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DESIGN MANUAL FOR ROADS AND BRIDGES HA 102/00 Efe THE HIGHWAYS AGENCY THE SCOTTISH EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY FOR WALES CYNULLIAD CENEDLAETHOL CYMRU By THE DEPARTMENT FOR REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT* Spacing of Road Gullies * A Government Department in Northern Ireland Summary: This Advice Note provides design guidance for determining the length of road between gullies that can be drained by grating and kerb outlets to BS EN 124 and BS 7903. It contains methods using either tables or a full calculation procedure. It updates and replaces TRRL Contractor Report 2. DESIGN MANUAL FOR ROADS AND BRIDGES VOLUME 4 GEOTECHNICS AND DRAINAGE SECTION2 DRAINAGE PART 3 HA 102/00 SPACING OF ROAD GULLIES SUMMARY This Advice Note provides design guidance for determining the length of road between gullies that can be drained by grating and kerb outlets to BS EN 124 and BS 7903. It contains methods using either tables or a full calculation procedure. It updates and replaces ‘TRRL Contractor Report 2. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE This is a new document to be incorporated into the Manual. 1, Insert HA 102/00 into Volume 4, Section 2. 2. Archive this sheet as appropriate. Note: A quarterly index with a full set of Volume Contents Pages is available separately from The Stationery Office Ltd, November 2000 Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 REGISTRATION OF AMENDMENTS Registration of Amendments Amend No Page No Signature & Date of incorporation of ‘amendments Amend No Page No Signature & Date of incorporation of amendments November 2000 Registration of Amendments REGISTRATION OF AMENDMENTS Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 Amend No Page No Signature & Date of incorporation of amendments, Amend No Page No Signature & Date of incorporation of amendments ‘November 2000 DESIGN MANUAL FOR ROADS AND BRIDGES VOLUME 4 GEOTECHNICS AND DRAINAGE SECTION2 DRAINAGE PART3 HA 102/00 SPACING OF ROAD GULLIES Contents Chapter 1, Introduction 2. Types of Gully Grating 3. Types of Kerb Inlet 4, Factors Affecting Hydraulic Design 5. Design Procedure 6. Worked Examples 7. Definitions 8. References 9. Enquiries Annexes Annex A List of Symbols Annex B Determining the Grating Type Annex — Design Tables AnnexD Figures November 2000 Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 1. INTRODUCTION General 1.1 This Advice Note describes a design method for determining the spacing of road gratings and kerb inlets for removing surface water from trunk roads (including motorways) with an acceptable width of channel flow. treplaces the design method provided by TRL Contractor Report 2 [Ref 3] referred to in HD 33 (DMRB 4.2.3). Contractor Report 2 should no longer be used. The research on which this method is based is described in Ref 4 1.2 Road gullies are now specified by BS EN 124 [Ref 6] and the accompanying BS 7903 [Ref 7]. The EN allows a wider range of grating geometries than the superseded BS 497 [Ref 8] which was withdrawn in 1994. 1.3. tis assumed that the limiting factor in determining spacing between gullies is the flow capacity of the grating and not that of the associated gully pot or associated pipework. Guidance on the flow capacity of gully pots is given in Section 5.24 of this document. 14 “Kerbs and gullies” is a widely used form of surface drainage. HD 33 gives guidance on the use of these types of drainage in motorways and trunk roads. 1.5 _ Itis recommended in HD 33 and TD9 (DMRB 6.1.1) that particular attention should be paid to longitudinal gradients on superelevations, with a minimum of 1/200 (0.5%). Careful consideration should also be given to road profiling and gradients on roundabouts. Scope 1.6 The hydraulic design of road gratings and kerb inlets should take account of two factors: (The flow of water parallel to the kerb should not exceed an allowable width (B in Figures 1a and 1b), An excessive width can be an inconvenience or danger to traffic, When checked for 1 in 5 year storm the maximum flow width is 1.5m for the hard shoulder and 1.0m for the hard strip on trunk roads. For non-trunk roads guidance is, given in HA83 (DMRB 4.2.4), Chapter 1 Introduction (i) The grating of the gully or kerb inlet should be reasonably efficient in collecting the flow. That is, the percentage 1, of the approaching flow that enters the grating should be as high as possible Figure 1b). Any water not collected flows past the grating, augmenting the flow in the next downstream section, 1.7 The design method given in this Note has been tested over the range of longitudinal gradients between 1/300 (0.33%) and 1/15 (6.67%) shown in the tables in Annex C. It can reasonably be extended to a gradient of 1125 (8.00%). 1.8 Flat longitudinal gradients may be unavoidable in some situations. Road gullies do have an advantage over surface water channels since the gradient to carry the road runoff from the gully to the outfall is not dependent on the gradient of the road. They do not however usually provide the best drainage solution for long lengths of flat gradients. The procedure for the drainage of level or nearly level roads is given in TRL LR 602 [Ref 9} 1.9 For steep longitudinal gradients and wide flows, gratings and kerb inlets become inefficient because too ‘much water bypasses the grating. The design method in this Advice Note informs the Designer or Specifier when this will happen. 1.10 Gratings for use as outlets to surface water channels are dealt with in HA 78 (DMRB 4.2.1). 1.11 The design of kerbs is dealt with in TA 57 (DMRB 6.3) and in BS 7263 [Ref 12}. Safety 1.12 Safety aspects of edge details are generally functions of the location, form and size of edge restraint detail, and any associated safety barrier or safety fence provision. Roadside drainage features are primarily designed to remove surface water. Since they are placed along the side of the carriageway, they should not. normally pose any physical hazard to road users. Itis only in the rare event of a vehicle becoming errant that the consequential effects of a roadside drainage feature upon a vehicle become apparent. Whilst the behaviour of an errant vehicle and its occupants is unpredictable and deemed to be hazardous, the designer must consider November 2000 1 Chapter 1 Introduction Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 carefully the safety of the design and minimise potential hazards as far as possible (HD 33; DMRB 4.2.3). However, regard should be had to the particular requirements of vulnerable road users. 1.13 BS EN 124 allows grating slots parallel to the kerb which may present a serious hazard to cyclists. If there is a possibility of cyclists crossing a grating, the slots should not be at an angle likely to affect their passage (TA 57; DMRB 6.3). It is common UK practice that slots are aligned at between 45° and 90° to the kerb. Implementation 1.14 This Advice Note should be used forthwith for all schemes currently being prepared provided that, in the opinion of the Overseeing Organisation, this would not result in significant additional expense or delay progress. Design Organisations should confirm its application to particular schemes with the Overseeing Organisation. The requirements for gully gratings are given in Clause 508 of the Specification for Highway ‘Works (MCHW 1), the corresponding Notes for Guidance (MCHW 2), and Drawing No F9 of the Highway Construction Details (MCHW 3). It is not intended that gully spacings on existing roads should be recalculated unless there are drainage problems which need to be addressed. November 2000 Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 Chapter 2 ‘Types of Gully Grating Structural characteristics 2.1 The required strength class for gully gratings, should normally be obtained from BS EN 124, For trunk roads a minimum strength class will normally be D400. Where heavier duty gratings are required, eg motorway running lanes, advice should be sought from the Overseeing Organisation. Hydraulic characteristics 22 The hydraulic capacity of a gully grating depends on its overall size, the number and orientation of the slots, and the total waterway area provided by the slots. BS EN 124 places limitations on the minimum ‘and maximum dimensions of slots based on considerations of safety and potential blockage by silt and debris. In order to ensure a reasonable level of hydraulic performance, the Standard also specifies that the total waterway area of the slots should not be less than 30% of the clear area (see Section 7). 2.3. BS 7903 also recommends that the portion of the total waterway area within 50mm of the kerb should not, be less than 45 cm’. Gullies will normally be rectangular or triangular with one side adjacent to the kerb. Circular gullies, and any other shapes that are highly asymmetric in a direction transverse to the kerb, are unlikely to be acceptable, The kerb face of the frame should be hard against the kerb. 24 The hydraulic design method in this Advice Note assumes that the gap between the Kerb and the first slot(s) of a gully grating is not greater than 50mm. 2.5 In order to deal with the large number of possible designs that could be produced, this Advice Note sets out a method of classifying gratings based on their hydraulic characteristics - Types P, Q, R, S or T in decreasing hydraulic capacity. The advantage of this approach is that the Designer or Specifier is able to specify a grating type and be sure of achieving the required hydraulic performance whatever make of conforming grating is chosen by the contractor. 