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PHYSICAL REVIEW B 90, 241414(R) (2014)

Classical and quantum plasmonics in graphene nanodisks: Role of edge states

Thomas Christensen,1,2 Weihua Wang,1,2 Antti-Pekka Jauho,2,3 Martijn Wubs,1,2 and N. Asger Mortensen1,2,*
Department of Photonics Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Center for Nanostructured Graphene, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Department of Micro- and Nanotechnology, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
(Received 15 July 2014; revised manuscript received 4 November 2014; published 16 December 2014)

Edge states are ubiquitous for many condensed matter systems with multicomponent wave functions. For
example, edge states play a crucial role in transport in zigzag graphene nanoribbons. Here, we report microscopic
calculations of quantum plasmonics in doped graphene nanodisks with zigzag edges. We express the nanodisk
conductivity () as a sum of the conventional bulk conductivity B (), and a novel term E (), corresponding
to a coupling between the edge and bulk states. We show that the edge states give rise to a redshift and
broadening of the plasmon resonance, and that they often significantly impact the absorption efficiency. We
further develop simplified models, incorporating nonlocal response within a hydrodynamical approach, which
allow a semiquantitative description of plasmonics in the ultrasmall size regime. Furthermore, we show that the
effect of hydrodynamic and edge-conductivity corrections scale identically, approximately with the inverse of the
disk radius, highlighting their equatable importance. However, the polarization dependence is only given by fully
microscopic models. The approach developed here should have many applications in other systems supporting
edge states.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.90.241414 PACS number(s): 73.22.Pr, 73.20.Mf, 78.20.Ci, 78.67.Wj

Introduction. Plasmonics at the nanoscale introduces a host redshift and broadening of the dipole resonance. In particular,
of novel phenomena, both in terms of improved efficacy of we show that the existence of edge states due to zigzag (ZZ)
certain classical phenomena, e.g., extreme field enhancements, features can be accounted for via an edge-state conductivity,
but also conceptually by offering a tunable transition from the while the impact of nonlocal response can be accounted for
classical to the quantum regime [1]. Probing and understanding effectively within a hydrodynamic model. This affirms and
this transition in detail, and in particular the breakdown of extends the supposition regarding the crucial role of edge
classical predictions, is an important task in view of the states in prior numerical work [11]. In Fig. 1 we outline and
progress in nanofabrication [2,3]. With the emergence of low- summarize the different computational approaches considered
dimensional materials such as graphene, new avenues develop, in this Rapid Communication.
both experimentally and theoretically. Graphene, and several Electronic states. The simplest atomistic description of the
other low-dimensional systems, exhibits an approximately conduction electrons of graphene, without explicit treatment
linear, gapless, two-band energy dispersion  = vF k, with of spin, is given by the pz -orbital nearest-neighbor TB
Fermi velocity vF . The plasmonic consequences of this non- Hamiltonian with hopping energy tAB = 2.8 eV:
standard dispersion and dimensionality have been investigated
vigorously in recent years [410]. 
The accurate description of low-energy excitations in HTB = tAB aj bj  + bj  aj , (1)
graphene by simple tight-binding (TB) Hamiltonians allows
investigations of nonclassical plasmonic features of relatively
large graphene structures [11,12]. It has recently been the-
oretically demonstrated that the optical excitations of few-
atom graphene nanostructures involve multiple individual
electron-hole pairs (EHPs) strongly modified by the Coulomb
interaction, occasionally referred to as molecular plasmons
[13]. Conversely, experimental measurements on ensembles
of larger disks, of radii R  50 nm, have exhibited distinctly
classical features [14,15]. Improving our understanding of
this transition between opposing realms is underscored by
the many advances in fabrication of graphene nanostructures
In this Rapid Communication we show that for smaller
graphene disks, though larger than R  7 nm, two essential
modifications of the classical single-disk response arise, due
to edge states and to nonlocal response, producing an overall
FIG. 1. (Color online) Illustration of considered levels of approx-
imation for a graphene nanodisk. Angular slices of Dirac ZZ bulk
state spinor components are indicated in red and blue, and edge state
* nonzero components in green.

