Ch4 - Pipe Sizing

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44 42 43 44 45 PIPE SIZING INTRODUCTION 414 Preview 4.1.2. Section Objectives THE PRESENT VALUE (PV) METHOD ‘THE ALLOWABLE VELOCITY (AV) METHOD THE HEAD LOSS AVAILABLE (HLA) METHOD. PIPE SIZING BASED ON EQUIPMENT NOZZLE SIZES P08 WaterWastowater Pump & Piping Fundamentals Section 4 Optimal Pipe Sizing KASA Redberg Engineers & Technical Travers 42 42 43 and i 416 | a7 Pago | 44 414 4A2 P08 Waler/Wastowater Pump & Piping Fundamentals KASA Redber: Fiancee 7 INTRODUCTION Preview Apart from choosing the right materials of construction and end connection types, it is also of major importance to make sure that (i) the pipe will not fail due to pressure or vacuum, and (i) it is of a suitable size to ensure that detrimental effects such as high operating cost, high pump head, solids settling, noise and flow induced vibration etc are not encountered. Unfortunately it is all too common to see pipes employed that are either oversized or undersized, generally because “rules of thumb” are used without any attention being paid to the fundamentals of fluid dynamics or engineering economics. Sure, “rules of thumb" have their place but the designer must understand what these rules are based on before he or she decides to employ them. The recommended approach is to use one of the three methods (depending on the situation) described here. Once these methods are understood then it should be an easy decision to size pipes either from “rules of thumb” or these more formal methods. The whole goal is to size pipes so that the intended function is achieved whilst obtaining the most cost effective solution. The only exception is when pipes are sized for strength without any concem for cost or efficiency. The purpose of this section is to outline the three most common methods of sizing pipe and to give guidance on which of these methods should be used for particular design problems. Section Objectives After completing this section, you should be able to: = Understand the three most common methods used when sizing pipe and when to apply them. «Realise that economic considerations are one of the most important factors when sizing long distance pipelines Realise that for short lengths of pipe it is sufficient to just ensure that the average velocity is in the right operating range. Section 4 Optimal Pipe Sizing KASA Redberg Enghoars & Technical Trainers 4.2 THE PRESENT VALUE (PV) METHOD This method is employed for pipes containing liquid which is caused to flow by the action of pumping equipment. The goal is to balance the cost of construction against the operating costs over the life of the pipeline so that the selected pipe size results in the lowest total present value of costs for the pipe system. It should be clear that smaller pipe diameters are cheaper to purchase but increase the friction head losses thereby increasing operating costs due to higher pump power requirements. The reverse is true for pipes of larger diameters. Therefore, at some point, there is an optimum pipe diameter that gives “the best of both worlds’. This method is generally used for sizing pump discharge lines of a reasonable length (e.g. over 200 to 500 metres), Ironically, it relies on a general range of acceptable velocities as the first step in the method, ‘Some basic equations are required for this method. The first equation should be somewhat familiar to that shown in Section 2.4 Calculating Power Requirements. It gives a value for the annual cost of pumping for a particular pipeline. For the purposes of the PV Method, it can be assumed that pumping costs make up virtually all the annual cost of operation. yn Qe exexE, © Tam X1000 Where: xCxP = Annual Pumping Costs ($) = Volumetric Flow Rate (m*/s) = Liquid Density (kg/m*) = Gravitational Acceleration (m/s*) = Head added by the Pump (m) = Cost of Power ($/kWh) = Total Hours Pumped per Year (h) = Combined Efficiency of Pump & Drive SPORES The second equation deals with the issue of trying to find the total current equivalent worth of future annual operating costs for the life of the pipeline. In the finance and