dng
continuous f. mt. s cp lin tc
feel cm thy
feeler mt. cm thy, ci th bin
ferrite mt. ferit
ferroelectric vl. cht st in
ferroelectricity tnh st in
few mt vi, t a. f. mt vi
fiber top. th, si
fibration s phn th
local f. phn th a phng
regular f. phn th chnh quy
weak f. phn th yu
fiblre th, si
fictitious gi to, tng tng
fidelity mt. trung thnh, chnh xc (ca s sao li, ca s nh li); s
st ngha (ca bn dch)
fiducial an ton, tin cy, bo m
field trng, min, th phm vi, lnh vc
f. of class two s. trng lp th hai, trng siu Aben
f. of constants s. trng cc hng s

f. of events trng cc bin c
f. of extremals gt. trng cc ng cc tr
f. of porce trng lc
f. of integration trng tch phn
f. of lines trng tuyn
f. of points trng im
f. of quotients trng cc thng
f. of sets s. trng cc tp hp
f. of vectors trng vect
algebraic number f. trng s i s
base f. trng c s
class f. trng cc lp
coefficient f. s. trng cc h s
commutative f. trng giao hon
complete f. s. trng y
complete ordered f. s. trng c sp ton phn
congruence f. s. trng ng d
conjugate f.s s. cc trng lin hp
convervation f. (of force) trng bo ton (lc)
constant f. s. trng hng s
cubic f. trng bc ba
ecylotomic f. s. trng chia vng trn
derived f. (with respect to a valuation) trng dn sut (i vi mt s
nh gi)
difference f. s. trng sai phn
differential f. hh. trng hng
electromagnetic f. trng in t
elliptic(al) f. s. trng eliptic
formally real f. s. trng thc v hnh thc
free f. trng t do

ground f. trng c s
hyper-real f. trng siu thc
inertia f. trng qun tnh
intermediate f. s. trng trung gian
irrotational f. trng khng rta
local f. s. trng a phng
magnetic f. vt. t trng
measure f. trng c o
modular f. trng mun
multidifferential f. trng a vi phn
neutral f. s. trng trung ho
non-commutative f. trng khng giao hon
number f. trng s
ordered f. s. trng c sp
partial differential f. s. trng vi phn ring
perfect f. trng hon ton
prime f. trng nguyn t
quadratic f. s. trng bc hai
quotient f. trng cc thng
radiation f. trng bc x
ramification f. trng r nhnh
real number f. trng s thc
rotational f. trng rta
scalar f. trng v hng
skew f. s. trng khng giao hon
solenoidal vector f. hh. trng vect xolenoit
splitting f. s. trng khai trin
tensor f. hh. trng tenx
topological f. trng tp
total real f. trng thc ton phn

true quotient f. s. trng thng dng
two-dimentional f. trng hai chiu
vector f. trng vect
velocity f. trng vn tc
vortex f. trng rta
fifteen mi lm (15)
fifteeth th mi lm, phn th mi lm
fiftieth th nm mi, phn th nm mi
fifty nm mi (50)
figurate s tng trng, s biu hin
figure hnh; k hiu, du hiu (ca ch s); h s; hnh v; biu
in round f.s ly trn, quy trn
f. of noise h s n
f. of syllogism log. cch ca tam on lun
circumscribed f. hnh ngoi tip
congruent f.s hnh tng ng
correlative f. hnh i x
geometric f. hnh hnh hc
homothetic f.s hnh v t
identical f.s cc hnh ng nht
inscribed f. hnh ni tip
percpective f. hnh phi cnh
plane f. hnh phng
polar reciprocal f.s hnh i cc
projecting f. hnh chiu nh
radially related f.s hh. cc hnh v t
reciprocal f. hnh thun nghch
significant f. ch s c ngha
similar f.s cc hnh ng dng
squarable f. hnh cu phng c

symmetric f. hnh i xng
vertex f. hnh nh
file mt. b phn ghi ch, phiu ghi tn
filing s a vo phiu ghi tn, s a vo b phn lu tr
fill hon thnh
fillet s. bng gii
film mt.; vl. phim, mng // chp phim
continuously moving f. phim di ng lin tc
plastic f. phim bng cht do
sensitive f. phim bt sng
transparent f. phim trong sut
filming mt. s chp phim
filter xib.; vl. ci lc, b lc, my lc
all-pass f. my lc pha
amplitude f. my lc bin
band f. my lc gii
band-elimination f. my lc kh theo gii
bandpass f. ci lc bng (gii)
elamping f. ci lc c gi c nh
compensating f. ci lc b chnh
discontinuous f. my lc xung
feedback f. ci lc h ngc
frequency f. ci lc tn s
high-pass f. ci lc sao
infinite memory f. b lc c nh v hn
interference f. my lc chng nhiu lon
lossless f. my lc khng hao
low-pass f. my lc cc tn thp
mode f. ci lc kiu sng
noise f. ci lc ting n

nonlinear f. b lc khng tuyn tnh
normalized f. b lc c chun ho
optimun f. b lc ti u
output f. my lc (c) li ra
predicting f. ci lc tin on
pulsed f. my lc xung
seperation f. ci lc tch
stable f. ci lc n nh
suppression f. my lc chn
total f. b lc phc
tuned f. ci lc cng hng
wave f. ci lc sng
filtered c lc
filtration s lc
convergent f. s. s lc hi t
regular f. s. s lc chnh quy
fin c. b n nh, ci lm n nh
final kt thc cui cng
finance kt. ti chnh
financial kt. (thuc) ti chnh
find tm thy
finder mt. b tm
fine chnh xc, thun tu; top. mn // lm sch
fineness nh ca phn hoch; c. tnh cht kh ng lc hc
finer top. mn hn
finish hon thnh, kt thc
finitary hu hn
finite hu hn
finitism log. ch ngha hu hn
finned ta ln, ta vo

firm kt. hng bun // rn, bn; n nh
first th nht, u tin
at f. t u, u tin
from the f. ngay t u
f. of all trc ht
fiscal kt. (thuc) thu nhp
fish trch. th bng ng
fision vl. s chia, s tch, s phn hch; c. s nt
nuclear f. s phn hch nguyn t
spontaneous f. s phn hch t pht
fit thch hp, ph hp // k theo im
fitness s thch hp, s tng ng
fitting s thch hp, s v theo cc im
curve f. v ng cong thc nghim; v ng cong theo cc im
leasr square f. san bng bng phng php bnh phng b nht
five nm (5)
fix c nh
fixation top. s c nh
fixed c nh, n nh; khng i
flame vl. ngn la
flap c. cnh t sau (ca my bay); bng chn
flast vl. tia sng; s n; s bc chy
flat phng; bt
concircularly f. phng ng vin
locally f. hh. phng a phng, clit a phng
projectively f.hh. phng x nh, clit x nh
flatness tnh phng; tnh bt
flatten lm bt, san bng
flecnode flent
flection s un; o hm bc hai

flex un
flexibility tnh un c, tnh n hi
flexble un c, n hi c
flexion un; ao hm bc hai
f. of surface un ca mt mt
flexowriter mt. thit b in nhanh, flecxrait
flexure un
flight c. s bay
blind f. c. s bay m
level f. c. s bay nm ngang
floating thay i; phim nh; tri
floating-point mt. dy phy ng
floor sn, y
flow dng, s chy, lu lng
diabatic f. dng on nhit
back f. dng ngc
channel f. dng chy trong
circular f. dng hnh trn
conical f. dng hnh nn
divergent f. dng phn k
energy f. dng nng lng
fliud f. dng cht lng
free f. dng t do
gas f. dng kh
geodesic f. gt. dng trc a
hypersonic f. dng siu m
gadually varied f. dng bin i dn
isentropic f. dng ng entropi
jet f. dng tia
laminar f. dng thnh lp

logarithmic spiral f. dng xon c lga
mass f. dng khi lng
non-steady f. dng khng n nh
ordinarry f. dng thng thng
parallel f. dng song song
plastic f. dng do
potential f. c. dng th
pressure f. dng p
rapid f. dng nhanh
rapidly varied f. dng bin nhanh
secondary f. dng th cp
shearing f. dng st, dng trt, dng ct
spiral f. dng xon c
steady f. dng n nh
suberitical f. dng trc ti hn
subsonic f. dng di m tc
superciritical f. dng siu ti hn, dng (mnh) xit
traffic f. dng vn ti
tranqiul f. dng yn lng
turbulent f. dng xoy
uniform f. dng u
unsteady f. dng khng n nh
variable f. dng bin thin
vortex f. hh. dng rta
fluctuate thng ging, dao ng
fluctuation s thng ging, s dao ng; bin thin
total f. bin thin ton phn
ideal f. of function bin thin ton phn ca mt hm
velocity f. bin thin vn tc
fluid cht lng; mi trng

compressible f. cht lng nn c
ideal f. cht lng l tng
perfect f. cht lng nht
fluidity tnh lng, lng
fluorescence s hunh quang
flutter vl. phch ng
flux thng lng, dng
enegy f. nng thng, dng nng lng
luminous f. quang thng, dng nh sng
magnetic f. thng lng t
vanishing f. thng lng trit tiu
focal (thuc) tiu im
focus tiu im, tp trung ti tiu im
fold gp un
folium t, l
f. of Descartes l cc ( th x3 + y3 = 3axy)
double f. l kp
parabolic f. ng hnh l parabolic
simple f. l n
follow theo sau
follower mt. b nhc li, mc sao li, b theo di
automatic curve f. b sao li cc ng cong t ng
cam f. b sao li cam
curve f. b theo di ng cong
follwing nh sau; sau y
foot chn (ng thng gc); pht (n v o lng Anh)
f. of a perpendicular chn ng vung gc
forbid cm; khng gii c
forbiedden b cm; khng gii c
force lc, cng || cng bc

f. of gravity trng lc
f. of inertia lc qun tnh
f. of mortality kt. cng t vong
f. of repulsion lc y
active f. lc tc ng
axial f. lc hng trc
central f. lc xuyn tm
centrifugal f. lc ly tm
collinear f.s lc cng tuyn
concentrated f. lc tp trung
concurrent f.s lc ng quy
conservation f. lc bo ton
constraining f.s cc lc buc, cc lc php tuyn, cc lc tc ng thng
gc vi phng chuyn ng
driving f. lc pht ng
elastic restoring f. lc khi phc n hi
electromotive f. lc in ng
external f. lc ngoi, ngoi lc
frictional f. lc ma st
generalized f. lc suy rng
gyroscopic f. lc hi chuyn
inertia f. lc qun tnh
internal f. lc trong, ni lc
magnetizing f. cng t trng
motive f. lc chuyn ng
net f. c. lc tng hp
non-conservative f. lc khng bo ton
propulsive f. lc ko
reactive f.s phn lc
repulsive f. lc y

resultant f. lc tng hp
shearing f. lc ct, lc trt, lc xt
short-range f.s lc tc dng ngn
surface f. lc mt
tensile f. c. sc cng
forced b cng bc
forrecast tin on, d on, d bo
forecasting s tin on, s d on, s d bo
form dng // hnh thnh
in matrix f. dng ma trn
to bring into canonical f. a v dng chnh tc
adjoint f. hh. dng [ph lin hp]
algebraic f. dng i s
bilinear f. dng song tuyn
binary quadraitic f. dng ton phng nh nguyn
biquadratic f. dng tng phng
canonical f. of difference equation dng chnh tc ca phng trnh sai phn
classical canonical f. dng chnh tc c in
complex f. dng phc
compound quadratic f.s dng ton phng phc hp
conjunctive normal f. dng chun hi
cubic f. dng bc ba
definite f. s. dng xc nh
differential f. dng vi phn
disjunctive normal f. dng chun tuyn
exterior f. dng ngoi
first fundamental f. dng c bn th nht
Hermitain f. dng Hecnit
indeterminate f. gt. dng v nh
inertia f. dng qun tnh

intercept f. of the equation of a straight line phng trnh ng thng
theo on thng
modular f. dng mun
multilinear f. dng a tuyn tnh
name f. log. dng tn
nonsingular f. dng khng suy bin
norm f. log. dng chun tc, php dng
one-dimensional fundamental f. dng c bn mt chiu
polynomial f. dng a thc
positive definite quadraitic f. dng ton phng xc nh dng
prenex f. dng tin lng, dng prinec
primitive f. dng nguyn thu
principal normal f. log. dng chun chnh
quadratic f. s. dng ton phng
quadratic differential f. dng vi phn bc hai
quaternary f. dng t nguyn
rational f. dng hu t
rectangular f. of complex number dng i s ca s phc
second fundamental f. dng c bn th hai
sesquilinear f. s. dng bn song tuyn tnh, dng na song tuyn tnh
standard f. dng tiu chun
superposed fundamental f. dng c bn chng cht
ternary bilinear f. dng song tuyn tnh tam nguyn
ternary quadratic f. dng ton phng tam nguyn
ternary quartic f. dng bc bn tam nguyn
three-dimensional fundamental f. dng c bn ba chiu
trilinear f. dng tam tuyn tnh
typical f. dng dng in hnh
two-dimensional fundamental f. dng c bn hai chiu
two-point f. dng hai im

wave f. dng sng
formal hnh thc
formalism log. ch ngha hnh thc, h hnh thc
formalization log. hnh thc ho
formally v mt hnh thc
formation s hnh thnh, cu to
formative hnh thnh
formula cng thc
addition f. cng thc cng
addition f.s of trigonometry cng thc cng lng gic
assumption f. cng thc gi nh
asymptotic f. cng thc tim cn
backward interpolation f. cng thc ni suy li
binomial f. cng thc nh thc
closed f. cng thc ng
coincidence f. cng thc trng phng
column f. cng thc ct
congruous f.s cng thc ng d
corector f. cng thc sa
difference f. cng thc sai phn
distance-rate-time f. cng thc chuyn ng u (l=vt)
double-angle f.s cng thc gc nhn i
dublication f. cng thc tng i
empiric f. cng thc thc nghim
end f. cng thc cui
even-numbered f. cng thc c s chn
five-term f. cng thcnm s hng
forward interpolation f. cng thc ni suy tin
half-angle f.s cng thc gc chia i
incidence f. cng thc lin thuc

integral f. cng thc tch phn
interdeducible f.s cng thc suy din nh nhau
interpolation f. gt. cng thc ni suy
inverse f.gt. cng thc nghch o
inversion f. gt. cng thc nghch o
irrefultable f. cng thc chc chn ng
logarithmic f. cng thc lga
number-theoretic f.log. cng thc s hc
open f. log. cng thc m
postulation f. cng thc gi nh
prediction f. cng thc tin on
prenex f. cng thc prinec
prime f. cng thc nguyn t
principal f. log. cng thc chnh
primoidal f. cng thc th tch lng tr ct
product f., production f. cng thc a v dng lga ho
provable f. cng thc chng minh c
quadratic f. cng thc cc nghim ca phng trnh bc hai
quadrature f. log. cng thc cu phng
quadrature f. of close type (open type) cng thc cu phng kiu
ng (kiu m)
rectangular f. log. cng thc hnh ch nht
recursion f. log. cng thc truy ton, cng thc quy
reduction f.s cng thc bc c
side f. log. cng thc cnh
simple interest f. tk. cng thc li n
starter f. cng thc xut php
subtraction f.s cng thc tr
summation f. gt. cng thc ly tng
thin-lens f.s vl. cng thc lng knh mng

translation f.s hh. cng thc di trc to
trapezoid f. cng thc hnh thang
universal-coefficient f. cng thc h s ph dng
verifiable f. log. cng thc nghim c
formulation (of equation) lp phng trnh
forth v pha trc; t nay v sau
and so f.vn vn
so far f. trong trng mc y
fortieth th bn mi; phn th bn mi
fortuitous ngu nhin
forty bn mi (40)
forward v pha trc, i trc, vt trc
found xy dng, thnh lp
foundation c s, nn mng
f. of geometry c s hnh hc
founded c c s
four bn (4)
fourfold bi bn, bn ln
four-group s. nhm bn, nhm Klein
fourscore tm mi (t c) (80)
fourteen mi bn (14)
fourteenth th mi bn; phn fth mi bn
fourth th bn, phn th bn
fractile tk. im phn v
fraction phn s; mt phn
f. in its lowest terms phn s ti gin
ascendant continued f. lin phn s tng
binary f. phn s nh nguyn
comon f. phn s thng thng (t v mu u l s nguyn)
complex f. phn s bn tng

continued f. lin phn s
convergent continued f. lin phn s hi t
decimal f. phn s thp phn
descending continued f. lin phn s gim
improper f. phn s khng thc s
non-terminating continued f. lin phn s v hn
parial f. gt. phn thc n gin
periodic continued f. lin phn s tun hon
periodical f. phn s tun hon
proper f. phn s thc s
rational f. phn thc hu t
rational algebraic f. phn thc i s hu t
recurrent continued f. lin phn s tun hon
sampling f. tk. t sut ly mu
similar f.s cc phn s ng dng
simple f. phn s thng thng
simplified f. phn s ti gin
terminating contunued f. gt. lin phn s hu hn
unit f. phn s c t s n v
unlike f. s cc phn s khng ng dng
vulgar f. phn s thng thng
fractinal (thuc) phn s, b phn
fractionary phn s; b phn
frame dn, khung; h quy chiu, h to // dng
f. of reference h quy chiu thin vn
astronomical f. of reference tv. h quy chiu thin vn
rigid f. c. dn cng
framework h dn
free t do
freedom s t do

freely mt cch t do
frequency vl. tn s
angular f. tn s gc
audio f. tn s m (thanh)
base f. tn s c s
beat f. tn s phch
carrier f. tn s mang
cell f. tn s nhm
circular f. tn s vng
class f. tn s lp
collision f. tn s va chm
commercial f. tk. tn s cng nghip; tn s thng mi
conversion f. tn s bin i
critical f. tn s ti hn
cut-off f. tn s ct, tn s ti hn
cyclic f. tn s vng
driving f. tn s kch thch
marginal f. tk. tn s bin duyn
master f. mt. tn s chnh
natural f. tn s ring
non-dimensional f. tn s khng th nguyn
pulse f. tn s lp cc xung
pulse-recurrence f. mt. tn s lp cc xung
relative f. tn s tng i
resonance f. tn s cng hng
scan f. tn s qut
signal f. tn s tn hiu
signal-carrier f. tn s mang tn hiu
spacing f. tn s ngh
theoretical f. tk. tn s l thuyt, xc sut

transition f.xib. tn s chuyn tip
frequent thng xuyn
friction vl. ma st
internal f. ma st trong
linear f. ma st tuyn tnh
rolling f. ma st ln
skin f. c. ma st mt ngoi
static and kenetic f. ma st tnh v ng
fringe vnh, ng vin
interference f. vnh gia thoa
front vl. tuyn, mt trc; mt u trn
cold f. vl. mt u lnh, tuyn lnh
oblique shock f. tuyn kch ng xin
reaction f. tuyn phn lc
reflected shock f. tuyn kch ng phn x
shock f. tuyn kch ng
spherical shock f. tuyn kch ng cu
stationary shock f. tuyn kch ng dng
warm f. tuyn m
wave f. mt sng, u sng
frontal chnh din; (thuc) tuyn, bin
frontier bin gii
frustum hnh ct
f. of a cone hnh nn ct
f. of a pyramud hnh cht ct
fulcrum c. im ta
full ton th, ton phn, y // hon ton
full-scale ln t nhin
full-size c ton phn
full-sphere top. qu cu

fully hon ton, y
function hm, hm s; chc nng // tc dng, vn hnh
f. of bounded variation hm c bin phn b chn
f. of a complex(real) variable hm bin s phc thc
f. of concentration tk. hm tp trung
f. of dispersion kt. hm phn tn
f. of exponential type hm kiu m
f. of finite genus gt. hm c ging hu hn
f. of f. hm ca hm, hm hp
f. of infinite type hm kiu v hn, hm kiu cc i
f. of limited variation hm c bin phn b chn
f. of maximun type hm kiu cc i, hm kiu v hn
f. of minimum type gt. hm kiu cc tiu
f. of position hm v tr
f. of random variable xs. hm cu bin ngu nhin
f. of singularities gt. hm cc im k d, thnh phn k d
f. of support hm ta
absolutely additive set f. hm tuyt i cng tnh
absolute monotonic f. hm n iu tuyt i
acylic f. hm khng tun hon, hm phi xilic
adjustment f. tk. c trng ca tp hp thng k
algebraic(al) f. hm i s
alternate f. s. hm thay phin
analytic(al) f. hm gii tch
antihyperbolic f. s. hm hipebolic ngc
antitrigonometric f. hm lng gic ngc
arc-hyperbolic f.s hm hipebolic ngc
area f. hm xc nh din tch (trong khng gian Mincopxki)
arithmetric f. hm s hc
associated integral f. hm nguyn lin i

asympotic distribution f. hm phn phi tim cn
atomic set f. hm tp hp nguyn t
automorphic f. hm t ng cu
beta f. hm bta
bicomplex f. hm song phc
bicontinuous f. hm song lin tc
biharmonic f. hm song iu ho
bijective f. hm song nh
bilinear f. hm song tuyn tnh
Boolean f. hm Bun
bounded f. hm b chn
bounded set f. hm tp b chn
carries f. hm mang
characteristic f. hm c trng
circular cylinder f. hm tr trn
circular cylindrial wave f. hm sng tr trn
circulary symmetric f. hm i xng trn
class f. hm lp
closure f. hm ng
close-to-convex f. hm gn li
combinable f. hm hp c
comparable f. hm so snh c
complementary f. hm b (nghim c bit ca mt phng trnh vi
phn tuyn tnh khng thun nht)
complementary error f. hm sai b
complete analytic f. hm gii tch y
completely additive set f. gt. hm tp hp cng tnh hon ton
completely defined f. log. hm xc nh khp ni
complex f. hm s phc
complex velocity f. hm vn tc phc

composite f. gt. hm hp
computable f. log. hm tnh c
concave f. hm lm
confluent hypergeometric f. gt. hm siu bi suy bin
conical f. hm cnic
conjugate f.s hm lin hp
conjugate harmonic f.s gt. hm iu ho lin hp
content f. hm dung tch
contiguous hypergeometric f.s hm siu bi tim cn
continuous f. hm lin tc
control f. hm kim tra
control-allowable f. hm iu khin cho php
convex f. hm li
coordinate f. hm to
cost f. hm gi (tr)
countable additive set f. hm tp hp cng tnh m c
covariance f. hm hip phng sai
criterion f. hm tiu chun
cumulant generating f. xs. hm sinh tch lu
cumulative frequency f. hm tn s tch lu
cyclotomic f. hm chia vng trn
cylindrical f.s hm tr hm Betsen
decision f. tk. hm quyt nh
decreasing f. hm gim
demand f. tk. hm nhu cu
density f. hm mt , mt phn phi
derived f. hm dn sut
determining f. gt. hm xc nh
developable f. hm khai trin c
differentiable f. hm ly vi phn c

digamma f. hm igama
discontinuous f. gt. hm gin on
discriminant f.tk. hm phn bit
disspation f. hm tiu tn
distance f. hm khong cch
distribution f. hm phn phi
dominant f. hm s tri
doubly periodic f. hm song tun hon
drriving f. hm y
elementary f. hm s cp
elementary symmetric f. hm i xng c bn
elementary transcendental f. hm siu vit s cp
elliptic(al) f. hm eliptic
elliptic(ai) cylinder f. hm tr eliptic
elliptic modular f. hm munla eliptic
energy f. hm nng lng
entrire f. gt. hm nguyn
entrire f. of zero type hm nguyn loi cc tiu
entrire rational f. hm hu t nguyn
envolope f. hm bao
equimeasurable f. hm ng ng o c
eror f. hm sai s, hm sai, tch phn xc sut sai s (y=erfx, y=erfcx,
even f. hm chn
expenditure f. hm chi ph
explicit f. hm hin
expomential f. hm m
factorable f. hm nhn t ho c
factorial f. hm giai tha
finite f. hm hu hn

flow f. gt. hm dng
force f. th v, hm lc
forcing f. hm cng bc
free f. hm t do
frequency f. hm tn s
frequency distribution f. hm mt , mt phn phi
gamma f. hm gama
general recursive f. hm quy ton phn
generating f. hm sinh
Hamiltonian f. vl. hm Haminton
harmonic f. hm iu ho
holomorphic f. hm chnh hnh, hm gii tch
homogeneous f. hm thun nht
homographic f. hm n ng
hyperbolic f. gt. hm hypebolic
hyperbolic inverse f. hm hypebolic ngc
hyperconical f. hm siu nn
hyperelliptic f. hm siu eliptic
hypergeometric f. hm siu bi
hyperharmonic f. hm siu iu ho
implicit f. hm n
impulse f. hm xung
incomplete beta f. gt. hm bta khuyt
incomplete gamma f. gt. hm gama khuyt
incomplete defined f. log. hm xc nh khng hon ton
increasing f. hm tng
independent f.s gt. hm c lp
indicator f. hm ch tiu ca hm nguyn
initial f. log. nguyn hm
injective f. hm n nh

integrable f. gt. hm kh tch
integral f. of mean tyoe gt. hm nguyn loi chun tc
integral algebraic f. hm i s nguyn
integral transcendental f. hm siu vit nguyn
interior f. gt. hm trong
interval f. gt. hm khong cch
inverse f. gt. hm ngc
inverse circular f. hm vng ngc, hm lng gic ngc
inverse hyperbolic f. hm hypebolic ngc
inverse trigonometric f. hm lng gic ngc, hm vng ngc
irrational f. hm v t
iterated f. hm lp
iterative impedance f. hm tng tr lp
jum f. xib. hm bc nhy
kernel f. gt. hm hch
known f. hm bit
lacunary f. hm tng
Lagrangian f. vl. hm Lagrng, th ng lc
lifting f. hm nng
limited f. hm b chn
linear f. hm tuyn tnh
linear integral f. hm nguyn tuyn tnh
locally constant f. hm hng a phng
logarithmic f. hm lga
logarithmic trigonometric f. hm lga lng gic
logarithmically convex f. hm c lga li
logical f. log. hm lgic
logistic f. kt. hm lgittic
loss f. hm tn tht
many-valued f. gt. hm a tr

mapping f. gt. hm nh x
measure f. gt. o
measurable f. hm o c
meromorphic f. gt. hm phn hnh
metaharmonic f. hm mta iu ho
minimal f., minimun f. hm cc tiu
modular f. hm munla
moment generating f. hm sinh cc mmen
monodrome f. hm n o
monogenic analytic f. gt. hm gii tch n din
monogenic f. of complex variable gt. hm bin phc n din
monotone f. gt. hm n iu
multiform f. hm a tr
multilinear f. hm a tuyn tnh
multiple f. hm bi
multiple valued f. hm a tr
multiplicative f. hm nhn tnh
multivalent f. hm a dip
multivalued f. hm a tr
natural trigonometrical f. hm lng gic t nhin
negatively infinite f. hm m ln v hn
non-analytic f. hm khng gii tch
non-differentiable f. hm khng kh vi
nn-negative additive f. hm cng tnh khng m
non-periodic f. hm khng tun hon
non-uniform f. hm khng n tr
normal f. hm chun tc
normalized orthogonal f.s hm trc giao chun ho
null f. hm khng
numerical f. hm bng s

objective f. trch. hm mc tiu
odd f. hm l
one-valued f. gt. hm n tr
operator f. hm ton t
order f. hm th t
orthogonal f.s. hm trc giao
oscillating f. hm dao ng
parabolic(al) cylinder f. hm tr parabolic
partial f. hm b phn
partial recursive f. hm quy b phn
partition f. hm phn hoch
pattern f. hm s (dng tnh cc bn bt bin)
periodie f. hm tun hon
p-harmonic f. hm p- iu ho
phase f. hm pha
phi f. hm phi (ca le)
piecewise continuous f. hm lin tc tng mnh
piecewise regular f. hm chnh quy tng mnh
plurisubharmonic f. hm a iu ho di
point f. gt. hm im
polygonal f. hm a gic
polyharmonic f. hm a iu ho
possibility f. hm kh nng
positive f. hm dng
positive definite energy f. hm nng lng xc nh dng
positive real f. hm thc dng
positively infinite f. hm dng ln v hn
potential f. th v, hm lc, a iu ho
power f. tk. hm lc lng
primitive f. hm nguyn thu

propagation f. hm truyn
propositional f. hm mnh
pseudoanalytic f. hm gi gii tch
pseudo-periodic f. hm gi tun hon
purely discontinuous set f. hm tp hp thun gin on
quasi-nanlytic f. hm ta eliptic
quasi-periodic f. hm ta tun hon
quaternion f. hm quatenion
radical f. hm cn
random f. xs. hm ngu nhin
randomized decision f. hm quyt nh ngu nhin ho
rational f. hm hu t
rational fractional f. hm phn hu t
rational integral f. hm nguyn hu t
reactance f. hm in khng
real-valued f.gt. hm ly gi tr thc
reciprocal f. hm thun nghch
recursive f. hm quy
reduced characteristic f. hm c trng rt gn
regular f. hm u
regular f. of a complex variable hm bin phc u
relate f.s cc hm ph thuc
remainder f. hm cc s d
ring f. hm vnh
risk f.tk. hm mo him
saddle f. hm yn nga
schlicht f. hm (gii tch) n dip
self-impedance f. hm t tr
semi-continuous f. hm na lin tc
sequential risk f.tk. hm mo him lin tip

set f. gt. hm tp hp
signal f. hm du, hm xicnum
simple (analytic) f. hm (gii tch) n dip
single-valued f. hm n tr
singly periodic f. hm tun hon n
singular f. hm k d
sinusoidal f. hm sin
slope f. hm dc
smooth f. tk. hm trn, hm c bnh d
source f. hm ngun, hm Grin
spectral f. hm ph
spherical wave f. hm sng cu
spheroidal wave f. hm sng phng cu
square-integrable f. hm c bnh phng kh tch
step f. gt. hm bc thang; xib. xc sut chuyn tip
stored energy f. hm bin dng nng lng
stream f. hm dng
stress f. hm ng sut
stroke f. log. hm Sef
subharmonic f. hm siu iu ho
supply f. tk. hm cung cp
symmetric(al) f. gt. hm i xng
temperate f. hm tng chm
temperature f. gt. hm nhit
test f. tk. hm (tiu) chun
tetrahedral f. hm t din
totally additive set f. hm tp hp hon ton cng tnh
transcendental f. hm siu vit
transfer f. hm truyn
trial f. gt. hm c s (thuc khng gian c s)

trigonometric(al) f.s hm lng gic
triply periodic f. hm tam tun hon
truth f. log. hm ng
typically-real f. gt. hm thc in hnh
unbounded f. gt. hm khng b chn
uniform f. hm n tr
uniformly best desision f. tk. hm quyt nh tt u nht
unit step f. hm bc thang n v
univalent f. gt. hm n dip
universal f. log. hm [ph dng, xn nng]
utility f. hm li ch
varied flow f. hm dng bin
vector f. gt. hm vect
vector wave f. hm sng vect
wave f. hm sng
weight f. tk. hm trng lng
zeta f. gt. hm zeta
zonal hyperspherical f. hm siu cu i
functional (thuc) hm (s) || phim hm
convex f. phim hm li
domain f. phim hm min
linear f. phim hm tuyn tnh
multilinear f. phim hm a tuyn tnh
recursive f. log. phim hm quy
functor hm t
additive f. hm t cng tnh
balance f. hm t cn bng
coderived f. hm t i dn sut
composite f. hm t hp
contravariant f. s. hm t phn bin

covariant f. hm t hip bin
evaluation f. hm t nh gi
exact f. hm t khp
fibre f. hm t th
forgetful f. hm t qun
half exact f. hm t na khp
left exact f. s. hm t khp bn tri
right exact f. s. hm t khp bn phi
singular homology f. hm t ng iu k d
suspension f. hm t treo
fund kt. qu
fundamental c bn
funicular (thuc) dy
furcate r nhnh
furcation s r nhnh
further xa hn || hn na; sau , ngoi ra
furthermore ngoi ra
furthest, farthest xa nht
fuse nt; k. kp n
instantaneous f. kp n tc thi
fusion vl. s nng chy
future tng lai

gage t xch, thc t l; c, calip; dng c o (kch thc)
gain gia lng, lng thm; s tng thm; trch. s c cuc
g. in energy s tng nng lng
g. perstage s khuch i tng bc
expected g. kt. li k vng
feedback g. h s phn lin
information g. s lm tng tin
net g. trch. thc thu
galctic tv. (thuc) thin h, ngn h
Galilean vl. (thuc) Galil
gamble trch. (c) bc
gambler trch. ngi nh bc
game tr chi || chi tr chi
g. of chance tr chi may ri
g. of Nim tr chi Nim
abstract g. tr chi tru tng
blufing g. tr chi tr
completely mixed g. tr chi hn hp hon ton
completely reduced g. tr chi thu hp hon ton
constanined g. tr chi c rng buc
concave g. tr chi lm
convex f. tr chi li
eluding g. tr chi chy trn
equivalent g.s tr chi tng ng
fair g. tr chi sng phng
fixed sample - size g. tr chi c c c nh
majority g. tr chi nhiu ngi
matrix g. tr chi ma trn

minorant g. tr chi lm non
multi-person g. tr chi nhiu ngi
perfect-information g. tr chi c thng tin y
polyhedral g. tr chi a din
positional g. tr chi v tr
strictly determined g. tr chi xc nh cht ch
two-person g. tr chi hai ngi
zero-sum g. tr chi c tng khng
gama gama ()
gas vl. kh
ideal g. kh l tng
polytropic g. kh a hng
gaseous vl. th kh
gate mt. s trng; van; xuppap, xung m
add g. van cng
and g. lc v
diode g. ng it, s trng it
time g. b chn thi gian
zero g. van thit b s khng
gated mt. c iu khin bng xung
gather tp trung tch lu
gathering s tp trung, s tch lu
data g. s tp trung cc d kin, s thu thp cc s liu
gating mt. s cho tn hiu vo; s chn
gauge vl. o, t xch, calip || chia , nh c
differential g. ci o vi phn, vi phn k
Gaussian (thuc) Gaux
gear c cu; (c cu) truyn ng
bevel g. truyn ng cnic
control g. truyn ng iu khin

landing g. khung (my)
sun-and-planet g. truyn ng hnh tinh
worm g. truyn ng trc vt
general chung, tng qut, y ; tng hp in g. ni chung
generalization s tng qut ho, s suy rng
generalize tng qut ho
generalized c tng qut ho; suy rng
generation s sinh ra, s to thnh, th h
g. of random numbers xs. s to ra cc s ngu nhin
singular g. of a ruled surface ng k d ca mt mt k
generator hh. [phn t, hm] sinh; mt. my pht
g. of a group cc phn t sinh ca mt nhm
g. of a quadric ng sinh ca mt quaric
g. of a surface ng sinh ca mt mt k
g. of a surface of translation ng sinh ca mt mt tnh tin
clock pulse g. my pht xung ng b
component g. mt. my pht hp phn
delay g. mt. my pht tr
double g. of a ruled surface ng sinh kp ca mt mt tr
electronic g. mt. my pht in t
function g. mt. my pht hm, my bin i
harmonic g. mt. my pht ho ba
information g. mt. ngun tin
narrow-pulse g. mt. my pht cc xung hp
noise g. mt. my pht ting n
rectilinear g. hh. cc ng sinh thng
simulative g.hh. my pht phng theo
square-law function g. mt. my bnh thng
stational g. of a ruled surface ng sinh dng ca mt mt k
synchronizing g. mt. my pht ng b

timing g. my pht theo thi gian
trigger g. b xc pht, my pht trig
generatrix ng sinh
generic chung (cho mt loi); hhs. sinh || ng loi
generically ni chung
genetic(al) (thuc) di truyn
genetics di truyn hc
genre ging
g. of an entire function gt. ging ca mt hm nguyn
g. of a surface top. ging ca mt
genus ging
g. of a curve ging ca mt ng
geodesic trc a || ng trc a
conformally g. hh. trc a bo gic
minimal g. ng trc a cc tiu
geodesy trc a hc
georaphic(al) (thuc) a l
geography a l hc
mathematical g. a l ton hc
geometric(al) (thuc) hnh hc
geometrically v mt hnh hc
geometrization s hnh hc ho
geometrize hnh hc ho
geomatry hnh hc
g. of direction hnh hc phng hng
g. of numbers hnh hc cc s
g. of paths hnh hc cc ng
g. of position hnh hc v tr
g. of the circle hnh hc vng trn
g. of the sphere hnh hc mt cu

absolute g. hnh hc tuyt i
affine g. hnh hc afin
affine differential g. hnh hc vi phn afin
algebraic g. hnh hc i s
analytic g. hnh hc gii tch
complex g. hnh hc phc
descriptive g. ho hinhd
differential g. hnh hc vi phn
double elliptic g. hnh hc song eliptic
elementary g. hnh hc s cp
elliptic(al) g. hnh hc eliptic
elliptic parabolic g. hnh hc parabolic eliptic
equiaffine g. hnh hc ng afin
equiform g. hnh hc ng dng
Euclidean g. hnh hc clit
finite g. hnh hc hu hn
four dimensional g. hnh hc bn chiu
high g. hnh hc cao cp
hyperbolic g. hnh hc hipebolic
hyperbolic metric g. hnh hc metric hipebolic
infinitesimal g. hnh hc vi phn
inversion g. hnh hc nghch o
line g. hnh hc tuyn
Lobachevskian g. hnh hc Lgasepxki
metric g. hnh hc metric
metric differential g. hnh hc vi phn metric
Minkowskian g. hnh hc Minkpxki
modern g. hnh hc hin i
network g. hnh hc li
non-Euclidean g. hnh hc phi clit

parabolic metric g. hnh hc metric parabolic
perspective g. hnh hc phi cnh
plane g. hnh hc phng
point g. hnh hc im
polymetric g. hnh hc a metric
probabilistic g. hnh hc xc sut
projective g. hnh hc x nh
projective differential g. hnh hc vi phn x nh
quasi-elliptic g. hnh hc ta eliptic
real g. hnh hc thc
Riemannian g. hnh hc Riman
solid g. hnh hc khng gian, hnh hc ni
spherical g. hnh hc cu
symplectic g. hnh hc ngu i
synthetic(al) g. hnh hc tng hp
geophysical (thuc) vt l a cu
geophysics vt l a cu
germ top. mn, phi
group g. mm nhm
get c; tnh
giant khng l
gibbous li
gimbal la bn Cacng; khp Cacng
girder dm, x ngang
girth s o vng trn; phn xung quanh; chu vi thit din
guve cho
given cho; xc nh
glass thu tinh; gng, p k, ng nhm
glide trt, bay ln
glider tu ln

global ton cc, xt ton din; (thuc) qu t
globe qu cu, qu t
terrestrial g. qu t
gloss gii thch t
glossary tp t vng; t in, thut ng chuyn mn
glow lm nng, chiu sng
glue ko, h || dn
glued s dn
gluing s dn
g. of manifolds hh. s dn cc a tp
gnomon cc o gi, cc ng h mt tri
go i, chuyn ng
goal mc ch
goniometry hh. php o gc
good tt
goodness tnh cht tt
g. of fit tk. s ph hp
goods hng ho
sportg., g. in stock hng hin c
gore mi (cu)
govern iu khin, iu chnh; cai qun
governor xib. [b, ci] iu khin, ci n nh
speed g. b iu chnh tc
grad lp, bc, hng; grat (n v o gc)
gradable s. phn bc c
gradate chia ; s. phn bc
gradation s chia ; s chuyn tip dn dn; s tim tin
grade lp, bc, hng; gi tr ca cc hm phn phi; dc (ng cong);
grat (n v o gc)
g. of matrix s. hng ca ma trn

graded b chia ; s. b phn bc
double g. s. phn bc kp
gradient hh.; vl. grain ca mt hm
g. of a function grain ca mt hm
energy g. grain nng lng
presure g. grain p
graduate chia , sp xp chia
graduation ss chia , s chia ng cong theo cc im; s. s phn bc;
s phong hc v; s tt nghip
grain vl. ht
Gramian (thuc) Gram
grammar ng php, c s khoa hc
grand to, ln, quan trng
granular vl. (thuc) ht (nh)
granulate vl. lm thnh ht
granule vl. ht nh
graph biu , th, hnh, mch
g. of a equation th ca mt phng trnh
alternating g. hnh thay phin
lipartite g. th hai nhnh
brocken line g. th c dng hnh gp khc
bunch g. th thnh chm
circular g. th vng
critical g. top. th ti hn
high-low g. tk. biu cc cc tr
kinematic (al) g. th ng lc
linear g. tuyn
planar g. top. hnh phng
superposed g. top. hnh chng cht
grapher mt. dng c v th

graphic(al) (thuc) th c v hnh
graphically v mt th
graphing s v th, s v biu g. by composision v th bng
cch cng (tung )
graphostatis tnh hc th
grate k. mng, li, cch t
gravitate vl. b ht, ri, b trng lc tc dng
gravitation vl. s hp dn trng lc, lc ht
universal g. vn vt hp dn
gravitatinal vl. (thuc) hp dn
gravity vl trng lc, sc nng, s hp dn
specific g., specific weight trng lng ring, t trng
graet ln, ng k
infinitely g. v cng ln
greater ln hn, c ngha hn
greatest ln nht, c ngha nht
grid mng li
gros ln, th; ton b, grt
by the g. i lng
great g. grt nh
small g. grt nh|
ground c s, l do, nguyn nhn; t |
group nhm // nhm li
g. of algebras nhm cc i s
g. of classes nhm cc lp
g. of collineations nhm cc php cng tuyn
g. of extnion nhm cc php m rng
g. of isotropy hh. nhm ng hng
g. of motin nhm cc chuyn ng
g. of transformations nhm cc php bin i

