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44 International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2008, 43, 4451

Original article
Effect of heat treatment and refrigerated storage on antioxidant
properties of pre-cut celery (Apium graveolens L.)

Sonia Z. Vina1 & Alicia R. Chaves2*

1 CIDCA (Centro de Investigacion y Desarrollo en Criotecnologa de Alimentos), Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Universidad Nacional de La
Plata (UNLP)
2 Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientcas y Tecnicas (CONICET), Calle 47 y 116, S/N, La Plata (B1900AJJ), Buenos Aires, Argentina
(Received 28 April 2006; Accepted in revised form 16 June 2006)

Summary This work studies the eect of two types of heat treatment, dry air at 48 C for 1 h and water immersion at
50 C for 90 s, and of storage time at 0 C on a number of quality parameters for pre-cut celery: browning
potential, soluble phenols content, total avonoids, chlorogenic acid, ascorbic acid and antioxidant capacity.
Pre-cut celery was placed in crystal polyethylene terephthalate trays covered with polyvinyl chloride lm.
Samples were taken after 0, 1, 7, 14 and 21 storage days. Treatments reduced browning potential and
chlorogenic acid content and, in addition, allowed ascorbic acid concentration to be retained for a longer
time. For this reason, the application of heat treatments in minimally processed celery would be benecial.
Keywords Antioxidant activity, Apium graveolens L., controlled stress, fresh cut vegetables, phenolics.

production of most other proteins (Vierling, 1991), so

the application of a controlled thermal stress would
The objectives of heat treatments, developed primarily condition vegetable tissue to withstand other stress
for fruits, are to achieve insect disinfestation, to control types, amongst them those caused by cutting or senes-
diseases, to modify tissue response to other types of cence processes during subsequent storage.
stress and to maintain product quality during storage Application of heat treatments in minimally processed
(Paull & Jung Chen, 2000). These aims are the same as products would comprise additional objectives, namely
those set for the post-harvest of vegetables. To put them to reduce physiological alterations in the plant, induced
into practice, several timetemperature combinations by mechanical and oxidative damage, as well as to lessen
must be tested in advance, taking into account that the the responses linked to cicatrisation or wounding
botanical origin of edible parts (fruits, stems, petioles, protection (Saltveit, 2000). Modications to phenolic
leaves, buds, inorescences and the like) is, in vegeta- metabolism and tissue antioxidant capacity constitute
bles, considerably broader. Moreover, the optimum time very common defence mechanisms in plants. Diverse
and temperature combination chosen to extend fresh phenolic compounds can be induced by biotic or abiotic
product quality during storage depends on cultivars, stress factors, such as high light intensity, UV radiation,
maturity stage, size and growing conditions (Fallik, pathogen attack, nutritional deciency, low temperature
2004). In addition, selection of treatment type among and mechanical damage (Dixon & Paiva, 1995).
heating in dry air, steam or water, may depend on Derivatives of cinnamic acid such as caeic, p-coumaric
product characteristics. and ferulic acids, referred to collectively as hydroxycin-
All biological systems are known to respond to heat namic acids, and chlorogenic acid are mostly synthesised
treatment, inducing transcription and selective transla- by phenylalanine ammonia lyase catalysed conversion of
tion of a determined gene group. The induced synthesis l-phenylalanine to trans-cinnamic acid, which is stimu-
of heat shock proteins (HSP) correlates with an lated in response to wounding or physiological stress
improved tolerance to a number of dierent abiotic (Wen et al., 2003). Several studies have shown that
stress factors (Loaiza-Velarde et al., 1997). HSP synthe- chlorogenic and iso-chlorogenic acids, derived from
sis is noticeably favoured when compared with the phenylpropanoid metabolism, accumulate in cut iceberg
lettuce tissue (Ke & Saltveit, 1989; Tomas-Barberan
Correspondent: Fax: +54 221 425 4853; et al., 1997; Fukumoto et al., 2002). Moreover, phyto-
e-mail: chemicals such as avonoids and other phenolics have

