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1. Describe your short-term and long-term career goals and explain how your past experience together
with an IMAS degree from NCCU will contribute to your achieving them. (1000 words maximum)

My previous education was International Relations (majoring East Asian studies) and post-graduate
program of Japanese Studies. Since the beginning, I have strong passion and curiosity on East Asian
studies in interdisciplinary context. As we know that this regional has a very great history of civilization.
Furthermore, many scholars mentioned that the countries in this region will be the next worlds main
power as it shows many developments in many sectors; not only in the term of hard diplomacy but
also the soft diplomacy. To support this passion, I also learned Chinese, Japanese and Korean language
for helping me to communicate and understand the society in this region.

I have very high curiosity and passion on how international people relate each other through many kinds
of interaction, communication and cooperation in the term of interdisciplinary studies. Furthermore, in
this globalization era, international relations are not dominated by the state actors anymore but already
spread to grass-root actors (multi-track diplomacy). I want to connect and build up my international
networks, and also promote Indonesia Taiwans relations through education.

For my career goals, I want to be a lecturer and researcher with East Asian expertise. I have a strong
commitment to realize the concepts of education; 1) emphasizing knowledge, 2) growing the maturity
and 3) developing the good manners. Of course, to be a good lecturer and commit with those concept, I
have to increase my quality of knowledge and research. Beside of being a lecturer and researcher, in the
future I want to be the head of international office in my institution. Nowadays, building up and
maintaining an international network between the educational institutions is highly needed, especially in
this more globalize world. My mid-long term goal is developing the Taiwan-Indonesias relations and
cooperation, not only in political, economical, and security aspects, but also in cultural aspects.

When I read this program, I found that IMAS NCCU has a comprehensive curriculum on Asia Pacific
Studies, specifically in East Asian Studies, that is suitable with my study focus and passion. That is why; I
am highly motivated to continue my study in IMAS NCCU Taiwan. Having an IMAS degree from NCCU will
help me to broaden my perspective and knowledge, and also increase my capability to be a qualified
lecturer and East Asian studies expert. Furthermore, Indonesia and Taiwan relations are still developing
and I do hope that in the future it will grow more and more. With my experience studying in IMAS
NCCU Taiwan, it will give me a direct experience and knowledge about Taiwan itself.
2. Based on your current understanding of the IMAS program curriculum, describe your initial study
plan. Among other relevant information, please describe your specific research focus or interest, the
rationale or motivation for pursuing your research interest, the relationship between your educational or
professional experience and your research interest, courses that are related to your interest, and your
plan to complete the program within a reasonable length of time. (1000 words maximum)

I am interested in socio-culture. As for my research, I will focus on ethnic development in China,

especially how the government manages the minority issues in north-west region of China. So, I want to
learn and do a comprehensive research about this topic during my study in IMAS. The reason why I am
interested in this topic is because Indonesia has multi-cultural and multi-ethnic background and there
are a lot of conflict which caused by it. To get a better understanding and comprehension, it is important
for me to do comparison studies.

Having research in this field will give me a vision about how to manage the minority issue. Furthermore,
in my opinion there is some similarity between Indonesia and China on it. By comparing the ethnic issue
between Indonesia and China, I hope I can have valuable knowledge and understanding, so that it can be
implemented in Indonesia to manage the problems. As for the reason why I choose and conduct this
research theme in Taiwan is because of the educational atmosphere in Taiwan that is conducive and

After seeing the IMAS curriculum, I found some courses that are suitable with my study and research
focus. Beside of taking the required courses, I will also take the elective courses that are related to my
research. Those courses are:

Chinese Philosophy and Religion

Ethnic Development of Mainland China

International Status of Mainland China

Political Development of Mainland China

Research Methods in China Studies

Spatial Development of Mainland China

Social Development of Mainland China

Cultural Ethnic Structure of Taiwan

During my stay and study period in Taiwan, I also planning to increase my ability in Chinese language and
learn more Chinese culture. As for the length of time, Im planning to complete my degree in IMAS
NCCU in two years (until mid-year 2014), including for my thesis. Of course, during these two years, I will
do my best effort to finish my study on time, without ignoring the quality of my research and study.