2.6 Classification will normally be determined by the caleulation in Annex B, based upon the geometric characteristics of the grating. It may be carried out by any of the following means: . TYPES OF GULLY GRATIN (i) Ttis expected that manufacturers will carry out the calculations necessary to classify their product. (i) Inthe absence of manufacturer's calculations, the Designer or Specifier may need to carry out the calculations. (ii) Should a manufacturer wish to carry out hydraulic tests to determine the classification of a grating, a suitable test procedure is described by Spaliviero et al [Ref 4]. 2.7 A grating is only a small part of the total cost of a gully. Ifa given grating is not functioning effectively, it will usually be more economic to use a more efficient type of grating rather than decrease the spacing between gratings. November 2000 Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 .» TYPES OF KERB INLET Structural characteristics 3.1 For the purposes of this Advice Note, kerb inlets are defined as manufactured units that when installed along the line of a kerb provide a series of openings parallel to the flow and through each of which water can be discharged via a gully pot to the below-ground pipe system. Other types of kerb drainage system having continuous slots or closely-spaced holes that discharge into a longitudinal pipe or channel formed within the kerb unit are outside the scope of this Advice Note. 3.2 Requirements for the mechanical properties and strength of kerb inlets are given in BS EN 124, Hydraulic characteristics 3.3. BS EN 124 does not set any limitations on the size and geometry of kerb inlets that affect their hydraulic capacity. 3.4 Akerb inlet usually has a considerably lower flow collection capacity than a gully grating of similar Iength. This is because the velocity of water along a kerb channel limits the proportion of the total flow that is able to turn into the opening provided by the kerb inlet. 3.5 A method of increasing the efficiency of a kerb inlet is to create a longer opening parallel to the flow by recessing the upstream kerb line and setting the kerb inlet ata greater angle to the flow (see Figure 2). To prevent flow separating from the recessed section of kerb, the angle B in Figure 2 should not be greater than about 14°, corresponding to an expansion angle of For reasons of vehicle safety, angled kerb inlets of this type should only be used where the direction of water flow is opposite to that ofthe traffic in the carriageway adjacent to the kerb. Also angled kerb inlets can become blocked with debris and can be difficult to sweep. Chapter 3 ‘Types of Kerb Inlet November 2000 aL Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 Chapter 4 Factors Affecting Hydraulic Design 4. FACTORS AFFECTING HYDRAULIC DESIGN 4.1 The Designer or Specifier will need to evaluate the hydraulic parameters set out in this chapter before commencing the design procedure. 4.2 The Designer or Specifier should make an initial assumption about the most suitable grating type (P 10 T) for a particular scheme, and upgrade this if it does not prove satisfactory. 4.3 The Manning roughness coefficient of the channel (a) should normally be taken as 0.017 for a blacktop surface. Some other values are given in Table 1 from HA 37 (DMRB 4.2.4). ‘Table 1 Values of Manning’s n Surface Condition a Concrete Average 0.013 Concrete Poor 0.016 Blacktop Average 0017 Blacktop Poor 0.021 4.4. Design storm retum periods, and permissible flow widths along the kerb, are given in HD 33 (DMRB 423). 4,5 Theefficiency of the gully may be reduced by the accumulation of debris not immediately cleared by maintenance operations. Factors to take account of this are given in Section 4.16 of this Advice Note. 4.6 The location of some gullies must first be fixed by the considerations given in Sections 4.7 to 4.10. The location and spacing for other gullies may then be determined by the design method given in this Advice Note. Calculations should commence at the crests or highest point of the scheme and proceed downhill. A distinction is made between two modes of hydraulic operation of gullies + Intermediate gullies are those for which some calculated proportion of the approaching flow ‘may be permitted to continue past the gully, to be picked up by the next gully downstream (Figure Ib), + Terminal gullies are those for which no significant proportion of the approaching flow ‘may be permitted to pass the gully, either because there is no downstream gully or because the passing flow will interfere with traffic. 4:7 The designer should be aware of the future maintenance requirements at the gully location and ‘ensure that this activity will not compromise access, safety of cyclists or restrict traffic flow. 4.8 A particular problem occurs at sag points in gradients, both because floating debris will tend to accumulate at this point, and because any water not entering a gully at this point cannot pass to another gully. A gully, or preferably twin gullies, should always be placed at this point, and a substantial reduction in efficiency be allowed for in the design method, 4.9 Ifthe crest along a length of road with changing longitudinal gradient is well defined, no gully will be needed at this point. If, however, there is a slow transition from negative to positive gradient, a gully ‘may need to be placed at the crest to deal with any significant length of flat gradient. 4.10 In cases such as the following it may be beneficial to install an additional upstream gully: + transitions to superelevations + apedestrian or eycle crossing + for steeply angled road junctions. This gully should be designed to operate as @ terminal gully. Where a pedestrian or cycle crossing occurs at the lowest point of the road, the crossing should be relocated. 4.11 ‘The longitudinal gradient will probably be fixed by other considerations, but adjustment of the road ‘geometry should be considered to avoid flat gradients, and rollovers that cause problems with drainage. The ‘geometric standards for the relevant scheme should be checked to determine the extent of any flexibility. 4.12. Subject to the geotechnical considerations outlined in HA 39 (DMRB 4.2.4), it may be possible to reduce local flooding by permitting overflow over the kerb onto a shallow embankment slope or grassed verge. but ensuring that the footway is not flooded. November 2000 an Chapter 4 Factors Affecting Hydraulic Design Rainfall 4.13 The design rainfall intensity I (mm/h) for a storm with a retum period of N years may be determined from the formula given in HA 37 (DMRB 42.2): 32.7(N - 0.4)" (T— 0.4) (2minMSY/T (1) ‘The quantity 2minMS is the rainfall depth in mm occurring atthe site in a period of 2 minutes with an average return period of 5 years. This is a measure of the rainfall characteristics atthe site and is reproduced re 3. The critical storm duration T (in minutes) is the time of concentration of flow for the area served by the gully, and may normally be taken as 5 minutes* Design values of the storm return period are given HD 33 (DMRB 4.2.3). 4.14 It should be noted from Figure 3 of Annex D that the most severe rainfall conditions are to be expected in East Anglia and the South-East of England. Although these areas have much lower values of annual rainfall than parts of Wales, Scotland and the North- West of England, they experience heavier and more frequent short-duration storms, of the kind typically associated with summer thunderstorms, Catchment width 4.15. The effective catchment width draining to the kerb channel, W, (in m), may be determined from a plan area of the site. All paved areas draining to the kerb should be included, eg hard shoulders, paved central reserves, footways and even buildings where roof drainage discharges to the road gullies. It is difficult to estimate the contribution for unpaved areas, but provided the unpaved area does not exceed the paved area, it may normally be assumed that the contribution of unpaved areas is about 20% of that for an equivalent paved area, (A fuller discussion is given in HA 37; DMRB 4.2.4), Reference may be made to HA 37 for information on catchment areas and times of concentration. * Asa general guide, T may be significantly less than 5 minutes for gully spacings less than 10m with moderate to severe gradients. T may be significantly greater than 5 minutes for gully spacings greater than 50m with slacker gradients. A method of checking the value of T is given in Section 5.23. Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 Effect of maintenance 4.16 The effect of reduced maintenance and accumulation of debris will be to reduce the hydraulic area and efficiency of the grating. A maintenance factor ‘m’ is therefore included to allow for this effect. This has a value of 1.0 for no effect, and decreasing values for decreasing standards of maintenance. Factors should be based on site specific considerations. Suggested values for m are given in Table 2 ‘Table 2 Values of maintenance factor Situation Maintenance factor (im) Well-maintained urban roads** 10 Roads subject to less frequent ‘maintenance 09 Roads subject to substantial leaf falls or vehicle spillages (eg at sharp roundabouts) 08 Sag points on road gradients 07 ** eg refer to TRMM[Ref5} 42 November 2000 Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 5. DESIGN PROCEDURE Hydraulic parameters required 5.1 The following parameters should be determined initially from the considerations outlined in Chapter 4: + Values of the longitudinal gradient, S, at points along the length of the scheme (expressed as fractions in the design tables and calculations). For an individual length drained by a gully, S, should be taken as the average gradient over a 3m. distance upstream of the gully. + The cross-fall, S, also expressed as a fraction in the tables and calculations. It is measured 0.5m upstream of the leading edge of the gully and for the maximum permissible width of flow. ‘+ The Manning roughness coefficient, n. + The maximum allowable flow width against the kerb (B in m, Figure 1) given in HD 33 (DMRB 4.23) + The grating type (P, Q, R, $ or T), or the size and angle of kerb inlet. Use of tables for determining flow capacity of gullies 5.2 A series of design tables is given in Annex C of this Advice Note. These may be used, subject to the limitations indicated, to determine gully spacings with the minimum of calculation. The equations on which they are based are given in later sections of this Advice Note. Sections 5.3 to 5.10 give the procedure for using the tables. Alternatively the equations given in Section 5.12 to 5.20 may be used directly. It should be noted that the tables refer to spacing of intermediate gullies. ‘The procedure for terminal gullies is given in Section 521, 5.3. Table Cl in Annex C may be used to determine the discharge at the kerb immediately upstream of the ‘grating if required. For intermediate values of cross-fall and gradient, the flow may be either interpolated or taken as the nearest higher value, For values of n other than 0.017, the flow should be multiplied by 0.017/n, Chapter 5 Design Procedure Maximum spacings for gully gratings 5.4 Tables C2 to C6 in Annex C give the area of road that may be drained (A, in m) by an intermediate gully for a rainfall intensity of SOmm/h, m = 1.0, and n 0.017. Each of tables C2 to C6 corresponds to one of | grating types P to T. The actual area (A,) that can be rained is then given by: A,= A, (50M) mk, @ Itis sufficiently accurate, where the grating efficiency 7, at n = 0.017 is more than about 80%, to set k, to 0.017/n. The exact solution is: (0.017 /n) ( eo} 017»)? 2 ee @ 5.5 The maximum design spacing between adjacent intermediate gratings (S, in m) is then given by: s,=A/W, @ where W, is the effective catchment area, ‘These tables also give the flow collection efficiency 1 of the grating in % (in brackets) If 7] is below about (60%, the grating is not very efficient, and the design should be reconsidered (see Section 5.25). The design ‘method is intended to be applied over a range of 7 between 100 and 50%. Below 50%, it becomes increasingly conservative. 5.6 Tables C2 to C6 are for intermediate gullies on a uniform gradient, and are not strictly accurate for gradients which vary greatly over short distances. As a general guide, errors become significant if the gradients between adjacent gullies change by more than two of the increments in the tables, and also if the grating efficiency 1 is less than 80%. A more accurate calculation for this case is given in Section 5.16. ‘Maximum spacings for kerb inlets 5.7 Values of the catchment area (A, in m?) that can be drained by 0.5m long and 1.5m long inlets installed in the line of the kerb are given in tables C7 and C8 respectively. Table C9 applies to the case of a 0.5m November 2000 SA Chapter 5 Design Procedure Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 Jong inlet installed at angles o-=50° and B=14" as shown in Figure 2 of Annex D; this arrangement is equivalent in performance to an in-line inlet providing a 1.85m Tong opening in the kerb. The values of A,, given in the tables assume a rainfall intensity of [= 50 mnvh, a ‘maintenance factor of m= 1.0 and a channel roughness of n= 0.017. If other values of I or m apply, the actual area, A, , that can be drained will be different from A, and may be calculated from Equation (2). If tables C7 to (C9 show that the flow collection efficiency, n, would be less than 60%, the use of either a longer kerb inlet or a suitable gully grating is recommended. For a given length, a gully grating will usually be more efficient than a kerb inlet. 5.8 The maximum allowable spacing between intermediate kerb inlets, S, (in m), is calculated from Equation (4) using the valle of A, (in m?) and the effective catchment width, W, (in'm). 5.9 The effect on the allowable drained area and spacing of assuming a different value of channel roughness, n, may be estimated approximately by setting k, in Equation (2) to 0.017/n, provided the flow collection efficiency given for n = 0.017 in the appropriate tables C7 to C9 exceeds 7 = 80%. If the efficiency is lower the more accurate formula given in Equation (3) should be used. 5.10 ‘The drained areas and spacings for other lengths of kerb inlet may be determined by applying an appropriate factor k, to the values obtained from tables C7 to C9. Firstly the table for which the inlet length, L,, (in m), is closest to the required length, L., (in m) should be chosen. From the table, the flow collection efficiency, 1, corresponding to the length L,, should be found , and the value ofthe factor k, calculated from the formula: (io - 1 \f " (: i) (% } ene) 100 ‘The actual drained area (A,) and the maximum sp distance (S,) corresponding to the inlet length L,, should thet be multiplied by the factor , to find the corresponding values for the required inlet length L.,. 6 Use of equations for determining the flow capacity of gullies 5.11 Ifthe design tables are being used without further calculation the following sections 5.12 to 5.20 may be passed over. This section describes the equations used in the design procedure described in this Advice Note. They were used in compiling the design tables in Annex C, and ‘may also be used for direct calculation of gully spacings. These equations may readily be programmed, and in this form are very easy to use for exploring the effects of changing the drainage parameters. Flow capacity of kerb channel 5.12 The water depth against the kerb (H, in m) is given by: H=BS, © ‘The cross-sectional area of flow, A, (in m?), just upstream of the grating is given by: A,=BH2 a ‘The hydraulic radius of the channel, R (in m), is given ale o 5.13 The flow rate, Q (in m/s) approaching the grating is calculated from Manning's equation: Q=(A,R5,)/0 o Flow collection efficiency of gully grating 5.14 The flow collection efficiency, 1 by: (in %) is given =100-G,(Q/H) (10) G, is the grating parameter and its value is determined by the grating type - see Annex B. The acceptable range of values for 7 is discussed in Section 5.5, 5/2 November 2000 Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 Chapter 5 Design Procedure Maximum design spacing of gully gratings 5.15. Forintermediate gratings along a uniform longitudinal gradient, the maximum allowable spacing between adjacent gratings (S,) may be calculated from the equatio (sox 00-8) ho 5.16 For non-uniform gradients, the grating spacings are calculated going downstream for each pair of gratings, and Equation (11) is replaced by: «ily S,=13.6x 10°{Q-Q, (I= m,n,/100)}]/ WI (12) where Q,,, m,, and n,, refer to the upstream grating Calculations tising this equation should commence at the upstream end. If the upstream end is at the top of a crest with no gully, Q,, becomes zero. Flow collection efficiency of kerb inlet 5.17 The flow collection efficiency (n in %) is given by: 36.1Q =100- 1=100- Tas (3) is the flow rate (in m/s) in the kerb channel just upstream of the gully and is calculated from Section 5.13. His the corresponding water depth (in m) at the kerb. L, isthe length (in m) of the opening in the line of the Kerb provided by the inlet. Note that in the case of an angled kerb inlet (see Figure 2), L, is greater than the length L of the kerb unit itself. For the particular kerb angles shown in Figure 2, L, = 3.7 L. 5.18 If Equation (13) shows thatthe flow collection efficiency, 1, would be less than 60%, the use of either a longer kerb inlet or a suitable gully grating is recommended (see Section 5.7), ‘Maximum design spacing for kerb inlets 5.19 ‘The maximum allowable spacing between intermediate kerb inlets can be determined from the equations in Sections 5.15 and 5.16. Effect of longitudinally varying gradient 5.20 Ifthe longitudinal gradient of a kerb channel increases significantly with distance in the direction of flow, itis necessary to check that the channel has sufficient flow capacity at all points along its length. If the distance between two adjacent gullies is Z and the ‘gradient