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Ideology and Translation Method Used in the Novel The Land of Five Towers with the Cultural Words Category/ Sub


No SL page TL page ID Method Category

1 masya Allah, ini ente, atang masya Allah, is it you, atang 4 F Exotic Religion
bandung? sutradara Batutah? from bandung? director of
(page 4, line ) Batutah? (page 4, line )
2 alhamdulillah, akhirnya ketemu 4 Alhamdulillah, finally Ive found 4 F Exotic Religion
juga saudara seperjuanganku. my long last brother. (page 4,
(page 4, line ) line )
3 Tiga tahun aku ikuti perintah For three years Id followed the 5 F Exotic Social
Amak belajar di madrasah orders of my Amak to study at an
tsanawiyah, .. (page 5, line ) Islamic junior high school.. (page
5, line )
4 Tiga tahun aku ikuti perintah 5 For three years Id followed the 5 D Communicative Religion


Amak belajar di madrasah orders of my Amak to study at an

tsanawiyah, .. (page 5, line ) Islamic junior high school.. (page
5, line )
5 ..kawan dekatku di madrasah, .. 5 good buddy from the 5 F Exotic Religion
(page 5, line ) madrasah, (page 5, line )
6 Kalau keluar selalu menggunakan 6 When leaving the house, she 6 F Exotic Material
baju kurung yang dipadu dengan always wore baju kurung with a
kain atau rok panjang. (page 6, traditional wrap or skirt, never
line ) pants. (page 6, line )
7 ..yang dipadu dengan kain atau 6 ..with a traditional wrap or skirt, .. 6 D Communicative Clothes
rok panjang(page 6, line ) (page 6, line )
8 Dia menamatkan SPG.. (page 6, 6 Her graduation from teaching 6 D Communicative Social
line ) school.. (page 6, line )
9 Dia menamatkan SPG bertepatan 6 Her graduation from teaching 6 D Communicative History
dengan pemberontakan G30S, school coincided with the
sehingga negara yang sedang happening of the communist
kacau tidak mampu segera uprising in 1965, and the country
mengangkatnya jadi guru. (page in chaos could not afford to
6, line ) immediately make her a teacher.

(page 6, line )
10 Amak terpaksa menjadi guru 6 Before being given civil servant 6 D Communicative Foods
sukarela yang hanya dibayar status, Amaks only option was to
dengan beras selama 7 tahun, be a volunteer teacher, being paid
sebelum diangkat menjadi only rice for seven years. (page 6,
pegawai negri. (page 6, line ) line )
11 Tentang sekolah waang, Lif... 6 About your schooling, 6 D Communicative Social
(page 6, line ) son(page 6, line )
12 ..Inyiak canduang ini berguru ke 7 ..a famous cleric who studied in 7 D Adaptation Social
Mekkah .. (page 7, line ) Mecca.. (page 7, line )
13 Buyuang, sejak waang masih di 8 Son, since you were still in your 7 D Communicative Social
kandungan, Amak selalu punya Amaks womb, I have always had
cita-cita, mata Amak kembali dreams, Amaks eyes returned to
menatsapku. (page 8, line ) staring at me. (page 7, line )
14 Buyuang, sejak waang masih di 8 Son, since you were still in your 7 D Communicative Social
kandungan, .. (page 8, line ) Amaks womb, .. (page 7, line )
15 ..tapi supaya ada bibit unggul 8 ..but so that it is a ssed of quality 8 F Exotic Religion
yang masuk madrasah aliyah. that enters the madrasah high

(page 8, line ) school. (page 8, line )

16 ..bukan hanya ilmu fiqh dan ilmu 8 ..not only fiqh and hadiths. (page 8 F Cultural Religion
hadits. (page 8, line ) 8, line ) borrowing
17 Nak, ada surat dari Pak Etek 11 Son, theres a letter from Uncle 11 D Adaptation Social
Gindo, (page 11, line ) Gindo, (page 11, line )
18 ..yang lulusan Pondok Madani di 12 ..who have graduated from 11 F Exotic Religion
Jawa Timur. (page 12, line ) Madani Pesantren in East Java.
(page 11, line )
19 Sekalian aja masuk pondok di 12 Might as well go to a pesantren in 12 F Exotic Religion
Jawa.. (page 12, line ) Java.. (page 12, line )
20 Sarung dan kopiah serta sebuah 14 Sarong and kopiah prayer cap 14 F Cultural Clothes
kardus mie berisi buku, .. (page inside, and an empty noodle box.. borrowing
14, line ) (page 14, line )
21 Bekalku, sebuah tas kain abu-abu 14 My provisions were an old grey 14 F Exotic Clothes
kusam berisi baju, sarung dan cloth bag with a shirt, sarong and
kopiah serta sebuah kardus mie kopiah prayer cap inside, and an
berisi buku, kacang tojin dan empty noodle box containing
sebungkus rendang kapau yang Tojin peanuts and a package of

sudah kering kehitam-hitaman. dried, blackish rendingspicy

(page 14, line ) meat. (page 14, line )
22 ..kacang tojin dan sebungkus 14 Tojin peanuts and a package of 14 F Exotic Foods
rendang kapau yang sudah kering dried, blackish rendang-spicy
kehitam-hitaman.. (page 14, line ) meat.. (page 14, line )
23 ..sebungkus rendang kapau yang 14 ..a package of dried, blackish 14 F Exotic Foods
sudah kering kehitam-hitaman.. rendang-spicy meat.. (page 14,
(page 14, line ) line )
24 Ini rendang spesial karena 14 This rendang was special because 14 F Exotic Foods
dimasak Amak yang lahir di it was cooked by Amak who was
Kapau, sebuah desa kecil di born in Kapau, a small village on
pinggir Bukittinggi. (page 14, line the outskirts of Bukittinggi, ..
) (page 14, line )
25 Kapau terkenal dengan masakan 14 ..famous for its delicious food 14 D Communicative Foods
lezat yang berlinang-linang kuah dripping in coconut milk. (page
santan. (page 14, line ) 14, line )
26 ..Belajar ilmu agama sama 14 ..Studying religion is the same as 14 D Communicative Religion
dengan berjihad di jalan Allah, upholding Islam on the path of
(page 14, line ) Allah, (page 14, line )

27 ..Belajar ilmu agama sama 14 ..Studying religion is the same as 14 F Exotic Religion
dengan berjihad di jalan Allah, upholding Islam on the path of
(page 14, line ) Allah, (page 14, line )
28 Kutinggalkan rumah kayu 15 I left our rented, wooden house in 15 D Communicative Ecology
kontrakan kami di tengah the middle of a freshly planted
hamparan sawah yang baru rice field. (page 15, line )
ditanami itu. (page 15, line )
29 ..oleh stokar ke langit-langit dan 15 the drivers assistant up to the 15 D Communicative Social
kolong kursi. (page 15, line ) ceiling and under the seats. (page
15, line )
30 ..bantal bluwak dan selimut 16 ..a pillow and a black and white 15 D Communicative Material
batang padi bergaris hitam putih. striped blanket.. (page 15, line )
(page 16, line )
31 ..dan selimut batang padi bergaris 16 ..and a black and white striped 15 D Communicative Material
hitam putih. (page 16, line ) blanket. (page 15, line )
32 Kenek bilang ini kamar tidur 16 The drivers assistant said this 16 D Communicative Social
pilot. (page 16, line ) was the pilots bedroom. (page 16,
line )

33 ..tangan kirinya yang dililit akar 16 His left hand, encircled by a root 16 D Communicative Material
bahar menjangkau laci diatas bracelet, reached for the
kepalanya. (page 16, line ) compartment above his head.
(page 16, line )
34 Bunyi talempong segera 17 The sound of traditional Minang 17 D Communicative Material
membahana, .. (page 17, line ) music would soon thunder, ..
(page 17, line )
35 Yaitu mengalungkan giring-giring 18 hang bells around the cats 18 D Communicative Material
di leher kucing, .. (page 18, line ) neck, .. (page 18, line )
36 Pak Sutan yang terserang mabuk 18 Mr. Sutan, who was struck by 18 D Communicative Social
darat.. (page 18, line ) motion sickness.. (page 18, line )
37 Dia membawa hasil tenunan 19 He brought the weaving of Pandai 18 F Exotic Material
Pandai Sikek ke Jakarta.. (page Sikek to Jakarta.. (page 18, line )
19, line )
38 Sudah 3 butir pil antimo aku 21 Id already gulped down three 20 D Communicative Foods
tenggak.. (page 21, line ) motion-sickness pills.. (page 20,
line )
39 Plastik asoi, begitu orang Minang 21 I opened a plastic bag wide.. 21 D Communicative Material

menyebut tas kresek, aku buka (page 21, line )

lebar-lebar.. (page 21, line )
40 ..bajing loncat, komplotan 21 ..a gang of thugs that attacked 21 D Communicative Social
begundal yang menghadang bus buses and trucks in quiet places.
dan truk di tempat sepi. (page 21, (page 21, line )
line )
41 ..dan sebuah traktor kecil dan 23 ..and tractors. (page 22, line ) 22 D Communicative Material
galedor. (page 23, line )
42 ..bertuliskan RM Padang. (page 23 RM Padang (Padang 23 F Exotic Material
23, line ) Restaurant). (page 23, line )
43 ..perbedaan antara RM yang ada 24 ..the difference between RM in 23 F Exotic Material
di lintas Sumatera dan Lintas Sumatera and Java.. (page 23, line
Jawa.. (page 24, line ) )
44 Pagi mulai beranjak dhuha. (page 25 The morning started to approach 24 F Exotic Religion
25, line ) dhuha, the time when the sun
starts to rise in the morning but
its not yet afternoon. (page 24,
line )

