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June 2017


CaringOur Way Of Life.

Leadership, Character Values, Caring, Inclusiveness.
Volunteers do not necessarily
have the time;
they have the heart
Key Club Pledge
I pledge, on my honor,
to uphold the Objects of

-Elizabeth Andrew
Key Club International;
to build my home,
school and
community;to serve my
nation and God;and
Notes from the
combat all forces which
Editor tend to undermine these
Welcome key club members!! It
is the middle of summer and our
club is going strong. Even
though it is vacation we still
Inside This Issue
have a lot of volunteering Quote of the Month.................2
opportunity. Please come and
interact with the officers when Upcoming Events.........................3
volunteering. I promise you that Check It Out..........................3
we are very friendly and wont
bite. Also, I will be volunteering Presidents Corner........................4
at Christmas in July 5K so please
Secretary Speak...........................5
sign up and say hi to me! I would
love to meet everyone so we What Have We Done?................6
can become friends. Anyways I
hope you guys enjoy your Hello Key Clubbers!..............8
summer and volunteer with us. Humans of Texas-Oklahoma.....10
Contact Info.................15

-Dena Do
July 4th We will volunteer at the Independence Festival.

July 8th Christmas in July 5K sign up link:
christmas2 .

**Check the website for updates on events!**

Attention club members!
Your x2vol contact is and
be sure to log hours by the end of the month.

Hello Key Clubbers!

Can you believe June is already over? Summer is
passing by quickly, so make sure to enjoy it while it lasts! The
food bank visits were a lot of fun, and I highly recommend
everyone go at least once. Theyre nothing like you would
expect (in a good way), and Ive been multiple times since
my freshman year. Although the location is a little far, we
always carpool and its worth the drive. Before I could drive, I
used to ride with upperclassmen to the food bank, which was
pretty cool. We also hosted our Kendra Scott on June 23rd
which was a complete success! Our Lieutenant Governor,
Emily Yang, stopped by as well as our amazing advisor Ms.
Fader. We raised almost $900 thanks to our awesome
members for making purchases and because of our
advertising. We plan on having many more profit shares and
socials so be on the lookout for those. Finally, I just wanted to
let you guys know that we have a car wash coming up and a
possible lemonade stand which should be a lot of fun! We
are just working out the final details now and coordinating
with the event hosts.

Yours in service, Tameem Al-Nahhas

James Taylor 2017-2018 Key Club Presidents


What has been your favorite social to a3end?

What socials are you planning and most looking forward to?

Socials are a versa,le and easy way to gain member interac,on throughout
local key club chapters. Not only will they strengthen growing bonds
between members, but they will help ocers get to know these members
and make it easier for them to approach ocers with certain concerns.
Socials are a vital resource, especially throughout the summer, to garner
more a>en,on and importance from members.


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June DCM
We all went to Fusion 36 to play
icebreakers and get boba.

Hello Key Clubbers!
I hope your summer is filled with fun and relaxation. But don't forget! There still
are numerous events to volunteer for throughout our community. In fact, for
many of our members, including myself, the school year is filled with stress
about schoolwork and extra curricular activities. Therefore, volunteering in the
summer is a great way to get your hours done even before the school year
starts. In addition, if you're bored at home with nothing to do, you can also
volunteer with some friends and spend time together while making an impact at
the same time. Also, if you're not in Katy and would still like to get hours,
there's a way you can do it. All you have to do is volunteer and get a email
identification from the volunteer sponsor of the event you volunteered at. When
the school year begins, all you have to do is give the information to one of the
officers and wait until your hours get approved. Really, the summer is one of
the best times to get more involved in Key Club. It is also an important time to
look forward to and plan the next year ahead. Key Club events to look forward
to are the DCM's held by our lieutenant governor. These divisional meetings
are a great way to get more involved in Key Club way beyond the club level. It
gives members an unique opportunity to explore the wide world of Key Club
and the numerous opportunities available to the members. In addition, the
divisional meetings are also a chance for members to meet other Key Club
members from neighboring schools and neighboring districts. This gives a
chance for like-minded individuals to get a chance to meet one another and
express their own ideas together. Another event that members can look
forward to attending next year is the annual District Convention that occurs at
Dallas. The District Convention is an event willed with fun and excitement.
Members can attend a variety of presentations and lectures. In addition, they
can meet Key Club members from all over Texas and Oklahoma. District
Convention also contains numerous competitions such as talent, oratory, quiz
bowl, scrapbook, essay writing and even Super Mario Kart. In addition, one will
also get the chance to explore the city of Dallas and have an overall great time.
I hope everyone is thoroughly enjoying his or her summer. See you when
school starts!

