Davis Iris Module Assessment

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IRIS Module and Field Study 1

IRIS Module Assessment

1. List three benefits of using CBM to monitor students reading progress.

The graphs created help teachers communicate progress to students, parents,

colleagues, administrators, and other professionals.

Teachers are able to track and monitor student growth throughout the year and adjust

instruction, rather than waiting for standardized tests to determine whether teaching

was effective or not.

Teachers have better insight on at-risk students who need extra support.

2. List the six steps of the CBM process.

Determine the appropriate type and level of CBM materials

Administer and score

Graph data

Set goals

Make instructional decisions

Communicate students progress

3. Describe two ways that graphs of CBM data can help a teacher to discuss a students progress

with her or his parents.

Graphs are a visual tool that makes it easy to see a childs progress. When a teacher

shows parents a graph of CBM data, they can discuss many things. The parents will be able

to see where their child started (by looking at the baseline data before any interventions took
IRIS Module and Field Study 2

place), the progress they made (by looking at all the data points marked periodically), and

where their child is expected to be later on (by looking at the goal data point or trend line).

Looking at the progress shown on the graph will show teachers and parents whether the goal

is appropriate for that child at the time; if the student is not progressing as anticipated by the

trend line then instruction or the end goal needs to be adjusted, and the same applies to if the

student consistently performs above the trend line.

4. Ms. Begay has one student whose scores on the weekly probes have been falling consistently

below the goal line for several weeks. At the same time, she has another student whose scores

have been consistently above the goal line for the past several weeks. For each student,

describe what the graphs are indicating and explain what Ms. Begay should do in each case.

The graph for the student whose scores have been falling below the goal line would

indicate that instruction for that student needs to be adjusted because the student is not

responding well to it. Ms. Begay should look at the students skills/weaknesses to ensure that

the student has the necessary prerequisite skills to be successful with intervention. Then Ms.

Begay should look at areas of differentiation.

The graph for the student whose scores have been above the goal line would indicate

that the student is performing above their expectations and the goal needs to be increased.

Ms. Begay should look at the students skills/weaknesses to help her choose a more suitable

goal, something that is not yet mastered but attainable through intervention.
IRIS Module and Field Study 3

5. In January, a new student, Mario, joined Ms. Begays class. Mario has a learning disability

and his former grades indicate that he has been struggling academically, especially in classes

that require reading. Ms. Begay has been tracking the reading progress of her students since

November using CBM. She would like to track Marios reading progress as well. How

should she proceed? Include a minimum of three of the CBM procedural steps in your


Ms. Begay should refer to Marios IEP to identify an appropriate type and level of

CMB. Once that is determined, she will begin to administer the CMB and score the

students progress. To keep herself organized and to quickly see Marios progress as she

continues the CBM, she will graph his data. When she has enough data points to start with,

she will set a goal that is achievable for Mario. Since Mario has an IEP, Ms. Bengay would

most likely use an Intra-Individual Framework as he progresses at a different rate than his

peers. To set an IIF, she will need to do some calculations to identify where Mario

(specifically him) will be projected to be at the end of the year (please follow the steps from

Option 3.) As Ms. Bengay continues instruction and monitoring of Mario, she will make

instructional decisions as needed. Throughout this process, Ms. Bengay will be

communicating his progress to IEP team members like his parents, other teachers,

administration, and even Mario himself.

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