Engineering Physics

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AQA A-level
Year 2
Chris Gidzewicz
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Authored by Chris Gidzewicz

Commissioned by Emily Pither
Development by Jane Roth
Editorial management by Mike Appleton and Kate Ellis
Edited by Geoff Amor
Proofread by Mitch Fitton and Sue Glover
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1 Rotational dynamics 2 3 Heat engines 43
1.1 The mathematics of circular motion 2 3.1 Engine cycles 43
1.2 The concept of moment of inertia 4 3.2 Power of an engine 47
1.3 Torque and angular acceleration 7 3.3 Efficiency of an engine 49
1.4 Equations of rotational dynamics 8 3.4 The first law of thermodynamics
applied to heat engines 50
1.5 Graphical methods 10
3.5 The second law of thermodynamics 53
1.6 Rotational kinetic energy 11
3.6 Reversed heat engines 57
1.7 Application of flywheels 15
1.8 Angular momentum 18
Answers 64
1.9 Work and power in rotating systems 21
Glossary 71
1.10 Analogy between linear and
rotationalmotion23 Index 73
Acknowledgments 75

2 Thermodynamics 26
2.1 The first law of thermodynamics 26
2.2 Isothermal processes 29
2.3 Constant-pressure and constant-volume
2.4 Adiabatic processes 31
2.5 Determining the work done from
a pV diagram 35

Why do cats fall on their feet? They seem to have a
specialability to orient themselves in a fall, which
allows them to avoid serious injury.In cities, there is
a good chanceof cats falling from high-rise flats when
they are distracted by passing birds. According to vets
in NewYork,cats have a 90% survival rate if they
fall from a height of six storeys. A person who falls
from that height certainly would not have that chance
of survival. Cats have a unique skeletal structure
their backbone is very flexible and they have no
collarbone. This allows a falling cat to change its
shape by stretching out its legs and tail (see figure).
This position reduces the cats terminal velocity, like
a parachute. But the ability to alter its shape also,
crucially, allows the cat to alter its rotational motion.
Angular momentum is conserved for an object on which
no external turning force acts. The angular momentum
is the product of the objects angular velocity and its
moment of inertia which is an inertial resistance to
rotational motion, just as mass is an inertial resistance
to linear motion. As the cat falls, spinning, it can
increase its moment of inertia by spreading out its
body mass. The conservation of angular momentum
means that this will reduce its angular velocity. Together
with the lower terminal linear velocity, this allows the cat
time to control which parts will touch the ground first.
The final twist is that the time to fall six or seven
storeys allows the cat to unwind and relax just before
landing being relaxed is the best way to avoid injury.
So, if your cat falls from a height, use your knowledge of
motion to calm yourself!
An understanding of rotational motion is essential in
engineering. Engineers constantly need to improve the Cats have unusual control over their rotational motion.
efficiency of their production and use of energy, and
minimise the impact on our environment. Improved
Background The technology of wind turbines relies on experts in
designs for engines, power station rotors and turbines
rotational dynamics.
are vital (see figure).

has an angular velocity w given by the change in
angular displacement (in radians) of the radius
PRIOR KNOWLEDGE per unit time:
In earlier studies (in Chapter 9 of Year 1
StudentBook), you learned about the motion of =
objects in straight lines. You applied the physics of
linear dynamics to situations and learned how to tangential velocity
analyse the motion graphically. You solved problems v
to obtain quantities such as displacement, velocity
and acceleration using the equations of linear r
motion. You have also (in Chapter 11 of Year 1
Student Book) applied Newtons laws of motion to
moving bodies and learned about the conservation constant angular s
of momentum. In Chapter 1 of this book, you
learned about the motion of an object in a circle,
angular measure and angular velocity.
Figure 1 A particle P moving in a circular path

LEARNING OBJECTIVES The unit of w is rads1. One radian (see section 1.1 of
In this chapter you will consider objects that Chapter 1) is the angle at the centre of a circle when
are rotating (spinning). You will learn about the the arc length s is equal to the radius r (and so s = r[]).
significance of the moment of inertia of an extended There are 2 radians in a complete circle, that is, when
object or a system, and how to calculate rotational the arc length is equal to the circumference. So 2
kinetic energy, analyse rotational motion graphically radians corresponds to 360.
and apply the mathematics of angular measure in Another common angular measure in rotational
the use of the equations of rotational motion. You will dynamics is the revolution, or rev. One revolution is
consider the relationship between torque and angular equivalent to 2 radians. As we are dealing with
acceleration, and calculate the power developed rotating objects, as well as engines later on (Engineering
by rotating objects. You will learn that angular Physics Chapter 2), they are usually expressed in
momentum, like linear momentum, is conserved, and rpm (revolutions per minute) rather than per second.
consider applications of this. Converting rpm to rads1 is often required in problems.
(Specification to The period of rotation (T) can be determined from the
angular velocity by the relationship

T =

In order to build up the physics of a rotating object,

we first need to consider the motion of a point particle Worked example
of that object, which will be moving in a circle. When Convert an angular velocity of 100rpm to radians per
a particle P moves in a circular path (Figure 1), it second. What is the period of rotation?

The mathematics of circular motion

Angular velocity: 100 rpm =

100 2
= 10.5 rad s 1
Angular acceleration
60 An angular acceleration, symbol a, arises when
Period: T = 2 gives us T = 2 = 0.60s a particle moving in a circular path increases or
10.5 decreases its speed of rotation. It is defined as the
rate of change of angular velocity:

The unit of a is rads2.
1. A spinning top rotates 30 times in 1s.
Express this in rpm and also in rads1. Note that angular acceleration is not to be confused
If it spun at the same rate for 1 minute, with the concept of centripetal acceleration, which
how many radians would it have you covered in Chapter 1. In section 1.1 of Chapter 1,
turned through? the angular velocity was constant (an object orbiting
at a constant speed, for example). However, in
all circular motion, as the (tangential) velocity
vector is continually changing direction, there is an
A particle moving in a circular path also has a linear acceleration, which is directed towards the centre of
velocity, or tangential velocity. This tangential the circle. This is the centripetal acceleration, a linear
velocity v of the particle P is related to the angular acceleration, in ms2 (such as the acceleration due
velocity w by the expression to gravity, which allows a satellite to orbit the Earth).
Here, we are considering the case where the angular
v = r velocity of a particle is not constant, so there is an
where r is the radius of the circle. The units for angular acceleration, in rads2.
the velocity and radius will be related through this
An increase in angular velocity, giving rise to an
equation. If r is measured in m, then the velocity will
angular acceleration, must be accompanied by a
be in ms1. However, if r is expressed in cm, then the
corresponding increase in the tangential velocity
tangential velocity will be in cms1.
(because the edge velocity is also increasing), and
The fact that, for a particular angular velocity, the hence a tangential acceleration a (because the
tangential velocity is proportional to the radius edge velocity is also increasing). The relation between
can beseen quite clearly by spinning a CD or vinyl these two quantities is given by
recordon a pencil (Figure 2). By drawing a series
a = r
ofdots along a radius, you can see the motion of
eachone separately. The further out, the faster As before, r is the radius of the circle. In the same
they move. way, the units for both the tangential acceleration
and the radius will use the same measure. If r is
measured in m, then the tangential acceleration will
also be in ms2.

2. Vinyl records have been making a comeback
over the past few decades (Figure 3). These
have a diameter of 30.0cm and rotate at
33 rpm, which is fixed, unlike for a CD or
DVD. The stylus is placed on the record at
Figure 2 The further the distance from the axis, the faster is the linear the edge and works its way inwards on a
velocity. spiral track.


Angular acceleration is the rate of change of

angular velocity:

Its unit is rads2.
The tangential and angular accelerations are
related by a = ra, where a is in ms2.


Consider a rigid solid body that is free to rotate (see
Figures 4 and 5). The force F is not acting through the
Figure 3 A vinyl record. The stylus tracks the groove inwards centre of mass in either case. As a consequence, there
from the edge. will be a torque (or moment) causing the solid body to
rotate around the fixed axis.
a. Calculate the angular velocity of any point
on the record in rads1. A torque (symbol T) is the product of a force and the
b. What is the tangential velocity of a point perpendicular distance of the line of action of the force
on the outer edge of the record? from a particular point or axis of rotation (see section
10.4 in Chapter 10 in Year 1 Student Book). In Figure 4,
c. The stylus will lift up when 6.0cm from the
torque T = Fs. The unit of torque is newton metre
centre. What is the tangential velocity of a
(Nm). The convention adopted is that positive torques
point at that distance?
produce a clockwise rotation.
3. A record is placed on a turntable and reaches
33 rpm in 2.0s. When turned off, it comes
to a halt in 5.0s. Use some of your answers s
from question 2 to calculate the following:
a. the initial angular acceleration of axis of
the record rotation
b. the tangential acceleration at the edge
c. the angular deceleration of the record
Figure 4 A force producing a turning effect
when the power to the motor is cut and
it slows
d. the tangential deceleration on the record Now let us look at the effect of this torque on one of
at the point where the stylus is raised up. the point masses (m), a distance r from the axis that
make up the extended rigid object in Figure 5.

fixed axis of
KEY IDEAS rotation

Angular velocity is defined as the rate of change of r m

angular displacement:
rigid body
t particle
Its unit is rads1.
The tangential and angular velocities are related by Figure 5 Newtons second law as applied to a particle in a rigid body
v = rw, where v is in ms1.

The concept of moment of inertia

The force F produces a linear acceleration of rotation, so a complete description of the rotational
the particle: motion requires an analysis of the distribution of the
mass of all the particles. In effect, we need to add
together all the individual moments of inertia around
the particular axis.
As a = r a, where a is the angular acceleration,
substituting gives Consider a two-dimensional rigid body (a lamina) that
is rotating about some fixed axis, say O, at a constant
angular velocity w, as shown in Figure 6. The rigid
body is composed of many point masses, such as the
The torque acting on the particle is F r, so torque is
one, P, shown with mass m1, which is at a distance r1
given by
from the axis of rotation.
T=mra r

T = m r2 a
v 1 r 1 P
This equation is the angular version of Newtons
second law, F = ma.

Linear version: F = m a
Rotational version: T = mr2 a

You can see that force is replaced by torque,

linear acceleration by angular acceleration, but
Figure 6 A rigid lamina that is rotating about an axis at O
notice thatthe mass term m is replaced by mr2. perpendicular to the page
In rotationalmotion, it is necessary to include as
significant the distance of the particle from the axis
of rotation. We need to sum the product of each individual point
mass with the square of its distance from the point
The term inertia is used to describe the resistance
of rotation:
of a physical object to a change in its state of motion.
When a force is applied, acceleration will occur, m1r12 + m2 r22 + m3 r32 +  = m r i i

but the magnitude will be controlled by its mass

(a = F/m). On the Moon, although objects weigh
where i = 1, 2, 3, ; the mass of the elemental
less (because of the Moon's lower gravitational field
particle i is mi, and ri is its distance from the axis of
strength, see Chapter 4), they have the same mass
rotation. The summation (represented by the symbol )
and so would be equally difficult to start (or stop)
is taken over the whole of the body. This composite
moving, because F = ma still applies.
quantity is known as the moment of inertia, I, of the
Similarly, an object has inertial resistance when it whole object:
is being forced to rotate. The objects moment of
inertia (symbol I) is a measure of the extent to which I = mr 2

the object resists being rotationally accelerated about

a certain axis. Figure 7 shows the resultant equations for the
For one particle, of mass m, that is a distance r from moment of inertia, derived using the summation
an axis of rotation, the moment of inertia is method above, for some three-dimensional objects of
regular shape. Remember that the precise location
I = mr2 of the axis of rotation will affect the value of the
moment of inertia, as the mass distribution around
The unit of I is kgm2. it may change considerably, so altering the moment
of inertia.
Real objects are made up of a large number of such
particles, all at different distances from the axis of


5. a. Calculate the moment of inertia for a metal

r disc of mass 500g, 15cm diameter.
b. Calculate the moment of inertia for a metal
sphere of mass 5kg, 20cm diameter.

Hoop about the Solid sphere about Solid cylinder (or disc) Rotating systems
central axis any diameter about the central axis When two rotating objects share a common axis of
2 I 2 mr 2 I 1 mr 2
rotation, then their individual moments of inertia are
I mr
5 2 added together to give a moment of inertia for the
Figure 7 Some examples of moments of inertia. Here m denotes the combined system. For example, two flywheels A and B
total mass and r is the dimension shown.
with radii RA and RB, respectively, have moments
1 1
of inertia M A RA2 and MB RB2 . So, the moment of
A common mechanical device used is a flywheel, 2 2
which is basically a disc or wheel that can rotate rapidly. inertia of the combination is given by
As the flywheel spins, it stores energy (kinetic energy
1 1
of rotation, see Engineering Physics section 1.6), which I = M A RA2 + MB RB2
2 2
can be released and used subsequently. The greater the
moment of inertia of a rotating object, the more energy This holds for any combination provided they rotate
is stored in much the same way that the greater the about a common axis.
mass of an object, the greater its translational kinetic
energy. So a hoop (I = mr2) will
be better than a disc (I = 1 mr2) at storing more
rotational kinetic energy when they are both rotating
at the same angular velocity. In these questions, there are four small objects,
each of mass 0.5kg, attached by light (that
is, negligible mass) rods of length 0.3m to a
Worked example commonaxis of rotation. Treat the objects, for
A hoop has a diameter of 70cm and a mass of 300g. calculation purposes, as point masses.
What is the moment of inertia of the hoop about the
central axis? 6. What is the total moment of inertia if the
structure is spun as shown in Figure 8?

0.5 kg 0.5 kg
From Figure 7, the equation for the moment of inertia
of a hoop is I = mr2. So A B

I = 0.3 0.352 = 0.04kgm2 to 2 s. f.




0.5 kg 0.5 kg
Refer to Figure 7 in answering these questions.
Figure 8
4. Calculate the moment of inertia for a hoop of
mass 100g, and 20cm diameter. Compare 7. The structure is now spun along the DB
this with the moment of inertia of a disc of axis in Figure 9. What is the new moment
the same mass and diameter. of inertia?

Torque and angular acceleration

where a is the angular acceleration. By comparing

A this with Newtons second law, F = ma, we arrived
at the idea of the moment of inertia (I = mr2) as
the rotational equivalent of the inertial mass m in
linear motion.
We can extend this to an entire solid object. The
axis of
rotation external torque on an extended rigid object can be
considered as the sum of the individual torques Ti on
each particle, causing the whole object to experience
an angular acceleration a:

C total T = Ti = (m r
i i

Figure 9
The angular acceleration a must be the same for the
whole object (as it is a rigid solid), so

T = (m ri i

A torque (or moment) is the turning effect of

The summation ( mi ri2 ) is the total moment of
a force. It is the product of a force and the
inertia (I) of the object. Newtons second law, for
perpendicular distance of the line of action of the
rotational motion, then becomes simply, for the
force from a particular point of rotation:
total torque,
The unit of torque is newton metre (Nm). Positive
torques produce a clockwise rotation. So, if there is an applied torque T (unit of Nm)
An objects moment of inertia I is a measure of acting on a solid object, whose moment of inertia is I
the objects resistance to angular acceleration (unit kgm2), there will be an angular acceleration a
about a certain axis. (unit rads2) given by a = T/I.

For a particle of mass m a distance r from an axis It is useful to point out that the unit of I from
of rotation, the moment of inertia is I = T/a would be (Nm)/(rads2). How does this relate
to kgm2, the unit we had initially for I?
I = mr2 Since 1N is the force required to give an object
The unit of I is kgm2. of mass 1kg an acceleration of 1ms2, we can
substitute for N, giving (kgms2m)/(rads2).
The moment of inertia of an extended object A rad has no unit as it is a ratio of lengths, so we
is calculated by summation of the moments of are left with kgm2.
inertia of all its particles:

I = mr 2

Worked example
A torque of 10Nm is applied to an object whose
moment of inertia is 5.0kgm2. What is the
1.3 TORQUE AND ANGULAR ACCELERATION angular acceleration?

In section 1.2, by considering a torque T acting on

one particle, of mass m, a distance r from an axis of a = T/I = 10/5.0 = 2.0rads2
rotation, we found that

T = mr2 a


Linear equation of motion Rotational equation

of motion
v = u + at w2 = w1 + at
8. A force of 30N is applied tangentially
1 1
at the edge of a disc of mass 5.0kg. Its s = (u + v)t = (w1 + w2)t
2 2
radius is 50cm. Determine the moment
1 1
of inertia, the torque applied and the s = ut + at2 = w1t + at2
2 2
angular acceleration.
v2 = u2 + 2as 22 = 12 + 2
9. A park roundabout (Figure 10) has a
diameter of 2.2m. When a small child Table 1 The similarity between the linear equations of motion for
provides a tangential force of 30N at constant acceleration and the rotational equations of motion for
the edge of the roundabout, there is constant angular acceleration
an angular acceleration of 0.30rads2.
Calculate the combined moment of inertia Just as with linear dynamics, the rotational equations
of the roundabout and the children on it. of motion can only be used when we are dealing with
constant (uniform) acceleration. A graphical method
needs to be employed when a is not constant (see
Engineering Physics section 1.5).
When dealing with problems involving rotational
motion, it is helpful to think of the variables used in
the linear motion equations and consider what their
rotational counterparts are see Table 2.

Linear Unit Rotational Unit

variable variable
Displacement, s m Angle turned rad
Figure 10
Initial velocity, u ms1 Initial angular rads1
velocity, w1
Final velocity, v ms1 Final angular rads1
KEY IDEAS velocity, w2
Time, t s Time, t s
A torque T on an object will produce an angular Acceleration, a ms2 Angular rads2
acceleration a in rads2, the value of which is
controlled by the moment of inertia I:
Table 2 Variables in linear and rotational motion
This is Newtons second law for rotational motion.
Then it is straightforward to write down the
rotationalequations by remembering the linear versions
and mapping the variables across, as in Table 1.
The rotational equations are set up in the same way
From section 1.3, you can see a similarity between the as their linear counterparts. For example, we define
expression for angular acceleration, a = T/I, and the angular acceleration (a) as the change of angular
expression for linear acceleration, a = F/m. velocity (w) divided by the time taken (t):

Is there a similar equivalent of the equation

a = (v u)/t and the other equations of linear motion? t
From Table 1, we can see that the equations of motion
So over a time interval t we have
of linear dynamics (see section 9.5 in Chapter 9 in
Year 1 Student Book) have an exact analogy when 2 1
dealing with rotational dynamics. t

Equations of rotational dynamics

By rearranging, we get The torque is then

w2 = w1 + a
t T = I = 2.4 102 6.37 = 0.153
= 0.15Nm (to 2 s.f.)
which is the first equation on the right-hand side
in Table 1. The other equations are derived in a So a torque of 0.15Nm opposing the motion is needed.
similar way.

Worked example 1
A stationary wheel undergoes an angular acceleration
of 8.0rads2. If this acceleration lasts 30s, calculate 10. A flywheel is mounted on a horizontal axle of
the final angular velocity and how many radians it will diameter 0.1m. A constant force of 100N is
have moved through. How many revolutions is that applied tangentially to the axle (Figure 11).
equivalent to? If the moment of inertia of the whole system
(flywheel and axle) is 8.0kgm2, determine
a. the angular acceleration of the flywheel
Initially, we need to find w2, so we choose
b. the number of revolutions the flywheel
w2 = w1 + a t, where w1 = 0. Thus
makes in 30s (assume the flywheel starts
w2 = 8.0 30 = 240rads1 from rest).

The angular displacement is , so we choose

= w1t + t2,
a where w1t = 0 again. So
0.1 m
= 8.0 302 = 3600rad

As there are 2rad in one revolution, it will have

turned 3600/2 570rev.

100 N

Worked example 2 Figure 11

A flywheel has a moment of inertia 2.4 102kgm2 11. A park roundabout has been left rotating at
and is rotating with an angular velocity of 20rads1. 30rpm. A passer-by slows it down and stops it
Calculate the torque that is required to bring the by applying a tangential braking force of 200N.
flywheel to rest in five revolutions. The moment of inertia of the roundabout is
500kgm2 and its radius is 2.0m. Calculate
a. the initial angular velocity
We are given that I = 2.4 102kgm2, w1 = 20rads1
b. the braking torque being applied
and = 5.0rev = 5.0 2 = 10rad. So, we can use
the following equation of rotational motion to calculate c. the angular deceleration of
the angular acceleration: the roundabout
d. the time taken to stop and how many
22 = 12 + 2 revolutions this will take.

Hence, 12. In a hammer throw (Figure 12), the athlete

spins around six times in roughly 5s. The
0 = 400 + 2a(10) release velocity is 30ms1, the mass of the
giving hammer is 7.00kg, and the length of the wire
is 1.3m. Assume the length of the athletes
= = 6.37rad s 2 arm is 0.7m. In practice, the hammers

velocity is built up in stages, but here assume
which is a deceleration. a constant angular acceleration.



The equations of rotational motion introduced in
section 1.4 are only applicable when the angular
acceleration is constant. In the real world, this
seldom happens. Graphs are often needed to
solve problems.
The approach is like that in linear motion
(seesection 9.4 in Chapter 9 in Year 1 Student
Book), except the object is spinning. There are
analogous rules:

Figure 12 The hammer thrower builds up the angular velocity by 1. The angular displacement is angular
spinning several times velocity time. So the area under an
angular velocitytime graph is equal to the
a. Calculate the moment of inertia of the
displacement in radians. To calculate the
hammer on the end of the wire.
number of revolutions, divide by 2.
b. Calculate the average angular acceleration.
2. The gradient of an angular velocitytime
c. Calculate the average torque being
graph is the angular acceleration at
applied by the athlete.
that time.
d. Are we justified in ignoring the mass of
the athletes arm in the above calculation?
A typical human arm has a mass of 9kg.
Worked example
Assume that a reasonable estimate for
the moment of inertia of an arm can be Figure 13 shows the angular velocitytime graph for
a spinning object. Calculate the angular acceleration
gauged by 1mL2, where L is the length.
3 and the total angular displacement at 120s. How
Calculate the moment of inertia of the many complete revolutions has it made?
athletes arm and compare it to the value
obtained in part a. Comment.

