Mecanism of Attention

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Attention: behavior and neural mechanisms

K E N N E T H M. HEILMAN Department of Neurology, University of Florida College of
Medicine, and Veterans Administration Medical
ROBERT T. WATSON Center, Gainesville, Florida
Department of Neurology, University of Florida
EDWARD VALENSTEIN College of Medicine, Gainesville, Florida
Laboratory of Sensorimotor Research, National Eye Institute,
MICHAEL E. GOLDBERG Bethesda, Maryland; and Department of Neurology,
Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington, DC

CHAPTER CONTENTS through static on a radio. It can also select the location
of a certain stimulus. Physiologically, selective atten-
Behavioral Enhancement of Sensory Response as a Physiological tion describes excitability changes limited to some
Analogue of Attentional Processes subset of stimuli within a modality. The selection of
Arousal a stimulus in space (spatial attention) is related to the
Selective Attention
Relationships between selective attention and arousal final property, which is intention. Intention involves
Intention the preparation of the motor system to interact with
Frontal lobes the environment and has also been called activation
Centromedian-parafascicularis-frontocortical-thalamic reticular (113).
nucleus system
Catecholamine systems Arousal, selective attention, and intention may oc-
Hemispheric Asymmetries of Attention and Intention cur serially. To respond meaningfully to a stimulus,
Attention an organism must be aroused so that it can respond
Intention to the entire class of stimuli. It must then attend to a
Summary and Conclusions
specific stimulus, selecting it from the environment
for further processing. Finally, it may channel the
motor system to interact with the stimulus, activating
THE BRAIN RECEIVES more stimuli than it can fully the motor system through the process of intention.
process simultaneously. Some stimuli are of little or These processes can also be interactive. For example,
no importance; others are biologically significant. an aroused organism may become further aroused
Some important stimuli call for action; others do not. when presented with a highly significant stimulus.
Similarly the brain can simultaneously regulate only Organisms frequently attend to a novel stimulus
a limited number of behaviors. The mechanisms by because they have not yet determined its biological
which we prepare to process stimuli, focus on what to importance. Conversely, repeated presentations of a
process, and determine how far it will be processed nonsignificant stimulus will cause it to cease affecting
and whether it should call us to action we call atten- behavior. This waning of response is called habitua-
tion. tion. If the stimulus remains biologically significant,
To study the physiology of attention, we need defi- the organism will respond to it regardless of how often
nitions that can be experimentally tested. Attention it has been presented. Eventually, however, if the
is a complex psychological construct that includes stimulus becomes nonsignificant, the organism ceases
arousal, selective attention, and motor intention. Be- to respond to it; this loss of response to a previously
haviorally, arousal occupies a continuum that ranges significant stimulus is called extinction. A failure of
from the pathological state of coma, in which the the arousal or intentional processes can lead to the
organism may not respond to any stimulus, to the organisms not responding to the stimulus or neglect-
various degrees of waking. Physiologically, arousal ing it. A failure of the selective attentional process
describes the excitability of the nervous system (160). may lead to inappropriate distraction or to failure by
An organism can selectively process one or more prop- extinction.
erties of a complex stimulus, such as music coming Understanding the physiological bases of attention

involves knowing which parts of the brain have the (159) or in the frontal eye field (21). However, cells in
property of altered excitability, under what circum- the superficial layers of the colliculus never discharge
stances their excitability is altered, and how that before saccades in the absence of a visual stimulus
altered responsiveness is expressed. Studying altera- (49), although the activity of some cells is suppressed
tions of excitability is not always sufficient, however, around a saccade (123). The enhancement also could
because many psychological processes such as mem- be due to some general phenomenon associated with
ory, perception, and cognition also may share these performing a saccade. For example, the pupils dilate
properties. Therefore observations of altered behavior before saccades and the effect could be greater lumi-
associated with perturbations of specific areas of the nous flux on the retina. Because it is easier for mon-
brain are needed to understand the physiology of keys to perform a saccade task than a fixation task,
attention. there may be a difference in arousal between the
saccade and the fixation tasks. Such factors would be
associated with any saccade, not only the saccade to
BEHAVIORAL E N H A N C E M E N T OF S E N S O R Y the stimulus in the receptive field.
R E S P O N S E AS A PHYSIOLOGICAL ANALOGUE OF To control for these general effects of a saccade, the
ATTENTIONAL PROCESSES response of the neuron to the stimulus in the receptive
field was studied when the animal made a saccade to
The electrophysiological approach to attention has a control stimulus that originated outside the receptive
centered on examining the electrical activity of certain field. If the enhancement were selective for the recep-
brain structures and then studying how either manip- tive field of the neuron, it would be absent when the
ulating an animal's environment or manipulating an- animal makes a saccade elsewhere. Figure 1 illustrates
other part of the brain changes that neural activity. this experiment: A shows the response of the neuron
The brain structures involved in generating visually to the simultaneous onset of stimuli in the receptive
guided eye movements are the areas that have been field, B shows the enhanced activity when the monkey
most exhaustingly analyzed. We discuss them here makes the saccade to the stimulus in the receptive
because they not only illustrate the physiological ap- field, and C shows that the activity of the neuron was
proach to the problem but help to clarify the differ- not enhanced when the animal made the saccade to
ences among arousal, selective attention, and inten-
tion. CON
Goldberg and Wurtz (49) first noticed that the
responses to visual stimuli of single neurons in the
superficial layers of the monkey superior colliculus

were affected both by the physical properties of the
stimulus and by the animal's reaction to the stimulus.
Taking recordings from monkeys trained to perform
visuomotor tasks, Goldberg and Wurtz (49) first
A . . . . . ... - ... . . . * ,. .'*;
.... ..-. ....
. I

. .. .. .. . .
worked out the base-line visual properties of single
........ ... .. ..-.
-. . . .
neurons in the superficial layers of the monkey supe- .--"tL & A

rior colliculus and then showed that the responses B ......

--.. . .
were enhanced when the monkey made a saccade to . --.
the stimulus in the receptive field. In this experiment -.-. ...
the monkey was trained to look at a spot of light on a I- ..
tangent screen. While the monkey looked at that spot,
I -;
a second spot of light could be used to determine the L *
. .
visual receptive field of the neuron. The monkey was
.-. . . . . ." 1
then trained to make a saccade to the stimulus when
it appeared in the receptive field. The cells responded I . ..- . .. --
. . ... ..... . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .:.'..-
more briskly and regularly to the stimulus when the W
100 mrec
monkey made a saccade. Conversely, removal of the
stimulus from the receptive field terminated the activ- FIG. 1. Spatial selectivity of enhancement in monkey superior
ity. The increased activity could not be due merely to colliculus. Top, cartoon illustrates receptive field of a collicular
the act of the eye movement that swept the stimulus neuron in relationto fovea.RF, stimulusin receptivefield of neuron.
Receptive field outlined by dashed line; FP, fixation point at which
across the receptive field, because much of the en- monkey stars, CON, control stimulus outside receptive field. A
hanced activity preceded the saccade. This enhance- response of neuron as raster diagram and histogram to onset of
ment of the visual response could be due to many visual stimuli during a task in which animal looks at fixation point
factors, only one of which is attention to the stimulus. and does not break gaze when the 2 other stimuli are flashed on
screen; B: enhanced response to appearance of stimulus when
For example, the activity could be confounded by a monkey is going to make a saccade to RF,C: lack of enhancement
motor discharge before the saccade, which is the case to appearance of both stimuli when monkey is going to make a
for cells in the intermediate layers of the colliculus saccade to CON.[From Wurtz and Mohler (161).]

A .-...._- ....
...._.. _.......
hancement in the monkey frontal eye field is also
. . . . ..........

... saccade specific (Fig. 2).