 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation  2007 Institute of Food Science and Technology Trust Fund
Antioxidants in heat-treated pre-cut celery S. Z. Vina and A. R. Chaves 45

antioxidant activity and may help to protect cells against With regard to air heat treatments, they were carried
the oxidative damage caused by free radicals (Wada & out after applying chlorinated water to samples as
Ou, 2002). mentioned earlier. Once disinfested, the product was
Celery adapts easily to minimal processing but the treated in a heated air oven for combinations of 48 C
main detrimental factors for its quality are vascular 60 min and 50 C20 min, followed by storage at 0 C for
browning at the ends of cut petioles, aring of the cut 28 days. Once air treatments were nished, samples were
ends and development of pithiness (i.e. the formation of allowed to cool at room temperature before packaging.
aerenchyma in the pith) (Saltveit & Mangrich, 1996; To evaluate and select the diverse treatments, their
Loaiza-Velarde et al., 2003). It has been shown that a eect on sensorial attributes and damage development
heat-shock treatment can diminish wound-induced phy- was considered (specially rot, yellowing and softening).
siological changes leading to reduced quality (i.e. tissue
browning) and shortened shelf life (Loaiza-Velarde
Selected treatments and storage conditions
et al., 2003).
The objective of the present work was to analyse the The selected treatments to be studied in this work are: (i)
inuence of two types of heat treatment and of control sample (C), i.e. not exposed to heat treatment;
refrigerated storage on several chemical components (ii) thermally treated product by immersion in water at
contributing to the antioxidant power of pre-cut celery. 50 C for 90 s (I, immersion); (iii) thermally treated
product in dry-heated air (oven) at 48 C for 1 h (HA,
hot air).
Materials and methods
In all tests, trays 17-cm long, 13-cm wide and 5-cm
deep were used, which were made of crystal polyethylene
Plant material and processing
terephthalate (PET) covered with self-adhering polyvi-
Celery plants (Apium graveolens L.) cv Golden Boy, nyl chloride (PVC) lm (thickness, 10 lm; O2 permeab-
grown in greenhouse, were received from a La Plata ility, 11 232 cm3 m)2 atm)1 day)1; CO2 permeability,
grower (Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina). This is a 48 552 cm3 m)2 atm)1 day)1; water vapour permeability,
white or self-whitening variety, widely cultivated in the 40 g m)2 day)1). The trays contained 175 g of pro-
zone. Once the plants reached the commercial size (after duct and were kept for 3 weeks in a cold store at 0 C
about 2 months of being transplanted), they were with a relative humidity of 85%. Samples were taken
harvested early in the morning, brought to the laborat- for analysis at 0, 1, 7, 14, and 21 days. The whole ex-
ory and processed immediately. Leaves and basal periment was repeated twice.
segments of the rosettes were eliminated to obtain
unbranched petioles. They were washed in running
Chemical analysis
drinking water to remove any soil residues, and subse-
quently cut with a sharpened knife in 4-cm long sticks. For each sampling point, the material coming from
These were disinfected by immersion in chlorinated three trays was combined and homogenised. Immedi-
water (100 ppm active chlorine, pH 66.5, 8 C) for ately before the analysis, part of the pool was frozen in
3 min and blotted dry. liquid N2 and crushed in a laboratory mill (Janke &
Kunkel Ika Labortechnik A10, Staufen, Germany).
From this material, subsamples of exact weight were
Selection of treatments
taken to carry out the corresponding determinations.
For immersion heat treatments, the following prelim-
inary temperaturetime combinations were tested: Browning potential
45 C120 s, 50 C90 s and 55 C60 s, the storage Extraction was performed with ethanol 96 and absorb-
period being of 6 days at 20 C to speed up the ance (320 nm) of the solutions was measured (Loaiza-
manifestation of damage. Based on these results, a Velarde et al., 1997). Extractions and determinations
second stage of testing comprised immersion at 50 C were carried out in duplicate and nal results were
90 s and 55 C30 s, with a storage time at 0 C of expressed as absorbance units (AU) per gram of fresh
28 days. Immersion treatments were carried in heated tissue.
distilled water using a thermostatic bath with perma-
nent stirring. Celery cuts were placed in a plastic Total phenols content
basket, and dipped during the selected times. Samples Aliquots (20 mL) of the alcoholic extracts were concen-
were subsequently immersed in chlorinated water with trated at reduced pressure (30 mm Hg, 40 C) in a rotary
ice (100 ppm of active chlorine, pH 66.5) for 3 min evaporator R-124 (Buchi Labortechnik AG, Flawil,
for cooling and disinfestation. The product was pack- Switzerland), until dryness. Residues were resuspended
aged after eliminating the excess water by draining on in doubly distilled water. Total phenols were quantied
absorbent paper. employing the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent (Swain & Hillis,