-Sandhya Raghavan, MEP chair


Although summer is a time of fun and relaxation, students often find themselves left
with more than enough free time. Going to the pool, laying in bed, and watching TV
starts to become unentertaining. Members can make the most of summer break by
remaining active during the three months. What better way to spend these hours
than dedicating time to the community and partaking in Key Club events?

Oftentimes, Key Club members struggle to find a balance between schoolwork and
volunteering. However, Taylor High School has the perfect solution to this common
problem. Members are encouraged to volunteer in the community during the
summer in order to avoid the hectic schedules from school. We have volunteer
opportunities almost every other week, so members can easily sign up. Many
volunteer opportunities during the summer are fun and engaging events that are not
available during the school year, so dont miss out! Members will find themselves
experiencing the refreshing feeling of doing good deeds within the community.

Thanks to the convenience of social media and electronic devices, Key Club
members can stay connected even throughout the summer. Our members can easily
contact Key Club through our numerous social media sites, Remind101, and email.
New to this year, Taylor High School Key Club will upload videos of Key Club events
onto our YouTube account. This new addition will allow members to be updated with
club activities with just watching a short video.

One of the ways that members can stay connected is by attending socials. These
events are not only fun and engaging but also a great opportunity for members to
meet other clubs within the division. A good number of the socials are profit shares,
so a percentage of the funds will go to help keep Key Club running. With these
funds, we hope to be able to make the community a better place.

In conclusion, we oftentimes dont use these hot summer days to the fullest. Keep in
mind that, although students are on summer break, Key Club events are still
occurring. It is recommended for members to remain active during the summer
break. By doing so, members will be able to make the most of their summertime and
save time for the school year. However, most importantly, volunteering will enable a
member to serve the community. As Key Club members and members of the
community, we uphold the responsibility to lend a helping hand throughout the entire
-Michelle Cao, Treasurer

Humans of Texas-Oklahoma

To me, Key Club is what really gave me that first sense of community in
high school. Freshman year I didnt know what to expect from a new
school, new environment, and new people. I joined Key Club because my
fourteen-year-old self only cared about college applications, but the
welcoming energy of Key Club allowed me to transform my shallow
mindset. Over the years, Key Club has made me someone who is truly
passionate about volunteer work and eager to help the community in any
way. From volunteer events to socials, Key Club has become a part of
me. Honestly, its a little hard to talk about my experience because it all is
a bit jumbled together.
An event that stands out is the Trick or Treat Event from freshman year.
Its what really made me want to stay in the club and continue to
volunteer. This is honestly one of my most significant memories from Key
Club. We all gathered in a nearby neighborhood at the start of the evening
in our Halloween costumes, and we got our donation boxes. Kids were
running around us, going from house to house as we tried to have a
quick meeting. It was decided that the night would be a competition.
Everyone split into three groups and the one that raised the most money
would be the winner. Most of the houses gave us around six dollars (they
gave us candy too: D). There was this one house in which the lady didnt
speak English very well, so one of our members said our mission
statement in Korean. I thought that was really cool, and she ended up
giving us like fifteen dollars! At the end of the night we raised $350 in total.
Being able to help contribute such a large amount of money to a cause
that I truly believe in gives me a feeling that cant be described in words.
Its a mixture between hope, happiness, and optimism.
Key Club has shaped me into who I am today. Its basically my sense of
stability in the whirlwind of high school. It gives me a positive outlet away
from all the tests and studying. This club has been a family to me from the
beginning, and it will never stop being one. My drive to volunteer is
stronger than ever and I hope it continues.

-Aina Sebastian, Historian


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