at the downstream gully is S, (see Section 5.1), then at any intermediate distance Z, from the upstream gully the local gradient S, should satisfy the following requirement: 8,28, (2/2 aay If the limit is not satisfied, an additional gully should be located at the point where the kerb channel has insufficient capacity*. ‘Terminal gullies 5.21 The procedure for terminal gullies is as follows It is not recommended that kerb inlets should be used as, terminal gullies at sag points unless this is in combination with gratings, (Single gully at sag point. There will be flow the gully from both directions. Table C1 or Equation (9) should be used to determine which direction will give the greater flow. This flow should be doubled, and equation (10) or (13) used to determine the flow collection efficiency ‘n, which should be greater than 95% for effective drainage. The maximum allowable spacings upstream of the gully should be checked using Equations (11) or (12). Gi) ‘Twin gullies at sag point. (Preferred option). Use the tables or equations to determine the design spacing and 7 for each gully. | must be greater than 95% for both gullies. (iii) Other terminal gullies. The design spacing upstream of the gully, should be determined from the tables or equations. To avoid excessive flow past the gully, ] should be greater than 95%. * Note that the limit only needs to be checked if 8, increases with Z,, the opposite of what might be expected. The above requirement is independent of whether gratings or kerb inlets are used. November 2000 5/3 Chapter 5 Volume 4 Section 2 Design Procedure Part 3 HA 102/00 Calculation to check critical storm duration (i) Ifthe grating efficiency 1 is less than about 80% for an intermediate gully, the most effective 5.22 A critical storm duration, T, of 5 minutes has solution is likely to be redesign with an improved been suggested (Section 4.13) for use in both design grating type. tables and calculations, It is desirable however to check that this assumption is valid for the shortest and longest ti) _ Tf the grating efficiency n of a terminal grating is image less than 95%, redesign is essential. The first step Grinage lengths berveen gullies should be to redesign with an improved grating 5.23 The sum of the time taken for water to travel type. If the required efficiency is still not from the furthest point on the road surface to the kerb, achieved, the permitted width of kerb flow B 1,,and then along the kerb to the gully, ,, should be should be replaced by a lesser design width. This approximately equal toT, ie: 7 will have the effect of reducing the design flow approaching the grating and increasing the Tout, (1s) grating efficiency, but may require the use of additional intermediate gullies. A value of t, of 3 minutes is normally recommended, ‘but Ref 10 provides information on non-standard cases, Some adjustment of the hydraulic parameters may also For a reasonably uniform gradient, t, (in minutes) may _ be possible, eg changes in the road profile or the be calculated from the flow velocity, V (in mvs) and catchment area. gully spacing: S,/ 60V (16) where V = 20/ BS, If Equation (15) shows T to be outside the range 4 t0 7 minutes, the design procedure should be repeated using the recalculated value of critical storm duration (T) rounded to the nearest minute, Flow capacity of gully pots 5.24 On steeper sections of road, the maximum allowable spacing between gullies may not be determined by the collection efficiency of the grating but by the flow capacity of the gully pot beneath it. Experimental tests (Forty, Ref I] indicate that the ‘maximum flow rate that can be accepted by a gully pot without surcharge is about 10 litres/s if the outlet pipe has a diameter of 100mm, and 15 litre/s if it has a diameter of 150mm. Redesign 5.25 If possible, the design spacings of gullies should be adjusted to be less than the allowable spacings determined from the design tables or by calculation. If, however, the spacings or grating efficiency for the scheme prove to be unsatisfactory for any reason, redesign should be considered, using one or more of the following options. 5/4 ‘November 2000 Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 Chapter 6 Worked Examples 6. WORKED EXAMPLES Example 1: Urban motorway with non-uniform gradients Transverse and longitudinal cross-sections of a length of 2-lane blacktop urban motorway near Reading are shown in Figure 4a. The length considered has a well- defined crest, followed by a fall toa uniform gradient of 1/30 (3.33%). For this example, the return period (N) for the design storm is taken to be 5 years, and the maximum allowable width of flow (B) to be 1.0m. A gully grating of Type R will be assumed. Maintenance is only moderate, and m in Table 2 is assumed to be 0.9. ‘The parameters for the design calculation are therefore 3s follows: Cross-fall (S.) = 1/40 (= 2.5%) Longitudinal gradient (S,) as shown in Figure 4a a =0017 B 1.0m T 5 minutes N years 2minMS = 4mm (from Figure 3) m 9 W, 3+ 2.75 + (0.2 x 2.0) 10.45 m 37mm/hr (Equation (1)) ‘The tables in Annex C will be used for this design exercise, as described in sections 5.2 to 5.10. e the crest is well-defined, no gully is needed at this point. As a tral, assume the next gully is to be 20m, downstream of this. Then using Table Cl (estimating that the average longitudinal gradient over the 3m. upstream of the gully is 1/50), Discharge capacity of channel = 5.5 ltre/s This discharge is sufficiently low that the flow capacity of the gully pot should not be exceeded (see section 5.24), Using Table C4: ‘Area drained = 344m*for: Efficiency (n) = 87%, wh using Equation (2); Actual area drained = 344 x (50/871) x 0.9 = 178m? sOmmv/hr and m = 1.0. is greater than 80% so, Using Equation (4); Maximum allowable spacing (S, 178/10.45 = 17m. Using Equations (16) and (15) to check the value of T gives V=2x 5.5 x 10°(1?x 025) = 0.44m/s and T= 3 + 17(60 x 0.44) = 3.6min This falls outside the specified range of 4 to 7 minutes so the calculation is repeated using T = 4 minutes. This ives the following new values: 1 =94.8mmv/br. A, = 34x (50/94.8) x 0.9 = 163m? Ss, =15.6m ‘The calculated spacing of 15.6m is substantially less than the 20m spacing assumed. In addition the table is, not very accurate where there are large changes in gradient along the length (see Section 5.6) Fora second trial, a spacing of 10m will be assumed (S, =1/150 from Figure 4a). Then, from Table C2 and following the same procedure, keeping I = 94.8mm/hr: ‘Actual area drained = 211 x (50/94.8) x 0.9 = 100m? 1 =92% S, = 10/1045 = 9.6m Considering the approximations made the assumed spacing is therefore satisfactory. Assume a spacing of 20m for subsequent gratings, ie 30m from the start, with a gradient of 1/30. This gives: Actual area drained = 202m* n= 83% 8, =193m ‘The assumed spacing is therefore satisfactory. November 2000 on Chapter 6 Worked Examples Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 Example 2: Urban single carriageway ‘A cross-section of the black-top single-carriageway road and footway is shown in Figure 4b. The road is in the London area with a uniform longitudinal gradient, and passes through a shopping area with a pedestrian crossing. For such a site, the return period (T) for the design storm is I year, and the maximum allowable width of flow (B) is 0.5m. A gully grating of Type R will be considered initially. The gullies are assumed to be well ‘maintained, ie m in Table 2 is 1.0. The parameters required for the calculation of gully spacing and type are therefore as follows: 03 (1/33) (025 (1/40) .017 5m ‘minutes (for initial calculation) = L years .Omm (from Figure 3) (0 s/m: (For initial calculation) (see Annex B) 5m 5.2 mm/h (Equation 1) aa Opziwsy & Cir Design will be by the calculations given in Sections 5.12 to 5.16 and 5.23. Flow rate Q calculated from Equation (9) is 0.0013 mis, Flow collection efficiency calculated from Equation (10) is = 95%. ‘The maximum allowable spacing between gullies (S, may then be calculated from Equation (11) for a uniform longitudinal gradient as 12.4m, To check the initial assumption of a storm duration of 5 minutes, T may be calculated from Equations (15) and (16) as 3.6 minutes. A better estimate of the design storm duration from Equation (15) is therefore 4 minutes. Re-calculating with this figure gives: n =95% Ss, =114m This is a fairly short spacing. The grating selected performs reasonably efficiently, and changing to a more efficient grating type would make little difference. A better alternative might be to install separate linear drainage for the footway, reducing the effective width W, of the catchment to 3.5m. The maximum allowable spacing (S,) would then improve to 21.2m. A gully should be placed immediately upstream of the pedestrian crossing. Even for a grating of Type R, 1 is ‘95%, so the flow past the gully is small enough not to inconvenience pedestrians. November 2000 Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 Chapter 7 Definitions 7. DEFINITIONS ‘Time of concentration Critical storm duration Frame Grating Gully Gully pot Gully top Intermediate gullies Kerb channel Clear area Return period Surface water channel ‘Terminal gullies Waterway area ‘Transverse