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AJM is pleased to publish the first of six extracts from David Uptons new book, entitled The Olympic Dam Story.
Over the next year, the serialisation will tell the remarkable story of the discovery of possibly the worlds greatest
polymetallic deposit, which has an in-ground value approaching $1 trillion.

The Olympic Dam story, part one: driven to explore

f any company was going to find Western Mining was special in one other undiscovered gold fields by taking aerial
Olympic Dam, it was Western Mining. way; it was determined to try new exploration photographs of vast tracts around Kalgoorlie.
The Melbourne-based resources company ideas and technologies, even when its It was originally planned to shoot up to
was unlike any other in Australia and possi- competitors sometimes laughed at it. In the 200,000 square kilometers almost 10% of
bly the world because of its extraordinary absence of such boldness and determination, the area of Western Australia over two or
willingness to invest in exploration. Through it is possible to believe that Olympic Dam three years, with most of the important areas
the 1960s and 1970s, it spent an average of a wild idea even by Western Minings around Kalgoorlie to be completed by the
56% of its annual profits on exploration. standards might still be undiscovered. end of 1934.
To put that into context, Western Minings Western Minings aggressive approach to Wing Commander Victor Laws, who
annual exploration budgets in absolute dollar exploration was chosen very purposefully by led aerial photography for the British
terms matched those of Conzinc Rio Tinto and William Sydney Robinson when he founded Expeditionary Forces in World War I, was
BHP, yet these companies were three-times the company in 1933. Even more remarkable hired to implement the plan with military
and six-times bigger than Western Mining was the fact Western Minings leaders stuck precision, and no expense was spared.
respectively. This is one of many surprising
facts in a 1975 report by McKinsey & Co.,

commissioned by Conzinc Rio Tinto in a bid
to crack the secret code of Western Minings
exploration success.
Comparisons with industrial companies put ... it soon earned Western Mining the nickname of the Wasting Money
Western Mining in a broader perspective. Corporation from bemused onlookers in the Kalgoorlie gold fields.
Industrial companies invest in research and
development (R&D) in the same way miners
spend on exploration. Apple Inc., which has
earned a reputation as the worlds most inno-
vative company, spent 23% of its net profit on
R&D in 2009, less than half the proportion of to this boldly different path for most of the Two aircraft, The Golden West and The Gay
profits committed to exploration by Western companys 72-year history. The sense of Prospector, were purchased and extensively
Mining through the 1960s and 1970s. corporate purpose was incredibly strong, modified for their new task. The De Havilland
For all its spending on exploration, thanks in large part to having only three chief Dragons needed a stronger undercarriage
Western Mining was not financially reckless. executives after Robinson in its first 57 years, to cope with the outback airstrips and
Shareholders were patient and for the most all of whom were mining engineers. better-than-average instruments for precise
part content to see their companys profits Robinson was effectively the first chief navigation.
re-invested in exploration rather then returned executive, although his vast spread of interests A convoy of trucks supported the survey,
to them as dividends. They had seen the around the world allowed only limited carrying photographic equipment, an
company make great discoveries and been involvement with the company. Knowing air-conditioned darkroom and three wireless
richly rewarded by a soaring share price. this, he appointed at the outset a young telegraphic stations. It was a technological
The discovery of nickel at Kambalda in 1966 Tasmanian mining engineer, Gordon tour de force. Sir Arvi Parbo recalls that it
boosted Western Minings share price by a Lindesay Clark (later Sir Lindesay) as soon earned Western Mining the nickname
factor of 10. If Western Mining wanted to Technical Managing Director. of the Wasting Money Corporation
spend nearly all its profits on exploration Western Minings new exploration from bemused onlookers in the Kalgoorlie
and the discoveries kept coming that was programs began in spectacular fashion. gold fields.
fine with shareholders. Robinson hatched an ambitious plan to find u



discoveries of prospectors from scratching at These would secure the future of Western
minerals exposed at the surface. Mining, at least for the time being. The
Unfortunately for Western Mining, the But a revolution was underway, led by a best of science and a big commitment to
cynics were right. The aerial photos did not team of geologists at Harvard University in exploration had indeed carved out a place
reveal gold, but vast expanses of soil and Massachusetts, USA. Pioneering work in for a new gold mining company in Australia.
laterite, a weathered, gravelly layer, which structural and mine geology was taking place But the other lesson learned in these
masked the rocks of real interest below.
Australia was an older and far more weath-