3. Please include any other information that you believe would be helpful to the Admissions
Committee in considering your application. (500 words maximum)

I have good academic record and achievement, not only in my bachelor degree time in University of
Gadjah Mada but also in master degree in University of Indonesia. I ever joined several international
events and conferences in Japan, Turkey, Lao PDR, and Thailand, which gives me adaptability skill in
multi-cultural and international atmosphere. It also helps me to increase my ability on using foreign
language and communication fluency.

I also join several organizational activities which increase my leadership skill, such as; managing work,
adaptability, decision making, and initiating action. In my organization, I am responsible to provide
scholarship information to the university students and also give some seminars/ workshop to increase
their motivation and courage to study abroad. From it, I learn how to develop and coach others. And
from my working experience, I got chance to increase my skill on writing and engaging the public
through online and printed media, where I responsible for the communication and content
Beside of that, I always interested with something new such as cultures. So thats why, during my study
in Taiwan, Im planning to increase my proficiency in Mandarin. In exchange, I would be very happy for
introducing and discussing about my origin country, includes its cultures and languages with other
students in NCCU.

Indonesia has many diverse cultures inside herself. There are hundreds of ethnic, local languages, and
also various traditional customs which is spread in thousands of islands.

In my opinion, by understanding the other cultures and languages, we can communicate and understand
each other which can support the people to people understanding. Im sure by sharing and discussing,
these can help us to broaden our perspective and knowledge. The more experience we will have, the
more knowledge we will gain. By gaining more knowledge, we can increase our chance to create a better
understanding about others.

With those explanations above, I am sure that I am the suitable candidate for the IMAS program. I hope
it can be helpful for the admission committee to consider my application. I am really excited and highly
motivated to be the part of IMAS NCCU, Taiwan.


Retno Widyastuti

(Personal Statement)

Study abroad become my dream since I at junior high school, I am the one that love seeing new place,
meet new people and study at different place. Thats why from the first time I enter senior high school, I
maintain my position on first rank for all semesters. Then I enter English Debating Society to improve my
ability in English skill. Join so much competition and win most of that. Join some organization and being a
leader for them. So I spend 3 years with full of activity to reach my dream, study abroad.

Then why Korea ? First time I know Korea is from the serial movie Jewel in the Palace on television,
the story of Jang Geum, look at your history, your art, your culture, and your dish make me falling in love
at the first sight. Then I collect lots of information about your country, I see much development, great
movement at industry and technology. I really want to study at Korea.

I born in simple family, we are not rich, we are not poor. Grow up in education background family ( My
father work at Ministry of Education in Bengkulu city and my mother is a teacher ) make me give a
highest place for education. And thats why I always be on the top position in my class.

And about my education background, my elementary school is elementary school number 19, I have lot
of friends there so smart, and that is the first time for me to feel the taste of competition, and think I
gonna like it, because I always want to be the best. Junior high school number 4 is my next step, for this
time my dad give me full authority to choose any school that I want, so I choose the favorite school at my
province, and I handle all of the requirement and do all selection process. In this place I learn how to
socialize, make friends, be a leader. And I like to lead community on the way that I want, to the best way,
and I know that I really like to be a leader. Next school is Senior High School number 2, that is the best
school at my region. This is the place where I grow up much soft skill, like speaking at the public place,
fast think and fast response, influence people, be a leader, smart study way, writing skill and much more.
I already use my time effectively this time and I get the best result too. Then after graduation, I not
follow any selection process to enter any university in Indonesia, just take scholarships program, to get
my dream, study abroad.
I had much significant experience that give big influence to me, first is being a vice leader of OSIS in
Junior high school, that teach me some skill of how to socialize and be a leader. Second is when I join
Debating Club at senior high school, that club give me public speaking, critical thinking, logical flow and
of course English communication skill. Third is when my teacher give a task to write article for science
event, then I being a winner, that moment make me love writing and keep write for lot of competition.
Fourth is when I be a leader of student organization, OSIS, in senior high school, plus a leader for
programmer club and English debating society too. From this experience I learn how to manage my time,
manage my team, and manage myself too. I acquire leadership skill that so valuable for me. Fifth is when
my little brother died because of a sickness, I feel so bad on that time, and at this time I get the idea of
caring, to help all people around me. And the last is when I get fail on some competition I face, I learn
that I can get much knowledge when I fail, then I can get up then do the best for next time.

