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7/6/2017 Complete Precedence Table | Operators Relational, Logical and Membership | CSE1309x Courseware | edX

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Course Week 3 Operators Relational, Logical and Membership Complete Precedence Table

Complete Precedence Table

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Complete Precedence Table

The following table shows the completeprecedence of Python Operators: Highest to


() Parenthesis (grouping)

f(args...), x[i:i], x[i], x.attr Function call, slicing,

subscript, dot

** Exponentiation

+, -, ~ Unary Positive, Unary Negative,

bitwise NOT

*, /, % Multiplication, Division,

+, - Addition, Subtraction

<<, >> Shifts

& Bitwise AND

^ Bitwise XOR

| Bitwise OR 1/2
7/6/2017 Complete Precedence Table | Operators Relational, Logical and Membership | CSE1309x Courseware | edX

<, <=, >, >=, !=, ==, is, is Comparisons, identity,

not, in, not in membership

not Boolean NOT

and Boolean AND

or Boolean OR

lambda Lambda Expression


Punch, W. F., and Richard J. Enbody. "Beginnings."The Practice of Computing Using Python.
Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley/Pearson, 2011. 737. Print.

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