bar ‘The sum of the time taken for water to travel from the furthest point on the road surface to the kerb, and then along the kerb to the gully. ‘A storm duration equal to the time of concentration. For a gully, the fixed part of the gully top that receives and supports the grating, ‘The removeable part(s) of a gully top that permits the passage of water to the gully. ‘An assembly to receive water for discharge into a drainage system. A device installed below a grating to collect settleable solids and prevent them entering the piped drainage system. ‘That part of a gully which is placed on the gully pot. Gullies for which some calculated portion of the approaching flow may be permitted to continue past the grating, to be picked up by the next grating downstream. ‘The channel formed by the surface of a carriageway and the kerb. ‘The area encompassed by the gully frame with the grating removed. ‘The average period between successive exceedances of a specified storm event. A triangular or other cross-section channel near the edge of the carriageway specially constructed to collect and convey water. Gullies for which no significant portion of the approaching flow may be permitted to pass the grating, ‘The total area of all the slots in a grating through which water can pass. art of the grating which is at 90° 10° to the direction of flow. November 2000 ™ Volume 4 Section 2 Chapter 8 Part 3 HA 102/00 References 8. 10 u 12 REFERENCES Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) (TSO) HA 37 Hydraulic Design of Road Edge Surface Water Channels (DMRB 4.2.4). HA 39 Edge of Pavement Details (DMRB 4.2.4). HA 78 Design of Outfalls for Surface Water Channels (DMRB 4.2.1). HA 79 Eidge of Pavement Details for Porous Asphalt Surface Covers (DMRB 4.2.4). HA 83 Safety Aspects of Road Edge Drainage Features (DMRB 4.2.4) HD 33 Surface and Sub-surface Drainage Systems for Highways (DMRB 4.2.3) ‘TA 57 Roadside Features (DMRB 6.3). ‘TD 9 Highway Link Design (DMRB 6.1.1). ‘TD 16 Geometric Design of Roundabouts (DMRB 6.2.3). Manual of Contract Documents for Highway Works (MCHW) (TSO) Specification for Highway Works (MCHW 1). Notes for Guidance on the Specification for Highway Works (MCHW 2). Highway Construction Details (MCHW 3). ‘The drainage capacity of BS road gullies and a procedure for estimating their spacing. TRRL Contractor Report 2, 1984. Spaliviero F, May RWP and Escarameia M. Spacing of road gull gully gratings and kerb inlets. HR Wallingford, Report SR 533, 2000. {ydraulic performance of BS EN 124 ‘Trunk Road Maintenance Manual. Volume 2. Routine and Winter Maintenance Code. Highways Agency, London, BS EN 124, Gully tops and manhole tops for vehicular and pedestrian areas - Design requirements, type testing, marking, quality control (British Standards Institution, London). BS 7903. Guide to selection and use of gully tops and manhole covers for installation within the highway. British Standards Institution, London). BS 497:1976 . Specification for manhole covers, road gully gratings and frames for drainage purposes. (British Standards Institution, London). Withdrawn 1994, Whiffin AC and Young CP. Drainage of level or nearly level roads. TRRL Report LR 602, 1973. ‘The Wallingford Procedure: Design and analysis of urban storm drainage ~ Volume 1, Principles, methods and practice (in Section 7.10). National Water Council, London, 1981. Forty EJ. Performance of gully pots for road drainage. HR Wallingford, Report SR 508, 1998. BS 7263. Precast concrete flags, kerbs, channels, edgings and quadrants. (British Standards Institution, London). November 2000 sil Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 9. ENQUIRIES All technical enquiries or comments on this Advice Note should be sent in writing as appropriate to: Chapter 9 Enquiries Divisional Director ‘The Highways Agency St Christopher House Southwark Street London SEI OTE MAGARNHAM Divisional Director ‘The Deputy Chief Engineer ‘National Roads Directorate ‘The Scottish Executive Development Department Victoria Quay NB MACKENZIE burgh EH6 6QQ Deputy Chief Engineer Chief Highway Engineer ‘The National Assembly for Wales Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymra Crown Buildings ‘Cathays Park JR REES Cardiff CFI 3NQ Chief Highway Engineer Assistant Director of Engineering Department for Regional Development Roads Service Clarence Court 10-18 Adelaide Street Belfast BT2 8GB DO'HAGAN Assistant Director of Engineering November 2000 on Volume 4 Section 2 Annex A. Part 3 HA 102/00 List of Symbols ANNEX A_ LIST OF SYMBOLS Units A As A, but for actual rainfall intensity, maintenance factor and channel roughness im Ay Maximum area which can be drained by a kerb channel for a rainfall intensity of I= 50mm/hr, a maintenance factor of m= 1.0, and a channel roughness of n = 0.017. im A Cross-sectional area of flow in channel just upstream of grating mm A ‘Area of smallest rectangle with two sides parallel to kerb that contains all the slots in them? grating B Maximum allowable width of flow in channel upstream of grating m G Coefficient for grating bar pattern : G Grating parameter sim? G, Design value of G for grating type sim? H Water depth at kerb m 1 Design rainfall intensity mm/h k, Roughness and grating efficiency factor - k Kerb inlet length factor - L Length of opening provided by kerb inlet m L, ‘Overall length of opening in kerb provided by angled kerb inlet m m Maintenance factor - m, Maintenance factor for upstream grating. - N Return period of design storm years a Manning roughness coefficient - P ‘Waterway area as a percentage of grating area % Q Flow rate in channel approaching grating mis Q, Flow rate in channel approaching upstream grating mis R Hydraulic radius of channel m Ss. Cross-fall - s, Longitudinal slope at distance Z, from upstream gully m ish ‘Maximum allowable spacing between adjacent gullies m Ss. Longitudinal gradient - T Critical storm duration ‘minutes , ‘Time for water to travel along kerb to gully grating minutes Gg ‘Time for water to travel from furthest point on road surface to kerb minutes v Flow velocity along kerb mis Ww, Effective catchment width draining to channel m n Flow collection efficiency of grating % The Flow collection efficiency of upstream grating % 2minMS Rainfall depth occurring at a location in a period of 2 minutes with an average return period of 5 years mm Zz Distance between adjacent gullies m Zz Distance from upstream gully measured in downstream direction m November 2000 AML Volume 4 Section 2 Annex B Part 3 HA 102/00 Determining the Grating Type ANNEX B- DETERMINING THE GRATING TYPE B.1 The Designer should first determine the following three geometrical parameters: + The area A, (in m’) of the smallest rectangle parallel to the kerb that just includes all the slots. + The waterway area as a percentage (p) of the grating area A,. * The coefficient C, determined from Table B1 below. Grating bar pattern q ‘Transverse bars 175 Other bar alignments - ie Longitudinal, diagonal and bars curved in plan) 15 Table BI Grating bar pattern B.2 Bars more than 10mm below the surface of the grating should be treated as part of the waterway area when calculating the value of p. Ifa grating has a combination of bar alignments, the number of transverse slots and the number of slots with other alignments should be calculated. If there are more transverse slots than other slots, C, should be taken as 1.75; otherwise C, should be taken as 1.5. B.3__ The category into which a grating falls may then be determined from the value of the grating parameter G Gin sim?): 6c, (B.1) B.4 _ The grating Type and the corresponding design value G, of the grating parameter should then be determined from Table B2, The value of G, should be used to calculate the maximum spacing between gullies, rather than the actual value of G from Equation (B.1). Grating type P Q R s T Range of G (s/m?) $30 30.1-45 | 451-60 | 601-80 | 80.1- 110 Design value G, (sim!) | 30 45 60 80 ho ‘Table B2 Determination of grating type November 2000 BIL Volume 4 Section 2 Annex C Part 3 HA 102/00 Design Tables ANNEX C_ DESIGN TABLES ‘Table Cl: Discharge at the kerb in litres/s Crossfall (S.) Gradient (S,) Flow width (B in m) os 0.75 1 15 1/60 1/300 0.18 033 Lis 3.39 W150 0.26 0.76 1.63, 4.80 100 031 0.93 1.99 587 1780 035 1.03 223 657 1160 oat 1.19 257 758 1/50 0.44 131 282 831 40 0.50 1.46 3.15 9.29 1730 057 1.69 3.64 10.73 1720 0.70 207 4.46 13.14 1s 081 2.39 5.14 15.17 1150 17300 0.24 0.72 156 4.59 1150 035 1.02 2.20 6.49 100 0.42 1.25 2.69 7.94 1780 047 1.40 301 8.88 1160 0.55 1.62 3.48 10.25 150 0.60 177 381 11.23 40 067 1.98 4.26 1256 180 0.7 228 492 14,50 1720 0.95 2.80 6.02 17.76 1s 1:10 3.23 6.96 2051 v40 1/300 0.35 1.04 2.25 6.63 1/150 0.50 1.48 3.18 9.38 1/100 061 L8I 3.89 11.48 1780 0.69 2.02 435 1284 1/60 0.79 233 5.03 1483 50 087 256 551 16.24 1/40 0.97 2.86 6.16 18.16 180 12 3.30 7 2097 120 137 4.04 871 25.68 ms 158 467 10.06 29.65 Manning's coefficient is n = 0.017 For other values of Manning’s n, multiply the discharge by (0.017/n) November 2000 cA Annex C Design Tables Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 ‘Table Ci (cont.): Discharge at the kerb in litres/s Crossfall (S) Gradient (S,) 130 1/300 1/150 1/100 1/80 1/60 1/50 40 1130 1/20 ns 105 1/300 1150 1/100 1/80 1/60 1/0 1/40 130 1720 ws 1/20 1/300 W150 1/100 780 1/60 50 40 1130 20 ws ns 17300 1/150 1100 1/80 1/60 1/50 40 130 1720 Ins ‘Manning's coefficient is as 057 0.80 0.99 1.10 1.27 139 156 180 2.20 254 0.77 1.09 133 149 172 1.88 2.10 2.43 297 3.43 Lu 1.56 192 2.14 247 2n 3.03 3.50 4.28 4.95 177 2.50 3.06 3.42 3.95 433 4.84 5.59 6.84 7.90 0.75 1.68 2.37 291 3.25 3.15 41 459 5.30 6.50 7.50 2.26 3.20 3.92 4.38 5.06 5.54 6.20 716 8.76 10.12 3.26 461 5.65 631 129 1.99 8.93 10.31 1263 14.58 521 737 9.02 10,09 11.65 12.76 14.26 16.47 20.17 23.29 Flow width (B in m) 1 3.61 5. 