ered terrain than other countries where
aerial surveys had yielded results for a
The early going in Australia was slower than expected.
new generation of gold explorers.
Robinson also learned that unsophisticated There were no quick wins, as many of Western Minings
prospectors had been far more efficient over influential shareholders had hoped.
the previous 40 years than anyone expected;
the most promising outcrops of gold-bearing
rock located by the aerial survey had already
been picked over. under Professor of Economic Geology, early years was the need for patience and
The poor results from the aerial photo- Donald H. McLaughlin. persistence. This knowledge would be
graphic surveys did not discourage Robinson. The early going in Australia was slower invaluable when the search that culminated
He already had underway another great than expected. There were no quick wins, in the discovery of Olympic Dam began in
experiment in which he would recruit the as many of Western Minings influential the 1950s. n
worlds best geologists to unlock the secrets shareholders had hoped. But gold production
still held by Australias goldfields. It seems was finally beginning, generating much- David Upton is a geologist and journalist. He had
an unremarkable plan today, but in the 1920s needed cash. Mines in the central fields of full access to the legendary leaders of Western Mining,
and 1930s geology was a still a new science Kalgoorlie and the Triton mine, near Cue, including Sir Arvi Parbo, in researching his book.
and regarded as a poor cousin in the study of had been brought into production. Other David is contactable at,
natural sciences. It had yet to make an impact new mines in Western Australia were also on 0409 440 615, or see the website
on the mining industry, which relied on the about to produce.

Author hooked on Olympic dream

AJM reporter Mike Foley spoke with David Upton, author of The Olympic Dam
Story. Upton, a qualified geologist, began his long association with Olympic Dam
while working as a resources writer at the Adelaide Advertiser in the 1980s.

AJM: When did you first become interested AJM: Did you come across anything in your
in the Olympic Dam story? research that surprised you?

david upton: The actual trigger for it was du: I always perceived Western Mining to be
back in 2007 when BHP increased its resource somewhat mystical. They were a big company
estimate which jumped by 70% in one go. I it seemed, and in the 1970s they were very
thought, my goodness, this thing is enormous. short of resources to do a lot of the explo-
If you keep drilling it, it will just keep grow- ration that they did. But that was their culture.
ing. It is such a seriously enormous resource AJM: What was most remarkable about

and from that point I wanted to understand it. Western Mining?

AJM: The Olympic Dam mine is a very

high-stakes operation. How did you gain
access to the companies, people and
archives you needed to write the story?

du: The person that paved the way for me

how much they managed to
achieve on how little income
they had.

... it was just a surprise to me
du: It was only because they were so
committed to exploration that they found
these things. A lot of companies wouldnt
have stretched themselves so far. The piece of
information that summed it up for me was that
their first office in Adelaide was the garage
of the Adelaide geologist Dan Evans, who
was Sir Arvi Parbo. I interviewed him initially rented his home at Flagstaff Hill, a suburb
for a feature story and it grew out of that. in Adelaide. It was the office for Western
He introduced me to everyone that had an Mining in Adelaide for about two or three
involvement. Everyone was keen to talk to me They came from a place of doing a lot with years I think. They were incredibly frugal and
about it. BHP were very helpful and I think very little money and it was just a surprise to effective at finding things and it didnt matter
without an introduction I would have been me how much they managed to achieve on what it took they would get the job done
fine there anyway. how little income they had. u



t and would be very unusual today, because It had established itself on manufacturing
of the way institutions invest. They care and agriculture and desperately needed
AJM: Was there any one instance you can about the next three months and the next something like Olympic Dam. The majority
recall that made you think, I have to write six months and dont seem to have any of people really wanted a project like that,
this story? willingness to want to invest for two or that would bring jobs and prosperity.
five years, let alone the decades Western The South Australian Government was
du: Western Mining was a very unconven- Mining were doing things over. opposed to uranium mining in any form.
tional company that had a real commitment to It may be the sort of company we never see There was a ban on uranium mining and
spending money on exploration, with a very again. I wanted to understand that company that was the conundrum. There was this
far sighted board that was prepared to invest and tell the story of how persistent they were. deposit that has much to offer in terms of

copper and gold as well, but it was all

locked up with this uranium the Government

did not permit to be mined. It became

I cant think of a company today that would be enormous source of friction and debate.
It is hard now to recall what it was like
prepared to look for copper for 20 years and
for the partners at that time at Western
keep on having disappointments and keep going. Mining. Pretty much Sir Arvis wisdom
on this was, lets just do a feasibility
study lets find out what we have got,
and what we would be forgoing if we left
for decades. Olympic Dam was found after AJM: What was the social context that this deposit. BP then came in as a venture
20 years of looking for copper. They had Western Mining was operating in when it partner.
had a lot of significant disappointments in discovered Olympic Dam? BP actually committed $300m in modern
that time. terms at a time when uranium mining was
I cant think of a company today that du: In the early 1970s there was the first of banned. At the end of the day, this thing was
would be prepared to look for copper for the oil price shocks and by the mid-70s, that just too valuable and common sense had to
20 years and keep on having disappointments tipped the world into a global recession. prevail and thankfully it did. n
and keep going. They seem to be unique South Australia was particularly heavily hit.

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