Emc Uni Report

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Joint Project between
EMC Professional Network
Electromagnetics Professional Network and
Antennas and Propagation Professional

Electromagnetics University and Industry Study:


This report looked into the recognised problem of skills shortages within the
traditional subjects in engineering, with particular emphasis on Electromagnetics.
Electromagnetics covers foundation of electrostatics/magnetostatics, electromagnetic
fields, waves, and has applications in radio, antennas, microwaves devises, electrical
machines and electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC).

This study collected data from Universities, Electrical and Electronic Engineering
departments and industry.

Both the University and Industry studies showed Electromagnetics as an important

topic within the teaching of electrical and electronic engineering. The main problem
was shown as the lack of engineers specialising in Electromagnetics and associated

Over the last couple of years there has not been a marked decrease in the number of
hours dedicated to EM, this decrease has been over a longer time scale. With
competition on the timetable from newer subjects the traditional subjects are
naturally in decline. Universities also indicated that the problem lies in the lack of
basic skills of students and the way in which electromagnetics is taught and perceived.

The study was conducted with the support of the Electromagnetics, EMC and
Antennas and Propagation Professional Networks. The questionnaire replies were
confidential however the report will be openly available on all the Professional
Networks web site and open for online discussion.

The Professional Networks will look at ways to assist including the provision of case
studies through applications. The Professional Networks can assist with basic training,
raising awareness of electromagnetics and working with industry and academia in
building links.

Electromagnetics University and Industry Study:


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................................................... 1

CONTENTS .................................................................................................................. 2

INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................... 3

ANALYSIS OF RESULTS........................................................................................... 4
UNIVERSITY QUESTIONNAIRE.......................................................................... 4
INDUSTRY SURVEY.............................................................................................. 9

CONCLUSIONS......................................................................................................... 11

Electromagnetics University and Industry Study:


There is a recognised problem within engineering that all sectors within the UK are
experiencing skills shortages and recruitment difficulties as reported in the IEE News
October 2001. This was based on a series of skills Foresight reports generated by
National Training Organisations over the last 12-18 months. This problem is
attributed to a number of causes; for example an unbalanced age profile of the
workforce to the poor image engineering has within the general public.

It is believed that this problem is acute within the Electromagnetics sector.

Electromagnetics is a fundamental topic in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
covering foundation of electrostatics/ magnetostatics, electromagnetic fields, waves,
and has applications in radio, antennas, microwaves devices, electrical machines and
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC).

There is circumstantial evidence that the pressure on EEE curricula is high, the level
of student intake is very varied and the background of teaching staff in University
Departments has shifted over the years. It is believed that the teaching of the
foundations of this discipline is diminishing and is approaching danger levels.

This study aims to investigate the teaching of electromagnetics by collecting data

from University, Electrical and Electronic Engineering departments. This will include
the number of hours dedicated to Electromagnetics and associated subjects in the past
and present, as well as future intentions. Questions also address the amount of
interaction engineering departments have with industry and teaching techniques.

Opinions have been collected from Industry as to their requirements for engineers
with electromagnetics expertise. These will be used to compare with the University
study to analyse the situation surrounding electromagnetics. The conclusions of this
report hope to raise areas and actions the Professional Networks can focus on in future
events and activities.

This study was conducted with the support of the Electromagnetics, EMC and
Antennas and Propagation Professional Networks. The questionnaire replies are
confidential however the report will be openly available on all the Professional
Networks web sites. There will be an online discussion to invite responses to the
report from all engineers registered with the Professional Networks.

Electromagnetics University and Industry Study:



Copies of the questionnaire were sent out to all engineering departments accredited by
the IEE, with thirty-four valid returns. These included a good spread of universities
both from a geographically and traditional/modern point of view.

The study opened by testing the hypothesis that electromagnetics is still considered
important. The majority of the replies were positive with comments on
electromagnetics as a foundation subject forming the bedrock of Electrical and
Electronic Engineering (EEE). It was viewed by many that electromagnetics
underpins and influences many applications and activities within the subject and
illustrated that most universities still consider the area of fundamental importance.