... ............
--.. . .
. ..........
- .-_. ..........
Evidence for behavioral enhancemqnt of visual re-
- .-...
. . ......
.-_ ..... sponsiveness can also be found in the striate cortex
.-_ .........
........ bI# 8r.k (162). Here, however, the enhancement occurs when-

ever the monkey makes a saccade, whether or not the
B ......... .= . saccade is made into the receptive field of the neuron.
.-. ._ . It also occurs whether or not the stimulus is used as a
. .-._.
-.. - . -
... .. .-.. I target for a saccade or as a cue in the peripheral-
attention task. This global increase in the excitability
of the striate cortex under certain behavioral condi-
tions is consistent with an arousal process but is not
c ...... .%. . consistent with an attentional process, which must be
spatially selective. Figure 3 shows spatially nonselec-
tive enhancement of visual activity in the monkey
striate cortex. It is not consistent with either a selec-
M tive attentional or an intentional process, because it
400 mrec is not specific to either the movement or the stimulus
selection. The striate cortex is a region subject to
FIG. 2. Saccade-related enhancement of visual responsiveness.
A: response of a single neuron in monkey frontal eye fields to onset arousal but not to the selective activation inherent in
of spot of light in its receptive field. Raster and histogram are attention; therefore any excitability changes that op-
synchronized on stimulus onset, signified by vertical line. B re- erate on the entire retinogeniculostriate system must
sponse of the neuron to same spot when monkey makes a saccade also be participating in general arousal mechanisms
to fixate stimulus. Raster and histogram are synchronized on stim- rather than selective attentional mechanisms.
ulus onset. C same trials synchronized on the eye movement.
Significant activity occurs before beginning of saccade. [From Gold- Enhancement also has been shown in the posterior
berg and Bushnell(47).] parietal cortex, area 7 (24, 120). In the parietal cortex

the stimulus outside the receptive field. By exclusion, CON

the enhancement had to be related not to the act of
making a saccade but to the act of making the specific
saccade to the stimulus in the receptive field. Such a
specific enhancement could be related either to the
selective attentional processes associated with choos-
ing that stimulus from the environment or to the FP
intentional processes associated with making the spe-
cific saccade.
To distinguish between selective attention and mo-
tor intention, it is necessary to study the activity of
the neuron in situations where the animal does not
make a saccade to the stimulus but must attend to it.
One such situation is a peripheral-attention task. The
monkey begins the task by looking at a central fixation
point. Another stimulus appears in the receptive field
of the neuron, which presumably does not include the
fovea; a few seconds later, either the small central

1 ?LJ
fixation point or the larger peripheral stimulus dims.
Because the animal must maintain gaze on the fixa-
. . . .. -

tion point to perceive its dimming and does not require . ...........
-._-. ..... -.
the fovea to detect the dimming of the peripheral ----
.................. -,,,,
stimulus, it tends not to make a saccade to the periph- . '

eral stimulus. Because the animal responds to the L-.4J&

stimulus, it must have attended to it. In the superior 100 msec
colliculus the enhancement only occurs when the mon- FIG. 3. Spatially nonselective enhancement of visual activity in
key makes a saccade to the stimulus in the receptive monkey striate cortex. Top, cartoon illustrates location of receptive
field and not when the stimulus is used in the periph- field (RF) and control stimuli (CON) on the screen. FP, fixation
eral-attention task (161). Therefore the enhancement point at which monkey stares. A: cell's iesponse- to stimuli. B:
response when monkey makes a saccade to stimulus in RF. C
in the superior colliculus is specifically related to the response when monkey makes a saccade to CON. [From Wurtz and
act of making a saccade or to motor intention. En- Mohler (162).]

the enhancement is spatially selective, occurring only activity is temporarily stopped 2) if an organism is at
when the monkey attends to the stimulus in the re- rest, muscle tone is increased 3 ) autonomic changes
ceptive field (24, 120). However, it is not movement occur (pupil dilation, increased sweating, peripheral
specific because it occurs when a monkey makes a vasoconstriction or dilation, and alterations in heart
saccade to the stimulus in the receptive field, uses it rate and respiration); and 4 ) sensory thresholds are
as a cue for a peripheral-attention task, or reaches out lowered (93). These general changes are all indepen-
and touches it without making a saccade to the stim- dent of the stimulus evoking the behavior and the
ulus. Figure 4 shows enhancement of a parietal neuron strategy of the specific response. They are the concom-
in saccade and peripheral-attention tasks. Because the itants of arousal.
enhanced signal occurred in association with any of Beck (lo), one of the cofounders of electroenceph-
the tasks examined, the signal could not be specific to alography, noted that a variety of sensory stimuli
any of the different motor strategies. Because the induced a decrease in rhythmic electroencephalogram
monkey attended to the stimulus in all of the cases, (EEG) oscillations. Berger (14) showed in human sub-
Robinson and co-workers (24,120)postulated that the jects that the EEG voltage decreased and frequency
enhancement was related to the processes underlying increased with sensory stimulation. He thought that
selective attention. sensory stimuli induced optimal excitability in areas
We use the results of the preceding group of exper- of the brain that were processing the stimulus, whereas
iments as guidelines for our discussion of the processes the remainder of the cortex was in a state of decreased
involved in attention. Here arousal refers to an in- excitability. Berger also thought that the associated
crease in responsiveness that occurs across an entire reduced voltage of the EEG reflected inhibition and
modality under a given behavioral situation. Selective deactivation. Adrian and Matthews (l),however, sug-
attention refers to an increase in excitability limited gested that the changes in the rhythmic activity de-
to a subset within a modality, e.g., a part of visual pend on the attention to the stimulus.
space. Selective attention must therefore be indepen- Moruzzi and Magoun (101) revolutionized thinking
dent of the behavioral strategy used to deal with the about the process of EEG activation by showing that
attended stimulus. Intention refers more narrowly to electrical stimulation of the reticular formation of the
the response: increased excitability in an intentional mesencephalon in animals would evoke EEG desyn-
system must be limited to the case in which the animal chronization similar to that occurring during natural
deals with the stimulus with one movement but not arousal. Bilateral lesions of the mesencephalic retic-
another. ular formation induced the opposite of arousal, coma.
This was the first demonstration that a seemingly
nonspecific brain area could affect the way the brain
AROUSAL interacted with its environment. The results were used
to explain both arousal and the maintenance of the
When an organism is presented with a novel or waking state.
significant stimulus, it aligns its sensory organs (e.g., During the last 30 years the activating theory has
eyes and ears) with the source of the stimulus. Pavlov received growing criticism. The first problems occur
first called this response the investigating or what in the dissociation of behavior and low-voltage fast
is it? reaction. This orienting response is associated EEG activity. Although low-voltage fast EEG rhythms
with many specific physiological correlates: I ) ongoing usually signal alert wakefulness, they can occur with

FIG. 4. Task-independent, spatially selective enhancement of visual activity in monkey posterior

parietal cortex. A: response to visual stimulus by a parietal neuron when monkey does not have to
respond to stimulus. B: response of same neuron to same stimulus when monkey makes a saccade to
stimulus. C: response of same neuron to same stimulus when monkey attends to but does not make
a saccade to stimulus. Vertical lines, onset of stimulus. [From Bushnell et al. (24).]

coma (90). Slowing of EEG rhythms usually indicates This would enable a neuron with a specific motor
decreased arousal. However, atropine induces EEG signal to function also as a nonspecific tonic activator
slowing without particularly affecting behavior (147). of ascending processes (131).
Evidence is also accumulating that much of the retic- Growing evidence indicates, as Moruzzi and Ma-
ular formation has a specific motor function. For goun (101) predicted, that the mesencephalic reticular
example, the saccade generators for the oculomotor formation can affect visual function so as to augment
system are located in the parapontine reticular for- the excitability of neurons to their natural stimula-
mation (26) for horizontal saccades and the mesen- tion. The intensity of gross visual potentials in the
cephalic reticular formation for vertical saccades (83). lateral geniculate body of the monkey is increased by
Siegel (131) has shown that activity in most pontine electrical stimulation of the mesencephalic reticular
reticular formation neurons can be correlated with the formation (33); this facilitation is most effective when
movement of specific muscles and that specific pairs the monkey is drowsy. When the monkey is alert,
of neurons seem to have significant autocorrelation reticular stimulation has little effect (6),which sug-
with each other as well as with movement. Siegel et gests that the mesencephalic reticular formation
al. (133; 134) recently found some behavioral or move- arouses the visual system. If the system is already
ment correlation for 95% of the 300 neurons studied. aroused, further stimulation is ineffective. Similar fa-
The arousal and motor functions of the reticular cilitation was also seen in the responses of single
formation may not be exclusive. When an animal is neurons in the monkey striate cortex [Fig. 5; @)I.
in an active state, cortical processing and motor be- Singer (135,136) studied intracellular recordings from
havior both increase. If a by-product of increased the lateral geniculate of the cat and noted that bursts
motor activity is increased tonic activation of cortical of inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) synchro-
sensory or analytic systems, the cortex will function nized with slow waves in the EEG. The same mesen-
more efficiently to provide information to the motor cephalic stimulation that desynchronized the slow
system. Biologically the cortical analytic systems waves obliterated the IPSPs, an effect that would
evolved later than the reticular motor systems; thus allow more effective transmission of visual informa-
an ascending copy of reticular motor efferent signals tion through the lateral geniculate nucleus. Because
may have assumed the function of arousing the cortex. the IPSPs inherent in the visual lateral inhibitory