accounting world, this is known as the "Present Value of Ordinary Annuities’. For our purposes, an annuity can be defined as a series of equal payments that occur in equally spaced intervals (i.e. annual operating costs for the pipeline). If we can put a current figure on these future costs and then add them to the capital cost of the pipeline, the optimum pipe size will be the one with the lowest total current cost. Pa08 Water/Wastewaler Pump & Piping Fundamentals Rage 5 Section 4 Optimal Pipe Sizing P8068 Waterva: Section 4 Optimal Pipe Sizing @ KASA Redberg C Baca The equation for the present value of an annuity is as follows: Where: PVA = Present Value of an Annuity ($) Y= Annual Pumping Cost ($) i = Annual Interest Rate (as a decimal) n= Number of Years It should be noted that ‘7” can also be taken to be the return on investment (RO!) required. ror= thal PY vw Where: FY_—_= Final Value of Investment (S) IV = Initial Value of Investment ($) The equations presented above rely on two large assumptions - (i) the annual interest rate remains unchanged over the life of the pipeline, and (ji) the cost of pumping power does not escalate. It can be shown that the PV Method for sizing pipes is not particularly sensitive to changes in interest rate so there is no cause for concer if we haven't taken fluctuating interest rates in to account. However, the method is sensitive to the value of annual pumping costs. Therefore, it is important that we determine the cost per hour as accurately as possible and have some appreciation for the escalation in power costs over time. We can improve the "Present Value Equation for an Annuity” to take in to account escalations in power costs as follows: l+m Where m= Rate of Escalation of Annual Power Costs (@s a decimal) Now armed with these equations, we can provide you with an outline of the PV Method prior to conducting a pipe sizing example. water Pump & Piping Fundamentals Page +4 @ KASA Redberg NG racers tech Faners Step 4: Collect and/or determine the required design inputs such as (i) the required Return on Investment or applicable interest rate (i) the design flow rate (ii) the expected pipe length (iv) the cost of power for the particular plant (v) the expected pump-drive combined efficiency (vi) total annual hours of pump operation (vii) total static head (vii) pipeline design life, and (vill) expected power cost increase per year. If the pipe length cannot be determined to a reasonable degree of accuracy then calculate the required values based on a fixed length (i.e. cost per 100 metres or cost per kilometre). Step2 Select a typical, industry accepted velocity for the application. This velocity may be based on a “rule of thumb” but it does not matter at this stage as the economic calculations will determine the final velocity and pipe size. Refer to Section 2.8.3 for recommended velocities for various applications. Step 3: Determine the Total Dynamic Head. This is equal to the sum of the Total Static Head and the Total Friction Head. This is the head added by the pump - . Step 4: Determine the annual pumping cost. Step 5: Determine the “Pipeline Capital Cost’. That is — material supply, installation, labour etc and is the amount of money required if you installed the pipeline today. Step 6: Convert the total annual pumping costs for the design life of the pipeline back to a total equivalent current value (aka “Present Value of Annual Pumping Cost’). Step7: Add the “Present Value of Annual Pumping Cost’ to the “Pipeline Capital Cost’. This will provide a “Total Present Value”. Step8 The pipeline with the lowest “Total Present Value” should be selected as it provides the best balance between initial capital cost and total pipeline life operating costs. F808 Water/Wastewater Pump & Piping Fundamentals Page 75 ‘Section 4 Optimal Pipe Sizing a Technical Tamers KASA Redber @ ledberg EXAMPLE PROBLEM 4.1 Given: Relevant Equations: Following on from Example Problem 2.6... 1.2% wiv flocculant solution (p = 1050 kg/m’) is to be pumped 200 metres at 15 m°hr. Previous analysis resulted in the conclusion that the following PE100 polyethylene pipe sizes and types should be further analysed to determine the most economical solution: 125 1153. 