Abelian g. nhm Aben, nhm giao hon
additive g. nhm afin
affine g. nhm cng tnh
algebraically Abelian g. nhm Aben i s
algebraically closed Abelian g. nhm Aben ng i s
alternating g. nhm thay phin
Archimedian g. nhm Acsimet
aperiodic g. nhm khng tun hon
automorphism g. nhm cc t ng cu, nhm cc php nguyn hnh
binary projective g. nhm x nh nh nguyn
buonded g. s. nhm b chn
characterr g. nhm c trng
circle g. nhm quay trn
class g. nhm lp
cobordism g. nhm ng iu trong
coherent topological g. nhm tp dnh
cohomology g. nhm i ng u
collineation g. nhm cng tuyn
commutator g. nhm hon t
compact g. s. nhm compac
complete g. nhm y
completely reducible g. nhm hon ton kh quy
composite g. s. nhm a hp
congruence g. s. nhm ng d
conjugate g.s of linear substitutions s. nhm lin hp cc php th tuyn
continuous g. nhm lin tc, nhm tp
continuous linear g. nhm tuyn tnh lin tc
convering g. nhm ph
crystallographic g. s. nhm tinh th

cyclic g. nhm xilic
decompostition g. s. nhm phn tch
defect g. s. nhm khuyt
derived g. nhm dn xut
differential g. nhm vi phn
dihedral g. top. nhm nh din
dihomology g. nhm lng ng iu
direct g. nhm c hng
discontinuous g. nhm ri rc
discontinuous infinite g. nhm v hn ri rc
discrete g. nhm ri rc
dispersible g. s. nhm phn tn c
divisible g. nhm ng gp khc
edge path g. nhm ng gp khc
einstufig g. nhm mt bc
equianharmonic g. nhm ng phi iu
equiform g. s. nhm ng dng
exceotinal g. nhm ngoi l
exponential g. s. nhm m
extended orthonal g. nhm trc giao m rng
factor g. s. nhm thng
finite g. s. nhm hu hn
formal Lie g. nhm Li hnh thc
fractional linear g. nhm tuyn tnh y
full unimodular g. nhm n mula y
general linear g. nhm n tuyn tnh tng qut
generalized quaternion g. nhm quatnion suy rng
graded g. nhm phn bc
Hamiltonian g. s. nhm Hamintn
harmonic g. nhm iu ho
homonomy g. nhm hlnm
homology g. nhm ng iu
homotopy g. nhm ng lun
hyperabelian g. nhm siu Aben

hyperexponential g. nhm siu m
hyperfuchsian g. nhm siu Fuc
hypermetric topological g. nhm tp siu metric
hyperorthogonal g. nhm siu trc giao
icosaheral g. nhm hai mi mt
identity g. nhm n v
imprimitive. nhm phi nguyn thu
infinite g. nhm v hn
infinitesimal g. nhm vi phn
integrable g. s. nhm gii c
intransitive g. nhm khng bc cu
irreducible g. nhm khng kh qui
k- step metabelian g. s. nhm mta Aben bc K
lattice ordered g.,I- group. nhm sp theo n
linear g. nhm tuyn tnh
linear fractinal g. s. nhm phn tuyn tnh
local g. nhm a phng
local Lie g. nhm Li a phng
locally compact g. s. nhm compact a phng
locally solvable g. s. nhm gii c a phng
loose g. nhm khng tr mt
lower basic g. s. nhm c bn di
loxodrome cyclic g. nhm t hnh xilic
metabelian g. nhm mtan Aben
metacyclic g. nhm nta xiclic
mixed g. s. nhm hn tp
modular g. nhm munla
monodromic g. nhm n o
nilpotent g. nhm lu linh
non-commutative g. s. nhm khng giao hon
non-special g. nhm khng c bit
nuclear g. nhm hch
octahedral g. nhm tm mt
one-headed g. nhm mt u, nhm c c cc i
one-parameter g. s. nhm mt tham s

ordered g. nhm c sp
orthogonal g. nhm trc giao
pairwise transitive g.hh. nhm bc cu tng cp im
parabolic metric g. nhm mtric parabolic
paraconvex g. nhm para li
perfect g.s nhm hon ton
periodic g. s. nhm tun hon
permutation g. s. nhm hon v
polycyclic g. nhm a xilic
polyhedron g. nhm a din
primary g. nhm nguyn s
primary cyclic g. nhm xilic nguyn x
primitive g. nhm nguyn thu
product g. of modules tch nhm cc mun
quasi-cyclic g. nhm ta xilic
quotient g. nhm thng
radical g. nhm cn
real orthogonal g. nhm trc giao thc
reflection g. s. nhm phn x
relative cohomology g. s. nhm i ng u tng i
ralative homology g. nhm ng u tng i
rotation g. s. nhm quay
semi-metacyclic g. nhm na mta xilic
semi-simple g. s. nhm na n gin
separable g. s. nhm tch c
similarity g. nhm ng dng
simple g. s. nhm n gin
simply transitive g. nhm bc cu n
slender g. s. nhm hp
solennoidal g. s. nhm slenoit
solvable g.s. nhm gii c
special g. nhm c bit
special projective g. nhm x nh c bit
spinor g. nhm spin
substitution g. nhm cc php th

symmetric g. tng i ngu i
tetrahedral g. s nhm t din
topological g. nhm tp
topologically solvable g. s. nhm gii c tp
toroid g. nhm phng tuyn
torsion g. s nhm xon, nhm tun hon
torsion free g. s. nhm khng xon
track g. top. nhm ng
transforrmation g. s. nhm cc php bin i
translation g.hh. nhm cc php tnh tin
unicoherent topological g. s. nhm tp nh u
unimodular g. nhm n mula
unitary g. nhm n nguyn
wave g. nhm sng|
group-like ta nhm, ging nhm |
grouped nhm li |
grouping s nhm li
homogeneous g. tk. s nhm li thun nht |
groupoid s. phng nhm
metric g. s. phng nhm mtric|
grow tng, pht trin |
growth s tng, s pht trin, cp tng
g. of an entire function cp tng ca mt hm nguyn
guarantee bo m
guarantor kt. ngi bo m
guard mt. bo v
guess on, c on; gi nh
crude g. c on th s
guidance xib. iu khin (t xa)
guide hng, li; vl. ng dn sng
gyrate chuyn ng theo vng trn, quay trn
gyration s quay trn
gyro con quay
gyro - compass a bn quay
gyroidal xn c, chuyn ng theo hnh xon c

gyroscope con quay
gyoscopie (thuc) con quay hi chuyn

haf mt na, mt phn
half-adder mt. my ly tng mt na
half-cyele na chu k
half-group s. na nhm t trong mt nhm
halfinvariant tk. bn bt bin
half-line gi tr. na ng thng, na tia
half-module s. na mun t trong mun
half-plane gi tr. na mt phng
h. of convergence na mt phng h t
lower h. gi tr. na mt phng di
upper h. gi tr. na mt phng trn
half-space na khng gian
halve mt. chia i gim mt na
hand bn tay; trch. ngi chi; mt. kim ng h
conter h. kim my m
handle cn, tay cm, tay li // iu khin; s dng quay li
handling mt. iu khin, x l, chnh l
data h. chnh l cc d kin
information h. x l tin
happen xy ra
hafd rn, cng, xc nh, cht ch
hardness vl. rn, cng
harmonic iu ho // hm iu ho
h. of frequency of oscillation hm iu ho tn s dao ng
cylindrical h. hm iu ho tr
ellipsoidal h. hm iu ho elipxoit, hm Lam
soilid h. gi tr. hm iu ho cu
spheroidal h. hm iu ho phng cu
surface h. hm cu
surface zonal h. hm cu i
tessera h. hm cu texrra
toroidal h. hm iu ho xuyn
zonal h. gi tr. hm cu i

haversine hm havx = (vers x)/2 = (1 cosx)/2
hazard mo him; nguy him; trch. tr chi en , s may ri
head u phn trn, phn trc; mc; ct trc
contact h. mt. u tip xc (t), u cng tc
erasing h. mt. u ty
kinetic energy h. mt. ct nc ng lc
magnetic h. mt. u t
play-bak h. mt. u sao li
pressure h. c. u p
reading h. mt. u c, u pht li
read-record h. mt. u c bn chp li
recording h. mt. u ghi
reproducing h.mt. u sn li
total h. c. ct nc ton phn
velocity h. vl. u tc
hear nghe
hearing vl. s nghe; tnh gic, nghe r
heat vl. nhit, nhit nng // lm nng, nung
latent h. vl. n nhit
latent h. of vaporization n nhit, bay hi
specific h. t nhit, nhit dung
heater vl. dng c lm nng; ci nung, dy nung, l nung
heave nng ln, ko; ln xung, nhp nh
heaven tv. bu tri thin ng
heavy nng, kh, mmh
height cao, chiu cao; gc nng
h. of an element s. cao ca mt phn t
slant h. hh. chiu cao mt bn, chiu di ng sinh
helical xon c; (thuc) mt inh c
oblique h. mt inh c xin
pseudo spherical h. mt inh c gi cu
right h. mt inh c thng
helix ng inh c; ng cong c lch khng i
circular h. ng nh c
conical h. ng nh c nn, ng cnic c lch khng i

cylindrical h. ng nh c tr
osculating h. ng nh c mt tip
hemicompact top. na compact
hemigroup s. na nhm
hemisphere bn cu, na bn cu
hemispherric (al) hh. (thuc) bn cu
hence do , t d, nh vy
hendecagon hnh mi mt gc
hendecahedron khi mi mt mt
heptagon hnh by gc
regular h. hnh by gc u
heptahedron khi by mt
heptagonal (thuc) hnh by gc
heredity tnh di truyn
heritable di truyn c
herpolhode d thng sai quy tc
heterogeneity tnh khng thun nht, tnh phc tp, tnh hn tp
heterogeneous khng thun nht, khng n loi phc tp
heteoscedastic tk. c phng sai thc s ph thuc vo mt bin ngu nhin
heterotypic(al) tk. khc loi
heuristic hrixtic
hexagonal (thuc) hnh su gc
hexagram hnh sao su gc (hnh v c c bng cch v cc ng cho
ca mt lc gic u)
hexehedral (thuc) khi su mt
hexehedron khi su mt
regular h. khi su mt u
hidden n
hide trn, du
hierarchy trt t, ng cp
h. of category trt t ca cc phm tr
h. of sets trt t ca cc tp hp
high cao
higher cao hn, c cp cao hn

highest cao nht; ln nht
hinge bn l, khp ni; s treo
hinged tip hp
hint li gi
histogram biu tn s
area h. biu tng s in tch
history lch s
h. of a system xib. lch s h thng
past h. of system tin s ca h thng
hodograph ng u tc, tc , ng u mt vect
hold gi, chim; c nh
hole l
hollow rng, l hng, ch lm
holomorph s. (nhm) ton hnh
holomorphic chnh hnh, gii tch
holonomocity hh. tnh hmnm
holonomy hlnm
homeomorphissn php ng phi, php bin i tp
homeostat trng thi ni cn bng
homoclitic ng quy tc; ging nhau
homogeneity tk. tnh thun nht
h. of set of averages tk. tnh thun nht ca tp hp cc s trung bnh
h. of set of variances tk. tnh thun nht ca tp phng sai
dimensional h. tnh thun nht th nguyn
homogeneus thun nht
concentrically h. thun nht ng tm
patially h. thun nht ring phn
temporally h. thun nht theo thi gian
homographic hh. n ng
homogroup thun nhm
homological s. ng u; thu x
homologous to tng ng vi, ng u vi
homology hh. php thu x; s. ng u
axial h. php thu x trc
biaxial h. php thu x song trc

elliptic h. php thu x eliptic
hyperbolic h. php thu x hypebolic
involutory h. hh. s. php thu x i hp
parabolic h. php thu x parabolic
homomorph ng cu
homomorphic ng cu
homomorphism [s,tnh, php] ng cu h. into s ng cu vo
ample h. ng cu
canonical h. ng cu chnh tc, ng cu t nhin
composition h. s. ng cu hp thnh
connecting h. ng cu lin kt
crossed h. ng cu cho
diagonal h. top. php ng cu tro
exponential h. s. ng cu lu tha
homogeneous h. ng cu ng nht
homotopic h. ng cu ng lun
identity h. ng cu ng nht
inclusion h. ng cu bao hm
induced h. ng cu cm sinh
input h. ng cu vo
iterated connecting h. ng cu lin thng lp
join h. ng cu ni
local h. ng cu a phng
meet h. s. ng cu giao
natural h. ng cu t nhin
norm h. ng cu chun
output h. ng cu ra
proper h. ng cu thc s
splitting h. s. php ng cu tch
suspension h. ng cu cho
homomorphous s. ng cu
homomorphy s. tnh ng cu
homoscedastic hmxedatic (phng sai c iu kin khng i)
homothetic v t, ng dng
homotopic ng lun

homotopy [php, s, tnh] ng lun
cellular h. tnh ng lun t bo
chain h. top. s ng lun dy chuyn
contracting h. s ng lun co rt
convering h. top s ng lun ph
fibre h. tnh ng lun th
honeycomb hnh t ong
star h. hh. l t ong hnh sao
horizon tv. ng chn tri, ng nm ngang
apparent h. chn tri biu kin
artificial h. chn tri gi
celestial h. chn tri thc
geometrical h. chn tri thc
terrestrial h. ng chn tri
visible h. chn tri biu kin
horizontal (thuc) ng chn tri, nm ngang
horizontality tnh nm ngang
horocycle gi tr. ng cc hn, vng cc hn
horosphere mt cc hn
horespower mlc, nga
hot vl. nng
hour gi
hull s; top. bao; k. v; s hc; s vin; thn
convex h. bao li
convex h. of a set bao li ca tp hp
injective h. bao ni x
hundred mt trm (100)
hundredth th mt trm
hunt rung, s o li; s dao ng // o li
hurricane vlc. bo lc
hydrib ging lai // lai
hydraulic thu lc hc
hydrodynamic (al) (thuc) thu ng
hydrodynamics thu ng hc
hydromagnetic vl. thu t

hydromechanics c hc cht lng
hydrostatics thu tnh hc
hyperareal hh. siu din tch
hyperbola hipebn
h. of higher order hypebn cp cao
equilateral h. hypebn [u, vung]
equiangular h. hypebn [u, vung]
focal h. hypebn tiu
geodesic h. hypebn trc a
rectangular h. hypebn [u, vung]
hyperbolic hypebolic
hyperboloid hypeboloit
h. of one sheet (of two sheets) hipeboloit mt tng (hai tng)
h. of revolution hipeboloit trn xoay
conjugate h. hipebolit lin hp
parted h. hipeboloit hai tng
uniparted h. hipeboloit mt tng
hypercohomology siu i ng u
hypercomplex s. siu phc
hypercone siu nn
hypercube hnh siu lp phng
hypercylineder (hnh) siu tr
parabolic h. hnh siu tr parabolic
spheroidal h. siu tr phng cu
hyperelliptic gt. siu eliptic
hyperexponential s. siu m
hypergeometric siu bi
hypergeometry hnh hc cao chiu
hypergroup s. siu nhm
hyperharmonic gt. siu iu ho
hyperhomology s. siu ng u
hypermatrix s. siu ma trn
hypermetric s. siu metric
hypernormal siu chun tc
hyperosculation siu mt tip

hyperparaboloid siu paraboloit
h. of birevolution siu paraboloit hai ln trn xoay
hyperparallels cc ng phn k (trong hnh hc Lbascpxki)
hyperplane siu phng
h. of support siu phng ta
tangent h. siu phng tip xc
hyperquadric siu quaric
hyper-real s. siu thc
hypersonic siu thanh
hyperspace siu khng gian
hypersphere siu cu
hypersurface siu in
hypertorus siu xuyn
hypervolume siu th tch
hypocompact top ni compact
hypocycloid ni xicloit
hypoelliptic ni eliptic
hypotenuse cnh huyn
h. of a right triangle cnh huyn ca mt tam gic vung
hypothesis gi thit to test h. with experiment chng minh gi thit
bng thc nghim; under the h. theo gi thit
admissible h. gi thit chp nhn c
alternative h. i gi thit
composite h. tk. gi thit hp
ergodic h. gi thit egoic
linaer h. gi thit tuyn tnh
non-parametric h. gi thit phi tham s
null h. gi thit khng
similarity h. gi thit ng dng
simple h. tk. gi thit n gin
statistic h. gi thit thng k
working h. tk. gi thit lm vic
hypothesize log. xy dng gi thit
hypothetic (al) log. gi thit, gi nh
hypotrochoid ni trocoit

hysteresis vl. hin tng tr
elastic h. tr n hi
mechanical h. tr c hc

ice nc // ng thnh bng
iconic hnh, tng, chn dung; s lp li ng
icosahedral (thuc) khi hai mi mt
icosahedron khi hai mi mt
regular i. khi hai mi mt u
idea log. khi nim; t tng;
ideal s. ian; l tng
admissible i. ian chp nhn c
annihilation i. ian lm khng
contracted i. ian co
distinguished i. ian c phn bit, ian munla
diviorless i. ian khng c c
dual i. ian i ngu
einartig i. ian n tr
fractinal i. ian phn thc
general solution ian cc li gii tng qut
homogeneous i. ian thun nht
integral i. ian nguyn
left i. ian bn tri
maximal i. ian cc tr
modular i. ian mula
neutral i. ian trung ho
nilpotent i. ian lu linh
non-nil i. ian khc khng
non-trivial proper i. ian ring khng tm thng
order i. (of an elemnet) ian cp ca mt phn t
primary i. ian nguyn s
primitive i. ian nguyn thu
prime i. ian nguyn t
proper i. ian ring
radical i. ian gc
ringt i. ian bn phi
secondary i. ian th cp

semi-prime i. ian na nguyn t
singular-solution i. ian cc li gii k d
tertiary i. ian th ba
two-sided i. ian hai pha
unit i. ian n v
unmixed i. ian khng hn tp
valuation i. ian nh gi
zero i. ian khng
idealize l tng ho
idealzed c l tng ho
idem cng ch y, nh trn
idemfactor vl. nhn t lu ng
idempotence tnh ly ng
idempotent lu ng
identical ng nht
identically mt cch ng nht
identifiabbolity tnh c th ng nht c; tk. kh nng nh gi cc tham
s ring l
identifiable c th ng nht c
identification [s, php] ng nht; xib. s nhn ra; k hiu
coded i. k hiu m ho
signal i. s nhn ra k hiu
identify ng nht ho, nhn ra
identity ng nht thc
parallelogram i. ng nht thc bnh hnh
polynomial i. ng nht thc a thc
trigonometrical i. ng nht thc lng gic
ignite vl. bc chy
ignition s bc chy
ignorable khng bit c
ignorance log. s khng bit
final i. s khng bit cui cng
initial i. s khng bit ban u
prior i. s khng bit tin nghim
ignore khng bit

ill c hi, xu
ill-conditinned iu kin xu
illuminance vl. /tnh, s/ chiu sng
illuminate lm sng, chiu sng
illumination vl. [tnh, s ] chiu sng
illuory o tng. khng khch quan
illustrate minh ho
illustration s minh ho, hnh v (minh ho)
illustration c minh ho
image nh; s phn nh; s to nh
complete inverse i. s. ; top. nghch nh y
inverse i. nghch nh
mirror i. hh. php nh x gng
reflected i. nh phn x
spherical i. hh. nh cu
imaginary o
imagine tng tng, hnh dung
imbed nhng
imbedded b nhng, c nhng
wildly i. top. b nhng th
imbedding php nhng, s nhng
full i. nhng y
invariant i. top. nhng bt bin; xs.; vl. s t bt bin
imitate bt chc, sao li; gi
immediately ngay lp tc, mt cch trc tip
immerse hh. nhng chm
immersion hh. s nhng chm
immigration tk. s di c
immobile bt ng
immovable khng chuyn ng c, c nh
impact va, va chm
plastic i. va chm do
impart bo tin, truyn
impedance vl. tr khng
acoustical i. tr khng m

charateristic i. tr khng c trng
conjugate i.s. tr khng lin hp
electrical i. tr khng in
high frequence i. tr khng cao tn
intrisnic i. tr khng t ti
mechanical i. tr khng c hc
mutual i. tr khng tng h
radiation i. tr khng bc x
simulating i. tr khng phng theo
transfer i. tr khng chuyn vn
wave i. tr khng sng
impede cn tr
imperfect hng, khng hon thin
imperfection s hng, s khng hon thin
implicate log. ko theo
implication log. php tt suy, s ko theo
i. of events xs. s ko theo cc s kin
formal i. php tt suy hnh thc
material i. log. php tt suy thc cht
strict i. php tt suy ngt
strong i. php tt suy mnh
implicative tt suy
implicite n
implicity tnh n
imply bao hm; ko theo; c h qu, c ngha; hiu ngm l
import mang vo; hiu ngm; nhp cng (hng ho)
importance s quan trng; ngha; gi tr of no i. khng c gi tr g i. of
sampling ngha ca mu
importation log. s mang vo, s nhp cng
impossibility s khng c th
impossible khng th c
impremitive s. phi nguyn thu
improper phi chnh
improve hon thin, ci tin

improved c hon thin , c ci tin
improvement s hon thin, s ci tin
impulse mt.; vl. xung lng xung
coded i. mt. xung m ho
energy i. nng xung
gating i. xung m van
unit i. xung n v
impluse mt. b thu bin xung
in trong, trong i. case trong trng hp; i. fact thc vy, thc ra; i. the
large, i. general ni chung; i. order to ; i. particular ni ring, c
bit; i. particularr ni ring, c bit; i. the small cc b
inaccessible khng t c
inaccuracy tnh khng chnh xc
inaction s khng hot ng
incapable khng th, km nng lc, khng c kh nng
i. of solution khng gii c
incenter tm vng trn hay hnh cu) ni tip; giao im ca ba ng phn
gic trong
incessant khng ngng, lin tc
incidence s lin thuc, s ti, s ri
incident lin thuc, ti // s c, tnh ngu nhin
incidental khng ct yu, khng thc cht
incipient khi sinh, bt u
incirele vng trn ni tip
inclination hh. nghing, gc nghing
i. of ecliptic nghing ca hng o
i. of a line in the space gc nghing ca ng thng trong khng gian
i. of orbit nghing ca qu o
incline nghing lch // [, s] nging
curvature i. cong nghing ca ng cong
inclined b nghing, b lch
include bao gm, bao hm, cha trong
inclusion s bao hm, liene h bao hm, bao hm thc
i. of sets bao hm thc tp hp
inclusive bao hm cha
incoherent vl. khng kt hp, khng lin lc, ri rc

income kt. thu nhp
annual i. thu nhp hng nm
national i. thu nhp quc dn
incoming s thu nhp, s vo
incommensurability tnh v c
incommensurable v c
incomparability tnh khng th so snh c
incomparable khng th so snh c
incompatible khng tng thch
incomplete khng y , khng hon ho
incompleteness log. tnh khng y , tnh khng hon thin
incompressibility tnh khng nn c
incompressible khng nn c
incongruent log. khng tng ng, khng ng d
incongruity s khng tng ng, tnh khng ng d
incongruous khng tng ng, khng ng d
inconsistency tnh khng nht qun
inconsistent log. khng nht qun; khng tng thch; mu thun; tk. khng
vng (c lng)
increase tng, ln ln // tk. s pht trin (sn xut)
increasing tng
infinitely i. tng v hn
increment s gia, lng gia
independent i. gia c lp
logarithmic i. gia lga
incremental gia
indebted tk. mc n
indecomposability tnh khng khai trin c, tnh khng phn tch c
indeed thc vy
indefinability log. tnh khng xc nh c
indefinable log. khng xc nh c
indefinite khng xc nh c, bt nh
independence [tnh, s] c lp i. in behaviour xib. tnh c lp v dng
iu; i. in variety xib. tnh c lp v loi
i. of axioms tnh c lp ca cc tin
statistic (al) i. tnh c lp thng k

independent c lp
algebraically i. c lp i s
linearly i. c lp tuyn tnh
indeterminacy tnh bt nh
degree i. bt nh
indeterminate bt nh, v nh
index ch s; cp; bng tra ch ci
in of a circuit ch s ca mt mch
i. of cograduation ch s tng quan hng
i. of cost of living ch s mc sng ti thiu
i. of dispersion tk. ch s tn (c trng tnh thun nht ca mu)
i. of inertia ch s qun tnh
i. of physical volume of production ch s khi lng sn xut vt cht
i. of a point relative to a curve gt. cp ca mt im i vi mt ng
i. of refraction vl. ch s khc x
i. of stability ch s n nh
i. of a subgroup ch s ca mt nhm con
aggregative i. ch s phc hp
bounded i. s. ch s b chn
chain i. ch s dy truyn
compression i. ch s nn
contravariant i. ch s phn bin
covariant i. ch s hip bin
cuspidad i. ch s li
dispersion i. ch s tn
dummy i. ch s cm
exceptional i. ch s ngoi l
fixed-base i. tk. ch s c c s khng i, ch s c chu k c bn khng i
free i. ch s t do
inferior i. ch s di
plasticity i. ch s do
price i. tk. ch s gi
ramification i.s. ch s r nhnh
rational i. ch s hu t
refractive i. vl. ch s khc x
running i. ch s chy

singular i. gt. ch s k d
stationarity i. s ch s dng
umbral i. ch s cm
indicate ch ra, chng t rng
indicator lm ch tiu; b phn ch
signal i. b phn ch du hiu
speed i. b phn ch tc
indicatrix ch
i. of Dupin ch uy-panh
curvature i. ch cong
spherical i. ch cu
indicial (thuc) ch s
indifference s khng phn bit, phim nh
indifferent khng phn bit
indirect gin tip
indistinguishable khng bit c, khng r rng
individual c th
individuality tnh c th
indivisible khng chia ht, khng chia ra c
indorse nhn xt; duyt
indorsement li nhn xt, s duyt
induce cm sinh
induced cm sinh, cm ng
inductance vl. [tnh, ] t cm
mutual i. vl. h s t cm
inductive quy np; cm ng
induction log. php quy np; vl. s cm ng i. by simple enumeration
log. php quy np bng lit k
complete i. log. php quy np hon ton
descending i. log. php quy np gim
electrical i. vl. dch (chuyn) in
finete i. log. php quy np [ton hc, hu hn]
informal i. log. php quy np xc tch
mathematical i. php quy np ton hc
successive i. log. php quy np lin tip
transfinite i. log. php quy np siu hn

industrial (thuc) cng nghip
industry cng nghip, lnh vc cng nghip
inefficiency tnh khng hiu qu
inefficient khng hiu qu
inefficient khng hiu qu
inelastic vl. khng n hi
inequality bt ng thc
absolute i. bt ng thc tuyt i
conditinal i. bt ng thc c iu kin
integral i. bt ng thc tch phn
isoperimetric (al) i. hh. bt ng thc chu
strric i. bt ng thc ngt
triangle i. bt ng thc tam gic
unconditional i. bt ng thc v iu kin
inert tr, khng nhy
inertia qun tnh
inertial (thuc) qun tnh
inessential khng ct yu, khng ng k
inessential v gi; tk. khng c lng c
inexact khng chnh xc, sai
inexaxtitude tnh khng chnh xc
infect gy nh hng
infection s nh hng
infer log. suy lun; kt lun
inference suy lun; kt lun
chain i. suy lun dy truyn
formal i. suy lun hnh thc
immediate i. suy lun trc tip
inductive i. suy lun quy np
mediate i. suy lun gin tip, suy lun trung gian
propositional i. suy lun mnh
statistic(al) i. kt lun thng k
inferential log. (thuc) suy lun, kt lun
inferior di, xu, km
infimum cn di ng

infinite v hn, v cc, v s
infinitely mt cch v hn v tn
infinitesimal vi phn, v cng b
primary i. vi phn c bn; gt. v cng b c bn
standard i. vi phn tiu chun; gt. v cng b c s
infinity v s, v cc, v hn, v tn at i. v cc; to end at i. kt thc
v cc; to extend to i. ko di n v cc; to let...
approach i. tin dn n v cc
actual i. v hn thc ti
completed i. log. v hn [thc ti, hon chnh]
constructive i. log. v hn kin thit
potential i. log. v hn tim nng
single i. v hn n
inflect un
inflection, inflexion s un
inflectional, inflexional un
influence nh hng, tc dng
infra-red vl. tia hng ngoi
inform thng tin, truyn d kin, thng bo
informative thng tin, tin
information xib. thng tin, tin tc
alphanumerical i. thng tin ch s
ancillary i. thng tin b sung
average i. thng tin trung bnh
interblock i. thng tin gia cc khi
intrablock i. thng tin trong khi
precise i. thng tin chnh xc
processed i. thng tin ch bin
redundanti i. thng tin tha
supplemental i. tk. thng tin ph
within-block i. thng tin trong khi
ingate mt. van vo
ingoing ti
ingradient b phn, thnh phn
inhere sn c; thuc v; bn thn; c hu

inherent sn c khng tch c; khng b c
inherit tha hng, k tc
inherited c tha hng, c k tc
inhibit hm, chm; cm, ngn chn
inhibitory tr, cn
initial ban u, gc, khi thu // ch ci u tin
initiate bt u; khi u
inject ni x, a vo, phun vo
injection php ni x n nh
diagonal i. n nh cho
natural i. n nh t nhin
injective ni x
inlet k . li vo u vo, s thu nhn
inner trong, bn trong
inoperative khng c hiu lc, khng hot ng
input mt. ci vo; li vo, tn hiu vo; kt. chi ph (sn xut) at the i. li vo
inquire d hi
inqiury s hi; s iu tra nghin cu; kt. nhu cu
inradius bn knh vng trn ni tip
inserible ni tip
inseribed ni tip
inscription ss ghi vo, s ng k
inseparable khng tch c
purely i. s. thun tu khng tch c
insert mt. a (cc d kin) vo; lp (bng) vo
insertion mt. s a vo, s in vo
orbital i. s a ln qu o
inside phn trong, mt trong, tnh cht trong // bn trong i. out ln tri
insight s thm vo; quan nim, nhn thc
insignificant khng c ngha, v ngha, khng c ni dung
insoluble khng gii c khng ho tan c
insolvency kt. [tnh trng, s] v n; s ph sn
inspect kim tra, quan st
inspection s kim tra, s kin
acceptance i. kim tra thu nhn

curtailed i. kim tra rt ngn
more exact i. kim tra chnh xc hn
normal i. (khi lng) kim tra chun
rectifying i. kim tra c thay th
reduced i. kim tra rt gn
sereening i. kim tra chn lc
tightened i. kim tra ngt
total i. kim ton b
variable i. kim tra [nh lng, theo bin]
insphere hh. hnh cu ni tip
instability xib. [s, tnh] khng n nh
absolute i. s khng n nh tng i
convective i. s khng n nh i lu
inherent i. s khng n nh sn c
latent i. tnh khng n nh n
phase i. s khng n nh ca pha
static i. s khng n nh tnh
vibratinal i. s khng n nh ca dao ng
install tit lp, lp rp
installation s thit lp, s lp rp
instament kt. tr tin ngay, sn xu kp thi
instant mt lc, mt khonh khc
instantaneous tc thi
instead thay cho, thay th
i. of this thay cho iu ny
institute hc vin, [c quan, hi] khoa hc // thit lp; gy c s, t nn mng
institution s thit lp; s t nn mng; s khi s, s bt u
shop i. ch dn nh my
transfer i. lnh chuyn
instrument dng c
dial i. dng c c mt s, ng h o
measuring i. mt. dng c o
insufficient khng , thiu st
insulate vl. cch, ngn cch, c lp
insulator vl. ci cch in, cht cch ly

insurance kt. s bo him bin php bo him, ch bo him
acsidnet i. bo him tai nn
life i. bo him i sng
property i. bo him ti sn
term life i. bo him sut i
insurant c bo him
insure bo him, m bo
insured c bo him, ngi c bo him
insuner hi bo him, ngi c bo him
intact nguyn vn
integer s nguyn
complex i. s nguyn phc, s nguyn Gaux
Gaussian i. s nguyn Gaux
multidigit i. s nguyn nhiu ch s
negative i. s nguyn m
positive i. s nguyn dng
integrability [s, tnh] kh tch
absolute i. [s, tnh] kh tch tuyt i
complete i. tnh kh tch y
integrable kh tch, c th ly tch phn c
quadratically i. bnh phng kh tch
totally i. hh. hon ton kh tch
integral tch phn // nguyn
i. about a closed path tch phn mt ng cong kn; i. between th
limits a and b tch phn gii hn ca a v b; to take an i. of... ly tch
phn mt ng con kn; i. (taken) along a line ly tch phn (theo)
ng; i taken through a surface ly tch phn mt; under the i. di
du tch phn
action i. tch phn tc dng
auxiliarry i. tch phn b tr
complete i. tch phn y
complete elliptic i. tch phn elliptic y
contour i. gt. tch phn theo chu tuyn, tch phn theo ng y
convergent i. tch phn hi t
consine i. tch phn cosin

curvilinear i. tch phn ng
definite i. tch phn xc nh
double i. tch phn hai lp
elementary i. tch phn s cp
energy i. tch phn nng lng
faltung i. tch phn chp
first i. tch phn u
fractional i. tch phana cp phn s
general i. tch phn tng qut
hyperelliptic i. tch phn siu eliptic
improper i. tch phn phi chnh
infinite i. tch phn v cn v hn
intermadiary i., intermediate i. tch phn trung gian
invariant i. tch phn bt bin
interated i. tch phn lp
line i. tch phn ng
logarithm i. tch phn lga
lower i. tch phn di
multiple i. tch phn bi
multiple iterated i. gt. tch phn lp
particular i. tch phn ring
phase area i. tch phn din tch pha
potential i. tch phn th
probability i. tch phn xc sut
proper i. tch phn thng thng
pseudo-elliptic i. tch phn gi nh
pseudo-hyperelliptic i. tch phn gi siu eliptic
rationalizable i. tch phn hu t ho c
reactance i. tch phn in khng
repeated i. tch phn lp
simple i. tch phn n
sine i. sin tch phn
singular i. tch phn k d
special i. tch phn c bit
subnormal i. tch phn phn nh

surface i. tch phn mt
trigonometric(al) i. gt. tch phn hm lng gic
triple i. tch phn ba lp
upper i. tch phn trn
volume i. tch phn khi
integralization s nguyn ho
integrally nguyn vn
integrand hm ly tch phn; [biu thc, hm] di du tch phn
exact i. hm ly tch phn l mt vi phn ton phn
integraaph mt. my o in tch
integrate ly tch phn; lm thnh nguyn, hp nht li
i. by parts ly tch phana tng phn
i. by substitutionly tch phn bng php th
integrated c ly tch phn, c hp nht li; c nhm li
integration gt. php ly tch phn i. by decomposition php ly tch
phn bng phn tch; i. by partial fractions php ly tch phn bng
phn thc n gin; i. by substitution php ly tch phn bng php th;
i. in infinite terms php ly tch phn cc s hng hu hn
i. of sequences and series php ly tch phn chui v hn
approximate i. php ly tch phn [xp x, gn ng]
asymptotic i. php ly tch phn tim cn
complex i. php ly tch phn thc
formal i. php ly tch phn
graphic(al) i. php ly tch phn bng th
group i. php ly tch phn theo nhm
immediate i. php ly tch phn trc tip
machanical i. php ly tch phn c gii
numerical i. php ly tch phn bng s
point by point i. php ly tch phn theo im
successive i. ly tch phn lin tip
integrator mt. my ly tch phn, thit b ly tch phn
ball-and-disc i. my ly tch phn c a v qu cu
bootstrap i. my ly tch phn c tham bin iu chnh sai
current i. my ly tch phn dng
electromic i. my ly tch phn in t

flyball i. my ly tch phn hnh cu bay ly tm
gyroscopic i. my ly tch phana hi chuyn
optic (al) i. my ly tch phn quang hc
perfect i. my ly tch phn l tng
photo-clectric i. my ly tch phn quang in
product i. my ly tch phn cc tch
summing i. my ly tch phn cc tng
nelocity i. my ly tch phn vn tc
wheel-and-disc i. my ly tch phn c a v bnh
integrity tnh nguyn
integro-differential vi tch phn
intellect thng minh; tri thc
intelligence thng minh, tri thc
intelligent thng minh
intelligibility tnh hiu c, tnh c c
intelligible hiu c, d hiu
intend c nh; c ngha l; hiu l
intense mnh, c cng
intension log. ni hm (ca khi nim); vl. cng
intensity cng
i. of force cng lc
i. of pressure cng p lc
i. of sound cng m thanh
electrostatic i. cng trng tnh in
luminous i. cng nh sng
sound i. cng m thanh
intent nh, d nh
interract tng tc
interaction s tng tc
intercept ct ra, phn ra; chn // on thng b chn trn h trc to
interchange i ch, hon v
interchangexbility mt. tnh i ln c (gia cc b phn trong my);
tnh hon v c
interchangeable i ln c, hon v c
intercity trong thnh ph

intercommunication thng tin hai chiu, thng tin nhiu chiu
interconnect ni li lin kt li
interconnection mt. s ni, s lin kt vi nhau (trong s )
intercontinental gia cc lc a
interconversion mt. bin i ln nhau; s m li, s tnh li
intercorrelation tk. tng quan gia cc phn t (ca mt tp hp)
intercross giao nhau, cho nhau
interdeducible log. suy ln nhau
interdependnece s lin quan vi nhau, ph thuc nhau
interdependent lin quan vi nhau, ph thuc nhau
interest kt. li
compound i. li kp
simple i. li n
interface vl. mt phn cch, mt phn gii
interfere vl. giao thoa lm nhiu lon
optical i. giao thoa nh sng
wave i. giao thoa sng
interferometer vl. ci o giao thoa, giao thoa k
interior trong, phn trong, tnh trong
i. of set top. phn tng ca mt tp hp
interlace an nhau
interleave xen k, ken
interlock mt. cm // vng cm
intermediate trung gian ph |
intermit lm t on lm gin on |
intermittent t on, gin on ri rc
intermodulation vl. bin iu tng h
internal trong, ni b
interpenetrate thm vo nhau, thm nhp su sc, xuyn vo nhau
interplanetarry gia cc hnh tinh
interpolate ni suy
interpolation php ni suy; qu trnh ni suy i. by central difference
php ni suy bng sai phn gia; i. by prportional parts php ni suy
bng phn t l
cubic i. gt php ni suy bc ba

direct i. php ni suy trc tip
inverse i. php ni suy ngc
linear i. php ni suy tuyn tnh
numerical i. php ni suy bng s
osculatory i. php ni suy mt tip
polynomial i. php ni suy bng a thc
quadratic i. php ni suy bc hai
regressive i. php ni suy hi quy
trigonometric i. php ni suy lng gic
interpolator mt. my ni suy
interpose a vo, t,
interpret log. gii thch, th hin
interpretation [ci, s] gii thch, s th hin
interpretative gii thch
interpreter ngi phin dch, b dch
card i. mt. my ghi ln ba
electronic i. mt. b dch in t
interrupt gin on, t on
interruption s gin on, s tm dng
intersect ct, giao nhau
intersection (tng) giao
i. of events xs. giao ca cc bin s
i. of sets giao ca cc tp hp
interstellar tv. gia cc v sao
interval khong on // chia thnh on
i. of convergence gt. khong hi t
central confidence i. khong tin cy trung tm
class i. khong nhm
closed i. khong ng
confidence i. tk. khong tin cy
control i. xib. khong kim tra
degenerate i. khong suy bin
difference i. bc sai phn
focal i. khong tiu
half open i. khong na m

nested i. cc khong lng nhau
non-central confidence i. tk. khong tin cy khng tm
open i. khong m
predition i. khong d on
shortest condifidence i. khong tin cy ngn nht
time i. khong thi gian
unit i. khong n v
interwine xon li, bn li
intrablock tk. trong khi
intraclass tk. trong lp
intransitive log. khng bc cu, khng truyn ng
intranuclear trong ht nhn
intrinsic(al) trong, ni ti
introduce a vo, gii thiu, lm quen
introduction li gii thiu
intuition log. trc gic
intuotional log. (thuc) trc gic
intuitionism log. ch ngha trc gic
intuitionistic (thuc) ch ngha trc gic
intuitive trc gic
invariable khng i, bt bin
invariance tnh bt bin
binary i. bt bin nh nguyn
orientational i. tnh bt bin nh hng
invariant bt bin
adiabatic i. bt bin on nhit
algebraic i. bt bin i s
analytic i. gt. bt bin gii tch
arithmetical i. bt bin s hc
bending i. bt bin khi un
conformal i. gt. bt bin bo gic
differential i. bt bin vi phn
geometric i. bt bin hnh hc
homogeneous i. bt bin thun nht
integral i. bt bin tch phn