When considering universities interaction with industry, as illustrated in figure one

below, there is a strong impression that it is important to the university to keep up to
date with industrial requirements. This can assist when shaping EEE degree courses
and in producing engineers with skills that industry desire.

Question2: Do you consider it important to

keep up to date with industries requirements
for Electromagnetics.


Figure 1: Departmental links with industry.

The major methods used to link with industry are

Advisory Panel
Staff contacts with industry, noted that this can rely heavily on a few key staff
Consultant groups/ companies set up within the department
Attendance at relevant conferences and events

The questionnaire went on to analyse how many hours are spent teaching
electromagnetics and associated subjects. Under electromagnetics teaching the
universities where asked to include topics concerned with the foundation of
electrostatics/ magnetostatics, electromagnetic fields and waves, antennas,

Electromagnetics University and Industry Study:

microwaves, machines and EMC. For example a course in communications may
contain elements of Electromagnetics embedded, hence the amount of hours spent on
the Electromagnetics aspects should be considered.

Courses Data



Number of Univerisities


year one
8 year tw o
6 year three
4 year four

0 1-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+

lecture hours + lab hours

EM courses Average percentage of student on the courses

Number of universities

offering EM courses

25 80
15 60 Average
5 40
1 2 3 4
Average 1.47 1.69 1.63 1.87 0
number of 1 2 3 4

Figure 2: Illustrates the number of hours dedicated each year of study to electromagnetics combined
with the percentage of students opting for the courses.

The results, illustrated in figure two, show the number of hours dedicated to
electromagnetics, how many universities offer these courses and what percentage of
students are opting for these courses. The number of hours spent on electromagnetics
varies throughout the years, however the type of coverage can be divided in to two.

In the first year 50% of responding universities spend between 20 and 39 hours, with
65% spending 20 of more hours. However, 25% of universities spend less than 10
hours on the subject. In the second year 60% are spending 20 of more hours. This
increase in teaching in year two could be attributed to students improved abilities in

Electromagnetics University and Industry Study:

Maths and EEE gained in year one required for electromagnetics. The first and second
year forms a broad understanding and foundation of electromagnetics and associated

The third and fourth years tend to be more specialised options and here 55% of
universities spend 20 of more hours in year 3 dropping to 35% in year 4. There is also
a marked decrease in the number of students opting for these courses and the number
of universities offering electromagnetic courses. Third/fourth year specialist subjects
include Radio Communication and Antennas. The high number of universities with no
hours dedicated to electromagnetics, especially in the fourth year, demonstrates that
only a limited number are offering electromagnetics related subjects as a specialist

Question 5: In your professional opinion how

adequate do you feel these hours are?

Very adequate
Barely adequate

Figure 3: Show how adequate the university feels the hours dedicated to EM are.

As to the adequacy of these hours figure three shows that the majority of the
universities felt that these hours are adequate to very adequate. The comments
expanded upon this question range from: this was believed to be adequate within the
constraints of the timetable; this was adequate for a basic understanding since a
specialisation comes later in postgraduate studies and training.

Question 6: Has there been an increase or Question 7: Do you have any plans to increase,
decrease in electromagnetics teaching over
decrease the amount of electromagnetics
the last couple of years?

Increase Increase
No change
No change

Figure 4: Here the two graphs illustrate if hours have increased of degreased in EM teaching over the
last couple of years and what universities intentions are with regards to future time allocation.

The graphs show that in over 50% of the universities there has been no change in the
teaching of electromagnetics over the last couple of years, but what change there is

Electromagnetics University and Industry Study:

has been downwards. It was commented that there has been a big decrease in the
teaching of Electromagnetics over the last 15 years that would not have been
illustrated in the above data. Universities also felt that it was a reflection of the
continuing pressure on the timetable, a matter of compromise. There is very little
intention to increase the teaching of Electromagnetics with over 80% of universities
planning for no changes. There are some intentions to increase teaching at a higher
level with universities introducing postgraduate studies in telecommunications.