110 4012 The following data is also relevant: Cost of Power: $.0.12/kWh Combined Pump-Drive Efficiency: 65% Pump Duty: 24 hiday; 7 daysiwk Relevant Interest Rate: 10% per annum Pipeline Design Life: 15 years Power Cost Escalation Rate: 2.0% per annum Installed Cost-DN125PN10: $150/metre Installed Cost-DN125PN6.3: -§135/metre Installed Cost—DN110PN6.3. $121/metre The most economical pipe selection by balancing capital cost against future operating costs for the life of the pipeline (i.e. the PV Cost method). x pxgxE, My» 1000 PYA= yelled) where j xCxT A spreadsheet is usually employed for a design problem such as this one where multiple options are available. However, for the purposes of better teaching and brevity, detailed calculations will only be provided for DN125 PN 10 polyethylene pipe. The results for the other two pipe choices are calculated in exactly the same fashion, F808 Water/Wastewater Pump & Piping Fundamentals Page ee ‘Section 4 Optimal Pipe Sizing KASA Redber @ = Enginears & Technical Trainers EXAMPLE PROBLEM 4.1 CONTINUED Solution: Steps 1 and 2 have already been illustrated in Example Problem 2.5 as well as the given data. Therefore, for DN125 PN10 PE100 polyethylene pipe, we can move straight to. Step 3: Determine the Total Dynamic Head We do not know the suction conditions for the pump. However, we should be able to safely assume that the flocculant supply tank (on suction side of pump) is an above ground tank with a working height of no more than 5 metres (as this is typical in industry). We should also be able to safely assume that: + The suction side velocity head and the discharge side velocity head are similar and are negligible (.e. V‘/2g ~ 0.447/(2 x 9.81) = 0.01 metres + The friction head losses in the suction pipe are negligible when compared to the discharge side friction head losses Now, if we were to employ the Bernoulli Equation for such an assumed system, we would find that pressure increase due to the pump = Pump Discharge Pressure. This is because we have assumed that Psucton is negligible, Veueten * Vascnarge and negligible, hy across the pump is negligible and Zsucton * Zeischage A0r08S the PUMP. So, P =334kPa =px gx E, = 1050x 9.81 x Ey => Ep=32.4 metres Step 4: Determine the Annual Pumping Cost 5 __.1050%9.81x32.4 xCxT = 6060) ____ 0,12 (24365) Mya 1000 0.651000 yn OX PxEXE, => Y= $2,250 per annum Step 5: Determine the Pipeline Capital Cost The installed cost of this pipe has been given to us as $150/metre. This value could be obtained from contractor quotations or industry estimating organisations such as those that publish quarterly data on engineering and building costs. Pa08 WaleriWastewater Pump & Piping Fundamentals - Page 4-7 Section 4 Optimal Pipe Sizing @ KASA Redberg CG rarest Tosieat Fares EXAMPLE PROBLEM 4.1 CONTINUED Therefore, the total capital cost of the pipeline if it were completed today would be: => 200 metres x $150/metre = $30,000 Step 6: Determine the Present Value of Annual Pumping Costs 0-0. aint. =0.078 Tem 1+0.02 (00) ( y") pyaqyxt0 I") _ ps0 = deo j r => PVA= $19,450 That is, the present value of an annual payment of $2,250 at 10% interest per annum and 2% power cost escalation per annum over 15 years is $19,450. Step 7: Total Present Value The Total Present Value is equal to the sum of the Capital Cost and the PVA... Total Present Value = 30,000 + 19,450 = $49,450 Step 8: Compare Total Present Values for Each Pipe Option The calculations for the other two pipe sizing options have been tabulated with the calculation results of the DN125 PN10 polyethylene pipe: ‘option Epos Rae DhIeoe veh seers ishoks 324 283 3225065 | $1,967.63 $s 1945025 53000000 P06 Water Wastewater Pump & Piping Fundamentals Page #6 ‘Section 4 Optimal Pipe Sizing @ KASA Redberg- 6 a Engineers & Technical Traners: EXAMPLE PROBLEM 4.1 CONTINUED The lowest “Total Present Value” is Option 2 - DN125 PN6.3 polyethylene pipe. This pipe selection provides the best balance between initial capital cost and annual operating costs. rs + Inthe “real world” situation, DN110 and