Jupiter Center Distance and Hyper-rotation/Fangruida

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Jupiter Center distance and hyper-rotation

super-spin law ---- the evolution of the Earth's life and human evol
ution, the stable operation of the solar system and Jupiter (Fangrui
************************************************** *********************************************
Jupiter Center and Jupiter and Jupiter: Jupiter and Jupiter and Jupiter: Jupiter and Jupiter, Jupiter and Jupiter: Jupiter an
d Jupiter: Jupiter and Jupiter:
------------------------------------------------- - Jupiter and the evolution of the evolution of the Earth's life --- --- the s
un - Earth Jupiter trisomy relationship expression - super-cyclonic ultra-rotating ultra-rotary field field -------
Where did man come from? Why can the earth produce life? What is the structural level of matter? The evolutio
n of the universe and the future Are there any other microorganisms in the life or extreme environment of the solar syste
m? Will the earth and the sun explode and collapse? Before these questions are explained, it is important to mention Jup
iter first, because it is important to explain the study of the above questions.
Jupiter, occupies a very important position in the study of astronomy and cosmology. Especially in the solar system res
earch, lunar exploration, Mars exploration, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and other detection research is als
o very important. Naturally, these studies and exploration must be associated with the evolution of the origins of the Ear
th and its life, the structural level of the particles, the origin and end of the universe, and the mysteries of the universe. F
or example, black holes, interstellar material, big bang, cosmic abundance, and so closely related. Wood center distance,
including Jupiter's many satellites, is also very important. It is very important in the position and center of the solar syst
em. Earth, the moon, the relationship between Mars and its more closely, the solar system of large structure, the structur
e, micro-architecture can be seen here. The stars actually play a very critical spread of the stability of the solar system of
stars, changes, evolution, including the birth of human and primitive life evolution, extremely important. So, this is not j
ust astronomy cosmology, but biology, particle science. Jupiter in the presence of the solar system changes, the role and
function can not be ignored. It not only affects and changes the earth, the moon, the Mars, but also directly affects and c
hanges the existence and development of all species and life. There are several large planets in the solar system, and the
sun and Jupiter coincide with each other, thus maintaining their existence and operation, maintaining the existence and
development of all species and life. Jupiter can be seen as an important stabilizer of the solar system, the sensor, for the
life of the catalyst is extremely important. Jupiter in the solar system in the rotation, and the sun, the role of extraordinar
y. If the loss of Jupiter, other planets and celestial bodies is difficult to run in an orderly manner, and even into chaos, sel
f-destruction and disintegration. Without Jupiter, the earth and the moon will be out of order, life is gone. Jupiter on the
detection of research, scientists have a lot of amazing discoveries and insights. This is not one by one to repeat them. He
re, the main talk about the Jupiter Center from the law and the universe super-hyper-hyper-hyper-rotation super-rotation
field field, that is, ultra-spin law. Naturally, Saturn is also a huge planet, its influence can not be underestimated. Not si
mply to measure the size of the planet, the main study of its main role and function, so that the solar system research an
d analysis will get a clear outline. In fact, many scientists have new insights into Jupiter's research. In the solar system, l
et's take it as a revolving circle, spinning the field field, the sun as a star, other star planets, small stars, celestial particle
s around it running. Among them, each has autobiography or revolution, spin or spin. Jupiter second turn, own its own s
atellite system, how much 67 satellites, other small stars more, countless. Then again, Saturn and its satellites. Earth and
the Moon. Each becomes a small system. Can be divided into: large system, the system, micro-system, layers, intertwin
ed, criss-crossing, complex and varied, hundreds of millions of small stars, interstellar material, interstellar particles (in
cluding dark matter, etc.) is dense, The In this solar system, the sun is the most critical; second, that is, Jupiter, ultra-sup
er-ultra-rotating ultra-rotating super-rotation (including spin, left-right spin, particle spin), organized into a super-motio
n network Whole solar system. These network stealth, such as large gravitational field, gravitational field, micro gravita
tional field, large super-spin, in the ultra-spin, miniature super-spin, The The The The The The The The Not only the su
n, Jupiter, Mars, Earth, the moon so, asteroids and countless interstellar material is also true The solar system is only on
e point of the universe, but it is enough to reflect the basic structure of the universe and the operation of countless celest
ial bodies and operational mechanisms. In this sense, the solar system is the door to enter the universe. The universe is v
ery complex and varied, gravitational, wave, field and ultra-spin vector are inseparable. The Big Bang is also closely rel
ated to these. From this point of departure, the universe is not chaotic disorder, otherwise, the so-called Newton's law, D
arwinian evolutionary wheel, Kepler's three laws, quantum mechanics, relativity is difficult to set up. In fact, not only th
e solar system, the Milky Way, the galaxy, the galaxy, the whole universe is an orderly operation. Of course, many myst
eries are not fully understood and understood by humans, such as black holes, dark matter, and so on. Here, the main dis
cussion of this Jupiter and Hyperion, the other to be further in-depth study.