50 100 150
1 OT

I 1 I
.5 1
I 1

10 20 30
FIG. 5. Effect of mesencephalic stimulation on visual responsiveness of neurons in striate cortex.
Three neurons were studied; in each a visual or electrical stimulus of optic tract was presented.
Stimuli were presented alone and also paired with a mesencephalic reticular formation (MRF)
electrical stimulus presented 75 ms before. A: response of neuron to flash (strobotron), MRF
stimulation by flash after 75 ms (strobotron + MRF), and alone (MRF). B: response of another
neuron to optic tract (OT), combined (OT + MRF), and alone (MRF). C response of 3rd neuron to
onset of light (on), onset and MRF stimulation (on + MRF), disappearance of light (off), disappear-
ance combined with MRF (off + MRF), and alone (MRF). [From Bartlett and Doty (7).]

process in the lateral geniculate were also affected by ment for neurons in the prestriate cortex of the mon-
mesencephalic reticular formation stimulation, Singer key. Motter and Mountcastle (102) found a similar
postulated that another effect of mesencephalic retic- effect in the responsiveness of visually responsive or
ular formation was to sharpen visual processing by light-sensitive neurons in the posterior parietal cortex.
the lateral geniculate. This suggestion was consistent They compared the response of these neurons to visual
with the early observation by Godfraind and Meulders stimuli when the animal was actively looking at a
(46) that mesencephalic reticular formation stimula- fixation point with the response to the same stimuli
tion increased the size of the excitatory center of when the animal was not actively fixating. The act of
receptive fields in the lateral geniculate of the cat. fixation was responsible for a significant increase in
There have been several other examples of arousal the visual excitability of the neurons (Fig. 6), although
demonstrated in' cortical studies. Wurtz and Mohler the animal did not respond to the peripheral stimulus
(161) showed that neurons in the striate cortex have and may not have even been attending to it. This was
enhanced responses before saccades or in association not merely a visual interaction with the fixation tar-
with a peripheral-attention task. The enhancement get, because if the central fixation target disappeared
was spatially nonselective and the phenomenon there- for a brief time during active fixation, the increased
fore related to arousal. Robinson and Fuchs (118) excitability of the cell persisted.
showed a similar spatial nonselectivity of enhance- There are two separate pathways by which mesen-


I I I I 1 1
I I 111 1 1 I I I 1
I 8 II am I I I
11 I I I1 I I1 1 1
111 I II I I
1 1 1 1 Ill a I I 1
I I Ill I

: :
: :

- ...
... ...
.. .. .... ..

FIG.6. Responses of parietal light-sensitive neuron to visual stimuli when monkey was alert but
not actively fixating, compared with those evoked by same stimulus when monkey was actively
fixating. Raster-histograms synchronized by onset of stimulus signified by vertical dotted lines. No-
task mode, monkey alert and resting. Task mode A, monkey fixating a spot of light. Task mode B,
monkey fixating where a spot had been, but for interval of stimulus presentation, fixation point
disappeared. Monkey nevertheless maintained fixation accurately, waiting for reappearance of fixa-
tion point. Black diamonds, bins in which response in no-task mode differs significantly from responses
in both task modes. Dotted lines above solid histograms, SEM for each bin. [From Mountcastle et al.

cephalic reticular activity can affect cortical sensory activating system induced greater desynchronization
processing. No direct connections have been satisfac- ipsilaterally than contralaterally. Unilateral lesions in
torily demonstrated from the mesencephalic reticular the region of the mesencephalic reticular formation
formation to the cerebral cortex (107, 124). Instead induce EEG and behavioral changes suggestive of
the mesencephalic reticular formation projects to the unilateral coma or neglect (117, 154). Conversely,
cortex in a widespread but specific fashion, relayed unilateral lesions of the locus coeruleus do not induce
through the medial thalamus. This has been studied similar behavioral or EEG changes (R. K. Deuel,
in the cat, in which Steriade and Glenn (140) showed personal communication).
that neurons in the centralis lateralis-paracentralis Although the dopaminergic system may be critical
complex of the cat thalamus project to the ipsilateral in the intentional systems of the brain (see INTEN-
caudate nucleus or cerebral cortex and that 13% of TION, p. 470), dopamine and serotonin do not appear
these cells could be excited monosynaptically from the to be important transmitters in neural systems me-
ipsilateral mesencephalic reticular formation. Because diating arousal, because blockade of both synthesis
of the technical problems involved in exciting all of and receptors does not appear to affect EEG desyn-
the mesencephalic reticular formation, 13%may be a chronization (122, 158).
substantial underestimate. The thalamic projections The role of acetylcholine is more complex. Shute
to caudate and cortex were quite specific: cells that and Lewis (130) described an ascending cholinergic
could be excited from the caudate could not be excited reticular formation. Stimulation of the midbrain mes-
from the cortex, and cells that could be excited from encephalic reticular-activating system not only in-
the pericruciate cortex could not be excited from the duces the arousal response but also increases the rate
middle suprasylvian gyms. Thus different sensory sys- of acetylcholine released from the neocortex (78). Cho-
tems can be facilitated independently by reticular linergic agonists induce neocortical desynchroniza-
activation, the pericruciate region being a specific tion, and antagonists abolish desynchronization (19).
somatosensory cortical association area (103) and the Unfortunately, however, although cholinergic blockers
middle suprasylvian cortex a visual association area such as atropine interfere with EEG desynchroniza-
(110). tion, they do not visibly affect behavioral arousal.
The second manner in which the mesencephalic Vanderwolf and Robinson (147) suggest that there
reticular formation can affect cortical activity is by may be two types of cholinergic input to the neocortex,
influencing the reticular nucleus of the thalamus. Di- only one of which is atropine sensitive.
rect cholinergic projections from the mesencephalic
reticular formation to the reticular nucleus of the
thalamus have been demonstrated (11).Scheibel and SELECTIVE ATTENTION
Scheibel(l27) first postulated, based on its structure,
that the reticular nucleus of the thalamus could inhibit Selective attention differs from arousal in that somc
modality-specific thalamic nuclei. Waszak and Schlag members of a given class of stimuli are treated pref-
(152) noted that the reticular nucleus of the thalamus erentially by the organism. At the electrophysiological
had an alternating relationship with primary thalamic level, this principle has been shown by the selective
nuclei: when the reticular nucleus discharged, it in- enhancement of the response of sensory neurons to
hibited relay in other thalamic nuclei. Waszak and their appropriate stimuli when that stimulus has some
Schlag (152) also showed that stimulation of the mes- biological significance for the animal's behavior. The
encephalic reticular formation in the cat inhibited enhancement of visual responsiveness of visual neu-
spontaneous activity in the reticular nucleus of the rons in the monkey (see Fig. 4) was archetypical of
thalamus. These findings suggest that the role of the this phenomenon, which has been studied extensively
mesencephalic reticular formation on the reticular in the visual system and to some extent in the soma-
nucleus of the thalamus is disinhibition. tosensory and auditory systems. In the visual system,
Many neurons that ascend within the area of mes- saccade-related enhancement has been demonstrated
encephalic reticular formation and its environs are in many areas: superior colliculus (49), striate cortex
monoaminergic. The locus coeruleus-norepinephrine (162), prestriate cortex (39, 118), posterior parietal
system projects diffusely to cortical structures. cortex (120, 163), frontal cortex (47, 99), substantia
Whereas the locus coeruleus originates in the pons, nigra pars reticulata (64), and pulvinar (121).
the area of the mesencephalon stimulated by Moruzzi The first suggestion that the posterior parietal cor-
and Magoun (101) contains ascending catecholamine tex might be related to attentional processes came
systems, especially norepinephrine. Although this nor- from observations that contralateral inattention de-
epinephrine system would appear to be an ideal can- veloped in humans and monkeys after temporoparietal
didate to mediate cortical arousal (76), destruction of lesions (28,57). Using electrophysiological techniques,
most of the locus coeruleus does not greatly affect Hyvarinen and Poranen (69) and Lynch, Mountcastle,
behavioral arousal nor does it change EEG patterns and co-workers (92, 106) showed in monkeys that
(71). Moruzzi and Magoun (101) demonstrated that neurons in area 7 discharged before visually guided
unilateral stimulation of the mesencephalic reticular- hand and eye movements to interesting stimuli.