1098-0121/2014/90(24)/241414(5) 241414-1 2014 American Physical Society



with A- and B-sublattice annihilation (creation) operators TB Dirac IM Dirac ZZ TB

aj and bj at sites j , and with j,j   indicating summa-
() () 12 3

DOS [eV1 nm2 ]

DOS [eV1 nm2 ]

tion over nearest neighbors. In the low-energy limit, for 2
extended graphene, the characteristics of the TB approach are 10 nm 10 nm 10 nm
asymptotically reproduced by the four-spinor Dirac equation, 6
HD (r) = (r), with the Hamiltonian [19] 3
HD = vF (0 x px + z y py ), (2) 0
20 nm 20 nm 20 nm 20 nm
6 3 0 3 6 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
Energy [eV]
where p = i denotes momentum, and with Pauli matrices
i and i belonging to valley and sublattice subspaces, respec- FIG. 2. (Color online) DOS for graphene nanodisk in Dirac ZZ
tively. In the absence of valley mixing, the four-spinor equation and IM, and TB treatments, broadened by a loss of  = 24 meV, with
for (r) = [A+ (r),B+ (r),A (r),B (r)]T decouples into a disk diameter indicated. The asymptotic low-energy, bulk graphene
pair of two-spinor equations for (r) = [A (r),B (r)]T DOS is indicated in dashed gray. The region of approximately linear
associated withvalley indices = 1 pertaining to Dirac DOS is indicated by gray shading.
valleys K = [ 3,]T 2/3aLC , with lattice constant aLC =
2.46 A [20].
Finite graphene structures are easily modeled with Eq. (1) with normalization N (see SM). The phenomenologically
by omitting the absent neighbors in the matrix representation introduced cutoff angular quantum number max is required
of HTB , whose dimension equals the number of constituent to avoid a divergence of the density of states at zero energy,
carbon atoms. For the continuum Dirac equation, Eq. (2), and is chosen to ensure a total number of zero-energy states
suitable boundary conditions (BCs) are needed. General con- (including spin and valley degeneracy) 2 R/3aLC [23] (see
siderations, enforcing no-spill current conditions, Hermiticity, SM). Except for the = 0 case, the zero-energy states are
and unitarity, lead to a rather broad family of allowable predominately localized at the disk edge, with a characteristic
BCs [22,23], which can be made explicit by using the localization length R[1 e1/2( +1) ] (see SM).
atomistic details of the structural termination. In the present In Fig. 2 we show the resulting noninteracting density of
states (DOS), phenomenologically broadened by an electron
work we consider ZZ lattice termination (which can be
considered appropriate, in general, for nonarmchair minimal collision rate , computed as DOS() = A Im[( 

lattice terminations as argued in Ref. [23]) forcing a single i)1 ] with A denoting the sample area and with denoting
sublattice component to vanish, e.g., forcing A (r) = 0 on summation over all states (excluding spin, which contributes
the boundary if the ZZ edge belongs to the B-sublattice. a factor 2). Also, the DOS for a TB model is shown, for a
For comparison we also consider the infinite mass (IM) BC bond-centered disk. A key feature of both TB and Dirac ZZ
[24], corresponding microscopically to confinement due to treatments is a prominent peak at zero energy associated with
an atomically staggered potential [23], which enforces an edge states, which is not reproduced in either Dirac IM or in
intersublattice phase relationship B (r)/A (r) = iei , with bulk approximations. Additionally, due to breaking of valley
denoting the tangential boundary angle [25]. and azimuthal symmetry in TB the interstate energy-level
Upon application of BCs, the otherwise linear Dirac spacing is overestimated in Dirac treatments relative to TB.
dispersion  = vF k is transformed into a discrete set of Nevertheless, the total number of edge and bulk states in
energies and associated spinors. For the case of a homogeneous Dirac ZZ and TB is in good agreement (see SM). Due to
disk of radius R, the nonzero-energy spinors are quantized in the absence of edge states in Dirac IM vis-a-vis its presence
angular and radial quantum numbers l = 0, 1, 2, . . . and in TB, we focus in the following on Dirac ZZ. Finally, we
n = 1,2, . . . [26,27]: note the complete absence of nonconical dispersion effects,
  e.g., trigonal warping [19] and van Hove quasisingulari-
eil Jl (ln r) ties at tAB [29], in the Dirac treatment, whose exemp-
ln (r, ) = 