 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation  2007 Institute of Food Science and Technology Trust Fund International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2008
46 Antioxidants in heat-treated pre-cut celery S. Z. Vina and A. R. Chaves

1959), whereas absorbance readings were taken at column. In this determination, however, the mobile
760 nm. Catechin was used as standard in the 3.75 phase was a 70:30 mixture of acetonitrile:water with
12.75 lg mL)1 concentration range. Duplicate extrac- 0.01 m NH4H2PO4 and pH adjusted to 4.3 with ortho-
tions and determinations were conducted and nal phosphoric acid. Flow rate was 2 mL min)1, detection
results were expressed as lmol g)1 of fresh tissue. being carried out at 254 nm. For identication and
quantication, a standard ascorbic acid solution of
Chlorogenic acid concentration 35 lg mL)1 was employed. Extractions and determina-
This determination was carried out as reported in a tions were carried out in duplicate and nal results were
previous work (Vina & Chaves, 2006). Samples were expressed as milligram of ascorbic acid per 100 g of
extracted and concentrated as mentioned earlier. Here, fresh tissue.
residues were resuspended in 1 mL high-performance
liquid chromatograph (HPLC) grade methanol, and Antioxidant power
analysed in a Waters Model 6000A (Milford, MA, Samples previously frozen in N2 and crushed were
USA) HPLC, tted with UVVIS detector. A C18 treated with 5 mL of methanol. The antioxidant power
column was employed (particle diameter 5 lm; internal (AP) of the extracts was determined by reaction with the
diameter 4.6 mm; length 25 cm), using an 85:10:5 stable radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) in
mixture of water:methanol:formic acid as running sol- a methanol solution, using a modied version of the
vent. A ow rate of 1 mL min)1 was used. Detection method proposed by Brand-Williams et al. (1995).
was conducted at 320 nm. A standard solution of Concentration of the extracts was varied in the reaction
chlorogenic acid with a concentration of 0.87 lg mL)1 mixtures adding 0, 200, 400, 600, 800 or 1000 lL of each
was used both to identify and quantify this compound. of them to a 3.9 mL methanol solution of DPPH
The UVVIS spectrum of the fraction resulting from (25 ppm), completing a nal volume of 4.9 mL with
chromatographic runs was compared with the standard methanol. The reaction was allowed to progress and
solution to conrm identication. Extractions and absorbance was measured at 515 nm after a constant
determinations were conducted in duplicate and results value was reached. Then, DPPH was calculated
were expressed as nmol g)1 of fresh tissue. through a calibration straight line obtained in a range
of concentrations of this substance. Finally, the remain-
Total avonoids content ing DPPH concentration was plotted as a function
It was determined by the technique described by Kim of the extract volume in the reaction mixture, to
et al. (2003), with modications. Samples were extrac- calculate EC50 (eective mean concentration) for
ted, concentrated and resuspended in doubly distilled each sampling point. EC50 was dened as the mass
water as described earlier. To prepare reaction mixtures, (grams) of tissue required to reduce DPPH concentra-
a test tube was added with 1500 lL of doubly distilled tion to half its initial value. Extractions and determina-
water and 500 lL of the concentrated samples. Other tions were carried out in duplicate. Final results were
compounds were added sequentially: initially (zero time) expressed as AP, dened as the reciprocal of EC50
a volume of 150 lL of 5% NaNO2; after 5 min, 150 lL (AP 1/EC50).
of 10% AlCl3 and nally, after additional 6 min, 500 lL
of 1 m NaOH. Solutions were mixed by stirring in a
Statistical analysis
vortex and then absorbance at 510 nm was measured. A
standard curve was constructed based on catechin All data were treated by analysis of variance (anova).
concentrations in the range of 7.536.6 lg mL)1. Sources of variation were time (ve levels) and treat-
Extractions and determinations were conducted in ment (three levels). Means were compared using Fishers
duplicate. Total avonoid levels in the samples were least signicant dierence (LSD) test. Dierences at
expressed as nmol g)1 of fresh tissue. P < 0.05 were considered signicant.