Mountcastle (104) postulated that those neurons were somatosensory system. Dubner et al. (34) showed that
involved in directing visual attention. The demonstra- neurons in the medullary dorsal horn (trigeminal nu-
tion that parietal neurons showed task-independent cleus caudalis) of the rhesus monkey have two types
enhancement when the monkey attended to the stim- of behavioral modulation in their responses. They
ulus (24) confirmed the role of the posterior parietal trained monkeys to respond differently to noxious
cortex in selective attentional processes. and to warm thermal stimuli. They also trained the
The visual properties of neurons in area 7 have been animals on a visual discrimination task and then
studied by Robinson et al. (120,122) and Mountcastle compared the response of wide-dynamic-range and
and co-workers (102, 163). The cells have large recep- nociceptive-specific neurons with the thermal discrim-
tive fields, and although there is some ipsilateral rep- ination task and with thermal stimuli presented as
resentation, more cells respond to contralateral visual irrelevant. As the difficulty of the task increased, the
stimuli. Most cells respond better to large bright stim- responsiveness of the neurons to the somatosensory
uli (120), whereas some seem to be tuned broadly for discharge decreased. The same neurons gave an en-
specific directions of stimulus movements (93). Some hanced response in the thermal task. However, a
cells with receptive fields in both the ipsilateral and smaller percentage of the somatosensory neurons also
contralateral hemifields have directional selectivities showed task-related responses, discharging in associ-
for stimuli moving toward or away from the fovea ation with trial initiation or with detection of a cue
rather than in a selective direction for the whole field. relative to a reward, independent of the modality of
This property has been called opponent-vector orga- the cue. These task-related responses were not related
nization (93). Cells expressing this property are likely to any of the motor aspects of the task. Bushnell et
to discharge when the animal is moving either forward al. (23) showed that both enhanced and task-related
or backward through a visual environment. Some vis- neurons can be driven antidromically by stimulation
ual cells have their activity gated by the direction of in the thalamus near both the primary somatosensory
gaze; a stimulus with a certain retinal position, even nucleus and the medial thalamic group. The results of
the fovea, will evoke a response when the animal is the experiments, however, do not clarify whether the
looking in one direction but not in another (93).These modifiability of sensory responses related more to an
cells do not appear to possess specificity for stimulus arousal or to a selective attentional phenomenon. For
orientation, shape, or color, and binocular interactions example, Hyvarinen et al. (70) showed that a few
do not play an important part in their properties. neurons in the monkey primary somatosensory cortex
These visual properties are precisely what one would appeared to be affected by attentive behavior. These
.expect for cells that mediate spatial visual attention. cells augumented their response to the relevant stim-
The posterior parietal cortex is not an exclusively uli. Although these results could be cited as an exam-
visual area; it also shows somatosensory and auditory ple of selective attention, before the vibration a signal
activity (69, 120). Lesions in posterior parietal and light was turned on in front of the animal. The color
temporal cortex induce multimodal inattention (57) of the light indicated whether the stimulus was rele-
in the monkey. Lesions in homologous regions in vant or irrelevant. According to Hyvarinen et al. (70),
humans also produce contralateral multimodal inat- this task produced nonspecific arousal because it in-
tention (56). volved anticipation of the relevant stimulus. Such
The activity in the parietal cortex can be viewed as cortical neural effects would probably be mediated by
reflecting an association between visual, somatosen- the reticular system. The reticular system projects
sory, and auditory information influenced by nonsen- strongly to the top layers of the cortex, the area where
sory stimuli that modulate the sensory activity ac- Hyvarinen et al. (70) found the greatest percentage of
cording to the importance of the stimulus to the cells with an augmentation response.
animal. The nonsensory influence presumably would In the auditory system, Hubel et al. (68) first ob-
be generated from the limbic system, which projects served that neurons in the cat auditory cortex re-
strongly to the posterior parietal cortex. The anterior sponded better to novel and interesting stimuli. Such
cingulate cortex contains neurons that respond to cells discharged more briskly whenever the cat seemed
biologically significant stimuli and projects to the to attend to auditory stimuli of interest, such as the
posterior parietal cortex (108). In addition, cingulate squeaking of a toy mouse or the scratching of finger-
lesions in humans and monkeys produce contralateral nails on a nearby table. More recent systematic work
inattention (53, 153). These limbic connections may in awake monkeys has confirmed these observations.
provide an anatomical substrate by which motiva- Beaton and Miller (9) studied the responses of neurons
tional activity (such as biological needs, psychological in the monkey auditory cortex when the animal
set, and long-term goals) can influence stimulus pro- worked on a reaction-time task. They interspersed
cessing (62). Such interactions between limbic and relevant presentations of the stimulus with presenta-
sensory projections could produce the attention-re- tions of the same stimulus when it was irrelevant to
lated enhancement of visual responses that has been the task. Twenty-five percent of cells in auditory
demonstrated in the posterior parietal cortex. cortex showed an enhancement on the task in which
Enhancement has also been demonstrated in the the frequency of the stimulus was relevant for behav-

ior. In other experiments, Benson et al. (12) found a with limbic input may be important for determining
mild enhancement of response in a task in which the significance (62, 156).
monkey had to discriminate between stimuli presented Support of the Sokolovian hypothesis comes from
to the left versus the right ear. Hocherman et al. (65), physiological, anatomical, and ablation-behavior stud-
also studying the problem, trained monkeys to respond ies. One such experiment came from Segundo et al.
differentially to tone and noise stimuli, and then cued (129), who stimulated various portions of the cortex
the auditory stimulus with light cues. The monkeys and found that the parietotemporal region induced
learned to anticipate the auditory stimulus. When the reticular formation evoked potentials.
investigators made the cue less reliable, the monkeys If an organism receives a lateralized novel stimulus,
responded as if they had predicted the auditory stim- it will orient to the side of the stimulus. Although the
ulus cued by the light. Of neurons responding prefer- organism will show a bilateral arousal response, there
entially to either of the stimuli, 50% enhanced their are asymmetries. For example, visual stimuli pre-
activity when the monkeys predicted that the stimulus sented to one side tend to block contralateral EEG a-
was going to occur. In all of the experiments the activity more than ipsilateral a-activity (1). Moruzzi
specificity of the responses made it unlikely that there and Magoun (101) demonstrated with unilateral mes-
were significant differences in generalized arousal encephalic reticular-activating system stimulation
levels during the task. However, in many of the ex- that the ipsilateral hemisphere showed greater desyn-
periments, the auditory stimulus was cued. These cues chronization than the contralateral hemisphere. Con-
may have altered the behavioral state of the monkey versely, unilateral lesions of the mesencephalic retic-
and thereby altered cellular excitability. It therefore ular-activating system induce a contralateral disorder
remains uncertain whether primary sensory cortex can of attention with loss of the orienting reflex to contra-
mediate selective attention (i.e., demonstrate an en- lateral stimuli (as measured behaviorally and elec-
hanced response to a significant stimulus in the ab- troencephalographically)but with relatively preserved
sence of a cue) or whether these experiments exem- orienting to ipsilateral stimuli (117, 154). Unilateral
plify focal activation or local arousal mediated by the lesions in certain cortical regions in animals (56, 153)
thalamic reticular nucleus, an action discussed in the and humans (28, 57) induce a similar defect. The
next section. neocortical regions where unilateral lesions induce a
loss of the orienting reflex for contralateral stimuli
Relationships Between Selective Attention are similar to those that induce desynchronization
and Arousal when stimulated (129). These cortical areas are similar
to those that induce evoked potentials in the mesen-
Selective attention, arousal, and habituation are cephalic reticular-activating system when stimulated
closely related and interdependent processes. Sokolov (41) and include the dorsolateral frontal lobe and the
(139) proposed a neurological model incorporating temporoparietal region.
Pavlovian concepts of cortical function together with The physiological and behavioral studies just de-
the postulate that the reticular system may be critical scribed provide evidence that reciprocal relationships
for mediating the arousal response. According to this may exist between the mesencephalic reticular for-
model, afferent stimuli are transmitted to the cortex mation and certain neocortical areas (Fig. 7). Not only
by the classic sensory pathways while afferent collat- does the mesencephalic reticular formation influence
erals reach the reticular system. The cortex makes a the activity of the cortex, but the activity of this
model of the stimulus characteristics. If the stimulus system may in turn be controlled by certain cortical
is novel or of biological importance, the cortex induces areas.
excitation of the reticular system and an arousal re- Nothing in the previously mentioned or other ex-
sponse occurs. If the stimulus is not novel, or is periments indicates the existence of a selective effect
unimportant, an arousal response does not occur. on primary thalamic sensory relays that can select
Primary sensory areas project to their association less than a visual, auditory, or somatosensory hemi-
areas, which in turn converge on polysensory areas field. The ease with which spatial selectivity has been
such as the superior temporal sulcus (111). Unimodal demonstrated in the posterior parietal cortex (120)
association areas may also project directly to the cau- contrasts with the inability to demonstrate it in pri-
dal inferior parietal lobule, or alternatively may reach mary sensory cortices such as striate (161) and so-
the inferior parietal lobule after synapse in polymodal matosensory (69). If the thalamic gating of primary
convergence areas (e.g., prefrontal cortex and around sensory inputs were acting as a more sensitive selec-
both banks of the superior temporal sulcus) [Fig. 7; tion mechanism, investigators should have seen evi-
(98)]. These polymodal areas also receive projections dence for selective processing in the primary sensory
from the cingulate gyms. According to Denny-Brown cortices that receive their only sensory inputs from
and Banker (29), polymodal convergence areas may the thalamic relay nuclei.
also allow polymodal sensory synthesis. Polymodal Waszak and Schlag (152) demonstrated that stim-
sensory synthesis may also be important in polymodal ulation of the cortex excited the reticular nucleus of
modeling (detecting stimulus novelty) and together the thalamus. Primary and associative sensory cor-