/ rad s 1

For uniform angular acceleration, the equations of
rotational motion can be used to solve problems: 10

w2 = w1 + a
1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
= 2 (w1 + w2)t
1 2 Figure 13
= w1t + 2 a

22 = 12 + 2
The angular acceleration is the gradient of the graph.
Each of these equations is analogous to one of the By drawing the biggest triangle possible, the gradient
linear equations of motion for uniform acceleration. is 30/120 or 0.25rads2.
The total angular displacement is the area under the
graph up to 120s, which is
1 120 30= 1800rad. As there are 2 radians in
a circle, this is about 286 revolutions.

Rotational kinetic energy


13. The graph in Figure 14 is for a spinning The area under an angular velocitytime graph is
object. equal to the displacement in radians.

The gradient of an angular velocitytime graph at
any point is equal to the angular acceleration at
that time.
/ rad s1

Any object rotating has kinetic energy due to its
rotational motion. Consider first a point mass m1
0 moving in a circle about some point O a distance r1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
t/s away. The particle is moving with a linear speed v1.
Figure 14 The kinetic energy of the particle is given by

a. Describe the motion for the four sections 1

Ek = m1v12
labelled A, B, C and D. 2
b. Calculate the angular acceleration in The linear velocity is connected to the angular velocity
each section. via the equation v1 = r1w. The kinetic energy of the
c. Calculate the total angular displacement. particle can therefore be rewritten as
How many revolutions has the object
made overall? Ek = m1( r1 )2
14. Figure 15 shows the increase in angular
velocity of an object with time. This can be rearranged to give

Ek = ( m1r12 ) 2
30 2
If we compare this expression with that for kinetic
20 energy of linear motion, angular velocity has replaced
/ rad s 1

linear velocity, and the term that has replaced the

mass is the moment of inertia of the point mass
10 about the point of rotation. This is just as we found
A in Engineering Physics section 1.3, in deriving a
5 rotational version of Newtons second law.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
t/s r1
Figure 15

a. Calculate the angular acceleration at r2
points A, B and C.
b. Estimate the total angular displacement m2
and therefore the number of revolutions.

Figure 16 Calculating the rotational kinetic energy of an extended

rotating body


An extended body that is rotating about an axis through 1

At 100rpm (10.5rads1), Ek = 2.5 (10.5)2
a point O comprises many such point masses (see 2
Figure 16). The total kinetic energy of rotation is given by = 138J.
1 1 At 300rpm (31.4rads1), Ek = 2.5 (31.4)2
Ek = ( m1r12 ) 2 + ( m2 r22 ) 2 + 2
2 2
1 = 1230J.
= 2 ( m1r12 + m2 r22 + )
2 As can be seen, the combination that gives the
maximum amount of stored energy is the largestangular
with r1, r2, being the perpendicular distances from
velocity and the largest moment of inertia.
the axis of rotation. For a given body rotating about a
given axis, the term m1r12 + m2 r22 +  is the moment
of inertia, I, so that the rotational kinetic energy is
simply given by
1 2 15. A solid steel cylindrical rotor is being tested.
Ek = I
2 The rotor has a mass of 272 kg and a
A flywheel is a simple device used for storing rotational radius of 38.0cm. During the test, the rotor
kinetic energy. As this rotational kineticenergy depends reaches an angular speed of 14000revmin1
on two key factors theangular velocity (w) and the before breaking.
moment of inertia (I) both of these must be as large a. Calculate the angular velocity when
as possible tomaximise the energy storage capacity this happens.
of theflywheel. Large I is achieved by ensuring b. How much energy had the rotor stored?
that, as far as possible, most of the mass is far from What happened to this energy when the
theaxis.The limitation is dependent on maintainingthe rotor broke?
structural integrity of the flywheel asit spins.
16. a. Assuming the Earth to be a sphere with
The expression for rotational kinetic energy shows 2
that Ek increases by the square of w, just as linear moment of inertia 5 MR2, where M is the
Ek depends on v2, and so therefore does the energy mass of the Earth (6.0 1024kg) and R
required to decelerate and stop the motion, with a is the radius of the Earth (6.4 106m),
consequent effect on the stopping distance. calculate the moment of inertia of the Earth.
b. What is its rotational kinetic energy?
Worked example 1
A disc is spun up initially to 100rpm and then later to Objects such as balls that are rolling (rather than
300rpm. It has a radius of 50cm and a mass of 10kg. sliding) have two forms of kinetic energy: linear as well
Find Ek in each case. as rotational (Figure 17).
The same mass is now made into a hoop, with
everything else being kept the same. Calculate the new
value for Ek in each case. Comment on the answers.
1 2
For the disc, the moment of inertia is mr , which is
10 (0.5)2 = 1.25kgm2.
At 100rpm = 100 2/60 = 10.5rads1, we have
Ek = 1.25 (10.5)2 = 68.9J.
At 300rpm = 300 2/60 = 31.4rads1, we have
Ek = 1.25 (31.4)2 = 616J.
That is quite a dramatic increase.
For the hoop, the moment of inertia is mr2, so it will Figure 17 A bowling ball is rotating as well as moving
be 2.5kgm2. down the lane towards the pins.
Rotational kinetic energy

Worked example 2 Rotational Ek =

1 2 1
Iw = 0.0056 3.002
A uniform disc has mass 500g and diameter 30.0cm. 2 2
It is rolled on its edge along a horizontal table. It rolls = 0.0252J
a distance of 45.0cm in 1s. Calculate the total energy Total energy of the disc = 0.0506 + 0.0252
of the disc.
= 0.0758J

Since the disc is rotating as well as moving

horizontally, its energy will be the sum of the two
forms of Ek: linear plus rotational. QUESTIONS
Linear velocity v = 0.450ms1 17. Each wheel of a bicycle is 60.0cm in
1 1 diameter and has a mass of 1800g.
Linear Ek = mv2 = 0.5 0.4502
2 2 Assuming that each wheel is a hoop,
= 0.0506J calculate the total kinetic energy of each

( )
1 2 wheel when the bicycle is travelling at 30km
To calculate the rotational Ek 2 I , we need to per hour.
calculate the angular velocity w of the disc. Imagine
first that the disc is just rotating, with angular velocity
Stretch and challenge
w and tangential velocity vt (Figure 18a), so w = vt/r, 18. Two identical tins of fruit juice, one of which
where r is its radius. is frozen, are placed at the top of a slope
and released at the same time, so that they
roll straight down the slope (Figure 19).
Which will get to the bottom first? Explain
your answer.




vt Figure 19

vt X vt

Figure 18 The tangential velocity of the rotating disc must be equal

and opposite to the linear velocity.
Now imagine the rotating disc placed on the 1 2
Rotational kinetic energy is given by Ek = Iw .
tablesurface. The disc rolls and its centre of mass 2
moves at linear velocity vt. Why? The tangential A flywheel is a mechanical device that is
velocity vt at the table surface (point X in Figure 18b) made to spin in order to store rotational
must be equal and opposite to the linear velocity, kinetic energy.
as otherwise the disc would be sliding along the For maximum energy storage capacity, the
surface. The top will therefore be moving at twice this flywheels moment of inertia needs to be as large
tangential velocity. as possible, and its angular velocity as large
So, w = vt/r = 0.450/0.150 as possible.

= 3.00rads1.
Moment of inertia I = mr2
= 0.500 0.1502 = 0.0056kgm2
2 13


(PS 1.1, PS 1.2, PS 2.3, PS 3.3, MS 0.1, MS 1.1, Questions
MS 1.2, MS 1.5, MS 2.2, MS 2.3)
A1 a. Calculate the mean of the dropping times.
The moment of inertia of a large flywheel can be b. By using the range of the times, calculate
determined by using a hanging mass to produce a the spread and therefore the uncertainty
torque on the flywheel (Figure A1). as a percentage of the time.
wall-mounted flywheel c. How does the percentage uncertainty
compare with the precision of the timer?
Why is there a difference?

A2 a. We can assume that the acceleration of

the falling mass is constant. Will it be
b. Calculate the final velocity of the
dropping mass.
shaft (axis of
rotation) string, longer than A3 a. Calculate the Ep lost by the mass and
the height of drop the linear Ek of the mass gained after
masses on to be measured falling through 100cm.
a hanger b. Use conservation of energy to calculate
Figure A1 The experimental set-up the rotational Ek of the flywheel.

The weight of the mass exerts a torque on the A4 a. Calculate the final angular velocity of the
central shaft, causing it to rotate. The flywheel is flywheel. [Hint: This is the same as the
physically attached to the shaft, so it also rotates. final angular velocity of the shaft.]
b. From your answers to part b of question
The basis of the experiment is the principle of
A3 and part a of this question, calculate
conservation of energy. As the mass descends,
a value for the moment of inertia of
its gravitational potential energy (Ep = mgh) is
the flywheel.
transferred as linear kinetic energy of the masses
c. Calculate the percentage and absolute
and rotational kinetic energy of the flywheel:
uncertainty in this value of I.
1 1
mgh = mv2 + Iw2
2 2 A5 Assuming the flywheel to be a ring of
The measurements shown in Table 3 were made. material, calculate the theoretical moment
of inertia, from its mass and radius.
Measurement Value Uncertainty
Mass m descending 700g Assumed to be zero A6 a. There is some disagreement between
Drop h over which 100cm Measured using a ruler, the experimental value and the
time is measured precise to 1mm theoretical value. Can these two answers
Mass of the flywheel 7.26kg Assumed to be zero be reconciled by considering the
assumptions that have been made?
Mass of the axle 1.13kg Assumed to be zero
b. Using the initial data, calculate
Diameter of the 20.0cm Measured using a ruler,
the moment of inertia for the axle
flywheel precise to 1mm
and comment.
Diameter of the axle 25.0mm Measured using Vernier
precise to 0.1mm
Times to drop 11.44s Measured with a
10.94s stopwatch,
11.21s precise to 0.01s
Table 3

Applications of flywheels


A flywheel, for optimum performance, needs to have
most of its mass as far as possible from the axis of

rotation. Because a hoop is not a practical shape (how
could it be attached?), in practice a large flywheel is
often designed as a rim linked by spokes to the axis
(Figure 20).

Flywheel speed / rpm

0 180 360 540 720

Crankshaft rotation / degrees

Figure 21 The upper curve shows the variation of torque in a
standard car engine during one cycle of the engine. Notice the erratic
nature of the curve, peaking in the third section. This would make
for an uncomfortable ride. The effect of a flywheel (lower curve) is to
smooth the large changes.

The torque is what makes the wheels rotate, thereby

moving the vehicle forwards. Uneven torque will cause
a jerky motion in the vehicle and unwanted vibration.
This will be uncomfortable for the occupants and a
waste of energy. The flywheel that is added will speed
up and slow down over a period of time because of
its inertia, and hence sharp fluctuations in torque are
flattened, or smoothed.
In practice, to increase total power and to further
control these fluctuations, real engines usually
have four or more combustion cylinders. These are
staggered in their operation and are all attached
Figure 20 In a flywheel, the spokes are symmetric, for stability. collectively to a large flywheel (see Figure 22), which
Although the majority of the mass ideally needs to be at the rim, there
will effectively smooth or average out the torques
are also structural and safety considerations to take into account.
being produced by the separate cylinders. The
In industry and in transport applications, flywheels greater the number of cylinders working in this way,
have three main uses: the smoother the operation of the whole engine will
be. But more cylinders lead to greater cost, weight
1. They can smooth out torque or speed and complexity.
variations in vehicles.
2. They can recover and re-use some of the crankshaft
kinetic energy that would otherwise be wasted, flywheel
through braking, for example.
3. They are an essential component of machinery
in some production processes.

Smoothing torque and speed

In vehicle engines, power is not produced continuously,
but only in the power stroke or combustion part of
the engine cycle. (This will be covered in more detail
in section 2.1 of Engineering Physics Chapter 3.) As
a consequence, the engine produces a torque that Figure 22 A flywheel is used to smooth out the rotation of a
crankshaft in a four-cylinder car.
fluctuates (see Figure 21).

Kinetic energy recovery system (KERS) using a direct mechanical method, or by producing
The idea of regenerative braking has been electricity, which is then used to spin motors
aroundfor a while rather than have a cars attached to the wheels of the car. Control of the flow
kineticenergy (KE) wasted by transferring to of power to and from the flywheel is computerised.
heatthrough conventional braking, methods are The future may lie in combinations of batteries and
used to collect and store energy from a cars flywheels, as the cost of batteries used in hybrids
brakingmotionfor re-use. Kinetic energy recovery is falling.
system (KERS) is theexpression for any system that
does this.
For example, in hybrid cars, there is a combination
of conventional combustion engines and an
electric motor. This involves generators, which are
spun as braking occurs. This produces electricity,
which is stored in batteries. When needed, these
batteriespower an electric motor (the generator 19. A flywheel used in a flybrid car is a ring
working backwards) to contribute to the driving ofcarbon fibre on a steel hub. It rotates
torqueof the conventional engine. However, a in a vacuum inside a steel container. The
drawback is that the batteries have a large mass, wholeflybrid assembly has a mass of 60kg.
so the overall fuel efficiency is not as good as might a. What is the advantage of the flywheel
be expected. spinning in a vacuum?
A recent development is the flybrid design, the word b. The batteries used in a hybrid are
being a combination of flywheel and hybrid. In this 300kg. List two advantages the flybrid
system, when the vehicle brakes, some of the KE is has over the hybrid.
used to spin a flywheel. This can be achieved in two c. The flywheel can store sufficient energy
ways: either through a generator/motor method, to deliver about 60kW for 10s. How
similar to the hybrid, or by a direct mechanical linkage much energy can it then deliver?
via gears between the rear driveshaft and the flywheel d. Under what driving conditions would 10s
(Figure 23). extra power be sufficient?

flywheel can
rotate up to
60 000 rpm Production applications
rear driveshaft Many industrial manufacturing applications,
such asforming and piercing sheet metal, rely
on continuous, non-fluctuating action (Figure
24). Traditionally, leather belts, driven by electric
cog linkage transfers motors,were used to drive presses. Flywheels
energy to/from were essential because the belts could stretch or
flywheel warp with differing atmospheric conditions; they
variable transmission
and gearings links
could also become inflexible or slip momentarily.
flywheel to driveshaft The flywheel helped to combat the consequences
of these problems. Later, belts were replaced by
wheel motorsdirectly attached to the presses. But motors
can have non-regularities, so the best solution is
Figure 23 The KERS layout for a car. Rotational energy is
to have motors spin large flywheels. These reduce
transferred to the flywheel, where it is stored until needed, then
transferred back as required. problems occurring in the production process as a
result of fluctuations.
When accelerating, the situation is reversed: the
flywheel rotational energy is transferred back to the
driveshaft as required. Again, this is done either by

Applications of flywheels

Figure 24 Punch presses are designed to cut (very regular) Figure 25 A long conveyor belt used in the mining industry
holes inmaterial, so precision and consistency are essential.
A flywheel, ascan be seen in this old punch press, ensures head pulley
that this happens. tail pulley
When ores, extracted from mines, need to be
drive motor
transferred to other processing sections, conveyor
belts are used (Figure 25). Some of these can be
take-up pulley the weight
very long, extending up to a kilometre, lifting up ore maintains tension
through a vertical height of a quarter of a kilometre
Figure 26 A conveyor belt used for transporting materials normally
or so. They are made of one continuous piece of has two main pulleys, at either end of the carrying section.
material.There are usually two main pulleys: one at
the top (the head) and one at the bottom (the tail). If there is a power fluctuation, a failure or an
There will be a motorised drive as well as a take-up emergency stop, the inertia of the belt will try to keep
pulley, which maintains the correct tension (see it moving. But different parts of the belt will be under
Figure 26). different tension, so each part will react differently.
Some parts will stop quickly, others will not be able to.
Stress waves will be created, which will move along the
belt, leading to regions of sag and over-stretch, and
potential damage on a large scale.
This is solved by the addition of a flywheel to the
conveyor system.


Angular momentum is a vector quantity and has

an associated direction, which is along the axis of
QUESTIONS rotation, and hence perpendicular to the plane of
20. a. Where in the conveyor belt system in rotation (Figure 27). By convention, the direction of
Figure 26 would you expect the flywheel to the angular momentum vector is towards an observer
be placed? if the direction of rotation is anticlockwise.

b. Explain how the addition of a flywheel

will have a dramatic impact. In
your answer, discuss any change in
the stopping time. Why and how is L
this important?

Figure 27 The angular momentum vector is perpendicular to the

KEY IDEAS plane of rotation.

Flywheels are used to smooth out torque As angular momentum is defined in terms of the
variations in vehicle engines. product of the moment of inertia and the angular
velocity, the associated SI unit will be kgm2s1. This
Flywheels can be used to store kinetic energy emphasises the link to moment of inertia. However,
transferred on the braking of a vehicle. since T = I, angular momentum L = (T/a x w) and so
Flywheels are an essential component to we can also use the unit ((Nm)/(rads2)) (rads1),
ensure smooth running of machinery in some or Nms. A similar argument was used in an earlier
production processes. section, when we derived the unit for moment
of inertia.

Worked example
1.8 ANGULAR MOMENTUM The London Eye has a diameter of 135m and makes
a complete rotation at a constant angular speed w in
The angular momentum L of a particle about an 30 minutes. If the total moment of inertia of the Eye
axis is the product of its linear momentum and the is 8.2 109kgm2, calculate the magnitude of the
perpendicular distance of the particle from the axis: angular momentum.
L = m1v1 r1

For a particle P rotating about an axis at O with To find the angular speed, we use the fact that the
an angular velocity w (where v1 = r1w), this leads to wheel goes through an angular displacement of
the expression = 2rad in a time period T = 30min. Hence,

L = m1 r12 = = 0.0035 rad s 1
30 60

For a rigid body composed of many such point masses Using the expression for angular momentum gives
m1, m2, m3, at distances r1, r2, r3, from the axis
of rotation, the total angular momentum is given by L = I = 8.2 109 0.0035 = 2.9 107 kg m2 s 1

L = m1 r12 + m2 r22 + 
= ( m1r12 + m2 r22 + ) Conservation of angular momentum
When dealing with linear momentum, we used the
leading to the expression principle of conservation of linear momentum, which
was valid provided no external forces were applied.
L = I There is an analogous principle of conservation of
angular momentum:

Angular momentum

The total angular momentum of a system at

some initial time is equal to the total angular
momentum at some later time, provided no QUESTIONS
external torque acts upon the system. 21. a. All stars rotate (as a consequence of
L1 = L 2 their original formation). After a star
explodes in a supernova, the central
I11 = I22
core will shrink until its radius is about
the size of a city and it becomes a
Imagine an ice skater spinning about a vertical axis neutron star. By considering the angular
(Figure 28). When she brings her arms much closer momentum, state what will happen to its
to her body, her mass is much closer to her axis of rate of rotation. [Assume no mass loss of
rotation. This results in a lowering of her moment of the star at this point.]
inertia I. As angular momentum (Iw) is conserved,
b. Our Suns radius is 7 108m. It takes
this results in a much larger value of w, the angular
about 30 days to spin once, on average.
velocity, so the skater spins faster. There is a
i. Estimate the angular velocity of
corresponding increase in the rotational kinetic energy
the Sun.
1 2
2 Iw . This energy has come from the skater, who has ii. If the Sun became a neutron star
had to do work to pull her arms in. of radius 20km, what would be its
approximate angular velocity?
(a) (b)
iii. Estimate how many times the neutron
star would revolve in 1s.
22. Two children are on a roundabout, which
has a moment of inertia of 500kgm2. It is
rotating at 20rpm. The children, both of
40kg mass, are standing at the edge on
opposite sides, a distance of 2.0m from the
axis of rotation. Both let go together and
jump off.
a. Calculate the total moment of inertia
Figure 28 As the skater draws her arms in, she spins faster.
with the children on board. What
assumptions do you need to make?
A further example is with high-board diving, where
b. Calculate the angular momentum of the
the diver changes his or her distribution of mass
roundabout plus children.
when descending, in order to speed up or slow down
the spin rate, so that manoeuvres are completed c. What will be the new angular velocity
effectively (just like the cat in the figure in the of the roundabout after the children
introduction to this option). jump off?

This principle holds, no matter what takes place within

the system. In a collision between two objects, the
conservation of angular momentum may result in the
objects rotating in opposite directions. The law has no
A gyroscope is a device consisting of a wheel or disc
known exceptions it holds true for situations ranging
that spins rapidly about an axis that is also free to
from subatomic particles to planets, and even for
change direction (Figure 29). As a consequence of
objects that travel close to the speed of light.
the conservation of angular momentum, if it is spun
The EarthMoon system has its own angular pointing in a certain direction (for example, vertically),
momentum. Owing to tidal drag, the Earths spin on then as long as it stays spinning quite fast, it will
its axis is slowing down. As a direct consequence, continue to point that same way. The orientation
angular momentum is transferred to the Moon, and of its axis will be unaffected by tilting or rotating
hence its orbital radius is increasing, at the rate of the mounting.
about 3cm each year.