Ascorbic acid content

Results and discussion
A modied version of the method proposed by Wim-
alasiri & Wills (1983) was used. Samples were taken
Selection of treatments
from the homogenised-frozen-crushed material, each
weighed accurately to 3 g and extracted with 5 mL of Concerning immersion treatments, the timetempera-
aqueous solution of 3% citric acid. After 10 min, they ture combination 50 C90 s led to lower damage by
were centrifuged at 11 500 g for 5 min at 5 C. Aliquots pathogens and a good retention of surface colour in
of 1 mL from each extract were centrifuged again in an samples stored at 20 C (data not shown). By using
Eppendorf 5415C equipment for 2 min at 14 000 r.p.m. 55 C60 s, pieces retained their green colour, but rot
The same HPLC equipment described in Chlorogenic and softening were noticeable. Therefore, to proceed
acid concentration section was used, with the same further with conservation tests at 0 C, the treatment at

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Antioxidants in heat-treated pre-cut celery S. Z. Vina and A. R. Chaves 47

Table 1 Incidence of damage in pre-cut celery treated by water Initial values averaged 0.08 AU per gram of fresh tissue.
immersion or hot air after 28 storage days at 0 C A signicant increase in browning potential was
observed for control samples over the rst week of
Temperature and Soft rot
Treatment time combination incidence (%) Yellowing Softening
storage (P < 0.05), reaching a maximum at day 7, of
almost twice the initial value. From then on, there was a
Control 3 ++ tendency for browning to decrease, though nevertheless
Immersion 50 C90 s 4 the browning potential in the untreated product stored
55 C30 s 8 + at 0 C for 21 days was signicantly higher (P < 0.05)
Hot air 48 C1 h 4 + than its initial level. In immersion-treated samples,
50 C20 min 7 ++ +
browning potential was mostly constant (P > 0.05)
, unaffected product; +, moderately affected product; ++, seriously over the rst two weeks in cold store, to reduce towards
affected product. Percentage of soft rot incidence was calculated by the day 21, to values slightly below the initial value. Samples
number of pieces affected related to the total number of inspected pieces treated in hot air experienced a signicant increase
in each sampling point. (P < 0.05) of browning potential up to 14 days of
storage. At this time, a maximum of 1.4 times of the
50 C for 90 s was chosen; besides the exposure time of initial value was reached.
the 55 C treatment was reduced from 60 to 30 s. Again, In our experiments, the initial browning potential
the treatment with the best results was 50 C90 s values were 2.5 times as low as those found by Loaiza-
(Table 1). With respect to heated air treatments, the Velarde et al. (2003). These authors published browning
48 C1 h combination caused lower yellowing and potentials of 0.2 AU per gram of fresh tissue for petiole
minimised rmness losses (Table 1). pieces 5 mm in length, increasing up to 0.6 AU per gram
For these reasons, the treatments selected to study fresh tissue after 5 weeks at 0 C. Besides, for immer-
their eect on the antioxidant properties of pre-cut sion-treated samples at 50 C for 90 s, the increase in
celery were immersion in water at 50 C for 90 s and browning potential was delayed by 3 weeks compared
heated air at 48 C for 1 h. with the controls (Loaiza-Velarde et al., 2003), showing
a similar trend as that observed in our experiments,
where the immersion treatment hindered browning. Our
Browning potential results showed, in turn, that the hot air treatment was
Figure 1 shows the results in this topic. No signicant less eective. In spite of the preceding facts, enzymatic
dierences of browning were observed between the browning in the variety under study here (Golden Boy)
controls and the thermally treated pieces immediately did not produce severe damage because, although there
after heat stress by immersion or dry air application. was some development in the stored product (control
and treated), manifestations were highly localised
(brown-orange spots coincident with exposed vascular
0.16 strands).