FIG. 7. Corticoreticular interactions: 1, polysynaptic reticulocortical pathways; 2, sensory trans-

mission; 3, association cortex projections; 4,unimodal projections to reticular nucleus of the thalamus
(NR); 5, sensory convergence to polymodal cortex; 6, supramodal cortex (inferior parietal lobule) and
limbic connections; 7, cortical arousal through mesencephalic reticular formation (MRF) and NR.
STS, superior temporal sulcus; VIS, visual; AUD, auditory; SOM, somatosensory; VPL, ventralis
posterolateralis; MG, medial geniculate; LG, lateral geniculate. [From Watson et al. (156).]

tices (e.g., area 5) send collateral projections to the In contrast with the unimodal association cortex,
reticular nucleus while projecting to the thalamus which may project to specific parts of the reticular
(112). When a stimulus is not novel and not biologi- nucleus of the thalamus and thereby gate sensory
cally significant, these corticofugal projections to the input in one modality, multimodal convergence areas
reticular nucleus of the thalamus (Fig. 7, pathway 4) may have a more general action on the reticular nu-
may mediate habituation by selectively influencing cleus.
thalamic relay. A study by Yingling and Skinner (165) According to the attentional model presented here,
supports this capacity for selective control of sensory a generalized arousal response may be mediated by
input, revealing that stimulation of specific portions the mesencephalic reticular-activating system, which
of the reticular nucleus of the thalamus (e.g., lateral influences the cortex either through a diffuse polysyn-
geniculate, medial geniculate, or ventrobasal complex) aptic pathway or by tonic inhibition of the reticular
abolishes corresponding (visual, auditory, tactile) cor- nucleus of the thalamus. A localized orienting reaction
tically evoked responses. Jones (74), however, has may be related to cortically mediated inhibition of
shown that dendrites of reticular nucleus neurons specific portions of the reticular nucleus.
branch extensively and concludes that this anatomical
configuration argues against any selectivity in the INTENTION
nucleus. There has been no anatomical study trying
to identify a point-to-point anatomical relation of Frontal Lobes
specific cortical areas to specific portions of the retic-
ular nucleus. Such an analysis would be difficult be- Intention refers to the brains preparation to initiate
cause of the problems of present anatomical methods and organize a movement; loss of this activation may
in identifying terminal degeneration of collaterals induce akinesia. Akinesia is the failure to respond to
from fibers of passage and of problems in identifying a meaningful stimulus if the failure cannot be attrib-
precisely the limits of the reticular nucleus of the uted to weakness (e.g., as induced by motor-unit dys-
thalamus that relate to select thalamic nuclei. function) or to inattention to a stimulus. For example,

monkeys with dorsolateral frontal lobe lesions in the of presaccadic activity: visual, movement, and visual
region of the arcuate sulcus fail to respond to stimuli movement. Forty percent of the cells had visual activ-
presented on the contralateral side (15,81,157). Sim- ity, and of this 40%,half showed an enhanced response
ilar defects can be observed in humans (59). if the animals were going to make an eye movement
Initially, investigators attributed failure of an ex- and fixate on the stimulus in the receptive field. If
perimental animal to respond to contralateral stimuli there was a purposeful saccade without a visual target,
to inattention or neglect (157). However, in most these cells did not discharge. Twenty percent of the
testing paradigms, affected animals were required to presaccadic neurons discharged before purposeful sac-
respond by either orienting to the stimulus or moving cades in total darkness. These movement cells all had
the contralateral limbs to a contralateral stimulus. weak or absent visual responses. The remainder of
Because the animals with frontal lobe lesions were not presaccadic neurons had both visual and movement
weak, it was assumed that they had sensory neglect activity. When the monkeys could predict what sac-
when they failed to make the appropriate response. A cade had to be made, 20% of the movement and
different interpretation came from altering the exper- visuomovement cells showed anticipatory activity.
imental design. Monkeys were trained to use their left That is, the cells responded before the onset of the
hand to open a left door in response to a right-side signal stimulus. As Bizzi and Schiller (17, 18) found,
tactile stimulus and their right hand to open a right spontaneous saccadic activity induced little activity in
door after a left-side tactile stimulus (154). The these presaccadic neurons. Only purposeful or inten-
trained animals then received a frontal arcuate lesion. tional behavior induced maximal activation of these
Subsequently, when the trained animals were given a cells.
tactile stimulus on the normal side (ipsilateral to the Although the studies of Goldberg and co-workers
lesion) previously sufficient to elicit a response of the (21, 47) suggest that the frontal lobes have a role in
arm in neglected hemispace, they often failed to re- the preparation to make a saccade, the saccade-related
spond or they responded by opening the door ipsilat- enhanced responses recorded in the frontal eye fields
era1 to the lesion. These results cannot be explained are similar to those in the superficial layers of superior
by postulating any sensory or perceptual abnormality colliculus (21, 48, 49). Schiller et al. (128) found that
and are thought to reflect a defect in intention. unilateral frontal lobe lesions induce a decrease in
Suzuki and Azuma (141) recorded frontal unit ac- saccades to contralateral peripheral targets. However,
tivity from monkeys trained to make a rapid key this function returned with time. Superior collicular
release when a small spot on which they were fixating lesions also did not induce permanent saccadic defi-
dimmed. They found that many neurons in the pre- cits. Combined frontal and superior collicular lesions
frontal and periarcuate area increased their activity were required to induce permanent deficits. These are
during the gaze period when the monkeys were pre- parallel systems; one system seems able to function in
paring to release the key. These cells were unaffected the absence of the other.
by stimulus parameters; their activity depended on Several observations suggest that the frontal system
the behavioral state of the animal. For example, if the has a more important function in intention than the
animal was not prepared to release the key and the collicular system. Unlike the presaccadic neurons in
release was delayed, the cells showed weak activation. the frontal lobe, where activity depends on intention,
Furthermore, when a small model of an insect that the movement-related neurons in the intermediate
induced gaze was presented, activity of the cells did layers of the colliculus discharge before all saccades.
not increase, which suggested that arousal and selec- In addition, animals with frontal lesions have diffi-
tive attention also could not account for their in- culty with visual tasks that require sequencing of
creased activity. The activity of the neurons therefore saccades (159).
appeared to reflect intentional behavior: their activa- Guitton et al. (53) observed that patients with fron-
tion was related to the preparation of the motor sys- tal lobe lesions had difficulty making saccades away
tem to respond to a meaningful stimulus. from flashed stimuli. However, the patients often
Since the work of Ferrier (37), the frontal lobes looked toward the flashed stimuli before they looked
have been thought to possess an essential function in away, which suggested that the cortical system is
oculomotor control. Robinson and Fuchs (118) stim- necessary to suppress the stimulus-bound saccade and
ulated electrically the frontal eye fields and produced to fashion a saccade to the computed location (21).
saccades. Bizzi and Schiller (17, 18) studied single According to this hypothesis, the frontal eye fields
cells in the frontal eye fields and found that most exert an inhibitory effect on the colliculus. However,
frontal cells were silent before a spontaneous saccade. if this inhibitory effect were direct, one would expect
These results suggested that the frontal lobes were to find cells in the frontal eye field that discharged
unimportant in the initiation of a saccade. More re- tonically and were suppressed during saccades, facili-
cently, however, Goldberg and co-workers (21, 47) tating a release of inhibition. Such cells have not been
obtained a different response when recording from found. However, cells with high tonic activity sup-
cells in the frontal eye fields in awake monkeys trained pressed around saccades have been found in the sub-
to perform oculomotor tasks. They found three types stantia nigra pars reticulata that projects to the collic-