irrational i bt bin v t
isotopy i bt bin hp lun
iterative i. gt. bt bin lp
left i hh. bt bin tri
modular i. bt bin mula
numerical i. bt bin bng s
primary i.s cc bt bin nguyn s
projective i. bt bin x nh
rational i. bt bin hu t
relative i. bt bin tng i
right i. bt bin phi
typical basic i. bt bin c bn in hnh
unrestricted i bt bin khng b rng buc
invent pht minh
invention s pht minh
inventory tk. kim k; danh sch kim k; qu lun chuyn
inverse ngc, nghch o
i. of a number nghch o ca mt s
right i. nghch o phi
inversion php nghch o, php bin i ngc; nghch th (trong php
th); vl. php i in
inversely ngc li, nghch o
inverted b nghch o
inverter xib. b phn bin i nghch o
phase i. b phn o pha, b phn i du
invertibility tnh nghch o ngc
invertible nghch o c, kh nghch
invest kt. hn (vn); u t
investigation s nghin cu; iu tra
investigation s nghin, s iu tra
investment kt. vn u t; s hn (vn)
investor kt. ngi hn (vn)
invoice kt. giy bin nhn, ho n // lm ho n
involution php nng ln lu tha; php i hp; nh x i i. on a line
php i hp tuyn

i. of high order php i hp cp cao
biaxial i. php i hp song trc
central i. php i hp tm
cyclic i. php i hp tun hon
elliptic i. php i hp ellipic
extremal i. s. php i hp cc tr
focal i. php i hp tiu
hyperbolic i. php i hp hypebolic
line i. php i hp tuyn
n-array i. php i hp b n
orthogonal i. php i hp trc giao
point i. php i hp im
rational i. php i hp hu t
quadratic i. php i hp bc hai
skew i. php i hp lch
symmetric i. php i hp i xng
ternary i. php i hp b ba
involutory i hp
involve nng ln lu tha; suy ra, ko theo; xoy, xon
inward trong , hng vo trong
ion vl. in
ionic vl. (thuc) in
ionization vl. s in ho
ionosphere vls. tnh bt thng mt ngoi
irresoluble khng gii c
irreversibility tnh khng kh nghch, tnh khng oa rngc c
irrotational hh. khng xoy
isentropic vl. ng entrpi
isobar vl. ng ng p; nguyn t c cng nguyn t lng
isobaric (thuc) ng ng p
isochrone vl. ng thi
isochronous c tnh ng thi
isocline ng ng t
isoendomorphism s. php ng t ng cu
isoenergetic ng nng

isogenous hh s. ng ging
isogonal ng gic
isogonality php bin i ng gic
isogonic vl. c cng nghing
isograh mt. my gii phng trnh i s
isolable s. c lp c
isolate c lp, tch bit, ring bit
isolated b c lp
isolating c lp, phn tch, tch
i. of a root tch cn thc
isolator s. ci tch
isomer hh; vl. ng phn
isometric ng cc
isometry php ng c
isomorphic ng cu
locally i. ng cu a phng
isomorphism php ng cu
central i. php ng cu trung tm
inner i. php ng cu trong
metric i. php ng cu mtric
multiple i. php ng cu bi
order i. php ng cu bo ton th t
topological i. php ng cu tp, php ng phi
isomorphy s. n cu
isoperimetric(al) ng chu
isosceles cn (tam gic thang)
isotherm vl. ng nhit
isothermal (thuc) ng nhit
isotone (order-preserving) bo ton th t
isotonic bo ton th t
isotope ng v; top. hp lun
isotopy php hp lun
isotropy [tnh, s] ng hng
full i. ng hng hon ton
isotype hnh dng v

isthmus top. eo
italic k. nghing; ch nghing
item im; chng; bi bo
itemize m ring tng ci; lm thnh c im
iterate nhc li, lp li
iterated c lp
iterative lp

jack-screw k. vt nng, kch vt
jacobian nh thc Jacbi; (thuc) Jacbi
jet vl. tia, dng; lung
gas j. tia kh
propulsive j. ng c phn lc; khng kh dng thng
pulse j. ng c phn lc, khng kh xung
join hp ni
direct j. s. hp trc tip
reduced j. top. hp rt gn
joint ch ni; bn l // hp li, ni li
pin j. ch ni bn l, ghp c ghim
universal j. bn l tng hp, khp Ccng
jointly ng thi
joker trch. qun phng teo
journal tp ch, bo; k. ngng trc; ngng
judge phn on, tranh lun
judgment s phn on; s tranh lun, s xt s
iump bc nhy; mt. s chuyn lnh // nhy qua j. at a conclusion log.
kt lun vi v.
hydraulic j. bc nhy thu lc
finite j. bc nhy hu hn
jusction s ni, ti xc
just ng, chnh xc; chnh l j. in case trong mi trng hp; it is j. the
case chnh l trng hp
justify khng nh, xc minh, minh gii
juxtapose log. ghp, nhn ghp
juxtapossition php ghp, php nhn ghp

kappa kapa
keep gi; theo (quy tc); tin hnh (cng vic) k. on tip tc
kenotron vl. kntron (n in t )
kernel vl. hch; ht nhn
k. of integral equation hch ca phng trnh tch phn
extendible k. s. hch gin c
iterated k. hch lp
open k. hch m
reciprocal k. s. hch gin c
resolvent k. hch gii, gii thc
symmetric k. hch i xng
key cha kho, ch dn cch gii; mt. t bm // kho li; d kho
control k. nt iu khin
signalling k. nt tn hiu, cha kho tn hiu
switch k. ci ngt mch
three-position k. ci ngt mch ba v tr
keyboard bng nt bm, bng phn phi
supplemental k. mt. b bm ph
kind loi
kinematic(al) (thuc) ng hc
kinematics ng hc
kinetic ng lc
kinetics ng lc hc
kit mt. b dng c, b cng c
kitty trch. tin thua cuc
klystron vl. klitroon (n in t)
knife con dao, li dao
knob mt. ci nt, nt bm
knot top. nt // [tht, buc] nt
parallel k. nt song song
know hiu bit, nhn ra, phana bit
knowledge tri thc
known bit
kurtosis kt. nhn

normal k. nhn chun.

label nhn // k hiu; nh du
labile khng n nh, khng bn
laboratory phng th nghim, phng thc nghim
computing l. mt. phng thc nghim tnh ton
labour kt. lao ng, lm vic
surplus l. lao ng thng d
labyrinth m l, ng ri
labyrinthine xib. (thuc) m l, ng ri
lack s thiu, s vng mt
lacuna l hng, ch khuyt
lacunar(y) hng, khuyt
lacunarity tnh c l hng
lag s tr, s chm; s chuyn dch m ca pha
control l. [s tr, s chm] iu chnh
controller l. s chm ca [ngi, b phn] iu chnh
corrective l. s tr hiu chnh
instrument l. s tr dng c, s gim tc dng c
measurring l. xib. s tr o
phase l. s tr pha, s dch chuyn m ca pha
plant l. s tr trong i tng iu chnh
process l. s tr trong qu trnh
response l. s tr phn ng
time l. gt. s tr thi gian
lambda lama ()
lambdagram tk. biu lama
lamina lp mng, bn mng
laminar thnh lp
lamp n
cold cathode i. n m cc lnh
finish l. mt. n kt thc qu trnh tnh
gas-discharge l. vl. n phng in qua kh
glow l. n nng sng
pilot l. mt. n hiu, n kim tra

language ngun ng
natural l. ngn ng t nhin
number l. ngn ng s, h thng m
pseudo-object l. log. ngn ng i tng gi
large ln, rng in the l. ni chung, trong ton cc
largest ln nht
last cui cng // tip xc, ko di at l. cui cng; l. but one, next to l.
gip cht; to the l. n cng
late chm; cui; sau; khng lu; thi gian gn y
latent n, tim
later chm hn
lateral chung quanh, bn ph
latest cui cng, chm nht, mun nht
latin latin
latitude tv. v , v tuyn
l. of a point on the earth's surface v ca mt im trn b mt tri
astronomical l. v thin vn
celestial l. v tri (trong h to xch o)
ecliptic l. v hong o
geocentric l. v a tm
geodetic l. v trc a
geographical l. v a l
high l.s v cao
low l.s v thp
middle l.s v trung bnh
latter khng lu; cui cng
lattice s. dn; tk. mng
atomic(al) l. s. dn nguyn t
coarse l. s. dn th
complemented s. dn c b sung
complete multiplicative l. s. dn nhn y
cubic l. tk. mng lp phng
disjunction l. s. dn tch
distributive l. tk. mng phn phi

gruoping l. tk. mng nhm
integral l. s. dn nguyn
matroid l. M-dn
metric l. s. dn mtric
modular l. s. dn mula
muliplication l. s. dn nhn
quasi-complemented l. s. dn c ta b sung
relatively complemented s. dn c b sung tng i
residuated l. s. dn c php chia
semi-modular l. s. dn na mula
skew l. s. dn lch
soluble l. s. dn gii c
square l. tk. mng vung
star l. dn hnh sao
three-demnional l. tk. mng ba chiu
law lut, quy lut; nh lut; nguyn l; cng thc; nh l
l. of action and reaction nh lut tc dng v phn tc dng
l. of apparition of prime lut phn b cc s nguyn t
l. of association lut kt hp
l. of commutation lut giao hon
l. of conservation of energy nh lut bo ton nng lng
l. of contradiction log. lut mu thun
l. of cosines nh l csi
l. of distributive proportion lut t l phn phi
l. of double logarithm lut lga lp
l. of errors lut sai s
l. of excluded middle lut bi trung
l. of experience xib. lut kinh nghim
l. of friction nh lut ma st
l. of great numbers lut s ln
l. of identity log. lut ng nht
l. of indices lut ch s
l. of inertia nh lut qun tnh
l. of interated logarithm lut lga lp
l.s of motion vl. cc [quy lut, nh lut] chuyn ng, cc nh lut c hc

l. of mutuality phases quy lut tng h cc pha
l. of nature quy lut t nhin
l. of reciprocity lut [thun, nghch, phn lin hi dng]
l. of requisite variety xib. lut yu cu nhiu v
l. of signs lut u
l. of sines hh. nh l sin
l. of small numbers xib. lut s b, phn phi Poatxng
l. of sufficient reason log. lut l
l. of supply and demand kt. quy lut cung v cu
l. of tangents nh l tang
l. of the lever c. nh lut n by
l. of the mean gt. nh l trung bnh
l. of thought log. lut t duy
l. of universal gravitation nh lut vn vt hp dn
l. of zero tk. lut khng
absorption l. s. lut ht thu
cancellation l. lut gin c
commutative l. lut giao hon
complementarity l. s. lut b
composition l. lut hp thnh
conservation l. nh lut bo ton
cosine l. nh l csin
distribution l. lut phn phi
dualization l. lut i ngu
elementary probability l. mt phn phi xc sut
error l. lut sai s, lut sai
exponential l. lut s m
gas l. vl. phng trnh ca kh; s cn bng trng thi kh
hydrostatic(al) pressures l. lut phn phi p lc thu tnh
index l.s lut ch s
inertia l. nh lut qun tnh, nh lut Niutn th nht
non-commutative l. lut khng giao hon
normal l. of composition hhs. lut hp thnh chun tc
one- side distribuutive l. lut phn phi mt pha
parallelogram l. of forces quy tc bnh hnh lc

probability l. lut xc sut
quasi-stable l. lut ta n nh
reciprocity l. lut thun nghch
reduced l. lut rt gn
reflexive l. lut phn x
semi-stable l. lut na phn phi
strong l. of large numbers lut mnh s ln
transitive l. lut [bc cu, truyn ng]
trichotomy l. s. lut tam phn
lay xp, t l. down the rule [pht biu, thit lp] quy tc
layer lp, tng
l. of charge vl. tng tch in, mt phng tch in
boundary l. lp bin
contact l. tng tip xc
double l. vl. tng kp
equipotential l. tng ng th
multiple l. gt. tng bi
turbulent buondary l. lp bin ri lon
layout bng, s , cu hnh phn phi, s xp xp
digit l. mt. sp xp ch s
wiring l. mt. s lp rp
lead t, l, dip
learn hc (thuc)
least b nht // nh hn c, mc b nht
leave li, cn li
lecture bi ging // ging bi
leeway c. tri, git, bt
left (bn) tri on the l. v pha tri; on the l. of the equation v tri ca
phng trnh
left-hand v pha tri
left-handed xon tri, (thuc) h to tri
legitimate lm hp php
lemma b
lemniscate lemnixcat ( th ca 2=a2cos2)
cogarithmic l. lemnixcatlga

projective l. lemnixcat x nh
length di, chiu dai
l. of arc di cung
l. of a curve di ng cong
l. of normal di php tuyn
l. of a rectangle chu vi hnh ch nht
l. of a tangent di tip tuyn
extremal l. gt. di cc tr
focal l. tiu c
pulse l. mt. di xung
reduced l. di rt gn
register l. di ca thanh ghi
word l. mt. di ca t, di ca m hiu
wave l. bc sng
lengthen ko di
lengthened c ko di
lens vl. thu kinh
converging l. thu knh hi t
diverging l. thu knh phn k
leptokurtosis tk. nhn vt chun
less t hn, b hn // tr
lesson bi hc
let gi s, cho php
letter ch ci; du hiu // ghi bng ch
capital l. ch (ci) hoa
code l. ch m hiu; du hiu m
function l. mt. ch hm
key l. xib. (ch) kho (m hiu)
level mc, cp // nm ngang bng phng on a l. mc trung bnh, cn
bng; out of l. nghing lch; l. with cn bng vi
l. of adstraction log. mc tru tng
l. of prices kt. mc gi
acceptable quality l. tk. mc cht lng chp nhn c. mc ln loi
cho php
confidence l. mc tin cy

energy l. vl. mc nng lng
intensity l. mc cng
overload l. mc qu ti
pressure l. mc p sut
pressure spectrum l. mc ph p
significance l. tk. mc ngha
velocity l. mc vn tc
lever n by, tay n
leverage tc dng n by
levy kt. thu thu
lexicographic(al) (hiu) t in
lexcography t vng hc
liability c php; phi; c th, cl; c trch nhim l. to duty tk. phi
ng thu
library th vin
l. of tapes mt. th vin cc bng
librate cn; dao ng
libration tv. bnh ng
lifetime vl. thi gian sng; chu k bn r
lift lc [nng, thng] // nng ln
earodynamics l. lc nng kh ng
light nh sng, ngun sng; n // nh, yu // chiu sng to bring to l.
lm sng t; to come to l. c r, c thy; pht hin c
polarized l. nh sng phn cc
search l. n chiu, n pha
warning l.s s nh tn hiu bng nh sng
zodical l. nh sng hong i
like ging nh; bng; cng tn // ging, c l, c th
likelihood tk. hp l
maximum l. tk. hp l cc i
likeness ging nhau, ng dng; n loi
limacon ng c sn ( th ca = acos + b)
limit gii hn, cn // hn ch; gii hn l. approached from the left tin
dn ti gii hn v bn tri; l. approached from the right tin dn ti
gii hn v bn phi; at the l. gii hn; l. in the mean gii hn trung

bnh; l.s on an integral gii hn tch phn; to place an upper l. on xc
nh gii hn trn; to set a l. xc nh gii hn; to tend to a l. tin ti
gii hn
l. of error gii hn sai s
l. of funtion gii hn ca hm
l. of integration gt. cn ly tch phn
l. of proportionality gii hn t l
l. of sequence gii hn dy
action l.s gii hn tc dng
complete l. gt. gii hn y , gii hn trn
confidence l. tk. gii hn tin cy
control l.s gii hn kim tra
direct l. s. gii hn trc tip
elastic l. gii hn n hi
fiducial tk. gii hn tin cy
functional l. gii hn hm
inconsistent l. gii hn khng nht qun
inverse l. s. gii hn ngc
least l. gii hn b nht
left-hand l. gii hn bn tri
lower l. gii hn di
plastic l. gii hn do
probability l. tk. gii hn xc sut
projective l. gii hn x nh, gii hn x ngc
repted l.s gii hn lp
right-hand l. gii hn bn phi
superior l. gii hn trn
tolerance l. tk. gii hn cho php, gii hn chp nhn c
upper l. gii hn trn, cn trn
upper control l. tk. cn kim tra trn
yied l. gii hn do, im do
limitary b chn, gii hn
limitation [tnh, s] gii hn; hn ch
limited b chn, b hn ch
limiter gii hn t, b phan hn ch

line ng; tuyn; dng; bng truyn l. at infinity ng thng v tn
l. of action ng tc dng
l. of apsides tv. ng cn vin
l. of behaviour xib. tuyn dng iu
l. of centers ng tm
l. of curvature hh. ng cong
l. of equidistance ng cch u
l. of force vl. ng sc
l. of intersection giao tuyn
l. of motion qu o
l. of parallelism ng song song
l. of principal stress ng ng sut chnh
l. of projection ng thng chiu
l. of quickest descent ng on thi
l. of reference tuyn quy chiu
l. of regression tk. ng hi quy
l. of rupture ng gy (ca vt liu)
l. of singularity ng cc im k d
l. of striction ng tht
l. of support tuyn
l. of zero moment ng c mmen khng
acceptance l. ng thu nhn
acoustic delay l. ng tr m
antiparalle l.s ng i song
asymptotic l. ng tim cn
base l. of diagram tuyn c s ca mt biu
belief l. mc tin cy
boundary l. ng bin
branch l. ng r nhnh
broken l. ng gp khc
calendar l. tv. ng i ngy
central l. ng trung tm
characteristic l. ng c trng
closed l. ng ng
coaxial l. ng ng trc

complex l. ng phc
concurrent l.s nhng ng thng ng quy
conjugate l.s ng lin hp
consolidation l. tuyn cng c
contact l. ng tip xc
contuor l. chu tuyn
dash l. ng gch (- - -)
date l. tv. ng i ngy
delay l. mt. ng tr
diametric(al) l. ng knh
discriminatory l. bit tuyn, tuyn phn bit
divergent straight l. ng thng phn k
dot-dash l. ng chm gch (-, -, -)
dotted l. ng chm chm (........)
double l. hh. ng kp
double heart l. ng hnh tim kp
energy l. ng nng lng
equalized delay l. ng tr c c trng cn bng
equidistant l. ng cnh diu
equipotential l. ng ng th
focal l. ng tiu
generating l. ng sinh
geodesic l. ng trc a
gorge l. ng tht
harmonic l. ng iu ho
horizontal l. ng chn tri, ng nm ngang
hyperbolic l.s ng hyperbolic
ideal l. ng l tng
imaginary l. ng o
impulse l. tuyn xung
influence l. ng nh hng
initial l. ng ban u
indeterminate l. of curvature tuyn cong bt nh
isochromatic l. ng ng sc
isoclinic l. ng ng t

isogonal l. ng ng gic
isotropic l. ng ng hng
limiting l. ng gii hn
load l. ng ti trng
median l. hh. ng trung tuyn
minimal l. ng cc tiu
mutually perpendicular l.s cc ng thng thng gc nhau
nodal l. ng nt
non-isometric l.s cc ng khng ng cc
normal l. php tuyn
number l. ng thng s
oblique l. ng xin
parallel l.s hh. cc ng thng song song
paratactic l.s ng paratactic
perpendicular l.s cc ng thng gc
pipe l. ng ng
polar l. hh. ng i cc
polar reciprocal l.s cc ng i cc
precision delay l. mt. tuyn tr chnh xc
pressure l. tuyn p
prodiction l. ng dy chuyn (sn xut)
projecting l. ng chiu nh
pseudo-tangent l. ng gi tip xc
real l. ng thng thc
reference l. hh. tuyn c s
regressiom l. ng hi quy
rejection l. ng ti hn; ng bc b (trong phn tch lin tip)
rumb l. hh. ng t hnh
satellite l. ng v tinh
screw l. ng nh c
secant l. ct tuyn
shok l. tuyn kch ng
singular l. ng k d
skew l.s ng ghnh
sonic l. tuyn m

spectral l. vl. tuyn ph
spiral delay l. mt. tuyn tr xon c
supply l. tuyn cp liu
straight l. ng thng
stream l. ng dng, dng thun
striction l. ng tht
table l. hng ca bng
tangent l. tip tuyn, ng tip xc
thrust l. tuyn lc y
transition l. ng chuyn tip
transmission l. ng truyn
trunk l. k. tuyn chnh (dy in thoi)
ultrasonic delay l. ng tr siu m
unit l. ng thng n v
vanishing l. tuyn bin mt
vertical l. ng thng ng
virtual asymptotic l. ng tim cn o
waiting l. tk. gii hn kim tra; tuyn bo trc
world l. ng v tr
lineal, linear tuyn tnh; k
linearity tnh cht tuyn tnh
linearzition (s) tuyn tnh ho
equivalent l. (s) tuyn tnh ho tng ng
linearly (mt cch) tuyn tnh
link s lin kt, s ni
l. of chain top. mt xch
mechanical l. xib. lin kt c gii
linkage s c kt, s bn, s ni;vl. s y cc ng sc giao nhau;
thng lng vng
linked c kt, lin kt
liquefaction vl. s ho lng
liquefy vl. ho lng
liquid cht lng
rotating l. cht lng quay
list danh sch, bng // lp danh sch

check l. mt. s kim tra th, bng kim tra
litttle b; ngn; khng ng k; t
lituus ng xon c "giy" ( th ca 2 = a/)
live sng, tn ti // hot; sinh thc
load ti trng, ti, trng ti
concentrated l. ti trng tp trung
critical l. ti trng gii hn
dead l. trng lng ring, ti trng khng i
distributed l. ti trng phn b
inductive l. ti t cm
live l. hot ti
terminal l. ti trng u mt
triangular l. ti trng tam gic
ultimate l. ti trng gii hn
uniform lateral l. ti trng phn b u
working l. ti trng tc ng
loan kt vay
Lobachevskian (thuc) Lbasepxki
local a phng, cc b
localization s nh x, s nh
l. of sound v s nh x m (thanh)
localize nh x, a ti mt v tr no
localized c nh x
locally (mt cch) a phng, cc b
locate nh x, nh v tr; c t
location s nh x; mt. mt (nh); v tr
decimal l. hng s thp phn
long storage l. di ca mt b nh
root l. s tch cc nghim
storage l. mt nh
localization s khoanh vng
lock kho
locus qu tch; v tr; xib. tc
l. of an equation tp hp cc im tho mn mt phng trnh
extraneous l. qu tch ngoi lai

geometric(al) l. qu tch (ca cc im)
hyperbolic l. qu tch hypebolic
nodal l. qu tch im mt
root l. xib. tc nghim
log vn tc k
log lga
logarthm lga l. to the base... lga c s..., l. to the base e. lga t
nhin, lga c s e, l. to the base ten lga c s qo; to take a l. ly lga
common l. lga thp phn
complex l. lga phc
hyperbolic l. lga t nhin
inverse l. lga ngc
natural l. lga t nhin
Naperian l. lga t nhin, lga Npe
seven-place l. lga vi by ch s thp phn
logarithmic (thuc) lga
logic lgic
Aristotelian l. lgic Arixtt
basic l. lgic c s
classic l. lgic c in
combinatory l. lgic tng hp
constructive l. lgic kin thit
dialectical l. lgic bin chng
formal l. lgic hnh thc
inductive l. lgic quy np
intensional l. lgic ni hm
intuitionistic l. lgic trc gic ch ngha
many-valued l. lgic a tr
n-valued l. lgic n-tr
set-theoretic predicate l. lgic thuyt tp v cc v t
symbolic l. lgic k hiu
traditional l. lgic c truyn
logical (thuch) lgic
logician nh lgic hc
logicism ch ngha lgic

logistic lgictic
logistics log. lgic k hiu
logit tk. lgit
long di // ko di
longer di hn, lu hn
longeron c. x dc
longest di nht
longevity bn lu
longitude kinh
celestial l. kinh trong h to xch o
longitudinal dc
longprimer c. v (tu, tn la)
long-range tc dng tm xa
long-term lu, ko di
long-wave vl. sng di
look nhn, quan st
look-up tm, tra (cu)
table l. mt. (lnh) tm bng
loop nt; vng // tht nt
closed l. xib. vng ng
endless l. mt. nt v hn (ca bng)
feedback l. vng lin h ngc
loose t do; khng chnh xc, khng xc nh; khng tr mt
lose mt
loss s tn tht, s mt mt, s hao
l. of information mt mt, s hao
energy l. s mt nng lng
hunting l. tn tht d
minimax tn tht minimac
refraction l. tn tht khc x
resistance l. tn tht do cn; [s, ] hao (do hiu ng)
transition l. hao chuyn tip
translation l. hao tnh tin
transmission l. tn tht truyn t
lossless khng tn tht

lost tn tht, hao
lot m, l, b, nhm, khi, mt khi lng ln
accepted l. l nhn c
grand l. tk. l ln
inspection l. l a vo kim tra
lottery tk. s s
loudness vl. m lng, cng
low di; khng ng k
lower di // h xung
lowering s h thp
l. of index h thp ch s
lowest thp nht; nh nht
loxodrome hh. ng t hnh
conical l. ng t hnh nn
spherical l. ng t hnh cu
loxodromic (thuc). ng t hnh
lubrication s bi trn; cht bi trn
luck trng hp
bab l. khng may
good l. may mn
luckless bt hnh, khng may
lucky may mn, hnh phc
luminance vl. tnh chiu sng; trng
luminary vl. thin th pht quang
luminescence vl. s pht quang
luminous vl. pht sng
lump khi chung // ly chung; thu thp, tp trung take in the l. ly chung
lumped ly chung; tp trung
lunar vl. trng
lunate hnh trng; na thng
lune ke i; hnh trng
l. of a sphere hnh trng cu
circularr l. hnh trng trn
geodesic l. hnh trng trc a
spherical l. hnh trng cu

lunisolar tv. (lch) m - dng

machine my; c cu; thit b; my cng c // s dng my
accounting m. my k ton
analog m. thit b tng t, thit b m hnh
book-keeping m. my k ton
calculating m. my tnh, my k ton
card punching m. my c ba
chess playing m. my chi c
clerical m. my bn (giy), my k ton
coin counting m. my tnh tin t ng
data processing m. my x l cc s liu
determinate m. my xc nh
digital m. my tnh ch s
duplex calculating m. my tnh hai ln
intelligent m. my thng minh
jet m. ng c phn lc
logic(al) m. may lgic
Markovian m. may Mckp
parallel m. my tc ng song song
sampling m. ngun s ngu nhin
serial m. my tc ng ni tip
sound m. my sa cha
synchoronous m. my ng b
tabulating m. my lp bng
machinery my (mc); c cu; dng c (ni chung)
macroscopic v m, th
macrostatistics tk. thng k cc mu ln
magnet vl. nam chm
magnetic vl. t // cht st t
magnetics vl. thuyt t hc
magnetism vl. t hc, hin tng t, tnh t
permanent m. vl. hin tng t d
residual m. hin tng t d
terrestrial m. vlc. a t hc

magnetization vl. s t ho
mnetize t ho
magnetostriction vl. s t gio
magnetron vl. s tng, s phng i
isogonal m. s phng i ng dng
magnify tng, phng i
magnistor mt. macnit
magnitude ln; di, chiu o; tv. ln (ca sao)
m. of a vector chiu di ca vct
geometrical m. ln hnh hc
physical m.s vl. cc i lng vt l
main chnh, c bn // dy dn tip liu, ng dy ti
mainstream dng chnh, ch lu
maintain gn gi, bo qun; sa cha
maintainance, maintenance s gn gi, s bo qun, s sa cha
operating m. mt. s dng v sa cha
rountime m. mt. s bo qun thng thng
major ln, chnh, c bn, quan trng hn
majorant hm tri
majority i b phn, phn ln
majorize lm tri
majorized c lm tri
make lm, sn xut; hon thnh; k. s ng (mch)
malleability vl. tnh d rn
manage qun l, lnh o
management s qun l, s lnh o
manifold a dng; nhiu hnh v, nhiu loi; hh. a tp
m. of class Cn a tp lp Cn
algebraic m. a tp i s
almost complex m. a tp hu phc
analytic m. a tp gii thch
closed m. a tp ng
combinatorial m. a tp t hp
complex m. a tp phc
composite m. a tp a hp

covering m. a tp ph
differentiable m. a tp kh vi
doubly covering m. a tp ph kp
elementary m. a tp s cp
largest covering m. a tp ph ph dng
linear m. a tp tuyn tnh
non-orientable m. a tp khng nh hng
one-side m. a tp mt pha
oriantable m. a tp nh hng c
projectively equivalent linear m.s cc a tp tuyn tnh tng ng x nh
pseudocomplex m. a tp gi phc
smooth m. a tp trn
topological m. a tp tp
two-sided m. a tp hai pha
unlimited covering m. a tp ph v hn
manipulate iu khin, vn ng; thao tc
manipulator mt. ci kho bng tay; ci manip
man-made nhn to
manner phng php, hnh nh, tc ng
mantissa phn nh tr
manual bng tay
manufactures s sn xut; s gia cng; s x l // sn xut; gia cng
manufactures sn phm, vt ch to
many nhiu as m. as cng nhiu nh; no so m. as khng nhiu bng; the
m. i b phn
many-stage nhiu bc, nhiu giai on
many-valued a tr
map x nh; bn ; bn phng n m. into nh x vo; m. onto nh x
ln a m. of the set A into B nh x ca tp hp A vo B
canonical m. nh x chnh tc
classifying m. nh x phana loi
conformal m. nh x bo gic
constant m. nh x khng i
contiguous m. nh x tip ln
continuous m. nh x lin tc

contous m. phgn n cc ng nm ngang
equivariant m. nh x ng bin
evaluation m. nh x nh gi
excission m. nh x ct
fibre m. nh x phn th, nh x cc khng gian phn th
geographic(al) m. bn a l
identification m. nh x ng nht ho
inclusion m. php nhng chm, nh x nhng chm
inessentical m. nh x khng ct yu
interior m. nh x trong
involutory m. nh x i hp
light m. nh x chun gin on (khp ni c cc im gin on)
lowering m. anh x h thp
regular m. nh x chnh quy
shrinking m. nh x co rt
simplicial m. nh x n hnh
tensor m. nh x tenx
mapped c nh x
mapping nh x m. into nh x vo; m. onto nh x ln
m. of a set into another nh x mt tp hp ny vo mt tp hp khc
m. of a set onto another nh x mt tp hp ny ln mt tp hp khc
affine m. nh x afin
analytic m. nh x gii tch
bicontinuous m. nh x song lin tc
chain m. nh x dy chuyn
closed m. nh x ng
conformal l. nh x bo gic
diferentiable m. nh x kh vi
epimorphic m. nh x ton hnh
equiareal m. nh x bo ton din tch
homomorphous m. nh x ng cu
homotopic cjain m. nh x dy chuyn ng lun
identity m. nh x ng nht
interior m. gt. nh x trong
inverse m. nh x ngc

isometric m. nh x ng cc
isotonic m. s. nh x bo ton th t
light m. top. nh x thun gin on
linear m. nh x tuyn tnh
meromorphic m. s. nh x phn hnh
monomorphic m. s. nh x n cu
monotone m. gt. nh x n iu
non-alternating m. nh x khng thay phin
norm-preserving m. gt. nh x bo ton chun
one-to-one m. nh x [mt - mt, hai chiu]
open m. gt. nh x m
perturbation m. gt. nh x lch
preclosed m. nh x tin ng
pseudoconformal m. nh x gi bao gic
quasi-conformal m. nh x ta bo gic
quasi-open m. top. nh x ta m
rational m. hhs. nh x hu t
sense-preserving m. gt. nh x bo ton chiu
slit m. nh x ln min c lt ct trong
starlike gt. nh x hnh sao
symplectic m. nh x ximplectic nh x i ngu
topological m. nh x t p
univalent m. nh x n dip
margin b, bin, gii hn, cn; lng d tr
m. of safety h s an ton
marginal bin duyn
mark k hiu, du hiu, vt; mc; cn; gii hn // ghi du hiu
class m. im gia khong nhm
dot m. du hiu phn bit
reference m. mt. du hiu kim tra; du hiu c s
quotation m.s du ngoc kp (" ")
timing m. du hiu thi gian
marker my ch; ngi m
marking nh du
Markovian (thuc) Mckp

martingale xs. mactinhgan trch. tng i tin cuc
Marxian Macxit
mask mt l; vt che // che y; eo mt n
masking che giu
adjustable m. vt che c iu chnh
mass khi lng, khi lng ln
acoustic m. m lng
apparent m. c. khi lng b ngoi
equivalent m. khi lng tng ng
mechanical m. khi lng xc sut
reduced m. c. khi lng rt gn
rest m. vl. khi lng tnh
wave m. khi lng tnh
master chnh, c bn // qun l; lnh o, iu khin
match trch. i th ngang sc; cuc u // th sc, u
matched ngang nhau, tng ng; ph hp
material vt cht; vt liu cht
materialism log. ch ngha duy vt
dialectical m. ch ngha duy vt bin chng
historical m. ch ngha duy vt lch s
materialistic log. (thuc) ch ngha duy vt
materialization vt cht ho
mathematical (thuc) ton
mathematician nh ton hc
mathematics ton hc
abstract m. ton hc tru tng, ton hcthun tu
applied m. ton hc ng dng
constructive m. ton hc kin thit
elementary m. ton hc s cp
pure m. ton hc thun tu
matrix ma trn; li; bng
adjoint m. ma trn lin hp
atjugate m. ma trn ph hp
admittance m. ma trn dn np
alternate m. s. ma trn thay phin

associate m. ma trn lin hp Heemit
associated m. ma trn lin i
augmented m. ma trn b sung
best conditioned m. ma trn ti u c iu kin, ma trn c iu kin tt
canoical m. ma trn chnh tc
chain m. ma trn xch
circulant m. ma trn giao hon
companion m. ma trn bn
complete correlation m. ma trn tng quan
composite m. s. ma trn thnh phn, ma trn (phc) hp
compound m.s s. ma trn a hp
conformable m. (ces) ma trn nhn c vi nhau
conjugate m. (ces) ma trn lin hp
constant m. bng ma trn
cyclic m. ma trn xi lic
decomposable m. ma trn khai trin c
diagonal m. ma trn ng cho
equivalent m. (ces) ma trn tng ng
factor m. tk. ma trn cc h s nhn t
ferroelectric memory m. ma tr nh st in
gain m. ma trn tin c cuc
group m. ma trn nhm
Hermitian m. ma trn Hecmit
idempotent m. (ces) ma trn lu ng
idempotent m. ma trn n v
ill-conditionned m. ma trn iu kin xu
improper orthogonal m. ma trn trc giao bnh thng
incidence m. ma trn lin thuc
information m. ma trn thng tin
inverse m. s. ma trn nghch o
invertible m. ma trn kh nghch
involutory m. (ces) ma trn i hp
minor definite m. ma trn xc nh qua cc nh thc con
monomial m. ma trn n thc

nilpotent m. ma trn lu linh
non-recurrent circulant m. s. ma trn lun hon khng lp li
non-singular m. s. ma trn khng suy bin
normal m. ma trn chun tc
orthogonal m. ma trn trc giao
parastrophic m. s. ma trn cu trc
partitioned m. (ces) ma trn phn phi
payoff m. ma trn tin tr
permutation m. s. ma trn hon v
positive m. ma trn dng
positively definite m. s. ma trn xc nh dng
quasi-inverse m. ma trn ta nghch o
reciprocal m. ma trn nghch o
rectangular m. ma trn ch nht
regret m. ma trn tn tht
resistor m. li cn, li khng
scalar m. ma trn ng cho
similar m.(ces) s. cc ma trn ng dng
singular m. ma trn suy bin
skew-symmetric m. ma trn phn i xng
square m. ma trn vung
stochastic m. s. ma trn ngu nhin
symmetric(al) m. s. ma trn i xng
transposed m. ma trn chuyn v
triangular m. s. ma trn tam gic
unimodular m. ma trn n mula
unitary m. s. ma trn unita
unit m. ma trn n v
U-symmetric m. (ces) ma trn U- i xng
variation diminishing m. s. ma trn gim lao ng
variation limiting m. s. ma trn gii hn dao ng
zero m. ma trn khng
matrixer mt. s ma trn
matter vl. vt cht; cht; thc cht; ni dung as a m. of fact thc t, thc
vy, thc cht l

mature kt. tr tin (cho phiu nhn tin)
maturite kt. thi gian tr (theo phiu nhn tin)
maverick tk. loi b khng i din cho tp hp tng qut
maximal cc i
maximin trch. maximin
maximize lm cc i
maximum cc i, gi tr ln nht
absolute m. cc i tuyt i, cc i hon ton
improper m. cc i khng chn chnh
relative m. cc i tng i
strong m. cc i mnh
true m. cc i chn thc, cc i ct yu
vrai m., v. max cc i thc
maze ng ni, m l
mean trung bnh // gi tr trugn bnh; phng tin; phng php by all
m.s bng mi cch; by any m.s bng bt k cch no; by m.s of gin
tip, bng phng php; by no m.s khng c cch no; in the m. (mc)
trung bnh
m. of a function gt. gi tr trung bnh ca hm
m. of observation trung bnh quan trc
arithmetic m. trung bnh cng
assumed m. trung bnh gi nh
asymptotic(al) m. trung bnh tim cn
class m. s trung bnh trong lp
combinatorial power m. tk. trung bnh lu tha t hp
controlling m. phgn tin [iu khin, iu chnh]
engaging m.s mt. phng tin cho chy
geometric m. trung bnh nhn
harmonic m. trung bnh iu ho
measuring m.s mt. phng tin o lng
modified m. trung bnh ci bin
population m. k vng l thuyt
power m. tk. trung bnh lu tha
pulse generating m. mt. thit b my pht xung
quadratic m. tk. bnh phng trung bnh

sample m. trung bnh mu
true m. trung bnh chn thc
universe m. k vng l thuyt; gi tr trung bnh ca tp hp tng qut,
trung bnh tng qut
unweighted m. kt. trung bnh khng c trng lng
weight m.s trung bnh c trng lng
meander un li, gp li, cong li // ch cong, ch ln
meaning ngha; ngha
geometric(al) m. ngha hnh hc
meaningless v ngha
measurability tnh o c
measure o, s o; ; n v o; tiu chun
m. of angle o gc
m. of concentration kt. tp trumg
m. of curvature cong
m. of dispersion tk. phn tn
m. of kurtosis tk. nhn
m. of length di
m. of location tk. o v tr
m. of a point set o ca mt tp hp im
m. of sensitivity nhy
m. of skewness tk. lch
additive m. gt. o cng tnh
angular m. hh. o gc
complete m. o y
cubic m. o th tch
dry m. php o vt kh
exterior m. o ngoi
harmonic m. gt. o iu ho
hyperbolic m. gt. o hypebn
interior m. o trong
land m. php o din tch
liquid m. php o cht lng
outer m. gt. o ngoi
probability m. o xc sut

regular m. o chnh quy
sexagesimal m. of angles h o gc (-pht-giy)
signed m. o suy rng; o c du
square m. hh. din tch
surveyor's m. php o t
wood m. php o (vt liu) rng
measured c o
measurement php o, chiu o, h thng o
actual m. php o theo kch thc t nhin
direct m. php o trc tip
discharge m. php o phng lng
hydrographic m. php o c thu vn
instantaneous m. mt. php o tc thi
precision m. mt. php o chnh xc
projective m. php o x nh
remote m. o lng t xa
time average m. s trung bnh theo thi gian o, s o trung bnh theo
thi gian
measurer k. dng c o, ngi o
mechanical (thuc) c hc, my mc
mechanic c hc
m. of fluids c hc cht lng
analytical m. c hc gii tch
Newtonal m. c hc c in, c hc Niutn
quantum m. c hc lng t
statistic m. c hc thng k
theoretical m. c hc l thuyt
machanism c cu; thit b my mc; thit b hm
actuating m. c cu dn ng, c cu tha hnh
chance m. c cu chn ngu nhin
clutch m. c cu mc
computer m., cuonting m. b tnh ton
coupling m. c cu ghp
delent m. [cht, ci] nh, v, c nh
feed m. c cu tip liu

pen-driving m. b phn dn ng bng bt
printing m. thit b in
quick-release m. c cu ngt nhanh
sine-cosine m. mt. c cu sin-cos
tape m. c cu bng truyn
teleological m. xib. c cu c dng hng mc tiu
medial trung tm
median hh. trung tuyn; tk. meian; trung bnh; trung tm
m. of a trapezoid ng trung bnh ca hnh thang
m. of a truangle trung tuyn ca tam gic
mediate gin tip, c cch qung; trung gian
medium mi trng; vt liu; cht; phng tin; phng php
elastic m. vl. mi trng n hi
isotropic m. vl. mi trng ng hng
magnetic m. vl. mi trng t, cht t
uotput m. mt. phng tin rt cc iu kin ban u
recording m. mt. ci mang tin, b phn mang tin
storage m. mt. phng tin nh, ci mang tin nh
stratifed m. vl. mi trng phn lp
meet giao // giao nhau, gp; ng; tho mn (yu cu)
melt vl. nng chy
member v; phn t; b phn; chi tit; khu
contronlled m. i tng iu khin
left m., first m. v tri, v th nht
right m., second m. v phi, v th hai
membership [s, tnh] thuc v (tp hp)
membrane vl. mng
memorance mng
oscillating m. mng dao ng
memory s nh; b nh; b tch tin
acoustic m. b nh m
computer m. b nh ca my tnh
drum m. b nh trn trng t tnh
dynamic(al) m. b nh ng
electrostatic m. b nh tnh in