0.14 Total phenols

Browning potential (AU g1 fresh tissue)

0.12 Figure 2 shows total phenol concentration in cut celery

as a function of time. Total phenol content in samples,
measured immediately after applying immersion and hot
air treatments, was slightly higher than that for the
control, though not dierent enough to be statistically
signicant (P > 0.05). Such content averaged
0.20 lmol g)1 of fresh tissue at the beginning of storage.
Instead, no signicant dierences were found between
measured values during storage, nor with respect to
their initial values. The same behaviour was found in
Immersion treated samples. In the three cases, a tendency of total
Hot air phenol content to increase was observed up to day 14.
Loaiza-Velarde et al. (1997) have analysed results from
0.00 immersion heat treatments applied to lettuce, and found
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (days)
combinations of 50 C90 s and of 55 C60 s to slow
down the increase of phenolic compounds concentration
Figure 1 Browning potential of pre-cut celery exposed to heat treat- with respect to the control, within 72 h of storage at
ments and stored for 21 days at 0 C (LSD0.05 6 10)3). 10 C.

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48 Antioxidants in heat-treated pre-cut celery S. Z. Vina and A. R. Chaves

0.30 at day 21. In immersion-treated samples, a signicant

increase was also observed for chlorogenic acid concen-
Total Phenols (mol g1 fresh tissue)

0.25 tration after 24 h in cold store, but this elevation was

comparatively smaller, as the maximum level attained
was 1.5 times as high as the initial value. Then it
decreased, reaching values alike the initial. Concerning
the samples treated in heated air, a signicant concen-
0.15 tration decrease was observed for this compound,
considering the rst 14 days of storage at 0 C. From
0.10 then and until day 21, levels remained mostly constant.
Our results agree with those found for lettuce by Loaiza-
0.05 Control Velarde et al. (1997), who have observed a chlorogenic
Immersion acid build-up in control samples after 3 days of storage
Hot air at 10 C. They also found that exposure at 50 C for
0 5 10 15 20 25 90 s retained initial levels of chlorogenic acid over the
Time (days) 72 h of the experiment.
If a hierarchy of tissue response to dierent types of
Figure 2 Total phenols in pre-cut celery experiencing heat treatment abiotic stress would exist (Saltveit, 2000), then it would
and stored for 21 days at 0 C (LSD0.05 0.06). be possible to redirect protein synthesis in minimally
processed products from enzyme production related to
damage response towards HSP (Saltveit, 2000). Thus,
Chlorogenic acid
the enzyme synthesis participating in phenylpropanoid
Figure 3 shows that chlorogenic acid levels in cut celery metabolism, which would be induced by mechanical
immediately after both thermal treatments was some- injury, may be partially or totally repressed to favour
what higher than in controls though the variations were HSP generation (Saltveit, 2000). A consequence of this
not signicant (P > 0.05). Initial values were within would be the lower increase of chlorogenic acid
14.1 and 21.2 nmol g)1 of fresh tissue and the controls observed in our experiments with minimally processed
experienced a rapid increase in chlorogenic acid, reach- celery, for immersion- and hot air-treated samples. In
ing twice the initial concentration after 24 h at 0 C. this matter, eciency of hot air treatment seems to be
Maximum concentration was observed at day 7, being higher compared with immersion, i.e. to regulate the
2.2 times as high as the initial value. Then, concentra- increase of chlorogenic acid that is observed in the
tion decreased reaching values slightly below the initial untreated control.

35.0 Total flavonoids

Control Studying the main group of phenolic compounds, the
30.0 Immersion total avonoid content was analysed. Results are
Chlorogenic acid (nmol g1 fresh tissue)