DN4125 pipe is hard to source as it is a non-standard size. If it could be supplied it is normally a long lead- time item. Try and specify standard pipe sizes of DN50, DN80, DN100, DN150, DN200, DN250, DN300 etc. A Contractor may well specify DN110 PN6.3 in this example as it has the lowest capital cost and therefore his profit margin could well be increased Ifyou are a Client, you need to watch out for this type of practice as your operating costs could be significantly higher over the life of the pipeline if a low capital cost pipe has been chosen by a contractor. In reality, the Present Value Method could not really be justified for this particular design problem as the present values of future operating costs are fairly similar for such a short (i.e. 200 metre long pipeline). However, if this pipeline was 2000 metres of 20 kilometres then it certainly would be the only method to use for sizing. "PBB WateriWastewater Pump & Piping Fundamentals SSS Section 4 Optimal Pipe Sizing @ KASA Redberg NS Enginesrs & Techies) Trainers EXAMPLE PROBLEM 4.2 Given: To Find: Solution: "PR08 Waler/Wastowater Pump & Piping Fundamentals age 10 Wastewater at 15°C is to be pumped 20 kilometres in a fibreglass pipeline. The nominal flow rate is 1200 m°/hr and the total static head is 15 metres. The following data is also relevant: Cost of Power: $.0.13/KWh Combined Pump-Drive Efficiency: 65% Pump Duty: 7884 hours per year Relevant Interest Rate: 7% per annum Pipeline Design Life: 25 years Power Cost Escalation Rate: 2.0% per annum Installed Cost — DN450 FRP: $232/metre Installed Cost—DN525FRP: $284/metre Installed Cost — DN600 FRP: $354/metre Installed Cost — DN675 FRP: $433/metre The most economical pipe selection by balancing capital cost against future operating costs for the life of the pipeline (i.e. the PV Cost method) y PERK BED Or on *V pracy lt") where Jd [nee As per the previous example problem, detailed working will only be provided for the first pipe option as this problem lends itself to a spreadsheet solution. Step 1: Collect Required Design Inputs The majority of the design inputs have been given to us above. The one missing piece of information is the design specific roughness of the fibreglass pipe proposed. From Table 10.18 for fibreglass pipe... Design Specific Roughness, « = 5 x 10° metres Also, the kinematic viscosity of water, v can be taken as 1 x10° m’/s. Section 4 Optimal Pipe Sizing @ KASA Redberg NO eraicars Tecra Taner EXAMPLE PROBLEM 4.2 CONTINUED Step 2: Typical Velocity It is normal to pump wastewater in a velocity ranging from 0.7 mis to 4.0 mis typically. Using these values, and from manufacturer's catalogues (eg. Iplex Flowtite FRP Pipe Range) then four sizes of pipe can be evaluated. These are: DN450, DN525, DN60O and DN675. We will provide detailed working for DN450 pipe which has an internal diameter of 487 mm. 1200 _),. 7x0.4877 = = V= 1.79 mis 60x60 4 Q=VA Step 3: Determine the Total Dynamic Head The Total Static Head is 15 metres but the Total Friction Head is unknown at this stage. The Total Dynamic Head is the sum of both of these components in an “open system" (i.e, [DH = h, +h). We will use the Swamee-Jain Equation and the Darcy Equation to find the Total Friction Head. This requires us to find the Reynolds Number first... pa inane 4en = R=871,730 v 1x10 The fiow is turbulent and the Swamee-Jain Equation can be used with enough accuracy for this type of problem... 0.25 0.25 Tog, ( xiot/oas7 , 5.74) Bre 37 871730°° => f= 0.012 Now, from the Darcy Equation, the Total Friction Head can be determined... 0.012x200001.79* => — hy=81 metres 2x0.487x9.81 So, the Total Dynamic Head, TDH=h, + hy = TDH=96 metres P808 Water/Wastowater Pump & Piping Fundamentals Page #17 Section 4 Optimal Pipe Sizing « (@y RASA Reaherg Engneers & Techaical Famers EXAMPLE PROBLEM 4.2 CONTINUED Step 4: Determine the Annual Pumping Cost OxpxexE, an x 998x9.81x 96 a LEARBRE op = $00%60)______>-. 