external m. b nh ngoi
ferrite m. b nh ferit
high speed m. b nh tc dng nhanh
honeycomb m. b nh hnh t ong
intermediate m. b nh trung gian
internal m. b nh trong
long-time m. b nh lu
magnetic m. b nh (c cc yu t) t
magnetic core m. b nh li t
permanent m. b nh thng xuyn
random access m. b nh c th t tu ca mu
rapid access m. b nh c thi gian chn ngn, b nh c tc dng
volatite m. b nh trong thi gian ngn
meniscus hh. mt khum; thu knh lm-li
mensurate o lng
mental (thuc) tnh thn, tm l, tr tu
mention ni n; nh
mercantile kt. hng ho; thng mi // mua
merchant kt. nh bun
merge hp vo, ln vo
merger kt. s hp li, s ln vo
meridian kinh tuyn; vlc. chnh ng
fist m. tv. kinh tuyn u
prime m. tv. kinh tuyn [gc, chnh]
meridional (thuc) phng nam
merit cht lng; tnh nng; u im
signal-to-noise m. vl. nhn t n
meromorphic phn hnh
meromorphism s. php nhn hnh
mesh t bo; mt (li); top. nh
m. of a triangulation nh ca php tam gic phn
period m. c.s li chu k
mesokurtic tk. c nhn chun
message thng tin

binary m. thng tin nh nguyn
coded m. tin m ho
equally informative m.s thng tin c tin tc nh nhau
metabelian mta Aben
metacnetre tn nghing
metacomplete s. mta xilic
metacyclic s. mta iu ho
metal vl. kim loi
metalanguage log. mta ngn ng
metallic vl. (thuc) kim loi
metalogic log. mta lgic
metamathematical log. (thuc) mta ton
metamathematics log. mta ton hc
metameter tk. o c bin i (khi php bin i khng ph thuc vo
cc tham s)
dose m. kt. liu lng bin i
metasystem log. mta h thng
metatheory log. mta l thuyt
meteor tv. sao bng
meteorite tv. thin thch
meteorology vlc. kh tng hc
meter mt. dng c o, my o; mt
check m. dng c kim tra
count rate m. my o tc tnh
recording m. dng c t ghi, dng c ghi
water m. my o lng nc, thu lng k
method phng php
m. of approximation phng php [gn ng, xp x]
m. of average phng php bnh qun
m. of balayage phng php quyt
m. of calculation phng php tnh
m. of comparison phng php so snh
m. of concomitant variation phng php bin thin ng thi
m. of conjugate grradients phng php graien lin hp
m. of difference phng php sai phn

m. of dimensions phng php th nguyn
m. of elimination phng php kh n s
m. of equal coefficients phng php h s bng nhau
m. of exhaustion phng php vt kit
m. of false position phng php t sai
m. of fictitious loads phng php ti lng o
m. of finite difference phng php sai phn hu hn
m. of images vl. phng php nh, phng php to nh
m. of induction phng php quy np
m. of iteration phng php lp
m. of least squares tk. phng php bnh phng b nht
m. of moments phng php mmen
m. of moment distribution phng php phn phi mmen
m. of multipliers gt. phng php nhn t
m. of penultimate remainder phng php s d gip cht
m. of projection phng php chiu
m. of quadrature phng php cu phng
m. of residue phng php thng d
m. of section phng php tit din
m. of selected points phng php cc im chn
m. of solving equation phng php gii phng trnh
m. of steepest descent phng php c nht
m. of successive approximations phng php xp x lin tip
m. of superposition phng php chng cht
m. of trial phng php th
m. of undetermined coefficients phng php h s bt nh
adjoint m. gt. phng php cc phng trnh lin hp
alternating m. phng php thay phin
alternating direction m. gt. phng php hng thay phin
analytic m. phng php gii tch
axiomatic(al) m. phng php tin
centroid m. phng php phng tm
cyclic m. phng php tun hon
deductive m. phng php suy din
delta m. gt. phng php enta

diagonal m. log. phng php ng cho
differential m. phng php vi phn
dilatation m. phng php gin n
dual simplex m. phng php n hnh i ngu
energy m. phng php nng lng
finitary m. log. phng php hu hn
fractional exponent m. phng php sai s m phn
genetic(al) m. log. phng php di truyn
gradient m. phng php gradien
graphic(al) m. phng php th
hypothetico deductive m. log. phng php suy din gi nh
infinitesimal m. phng php vi phn
isocline m. phng php nghing u
iteration m., iterative m. phng php lp
least-squares m. tk. phng php bnh phng b nht
maximum likelihood m. phng php hp l nht
Monte-Carlo m. phng php Mnte-cacl
moving-average m. phng php trung bnh trt
net m. phng php li
non-constructive m. log. phng php khng kin thit
numerical m. phng php tnh bng s, phng php s tr
operational m., operator m. phng php ton t
over-relaxtion m. phng php gim d [trn qu hn]
perturbation m. phng php nhiu lon
photo-elastic m. phng php quang n
postilational m. phng php [nh , tin ]
projective m. phng php x nh
relaxation m. phng php gim d
representative m. of sampling phng php ly mu i din
saddle-point m. gt. phng php im yn nga
secant m. phgn php ct tuyn
semantic m. phng php ng ngha
shock m. phng php kch ng
stational phase m. phng php pha dng
statistic m. phng php thng k

straight line approximation phng php xp x tuyn tnh
strain-energy m. phng php ng sut nng lng
successive over-relaxation m. phng php gim d qu hn lin tip
sweeping-out m. gt. phng php qut ra
symbolic(al) m. phng php k hiu
synthetic m. phng php tng hp
target m. phng php th
trial- and-error m. phng php th - v - sai
truncation m. phng php cht ct
up-and-down m. phng php "ln - xung"
variational m. phng php bin phn
vectow m. phng php vect
wave perturbation m. phng php nhiu lon sng
methodic(al) c h thng; c phng php
methodize log. a vo h thng
methodological log. (thuc) phng php lun
metric m tric
m. of a space mtric ca mt khng gian
areal m. mtric din tch
equiareal m. mtric siu din tch
intrinsic m. hh. mtric ni ti
polar m. mtric cc
spherical m. gt. mtric cu
spherically symmetrical m. hh. mtric i xng cu
metrics mtric hc
metrizability tnh mtric ho c
metrizable mtric ho c
metrization php mtric ho
metrize mtric ho
micrometer k. thc o vi
microphone vl. (ci) micr
microprogramming mt. vi chng trnh ho
microrelay mt. rle cc nh
microsope vl. knh hin vi
microseism vlc. vi chn

microstatistics tk. thng k cc mu nh
mid-coefficient h s gia (mt cng thc)
middle gia // gia
midget rt nh
midline ng trung bnh
m. of a trapezoid trung bnh tuyn ca mt hnh thang
midperpendicular trung trc
midpoint trung im
m. of a line segment trung im ca mt on thng
m. of a simplex top. tm mt n hnh
midrange tk. na tng cc bin tr
midsequent log. h qu trung gian
mid-value gi tr trung bnh
mil 1/6400 gc 3600 hoc 0,056250; 1/1000 raian; mt nghn; mt phn nghn
mile dm
geographical m. dm a l
nautical m. hi l
milliard nghn triu (109)
million mt triu (106)
mimic tng t
mind quan tm // tinh thn
miniature c thu nh
minimal cc tiu
strong relative m. cc tiu tng i mnh
minimax minimac
minimization s cc tiu ho
minimize cc tiu ho
minimum cc tiu
improper m. cc tiu khng chn chnh
weak relative m. cc tiu tng i yu
Minkowskian (thuc) Minkpxki
minor s. nh thc con // nh, b
complementary m. nh thc con b
principal m. nh thc con chnh
sigbed m. phn b i s

symmetrical m. nh thc con i xng
unsymmetrical m. nh thc con khng i xng
minorant hm non
minuend s b tr
minus du tr; i lng m / m
minute pht // nh, khng ng k
miscalculation mt. tnh sai
miscellaneous hn hp; nhiu v, a dng
miscount mt. tnh sai
mismatch xib. s khng ph hp
misoperation mt. s lm vic khng ng (ca my)
mistakes hiu lm, sai lm // khuyt im; s hiu lm
mix trn
mixed hn tp
mixer mt. tng trn, b trn, my trn
mixture s hn hp
m. of distribution hn hp cc phn phi
m. of populations tk. hn hp h
mnemonic d nh
mnemonics quy tc d nh; tnh d nh
mob top. na nhm, Hauop
mobile di ng, lu ng
mobility tnh di ng, tnh lu ng
free m. di ng t do, ng t do, ng ton phn
modal log. (thuc) mt, m thi
modality log. mt, tnh m thi
mode phng thc, phng php; hnh thc
m. of motion phng thc chuyn ng
m. of operation phng php lm vic
m. of oscillation dn dao ng
m. of vibration dng chn ng
floating control m. phng php iu chnh ng
high-frequency m. xib. ch cao tn
normal m. dao ng ring
transverse m. of vibration dng chn ng ngang

model m hnh; hnh mu
m. of calculation s tnh
m. of economy m hnh kinh t
deformable m. m hnh bin dng c
experomental m. mt. mu th nghim
geometric(al) m. mt. m hnh hnh hc
iconic m. m hnh lp li ng i tng
pilot m. m hnh th nghim
production m. kt. m hnh sn xut
table m. mt. m hnh bn
urn m. tk. m hnh bnh
moderation s lm chn [s, ] gim tc
m. of neutrons s lm chm ntron
modern mi, hin i
modification s i dng, s (thay) i, s iu chnh
m. of orders mt. i lnh
address m. mt. i a ch
modify i (dng); iu chnh
modular mula; (thuc) mun
modulateb vl.bin iu
modulated vl.b bin iu
modulation vl. s bin iu
amplitude frequency m. s iu chnh bin -tn; s bin iu bin- tn
cross m. s bin iu cho nhau
frequency m. s bin iu tn s
phase m. xib.s bin iu pha
on-off m. s thao tc
pulse m. s bin iu xung
pulse-position m. s bin iu pha xung
pulse-width m. s bin iu xung rng
spurious m. s bin iu parazit
time m. s bin i theo thi gian, s bin iu tm thi
modulatorb vl. my bin iu
module s. mun m. with differentiation mun vi phn, mun c
php ly vi phn
algebra m. mun i s
complementary m. mun b
crossed m. mun cho

derived m. mun dn sut
difference m. mun sai phn
differential m. mun vi phn
dual m. mun i ngu
factor m. mun thng
flat m. mun phng
free m. mun t do
hypercohomology m. mun siu i ng iu
hyperhomology m. mun siu ng u
injective m. mun ni x
n-graded m. mun n-phn bc
polynomial m. mun trn vnh a thc
projective m. mun x nh
quotient m. mun thng
representative m. mun i din
right m. mun phi
ring m. mun trn vnh
strictly cyclic m. mun xilic ngt
weakly injective m. mun ni x
weakly projective m. mun x nh yu
modulo (theo) mun, mul
congruous m. A so snh c mul A, ng d mul A
modulus mun, gi tr tuyt i
m. of a complex number gt. mun ca s phc
m. of compression mun nn
m. of a congruence mun ca ng d thc
m. of continuity gt. mun lin tc
m. of an elliptic integral gt. mun ca tch phn eliptic
m. of logarithm mun ca lga
m. of natural logarithms mun ca lga t nhin
m. of periodicity mun tun hon
m. of precision tk. mun chnh xc
m. of regularity mun chnh quy
m. of resilience mun n hi
m. of rigidity c. mun [trt, ct]

bulk m. mun m
elastic m. c. mun n hi
mean square m. mun bnh phng trung bnh
reduced m. mun rt gn
reduced m. of elasticity mun n hi rt gn
section m. c. mun chng un ca mt mt ct
shear m. mun [ct trt]
molar (thuc) phn t gam
mole vl. phn t gam, mn
molecular vl. (thuc) phn t
molecule phn t
moment mmen; thi im; quan trng
m. of a family of curves mmen ca mt h ng cong
m. of a force mmen ca mt lc
m. of a frequency distribution xs. mmen ca phn phi tn s
m. of inertia c. mmen qun tnh
m. of mass mmen tnh
m. of momentum mmen ng lng
m. of precession mmen tu sai
bending m. mmen un
bilinear m. mmen song tuyn tnh
corrected m. tk. mmen sa, mmen hiu chnh
curde m. tk. mmen khng trung tm
factorial m. kt. mmen giai tha
group m. mmen nhm
hinge m. mmen tip hp
incomplete m. xs. mmen khuyt
joint m. tk. mmen hn tp
magnetic m. vl. mmen t
multipole m. mmen cc bi
multivariate m. mmen hn tp
pitching m. mmen [dc, ln xung]
polar m. of inertia mmen qun tnh
population m. mmen tng qut, mmen ca phn phi
principal m. of inertia mmen qun tnh chnh

product m. mmen tch, mmen hn tp
raw m. tk. mmen i vi gc tu
rolling m. mmen nghing
sampling m. mmen mu
second m. mmen cp hai
static(al) m. c. mmen tnh
twisting m. mmen xon
unadjusted m. tk. mmen khng c hiu chnh nhm
unbalanced m. mmen khng cn bng
yawing m. mmen o li
momentum m. vl. ng lng, xung
angular m. mmen ng (lng)
generalized m. xung suy rng, ng lng suy rng
gyroscopic m. mmen hi chuyn
money kt. tin, tng s tin
hard m. kt. tin vay
monitor mt. mnit, thit b iu khin
monoclinal, monoclinic n t
monochromatic vl. n sc
monodromy top. n o
monogenic n din
monograph ti liu chuyn kho
monoid monoit; na nhm
augmented m. na nhm c b sung
monoidal (thuc) monoit
monomial n thc
pivotal m. n thc ta
monomorphic n cu, n nh
monomorphism s. php n cu, php n nh
monotone n iu
fully m. hon ton n iu
multiply m. n iu bi
monotonic n iu
monotony tnh n iu
month tv. thng

calendar m. thng dng lch
lunar m. thng m lch
monthly hng thng // nguyt san
moon tv. mt trng
full m. tun trng trn
new m. tun trng non
more nhiu hn, d, cn na m. or less t nhiu; never m. khng bao gi
na; once m. mt ln na; much m. rt ln
morphism s. cu x
identity m. cu x ng nht
mortality s ngi cht; t l ngi cht
mortage tk. cm
mosaic top. mozaic
most nhiu nht / nhiu hn c; mc cao for the m. part phn ln,
i b phn; at m., at the m. nhiu nht
motion chuyn ng m. in a space chuyn ng trong khng gian
absolute m. chuyn ng tuyt i
alternating m. chuyn ng tin li
circular m. chuyn ng trn
constant m. chuyn ng thng u
constrained m. chuyn ng cng bc
curvilinear m. chuyn ng cong
direct m. chuyn ng thng
fluid m. chuyn ng cht lng
funicular m. chuyn ng theo dy
harmonic m. vl. dao ng iu ho
irrotational m. chuyn ng khng rta
laminar m. chuyn ng thnh lp
non-uniform m. c. chuyn ng khng u
periodic m. chuyn ng tun hon
perpetual m. chuyn ng vnh cu
plane m. chuyn ng phng
plane harmonic m. chuyn ng iu ho phng
plano-parallel m. chuyn ng song phng
proper m. chuyn ng ring

rectilinear m. chuyn ng thng
relative m. chuyn ng tng i
retarded m. chuyn ng chm dn
retrograde m. tv. chuyn ng ngc
screw m. chuyn ng nh c
shearing m. chuyn ng trt
simple harmonic m. vl. dao ng iu ho
steady m. chuyn ng n nh
transient m. c. chuyn ng ko theo
turbulent m. chuyn ng xoy
uniform m. c. chuyn ng u, chuyn ng thng u
uniformly accelerated m. c. chuyn ng tng dn u
uniform circular m. c. chuyn ng trn u
uniformly retarded m. c. chuyn ng chm dn u
uniform speed m. c. chuyn ng u
uniformly variable m. c. chuyn ng bin i u
uniform velocity m. c. chuyn ng thng u
variable m. chuyn ng khng u
variably accelerated m. chuyn ng c gia tc thay i
vortex m. c. chuyn ng xoy
wave m. chuyn ng sng
motive vl. chuyn ng // l do; ng c
motor vl. ng c
mounting mt. lp rp; khung
panel m. lp rp theo bng
rack m. lp rp trn gi
movability hh. tnh di ng, tnh chuyn ng
movable lu ng // kt. ng sn
move chuyn ng; i; trch. nc i (bi)
chane m. trch. nc i ngu nhin
opening m. trch. nc i u tin
movement s chuyn ng, s di chuyn
moving lu ng, di chuyn, chuyn ng; tk. trt
mu muy ()
much nhiu // rt, ng k, hu, gn ng

m. of a size hu nh cng ln
multiaddress mt. nhiu a ch
multiangular nhiu gc
multichannel knh bi
multicircuit mch bi
multicircular gt. nhiu vng
multicollinearity tk. a cng tuyn
multidifferential s. vi phn a bi
multidigit nhiu ch s, nhiu hng
multidimensional nhiu chiu
multofoil hnh a gic cong u
multifold a bi
multigrade nhiu bc
multigroup a nhm
multiharmonigraph thit b cng tc hm iu ho
multihomotopy top. a ng lun
multilateral nhiu mt
multilattice s. a dn
multilinear s. a tuyn tnh
multiloop a chu tuyn
multimodal xs. nhiu mt
multinomial a thc
multipartite phn nh
multiperfect bi hon ton
multiphase tk. nhiu giai on, nhiu bc; vl. nhiu pha
multiplace a tr; log. nhiu ch
multiple bi // bi s
common m. bi s chung
least common m. bi s chung nh nht
lowest common m. bi s chung nh nht
natural m. bi s t nhin
multiple-valued a tr
multiplex bi hnh
multiplicand s b phn
multiplication php nhn

abrriged m. php nhn tt
block m. php nhn khi
complex m. php nhn phc
inner m. hh. php nhn trong
left handed m. php nhn bn tri
natural m. php nhn t nhin
right-handed m. php nhn bn tri
scalar m. php nhn v hng
mu ltiplicative nhn
multiplicator s b nhn, nhn t
m. of a linear substitution nhn t ca mt php th tuyn tnh
multiplicity tnh bi, s bi
m. of poles s bi ca cc
m. of root s bi ca nghim
m. of zero s bi ca khng im
intersection m. hhs. bi tng giao
multiplier s nhn, nhn t; h s; mt. thit b nhn, my nhn, b nhn
m. of a group nhn t ca mt nhm
analogue m. thit b nhn tng t, s nhn tng t
finite m. tk. h s hiu chnh o tnh hu hn ca dy s
frequency m. my nhn tn s
function m. my nhn hm
last m. nhn t cui
logarithmic m. mt. b nhn lga
paired m. b nhn cp
parallel m. b nhn song song
undetermined m. nhn t bt nh
multiply nhn, tng ln, tng thm, m rng
multipole vl. cc bi
multipurpose mt. vn nng, nhiu mc ch
multiscaler mt. b m loi vn nng
multistable a n nh
multi-stage nhiu giai on, nhiu tng
multitude m ng; tp hp
multivalnet gt. nhiu t, a dip

multivalued a tr
multivariate nhiu chiu
multi ector hh. a vct
multivibrator mt. my a dao ng
multiway mt. nhiu li, nhiu ng
must phi
muster tk. kim nghim, kim chng, xem xt
mutable thay i c, bin i c
mutate thay i
mutual tng h
mutuality s tng h

nabla nabla ( ); ton t Nabla
nadir tv. thin , y tri
name tn gi // gi l, cho tn
nappe [tng, lp] ph; v
n. of a conical surface tng ph ca mt mt cnic
narrow hp
natural (thuc) t nhin
naturally mt cch t nhin
nature t nhin, bn cht
naught s khng
navigation hng hi, hng hi hc; o hng, mn dn ng
near gn
arbitrarily n. tu gn
infinitely n. gn v cng
nearly gn nh
nebula tv. tinh vn
necessary cn
necessity s cn thit
need cn phi
negate log. ph nh
negation log. s ph nh
double n. ph nh kp
negative m // s ph nh; cu tr li ph nh, i lng m; vl. bn m
neglect b qua, qun lng // s b qun, s qun lng
negligible khng ng k, b qua c
negociate thanh ton, thng lng
neighbour bn cnh; i lng gn // gii hn
neighbourhood ln cn
n. of a curve ln cn ca mt ng cong
n. of point ln cn ca im
n. of zero s. ln cn ca khng (im)
deleted n. gt. ln cn thng, ln cn c im thng

distinguished n. gt. ln cn c phn bit
spherical n. hh. ln cn cu
tubular n. top. ln cn hnh ng
neighbourhood-finite ln cn hu hn
neoid noit
planar division n. tn th phng
nerve thn kinh; tinh thn
n. covering top. thn kinh ca (ci) ph
nest t // t vo
n. of intervals h cc khong lng vo nhau
nested c t vo, c lng vo
net li; tinh (khng k b)
n. of curves li ng cong
conjugate n.s li lin hp
coordinate n. li to
flow n. li dng
focal n. of a congruence li tiu ca mt on
isometric orthgonal n. li trc giao ng c
isothermal n. li ng nhit
linear n. li tuyn tnh
logical n. mt. li lgic
plane n. li phng
network li; mt. s . mch mng
n. of samples tk. nhm cc mu thm nhp nhau
adding n. s ly tng
complementary n. li b
condensed n. mng rt gn
contack n. s cng tc
corrective n. s hiu chnh
distributing n. mt. mng phn phi
dividing n. li chia
electric(al) n. mng in, s in
four-terminal n. mng t cc
information n. li tin

integrating n. mt. s phn tch
intercity n. mt. mng li trong thnh ph
matching n. s ph hp
multiterminal n. mt. mng a cc
non-planar n. mt. s khng phng
resistance n. li in tr
ring n. s vnh
undirected n. li khng c hng
neutral trung ho
neutralize lm trung ho
neutrice gt. ci trung ho
neutron ntron
never khng bao gi
next cnh, sau; gn // sau ; ln sau
new mi, hin i
Newtonian (thuc) Nuitn
n-fold cp n
n-pole cc im cp n
n - zero khng cp im n
nilpotent s. lu linh
nil-radical s. raican khng
nil-series s. chui khng
nine s chn (9)
nineteen mi chn (19)
nineteeth th mi chn; mt phn mi chn
ninetieth th mi chn; mt phn mi chn
ninety chn mi
ninth th chn; mt phn chn
no khng
nodal (thuc) nt
node nt, im nt; nh; tit im
ascending n. tv. nt tin
conic n. (of a surface) im nh ho
descending n. nt li
improper n. gt. nt phi chnh

proper n. nt chn chnh
node-locus qu tch cc im nt
noise nhiu (m), ting n
additive n. nhiu cng
Gaussian n. nhiu Gaux
hum n. nhiu phng
man-made n. xib. nhiu nhn to
tube n. nhiu ca n
white n. nhiu trng
noiseless khng c nhiu (m)
noisiness tnh n
noisy c nhiu m, c ting n
nomenclature danh php, h k hiu
nominal kt. quy nh (gi); (thuc) tn
nomogram ton
hexagonal n. ton lc gic
riht-angled n. ton vung gc
slide-rule n. ton loi thc tnh
nomograph ton , th ton
nomographic (thuc) ton
nomography l thuyt ton , php lp ton
nonagon hnh chn cnh
non-alternating khng thay phin, khng xoay chiu
n0n-analytic khng gii thch
nonary chn // b chn
non-associative khng kt hp
non-central khng trung tm; khng i xng, khng tm
non-classical khng c in
non-commutative khng giao hon
non-comparable khng so snh c
non-conservative khng bo ton
non-constructive khng kin thit, khng xy dng
non-contact khng tip xc, khng tip hp
non-countable khng m c
non-cyclic khng c chu trnh, khng tun hon, khng xilic

non-decreasing khng gim
non-degenerate khng suy bin
non-dense khng tr mt
non-determination tk. phn khng quyt nh
non-deterministic khng xc nh
non-developable khng khai trin c
non-dimensional khng th nguyn
non-directional khng c phng
none khng mt, hon ton khng
non-empty khng trng
non-enumerable khng m c
non-erasible khng xo c, khng b c
non-Euclidian phi clit
non- existence log. s khng tn ti
non-holonomic khng hlnom
non-homogeneous khng thun nht
nonillion 1054 (Anh), 1030 (M)
non-interacting khng tng tc; tnom
non-isotropic khng ng hng
nonius mt. thang chy
non-limiting khng gii hn
nonlinear phi tuyn
non-metrisable top. khng mtric ho c
non-negative khng m; khng ph nh
non-normal khc thng, khng chun tc, khng php tuyn, khng
non-orientable khng nh hng c
non-overlapping khng giao nhau, khng dm ln nhau
non-parametric khng c tham bin
non-periodic khng tun hon, khng theo chu k
non-planar khng phng
non-random khng ngu nhin
non-recurrent khng truy hi
non-recursive log. khng quy
non-reflexive log. khng phn x

not khng
notation k hiu
abridged n. k hiu tt
binary n. mt. h thng m nh phn
continuation n. du chm chm (...)
contracted n. k hiu rt ngn, k hiu tt
decimal n. h thng m thp phn
exponential n. mt. biu din m (v d 2.102)
factorial n. du giai tha ( )
notch du ch V // nh du
note ch thch, ghi ch ; kt. tn phiu
bank n. kt. tn phiu ngn hng
promissory n. kt. biene lai n
nothing khng, ko c g
notice ch , ch thch
notion log. khi nim, quan nim
defined log. khi nim c nh ngha
logical n. log. khi nim lgic
undefined n. log. khi nim khng c nh ngha
nought s khng
nova tv. sao mi
now by gi, hin nay before n. trc y; till n., up to n. t trc n
nay, cho n hin nay; just n. va mi
nozzie ng pht
nu nuy ()
nuclear vl. (thuc) hch, ht nhn
nucleon(e) nuclon
nucleus hch, ht nhn
n. of a set hch ca mt tp hp
infinitesimal n. hch vi phn
nulhomotopic ng lun khng
null khng c, trng // s khng
nullifier gt. hm lm trit tiu
nullify hm trit tiu, a v khng
nullity s. s khuyt; s chiu ca hch

number s; s lng // nh s; m
n. of degrees of freedom s bc t do
n. of zero gt. s cc khng im
absolute s tuyt i
abstract n. s tru tng, h s
abundant n. s d
acceptance n. tk. mc thu nhn (ph phm)
admissible n. tk. mc chp nhn c
algebraic(al) n. s i s
amicable n.s (cc) s bn
average sample n. (ASN) tk. c, mu trung bnh
beginning n. s bt u
broken n. phn s
cardinal n. bn s; lc lng
chromatic n. sc s
class n. s lp
coincidence n. top. ch s trng, s cc im trng
commensurable n. s hu t
complex n. s phc
composite n. s a hp, hp s
compound n. tp s
conerete n. s c th
congruent n.s cc s ng d
congruous n.s cc s so snh c
conjugate algebraic n. s i s lin hp
conjugate complex n.s nhng s phc lin hp
conjugate imaginary n.s nhng s o lin hp
coprime n.s cc s nguyn t cng nhau
critical n. s ti hn
denominate n. danh s
directed n. s tng i
direction n. s ch phng
even n. s chn
figurate n. s tng trng
final n. of a continued fraction s cui cng ca mt lin phn s

floating n.s mt. cc s c du phy ng
imaginary n. s o
inaccessible n. s khng t c
incidence n. s lin thuc
incommensurable n.s cc s khng kh c
influence n. s nh hng
integral n. s nguyn
intersection n. s tng giao
irrational n. s v t
limiting n. s gii hn
long n. mt. s di (c nhiu ch s)
lucky n.s s may mn
multipartite n. s phn nh
multiplace n. s nhiu ch
natural n. s t nhin
negative n. s m
odd n. s l
ordinal n. t s
p-adic n. s p-adic
palindromic n. s xui ngc (v d 3223)
perfect n. s hon chnh
positive n. s dng
prime n. s nguyn t
pseudoprime n. s gi nguyn t
pseudorandom n.s tk. cc s gi ngu nhin
pure imaginary n. s thun o
Pythagorean n. s Pitago
random n. tk. s ngu nhin
rational n. s hu t
real n. s thc
rejection n. tk. mc bc b
relatively prime n.s s nguyn t cng nhau
rotation n. s quay
ruond n. s trn
rounded n. s lm trn, s thu gn

separayive n. s tch
serial n. mt. s th t
signed n.s cc s tng i c du
square-free n. s khng chnh phng
tetrahedral n. s t din
tolerance n. of defects tk. s ph phm cho php
torion n. s xon
transcendental n. s siu vit
transfinite cardinal n. bn s siu hn
triangular n. s tam gic
unknown n. n s
wave n. s sng
winding n. of a curve with respect to the point s ln quay ca mt
ng cong i vi mt im
numerable m c
numeral ch s // (bng) s (thuc) s
Arabic n.s cc ch s rp
Roman n.s cc ch s La m
numeration s m; h thng m
decimal n. h thng m thp phn
numerator t s, t thc
numerical (bng) s, s tr
numeroscopenumer mt. dng c ghi s (trn mn ng)
nutationnumer c. chng ng
n. of angle chng ng gc
n. of vertical chng ng ca ng thng ng

obey tun theo; mt. hon thnh (lnh)
object vt (th), i tng // khng tn thnh
o. of anholonomity vt th khng hlnm
cosimplicial o. vt th i n hnh
geometric (al) o. vt th hnh hc

linear o. vt th tuyn tnh
objective khch quan // mc tiu
oblate dt
oblateness tnh dt
obligation trch nhim
oblique xin, nghing, lch
obliquity tv. nghing
observable quan st c
observation tk. s quan st, s quan trc
extreme o. gi tr quan st bin
incomplete o. quan st khng y
statistical o. quan st thng k
observational (thuc) quan st, quan trc
observe quan st ch
observed b quan st c quan st
obstacle c. s tr ngi
obstruction s cn tr
o. to lifting top. s cn tr php nng mt nh x
secondary o. top. cn tr th yu
obtain t c, thu c
obtainable c th t c, c th thu c
obtuse t (gc)
obverse mt; mt trc; trch. mt nga
obvious r rng
obviously mt cch r rng hin nhin
occasion dp
occasionally ngu nhin
occupancy xs. s chim ch
occur xut hin, xy ra
occurence xs. s xut hin; log. s thm nhp
bound o. s thm nhp lin h
explicit o. log. s thm nhp hin, v tr hin
free o. s thm nhp t do
random o. sx. s xut hin ngu nhin
octagon hnh tn cnh
octagonal (thuc) hnh tn cnh
octahedron khi tm mt
regular o. khi tm mt u
octal bt phn; c s tm

octangular hnh tm gc
octant mt phn tm ng trn
octave vl. bt
octillion 1048 (Anh); 1027 (M )
ocular vl. th knh; mt // trc quan
odd l
o. and even trch. chn v l
odds s khc nhau, s chnh lch; u th; may mn
equal o. my mn nh nhau
long o. may mn khng nh nhau
short o. u th hn mt cht; may mn gn nh nhau
odevity tnh chn l
offset phn nhnh
often thng thng, nhiu ln
ogival k. (thuc) hnh cung nhn
ogive hnh cung nhn
ohm m
mechanical o. m c
omega mga ()
omega-completion s - y
omega-consistency log. tnh - phi mu thun
omicron omicrn
omission s b qua, s b i
omit b qua, b i
omitted b b qua khng ly
once mt ln; i khi, ho hon at o. ngay lap tc, tc khc
one mt
one - address mt. mt a ch
one - dimensional mt chiu
one - one mt - mt
one - parameter mt tham s
one - place log. mt ch
one-sided mt pha
one-to-one mt i mt
one-valued n tr
one-way mt li
only duy nht, ch c mt
on-off mt. ng m
ontological log. (thuc) bn th lun

opacity vl. [tnh, ] chn sng
opaque vl. chn sng; khng nhn thy
open m
opening s m
operand mt. pran
operate tc dng; lm cc php ton; k. s dng; lm cho chuyn ng
operated c iu khin
manually o. mt. c iu khin bng tay
remotely o. c iu khin t xa
operation php ton; xib. s lm vic; s dng; iu khin, qun l
additive o. php ton cng tnh
algebraic o. php ton i s
binary o. php ton nh nguyn, php ton hai ngi
complementary o.s. php ton b
conjugate o.s php ton lin hp
counting o. mt. php m
covering o. php ph
divisibility closure o. php ng chia c
elementary o. php ton s cp
finitary o. php ton hu hn
functional o. php ton hm
imaginary-part o. php tnh phn o
inverse o. php ton ngc
join o. top. php ton hp
linear o. php ton tuyn tnh
repetitive o. mt. phn k (php gii); s chu k ho (php gii)
stable o. mt. ch n nh
ternary o. php ton tam nguyn
symbolic o. php ton k hiu
unattended o. mt. cng vic t ng hon ton
operation-analysis vn tr hc
operation-research vn tr hc
operational (thuc) ton t; lm vic; s dng; tc dng
operator ton t; mt. oprat
adjoint o. ton t lin hp
averaging o. ton t ly trung bnh
bilinear o. ton t song tuyn tnh
boundary o. ton t b
bounded o. ton t b chn

closure o. ton t ng
coboundary o. ton t i b
completely continuous o. ton t hon ton lin tc
decomposition o. ton t phn tch
degeneracy o. ton t suy bin
differential o. ton t vi phn
differentition o. ton t vi phn
face o. ton t mt
homotopy o. ton t ng lun
imaginary-part o. ton t phn o
integral differential o. ton t vi- tch phn
inverse o. ton t nghch o
inversion o. ton t nghch o
invertible o. ton t c nghch o
kinematic o. ton t ng hc
linear o. ton t tuyn tnh
modal o. log. ton t m thi
moment o. ton t mmen
mutual integral-differential o. ton t vi phn tng h
polarizing o. ton t phn cc
real-part o. ton t phn thc
self-adjoined o. ton t lin hp
shift o. ton t di ch
transition o. ton t chuyn tip
unbounded o. ton t khng b chn
unitary o. ton t unita
unit o. ton t n v
vector o. ton t vect
opponent trch. i phng
oppose i lp; phn i
opposite i // ngc li
oppositely mt cch ngc li
opposition s i lp
o. of proposition log. s ph nh ca mt mnh
favourable o. tv. v tr i lp ln nht
optic(al) vl. (thuc) quang hc
optics vl. quang hc
optimal ti u
optimality tnh ti u

optimization s ti u ho
optimize ti u ho
optimum ti u
option s la chn, lut la chn
optional khng bt buc, tu
or hay l, hoc
or-gate s ["hay l", "hoc"]
orb hnh cu, qu cu, vng trn; qu o, s quay quanh thin
orbit qu o; hh. mt chuyn tip
orbital (thuc) qu o
order th t, trnh t; cp; bc; mt. lnh o. by fist difference th t im,
in o. that, in o to
o. of congruence cp ca mt on
o. of contact bc tip xc
o. of a curve cp ca mt ng cong
o. of a determinant cp ca mt nh thc
o. of a differential equation gt. cp ca mt phng trnh vi phn
o. of an element in a groupcp ca mt phn t trong mt nhm
o. of a groupcp ca mt nhm
o. of magnitude ln
o. of a matrix cp ca mt ma trn
o. of a permutation cp ca php hon v
o. of a pole gt. cp ca cc
o. of a radical ch s cn, bc ca cn s
o. of a singular point cp ca mt im k d
o. of a stationarity tk. cp dng (ca qu trnh)
o. of a tensor cp ca mt tensor
blocking o. trt t cn
calling o. lnh gi
circular o. th t vng quanh
coded o. lnh c m ho
conditional o. lnh c iu kin
cycle o. mt. cp chu trnh
cyclic o. th t vng quanh
dictionary o. th t t in
dummy o. lnh gi
initial o. mt. lnh ban u
lattice o. sp theo dn
lexicographic(al) o. th t t ng, th t t in

linear o. t t tuyn tnh
link o. mt. lnh ni
multiply o. lnh nhn
operational o. mt. lnh lm tnh
output o. lnh ra
print o. mt. lnh in
random o. th t ngu nhin
reduced o. s. [cp, bc] rt gn
reverse o. th t ngc
round-off o. lnh ly trn
switch o. lnh i mch
tally o. mt. lnh tng kt
transfer o. mt. lnh di chuyn
working o. t t lm vic
order-preserving bo ton th t
order-statistics tk. thng k th t
order-type log. kiu th t
ordered c sp, c lnh
cyclically o. c sp xilic
dimensionally o. c th t theo chiu
naturally o. s. c sp xp t nhin
normallly o. c sp chun tc
ordering sp th t
partial o. s xp b phn
ordinal th t; s th t
limiting o. s siu hn, gii hn, s siu hn loi hai
non-limiting o. s siu hn khng gii hn, s siu hn loi mt
ordinary thng, thng thng
ordinate tung
end o. tung bin
oricycle ng cc hn, vng cc hn
orient nh hng // phng ng
orientability top. tnh nh hng c
orientable nh hng
oriantate nh hng
orientation s nh hng
o. of space s nh hng khng gian
angular o. s nh hng gc
oriantation-reversing i ngc hng

orianted top. c nh hng
non-concordantly o. nh hng khng ph hp
oppositely o. nh hng ngc
orifice l; khu
origin (ngun) gc, nguyn bn
o. of coordinates gc to
arbitrary o. gc (to ) tu
computing o. tk. gc tnh ton
original gc; nguyn thy; nguyn bn
o. of a set under a transformation nguyn bn ca mt tp hp trong
mt php bin i
orthocentre trc tm
o. of a triangle trc tm ca mt tam gic
orthocomplement s. phn b trc giao
orthogonal trc giao, thng gc
completely o. hon ton trc giao
orthogonality tnh trc giao
orthogonalization s trc giao ho
orthogonalize trc giao ho
orthomorphism s. php trc cu
orthonorrmal trc chun
orthopole trc chun
orthoptic phng khuy
oscillate dao ng, rung ng
oscillation (s) dao ng; dao o. at a point dao ng ti mt im
o. of a function dao ng ca mt hm
damped o. vl. dao ng tt dn
discontinuous o. dao ng khng lin tc, dao ng gin on
exponential o. dao ng theo lut m
forced o. vl. dao ng cng bc
free o. dao ng t do
harmonic o. dao ng iu ho
natural o. dao ng ring
pitching o. c. dao ng [dc, chng chnh] (tu bin, my bay)
principal o. dao ng chnh
residual o. dao ng cn d
steady-state o. vl. dao ng n nh
tidal o. dao ng thu triu
transient o. dao ng nht thi

undamped o. dao ng khng tt dn
oscillator vl. ci dao ng, my (pht) dao ng
coupled o.s ci dao ng ngu hp
damped harmonic o. my dao ng iu ho tt dn
harmonic o. my dao ng iu ho
linear o. ci dao ng tuyn tnh
simple o. ci dao ng n
oscillatory dao ng; chn ng
oscillogram vl. biu dao ng, hnh sng hin
oscillograph my ghi dao ng
oscilloscope my hin dc
osculating hh. mt tip
osculation hh. s mt tip
osculatory hh. mt tip
otherwise cch khc, khc
outfit mt. thit b, dng c, vt dng
out-gate mt. van ra
outgoing ra; kt. tin ph tn
outlay kt. tin chi tiu, ph tn
outlet mt. li ra, rt ra
outlier tk. gi tr ngoi l
output mt. li ra, tn hiu ra, kt qu
add o. li ra ca php cng
final o. kt qu cui cng
flow o. s sn xut hin hnh
gross o. sn xut ton b
power o. cng ra, cng sut ra
outside cnh ngoi, mt ngoi, pha ngoi
outstanding ni ting; kt. cha tr ht; qu hn
outtrigger dm cngxn, dm hng
outwards bn ngoi
oval van; ng tri xoan
ovaloid mt tri xoan
over trn, qu
overall khp c
overconvergence gt. tnh hi t trn
overcorrection xib. iu chnh li
overdetermination gt. s xc nh li
overfield s. trng m

overflow mt. dng qu ti; vl. dng nc qu mc; s trn; s dn
overhead kt. tp ph
overidentification tk. s xc nh li
overlap ph ln, che khut, s (ln) ln nhau
overlaping dm ln nhau
overload vl. s qu ti
overring s. vnh nh
overstrain s cng qu mc
owe kt. mc n; c trch nhim
own ring // c s hu