6.26 6.99 8.08 8.85 9.89 11.42 13.99 16.15 487 6.89 9.44 10.90 11.94 13.35 15.41 18.87 21.79 7.02 9.93 12.16 13.60 15.70 17.20 19.23 22.20 27.19 31.40 11.22 15.86 19.43 21.72 25.08 2747 30.72 35.47 43.44 50.16 For other values of Manning's n, multiply the discharge by (0.017/n) 15 10.65 15.06 18.45 20.62 23.81 29.17 33.68 41.25 41.63 1437 20.32 24.88 27.82 32.13, 35.19 39.35 45.43, 55.64 64.25 20.70 29.28 35.86 40.09 46.29 50.71 56.69 65.46 80.18 92.58 33.07 46.77 97.28 64.04 B94 81.00 90.56 104.57 128.07 147.89 November 2000 Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 ‘Table C2: TYPE P Annex C Design Tables Drained area of road in m? under a rainfall intensity of SOmm/h and collection efficiency in % (in brackets) Crossfall_ Gradient 6) 6) 1/60 1/300 1/150 1/100 1/80 1/60 1/50 40 130 1720 ws vs0 1/300 1/1350 1/100 1/80 60 1/50 40 1/30 1/720 wis 1/40 1/300 150 1/100 1/80 1/60 50 40 130 1720 ms Manning’s coefficient is n = 0.017 os 13, 18 2 25 29 31 35 40 49 37 18 25 30 34 39 42 41 34 66 76 25 36 44 49 56 61 68 8 96 no (99) (99) (99) (99) (99) (98) (98) (98) (97) (97) (99) (99) (99) (99) (98) (98) (98) (98) (97) (97) (99) (99) (99) (98) (98) (98) (98) (97) (97) (96) 0.75 38 353 65 B 84 91 102 17 142 162 51 n 88 98 113 123, 137 157 190 218 4 104 126 141 162 17 196 225 m 3 Flow width (B in m) (99) (98) (98) (98) (97) (97) (96) (96) (95) (94) (99) (98) (97) (97) (97) (96) (96) (95) (94) (94) (98) (98) (97) (97) (96) (96) (95) (95) (94) (93) 1 81 114 138 154 7 193, 214 245 295 336 109 153, 186 207 237 259 287 328 395 449 158 220 267 297 340 370 41 468 562 637 For others values of rainfall intensity 1, multiply the area by (50/1) (98) (97) (96) (96) (95) (95) (94) (93) (92) (91) (98) (97) (96) (95) (95) (94) (94) (93) (91) (90) (97) (96) (95) (95) (94) (93) (93) (91) (90) (88) 15 234 325 393 436 496 539) 594 673 797 893 315 437 526 583 663 118 791 393 1052 1174 452 624 751 829 941 1017 117 1256 1469 1628 (96) (94) (93) (92) (an) (90) (94) (87) (84) (82) (95) (94) (92) (1) (90) (89) (87) (85) (82) (79) (95) (92) (nD (90) (88) (87) (85) (83) (79) (76) November 2000 cB Annex C Design Tables Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 ‘Table C2 (cont.): TYPE P Drained area of road in m? under a rainfall intensity of SOmm/h and collection efficiency in % (in brackets) Crossfall (S) 130 was 120 wis Manning's coefficient is n = 0.017 Gradient 6) 1/7300 1/150 W100 1/80 60 1/50 1/40 1/30 1720 Mis 1/300 1/150 1/100 1/80 1/60 1150 40 1/30 1720 ws 1/300 1/150 1/100 1/80 60 50 40 1730 120 ms 17300 W150 1/100 1/80 1/60 50 40 1730 20 ws 35 11 94 105 120 132 147 168, 204 234 9 10 135 150 173 189 210 241 293 335 125 176 214 239 274 299 333 382 462 528 (99) (99) (98) (98) (98) (97) (97) (97) (96) (95) (99) (98) (98) (98) (97) (97) (97) (96) (96) (95) (99) (98) (98) (97) (97) (97) (96) (96) (95) (94) (98) (98) (97) (97) (96) (96) (96) (95) (94) (93) 0.15 18 166 202 225 258 281 312 358 431 491 159 223 am 302 346 37 419 478 576 655 229 320 388 432 494 538 597 681 817 927 363 507 614 682 780 848 939) 1069 1276 1443 Flow width (B in m) (98) (97) (97) (96) (95) (95) (94) (94) (92) (91) (98) (97) (96) (96) (95) (94) (94) (93) (91) (90) (97) (96) (95) (95) (94) (94) (93) (92) (90) (88) (97) (96) (93) (94) (93) (92) (91) (90) (88) (86) 1 252 351 425 472 539 586 649 738 880 994 338 an 569) 631 720 782 865 981 1167 1313 484 672 812 899 1024 mu 1225 1386 1638 1835 767 1061 1276 Mn 1602 1734 1906 2146 2516 2796 For other values of rainfall intensity I, multiply the area by (50/1) (97) (95) (94) (94) (93) (92) (91) (90) (87) (85) (96) (95) (94) (93) (92) (1) (90) (88) (86) (84) (96) (94) (93) (92) (91) (90) (88) (87) (84) (81) (95) (93) (91) (90) (89) (88) (86) (84) (80) (7) 15 718 986 m8) 1301 1470 1584 1732 1935 2235 2449 960 1314 1569 1725 1942 2088 2276 2528 2892 3140 1367 1861 221 2423 2716 2910 3136 3479 3921 4197 2145 2895 3415 3725 4143 4415 4149 5167 5678 5924 (94) (91) (89) (88) (86) (84) (83) (80) (75) 7) (93) (90) (88) (86) (84) (82) (80) (77) (72) (68) (92) (88) (86) (84) (8) (80) (77) (74) (68) (63) (90) (86) (83) (sl) (78) (76) (73) (69) (62) (56) cs November 2000 Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 ‘Table C3: TYPE Q Annex C Design Tables Drained area of road in m? under a rainfall intensity of SOmmy/h and collection efficiency in % (in brackets) Crossfall Gradient. (S) GS) 60 1/300 1/150 W/i00 1/80 1/60 50 40 130 1720 ws 50 1/300 1/150 1/100 1/80 1/60 1/50 1/40 1/30 1720 vis 140 1/300 V150 1/100 1/80 1/60 1/50 40 130 1/720 ws ‘Manning’s coefficient is n = 0.017 0s B 18 2 25 29 31 35 40 49 56 7 25 30 33 38 42 41 54. 65 8 25 35 43 4B 55 61 or 1 94, 108 (99) (99) (98) (98) (98) (98) (97) (97) (96) (96) (99) (98) (98) (98) (98) (97) (97) (97) (96) (95) (99) (98) (98) (98) (97) (97) (97) (96) (95) (94) 0.75 38 53 64 2 82 90 100 14 138. 157 SI 1 87 96 ml 121 134 153, 185 210 B 103 125 139 159 1B 192 219 263 299 Flow width (B in m) (98) (97) (97) (96) (96) (95) (95) (94) (93) (91) (98) (97) (96) (96) (95) (95) (94) (93) (92) (90) (97) (96) (96) (95) (94) (94) (93) (92) (90) (89) 80, 112 136 11 172 187 208 For other values of rainfall intensity 1, multiply the area by (50/1) (97) (96) (95) (94) (93) (92) (ol) (90) (88) (86) (97) (95) (94) (93) (92) (91) (90) (89) (86) (84) (96) (94) (93) (92) (91) (90) (89) (87) (84) (82) 15 229 316 378 a7 472 509 597 623 722 794 307 422 504 594 625 673, 34 817 938 1022 439 599 13 782, 878 941 1022 1130 1279 1375 (94) (91) (89) (88) (86) (85) (83) (81) (76) (73) (93) (90) (88) (87) (85) (83) (81) (78) (73) (69) (92) (89) (86) (85) (82) (81) (78) (75) (69) (64) November 2000 cs Annex Design Tables Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 Table C3 (cont. TYPEQ rained area of road in m* under a rainfall intensity of SOmm/h and collection efficiency in % (in brackets) Crossfall (Ss) 130 125 1720 ws Manning’s coefficient is n = 0.017 Gradient 6) 1/300 1/150 1/100 1780 1/60 1/50 40 130 1720 mis 1/300 1/150 1/100 1/80 1/60 1/50 40 130 1/720 vs 1/300 1/150 1/100 1/80 160 1/50 40 130 1/720 ws 1300 1/150 1/100 80 60 1/50 1/40 1/30 720 wis 05 37 69. 7 88 7 107 123 149 m 54 76 93 103, n9 130 144 165 200 228 B 109 133, 148, 170 186 206 236 285 324 124 174 2uL 235 269 293 326 372 447 508 (98) (98) (97) (97) (97) (96) (96) (95) (94) (93) (98) (98) (97) (97) (96) (96) (95) (95) (93) (92) (98) (97) (97) (96) (96) (95) (95) (94) (92) (91) (98) (97) (96) (95) (95) (94) (93) (92) (91) (89) 0.75 7 163, 198 20 252 214 303 345 413, 467 157 219 266 295 337 366 405 548 618 226 314 379 420 479 520 574 650 ™ 866 357 496 597 660 751 813 895 1010 1189 1325 Flow width (B in m) (97) (96) (95) (94) (93) (93) (92) (90) (83) (86) (97) (95) (94) (93) (92) (92) (91) (89) (87) (85) (96) (94) (93) (92) (1) (90) (89) (88) (85) (83) (95) (93) (92) (91) (90) (89) (87) (85) (82) (79) 1 247 342 412 456 S18 561 617 696 817 909 332 458 550 607 688 744 817 917 1070 1184 474 651 780 859) on 1047 1145 1279 1479 1622 746 1020 1215 1335 1500 1611 1753 1942 2211 2389 For other values of rainfall intensity I, multiply the area by (SO/1) (95) (93) (92) (91) (89) (88) (87) (85) (81) (78) (95) (92) (1) (89) (88) (87) (85) (83) (79) (75) (94) (1) (89) (88) (86) (85) (83) (80) (76) (72) (92) (89) (87) (85) (83) (81) (79) (76) (a) (66) 15 693 937 1108 1209 1347 1437 1349 1690 1867 1959 923 1240 1457 1985 1756 1865 1997 2157 2334 2397 1305 1738 2026 2192 2407 2540 2693 2862 2996 Noteff, 2027 2659 3061 3282 3552 3706 3863 3986 Not eff. (90) (86) (83) (8) (79) (7) (74) (70) (63) (57) (89) (85) (81) (79) (76) (74) (70) (66) (58) (52) (88) (82) (78) (76) (72) (70) (66) (61) (52) (44) (85) (79) (74) (71) (67) (64) (59) (53) (42) C6 November 2000 Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 Annex C Design Tables ‘Table C4: TYPE R rained area of road in m* under a rainfall intensity of SOmm/h and collection efficiency in % (in brackets) Crossfall Gradient Ss) S) 60 1/300 1150 1100 1/80 1/60 1/50 40 130 120 Ws 1/50 1/300 1150 1100 1/80 60 50 40 130 1/20 is 40 1/300 W150 1100 1/80 160 50 40 1730 120 ms ‘Manning's coefficient is n= 0.017 os 13 18 22 25 28 31 34 40 48 55 7 24 30 33 38 42 46 33 64 14 25 35 43 48 55 60 o7 16 92 105 (99) (98) (98) (7) (97) (7) (96) (96) (95) (94) (99) (98) (97) (97) (92) (96) (96) (95) (94) (93) (98) (98) (97) (97) (96) (96) (95) (95) (93) (92) 0.75 37 52 64 n 81 88 98 12 134 152 31 nm 86 95 109 118 131 149 179 203 2B 101 123, 136 156 169 187 213 253 286 Flow width (B in m) (97) (96) (96) (95) (94) (94) (93) (92) (90) (89) (97) (96) (95) (94) (94) (93) (92) (1) (89) (87) (97) (95) (94) (94) (93) (92) (91) (89) (87) (85) 1 9 10 133 148 168 182 201 228 269 302 107 148. 