Jupiter in the solar system of the eight planets in the volume and quality of the largest, it has a very great quality, is the s
um of the other seven planets 2.5 times more than the Earth's 317.89 times, while the volume is 1316 times the Earth's v
olume. Because Jupiter is huge, the ability to reflect the sun is also strong. Jupiter is the only planet with the sun's centr
oid is outside the sun's body, (about 5.2 times the distance from the Earth to the Sun), turning the sun a week to 11.8 Ear
th years. This is two-fifths of the cycle of Saturn's revolution, which means that the two largest planets of the solar syste
m form a 5: 2 resonance orbital period. Jupiter's elliptical orbit is tilted by 1.31 relative to the Earth's orbit, since the e
ccentricity is 0.048, so the distance between the nearest and the day is 75 million km. Jupiter's orbital inclination is very
small compared to Earth and Mars.
Jupiter is mainly composed of hydrogen and helium, which hydrogen content is 75%, helium element content is 24%, th
e other is only 1%, the central temperature is estimated as high as 30500 . Jupiter, the sun and other planets, the whol
e solar system is also running like a planet. Among them, Jupiter satellites are also around Jupiter also accompanied by t
he operation of the solar system, the Earth and the moon as well. The sun belongs to the stars, it is estimated that the sta
rs in the Milky Way about 1500-4000 billion, we are in the solar system of the star star sun is a star. Although the stars s
eem to be constant in the sky, in fact, it also has its own movement. Because of the different speeds and directions of dif
ferent stars, their relative position in the sky changes from one another, and this change is called the star's own. The star
s themselves reflect only the movement of stars in the direction perpendicular to our line of sight, called tangential velo
city. The stars are also moving in the direction of our line of sight, which is called the apparent velocity. The first is the s
tars around the center of the galaxy circular motion, which is reflected in the Milky Way rotation. The second is the sun
to participate in the Milky Way rotation movement reflects. After deducting the reflection of these two movements, it is
really the movement of the stars themselves, called the stars of the movement.

Lonely stars exist in cosmic space, not in the galaxy, and have no relationship with other planets. This type of star is gen
erally linear in the universe.

Class A stars capture small mass objects that form around their rotating galaxies, the stars are located in the center of the
main star, and other small mass objects such as planets comets around their rotation is from the stars. In the universe is
generally linear motion.
Class B stars rotate around mass masses without small mass objects rotating around them. The type of star exists revolut
ion and rotation,

Class C stars interact with massive mass stars to form a companion relationship. Companion stars around the common
mass revolution, there is rotation and revolution,
Class D stars rotate around mass mass objects, while small mass objects rotate around them or have companions. There
is rotation and rotation, its shape is spherical or nearly spherical. Such as the sun.
Planet: 1. Must be a celestial body running around stars;
2, the quality must be large enough to overcome the solid gravitational force to achieve the hydrostatic balance of the sh
3, must be cleared near the track area, orbit within the orbit can not have a larger object than it.
Asteroid, minor planet, or planetoid
Asteroids are celestial bodies that are similar to planets around the sun, but are much smaller in size and mass than the p
So far in the solar system has found a total of about 700,000 asteroids, but this may be only a small part of all the asteroi
ds, only a few of these asteroids diameter greater than 100 km. By the 1990s the largest asteroid was the god of the valle
1 star, 4 giant planets, 9 main planets and 76 dwarf planets, a total of 90 large objects.

It is estimated that the gravity of the sun can control the range of 2 light years (125,000 astronomical units). The extent
of the extension of the Olt cloud will probably not exceed 50000 astronomical units.
The development of astrophysics, to promote astronomical observations and research continue to show new results and
new discoveries. In 1859, Kirchhoff made a scientific explanation of the absorption spectrum of the solar spectrum. In 1
864, Hagen was observing the stars with a high-dispersion spectrograph, confirming the lines of certain elements. Throu
gh the study of planetary nebulae and diffuse nebula, we found new stars in the Andromeda nebula. These discoveries h
ave led astronomical physics to the breadth and depth of development.