I active at programmer club, at English debating club, and at Student organization ( OSIS ). I get much
award on the debating like student exchange to japan, NSDC 2010, etc. for writing I be the first winner at
BLC University of Indonesia, second winner at STEI Tazkia Bogor, and much more. For programming I am
the representative of my city on OSN ( National Science Olympiad ). And for organization, I get much
award from school for my high dedication.

I believe better for us to meet each other, so you can see all of potency that I had.

(Study Plan)

This is my study plan.

After I graduate from my high school, I will start to get scholarship to foreign country. As long as this, I
already follow 2 scholarship program, to India and Rusia, both I get called for interview, and I fail.

But I get scholarship in Jakarta, in Mercu Buana university. So, to wait for another program, I .stay at
I get scholarship to Korea

I spend one year on the Korean language course, that will easy to do because I already at Korea, I meet
Korean people and interact with them all the time. Then because I really like programming, so I only
prefer to choose computer science department at the preferred university I listed above, I choose them
because they had great computer science department and nice location.

I will spend 4 years to finish my study for computer science and I will do the best to be the best
anywhere I am. Beside of study well in my university, I will join some organization and extracurricular.

Finish my bachelor degree

After finish my bachelor degree, I will search for next scholarship to Master degree, at foreign country
too of course.

Finish my master degree

After finishing my education, then I will go back to my country, build and improve the quality of
education in my place with being a lecturer and keep writing about education.
My name is Vania, I'm a 23 years old girl from Italy. I was born and raised in the suburbs of Milan from a
middle class family. My desire to learn new languages led me to choose a linguistic high school, where I
studied for 5 years English, German and Spanish. When I decided what to do in college I chose a major
that would allow me to focuse on the communication systems and the relationships between different
cultures. This course involved the study of a foreign language that had to be choose between Japanese,
Chinese and Arab. My choice was Japanese.

I graduated last year, in March 2015, but I decided to take a year off to really think about what I wanted
to do with my life. I worked in a fast food restaurant during this time.

I've always been an hardworking type of person and I'm also really focused and rational. Usually my
friends and family make fun of me because I always put my mind before my heart. But I believe that
really thinking through something is sometimes better than just follow some dreams. That's the reason
why I didn't ask for this scholarship last year, because I wanted to be really sure that this is what I wanted
to study.

I started watching korean dramas in 2010 and I totally fell in love with the korean language, so much that
the final essay for my degree was about the korean writing system. I'm also interested in the korean
culture and the way it's perceived by the international viewers as well as the domestic. I also wanted to
learn more about the planning and production of korean tv programs and shows. Being the korean
entertainment industry so unique my desire is to learn more about it and also adquire new tools to see
how it reflects on the everyday life of the viewers.

With all this in mind I decided to try and enroll in the Culture Studies department, hoping to study and
deepen my knowledge on this subject.

My decision to apply for master program in XXXXX at XXXXX is driven by my strong desire to make the
urban area in Indonesia, especially Jakarta, to become a better place. Jakarta, the capital city of
Indonesia, as the center for all functions (government, business, education, entertainment and also a
place to live) should have a good city management so that it can run all its functions properly. Next year,
Jakarta will become a 482 years old city. Its already too old for the city to stay in this poor city
management condition, so a good city management should be implemented in a short time. Offering
interesting subject in XXXX and a chance to study overseas makes me eager to pursue this scholarship. I
believe this program will help me achieving my career plan.