45 Assalamualaikum Pak. .. (page 25 Assalamualaikum, sir. .. (page 25 F Exotic Religion

25, line ) 25, line )
46 .. Saya Ismail siswa kelas enam 25 .. Im Ismail, a student in year 25 F Exotic Religion
PM atau Pondok Madani. .. six at MP or Madani Pesantren. ..
(page 25, line ) (page 25, line )
47 Sebuah kopiah beludru hitam 27 He wore a black, velvet kopiah 26 F Exotic Clothes
melekat miring dikepalanya. crooked on his head. (page 26,
(page 27, line ) line )
48 Berbeda dengan atap rumah 28 Different from the traditional 27 D Communicative Material
gadang yang menyerupai tanduk houses in Minang which look like
dan lancip di kiri dan kanan, atap a pair of horns peaking at both
di sini lancip di tengah. (page 28, sides, the roofs here peaked at the
line ) center. (page 27, line )
49 .. Pertama adalah masjid Jami.. 31 .. The first is the main mosque.. 30 D Communicative Material
(page 31, line ) (page 30, line )
50 .. dan mendalami Al-Quran... 31 .. and study the Al-Quran... 30 F Exotic Religion
(page 31, line ) (page 30, line )
51 .. yang kami sebut maktabah atau 33 .. what we called maktabah or 31 F Exotic Material

library, (page 33, line ) library, (page 31, line )

52 Hadits mengatakan: Innallaha 34 The Prophet Muhammad said: 33 D Communicative Religion
jamiil wahuwa yuhibbul jamal. Innallaha jamiil wahuwa yuhibbul
(page 34, line ) jamal. (page 33, line )
53 Semua hasil kerja keras belajar 38 I mobilized all I had retained from 36 F Exotic Religion
dua hari dua malam dan sisa-sisa two days and nights of studying,
ingatan bertahun-tahun di SD dan what was left from years of
MTsN aku kerahkan. (page 38, studying in elementary school and
line ) the madrasah junior high. (page
36, line )
54 Laki-laki ramping ini adalah 41 This slender fellow was Ustad 39 F Exotic Social
Ustad Salman, wali kelasku. (page Salman, my homeroom teacher.
41, line ) (page 39, line )
55 Saya dari Bandung. Urang 43 Im from Bandung, West Java. 41 F Exotic Social
Sunda, .. (page 43, line ) Urang Sunda, Sundanese, ..
(page 41, line )
56 ..mulai dari pegawai kecamaan, .. 43 ..from the district officers, .. (page 41 D Communicative Social
(page 43, line ) 41, line )

57 ..penjual martabak, .. (page 43, 43 ..martabak sellers, .. (page 41, line 41 F Exotic Social
line ) )
58 ..adalah urang awak, orang 43 Were genuine Minangese. (page 41 F Exotic Social
Minang asli. (page 43, line ) 41, line )
59 Aku ingin menjadi ulama yang 44 I want to be a Muslim scholar, 42 D Communicative Social
intelek, Ustad... (page 44, line ) Ustad... (page 42, line )
60 ..dan menjadi hafiz-penghapal 46 ..and become a hafiz-one who 44 F Exotic Religion
Al-Quran. (page 46, line ) has memorized Al-Quran. (page
44, line )
61 Gue dari Jakarte, anak Betawi 47 Im from Jakarta. You know 44 F Exotic Material
asli. Tahu Monas, kan? Nah, Monas, the national monument,
rumah gue gak jauh dari sana, di right? Nah, my house isnt far
Karbela, katanya dengan bangga. from there, in Karbela, he said
(page 47, line ) proudly. (page 44, line )
62 Sebuah tulisan besar 48 A big sign hung in the 46 D Communicative Customs
menggantung sebagai latar: Pekan background: MP Student
Perkenalan Siswa PM. (page 48, Orientation. (page 46, line )
line )

63 Sehabis Isya, murid-murid 48 After dinner, students filled the 46 D Adaptation Religion
berbondong-bondong memenuhi hall in droves. (page 46, line )
aula. (page 48, line )
64 Di panggung berjejer beberapa 48 On the stage sat several senior 46 F Exotic Social
ustad senior dan kiai. (page 48, ustads and the kiai. (page 46, line
line ) )
65 ..yang berbaju koko putih maju ke 48 ..dressed in white tunic came up 46 D Adaptation Clothes
podium. (page 48, line ) to the podium. (page 46, line )
66 Bos, kau murid macam mana ni, 49 Man, what kind of student are 46 D Adaptation Social
.. (page 49, line ) you?.. (page 46, line )
67 .. Saya selaku rais mahad- 49 .. I, as the leader, along with the 47 D Communicative Social
pimpinan pondok- dan para guru teachers here, .. (page 47, line )
disini.. (page 49, line )
68 .. Malam ini akan dibacakan 51 .. Tonight you will be read 48 F Exotic Concepts
qanun, aturan komando... (page qanun, the command rules at
51, line ) MP... (page 48, line )
69 ..dengan membaca Ummul Al- 52 reciting Al-Fatihah.. (page 50 F Exotic Religion
Quran.. (page 52, line ) 50, line )

70 Segera setelah Al-Fatihah ditutup 52 After Al-Fatihah closed with a 50 F Exotic Religion
dengan kata amin yang khusyuk, solemn amen, .. (page 50, line )
.. (page 52, line )
71 Kak Iskandar, rais furaiah, .. 54 Kak Iskandar, the head of the 51 F Exotic Social
(page 54, line ) dorm.. (page 51, line )

72 Kak Iskandar, rais furaiah, 54 Kak Iskandar, the head of the 51 D Communicative Social
sebutan buat ketua asrama, .. dorm who was a senior student, ..
(page 54, line ) (page 51, line )
73 Akhi. Dengarkan baik-baik... 56 Akhi. Listen well... (page 53, 53 F Exotic Social
(page 56, line ) line )
74 .. Bagian tengah kamar harus 56 .. The center of the room must 53 D Communicative Religion
tetap kosong untuk kita gunakan remain vacant for us to use for
tempat shalat jamaah setiap daily communal prayers in every
kamar, tambah Kak Is. (page 56, room, added Kak Is. (page 53,
line ) line )
75 Tentu kita berjamaah di masjid, 57 Of course we pray at the 54 D Communicative Religion
.. (page 57, line ) mosque.. (page 54, line )

76 Tentu kita berjamaah di masjid, 57 Of course we pray at the mosque 54 F Exotic Religion
tapi hanya magrib saja... (page but only for Magrib... (page 54,
57, line ) line )
77 .. Setiap orang akan mendapat 57 .. Everyone will get a turn to 54 F Exotic Religion
giliran menjadi imam... (page 57, become the imam... (page 54,
line ) line )
78 ..selalu pasang kuping untuk 57 ..always keep your eyes open for 54 D Communicative Material
mendengarkan jaras atau the bell... (page 54, line )
lonceng... (page 57, line )
79 ..sebuah lampu semprong minyak 57 ..a kerosene lamp flickering.. 54 D Communicative Material
tanah yang kerlap kerlip.. (page (page 54, line )
57, line )
80 ..walau hanya beralas sajadah. 57 ..even though I was only on a 54 D Communicative Material
(page 57, line ) prayer rug. (page 54, line )
81 Shunduk, atau lemari kecil dengan 59 Shunduk, or small cabinet with a 56 F Exotic Material
kunci (page 59, line ) lock (page 56, line )
82 Firash, kasur lipat (page 59, line ) 59 Firash, folding mattress (page 56, 56 F Exotic Material
line )