p-adic p- phn, p-adic
pack b; khi; trch. c bi
ap. of cards c bi
package mt. khi
packing s hp li
o. of orders mt. hp cc lnh
page trang // nh s trang
pair cp // ghp i
ap. of compasses compa
admissible p. top. cp chun nhn c
genarating p. gt. cp sinh (ca hm gii tch)
line p. hh. cp ng thng
ordered p. gt. cp c th t, cp c sp
plane p. cp mt phng
point p. cp im
triangulated p. top. cp c tam gic ho
paired thnh cp, thnh i
paiting s ghp i, s ghp cp; top. php nhn
pairwise tng i
panel mt. panen ( lp rp); bng iu khin; bng dng c; (n)
control p. bng iu khin
main control p. bng iu khin chnh
testing p. mt. panen th
valve p. n
pantograph mt. my v truyn
electronic p. my v truyn in t
paper giy; bi (bo)
coordinate p. giy to
cross-section p. giy k ly, giy minimt
diagram p. giy v biu
logarithmic p. giy k lga
probability p. giy xc sut
squared p. giy k vung
tracing p. giy v
transfer p. giy can
paraanalitic gt. para-gii tch
parabola parabn
p. of convergence parabn hi t

p. of higher order parabn bc cao
cubic p. parabn bc ba
cubical p. parabn bc ba
focal p. parabn tiu
osculating p. parabn mt tip
semi-cubical p. parabn na bc ba
parabolic(al) parabolic (thuc) parabn
paraboloid parabloit
p. of revolution paraboloit trn xoay
elliptic p. parabloit liptic
hyperbolic p. parabloit hipebolic
paraboloidal (thuc) paraboloit, parabloian
paracompact top. para compac
paraconvex para li
paradox nghch l
logical p. nghch l lgic
sematic p. nghch l ng ngha
paradoxical log. (thuc) nghch l
paragraph on, phn (trong mt bi)
parallax tv. th sai
geodesic o. of a star th sai trc a ca mt ngi sao
parallel song song // ng song song; s so snh; v tuyn
p. of Clifford ng song song Clift
p. of latitude trch. v tuyn
p.s of a surface of revolution cc v tuyn ca mt mt trn xoay
geodesic p.s ng song song trc a
paralleleped hnh hp
oblique p. hnh hp xin
rectangular p. hnh hp ch nht
right p. hnh hp thng ng
parallelepipedon hnh hp
parallelism [s, tnh] song song
paratactic p. s song song paratactic
parallelizability tnh song song ho c
parallelize song song ho
parallelogram hnh bnh hnh
p. of periods gt. hnh bnh hnh cc chu k
primitive peroid p. gt. hnh bnh hnh cc chu k nguyn thu
parallelotope hnh hn gch

paralogism log. s suy l sai
paramagnetic vl. thun t
parameter thng s, tham s
p. of distribution tham s phn phi
p. of location tk. tham s v tr
age p. tham s tui, tham s tng
characteristic p. tham s c trng
conformal p. tham s bo gic
differential p. tham s vi phn
dimensionless p. tham s khng th nguyn
direction p. tham s ch phng
geodesic p. tham s trc a
incidental p. tk. cc tham s khng ct yu
isometric p. tham s ng c
local p. gt. tham s a phng
lumped p. xib. tham s tp trung
mean p. tham s trung bnh
mixed differential p. tham s vi phn hn tp
nuisance p. tk. tham s tr ngi
program(me) p. tham s chng trnh
statistic (al) p. tham s thng k
stray p. tham s parazit
superfluous p. tham s tha
time-varying p. xib. tham s thay i theo thi gian
uniformizing p. tham s n tr ho
parametric (thuc) tham s
parametrix gt. parametrix
parametrization s tham s ho
parasite xib. c tnh cht parazit, nhiu m
paratactic paratactic
parentheses du ngoc n
parenthesize log. trogn ngoc n
parity tnh chn l
part b phn, phn // chia thnh phn
aliquot p. c s
imaginaty p. phn o
principal p. phn chnh
real p. phn thc
partial ring, ring phn; thin v

particle ht
alpha p. ht anpha
fluid p. ht cht lng
relativistic p. ht tng i
particilar ring; c bit
partite tch bit, phn ring ra
partition s phn hoch, s phn chia
conjugate p.s s. phn hoch lin hp
simplicial p. top. phn hoch n hnh
partly tng phn, mt phn
partner trch. ngi cng phe
pass vt qua
passive b ng; tk. khng c phn trm
path bc, ng i; qu o
p. of continuous group qu o trong mt nhm lin tc
p. of a projectile ng n
asymptotic p. gt. ng tim cn
closed p. ng ng
edge p. ng gp khc, ng cnh
free p. ng di ng t do
homotopic p.s ng i ng lun
inverse p. ng nghch
mean free p. ng t do trung bnh
minimal p. ng cc tiu
product p. ng tch
random p. ng i ngu nhin
patological log. (thuc) bnh l
pathology log. bnh l
pattern mu; dng
p. of caculation s tnh ton
p. of recognition nhn dng
flow p. dng dng
geometric p. m hnh hnh hc
noise p. xib. dng n
wave p. dng sng
pave lt
pavement (ci) lt
pay tr, tr gi p. in thu vo; p. off tr tin; p. out tr (tin)
peak nh, t im p. in time series t im trong chui thi gian

resonance p. nh cng hng
peculiar ring; c bit
pedagogic(al) (thuc) s phm
pedagogy s phm
pedal bn p; thu tc
pencil chm
p. of cireles chm vng trn
p. of curves chm ng cong
p. of forms chm cc dng
p. of lines chm ng thng
p. of matrices chm ma trn
p. of planes chm mt phng
p. of quadric chm quaric
p. of rays chm tia
p. of spheres chm hnh cu
axial p. chm trc
coaxial p. chm ng trc
cocentric p.s chm ng tm
flat p. chm dt
pendulous (thuc) con lc
pendulum vl. con lc
ballistic p. con lc x kch
compaund p. con lc vt l
double p. con lc kp
gyroscopic p. con lc hi chuyn
physical p. con lc vt l
simple p. con lc n, con lc ton hc
sherical p. c. con lc cu
penetrate thm nhp; thm vo
pnenetration vl. s xm nhp, s thm vo
pentad hp nm
pentadecagon hnh mi nm cnh
pentagon hnh nm cnh, ng gic
regular p. ng gic u
pentagram hnh sao nm cnh
pentahedral (thuc) khi nm mt
pentahedron khi nm mt
pentaspherical ng cu
pentode mt. pentt

penultimate gn cui, gip cht
penumbra tv. vng na ti
percentage s phn trm, php tnh phn trm
percentile tk. phn vi
percolation s ngm chit
percusion s va chm, s kch ng
perfect hon ho; y
perforate c l
perforation s c l
perforator my c l
key p. my c l phm
perform thc hin p. a multiplication thc hin php nhn
performance s thc hin
automatic p. s thc hin t ng
periastron tv. im cn tnh
perigee tv. im cn a
perigon gc 3600, gc y
perihelion tv. im cn nht
perimater chu vi
period chu k, thi k
p. of circulating decimal chu k ca mt s thp phn tun hon
p. of permutation chu k ca hon v
p. of simple harmonicmotion chu k ca dao ng iu ho n gin
p. of waves chu k sng
base p. chu k c s
delay p. mt. chu k tr; kt. thi k hn nh
half p. na chu k
inaction p. mt. thi k khng hot ng
natural p. chu k ring
nescient p. thi k [tnh, ngh]
orbital p. chu k quay
primitive p. chu k nguyn thu
recurring p. chu k (ca s thp phn) tun hon
reference p. tk. chu k c s
return p. tk. chu k (ca chui thi gian)
storage cycle p. mt. thi k nh, thi gian i ln nht
transient p. thi gian chuyn tip
periodic tun hon p. in the mean gt. tun hon trung bnh
almost p. hu tun hon

periodical c chu k, u // bo ch xut bn c nh k
periodically c chu k, mt cch tun hon
periodicity tnh chu k, tnh tun hon
hidden p. tnh chu k n
latent p. tk. tnh chu k n
spurious p. tk. tnh tun hon gi
periodogram tk. chu k ; vl. th ca hm s
periphery bin [ca mt hnh, mt th]
p. of a circle ng trn
permanence tnh khng i, tnh thng xuyn, tnh thng trc
p. of a functional equation tnh khng i ca mt phng trnh hm
p. of sign tnh khng i v du
permanency tnh khng i, tnh thng xuyn, tnh thng trc
permanent khng i, thng xuyn, thng trc
permissible cho php c
permutability tnh hon v c
permutable hon v c
permutation s. s hon v p. with repetition hon v c lp; p. without
reptition hon v khng lp
circular p. hon v vng quanh
cyclic p. hon v vng quanh
discordant p.s hon v bt ho
even p. hon v chn
odd p. hon v l
permute hon v i th t
perpendicular thng gc; trc giao // qu di, ng thng gc
perpendicularity [, tnh] thng gc, tnh trc giao
perpetual thng xuyn, lin tc
perpetuity kt. quyn s hu lin tc
persist tip tc
persistence(cy) s tip tc; qun tnh; n nh
p. of vision vl. qun tnh th gic
persistent n nh, vng
normally p. s. n nh, chun tc
perspective cnh, phi cnh
doubly p. phi cnh kp
perspectivity hh. php phi cnh
pertain thuc v; c quan h
perturb nhiu lon

perturbation s nhiu lon
secular p.s s nhiu lon trng k
perturbeb b nhiu lon
Pfaffian gt. (thuc) Pfap
phase pha
initial p. phan ban u
non-minimum p. pha khng cc tiu
phenomena hin tng
local p. hin tng [cc b, a phng]
non-periodic p. hin tng khng tun hon
phenomenon hin tng
jump p. xib. hin tng nhy
phi phi ()
pick chn; nht; m thng
pick-up mt. u c
pictorial c hnh nh; trc quan
piece mu, phn
p. of money ng tin
piecemeal tng phn, tng ci
piecewise tng mu
pierce m thng, chc thng
pile vl. pin; l phn ng
nuclear p. l phn ng ht nhn
pip trch. s (trn qun bi)
pipe ng, ng dn
piston k. pittng
pivol li, ct tr
pivotal (thuc) li; trung tm
place ch, v tr; hng // t
decimal p. hng ch s thp phn
tens' p. hng chc
thousands' p. hng nghn
planar php chiu nm ngang; k hoch, phng n
planar phng
plane mt phng // phng
p. at infinity mt phng v tn
p. of bending mt phng un
p. of homology mt phng thu x
p. of load mt phng ti trng

p. of perpectivity mt phng phi cnh
p. of polarization mt phng phn cc
p. of reference mt phng quy chiu
p. of regression tk. mt phng hi quy
p. of support mt phng ta
p. of symmetry mt phng i xng
asymptotic p. mt phng tim cn
basic p. mt phng c s
bitangent p. mt phng song tip
central p. mt phng qua tm
collinear p.s nhng mt phng cng tuyn
complex p. mt phng phc
conjugate diametric(al) p.s cc mt phng o lin hp
coordinate p. mt phng to
cut p. mt phng ct; c. mt ct
diametral p. mt phng knh
elliptic p. mt phng eliptic
equatorial p. mt phng xch o
equiamplitude p. mt phng ng bin
equiphase p. mt phng ng pha
extended p. mt phng suy rng (ca bin phc)
focal p. mt phng tiu
hodograph p. mt phng tc
horizontal p. mt phng nm ngang
hyperbolic p. mt phng hipebolic
ideal p. mt phng l tng
imaginary p. mt phng l tng
inclined p. mt phng nghing
invariable p. mt phng khng i
isocline p. mt phng nghing u
isotropic p. mt phng ng hng
meridian p. mt phng kinh tuyn
minimal p. mt phng cc tiu
neutral p. c. mt phng trung ho
nodal p. mt phng mt
null p. hh. mt phng khng
osculating p. mt phng mt tip
parabolic p. mt phng parabolic
parallel p.s cc mt phng song song

perpendicular p.s cc mt phng thng gc
picture p. hh. mt nh
polar p. hh. mt phng cc
principal p. mt phng chnh; c. mt phng i xng
principal coordinate p. mt phng to chnh
profile p. mt phng bn
projection p. hh. mt phng chiu
projective p. hh. mt phng x nh
pseudo-parallel p.s mt phng gi song song
punetured p. mt phng b chm thng
real p. mt phng thc
rectifying p. hh. mt phng trc c
regression p. mt phng hi quy
semi-perpendicular p.s cc mt phng na trc giao
singular p. mt phng k d
stationary p. mt phng dng
stationary osculating p. mt phng mt tip dng
supporting p. hh. mt phng ta
symmetry p. mt phng i xng
tangent p. mt phng tip xc, tip din
tritangent p. tip din bi ba
unit p. mt phng n v
vanishing p. mt phng bin mt
vertical p. mt phng thng ng
planet tv. hnh tinh
inferior p. tv. hnh tinh di
inner p. tv. hnh tinh trong
minor p.s tv. tiu hnh tinh
outer p. tv. hnh tinh ngoi
principal p. tv. hnh tinh chnh, hnh i tinh
secondary p. v tinh (t nhin)
superior p. tv. hnh tinh trn
planetary (thuc) hnh tinh
planimeter mt. my tnh tch phn, my tnh din tch
square root p. my tnh cn bc hai
planimetric (thuc) o din tch
planimetry php o din tch
plasma vl. platma
plastic do // cht do

plasticity vl. tnh do
plate bn, tm
index p. mt. mt s
plane p. tm phng, bn phng
quarter-wave p. vl. bn phn t sng
rectangular p. bn hnh ch nht
reiforced p. tm c gia c
semi-infinite p. bn na v hn
platykurtic tk. c nhn di chun
plausibility tnh c l l
plausible c l l
play trch. tr chi, cuc u
player trch. ngi chi, u th
maximizing p. ngi chi ly cc i
minimizing p. ngi chi ly cc tiu
pledge kt. cm c
plot biu , th; trch. k hoch chi
plotomat mt. dng c v t ng cc ng cong
plotter mt. ci v ng cong; my ghi to
digital point p. ci v ng cong theo im
function p. mt. ci v th ca hm
incremental p. ci v ng cong theo im
plug mt. ci phc; ci phc hai u, ci cht
plugboard mt. ci o mch c phc, bng cm (in)
plumb qu di; dy di; // [t, v] thng gc
plurigenus a ging
pluriharmonic gt. a iu ho
plurisubharmonic gt. a iu ho di
plus cng, du cng
ply mt. cho i qua; k. s dng
pocket ti ng ba
point im; v tr at a p. (ti) mt im; p. at infinity im v tn
p. of accumulation im t, im gii hn
p. of application im t, im tc dng (ca lc)
p. of condensation im ng
p. of contact tip im
p. of contrary fleure im un
p. of convergence im hi t
p. of divergence im phn k

p. of discontinity im gin on
p. of emanation top. im pht x
p. of hyperosculation im siu mt tip
p. of increase tk. im tng
p. of inflection im un
p. of junction im un
p. of load im ti trng
p. of osculation im t tip xc, im mt tip (ca ng cong)
p. of sight im nhn
p. of silence im tng
p. of striction im tht
p. of tangency tip im
accessible p. im t c
accessible boundary p. im bin t c
accidental base p. s. im c s ngu nhin
accidental double p. im kp ngu nhin
accumulation p. im t
adherence p. im dnh
algebraic branch p. im r nhnh i s
ambiguous p. im khng xc nh
angular p. im gc, dnh
antipodal p. hh. im xuyn tm i
asymptotic p. im tim cn
base p. im c s
bending p. im un
bisecting p. of a segment trung im ca mt on thng
boiling p. im si
boundary p. im bin
branch p. im r nhnh
break p. mt. im dng (my)
central p. im trung tm (im yt hu ca mt k)
circular p. im xiclic
cluster p. im ngng t
collinear p.s cc im cng tuyn, cc im thng hng
complex p. im phc
concyclic p.s cc im cng nm trn mt ng trn
conical p. im nh nn
conjugate p.s im lin tip
critical p. im ti hn

cross p. giao im, im ti hn, im dng (ca hm gii tch)
cuspidal p. im li
cut p. im ct
cyclic p. im xilic
deal p. im cht
decimal p. du phy s thp phn
dividing p. im chia
east p. tv. im phng ng
elliptic(al) p. im eliptic
end p. top. im un
entry p. im chuyn
equianharmonic p.s im ng phi iu
equilibrium p. im cn bng
exteroir p. im ngoi
extreme p. im u, im cc tr
finishing p. hh. im cui
finite p. gt. im hu hn
fixed p. im bt ng, im c nh
fixed end p. im c nh cui
flash p. im bc chy, nhit chp sng
plex p. im un
floading p. du phy di ng
focal p. tiu im
fourth harmonic p. im iu ho th t
freezing p. im ng c
frontier p. im bin gii
genceric p. hhs. im sinh (mt mt)
hyperbolic p. im hypebolic
ideal p. im l tng
image p. im nh
imaginary p. im o
improper p. im phi chnh
infinite p. im v hn
initial p. khi im, im ban u
inner p., interior p. im trong
intersection p. hh. giao im
inverse p. im nghch o
irregular singular p. gt. im k d bt thng
isolated p. im c lp

isolated multiple p. im bi c lp
isolated singular p. im d c lp
isotropic p. im ng hng
labile p. top. im khng n nh
lattice p. im mng, im nt (li)
limit p. top. im khng n nh
lattice p. im mng, im nt (li)
limit p. top. im gii hn, im t
limiting p. gt. im bin, im gii hn
lower extreme p. im mt di
mass p. c. cht im
measuring p. mt. im o
median p. of a triangle trng tm ca mt tam gic
melting p. im nng chy
mesh p. im li, mt li
middle p. of a triangle trng tm ca mt tam gic
multiple p. im bi
nodal p. im nt
non-collinear p. im khng thng hng
north p. tv. im pha bc
operating p. xib. im lm vic
ordinary p. im thng
parabolic(al) p. im parabolic
parameter p. gi tr (c nh) ca tham s
percentage p.s cc im phn trm
period p. im chu k
proper spiral p. im xon c chn chnh
radix p. dy phy s thp phn
ramification p. gt. im r nhnh
real p. im thc
reducible p. im kh quy
reference p. mt. im kim tra, im [quy chiu, i chiu]
regular p. im thng, im chnh quy
regular singular p. im k d chnh quy
representative p. xib. im biu din
saddle p. im yn nga
salient p. im li
sample p. tk. im mu
satellite p. im v tinh

saturation p. im bo ho
secondary focal p. tiu im th cp
separating p. im tch
simple p. im n
singular p. im k d
south p. tv. im pha nam
spiral p. im xon c
stable p. top. im n nh
stagnation p. im nh tr (ca dng)
starting p. im xut pht
stationary p. im dng, im ngh
tracing p. im vit
triple p. hh. im bi ba
turning p. im chuyn hng
umbilical p. im rn
unit p. im n v
vanishing p. im bin mt
west p. tv. im pha ty
yield p. im lu, im khi lu, im khi thu dng chy (im ti hn)
zero p. khng im
poimted nhn
pointwise theo tng im
poised gt. c lm cn bng
polar cc; cc tuyn; cc din
cubic p. ng i cc ca cubic
shock p. cc tuyn va chm
polarity i cc; s; vl. cc tnh; hh. cc tng ng cc, s tng quan cc
polarization s phn cc
polarize phn cc
pole cc, cc im p. at infinity cc v tn
p. of an analytic function gt. cc im ca mt hm gii tch
p. of a cirele cc ca mt vng trn
p. and polar of a conic cc v cc tuyn ca thit din cnic
p. of integral cc ca mt tch phn
p. of a line cc ca mt ng thng
p. of order n. cc cp n
p. of a plane cc ca mt mt phng
celestial p. cc tri t
complex p. cc im phc

multi-order p. cc bi
multiple order p. cc bi
simple p. gt. cc im n
polhode c. ng tm quay (trn mt phng ng) plodi
policy chnh sch, ch
insurance p. ch bo him
investment p. chnh sch u t vn
ordering p. chnh sch thu mua
polyadic nhiu ngi
polyconic hh. a cnic
polycyclic a chu trnh, a xilic
polycylinder hnh a tr
polygon a gic
p. of forces a gic lc
arc p. a gic cung
circumscribed p. a gic ngoi tip
concave p. a gic lm
convex p. a gic li
equiangular p. a gic u gc
equivalent p.s cc a gic tng ng
frequency p. a gic tn s
funicular p. c. a gic dy
inscribed p. a gic ni tip
mutually equiangular p.s cc a gic c cc gc tng ng bng nhau
rectilinear p. a gic thng
regular p. a gic u
open p. hh. ng gp khc
similar p.s cc a gic ng dng
simple p. a gic n
spherical p. a gic cu
strategy p. trch. a gic chim lc
string p. a gic dy
polygonal (thuc) a gic
polyharmonic gt. a iu ho
polyhedral (thuc) hnh a din
locally p. hhs. a din a phng
polyhedron (khi) a din
integer p. a din nguyn
one-sided p. a din mt pha

regular p. a din u
polylogarithm gt. a lga
polynomial a thc
p. of degree n. a thc bc n
p. of least deviation a thc c lch ti thiu
adjoint p. a thc lin hp
alternative p. a tc n du
characteristic p. thc c trng
cyclotomic p. s. a thc thc chia vng trn
defining p. a thc nh ngha
differential p. s. a thc vi phn
distinguished p. s. a thc li
homogeneous p. a thc thun nht
hypergeometric p. a thc siu bi
interpolating p. gt. a thc ni suy
interpolation p. gt. a thc ni suy
irreducible p. a thc khng kh quy
minimal p. s. a thc cc tiu
minimum p. s. a thc cc tiu
monic p. a thc li
orthogonal p.s a thc trc giao
orthonormal p. a thc trc chun
prime p. a thc nguyn t
quasi-orthogonal p. a thc ta trc giao
reduced minimum p. a thc cc tiu rt gn
reducible p. a thc kh quy
symbolic p. a thc k hiu
trigonometric p. a thc lng gic
ultrasherical p. gt. a thc siu cu
polyphase vl. nhiu pha
polytope hnh a din, plitp
polytropic vl. a hng
pool trch. s tin t cc; hp nht; gp li
pooling s hp nht, s gp
p. of classes tk. s gp cc lp
population dn s; tp hp
continuous p. tk. tp hp lin tc
dichotomous p. tk. tp hp lng phn
finite p. tk. tp hp hu hn

hibrid p. tk. tp hp lai ging
hypothetic(al) p. tk. tp hp gi nh
infinite p. tk. tp hp v hn
mixed p. tk. tp hp hn tp
non-normal p. tk. tp hp khng chun
parent p. tk. tp hp tng qut
porosity vl. tnh xp
porous xp
portion mt phn, mt khc, mt on
p. of series khc ca chui
pose t
posit khng nh, t c s
position v tr; tnh hnh; lp trng
check p. mt. v tr kim tra
limiting p. v tr gii hn
perspective p. hh. v tr phi cnh
vertical p. v tr thng ng
positional (thuc) v tr
positioning mt. t vo v tr
positive dng // i lng dng
positively dng
positivity tnh dng
positron vl. pzitron
possess c
possession s s hu; kt. ti sn; ch s hu
possibility kh nng; tnh c th
consumption p. kt. kh nng tiu dng
possible c th
post-multiplication php nhn thng thng (bt u t hng thp cp)
posterior sau, hu nghim
postulate tin
p. of completeness tiu tnh y
postulation log. s gi nh
postulational log. da vo nh , da vo tin
potency lc lng
p. of a set lc lng ca mt tp hp
potential th, th v
advanced p. th v sm, th v trc
complex p. th phc

distortional p. hm th xon
logarithmic p. gt. th v lga
Newtonian p. gt. th v Newton
retarded p. gt. th v tr
scalar p. th v v hng
vector p. vl. th v vect
velocity p. th v vn tc
pound pao (n v o trng lng ca Anh)
power , bc, lu tha; lc lng; cng sut
p. of a point hh. phng tch ca mt im
p. of a set lc lng ca mt tp hp
cardinal p. bn s
direct p. s. lu tha trc tip
instantaneous p. cng sut tc thi
radiated p. cng bc x
reduced p. top. lu tha rt gn
resolving p. kh nng gii
symbolic(al) p. s. lu tha k hiu
symmetrized Kromecker p. s. lu tha Kroneck i xng ho
third p. lu tha bc ba, lp phng
powerful c sc, c lc mnh
practical thc hnh, thc tin c li
practice thc tin; s hot ng; hnh ng; s p dng; luyn tp
practise p dng; thc hien; luyn tp
preassigned gn trc
precede i trc, ng trc
precession tv. s ting ng; tu sai
p. of the equinoxes tv. s tin ng cc phn im
free p. tin ng t do
lunisolar p. tv. tu sai nht nguyt
planetary p. tv. tu sai hnh tinh, s ting ng hnh tinh
precheck kim nghim trc
precise chnh xc; xc nh
precisely mt cch chnh xc
precision [s, ] chnh xc; mt. chiu di mt t
instrument p. chnh xc ca mt dng c
relative p. chnh xc tng i, hiu dng
precompact tin compac
predecessor phn t trc ngi i trc

immediate p. phn t ngay trc
predesigned cho trc, thit lp trc
predetermine xc nh trc, quyt nh trc
predetermined c xc nh trc; c thit lp s b
predicable log. kh v
predicate log. v t
induction p. v t quy np
numerical p. v t s
partial p. v t b phn
prediction s d on, d bo
predictor xib. thit b d bo; tk. bin c lp (trong d bo)
preface li ni u
prefactor nhn t i trc (bn tri)
prefer thch hn, u hn
preference s thch hn
pre-image nghch nh; hm gc (trong php bin i Laplat)
preliminary s b // s ch s b
pressure vl. p lc, p sut
consolidation p. p lc cng c
contact p. p lc tip xc
dynamic(al) p. p lc ng lc
hydrostatic p. p lc thu tnh
impact p. p sut ton phn
kinetic p. p sut ng
stagnation p. p lc nh tr
static p. p lc tnh
water p. thu p
prestress d ng lc, ng sut trc
presume gi s, gi nh
presumption iu gi nh, iu gi s
presumptive gi nh, gi s
presuppose gi nh trc, gi s
previous trc
price kt. gi c, gi
accounting p. gi kim tra
base p.s gi c s
cost p. gi thnh
detail p. gi bn l
floor p.s gi ti thiu

market p. gi th trng
selling p. gi bn
wholesale p. gi bn bun
primal nguyn thu, c s chnh
primary nguyn thu, nguyn s
weak p. nguyn s yu
prime du phu, c bn; nguyn t
almost p. hu nguyn t
double p. hai phy (")
relaitively p. nguyn t cng nhau
primitive nguyn thu, nguyn hm
complete p. nguyn hm, y
principally ch yu
Principia sch "c s" ca Nuitn
principle nguyn l; nguyn tc; nh lut
p. of abstraction nguyn tc tru tng ho
p. of analytic continuation nguyn tc m rng gii tch
p. of argument nguyn l aggumen
p. of conservation of energy nguyn l bo ton nng lng
p. of contimuity nguyn l lin tc
p. of convertibility nguyn l o nghich
p. of correspondence nguyn tc tng ng
p. of duality nguyn l i ngu
p. of least action nguyn l tc dng ti thiu
p. of least time nguyn l thi gian ti thiu
p. of leasr work nguyn l cng ti thiu
p. of minimum energy nguyn l cc tiu
p. of moment of momnetum nguyn l mmen ng lng
p. of monodromy nguyn l thun nghch
p. of reflection nguyn l phn x
p. of relativization nguyn l tnh tng i
p. of stationary phase nguyn l pha dng
p. of superposition vl. nguyn l chng cht
p. of the maximum nguyn l nng lng cc i
p. of the point of accumulation nguyn l im t
p. of virtual displacement nguyn l di ch o
p. of virtual work nguyn l cng o
argument p. nguyn l agumen
consistency p. s. nguyn l [nht qun, phi mu thun]

convergence p. nguyn l hi t
indeterminacy p. vl. nguyn l bt nh
induction p. nguyn l quy np
maximum p. gt. nguyn l cc i
maximum-modulus p. gt. nguyene l mun cc i
minimum-modulus p. gt. nguyn l mun cc tiu
momentum p. nguyn l ng lng
reflection p. nguyn l phn x
second induction p. nguyn tc quy np th hai
symmetry p. gt. nguyn l i xng
print in // s in
printer thit b in, my in
printing mt. in
prior tin nghim
prism lng tr
oblique p. lng tr xin
quadrangular p. lng tr t gic
rectangular p. lng tr ch nht
regular p. lng tr u
right p. lng tr thng ng
triangular p. lng tr tam gic
truncated p. lng tr ct
prismatic (thuc) hnh lng tr
prismatoid phng lng tr
prismoid hnh lng tr ct
prismoidal (thuc) lng tr ct
probabilistic (thuc) xc sut
probability xc sut
absolute p. xc sut khng iu kin
absorption p. xc sut hp thu
a priori p. xc sut tiu nghim
composite p. xc sut y
compound p. xc sut phc hp
conditional p. xc sut c iu kin
empiric p. xc sut thc nghim
extinction p. xc sut [tt, ngt] (mt qu trnh)
inverse p. xc sut nghch o
marginal p. xc sut bin duyn
personal p. xc sut ch quan

posterior p. xc sut hu nghim
prior p. xc sut tin nghim
transition p. xs. xc sut chuyn
probable c l, c th
probit (probability unit) n v xc sut
problem bi ton; vn
p.s of allocation bi ton phn phi
absorption p. bi ton hp thu
advertising p. bi ton qung co
assigument p. kt. bi ton phn phi
ballot p. bi ton b phiu
bargaining p. bi ton hp ng
barrier p. bi ton mn chn
blending p. bi ton pha trn
bottle neck p. bi ton c chai
boundary value p. bi ton bin tr, bi ton b
brachistochrone p. bi ton ng on thi
caterer p. bi ton ngi giao hng
congestion p. bi ton phc v m ng
construction p. bi ton dng hnh
continum p. bi ton continum
decision p. log. bi ton quyt nh
diet p. bi ton khu phn
dynamical boundary value p. bi ton gi tr bin ng lc
eigenvalue p. bi ton v cc gi tr ring
encounter p. bi ton gp nhau
equilibirium p. bi ton cn bng
extremum p. bi ton cc tr
four colour p. bi ton bn mu
infinite medium p. xs. bi ton mi trng v hn, bi ton v cc ht
qua mi trng v hn
isoperimetric(al) p. gt. bi ton ng chu
knot p. bi ton nt
lifting p. bi ton nng
many-body p. vl. bi ton nhiu vt th
map-colouring p. top. bi ton t mu bn
marriage p. bi ton chn la
mixed boundary-value p. bi ton b hn hp
moment p. bi ton mmen

moving boundary p. gt. bi ton c bin di ng
multidecision p.s tk. bi ton nhiu quyt nh
non-homogeneous boundary p. bi ton bin khng thun nht
occupancy p.s xs. bi ton chim ch
parametric p. bi ton tham s
primal p. s. bi ton nguyn thu
pseudo-periodie p. bi ton gi tun hon
reducibility p. log. bi ton kh quy
ruin p. trch. bi ton st nghip (ca ngi chi)
short distance p. bi ton khong cch ngn nht
storage p. kt. bi ton v bo qun
three-point p. tr. bi ton ba iu, bi ton Ptent
traffic p. bi ton [vn ti, giao thng]
transportation p. kt. bi ton vn chuyn
trigonometric moment p. bi ton mmen lng gic
two-dimensional p. bi ton hai chiu
word p. log. bi ton t
procedural (thuc) th tc, bin php
procedure th tc; tk. bin php; phng php, cch
antithetic(al) p. tk. bin php i lp, phng php phn
audit p. kt. th tc kim nghim
decision p. kt. th tc quyt nh
proceed tip tc; pht sinh, xut hin
proceedings tp cng trnh nghin cu, tp bin chuyn
process qu trnh, phng php, cch p. with in dependent increments
xs. qu trnh vi gia s c lp
additive p. qu trnh cng t nh
adjoint p. qu trnh lin hp
approximation p. qu trnh xp x
autoregressive p. qu trnh t hi quy
birth p. qu trnh ton sinh
bivariate p. qu trnh hai chiu
branching p. qu trnh phn nhnh
cascade p. qu trnh tng
centred p. qu trnh c tm
continuous p. qu trnh lin tc
crypto-deterministic p. qu rnh tt nh ngm
cyclic p. qu trnh tun hon
damped oscillatory p. qu trnh dao ng tt dn

death p. qu trnh cht, qu trnh ton t
degenerete p. qu trnh suy bin
denumerable p. qu trnh m c
deterministic p. qu trnh tt nh
diagonal p. qu trnh cho
diffusion p. qu trnh khuych tn
digital p. qu trnh ri rc
discontinuous p. qu trnh ri rc
discrete p. qu trnh ri rc
dissipative p. qu trnh hao tn
disturbeb harmonic p. tk. qu trnh iu ho b nhiu lon
divergent p. qu trnh phn k
emigration p. qu trnh di dn
equally-correlated p. qu trnh tng quan cn bng
equilibrium p. qu trnh cn bng
ergodic p. qu trnh egoic
exhaustion p. qu trnh vt kit
explosive p. xs. qu trnh bng n (qu trnh c cc s trung bnh tng
v hn)
finite p. log. s. qu trnh hu hn
hereditary p. xs. qu trnh c di truyn
homogeneous p. xs. qu trnh thun nht
immigration p. qu trnh di c
irreversible p. vl. qu trnh khng thun nghch
isentropic p. qu trnh ng entropi
isotropic p. xs. qu trnh ng hng
iterative p. xib. qu trnh lp
limit p. qu trnh gii hn
logistic p. tk. qu trnh lgictic
Markovian p. xs. qu trnh Mcp
moving-summation p. qu trnh ly tng trt
multiplivative p. xs. qu trnh phn nhnh
orthogonal p. qu trnh trc giao
periodie p. qu trnh tun hon
production p. kt. qu trnh sn xut
purely random p. xib. qu trnh thun tu ngu nhin
random p. qu trnh ngu nhin
recursive p. qu trnh quy
repetitive p. xib. qu trnh lp

reversible p. xib. qu trnh kh nghch
separable p. qu trnh tch c
sieving p. phng php sng
solving p. qu trnh gii
stable p. xs. qu trnh n nh
stationary p. xs. qu trnh dng
stochastic p. xs. qu trnh ngu nhin
strictly stationary p. xs. qu trnh dng ngt
processing x l, gia cng
date p. mt. x l cc d kin
produce ngi sn xut
product tch s; tch; sn phm
p. of inertia tch qun tnh
p. of sets tch cc tp hp
alternating p. tch thay phin
canonical p. tch chnh tc
cap p. tch Uytni (k hiu tch)
cardinal p. tch chnh tc
Cartesian p. tch cc
continued p. tch v hn
cross p. tch vect, tch trc tip
cup p. tch Alecxan (k hiu tch)
direct p. s. tch trc tip
dot p. tch v hng
exterior p. s. tch ngoi
external p. s. tch ngoi
fibered p. tch nh
fully regular p. tch hon ton chnh quy
ideal p. tch ian
infinite p. tch v hn
inner p. tch trong
intermediate p. kt. bn thnh phn
internal p. s. tch trong
logical p. log. tch lgic
metabelia p. tch siu Aben, tch mta Aben
metric p. tch mtric
modulation p. tch bin iu
nilpotent p. tch lu linh
ordinal p. s. tch ngoi

parallelepipedal p. hh. tch hn hp
partial p. tch ring phn
positive infinite p. tch v hn dng
scalar p. hh. tch v hng
subdirect p. tch trc tip di
tensor p. tch tenx
topological p. tch tp
torsion p. s. tch xon
triple p. tch hn tp
vector p. tch vect
weak direct p. tch trc tip yu
wreath p. tch bn
production s sn xut, sn phm
current p. s sn xut hin hnh
mass p. sn xut hng lot
productive sn xut
productivity nng sut
profile prfin
profit ch li; li nhun; thu nhp
aggregate p. kt. thu nhp chung
excess p. li nhun vt mc
net p. thc thu
profitable c li, c thu nhp, c li
prognosis d bo, tin on
program(me) chng trnh, k hoch
computer p. mt. chng trnh tnh
control p. chng trnh kim tra
deal p. mt. chng trnh c gi lu
diagnostic p. mt. chng trnh chun on
explicit p. mt. chng trnh chi tit (c chia thnh nhng php tnh c bn)
infinite p. chng trnh v hn
superconsistent p. chng trnh tng thch mnh
programmer ngi lp chng trnh, b lp chng trnh
programming chng trnh ho, k hoch ho, quy hoch
automatic p. chng trnh ho t ng
computer p. lp chng trnh cho my tnh
dynamic(al) p. quy hoch ng
linear p. quy hoch tuyn tnh
pattern recognition p. chng trnh ho vic nhn ra mu

progression cp s
arithmetic p. cp s cng
finite p. cp s hu hn
geometric(al) p. cp s nhn
harmonic p. cp s iu ho
project chiu
projectile n
projection php chiu; hnh chiu
canonical p. php chiu chnh tc
central p. php chiu xuyn tm
conformal p. php chiu bo gin
conical p. php chiu xuyn tm, chiu nn
equidistant p. php chiu ng c
fibre p. php chiu th
floor p. php chiu ngang
isometric p. php chiu ng mtric
natural p. php chiu t nhin
orthogonal p. php chiu trc giao
parallel p. php chiu song song
polyconic p. php chiu a cnic
stereographic p. php chiu a cnic
projective x nh
k-fold p. x nh bi k
projectively mt cch x nh
projectivity php x nh
direct p. php x nh thun
elliptic p. php x nh eliptic
parabolic p. php x nh parabolic
projector dng c chiu, my chiu
prolong ko di, m rng thc trin
prolongable c th ko di c, thc trin c
prolongation s ko di, s m rng, thc trin
proof (php) chng minh
p. by induction chng minh bng quy np
formal p. chng minh hnh thc
indirect p. log. php chng gin tip
irreducible p. log. php chng minh khng kh quy
pure variable p. log. chng minh bng cc bin thun tu
proper chn chnh, ring

properly mt cch ng n, thc s
property tnh cht; thuc tnh; kt. ti sn; quyn s hu
absolute p. of a surface tnh cht ni ti ca mt mt
combinatorial p. top. tnh cht t hp
continuity p. tnh cht lin tc
frontier p. tnh cht bin
group p. tnh cht nhm
homotopy lifting p. tnh cht nng ng lun
inducible p. tnh cht quy np c
interpolation p. tnh cht ni suy
local p. tnh cht a phng
metric p. tnh cht mtric
personal p. kt. ng sn
projective p. tnh cht x nh
real p. bt ng sn
tangential p. gt. tnh cht trn
topological p. tnh cht tp
proportion t l thc, t l; lut tam sut in p. to tu l vi, ng vi
continued p. dy cc t l thc
direct p. t l thun
inverse p. t l nghich
simple p. t l n
proportional (thuc) t l // thnh phn t l
propose ngh
proposition log. mnh
affirmative p. mnh khng nh
atomic p. mnh nguyn t
compound p. mnh phc hp
contradictory p.s nhng mnh mu thun
contrary p.s nhng mnh tng phn
converse p. mnh o, o
disjunctive p. mnh tuyn
equivalent p.s cc mnh tng ng
hypothetical p. mnh gi nh
inverse p. mnh phn, phn
molecular p. mnh phana t
negative p. mnh ph nh
particular p. mnh c trng
principal p. mnh chnh

singular p. mnh n
universal p. mnh ton xng
propositional log. (thuc) mnh
propulsion chuyn ng v phi trc, s y
propulsive y
prospect quang cnh, vin cnh; trin vng
protector mt. thit b bo v
proton prton
prototype mu t, mu u
protract ko di
protractor thc o gc
provable log. chng minh c
prove log. chng minh; th li
proximate gn cnh
proximity s gn, s ln cn
pseudoanalytic gi gii tch
pseudo-catenary ng gi dy xch
pseudo-cirele gi vng
pseudo-complement gi b
pseudocomplex gi phc
pseudoconformal gi bo gic
pseudo-convergent gi hi t
pseudo-cycloid gi xicloit
pseudocycloidal (thuc) gi xicloit
pseudomanifold top. gi a tp
pseudo-metric gi mtric
pseudo-metrisable gi mtric ho c
pseudodonorm gt. gi chun
pseudo-normal gi php tuyn
pseudo-order mt. gi lnh
pseudoperiodic gt. gi tun hon
pseudoprime gi nguyn t
pseudorandom gi ngu nhin
pseudoscalar lng gi v hng
pseudo-sentence log. gi cu
pseudo-sphere gi mt cu
pseudospherical gi xon c
pseudotangent gi tip xc, gi tip tuyn
pseudottensor gi tenx

