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Release Date: August, 2015

You must open an Alice 3 file from within the Alice 3 environment. You cannot double click an Alice file in
your operating system to open it!
Remember positioning objects should be done in the scene editor. You can manipulate the objects from
the code editor but you do not have as much control.
Think of the X, Y and Z values as being left to right, up and down and forward or back respectively. All
objects have a standard set of sub-parts (joints) that can be manipulated individually.
Within Alice an object moves relative to its own positioning not the users perspective. If you are coding an
object that is facing the camera then think of it as looking at a reflection in a mirror.
Which method of positioning that you use comes down to personal choice and experience. You may use all
of the available methods within a single animation.
There are many options available for coding one-shot procedures. Again it is very useful to experiment
with these as the skills learned here can be transferred to coding with procedures in the code editor.
Some objects in your scene may require precise positioning whereas others may not. It can make coding
easier later on if you have the objects positioned exactly where you want them to be.
Both of these methods achieve the same results so it doesn't matter which one you use to access the one-
shot procedure menu.
Use each one of the one-shot procedures in turn and then undo the action so that you become familiar
with the result of each procedure.
To add an object to the center of the scene just click on it in the gallery. The center is the default location
for objects added this way. Remember you can add objects to other positions by manually placing them in
the scene.
X left to right
Y up and down
Z forward and backward
Remember the object won't move to the specified position until you press the Enter key.
For scenery objects or non-important objects in your animation, imprecise positioning is normally
Each handle performs a specific action on the chosen object. Experiment with each until you are
comfortable with the role of the handle.
Every property that you set in the scene editor can be coded in the code editor.
Moving the objects sub parts can make for a much more realistic look to your object at the beginning of the
animation. Sub-part manipulation can take a long time to perfect, but is worth it as it produces a more
natural animation.

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