83 Kalam kaligrafi (page 59, line ) 59 Caligraphy pen (page 56, line ) 56 D Communicative Material
84 ..berambut cepak seperti bintara 59 ..with short hair like sergeants.. 56 D Communicative Social
polisi.. (page 59, line ) (page 56, line )
85 .. Isinya adalah fiqh isalm dilihat 60 .. It contains Islamic fiqh seen 57 D Communicative Religion
dari berbagai mazhab, .. (page from various schools of thought,
60, line ) .. (page 57, line )
86 .. Apa istilahnya tadi? Suluk? .. 61 .. What was it called? Suluk? .. 58 F Exotic Material
(page 61, line ) (page 58, line )
87 Insya Allah tidak akan kena 65 Insya Allah we wont be punished 61 F Exotic Religion
hukum (page 65, line ) (page 61, line )
88 Duduk tegap di sadel sepedanya, 65 Stiffly seated o his bycicle, .. 61 D Communicative Transports
.. (page 65, line ) (page 61, line )
89 ..laki-laki berbaju putih, bersorban 68 ..a man with white clothes, with 64 F Exotic Clothes
Arafat, .. (page 68, line ) Arafats turban.. (page 64, line )
90 Di masjid kami yang gagah ini 69 Every evening, three thousand 65 F Exotic Religion
setiap sore berhimpun 3 ribu students gathered in our mighty
pelajar untuk menyambut mosque to greet the coming of the
datangnya azan Magrib. (page 69, Magrib call to prayer. (page 65,

line ) line )
91 Setelah lelah beraktivitas sejak 69 Exhausted from activities since 65 D Communicative Religion
jam 4.30 subuh, (page 69, line ) four thirty in the morning, .. (page
65, line )
92 Shalat Magrib di masjid jami 70 Magrib prayer at that main 66 F Exotic Religion
dihadiri seluruh penduduk mosque was attended by the
sekolah. (page 70, line ) whole school. (page 66, line )
93 Tiba-tiba Said mengangkat tangan 71 Suddenly Saids hand shot up 67 F Exotic Religion
dengan gembira , menggumamkan happily, he whispered
alhamdulillah dan berteriak yes, alhamdulillah, thank God, and
sambil tangannya ditarik ke yelled yes! As he pulled his hand
bawah, layaknya striker habis back down like a striker after
mencetak gol tunggal di injury scoring the last goal of a soccer
time. (page 71, line ) game in overtime. (page 67, line )
94 Panggilan ke Mahkamah 72 Summons to the Central Security 67 D Communicative Administratives
Keamanan Pusat. (page 72, line ) Court. (page 67, line )
95 Akhirnya, dengan membaca 73 Finally, after saying our prayer, 68 D Communicative Religion
Alfatihah dan Ayat Kursi, kami we gathered our courage and
menguatkan diri dan berduyun- flocked to the daunting

duyun menuju ruang pengadilan courtroom. (page 68, line )

angker ini. (page 73, line )
96 Akhirnya, dengan membaca 73 Finally, after saying our prayer, .. 68 D Communicative Religion
Alfatihah dan Ayat Kursi, .. (page (page 68, line )
73, line )
97 Di luar ruangan, terparkir rapi 73 Outside, seven bicycles were 69 D Communicative Transports
tujuh sepeda ontel, .. (page 73, neatly parked, .. (page 69, line )
line )
98 Kalian kami angkat sebagai 75 We are assigning you as jasus. 70 F Exotic social
jasus. Mata-mata, .. (page 75, Spies, .. (page 70, line )
line )
99 ..di antrian kamar mandi, kiftir, 77 the bathroom queue, the 72 D Communicative Material
kelas, acara olahraga... (page 77, cafetaria, class, sporting events, ..
line ) (page 72, line )
100 .. azan Ashar berkumandang.. 81 .. the call to afternoon prayer was 76 F Calque Religion
(page 81, line ) already echoing.. (page 76, line )

101 ..memakai baju lebaran tahun lalu, 88 dressed in my last years Eid 82 F Calque Clothes

.. (page 88, line ) clothes, .. (page 82, line )

102 ..yang telah aku lipat di sebelah 88 ..which I had folded and and left 82 D Adaptation Material
dipan sejak kemarin. (page , line ) beside the couch since the da
before. (page 82, line )
103 ..menyampirkan sarung bugis 88 ..a red bugis sarong slung over.. 82 F Calque Clothes
merah.. (page 88, line ) (page 82, line )
104 Inilah standar gaya ninik mamak- 88 This was the standard style of the 82 D Communicative Social
pemuka adat. (page 88, line ) traditional leaders. (page 82, line )
105 Ayahku bergelar Katik parpatiah 88 My father bore the title of Katik 82 F Exotic Social
Nan Mudo dari suku Chaniago. parpatiah Nan Mudo from the
(page 88, line ) Chaniago tribe. (page 82, line )

106 Setelah menyantap sarapan 88 After a breakfast of fried banana.. 82 D Communicative Foods
goreng pisang raja.. (page 88, line (page 82, line )
107 Setelah menyantap sarapan 88 After a breakfast of fried banana 82 D Communicative Foods
goreng pisang raja dan katan jo and sticky steamed rice mixed
karambia sajian Amak, .. (page with coconut meat and sugarcane

88, line ) from Amak, .. (page 82, line )

108 ..pagi ini hanya ada satu bus ke 88 ..theres only one bus to ateh this 82 F Exotic Material
ateh. (page 88, line ) morning. (page 82, line )
109 ..dengan celana cut bray.. (page 89 ..bell-bottoms.. (page 83, line ) 83 D Communicative Clothes
89, line )
110 Kami melewati Ambun Pagi, 89 We passed Ambun Pagi, a district 83 D Communicative Material
sebuah nagari di puncak kelok 44. at the top of bend 44. (page 83,
(page 89, line ) line )
111 ..dan memakai sebo, penahan 90 ..and sebo, a woven wool ski 84 F Exotic Clothes
dingin dari jalinan wol yang mask only showing the eyes,
menutupi seluruh kepala kecuali became. (page 84, line )
mata. (page 90, line )
112 Sapi lalu dinaikkan ke otoprah. 91 The cow was then loaded onto a 84 D Communicative Transports
Mobil truk. (page 91, line ) truck.. (page 84, line )
113 Dikirim langsung ke nagari kami 91 ..sent straight to our mosque in 84 D Communicative Material
di Maninjau. (page 91, line ) maninjau. (page 84, line )
114 ..untuk membeli seekor sapi untuk 91 buy a sacrificial cow. (page 84 D Communicative Religion
kurban Idul Adha.. (page 91, line ) 84, line )

115 Budaya marosok. Meraba di 91 Marosok culture. Signals behind 84 F Exotic Activities
bawah sarung. Tawar menawar the sarong. Bargaining with the
harga dengan memakai isyarat hands. (page 84, line )
tangan. (page 91, line )
116 ..aku kebagian membersihkan 93 .. I was assigned to clean al- 87 F Exotic Houses
menara... (page 93, line ) manarathe minaret... (page 87,
line )
117 Kemarin waktu dihukum 93 The other day, when I was 87 F Exotic Houses
membersihkan masjid, aku sentenced to clean up the mosque,
kebagian membersihkan menara. I was assigned to clean al-
Ternyata dasar menara ini tempat manarathe minaret.
yang enak untuk istirahat, kata Apparently, the base of this
Said memperlihatkan temuannya. manara is a nice place to rest,
(page 93, line ) said Said, showing his findings.
(page 87, line )
118 ..membahas pelajaran tadi siang, 94 ..discussing the afternoons 88 D Adaptation Foods
ditemani kacang sukro. (page 94, lesson, snacking on roasted
line ) peanuts. (page 88, line )
119 ..dibaca sangat indah oleh para 94 ..recited very beautifully by the 88 F Exotic Religion

qari, pembaca Al-Quran, pilihan qari, Al-Quran readers, the best

PM. (page 94, line ) MP had to offer. (page 88, line )
120 Saking seringnya kami berkumpul 94 We are frequently gathered at the 88 F Exotic Social
di kaki menara, kawan-kawan lain base of the manara that our other
menggelari kami dengan Sahibul friends dubbed us the Fellowship
Menara, orang yang punya of the Manara. (page 88, line )
menara. (page 94, line )
121 Aku sendiri sejak kecil sudah 95 I myself had been fascinated with 88 D Communicative Houses
takjub dengan menara dan suka towers and liked to climb them
menaikinya karena terobsesi since childhood, and I was
merasakan bagaimana rasanya obsessed with how itd feel to be
menjadi orang yang tinggi. (page tall. (page 88, line )
95, line )
122 Puncaknya yang tinggi untuk 95 Its high peak had huge speakers, .. 88 D Communicative Material
menumpangkan corong TOA, .. (page 88, line )
(page 95, line )
123 ..bagian bawahnya untuk rumah 95 The bottom was the home of the 89 D Communicative Material
beduk kulit kerbau. (page 95, line water buffalo skin drum. (page 89,
) line )