For research topic, I am interested in urban transport management. I intend to compare the study on
urban transport system in my country (Indonesia) and Japan. The reason why Im interested in this topic
is because the biggest problem in Jakarta nowadays is about the poor public transportation system.
Jakarta which currently is one of the most populous cities in the world is strained by transportation
problem. BBC News informed that only 2% of Jakarta citizen use public transport while the other use
private car. Car users are growing at a rate of 10% a year, so unless something is done, analyst said that
the city will become completely gridlocked in a few years. We cant blame the citizen for choosing to use
their own car instead of using the public transport, sometimes theyre forced to that option because
Jakarta still hasnt had an adequate public transportation system. That is why this problem urge me to
take this program.

Having research in this field will give me a vision about transportation system that can be implemented
in urban area. Furthermore I see Japan already had a good transportation system and also one of the
best country in developing new transportation mode. By comparing the urban transport management
between my country and Japan, I hope I can have valuable benchmark so that it can be implemented in
my country to solve the transportation problems.

I would be very excited to join the incoming class at the XXXX, XXXX. I hope you will seriously consider
me as a student in your program, my strong motivation and career plan are a good match for what this
program has to offer. I sincerely believe I would make an excellent student in your program, and I am
prepared to work and study hard in order to meet the high standards that XXXX is known for. Thank you
for your consideration.
Breastfeeding has long been recognized as the optimal method for infant feeding. The promotion and
support of breastfeeding is an important child-survival intervention and becomes a global priority. World
Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months of age to achieve optimum
growth, and it is suggested to give the breastmilk continuously until 2 years of age, accompanied by
appropriate additional food. My previous education was Nursing Science with special interest in
maternal health; children growth and development; health promotion and preventive care; and health
education and counseling. Based on my bachelor thesis research, I learned a lot about the importance of
health education to improve breastfeeding knowledge and skills. I have also been much involved in
community service to carry out socialization and mentoring program about exclusive breastfeeding
management for community health workers in many villages in Yogyakarta. From then I have been
thinking of how lack of breastfeeding knowledge and counseling skills by community health workers has
been linked to the low precentage rate of breastfeeding. In Indonesia, community health workers are the
health functionary closest to the community. They are persons chosen by the community and trained to
deal with health problems of individuals and community as well as being a liaison between the
community and health services. Currently, Indonesia is experiencing a shortage of trained community
health workers in knowledge and skills. In my later study at Master of Science in Nursing in Taipei
Medical University, I would like to deepen my knowledge about health skills development (such as health
literacy and health communication) as it is stated in the vision and strategies of health promotion by
Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health Taiwan. I expect to explore Taiwans national
programs to promote breastfeeding; including promoting breastfeeding awareness of the public through
mass media and providing a community empowerment conducive to breastfeeding through home visits
by counselors, instructors, and volunteers. There have been many researches about educational
intervention on general practitioners, pediatricians, nurses, nutritionists, and pediatric residents. My
later research will emphasize on delivering health education to improve breastfeeding knowledge and
counseling skills for community health workers with most of them do not have a specific background in
medical or healthcare field. The health education should include, but not only limited to: the importance
of breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding, lactation maintenance, practical demonstration of attachment,
suckling, and breastfeeding management for working mothers. Conducted by appropriate research
methods, I humbly expect that the result of my later research can enrich the method of breastfeeding
promotion in Indonesia as well as in Taiwan. During my stay and study period in Taiwan, I also plan to
increase my ability in Chinese language and enrich my knowledge about Chinese culture, since I have
also been engaged in transcultural communication in community setting. As for the length of time, I am
planning to complete my degree in Master of Science in Nursing TMU in two years (until mid 2016).
During these two years, I will do my best effort to finish my study on time, without ignoring the quality of
