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Linux commands (doc, notebooks, ...

Under linux there is no luceda control center. Nevertheless all its functionalities are accessible from command line.

If you have no gcc installed install gcc

apt-get install gcc g++

For accessing the documentation you need to type

source activate ipkiss3

luceda-doc start
luceda-doc stop

For accessing the notebooks: first you need to install ipython. Make sure you use --no-deps, otherwise it might upgrade/downgrade the system
package (which we ship, too). Then, install the samples.

source activate ipkiss3

conda install ipython-notebook
setup-samples --folder ~/ipkiss-samples

Then, start a notebook as follows:

source activate ipkiss3

cd ~/ipkiss-samples
ipython notebook Welcome.ipynb

For accessing the samples

source activate ipkiss3

setup-samples --folder ~/ipkiss-samples
cd ~/ipkiss-samples # contains a samples.wpr file

For activating a ipkiss command shell

source activate ipkiss3

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