124 ..dikejar-kejar gharinpenjaga 95 ..were often chased away by the 89 D Communicative Social
masjid-.. (page 95, line ) mosque guard, .. (page 89, line )
125 ..dan tertawa-tawa melihat mujair- 95 ..laughing at the fish snatching the 89 D Communicative Fauna
mujair berserabutan menyambar saliva that they thought was food
ludah yang dikira makanan from the sky. (page 89, line )
kiriman dari langit. (page 95, line
126 Menara kedua yang aku kagumi 95 The second tower I admired was 89 F Exotic Houses
adalah Jam Gadang yang berdiri the Jam Gadang that stands at the
di jantung kota Bukittinggi. (page heart of Bukittinggi. (page 89, line
95, line ) )
127 ..dengan puncak berbentuk atap 95 ..with its top resembling a 89 F Exotic Houses
bagonjong-atap tradisional traditional Minang roof shaped
Minang yang berbentuk tanduk like buffalo horns. (page 89, line )
kerbau. (page 95, line )
128 ..ikut bapaknya berjualan pisang 98 ..joined his father selling plantains 92 D Communicative Foods
raja di Pasar Kamis. (page 98, line at Pasar Kamis market. (page 92,
) line )
129 ..ikut bapaknya berjualan pisang 98 ..joined his father selling plantains 92 F Exotic Material

raja di Pasar Kamis. (page 98, line at Pasar Kamis market. (page 92,
) line )
130 Qila waqala, orang Minang masih 98 Purportedly, Minang people are 92 D Communicative Social
anak cucu dari Alexander Agung. the descendants of Alexander the
(page 98, line ) Great. (page 92, line )

131 Di Minangkabau juga dikenal 98 In Minangkabau, there are also 92 F Exotic Customs
istilah ketek banamo, gadang the terms ketek banamo, gadang
bagala. (page 98, line ) bagala. (page 92, line )
132 Gelar tertinggi adalah datuk, atau 99 The highest title is datuk, or chief. 93 F Exotic Social
kepala suku. (page 99, line ) (page 93, line )
133 Randai sebetulnya sebuah budaya 99 Randai is actually a part of 93 F Exotic Customs
Minang.. (page 99, line ) Minang culture, .. (page 93, line )
134 Sementara aku di sini, mungkin 103 While I here would maybe 97 F Exotic Social
menjadi ustad dan guru mengaji. become ustad or an Al-Quran
(page 103, line ) recitation teacher. (page 97, line )
135 ..menghapal beberapa judul 104 ..memorize a few titles of 98 F Exotic Religion
mahfuzhat.. (page 104, line ) mahfuzhat. (page 98, line )

136 ..tampak mengayun-ayunkan 108 ..shoved his fist in the air yelling, 102 F Exotic Religion
tinjunya di udara sambil berteriak Allahu Akbar! God is great.
Allahu Akbar! (page 108, line ) (page 102, line )
137 ..dengan baju putih dan celana 111 ..with a white shirt and khaki 104 D Communicative Clothes
khaki. (page 111, line ) pants. (page 104, line )
138 ..mirip dengan tauke barang 112 ..loked like a Chinese merchant of 105 D Communicative Social
elektronik.. (page 112, line ) electronic goods.. (page 105, line
139 Dan kembali ke PM dengan gelar 112 With the title ad-Duktur, Doctor. 105 F Exotic Social
ad-Duktur. (page 112, line ) (page 105, line )
140 Coba sekarang ananda Teuku 113 Teuku, try to read Surat An- 106 F Exotic Religion
yang baca surat Annisa, .. (page Nisa, .. (page 106, line )
113, line )
141 ..dengan lagu bayyati, sebuah 113- ..with the song bayyati, a 106 F Exotic Religion
qiraahirama mambaca Al- 114 qiraahclassic rhytm of reading
Quran klasik.. (page 113-114, line Al-Quran-.. (page 106, line )
142 ..memakai beraneka qiraah yang 114 ..use various difficult rhytms.. 106 D Communicative Religion

sulit.. (page 114, line ) (page 106, line )

143 Sejauh ini Musabaqah Tilawatil 114 So far the Musabaqah Tilawatil 107 F Exotic Activities
Quran tingkat dunia dikuasai Quran at the world level had been
Indonesia. (page 114, line ) pretty well dominated by
Indonesia. (page 107, line )
144 .. Ingat, perlakukan qalam kalian 115 .. Remember, do your qalam like 108 F Exotic Religion
seperti kuas, .. (page 115, line ) a brush, .. (page 108, line )
145 ..lengkap dengan tajwid, dengung 118 ..complete with tajwid, vibration, 111 F Exotic Religion
dan qalqalah. (page 118, line ) and qalqalah. (page 111, line )
146 ..lengkap dengan tajwid, dengung 118 ..complete with tajwid, vibration, 111 F Exotic Religion
dan qalqalah. (page 118, line ) and qalqalah. (page 111, line )
147 ..ditambah segelas susu atau Milo, 120 ..and a glass of milk or iced 112 D Communicative Foods
bahkan kacang hijau. (page 120, chocolateor even green bean
line ) juice. (page 112, line )
148 ..ditambah segelas susu atau Milo, 120 ..and a glass of milk or iced 112 D Communicative Foods
bahkan kacang hijau. (page 120, chocolateor even green bean
line ) juice. (page 112, line )
149 Di balik loket yang dibatasi kawat 121 Behind the counter separated by 113 F Exotic Social

ini telah menunggu tiga orang wires, three people were

petugas, dua orang mbok waitingtwo mbok wearing
berkebaya dan bersarung Jawa Javanese kebayas and sarongs and
dan satu lagi Kak Saif, pengurus Kak Saif, the kitchen supervisor.
dapur umum. (page 121, line ) (page 113, line )
150 ..dua orang mbok berkebaya dan 121 ..two mbok wearing Javanese 113 F Exotic Clothes
bersarung Jawa.. (page 121, line ) kebayas and sarongs.. (page 113,
line )
151 Kami di PM menyebutnya 122 We at MP called it salathah 114 F Exotic Foods
salathah rohah, atau sambal rohah, or break hot sauce. (page
istirahat. (page 122, line ) 114, line )
152 ..atau sambal istirahat. (page 122, 122 ..or break hot sauce. (page 114, 114 D Communicative Foods
line ) line )
153 Mengingatkan aku kepada 124 They reminded me of a praying 115 D Communicative Fauna
belalang sembah yang dalam diam mantis in silence suddenly
bias tiba-tiba melesatkan kaki springing its saw-like legs into
gergajinya menangkap lalat yang action to catch a fly on an
sedang terbang siang. (page 124, afternoon flight. (page 115, line )
line )

154 Siap disiplin Tad... .. (page 125, 125 Yes, sir. .. (page 116, line ) 116 D Adaptation Social
line )
155 ..sebuah karcis tashrih yang 125 oh-so-valuable permission 117 D Communicative Material
sangat berharga. (page 125, line ) ticket. (page 117, line )
156 .. Saya ingin mencoba kaligrafi 126 .. I want to try khoufi calligraphy 118 F Exotic Art
khoufi yang penuh garis-garis dan which is full of lines and leaf
hiasan daun, Tad (page 126, decorations, sir. (page 118, line )
line )
157 Kami memilih sepeda ketimbang 127 We choose bikes over public 118 D Communicative Transports
naik angkot, karena lebih bebas transportation because we had
dan waktu tidak mengikat. (page more flexibility that way. (page
127, line ) 118, line )
158 ..makan sate di warung Cak 127 satay at Cak Tohirs 118- F Cultural Foods
Tohir.. (page 127, line ) restaurant.. (page 118-119, line ) 119 borrowing
159 ..makan sate di warung Cak 127 satay at Cak Tohirs 118- F Exotic Material
Tohir.. (page 127, line ) restaurant.. (page 118-119, line ) 119
160 ..makan sate di warung Cak 127 satay at Cak Tohirs 118- F Exotic Social
Tohir.. (page 127, line ) restaurant.. (page 118-119, line ) 119

161 Setelah kenyang makan sate dan 128 After we were filled with satay 119 F Exotic Religion
belanja, kami menuju pesantren and shopping, we headed for the
putri. (page 128, line ) girls pesantren. (page 119, line )
162 ..kepala-kepala berkerudung putih 128 White-veiled heads, busy 119 F Cultural Clothes
sedang sibuk belajar. (page 128, studying, .. (page 119, line ) borrowing
line )
163 Melihat yang bukan muhrim.. 128 Looking at the one who is 120 F Exotic Religion
(page 128, line ) mahram.. (page 120, line )

164 Dikampungku kalau lagi carok, 129 In my village, if theyre having a 121 F Exotic Activities
orang juga telanjang dada dan sickle battle, half-naked, they
tidak kalah sama Arnold ini. wouldnt pale in comparison with
(page 129, line ) this Arnold. (page 121, line )
165 Setiap selesai shalat Subuh, .. 132 After every Subuh prayer, .. (page 123 F Exotic Religion
(page 132, line ) 123, line )
166 ..tepat di sebelah imam shalat 132 ..right beside the prayer leader. 123 D Communicative Religion
kami tadi. (page 132, line ) (page 123, line )
167 Sementara 2 kali seminggu, setiap 133 Also, two times a week, after 124 F Exotic Religion

selesai subuh, .. (page 133, line ) Subuh, .. (page 124, line )