pseudo-tractrix gi tractric
pseudovaluation s. gi gi, gi mtric
pseudovector hh. gi vect
psi psi ()
psi-function gt. hm psi
psychological (thuc) tm l hc
psychology tm l hc
psychometrics tm l lng hc
pulsatance vl. tn s gc
pulsate vl. mch ng
pulsation vl. s mch ng
pulse xung; xung lng
pulser mt. my pht xung
pump ci bm
vacuum p. bm chn khng
punch c l
punch-card mt. my c l
punched mt. b c l
puncher mt. my c l
aiphabetical p. my c l ch ci
calculating p. my c l ch ci
card p. my c l ba
electronic calculating p. my c l in t
gang p. mt. my c l li
summary p. mt. my c l ba tng kt
punctual kp thi; chnh xc
punctured b m thng
punrchase kt. mua
purchaser ngi mua
pure thun tu
purpose mc ch
purposeful c mc ch
pursue theo ui
pursuit s theo ui, s theo di
push y, n (vo nt bm)
put t
puzzle cu
puramid hnh chp
oblique p. hnh chp xin

regular p. hnh chp u
right p. hnh chp thng
triangular p. hnh chp tam gic
truncated p. hnh chp ct
pyramidal (thuc) hnh chp
Pythagorean (thuc) Pitago

q.e.d (quod erat demonstradum) l iu phi chng minh
quad (quadrangle) vung s cp; t gic
quadrangle t gic
complete q. t gic y
quadrangular (thuc) t gic
quadrant gc phn t
quadrantal (thuc) gc phn t
quadrat tk. chn mu theo vung
quadrate hnh vung; lu tha hai, bnh phng
quadratic bc hai; ton phng // phng trnh bc hai
quadrature php cu phng
q. of a circle php cu phng mt hnh trn
quadric quaric, bc hai, cp hai, ton phng; dng ton phng
q. of revolution quaric trn xoay
bitangent p.s quaric song tip
concentric q.s quaric ng tiu
degenerate q. quaric suy bin
non-central q. quaric khng tm
non-singular q. quaric khng k d
osculating q. quaric mt tip
ruled q. quaric k
self-conjugate q. quaric t lin hp
similar q.s cc quaric ng dng
singular q. quaric k d
strain q. quaric bin dng
quadrilateral c bn cnh // hnh t gic
birectangular q. t gic hai gc vung
complete q. t gic hon ton
skew q. t gic gnh
quadripole vl. mng t cc
quadruple gp bn, b bn; chp bn
quadrupole t cc
qualify xc nh, nh tnh
qualitative nh tnh
quality cht lng
lot q. cht lng ca l
quantic s. dng

binary q. dng song bin
eubic q. dng bc ba
quartic q. dng bc bn
quaternary q. dng bn bin s
ternary q. dng ba bin s
quantification log. lng ho
quantifier log. php lng ho
bounded q. php lng ho b chn
existential q. php lng ho tn ti
generality q. php lng ho ph dng
universal q. php lng ho ph dng
quantify lng t ho
quantile im vi phn
quantitative s lng; nh lng
quantify s lng, lng
q. of information xib. lng ho thng tin
q. of selection lng chn
auxiliary q. lng h tr
definite q. lng xc nh
digital q. lng bng s
directly proportional q. ies cc lng t l thun
scalar q. vl. lng v hng
vector q. lng vect
quantization vl. s lng t ho
quantize lng t ho
quantizer my lng t ho
quantum lng t
light q. lng t nh sng
quater mt phn t // chia t
quanternary t phn
quanternion quantenion
real q. quatenion thc
quartic quactic, ng bc 4, bc bn
bicircular q. quactic song vin
binodal q. quactic nt kp
nodal q. quactic nt
space q. quactic ghnh
tricuspidal q. quactic ba im li
trinodal q. quactic ba nt

tubular q. quactic ng
unicursal q. quactic n hoch
quartile tk. im t vi phn
lover q. tk. im t phn v di
quasi ta nh, hu nh
quasi-analytic gt. ta gii tch
quasi-asymptote ta tim cn
quasi-comformality gt. tnh ta bo gic
quasi-elliptic ta eliptic
quasi-divisor ta c
quasi-field ta trng
quasi-group s. ta nhm
quasi-inverse ta nghch o
quasi-open ta m
quasi-ordering ta th t
quasi-plane ta mt phng
quasi-periodic(al) ta tun hon
quasi-ring s. ta vnh, vnh khng kt hp
quasi-sufficiency tnh ta
quasi-syntax log. ta c php
question cu hi, vn
open ended q. tk. vn c v s gii p
questionnaire thut hi, bng hi
queue xp hng // s xp hng
quiescent tnh, nghi
quinary c s nm; ng phn
quintic bc nm, hng nm
quintile ng phn v
quintillion 1030 (Anh), 1018 (M)
quintiple b nm
quota phn, l
quotation cu trch dn
quote trch dn; nh gi
quotient thng, t s
complete q. thng y
difference q. t sai phn
partial q. thng ring
partial difference q. t sai phn ring
reciprocal q. thng o

quotum phn, l

radar ra a
radial (thuc) tia, theo tia; theo bn knh
radian raian
radiate vl. bc x, pht x
radiation vl. s bc x, s pht x
cosmic(al) r. tia v tr
infra-red r. bc x hng ngoi
residualr r. vl. bc x cn d
resonance r. bc x cng hng
solar r. bc x mt tri
thermal r. bc x nhit
ultra-violet r.bc x siu tm
radical cn, du cn; hh. ng phng
r. of an algebra s. raican ca mt i s
am ideal s. raican ca mt ian
lower r.s. raian di
upper r. s. raian trn
radicand biu thc di cn, s di cn
radio vl. rai, v tuyn
radio-activity vl. tnh phng x
radius bn knh, tia
r. of a cirele bn knh ca mt vng trn
r. of convergence gt. bn knh hi t
r. of curvature hh. bn knh cong
r. of gyration bn knh hi chuyn; bn knh qun tnh
r. of meromorphy gt. bn knh phn hnh
r. of torsion bn knh son
equatorial r. bn knh xch o
focal r. bn knh tiu
geodesic r. bn knh trc i
hydraulic r. c. bn knh thu lc
polar r. bn knh cc
principal r. of curvature bn knh cong chnh
radix c s (ca h thng m); tk; c mu c bn (trong iu tra)
varible r. c s bin i ca h thng m
raise tng, nng ln (lu tha)
raising s tng ln, s nng ln

r. of an index nng mt ch s
ramification s r nhnh
ramified b r nhnh
completely r. gt. hon ton r nhnh
ramify r nhnh
random ngu nhin at r. mt cch ngu nhin
randomization s ngu nhin ho
randomize ngu nhin ho
range tk. khong bin thin giao , hng, phm vi; min (gi tr), di // sp
r. of definition log. min xc nh
r. of a function min gi tr ca mt hm
r. of points hng im
r. of projectile tm bn ca n
r. of a transformation min gi tr ca mt php bin i
r. of a variable min bin thin ca mt bin s
acceptable quality r. min cht lng chp nhn c
fixed r. mt. min c nh
frequency r. di tn s
interquartile r. tk. khong t phn vi
projective r.s of points hng im x nh
semi-interquartile r. na khong t phn v
scale r. di thang
rank hng
r. of a maxtrix hng ca ma trn
infinite r. hng v hn
ranked c xp hng
rapid nhanh, mau
rapidity tc
r. of convergence gt. tc hi t
rare him
rate sut, tc (tng i), t s; h s; phn; bng gi
r. of chane xut thay i tc bin thin
r. of decay xut thoi, tc tt dn
r. of exchage sut hi oi
r. of growth tk. tc pht trin, tc tng trng
r. of increase tc tng
r. of interest sut li nhun
r. of profit sut li tc

r. of strain c. sut xon
death r. tk. h s cht, h s t vong
discount r. h s chit khu; h s h gi
entropy r. h entrpi
information display r. mt. tc hin tin
investment r. kt. t sut u t
memory r. mt. tc nh
refusal r. tk. t sut khng tr li
specific birth r. tk. t s sinh ring
ratemeter mt. my o tc
rating s nh gi c trng; tr s danh ngha
ratio t sut
r. of division t s chia
r. of similitude t s ng dng
affine r. hh. t s n
amplitude r. t s bin
anharmonic r. t s khng iu ho
barter-price r. t s gi trao i
common r. t s chung
correlation r. t s tng quan
cross r. t s kp, t s phc hp
deformation r. gt. t s dn n
direct r. t s thun
direction r. t s ch phng
double r. t s kp
equianharmonic r. t s ng phi iu
excess pressure r. t s d p
extreme and mear r.s trung v ngoi t
gear r. t s truyn
harmonic r. t s iu ho
incremental r. gia sut
intensity r. t s cng
inverse r. t l nghch
likelihood r. t s hp l
magnification r. gt. t s gin (trong php nh x bo gic)
mesh r. t s bc li
period r. t s chu k
ray r. t s v t
reciprocal r. t l nghch

sampling r. t l ly mu
variance r. t s phng sai
ratio-test php kim nh theo t s
ration khu phn
rational hu t, hp l
rationalty tnh hu t
rationalization hu t ho, hp l ho
r. of integrand hu t ho hm ly tch phn
rationalize hu t ho
ray tia; na ng thng
anode r. vl. tia dng cc
cathode r. vl. tia m cc
central r. tia trung tm
cosmic r. tia v tr
flex r. tia un
reach t c
raectance vl. tr khng, in khng
reactor vl. l phn ng
read c
reader thit b c
paper tape r. thit b c t bng giy
punched-card r. thit b c ba c l
reading s c
read-out mt. s c, s chn (tin)
real thc; kt. bt ng
reality tnh thc, thc t
realizability tnh thc hin c
recursive r. tnh thc hin c quy
realization s thc hin; php th hin
r. of a group s. php th hin mt nhm
realize thc hin
rearrange sp xp li
rearrangment s sp xp li; s hon v
reason l do by r. of do ch, bi v
reasonnable hp l, c l
reasonning s bin lun, bin l
rebate kt. h gi
recall nh li, gi nh
receipt s nhn; kt. giy bin lai

receive nhn
receiver xib. my thu
ideal r. xib. my thu l tng
selective r. my thu la chn
recent va qua, gn y
reception vl. s thu nhn (tn hiu)
reciprocal o nghch
r. of a matrix ma trn nghch o
polar r. i cc
reciprocity tnh tng h, tnh thun nghch
recirculation mt. s ghi li (tin)
reckon tnh ton
recognition mt. s on nhn
character r. s on nhn ch
pattern r. s nhn dng
recognize on nhn phana bit
record s ghi
continous r. mt. s ghi lin tc
recorder mt. my ghi
data r. my ghi cc d kin
digital r. my ghi s, thit b in s
magnetic tape i. my ghi trn bng t
recording s ghi, s t ghi
graphic(al) r. mt. s ghi bng th
longitidinal r. mt. ghi theo chiu dc
noncontact r. mt. ghi khng c cng tc
perpendicular r. ghi ngang (theo chiu thng gc)
photograpphic r. ghi bng chp nh
tape r. ghi trn bng
wire r. mt. ghi trn dy (t)
recover phc hi
recovery xib. s phc hi
rectangle hnh ch nht
rectangular (thuc) hnh ch nht
rectifiable cu trng c
rectification php cu trng, php hiu chnh
rectifier mt. my chnh lu
crystal r. my chnh lu tinh th
dry r. my chnh lu kh

rectifi cu trng, chnh lu, d
rectilineal thng; phng
rectilinear thng, phng
recur quay li, lp li
recurrence php truy ton
recurrent truy ton, tr li, lp
recursion php quy
double r. php quy kp
primitive r. log. php quy nguyn thu
recursive quy
recursively mt cch quy
recursiveness log. tnh quy
potential r. tnh quy th (nng)
relative r. tnh quy tng i
uniform primitive r. tnh quy nguyn thu u
recycle mt. chu trnh lp
redeem kt. chuc; bi thng; tr (n)
redemption s chuc; s bi thng; s tr (n)
reduce quy v, rt gn
r. a common fraction to a. decimal i mt s phn s thng thng
thnh s thp phn; r. a fraction by a factor rt gn mt phn s bng
cch kh mt tha s; r. a fraction to its lowest terms a mt phn
s v dng ti gin; r. fractions to a common denominator quy ng
mu s chung cc phn s
reducer vl. ci bin i
data r. ci bin i cc d kin
reduibility tnh kh quy
reducible kh quy, rt gn c
completely r. hon ton kh quy
left sided completely r. hon ton kh quy bn tri
reduction [php, s] quy, s rt gn
r. of a fraction s rt gn mt phn s
r. of a fraction to a common denominator s quy ng mu s
r. of a fraction to its lowest terms ti gin mt phn s
r. of a singularity gt. s quy im k d
r. of a transformation s rt gn mt php bin i
r. of the roots of an equation s rt gn nghim ca mt phng trnh
r. mod p quy v theo mun p
classical canonical r. s quy chnh tc c in

rational canonical r. s quy chnh tc hu t
successive r. s rt gn lin tip
redundance s di
redundancy di
redundant di, tha, d
refer ch; hng theo; c lin h vi
referee trch. trng ti
refine lm mn
refinement s. s lm mn, ci mn
mesh r. s lm mn li
reflect nh x, phn x, suy ngh
reflectance [nng sut; h s] phn x
reflected phn x
reflection s phn x, s i xng; nh, php nhn chiu r. in a line hh.
php i xng qua ng thng; r. in a point php i xng qua mt
im; r. on a circle phn x trn mt vng trn; r. on a line phn x
trn mt ng thng
oblique r. phn x xin
shock r. phn x kch ng
tatal r. vl. phn x ton phn
weak oblique r. phn x xin yu
reflector vl. gng phn x
reflex phn x; to nh
reflexion s phn x, s i xng
reflexive phn x
reflexivity tnh phn x
refract vl. khc x
refraction vl. s khc x
refractive vl. khc x
refractivity vl. hin tng khc x
refractor vl. knh vin vng khc x
refund kt. tr (tin) bi thng
refutable log. bc b c
refutation log. s bc b
refute log. bc b
regeneration vl. s ti sinh; s bin i; mt. ghi li
region vng, min
r. of acceptance tk. min nhn
r. of convergence min hi t

r. of rationality min hu t
acceptance r. min nhn
admissible r. min chp nhn c
closed r. min ng
coefficiant r. gt. min cc h s
columnar r. vng ct
critical tk. min gii hn
doubtful r. tk. min nghi ng
doubly connected r. min nh lin
forbidden r. vng cm
majorizing r. gt. min tri
multiply connected r. min a lin
neighbouring r. min ln cn
open r. min m
polyhedral r. min a din
rejection r. min bc b (gi thit)
similar r. tk. min ng dng
simple r. min n dip
sinply connected r. gt. min n lin
slit r. min ct
spherical r. min cu
stability r. xib. min n nh
star r. min hnh sao
strip r. gt. min di
unbiased critical r. min ti hn khng chch
zero-free r. gt. min khng cha khng im (ca hm s)
register mt. ci ghi, thanh ghi
accumulator r. my m tch lu
addend r. thanh ghi s hng th nht
adding-storage r. thanh ghi tng
cash r. kt. kt
code r. ci ghi m
impulse r. ci m xung
multiplicand r. mt. ci ghi s b nhn
partial product r. ci ghi tch ring
product r. ci ghi cc tch
shift r. ci ghi trt
regressand tk. bin hi quy ph thuc
regression tk. hi quy

biserial r. hi quy hai chui
curvilinear r. hi quy phi tuyn
internal r. hi quy trong
lag r. hi quy c agumen tr
linear r. hi quy tuyn tnh
multiple r. hi quy bi
polynomial r. hi quy a thc
regressive hi quy, quy
regressor tk. bin hi quy c lp
regroup nhm li
regular u; chnh quy, thng
regularity tnh [u; chnh quy]
regularization s chnh quy ho
regularize chnh quy ho
regulate iu chnh
regulation s iu chnh
inherent r. t iu chnh
regulator xib. ci iu chnh
perfect r. ci iu chnh hon ho
pilot actuated r. ci iu chnh tc ng gin tip
regulus hh. na quaric
reinforce tng cng; gia c
reinforcement s tng cng
reject gt b, bc b
relate lin quan
relation quan h, h thc
r. of equivalence quan h tng ng
ancestral r. quan h truyn li
anticommutation r.s. quan h phn giao hon
antisymmetric r. quan h phn i xng
associativity r. quan h kt hp
binary r. quan h hai ngi
commutation r.s nhng h thc giao hon
compositive r. quan h hp thnh
congruence r. s. h thc ng d
defining r. quan h nh ngha
dyadic r. quan h hai ngi
equivalence r. log. quan h tng ng
functional r. quan h hm

homogeneous r. h thc thun nht
identical r. quan h ng nht
intransitive r. quan h khng bc cu
invariant r. quan h bt bin
irreflexive r. quan h khng phn x
order r. quan h th t
permanence r. log. quan h thng trc
polyadic r. log. quan h nhiu ni
Pythagorean r. h thc Pitago
reciprocal r. quan h thun nghch
reflexive r. quan h phn x
reversible r. quan h kh nghch
stress-strain r. h thc ng xut - bin dng
symmetric r. log. quan h i xng
transitive r. quan h bc cu
uncertainty r. h thc bt nh
relational c quan h
relationship h thc, lin h, s quan h
relative tng i
relatively mt cch tng i
relativistic vl. tng i
relativity tnh tng i
relax hm yu, hm b
relaxtion s gim d; vl. s hi phc; c. s do, s lu bin
relay mt. rle // [truyn, t] rle
control r. rle iu khin
counting r. rle m
hold r. rle c nh
polarized r. rle phn cc
solanoid r. rle khi ng
stepping r. rle bc nhy
storage r. rle nh
three-position r. rle ba v tr
time r. rle thi gian
time-delay r. rle thi tr
reliability tin cy
reliable tin cy c
reluctance vl. t tr
remain cn li

remainder s d, phn d, hiu (khi tr)
r. of an infinite series phn d ca chui v hn
r. of series phn d ca chui
remark ch , ch thch
reamrkable ng ch
remember nh
remit chuyn
remittance tk. tin chuyn i, chuyn khon
removable b c
removal s b i, s kh, s loi
remove b i, kh
renewal s hi phc
rent tk. t
land r. kt. a t
repair phc ch, sa cha
reparation kt. s bi thng; s sa cha; s tu sa
repay tr (n); chuc
repeat lp
repeater mt. b lp
repetend chu k (ca phn s thp phn)
repetition s lp
repetitive lp
replace thay th
replaceability log. tnh thay th c
replaceable thay th c
replacement s thay th
replicate lp li
replication tk. s lp li th nghim
reply tr li // cu tr li
representation (php) biu din r. by matrices hh. php biu din bng
ma trn
r. of a group php biu din mt nhm
r. of a surface php biu din mt mt
adjoint r. s. biu din lin hp
binary r. mt. php biu din nh thc
block r. mt. biu din khi
diagrammatic r. mt. biu din s
equivalent r. biu din tng ng
faithful r. s. biu din khp

geometric r. biu din hnh hc
graphic(al) r. biu din th
indecomposable r. s. biu din khng phn tch c
induced r. biu din cm sinh
integral r. gt. biu din phn tch
irreducible r. s. biu din khng kh quy
irredundant primary r. s. biu din bng cc idan cc i nguyn s
monomial r. biu din n thc
octal r. mt. php biu din bt phn
parallel r. mt. biu din song song
parametric r. biu din tham s
rational r. biu din hu t
regular r. biu din chnh quy
serial r. biu din chui
skew r. s. biu din lch
spin r. biu din spin
ternary r. php biu din tam phn
true r. biu din chn thc, biu din mt mt
representative biu din i din
represented c biu din
reprint in li
reproduce ti sn xut, ti lp
reproducibility tnh ti sn xut c, tnh sn li c
reproducible ti sn xut c, sn li c
reproduction ti sn xut; [bn, s] sao chp li
data r. mt. sn li cc d kin
reprogramming r. mt. lap li chng trnh
repulse y
repulsion vl. s y, sc y, lc y
repulsive vl. y
repurchase kt. mua li
repuire i hi; ch i, cn
required i hi, cn tm
requirement yu cu; iu kin, nhu cu
requisite cn thit, yu cu
rerecording mt. s ghi li
researrch s nghin cu
operation r. vn tr hc
resemblance s ging nhau

resemble ging nhau
reservation s d tr; s bo lu
reserve d tr // kho d tr
reservoir b cha
reset lp li
residual d, thng d, tha d
residuate nh phn d, thng d
residuation s xc nh phn d, thng d
residue thng d, phn d, phn cn li, phn tha d r. at a pole thng
d ti mt cc im
least r. thng d b nht
logarithmic r. gt. thng d lga
norm r. thng d chun
power r. thng d lu tha
quadratic r. thng d bc hai
resilience(cy) vl. nng lng n hi tch t ti a trong mt n v
resist i khng, khng li
resistance khng; sc cn, cn
acoustance r. m tr
flow r. sc cn ca dng
frictional r. lc ma st
impact r. bn va chm, dai
mechanical r. sc cn c hc
wave r. sc cn ca sng
resistivity vl. in tr sut
resistor mt. (ci) in tr
resolubility tnh gii c
resoluble gii c
resolution [s, php] gii
frequency r. php gii tn s
resolvability tnh gii c
resovable gii c
resolve gii
resolvent gii thc, hch gii
r. of a matrix s. gii thc ca ma trn
resolver mt. thit b gii
resonance vl. s cng hng
amplitude r. cng hng bin
sharp r. cng hng nhn

velocity r. cng hng vn tc
resonant vl. cng hng
resonator vl. ci cng hng
resource phng k; ngun, ti nguyn
respond tr li, p ng
quantal r. tk. kt cc hu hn
quantitative r. tk. kt qu nh lng, kt cc s lng
static r. p ng tnh
rest tnh, ngh; kt. phn cn li
absolute r. s ngh tuyt i
restitution kt. s bi thng
restoration s phc hi
restore phc hi, xy dng li
restrain gii hn, hn ch
restraint s gii hn, s hn ch
restrict hn ch, thu hp
restricted b hn ch, b thu hp
restriction s hn ch, s thu hp, s gii hn
r. of a function s thu hp ca mt hm
quantum r. s gii hn lng t
result kt qu, thnh tu
resultant s. kt thc; gt. tch chp, vl. hp lc
retard chm
retardaton s chm
retarded b chm
retantion s gi li
retentive gi li
retract top. co rt, co
deformation r. co rt bin dng
neighbourhood r. co rt ln cn
strong r. co mnh
weak r. co yu
retraction s co rt
retrimming xib. iu chnh li, lm li
retroaction tc ng ngc li
retrograde i ngc
retrogression tv. chuyn ng ngc
retrosection ct
retrospection s nh li, s xem li, hi c

retrospective nh li, xem li, hi c
return quay li; kt. lm lu thng vn
expected r. kt. thu nhp trung bnh
revenue kt. thu nhp hng nm (ca nh nc); iu khon thu nhp; s
thu thu
reverberation vl. s vang, s di li
reversal quay ngc hng, s nghch o
reverse ngc, nghch o
reversible kh nghch, thun nghch
reverson [s, php] nghch o
r. of a number s nghch o
r. of a series gt. s tm nhui nghch o ca mt chui
revise lm li, sa li, xem li
revolution [s, php] xoay, quay; s tin ho; tv. s chuyn ng vng quanh
bipartite r. php quay song din
revolve quay, trn xoay; tv. chuyn ng vng quanh
rewrite vit li, chp li
rheostat vl. ci bin tr
rho r ()
rhomb hnh thoi, hnh qu trm
rhombohedron mt t hnh
rhomboid hnh t hnh (m khng phi l hnh ch nht hoc hnh thoi)
rhombus hnh thoi, hnh qu trm
rhumb rum, 11,250 (1/32 ng trn )
rib c. cnh, sn cng
ribbon gii hp
rider bi ton b tr, nh l b tr
ridge ngn sng
right ng, phi, thng // bn phi
right-hand bn phi, bn tay phi
rigid cng, rn
rigidity tnh cng
flexal r. cng khi un
torsional r. cng khi xon
rigorous nghim tc, cht ch
rim ngoi vi, mp, bin, cnh, gii hn
ring s. vnh; hh. vnh khn
r. of convergence hh. vnh khn hi t
r. of endomorphisms vnh cc t ng cu

r. of formal power series vnh cc chui lu tha hnh thc
r. of integers vnh s nguyn
almost r. hu vnh
alternative r. vnh thay phin
anchor r. bnh xuyn
binary r. vnh m nh phn
biregular r. vnh song chnh quy
circular r. vng trn
cohomology r. top. vnh i ng u
commutative r. vnh giao hon
complete r. s. vnh y
completely primary r. vnh hon ton nguyn s
concordant r.s s. vnh ph hp
conical r. vnh hnh nn
dense r. s. vnh tr mt
derived normal r. s. vnh c php chia
elliptical r. vnh eliptic
endomorphism r. vnh t ng cu
factor r. vnh thng
fathul r. s. vnh khp
filtered r. s. vnh c lc
full matrix r. vnh ton th cc ma trn, vnh ma trn y
group r. vnh nhm
hereditary r. vnh di truyn
integrally closed r. s. vnh ng nguyn
integral group r. s. vnh nhm nguyn
intersection r. top. vnh tng giao
left hereditarry r. s. vnh di truyn bn tri
local r. s. vnh a phng
locally matrix r. s. vnh ma trn a phng
nilpotent r. vnh lu linh
non-association r. vnh khng kt hp
non-commutative r. vnh khng giao hon
null r. s. vnh khng
ordered r. vnh c sp
opposite r. s. vnh i
primary r. vnh nguyn s
principal r. vnh chnh
principal ideal r. vnh ian chnh

qoutient r. vnh thng
regular r. vnh chnh quy
residue-class r. vnh cc lp thng d
restricted r. s. vnh hn ch
semi r. na vnh
semi-prime r. vnh na nguyn thu
semi-simple r. vnh na n gin
standard r. vnh tiu chun
torsion r. s. vnh c xon
total matrix r. vnh ton th cc ma trn, vnh ma trn y
valuation r. s. vnh nh gi
vortex r. vnh rta
word r. vnh cc t, vnh t do
ring-like c hnh vnh, ging vnh
ringoid s. phng vnh
ring-shaped c hnh vnh
ring-type mt. loi vnh
risk tk. mo him, mo him
robot ngi my, my t ng
robotize xib. t ng ho
Roman la m
root cn, nghim
r. of an equation nghim ca mt phng trnh
r. of a number cn ca mt s
r.s of unity cc cn ca n v
characteristic r. nghim c trng, s c trng
congruence r. s. nghim ng d
cube r. cn bc ba
double r. nghim kp
extraneous r. nghim ngoi lai
latent r. of a matrix s c trng ca ma trn
multiple r. nghim bi
principal r. nghim chnh
primitive r. cn nguyn thu
simple r. nghim n
square r. cn bc hai
surd r. nghim v t
triple r. nghim bi ba
root-mean-square bnh phng trung bnh, qun phng

rooted top. c gc
multiply r. nhiu gc
rooting mt. khai cn
square r. khai cn bc hai
rose hnh hoa hng
four-leafed r. hnh hoa hng bn cnh ( th ca r=asin2 )
rotary quay
rotate quay
rotation php quay, s quay r. about a line php quay quanh mt ng;
r. about a point php quay quanh mt im
bipartite r. php quay song din
improper r. hh. php quay phi chnh
proper r. php quay chn chnh
rotational quay, xoy, rta
rotor rto
roulette trch. rulet
ruond trn
round - off mt. s ly trn, s lm trn (mt s)
route hnh trnh, con ng
routine mt. chng trnh
checking r. chng trnh kim nh, chng trnh kim tra
initial input r. chng trnh a vo lc u
main r. chng trnh chnh
master r. chng trnh chnh
print r. chng trnh in
row hng
r. of a matrix hng ca mt ma trn
ruin s suy tn, s ph sn
gamble's r. s ph sn ca tr chi
rule quy tc, quy lut; thc (t l)
r. of arithmetics quy tc s hc
r. of combination quy tc t hp
r. of inference quy tc suy l
r. of sign quy tc du
r. of three quy tc tam sut
r. of thumb quy tc ngn tay ci
chain r. quy tc dy chuyn
circular slide r. mt. thc tnh lga hnh trn
code r. mt. quy tc m ho

deducible r. log. quy tc suy din c
derived r. quy tc dn sut
four-step r. gt. quy tc bn bc
game r. quy tc tr chi
left-hand r. vl. quy tc bn tay phi
multipler r. quy tc nhn
power r.s quy tc lu tha
rectangle r. quy tc hnh ch nht
right-hand r. vl. quy tc bn tay phi
right-hand screw r. vl. quy tc vn nt chai
slide r. thc tnh, thc lga
substitution r. log. quy tc th
trapezoidal r. gt. cng thc hnh thang
ruled k
ruler thc
ruling ng sinh
r. of a cone ng sinh ca mt nn
r. of a ruled surface ng sinh ca mt mt k
run chy
rupture [s, im] gin on, [s; im] gy, dt

saddle-shaped hh. hnh yn nga
safe an ton; tin cy
safety tnh an ton, tin cy
sag k. vng
salary kt. tin lng
sale kt. s bn (hng ho)
salience s nh ln, s li
salient nh ln, li ra
saltus bc nhy; dao ng; im gin on hu hn
s. of discontinuity bc nhy gin on
s. of a function bc nhy ca hm
external s. im gin on ngoi
saltus-function hm bc nhy
sample tk. mu
artificial s. mu nhn to, mu gi
balanced s. mu cn bng
concordant s. mu ph hp
duplicate s. bn sao mu
exceptional s. mu ngoi l
interpenetrating s.s tk. cc mu thm nhp vo nhau
judgement s. mu hon ton ngu nhim
list s. mu ly trogn danh sch
master a. mu c
matched s.s mu sng i
quota s. mu theo nhm
representative s. mu i din
stratified s. mu phn lp
systematic s. mu h thng
tow-stade s. mu hai tng
sampler xib. ngi ly mu
sampling tk. s ly mu, phng php ly mu
s. with replacement s ly mu c hon li
s. of attributes phng php ly mu nh tnh
acceptance s. kim tra thu nhn theo mu
biased s. s ly mu chch
bulk s. s ly mu chm
capture release s. mu th bt
crude s. s ly mu th s

direct s. s ly mu trc tip
double s. s ly mu kp
grrid s. s ly mu mng li
indirect s. s ly mu gin tip
intact group s. s ly mu theo c nhm
lattice s. s ly mu mng li
lottery s. s ly mu s s
model s. phng php ly mu [m hnh, th]
multipphase s. s ly mu nhiu pha
multi-stage s. s ly mu nhiu tng
optional s. s ly mu tu
proportional s. phng php ly mu t l
quasi-random s. s ly mu ta ngu nhin
single s. s ly mu n
time s. lng t ho theo thi gian
unbias(s)ed s. s ly mu khng chch
unitary s. s ly mu n
weighted s. tk. s ly mu c trng s
zonal s. tk. s ly mu [theo i, theo lp]
saros tv. sart (chu k nht, nguyt thc)
sate bo
satellite v tinh
artificial s. v tinh nhn to
satisfiability log. tnh thc hin c, tnh tho mn c
joint s. tnh tho mn ng thi
satisfiable tho mn c
satisfy tho mn s. an equation tho mn mt phng trnh, nghim
ng mt phng trnh
saturate bo ho
saturation s bo ho
save tit kim
scalar v hng // lng v hng
relative s. hh. lng v hng tng i
scale thang
binary s. thang nh phn
circular s. mt. thang t l trn, thang vng
decimal s. thang thp phn
diagonal s. thang t l ngang
distance s. thang tuyn tnh,thang t l thng

expanded s. thang phng i
frequency s. thang tn s
logarithmic s. thang lga
non-uniform s. thang khng u
plotting s. t l xch, thang t l
ratio s. tk. thang t l
recorder s. thang ghi
time s. mt. thang thi gian
uniform s. top. thang u
scalene khng u cnh
scaler mt. my m, my m gp
binary s. my m nh phn
decade s. my m thp phn
decatron s. my m ecatron
variable binary s. my m nh phn bin thin
sacan mt. nhn, tm
automatic s. tm t ng
scatter tn x, tn mn
scattergram biu tn x
schedule thi khoa biu, chng trnh
design s. mt. bn tnh
employment s. s lm vic
schematic phc ho, gin lc
scheme s
axiom s. s tin
computational s. s tnh
induction s. log. s quy np
labelling s. mt. s m ho
partial recursive s. log. s quy b phn
primitive recursive s. s quy nguyn thu
proof s. log. s chng minh
restricted induction s. log. s quy np thu hp
transfer s. s c v ghi
schlicht gt. n dip
schlichtartig gt. ta n dip
science khoa hc
sciantific v khoa hc
scleronomous c. dng, v thi (khng c yu t thi gian)

score du; trch. s m im; kt. nguyn nhn; hai chc on the s. of do
nguyn nhn
s. s of times nhiu ln
screw ng inh c
scribe m t; in thm; nh du
script ch vit, bn tho
scroll mt k lch; k. np cun, ng xon c
seam top. ch ni, ng ni
search tm ti, nghin cu
s. out tm thy
searching xib. s tm
random s. s tm ngu nhin
secant ct tuyn, sc
arc s. acsec
second th hai; giay (thi gian)
second-order cp hai
secondary th hai, th cp
section tit din, lt ct
s. of a function lt ct ca mt hm
s. of polyhedral angle tit din ca mt gc a din
conic s. tit din cnic
cross s. tit din ngang
golden s. tv. cch chia hong kim
longitudinal s. tit din dc
meridian s. tit din kinh tuyn
oblique s. tit din xin
parallel s. s. tit din song song
plane s. tit din phng
principal s. tit din chnh
right s. tit din phng
transverse s. tit din ngang
tubular s. tit din ng
sectional (thuc) tit din
sectionally tng mu, tng on
sector hnh qut
s. of a circle hnh qut trn
hyperbolic s. hnh qut hipebolic
spherical s. hnh qut cu
secure tin cy, an ton, bo m

security s tin cy, s an ton, s bo m
see thy
seek tm ti; c gng
seem hnh nh, dng nh
segment xecmng; on; phn (vin phn, cu phn)
s. of a circle cung trn
incommensurable line s.s cc on thng v c
line s. on thng
spherical s. cu phn, mt i cu
segmental-arc on cung
segregate tch ra; co lp
segregated c tch ra, b c lp
segregation s tch ra, s c lp
seismograph my ghi ng t, my a chn
seismology a chn hc
seldom him
select chn, la
seleceted c chn, c la
selection s chn, s la
artificial s. s chn nhn to
natural s. s chn t nhin
random s. s chn ngu nhin
selective chn, la
selectively c chn lc, c la
selector mt. my chn, my tm, my d
cross-bar s. mt. my tm to
selectron mt. selectron, ng nh tnh in
self-acting t ng
self-adjoint t ph
self-conjugate t lin hp
self-contained xib. t tr, c lp
self-correcting xib. t sa
self-dual t i ngu
self-excitation xib. s t kch thch
self-excite t kch thch
self-feeding t cp liu
self-induction t cm
self-intersecting t ct
self-invariant t bt bin

self-modulation t bin iu
self-orientating t nh hng
self-orthogonal t trc giao
self-oscillation t dao ng
self-polar t i cc
self-programming mt. t lp phng trnh
self-regulation xib. t iu chnh
self-reproduction xib. s t ti sinh
self-tangency s t tip xc
sell kt. bn, thng mi
selling kt. s bn (hng)
semantic ilog. (thuc) ng ngha
semantics log. ng ngha hc
semi-axis hh. na trc
semi-circle na ng trn, na mt trn
semi-conductor vl. cht bn dn
semi-continuous na lin tc
semi-convergent na hi t
semi-definite na xc nh
semi-group na nhm
difference s. s. na nhm sai phn
equiresidual s. na nhm ng thng d
idempotent s. na nhm lu ng
inverse s. s. na nhm con ngc
limitative s. s. na nhm gii hn
non-potent s. s. na nhm khng lu ng
pure s. s. na nhm thun tu
rectangular s. na nhm ch nht
self-invariant s. na nhm t bt bin
stational s. s. na nhm dng
strong s. na nhm mnh
strongly reversible s. na nhm nghch o mnh
semi-groupoid na phng nhm
semi-infinite na v hn
semi-invariant na bt bin; kt. bn bt bin
semi-lattice na n
semi-linear na tuyn tnh
semi-matrix na ma trn
semi-metric na mtric

semi-normal na chun tc
semi-orbit gt. na qu o
semiotics log. k hiu hc
semi-prime na nguyn t, na nguyn thu
semi-pure s. na thun tu
semi-reducible na kh quy
semi-simple na n gin
semi-sphere bn cu
semi-stability tnh na n nh
semi-stable na n nh
semi-symmetric na i xng
send pht i
sender my pht
sense phng, chiu, ngha
s. of describing the boundary chiu i trn bin
s. of an inequality chiu ca mt bt ng thc
s. of orientation chiu nh hng
s. of rotation gt. chiu quay
negative s. chiu m
opposite s. chiu ngc li
positive s. chiu dng
sensing s th cm; cm gic
photoelectric s. s th cm quang in
sentence log. cu, mnh
atomic s. cu nguyn t
closed s. cu ng
open s. cu m
primitive s. cu nguyn thu
sentential log. (thuc) cu mnh
separability tnh tch c
separable tch c
completely s. top. hon ton tch c
conformally s. hh. tch c bo gic
finely s. top. tch mn c
separably tch c
seperant s. ci phn tch
separated tch
mutually s. tch nhau
separation s tch, s phn hoch, s chia

s. of roots s tch nghim
s. of variables gt. s tch bin
amplitude s. xib. s tch (theo) bin
data s. xib. s tch, tin tc
frequency s. s tch (theo) tn s
harmonic s. s tch iu ho
timing s. s tch (theo) thi gian
waveform s. xib. s tch theo dng sng
separative tch
separatrix ci tch, du phy (tch s)
septenary tht phn
septillion 1042 (Anh); 1024 (M)
sequence dy
s. of functions dy hm
s. of homomorphisms dy ng cu
s. of numbers dy s
arithmetic s. cp s cng
Cauchy s. dy Caoxi
coexact s. dy i khp
cohomology s. top. dy i ng u
completely monotonic s. dy hon ton n iu
decimal s. dy thp phn
double s. dy kp
equiconvergent s.s cc dy hi t ng u
equivalnet s.s cc dy tng ng
exact s. dy khp
finite s. dy hu hn
homology s. dy ng iu
homotopy s. dy ng lun
increasing s. dy tng
infinite s. dy v hn
lower s. dy di
minimizing s. gt. dy cc tiu ho
moment s. dy mmen
monotone s. dy n iu
monotonically increasing s. dy tng n iu
quasi-convex s. dy ta li
random s. dyngu nhin
recurrent s. gt. dy truy ton

regular s. dy hi t dy Caoxi
short exact s. top. dy khp r
totally monotone s. gt. dy hon ton n iu
upper s. dy trn
sequent tip sau
sequential (thuc) dy; tk. lin tip
serial (theo) chui, lot
series chui, lot
s. of derived groups dy cc nhm dn sut
s. of increasing powers chui lu tha tng
s. of variable terms chui cc t bin thin
absolutely (conditionally) convergent s. chui hi t tuyt i (c
iu kin)
absolutely summable s. chui kh tng tuyt i
alternate s. chui an du
arithmetic s. of higher order chui s hc cp cao, cp s cng cp
ascending power s. chui lu tha tng
asymptotic s. gt. chui tim cn
autoregressive s. chui t hi quy
binomial s. chui nh thc
boundedly convergent s. chui hi t b chn
characteristic s. dy c trng
chief s. dy chnh
composition s. chui hp thnh
conjugate s. chui lin hp
convergent s. chui hi t
derived s. chui dn sut
diagonal s. dy cho
discount s. chui chit khu
divergent s. chui phn k
dominant s. chui tri
double power s. chui lu tha kp
enveloping s. chui bao
exponential s. gt. chui lu tha
factorial s. gt. chui giai tha
Farey s. of order n. chui Fary cp n
finite s. chui hu hn
formal power s. chui lu tha hnh thc