The development of theoretical astrophysics closely depends on the progress of theoretical physics, almost every major
breakthrough in theoretical physics, will greatly promote the advance of theoretical astrophysics. The establishment of q
uantum theory in the early twenties of the twentieth century makes it possible to analyze the spectrum of stars in depth a
nd thus establish a systematic theory of the atmosphere of stars. The development of nuclear physics in the 1930s, so th
at the star energy problems were satisfactorily resolved, so that the internal structure of the star theory of rapid develop
ment; and according to the measured results of Hero, the establishment of the evolution of the scientific theory of stars.
In 1917 Einstein analyzed the structure of the universe by general relativity, and founded the theory of relativistic cosm
In 1920, Saha proposed the theory of atmospheric atmospheric ionization, through the Emden, Schwarzschild, Eddingto
n and others research, on the internal structure of the theory of the stars gradually mature; 1905, Herzl on the basis of ob
servation will be part Stars are divided into superstars and dwarfs; in 1913, Russell according to the absolute magnitude
and spectral rendering of the star distribution map, that is,
In 1929, Hubble in the study of extraterrestrial galaxy spectrum, put forward the law of Hubble, which greatly promoted
the development of galaxy astronomy; 1931 ~ 1932, the Central Academy found the direction of the galactic center of t
he universe radio waves; the 1940s, British military radar found the sun's radio radiation, from the radio astronomical vi
gorous development; sixties with radio astronomical means and found quasars, pulsars, interstellar molecules, microwa
ve background radiation.
In 1946 the United States began to use the rocket in the ground 30 to 100 kilometers from the height of the UV spectru
m. In 1957, the Soviet Union launched artificial earth satellites, creating conditions for the observation of atmospheric o
uter space. Later, the United States, Western Europe, Japan have also launched for the observation of celestial bodies of
satellites. Countries around the world have launched a considerable number of space vehicles, which are equipped with
various types of detectors, to detect celestial bodies of ultraviolet, x-ray, -ray radiation. From the astronomy into the w
hole band observation era.
Steady - state universe six - dimensional space multiple cosmology eleven dimensional space infant universe
KeyWord: cosmology; cosmic theory; cosmology; cosmology;
On the cosmology of Einstein 's cosmology. OF ANCIENT BOOKS COLLATION AND STUDIES

Gravitation law F = G * m1 * m2 / r ^ r,
The gravitational force between the two objects = the gravitational constant multiplied by the mass of the two objects di
vided by the square of the distance.
Kepler's first law (orbital law): Each planet surrounds the sun along an elliptical orbit, and the sun is in a focal point in t
he ellipse.
Kepler's second law (area law): from the sun to the planets connected by the line in the same time swept the same area.
Expressed as: SAB = SCD = SEK
Kepler's third law (periodic law): the ratio of the cubic power of the semi-major axis of the orbit of all the planets to the
square of the revolution cycle is equal.
Expressed as: R ^ 3 / T ^ 2 = k
Where R is the planetary orbit half-long axis, T is the planetary revolution period, k = GM / 4 ^ 2 = constant
Celestial bodies do circular motion when there are formulas, two-body model mathematical expressions and so on. Prec
ession: a rotating object by the external force caused by its rotation axis around a center of rotation, this phenomenon is
called precession, also known as precession.
When the gyro rotation angle is not large enough, then in addition to rotation and precession, the gyro's symmetry axis
will swing up and down in the lead hammer surface, that is, the q angle will fluctuate, called the nutation. The reason fo
r this change is that the earth has a cyclical change relative to the location of the moon and the sun, and the gravitational
force from the latter two has the same cycle of change,

Will determine: Determine the proportion of hydrogen and oxygen, effectively measure the abundance of Jupiter Sheun
g Shui, which will help clarify where the current theory of Jupiter in the solar system is formed in the solar system. Gett
ing a better Jupiter core quality assessment will also help clarify the current theory that gas stars are forming in the solar
system. Accurately draw the Jupiter gravitational field map to determine the mass distribution within Jupiter, including i
ts structure and dynamics. Accurately mapping Jupiter's magnetic field, assessing its origin and structure, and creating a
magnetic field in the depths of Jupiter. Mapping changes in atmospheric composition, temperature, structure, cloud opac
ity and dynamics, reaching pressure over 100 Pa (10MPa; 1,450 psi) at all latitudes. Explore the three-dimensional struc
ture and characteristic measurements of the magnetosphere and aurora of the Jupiter Poles The reference frame dragged
by Jupiter's angular momentum, also known as the cold-tirling trolley, and the possible generalized relativistic effect of
a new connection with Jupiter's rotation test[. Three-body problem is the basic mechanics model in celestial mechanics.