168 .., bahkan sampai komunikasi 134 .., to communication with the 125 D Communicative Foods
dengan mbok-mbok yang mboks who managed the rice in
mengurusi nasi di dapur. (page the kitchen. (page 125, line )
134, line )
169 ..buku mufradat, buku tulis biasa 134 ..a mufradat book, a notebook that 125 F Exotic Material
yang dipotong kecil.. (page 134, was cut to be smaller.. (page 125,
line ) line )
170 ..kepada kopiah hitam sjarbaini, .. 136 the black Sjarbaini kopiah, .. 126 F Exotic Clothes
(page 136, line ) (page 126, line )
171 .. Ini sunnatullah-hukum 136 .. This is Gods law. (page 127, 127 D Communicative Religion
Tuhan. (page 136, line ) line )
172 Bang, ambo ingin berlaku adil, 139 Dear, I want to be fair, .. (page 130 D Adaptation Social
.. (page 139, line ) 130, line )
173 ..di tingkat kecamatan. (page 139, 139 the district. (page 130, line ) 130 D Communicative Administratives
line )
174 Guru madrasahku Angku Datuak 140 My madrasah teacher, Angku 131 F Exotic Social
Rajo Basa, .. (page 140, line ) Datuak Rajo Basa, .. (page 131,

line )
175 ..jelas angku berjenggot panjang 140 ..explained Angku, with his long 131 F Exotic Social
maranggas ini. (page 140, line ) dense beard. (page 131, line )
176 Rasulullah menjawab, ibumu. 141 The Prophet Muhammad 132 D Communicative Religion
(page 141, line ) answered, Your mother. (page
132, line )
177 Shalat Zuhur berjamaah.. (page 146 Communal Zuhur prayer.. (page 137 F Exotic Religion
146, line ) 137, line )
178 Lauknya sering sepotong tempe 146 The side dish is usually tempeh or 137 F Cultural Foods
atau tahu. (page 146, line ) tofu. (page 137, line ) borrowing
179 Shalat Ashar berjamaah.. (page 146 Communal Asr prayer.. (page 137 F Exotic Religion
146, line ) 137, line )
180 Shalat berjamaah Isya.. (page 147 Communal Isya prayer.. (page 137 F Exotic Religion
147, line ) 137, line )
181 Berbekal dua kepala Pak Harto 148 With two of President Suhartos 138 D Communicative Social
sebagai prangko di amplopnya, heads stamped on the envelope, I
aku kirim surat pertamaku kepada sent my first letter to Amak. (page
Amak. (page 148, line ) 138, line )

182 ..kami diwajibkan mengikuti 149 ..we were required to follow 139 F Exotic Activities
muhadharah, atau latihan muhadharah, or public speaking
berpidato di depan umum. (page training. (page 139, line )
149, line )
183 Baso membenarkan hapalan ayat 152 Baso fixed my memorization of 142 D Communicative Religion
dan haditsku. (page 152, line ) verses and hadiths. (page 142, line
184 Kopiah aku pasangkan dan aku 153 I wore my kopiah and tilted it a 143 D Communicative Social
telengkan sedikit supaya mirip bit to the side to look like Sukarno
Bung Karno atau Bung Tomo. or Sutomo. (page 143, line )
(page 153, line )
185 Ini adalah gaya Bung Karno, .. 155 This was the style of President 145 D Communicative Social
(page 155, line ) Sukarno, .. (page 145, line )

186 ..seperti burung betet sedang 157 a jubilant parrot. (page 147, 147 D Communicative Fauna
girang. (page 157, line ) line )
187 Setelah tercatat sebagai kuli tinta 159 Once registered as a campus 149 D Communicative Social
majalah kampus, .. (page 159, line magazine journalist, .. (page 149,
) line )

188 Pada suatu Idul Fitri, .. (page , line 160 One Idul Fitri holyday, .. (page , 150 F Exotic Religion
) line )
189 ..khatam Al-Quran di madrasah, .. 161 ..khatam al-Quran at the 151 F Exotic Religion
(page , line ) madrasah, .. (page , line )
190 Sedangkan untuk bidang olahraga, 161 As for sports, I chose martial arts 151 D Communicative Activities
aku memilih silat dan sepakbola. and soccer. (page , line )
(page , line )
191 ..belajar silek kumango, salah satu 161 ..learn silek kumango, a Minang 151 F Exotic Activities
aliran silat Minang.. (page , line ) form of martial arts.. (page , line )
192 Setelah akar padi dibersihkan, .. 162 After all rice roots were pulled, .. 152 D Communicative Flora
(page , line ) (page , line )
193 Sawah yang gembur berlinang- 162 The loose field puddled with thick 152 D Communicative Ecology
linang dengan lumpur yang tebal. mud. (page , line )
(page , line )
194 ..untuk menjadi anggota 163 become a member of 153 F Exotic Organisations
Jammiatul Qurra, .. (page , line ) Jammiatul Qurra, .. (page , line )
195 ..seperti Bung Karno. (page , line 163 our first president, Sukarno. 153 D Communicative Social
) (page , line )

196 ..untuk bisa menghapal tiga puluh 163 memorize the 30 juz Al- 153 F Exotic Religion
juz Al-Quran.. (page , line ) Quran.. (page , line )
197 ..bergabung dengan kelompok 163 ..joined the Thahfidzul Quran 153 F Exotic Organisations
Thahfidzul Quran. (page , line ) group. (page , line )
198 ..dia telah berhasil menghapal juz 163 ..hed managed tomemorize Juz 153 F Exotic Religion
Amma.. (page , line ) Amma.. (page , line )
199 ..yang punya surat pendek- 163 ..which has short surah. (page , 153 F Exotic Religion
pendek. (page , line ) line )
200 Tepat setelah Subuh, .. (page , line 164 Right after dawn, .. (page , line ) 154 D Communicative Religion
201 Main bola bukan barang haram, 165 Playing soccer isnt forbidden by 155 D Communicative Religion
mungkin saja, .. (page , line ) religion, .. (page , line )
202 ..menafsirkan ayat-ayat Al- 165 ..explained the verses of Al- 155 D Communicative Religion
Quran.. (page , line ) Quran.. (page , line )
203 ..dia memakai pakaian jubah putih 165 ..he wore a long white robe, .. 155 D Communicative Clothes
panjang, .. (page , line ) (page , line )
204 ..kopiah haji.. (page , line ) 165 ..a hajj kopiah, .. 155 F Exotic Clothes
205 ..layaknya seorang syaikh 165 a syaikh at Nabawi Mosque, 155 F Exotic Social

pengajar di Masjid Nabawi. (page Saudi Arabia. (page , line )

, line )
206 ..di bidang tafsir, .. (page , line ) 165 the field of tafsir, .. (page , 155 F Exotic Religion
line )
207 Tepat setelah Ashar, .. (page , line 167 Right after Asr, .. (page , line ) 157 F Exotic Religion
208 Tim guru juga diperkuat oleh 168 The teachers team was also 158 F Exotic Organisations
pemain bertahan Ustad Abu Razi, strengthened by a defensive
dedengkot mabikori, badan player, Ustad Abu Razi, a former
tertinggi pramuka di PM. (page , member of mabikorithe highest
line ) board of scouts at MP. (page , line
209 ..tentang acara shalat Jumat di 176 ..about Friday prayer in 165 F Cultural Religion
Washington DC.. (page , line ) Washington D.C., .. (page , line ) borrowing
210 ..bagaimana muslim bule dan 177 different races of Muslims 166 F Cultural Religion
hitam ini berwudhu dan rukuk.. did their ablutions and prostrating, borrowing
(page , line ) .. (page , line )
211 ..bagaimana muslim bule dan 177 different races of Muslims 166 F Cultural Religion

hitam ini berwudhu dan rukuk.. did their ablutions and prostrating, borrowing
(page , line ) .. (page , line )
212 Masalahnya satu: TV haram di 178 There was one problem: TV was 167 D Communicative Religion
PM. (page , line ) forbidden at MP. (page , line )
213 ..setelah Idul Adha dan Idul Fitri. 190 ..after Idul Adha and Idul Fitri. 177 F Exotic Religion
(page , line ) (page , line )
214 ..setelah Idul Adha dan Idul Fitri. 190 ..after Idul Adha and Idul Fitri. 177 F Exotic Religion
(page , line ) (page , line )
215 ..mendapat kehormatan sebagai 190 ..will be honored as mujahid, 178 F Exotic Religion
mujahid, pejuang Allah. (page , defender of Allah. (page , line )
line )
216 ..dia akan diganjar dengan gelar 190 ..he will be rewarded with the title 178 F Exotic Religion
syahid, .. (page , line ) of syahid, martyr, .. (page , line )
217 ..berdoalah dan bertawakkal 190 ..pray and trust in God... (page , 178 D Communicative Religion
lah... (page , line ) line )
218 ..waktu khusus mengaji dikurangi, 191 ..time for Al-Quran recitation was 179 F Exotic Religion
.. (page , line ) lessened, .. (page , line )
219 Di musim ujian ini, menu kami 191 During this exam season, we, who 179 D Communicative Foods

yang biasa sangat sederhana, tahu, usually ate very simple foods like
tempe, ikan asin, dan tewel, naik tofu, tempeh, salted fish and
kelas menjadi lebih bergizi. (page young jackfruit pulp were
, line ) upgraded to more nutritious foods.
(page , line )
220 Di musim ujian ini, menu kami 191 During this exam season, we, who 179 D Communicative Foods
yang biasa sangat sederhana, tahu, usually ate very simple foods like
tempe, ikan asin, dan tewel, naik tofu, tempeh, salted fish and
kelas menjadi lebih bergizi. (page young jackfruit pulp were
, line ) upgraded to more nutritious foods.
(page , line )
221 Tad..tad....afwan, tolong.. (page 192 Ustad...Ustad...excuse me, could 180 F Exotic Social
, line ) you please.. (page , line )
222 ..menambah ibadah dengan shalat 195 ..add an additional night prayer 183 F Exotic Religion
sunat Tahajjud setiap jam 2 pagi. called Sunna Tahajjud at two
(page , line ) oclock every morning. (page ,
line )
223 Daftarkan diri kalau ingin 195 Sign up if you would like to be 183 F Calque Religion
dibangunkan shalat Tahajjud woken up for the night prayer

malam ini. (page , line ) tonight. (page , line )