Fourier s. chui Furi
gap s. gt. chui hng
geomatric s. cp s nhn
harmonic s. chui iu ho
hypergeometric s. chui siu bi
index s. of a group dy ch s ca mt nhm
infinite s. chui v hn
interpolation s. gt. chui ni suy
invariant s. s. chui bt bin
iterated s. chui lp
lacunar(y) s. chui hng
Laurent s. chui Lrng
majorant s. chui tri
non-convergent s. chui khng hi t
normal s. dy chun tc
oscillating s. chui dao ng
permanently convergent s. chui hi t khp ni
positive s. chui dng
power s. chui lu tha
properly divergent s. chui thc s phn k
random s. chui ngu nhin
repeated s. chui lp
semiconvergent s. chui na hi t
sine s. chui sin
singular s. chui k d
steaduly convergent s. chui hi t vng

telescopic s. gt. chui c dng (k + n + 1)
n =0 ( k + n )
temporal s. chui thi gian
time s. tk. chui thi gian
trigonometric s. chui lng gic
serpentine ng knh rn
serve phc v, tho mn; x l, iu khin (my)
service s phc v, c quan, cng c
computing s. cng c tnh ton
running s. mt. cng vic thng ngy
servo secv; ph
servo-mechanism h secv
servo-system h secv, h tu ng

best s. h secv ti u
computer s. h secv my tnh
feed-back s. h secv phn lin
multiloop s. h secv a chu tuyn
on-off s. h secv rle
predictor s. h secv bo trc
pulse s. h secv xung
relay s. h secv rle
samping s. h secv tc dng t on
two-input s. h secv c li vo
two-stage s. h secv hai bc
set tp hp
s. of equations h phng trnh
s. of points tp hp im
s. of th fist (second) category tp hp thuc phm tr th nht, (th hai)
admisble s. tp hp chp nhn c
analytic s. tp hp gii tch
basic s. gt. tp hp c s
border s. tp hp bin
bounded s. tp hp b chn
closed s. tp hp ng
cluster s. tp hp gii hn
complementary s. tp hp b
connected s. tp hp lin thng
contiguous s.s cc tp hp cn tip
countable s. tp hp m c
creative s. tp hp sng to
cylindrical s. tp hp tr
dendritic s. tp hp hnh cy
dense s. tp hp tr mt
denumerable s. tp hp m c
derivative s. tp hp dn sut
derived s. top. tp hp c hng
discontinuous s. tp hp gin on
discrete s. tp hp ri rc
empty s. tp hp rng
enumerable s. cc tp hp tng ng
finite s. tp hp hu hn
frontier s. tp hp bin

general recursive s. tp hp tng quy
infinite s. tp hp v hn
invariant s. tp hp bt bin
isolated s. tp hp c lp
isomorphic s.s cc tp hp ng cu
limiting s. top. tp hp gii hn
measurable s. tp hp o c
minimal s. tp hp cc tiu
mutually exclusive s.s cc tp hp ri nhau
mutually separated s. cc tp hp ri nhau
nodal s. tp hp nt
non-dense s. tp hp khng tr mt
non-enumerable s. tp hp khng m c
non-overlapping s.s cc tp hp khng dm ln nhau, cc tp hp ri
null s. tp hp rng, tp hp c o khng
open s. tp hp m
ordering s. tp hp c th t
orthonorrmal s. tp hp trc chun
overlapping s.s cc tp hp gim ln nhau
paraconvex s. gt. tp hp para li
partially ordered s. tp hp c sp b phn
perfect s. tp hp hon ton
polyadic s. tp hp a aic
proper s. tp hp chn chnh
quotient s. tp thng
recursive s. tp hp quy
reducible s. tp hp kh quy
reference s. tk. tp hp cc kt c s cp
residual s. tp hp d
resolvent s. tp hp gii
scattered s. tp hp ri rc (ch gm c cc im c lp)
separated s. tp hp tch
simply ordered s. tp hp c sp n gin
ternary s. tp hp tam phn, tp hp Canto
set-theoretic thuyt tp
set-transitive s. bc cu h
seven by (7)
seventeen mi by (17)

seventeenth th mi by; mt phn mi by
seventh th by; mt phn by
seventy by mi (70)
several mt vi; nhiu
sex ging, gii
sextic bc su, cp su // phng trnh bc su, ng bc su
sextile tk. lc phn vi
sextillion 1036 (Anh); 1021 (M)
shaft c. trc
distribution s. trc phn phi
drriving s. trc chnh
shape dng
share kt. phn; c phn
ordinary s. c phn thng thng
preference s. c phn c quyn
shef top. b, chm
s. of planes s. chm mt phng
coherent s. b nh, b mch lc
whelk s. b nho
sher ct; trt, st mn
pure s. [ct; trt] thun tu
sheet tng; t
s. of hyperboloid tng ca mt hipeboloid
s. of a Riemann surface t ca mt mt Riman
prrincipal s. t chnh
vortex s. c. lp xoy
shell v, co bao
convex s. gt. ci bao li
sherical s. c. v cu
thin s. v mng
shield vl. mn chn, tm chn
shift mt. s ri ch, s chuyn mch
figure s. mt. chuyn mch in ch s
letter s. mt. chuyn mch in ch
phase s. s i pha
shifter mt. thit b chuyn [mch; dch]
shock s va chm, s kch ng
attached s. chm dnh
detached s. chm ri

moderate s. kch ng n ho
non-uniform s. kch ng khng u
spherical s. kch ng cu
stopping s. kch ng chn li
strong s. kch ng mnh
two-dimensional s. kch ng hai chiu
unstable s. kch ng khng n nh
short-time mt. thi gian ngn
short-wave vl. sng ngn
show chng t
shrink co rt
shrinkable top. co rt c
shuffle trch. trn bi, trang bi
shut ng
shut-down mt. dng my, ng my
shut-off mt. dng my, s ng my
sice trch. su im, mt lc (sc sc)
side cnh, pha on the left s. bn tri; s. opposite angle cnh i din gc
s. of a polygon cnh ca mt a gic
adjacnet s. cnh k
front s. chnh din
initial s. (of a angle) cnh u (ca mt gc)
terminal s. (of an angle) cnh cui (ca mt gc)
sidereal tv. v tr; (thuc) sao, tinh t
sieve sng
s. of Eratoshenes sng Eratoxten
sight s nhn, im nhn
sigma xicma ()
sigma-additive - cng tnh
sigma-field - trng
sigma-function - hm
sigmoid ng xicmoit
sign du, du hiu
s.s of aggregation cc du kt hp
s. of equality du ng thc
s.s of the zodiac tv. du hiu hong i
algebraic s. du i s
cardinal s.s cc du hiu chnh ca hong i
negative s. du m

positive s. du dng
product s. du nhn
radical s. du cn
summation s. du tng
signal tn hiu
carry initiating s. tn hiu chuyn ban u
coded s. tn hiu m ho
correcting s. tn hiu sa cha
cut-off s. tn hiu tt
delayed s. tn hiu tr
emergency s. tn hiu hng
error s. tn hiu sai
feedback s. tn hiu lin h ngc
gating s. tn hiu o mch
incoming s. xib. tn hiu vo
inhibit s. xib. tn hiu cm
interleaved s. tn hiu an nhau
modulating s. xib. tn hiu bin iu
monitor s. xib. tn hiu kim tra
pilot s. xib. tn hiu [iu khin, kim tra]
quantized s. tn hiu lng t ho
signalize nh tn hiu
signalling s tn hiu ho, s bo hiu
remote s. s bo hiu t xa
signature s. k s
s. of a quadratic form k s ca mt dng ton phng
signed c du
significance s c ngha, ngha
significant c ngha, c ngha, ng k
signification ngha
signify c ngha l
signless khng c du
signum xicnum, du
similar ng dng
essentially s. tk. ng dng ct yu
similarity s ng dng
similarly ng dng
similitude hh. php bin i ng dng
simple n gin, n

simplex top. n hnh
closed s. n hnh ng
degenerate s. n hnh suy bin
geometric s. n hnh hnh hc
open s. n hnh m
regular s. n hnh u
topological s. n hnh tp
simplex-method phng php n hnh
simplicial (thuc) n hnh
simplicity tnh n gin
s. of group tnh n gin ca mt nhm
simplification s n gin, s rt gn
simplified rt gn, c n gin
simplify rt gn, n gin
simulate m hnh ho, phng theo
simulation mt. s m hnh ho, s phng theo
analogue s. m hnh ho tng t
simulative m hnh ho, phng theo
simulator mt. thit b m hnh ho
target s. mc tiu gi
simultaneous ng thi; tng thch
since t
sine sin
versed s. of an angle sin ngc ca gc (vers = 1 - cos )
arc s. arcsin
coversed s., coversine hm covers x = 1 - sinx
hyperbolic s. sin hipebolic
inverse s. acsin
logarithmic s. lga ca sin
natural s. sin t nhin
single n, c bit
single-address mt. mt a ch
single-digit mt hng
single-stage mt bc, mt giai on
single-valued n tr
singular k d; suy bin
singularity tnh k d; im k d s. at infinity in k d v tn
s. of a curve [im; tnh] k d ca mt ng cong
abnormal s. [tnh; im] k d bt thng

accessible s. im k d t c
accidnetal s. im k d ngu nhin
apparent s. im k d b ngoi
essential s. im k d ct yu
finite s. in k d hu hn
isolated s. gt. im k d c lp
real s. im k d thc
removable s. im k d b c
unessential s. im k d khng ct yu
sinistrorse xon tri
sinuous c dng hnh sin, c dng hnh sng
sinusoid ng hnh sin
sinoidal c hnh sin
siphon (ng) xiphng
analysis s. tp hc
six su
sixteen mi su
sixteenth th mi su; mt phn mi su
sixtieth th su mi; mt phn sau mi
sixth th su; mt phn su
sixty su mi (60)
size c, kch thc
s. of a region tk. mc ngha
lot s. c l
mesh s. bc li; mt. c
sample s. c mu
skate trt
skeleton b khung; b xng
s. of a nomogram hh. khung ca ton
s. of a simplex top. khung ca n hnh
skew lch; khng i xng; ghnh; xin
skew-symmetric i xng lch
slewness tnh lch; tnh xin; tnh ghnh
positive s. tk. h s lch dng
skin da, mt ngoi, v
skip bc nhy, nhy
slack yu
slackness tnh yu

slide s trt; con trt // trt
slider mt. con trt, cng tc trt
slight yu
slip s trt; s di ch
slit gt. nht ct
slope dc, nghing
s. of a curve at a point dc ca mt ng cong ti mt im
s. of a straight line [h s gc, dc] ca ng thng
asymptotic s. nghing tim cn
equilibrium s. dc cn bng
natural s. dc t nhin
slowly (mt cch) chm
slug n v khi lng trong h pht-lc, pht-giy
sluggishness qun tnh
slump kt. xung gi (hng) nhanh; khng hong
small b, n in the s. b phn nh
sectional s. trn tng mnh
smooth trn nhn
sectionally s. trn tng mnh
smoothed trn tru
smoothing s lm trn, s lm nhn
linear s. [s san bng; s lm trn] tuyn tnh
smoothness tnh trn
snake-like hnh rn
soft mm
solar tv. mt tri
solid c th
s. of revolution c th trn xoay
similar s.s nhng c th ng dng
solitaire trch. tr choi mt ngi
solitary mt cch n c
solstice tv. ch im
summer s. hn ch
winter s. ng ch
solubility tnh gii c
soluble gii c
solution nghim, li gii, php gii s. by inspection php gii bng cch chn
s. of an equation [nghim, li gii] ca phng trnh
s. of a game trch. cch gii mt tr chi

s. of inequalities nghim ca bt ng thc
s. of linear programming problem nghim ca bi ton quy hoch
tuyn tnh
s. of a triangle php gii mt tam gic
algebraic s. nghim i s
approximate s. nghim xp x
asymptotic s. [li gii, nghim] tim cn
basic s. nghim c s
collinear s. li gii cng tuyn
complete s. li gii y
elementary s. php gii s cp, nghim c bn
extraneous s. nghim ngoi lai
feasible s. li gii thc hin c
finite s. nghim hu hn
formal s. nghim hnh thc
general s. [li gii, nghim] tng qut
graphic(al) s. php gii bng th
homographic s. nghim n ng
integer s. nghim nguyn
numerical s. [li gii, php gii, nghim] bng s
partial s. nghim ring
particular s. nghim ring
pricipal s. nghim chnh
singular s. nghim k d
steady state s. ngim dng
symbolic s. nghim k hiu
trivial s. nghim tm thng
unique s. [nghim, li gii] duy nht
zero s. s. nghim khng
solvability tnh gii c
solvable gii c s. by radical gii c bng cn thc
solvency kt. kh nng thanh ton, s tr tin
solve gii; kt. tr tin, thanh ton
solver mt. thit b gii, dng c gii
some mt vi
sonic vl. m thanh
sophism s ngu bin
sorbtion vl. s hp th, s ht
sort loi s. out chn ra

sorter ngi chn, mt. thit b chn
sorting s chn, s phana loi
card s. mt. s chn ba c l
radix s. mt. chn theo c s m
sound vl. m thanh
combined s. m hn hp
souree ngun
double s. ngun kp
information s. xib. ngun thng tin
key s. ngun kho
message s. ngun tin
point s. ngun im
power s. ngun nng lng
simple s. ngun n
south tv. phng nam
southerly v phng nam
space khng gian; khong thi gian; ch
action s. khng gian tc dng
adjoint s. khng gian lin hp
adjunct s. khng gian ph hp
affine s. khng gian afin
affinely connected s. khng gian lin thng afin
base s. khng gian c s
biafine s. khng gian song afin
bundle s. khng gian phn th
Cartesian s. khng gian clit
centred affin s. khng gian afin c tm
classifying s. khng gian phn loi
compact s. khng gian compac
complete s. khng gian
completely regular s. top. khng gian hon ton chnh quy
configuration s. khng gian cu hnh
conjugate s. s. khng gian lin hp
contractible s. khng gian co rt c
control s. khng gian iu khin
covex s. khng gian li
coset s. khng gian cc lp
covering s. khng gian ph
curved s. khng gian cong

deal s. xib. vng cht, vng khng bt
decision s. tk. khng gian cc quyt nh
decomposition s. top. khng gian phn hoch
discrete s. khng gian ri rc
dual vector s. khng gian vect i ngu
elliptic s. khng gian eliptic
fibre s. khng gian phn th
finite s. khng gian hu hn
finite dimensional s. khng gian hu hn chiu
flat s. khng gian dt
four dimensional s. khng gian bn chiu
generalized s. top. khng gian suy rng
homeomorphic s.s khng gian ng phi
homogeneous s. hh. khng gian thun nht
hyperbolic s. khng gian hypebolic
isometric s. khng gian ng c
lacunar(y) s. min c l hng
lens s. top. khng gian thu knh
linear s. khng gian tuyn tnh
locally convex s. gt. khng gian li a phng
loop s. top. khng gian cc nt
measurable s. khng gian o c
measure s. khng gian c o
metric s. khng gian mtric
modular s. khng gian mula
neighbourhood s. khng gian ln cn
non-modular s. hh. khng gian khng mula
normed s. gt. khng gian nh chun
null s. (of a linear transformation)hch (ca mt php bin i tuyn tnh)
one-dimensional s. khng gian mt chiu
parabolic s. khng gian parabolic
paracompact s. khng gian paracompact
perpendicular s. khng gian trc giao
phase s. khng gian pha
policy s. trchi. khng gian cc chin lc
product s. khng gian tch
projective s. hh. khng gian x nh
proximity s. khng gian ln cn
pseudo-Euclidian s. khng gian gi Oclit

pseudospherical s. khng gian gi cu
quintuple s. khng gian nm chiu
quotient s. khng gian thng
rational s. khng gian hu t
ray s. s. khng gian cc tia
real s. khng gian thc
reflexive s. khng gian phn x
regular s. khng gian chnh quy
representation s. khng gian biu din
ring-like s. top. khng gian ging vnh
sample s. khng gian mu
separable s. khng gian [tch c, kh li]
seperated s. khng gian tch, khng gian Hauxooc
sequence s. khng gian cc dy
signal s. khng gian cc tn hiu
simply connected s.s cc khng gian n lin
skew-metric s. hh. khng gian vi mtric lch
spherical s. khng gian cu
state s. khng gian trng thi
structure s. of a ring khng gian cu trc ca mt vnh
subprojective s. khng gian x nh di
symplectic s. khng gian n hnh
totally imbedded s. khng gian b nhng hon ton
three-dimensional s. khng gian ba chiu
topological s. khng gian tp
topologically complete s. khng gian tp
total s. of fibration khng gian ton phn ca phn th
two-dimensional s. khng gian hai chiu
uniform s. khng gian u
unitary s. khng gian unita
vector s. gt. khng gian vect, khng gian tuyn tnh
spacial (thuc) khng gian
spacing mt. xp t, phana b
span hh. khong cch; gt. b rng
special c bit
speciality chuyn mn, chuyn vin
speciality chuyn mn, c tnh
specialization s chuyn mn ho
specialize chuyn mn ho

specially mt cch chuyn mn
specie kt. tin (kim loi)
species loi; loi; phm tr
s. of a set of point phm tr mt tp hp im
specific c im, c trng, c th
specification chi tit, chi tit ho
specifity tnh cht chuyn mn; tnh c hiu
specify chuyn mn ho; chi tit ho; nh r, ghi r
specimen mu, bn mu, v d
spectral (thuc) ph
spectrum ph, hm ph, mt ph; th ca hm ph
s. of a function ph ca mt hm
s. of a transformation ph ca mt php bin i
absorption s. ph ht thu
continuous s. gt. ph lin tc
direct s. s. ph thng
energy s. ph nng lng
hereditary s. gt. phi di truyn
integrated s. xib. hm ph, th hm ph
inverse s. ph ngc
line s. vl. ph vch
mixed s. ph hn tp
power s. ph nng lng
point s. ph im, ph ri rc
residual s. ph d
simple s. ph n
specular phn chiu
speculate kt. u c
speculation kt. s u c
specilative (thuc) suy l lun
speed tc , vn tc, s vng quay // vi, chuyn ng nhanh s. up tng tc
s. of convergence tc hi t
s. of sound tc m thanh
access s. tc chn
angular s. vn tc gc
average s. vn tc trung bnh
computatuon s. tc tnh ton
constant s. c. tc khng i
critical s. tc ti hn

ground s. vn tc (my bay) so vi mt t
instantaneous s. tc tc thi
reading s. tc c
state s. vn tc pha
submarime s. vn tc di nc
top s. k. vn tc cc i
speed-reducer b gim tc
spend tiu (dng)
spent c dng
sphenoid hnh ci nm, hnh ci chn
sphere hnh cu, mt cu
s. of inversion hnh cu nghch o
celestial s. tv. thi cu
circumsribed s. hnh cu ngoi tip
director s. mt cu chun
escribed s. hnh cu bng tip
imaginary s. hnh cu o
inscribed s. hnh cu ni tip
limit s. mt cu gii hn
null s. hnh cu im
point s. hnh cu im
proper s. hnh cu chn chnh
oriented s. hnh cu nh hng
osculating s. hnh cu mt tip
spherical (thuc) hnh cu
sphericity tnh cu
spherics hnh hc cu, lng gic cu
spheroid hnh phng cu
oblate s. phng cu dt
prolate s. phng cu thun (elipxoit ton xoay)
spheroidal (thuc) phng cu
sphero-conic cnic cu
spherometer cu k
sphero-quartic quactic cu
spin s xon; vl. spin
nuclear s. vl. spin ht nhn
spindle k. trc
spinode hh. im li
spinor spin

spiral ng xon c
Cornu s. ng xon c Coocnu
equiangular s. ng xon c ng gic
hyperbolic s. ng xon c hipebolic
logarithmic double s. ng xon c kp lga
parabolic s. ng xon c parabolic
sine s. ng xon c sin
split ct on, chia on
splittable tch c
spontaneous t pht; tc thi
spool cun dy
sporadic(al) bt nh (hiu theo ngha nhiu ni)
spot vt; v tr; kt. s kin c
asymptotic s. gt. v tr tim cn
spread s ph bin; chiu rng
s. of a matrix chiu rng ca mt ma trn
spur vt
s. of a matrix vt ca mt ma trn
squarability hh. tnh cu phng c
squarable hh. cu phng c
square hh. hnh vung, thc o gc; bnh phng
conjugate latin s.s tk. hnh vung latin lin hp
integrable s. gt. bnh phng kh tch
latin s. tk. hnh vung latin
magic(al) s. ma phng
perfect s. chnh phng
perfect trinomial s. bnh phng ca tam thc
root mean s. cn qun phng
squarer mt. my ly bnh phng
squarience tk. tng bnh phng cc lch (so vi gi tr trung bnh)
squaring php cu phng, php bnh phng s. the circle php cu
phng vng trn
stability [s, tnh] n nh
s. of solution tnh n nh [ca li gii, ca nghim]
asymptotic(al) s. tnh n nh tim cn
conditional s. tnh n nh c iu kin
dynamic s. tnh n nh ng lc
elastic s. tnh n nh n hi
frequency s. tnh n nh tn s

hydraulic s. tnh n nh thu lc
intrinsic s. xib. tnh n nh trong
kinetic s. s n nh ng
local s. tk. s n nh a phng
longitadinal s. c. s n nh dc
orbital s. s n nh qu o
overall s. xib. tnh n nh tng qut
static(al) s. s n nh tnh
structural s. gt. tnh n nh cu trc
unconditional s. s n nh [tuyt i, khng iu kin]
stabilization s lm n nh
stabilize lm n nh
stabilized c n nh
stabilizing lm n nh
stable n inh, dng s. from the inside gt. n nh t pha trong
asymptotically s. n nh tim cn
stack chm, b, ng
stage tng; cp; mt (sng)
s. of regulation xib. cp iu khin
stagnate ng, nh tr
stagnation s ng, s nh tr
stake trch. tin t cc
stalk top. th ca mt b
stand ng; t ; s. for thay cho
stand-by mt. dng c d tr
standard tiu chun. mu
s. of life, s. of living mc sng
s. of prices kt. mc gi c
standardization s tiu chun ho
standardize tiu chun ho
standarzed tiu chun ho
standing ng, bt ng // v tr
star tv. sao, hnh sao, du sao ()
fixed s.s. tv. nh tinh
starlike hnh sao
starshaped hnh sao
start xut pht, khi ng
starting bt u, khi hnh
state trng thi, ch

absorbing s. xib. trng thi ht thu
aperiodic s. trng thi khng tun hon
critical s. trng thi ti hn
ergodic s. trng thi egoic
inaccessible s. xib. trng thi khng t c
initial s. xib. trng thi trong
quasi-stationary s. trng thi ta dng
solid s. trng thi rn
stationary s. vl. trng thi dng
steady s. [trng thi, ch ] n nh
terminal s. trng thi cui
transinet s. trng thi chuyn
zero s. xib. trng thi khng
stated c pht biu, c trnh by, c bit
statemnet s pht biu, mnh
static(al) tnh, bt ng; dng; n nh
statically mt cch tnh
statics tnh hc
s. of fluids thu tnh hc
station ga, ma trn
water-power s. nh my thu in
stationarity tnh dng
stationary dng
statistic tk. thng k
auxiliary s. thng k
chi square s. thng k binh phng
classification s. thng k phn loi
distribution-free s. thng k phi tham s
inefficient s. thng k v hiu
sufficient s. thng k
systematic s. thng k h thng
test s. thng k kim nh
statistic(al) (thuc) thng k
statistically v thng k
statistican nh thng k, ngi lm cng tc thng k
statistics thng k hc, thng k
accident s. thng k nhng tai nn
actuarial s. thng k bo him
birth s. thng k sinh

business s. thng k thng nghip
commercial s. thng k thng nghip
comparative s. thng k hc so snh
descriptive s. thng k m t
economical s. thng k kinh t
family s. thng k h
finance s. thng k ti chnh
gathering s. thng k tch lu
genetic(al) s. thng k di truyn hc
insurance s. thng k bo him
labour s. thng k lao ng
mathematical s. thng k ton hc
order s. thng k th t
population s. thng k dn s
quantum s. vl. thng k lng t
rank-order s. thng k hng
sampling s. thng k mu
sufficient s. thng k
unbiased s. thng k khng lch
vital s. thng k tui th
stay dng
steadily dng; vng
steady n nh
steady-state trng thi dng
stellar tv. (thuc) sao
stellarium bn sao
stem s. hu vnh y c php nhn
stenography mn tc k
step bc
induction s. bc quy np
integration s. bc ly tch phn
steradian hh. raian gc khi, n v gc khi, steraian
stereogram biu ni
stereographic ni, lp th
stereometric(al) hh. (thuc) hnh hc khng gian
stereometry hnh hc khng gian
stick que; tay n; gy
control s. tay iu khin
stpulate t iu kin quy nh

stochastically mt cch ngu nhin
stock kt. d tr (hng ho); c phn chng khon
deal s. kt. ti sn (cht)
joint s. kt. t bn c phn
retail s. d tr chi ph
stop dng li // s ngn li; du chm cu, s dng
full s. du chm
storage b nh
carry s. mt. b nh chuyn dch
dielectric s. mt. b nh in mi
digital s. b nh ch s
electric(al) s. b nh in
erasable s. b nh xo c
external s. mt. b nh ngoi
information s. s bo qun thng tin
intermediate s. mt. b nh trung gian
internal s. mt. b nh trong
magnetic s. b nh t tnh
mechanical s. mt. b nh c kh
non-cyclic s. b nh khng tun hon
photographic s. mt. b nh nh
rapid-access s. b nh nhanh
sum s. ci tch lu tng
waveguide s. mt. b nh bng sng
store nh kho; mt. nh
straight thng; trc tip
strain c. bin dng
finite s. bin dng hu hn
homogeneous s. bin dng thun nht
longitudinal s. bin dng mt chiu
plane s. bin dng phng
principal s. cc bin dng chnh
radical s. bin dn theo tia
shearing s. bin dng ct
simple s.s bin dng n gin
thermal s. bin dng nhit
strategic(al) (thuc) chin lc
strategy trch. chin lc 
s. for a game chin lc ca mt tr chi

completely mixed s. chin lc hon ton hn hp
dominant s. chin lc khng ch
duplicated s. chin lc lp
essential s. chin lc ct yu
extended s. chin lc m rng
invariant s. chin lc bt bin
mixed s. chin lc hn tp
optimal s. chin lc ti u
pure s. chin lc thun tu
stratifiable hh. phn tng c, phn th c
stratification s phn tng  s. after selection tk. s phn tng sau khi chn
stratified c phn tng
stratify phn tng
stratum tng, th
stream dng
running s. dng chy
streaming c. s chy (mt chiu)
strength sc mnh; cng ; sc bn
s. of materials c. sc bn vt liu
s. of resonance cng cng hng
s. of a test tk. lc ca kim nh
binding s. lc lin kt, cng lin kt
impact s. k. dai va chm
shock s. cng kch ng
soure s. c. cng ngun
tensile s. c. bn ko dt
strengthen tng cng, gia c
strengthened c tng cng, c gia c
stress c. ng sut, ng lc
basic s. ng sut c s
critical s. ng sut ti hn
generalized plane s. ng sut phng suy rng
internal s. ng sut ni ti
normal s. ng sut chun
plane s. ng sut phng
primary s. ng sut ban u
pricipal s. ng sut chnh
radical s. ng sut theo tia
residue s. ng sut cn d

secondary s. ng sut th cp
shearing s. ng sut trt (ct)
thermal s. ng sut nhit
ultimate s. ng sut ti hn
stretch gin, cng, ko
strict cht ch; ngt
striction ss tht
strictly ngt
string dy; mt. dng
stringent ngt; chnh xc
strip di, i
s. of convergence di hi t
characteristic s. di c trng
Mobius s. hh. di Mbiut
period s. i chu k
strophoid strphoit ( th ca y = x2(a+x)/(a-x))
right s. strphoid thng
structure s. cu trc
affine s. cu trc afin
analytic s. top. cu trc gii tch
differential s. top. cu trc vi phn
projective s. top. cu trc x nh
uniform s. cu trc u
subadditive cng tnh di
subaggregate tp con
subalgebra s. i s con
invariant s. i s con bt bin, ian bt bin
subassembly mt. b phn lp ghp
subase c s con
subbasis c s con
subcategory phm tr con
full s. phm tr con y
subclass log. lp con
unequal s.es tk. cc nhm con khng u nhau
subcomplex top. phc hnh con
subdeterminant nh thc con
subdirect s. trc tip di
subdivide chia nh
subdivision s phn chia nh th phn

barycentric s. phn nh trng tm
elementary s. phn nh s cp
subdomain min con
subffield trng con
subgeodesic hh. ng th trc a
subgraph th con; top. th hnh con
subgroup nhm con
accessible s. s. nhm con t c
amalgamated s. nhm con hn tng
basic s. nhm con c s
central s. nhm con trung tm
commutator s. hon tp
composition s. nhm con hp thnh
convex s. nhm con li
full s. nhm con y
fully characteristic s. nhm con hon ton c trng
identity s. nhm con n v
invariant s. nhm con bt bin
maximum self-conjugate s. nhm con t lin hp cc i
normal s. nhm con chun tc
pure s. nhm con thun tu
serving s. s. nhm con phc v
stable s. s. nhm con dng
strongly isolated s. nhm con c lp mnh
universal s. nhm con ph dng
subharmonic iu ho di
subbinterval s. khong con
sublattice dn con
saturated s. s. n con bo ho
sublimation vl. s thng hoa
sublinear tuyn tnh di
submanold hh. a tp con
submatrix ma trn con
complementary s. ma trn con b
submit chu ph thuc; chu s kim tra
submodule mun con
superirreducible s. s. mun con hon ton khng kh quy
submonoid mnoit con
subnormal php nh

polar s. php nh cc
subobject vt con
subordinate ph thuc
subordination [s, tnh] ph thuc
subprogram mt. chng trnh con
subprojective hh. th t x nh
subregion vng con, min con
subroutine mt. chng trnh con
checking s. chng trnh con kim tra
input s. chng trnh con vo
interpretative s. chng trnh con gii tch
output s. chng trnh con kt lun
subring s. vnh con
subsample tk. mu con
subscript ch s di
subsemigroup na nhm con
subsequence dy con
subsequently v sau
subseries chui con
subset tp hp con
bounded s. tp hp con b chn
imprimitive s. tp hp con phi nguyn thu
proper s. tp hp con thc s
subsidiary b tr
subspace khng gian con
complementary s. khng gian con b
isotropic s. s. khng gian con ng hng
non-isotropic s. s. khng gian con khng ng hng
total vector s. khng gian con vect ton phn
substantial thc cht
substitute th
substituend log. ci th
address s. s thay a ch
binary linear s. php th tuyn tnh nh phn
cogradient s. php th hip b
event s. php th chn
fractional linear s. php th phn tuyn tnh
free s. php th t do
identical s. php th ng nht

inverse s. php th nghch o
linear s. php th tuyn tnh
loxodromic s. php th t hnh
odd s. php th l
orthogonal s. php th trc giao
successive s. php th lin tip
synthetic(al) s. php th tng hp
triginometric(al) s. php th lng gic
substititivity tnh th c
substatum h tng; c s; top. tng di
substructure s. dn con; k. nn mng
subsystem h thng con
subtabulation s lm kt bng s
subtangent hh. tip nh
polar s. tip nh cc
subtence dy trng mt gc, cnh i din mt gc
subtract tr
subtracter mt. thit b tr, s tr
subtraction php tr, s tr
algebraic s. php tr i s
subtractor b tr
subtrahend s b tr
subtropical tv. cn nhit i
subvalue gi tr di
succeedent log. s hng tip sau
succession trnh t, s k tip
succesive k tip, lin tip; c trnh t
successor phn t tip sau, ngi tha k
immediate s. phn t ngay sau
suction s ht; s mt; c. lc ht
sudden thnh lnh, t sut
suddenly mt cch bt ng
suffice , tho mn
sufficiency tnh ; s y
joint s. tk. tnh ng thi
sum tng
s. of angles tng cc gc
s. of complex numbers tng cc s phc

s. of directed line segments tng cc on thng
s. of like powers tng ca cc s c lu tha ging nhau
s. of matrices tng cc ma trn
s. of real numbers tng cc s thc
s. of mixed numbers tng cc s hn hp
s. of irrational numbers tng cc s v t
s. of sets tng cc tp hp
s. of vectors tng cc vect
algebraic s. tng i s
arithmetic s. tng s hc
cardinal s. tng bn s
cofibered s. tng i th
cosine s. tng cosin
direct s. tng trc tip
discrere direct s. s. tng trc tip [ri rc, yu]
ideal s. s. tng ian
lattice s. vl. tng mng
logical s. log. tng logic
log-exponential s. gt. tng s m lga
partial s. tng ring
trigonometric s. tng lng gic
vector s. tng vect
summability gt. tnh kh tng, tnh kh tch
absolute s. gt. tnh [kh tng; kh tch] tuyt i
normal s. tnh kh tng chun tc
regular s. tnh kh tng u
strong s. gt. tnh kh tng mnh
summable s. kh tng; kh tch
summand s. s hng
summation php ly tng, php cng; php ly tch phn
indefinite s. php ly tng bt nh
regular s. php ly tng chnh quy
repeated s. php ly tng lp
semi-regular s. php ly tng na chnh quy
summator mt. my cng, thanh cng
summing tng, php cng
summit nh, chp, ngn
sumption log. tin ln
sun tv. mt tri

super siu
supercompact s. siu compact
supercomplex top. siu phc hnh
superconductivity vl. tnh siu dn
superconsistent tng tch mnh
supercritical siu ti hn
superficial ngoi mat, b ngoi, nng cn
superfluous tha, d, v ch
supergroup s. nhm m
superharmonic siu iu ho
superimpose t ln trn
superior trn
supernormal siu chun tc
superosculating siu mt tip
superosculation s siu mt tip
superposition s ng cht
supersaturation vl. s qu bo ho
superscript ch s trn, s m
superstratum tng trn
supplement phn ph
s. of an angle (phn) ph ca mt gc
s. of an are (phn) ph ca mt cung
supplemental ph
supplementary ph
supplementation (phn) ph, (phn) b
s. of selection (phn) ph ca mu
supply cung cp
support (ci) gi
classic s. gi gi n hi
hinged s. gi gi bn l
rigid s. gi cng
suppose gi s
supposition s gi s, s gi nh
suppression s b
optional s. mt. s b khng bt buc
print s. (lnh) b in
zero s. mt. s b cc s khng (khng phi l ch s c ngha)
supremum cn trn ng, suprimm
surd v l // s v t, biu thc v l

conjuigate bionmial s.s nh thc v t lin hp
cubic s. (tnh) v t bc ba
entrire s. biu thc v t ton phn
mixed s. biu thc v t hn hp
pure s. biu thc v t thun tu
sure chc chn
surface mt
s. of class n mt lp n
s. of constant mean curvature mt c cong trung bnh khng i
s. of contact mt tip xc
s. of degree n mt bc n
s. of discontinuity mt gin on
s. of one side mt mt pha
s. of order n mt cp n
s. of revolution mt trn xoay
s. of rolling mt ln
s. of second class mt lp hai
s. of striction mt tht
s. of translation mt tnh tin
admissible s. mt tha nhn c
algebraic s. hh. mt i s
analagmatic s. mt analacmatic
analytic s. mt gii tch
applicable s. hh. mt tri c
asymptotic s. mt tim cn
bicircular s. mt song vin
bounding s. mt bin
colsed s. top. mt ng
complementary s. mt b
conic s. mt [cnic, nn]
conical s. mt nn. mt cnic
contact s. mt tip xc
convex s. mt li
cubic s. mt bc ba
curved s. mt cong
cylindrical s. mt tr
developable s. mt tri c
diagonal s. mt cho
director s. mt chun

discriminatory s. bit din
equipotential s. mt cch u
focal s. mt tiu
free s. mt t do
imaginary s. mt o
integral s. mt tch phn
inverse s. mt nghch o
isometric s. mt ng c
isothermal s. mt ng nhit
lateral s. mt bn
mean s. mt trung bnh
minimal s. mt cc im
modular s. mt munla
multiply connected s. mt a lin
neutral s. mt trung bnh
non-orientable s. mt tng quan chun
one-side s. hh. mt mt pha
open s. mt m
orthogonal s. mt trc giao
parallel s.s cc mt song song
parametric s. mt tham s
pedal s. mt thu tc
plane s. mt phng
polar s. mt cc
polar reciprocal s.s mt i cc
pseudospherical s. mt gi cu
pyramidal s. mt chp
quartic s. mt bc bn
rational s. mt hu t
reducible s. mt suy bin
regular s. mt chnh quy
Riemann s. mt Riman
ring s. mt hnh xuyn
ruled s. mt k
self-polar s. mt t i cc
simple s. mt n gin
singular s. mt k d
skew ruled s. mt k d
spherical s. mt cu

spiral s. mt xon c
stress director s. mt chun ng lc
tangent s. mt tip xc
transcendental s. mt siu vit
translation s. mt tnh tin
triangulated s. mt c tam gic phn
universal covering s. mt ph ph dng
warped s. hh. my k khng kh trin
wave s. mt sng
surge c. xung vn tc (ca tu thu)
surjection ton nh
surplus tha, d
survey iu tra
exploratory s. tk. iu tra s b
pilot s. tk. iu tra s b, iu tra thm d
repeated s. tk. iu tra lp
susceptibility cm
suspension [cch, s] treo
bifilar s. cch treo hai cy
Cardan's s. cch treo Ccng
sustain gn gi; chu ng, chng , duy tr
swirl xoy
switch [ci ngt, ci o] mch s. in bt; s. off ngt, tt; s. on bt
switchable mt. ngt c
switchboard mt. bng o mch, bng iu khin
switchgear dng c o mch, dng c phn phi
switching ngt mch, o mch
data s. chuyn tip s liu
syllogism log. tam on lun
symbol k hiu, du
s. of operation du php ton
algebraic s. du i s
circumflex s. du m
improper s. du phi chnh
numerical s. k hiu s
proper s. k hiu chn chnh
symbolic(al) (thuc) k hiu
symbolism log. h k hiu
symbolize log. k hiu ho

symmetric(al) i xng
symmetry [php, tnh] i xng
s. of a relation tnh i xng ca mt lin h
axial s. php i xng trc
central s. php i xng qua tm
hydrokinetic s. php i xng thu ng lc
odd s. php i xng l
plane s. php i xng phng
rotational s. hh. php i xng quay
skew s. php i xng lch
symmetrization s i xng ho
symmetrize i xng ho
sympletic ngu i, simplectic
symposion tho lun khoa hc, i hc khoa hc
symptom du hiu, triu chng
synchronism tnh ng b
synchronization s ng b ho
synchronize ng b
synchronized ng b
synchronizer my ng b
synchronous ng b
synodic (al) tv, giao hi (ca hnh tinh vi mt tri)
synthesis [php, s] tng hp
logical s. tng hp lgc
synthetic(al) tng hp
synthesize tng hp
synthesizer mt. b tng hp
system h, h thng
s. of algebraic form h dng i s
s. of equations h phng trnh
s. of imprimitivity s. min khng nguyn thu
s. of logarithm h lga
s. of nets h li
s. of numeration h m
s. of reference c. h qui chiu; hh. h to
s. of representatives h i biu
s. of transitivity s. h bc cu
accounting s. h thng m
adjoint s. h ph

algebraic s. s. h i s
autonomous s. xib. h tonom
axiomatic s. log. h tin
closed s. h ng
complete orthogonal s. h trc giao y
computing s. h tnh ton
connected s.s h lin thng
conservative s. h bo ton
contravariant s. h phn bin
control s. h iu khin
coordinate s. h to
covariant s. h hp bin
decimal s. h thp phn
direct s. h thun
dissipation s. h hao tn
distribution s. h phn phi
duodecimal s. h thp nh phn
dyadic s. h nh phn
dynamic(al) s. h ng lc
feed s. mt. h ngun
feedblack s. h c lin h ngc
formal s. log. h hnh thc
hereditary s. h di truyn
hyperbolic coordinate s. h to hipebolic
hypercomplex s. h siu phc
identifiable s. tk. h ng nht c (h thng cho php c lng
ring tng tham s)
indexed s. h ch s ho
inertial s. h qun tnh
interlock s. h thng cn
invariant s. h bt bin
inverse s. h nghch
inverse mapping s. h nh x ngc
isothermal s. h ng nhit
left-handed coordinate s. h to tri
linear s. h tuyn tnh
linearly independent s. gt. h c lp tuyn tnh
local s. h a phng
lumped-parameter s. h cc tham s tp trung

memory s. mt. h nh
metering s. h thng o
MKS s. of units h thng n v MKS
modal s. h thng mt
modular s. h mula
multistable s. h a n nh
non-convervative s. h khng bo ton
non-degenerate s. h khng suy bin
nonlinear s. h phi tuyn
null s. hh. h khng
number s. h thng s
octal s. h c s tm, h bt phn
one-address s. h mt a ch
open s. h m
orthogonal s. h trc giao
orthonormal s. h trc chun
passive s. h b ng
planetary s. tv. h mt tri
polar s. h cc
power s. h nng lng
prime s. h nguyn t
reading s. h c
reducible s. xib. h kh quy
regulating s. xib. h iu chnh
representative s. s. h biu din
right-handed s. h thun
self-adjustable s. h t iu chnh
self-excite s. h t kch thch
self-organizing s. h t t chc
self-oscillating s. h t dao ng
syntactical s. h c php
tally s. kt. h thng bm chu
translating s. h thng [dch, bin i]
transmitting s. xib. h thng truyn
ultrastable s. h siu n nh
systematic c h thng
systematize h thng ho
systematization s h thng ho
systematic c h thng

syzygy s. hi xung; tv. sc vng (tun trng non v tun trng dy)

table bng // lp bng
t. of contents mc lc
t. of difference bng sai phn
t. of integrals bng tch phn
t. of logarithms bng lga
checking t. bng kim tra
contingency t. bng tip lin
conversion t. bng dch
difference t. bng sai phn
fourfold t. tk. bng bi bn
integral t. bng tch phn
life t. tk. bng tui th
mortality t. tk. bng t vong
truth t. log. bng chn tr
tabular bng, dng bng
tabulate lp bng
tabulating s lp thnh bng
tabulator b lp bng
tachomater mt. tc k gc
taclocus hh. qu tch cc tip im (ca cc ng thuc mt h no )
tacnode hh. tacnt (im t tip xc ca ng cong)
tacpoint hh. tip im (cc ng ca mt h)
tact tc nhp
tactical (thuc) chin thut
tactics chin thut
tail ui; phn d; trch. mt tri (ng tin)
t. of wave ui sng
take ly to t. an expresion into another bin i mt biu thc thnh
mt biu thc khc; to t. a logarithm ly lga; to t. notice ch ; to t.
off tr i; to t. part tham gia; to t. place xy ra; to t. up ly i (thi
tangency s tip xc
tangent tip xc; tip tuyn; tang
arc t. actang
asymptotic t. tip tuyn tim cn
common t. tip tuyn chung
conjugate t.s tip tuyn lin hp
consecutive t.s cc tip tuyn lin tip