137884 tpn X1000 0.651000 > Y= $494,981 per annum Step 5: Determine the Pipeline Capital Cost The installed cost of this pipe has been given to us as $232/metre. This, value could be obtained from contractor quotations or industry estimating organisations such as those that publish quarterly data on engineering and building costs. = — 20,000 metres x $232/metre = $4,640,000 Step 6: Determine the Present Value of Annual Pumping Costs m _ 0.07 -0.02 =0.049 Tem 10.02 6-07") ) praqvxtabeJ")- sogop1 lal.) 7 0.049 > PVA = $7,045,303 That is, the present value of an annual payment of $494,981 at 7% interest per annum and 2% power cost escalation per annum over 25 years is $7,045,303. Step 7: Total Present Value The Total Present Value is equal to the sum of the Capital Cost and the PVA... Total Present Value = 4,640,000 + 7,045,303 = $11,685,303 Step 8: Compare Total Present Values for Each Pipe Option The calculations for the other three pipe sizing options have been tabulated with the calculation results of the DN450 FRP pipe: 806 Water/Wastewater Pump & Pping Fundamentals Page +72 ‘Section 4 Optimal Pipe Sizing « @ KASA Redberg saginaers & Techaical Trainers EXAMPLE PROBLEM 4.2 CONTINUED internal Diameter (on) 367] Materat Fbresas Design Specie Roughness, ef) 5.006-06| iow, Q fait) 1200] 99 1.00¢-06 ‘20000 033 728d) Combined Pump-Drve Efficiency, ns 08 65] Pipeline Life Hears) 25 erage Anmual Inrest Rae (2) eiecrciy Cost Excalation Rat, m 08) Pipeline Installation Cost Today (im otal Static Head (mi) Peto,» (ns) |Reynolde Numbor, Davey Friction Factor, f Total Friction aad hy (im) tat Dyramic Head, B. fm) | elie Capital Cast Today (8) p90 | | nna Pumping Coss ¥ () : secure mnerest Rate, (Decimal) [resent Vale of Anmual Pumping Cost (8) From the comparisons above, the pipe option with the lowest Total Present Value is DN525 FRP pipe. This pipe selection provides the best balance between initial capital cost and annual operating costs. ry It should be noted that the pipe with the lowest capital cost will have the | highest Annual Pumping Cost and highest Total Present Value. Beware of Design/Construct consultants who are operate on a “fixed price contract” and who may be tempted to choose a low capital cost option The “Calculated Data” shown above has been extracted from an MS Excel spreadsheet. These values differ slightly to those which you would obtain from a hand-caleulator due to the “lack of rounding” in Excel Spreadsheets. P08 Water/Wastewater Pump & Piping Fundamentals Section 4 Optimal Pipe Sizing @ KASA Redberg WS 4.3 THE ALLOWABLE VELOCITY (AV) METHOD ‘Some pipe sizing “rules of thumb” are based on this method. The workings of the method are straight forward — the velocity in the pipe cannot exceed some maximum velocity and/or the velocity in the pipe cannot be lower than some minimum velocity otherwise a detrimental effect will occur. Examples of detrimental effects include: Excessive noise due to high velocity Water hammer due to high velocity Cavitation due to high velocity Vortices at the outlet of vessel due to high velocity Excessive head loss which increases pumping power due to high velocity Solids settling in sludge or sewerage lines due to low velocity Insufficient mixing of dosed chemicals due to low velocity High capital costs due to pipes sized at too low a velocity When defining the ‘velocity’, we mean the average velocity (aka “bulk velocity") of the flowing liquid given by the previously described relationship of Q = VA. The AV Method should be used for: * Pump Suction Lines: If designed properly, these lines should be as short as possible. Therefore, an economic analysis involving the Present Value (PV) Method is “overkill”. For example - The cost difference between 2 to 5 metres of 100NB or 200NB suction pipe is negligible in comparison to the total project cost. + Domestic and Commercial Plumbing: No pumping equipment or very low powered pumping equipment is involved and therefore the annual operating costs are low to negligible. Therefore, this situation does not warrant the use of the PV Method either. Another advantage is the fact that these lines can be sized by plumbing contractors with a minimum of fuss as the actual length of installed pipe does not need to be known, The AV Method on its own should not be used for pump discharge lines as it is