Stretch and challenge

Applications of gyroscopes
If loss of energy can be prevented, the orientation of
a gyroscopes axis will be maintained, and this means
they have some useful applications.
The motion of an aircraft away from a gyroscope
axis can be measured and then this information
can be used either to determine location or to
adjust the position to get it back on track.
Satellites use gyroscopes that measure changes in
all three dimensions, to navigate by.
A ship can use a gyroscope to enable it to stay more
upright, especially in stormy seas. The gyroscope is
fixed to the hull and is spun up to 10000rpm.
Segway scooters and two-legged robots use an
assembly of gyroscopes in order to maintain their
Figure 29 A simple spinning gyroscope of the sort that has intrigued vertical position.
children of all ages
When a racing car is driven around a bend, the
However, friction will cause the gyroscope to lose energy spinning engine gives rise to a gyroscopic effect,
and it will begin to slow down. As it is already in an which causes the cars nose to be forced either up
unstable position, balancing on a small base, there are or down, affecting the friction with the ground.
a variety of reasons why the axis will soon move slightly
away from its initial position (friction with the surface, the Some computer devices have gyroscopes inside
effect of air pressure or some non-uniform distribution of them, so that the movements of a mouse can be
the mass of the gyroscope to start with). As soon as this input without it resting on a surface.
starts to occur, there will be an external torque due to In virtual reality headsets, the motion of your
gravity. This causes a change in the angular momentum. head is detected by miniature gyroscopic sensors,
The result is a continuously changing direction of the and this information is fed back to the computer,
axis the gyroscope, as well as spinning on its axis, which will then change the display, so creating a
rotates slowly around the vertical. This is an effect called seamless perspective.
precession (Figure 30). The direction of precession will
be in the same sense (clockwise or anticlockwise) as the
spin of the gyroscope itself.
This effect will only occur as long as the gyroscope is
spinning and, the slower the spin, the bigger the angle
it will make to the vertical, eventually toppling over as Stretch and challenge
it becomes too unstable.
23. Choose one of the gyroscope applications
mentioned in the previous list. Explain
briefly how it works, making reference to
angular momentum. You may need to do
some research.

Angular impulse
As you will recall from section 11.2 of Year 1 Student
Book, linear momentum is only conserved when
no external force is acting. Then, the change of
weight momentum is equal to the force time (known as
Figure 30 The precession of a gyroscope the impulse).

Work and power in rotating systems

In exactly the same way, we can say that angular

momentum is only conserved if no external torque
acts. If a torque is applied, then there will be a KEY IDEAS
change of angular momentum. This is called the The angular momentum L of a particle about an
angular impulse: axis is the product of its linear momentum and
L = L2 L1 = I2 I1 = I ( 2 1) the perpendicular distance of the particle from
the axis.
Angular impulse therefore has the same unit as This leads to L = Iw, where I is the moment of
angular momentum: kgm2s1. inertia of an object or system, and the w is the
The torque T applied can be related to the angular angular velocity.
impulse L. Now, from Engineering Physics section Angular momentum is always conserved, provided
1.3, we know that the torque is equal to the rate of there is no external torque acting on the system.
change of angular momentum:
When a torque T acts, the impulse is equal to the
L change in angular momentum. This is given by
T = I = I =
t t (Iw) = Tt.

The consequent expression for angular impulse is


This is the angular version of linear impulse: average Consider a rigid body that turns through an angle
force F times the duration of the impact t (see about an axis when a force F is applied. The
section 11.3 in Chapter 11 in Year 1 Student Book). perpendicular distance from the axis to the line of
action of the force is r. The force produces a constant
Since L could be either I w or I w, we can
torque T = Fr. As the rigid body rotates about the
therefore write
axis, the force moves along an arc of length s = r.
( I ) = Tt The work done is the product of the force and the
distance moved:
as the most generalised version, which should be used W = Fr
where the moment of inertia may not be constant.
which is

W = T

QUESTIONS Here, the work done, W, is in joules when the constant

24. An exercise bike has a flywheel whose torque, T, is in Nm and the angle moved, , is given
moment of inertia is 40kgm2. How big in radians.
an angular impulse is needed to bring the Work done may increase the rotational kinetic
rotational speed up to 0.8revs1 from a energy of the rigid body, but it must also overcome
standing start? resistive forces that may be present. Friction cannot
25.0 a.0A bicycle wheel, which is free to rotate, be completely avoided when two moving objects
has a diameter of 60cm and a mass of are in contact. Attempts are made to minimise this
1.8kg. It is initially stationary. When by varying techniques such as lubricants or by ball
a person applies a tangential force to bearings between such surfaces. The frictional force
the edge, the wheel sped up to 9.0 in the case of an object rotating on an axis like a
revolutions per second. What was the flywheel on an axle is at the edge of the rotating
angular impulse applied? object, so there will be a torque about the axis, called
frictional torque.
b. The person applied the force to the wheel
for 3.0s. What torque was applied and
what tangential force was applied?


A frictional torque may act to resist the motion

of a rotating body, and so reduce its rotational 27. A braking force of 200 N is applied to the
kinetic energy. Alternatively, a frictional torque edge of a disc of diameter 20 cm. Calculate
may be applied such as when you grip the braking torque. The power supplied by
and turn a screwdriver in which case the a motor is able to keep the disc rotating at
rotationalkineticenergy will increase. Whenever 45 rad s1. Calculate the power delivered by
atorque turnsan object through an angle, work the motor.
is done. 28. This question concerns a potters wheel, with a
disc of clay on it (Figure 31). Relevant data are:
Power is the rate of doing work:
Diameter of potters wheel = 70.0 cm
W (T )
P = = = T Mass of potters wheel = 40.0 kg
t t t
Wheels rotation rate = 3.50 rev s1
where /t is the change in angular displacement Diameter of clay disc = 20.0 cm
with respect to time, that is, the angular velocity.
Mass of clay disc = 2.40 kg
Hence, power is given by
potters wheel
P = T

This equation is the angular version of the linear

equation P = Fv (see section 11.5 in Chapter 11 in
Year 1 Student Book), which enables calculation of the
power needed to overcome resistive forces, thereby
maintaining a constant velocity v.

Worked example
A spinning disc is being kept at a constant
angularvelocity of 2700 rpm by a motor. frictional force
There is friction present, which is producing a applied to the clay
(braking)frictional torque of 45 N m. Calculate Figure 31
thepower needed to maintain the angular velocity
ofthe disc. The potter applies a frictional force of 20 N for
10s on one side of the clay, which slows the
wheel down.
The angular velocity is kept constant, so the power a. Calculate the torque the potter applies to
from the motor must be equal to the rate of work the clay and wheel.
done against the frictional torque.
b. Calculate the angular velocity of the
We need to convert the 2700 rpm to radians per wheel after 10 s. Assume there is no
second. This is (2700/60) 2 = 280 rad s1. slippage of the clay.
Power P = T w = 45 280 = 13 000 W c. Calculate the work done by the potter in
slowing the wheel down.

The work done W by a torque T in moving a system
26. Calculate the power needed to maintain through an angular displacement is W = T.
an angular velocity of 15 rad s1 in a Real machines are subject to frictional torque,
disc, where the frictional torque is which resists the rotation.
25 N m.
The power needed to overcome a frictional
torque T in order to maintain a constant angular
momentum w is given by P = Tw.
Analogy between linear and rotational motion


The correspondences between quantities in linear and
rotational motion are summarised in Table 4.

Linear Linear Rotational Rotational Rotational units

motion quantity motion quantity
Mass m Moment of inertia I kgm2
Velocity Angular velocity rads1
v =
t t

Acceleration Angular acceleration rads2

a =
t t

Displacement s Angular displacement rad

Translational kinetic Rotational kinetic energy J
ET = 1 mv2 Ek = 1 Iw2
energy 2 2
Momentum p = mv Angular momentum L = Iw Nms
Force F = ma Turning moment (torque) T = Fr Nm
( mv ) T = I
F =
t ( I )
T =

Work done W = Fs Work done W = T J

Power P = Fv Power P = Tw W
Impulse I = Ft Angular impulse L = I2 I1 Nms
L = Tt

Table 4 The correspondence between linear motion and angular motion


(MS 0.1, MS 2.3) to spin up the flywheel on the bus. In normal
motion, the spinning flywheel became the source of
In Switzerland, just after the Second World War, a
energy on the bus and was used to provide power
novel type of transport system was introduced on
for the traction motor attached to the wheels.
routes that did not merit a tram or trolley-bus service.
Fuel had been rationed, so a compromise was sought.
The gyrobus a flywheel-powered bus caught
peoples attention. Read this information about the
gyrobus and answer the questions at the end.
The gyrobus design was originally based on the
chassis of a lorry, but was changed for a lighter design
when it went into regular service in 1953. Its range
was 6km, so the first regular service was only 4.5km,
travelling at a maximum speed of 55km per hour.
There were four recharging points along the route,
where a top-up charge took about 10 minutes
(Figure A1). A motor on the bus used this electricity Figure A1 The gyrobus being charged up


Eventually, the gyrobuses were replaced with small A3 In use, the spin speed would eventually
diesel buses as running costs became too high, drop down to about 2000rpm. How much
including electricity bills. energy would have been transferred to drive
the bus?

Design details A4 It took 40 minutes to get the flywheel

spinning at maximum speed, starting from
The flywheel was made of steel. It had a mass rest. Suggest what they might have done
of 1.5tons. in the depots to ensure a quick start in
the morning.
The flywheel had a diameter of 1.6m.
Stretch and challenge
It was spun in a hydrogen gas chamber to
reduce air resistance. A5 The spinning flywheel acts as a gyroscope.
What problems can you foresee for the bus
The maximum spin it could achieve was
as it changed direction?
A6 What could be a problem for the bearings
It was spun by an electric motor, provided by
supporting the flywheel, considering
power from the usual mains supply, at the
its mass?
A7 What safety concerns might there
Questions have been?

A1 Calculate the moment of inertia of the A8 Nowadays, with concerns about pollution
flywheel, using data from the Design details from engines, lighter materials becoming
box. Assume its shape to be a disc. [1ton available, as well as the introduction of
is different from 1 metric tonne (= 1000kg); magnetic bearings, could the gyrobus be
1ton is equivalent to 907kg] a viable alternative means of transport?
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages.
A2 When the flywheel was spinning fastest, how
much energy would it be storing?


1. Flywheels have recently become the subject b. Show that the energy stored in the
of intensive research as power storage flywheel at the end of this 8 minute period
devices for use in vehicles and power is 3.5MJ.
plants. They are able to store energy very c. After reaching its maximum speed, the
efficiently and then release the energy over flywheel is allowed to come to rest. The
a prolonged period of time. A particular average power dissipated in overcoming
portable device has a moment of inertia the frictional forces is 15W. Calculate
of 1.2kgm2 and can operate safely up to thetime taken before the flywheel is
25000 revolutions per minute. at rest.
a. The flywheel starts at rest and receives d. Determine the size of the frictional torque
an acceleration of 5rads2 for 8 minutes. acting on the flywheel.
Calculate the final number of revolutions
per minute.

Practice questions

2. A small electric motor is used to start a frictional losses in the drive mechanism
flywheel. A clutch mechanism is used to are negligible.
connect the motor to the flywheel, when the i.0 C
 alculate the energy transferred from the
clutch is said to be engaged. flywheel to the car.
a. Initially the motor is running at ii.0Calculate the average power produced by
2400revmin1 and the flywheel is the decelerating flywheel.
stationary. The motor and clutch system
iii.0Calculate the decelerating torque on the
has a moment of inertia of 0.84kgm2.
flywheel, stating an appropriate unit.
Calculate the angular momentum of
the motor. iv.0Calculate the number of revolutions made
by the flywheel in the time of 6.6s.
b. How much rotational kinetic energy does
the motor have? AQA Unit 5C June 2011 Q2
c. The motor is now connected to the 4. The turntable of a microwave oven has a
flywheel via the clutch mechanism. The moment of inertia of 8.2 103kgm2 about
moment of inertia of the flywheel and
its vertical axis of rotation.
driveshaft is 1.4kgm2. Explain why the
a. With the drive disconnected, the
speed of the motor decreases as the clutch
turntable is set spinning. Starting at an
is engaged.
angular speed of 6.4rads1 it makes 8.3
d. Calculate the common angular velocity of
revolutions before coming to rest.
the motor and flywheel immediately after
i.0 C
 alculate the angular deceleration of the
the clutch is engaged.
turntable, assuming that the deceleration
e. Determine the angular impulse on the
is uniform. State an appropriate unit for
flywheel as the clutch engages.
your answer.
3. Some motor racing cars are fitted with a ii.0Calculate the magnitude of the frictional
kinetic energy recovery system (KERS). In torque acting at the turntable bearings.
this system, as the car brakes approaching
b. The turntable drive is reconnected.
a bend, instead of all the lost kinetic energy
A circular pie is placed centrally on
being dissipated as heat, some of the energy
the turntable. The power input to the
is used to accelerate a flywheel. When the
microwave oven is 900W, and to cook
car needs to accelerate out of the bend, the
the pie the oven is switched on for
energy in the flywheel assists the engine in
270seconds. The turntable reaches its
providing extra power.
operating speed of 0.78rads1 almost
a. Describe and explain some of the
immediately, and the friction torque is the
design features of a flywheel in order
same as in part aii.
for it to store maximum energy. Your
i.0 C
 alculate the work done to keep the
answer should include consideration of
turntable rotating for 270s at a constant
the flywheels shape, the material from
angular speed of 0.78rads1 as the pie
which it is made and its design for high
angular speeds.
ii.0 Show that the ratio
b. A KERS flywheel has a moment of
inertia of 0.036kgm2 and rotates at its energy supplied to oven
maximum angular speed of 6400rads1. work done to drive tu
When the flywheel is used to help
is of the order of 105.
accelerate the car, the flywheels speed
reduces uniformly to 3100rads1 in AQA Unit 5C June 2013 Q1
a time of 6.6s. You may assume that

You will need to build on your knowledge of the
three gas laws, the concept of an ideal gas and the
ideal gas equation. You will need to be confident
in using the Kelvin temperature scale and to
remember the concept of absolute zero. You need
to understand the principles of the kinetic theory
model. Refer back to Chapter 3 to ensure you are
familiar with these topics.

Figure 1 Car engines work on thermodynamic processes basically,

LEARNING OBJECTIVES the compression and expansion of hot gases
In this chapter you will learn about the first law
of thermodynamics and about the four types of where p is the gas pressure in Nm2 or Pa (pascal), V is
thermodynamic processes that form the basis the gas volume in m3, n is the number of moles of gas,
of engine cycles. You will learn how to represent R is the universal molar gas constant, 8.31JK1mol1
these processes on indicator diagrams and how and T is the absolute temperature in K (kelvin).
to interpret data, including the work done, from If this equation is rearranged to become
such diagrams.
(Specification to = nR

it follows that, since nR is constant for a fixed mass

of gas,
= constant
A proper understanding of engines in cars (Figure 1) T
needs an understanding of thermodynamics, which so
is the study of the relationship between heat and
other forms of energy. Thermodynamics has much p1V1 pV
= 2 2
wider applications than vehicle engines it also T1 T2
governs the operation of some household appliances,
such as fridges. This gives us three simple situations, where the
volume, the pressure or the temperature are kept the
In order to lay the groundwork for the study of engine same, giving respectively pV = constant (Boyles law),
and refrigerator cycles in Engineering Physics Chapter 3, P/T = constant (pressure law) and V/T = constant (see
we will be dealing with gases and will not consider any section 3.4 of Chapter 3).
change of state. Thermodynamic processes involve
Here we will be approaching these situations from
changes in the pressure, volume and temperature of
a different viewpoint from the underlying laws
gases. In Chapter 3 you saw that the three gas laws
of thermodynamics.
described the behaviour of an ideal gas and that
these resulted in the ideal gas equation A gas that obeys the ideal gas equation exactly
an ideal gas has no forces acting between the
pV = nRT molecules, and hence the energy of the molecules is

The first law of thermodynamics

entirely kinetic and depends only on the temperature as the positive values. If heat is transferred out of the
of the gas. The equation provides a good description system, or work is done on the system, the energy
of real gases if they are at low pressure and well above values used in the equation must be negative.
their liquefaction temperature.
For any real system, the principle of conservation system
of energy holds. A system refers to a fixed mass of Q W
some substance, enclosed by a boundary, outside
positive positive
of which are the surroundings. Boundaries can heat transfer work
be moved, but processes happen within it. Heat
Figure 2 The convention adopted is that positive heat is into the
or work can be transferred across the system system and positive work is output or done by the system.
boundary, causing compression and changes of state,
for example. If we rearrange the previous equation, it helps with
understanding the physical situation:
A system has internal energy, denoted by U,
which is the sum of the total kinetic energy of its U = Q W
constituent particles and (unless it is a near-ideal
gas) the total potential energy of the particles. The If energy (in the form of heat, Q) is added to a system,
internal energy U can be increased by U, either by then the internal energy (U) will increase. However,
doing work on the system or by heating it, or by a if the gas does work (W) against the environment,
combination of these. then the energy for this will be at the expense of the
internal energy, so U will decrease.
The first law of thermodynamics relates the heat,
the work and the internal energy, and is essentially In summary:
the principle of the conservation of energy. It is given
The internal energy of a gas will be increased
by the equation
if heat is added (Q is positive) or if it is being
Q = U + W compressed (work done by the gas W is negative).
The gas will get hotter, because the average
where Q = energy transferred to the system by molecular kinetic energy is proportional to the
heating, W = work done by the system and absolute temperature (see Chapter 3).
U = increase in internal energy. All these The internal energy of a gas will decrease if heat
quantities are measured in the unit of joule (J). is lost (Q is negative) or if the gas expands against
The convention for Q being heat input and W being atmospheric pressure or a piston (work done by the
work output (Figure 2) is historical, coming from a gas W is positive). The gas will get cooler.
time when engineers were interested in getting heat Figure 3 shows the four possible scenarios.
into a system and getting work out. These were taken

1. Heat is added and work is done on the gas 2. Heat is added and the gas does work

U = Q (W )
Q in W on Q in U = Q W W by

3. Work is done on the gas, while heat is lost 4. The gas loses heat and does work

U = Q (W )
Q out W on Q out U = Q W W by
= Q + W

Figure 3 The possible energy changes to a thermodynamic system. The centre box is the system itself. Notice the directions of the energy transfers.


All we can ever calculate is how much the internal

energy has changed. An absolute value cannot 3. In a thermodynamic process, 5000J of heat
be determined, as we would need to know all the energy is added to the system. The internal
potential and kinetic energies of every particle. energy of the system increases by 3000J.
Calculate the work done. Is it done on or by
Energy is a scalar quantity (rather like mass we the system?
can add or subtract masses without reference to any
direction, as it is not a vector quantity), so we can just 4. A gas loses 4MJ of its internal energy in a
add or subtract these values of energy. Consequently, process, despite 10MJ of heat energy being
the change of internal energy depends only on the added. Comment on what has happened.
initial and final states of the system, and not by how
the change was actually brought about.

Worked example KEY IDEAS

An ideal gas is heated, transferring 100J of energy The ideal gas equation is
to it. The gas expands, doing 20J of work against the pV = nRT
atmosphere. Calculate the change in internal energy of
the gas. What will change as a result? Will it warm up where p is the gas pressure in Nm2 or Pa,
or cool down? V is the gas volume in m3, n is the number
of moles of gas, R is the universal molar gas
constant, 8.31JK1mol1, and T is the absolute
The starting point is U = Q W. It is always a good temperature in K.
idea to write down the numerical values, using the The internal energy of an ideal gas depends only
accepted convention: on the temperature.
Q = +100J The first law of thermodynamics is a statement
W = +20J of the conservation of energy, relating heat, work
and internal energy by the equation
Q = U + W
U = +100 (+20) = 80J
where Q = energy transferred to the system by
The internal energy increases, so the ideal gas will
heating, W = work done by the system and
warm up.
U = the change in the internal energy of
the system.

Stretch and challenge

1. If the heat input to a gas is 2MJ and the
In the kinetic theory (Chapter 3), it is necessary to
work done on the gas is 0.45MJ, calculate
make a number of assumptions. By considering
the change in internal energy.
the concept of an ideal gas, it was mathematically
2. In a certain process, 6000J of heat energy is possible to establish straightforward links between the
added to the system, while 11000J of work kinetic energy of the particles and the temperature.
is done through expansion. Real gases will approximate to these equations,
a. Calculate the change in the systems particularly monatomic gases at low temperature (well
internal energy. below the boiling point) and at low pressure. In other
situations, more adjustments are needed. Trying to
b. If the system is an ideal gas, state what
get exact mathematical relationships for real gases is
has happened to its temperature.
almost impossible.
c. Explain why, if the system is not an ideal
gas, we cannot be certain what happens to In thermodynamics, the derivation of the
its temperature. equations governing changes in gases requires
further assumptions.

