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Business Operation and Administration

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The purpose of this assignment is to benefit from the perspective of a leader in the area of

business operations and administration. This can be where you currently work or have access to

members of the leadership team. You are asked to use the same area of business operations and

administration you researched for Assignment #1. This will allow you to see what you learned

from your research in a real-world application. (Note: you will not be asked to reveal any

proprietary or confidential information in your reports. Most of your reports will be based on

your observations.)

Prepare and submit a paper responding to the following items:

1. Provide an overview of the business operations and administration area you have chosen.

2. Based on the research you have conducted for both Assignment #1 and Assignment #2, create

a table that illustrates the similarities and differences in trends between the research conducted

for the Assignment #1. Analyze and discuss the findings shown in the table. This analysis should

include both quantitative and qualitative approaches to analyzing the data.


Assignment #2

The business operations and administration area chosen is the HR department. It deals

with ensuring that the hospital has the essential labour force to meet its overal objestives. The

department interacts with other departments in the hospital. The department has implemented

processes and operations to improve the delivery of services. Trends in the department involve

the use of business intelligence. The personnel participates in the primary strategy to ensure that

the HR department will continue to run its daily operation effectively[ CITATION Mit14 \l

1033 ].

The HR department is characterized by the use of technology to improve their

performance. Specifically, it is using additional resources like use of computers to manage

personnel. The HR department is involved in coordination of people and resources so that it

achieves its goals of providing human resource services. In this regard, the department ensures

that all employees have the necessary tools to improve their productivity (PEX Network, 2013).

It uses a variety of technological advantages so that the employees feel encouraged to work in

the organization. It is through of a variety of software in dealing with personnel such as the IBM

toolset. The information is used in the dispensation of services, and determines the needs of the

various departments.

The department works with other departments in the hospital. It is through interactions

and sharing of information about human resources and skill-set deficiencies among employees.

For instance, the department relies on information from the IT department to determine the skills

required in managing with patient information in the hospital. It can also make decisions that

would improve the efficiency of the hospital as a whole. The use of information technology is

essential in many scenarios. It involves electronic information software that deals with the

personnel data. The information system is a way that allows the administration to make decisions

concerning the organization[ CITATION Wan13 \l 1033 ]. The data includes many aspects of the

organization such as work hours and employee skills. This information is essential so that all the

patients receive the best care from the caregivers. The department uses business intelligence for

improvement in the efficiency of its operations. Business Intelligence (BI) involves the use of

strategies, technologies, and processes in the analysis, organization and use of information on

employees in the hospital[ CITATION Buc14 \l 1033 ]. It includes the conversion of raw data

into meaningful information that can be used in making decisions on personnel in the hospital.

Table 1:

Similarities Differences
In assignment 2, the department relies on

Both use innovative technologies in employee business intelligence while the first relies on

management push and pull service as a trend towards

demand and supply

Both contexts rely on interaction between The second trend involves a single HR

various departments in the dispensation of department that does not liaise with other

services. departments on HR issues in comparison to

the first trend

Use of personnel skills and attendance data in

dispensation of services

Patient care

The HR department uses various strategies so that all personnel deal with the provision of

recruitment services and improve on efficiency due to an increased skillset among the personnel

in the organization. It avoids simple functions in the hospital such as analysis. The use of

technology is an emerging trend that has proven useful in this context. The services rendered by

the organization are controlled by software technologies. Furthermore, the HR department relies

on software so that they meet the needs of different employees[ CITATION Ger14 \l 1033 ].

Each personnel information is recorded into the system. It details their movement in the

organization, their employment history and information on skills. It makes it easier for them to

get the best treatment in the department while ensuring that the hospital is efficient.

The trend in using technologies has led to improvements in business operations and

administration in the department. It arises from use of current technological innovations for

management of personnel data. It is through improvements in efficiency as the system makes it

easier to access and analyze patient data. Over 90 percent of hospitals prefer to use innovative

technologies. It is a common trend in many organizations[ CITATION Bra07 \l 1033 ]. The

information is used so that the treatment outcomes improve among patients. Both contexts use

various technologies in the management of personnel in the hospital. Since the advent of the

internet and other technologies, hospitals have found a better way to improve their services.

Essentially, it has been an essential aspect that has led to improvements in the HR department.

The second trend considers demographic changes. These changes can easy affect the

dispensation of duties in the department. In this regard, the HR department recognizes the

importance of gender and age among the employees so that they have the necessary skills for the

hospital. This important variable is lacking in the first scenario. Consideration of demographic

changes is in regards to the gender of the employees and caregivers. For a start, a large number

of the personnel are often female. Even though they have the necessary skills and experience,

they lack knowledge on current development in the field[ CITATION Moh13 \l 1033 ]. It would

prove advantageous for the organization to improve the quality of services. The system is also

beneficial as it encourages the improvement and use of innovative strategies in the organization.

A differing trend between the two is that the push and pull service relies on incentives. There

should be an incentive to encourage the pull system. It is applicable in cases that consider having

an underlying demand for a given service or product. The use of incentives can be in the form of

employment benefits offered by the organization such as long vacations.

Business intelligence is also an essential aspect of the differences. BI is a vital element of

the HR department. It can lead to an enhancement of the internal coordination, especially among

the employees in the organization. The employees will work while ensuring that they meet the

demands of the HR department. The department can also predict the future trends quickly. It can

make it easier to make changes that would deal with potential issues in future, and avoid

problems[ CITATION Ols14 \l 1033 ]. BI provides vital data for the administrators, allowing a

swift response from both external and internal issues. On the other hand, the first context relies

on a push and pull service. It is a trend toward the provision of services and has proven useful. It

is a technique for managing employees, and it differs from the use of BI in the second context.

In conclusion, business operations, and administration area involves the HR department.

There are many similarities and differences between the second and first assignment. The

similarities arise from the use of innovative technologies and various departments in the

organization. On the other hand, the differences result from number of departments interacting,

different business strategies, and use of demographic data on employees. Despite this, both

contexts have been able to use the trends to their advantage.


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