ulus with a GABAergic (y-aminobutyric acid) and cortex, limbic cortex, reticular formation, basal gan-
presumably inhibitory pathway (64). The frontal eye glia, and superior colliculus.
fields could control this activity through their projec-
tions to the caudate nucleus, which in turn projects to
the substantia nigra. The results suggest that the Centromedian-Parafascicularis-Frontocortical-
colliculus may be more responsible for the intentive Thalamic Reticular Nucleus System
aspects of the more primitive orienting response to Contralateral akinesia (an intentional defect) oc-
novel stimuli. The frontal lobes are primarily respon- curs in monkeys after centromedian-parafascicularis
sible for making saccades to learned targets, acting lesions (155), and an akinetic state (e.g., akinetic
both by providing targeting information directly and mutism) follows bilateral centromedian-parafascicu-
by inhibiting, stimulus-bound collicular activity laris lesions in humans (100). The centromedian nu-
through control of the nigral inhibitory system. cleus receives an input from the precentral cortex.
Knowledge of the connections of the frontal eye Proceeding rostrally from the precentral cortex to the
field is important in understanding its possible con- supplementary motor cortex and frontal eye field,
tribution in intention to act in response to multimodal there are fewer projections to the centromedian and
sensory and limbic inputs. This periarcuate region more to the parafascicularis (2). Centromedian-para-
possesses reciprocal connections with auditory, visual, fascicularis also receives input from the globus palli-
and somatesthetic association cortex (25) and has dus (97), superior colliculus (84), ventrolateral thala-
been identified by evoked-potential studies as an area mus, and mesencephalic reticular formation (107, 127,
of sensory convergence (16). 150). The centromedian-parafascicularis complex
The periarcuate region also reciprocally connects projects to the cerebral cortex (75), putamen (77, 97),
with the superior temporal sulcus, another site of caudate (126, 127), and ventrolateral thalamus. The
multimodal sensory convergence, and with the intra- anterior cingulate gyrus (area 24) interconnects with
parietal sulcus, an area of somatosensory and visual the intralaminar nuclei. The anterior cingulate gyrus
convergence. Connections also exist with the prear- also connects with ventral anterior and ventrolateral
cuate cortex. Subcortically, the periarcuate cortex con- thalamus and neostriatum (6, 149).
nects reciprocally with the paralamellar portion of the Centromedian-parafascicularis anatomic connec-
dorsomedial nucleus and the adjacent centromedian- tions with the basal ganglia and premotor cortex sug-
parafascicularis complex (2, 82). The prearcuate cor- gest that the region may be important in intentional
tex projects in a specific way to the intermediate layer behavior (156). Low-frequency stimulation of the cen-
of the superior colliculus. The architecture of the tromedian-parafascicularis at 6-12 Hz induces classic
periarcuate region has a transitional pattern, standing cortical recruiting responses (72). This stimulation
between that of the agranular motor cortex and the activates the inhibitory reticular nucleus of the thal-
granular prefrontal cortex. The paralamellar-centro- amus through a centromedian-parafascicularis-fron-
median-parafascicularis complex also seems to disrupt tocortical-thalamic reticular nucleus system (164).
the parallel thalamic relationships of medial thalamus Activation of the reticular nucleus of the thalamus
with granular cortex and lateral thalamus with agran- elicits inhibitory postsynaptic potentials in the ven-
ular cortex. Projections to the mesencephalic reticular trolateral thalamus, which in turn blocks ventrolateral
core (85) as well as nonreciprocal projections to cau- thalamus transmission to the cortex [Fig. 7, pathways
date also exist. The periarcuate region also receives 1, 2; (115)l. Transmission in the ventrolateral thala-
input from the limbic system, mainly from the anterior mus has been shown to be inversely proportional to
cingulate gyrus (6). activity of the reticular nucleus of the thalamus (38).
In summary, the frontal lobe is connected with the High-frequency stimulation of the centromedian-
neocortical unimodal sensory association areas and parafascicularis or mesencephalic reticular-activating
sensory convergence areas. These connections may system induces inhibition of the reticular nucleus of
provide the frontal lobe with information about the the thalamus, EEG desynchronization, and behavioral
external stimuli that may call the organism to action. arousal (101, 165). This indicates that the thalamic
The frontal lobe also is connected to the cingulate reticular nucleus can be inhibited by either a mesen-
gyrus, a part of the limbic system from which it may cephalic reticular-activating system-thalamic reticu-
derive motivational information. The frontal lobe con- lar nucleus system or a centromedian-parafascicu-
nections with the mesencephalic reticular-activating laris-frontocortical-thalamic reticular nucleus system
system may be important in arousal. The frontal lobe and suggests that these systems may independently
also has connections with the caudate and superior mediate some types of behavior.
colliculus and with a thalamic zone that will be dis- Anticipation of a response to a meaningful stimulus
cussed in the next section. The dorsolateral frontal inhibits the reticular nucleus of the thalamus and a
lobe appears to be an ideal candidate for mediating negative surface potential over the frontal cortex
the motor response to a stimulus the subject is attend- (165). This potential occurs if a stimulus has acquired
ing because it connects with the sensory association biological behavioral significance (151). Specifically,

when a warning stimulus precedes a second stimulus loop, including arcuate gyrus (155), basal ganglia
that requires a motor response, a negative wave, called (146), ventrolateral thalamus (148), and centrome-
the contingent negative variation, appears between dian-parafascicularis (155), have induced a deficit in
the stimuli and is thought to reflect the presence of responding to multimodal sensory stimuli.
motivation, attention, or expectancy. Another nega-
tive potential appears over cortical regions just before Catecholamine Systems
movement and is called a readiness potential.
Skinner and Yingling (137) demonstrated, in a Most of the information relevant to the pharmacol-
conditional tone-shock expectancy paradigm, that ogy of intention comes from studies of animals with
both the frontal negative wave and the inhibition unilateral lesions of dopaminergic pathways originat-
of the reticular nucleus of the thalamus that is nor- ing in the pars compacta of the substantia nigra and
mally elicited by the tone were abolished by block- from the ventral tegmental area just medial to the
ing the centromedian-parafascicularis-frontocortical- substantia nigra. These fibers project to the neostria-
thalamic reticular nucleus system even though orient- tum (the nigrostriatal pathway), to limbic areas of the
ing persisted. Novel stimuli or rapid mesencephalic basal forebrain (nucleus accumbens septi and olfac-
reticular stimulation continued to inhibit the reticular tory tubercle-the mesolimbic pathway), and to the
nucleus of the thalamus. In an operant task involving cerebral cortex (frontal lobes and cingulate gyrus-
alternate bar press to produce reward, the centrome- the mesocortical pathway) (88, 89). These dopami-
dian-parafascicularis-frontocortical-thalamic reticu- nergic fibers course through the lateral hypothalamus.
lar nucleus loop was cooled to a degree sufficient to Bilateral lesions in the lateral hypothalamus in ani-
block cortical recruitment, which induced incorrect mals induce an akinetic state (142), whereas electrical
responses to the previously reinforced bar press (i.e., stimulation in this area reinforces ongoing behavior
perseveration) (138). Further cooling caused the ani- (27, 109). Rats with unilateral lesions of the lateral
mal to stop pressing the bar altogether. These behav- hypothalamus behave similarly to monkeys with dor-
ioral observations demonstrated that an appropriate solateral frontal lesions; they transiently circle toward
response to a meaningful stimulus in an aroused sub- the side of the lesion, but even after they have re-
ject requires an intact centromedian-parafascicularis- covered to the point where spontaneous activity ap-
frontocortical-thalamic reticular nucleus system. In pears symmetrical, they tend to turn toward the dam-
contrast, primitive behavioral orienting elicited by aged side when stimulated and fail to respond to
novel or noxious stimuli depends on an intact mes- sensory stimuli delivered to the contralateral side (96).
encephalic reticular-thalamic reticular nucleus sys- This unilateral neglect in the rat (a unilateral atten-
tem. Responding to basic survival stimuli (e.g., food tional or intentional disturbance or both) can be pro-
when hungry) may also depend on a mesencephalic duced by selectively damaging dopaminergic fibers
reticular-thalamic reticular nucleus system. with the neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine (89,95). The
Skinner and Yingling (138) interpreted their data 6-hydroxydopamine lesions in the lateral hypothala-
as supporting a role for the mesencephalic reticular- mus induce unilateral neglect, but kainic acid lesions,
thalamic reticular nucleus system in tonic arousal and which destroy cell bodies but not fibers of passage, do
the centromedian-parafascicularis-frontocortical-tha- not (52). Because of this, the neglect induced by lateral
lamic reticular nucleus system in attention. Find- hypothalamic lesions results from damage to dopa-
ings by Watson et al. (156) support the hypothe- minergic fibers passing through the lateral hypothal-
sized role of the mesencephalic reticular-thalamic re- amus. Damage to the same fibers closer to their site
ticular nucleus system in arousal but also suggest of origin in the mesencephalon causes the same syn-
that the centromedian-parafascicularis-frontocorti- drome (89,94). Brain sites where electrical stimulation
cal-thalamic reticular nucleus system prepares the reinforces ongoing behavior also correspond to por-
aroused organism to respond to a meaningful stimulus. tions of the ascending dopaminergic system (27).
The frontal periarcuate region and the thalamic It is not clear which of the ascending dopaminergic
zone around the ventrolateral, dorsal medial, and in- pathways is most important in mediating this behav-
tralaminar nuclei share some common anatomic fea- ior. Lesions in the mesolimbic system (olfactory tu-
tures. These include reciprocal connections with each bercle or nucleus accumbens) have been reported to
other as well as participation in a complex loop that cause neglect (541,but unilateral lesions of nucleus
extends from periarcuate cortex and centromedian- accumbens do not induce turning behavior in rats,
parafascicularis to caudate, centromedian-parafascic- even when they are given apomorphine (80).Marshall
ularis to putamen, motor cortex to putamen, putamen (94) has shown that the neglect induced in rats by
to globus pallidus, globus pallidus to centromedian- ventral tegmental 6-hydroxydopamine lesions is pro-
parafascicularis and ventrolateral thalamus, and cen- portional to the depletion of striatal dopamine con-
tromedian-parafascicularis and ventrolateral nucleus tent, although less prominent correlations were ob-
completing a loop back to premotor and motor cortex. served between neglect and dopamine depletion in the
Not surprisingly, damage to structures within this olfactory tubercle and nucleus accumbens. Selective