Question 8: Do you feel there are teaching

methods you would like to know more about
from others and teaching methods you could


Figure 5: Illustrates openness to sharing ideas and teaching methods

The final part of the questionnaire looked at teaching methods. Figure five
demonstrates openness to new ideas and sharing of ideas by universities. Methods
they would like to know more about and areas in which they would like to receive
more support include:

Software packages as teaching aids

Computer aided techniques (at a moderate cost) to assist students with field theory
and mathematics. This could be supported with experiments.
CDROM based teaching which gives good visual examples and simulations
Web-based interactive teaching that can excite students with real world (but
simple) examples.
EMC- this is of great importance in product design but difficult to teach well and
can end up as either a review of standards of an overly analytic description.
Prepared videos or PowerPoint presentations, something to give a bit of life and
meaning to what students perceive as dry, boring and irrelevant.
Comprehensive case-studies showing the application of the fundamental concepts
Practical demonstrations (simple) in lectures
Funds to develop innovative laboratory work, demonstration and improve the
specialist teaching at undergraduate and post graduate level
CAL Based learning

Electromagnetics University and Industry Study:

Visualisation tools that dont require use of professional (and daunting to learn)
CAD software
More support from the industry to demonstrate the usefulness of electromagnetics
for example through industrial case studies of the application of EM theory.

Highlighted throughout was a lack of mathematics and physics ability in students

affecting their understanding of Electromagnetics and associated subjects. This
restricts what can be taught and the level at which it can be taught. It was also noted
that students are increasingly opting out of modules with maths content due to a
preconceived notion that they are harder.

Electromagnetics University and Industry Study:


Several leading Engineering companies were represented through the industrial

interviews. These included manufacturing and research bodies. All the companies
employ engineers that specialise in electromagnetics and associated subjects.

Within each company an engineer, from an Electromagnetics discipline, was asked a

series of questions; all engineers gave a personal opinion hence it was understood that
their answers were not necessarily those of the company.

The initial questions showed that all the engineers had been in engineering over ten
years and half had been with their present company more than ten years. The majority
also indicated that they had specialist professional qualifications related to the
industry for example a PhD in electromagnetics or related subject.

All engineers considered a solid foundation in electromagnetics important.

Electromagnetics is recognised as a fundamental topic within electronics and
electrical engineering. Its importance was illustrated through a number of applications
for example, mathematical modelling, mobile and fixed communication systems,
EMC in functional safety and radio spectrum work.

It is viewed that there has been a decrease in the number of electromagnetic trained
engineers over the last couple of years. This was attributed to increase number of
engineers moving in to consultancy, computing (including programming due to
computing skills learnt) and business related areas. Companies are finding it harder to
find quality engineers with appropriate skills. Experienced EM engineers are very rare
new graduates are recruited on their potential to learn Electromagnetics; training is
provided within the company. Backgrounds in EEE, Mathematics and Physics are all
considered to be appropriate.

These companies are using a variety of methods to recruit engineers from recruitment
agencies, engineering journals and magazines and national and local papers. For
specific electromagnetic positions companies may approach specific universities,
which offer the appropriate postgraduate courses.

It was shown that the recruitment of Electromagnetic engineers changes with levels
within the companies similar to all disciplines within the company.

Electromagnetics University and Industry Study:

Structure of company: Requirement when recruiting an
EM engineer:

Trainee Degree in math/physics/electrical

engineering with ability to learn EM.

Professional Degree, preferably MSc or PhD with


Supervisory As above with several years

experience and possible some
management experience

Management As above with management

experience and training

Senior manager 10 years management training

Figure 5: Typical requirements for an electromagnetic engineer within a company structure. This uses
a combination of the information, received form all the engineers interviewed.