my research and study. Ada yang menyatukan study plan dan autobiography menjadi satu dengan nama
letter of motivation. Sama saja. Di autobiography kita bisa lebih bebas menunjukkan siapa diri kita, apa
yang telah kita lakukan (dan hasilkan) dan apa relevansinya dengan program studi yang akan diambil.
Berikut contoh autobiography saya: I intend to pursue a master degree in Nursing Science at Taipei
Medical University with focus on health promotion. I find the theme challenging since the focus of health
promotion activities is the concept of partnership and empowerment.In Indonesia, community
empowerment is still putting people as objects, not as subjects of health development. Active public role
in the community health development tends to decline. My experiences in health promotion began
during my bachelor study in Indonesia. I took several courses; namely community nursing, maternity
nursing, and social sciences and health issues, which deeply influenced the decision of my bachelor
thesis topic entitled "Effect of health education using audiovisual media to increase of knowledge on
breastfeeding management at Posyandu of Baciro, Gondokusuman, Yogyakarta municipality. I set an
intervention tool to improve knowledge in breastfeeding management. Some of the research findings
were then arranged into a practical guidebook for breastfeeding mothers published by ANDI Publisher in
2011. Following my interest in health promotion, after I graduated in 2011, I was involved in health
promotion and community empowerment program under the annual agenda of Universitas Gadjah
Mada, Yogyakarta. I worked in a team to establish a pilot project of "healthy village" in a rural area where
the community successfully managed local resources to improve health outcome in some work areas,
such as: nutrition enhancement; diarrhea management; healthy lifestyle and hygienic behavior; and
breastfeeding promotion, which I engaged the community health workers to improve their knowledge in
breastfeeding. Besides, I also accompanied them while doing home visits to observe when they provided
health education and counseling service, to ensure skills improvement as well. During my nurse
education in 2012, I was chosen as an exchange student in University of Bors, Sweden for 6 months.
Since I mostly worked in community setting where most of my former patients were immigrants, I had
the opportunity to demonstrate intercultural nursing care. I also gained knowledge about health
promotion and preventive care to several cases of children growth and development and non-
communicable diseases, mostly in hypertension. In 2013, I participated in the screening service and
health promotion project to prevent non-communicable diseases (hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and
rheumatoid arthritis). Realizing that hypertension is also a major risk factor for cardiovascular burden
and mortality in Indonesia, it then led me to conduct a research entitled The prevalence and risk factors
of hypertension of rural population in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: A cross-sectional study which was
presented at The International Conference on Pharmaceutical, Medical, and Health Sciences in Bangkok,
Thailand. Also in 2013, I participated in The 3rd Women Deliver Global Conference in Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia. In this three-day conference, I learned a lot from the leaders, government representatives,
non-governmental organizations, academics and public figures about comprehensive, integrated package
of girls and women empowerment in order to improve health outcomes and wellness status. For me,
along with three affiliated hospitals, Taipei Medical University is known for its excellent reputation both
in patient care and research, and having a strong implementation of research findings in clinical services.
With humanitarianism and sustainability among its core values put Taipei Medical University to be a
great place for pursuing master study and research. After finishing my master degree, besides applying
as a lecturer in university in Indonesia, I would like to work in the research area of health promotion and
preventive care. As well as in the long term I would like to contribute to the efforts in stimulating the
Indonesian government to pay more attention to research as a basis for community nursing cares quality

Selengkapnya :

My name Lungguk Sibuea, I am male, 23 years old. I graduated from the Faculty of Engineering, Electrical
Engineering Program. The concentration of power systems, Sriwijaya University, South Sumatra,
Indonesia. I got GPA 3.45 of 4.00. As a fresh graduate, I want to continue studying in the National Taiwan
University of Science and Technology (NTUST) to learn more about the science of electricity. I have a
strong motivation and desire to learn more about the science of electricity because I want to develop
research in electrical power system (special Application Technology of Nuclear Technology in generating
electrical energy) and High Voltage Engineering and also explore my ability to be applied in Indonesia is
rich in natural resources.