224 Untuk mendongkrak stamina dan 196 To boost stamina and nutrition, I 184 D Communicative Foods
gizi, aku berketetapan untuk was determined to buy
membeli multivitamin, madu, dan multivitamins, honey, and eggs.
telur ayam kampung. (page , line ) (page , line )
225 Di akhir rakaat, .. (page , line ) 197 In the last rakaah or prayer 185 F Exotic Religion
movement, .. (page , line )
226 ..aku benamkan ke sajadah sebuah 197 ..I sunk myself onto the prayer rug 185 F Cultural Religion
sujud yang panjang dan dalam. in a very deep and long borrowing
(page , line ) prostration. (page , line )
227 Alhamdulillah, setelah selesai 197 Alhamdulillah, after Tahajud, my 185 F Exotic Religion
tahajud badanku terasa lebih body felt lighter and fresher.
enteng dan segar. (page , line ) (page , line )
228 Ada yang bersila, ada yang 197 There were some sitting cross- 185 D Communicative Gesture
berselonjor, ada yang menopang legged, some stretched out, some
punggungnya dengan dinding, leaning against the wall, a variety
dengan bermacam gaya. (page , of styles. (page , line )
line )

229 Puluhan lampu semprong 198 Dozens of lanterns flickered on 185 D Adaptation Material
berkerlap-kerlip di atas setiap each table of sahirul lail troops.
meja pasukan sahirul lail. (page , (page , line )
line )
230 ..atau sekalian petromaks seperti 198 ..or a kerosene lantern like Said 186 D Communicative Material
yang dimiliki Said. (page , line ) had. (page , line )
231 Said menyorongkan gelas besar 198 Said slid over a big glass and a 186 F Exotic Foods
dan semangkuk makrunah, .. bowl of makrunah, .. (page , line )
(page , line )
232 Aku melakukan sujud syukur.. 205 I did a prostration of thanks.. 193 F Calque Religion
(page , line ) (page , line )
233 ..dan perahu nelayan yang sedang 207 ..and fishing boats catching 195 F Exotic Foods
menjala rinuak, ikan teri khas rinuak, Maninjaus special fish.
Maninjau. (page , line ) (page , line )
234 ..dan perahu nelayan yang sedang 207 ..and fishing boats catching 195 D Communicative Foods
menjala rinuak, ikan teri khas rinuak, Maninjaus special fish.
Maninjau. (page , line ) (page , line )
235 ..seperti Firaun ke berapakah yang 209 which pharaoh is mentioned 197 D Communicative Social

disebut di Al-Quran.. (page , line ) in Al-Quran.. (page , line )

236 ..atau dimanakah letak geografis 209 ..or where was the exact 197 D Communicative Religion
Nabi Adam pertama turun ke geographic location where the
bumi. (page , line ) Prophet first came to earth. (page ,
line )
237 Raja tidak pulang ke Medan, tapi 214 Raja wasnt going home to 201 D Communicative Social
ke rumah tulangnya di Jakarta. Medan, but to his uncles house in
(page , line ) Jakarta. (page , line )
238 ..dengan Toyota Kijang biru. 215 a blue Toyota Kijang. (page , 202 F Exotic Transports
(page , line ) line )
239 Aku, Baso, dan Atang duduk- 216 Baso, Atang and I lounged aroud 203 F Exotic Foods
duduk santai sambil mengunyah eating melinjo chips from Saids
kerupuk emping melinjo yang family. (page , line )
dibawa keluarga Said. (page , line
240 Yang terdengar hanya bunyi 216 The only thing audible was the 203 D Adaptation Foods
kerupuk berderak digilas geraham sound of chips cruncing in our
kami masing-masing. (page , line mouth. (page , line )

241 .. Tapi, mungkin di mobil dinas 217 .. But maybe, my father still has 203 D Communicative Transports
bapakku masih ada kursi kosong, empty seats in his car, he said,
katanya mengundang. (page , line inviting us. (page , line )
242 Kembali hanya bunyi kriuk-kriuk 217 The crunching of melinjo chips 204 F Exotic Foods
kripik melinjo yang mendominasi. dominated once again. (page , line
(page , line ) )
243 Pak Yunus adalah pegawai Pemda 218 Mr. Yunus was a Bandung 205 D Communicative Social
Bandung.. (page , line ) government employee.. (page ,
line )
244 Pak Yunus adalah pegawai Pemda 218 Mr. Yunus was a Bandung 205 F Exotic Organisations
Bandung dan aktif di government employee and was
Muhammadiyah. (page , line ) active in the Muhammadiyah
organization. (page , line )
245 ..pengurus masjid berbaju koko.. 220 ..the caretaker of the mosque, 207 D Communicative Social
(page , line ) wearing Muslim clothes, .. (page ,
line )
246 ..pengurus masjid berbaju koko.. 220 ..the caretaker of the mosque, 207 D Communicative Clothes
(page , line ) wearing Muslim clothes, .. (page ,

line )
247 ..ini sedikit infaq dari para 220 ..but this is a small token of 207 D Communicative Religion
jemaah.. (page , line ) appreciation from the
congregation.. (page , line )
248 ..dengan mengangsurkan amplop 221 handling the envelope back to 207 F Exotic Social
kembali ke Kang Yana. (page , Kang Yana. (page , line )
line )
249 Besoknya Atang mengajak kami 221 The next day, Atang took us 208 F Exotic Transports
keliling Bandung naik angkot. around Bandung by angkot. (page
(page , line ) , line )
250 ..melihat keramaian kota di Dago, 221 ..the busy city vibe in the Dago 208 F Exotic Material
Gedung sate, .. (page , line ) area, Bandungs iconic Gedung
Sate building, .. (page , line )
251 ..keriuhan alun-alun.. (page , line ) 221 ..the festivity of the town square, 208 D Adaptation Material
.. (page , line )
252 Bapaknya, kami panggil Abi. 223 His father, who we called Abi, .. 210 F Exotic Social
(page , line ) (page , line )
253 ..dan jari tangannya terus memetik 223 ..and his fingers kept touching the 210 D Communicative Material

tasbih.. (page , line ) prayer beads.. (page , line )

254 ..ada sebuah kalender besar 223 There was a large calendar with 210 F Exotic Organisations
bertuliskan Pengurus Nahdhatul Board of Nahdhatul Ulama East
Ulama Jawa Timur, .. (page , line Java written on it, .. (page , line )
255 Setelah sarapan dengan nasi 224 After a breakfast of lamb rice, .. 211 F Calque Foods
kebuli, .. (page , line ) (page , line )
256 ..melihat toko keluarganya di 224 ..see his familys store at the Pasar 211 F Exotic Material
Pasar Ampel, .. (page , line ) Ampel marketplace, .. (page , line
257 ..bahan pakaian, sajadah, batik, .. 225 ..cloth, prayer rug, batik, .. (page , 211 F Exotic Clothes
(page , line ) line )
258 ..sampai kurma dan air zamzam. 225 dates and Zamzam holy water. 211 F Exotic Foods
(page , line ) (page , line )
259 ..bercampur dengan bau sate 225 ..mixed with the aroma of goat 211 F Calque Foods
kambing menggelitik hidung. satay tickled the nose. (page , line
(page , line ) )
260 Saudara-saudara, selamat datang 225 Brothers, welcome to Pasar 211 F Exotic Material

di Pasar Kampung Ampel, pasar Kampung Ampel, the oldest

tertua di Surabaya (page , line market in Surabaya(page , line
) )
261 Tak lama kemudian terhidang 225 ..and soon there were kebabs, 212 F Cultural Foods
kebab, roti maryam.. (page , line ) maryam bread.. (page , line ) borrowing
262 Tak lama kemudian terhidang 225 ..and soon there were kebabs, 212 F Exotic Foods
kebab, roti maryam.. (page , line ) maryam bread.. (page , line )
263 .. Ini namanya gulai kacang 226 .. This is called green bean 212 D Communicative Foods
hijau, .. (page , line ) curry, .. (page , line )
264 ..selain film G-30 S PKI. (page , 227 ..other than the G-30 S PKI movie 213 F Exotic History
line ) about the communist uprising.
(page , line )
265 Kami berempat kembali ke PM 227 Abi drove the four of us back to 214 F Exotic Transports
diantar sendiri oleh Abi dengan MP in his Toyota Kijang. (page ,
mobil kijangnya. (page , line ) line )
266 ..karena penasaran ingin 227 ..because we were curious to 214 F Exotic Social
berprofesi sebagai bulis lail alias become bulis lail aka night patrol.
night watchman. (page , line ) (page , line )