important to provide a design that has the best balance between capital costs and ongoing operating costs. The AV Method should only be used as a starting point or to provide an acceptable velocity range prior to employing the PV Method. For example, to provide a minimum settling velocity for a sludge pipeline from which various pipe sizes can be analysed by the PV Method. Guidelines exist for maximum velocities for various liquids. These are listed in Tables 4.3.1 and 4.3.2. Remember that despite these velocities being recommended, further analysis may be required such as cavitation or water hammer analysis which may result in the actual design velocity being lower than that shown in the tables for a particular application, Table 4.3.3 lists other (typical) miscellaneous applications and velocities. P08 Water/Wastowater Pump & Piping Fundamentals Soe Page ata Section 4 Optimal Pipe Sizing @ KASA Redberg NSS Eraneeis& Technal Fares Table 4.3.1 Maximum Recommended Suction Line Velocities Nominal Bore | ___Water Light Oils Boiling Viscous (mm) (mis) (mis) Liquids Liquids Table 4.3.2 Maximum Recommended Delivery Line Velocities Nominal Bore Water Light Oils Boiling Viscous (mm) (mis) (mis) Liquids Liquids Table 4.3.3 Typical Line Velocities — Various Applications Application Typical Velocity Settling Slurries 7.0- 3.0 mvs Lime Slurry Minimum Velocity > 1.5 mis Municipal Sewerage Lines ~__ Minimum Velocity > 0.7 m/s Domestic Sewerage Lines Minimum Velocity > 0.5 m/s Water Mains 06-14 ‘Wastewater Lines Containing Sand/Grit Minimum Velocity > 0.7 mis ‘Sludge Lines 7.0-3.0 mis No example problem will be given to illustrate the AV method as it is a straightforward case of using the previously described equation: Q=VA if the flow “Q” and the recommended velocity “V” are known, then solve the equation to find the cross-sectional area “4” and hence the pipe internal diameter. P08 Water/Wastewater Pump & Piping Fundamentals Rg Section 4 Optimal Pipe Sizing Qa KASA Redberg Engineass & Teshnical Waners 4.4 THE HEAD LOSS AVAILABLE METHOD This method is employed when a head loss may be (or must be) absorbed by a length of pipe including fittings and valves etc. With liquids, this is typically a gravity flow pipe system This method should not be used for a pump discharge line (the PV or AV methods should be used for such a situation) unless unusual hydraulic gradients are encountered. The HLA method is outlined as follows: Step 1: Determine the required pressure at the end (ie. discharge) of the pipe so as to arrive at a total allowable head loss. Step 2: Determine the total length of pipe as well as the quantity and type of any fittings and valves. Step 3: Choose trial pipe diameters that provide a total head loss equal to that found from Step 2. This may require numerous iterations. Example Problem 2.9 serves to illustrate the HLA method for a gravity flow system. It should be noted that due to the “trial and error” nature of this method, a spreadsheet should be employed to make the calculations less time consuming. Pa06 WatorWastewater Pump & Piping Fundamentals, eee Page 16 Section 4 Optimal Pipe Sizing 45 P06 Water/Waslewater Pump & Piping Fundamentals Pag 97 @ KASA Redberg GD irae eTocs Taos PIPE SIZING BASED ON EQUIPMENT NOZZLE SIZES It is important to realise that the nozzle or equipment connection size on pumps, valves and flow-meters etc may not necessarily match the pipe size that has been selected. The reason for this Is simple — such equipment is generally designed to operate over a much wider flow range than that of the selected pipe. Therefore, the equipment manufacturer supplies this equipment with the nominal or median size to cater for this large flow range. A typical example is the case of a centrifugal pump. Each pump housing can have maybe four or five standard impellers which give unique head versus flow characteristics. Therefore, the flanges on the pump housing are sized to cater for the median head versus flow curve as the manufacturer does not want to increase costs by providing a unique housing complete with unique flanges sizes for each impeller size. If you are operating the