The initial basic of lingking the science electrical engineering, starting in 2005 when was in senior high
school, Seeing the potential that I had in my physics lesson that always had a critical idea, do not hesitate
to ask, do all the questions the book before discussed in the class, even asked to do the question physics
in class because no one can do it in the class and be a model for other students who are my
contemporaries and juniors in physics. Behind all this, the most meritorious for directing me was my
Physics teacher Mr Drs.Jumantar Sirait (Best Physics Teacher in North Sumatra in 2007) suggested me to
deepen my knowledge in the field of Electrical Engineering, he also taught me to understand the
greatness and wonders of physics and apply them to develop and utilize the natural resources that God
entrusted to Indonesian people. With the foundation of the rationale that made me have a dream of
being a scientist electro like Prof.Nelson Tansu, P.hD also from Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia (my
home place), that would enable me to work to make the happiness and well-being mankind.

To realize that goal, I need a higher education and more useful to improve the competence and increase
my mindset to analyze my interest in electric power systems, protection systems and electrical power
engineering. To achieve that I must face obstacles such thing, but I believe it is able to look through some
valuable experience that I have had such difficulty in paying the high school graduation expenses before
in 2008 and it me indirectly continue my study in grew up in simple family and has 7 brothers and it will
be hard for me as the third child of eight siblings to directly study at famous universities with expensive
costs, but at the time my late father (my father died March 11, 2010) always taught me to never give up
before the fight and independent living habit made me look for other alternatives to find a job first in
PT.Toba Pulp Lestari, T.bk as laborers, the results of my work that I use as my initial capital to attend the
University of Sriwijaya, which previously followed a rigorous selection for acceptable, during studyning
in collage. I have the same problems in terms of the cost of making me look for a job as well as teaching
private lessons kulia, in 2011 I did Physics tutoring in Bimbingan Belajar Medica in Palembang, doing
collaboration lecture project of research and Technology (BALITEK) Sriwijaya University with PT PLN
(Persero), (one of the companies that handle electricity in Indonesia) such as 'making Electricity Mapp
Road Village South Sumatra' With the experience I have a motto that makes my life be like now "nothing
that can not be achieved as long as I want learn, work wholeheartedly and venture out of your comfort
zone, even when I was in a critical position though because I fought and I believe God will provide the
best way for those who are willing to learn and work wholeheartedly to a noble dream ". And I believe
this motto would take me to the summit of success.

With lessons from my experience, something I want to do is I want to be useful to my country. So, I want
to learn everything on a professor who is more familiar in the field of my study. And I know by looking at
the website National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST). I came to the conclusion that
the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST),
Taiwan is the best place for me to continue with the Master of the scholarship program, improve and
create a new direction with the research I have a lot of faculty to teach and help me improve and
conduct quality research. My interest in it is supported by my experience as assistant Lobarotarium
phenomenon Electromagnetic Field from 2011 to 2013 and Assistant Lecturer for eye kulia Basic Physics
II (Electricity Topics Static and Dynamic Electricity) I want to develop research on nuclear technology to
generate electricity and useful as a solution to deal with the energy crisis that hit the world especially in
Indoenesia. If I can get a chance to be a part of the Department of Electrical Engineering to register the
Master of the scholarship program, I am confident and believe that my talent and my time will be used
optimally and as best as possible, because these topics are areas that I am interested in, I will do my best
to finish my study with satisfactory grades, I hope something new comes when I did my research. And of
course, that would make proud NTUST.

After completing this program, I want to continue to pursue studies Physicscal Doctorate (P.hD) to
enhance my knowledge of the science of electricity which became my goal. I will apply my knowledge to
develop some research, especially in the field of Electrical Engineering, because I have a strong
commitment to promote Indonesia's power to be used for the happiness and welfare of the community.
I also want to be a consultant in the research and development of electricity in Indonesia. In addition I
want to build reciprocal relationships with both my institution Sriwijaya University and NTUST.

Your Sincerely,
Lungguk Sibuea, ST

Sriwijaya of University

Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia.

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