exhibited in Fig. 4, and they indicate that the applica-

Hot air
tion of heat treatments, both by immersion and dry air,
induced a sudden decrease in total avonoids com-
pared with the controls. In fact, initial avonoid
20.0 concentration in untreated samples was 1.3 and 2.5
times as high as those resulting from immersion and
15.0 hot air treatments, respectively. This would indicate
that thermal stress promoted a decrease of total
avonoids that was more marked after hot air treat-
10.0 ment. Control samples experienced a decrease of 38%
in total avonoids, with respect to the initial value,
5.0 after 24 h. Values kept decreasing but more slowly up
to day 14, and remained almost constant up to day 21,
where the concentration was of 53% of the starting
0 5 10 15 20 25
level. In immersion-treated samples, avonoid evolu-
Time (days)
tion was similar to that for controls though, in
contrast, avonoids increased slightly in those samples
Figure 3 Chlorogenic acid content in heat-treated pre-cut celery, receiving hot air treatment (P < 0.05) over the rst
stored for 21 days at 0 C (LSD0.05 7.3). week in cold store and then remained nearly constant

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Antioxidants in heat-treated pre-cut celery S. Z. Vina and A. R. Chaves 49

50.0 Table 2 Ascorbic acid content (mg/100 g fresh tissue) of heat-treated

pre-cut celery stored for 21 days at 0 C (LSD0.05 0.4)
45.0 Control
Immersion Ascorbic acid (mg/100 g fresh tissue)
Total flavonoids (nmol g1 fresh tissue)

Hot air Time (days) C I HA
0 3.6 3.1 3.4
30.0 7 4.9 3.6 4.2
14 3.0 3.0 3.5
25.0 21 2.9 3.1 3.3

20.0 C, control; I, immersion thermal treatment (50 C, 90 s); HA, hot air
thermal treatment (48 C, 1 h).

10.0 16% of the initial value, while the subsequent reduction

led to concentrations similar to the initial, at day 21. In
the hot air treatment, a similar trend was presented.
0.0 After 7 days of storage at 0 C, AA concentration
0 5 10 15 20 25 increased signicantly, by 24%, compared with the
Time (days) initial value. AA levels decreased from then on, return-
ing to practically the initial values for 21 days. Such
Figure 4 Total avonoids content in heat-treated pre-cut celery, treatment would induce higher AA retention, as meas-
stored for 21 days at 0 C (LSD0.05 4.5). ured levels were higher than in controls and samples
exposed to immersion treatment.
The best known function of AA in plant cells is
up to the end of storage. No dierences were observed chloroplast protection against oxidative damage. Inac-
from the seventh day of storage between treated and tivation of O 2 and H2O2 produced by such organelles is
control samples (P > 0.05). Ewald et al. (1999) have catalysed by superoxide dismutase and ascorbate per-
analysed the eect of various thermal treatments and oxidase. The monodehydroascorbate formed upon the
processing methods on the avonoids content in onion. action of this enzyme can be reduced directly by
For steam-blanched products, losses of 39% for ferredoxin. Moreover, a second enzymatic system
quercetin and of 64% in kampferol were observed. known as ascorbate-gluthathion system is important to
Although the eect observed for heat-treated celery regenerate AA from dehydroascorbic acid (Horemans
petioles was also a loss of total avonoids, the decrease et al., 2000). McCarthy & Matthews (1994) have
produced by water immersion at 50 C for 90 s was of indicated that minimal processing of fruits and vege-
26% with respect to the initial content in the control in tables would reduce AA content in tissues. However,
our experiments. Despite hot air treatments being ascorbate synthesis was also found to increase under
much less drastic than conventional blanching, the stress conditions and that variation of its concentration
use of hot air in cut celery led to a 60% decrease in would be a good indicator of the extent of damage
total avonoids with respect to untreated product at experienced by the plant tissue (Stegmann et al., 1991).
the beginning of the experiments. Evolution of AA content in cut celery, either heat-
treated or not, was in agreement with our previous
ndings for the same cultivar (Vina & Chaves, 2006),
Ascorbic acid
where a slight increase of AA concentration was
Table 2 shows results from ascorbic acid (AA) determi- reported over the rst week in refrigerated storage.
nations. Just after applying immersion treatment (day More recently, Gomez & Artes (2005) working with a
0), there was a slight though signicant decrease in AA green celery cultivar have found that AA content
content, compared with the control. In turn, hot air did decreased after 15 days at 4 C, when pieces were stored
not produce changes (P > 0.05). With regard to the in macroperforated polypropylene bags.
controls, a signicant increase by 36% of AA content Referring to our results, if synthesis or recovery of
was observed over the rst week of storage at 0 C, with AA content occurs, this fact would be a response to
respect to the initial level. From then on AA content processing damage or to gradual senescence, which
decreased signicantly by 20% on day 21, compared comes out even during storage at low temperatures. In
with the initial value. In immersion-treated samples, the view that in our experiments, such elevations were
behaviour was very similar, though variations were less observed after about 7 days in store, it is likely that they
important. For instance, at day 7 the increase reached would be linked with processes occurring before the