Isothermal processes

In order to be able to specify values of the pressure, For a gas that approximates to ideal, the internal
volume and temperature of the system at any point energy consists only of the total kinetic energy of
in time, we need changes to occur very slowly in the molecules. At constant temperature, the average
theory infinitely slowly. Otherwise, in a rapid change, molecular kinetic energy is constant, so for a closed
the pressure or temperature would not be uniform system (with constant number of molecules) the
throughout the system. We need the system to pass total internal energy must be constant. So U = 0.
through a series of equilibrium states. Such a change
The first law of thermodynamics therefore reduces to
is reversible a small change in conditions would
make the change move in the other direction. The Q=W
energy changes would also reverse. Since we need
to obey the principle of conservation of energy, So, if a gas expands and does external work W, an
there can be no dissipative effects, such as friction amount of heat Q has to be supplied to the gas in
or turbulence, which would transfer heat out of the order to maintain its temperature constant, and
system. It must be possible for the system to return to vice versa.
its exact initial conditions. An isothermal change in a system requires the gas
Changes in real engines are not reversible, because to be kept in a thin-walled vessel that is composed
the processes usually happen far too quickly. But the of an excellent conducting material, surrounded
theory of an ideal reversible heat engine is still very by a constant-temperature bath. Any expansion
useful, as we will see. or contraction within the system must take place
slowly, so that the pressure and volume may be
specified at any point in time, and so that the
temperature is always constant throughout. Under
such conditions, the process could be reversed and
returned to its initial state, so the process is termed
Stretch and challenge reversible.

5. In nature as well as engineering, there are For a reversible isothermal change, it follows from the
no processes that could be classed as truly ideal gas equation that at all stages of the process
reversible (they are therefore irreversible).
pV = constant
Explain whether or not you agree with
this statement. because n and T are both constant. So

p1V1 = p2V2

2.2 ISOTHERMAL PROCESSES where p1 and V1 are the initial pressure and volume of
the gas, and p2 and V2 are the pressure and volume
after the isothermal change. This is, of course, Boyles
Thermodynamic processes are sometimes called
law (see section 3.4 of Chapter 3). As pressure increases,
non-flow processes, which for gases seems a
the volume goes down in inverse proportion (Figure 4).
misnomer, because surely gases, as fluids, should
flow by definition? The term actually means a process
during which the fluid does not move in or out of the
system during the process the system is closed. p1
When we consider an engine cycle, we know that fuel
needs to be introduced initially (and the exhaust vented
ultimately), but the process itself that generates power
is a closed system that goes through a cyclical process. p2

There are four different non-flow thermodynamic V1 V2 V

processes; in each case, there is a certain restriction
Figure 4 An isothermal expansion: pV = constant
imposed on the system. First, we will consider an
isothermal process (iso is from the Greek for
equal, and thermos is from the Greek for hot). The pV curve in Figure 4 is for a constant-temperature
This is a process in which the system stays at the change, that is, an isothermal change, and the curve
same temperature. itself is referred to as an isothermal.


What happens at a different temperature? The

product pV is still a constant, but a different a. By choosing three points on the curve,
constant: pV T. So, for different T, we get a family verify that the curve is isothermal.
of isothermals, which move progressively away from b. Calculate the temperature of the gas.
the origin as the temperature T increases (Figure 5). c. Using the three points that you used in
part a, sketch the curve on graph paper.
On it, sketch also the isothermal curves
for the same sample of gas at T = 50K
and T = 200K.

T1 > T2
T2 > T3
Figure 5 Isothermals: the higher the temperature, the larger the
value of nRT, so the curve is further from the origin.
Constant-pressure process (work is done on/
by the gas)
Consider the situation of a constant force being
applied to a piston, resulting in the gas in the cylinder
being compressed (Figure 7). Work is done on the gas
by this force, and it is helpful to derive an expression
for the numerical value of this work, in joules.
6. A gas at a pressure of 15Nm2 occupies
a volume of 5.0m3. If it is compressed
isothermally to 2.0m3, calculate its
new pressure.
7. A gas at a pressure of 78Nm2 occupies
V p,V
a volume of 50cm3. It is kept at constant
temperature. If the pressure applied to the F
gas decreases to 43Nm2, calculate the new
volume it occupies.
8. The curve AB in Figure 6 shows the isothermal s
compression for 0.12mol of an ideal gas.
Figure 7 Calculating the work done on a gas by a piston
5.0 B
Pressure is calculated from force/area (P = F/A) and
4.0 work done is force times distance (W = F s), so the
work done during the compression is

3.0 W = pAs
p / 105 Pa

where A is the cross-sectional area and s is the small

2.0 distance moved by the piston. As A s is the change
in volume (V), we can write

A W = pV = (V2 V1)
where V1 and V2 are the initial and final volumes of
the gas.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 For a constant-pressure process, we can therefore
V / 103 m3
write the first law of thermodynamics as
Figure 6
Q = U + pV

Adiabatic processes

For a compression, the work is done on the gas, so V

and W will be negative. 10. Copy and complete Table 1 for a gas that is
being put under pressure.
We can apply this to calculate the work done by or on
a gas when the pistons move in a real engine. Q/J p / Nm2 V / m3 W / J U / J
100 in 50000 0.02

Worked example 100 in 40000 0

A gas is enclosed in a container which is fitted with 100 out 25000 0.05
a piston of 0.2m2 cross-sectional area. A constant 500 out 30000 0.03
pressure of 2000Nm2 is applied, which moves the
Table 1
piston in by 10cm. Calculate the work done on the
gas. If 10J of energy is added by heating, calculate
the total increase in internal energy of the gas. Constant-volume process
The work done is If the volume of a system such as a gas is held
constant, the system does no work (W = pV = 0),
W = pressure change in volume because work done by (or on) the gas would require
= 2000 0.2 (0.1) an expansion (or compression) and hence a change of
= 40J volume. The first law of thermodynamics reduces to
Work of 40J is done on the gas, hence the negative U = Q
sign. This will produce an increase in the internal
energy of the gas of 40J. If heat is absorbed by a system (that is, Q is positive),
the internal energy of the system must increase, and
It is straightforward to see that if 10J of energy is vice versa.
added by heating, in addition, then the total increase
in internal energy will be 50J.
However, we could have used the equation:


thus giving 11. Sketch on one set of pV axes

a. a constant-volume process
U = Q pV
b. a constant-pressure process.
= 10 (40) = 50J
On each, draw an arrow to show the
Note the sign convention being applied here. direction of the change, if the temperature
increases during the process.
This was a straightforward example. In general, it is
a good idea to write out the first law for the problem
under consideration.
One very important type of change that can occur
to a system is an adiabatic process. It refers to an
QUESTIONS isolated system, where no energy is able to transfer in
9. A gas is enclosed in a container that is fitted or out by heating from or to the external environment.
with a piston of 0.5m2 cross-sectional area. So, any work being done on the system increases
A constant pressure of 6000Nm2 is applied, the internal energy (in other words, its temperature
which moves the piston in by 45cm. increases). Since W is used to show work being done
a. Calculate the work done on the gas. by the system, W will be the work done on the
b. If the internal energy rises by 1000J, system. No heat is involved in the process, so Q = 0.
calculate the amount of heat energy lost The first law of thermodynamics therefore reduces to
during the compression.
W = U


If the system is allowed to do work, then this will that, if the gas is in other ways ideal (so that all the
be at the expense of the internal energy, and its internal energy is kinetic energy), when it undergoes a
temperature will decrease: reversible adiabatic expansion or contraction (to keep
the equilibrium requirement), then
W = U
pVg = constant
where the U term shows the internal energy
So we obtain
as decreasing.
For an ideal gas, the internal energy is the total p1V1g = p2V2g
molecular translational kinetic energy (see Chapter 3). where g is a constant for the particular gas that is
But real gases are not composed of simple spheres dependent on the degrees of freedom and hence the
dashing about (Figure 8). The molecules may not atomicity of the gas (Table 2). The constant has no unit.
be monatomic, but diatomic or polyatomic, which
means that they also have rotational and vibrational g Gas atomicity
kinetic energy.
1.67 Monatomic
1.40 Diatomic
1.33 Polyatomic

Table 2 The value of g for gases of different molecular structure

When the graph of pVg is plotted for an expansion

or compression, we get the shape shown in Figure 9,
showing an expansion from V1 to V2.

Translational p
kinetic energy

z z

y x

x 2

Translational Rotational
V1 V2 V
kinetic energy kinetic energy
Figure 8 The atoms of a monatomic gas can only have translational Figure 9 An adiabatic expansion
kinetic energy. But atoms that are bound in molecules are able to
rotate, so they possess additional forms of kinetic energy. This pV curve looks rather like that for an isothermal
expansion (Figure 4). There is a difference, which
Each method by which a system can absorb energy becomes clear when the two types of curve are plotted
is called a degree of freedom. Monatomic gases can on the same axes (Figure 10). Again, we are dealing with
absorb energy in three translational directions (x, y and z), an expansion. As the equation has a power term within it
so are said to have three degrees of freedom. Diatomic (Vg ), at any point (p,V) it is steeper than the isothermal.
molecules can also rotate in several ways, although that The expansion results in cooling from T1 to T2.
which is around its own axis (the x-axis in Figure 8) can
It is clear from the physical process taking place that
be ignored. It is possible to have vibrational energy as
this will be the case: the expansion is the result of the
well, but this is significant only at very high temperatures.
gas doing work against the environment. The energy
So, any change in the internal energy will be different used is at the expense of its internal energy (no heat
depending on the atomicity of the gas. It can be shown energy is involved), so it cools down.

Adiabatic processes

p Worked example 2
A gas at a pressure of 40Nm2 occupies a volume of
adiabatic curve 50cm3. The gas has g = 1.33. If the gas is allowed
to expand very quickly and its pressure drops to
isothermal curves
for T1 and T2 10Nm2, calculate the new volume.

In this situation, the very quickly implies an adiabatic
expansion, so we use

p1V1 = p2V2
V1 V2 V

Figure 10 An adiabatic expansion. As the curve is steeper, it will Substituting the values gives
cross isothermal curves.
40 (50)1.33 = 10 (V2 )1.33
40 182 = 10 (V2 )1.33
A system with perfect thermal insulation would
undergo an adiabatic change. Such a perfect situation 728 = (V2 )1.33
is not possible in practice. But another possibility V2 = 142 cm3
is a process that happens so rapidly that there
is insufficient time for heat to transfer in or out.
(Rather oddly, it is possible to consider this process
as reversible: since no heat is lost out of the system,
work done by the external process will equal the rise QUESTIONS
in internal energy of the working fluid. If there is a
process that can restore the fluid back to its initial A gas at a pressure of 60Nm2 occupies a
state by reducing its internal energy and allowing it volume of 250cm3. The gas has g = 1.67.
to do external work, then this would be an overall If the gas is pressurised very quickly and its
reversible process.) This describes what happens in pressure increases to 150Nm2, calculate
parts of the cycle of a real heat engine, so we can view the new volume. Assume no heat leaves
these stages as adiabatic. the system.

Worked example 1
Another form of the adiabatic equation
A gas at a pressure of 20Nm2 occupies a volume
When the equation
of 5m3. The gas has a value of g = 1.40. If the gas
is compressed adiabatically to 2m3, calculate its p1V1 = p2V2
new pressure.

is combined with the ideal gas equation

As the compression is adiabatic, we use the equation pV = nRT

pV = p V
1 1 2 2 and the pressure term p is eliminated, we get, for a
fixed mass of gas, the result
Substituting into this equation gives TV ( 1) = constant
1.4 1.4
20 (5) = p2 (2)
So we can write
20 9.52 = p2 2.64
p2 = 72.1 Nm2 T1V1( 1) = T2V2( 1)

This allows the final temperature to be calculated in

an adiabatic expansion or contraction.


Worked example 3
A gas occupies a volume of 25m3 and is at a QUESTIONS
temperature of 273K. The gas has a value of g of
14. When you are pumping up a tyre on a
1.40. The gas is now compressed adiabatically to
bicycle (Figure 12), you will have noticed
10m3. Calculate its new temperature.
that the bicycle pump becomes warmer.
This compression is adiabatic, but we are now Use the first law of thermodynamics to
concerned about the new temperature, so we use explain this effect.
the equation

T1V1( 1) = T2V2( 1)

Substituting into this equation gives

273 (25)(1.40 1) = T2 (10)(1.40 1)

273 (25)0.40 = T2 (10)0.40
273 3.6 = T2 2.5
T2 = 393

The new temperature T2 is 393K.

Figure 11

15. A gas (whose g is 1.4) is initially at a

pressure of 40Nm2 and occupies a
volume of 10m3.
13. A gas is initially at a temperature of a. If it is compressed isothermally to 2m3,
40C and occupies 450cm3. The gas has calculate its new pressure.
g = 1.33. The gas expands very quickly and
b. If, instead, it is compressed adiabatically
its temperature drops to 10C. Assuming
to 2m3, calculate its new pressure.
no heat leaves the system, calculate its
final volume. c. Sketch a pV graph for the changes
to show the effect of the two types
of compression.
Summary of non-flow processes
An overall summary of the application of the first law
of thermodynamics to these special cases of non-flow
processes is given in Table 3. Stretch and challenge
Specific heat capacities
In section 3.2 of Chapter 3 we defined the specific
Process Restriction First law of Ideal gas
heat capacity (c) of a substance by Q = mcq. For
thermodynamics equation
a gas, which can change significantly in volume on
Isothermal U = 0 Q =W pV = constant heating or cooling, defining specific heat capacity
Adiabatic Q = 0 W = U pVg = constant purely in terms of unit temperature rise causes
problems. So, instead, two particular cases are
Constant = constant
W = 0 U = Q T considered: processes that are at a constant volume
and those that are at a constant pressure. Two
Constant V
W = p V Q = U + p V = constant principal specific heat capacities result:
pressure T

Table 3 A summary of the special cases of the first law of


 Determining the work done from A p V diagram

cV is the energy required to produce unit

temperature rise in unit mass of the gas at From the first law of thermodynamics, W = U.
constant volume The equation pV = constant applies, where g
cp is the energy required to produce unit is a constant that depends on the atomicity of
temperature rise in unit mass of the gas at the gas.
constant pressure.
It is found, in practice, that the ratio of these two
values, cp/cV, is important in several physical processes 2.5 DETERMINING THE WORK DONE FROM
in gases, including sound waves and adiabatic A p V DIAGRAM
changes. It is equal to g in the adiabatic equation,
given previously: A pV diagram for a thermodynamic process that has
an arrow to show the direction of the change is known
g = cp/cV
as an indicator diagram. It is an important tool in
As shown in Table 2, g depends on the atomicity of engineering, and we will look at many of these. The
the gas on the number of types of kinetic energy indicator diagram in Figure 12 shows an expansion
that the molecules can have (whether it is rotational, from low V1 to high V2. Work is done by the expanding
vibrational or translational). system, W > 0.
The rapid expansion and contraction of air when
sound waves pass through it is a near-adiabatic 1
process. We should therefore not be too surprised
to discover that g is involved in the equation for the
speed of sound in a gas:
p W 0
c =

0 V
0 V1 V2
where p is pressure and is the density of the gas.
Figure 12 A pV diagram, or indicator diagram, showing the
expansion of a gas. The work done by the gas, W > 0, is the area
under the curve. If the arrow is reversed, the diagram will represent
the compression of a gas and the area under the curve will be the
work done on the gas. In this case, W<0.
The first law of thermodynamics states that We found in Engineering Physics section 2.3 that, for
Q = U + W . a gas at constant pressure, if we multiply the pressure
by the change of volume, we calculate the work done.
An isothermal process is one where the system In much the same way that the area under a velocity
stays at the same temperature. For an ideal gas,
time graph gives the displacement (see section 9.4 in
U = 0.
Chapter 9 in Year 1 Student Book), a significant feature
From the first law of thermodynamics, Q = W. of a pV diagram is that the area under the curve,
down to the volume axis, has a physical meaning:
From the ideal gas equation, pV = constant .
The area under a pV diagram, down to the V-axis,
The work done W by a gas when its volume gives the work done.
changes by V at constant pressure p can be
calculated from W = pV. Work done on a gas The general rule for indicator diagrams is that, if the
is negative. volume is increasing, then work is being done by the
gas, and vice versa.
The first law of thermodynamics can then be
written as Q = U + p V . If the graph shape is simple, the area can be calculated
using geometry. The graph in Figure 13 shows a gas
An adiabatic process is where no heat is increasing in volume, against a constant pressure (for
able to transfer in from or out to the external
example, atmospheric pressure). The work done by
environment, Q = 0.
the gas is the area under the line, which is simply a


rectangle. Note that the area under the curve must The work done in Figure 13 is pV = 3 105 (3 1)
extend down to the volume axis (that is, to the = 6 105J. As it is an expansion, this has a positive
p = 0 line). value work is being done by the gas.
However, when dealing with curves, which are almost
always the case in real applications, there are two
options. The first is an estimation of area method,
which Assignment 1 takes you through. This involves
counting graph squares. An averaging technique
(squares that are half-filled or more are included,
while squares that are less than half-filled are
ignored) leads to a reasonable approximation.
p / 105 Pa

However, a second, more sophisticated, technique can

1.0 be applied. If the equations of the curves are known,
which is generally the case, the area can be calculated
using calculus, which will be more accurate. It can be
0 shown that the work done, W, by the gas in changing
0 1.0 2.0 3.0
its volume from an initial state V1 to a final state V2 is
V / m3
given by the following integral:
Figure 13 A constant-pressure change

W = p dV = area of shaded region below curve


(MS 0.1, MS 0.2, MS 3.1, MS 3.2, MS 3.8) c. There are several square sizes on graph
paper. For the graph paper and the axis
The data in Table A1 are for an isothermal change in
scales that you are using, determine the
a sample of an ideal gas, measured at certain points
numerical and physical significance of
at a specific temperature.
each square.
d. In order to estimate the work done, make
p / 105 Pa V / 103 m3
an estimate of the number of squares
A 6.4 5.0 under the curve. Would you choose the
B 5.0 6.4 mm squares or the cm squares? Why?
C 4.0 8.0 e. What is your estimate of the total
D 3.0 10.7
work done?

E 2.0 16.0
f. As it is an estimation method, state the
uncertainty in your answer.
F 1.4 23.0
g. What will be the physical situation if the
G 1.0 32.0
arrows on your diagram go
Table A1 i. from A G
ii. from G A?
Questions h. What temperature would these changes
A1 a.Plot these points onto graph paper occur at, if there was 1mol of gas? Label
accurately. Use as much of the paper as you your curve with that temperature.
can, but (for a later question) ensure that The temperature of the same gas sample is now
your pressure axis reaches 10 105Pa. raised by 100K. At this new temperature, the gas
b. Draw a best-fit curve through the points. undergoes an isothermal expansion.

 Determining the work done from A p V diagram

Questions A3 Repeat the steps from question A1 using

your new data. Plot the second graph on the
A2 Using the same volumes as in Table
same axes as the first. Label your second
A1, calculate and tabulate the
curve with the new temperature.
corresponding pressures.
A4 Will these two curves eventually cross?
 hat you have plotted and drawn are two of a family of curves, each unique for a particular sample
of gas at a specific temperature. Moving along one of these isothermals from one point (p1,V1)
to another (p2,V2), in either direction, results in the same work done, either by or on the gas. But
more work is done when moving between V1 and V2 at a higher temperature because the curve is
further from the origin and so has a larger area beneath it. This is the clue we need to understand an
engine cycle.

16.A gas is compressed by a sequence of 17.A gas does work against the environment,
constant-volume and constant-pressure and its pressure and volume change as
processes, as shown in the indicator diagram shown in Figure 15. Estimate the work done
in Figure 14. Calculate the work being done by the gas.
on the gas in total from A to E.

p / 105 pa

3.0 1.0
p / 105 Pa

2.0 C B

1.0 A 0 10 20 30 40 50
V / 103 m3

0 Figure 15
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Figure 14

Figures 16 and 17 show some more pV diagrams compression curve is steeper than the isothermal
for different situations. Figure 16 compares an one. The adiabatic expansion results in a lower final
isothermal expansion and an adiabatic expansion of pressure and a fall in temperature as the curve crosses
an ideal gas from the same initial state. The adiabatic a lower-temperature isothermal.


isothermal expansion expansion

pV constant
p 1
p1 compression
adiabatic expansion
pV constant Wnet 0


p3 0 V
0 V1 V2
0 V
0 V1 V2 Figure 18 A pV diagram showing a thermodynamic cycle in which
Figure 16 A comparison of an isothermal and an adiabatic the system is taken back to its original state. The net work is positive,
expansion. The area under the curve is greater for the isothermal since the area under the expansion curve is greater than the area
expansion than for the adiabatic expansion. This means that more under the compression curve.
work is done in the isothermal expansion.
force the working substance into such a cycle, so that
the work done by the gas exceeds the work done on
The pV diagram in Figure 17 shows an adiabatic
the gas as it is returned to the starting point. The net
expansion followed by an isothermal compression.
difference means that the engine is doing useful work.
p adiabatic expansion
This is the basis of a variety of real engines, ranging
p1 from steam engines to petrol and diesel engines, all
net work done by gas
of which underpin industrialised societies. Most were
isothermal compression invented in order to address a specific need. One
p3 of the earliest was by Thomas Newcomen, in 1712
p2 (Figure 19). In those days, a major problem in the
mining of tin and coal was flooding. He considered
0 ways of improving the pumping out of the water and
0 V1 V2 consequently designed the first practical steam engine.
Figure 17 A pV diagram of a gas that has been expanded
adiabatically from volume V1 to V2 and then compressed isothermally
back to its original volume V1. The net work done by the gas is the
region between the curves.