178 197 224 243 268 302 355 396 153, 2u1 254 281 318 344 328 425, 496 549 For other values of rainfall intensity I, multiply the area by (SOM) (96) (94) (93) (92) (91) (90) (89) (87) (84) (31) (95) (93) (92) (91) (90) (89) (87) (85) (82) (79) (95) (92) (91) (90) (88) (87) (85) (83) (79) (76) Ls 204 306 363 398, 447 479 520 573, 648, 695 300 481 526 587 627 677 741 825 871 427 574 675 BS 814 865 928 1003 1089 1122 (92) (88) (86) (84) (82) (80) (78) (74) (68) (64) (91) (87) (84) (82) (79) (78) (75) ( (64) (59) (89) (85) (82) (79) (76) (74) () (66) (59) (53) November 2000 Annex C Design Tables Table C4 (cont.): TYPE R Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 Drained area of road in mi? under a rainfall intensity of S0mm/h and collection efficiency in % (in brackets) Crossfall 6) 130 125 20 wis Manning's coefficient is Gradient 6) 17300 1150 1100 1780 1/60 50 40 130 120 ns 1/300 150 1100 1/80 1/60 1/50 40 130 1720 ns 1/300 1/150 1100 1/80 1/60 1/50 40 130 1720 Ws 1300 1/150 1100 1/80 1/60 1/50 1/40 110 1720 ns os 56 68 16 87 95 106 121 146 166 34 16 102 7 128 142 162 195 222 8 108 132 146 167 182 231 an 314 123, 172 231 264 287 318 362 432 488 017 (98) (97) (96) (96) (95) (95) (94) (94) (92) (91) (98) (97) (96) (96) (95) (94) (94) (93) (91) (90) (97) (96) (95) (95) (94) (93) (93) (92) (90) (88) (97) (96) (94) (94) (93) (92) (on) (90) (88) (86) 0.75 16 161 195 216 267 294 333 395 156 216 260 288 327 355 391 at 520 581 307 370 464 502 551 620 805 392 483, 579 638 m1 78 851 951 1101 1208 Flow width (B in m) (96) (94) (93) (92) (91) (90) (89) (87) (84) (82) (95) (94) (92) (91) (90) (89) (88) (86) (82) (80) (95) (93) (a) (90) (88) (87) (86) (84) (80) (77) (94) (91) (89) (88) (86) (85) (83) (80) (76) (72) 243 334 400 497 536 585 653 754 325 445 531 583 656 706 769 853 974 1056 463 630 748 819 97 983 1065 1173 1319 1409 726 979 1154 1258 1398 1489 1600 1739 1905 1981 For other values of rainfall intensity I, multiply the area by (50/1) (93) (91) (89) (87) (85) (84) (82) (79) (75) (7) (93) (90) (87) (86) (84) (82) (80) (77) (2) (67) (92) (88) (85) (84) (8!) (79) (77) (73) (67) (62) (90) (86) (83) (80) (77) (73) (2) (68) (61) (55) 1s 669 888 1034 117 1225 1290 1365 1445 1500 Not eff. 886 1166 1346 1446 1570 1642 1718 1785 Noteff. 1244 1614 1841 1961 2099 2170 231 Not eff. 1909 2422 2707 2839 2962 2998 Not eff. (87) (82) (78) (75) (7) (69) (65) (60) (51) (43) (86) (30) (75) (72) (68) (65) (61) (55) (44) (83) (77) (7) (68) (63) (59) (55) (48) (80) (72) (66) (62) (56) (51) (46) cB November 2000 ‘Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 ‘Table C5: TYPES ‘Annex C Design Tables Drained area of road in m* under a rainfall intensity of SOmm/h and collection efficiency in % (in brackets) Crossfall Gradient 6) 6) 60 1/300 1/50 1300 1/40 1300 ‘Manning's coefficient is os 13 18 22 24 28 31 34 39 47 4 7 24. 30 33 38 4 46 52. 63 2 25 35 42 47 54 59) 65 75 90 102 =0.017 (98) (98) (97) 7) (96) (96) (95) (94) (93) (92) (98) (97) (97) (96) (96) (95) (95) (94) (92) (91) (98) (97) (96) (96) (95) (94) (94) (93) (91) (90) 0.75 37 52 63 70 9 86 95 108 129 146 50 70 84. 106 15 127 144 m1 193, RD 100 120 133, 151 164 181 204 241 269 Flow width (B in m) (97) (95) (94) (93) (92) (92) (91) (89) (87) (83) (96) (95) (93) (93) (91) (91) (89) (88) (85) (83) (96) (94) (92) (91) (90) (89) (88) (86) (83) (80) 8 108 130 143 162 15 193, 216 252 279 105 144 173, 191 216 233 254 329 361 150 206 245 270 304 327 356 395 452 491 For other values of rainfall intensity I, multiply the area by (50/1) (94) (92) (90) (89) (88) (86) (85) (83) (79) (75) (94) (91) (89) (88) (86) (85) (83) (80) (76) (72) (93) (90) (88) (86) (84) (82) (80) (77) (72) (68) 15 218 292 343 374, 414 439 470 507 548 562 290 386 451 488 536 567 601 640 673 Noteff, 410 540 624 ori 730 164 801 834 Noteff. (89) (85) (31) (79) (76) (73) (70) (66) (58) on (88) (83) (79) (76) (73) (70) (67) (61) (53) (45) (86) (80) (76) (73) (68) (65) (6) (55) (45) November 2000 ce Annex C Design Tables Table C5 (cont.): TYPE S Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 rained area of road in m* under a rainfall intensity of SOmm/h and collection efficiency in % (in brackets) Crossfall 6) 1130 Ins 120 ins ‘Manning’s coefficient is n = 0.017 Gradient GS) 1/300 W150 1/100 1/80 1/60 50 40 130 1/20 wis 1/300 W150 1/100 80 1/60 1/50 40 130 1/20 wis 1/300 1/150 1/100 1780 1/60 150 1/40 130 1/20 wis 1/300 W150 V/100 1/80 160 1/50 40 1/30 720 vis os 40 56 68 15 86 94 104 118 142 161 4 15 91 101 115 125 139 158 189 213 1 107 129 144 164 178, 197 224 266 300 122 169 204 226 257 279 308 348 412 461 (97) (96) (95) (95) (94) (93) (93) (on) (89) (88) (97) (96) (95) (94) (93) (92) (92) (90) (88) (86) (96) (95) (94) (93) (92) (91) (90) (89) (86) (84) (96) (94) (93) (92) (91) (90) (88) (87) (84) (81) 0.75 14 158 190 210 238 257 282 317 370 410 153, 2iL 253, 279 315 340 372 47 484 532 218 299 358 393 443 471 520 579 664 23 344 468 556 609 682 731 793 873 984 1052 Flow width (B in m) (95) (92) (91) (90) (88) (87) (85) (83) (79) (76) (94) (9) (90) (88) (87) (85) (83) (81) (77) (73) (93) (90) (88) (87) (84) (83) (81) (78) (73) (69) (92) (88) (86) (84) (81) (80) (77) (74) (68) (63) 885 449, 601 705 166 846 898 959) 1031 1106 Not eff. 699) 925 1073 1156 1262 1326 1396 1467 Not eff. For other values of rainfall intensity I, multiply the area by (50/1) (91) (88) (85) (83) (81) (79) (76) (73) (66) (61) (90) (86) (83) (81) (78) (76) (73) (69) (62) (56) (89) (84) (81) (78) (75) (72) (69) (64) (56) (50) (87) (81) (77) (74) (70) (67) (63) (57) (48) 15 636 823 936 995 1061 1094 1120 Not eff, 836 1067 1197 1260 1322 1345 Noteff. 1161 1450 1594 1652 1687 Not eff. 1751 2107 2234 Not eff. (83) (76) (70) (67) (62) (58) (53) (46) (81) (73) (67) (63) (57) (53) (48) (78) (69) (62) (7) (51) (46) (74) (63) (54) (49) cno November 2000 Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 ‘Table C6: TYPE T Annex C Design Tables rained area of road in m* under a rainfall intensity of SOmm/h and collection efficiency in % (in brackets) Crossfall Gradient 6) G) 160 1300 Vi1s0 1/100 1/80 1/60 50 40 1130 1720 4s 1/50 1/300 iso 100 1/80 1/60 1/50 40 1730 1/20 Wis 1/40 1/300 1/150 1100 1/80 1/60 1/50 40 130 120 wis ‘Manning's coefficient is n = 0.017 B 7 98 (98) (97) (96) (95) (95) (94) (93) (92) (91) (89) (97) (96) (95) (95) (94) (93) (93) (91) (90) (88) (97) (96) (95) (94) (93) (92) (31) (90) (88) (86) 103 11 122 137 160 177 1 7 116 128 145 157 11 192 222 244 Flow width @B in m) 1 (95) 77 (92) (93) 105 (89) (92) 125 (87) (1) 137 (85) (89) 154 (83) (88) 165 (81) (87) 180 (79) (35) 199 (76) (82) 226 (71) (79) 24S (66) (95) 102 (91) (93) 139 (88) (91) 165 (85) (90) 181 (83) (88) 203 (81) (37) -2I7—(79) (85) 235 (77) (83) 258 (73) (79) 2% (67) (76) 309 (62) (94) 146 (90) (91) 197 (86) (89) 232 (83) (88) 253 (81) (86) 282 (78) (85) 300 (76) (83) 323, (73) (81) 352——(69) (76) 387 (62) (73) 404 (56) For other values of rainfall intensity I, multiply the area by (SO/) 208 22 314, 336 380 395 408 Not eff. 275 356 405 431 461 416 488, Noteff. 385 489 548 576 603 612 Noteff. (85) (79) (74) a0) (67) (63) (59) (53) (42) (83) (76) a) (67) (62) (59) (54) (47) (31) (72) (66) (62) (57) (52) (47) November 2000 cm ‘Annex C Design Tables ‘Table C6 (cont): TYPE T Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 rained area of road in m? under a rainfall intensity of SOmm/h and collection efficiency in % (in brackets) ‘Crossfall G) 1130 125 120 wis Manning’s coefficient is n= Gradient Ss) 1/300 150 1/100 80 1/60 1/50 40 130 1/720 ms 117300 1/150 W100 1/80 60 1/50 40 130 1720 wis 1/300 1/150 W100 80 60 1/50 40 1730 1720 ws 1/300 150 W100 1/80 1/60 1/50 40 130 120 Ws 200 16 10s 126 140 159 12 189 213 250 279 120 165 198, 218 247 267 293 328 381 420 017 (96) (95) (93) (93) (92) (1) (90) (88) (85) (83) (96) (94) (93) (92) (1) (90) (88) (87) (84) (81) (95) (93) (92) (91) (89) (88) (87) (85) (1) (78) (94) (92) (90) (89) (87) (86) (84) (82) (77) (74) 0.75 2 153 182 200 225 242 264 293 334 362 149 203 242 265 297 318 345 380 428 458 212 287 339 370 413 440 474 518 572 601 332 444 521 565 624 661 705 736 808 Flow width (B in m) (93) (90) (87) (86) (83) (82) (80) (77) (7) (67) (92) (88) (86) (84) (81) (30) (77) (74) (68) (63) (90) (86) (83) (81) (79) (77) (74) (70) (63) (57) (89) (84) (80) (78) (74) (72) (69) (64) (56) Noteff. (49) 229 306 357 387 427 451 480 512, 542, Not eff, 304 402 467 503 549 S77 608, 639 Not eff. 427 599 641 686 740 770 799 818 Not eff. 658 843, 950 1003 1058 1081 Not eff, For other values of rainfall intensity I, multiply the area by (50/1) (88) (83) (79) (77) (73) () (7) (62) (54) (7) (87) (81) (77) (74) (70) (7) (63) (58) (48) (85) (78) (73) (70) (65) (02) (58) (on) (40) (sl) (74) (68) (64) (59) (55) (49) 1s 587 725 789 sit Noteff. 762 918 974 Noteff, 1038, 1203 Noteff. 1515 Not eff. (77) (67) (59) (55) (48) (74) (63) (54) (49) (70) (57) (47) (64) (49) cz November 2000 Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 ‘Table C7: KERB INLET WITH OPENING LENGTH EQUAL TO 0.5m Annex C Design Tables Drained area of the road in m? under a rainfall intensity of S0mm/h and collection efficiency in % (in brackets) Crossfall Gradient (Ss) S) 1/60 1300 1/150 1100 1/80 1/60 1/50 40 180 120 ns 0 1/300 1/150 1100 1/80 1/60 1/50 40 130 120 Ms 40 1300 1/150 1100 80 1/60 50 1/40 130 120 Ws Manning’s coefficient is n = 0.017 0s ui 14 16 7 18 18 19 Noteff. 