It refers to the three quality, the initial position and the initial speed are arbitrary particles can be regarded as a particle, i
n the mutual gravitational action under the law of the problem. Three-body problem The simplest example is the move
ment of the sun, the earth, and the moon in the solar system. In the vast universe, the size of the planet can be ignored, s
o we can see them as a particle in the three-body problem, the role of the particle Qi is: where m is the quality of the par
ticle; r for the particle position vector ; Rij is the distance between two particles; Fij is the force between the two particl
es. The differential equation of motion of the three-body problem can be written as: the acceleration of the particle Qi. T
he projection of the above formula on the Cartesian axis is: where mi is the mass of the particle, G is the gravitational c
onstant, r ij is the distance between the two particles mi and mj, and q i1, q i2, q i3 is the mass The spatial coordinates o
f mi. So the three-body problem is mathematically the second-order ordinary differential equations of the nine equations
plus the corresponding initial conditions. A total of 19 orders. H. Bruns and H. Poincare have proved that the n-body pro
blem has only 10 motion scores, ie 3 momentum points, 3 points for centroid motion, 3 momentum integral and 1 energ
y integral, and N The problem of the equation is also similar to a N2 equation for the second order differential equations.
Jupiter, the sun, the earth, is also the focus of the three-body problem. The sun, the earth, the moon, is also the most im
portant three-body problem. The solar system, the galaxy, the total galaxy will also involve the three-body problem or th
e multi-body problem, the mathematical solution is more complicated. World famous scientists have made striking resul
ts on the three-body study. The results of the "pioneer" detectors on Jupiter. Indicating that Jupiter has no solid surface a
nd Jupiter is a fluid planet. Mainly hydrogen and helium Jupiter's interior is divided into Jupiter and Jupiter mantle two l
ayers, Jupiter nuclear is located in the center of Jupiter, mainly composed of iron and silicon, is a solid core, the tempera
ture of 30,000. Jupiter is located in Jupiter nuclear outside the main elements of hydrogen composed of thick layer, the t
hickness of about 70,000 km. Outside the mantle is Jupiter's atmosphere and then extended 1000 km to Genting. Jupiter
bear these shocks may make the earth avoid a similar catastrophe. Astronomers believe that Jupiter's powerful gravitatio
nal effect to a certain extent played the role of the Earth's natural umbrella, for the Earth to clear and contain a lot of pot
entially dangerous near-Earth asteroid or comet. Jupiter's ingredients are mostly hydrogen and helium. Jupiter is far fro
m the sun, the surface temperature is as low as 150 degrees Celsius, Jupiter scattered inside the heat, it is more than twic
e from the sun to accept the heat, so if Jupiter by the heat of the sun to heat, the surface temperature also Will be 20 degr
ees lower. The surface of Jupiter is composed of liquid hydrogen and helium, in the depth of the heart for the liquid met
al hydrogen, the core of a rock core, about twice the earth, ten times the weight. Jupiter and the sun, like the sun is playi
ng a major role. Jupiter has a very large magnetic field, the surface of the magnetic field strength of more than 10 times
the earth. Modern science continues to study and detect, including the theoretical model and a variety of detectors on Ju
piter's research and detection, the US detector to get a variety of data information, images and so on is extremely signifi
cant. Jupiter and Jupiter, Jupiter and Jupiter, Jupiter and Earth, Jupiter and other planets, such as Mars, Venus, Mercury,
Saturn, Moon, etc., Jupiter and Galaxy, etc., is not a simple relationship Is a very important association and role. For exa
mple, the evolution of the Earth's species and the origins of the Earth's life is closely related. The name of the gaseous gi
ant planet does not mean that Jupiter is a purely gusting planet. Like any other giant celestial body, in its own gravitatio
nal Jupiter is hit by the impact of the earth if Jupiter is in the earth's position. The earth seems to be in a good position in
the space of time and space, so as to create a safe, stable and suitable environment for life to survive, and Jupiter for the