, (3) tion, however, is expected to be unimportant in low-energy
Nln iJl+ (ln r)ei
Random-phase approximation. To compute the optical
with normalization Nln [see Supplemental Material (SM)
response of graphene disks in both TB and Dirac approaches,
[28]] expressed through the dimensionless radial coordinate
the first step is to evaluate the noninteracting polarizability
r = r/R and momenta ln = ln /R with circumferential
fermion frequency R = vF /R. The ZZ BC energies are
valley independent and correspond to zeros of the Bessel 
 (r) (r) (r )  (r )
function, i.e., ln fulfills Jl (ln ) = 0, while the IM BC yields 0 (r,r ; ) = 2 (f f  ) , (5)
   ( + i)
valley-dependent energies, given by Jl+ (ln
) = Jl (ln

Additionally, for the ZZ BC a set of zero-energy spinors exist,
where f denotes Fermi-Dirac equilibrium functions evaluated
here denoted by , discretized in angular quantum numbers
at energy  , and electron relaxation is included phenomeno-
= 0,1, . . . , max [26,27]:
logically through a finite rate . We give explicit expressions
  for the Dirac-disk polarizability in the SM.
ei 0 The random-phase approximation (RPA) is instated by
(r, ) =

, (4)
N r coupling the induced charge density (r) to the total field via



0 , leading to a self-consistent integral equation, reading, in 10 nm 20 nm 100 nm

operator notation, as = e2 0 ( ext + V), with V denoting 1.6
the Coulomb interaction and ext an external potential [31]. 0.8

E ( )/0
Henceforth, depending on the choice for single-particle states 0 2 10
used in constructing 0 , we distinguish between approaches 0.4
by the self-evident notation RPA@Dirac and RPA@TB. In the 0.8
SM we elucidate the technical details for efficiently computing 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
RPA@Dirac via an angular momentum decomposition, and Energy [eV]
follow the scheme introduced in Ref. [11] for RPA@TB. The
computational complexity of these approaches is discussed FIG. 3. (Color online) Edge-state conductivity in graphene nan-
and compared in the SM. The optical absorption cross odisks (doped to 0.4 eV) normalized to 0 = e2 /4 calculated with
section, i.e., the absorbed power relative to the intensity of an finite damping  = 6 meV. Disk diameter indicated in titles; note the
incident plane wave, relates to the induced charge density via scaling factor in the center and right-hand graphs. Explicit evaluation
Im[p()], with p() denoting the dipole moment obtained of Eq. (8) given in full, and large-radius limit, Eq. (9), in bold dashed;
from (r). real and imaginary parts in blue and red, respectively. The region
Local response. For comparison with the two quantum of edge-to-bulk transitions is indicated in gray, while the region of
approaches described above, we also consider the traditional, concurrent edge-to-bulk and interband transitions is dark-gray, and
classical approach, wherein the induced charge density in illustrated schematically.
graphene is determined from the well-known bulk local-
response (LR) conductivity with intra- and interband terms a summation over the Bessel function zeros ln (see SM for
B () = intra () + inter () [32]. The interband term induces details). In the low-temperature limit, assuming positive F ,
a redshift [33] of the dipolar plasmon resonance with de- the edge-state conductivity becomes
creasing radius, but not to the extent observed in TB-RPA
max R
n >F
calculations [11]. For the electrostatic disk, the LR problem 16ie2  +1
is solved most elegantly by using a polynomial expansion E () =
2 . (8)
 R =0 n
n 1 +i
technique, as explicated by Fetter [34], and summarized for
n R

completeness in the SM, allowing a semianalytical solution Remarkably, the above expression allows a simple asymptotic
requiring only a numerical matrix inversion. Applying this form in the large-radius limit R . Replacing the angular
technique, we find that the singly radially quantized dipole momenta + 1 by their average at fixed energy + 1  +
plasmon resonance, dp , being the resonance of primary rele- 1 /R , with proportionality constant = 4/3 (see
vance in nanoscopic disks, relates to the total LR conductivity SM), introducing the bulk-energy substitution n /R ,
() via dp / (dp ) = /2i0 B R, with B denoting the and transforming the n summations into integrals over F 
background dielectric constant and 1.0977 accounting  < , we find
for the disk geometry [35]. An intraband approximation then   2  
entails the scaling dp 1/R 1/2 . 2e2 vF   F 2 2 