15 19 21 2 4 Not eff, 2a 2 30 32 34. 34 35 Not eff. (83) (76) (70) (67) (62) (58) (53) (46) (82) (75) (69) (66) (60) (57) (52) (44) (82) (74) (68) (64) (59) (355) (50) (42) Flow width (B in m) 0.75 28 (72) 33 (61) 35 (52) Noteff. (46) 38 (72) 44 (60) 46 (51) Noteff. (45) 3D) 62 (58) Noteff. (49) 1 51 (61) Noteff. (45) 68 (60) Noteff. (44) 95 (59) Noteff. (42) For other values of rainfall intensity 1, multiply the area by (SO/D) November 2000 cas Annex C Design Tables Table C7 (cont.): KERB INLET WITH OPENING LENGTH EQUAL TO 0.5m Drained area of the road in Crossfall 6) 130 105 1720 is Manning's coefficient is Gradient 6) 1/300 1/150 1100 1/80 60 1/50 1/40 130 1720 ws 1300 1/150 1100 1/80 1/60 1/50 40 130 1720 ns 1/300 1/150 1/100 1/80 1/60 1/50 40 130 120 ws 1/300 1/150 1/100 1/80 1/60 1/50 40 130 1720 Wns 0s 33 42 41 50 52 34 Noteff. 56 63 70 Not eff. 80 98 Noteff. 100 126 140 146 151 Not eff. 0.017 (8) (73) (67) (63) (57) (52) (47) (80) (72) (66) (62) (56) (52) (46) (80) 1) (65) (61) (55) 650) (45) (79) (70) (64) (59) (53) (49) Flow width (B in m) 0.75 84 (69) Tuna) Not eff. (47) 12 (68) 128 (56) Noteff. (46) 159 (68) 180 (54) Not eff. (44) 249 (66) 278 (52) Noteff. (42) 149 Not eff. 196 Not eff. 216 Not eff. 427 Not eff. For other values of rainfall intensity 1, multiply the area by (SOY1) (57) (39) (56) (38) (55) (36) (53) (33) Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 inder a rainfall intensity of SOmm/h and collection efficiency in % (in brackets) cna November 2000 Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 ‘Annex C Design Tables ‘Table C8: KERB I LET WITH OPENING LENGTH EQUAL TO 1.5m rained area of the road in m? under a rainfall intensity of S¢mm/h and collection efficiency in % (in brackets) Crossfall_ Gradient 3) GS) as 1/60 1300 12 1/150 7 i000 80 2 1/60 25 1/50 21 40 30 130 34. 1720 39 1s 43 1/50 1/300 a iso 23 vi00 27 1/80 30 1/60 34. 1/50 37 1/40 40 130 45 1720 53 ws 58 40 300.28 vis0 33 vi00 40 1/80 44 60 49 1/50 53 40 58 1130 66 1/720 B wis 83 Manning's coefficient is n = 0.017 (94) (92) (90) (39) (87) (86) (84) (82) (78) (74) (94) (92) (90) (89) (87) (86) (84) (81) (77) (74) (94) (91) (89) (88) (86) (85) (83) (81) (76) (73) 47 15 82 92 98, 105 us 128 134 68 92 108 118 131 140 150 164 181 189 Flow width (B in m) (91) (87) (84) (82) (79) (77) (75) () (64) (59) (90) (87) (84) (82) (79) (77) (74) (70) (63) (58) (90) (86) (83) (al) (78) (76) (73) (69) (62) (56) 1 2 96 m1 121 132 139 147 155 161 Not eff, 97 129 49 161 176 185 195 206 Not eff. 140 185 214 230 251 263 27 291 Not eff, For other values of rainfall intensity I, multiply the area by (50/1) (87) (82) (78) (75) (7) (68) (65) (59) (50) (42) (87) (81) (77) (74) (70) (68) (64) (58) (49) (86) (81) (76) (73) (69) (66) (62) (57) (47) 1s 194 244, 272 284 294 Noteff, 260 326 361 376 387 Not eff. 372 465 512 531 540 Noteff. (79) (7) (64) (60) (54) (49) (79) (70) (63) (58) (52) (48) (78) (69) (62) (57) (51) (46) November 2000 cas ‘Annex C Design Tables Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 ‘Table C8 (cont.): KERB INLET WITH OPENING LENGTH EQUAL TO 1.5m Drained area of the road in m? under a rainfall intensity of S0mnvh and collection efficiency in % (in brackets) Crossfall 6) 1130 105 120 Ms ‘Manning's coefficient is Gradient 6) 1/300 1/150 1100 1/80 1/60 1/50 40 1730 120 wis 1/300 W150 1/100 1/80 1/60 1/50 40 130 120 ms 1/300 1/150 1100 1/80 1/60 1/50 1/40 130 1720 ms 1/300 1130 1100 1/80 1/60 1/50 40 130 120 Vis os 38 33 63 70 B 85 93 103 120 131 31 1 85 93, 106 14 124 138 158 175 14 102 122 134 151 163 178 198 228 249 118 162 194 213 240 240 282 313 359 391 0.017 (93) (91) (89) (88) (86) (84) (82) (80) (75) (72) (93) (1) (89) (87) (85) (84) (82) (79) (74) ) (93) (90) (88) (87) (85) (83) (82) (79) (74) (70) (93) (90) (88) (86) (84) (83) (81) (78) (73) (69) 0.75 108 146 172 187 208 222 238 258 283 293 146 196 231 251 219 296 318 344 375 387 209 281 330 359 398 422, 452 488 528 542 333 446 523 568 628 666 m 765 821 Flow width (B in m) (89) (86) (82) (80) (77) (73) (72) (68) (60) (54) (90) (85) (82) (80) (76) (74) (70) (67) (59) (53) (89) (85) (31) (79) (76) (74) (70) (66) (58) (52) (39) (84) (si) (78) (75) (2) (69) (63) (56) Noteff. (49) 223 293 339 364 396 414 433, 450 Not eff. 300 393 43, 486 529 550 575 595 Not eff. 429 562 646 692 748 719 811 834 Not eff. 681 888 1018 1088 471 1261 1286 Not eff. For other values of rainfall intensity 1, multiply the area by (50/1) (86) (80) (79) (72) (68) (65) (61) (55) (45) (85) (79) (74) (72) (67) (64) (60) (54) (43) (85) (79) (74) () (66) (63) (59) (52) (41) (84) (77) (72) (68) (63) (55) (50) (39) 1s 591 732 800 825 Not eff. 791 976 1061 1090 Noteff. 1129 1384 1496 1529 Not eff. 1781 2168 2324 2361 Noteff. (77) (68) (60) (56) (49) (76) (67) (59) (54) (a7) (76) (66) (58) (53) (46) (75) (64) (56) 61) 44) ce November 2000 Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 ‘Table C9: KERB INLET WITH OPENING LENGTH EQUAL TO 1.85m_ Annex C Design Tables Drained area of the road in m? under a rainfall intensity of S0mnvh and collection efficiency in % (in brackets) Crossfall Gradient ®) Ss) 1/60 1/300 1/150 100 1/80 60 1/50 v4 1130 1720 wis 50 1/300 150 1/100 1/80 1/60 50 40 130 1/720 vis 40, 1/300 1/150 1/100 80 1/60 1/50 40 130 1720 wis Manning's coefficient is n = 0.017 os 12 7 21 23 26 28 32 35 41 46 7 23 28 31 35 38 42 47 56 62 24 34 40 45 51 55 60 68 80 89 (95) (93) (92) (91) (90) (89) (87) (85) (82) (79) (95) (93) (92) (91) (89) (88) (87) (85) (81) (79) (95) (93) (91) (90) (89) (88) (86) (34) (81) (78) 103 12 124 142 153 6 94 12 123 138 148 161 178 202 217 Flow width (B in m) (92) (89) (87) (86) (83) (82) (80) (76) (Dy (67) (92) (89) (87) (86) (83) (sl) (79) (76) (70) (66) (92) (89) (86) (85) (82) (80) (78) (75) (69) (64) 4 100 118 128 142 151 162 175 191 197 100 134 158 172 190 202 216 234 253 260 144 193 226 246 212 289 308 332 357 364 For other values of rainfall intensity I, multiply the area by (50/1) (90) (85) (82) (80) (77) (74) a) (67) (60) (53) (89) (85) (1) (79) (76) (74) (70) (66) (58) (52) (89) (84) (sl) (78) (75) (73) (70) (65) (60) (50) 15 203 264 300 319) 341 353 362 Not eff. 223 353 426 454 467 471 Noteff. 392 505 571 605 642 658 668 Noteff. (83) (76) (7 (68) (62) (59) (54) (47) (83) (76) (70) (67) (61) (58) (53) (45) (82) (75) (69) (65) (60) (56) (51) (44) November 2000 Annex C Design Tables Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 ‘Table C9 (cont.): KERB INLET WITH OPENING LENGTH EQUAL TO 1.85m Drained area of the road in m? under a rainfall intensity of 50mm/h and collection efficiency in % (in brackets) Crossfall S) 1130 125 1720 ns Manning’ Gradient Ss) 1/300 1/150 100 1/80 1/60 1/50 40 1130 120 ns 1/300 W150 1100 1/80 1/60 1/50 1/40 1130 120 ns 1/300 1/150 1/100 80 160 50 1/40 180 1720 Ws 17300 1150 1100 1/80 1/60 50 1/40 130 120 ms 's coefficient is os 39 34 65 81 88 108 127 141 92 n 87 109 118 129 145 170 (95) (93) (31) (90) (88) (87) (86) (84) (80) Ca) (95) (92) (90) (90) (88) (87) (85) (83) (79) (76) (95) (92) (90) (89) (88) (87) (85) (83) (79) (76) (94) (92) (90) (89) (87) (86) (84) (82) (78) (75) 0.75 ut Ist 179 196 20 236 256 282 318 340 149 203 241 295 316 342 377 423, 451 215 291 345 377 422 452 488 536 638 341 547 598 668 74 ™ 845 941 995 ‘Flow width (B in m) (91) (88) (86) (84) (81) (80) (77) (74) (68) (63) (92) (88) (85) (84) (81) (79) (77) (73) (67) (62) (91) (88) (85) (83) (80) (78) (76) (72) (66) (61) (oy) (87) (84) (82) (80) (78) (75) a) (65) (59) 230 308 360 431 436 486 521 555 Noteff. 309 413 482 523 576 609 648 692 732 Not eff 444 591 690 746 820 866 919 979 1028 Noteff 705 936 1090 1178 1292 1441 1526 1586 Noteff For other values of rainfall intensity 1, multiply the area by (50/1) (88) (84) (80) (76) (74) (72) (68) (63) (35) (48) (88) (83) (79) (77) (73) (71) (67) (62) (54) (47) (88) (83) (79) (76) (72) (70) (66) (61) (52) (45) (87) (82) (78) (73) (72) (65) (60) (51) (43) 624 79 950 1001 1022 Noteff. 837 1068 1199 1263 1326 1349 Noteff 197 1521 1701 1786 1866 1890 Not eff 1895 2395 2665 2787 2893 Noteff (81) (74) (68) (64) (58) (54) (49) (81) (73) (67) (63) (57) (53) (48) (80) (72) (66) (62) (56) (52) (46) (80) (71) (65) (60) (54) (44) cas. November 2000 Volume 4 Section 2 Annex D. Part 3 HA 102/00 Figures ANNEX D FIGURES B eT Road 4 = Kerb Figure 1a Depth of water against kerb Flow of water | towards gully 1% collected | Gully grating, in gully ; with slots | /, ( Flow of water ” by-passing gully Figure 1b Flow of water along kerb and past grating November 2000 DAL Annex D. Volume 4 Section 2 Figures Part 3 HA 102/00 5 Plan view Analed Kerb Inlet a=50° Baie Kerb inet L= Length of kerb opening Li= Overall length of opening parallel to carriageway Figure 2 Layout of kerb inlets D2 November 2000 Volume 4 Section 2 Part 3 HA 102/00 Annex D. Figures T i % 4 — #9 ° Lf, Key: 20. 7 Log | op 49 mm y =~ 30 mm A 20mm 4 2 es . es 10 mm " Central i T 1 Grassea reserve ! Cariageway j He slope ' i shoulder y 73m 1 a75m 2m ‘ Cross section Figure 4a___Urban motorway with non-uniform gradients S.= 183 —_ — Carriggeway i 1 Stes 35m a Figure 4b Urban single carriageway Ds November 2000

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