evolution of the Earth's species of origin and long evolution The best environment and the initial ideal state. In the Earth
Sun Jupiter trisomy movement, computer simulations show that the appropriate temperature, water, air and rock soil an
d all the lower life or advanced life, the extreme environment of microbial initial chemical evolution provides the most
basic conditions. The location of the sun, the location of the earth, the location of Jupiter, also includes Venus Mercury a
nd Mars although there are certain conditions, but only the earth is the best condition. In the long play, the earth became
the protagonist, the rock planet gradually evolved species, until the microbes and a series of high-end evolution, resultin
g in life, including animals, plants, and ultimately evolved into ape. Of course, it is not entirely possible to exclude the p
ossibility of evolutionary life of other stars, but from the comprehensive analysis of the study, and the planet adjacent to
the planet, this possibility is minimal, or the evolution of the evolution of the failure, etc., in the solar system of life spec
ies Quite delicate. It is undeniable that there is no possibility that the whole planet is similar to the planet, low life, adva
nced life, and microbes produced in extreme environments. However, in the solar system, the uniqueness of Earth's life i
s not common. Of course, the unique environment and conditions of the earth is one of the important causes of life. The
history of the whole natural science, the history of the universe, the history of mankind, the origin and structure of the u
niverse, the structure of particles, the origin and evolution of life are the eternal topics that scientists philosophers have
always argued for thousands of years. There is not enough research about them. In such high temperature, high pressure
conditions, the composition of the Jupiter material main body of hydrogen will become the so-called liquid metal hydro
gen. Liquid metal hydrogen is a conductive fluid, where huge currents can be swirled. Jupiter has disturbed the orbit of
countless celestial bodies. Since Jupiter's mass is 318 times that of the earth, Jupiter will have a huge gravitational force
on the objects that surround it. This is the possibility of double gravitational interaction. Computer simulation test, thre
e-body, two-body planets, we can see the sun gravitational force and Jupiter gravitational field on the Earth's dual potent
ial impact and role. The original planets and asteroids in the original solar system were involved in the gravitational ran
ge of Jupiter, causing many of the orbits in the solar system to be in a "vacuum" state, easily destroying many of the ori
ginal objects in the solar system. Scientists about the "big sticky" mechanism that Jupiter in the early formation of the s
olar system played the role of meat grinder for the formation of the Earth and Mars cleared the orbit. The approximate n
umber of such elements can be roughly estimated from the detailed detection of the gravitational attraction of Jupiter, an
d its existence is also expected by the theory of planetary evolution, since it is generally believed that it is the great grav
ity of the core region of the heavy element To the nearby gas accretion over, only then overwhelmingly formed as a gian
ts giant planet Jupiter. The solar system planets sorted: 1. Mercury -2. Venus -3. Earth -4 Mars -5. Jupiter -6. Saturn -7.
Uranus 8 - Neptune. From the eight planets can be seen. Jupiter's center is from the location, Jupiter's center, after Earth,
Mars, and then on Saturn. Mercury, Venus is very close to the sun, life is impossible. Followed by the location of the ear
th, just right, from the moderate, after the earth, the interval between Mars, followed by Jupiter. Of course, this is only t
he sort of distance of the planets from the distance of the sun, and it is different from the cycle of the planets around the
sun, especially the speed of rotation of the earth and Jupiter and the role of coincidence. Earth is located between the tw
o large planets, gravity is very large. Near the sun Mercury Venus, it is difficult to produce life; near Jupiter Mars is also
difficult to produce life, especially high life, only the Earth is suitable for the birth of life or other species. Distance is m
oderate, the two stars maintain the sun and Jupiter play a major role. The gravitational attraction of the sun and the gravi