lesions of the mesocortical pathways have not been tially affect dopamine release in the striatum. Dopa-
accomplished however, rats with unilateral lesions in mine autoreceptors also reside on the cell bodies of
the frontal cortex, which receives part of the mesocor- dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra (79).
tical dopaminergic projection, rotate in response to Evidence suggests that dopamine is released not only
amphetamines (7, 43). from dopaminergic axon terminals but also from den-
The results of many pharmacological studies sup- drites in the pars reticulata of the substantia nigra
port the hypothesis that unilateral neglect induced by (45). Furthermore there are at least two different
substantia nigra or lateral hypothalamic lesions re- classes of dopamine receptors (79), each responsive to
sults from a unilaterally diminished dopaminergic sys- a different range of agonist and antagonist drugs. The
tem. Animals with unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine or behavioral effect of such drugs will depend on the type
electrolytic lesions in substantia nigra or lateral hy- and location of the dopamine receptor most affected.
pothalamus, which cause degeneration of ascending For example, the dopamine agonist apomorphine
dopaminergic pathways, will turn toward their lesions stimulates D2 receptors a t low concentrations. Low
when given drugs that increase the release of dopa- doses of apomorphine may then reduce activity of the
mine from dopaminergic nerve terminals (amphet- striatonigral dopaminergic system by stimulating D2
amine, L-dopa), presumably because there are more autoreceptors on dopaminergic neurons (50). Higher
such terminals on the undamaged (contralateral) side doses of apomorphine stimulate D, (adenylate cyclase-
(143,145). Stimulation of the ascending dopaminergic associated) receptors, but even higher doses may in-
fibers (4) or the striatum (116) induces contralateral hibit them (79).
turning. The density of dopamine receptors can be Glowinski et al. (45) demonstrated that the release
estimated by taking advantage of the affinity of these of dopamine from axon terminals in the striatum
receptors for dopamine-blocking drugs. Using tritiated correlates inversely with the release of dopamine from
spiroperidol, Heikkila et al. (55) showed an increase dendrites of these same dopaminergic neurons in the
in dopamine receptor density in the striatum ipsilat- substantia nigra. Furthermore they showed an inverse
era1to a 6-hydroxydopamine lesion of the nigrostriatal relationship between dopamine release in these two
tract. Systemic administration of direct dopamine re- locations on opposite sides of the brain: increased
ceptor agonists, such as apomorphine, induced turning dopamine release in the right striatum is associated
away from the side of the lesion in these animals (143, with decreased dopamine release in the right substan-
145). This effect has been presumed to result from tia nigra and the left striatum and increased release
receptor hypersensitivity or from increased numbers in the left substantia nigra.
of dopamine receptors on the side of the lesion and Although the mechanisms are not completely un-
can be blocked by prior administration of a dopamine- derstood, the behavioral and pharmacological data just
blocking drug such as spiroperidol (144). summarized indicate that the ascending dopaminergic
Additional evidence that dopaminergic systems are system (or a portion of it) is important for some aspect
important in turning behavior in rodents comes from of attention. Because 6-hydroxydopamine lesions in
studies of rats without brain lesions. Normal rats have the mesencephalon (substantia nigra and ventral teg-
a spontaneous preference for the direction of turning mental area) or lateral hypothalamus induce hypoki-
that is correlated with asymmetries in striatal dopa- nesia contralateral to the lesion, and because hypoki-
mine concentrations; normal rats turn away from the nesia is a prominent finding in animals with bilateral
side of greater striatal dopamine concentrations (44). lesions of the lateral hypothalamus and in humans
Amphetamines increase this turning, whereas apo- with Parkinsons disease (in which the substantia
morphine may induce turning in the opposite direction nigra degenerates bilaterally), it can be postulated that
(73). These effects are blocked by dopamine-blocking ascending dopaminergic pathways, the nigrostriatal
drugs such as haloperidol. pathway in particular, are important in initiating
Although most studies have used rats, lesions that movement. The neglect induced by lateral hypothala-
probably involve the ascending dopaminergic system mic or ventral tegmental lesions has been called sen-
have also induced unilateral neglect in cats (52) and sory neglect or inattention, However, when animals
monkeys (31). In humans, bilateral degeneration of are trained in the crossed response paradigm (turning
the nigrostriatal tracts is associated with parkinson- to the side opposite a sensory stimulus) and unilateral
ism, in which hypokinesia is a major symptom. neglect is induced, they continue responding to stimuli
Recent studies have revealed that neurons of the delivered to the side opposite their lesion but fail to
ascending dopaminergic system are under complex turn to the opposite side when stimulated on the
regulation: GABAergic fibers from the striatum pro- normal side (67). As is the case in monkeys with
vide feedback inhibition to the dopaminergic neurons frontal arcuate or intralaminar thalamic lesions, this
of the pars compacta of the substantia nigra (22). apparent neglect is in fact a defect in intention to act,
Other striatonigral projections use the neurotransmit- which is due to lesions of the dopaminergic system
ter substance P (40). The terminals of dopaminergic (36).
nigrostriatal neurons contain receptors for dopamine The ascending dopaminergic system has connec-
(79) and GABA (42), each of which can thus poten- tions with other structures implicated in attention

and intention. The mesocortical fibers project to areas field, whereas the left hemisphere should desynchron-
in the frontal lobes (20), including the frontal arcuate ize only to right-side stimuli.
region and the anterior cingulate gyrus. Lesions of In investigating Sokolovs suggestion, Heilman and
these sites induce attentional and intentional disor- Van Den Abell(61) found that the EEG recorded from
ders (153, 154). Glutaminergic fibers from the cortex the right parietal lobe desynchronized equally to right-
project to the striatum (32). The mesolimbic and or left-side stimuli, whereas the left parietal lobe EEG
nigrostriatal dopaminergic systems project to the nu- desynchronized mainly to right-side stimuli. These
cleus accumbens and the striatum, respectively, and observations support the hypothesis that the right
these areas in turn probably project through the globus hemisphere (parietal lobe) dominates these compara-
pallidus to the intralaminar nuclei of the thalamus tor, or attentional, processes. Rosen et al. (125), using
(97). The striatum also projects through the globus positron emission tomography, and Prohovnik et al.
pallidus to the ventral anterior and ventrolateral thal- (1 14), using regional cerebral blood flow, also found
amus. The intralaminar nuclei also receiye input from that the right hemisphere is activated by left- and
the substantia nigra (63) and have strong projections right-side stimuli. These electrophysiological and iso-
to the striatum (51). The neurotransmitters of these tope studies provide evidence for the special role of
thalamostriatal connections are not known. We pro- the right hemisphere in attention and help explain
pose that the dopaminergic system, by virtue of its why inattention may often be caused by right hemi-
indirect but strong connection with the motor nuclei sphere lesions.
of the thalamus (ventral anterior thalamus, ventrolat- As discussed previously, the temporoparietal region
eral thalamus), has considerable influence on motor may also be important in inducing an arousal re-
activity and that lesions of this system induce unilat- sponse. Heilman et al. (58) studied patients with right
eral akinesia. or left temporoparietal lesions by stimulating the hand
ipsilateral to the lesion and recording galvanic skin
responses. The patients with right-side lesions re-
HEMISPHERIC ASYMMETRIES OF ATTENTION sponded poorly and those with left-side lesions re-
AND INTENTION sponded well (58). We also compared the EEG record-
ings from the undamaged hemisphere of awake pa-
Attention tients with right or left temporoparietal infarctions.
The patients with right-side lesions showed more 8-
Many investigators have noted that in humans le- and &activity over the undamaged hemisphere than
sions of the right hemisphere induce more frequent did the patients with left-side lesions (K. M. Heilman,
and severe attentional disorders than do lesions of the R. Gilmore, T. Van Den Abell, and R. T. Watson,
left hemisphere (3, 35). Neglect in humans is most unpublished observations). These studies suggest that
often induced by temporoparietal lesions. This area the right hemisphere may have a special role in me-
may contain structures homologous to the inferior diating the arousal response as well as in selective
parietal lobe of monkeys and may contain attentional attention.
effects that are similar to those in monkeys described
by Lynch (91) and Robinson et al. (120). The greater Intention
incidence and severity of neglect from right hemi-
sphere lesions in humans could be explained if parietal In humans, a right parietal lesion sparing the sen-
attentional cells or comparator neurons had asym- sory motor cortex or its subcortical projections can be
metric receptive fields, so that the cells in the left associated with limb akinesia without other motor
hemisphere were activated predominantly by novel or defects (28). The hypokinesia, however, is not always
significant stimuli in right hemispace and the cells on limited to the contralateral extremities. Although pa-
the right side were activated by novel or significant tients with cerebral lesions confined to a single hem-
stimuli in both visual fields or in both sides of hemi- isphere have slower reaction times with the hand
space. With such an asymmetric distribution of recep- contralateral than with the hand ipsilateral to a lesion,
tive fields, right hemisphere lesions would more often they also have slower reaction times with the ipsilat-
cause inattention than would left hemisphere lesions eral hand than normal subjects (13). Lawrence and
because the intact right can attend to ipsilateral stim- Kuypers (87) showed that there is ipsilateral as well
uli after left hemisphere damage but the left hemi- as contralateral motor control of an extremity. How-
sphere cannot attend to ipsilateral stimuli after right- ever, the ipsilateral control is limited mainly to the
side damage. proximal musculature. Because reaction times are per-
Sokolov (139) proposed that activation of cortical formed by distal musculature, the ipsilateral slowing
comparator neurons may give rise to local EEG desyn- found by Benton and Joynt (13) cannot be completely
chronization. If activation of comparator neurons in- explained by a motor defect.
duces local desynchronization and the right hemi- DeRenzi and Faglioni (30) and Howes and Boller
sphere is dominant for attention, the right hemisphere (66) used a simple reaction-time task to study patients
should desynchronize to stimuli presented in either with unilateral cerebral lesions. Lesions of either hem-