E () =  
i ln 
F2  + ( F ) , (9)
Although the bulk LR conductivity B () is usually derived
from a starting point of a continuum of bulk graphene
shown here, for simplicity, in the low-loss limit 0+ [36].
Dirac states, it may as well be derived from the large-radius
Interestingly, Eq. (9) shows that the inclusion of edge states
limit of the finite samples conductivity using the states
opens a dispersive channel scaling with R = vF /R, math-
ln from Eq. (3). Specifically, in the LR limit, the current
ematically reminiscent of, but physically distinct from, the
response due to an x-polarized field is obtained from the
scaling phenomenologically introduced in Kreibig damping
conductivity [31]:
[37] and recently derived from the viewpoint of nonlocal
2ie2  | |x |  |2 diffusion dynamics [38]. In addition to Landau damping due to
() = (f f  ) . (6) vertical transitions, as included in inter () for   2F , edge-
A     ( + i)
to-bulk transitions allow nonvertical transitions at   F ,
Considering the Dirac ZZ states in Eqs. (3) and (4) this with the necessary momentum supplied by the structural
gives rise to two distinct terms, one tending asymptotically to truncation with a strength proportional to 1/R. In Fig. 3
B () with increasing radius, originating from bulk-to-bulk we consider E () and compare with E () for three disk
transitions | ln |x | l n |2 , and one novel term originating diameters. At smaller diameters E () and E () differ
from edge-to-bulk transitions: substantially in the region  > F with E exhibiting peaks
   2 at discrete transitional energies   n ; as the diameter
4ie2   x   is increased, and the energy difference between distinct
E () = (fln f0 ) 2 ln2
, (7) transitional energies decreases accordingly, E approaches E
A ln ln  ( + i)2
asymptotically, as anticipated. We note that a generally good
with f0 denoting the Fermi-Dirac function at zero energy, agreement is apparent, even for small disks, when  < F .
and ln denoting the Dirac ZZ energies corresponding to ln . The importance of the edge-state conductivity vis-a-vis the
This edge contribution, physically representing all interactions bulk conductivity diminishes with increasing diameter due to
between occupied zero-energy edge states and unoccupied the 1/R scaling of E (). Nonetheless, even at large disk
nonzero-energy bulk states, can be worked out explicitly as diameters, e.g., 20 nm, the maximal edge-state conductivity is



still on the order of 0.40 , while the magnitude of vertical Dirac Tight binding
interband transitions roughly amounts to 0 .
Hydrodynamic response. The noninteracting polarizability, 10 nm

the key constituent of the RPA, as considered in Eq. (5), 2.5

accounts not only for the discretized and individual nature

12 nm
of the allowable states, but also for the nonlocal nature
of the electromagnetic response, manifest in the finitude of
0 (r,r ; ) for r = r . An approximate accounting of nonlocal

Absorption efficiency
14 nm
response can be facilitated by a hydrodynamic model [33]: 1.5
2 2 i () 2
1 + 2  (r) =  (r), (10) 16 nm