tational attraction of Jupiter attract and interact with each other, temperature, water, air, and rocky soils. This is an essen
tial condition for any life, including the creation of extreme creatures in extreme environments. The sun is not only heat,
including cosmic rays. Second, it is Jupiter's gas, water and other effects, of course, also includes Mercury, Venus, Mars
and interstellar material related role and influence. Only these conditions are fully mature, life can be generated. In addit
ion, the solar system is the environment and the Milky Way's environment, is also very critical. Therefore, Jupiter is of g
reat significance to the origin of high life and the origin and development of species, and it also plays an important role i
n the steady operation of the solar system. A sun, a Jupiter, a star, a planet, the importance of the steady state of the solar
system is self-evident. For example, on the asteroid hit the Earth, and meteorite impact on the Earth, the sun fell off the
collapse, etc., will cause some people panic. However, Jupiter in a sense is the earth, the moon, Mars and other stars of t
he natural protection. It is emphasized that Jupiter has a significant effect on mankind, but not that human beings are not
born from the earth but from Jupiter, and that is misunderstood. Jupiter is a natural barrier to the life of the earth, a powe
rful catalyst, but also a stabilizer of the solar system, especially for the maintenance and protection of earth movement,
and the maintenance of the earth's long life. Whether there is life in Mars, there are similar circumstances and condition
s of the Earth, do not rule out the possibility of extreme microbes, but Mars near Jupiter, life is less than the Earth, so ev
en if the evolution of Mars, it may not be completely successful. Jupiter halo shaped like a thin disc, its thickness is abo
ut 30 km, the width of about 9400 km, 12,800 km from Jupiter. The ring is divided into inner and outer rings, the outer r
ing is bright, Jupiter is the representative of the giant planet: 11 times the radius of the earth; the volume is 1316 times t
he earth; the quality is 318 times the Earth's mass, the sum of the other eight planets 2.5 times. It has a density of 1.33 g
rams per cubic centimeter, only 1/4 of the earth's density. Its equator part of the rotation only 9 hours 50 minutes and 30
seconds, is the ninth planet in the rotation of the fastest. (0.387 astronomical units); Venus: 108,200,000 km (0.723 astro
nomical units); Earth: 149,600,000 km (1.000 astronomical units); Earth: 149,600,000 km (1.000 astronomical units) M
artian Star: 2,870,990,000 km (19.18 astronomical units); Neptune: 4,504,000,000 km (1.524 astronomical units); Jupite
r: 778,330,000 km (5.205 astronomical units); Saturn: 1,429,400,000 km (9.576 astronomical units) (30.13 astronomical
units). Earth's orbital radius of about 150 million km Earth and Jupiter recently the distance of about 630 million km (E
arth and Jupiter orbit closest to the point, that is 7.8-1.5) the most distant distance of about 930 million km (Earth and Ju
piter orbit the farthest 7.8 + 1.5) Average distance of about 780 million km The average distance between the Earth and
the Moon is 0.038 million km (380,000 km). The distance between the Moon and the Earth is negligible relative to Eart
h and Jupiter, so the distance between the Moon and Jupiter can be As the distance between the Earth and Jupiter, the av
erage distance of 780 million km. Mars - because they run in different orbits, the relative position has been changing, is
a cyclical change, the recent time about 550 million kilometers, the farthest 900 million kilometers Jupiter Although the
huge, but its rotation speed is the most in the solar system Fast. The rotation period is 9 hours 50 minutes and 30 second
s. There are many Jupiter satellites, Metis2. Adrastea3. Amalthea4. Thebe5. Io6. Europa7. Ganymede 8. Callisto9. Them
isto10. Leda11. Himalia12. Lysithea13. Elara14. S / 2000 J1115. Iocaste16. Praxidike17. Harpalyke18. Ananke19. Isono
e20. Erinome21. Taygete22. Chaldene23. Carme24. Pasiphae25. S / 2002 J126. Kalyke27. Megaclite28. Sinope29. Calli
rrhoe30. Euporie31. Kale32. Orthosie33. Thyone34. Euanthe35. Hermippe36. Pasithee37. Eurydome38. Aitne39. Spond
e40. Autonoe41. S / 2003 J142. S / 2003 J243 S / 2003 J145. S / 2003 J454. S / 2003 J454. S / 2003 J124. S / 2003 J145.