267 Sebuah tugas menjadi peronda 227 Having night patrol duty to watch 214 D Communicative Social
malam menjaga PM. (page , line ) over MP. (page , line )
268 Beberapa orang memberinya 228 Some people gave him some 215 F Exotic Foods
makanan seperti jenang, dodol traditional snacks like jenang,
Garut, dan kerupuk tempe. (page , Garut dodol, and tempeh chips.
line ) (page , line )
269 .. makanan seperti jenang, dodol 228 .. some traditional snacks like 215 F Exotic Foods
Garut, dan kerupuk tempe. (page , jenang, Garut dodol, and tempeh
line ) chips. (page , line )
270 .. makanan seperti jenang, dodol 228 ..some traditional snacks like 215 F Calque Foods
Garut, dan kerupuk tempe. (page , jenang, Garut dodol, and tempeh
line ) chips. (page , line )
271 ..mie gemuk-gemuk bergelimang 233 ..fat noodles with soy sauce, fried 220 D Adaptation Foods
kecap, bawang goreng dan onions, and slices of chilies. (page
rajangan cengek. (page , line ) , line )
272 Mukanya putih dan lonjong 236 Her oval, white face was encircled 222 F Cultural clothes
dibalut jilbab. (page , line ) by a headscarf. (page , line ) borrowing
273 Tidak seperti ronda malam di 239 It wasnt like night rounds in my 226 F Calque Activities

kampungku yang harus keliling.. village where you had to go

(page , line ) around.. (page , line )
274 ..dan suara tegas seperti perwira 239 ..and assertive voice of a police 226 D Adaptation Social
brimob, .. (page , line ) officer, .. (page , line )
275 Atang yang baru menerima wesel 240 Atang, who had just received a 227 D Communicative Foods
memborong aneka makanan, money order, bought
mulai dari kacang sukro, mie everythingpeanuts, instant
instant, minuman energi, roti, noodles, energy drinks, bread and
sampai kerupuk. (page , line ) crackers. (page , line )
276 ..roti, sampai kerupuk. (page , line 240 ..bread and crackers. (page , line ) 227 D Adaptation Foods
277 ..dengan 2 buah plastik kecil 240 ..with two little packs of egg 227 F Calque Foods
kacang telur. (page , line ) coated peanuts. (page , line )
278 Dia mungkin mengadakan 241 Perhaps he was fighting his fear 228 F Cultural Religion
perlawanan atas ketakutan ini by silently reciting the Throne borrowing
dengan membaca Ayat Kursi dan verse and Surah Ya Sin from his
Surat Yasin dari kitab Quran small holy Al-Quran. (page , line )
kecilnya, lamat-lamat. (page , line

279 ..dengan membaca Ayat Kursi dan 241 silently reciting the Throne 228 F Exotic Religion
Surat Yasin dari kitab Quran verse and Surah Ya Sin from his
kecilnya, lamat-lamat. (page , line small holy Al-Quran. (page , line )
280 Giliran dia bercerita tentang 244 During his turn, he told about 230 F Exotic Customs
karapan sapi, .. (page , line ) karapan sapi, the famous bull
races in Madura. (page , line )
281 Mulai dari silek tuo yang sudah 246 From silek tuo which was already 232 F Exotic Customs
langka di Minang, .. (page , line ) rare in Minang, .. (page , line )
282 Dengan gugup aku memicingkan 247 Nerveously, I squinted, said a 233 F Exotic Religion
matam membaca zikir, .. (page , zikir prayer, .. (page , line )
line )
283 Sebuah parang berkilat-kilat. 247 A shiny machete. (page , line ) 233 D Adapatation Material
(page , line )
284 .. Saya pribadi telah memutuskan 253 .. I personally have decided to 239 D Adaptation Religion
untuk berwakaf kepada PM... donate to MP... (page , line )
(page , line )
285 Wah saya perlu belajar dari 255 Well, I need to learn how to 241 D Adaptation Social

kakak nih. (page , line ) write from this brother. (page ,

line )
286 Maaf merepotkan kamu pagi- 259 Sorry to trouble you like this. 243- F Exotic Foods
pagi begini. Sudah sarapan? Istri Have you had breakfast? My wife 244
saya baru memasak gudeg, tanya has just cooked gudeg rice, asked
Ustad Khalid yang mengenakan Ustad Khalid, wearing an open
jas terbuka dengan baju putih. jacket and a white shirt. (page ,
(page , line ) line )
287 Tapi aku adalah seekor garuda 262 I was an eagle flying high, landing 246 D Adaptation Fauna
yang terbang tinggi dan mendarat on the moon. (page , line )
di bulan. (page , line )
288 Khatam? (page , line ) 265 Completed? (page , line ) 249 D Communicative Religion
289 ..yang di beberapa tempat 268 ..with whiteout in a few spots. 252 D Communicative Material
belepotan tip-ex. (page , line ) (page , line )
290 ..aku terima dengan ikhlas ya 269 ..I will receive with sincerity, oh 253 D Communicative Religion
Rabbi. (page , line ) Lord. (page , line )
291 Amak bikinkan rendang kariang 271 Amak has made randang kariang 255 F Exotic Foods
jo kantang. (page , line ) jo kantang. (page , line )

292 Said akhirnya mengangkat tinggi- 272 ..Said finally lifted a few packs of 255- D Adaptation Foods
tinggi beberapa plastik kripik crackers, biscuits and cofee above 256
ceker, biskuit, dan kopi. (page , his head. (page , line )
line )
293 Untuk minum, kami memilih es 272 To drink, we chose ice dawet. 256 F Exotic Foods
dawet. (page , line ) (page , line )
294 Setelah kerja bakti menyapu dan 272 After working together to sweep 256 D Communicative Activities
mengepel kamar bersama, .. (page and clean our room, .. (page , line
, line ) )
295 ..dan mengeluarkan sekaleng susu 273 ..and took out a can of condensed 257 D Communicative Foods
kental manis Cap Nona. (page , milk. (page , line )
line )
296 ..selama beliau menjadi 274 his time as the Messenger of 258 F Calque Religion
Rasulullah. (page , line ) Allah. (page , line )
297 Waktunya libur panjang akhir 275 It was time for the long-end-of- 259 F Calque Customs
tahunberpuasa sebulan penuh the-year holidayfasting for one
dan berlebaran di rumah masing- full month and spending Eid ul-
masing. (page , line ) Fitr at home. (page , line )

298 Kami baru kembali masuk 275 Wed come back to school again 259 F Exotic Religion
sekolah pertengahan bulan in the middle of the Shawwal
Syawal. (page , line ) month of the Islamic calendar.
(page , line )
299 Dia mengeluarkan empat butir 277 ..and pulled out four small eggs, .. 261 D Communicative Foods
telur ayam kampung, .. (page , (page , line )
line )
300 Menjelang shalat Jumat gerimis 278 Before Friday communal prayer, 261 F Cultural Religion
akhirnya pergi. (page , line ) the drizzle finally went away. borrowing
(page , line )
301 Aku jadi ingat permainan sepak 278 It reminded me of playing soccer 261 D Communicative Ecology
bola di sawah ketika SD dulu. on the rice paddy back in
(page , line ) elementary school. (page , line )
302 Selama dua hari aku harus 283 For two days I had to rest at the 267 D Adaptation Material
istirahat di Puskesmas PM, .. MP Clinic, .. (page , line )
(page , line )
303 ..piala kebanggaan itu ditaruh 284 ..the proud trophy was placed at 267 D Adaptation Material
disamping dipanku.. (page , line ) the side of my cot, .. (page , line )