with 2 being the two-dimensional Laplacian, and with plasma 18 nm

velocity denoted by 2 = 34 vF2 (see SM). For brevity, we will
denote hydrodynamic calculations with a backbone conductiv- 20 nm
ity () by [ ]H (). The primary effect of the hydrodynamic 0
model is to introduce a blueshift, which, in [B ]H (), approx- B ( ) [B + E ]H ( ) RPA @ TB x
imately amounts to a shift dp 1.27R2 /dp . Predictions
[B + E ] ( )
RPA @ Dirac ZZ RPA @ TB y
of the hydrodynamic model at the level [B ]H () agree
excellently with predictions of RPA@Dirac IM as we show 0.25 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.55
in the SM. This underscores the accuracy of a hydrodynamic Energy [eV] Energy [eV]
description, since RPA@Dirac IM neglects the existence of
edge states, and thus, at large radii, is modified primarily FIG. 4. (Color online) Absorption cross-sectional efficiency at
by nonlocal effects. Moreover, through this, we qualitatively normal incidence of graphene nanodisks calculated via LR, hy-
explain the blueshift predicted by RPA@TB in armchair drodynamics with bulk and edge-state conductivities, RPA@Dirac
nanostructures [39,40] as a hydrodynamic shift. ZZ, and RPA@TB (for x- and y-polarized light) for disks of
Results and discussion. Figure 4 depicts the absorption increasing diameter. The sample is considered doped to F = 0.4 eV,
cross-sectional efficiency, i.e., cross section normalized to disk with electron relaxation-rate  = 6 meV, and at a temperature
T = 300 K. Spectra for different diameters are offset by 0.5, while
area, for a normally incident excitation field, i.e., propagating
individual spectra at identical diameters are offset by 0.025. Spectra
along z, of graphene nanodisks for different diameters, con-
for intermediate diameters available in SM.
trasting results obtained by LR with and without hydrodynamic
and edge-state conductivity, RPA@TB, and RPA@Dirac ZZ.
A fundamental feature of RPA@TB, not captured by any of the
continuum models, is a polarization dependence, considered effects of edge conductivity and nonlocal response, with
in Fig. 4 for x- and y-polarized incident fields, of the optical the former prevailing, shifting the dipole resonance dp to
response due to the discrete nature of the description. For R2 /dp in
the red and blue, respectively, with a strength
smaller disks, only few EHPs contribute, leading to a strong
both cases. The simultaneous accounting of both effects is
polarization dependence. For larger disks, as the number of
thus of paramount importance in semiclassically reproducing
contributing EHPs increases, and the collective nature of the
the key plasmonic features of full RPA@TB predictions,
plasmon emerges, this dependence diminishes rapidly.
with significant corrections even at relatively large diameters
The primary feature of both RPA@TB and RPA@Dirac
20 nm. Our identification and effective description of this
ZZ for disk diameters larger than approximately 14 nm, is
additional dispersive channel via edge states illustrates an
the emergence of a broad dominant plasmonic resonance
important difference between graphene and metal plasmonics.
redshifted with respect to the LR bulk predictions. Comparison
Additionally, the equivalent size-dependent scaling with, e.g.,
with [B + E ]H () and [B + E ]H () agrees qualitatively.
nonlocal corrections, accentuates its high-ranking position in
A similar redshift is reproduced, R2 /dp 1/R 3/2 (see
the hierarchy of nonclassical corrections for plasmonics at the
SM), but slightly underestimated in magnitude due to the nanoscale. Encouragingly, the salient features of Eq. (9) are
assumption of a constant total field, inherent to the dipole geometry independent, and we accordingly predict that the
approximation in Eq. (6), contrasting the actual electric field simple analytical term can be qualitatively extended to other
distribution of the plasmon, which is significantly concentrated graphene nanostructures, e.g., by substituting R 2A/C
near the edge [41]. Furthermore, the dipole resonance in with A and C denoting system area and circumference,
RPA@TB is damped and broadened to a larger degree than respectively, reasonable for sufficiently smooth boundaries.
both RPA@Dirac ZZ and [B + E ]H () as a result of Finally, generalizations to a much wider class of systems
the explicit breaking of azimuthal and valley symmetry in supporting edge or surface states appear feasible, e.g., in
the discrete treatment, permitting additional dipole-allowed topological insulators such as bismuth bilayers [42] or silicene
transitions. [43], MoS2 nanotriangles [44], nanostructures with Ag(111)
In conclusion, the redshift observed between predictions of facets [45], or indeed in any finite bipartite system which
RPA@TB and bulk LR calculations arises from the competing generally supports zero-energy localized states [46].



Acknowledgments. We thank Wei Yan for many fruitful Danish National Research Foundation, Project DNRF58.
discussions, helpful suggestions, and continued interest. The This work was also supported by the Danish Council for
Center for Nanostructured Graphene is sponsored by the Independent Research, Project 1323-00087.

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