pump with one of the largest recommended impellers, itis likely that your suction and discharge pipes will be one, two or three pipe sizes larger than the pump end connections. It should also be noted that if your nominal pipe size is less than the nominal size of your flow meter, valve or pump ete, then there is a fairly high probability that either the pipe is too small or the valve or flow meter is too large for the application. Section 4 Optimal Pipe Sizing @ KASA Redberg SG Eigicars Teoma! ranerd EXAMPLE PROBLEM 4.3 Given: To Find: Relevant Equations: Pada Water Wastewater Pump & Piping Fundamentals Rag 18 A design flow of 15 I/s of water at 20 °C is to flow via gravity from a storage tank to a cooling tower basin. The difference in elevation (4z) is 4.9 metres. The pipe length is 38 metres. There are 3 x 90° bends and a single control valve. The control valve has a pressure drop (4?) of 30 kPa. A suitable pipe size if Medium Steel Pipe to AS1074 is to be used. P=pxgxh py 2 Fa ee eth re 2g |! pe gt Step 1: Determine Total Available Head Loss for the Pipe The lowest discharge pressure will be atmospheric pressure (i.e. zero gauge pressure) as the pipe will be discharging in to a cooling tower basin. The available pressure drop for the pipe will be equal to the available static head of water in the tank less the head loss absorbed by the control valve. If we convert all pressure drops to head loss in metres, then the head loss at the control valve can be found as follows: Papxgxh = 30X10°=998 x 9.81 X Aft => — Ahyy = 3.1 metres Therefore, the total available head loss due to pipe and fittings is equal to the difference in elevation less the head loss due to the control valve. => = Az~ Aly =4.9-3.1= 1.8 metres That is, the total available head loss for the selected pipe (and fittings) is 1.8 metres. The goal is to select a pipe and fittings combination that will provide a head loss equal to 1.8 metres. In reality, there are only a finite number of discrete pipe sizes so we will have to settle for a pipe and fittings combination with a head loss as close as possible to 1.8 metres. Once the system is constructed, any slight variation in flow can be corrected by adjusting the control valve (i.e. adjusting the dht.). ‘Section 4 Optimal Pipe Sizing EXAMPLE PROBLEM 4.3 CONTINUED KASA Redberg Enghears & Yookrical Trainers Step 2: Determine the Total Equivalent Length of Pipe The pipe length has been given as 38 metres and there are 3 x 90° bends. Step 3: Trial Pipe Diameters and Calculate Total Head Loss We shall try 75mm and 100mm and shall use the “Total Equivalent Length Method (outlined in Section to determine friction head losses in the pipe and fittings. From Table 10.6 “Approximate Head Losses in Fittings and Valves...”, 3x75mm Bends = 3x2.44=7.32 metres of equivalent pipe 3x 100mm Bends = 3.x 3.26 = 9.78 metres of equivalent pipe Now the total equivalent length can be determined... 75mm Pipe => — Total Equivalent Length = 38 + 7.3: 100mm Pipe => Total Equivalent Length = 38 + 9.7% From Table 10.5 “Head Losses in Medium Steel Pipe ...”, 76mm Pipe => Head Loss = 45.32% ae = 5.9 metres 400mm Pipe => Head Loss = a778x25t 1.7 metres Therefore, we should select the 100mm pipe as the head loss in pipe and fittings (1.7 metres) is closest to the available head loss (1.8 metres). ry Check: Use the Bernoulli Equation to Check the Result It can be shown that because (i) both the top of the tank and the basin are at atmospheric pressure, and (ii) the velocity at the top of the tank is negligible, the Bernoulli Equation will simplify to: 2 At 2, 0+0+49+0=0+— 2 _+04G.141.7) 2x9.81 P08 WalerWastewater Pump & Piping Fundamentals Page 4-19 Section 4 Optimal Pipe Sizing @ KASA Redberg EXAMPLE PROBLEM 4.3 CONTINUED > va14mis | DD of 100mm Pipe Now, Q=V4=14 (ue) From Table 10.15 ) O=VA=1.4x| => Q=122Us The calculated flow rate of 12.2 I/s is less than our design flow rate of 16 Vs. This is OK as we can easily adjust the control valve once the system is running P08 Wator/Wastewater Pump & Piping Fundamentals Page +20, Section 4 Optimal Pipe Sizing

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