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| | Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment and ‘Quantitative Rick Assessment ofthe Proposed Advanced Materiale Plant within the Gebeng Industrial Estate, Kuantan, Pohang, Malaysia TABLE OF CONTENTS RINGKASAN EKSEKUTIF LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS LIST OF EXHIBITS: LIST OF TABLES LIST OF APPENDICES. LIST OF REFERENCES 10 Barene ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT. Provect Concerr, 4.61 Lanthanides... 462 Industrial Application of Larthanides 183 Propane’ Advanced Natrale Plath Mseyaia 4.7” PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE 118. STATEMENT OF NEED wo. 4.84 Global Lanthanides Market Demand... 482 Industrial Development in Pahang, Malaysia. 183, Poslive Socio-Economic pacts to Malaysia. 4.9” OpecTives OF THE STUDY. 410 STRUCTURE OF THE REPORT 4014 LIMITATIONS OF THE REPORT... 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION. 4 24 PROJECTLOCATION 24 2.2 PRe-ConsTrucTION PriASE "4 23 ConstRUCTION PHase, 22 23.1 Temporary Facies. (22 23.2 Land Clearing... 23 233 Transportation of Building Materials and Machinery . 23 234 Inrestucur and Usity Dvetopment 23 235 Construction Activites... ial 24 238 Landscape end Revegetation 25 24 OPERATIONAL PHASE 25 24.1 Concentration Piant (itt Weld, Wester Australia) 25 242 Cracking and Separation Plant 28 243 Listof Equipment... 7 244° Listof Reagent and Annual onsen : 245 — Utiies. 3.0 PROJECT OPTION. 34 IntRopucTION.. 32 Site SeLEcTION... 3.3. Gesene INousTRIAL ESTATE, KUANTAN, PAHANG, MALAYSIA. 3.3.1 Stategic Location in the Region.. lynas ENVIRON | 332 333 334 84 B44 3, 38 RECOMMENDATION... 40 EXISTING ENVIRONMENT... Preliminary Exvironmental Impact Assessment and ‘Quantitative Risk Assesoment of the Proposed Advanced Materials Plant within the Gobeng industrial Estate, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia Accessibilty to Key Infrastructure and Available Utities. Availabilty of Local Supplies... Availability of Skilled Workforce ‘BUILD-OUT VERSUS NO-BUILD OPTIONS. Build-Out Options .. No-Build Option InTRoDUCTION.... ‘Sire SETTING. graphy. i General Geciogy, Soil and Pycrogecagy ‘Water Resources... ‘CUmATEANo METEOROLOGY... Wind Speed and Becton Temperature 433. Relaive Humiiy 434 — Rall 435. Seismology 44.” Lanouse wren rie 261 “444 Regional Landuse Pati 442 Gebeng industfl Estate (SIE). 45 HUMAN ENVIRONMENT. 48 __ Enmownenrat BASELINE invesTIGATION.. 46.1 Noise Measurements... 482 AmbentAlr Quay. 483 Wind Monitoring 484 Water Qulty 465 Alam Sekitar Malays ). no 486 Riverbed Sediment cust Menitoring 487 Plankton 488° Macrobenthos Monitoring 489 _Solland Groundwater as AT ECOLOGY nn case 48 —Socto-Ecowoinc ENROWiENT 253 49. PoRTor KUANTAN 434 440 RoaD NeTwork 488 5.0 POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL INPACTS AND RECOMMENDED MITIGATION MEASURES.. von wanesnssssnsastessseensrsooee OD 51 twrmoDUCTON. st 5.2 SURFACE WATER.......... 5-2 521 Reguatoy Requirements... j 52 6.22 ‘Construction Phase ... Distetohetsiis 5-7 6.23 Operational Phase........ 512 ‘SOIL AND GROUNDATER “530 Regulatory Requremeiis 590 Construction Phase 530 Operational Phase 532 EnOniteWAL Note: ia ; me Regulatory Requirements... i 688 Construction Phase : Seti ia danse 5.4.3 Operational Phase... ts tnsnsaeatistn ? vor 42, 55 SouDWASTE.. a4 55.1 Regulatoy Requirements 48 lynas ENVIRON Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment and ‘Quantitative Risk Assessment of the Proposed Advanced Materials Plant within the Gebeng Industrial Estate, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia 55.2 Construction Phase 0. 7 5-49 55.3 Operational Phase. 552 56 AMBIENT AR en 5-62 56.1 Regulatory Requirements. 562 56.2 Construction Phase 568 5.6.3 Operational Phase. 512 57” BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES.. 5-88 5.7.4 Construction and Operational 5-88 5.8" SOCIO-ECONOMIC ISSUES... 5-90 5.8.1 Construction Phase... 5-80 5.8.2 Operational Phase. i "581 5.9" TRAFFICAND TRANSPORTATION o "5-93 6.9.1 Construction Phase ... 60 61 PROJECT OVERVIEW... . senna 62 EMP Former... ld et 63 GUIDELINES FoR THE CONSTRUCTION PHASE EMME e2 64 GUIDELINES FOR THE OPERATIONAL PHASE EMP .. . 63 6.5 __ ENVIRONMENTAL MONTTORING AND AUDITING, 4 65.1 Baseline Data : 7 65 652 Water Quality Monitoring”... 65 72 Opsecties... nd 73 Basis Or EmcRcENcY Response PUW (ERP)... 7.4 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN (ERP)... 7.44 Organisation .... 7.5” LocaL Response Teams 76 __ TYPESOF EMERGENCY... 7.6.1 Emergency Classification Leveis ..... 7.62 General Responsibilities of On Scene Commander (OSC) and Emergency Response Teams. 15 7.83 Emergency Equipment and Materials... . 78 7.7” EMERGENCY RESPONSE FLOW CHART AND RESPONSE PROCEDURES FOR ON-SITE EMERGENCIES 7 pel 80 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION .. 8.4 INTRODUCTION. ern 82 WATER QUALITY. snsssnsnsesnsnnonnnennnnnannn onal 824 Constvctign Fie wn et 822 Operational Phase...nsn-norsnnsnsn 88 83 |” Son AND GROUNDWATER. eee 83.1 Construction Phase vnnsinanesnnesnnennsn 8.3.2 Operational Phase... ld 84” Noise, 85 65 ‘88 88 ructon Phe Bat Ce se BB 84.2 Operational Phase... 88 85” Waste. 7 BA ‘5.1 Construction Phase eta lynas ENVIRON Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment and ‘Quantiative Rsk Assessment of the Proposed Advanced Materials Plan with the Gebeng Industrial Estate, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia 852 Operational Phage. e13 20. Ausra i 861 Construction Phase .. i 7 B15. 86.2 Operational Phase. - 87.” BroLooiea. Resounces. B74 Construction & Operational 88. Socro-Econowe Mracrs eat B84 ‘Construction Phase .. = 88.2 Operational Phase eat 89 Conciveon.. lynas ENVIRON B18 817 B19 818 821 821

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