isphere slowed the reaction times of the hand ipsilat- The physiological basis of attention has been stud-
era1 to the lesion, but right hemisphere lesions caused ied using both ablative and electrophysiological para-
greater slowing than left hemisphere lesions. In the digms. Ablative studies have been used to determine
study by Howes and Boller (66), lesions of the right the areas of the brain critical for attentive function
hemisphere were not larger than those of the left, so and the nature of the attentive processes they may
the hemispheric asymmetry in reaction time could not mediate. The electrophysiological approach has cen-
be explained by lesion size, as had been previously tered on examining the electrical activity of certain
postulated. brain structures and learning how manipulation of the
Warning stimuli may prepare an organism for ac- environment changes neural activity.
tion and thereby reduce reaction times (86). Pribram Moruzzi and Magoun (101) indicated that the retic-
and McGuinness (113) used the term activation to ular formation is critical in arousal. Although the
define the physiological readiness to respond to envi- arousal-activating theory has received criticism, abla-
ronmental stimuli. tive and electrophysiological studies continue to sup-
Patients with right hemisphere lesions, especially port the concept. For example, bilateral lesions of the
in the parietal area, have been shown to have reduced mesencephalic reticular formation induce coma (the
behavioral evidence of activation (66), leading us to animals fail to respond to any stimuli) and unilateral
postulate that the right hemisphere may dominate in lesions induce a failure to respond to stimuli delivered
mediating the activation process in humans. That is, on the contralateral side. Stimulation of the mesen-
the left hemisphere prepares the right extremities for cephalic reticular formation augments the excitability
action and the right prepares both. As a result, in the of neurons to natural stimuli, desynchronizes electro-
presence of nonmotor left hemisphere damage, right- encephalographic slow waves, and obliterates IPSPs.
side limb akinesia is minimal, but left-side akinesia is The mesencephalic reticular formation could affect
severe with right hemisphere lesions. In addition, be- sensory processing by two means. No direct connec-
cause the right hemisphere is more involved than the tions from the mesencephalic reticular formation to
left in activating the right extremities, there will be the cortex have been demonstrated. Instead, the retic-
more ipsilateral hypokinesia with right than with left ular formation probably projects to the cortex through
hemisphere lesions. relays in the medial thalamus. The mesencephalic
Warning stimuli reduce reaction times (86). If the reticular formation may also affect cortical activity by
right hemisphere dominates the mediation of activa- influencing the thalamic reticular nucleus. This nu-
tion or intention (physiological readiness to respond), cleus tonically inhibits thalamic relay nuclei. Stimu-
asymmetries in normal subjects should be discernible. lation of the mesencephalic reticular formation ap-
Heilman and Van Den Abell(60) gave normal subjects pears to inhibit this inhibitory nucleus.
warning stimuli in the right and left visual half-field When a stimulus carries biological significance for
followed by stimuli to measure central reaction time. an animals behavior, it is treated preferentially by
Warning stimuli projected to the right hemisphere the animal (selective attention). The first suggestion
reduced right-hand reaction times more than warning that the posterior parietal region cortex may be related
stimuli to the left hemisphere reduced left-hand re- to attentional processes came from observations of
action times. Furthermore warning stimuli projected humans and monkeys who had contralateral inatten-
to the right hemisphere reduced reaction times of the tion from temporoparietal lesions. At electrophysio-
right hand even more than warning stimuli projected logical levels, selective attention is associated with
directly to the left hemisphere. The results support selective enhancement of the response of neurons to
the hypothesis that the right hemisphere dominates an appropriate stimulus. The previously mentioned
activation (60). investigators have found that certain parietal neurons
enhance their activity when monkeys attend to an
important stimulus. The parietal lobe of human beings
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS and monkeys not only receives polymodal input from
the association cortex but also receives limbic input,
This chapter summarizes some advances in under- and the parietal lobes have a close relationship with
standing how the brain mediates attention. Attention the reticular system. These connections provide an
is a complex psychological and physiological construct anatomic substrate by which motivation may influ-
that includes arousal, selective attention, and motor ence stimulus processing.
intention. These processes may occur serially or inter- Selective attention, arousal, and habituation are
actively. Physiologically, arousal describes the excit- closely related and interdependent processes that may
ability of the nervous system or portions of the nerv- be mediated by a cortical limbic reticular-activating
ous system. This excitability is not stimulus specific. system. Not only is this system important in mediat-
Physiologically, selective attention describes excita- ing selective attention and arousal, but it may also be
bility changes that are induced by only a subset of important in intention. Intention refers to the prepa-
stimuli. Intention refers to the preparation of the ration of the brain to initiate a movement. A loss of
motor systems to interact with the environment. intention induces akinesia, failure to respond to a

meaningful stimulus not attributable to either weak- hemispace, the right hemisphere attends to both right
ness or inattention. Animals with dorsolateral frontal and left hemispatial fields. Behavioral studies in nor-
lobe lesions have contralateral limb akinesia. Electro- mal and brain-injured subjects provide additional ev-
physiologically, the dorsolateral frontal cells appear idence that the right hemisphere is dominant for
to regulate intentional activity because they increase intention. While the left hemisphere prepares the
their activity when the animal is preparing to make a right extremities for action, the right hemisphere ap-
movement. The dorsolateral frontal lobe has connec- pears to prepare both the right and left.,
tions not only with sensory association areas including Attentional disorders are not trivial problems. They
the inferior parietal lobe but also with the limbic are common in adults with focal brain damage and in
cortex, reticular system, and basal ganglia. In addition, patients with dementia. Attentional disorders are also
the prefrontal dorsolateral frontal lobe possesses in- common in children. Unfortunately, treatment of
timate connections with motor systems. These con- these disorders is not always successful. Although we
nections appear ideally located for initiating and pro- are beginning to understand the neurological mecha-
nisms underlying attentional processes, our knowledge
gramming the motor res onse to an attended stimulus.
In -humans attention 1 and intentional disorders
accompany right more often than left hemisphere
remains rudimentary, limited in large part by techni-
cal factors. Only a limited number of experimental
lesions. The results of electroencephalographic and paradigms can be used to study attentional processes
positron emission tomographic studies support the in humans. We hope that the biological and techno-
postulate that the right hemisphere is dominant for logical advances will profoundly affect the study of
attention. Unlike the left hemisphere, which attends attention and lead to further important advances in
primarily to the right side of the body and right knowledge and therapy.

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