 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation  2007 Institute of Food Science and Technology Trust Fund International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2008
50 Antioxidants in heat-treated pre-cut celery S. Z. Vina and A. R. Chaves

start of tissue senescence. Heat treatments would Conclusions

attenuate this response to a greater or lesser extent,
aecting in some way the normal ageing processes of cut The results of the present study indicate that heat
celery. treatments were benecial to lessen the increases in
browning potential veried in the controls over the rst
week at 0 C. In the same period, the hot air treatment
Antioxidant power
inhibited the concentration increase of chlorogenic acid.
The evolution of AP in cut celery exposed to heat This last compound can act as substrate for enzymatic
treatments is shown in Fig. 5. At the beginning of the browning reactions. In this regard, immersion treatment
tests, AP of the control and hot air-treated samples was not as eective.
were not signicantly dierent (P > 0.05), averaging Immediately after application, treatments caused
4.4 g)1 of fresh tissue. Immediately after application of losses in total avonoids. Concerning AA retention,
immersion treatment, AP decreased signicantly by hot air treatment was more benecial than immersion.
41% compared with the control. This observation for
the initial point of storage, agrees with the results for Acknowledgments
AA, where immersion treatment also induced a con-
centration decrease with respect to the control. Con- This work was nancially supported by the Agencia
cerning controls, AP exhibited a signicant decrease Nacional de Promocion Cientca y Tecnologica
which, after 7 days of storage, reached 50% of the (ANPCyT, PICT 1998-7088). Dr Sonia Z. Vina wishes
initial value. From then on, AP showed an increase, to thank the CONICET for granting her a scholarship.
which rst recovered the initial level, and then
exceeded it by 30%, remaining constant up to the References
end of the conservation period. This behaviour was
similar to that found when studying antioxidant Brand-Williams, W., Cuvelier, M.E. & Berset, C. (1995). Use of a free
radical method to evaluate antioxidant activity. Lebensmittel-
capacity of cut celery stored at several temperatures Wissenschaft und-Technologie, 28, 2530.
(Vina & Chaves, 2006). In immersion-treated samples, Dixon, R.A. & Paiva, N.L. (1995). Stress-induced phenylpropanoid
AP increased up to 14 days, to regain values alike metabolism. The Plant Cell, 7, 10851097.
those of controls. On applying hot air, AP evolved as Ewald, C., Fjelkner-Modig, S., Johansson, K., Sjoholm, I. & Akesson,
in the controls. B. (1999). Eect of processing on major avonoids in processed
onions, green beans and peas. Food Chemistry, 64, 231235.
In this series of experiments on the eect of thermal Fallik, E. (2004). Prestorage hot water treatments (immersion, rinsing
treatments on AP of cut celery, no dierences between and brushing). Postharvest Biology and Technology, 32, 125134.
control and treated samples were observed after 7 days Fukumoto, L.R., Toivonen, P.M.A. & Delaquis, P.J. (2002). Eect
of storage. of wash water temperature and chlorination on phenolic
metabolism and browning of stored iceberg lettuce photosynthetic
and vascular tissues. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,
9.0 50, 45034511.
Gomez, P.A. & Artes, F. (2005). Improved keeping quality of
minimally fresh processed celery sticks by modied atmosphere
packaging. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und-Technologie, 38, 323329.
Horemans, N., Foyer, C., Potters, G. & Asard, H. (2000). Ascorbate
7.0 function and associated transport systems in plants. Plant Physiol-
ogy and Biochemistry, 38, 531540.
Antioxidant power (g1)

6.0 Ke, D. & Saltveit, M.E. (1989). Wound-induced ethylene production,

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