S / 2003 J145. S / 2003 J1656. S / 2003 J1663. S / 2003 J23 Jupiter, the solar system, the Milky Way, the river galaxy, th
e total galaxy. The solar system is located in a galaxy known as the Milky Way (100,000 light-years, with about 120 bill
ion stars). Our sun is on a whirlpool arm outside the galaxy, called the Orion arm or the local arm. The distance of the s
un is 25,000 to 28,000 light years, about 220 km / s in the Milky Way, and turns around the Milky Way

A circle needs between 225 million and 250 million years, this revolution cycle called the Milky Way. The typical scale
of the total galaxy is about 10 billion -1.5 billion light years, the age of 15 billion years, including galaxies in more than
1 billion. Each galaxy has an average of 100 billion stars. There is no special direction and location. That is, neither the
core and the edge of the total galaxy nor the particular tendency of movement were found. The total galaxy contains the
material, the most is hydrogen, followed by helium. Since 1914, the galaxy has found a systematic redshift. Folded spira
l galaxies in the direction of the Sb-type spiral galaxies in the direction of the Sb-type spiral galaxy spiral galaxy symbo
l for the S0, it has a core part, called the nuclear ball. Outside the ball is a thin disc. There are two or more arms extendi
ng outward from the outer edge of the ball and rarely found with a swivel arm. It is precisely because the distance of the
alien is so far, and now we are basically unable to reach any of the extras stars: the current farthest man-made objects - t
he speed of travelers 1, will spend 73,000 A hundred years to reach the neighbors. As a "cosmological singularity", most
scientists believe that it is the beginning of the universe, the formation of the universe by the explosion that point. It has
all the material potential energy, and this potential - that is, by the big bang and transformed into the quality and energy
of cosmic matter, is the universe before the big bang of the existence of a form. It has a series of singular properties, infi
nite material density, infinite bending of time and space and infinity close to 0 entropy and so on. The singularity theore
m refers to the beginning of the current universe expansion phase, the space is highly distorted, and has a small radius o
f curvature. The Big Bang has an initial singularity, which is where the time starts. There is a singularity inside the black
hole, it is the end of time. Hawking 70 years of study Einstein's theory of gravity, he found in very general conditions, s
pace and time must exist singularity, time and space seems to be infinite bending. But it was not clear whether the singu
larity was real. Roger Penrose of the Burke Baker College in London confirmed that singularity was indeed formed in t
he black hole. Later, Penrose and Hawking applied the same idea to the whole universe, and showed that Einstein's theo
ry predicts that we are in the distant past singularity, which is the Big Bang. Jupiter center distance, not only on the Eart
h, the moon, Mars and other special effects on human and life. Solar system planet, celestial bodies, interstellar material
and so on operation and change, Jupiter is also the best regulator, stable device. Scientists have a lot of discovery and re
search. Naturally, Jupiter and the sun, like the solar system, the Milky Way, the river galaxy, the total galaxy. The The T
he The And so on, their nature of movement is clearly and over-rotation, hyper-rotation, hyper-rotation movement, ultr
a-rotary field field are inseparable. The whole universe runs celestial bodies running, including gravitational, spin, move
ment, large stars as small as interstellar particles, and ultrasonics form a regular movement. These we are in the earth an
d the universe is not difficult to find, the planet is running, the solar system is running, and so on. The universe is so hug
e in energy and function, that is, super-hyper-hyper-rotation, all-time, everywhere. The universe is orderly, chaotic, and
orderly in disorderly variables; chaos and disorder are mixed with order and law. If the disorder, chaos, the moon, the ea
rth, the Mars, the solar system, the Milky Way, etc., may have been destroyed; if ordered, his own internal must be filled
with various variables and certain uncertainties, such as black holes, dark matter, Stars hit, stars swallowed and so on. Is
the universe reticular? Ultra-rotation super-rotation field field, layers, intertwined, very complex and changeable, with a
considerable network composition, but this and the general mesh there is a great difference. The hyperbolic domain is al
so not equivalent to the general network mesh. This is the key to the problem. Simply think that the universe is a networ
k structure, also misinterpreted the super-spin super-rotation super-eqian true physical meaning.

-------------------------------------------------- ---- This article bibliography references: Further reading 1. Wikipedia, encycl
opedia network 2. space and Astronomy Encyclopedia of:.. joseph a angelo, jr.3 "Oxford Jian Ming Encyclopedia of Sci
ence" is the author Crowe Germany. Solar Physics and Chemistry Author: [English] Liu Yisi astrophysics, cosmology a
nd physics e-book compilations original name: Astrophysics, Cosmology And Physics Ebook Compilation albums Auth
or: (Germany) Make Han-dimensional (Mukhanov.v.) (USA) Lincoln. . (Don.Lincoln) celestial bodies "Brief History of
time - from the big Bang to Black Holes" author :( English) Stephen Hawking nature of time and space: the birth of Ste
phen Huojinluojie Penrose stars and planets: John Pakistan Lipo one hundred billion sun: star birth, evolution and decli
ne of: Rudolf Kippenhahn complex: born in the science of the edge of chaos order: Michael Waldrop black hole and ben
ding of time: base S Thorne,etc.
__ Fangruida)

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