Cyclic processes
A cyclic process is one in which the system
undergoes two or more consecutive changes such
that the final state is the same as the initial state.
This one cycle is repeated continuously. In the cycle
shown in Figure 18, the area under the expansion
curve is the work done by the gas. The area under the
compression curve is the work done on the gas. As
work is a scalar value, the difference between these
two numbers represents the net work done by the gas,
which corresponds to the difference in area. Therefore

work done per cycle = area of loop

Figure 19 A postage stamp commemorating the Newcomen steam

This will be applied in Engineering Physics Chapter 3 engine. In the engine, water was heated, producing steam. As the
when we consider heat engine cycles. Different curves steam condensed, it pulled down a piston attached to a large wooden
connected together will produce different areas, and beam, which rocked upon a central fulcrum. The chain attachment
so differing amounts of work being done, either by was linked directly to apumpat the bottom of the mine.
the gas or on the gas. The purpose of an engine is to

 Determining the work done from A p V diagram

19. For the cycle in Figure 21, estimate the net

QUESTIONS work done.

18. In the cycle shown in Figure 20, curves AD 5.0

and BC are both isothermals.
p 4.0


p / 105 Pa


C 0
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
V / 102 m3
B T1
0 Figure 21
0 V
Figure 20

a. Is T2 higher or lower than T1? KEY IDEAS

b. For each section (DA, AB, BC, CD), write A pressure versus volume plot for a
down the process that is occurring at thermodynamic system is known as a pV
that stage in the process. diagram or an indicator diagram. Arrows show
c. For each section (DA, AB, BC, CD), write the direction of the process.
down whether work is being done on or
by the gas.
The area under the curve for an expansion is
equal to the work being done by the gas.
d. What is the significance of the area
enclosed by the cycle? The area enclosed by the loop of a cyclic pV
process is the work done by (or on) the gas.


The first law of thermodynamics Q = U + W is a such machines could actually work, either
statement of the conservation of energy: energy theoretically or experimentally. Isaac Newton
cannot be created or destroyed. We know that considered it possible; Leonardo da Vinci was
perpetual motion cannot occur. Yet there has against the idea, but designed machines he
always been a fascination with the idea, and hoped would work. Robert Fludd tried building
many people through the centuries have strived such machines;Johann Bessler claimed to have
to create a perpetual motion machine one that built several perpetual motionmachines; and
would run forever providing an inexhaustible Bishop John Wilkins(a founder of the British
source of energy. Royal Society) suggested such a device. More
recently, Nikolai Tesla claimed to have discovered
This is not just the province of crackpots it has
a principle as the basis for a perpetual motion
attracted the thinking of many well-respected
machine, but did not build it. Even in the 21st
scientists, some of whom tried to prove and
century, there have been attempts to create such
some of whom tried to disprove whether


devices. Richard Feynman has been involved with violated. Can you classify the idea as one of
the case against he used a Brownian ratchet the three kinds in the list?
in his lectures to show why a perpetual motion
Some suggestions as starting points for
machine would not work.
research are given here.
Sometimes, the fatal flaw behind a design is not a. The over-balanced wheel (Figure A1), first
obvious, so that at first glance it looks promising, suggested in 1659.
but on closer inspection a law of physics is seen
Search terms: (shifting mass) overbalanced
to be broken. Perpetual motion machines are
wheel, Leonardo da Vinci, Arabian wheel
sometimes classified by which physics laws
they break.

1. Aperpetual motion machine of the

first kindproduces work without any
energy input. This violates the first law
of thermodynamics.
2. Aperpetual motion machine of the
second kindturns heat energy totally
intomechanical work. This does not violate
the first law. However, in Engineering Physics
Chapter 3 we will see that the second law of
thermodynamics states that no machine can Figure A1 The weights on the right have fallen
convert heat totally into useful work so this further out from the centre so will exert a greater
torque than those on the left, resulting in rotation in
law is violated. a clockwise direction. By attaching this to a motor,
3. Aperpetual motion machine of the power could be produced.
third kind is one with no frictional effects, b. A ring-shaped superconductor carrying
so it can maintain its motion forever. a current. The magnetic field due to
Superconductors, which are real and in thiscurrent could induce a current in
use, have no resistance below a critical a motor.
temperature, so a current induced into Search terms: superconductor, zero
a ring of such material will circulate (in resistance, critical temperature, induction
theory,forever). This current flow produces
c. A self-powered electric car, using wind
a magnetic field, which is an energy store,
turbines and solar panels.
but it does not continually produce energy.
Search terms: wind-powered car,
solar-powered car, wind power for cars
d. Magnetic levitation. Can this be tapped
A1 Your task in this assignment is to decide, as somehow?
a group, whether ideas for perpetual motion
Search terms: maglev, superconductors,
are feasible or whether physics principles
Meissner effect, (electro)magnetic
are violated. You will need to think critically
and discuss.
e. The drinking bird toy (Figure A2). Can
Each member of the group researches such nodding motion be utilised to
one idea, makes notes and considers provide energy?
argumentsfor and against, then presents
Search terms: drinking bird, dipping bird,
their findings to the rest of the group. As
methylene chloride
a group, discuss and decide what flaws
are present or what principles are being

Practice questions

Stretch and challenge

f. Matter/antimatter inequality. There is
more matter than antimatter in the known
Universe. It seems that charge is not
conserved and there is a handedness
in nature, called CP violation. Can we
take advantage of this to get something
for nothing, or is new physics needed,
beyond the standard model, to explain
CP violation?
Search terms: matter, antimatter,
asymmetry, CERN, CP violation

Figure A2 The drinking bird seems to continue nodding up and

down with no apparent energy input.


1. Figure Q1 shows a childs pop gun in which ii. Calculate the maximum temperature
a piston is pushed quickly along the barrel, reached by the air in the gun. Give your
compressing the air in the barrel. When the answer to an appropriate number of
pressure is high enough, the cork is expelled significant figures.
at high speed from the end of the barrel. b. The work needed to compress the air
handle piston adiabatically from 2.1 105m3 to
1.2 105m3 is 1.4J. Use the first law of
thermodynamics to determine the change
in internal energy of the air during the
barrel cork compression. Explain how you arrived at
Figure Q1 your answer.
c. Explain, giving your reasons, whether the
volume of air in the barrel at the point
Figure Q1 shows the gun before it is fired. when the cork leaves the gun would be
The air in the barrel is at a pressure of less than, equal to, or greater than
1.0 105Pa, a temperature of 290K and the 1.2 105m3 if the handle of the gun had
volume is 2.1 105m3. been pushed in slowly. Assume there is
a. i.The volume of air in the barrel at the no leakage of air past the cork or piston.
instant the cork is expelled is You may find it helpful to sketch a pV
1.2 105m3. diagram of the compression.
 alculate the pressure of the air in
C AQA Unit 5C June 2012 Q1
the barrel at the instant the cork
is expelled. 2. Figure Q2 shows a model rocket for
Assume that the air is compressed demonstrating the principle of rocket
adiabatically. [adiabatic index, g, for air =1.4] propulsion.


3. In order to design engines, engineers must

air under pressure
consider the thermodynamic processes that
take place in gases. Figure Q4 is a pV graph
showing the variation of pressure and volume
of a fixed mass of gas in a cylinder. A is one
point in the cycle undergone by the gas.
air valve

Figure Q2

p / 105 Pa
Air is pumped into an upside-down plastic
bottle that has been partly filled with water.
When the pressure reaches 3.6 105Pa 10.0 A
(i.e. 2.6 105Pa above atmospheric pressure),
the air valve is forced out by the water 5.0
pressure and the air in the bottle expands.
The expanding air forces the water out of the
neck of the bottle at high speed; this provides 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
the thrust that lifts the bottle high into the air.
V / 104 m3
Figure Q3 shows the variation of pressure Figure Q4
with volume for the air initially in the
a. The gas in the cylinder is compressed
bottle as it expands from 3.6 105Pa
isothermally to a volume that is half of
to atmospheric pressure, assuming the
what it was when at point A. Copy the
expansion is adiabatic.
axes onto graph paper and plot point A.
Draw a line representing this isothermal
compression. Plot two points in addition to
A so that you can draw the line accurately.
Label the new end of the line, B.
p / 105 Pa

b. The gas undergoes an adiabatic

3.0 expansion so that it returns to its
original volume.
2.0 i. State what is meant by adiabatic.
ii. Without attempting further calculations,
1.0 sketch the adiabatic expansion on the
atmospheric graph that you drew in part a.
pressure 0 iii. State and explain what happens to the
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
temperature of a gas when it is allowed
V / 103 m3
to expand adiabatically.
Figure Q3
c. At point A, the temperature of the gas is
a. Use the graph to estimate the work done 1100C. Calculate the number of moles of
by the air as it expands from a pressure of gas present in the cylinder.
3.6 105Pa to atmospheric pressure.
b. With reference to Figure Q3, state and AQA Specification B Unit 5 Jan 2013 Q1
explain whether the rocket would have
reached the same height if the air had
expanded isothermally.

AQA Unit 5C June 2010 Q4


You will need your knowledge from Engineering
Physics Chapter 2 aboutthe two main thermodynamic
processes involving gases isothermal and adiabatic
compression and expansion. You will need to recall the
use of the pV diagram as a means of summarising
the changes that a gas undergoes as it expands or
contracts. Remember that for a cyclic process the
work done is equal to the area of the loop on the
pV diagram.

Figure 1 The engineer has to turn engine theory into a practical

LEARNING OBJECTIVES design, to ensure, for example, that your car will start on a cold
morning in winter.
In this chapter you will extend these ideas to an
understanding of real engine cycles and look at two Typical examples of heat engines include the internal
versions in detail the four-stroke petrol engine combustion engine (which uses a petrolair mixture),
cycle and the diesel engine cycle. You will consider the diesel engine (which uses a dieselair mixture)
their theoretical and practical efficiencies, and their and the steam engine (which uses water). The working
dependence on the second law of thermodynamics. substance is enclosed in a cylinder. The thermodynamic
You will also learn what happens if a heat engine is processes experienced by the fluid cause a piston in
run backwards. the cylinder to move up and down (back and forth),
and this motion is then converted, via a crankshaft,
into a rotational motion to drive a vehicle or machinery.
Standard car engines usually have four cylinders
3.1 ENGINE CYCLES (Figure 2), but some may have six, eight or even twelve.

Real, workable, efficient engines can appear

complicated (Figure 1). However, the principles that
underlie engines are actually quite straightforward. As
a starting point to understanding these, we need to
define some expressions.
A device or system that extracts energy from its
environment in the form of heat and converts it into
useful work is called a heat engine. At the heart
of every heat engine is a working substance,
which is the substance (usually fluid) on which
the thermodynamic processes are performed in
the engine, by changes of temperature, pressure
and volume. Figure 2 X-ray image of the four pistons in a standard car engine


For such engines to be useful, they must B to C A spark plug ignites the gas mixture
workcontinuously in a cycle, as we considered at B, supplying heat Qin and increasing
in Engineering Physics section2.5. The working the pressure at constant volume. The
substance in each cylinder is forced through a series temperature rises to about 2000C.
of thermodynamicprocesses, eventually returning to
C to D The increased pressure pushes the piston
its starting state. The processes in each cylinder are
down as the gas expands adiabatically,
staggered, as discussed in Engineering Physics
decreasing both the pressure and
section 1.5, so that the power output is continuous.
temperature. This is the power stroke
(stage 3 in Figure 4).
The four-stroke petrol engine cycle
The most common engine used in ordinary cars is D to A The exhaust valve opens at D and most
the four-stroke petrol engine, which is one type of the burnt gas mixture is released,
of internal combustion engine. It was invented by a removing an amount of heat Qout. The
German engineer called Nikolaus Otto in the 19th pressure and temperature of the gas that
century, and consequently the four-stroke cycle used is remains in the cylinder decrease rapidly.
called the Otto cycle. A to A As the piston moves up, the remaining
gas mixture is expelled. This is the
p exhaust stroke (stage 4 in Figure 4).
C At A The exhaust valve closes and the inlet
valve opens. The cycle repeats.
The work done by the engine in one cycle is the area
B D of the loop ABCD shown in Figure 3.
A A It is crucial to note an important difference between the
indicator diagram and the real cycle of any one piston.
One complete path around the indicator diagram
V1 V2
does not correspond to one up-and-down movement
of a piston. You can see from Figure 4 that, during the
Figure 3 The pV diagram for an idealised four-stroke petrol engine induction stroke, the piston is descending as it pulls on
cycle. The diagram for an actual engine has rounded corners.
the fuelair mixture. But it also descends during the
power stroke. So we should note the following:
Figure 3 shows the pV diagram, or indicator diagram, One thermodynamic cycle on the indicator diagram
for the cycle of an idealised four-stroke petrol engine. corresponds to two up-and-down motions of the
By idealised we mean that the working substance piston, and hence two revolutions of the engine.
the mixture of petrol vapour and air is behaving in a
theoretical way and the main processes occur one after This will matter, later on, when we calculate the work
another with no time delay. done in a cycle and the power delivered by the engine.

The following sequence of processes take place, as The thermal efficiency of such an engine is the
illustrated in Figure 4. ratio of the maximum useful work that can be done
by the engine to the energy supplied by the fuel
A to A The inlet valve opens and the exhaust (see Engineering Physics section 3.3). This is a
valve closes. The piston moves down. measure of the theoretical performance of the engine.
During this time, a mixture of typically 7% In practice, real engines are never as good as the
petrol vapour and 93% air at about 50C theoretical maximum. (The reasons for this will be
is drawn into each cylinder. This is the covered in Engineering Physics section 3.4.) Typical
induction stroke (stage 1 in Figure 4). actual efficiencies are about 28%, as compared to a
theoretical efficiency of about 58%.
At A The inlet valve closes.
A to B The piston moves up, compressing the The diesel engine cycle
gas adiabatically. The temperature rises The other common engine is the diesel engine.
to 300C. This is the compression stroke RudolfDiesel was another German engineer who
(stage 2 in Figure 4). developed (and patented in 1892) the design of an
Engine cycles

mixture ignites
mixture compressed spark plug and expands
adiabatically fires adiabatically
inlet exhaust
valve valve


1 Induction 2 Compression 3 Power 4 Exhaust

Figure 4 The four main stages in the cycle of a four-stroke petrol engine.

engine that compressed air, raising its temperature The following sequence of processes takes place.
above the ignition point of the fuel. No spark
plugs were needed. Diesel engines require heavier At A The inlet valve opens and the exhaust
construction and produce a higher torque than valve closes.
internal combustion engines. They replaced steam A to A Air is drawn into each of the cylinders at
piston engines for industrial uses, making Diesel atmospheric pressure as the piston moves
a millionaire, and are commonly found today in down. This is the induction stroke.
heavy-duty machines, lorries and increasingly also in At A The inlet valve closes.
domestic vehicles.
A to B The air in the cylinder is compressed
A diesel engine cycle is similar to that of the adiabatically as the piston moves up. The
four-stroke petrol engine. The main difference is temperature of the air rises to 700C and
that,in the diesel engine, there is no fuel in the becomes hot enough to ignite the fuel.
cylinder during compression. Figure 5 shows the This is called the compression stroke.
indicator diagram for the cycle of an idealised
B to C Diesel fuel is sprayed into the cylinder
diesel engine.
and is ignited immediately by the hot air,
supplying heat Qin. This forces the piston
p Q in to move down at constant pressure and is
B C the first part of the power stroke.
C to D The fuel supply is cut off at C and the burnt
gas expands adiabatically. This forces the
Q out piston down and the temperature falls. This
is the second part of the power stroke.
D to A The exhaust valve opens at D and
releases the exhaust gas, removing an
amount of heat Qout. The pressure and
V1 V2 V
temperature of the gas remaining in the
cylinder decrease accordingly.
Figure 5 The pV diagram for an idealised diesel cycle. The diagram
for an actual engine has rounded corners. A to A The remainder of the gas is expelled from
the cylinder as the piston moves up. This
is the exhaust stroke.
At A The exhaust valve closes, the inlet valve
opens and the cycle is repeated.

The work done by the engine in one cycle is the area

of the loop ABCD shown in Figure 5. As with the Common engines are the four-stroke petrol
four-stroke petrol engine, one such thermodynamic engine, running on the Otto cycle, and the diesel
cycle involves two up-and-down motions of the piston. engine, which is also four-stroke in operation.
In a four-stroke engine, power is produced once
Comparing petrol and diesel engines in every two revolutions of the engine.
In an engine, the compression ratio is the ratio of
the volume enclosed in the cylinder at the beginning
of the compression stroke to the volume enclosed at
the end of the stroke. On a pV diagram (Figures 3
and 5), this is the ratio of the volumes, V2 to V1. A QUESTIONS
diesel engine can achieve much higher compression
1. a.Make a large copy of the diagram in
ratios (typically 16:1) compared with petrol engines
Figure 6a of an indicator diagram for a
(about 10:1). The consequence of this is that diesel
four-stroke petrol engine. Add arrows
engines are much more efficient than petrol engines.
to each part of the cycle and label each
The theoretical thermal efficiency of a diesel engine is
part with a brief description of what is
about 65%, compared with 58% for a petrol engine.
happening in each cylinder.
But, for reasons we will discuss later (in Engineering
Physics section 3.4), the efficiency of real diesel (a) p
engines drops to around 36% (compared with 28%
for a petrol engine). Also, as mentioned above, they
deliver greater torque.
But the disadvantages of diesel engines are that
they operate at higher working pressures than petrol
engines, which makes them more expensive to
produce, as they have to be more robust. Also, they
have a lower power-to-weight ratio.
There are differences in the exhaust emissions from
each type of engine. Petrol engines produce more
carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HCs), oxides
of nitrogen (NOx) and carbon dioxide (CO2) than (b) p
diesel engines. However, particulate emission (such as
unburnt HCs) that occurs with diesel engines is almost
non-existent in petrol engines. The situation in a petrol
engine improves if a catalytic converter is installed.
This oxidises pollutants, reducing CO, HC and NOx
emissions, but CO and HCs are still not reduced below
the levels from a diesel engine.


A device or system that extracts energy from its Figure 6

environment in the form of heat and converts it
b. Repeat part a for the diesel engine cycle in
into useful work is called a heat engine.
Figure 6b.
The working substance works in a cycle,
2. Summarise the advantages and the
passing through a repeated series of
disadvantages of a diesel engine compared
thermodynamic processes.
with a petrol engine.
Indicator diagrams are used to understand the
processes in heat engines.

Power of an engine

3.2 POWER OF AN ENGINE Worked example 1

The fuel used in an engine is propane, which
When the power of an engine is being considered,
hasacalorific value of 49MJkg1. If the flow
what is meant is usually the output power, which is
rate is 5 102kgs1, calculate the input power.
the driving power that is delivered to the engines
crankshaft. However, this is the end of the chain
Input power = calorific value flow rate
of the production and transmission of power, and
it masks the losses that will have occurred in this = 49.0 5.00 102
process. To find out how well the engine may be = 2.45 106W
working, there are other power indicators that = 2.45MW
areused to compare the engines performance.
Thefollowing are the three key power indicators,
in theorder of the processes occurring in the
heat engine:
1. The power that is derived from the burning of 3. A car uses diesel fuel at a rate of 10kgh1.
the fuel the input power. Calculate the input power if the fuel has a
2. The theoretical power that the engine can calorific value of 48MJkg1.
deliver, based on the indicator diagram (recall 4. DERV (diesel-engined road vehicle) fuel
that the area enclosed is work done) the has a calorific value of 42.9MJkg1.
indicated power. Calculate the input power if the flow rate
3. The output power, which may also be called is7.00 102kgs1.
the brake power. 5. The energy content of petrol is about
We will consider these in turn. 44.1MJkg1. Calculate the input power
when 7.80kg of fuel flowed into an engine in
one minute.
Input power
This relates to the energy released as the fuel flows in 6. The energy content of domestic coal
and is subsequently burned, so is the product of the is28.7GJtonne1. At what rate
energy per kilogram and the flow rate. It is given by would youhave to burn coal to equal the
the relationship input power of the diesel from question4?

Pinput = calorific value of fuel (Jkg 1)

fuel flow rate (kgs 1) Indicated power
This is the theoretical power capability of an engine.
It is measured in watts W (or kW or MW). The It is based on the theoretical work done, which is
calorific value of a fuel is a measure of its energy the area enclosed by the pV graph in each cycle. To
density. Typical calorific values are 44.8MJkg1 for get the power, we need to multiply by the number
diesel and 48.0MJkg1 for petrol. It is simply how of cycles there are in 1s and also by the number of
fast energy is being consumed and will therefore cylinders. So the indicated power is given by
depend on factors such as the type of engine, how fast
the car is moving (so air resistance will be affecting Pind = area of pV loop (J)
this) and others such as how it is driven and the number of cycles per second (s 1)
condition of the tyres. number of cylinders

This assumes frictionless motion, and so is

themaximum theoretical power output of an engine.


Worked example 2
The pV diagram in Figure 7 shows the theoretical QUESTIONS
cycle for a petrol engine that is running at 1800rpm.
7. The area of an indicator diagram gives 960J.
The engine comprises four cylinders. Calculate the
If a four-stroke engine is rotating at 4500rpm,
indicated power of the engine.
calculate the indicated power per cylinder.
8. A four-stroke engine has eight cylinders.
On the pV diagram, the theoretical cycle
encloses an area of 250 small squares,
where the scaling factor is 7J. If the engine is
rotating at 2500rpm, calculate the indicated
power of the engine.