304 ..untuk segera kembali ke PM 285 get back to MP next month in 268 F Exotic Religion
bulan Syawal depan. (page , line ) Shawwal. (page , line )
305 Tangan kirinya memegang poci 286 Her left hand held a coffe pot and 269 D Communicative Material
kopi dan kanannya poci teh. (page her right a teapot. (page , line )
, line )
306 Tangan kirinya memegang poci 286 Her left hand held a coffe pot and 269 D Communicative Material
kopi dan kanannya poci teh. (page her right a teapot. (page , line )
, line )
307 Kedua ujung poci mengepulkan 286 Both pots wafted steam. (page , 269 D Communicative Material
asap tipis-tipis. (page , line ) line )
308 Mbok Warsi, perempuan 289 The smiley-faced Mbok Warsi.. 271 F Exotic Social
berwajah senyum ini.. (page , line (page , line )
309 ..dan mengangkat sebongkah 289 ..she took a piece of stewed meat.. 271 D Communicative Foods
daging semur.. (page , line ) (page , line )
310 ..seperti habis menenggak STMJ. 296 after a drink of jamu tonic. 277 F Exotic Foods
(page , line ) (page , line )
311 Tahun lalu, dia bahkan masuk ke 304 Last year, he even entered another 285 F Cultural Art

dunia lain lagi, mendalami apa itu world, exploring Sufism and Sufi borrowing
seni tasawuf dan sufi melalui art through the books of Al-
buku-buku Al-Ghazali. (page , Ghazali. (page , line )
line )
312 Aku ingat beberapa kali bangun 307 I remember waking up a few 288 F Exotic Religion
tengah malam untuk shalat nights to pray Tahajud, .. (page ,
Tahajud. (page , line ) line )
313 ..ditemani sebuah lampu teplok 307 ..accompanied by a flickering 288 D Adaptation Material
yang apinya melenggak lenggok lantern nearly out of oil. (page ,
karena sudah hampir kehabisan line )
minyak. (page , line )
314 Kata Amak, Ayah sampai 320 Amak said that Father proudly 299 F Exotic Material
memajang foto ini di papan displayed this picture on the
pengumuman balerong dengan balerong announcement board.
bangga. (page , line ) (page , line )
315 ..catatan belanja di pakan.. (page , 324 lists for pakana 303 F Exotic Material
line ) weekly fresh market.. (page , line
316 ..di pengajian induak-induak 324 the womens recitation group 303 D Communicative Social

setelah subuh di Surau Payuang, .. after subuh prayer in Surau

(page , line ) Payuang, .. (page , line )
317 ..di pengajian induak-induak 324 the womens recitation group 303 F Exotic Religion
setelah subuh di Surau Payuang, .. after subuh prayer in Surau
(page , line ) Payuang, .. (page , line )

318 ..di Surau Payuang, sebuah 324 Surau Payuang, a small 303 D Communicative Religion
mushola kecil di Nagari Bayur, mosque in Nagari Bayur,
Maninjau. (page , line ) Maninjau. (page , line )
319 ..di Surau Payuang, sebuah 324 Surau Payuang, a small 303 F Exotic Material
mushola kecil di Nagari Bayur, mosque in Nagari Bayur,
Maninjau. (page , line ) Maninjau. (page , line )
320 ..PM akan mengadakan syukuran 326 ..MP would have a huge 304 D Adaptation Customs
akbar dengan menggelar berbagai anniversary celebration with many
acara.. (page , line ) events.. (page , line )
321 ..meliput dan mewawancarai 329 interview the great General 308 D Communicative Social
Panglima ABRI Jenderal Subono.. Subono.. (page , line )
322 ..apalagi dia sosok yang sedang 329 ..since his name had recently been 308 D Communicative Organisations

naik daun dengan komentarnya on the rise with regards to his

yang tegas tentang dwi fungsi stern comments on the dual
ABRI. (page , line ) function of the Indonesian armed
forces. (page , line )
323 Pak panglima yang bertubuh 329 The general, with his large build.. 308 D Communicative Social
tinggi besar.. (page , line ) (page , line )
324 Pertanyaan mereka adalah 330 Their questions were about the 309 D Communicative Organisations
problem dwifungsi ABRI. (page , dual function of the armed forces.
line ) (page , line )
325 ..Pak Panglima yang diberkati 330 ..Mr.General blessed by God... 309 D Communicative Social
Allah... (page , line ) (page , line )
326 ..Pak Panglima yang diberkati 330 ..Mr.General blessed by God... 309 D Communicative Religion
Allah... (page , line ) (page , line )
327 .. Dia seorang pemimpin militer 331 .. He was a great military leader, 310 D Adaptation Social
yang hebat, penuh strategi dan full of srategy and discipline,
disiplin, Dik. (page , line ) son. (page , line )
328 .., dan Apakah siswa PM bisa 331 .. And could MP students get 310 D Adaptation Organisatons
masuk ABRI? (page , line ) into the Army? (page , line )

329 Tepat di sebelah mereka, duduk 344 Right beside them, there was a 323 F Exotic Clothes
rombongan laki-laki bersafari.. group of safari-dressed men..
(page , line ) (page , line )
330 Sebuah gong besar dipukul oleh 346 Said struck a huge gong 324 F Exotic Material
Said di belakang panggung. (page backstage. (page , line )
, line )
331 Kurdi dengan baju teluk belanga, 346 Kurdi wore a traditional Malay 324 F Exotic Clothes
kopiah hitam, dan sarung yang outfit with a black kopiah and
dilipat setengah membelit sarong around his waist. (page ,
pinggang. (page , line ) line )
332 Tujuannya untuk naik haji. (page , 347 He was going on the Hajj 325 F Calque Religion
line ) pilgrimage. (page , line )
333 Ada pun kuda adalah pinjaman 347 Wed even borrowed a horse from 325 D Adaptation Social
dari Pak Simin, tukang andong Mr. Simin, a traditional buggy
yang biasa mangkal di gerbang coachman who usually picked up
PM. (page , line ) passengers in front of MPs gate.
(page , line )
334 ..sampai cerita beberapa ibu-ibu 350 stories about a few female 328 D Communicative Social
pamong praja yang meyatakan government officials declaring

niatnya.. (page , line ) their intention.. (page , line )

335 .. Dipimpin oleh seorang hafiz 365 .. It is led by a famous, local 343 F Exotic Social
yang terkenal di daerahku, hafiz named Tuanku Haji Guru
Tuanku Haji Guru Mukhlas Mukhlas Lamaming... (page ,
Lamaming... (page , line ) line )
336 .. Bahkan aku sudah shalat 366 .. I even did an Istikharah prayer 344 F Exotic Religion
Istikharah untuk meminta to ask for the best decision from
keputusan terbaik dari Allah... Allah... (page , line )
(page , line )
337 Malam itu, sebelum tidur, 370 That night, before bed, 348 D Communicative Material
ditemani lampu teplok, .. (page , accompanied by an oil lamp, ..
line ) (page , line )
338 Ditemani koor sikumboh yang 374 Accompanied by an echoing 352 F Exotic Fauna
bergaung dan uir-uir hutan yang chorus of sikumboh monkey
melengking bersahut-sahutan mixed with forest locusts shouting
kami duduk berjam-jam di dangau back and forth, wed sit for hours
di tengah ladang durian. (page , in the hut in the middle of the
line ) durian field. (page , line )
339 Ditemani koor sikumboh yang 374 Accompanied by an echoing 352 D Adaptation Fauna

bergaung dan uir-uir hutan.. (page chorus of sikumboh monkey

, line ) mixed with forest locusts shouting
back and forth, .. (page , line )
340 ..karena inilah waktu inyiak, atau 374 ..because this was the time when 352 F Exotic Fauna
sebutan kami buat Harimau inyiakour name for the
Sumatera, .. (page , line ) Sumatran tiger.. (page , line )
341 Kita naik apa tadi nambo. (page 375 What did we ride, Nambo. 353 F Exotic Social
, line ) (page , line )
342 Terngiang-ngiang petuah Kiai 376 Kiai Rais advice echoed in my 354 F Exotic Religion
Rais dulu: keluarlah dari PM mind: you will come out of MP
dengan husnul khatimah, akhir with husnul khatimah, a good
yang baik. (page , line ) ending. (page , line )
343 Aku sedang berpikir-pikir. 382 I was thinking, the longer Im at 360 D Communicative Religion
Selama di PM, aku semakin sadar MP, the more I realize that the
bahwa inti hidup itu adalah essence of life is actually a
kombinasi niat ikhlas, kerja keras, combination of sincere intention,
doa dan tawakkal... (page , line ) hard work, prayer, and surrender
to God... (page , line )
344 Beberapa kali aku melihat kamus 385 Several times, I saw this 363 D Communicative Activities

ini benar-benar menjadi bantal dictionary being used as pillow by

teman-teman yang begadang those trying to stay up all night
belajar dan tidak kuat menahan but who could no longer fight off
kantuk. (page , line ) their sleepiness. (page , line )
345 ..dan telah berdoa dan 391 ..prayed to Allah, and left the rest 368 D Communicative Religion
bertawakkal. (page , line ) up to Him. (page , line )
346 Kepalanya disongkok oleh topi 401 The hat on his head resembled the 379 F Exotic Social
yang mirip kipas tangan anak hand-held fan used by anak daro
daro di pelaminan. (page , line ) on wedding stages. (page , line )
347 Tidak ada seember kopi, 403 There was no bucket of coffee, 380 F Exotic Foods
makrunah, dan kacang sukro. makrunah, or sukro peanuts.
(page , line ) (page , line )

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