With the emphasis on training Electromagnetic engineers within the company the
methods used are:
Advise Guides
Subsidised courses
Subscription to a professional body, for example the IEE
Attendance at IEE meetings
Attendance at conferences, exhibitions and events (includes the opportunity to
Graduate training schemes

It is viewed that the IEE Professional Networks can assist with the following:
Physical events
Online events
Distance learning opportunities
Raising awareness of Electromagnetics specifically EMC and its importance
Improve links with universities

It is believed many EEE courses do not leave graduates with an understanding of the
basics of electromagnetics, especially wave theory. This results from a lack of
students with appropriate mathematical skills.

Electromagnetics University and Industry Study:


Both the University and Industry studies showed Electromagnetics as important

within the teaching of electrical and electronic engineering. It was described
throughout as a fundamental subject area that needs to be taught to achieve an
understanding of electrical and electronic engineering. The main problem lies in the
lack of engineers specialising in EM and associated areas.

Both studies have some underlining area of concern that could be used to explain the
feeling of diminishing teaching in electromagnetics. The industry survey illustrates
that there is still a lack of skilled electromagnetic engineers; this has been counter
balanced with training provided within the companies. If an electromagnetic engineer
is sought companies are now looking more to postgraduate level where engineers
have been able to specialise to a depth the industry needs. This is mirrored in the
university study where most engineers received a basic understanding at the lower
levels and a limited number specialise in the final years and second degree. A
significant proportion of UK postgraduate researchers in electromagnetic based
subjects are from overseas and either return home or find UK employment in the field
difficult due to the significant amount of defence related work. Few UK graduates
undertake postgraduate research in electromagnetics, as the student grants are so poor
in relation to what they can get in industry as illustrated in the Royal Academy of
Engineering report Doctoral Level Research Students in Engineering: A National
Concern. Here it is recognised that universities are having problems persuading UK
engineering graduates to stay on for postgraduate studies due to the higher starting
salaries offered in industry and commerce. Some universities reported that over half
their PhD students are overseas returning home after their studies. Industrial top ups
to grants are a partial solution, but few companies seem to take this long-term

It has been shown that over the last couple of years there has not been a marked
decrease in the number of hours dedicated to EM, it was indicated that this decrease
has happened over a longer time scale. Competition for the limited pool of suitably
qualifies graduates has meant that degree programmes were offered with more choice
and this led to the pressure on the timetable for traditional subjects. However to
increase the amount of hours dedicated to EM, would not necessarily increase the
level or understanding amongst the students. The universities have shown that there a
number of other areas that need addressing like the basic mathematical skills of
students and the way in which electromagnetics is taught.

There is still a lack of basic skills in students coming into electromagnetic courses;
this is a generic problem across the whole of engineering. It has been viewed for
sometime that the UKs secondary schools have been failing to produce enough
young people with technology, maths and science skills- the starting blocks for any
engineering career (The Engineer, Reading, writing and rocket science, October
2001). This is particularly important in electromagnetics where the basis of
understanding is in Mathematics and Physics, both considered high demand subjects.

Electromagnetics University and Industry Study:

This lack of skills appears to be carried forward to industry; for example it was noted
that the level of mathematics to understand basic wave theory is in short supply.

The university survey also shows a need to teach Electromagnetics theories with
examples of applications to show the students the relevance of the subjects. This
however applies across all engineering. It is viewed that engineering has an image
problem resulting in a shortfall of 21,000 engineering graduates. An important
message engineering educators need to get across is the far wider applications of their
subject, raising awareness and understanding of engineering. (The Independent, Time
to make engineering trendy, 17 October 2001).

Areas for further development, for which the Professional Networks can assist,
include the provision of case studies through applications. Professional Network can
also supply extra training providing further information on Electromagnetics and
related subjects. Professional Networks can also look at the issue of educational
software and integrating this into university courses.

The Professional Networks can also assist with basic training for industry to give
engineers a deeper understanding of Electromagnetics and associated subjects. This
can be achieved through providing online events, physical events and distant learning.

The Professional Networks also have an important role in raising awareness and
profile of the subjects involved in Electromagnetics, showing their relevance and
importance as a fundamental area of electronic and electrical engineering. EMC in
particular was noted as needing attention. The Professional Network can continue
working with industry and academia helping building links between them.

Electromagnetics University and Industry Study:


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