4.0 9. The pV plot in Figure 8 is for a four-stroke

petrol engine, which has four pistons (cylinders).
This engine is rotating at 3000rpm. Use this
3.0 information and the diagram to calculate the
indicated power of the engine.
p / 106 Pa

2.0 B

1.0 7.0
p / 106 Pa

A 6.0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
V/ 103 m3
Figure 7

We know, from Engineering Physics Chapter 2, that

the work done in one engine cycle is the area enclosed 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
by the loop. Because the graph has a complicated V / m3 m3
shape, it is necessary to count the squares and Figure 8
calculate what the area of one square represents,
which is the scaling factor. This will be in joules.
Counting the small squares gives a value of Output or brake power
about 580. Each small square represents This is a measure of the engines power without the
(0.1 106 ) (0.01 103 ) = 1 J (the scaling factor). loss in power caused by the gearbox, alternator,
So the work done is the number of squares scaling differential, water pump and other auxiliary
factor = 580J for each cycle. components. It is the power delivered to the engines
crankshaft (that is, the engines flywheel).
The engine is running at 1800rpm (revolutions per
minute), which is 30revs1 (revolutions per second). But At this point, we can re-introduce from Engineering
two complete cycles of the pistons are needed to give us Physics section 1.9 a relationship that is very useful
one power stroke (see Engineering Physics section 3.1). when dealing with engines, as it enables you to
So when the engine is rotating at 30revs1, power is calculate the output power of an engine:
being delivered 15 times each second. There are four
pistons, so the indicated power is Pout = T

Pind = 580 15 4 = 3.5 104 W = 35 kW (to 2 s.f.) where T is the output torque in Nm and w is
the angular velocity in rads1. When dealing

Efficiency of an engine

with engines, the angular or rotational velocity is

traditionally given in rpm, so this rpm number needs
to be converted to the unit rads1. KEY IDEAS
For example, if the idling speed of an engine is Input power is the energy released as the
800rpm, the angular velocity will be given by fuel burns:
800 2 Pinput = calorific value of fuel (Jkg 1)
= rad s 1
60 fuel flow rate (kgs 1)
= 84 rad s 1
Indicated power is based on the
The equation above for Pout gives the engine output
indicator diagram:
power in watts (W). Among car manufacturers,
the output power is often referred to as the brake Pind = area of pV loop (J)
power or brake horsepower (bhp) in the old number of cycles per second (s 1)
unit horsepower, which is still in common usage. The number of cylinders
horsepower was coined by James Watt as a way of
convincing breweries of the advantages of the steam
Output (brake) power is the product of the
output torque and the angular velocity.
engine over horses he calculated an average power
of a brewery horse.
It is the power needed to maintain a constant
The relationship is angular momentum:
Pout = T
1 horsepower = 1bhp = 746W
The frictional power of an engine is the difference
So a car with 250bhp has an output power of
between the output (brake) power and the
250 746W = 187kW.
indicated power:
The indicated power (based on the indicator diagram) Pfriction = indicated power output (brake) power
will be greater than the output power because of
= Pind Pout
frictional processes in the engine and transmission.
The difference is the frictional power:

Pfriction = indicated power output (brake) power 3.3 EFFICIENCY OF AN ENGINE

= Pind Pout
Engine designers make comparisons between cars by
looking at the relative efficiency of engines. Generally,
efficiency is defined as the ratio of useful output energy
(or power) to input energy (or power). But since there
QUESTIONS are three key power indicators, namely input power,
indicated power and output power, engine designers
10. A car has an indicated power of 100kW. Its
also consider three key indicators of efficiency,
measured power output is 75bhp. Calculate
depending on what aspect they want to compare.
the frictional power.
The mechanical efficiency, h, is given by
11. A typical car has a measured torque of
147Nm when the engine is rotating at output (brake) power P
4000rpm. The power from the engine was
= = out
indicated power Pind
calculated theoretically as 110kW. Use this
information to calculate The thermal efficiency, e, is defined as
a. the output power of the car indicated power P
= = ind
b. the frictional power. input power Pinput

12. The indicated power for a four-stroke engine The overall efficiency of an engine is the ratio
is 200kW. The cars output power was then output (brake) power P
measured. It was rotating at 3000rpm overall efficiency = = out
input power Pinput
during the test and the torque measured
was 290Nm. Calculate the frictional power Since
of the engine. Pout P P
= out ind
Pinput Pind Pinput

we obtain


overall efficiency = =
output (brake) power
Mechanical efficiency = =
indicated power
The overall efficiency is the product of the mechanical
and thermal efficiencies. = out
Note that all efficiency values will be less than 1, but indicated power
may be given as a percentage as an alternative. Thermal efficiency = =
input power
= ind
Worked example Pinput
The output power of a car is 56kW, the indicated
output (brake) power
power is 100kW and the input power is 250kW. Overall efficiency =
input power
Calculate the mechanical efficiency, the thermal
efficiency and the overall efficiency. = =
Mechanical efficiency

output (brake) power

indicated power
Thermal efficiency In a heat engine, the energy supplied as heat from the
burning fuel does work. We know that the work done
indicated power P 100 cannot equal the heat supplied because of frictional
= = ind = = 0.40 or 40%
input power Pinput 250 losses and so on. But here we will see that, even where
there are no such losses, in what is termed an idealised
Overall efficiency engine, there will still be a maximum theoretical
output (brake) power efficiency that will be less than 1. In other words, even if
overall efficiency = the output power could be equal to the indicated power
input power
Pout 56 (mechanical efficiency 1), there will be a maximum
= = = 0.22 or 22% value of the thermal efficiency, and hence of the overall
Pinput 250
efficiency, that is less than 1. A heat engine cannot turn
or expressed as the product of the mechanical and heat energy totally into work. We will be returning to
thermal efficiencies this in Engineering Physics section 3.5.

overall efficiency = 0.56 0.40 = 0.22 or 22% The essential elements of a heat engine are shown
in Figure 9. This type of diagram is very useful for
analysing the input energy and output energy of
engines. The energy supplied by heating is shown to
come from a high-temperature reservoir, or source.
The surroundings are shown as a low-temperature
13. Calculate the mechanical efficiency, the reservoir, or sink.
thermal efficiency and the overall efficiency
The arrow QH indicates the energy extracted as heat
for a real car, the data for which are
from the high-temperature source that is available
as follows:
to do work, W. The remainder of the input energy
input power = 494000W is delivered as heat QC to the low-temperature
sink. The central loop and its cyclic nature illustrate
indicated power = 124000W
the function of the working substance, as defined
torque of 228Nm produced at 4000rpm in a pV diagram. This black box approach is an
overview,bypassing the detail of the engine itself.
fuel flow 0.672kg per minute
The purpose of any engine is to transform as much
energy density of fuel = 44.1MJkg1
as possible of the extracted energy, QH, into work W
The first law of thermodynamics applied to heat engines

reservoirs was established by considering an ideal,

high-temperature theoretical cycle (consisting of two isothermal
source at TH
curves and two adiabatic curves) called the Carnot
cycle after the French engineer Nicolas Carnot
QH (see Assignment 1 at end of Engineering Physics
section 3.5). Various assumptions were built in to the
derivation: namely that there are no energy losses
heat W and that the process could be made to run backwards.
This theoretical fully reversible process would need to
happen very slowly, to maintain equilibrium.
The equation, however, is valid for all idealised
reversible engines, irrespective of the particular cycle
and the particular working substance. The differences
sink at TC
between real and ideal engines are considered in the
next subsection (Limitations of real heat engines).
Figure 9 The elements of a heat engine

Worked example 1
(usually to move something). To calculate the net work
done by the engine during a cycle, we apply the first An ideal heat engine is to be operated with
law of thermodynamics (Q = U + W) to the working TH = 300K. Which one of the following values of TC will
substance. For an idealised (theoretical) heat engine, allow the greatest maximum efficiency: 250K, 100K,
U = 0 for a complete cycle of the working substance, 50K or 10K?
as it is in the same state at the end as it was initially.
Within the system, there has been no loss of energy.
TC = 250K:
Using the first law, we now just have W = QH QC for
T TC T 250
the work done by the system. max = H = 1 C = 1 = 0.17 = 17%
TH TH 300
The measure of the success of an idealised heat
engine is through its thermal efficiency, e.
TC = 100K:
indicated power T TC T 100
= max = H = 1 C = 1 = 0.67 = 67%
input power TH TH 300
work done per cycle
energy taken in as heat per cycle
TC = 50K:
So we can write T TC T 50
max = H = 1 C = 1 = 0.83 = 83%
TH TH 300
= = H = 1 C
TC = 10K:
It can be shown from this that the maximum T TC T 10
max = H = 1 C = 1 = 0.97 = 97%
theoretical efficiency max is given by TH TH 300

TH TC T Notice that the trend is that, the lower the TC that can
max = = 1 C
TH TH be used, then the better the efficiency. However, to get
100% efficiency, we would need to have TC at absolute
where TH is the temperature of the hot reservoir zero, which is not possible. So emax will always be less
(source) and TC is the temperature of the cold than 1 (or 100%).
reservoir (sink), both in kelvin (K).
The maximum efficiency of a heat engine is
Worked example 2
always less than 1 (or less than 100%).
An ideal heat engine operates between the
The theory of this maximum possible efficiency temperatures of 850K (TH) and 300K (TC). The engine
in terms of the temperatures of the hot and cold performs 1200J of work every cycle, taking 0.25s.


a. What is the maximum theoretical thermal Limitations of real heat engines

efficiency of the engine? How close do real engines get to an ideal engine?
b. What is the average power of the engine? Consider the following three assumptions (in italic):

c. How much energy is extracted as heat from the 1. The petrolair mixture behaves as an ideal gas.
high-temperature source every cycle? In real systems, the petrolair mixture does not
d. How much energy is delivered as heat to the behave as an ideal gas because it is a mixture of
low-temperature sink every cycle? polyatomic molecules, which will sometimes be under
high pressure and at high temperature, so the kinetic
theory assumptions break down.
a. The theoretical efficiency is 2. The heat energy (in the compression stroke) is
T TC T 300 taken in entirely at the single temperature TH
max = H = 1 C = 1 = 0.647 = 65% and rejected at the single temperature TC.
TH TH 850
In reality, the heat is usually taken in over a range
b. Knowing the relation between power and work
of temperatures and rejected also over a range of
done gives
temperatures. The maximum temperature is not
W 1200 attained, because of imperfect combustion.
P = = = 4800 W
t 0.25
3. The processes that form the engine cycle
c. The energy extracted from the high- are reversible.
temperature reservoir is given by the efficiency
and the work done per cycle, that is, This is not true for a real system, for several reasons.

W Energy is dissipated out of the system.
There is no equilibrium with the surroundings, as the
so that processes are too quick.

QH =
= 1850 J Inlet and exhaust valves take a finite time to open
0.647 and close, and combustion is not instantaneous, so
the sharp-edged pV diagrams would never occur for
d. Using W = QH QC gives a real cycle.

QC = QH W = 1850 1200 = 650 J In the petrol engine, heating is not achieved at

constant volume, because the pistons are always
moving, and the expansion and compression strokes
are not truly adiabatic, because heat energy is lost
out of the system.
In addition to the above, the efficiency will be reduced
14. A heat engine operates between 400C further by frictional effects in the moving parts, and
and room temperature (20C). Calculate the transfer of energy out of the system by the heating
the maximum theoretical efficiency. of the cylinder walls.
15. An ideal heat engine operating between Turbulence also plays a part. The combustion of the
17C and 777C performs 2500J of work fuel is designed to occur in an orderly fashion at a
every cycle, which takes 0.10s. specific rate. But, any turbulence in the vapour will
a. What is the maximum theoretical change the rate and move it away from the optimum,
efficiency of the engine? again reducing efficiency.
b. Calculate the amount of energy per Consequently, real engines have much lower
cycle that is being extracted from the efficiencies than calculations suggest. Designers
high-temperature source. are continually trying to improve engine efficiency
c. Calculate how much heat energy, per by reducing the energy transferred out as heat (QC)
cycle, is rejected. during each cycle to make the ratio QC/QH lower.
d. Calculate the average power of the engine.

The second law of thermodynamics

hot object cooling down

It can be shown theoretically that the thermal
efficiency of a heat engine can never be as high
as 100%. equilibrium
The thermal efficiency links the heat flowing
between the hot and cold reservoirs, with the
heat engine working in between:

W Q QC Q cold object warming up

= = H = 1 C

The maximum theoretical thermal efficiency, for Figure 10 Temperature against time graph for two objects of
different temperatures that are in contact for example, an object
an idealised engine, is given by:
and its surroundings. As long as there is a temperature difference
between the two objects, net heat will flow from the hot object to the
max = = 1 C cold object until an equilibrium state is reached.

All real engines have an efficiency that is lower

than this because of non-ideal conditions,
Another one, which we discovered in the previous
including friction.
section, is that:
No heat engine can completely convert heat into work.
These two observations, when combined together,
result in a statement that is one version of the second
3.5 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS law of thermodynamics.
It is obvious that all hot objects naturally cool down It is not possible to convert heat continuously into
to the ambient temperature. In fact, all objects work without at the same time transferring some heat
at a temperature above absolute zero radiate from a warmer to a colder body.
electromagnetic energy. The higher the temperature,
The first law of thermodynamics, as an energy
the greater the rate of energy radiated. An objects
conservation law, seems to imply that heat and work
surroundings are an object in this sense, too
are equivalent. So why can work be entirely converted
the surroundings radiate thermal energy at a rate
into heat, but heat cannot be converted entirely into
dependent on their temperature. So a hot object
work? And why is net heat flow always in one direction?
emits radiation, but also absorbs radiation from its
surroundings. It is a two-way flow, but the emission In the kinetic theory of gases (Chapter 3), where
from the hot object will be greater until a state of 1
equations such as pV = N mc 2 are derived, the
equilibrium results (Figure 10), with the rate of emission motions of particles using the equations of motion are
and the rate of absorption equal when the object and used. But these equations are time-reversible. What
the surroundings are at the same final temperature. actually gives us the arrow of time?
This was described by Newton in his law of cooling. He Consider the nature of heat, or thermal energy. It is
stated that the rate of loss of heat energy from a hot the kinetic energy of the molecules of an object, which
object is proportional to the difference in temperature move with random speeds in random directions. We
between the object and its surroundings. But this law say the energy is randomised, or disordered. If you
is only mathematically correct in certain situations. are converting it into something directly useful, as in an
engine, then it must become more ordered somehow.
A fundamental truth can, however, be stated:
A closed system will not naturally go from a state of
Heat always flows from the hot body to the cold body, disorder to one of order without external intervention.
when they are brought into contact. The normal process is the reverse order to disorder.


A sandcastle will collapse down to a pile of sand, but essential, and, as this cannot be at absolute zero, the
the sand will not spontaneously reassemble into a engine cannot be 100% efficient. So the following is a
sandcastle! When turning disorder to order in the case consequence of the second law of thermodynamics:
of an engine, some of the energy must be involved in
A heat engine needs to operate between a hot source
the ordering process. This is what is being rejected at
and a cold sink.
the cooler temperature. Consequently, the cold sink is


(MS 0.1, MS 1.1, MS 1.3, MS 2.1, MS 2.3) isothermal changes, all of which were reversible
(Figure A2). Heat was introduced at temperature TH
In 1824, Nicholas Carnot (Figure A1) proposed a
and rejected at the lower temperature (TC).
theoretical thermodynamic cycle, which was the most
efficient possible. Carnot was a young French military
engineer and physicist,and, because of his work, he
is described as being the father of thermodynamics.
QH in


QC out
Figure A2 The Carnot cycle

Another key person at this time was Lord Kelvin,

who suggested basing a temperature scale on
such an idealised reversible heat engine. This
thermodynamic temperature scale, or Kelvin
scale, turned out to be identical to the absolute
temperature scale based on the behaviour of an
ideal gas (see Chapter 3). The thermodynamic
temperature scale can be defined by
Figure A1 Nicholas Carnot created the first successful TH Q
theory of the efficiency of heat engines. = H

Carnot was then able to derive the expression

Carnot was following in the footsteps of Newcomen we presented for the maximum efficiency of
and James Watt, but at that point engine anidealised heat engine (which we used in
efficiencies were only about 3%. Steam engines Engineering Physics section3.4) in terms of the
had been around for quite a while, but there had temperatures of the source and sink:
been no scientific study of them. Carnot wanted T
to know whether the work that could be obtained max = 1 C
was unbounded and whether heat engines could
be improved if steam could be replaced by some As we have discussed, sandcastles tend to collapse.
other fluid. He achieved this by idealising the heat Tidy rooms tend to get messy. Gases will diffuse
engine cycle, which became known as the Carnot and fill a room. Heat spreads out from a hot object
cycle. It consisted of two adiabatic changes and two to warm the environment. Yet, if you consider the

The second law of thermodynamics

individual motions and collisions of the atoms, Questions

then there is no reason, in principle, why the paths
A1 If you were to toss the coin 10 times, what is
could not be reversed and the atoms move back
the likelihood of getting a string of 10 heads?
to their starting points (their motion is said to be
time-symmetric). But we know this never occurs A2 The coin is tossed 100 times. What is the
in everyday life: processes move from order to likelihood now of there being all 100 heads?
disorder, and we experience time moving in one Relating this back to thermodynamics, we can say
direction only. that the outcomes range from highly ordered (for
Scientists have given a name to describe and example, H,H,H,H) to highly disordered (for example,
quantify the disorder, and it is called entropy H,H,T,T, where we have not specified the order).
(and given the symbol S). The second law of The chances are that you will find the most
thermodynamics gives us the arrow of time it disordered state to be the most likely, whereas
is the direction in which things seem to become complete order is statistically almost non-existent.
more disordered, or in which entropy increases. An As a further thought experiment, consider a
alternative statement of the second law is this: container containing 1023 molecules. What is the
It is not possible for a process to decrease the total likelihood of them all moving in the same direction
entropy in the Universe. at the same time and therefore your chances of
being in a room where all the molecules end up on
There are two ways that we can deal with entropy
one side, leaving behind a vacuum?!
and put it on a more mathematical footing.
Entropy is a measure of how likely things are to
Method 1 Statistical occur, and a more disordered state is more likely
This method considers the likelihood of events and so has greater entropy. It is a law of nature that
occurring. Imagine tossing a coin. As there are two the entropy of a system tends to increase.
sides, head (H) and tail (T), the probability of getting
a head (or a tail) is 1 in 2. This will be the same for Stretch and challenge
each toss. But if we toss the coin four times, what is Method 2 Clausius
the likelihood of getting four heads in a row? Another very important individual in the history of
For four tosses, there will be 24 possibilities, or thermodynamics was Rudolf Clausius, who, in 1865,
16 results. But we want to find out the chance of suggested that the change of entropy S occurring
getting four heads. Working our way through the when a process happens is related to the heat that is
possibilities, we get the summary in table A1. transferred reversibly (Q) as well as the temperature
(T) at which it happens, by the relationship:
Number of times
Possible outcome this occurs S =
4 heads 1
3 heads and 1 tail (in any order) 4 The unit of S is JK1.

2 heads and 2 tails (in any order) 6 In the Universe as a whole, or in any closed system, the
1 head and 3 tails (in any order) 4
overall entropy must increase, or at least stay the same.
The entropy can drop in part of the system where
4 tails 1
heat is extracted, for example just as long as the
Total 16 system overall experiences an increase in entropy. So

Table A1 S 0
What we have been looking at is what is most likely It is possible to work out the changes in entropy
to occur. There is a 1 in 16 chance of getting four that occur because of processes such as heat
heads, but a 6 in 16 chance of a mix of two heads engines and heat passing from hot to cold objects.
and two tails. Notice that if we were, instead, to For example, say 100J of heat energy is allowed to
look at specific ordering in the results (for example, flow from a hot reservoir at 400K to a cold reservoir
H,T,H,T), then this would be less likely. at 300K (Figure A3).


TH = 400K
We want to know how this relates to entropy
hot reservoir
and what happens if the efficiency is altered.
a. Calculate the maximum efficiency
Q = 100J between the two temperatures.
b. Calculate the entropy loss from the hot
reservoir, the entropy gain of the cold
cold reservoir Tc = 300 K
reservoir, and what the overall change in
Figure A3
entropy is.
c. Suppose we only get 500J of work from
The change in entropy in the hot reservoir is the engine. Calculate the entropy change
in this case.
Q 100
SH = = = 0.25JK1
TH 400 d. Calculate the theoretical entropy change
in the case where 700J of work is done
Notice the minus sign (entropy drops).
by the engine.
The change in entropy in the cooler reservoir is e. What is the pattern here and how does
Q 100 entropy change relate to the efficiency of
SC = = + = +0.33JK1 a heat engine?
TC 300
This is positive (entropy increases). TH
The overall entropy change is
ST = +0.33 0.25 = +0.08JK1
The entropy of the system has increased. W

Work can only be done when heat flows from the QC

hot to the cold reservoir, because otherwise the
entropy would decrease, which is impossible.