double t. tip tuyn kp
externally t. tip xc ngoi
inflexional t. tip tuyn un
polar t. tip tuyn cc
principal t. tip tuyn chnh
simple t. tip tuyn n
singular t. tip tuyn k d
stationary t. tip tuyn dng
triple t. tip tuyn bi ba
tangential (thuc) tip tuyn
tape bng
blank t. mt. bng sch, bng trng
data t. mt. bng s, bng c tin
library t. mt. bng th vin
magnetic t. mt. bng t
measuring t. mt. bng o
order t. mt. bng lnh
paper t. mt. bng giy
punched t. mt. bng c l
tape-line, tape-measure thc un
target mc tiu
tariff kt. bng gi
protective t. kt. bng gi bo v
tau t ()
Tauberian (thuc) Tbe
tautochrone hh. ng thi // ng ng thi
tautologival log. (thuc) hng ng, hng hiu
tax kt. thu
income t. thu thu nhp
direct t. thu trc thu
indirect t. thu thn
taxation kt. s nh thu, tin thu
technical (thuc) k thut
technics k thut
computational t.s phng php tnh
mearsuring t. mt. k thut o
moving-observer t. phng php quan st di ng
programming t. phng php chng trnh ho
pulse t. mt. k thut xung

simulation t. k thut m hnh ho; tk. k thut xy dng mu gi
telecommunication k. lin lc t xa
telecontrol iu khin t xa
telegraph in bo
telementry k. o lng t xa
teleological co hng mc tiu, hng ch
telescope knh thin vn, knh vin vng
reflecting t. knh thin vn phn x
refracting t. knh thin vn khc x
telescopic (thuc) knh thin vn
teletype my in bo nh ch, tltip
television v tuyn truyn hnh
temperature vl. nhit
absolute t. nhit tuyt i
tempo nhp iu
tem mi
tend tin n, dn n to t. to the limit gt. tin ti gii hn
tenfold bi mi, gp mi, mi ln
tension s ko, s cng, sc cng
surface t. sc cng mt ngoi
vapour t. sc cng ca hi
t. of strain c. tenx bin dng
alternating t. tenx bin dng
associated t.s cc tenx thay phin
contravariant t. tenx hip bin
curvature t. tenx hip bin
energy-momentum t. vl. tenx nng lng xung
four t. tenx cp bn
fundamental metric t. tenx cp bn
fundamental metric t. tenx mtric c bn
inertia t. tenx qun tnh
metric t. tenx mtric
mixed t. hh. tenx hn tp
projective curvature t. hh. tenx cong x nh
skew-symmetric t. tenx phn xng
strain t. tenx bin dng
stress t. tenx ng sut
symmetric t. tenx i ng
tenth th mi (10); mt phn mi

term s hng, tec; k hn; ngy tr tin in t.s of theo quan im , theo
ngn ng
t. of a fraction s hng ca mt phn s
t. of a proportion trung v ngoi t
algebraic t. s hng ca biu thc i s
bound t. log. tc lin kt
free t. log. t t do
general t. tc tng qut
general t. of an expression tc tng qut ca mt biu thc
last t. t cui cng, s hng cui cng
like t.s cc s hng ng dng
major t. log. tc tri
maximum t. gt. tc cc i
mean t.s trung ti
remainder t. gt. phn d, tc d
similar t.s cc s hng ng dng
transcendental t. s hng siu vit
unknown t. t cha bit
terminable kt. c thi gian
terminal cui, im cui
terminate kt thc
terminating c kt thc
termination s kt thc
terminology thut ng
ternary tam phn, b ba
terrestrial (thuc) qu t
tessellation hh. li t ong
star t. li t ong hnh sao
tessera mt li t ong
test php th kim nh, du hiu, tiu chun
t. for convergence du hiu hi t; t. for divisibility du hiu chia ht
t. of convergence gt. tiu chun hi t
t. of normality tk. tiu chun ca tnh chun
t. of significance tiu chun c ngha
ability t. php th kh nng, kim tra kh nng
admissible t. tiu chun chp nhn c
asymmetric t. tiu chun phi i xng
comparison t. gt. du hiu so snh
double-tailed t. tiu chun b chn hai u

equal-tailed t. tiu chun b chn i xng
impact t. th nghim xung kch
medial t. tk. tiu chun trung tm
median t. tk. tiu chun da trn trung v
model t. mt. thc nghim trn m hnh
most powerful t. tk. tiu chun mnh nht
nine t. php th s chn
non-parametric t. tk. kim nh phi tham s
one-sided t. tk. kim nh mt pha
optimum t. tiu chun ti u
orthogonal t.s tk. cc tiu chun trc giao
reversal t. tiu chun o ngc c
root t. gt. php th nghim
sequential t. tk. tiu chun lin tip
serial t. tiu chun dy
sign t. tiu chun du
significance t. tiu chun ngha
smooth t. tiu chun trn
symmetric(al) t. tk. tiu chun i xng
two-sample t. tiu chun hai mu
uniformly most powerful t. tiu chun mnh u nht
variance t. tiu chun phng sai
tester mt. dng c th
testing th, kim nh, th nghim; tiu chun
t. of hypothesis kim nh gi thit
acceptance t. kim nh thu nhn
program t. mt. th chng trnh
tetragonal (thuc) t gic
tetrahedral (thuc) t din
tetrahedron khi t din
t. of reference t din quy chiu
coordinate t. t din to
perspective t. t din phi cnh
regular t. t din u
self-conjugate t. t din t lin hp
self-polar t. t din t i cc
theodolite tr. knh kinh v, teolit
theorem nh l
t. of mear nh l gi tr trung bnh

t. of virtual displacement nh l di ch o
average value t. nh l gi tr trung bnh
coding t. nh l m ho
completeness t. nh l v tnh y
converse t. nh l o
covering t. nh l ph
deduction t. nh l v suy din
distortion t. gt. nh l mo
divergence t. nh l phn k
dual t. nh l i ngu
embedding t. gt. nh l nhng
equivalence t. log. nh l tng ng
existence t. nh l tn ti
expansion t. gt. nh l v khai trin
faltung t. nh l chp
fixed-point t. top. nh l im bt ng
gap t. gt. nh l l hng
general uniformization t. nh l v n tr ho tng qut
imbedding t. nh l nhng
integral t. nh l tch phn
integration t. nh l tng giao
inverse t. nh l o
localization t. gt. nh l a phng ho
mean value t.s gt. nh l gi tr trung bnh
minimax t. nh l minimac
monodromy t. gt. nh l n o
multinomial t. nh l a thc
parallel axits t. c. nh l di trc song song (nh l Stenx)
Pythagorean t. nh l Pitago
reciprocal t.s nh l thun nghich
recurremce t. nh l hi quy
remainder t. s. nh l phn d, nh l Bzu
representation t. gt. nh l biu din
residue t. nh l thng d
second limit t. nh l gii hn th hai (ca Maccp)
second mean value t. gt. nh l gi tr trung bnh th hai (nh l
superposition t. nh l chng cht
Tauberian t. gt. nh l Tbe

uniqueness t. nh l v tnh duy nht
theoretic(al) (thuc) l thuyt
theoretics l lun
theory l thuyt, l lun hc thuyt
t. of algebras l thuyt cc i s
t. of approximation l thuyt xp x
t. of conbinations l thuyt t hp
t. of correspondence hh. s. l thuyt tng ng
t. of dynamic programming l thuyt dquy hoch ng
t. of elasticity l thuyt n hi
t. of equations l thuyt phng trnh
t. of errors l thuyt sai s
t. of fields l thuyt trng
t. of function of a complex variable l thuyt hm bin phc
t. of function of a real variable l thuyt hm bin thc
t. of group l thuyt nhm
t. of infinite series l thuyt chui v hn
t. of irrational numbers l thuyt s v t
t. of matrices l thuyt ma trn
t. of numbers l thuyt s
t. of plasticity l thuyt do
t. of point-sets l thuyt tp hp im
t. of probability l thuyt xc sut
t. of relativity hc thuyt tng i
t. of rings l thuyt vnh
t. of strength l thuyt sc bn
t. of types log. l thuyt kiu
t. of units l thuyt cc n v
t. of weighted smoothing tk. l thuyt v san bng c trng lng
additive ideal t. l thuyt cng tnh cc ian
additive numbers t. l thuyt cng tnh cc s
algebraic t. of numbers l thuyt i s cc s
analytic t. of numbers gii tch cc s
deductive t. log. l thuyt suy din
decision t. l thuyt quyt nh
field t. l thuyt trng
formal t. log. l thuyt hnh thc
frequency t. of probability l thuyt xc sut theo tn s
function t. gt. l thuyt hm

game t. l thuyt tr chi
geomatric t. of numbers l thuyt hnh hc cc s
group t. l thuyt nhm
homology t. l thuyt ng iu
homotopy t. l thuyt ng lun
informal t. log. l thuyt khng hnh thc
information t. l thuyt thng tin
kinetic t. of gases l thuyt kh ng hc
menbrane t. l thuyt mng
meson field t. l thuyt trng mzon
multiplivative ideal t. s. l thuyt ian nhn
numbers t. l thuyt s
object t. log. l thuyt i tng
perturbation t. gt. l thuyt nhiu lon
potential t. l thuyt th v
proof t. log. l thuyt chng minh
quantized field t. l thuyt trng lng t
queneing t. xs. l thuyt sp hng, l thuyt phc v m ng
ramified t. of types log. l thuyt kiu r nhnh
relative homology t. top. l thuyt ng u tng i
relativity t. l thuyt tng i
reliability t. xib. l thuyt tin cy
renewal t. tk. l thuyt phc hi
sampling t. l thuyt ly mu
scheduling t. l thuyt thi gian biu
shear t. l thuyt [ct, trt]
nified field t. vl. l thuyt trng thng nht
value distribution t. gt. l thuyt phn phi gi tr (ca cc hm gii tch)
thermal (thuc) nhit
thermion vl. ion nhit
thermodynamic vl. (thuc) nhit ng hc
thermoelectricity vl. nhit in
thermometer vl. nhit k, ci o nhit
thermometer vl. nhit k, ci o nhit
thermonuclear vl. ht nhn nng, nhit hch
theta tta ()
theta-function hm tta
thickness b dy
thin mng

third th ba; mt phn ba
thirteen mi ba (13)
thirteith th ba mi (30); mt phn ba mi
thirty ba mi (30)
though mc d
thousand mt nghn (1000)
three ba (3)
three- cornered ba gc
threshold mc; ngng
resolution t. ngng gii
signal t. xib. ngng tn hiu
thrust lc y, sc y
jet t. sc y phn lc
ticker con lc; my in bo t ng in tin
tidal vlc. (thuc) thu triu
tide thu triu
tilde du sng, du ng (~)

timbre m sc
time thi gian
apparent solar t. tv. gi theo mt tri thc
astronomical t. gi thin vn, gi mt tri trung bnh
continuous t. thi gian lin tc
control t. thi gian kim tra
deal t. mt. thi gian cht
delay t. mt. thi gian chm
digit t. mt. thi gian ch s
discrete t. thi gian ri rc
down t. mt. thi gian mt
machine t. mt. gi my
mean solar t. tv. gi mt tri trung bnh, gi thin vn
one - pulse t. mt. thi gian mt xung
operating t. mt. thi gian lm vic
real t. thi gian thc
recavery t. thi gian phc hi
recurrence t. trch. thi gian hon li
resolving t. mt. thi gian gii
sidereal t. gi thin vn
standartd t. tv. gi tiu chun

universal t. gi quc t
waiting t. thi gian i
zone t. gi khu vc
timer ng h bm gi
counter t. ng h m
tolerable cho php c
tolerance s cho php, dung sai
tolerate cho php
toll kt. thu cu, thu ng
tome cun, tp (sch)
tone vl. m, tng
top nh
topography tr. khoa trc a
topological (thuc) tp
topologized tp ho
topology tp
t. of a space tp ca mt khng gian
algebraic t. tp i s
combinatorial t. tp t hp
discrete t. tp ri rc
combinatorial t. tp t hp
discrete t. tp ri rc
general t. tp i cng
identification t. tp ng nht ho
interval t. tp khong
orbital t. tp qu o
order compatible t. tp tng thch th t
plan t. tp phng
point-set t. tp tp im
relative t. tp cm sinh
strong t. tp mnh
weak t. tp yu
tore hnh xuyn
toriod top. hnh phng xuyn
toroidal phng xuyn, c hnh xuyn
torque mmen [lc, xoy, quay]
torse hh. mt kh trin
torsion s xon, xon (ca mt ng cong ca mt nhm)

t. of a space curve at a point xon ca ng cong trong khng gian
ti mt im
geodesic t. hh. xon trc a
torsional vl. xon
torus hnh xuyn
tot cng, ly tng
total ton phn, tng cng
totality tng
tptalization gt. s ly tng
totalizator mt. b tng, b m
totalize ly tng
totalizer b tng
totally hon ton
totien hm le
tower thp
trace vt
t. of an element vt ca mt phn t
t. of endomorphism vt ca t ng cu
t. of a line vt ca ng thng
t. of a map top. vt ca nh x
t. of a matrix s. vt ca mt ma trn
t. of a surface hh. vt ca mt mt
traceable v c
tracing v, ng (ng cong)
curve t. v ng cong
track vt, ng (mn)
digit t. mt. vt ca ch s (ghi trn bng t)
tractrix ng tractric
curtate t. ng trctric co
tracde kt. thng mi
trajectory qu o
t. of stress qu o ca ng sut
indecomposable t. top. qu o khng phn tch c
isogonal t. qu o ng gic
orthogonal t. hh. qu o trc giao
transcendence tnh siu vit
transcendency tnh siu vit
transcendental siu vit
transcribe chp li, phin m

transcriber mt. thit b chp li
transcription s chp li, s phin m
transducer mt. my bin i
transfer s di chuyn, truyn
energy t. s di chuyn nng lng
heat t. s truyn nhit
momentum t. s truyn ng lng
transference s di chuyn, s truyn
transfinite siu hn
transform bin i; nh x
convolution t. gt. php bin i tch chp
Laplace t. gt. php bin i Laplax
linear t. php bin i tuyn tnh
transformation php bin i; php nh x t. by reciprocal radii php
nghch o
t. of coordinates php bin i to
t. of function php bin i hm
t. of tensor php bin i tenx
t. of variable php bin i bin s
adjoint t. php bin i ph
affine t. php bin i afin
algebraic t. php bin i i s
allowable t. php bin i chp nhn c
analytic t. php bin i gii tch
autoregressive t. php bin i t hi quy
bilimear t. php bin i song tuyn tnh
biquadratic t. php bin i trng phng
birational t. php bin i song hu t
canonical t. php bin i chnh tc
chain t. php bin i xch
closed t. php bin i ng, php nh x ng
collineatory t. php bin i cng tuyn
conformal t. php bin i bo gic
congruent t. php bin i tng ng
conjugate t. php bin i lin hp
continuous t. php bin i lin tc
contractive linear t. s. php bin i tuyn tnh co rt
covering t. php nh x ph
cubic t. php bin i bc ba

cubo-cubic t. php bin i 3 - 3
dualistic t. php bin i i ngu
elementary t. php bin i s cp
equiangular t. php bin i ng gic
equiform t. php bin i ng dng
equilong t. php bin i ng c
Galilean t. php bin i Galil
geometric t. php bin i hnh hc
homogeneos t. php bin i thun nht
homothetic t. php v t
identical t. php bin i ng nht
infinitesimal t. php bin i vi phn
inner t. gt. php bin i trong, php nh x trong
internal t. gt. php bin i tron, php nh x trong
interior t. gt. php bin i trong, php nh x trong
inverse t. php bin i ngc
involutory t. php bin i i hp
isogonal t. php bin i ng gic
Laplace t. php bin i Laplax
linear t. php bin i tuyn tnh
line-sphere t. php bin i tuyn cu
loglog t. tk. php bin i lga lp
maximal t. php bin i cc i
metric t. php bin i mtric
monoidal t. php bin i monoit
natural t. s bin i t nhin
non-singular t. php bin i khng k d
normal t. php bin i chun tc
orthogonal t. php bin i trc giao
pedal t. php bin i [bn p, thu tc]
point t. php bin i im
point - curve t. php bin i im tnh
point - surface t. php bin i im din
polar t. php bin i cc
projective t. php bin i x nh
quadratic t. php bin i bc hai
radial t. php bin i theo tia
reciprocal frequency t. php bin i o tn
retracting t. top. php bin i co rt

reversible t. php bin i thun nghch
self-adjoint t. php bin i t ph
similarity t. php bin i ng dng
single valued t. php bin i n v
singular t. php bin i k d
step t. php bin i bc thang
symmetry t. php bin i i xng
topological t. php bin i tp
unimodular t. php bin i n mula
unitary t. php bin i [n nguyn, unita]
univalent t. php bin i n tr
transgression top. s vt qua
transient nht thi
transistor k. [my n] bn dn
transit tv. s qua kinh tuyn
transitive bc cu, truyn ng
multiply t. [bc cu, truyn ng] bi
transitively mt cch bc cu
transitiveness s bc cu, s truyn ng
transitivity tnh bc cu, tnh truyn ng
translate tnh tin, dch
translating tnh tin, dch bin i
translation php tnh tin, s dch
t. of axes s tnh tin cc trc
curvilinear t. tnh tin cong
isotropic t. tnh tin ng hng
machine t. dch my
parallel t. gt. php tnh tin song song
positive t. php tnh tin dng
real t. php tnh tin thc
rectilinear t. php tnh tin thng
translator my dch
code t. my dch m
transmission vl. s truyn
t. of pressure s truyn p lc
t. of sound s truyn m thanh
multiplex t. xib. s truyn a bi
one-way t. s truyn mt chiu
two-way t. s truyn hai chiu

transmit truyn
transmitter xib. my pht
transmitting xib. truyn (t)
transparent trong sut
transport vn ti
transportation s vn ti, s vn chuyn
transpose chuyn v, i v
t. of a matrix ma trn chuyn v
transposed chuyn v
transposition s chuyn v, s i v
regularizing t. s chuyn v chnh quy ho
transvection php co rt
transversal ng honh // ngang
transversality tnh cht nm ngang
transverse ngang
trapezoid hnh thang
isosceles t. hnh thang cn
trapezoidal (thuc) hnh thang
treat x l; k. gia cng ch bin
tree cy
trend tk. xu th
analytic(al) t. xu th thng
rectilinear t. xu th thng
secular t. xu th trng k
trey trch. ba im
triad nhm ba, b ba
triadic ba ngi
trial php th, th nghim
uniformity t. tk. php th u
t. of force tam gic lc
acute t. tam gic nhn
astronomical t. tv. tam gic th sai
birectangular spherical t. tam gic cu hai gc vung
circumscribed t. tam gic ngoi tip
congruent t.s tam gic tng ng
inscribed t. tam gic ni tip
coordinate t. tam gic to
copolar t. tam gic ng cc
diagonal t. tam gic cho

equilateral t. tam gic u
geodesic t. tam gic trc a
homothetic t. tam gic v t
isosceles t. tam gic cn
local t. tam gic a phng
oblique t. tam gic xin
obtuse t. tam gic c gc t
pedal t. tam gic thu tc
perspective t.s tam gic phi cnh
polar t. tam gic cc
rectilinear t. tam gic thng
right t. tam gic vung
scalene t. tam gic thng
self-polar t. tam gic t i cc
similar t.s gic gic ng dng
spherical t. tam gic cu
syzygetic t. tam gic hi sung
unit t. tam gic n v
triangulable top. tam gic phn c
triagular (thuc) tam gic
triangulate tam gic phn
triangulated top. tam gic phn
triangulation top. php tam gic phn, php tam gic c
trichotomy php tam gic phn
trident ng ba rng
t. of Newton ng ba rng ca Niutn
trifolium hnh ba l
trigger mt. trig
trigonal (thuc) tam gic tam tuyn
trigonometric(al) (thuc) lng gic
trigonometry lng gic hc
plane t. lng gic phng
spherical t. lng gic cu
trihedral tam din
coordinate t. lng gic phng
directed t. tam din phng
left-handed oriented t. tam din nh hng bn tri
moving t. tam din ng
negatively oriented t. tam din nh dng m

positively orianted t. tam din nh hng dng
principal t. tam din chnh
right-handed oriented t. tam din nh hng bn phi
trirectangular t. tam din ba gc vung
trihedron khi tam din
trilinear tam tuyn
trillion 1018 (Anh); 1012 (m)
trim c. chnh, gc chnh
trinomial tam thc
triode trit
triple bi ba
t. of conjugate harmonic funcions b ba ca cc hm iu ho lin tc
triplet b ba
triplet b ba
triplivate tng gp ba, b ba
triply b ba
trirectangular c ba gc vung
trisecant tam ct tuyn
trisect chia ba
trisection s chia u ba
t. of an angle chia u ba mt gc
trisectrix ng chia gc lm ba ( th ca x2 + xy2 + ay2 - 3ax2 = 0)
trochoid trocoit
trochoidal (thuc) trocoit
tropical vls. nhit i
troposphere vls. tng i lu
trough mng, ch lm
t. of a time series cc tiu ca chui thi gian
t. of a wave hm sng
trump trch. l bi n, qun ch bi
truncate cht, ct ct
truncated b cht, b ct ct
truncation s cht ct; s b ht cc s hng
truss c. dn, khung; b, chm
trust s tin tng; kt. t rt, tn dng
try th t. back th li; t. for tm
tsunami c. sunami, sng ln i dng
tube ng
"and" t. n "v"

conical t. n ng
control t. n iu khin
counting t. n m
developmental t. ng nghim
driver t. n iu khin
electron t. n in t
memory t. ng nh
tuner k. thit b iu hng
tunnel ng hm, ng
turbine k. tuabin
turbulence gic lon
turbulent ri lon, cun xoy
turn quay, m, vn; tr thnh t. about lt (quay 1800); t. of ng, ngt; t.
on m, bt; t. to quay v; t. up lt ngc; lt r
turning s quay, s thay i
turnover vng quay, s trn xoay
twain b hai, mt cp in t. lm hai, chia i
twelfth th mi hai; mt phn mi hai
twelve mi hai
twenteith th hai mi, mt phn hai mi
twenty hai mi (20)
twice gp i, hai ln
twin sinh i
prime t.s s nguyn, s sinh i
twist xon; k. bc ca nh c
negative t. xon m
positive xon dng
twisting xon
two hai (2); mt cp, mt i
two-position hai v tr
two-sided hai pha
two-stage hai bc
two-way theo hai hng, hai cch, hai ng
type kiu
t. of s Riemann surface gt. kiu ca mt Riman
homotopy t. kiu ng lun
italie t. kiu ch nghing
order t. kiu th t
remainder t. kiu d

topological t. kiu tp
weak homotopy t. kiu ng lun yu
typer mt. thit b in
typieal in hnh

U- equivalence u-tng ng
ulterior sau, tip sau
ultimate cui cng; ti hn
ultimetely ti hn
ultrafilter s. siu lc
ultragroup s. siu nhm
ultrasonic vl. siu m
ultraspherical siu cu
ultrasble siu n nh
ultra-violet vl. cc tm
umbilical (thuc) im rn, ng rn
totally u. im rn ton phn
umbilics im rn
umbra tv. s che khut ton phn
unabridged khng rt gn
unalter khng i
unbalance xib. tnh khng cn bng
unbias(s)ed tk. khng chch
unblocking mt. m
unbounded khng xc nh, dao ng, khng chc chn, bt nh
uncertainty tnh bt nh, tnh khng chc chn
unconditional v iu kin, tuyt i
unconditionally mt cch v iu khin, tuyt i
unconnected khng lin thng
unconstrained khng c lin quan; khng c gii hn
uncountable khng m c
uncouple tch ra
undamped khng tch dn
undecidability log. tnh khng gii c
essential u. tnh khng gii c ct yu
undecidable log. khng gii c
undefined khng xc nh
underline (s) gch di // nhn mch
underneath di
underpolynomial gt. a thc di
under relaxation s lu bin di, s gim d di
understand hiu

undervalue nh gi thp
underwater nc ngm
undetermined bt nh
undirected khng nh hng
undulate vl. chuyn ng sng
undulation s chyn ng sng
unequal khng cn bng, khng bng
unessential khng ct yu
uneven khng chn
unfavourable khng thun li
ungula mi
uniaxial n trc
unicity tnh duy nht
unicoherent nh n, mch lc n
unicursal n hoch
unidirectional xib. n hng, c mt bc t do
unification s thng nht, s hp nht
unified thng nht, hp nht
uniform u
uniformise n tr ho
uniformity tnh u; tnh n tr
uniformization gt. s n tr ho, s lm u
u. of analytic function s n tr ho mt hm gii tch
uniformize gt. n tr ho
uniformizing gt. n tr ho
uniformly u
unify hp nht, thng nht
unilateral tk. mt pha
unimodal tk. mt mt
unimodular s. n mula
union hp
u. of sets hp nht ca cc tp hp
u. of spheres top. b hnh cu
direct u. s. hp trc tip
unipotent lu n
unique duy nht, n tr
uniqueness tnh duy nht; tnh n tr
u. of solution tnh duy nht ca nghim
unirational hh; s. n hu t

uniselector mt. b tm xoay trn, b chn n
uniserial s. mt chui
unit n v
u. of a group n v ca mt nhm
absolute u. vl. n v tuyt i
arithmetic u. mt. n v s hc, b s hc
calibrator u. b nh c, b nh cc h s
computing u. tk. n v tnh ton, n v t l
defective u. tk. n v khuyt tt, n v ph phm
dimensional u. n v th nguyn
driver u. n v iu khin
elementary u. khi s cp
flexible u. mt. n v vn nng
function u. mt. n v hm
fundamental u. n v c bn
hysteresis u. n v tr
imaginary u. n v o
input-output u. n v vo _ ra
matrix u. s. ma trn n v
middle u. s. n v gia
multiplication - division u. mt. n v nhn - chia
multiplying u. n v nhn
primary u. phn t s cp
sample u. n v mu
sampling u. n v mu
secondary u. n v th cp (ca giai on ly mu th hai)
spare u. mt. n v d tr
strong u. n v mnh
translator u. n v dch
weak u. n v yu
unitcircle gt. vng trn n v
unitary unita, n nguyn n v
unite hp nht
unity phn t n v; s thng nht; duy nht
univalence gt. n dip, n gi
locally u. gt. n dip a phng
universal ph dng
universe v tr
expanding u. v tr m rng

unknotted top. khng nt
unknown cha bit n
unlimited v hn, khng gii hn
unmatched khng bng, khng xng
unmixed khng hn tp
unnecessary khng cn thit
unnumbered khng c nh s
unobservable khng quan st c
unpack tho d
unperturbed khng b nhiu lon
unprpvable khng chng minh c
unproved cha chng minh
unramified khng r nhnh
unreliable khng tin cy
unrestricted khng hn ch
unsaturated xib. khng bo ho
unsolvability log. tnh khng gii c
recursive u. khng gii c quy
unsolvable khng gii c
unsolved khng gii
unstable khng n nh
unsteady khng n nh
until cho n, n khi
upcross tk. s dng ho
upper trn
upsilon epxilon ()
up-stream ngc dng
up-to-date hin i
urn (ci) bnh
usage s s dng
use dng
useful c ch
useless v ch
usual thng, thng dng
utility ch li
utilization s s dng
utilize dng

Vacancy ch trng
vacnant trng, rng; t do
vacillation s dao ng
vacuous rng
vacuum vl. Chn khng
vague m h, khng r rng
vagueness tnh m h, tnh khng r rng
valid c hiu lc to be v. c hiu lc
validation tk. s tha nhn (tnh khch quan ca mu)
validity tnh c hiu lc
valuation c lng; s. nh gi; nh gi; s chun ho; mtric ho
discrete v. s. s nh gi ri rc
effective v. s. nh gi c hiu qu
value gi tr
v. of a game trch. Gi tr ca tr chi
v. of an insurance policy gi tr ca ch bo him
v. of series gi tr ca chui
v. of variables gi tr ca bin s
alsolute v. gi tr tuyt i
accumutated v. of an annuity gi tr ca tch lu mt nn
algebraic v. gi tr i s
approximate v. gi tr xp x, gi tr gn ng
asymptotic(al) v. gi tr tim cn
average v. gi tr trung bnh
boundary v. gi tr bin
Cauchy principal v. gi tr ca chnh Cauxi
characteristic v. gi tr c trng
critical v. gi tr ti hn
defective v. gt. gi tr khuyt
end v. gi tr cui
exchange v. gi tr trao i
expected v. tk. k vng, gi tr k vng
face v. gi tr b mt
improved v. gi tr hiu chnh
inaccessible v. gi tr khng t c
isolated v. gi tr c lp
market v. gi tr thng

maximal v. gi tr cc i
mean v. gi tr trung bnh
minimum v. gi tr cc tiu
modal v. tk. gi tr c tn sut cao nht, gi tr mt
numerical v. gi tr bng s
observed v. gi tr quan st
par v. gi tr php nh
permissible v. gi tr cho php
predicted v. gi tr tin on
present v. gi tr hin c
principal v. gi tr chnh
provable v. gi tr c th
proper v. gi tr ring
reduced v. gi tr thu gn
stationary v. gi tr dng
surplus v. kt. gi tr thng d
true v. gi tr ng
truth v. log. gi tr chn l
vanish trit tiu; bin mt
vanishing trit tiu; bin mt
identically v. ng nht trit tiu, ng nht bng khng
vaporization vl. s bc hi, s ho hi
variability tk. [tnh, ] bin i
variable bin (s) // bin thin, bin i
additional v. bin thm
aleatory v. bin ngu nhin
apparent v. bin biu kin
aritificial v. bin gi to
auxiliary v. bin b tr, bin ph
bound v. bin buc
chance v. bin ngu nhin
complex v. bin phc
concomitant v. tk. bin ng hnh
constrained v. tk. bin buc
contibuous v. bin lin tc
contragradient v. bin phn b
controlled v. bin b iu khin
dependent v. bin ph thuc
direction v. bin ch phng

dummy v. bin gi
effect v. tk. bin ph thuc
esential v. bin ct yu
Eulerian v.s cc bin le
free v. bin t do
hypercomplex v. bin siu phc
independent v. gt. bin c lp
individual v. log. bin c th
indution v. bin quy np
input v. bin s vo
latent v. bin n
leading v. bin s chnh
main v. xib. bin s chnh
marker v. tk. bin s lng tr
missing v. xib. bin thiu
number v. log. bin s
numerical v. bin s
object v. log. bin i tng
orientation v.s cc bin nh hng
predicate v. bin v t
process v. bin iu chnh
proposition v. bin mnh
random v. tk. bin ngu nhin
real v. bin thc
space v. gt. bin khng gian
stochastic v. bin ngu nhin
superfluous v.s tk. cc bin tha
theoretiv(al) v. tk. bin l thuyt
unrestricted v. bin t do
variance tk. phng sai
accidental v. phng sai ngu nhin
external v. phng sai ngoi
generlized v. phng sai suy rng
interclass v. phng sai gia cc lp
internal v. phng sai trong
minimun v. phng sai nh nht
relative v. phng sai tng i (bnh phng ca s bin thin)
residual v. phng sai thng d
within-group v. phng sai trong nhm

variant bin thc, khc nhau
variate tk. bin ngu nhin; i lng ngu nhin
variation s bin thin, bin phn
v. of a function bin phn ca hm
v. of parameters bin thin tham s
v. of sign in a polynomial s bin du trong mt a thc
admissible v. bin phn chp nhn c
batch v. bin phn trong nhm
bounded v. bin phn b chn
combined v. bin phn lin kt
direct v. bin thin trc tip
first v. bin phn th nht
free v. bin phn t do
inverse v. bin phn ngc
limited v. bin phn [b cn, gii ni]
negative v. bin phn m
one-sided v. bin phn mt pha
partial v. bin phn ring
positive definite second v. bin thin th hai xc nh dng
second v. bin phn th hai
strong v. bin phn mch
third v. bin phn th ba
total v. of a function bin phn ton phn ca mt hm
weak v. bin phn yu
variational (thuc) bin phn
variety hh; ds. a tp; tnh a dng
Abelian v. a tp Abel
exceptional v. a tp ngoi l
group v. a tp nhm
irreducible v. a tp khng kh quy
jacobian v. a tp jacobi
minimal v. a tp ti thiu, a tp cc tiu
polarized v. a tp phn cc
pure v. a tp thun tu
reducible v. a tp kh quy
requisit v. xib. tnh a dng cn thit
semi-pure v. a tp bn thun tu
solvable group v. a tp nhm gii c
unirational v. a tp n hu t

various khc nhau
variplotter mt. my dng ng cong t ng
vary bin i, bin thin
to v.directly bin i theo t l thun; to v. inversely bin i theo t l
vast rng, to, ln
vector vect
axial v. xect trc
basis v. xect c s
bound v. vect buc
characterictic v. vect [c trng, ring]
complement v. vect b
complanar v. vect ng phng
correction v. vect hiu chnh
dominant v. vect tri
irroational v. vect v rta
latent v. vect ring
localized v. hh. vect buc
mean curvature v. vect cong trung bnh
non-vanishing v. hh. vect khng gian
normal curvature v. vect cong php tuyn
orthogonal v. vect trc giao
orthonormal v.s vect trc chun
porla v. vect cc
polarization v. vect phn cc
price v. vect gi
probability v. vect xc sut
radius v. vect bn knh
row v. vect hng
sliding v. vect trt
symbolic v. vect k hiu
tangent v. vect tip xc
unit v. vect n v
velocity v. vl. vect vn tc
zero v. vect khng
vectorial (thuc) vect
velocity vn tc, tc
absolute v. vn tc tyt i
amplitude v. vn tc bin

angular v. vn tc gc
areal v. vn tc din tch
average v. vn tc trung bnh
critical v. vn tc ti hn
group v. vn tc nhm
instantaneous v. vn tc tc thi
linear v. tc chuyn ng thng, vn tc di
mean v. tc trung bnh
peripheric v. vn tc bin
phase v. vn tc pha
pressure v. vn tc nn
ray v. vn tc theo tia
relative v. c. vn tc tng i
shock v. vn tc kch ng
signal v. vn tc tn hiu
terminal v. vn tc cui
terbulent v. vn tc xoy
uniform angular v. vn tc gc u
wave v. vn tc sng
wave-front v. vn tc u sng
verifiable th li c
verification [s,php] th li
verify th li
vernier con chy (thc vecnie)
versiera vcsra ( th ca y(a2+x2)=a3)
vertex nh; tv. thin nh
v. of an angle nh ca mt gc
v. of a cone nh ca mt tam gic
neutral v. nh trung tnh; nh trung ho
vertical thng ng
vertically mt cch thng ng
vertices cc nh
adjacent v. cc nh k
neighbouring v. cc nh ln cn
opposite v. of a polygon cc nh i (ca mt a din)
vessel k. tu, thuyn
vibrate dao ng, chn ng, rung ng
vibration vl. s dao ng, s chn ng, s rung
v. of the second order chn ng cp hai

damped v. dao ng tt dn
forced v. dao ng cng bc
harmonic v. dao ng iu ho
inaudible v. dao ng khng nghe thy c
lateral v. dao ng ngang
longitudinal v. dao ng dc
natural v. dao ng co lc
sinusoidal v. dao ng sin
standing v. dao ng ng
sympathetic v. chn ng p li
torsional v. dao ng xon
vibrational c dao ng, c chn ng, c rung ng
vibrator k. ci dao ng; [ci, b] rung
asymmetric(al) v. ci dao ng khng i xng
vice versa ngc li
vicinity ln cn in the v. of... gn ...
v. of a point ln cn ca mt im
view dng; php chiu
in v. of theo, ch ...
auxiliary v. hh. php chiu ph
front v. nhn t trc, hnh chiu t trc
principal v. hh. php chiu chnh
rear v. nhn t sau
side v. hh. nhn t mt bn, nhn ngang
vinculum du gch trn biu thc
viscosity nht
dynamic v. nht ng lc
eddy v. nht xoy
kinematical v. vl. nht ng hc
viscous vl. (thuc) nht
voltage th hiu
instantanneous v. th hiu tc thi
steady stale v. th hiu n nh
volume khi, th tch; tp (sch bo)
v. of a solid th tch ca mt vt th
incompressible v. th tch khng nn c
volote ng xon c
vortex rta, ci xoy, dng xoy
bound v. c, rta bin

forced v. rtacng bc
free v. rta t do
spherical v. rta cu
trailing v. c, rta cui, ci xoy u mt
vortical (thuc) rta, xoy
vorticity vl. tnh xoy
vrai tht s

wage kt. lng
weges-fund qu tin lng
wake c. vt sng; ui sng; dng ui
vortex w. mng xoy; mng rta
walk i; tk. di ng
random w. di ng ngu nhin
wander di ng
wandering tk. di ng
ware tk. hng ho
warn bo trc lu
warranty kt. bo m
water nc
waterfall thc nc
water-hammer c p thu lc
wave sng
w. of dilatation sng n
w. of earth quake sng a chn
breaking w. sng v
bow w. u sng
circular w. sng trn
circularly polarized w. sng phn cc trn
complementary w. sng b
compressional w. sng nn
damped w. sng tt dn
deression w. sng thp; sng tha
dilatation w. sng n
distortional w. sng xon
diverging w. sng phn k
double w. sng kp
elastic w. sng n hi
H w.s sng H
incident w. sng ti
internal w. sng trong
linear w. sng tuyn tnh
longitudinal w. sng dc
medium w.s sng gia
nonlinear w. sng phi tuyn

parallel w.s cc sng song song
plane w. sng phng
polarized w. sng phn cc
precompression w. sng d p (sng c p sut trc)
pressure w. sng p
principal w. sng chnh
progressive w. vl. sng [chy, sng tin, lan truyn]
quasi-simple w. sng ta n
radio w. sng v tuyn
reflected w. sng phn x
roll w. sng ln
scattered w. sng tn
shear w. sng trt
shock w. sng kch ng; sng va chm
solitary w. c. sng c c
spherical w. sng cu
standing w. sng ng
stationery w. sng dng
symmetric w. sng i xng
travelling w. vl. sng chy [tin, lan truyn]
transverse w. sng ngang
trochoidal w. sng trocoit
wave-crest ngn sng
waveform xib. dng sng (ca tn hiu )
waveguide k. ng dn sng; ng sng
wave-lenght vl. di sng, bc sng
way con ng; phng php
w. of behavior xib. phng php s l
weak yu
weakly yu
web li
w. of curver li cc ng cong
wedge ci chn, ci chm
elliptic w. ci chm eliptic
spherical w. ci chm cu
weigh cn
weight trng lng
balnce w. i trng
gross w. trng lng c b

moving w.s cn trt
weighted c trng lng
weighting s cn // c trng lng
well-ordered c sp tt
whirl chuyn ng xoy
whiling xoy
white trng
whole ton b, tt c, nguyn
wholeness tnh [ton b, nguyn]
wholesale kt. (mua; bn) bun
wide rng, rng ri
width chiu rng; v
reduced w. rng rt gn
winding [vng, s] quay; s un
wing c. cnh
cantiliver w. cnh mng t do
swept w. c. cnh hnh mi tn
winning c cuc, thng cuc
word t
coded w. t m
commutator w. t hon t
empty w. log. t rng
ideal w. mt. t l tng
n-digit w. t n- ch, t n-du
work vl. cng; cng trnh
elementary w. cng s cp, cng nguyn t
paysheet w. mt. lp phiu tr
useful w. cng c ch
virtual w. cng o
worth gi
w. of a game trch. gi ca tr chi
wreath bn
wite vit
wrong sai

xi ski ()
x-rays tia x, tia rn ghen

year nm
commercial y. kt. nm thng mi (360 ngy)
fiscal y. nm ti chnh
leap y. nm nhun
light y. tv. nm nh sng
sidereal y. nm v tr (365 ngy)
yield cho; tin hnh

zenith thin nh
zero zer, s khng, khng im
z. order n khng im cp n
simple z. khng im n
zeta zeta ()
zigzag ng dc dc, ng ch chi
zodiac tv. hong o
zodiacal vl. (thuc) hong o
zonal (thuc) i, theo i
zone i, min, vng
z. of plow i ca dng
z. of infection vng nh hng
z. of one base chm cu
z. of preference kt. vng quyt nh cui cng
z. of a sphere i cu
communication z. vng lin lc
dead z. xib. vng cht
determinate z. min quyt nh
inert z. vng khng nhy

neutralizing z. vng trung lp
spherical z. i cu


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