Figure A4
Stretch and challenge
A5 a.Life as a process in the Universe opposes
A3 Heat is allowed to flow from a hot reservoir the second law of thermodynamics. Do
to a cold reservoir. Calculate the change in you agree with this statement?
entropy in the hot reservoir, the change of b. How can you reconcile this statement withthe
entropy in the cold reservoir, and the overall comment that entropy must increase?
change in entropy, for the following values:
A6 Eventually, in the Universe, everything
a. TH = 500K, TC = 200K, Q = 300J
will reach equilibrium and there will be
b. TH = 350K, TC = 300K, Q = 1050J no temperature difference anywhere. This
c. TH = 100C, TC = 90C, Q = 1000J. means no further work can be done: entropy
will be at a maximum and we will have the
Comment on the changes in entropy that
heat death of the Universe. The Universe
you have calculated.
will not be able to get itself back from this
A4 Consider a heat engine like that in Figure position. What does this suggest about the
A4, with values: state of entropy at the time of the Big Bang?
TH = 500K, TC = 200K, QH = 1000J A7 Since the 1990s, it has been shown that
the Universe is accelerating outwards. This
We know that the maximum thermal
is the reason why dark energy has been
efficiency is given by
suggested. Will this hasten the heat death?
max = = 1 C

Reversed heat engines

3.6 REVERSED HEAT ENGINES A heat pump is an engine that is used to heat a
building. The thermodynamic processes involved are
Rather oddly (at least, at first glance), it is possible to the same as for a refrigerator or air conditioner as
take in heat energy at a low temperature and reject shown diagrammatically in Figure 11. The room to be
heat at a higher temperature: this is a refrigerator. heated is the high-temperature reservoir and heat is
This is basically a heat engine that works in reverse. transferred to it from the (cooler) outdoors.
In this case, work needs to be done to transfer energy The differences between a refrigerator and a heat
from a low-temperature reservoir to a high-temperature pump are:
reservoir. To achieve this practically, some external device
(for example, an electric motor or compressor) has to
The purpose of the refrigerator is to remove heat
from the cold reservoir.
do work on the working substance of the system, as it
continuously repeats a set of thermodynamic processes, The purpose of the heat pump is to supply heat to
to transfer heat energy from, say, a food storage the high-temperature reservoir.
compartment (low-temperature reservoir) to a room
A recent example of a building designed to be as
(high-temperature reservoir). This is shown in Figure 11.
sustainable as possible is the Crystal in London. It
An air conditioning system (Figure 12) works in the is heated and cooled by ground-source heat pumps
same way. The low-temperature reservoir is the room (Figure 13).
to be cooled and the high-temperature reservoir is the
warmer outdoors. Coefficients of performance
The effectiveness of both a heat pump and a refrigerator
high-temperature is measured by its coefficient of performance (COP).
space at TH This is the ratio of the heat extracted or supplied to
the work done by the external agency. It will differ,
depending on the ultimate purpose of the engine.
Do not confuse the COP with efficiency they are
measuring different things. While efficiency can never
exceed 1, values for the COP often greatly exceed 1.
heat pump
or W Typical household refrigerators and air conditioning
refrigerator units have COPs between 5 and 10. Industrial heat
pumps have COP values typically between 10 and 30.
Using the first law of thermodynamics for an idealised
heat engine working in reverse, as in Figure 11, and
low-temperature putting U = 0 for the working substance, as it is in
space at TC
the same state at the end as it was initially, we obtain

Figure 11 The elements of a refrigerator or heat pump. Work needs QH = W + QC

to be done to move heat energy from the cold to the hot reservoir,
against the usual direction of the flow of heat in nature as described For a refrigerator, the COP is given by the ratio of the
by the second law of thermodynamics. heat extracted to the work done:

COPref =
From this, it can be shown that the maximum
theoretical COP for a refrigerator is given by

COPref =

where TC is the temperature of the cold reservoir and

TH is the temperature of the hot reservoir, both in
kelvin (K).
Figure 12 Air conditioners are an essential part of life in some hot
areas of the world.

Figure 13 The Crystal building has solar panels to generate power and ground-source heat pumps for maintaining the interior temperature.

For a heat pump, the COP is given by the ratio of heat In other words, 24J of heat would be provided with
delivered at the hot reservoir to the work done: the input of only 1J of work. Compare this with an
electric heater. For every joule of electrical energy
COPhp = supplied, the best you will be able to get is one joule
of heat.
The maximum theoretical COP for a heat pump is
COPhp =

Heat pumps provide an extremely low-cost and efficient QUESTIONS

form of heating, because the heat supplied, QH, is much 16. a.A refrigerator maintains an internal
greater than the work done by the external device, temperature of 2C, while the outside
that is, QH QC. A ground-source heat pump (which ambient temperature is 25C. Calculate
extracts heat energy from below the ground) might the COP.
have a COP of 4, and so provides 4J of heat energy for
each 1J of work put in. Contrast this with the situation b.The same refrigerator is operating in
of an electric fire, which will deliver at best 1J of heat a hotter climate, where the ambient
for each 1J of electrical energy supplied. This method temperature is 35C. Calculate the
for heating has a lot of potential see Assignment 2. new COP.

The value of the COP is clearly higher the closer the c. Comment on these different values.
temperatures of the two reservoirs are to each other. 17. A freezer is maintaining an internal
As the difference in temperatures becomes smaller, temperature of 5C. The room it is
so less work is needed to transfer the heat from cold working in is at 20C. Calculate the COP.
to hot. This is why heat pumps work more effectively
in temperate climates than in climates where the 18. a.A heat pump extracts heat from a river
temperatures vary over a large range. at 3C and delivers it into a room at
20C. Calculate the COP.

Worked example b.The same heat pump now extracts heat

A heat pump extracts heat from a river at 8C from a river at 10C and delivers it into
and delivers it into a room at 20C. Determine the a room at 20C. Calculate the COP in
coefficient of performance for such a device and this case.
explain its significance. How does this compare with a c.The same heat pump is now used to
conventional electric fire? extract heat from the ground at 5C
First, we need to convert C to kelvin: 8C = 281K and delivers it into a room at 20C.
and 20C = 293K. Then Calculate the COP.
Qin TH 293 293 d. What pattern do you see? Explain this.
COPhp = = = = = 24
W TH TC 293 281 12

Reversed heat engines

The second law of thermodynamics states that it is The coefficient of performance (COP) of a reversed
not possible to convert heat continuously into work heat engine is the ratio of heat extracted or supplied
without at the same time transferring some heat to the work done.
from a warmer body to a colder body.
For a refrigerator,
A device or system that extracts energy from a cold
reservoir and rejects it at a higher temperature is COPref = = =
called a heat pump or refrigerator. It is a heat engine
working in reverse. Work is done on the working
For a heat pump,
substance, usually by a motor.
COPhp = = =


Heat pumps, in the form of refrigerators or freezers, How does this work in practice?
are now an essential part of everyday life. The One of the most common types of heat pump in
other domestic use for a heat pump concerns the use is the ground-source heat pump (GSHP). This
possibility of heating a house. Is this practicable? is used to extract heat energy from the ground
in winter and to transfer that heat into buildings.
As you saw above, if we electrically heat our houses,
Pipes are laid in trenches at least 2m deep in
then for every joule of heat output, we need (at least)
the ground the cold reservoir. A closed loop
one joule of electrical energy input. But, by using a
of water and glycol (an antifreeze) is circulated,
heat engine working in reverse, we can improve the
extracting heat energy. It has been cooled down
situation quite dramatically, getting several joules of
to 0C by a section of the heat pump, so will
heat transferred for each joule of work put in. Notice
absorb heat if the soil temperature is above this.
that we are not exceeding 100% efficiency (that
At depths below 2m, the ground temperature will
would be impossible), but instead we are combining
stay fairly constant between 9C and 11C. Heat
energy sources, in this case not only transferring
is transferred to the refrigerant in the heat pump,
heat but doing work from a motor of some sort.
which is then forced through cycles, eventually
transferring its heat energy to the house heating
cold reservoir
(outside the house) system. Meanwhile, the cooled heat transfer fluid
hot reservoir
has been pumped back out through the buried
soil (inside the house)
pipework for re-heating.
heat pump radiators and
floor heating In the summer, the heat pump can extract heat from
a hot reservoir and deliver it to the cold reservoir.
heat transfer fluid hot water So the house is being cooled and the heat deposited
system into the ground where it is stored for use in the
Figure A1 A block diagram for extracting heat energy from the winter. The usual alternative of an air conditioner
soil (cold reservoir) and rejecting it inside the house (hot reservoir) just wastes this heat it into the atmosphere.


How good is a heat pump? 5. The radiators may not feel very warm to the
touch. Underfloor heating may be needed as
Some advantages:
a supplement.
1. It uses solar energy that is stored in
6. Digging deep trenches in the garden may not
the ground.
be practicable. The longer the loops for the
2. No combustion takes place and so there are heat transfer fluid, the better, as more heat
no carbon emissions on the premises. is extracted.

3. Some models can be run backwards in the 7. Repairing leaks under the soil can be
summer, acting as an air conditioner by expensive, as the location may not
extracting heat from the house and storing it be obvious.
in the soil.
4. The ground temperature stays fairly constant
throughout the year, so energy can be You may need to do some extra research to answer
extracted at all times. some of these questions.

5. GSHPs are cheaper to run than oil boilers. A1 Another type of heat pump is a
water-sourced heat pump, using the heat
6. No fuel delivery or fuel storage is needed.
from a body of water, such as a lake. What
7. They have low maintenance costs and should would be the advantages/disadvantages
run quietly and efficiently for about 20 years. of this?
A2 A third version is an air-sourced heat pump.
8. COPs, in practice, are typically about 4, so
However, this is viewed as being not so
savings as an alternative to electrical heating
efficient. Suggest a reason why not.
could be substantial.
A3 The direction of operation of a heat pump
9. Financial incentives may exist because can be reversed in summer. Why is that a
of international requirements to reduce strong selling point?
carbon emissions. A4 Discuss the environmental benefits of
heatpumps for commercial as well as
Some disadvantages:
domestic heating. Remember to consider
1. Heat pumps cost more to install than the source of energy being used for the
conventional heating systems. heat pump.
A5 GSHPs have COPs of about 4. Compare
2. The pumps need electricity for the
this with the theoretical value in the Worked
compression and circulation (but this could
example in Engineering Physics section 3.6,
be supplied by a wind turbine).
and with those calculated in questions 16
3. The COP of a heat pump is strongly to 18. Suggest reasons for the difference.
influenced by the relationship between the A6 Looking generally at the advantages
input and output temperatures. anddisadvantages, do you think this
4. They are designed to work with a lower hot is an option you personally would
reservoir temperature than many people are consider?Explain your reasons. You
normally used to (that means that the house might want to research renewable
feels cooler inside). heat incentives.

Practice questions

1. A petrol engine has the idealised pV c. Describe the remaining two processes,
diagram (indicator diagram) in Figure Q1, C D and D A, within the cycle.
in which a fixed mass of gas (air) is taken d. Determine the number of moles of air
through a cycle involving four processes. that are taken through the cycle.
a. A B is an adiabatic compression
e. Determine the work output of the cycle.
from an initial temperature of 300K.
Explain what is meant by the adiabatic f. Real engine cycles differ from the
compression of a gas. idealised one shown. Give two main
differences between the theoretical and
b. B C is the addition of 850J of energy
real cycles.
at constant volume. Apply the first law of
thermodynamics to determine the change in
internal energy of the air during this process.



p / 106 Pa



0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
V / 103 m3

Figure Q1


2. a.Explain what is meant by the coefficient of ii. The heat pump (labelled P) has a
performance of a heat pump. coefficient of performance (COP)
b. The box labelled E in Figure Q2 shows a of 2.6. The power supplied by the
diagram of a combined heat and power electrical generator to the heat pump
scheme. The scheme provides electrical (P) is 16kW. Calculate the total
energy W from an engine-driven generator rate at which energy is available for
and heat Q1 for buildings situated near heating from both the engine and
to the generator. Some of the electrical heat pump.
energy is used to drive the heat pump iii. The conversion of electrical energy to
shown in the box labelled P. Output Q2 is heat is nearly 100% efficient. Explain
also used to heat the buildings. why the designer has proposed
installing a heat pump rather than
E 1600K hot space P an electrical heater to provide the
additional heat Q2.

Q2 AQA Unit 5C June 2014 Q4

3. A four-stroke diesel engine with four cylinders
is running at constant speed on a test bed.
Q1 electrical An indicator diagram for one cylinder is
energy shown in Figure Q3 and other test data are
given below:
290K cold space
Measured output power of engine (brake
power) = 55.0kW
Figure Q2
Fuel used in 100 seconds = 0.376litre
You may assume that the engine runs at its Calorific value of fuel = 38.6MJlitre1
maximum theoretical efficiency and that the
Engine speed = 4100revmin1
electrical generator is 100% efficient. The
output power of the engine-driven generator a. Determine the indicated power of the
is 80kW. engine, assuming all cylinders give the
same power.
i. The fuel used in the engine (E) is b. Calculate the overall efficiency of
propane of calorific value 49MJkg1. the engine.
Calculate the rate of flow of
propane into the engine. State an AQA Unit 5C June 2012 Q4 part a
appropriate unit.

Practice questions




p / 106 Pa




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
3 m3
V / 10
Figure Q3

4. a.Explain why the compression stroke of iii. Explain why, in a diesel engine, the fuel
a diesel engine is considered to be an starts to be injected into the cylinder slightly
adiabatic change. before the piston reaches its highest point in
b. Figure Q4a shows the cylinder of a the cylinder.
dieselengine. The pressure of the air at
AQA Unit 5C June 2013 Q3 parts a and b
the start of the compression stroke is
1.0 105Pa and the volume above valves fuel injector
(a) (b)
thepiston is 4.5 104m3.
Figure Q4b shows the same cylinder at the instant
just before the fuel is injected. The pressure above
the piston is now 6.2 106Pa. The compression is
adiabatic with no leakage of air past the piston or
valves. [adiabatic index g for air = 1. 4]
i. Calculate the volume above the piston at the
instant just before the fuel is injected.
ii. The temperature of the air in the cylinder at
the start of the compression stroke is 297K.
Calculate the temperature of the air at the Figure Q4
instant just before the fuel is injected.

1 ROTATIONAL DYNAMICS 7. In this case, we ignore objects D and B as their
distance from the axis is zero.
Only A and C are included. The total I = 2 0.5 (0.3)2
1. 30 60 = 1800rpm = 0.090kgm2 (to 2 s.f.)
1800rpm = (1800 2)/60 = 188.5rads1
8. I = 21 mr2 = 21 5.0 0.502 = 0.625kgm2
Each second it turns through 188.5rad. = 0.63kgm2 (to 2.s.f.)
In 1 minute it will have turned through 188.5 60
Torque = 30 0.50 = 15Nm
= 11310rad.
a = T/I = 15/0.625 = 24rads2
2. a. 33 31 ,rpm
2 = 33.3 2/60 = 3.49rads1
9. Torque = 30 1.1 = 33Nm
b. Using v = r w, v = 0.150 3.49 = 0.524ms1
I = T/a = 33/0.30 = 110kgm2
c. v = 0.060 3.49 = 0.210ms1
10. a. Torque = 10031
, 1
0.1 = 5.0Nm
3. a. a = (change of angular velocity)/time 2

= 3.49/2.0 = 1.75rads2 As T = I a, a = T/I = 5.0/8.0 = 0.625

= 0.63rads2 (to 2 s.f.)
b. a = r a = 0.15 1.75 = 0.26ms2
, 21 t2
b. Using q = w1t 31+
c. a = 3.49/5.0 = 0.70rads2
Since w1 = 0, q = 21t2 = 1
0.625 302 =281 rad
d. a = 0.060 (0.70) = 0.042ms2 2

This is about 45rev

4. Hoop: I = mr2 = 0.1 (0.1)2 = 0.0010kgm2
(to 2 s.f.) 11. a. 30rpm = 30 2/60 = 3.14rads1

Disc: I = 21 mr2 = 21 0.1 (0.1)2 b. T = F r = 200 2 = 400Nm

= 0.00050kgm2 (to 2 s.f.) c. = T/I = 400/500 = 0.8rads2

5. a. I = 21 mr2 = 0.5 0.5 (0.075)2 d. w

2 = w
1 + t, so t = 3.14/0.8 = 3.9 s

= 0.0014kgm2 (to 2 s.f.) 22 = 12 + 2 , so q = (3.14)2/(2 0.8)

b. I = 25mr2 = 2
5 (0.1)2 = 0.020kgm2 = 6.16rad = 0.98rev (about 1)

(to 2 s.f.) 12. a. If we ignore the mass of the athletes arm and
6. I = mr2 for each object. Total I = 4 (moment of the wire, then the moment of inertia is given by I
inertia of each separate object) = mr2 = 7.00 (1.3 + 0.7)2 = 28kgm2

Total moment of inertia I = 4 0.5 (0.3)2 = b. We can use w2 = w1 + t where w1 = 0. As v

0.18kgm2 (to 2 s.f.) = 30ms1, w2 = v/r = 30/2.0 = 15rads1.
So = w2/t = 15/5 = 3rads2
c. T = I = 28.0 3 = 84Nm or about 80Nm


d. By using I = 21 mr2, we get I = 0.5 9 0.352 15. a. w = (14000 2)/60 = 1.47 103rads1
= 0.55kgm2 b. I = 21 mr2 = 1
272 0.382 = 19.6kgm2
A ratio of Iarm/Ihammer = 0.55/28 2%. The E = 21 Iw2 = 21 19.6 (1.47 103)2
athletes arm can be effectively ignored. = 2.1 107J
13. a. A: The object is initially stationary, but then its The energy would have been transferred to
angular velocity increases to 5.0rads1 over a kinetic energy of the disintegrating parts.
time of 20s.
16. a. I = 25MR2 = 25 6.0 1024 (6.4 106)2
B: From that value, it increases its angular = 9.8 1037kgm2
velocity at a faster rate, from 5.0 to 25rads1
b. Period T = 24 60 60 = 86400s
in a further 20s.
w = 2/T = 2/86400 = 7.3 105rads1
C: It maintains a constant angular velocity of
25rads1 for 20s. , 21 Iw231 =
Ek31 = , 21 9.8 1037 (7.3 105)2
= 2.6 1029J
D: It now slows down at a constant rate,
eventually stopping after a further 40s. 17. 30km per hour = 30000/3600 = 8.3ms1. The
b. A: 0.25rads2 angular velocity = v/r = 8.3/0.30 = 28rads1.

B: 1.0rads2 The moment of inertia = mr2 = 1.80 0.302

= 0.16kgm2
C: 0rads2
, 21 mv231 =
Linear Ek31 = , 1
1.8 8.32 = 62J
D: 0.63rads2 (deceleration) 2

, 21 Iw231 =
Rotational Ek31 = , 1
0.16 282 = 63J
c. The total area is 1350rad or about 215 revolutions
Total energy of each wheel = 125J
14. Draw tangents to the curve at points A, B and
C, and find gradients using the largest triangles 18. The tin containing the liquid fruit juice will reach
possible, as shown in Figure 1. the bottom first. Reason: The liquid will effectively
slide down inside the tin, whereas the frozen juice
30 is forced to rotate. The overall moment of inertia
C of the tin plus the frozen juice will be greater, so
25 more of its gravitational energy will transferred as
20 B
rotational kinetic energy and less as translational
than in the case of the tin with the liquid juice. It
/ rad s 1

15 will hence take longer.

10 19. a. To minimise frictional losses due to air resistance.

5 b. The car will be lighter, so better fuel economy.
There are no environmental problems with disposal
0 batteries have environment-harming chemicals
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
t/s inside them.

Figure 1 c. Energy = power time = 60000 10

= 600000J (600kJ)
a. Angular acceleration at A = gradient of tangent at A d. This would be sufficient in city/town driving where
= (30 3)/4.6 = 5.9rads2 there is normally a great number of stops and starts
Angular acceleration at B = gradient of tangent over short distances.
at B = (30 9)/7.2 = 2.9rads2 20. a. It would be attached to the drive motor.
Angular acceleration at C = gradient of tangent b. The flywheel will have stored energy and this will
at C = (30 17)/9.3 = 1.4rads2 take time to dissipate. The drive will therefore
b. There are about 30 cm2 under the curve. An not stop dead in its tracks in the event of a power
area of 1cm2 represents 5rad. The total angular failure. As a consequence, by slowing down the belt
displacement is therefore 150rad, or about 24rev. gradually, the difference in tension along the belt will
be reduced. This is much safer, with less chance of
serious damage being done.


21. a. Since there is a massive reduction in diameter of b. Applied torque time = change of angular
the star, the moment of inertia will decrease. But, momentum, so T 3.0 = 9.1. The torque applied
since angular momentum is conserved, there will was therefore 3.0Nm.
be a corresponding huge increase in the angular As torque equals force perpendicular distance,
velocity: it will rotate faster. it follows that the force used was 3.0/0.30 =
b. i. w = 2/T = 2/(30 24 3600) 10N.
= 2.4 106 = 2 106rads1 (to 1 s.f.) 26. Power = T w = 25 15 = 375W
ii. The starting point is I1w1 = I2w2. The moment
27. The braking torque = F d = 200 0.10
of inertia of the Sun is 25mr2. So
= 20Nm
mr12 1 = 2
mr22 2 Power to overcome the braking torque = T w
5 5

= 20 45 = 900W
assuming the mass is the same, which
simplifies down to 28. a. Torque = F d = 20 0.100 = 2.0Nm
b. Moment of inertia of whole system = Iwheel + Iclay.
2 = 1 1 Angular velocity = 3.50 2 = 22.0rads1
7 108
2 , 21 mr2 for each part:
Using I31 =
= 2.4 10
2 104 Iwheel31 =
, 1
40.0 (0.350)2 = 2.45kgm2
= 2940 = 3000 rad s (to 1 s.f.) Iclay31 =
, 1
2.40 (0.10)2 = 0.012kgm2

iii. The number of revolutions per second Total moment of inertia = 2.46kgm2
= 2940/2 = 468 = 500revs1 (to 1 s.f.) As Tt = (Iw) = I w in this case, then

22. a. For each child I = mr2

= 40 22 w = T t/I = 2.0 10/2.46 = 8.1rads1
= 160kgm2. Total moment of inertia of children In this case, w is negative, that is, a reduction
= 320kgm2. Total moment of inertia of children in the angular velocity, so the new value is
and roundabout = 500 + 320 = 820kgm2. 22.0 8.1 = 13.9rads1.
The assumption is that we treat each child as c. This time, we use work W = T q. The torque
equivalent to a point mass. is 2.0Nm, so we have to calculate the
b. w = 20 2/60 = 2.1rads1 angular displacement.
L = I w = 820 2.1 = 1720 Since q31 =, 21 (w1 + w2) t, then
= 1700 kg2ms1 (to 2 s.f.) q3 ,= 2 (22.0 + 13.9) 10 = 180rad
1 1

c. Using I1w1 = I2w2, we find w2 = 1720/500 W = 2 180 = 360J

= 3.4rads1

23. Students own answers. 2 THERMODYNAMICS

24. 0.8revs1 equals 0.8 2 = 5.0rads1.
The change in the angular momentum equals 1. Using U = Q W, where Q = +2MJ and
40 5.0 = 200kg2ms1. This is the angular W = 0.45MJ, we find
impulse needed.
U = +2 (0.45) = 2.45MJ
25. a. The angular impulse is equal to the change in
2. a. Using U = Q W, we have Q = +6000J and
angular momentum (Iw).
W = 11000J, so
Converting 9revs1, we get 9.0 2
U = +6000 (+11000) = 5000J
= 57rads1. The moment of inertia (I = mr2) of
the wheel is 1.8 (0.30)2 = 0.16kgm2. b. The temperature has decreased.

So, the change of angular momentum c. Only for an ideal gas is the internal energy
= 0.16 57 = 9.1kgm2s1. This was the dependent only on the temperature.
angular impulse required. 3. Use U = Q W with U = +3000J and Q
= +5000J, so
+3000 = +5000 W
giving W = +2000J. The system has done work.


4. Using U = Q W with U = 4MJ and b. Using point B, pV = nRT, so T = pV/nR =

Q = +10MJ, we have (5.0 105 0.2 103)/(0.12 8.31) = 100K.
4 = +10 W c. See Figure 3.
so W = +14MJ. The gas has done 14MJ of work 9. a. pV = 6000 (0.45) 0.5 = 1350J
against the environment.
b. Q = U + pV
5. This statement should be agreed with. Going by Q = +1000 + (1350) = 350J (the negative
the definition of reversible, a requirement would sign shows that heat is lost)
be that a process would have to be performed very
slowly, so that it could (in theory) change direction. 10.
Going further, complex systems are composed Q/J p / N m2 V / m3 W/J U / J
of molecules, and changes would result in some
100 in 50000 0.02 1000 1100
new configuration. Work would need to be done,
100 in 40000 0 0 100
and there would be some energy dissipation as
a consequence. Reversibility would therefore not 100 out 25000 0.05 1250 1150
be possible. 500 out 30000 0.03 900 400
6. Using p1V1 = p2V2, p2 = p1V1/V2 = 15 5.0/2.0 =
37.5 = 38Nm2 (to 2 s.f.) 11. See Figure 3.
7. Using p1V1 = p2V2, V2 = p1V1/p2 = 78 50/43 = p
90.7 = 91cm3 (to 2 s.f.) b

8. a. pV is a constant for an isothermal.

pV for point B =
5.0 105 0.2 103 = 100
pV for point A = a
1.0 105 1.0 103 = 100
pV for a further point:
2.5 105 0.4 103 = 100

Figure 3 V



p / 105 Pa


200 K
100 K
50 K
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
V / 103 m3
Figure 2


12. It is an adiabatic compression, so pV

= p2V2 and 16. The total area under the graph:
1 1

substituting values gives (4 105 1) + (2 105 1) = 6 105J

60(250)1.67 = 150(V2 )1.67 17. There are 800+/- 10 square millimetres

6010100 = 150 (V2 ) 1.67
1 mm2 = (0.05 105) (1 10-3) = 5 J of work.
4040 = (V2 )1.67 (800 +/- 10) 5 = 4000+/- 50 J
V2 = 144 cm3
18. a. As pV = nRT, it follows that T = pV/nR. As both
( 1) ( 1) n and R are constants, T will depend on pV. The
13. Use TV 1 1 = TV for an adiabatic change. First,
2 2
further from the origin, the greater the product
convert C to K: 40C = 273 + 40 = 313K; and
pV will be, hence the higher the temperature. So
10C = 273 + 10 = 283K. Then substitute in the
T2 must be higher than T1.
equation to give
313 4500.33 = 283 V20.33 b. DA: Isothermal expansion

313 7.5086 = 283 V20.33 AB: A drop of pressure at a constant volume. The
0.33 temperature has dropped and heat energy has
8.3046 = V 2
been lost from the system.
The final volume is 611 to 3 sf, when no rounding is BC: Isothermal compression
used in the calculation. CD: An increase in pressure at a constant
14. Q = U + W volume. The temperature has increased as heat
energy has been added to the system.
No energy is supplied to the air as heat, so Q = 0,
as the pumping motion is adiabatic. Work is done c. DA: Work is done by the gas
on the air in the tube, so W is negative. The gain in AB: No work as there is no change in volume
internal energy is therefore equal to the amount of BC: Work is done on the gas
work done on the gas. The increased temperature
CD: No work as there is no change in volume
of the gas is a result of the gain in internal energy
of the air in the tube. This will eventually conduct d. As the work done by the gas is greater than the
through the wall of the hand pump, making it feel work done on the gas (areas under the curves), the
warm to the touch. area enclosed will be the net work being done.

15. a. p1V1 = p2V2 19. The number of (half-filled or more) square

millimetres is 680+/-10.
40 10 = p2 2
Each mm2 scales to (0.1 105) (0.1 102) = 10 J
The new pressure is 200Nm2
(680+/-10) 10 = 6800+/-100 J
b. pV
1 1 = p2V2

40 101.4 = p2 21.4
The new pressure this time is 381Nm2
c. See Figure 4.

p / N m2
adiabatic compression


isothermal compression


V / m3
2 10
Figure 4


3 HEAT ENGINES 6. Converting 28.7GJtonne1 to Jkg1 gives

28.7 109/1000 = 28.7 106Jkg1
From the answer to question 4, we need to produce
1. See Figure 5.
3.00 106W
2. Advantages of diesel: better fuel efficiency; greater Input power = calorific value flow rate
torque; no spark plugs needed; lower greenhouse
3.00 106 = 28.7 106 flow rate
gas emissions
flow rate = (3.00 106)/(28.7 106)
Disadvantages of diesel: heavier (for same power);
= 0.105kgs1
parts need to be higher strength/more robust to
withstand higher compression; more expensive to 7. 4500rpm is 4500/60 = 75revs1. We need to
produce; harmful particulate emissions divide by 2 for the number of cycles per second.
The indicated power per cylinder is
3. 10kgh1 converts to 10/(60 60)
Pind = area of pV loop (J) number of cycles per second (s 1)
= 0.0028kgs1.
number of cylinders
Input power = calorific value flow rate
= 960 (75 / 2) 1
= 48 106 0.0028 = 130000W = 130kW
= 36 000 W = 36 kW
4. Input power = calorific value flow rate
= 42.9 106 7.00 102 = 3.00 106W 8. 2500rpm converts to 42revs1. The indicated
= 3.00MW power is
Pind = (250 7) (42/2) 8 = 2.9 105W
5. 7.80kgmin1 is 0.130kgs1.
Input power = calorific value flow rate 9. There are 502 small squares in the pV loop.
= 44.1 106 0.130 = 5.73 106W = 5.73MW The area of a small square (scaling factor) =
(0.2106) (0.02103) = 4J

a. 1 Intake of mixture of petrol

p vapour and air (induction stroke)
2 Piston moves up, compressing the
mixture adiabatically (compression stroke)

3 3 Mixture ignited, increasing pressure and

temperature at constant volume
2 4 Piston pushed down and gas expands
5 adiabatically (power stroke)
1 6 5 Heat removed through exhaust valve,
decreasing pressure and temperature
of gas
V 6 Exhaust of burnt gas (exhaust stroke)
b. 1 Intake of air (induction stroke)
2 Piston moves up, compressing the
3 air adiabatically (compression stroke)
3 Diesel sprayed in and ignited, piston
moves down (power stroke, part 1)
4 Gas expands adiabatically, piston
2 5 moves down (power stroke, part 2)
5 Heat removed through exhaust valve,
1 6 decreasing pressure and temperature
of gas
6 Exhaust of burnt gas (exhaust stroke)
Figure 5


The work done by the engine per cycle = 502 4 = 14. The temperatures must be converted to kelvin (K).
2008J We obtain
3000rpm converts to 50revs1 TH TC T 20 + 273 293
max = = 1 C = 1 = 1
TH TH 400 + 273 673
Pind = area of pV loop (J) = 0.56 = 56%
number of cycles per second (s1 )
number of cylinders 15. a. We first have to convert temperatures to kelvin.
= 2008 (50 / 2) 4 Then we get
= 200800 W 200 kW TH TC T 17 + 273 290
max = = 1 C = 1 = 1
TH TH 777 + 273 1050
10. 75bhp is equivalent to 75 746 = 56000W. The = 0.72 = 72%
frictional power is
b. As = , QH = , so QH = 2500 = 3500 J
Pfriction = indicated power output (brake) power QH 0.72
c. Since QH = W + QC, QC = QH W
= Pind Pout
= 3500 2500 = 1000J
= 100000 56000
W 2500
= 44 kW d. P = = = 25000W = 25 kW
t 0.10

11. a. For the output power, we use P = T w, so TC

16. a. Using COPref = for a refrigerator, where
we need the angular velocity of the engine. TH TC
4000rpm converts to 420rads1. TH = 25 + 273 = 298K and TC = 2 + 273 =
Output power = 147 420 = 62000W 275K, gives
275 275
= 62kW COPref = = = 11.96 12
298 275 23
b. Indicated power = 110kW TC
b. Using COPref = T T , where TH = 35 + 273 =
Frictional power = 110 62 = 48kW H C

308K and TC = 2 + 273 = 275K, gives

12. 3000rpm converts to 3000 2/60
275 275
= 310rads1. COPref = = = 8 .3
308 275 33
As output power P = T w, P = 290 310
c. More work is needed in the hotter climate, so the
= 89900 90000W
refrigerator will use more electrical energy and will
Frictional power = 200000 90000 cost more to run.
= 110000W = 110kW TC
17. Using COPref = for a freezer, where TH =
13. Input power (Pinput) is calculated by calorific value
flow rate = 44.1 106 (0.672/60) = 494000W 293K and TC = 268K, gives

Indicated power (Pind) is given as 124000W 268 268

COPref = = = 10.7
293 268 25
4000rpm is 4000 2/60 = 419rads1 TH
18. a. Using COPhp = T T for a heat pump, where TH
Output power (Pout) is calculated from T w = H C

228 419 = 95500W = 293K and TC = 276K, gives

Mechanical efficiency is 293 293
COPhp = = = 17.2
293 276 17
output (brake) power P 95500
= = out = b. Similarly for TH = 293K and TC = 283K,
indicated power Pind 124000
= 0.77 or 77% 293
COPhp = = 29.3
293 283
Thermal efficiency is
c. For TH = 293K and TC = 268K,
indicated power P 1240
= = ind = = 0.25 or 25% 293
input power Pinput 494000 COPhp = = 11.7
293 268

Overall efficiency = 0.77 0.25 = 0.19 or 19% d. The closer the temperatures of the hot and cold
reservoirs, the greater the COP will be. Less work
is needed to transfer heat energy up to the hot
reservoir, so the COP is increasing.

Adiabatic process A Centripetal force The force, f, internal energy U + the work done
thermodynamic process during directed towards the centre of the by the system, W: Q = U + W.
which no heat enters or leaves circle, required to keep an object
Flybrid A mechanical system that
a system. moving at a steady speed in a circle.
converts a vehicles kinetic energy
Angular impulse A change in Coefficient of performance into rotational energy of a flywheel
angular momentum. (COP) In the context of during braking and reconverts the
Angular acceleration The rate of refrigerators and heat pumps, energy back to the vehicle a kinetic
change of angular velocity, , with the ratio of the heat extracted or energy when required.
supplied to the work done by the
time = Flywheel A rotating disc or wheel
t external agency.
which stores kinetic energy as
Angular momentum A vector Compression ratio The ratio of the it spins.
quantity in rotational motion, given volume enclosed in the cylinder of
by L = I w, where L = angular Four-stroke petrol engine An
an engine at the beginning of the
momentum, I = moment of inertia internal combustion engine with a
compression stroke to the volume
and w = angular velocity. high compression ratio, in which
enclosed at the end of the stroke.
fuel is introduced into the cylinder
Angular displacement The angular Cycle A series of repeating pressure during compression.
displacement of a body is the angle and volume changes describing a
in radians (sometimes expressed Frictional power The difference
thermodynamic process.
in revolutions or degrees) through between the indicated power and
which a point or line has been Cyclic process In the context of output (brake) power of an engine.
rotated about a specified axis. thermodynamics, a process which
Frictional torque A frictional
Thesymbol is q. continually repeats itself such as an
force which opposes or causes
engine running.
Angular velocity The rate of rotational motion.
change of angular displacement and Diesel engine An internal
Gyroscope A device consisting of
is calculated from the relationship combustion engine with a fairly
a wheel or disc that spins rapidly
w = q/t, unit radians per second high compression ratio, in which no
about an axis that is also free to
(rads1). Occasionally, the phrase fuel is introduced into the cylinder
change direction.
angular speed is used, also in during compression.
rads1. Heat engine A device or system
Dielectric constant The dielectric
that extracts energy from its
Atomicity The number of atoms in constant or relative permittivity
environment in the form of heat and
one molecule of a substance. of a dielectric, er is the factor by
converts it into useful work.
which the electric field between
Brake horsepower (bhp) The two charges is decreased by the Heat pump A device that transfers
output power from an engine presence of the dielectric, relative to heat from a colder area to a hotter
expressed in imperial units where a vacuum. area by using mechanical energy,
1horsepower = 746 watts. such as a refrigerator.
Disordered In the context of
Brake power The output power thermodynamics, the randomised Hybrid In the context of cars, a
from an engine. kinetic energy of hot gas molecules. combination of a conventional
Calorific value The measure of how combustion engine and an electric
Entropy A measure of the degree
much energy a fuel theoretically motor used to power it.
of disorder of a system.
contains and releases when Ideal gas A gas that obeys Boyles
completely combusted. It is also Energy storage capacity The
law under all conditions: a gas
known as the energy density. The amount of total energy that can
whose molecules are infinitely small
unit is Jkg1 or MJkg1. be stored mechanically, through
and exert no force on each other,
rotation of a flywheel, for example,
Carnot cycle A theoretical except during collisions.
to be released subsequently. It will
thermodynamic cycle of two depend on the angular velocity Ideal gas equation An equation
adiabatic and two isothermal and the moment of Inertia and describing the relationship
changes, which is the most calculated from the kinetic energy betweenthe pressure, volume
efficient possible. expression 1 lw2. andabsolute temperature of an
Centripetal acceleration The 2 ideal gas: pV = nRT.
acceleration, a, of an object moving First law of thermodynamics A law
stating the conservation of energy. Indicated power The theoretical
at a steady speed in a circle power that an engine can deliver.
directed towards the centre of In the context of heat engines, the
the circle. energy transferred to the system by Indicator diagram The pressure
heating, Q, is equal to the increase in volume diagram that describes the


cycle of a heat engine such as a energy input. This violates the first RPM The rate at which an object
petrol or diesel engine. law of thermodynamics. turns is often given in terms of
Inertia The resistance of any object Perpetual motion machine of the the number of full circles that it
to a change in its state of motion. second kind An imaginary machine completes in a given time. This is
which turns heat energy totally into the rotational frequency, f, and it is
Input power The power that is typically quoted in revolutions per
derived from the burning of the fuel mechanical work. As no machine
can convert heat totally into useful minute (rpm).
in a heat engine.
work, this violates the second law Second law of thermodynamics A
Internal combustion engine A of thermodynamics. law stating that heat naturally
heat engine in which the fuel
Perpetual motion machine of the flows from a hot body to a
combines with oxygen inside the
third kind An imaginary machine cold body until both are at the
engines cylinder.
with no frictional effects, so it can same temperature.
Internal energy The sum of maintain its motion forever.
the total kinetic energy of its Sink A heat reservoir.
constituent particles of a system. Power The rate at which energy
Source An energy or heat supply.
is transferred or at which work
Isothermal process A is done, measured in joules per Steam engine A heat engine in
thermodynamic process that second, or watts, W. which the fuel combines with oxygen
takes place under constant to generate steam which is then
temperature conditions. Precession The slow movement of
introduced into the engines cylinder.
the axis of a spinning body around
Maximum theoretical another axis due to a torque. Surroundings The region outside a
efficiency For a heat engine, the thermodynamic system.
difference in temperature between Principle of conversation of
angular momentum The total System A thermodynamic system
the hot and cold reservoirs divided
angular momentum of a system refers to a fixed mass of some
by the temperature of the hot
remains constant provided there is substance, enclosed by a boundary.
reservoir. The maximum theoretical
efficiency is always less than 1 no external torque. Tangential acceleration An increase
T TC T Principal specific heat in tangential velocity caused by an
max = H = 1 C . capacities The two principal increase in angular velocity.
specific heat capacities of a gas are: Tangential velocity The
Mechanical efficiency The ratio of cv, the energy required to produce instantaneous linear velocity, v, of a
output (brake) power to indicated unit temperature rise in unit mass rotating object: v=rw
power for an engine. of the gas at constant volume and
cp the energy required to produce Thermal efficiency e, the ratio of
Moment of inertia (I) A measure the indicated power to the input
of how the mass of a rotating body unit temperature rise in unit mass
of the gas at constant pressure. power for an engine; also given by:
is distributed about its axis of Q QC Q
rotation, given by I = mr 2 ; unit Radians The angle subtended = W = H = 1 C .
kg m2. when the arc length is equal to the
Non-flow processes The four radius; 1 rad = 57.3. Thermodynamic temperature
thermodynamic processes involving Refrigerator A heat pump scale The Kelvin temperature scale.
gases: isothermal, adiabatic, constant that takes in heat at low Thermodynamics The study
pressure and constant volume. temperatures and rejects heat at of the movement of heat
Otto cycle The indicator cycle higher temperatures. through systems.
(pV diagram) describing the Regenerative braking A system Torque A turning effect: the
petrol engine. to collect and store energy from a moment of a couple about a point;
Output power The driving cars braking motion for reuse. unit N m.
power (also called brake Reversible In the context of Work done In the context of
power) that is delivered to the thermodynamics, an infinitely slow thermodynamics, the energy given
engines crankshaft. change in the pressure, volume or to a system by a thermodynamic
Overall efficiency For an engine, temperature of a gas. change, given the symbol, W:
given by brake power/input power: Revolution A single complete cycle Q = U + W
output (brake)power P or turn about an axis (through
= out Working substance The substance
inputpower Pinput 2 radians or 360 degrees) of a
rotating object. in a thermodynamic system that
Perpetual motion machine of the undergoes a change to its pressure,
Rotational kinetic energy The volume or temperature.
first kind An imaginary machine kinetic energy of an object by virtue
which produces work without any
of its rotation, given by E k = 1 I 2

A entropy 536
equations of rotational
internal energy 278
isothermal processes 2930,
adiabatic processes 315, 34,
dynamics 810 34, 378
air conditioning systems 57
angular acceleration 1, 3, 89, F K
23 first law of thermodynamics kinetic energy recovery system
torque and 78 269 (KERS) 15, 16
angular impulse 2021, 23 applied to heat engines
angular momentum 1821, 23 5053
applied to non-flow
angular velocity 23, 23
linear motion 8, 23
atomicity 32 processes 2934
flywheel-powered bus 234
B flywheels 6, 12
applications 1518 maximum theoretical efficiency
brake power (output power) 47,
moment of inertia 14 512, 54
four-stroke petrol engine 44, mechanical efficiency 4950
45, 46 moment of inertia 1, 47, 23
C frictional power 49 of a flywheel 14
calorific value 47 frictional torque 212
Carnot, Nicholas 54
Carnot cycle 51, 54
circular motion 24
G non-flow processes 2934
graphical methods 1011
coefficients of performance
(COPs) 578
ground-source heat pump O
(GSHP) 58, 5960 Otto cycle 44
compression ratio 46
gyrobus 234 output power (brake power) 47,
conservation of angular
gyroscopes 1920 489
momentum 1819
constant-pressure processes overall efficiency 4950
3031, 34, 356 H
constant-volume heat engines 4360 P
processes 31, 34 limitations of real heat pV diagrams 2930, 323,
conveyor belts 17 engines 52 359, 44, 45
cyclic processes 38 heat pumps 57, 58, 5960 perpetual motion machines
engine cycles 436 hybrid cars 16 3941
petrol engine 43, 44, 45, 46,
D I 52
degrees of freedom 32 ideal gas equation 26, 34 power
diesel engine 43, 446 indicated power 478 of an engine 479
indicator diagrams 359, 44, rotating systems 22, 23
precession 20
E 45
input power 47 presses 16, 17
efficiency 4950
internal combustion engine 43, production processes 15,
maximum theoretical
44, 45, 46, 52 1617
efficiency 512, 54
energy storage capacity 12


refrigerators 57 tangential velocity 3 work
regenerative braking 16 thermal efficiency 44, 46, determining from a pV
reversed heat engines 5760 4950, 51 diagram 359
reversibility 289, 52 thermodynamic temperature rotating systems 212, 23
rotating systems 67, 212 scale 54 working substance 43
rotational dynamics 225 thermodynamics 2642
equations of 810 first law see first law of
rotational kinetic energy 1113, thermodynamics
23, 32 second law 536
torque 45, 23
and angular acceleration
S 78
second law of thermodynamics
frictional 212
smoothing 15
smoothing 15
translational kinetic energy 32
specific heat capacities 345

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