Cover Letter SIF Syria

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Dear Recruiter,

Please find enclosed my application for the position of Acting Country Director Syria within your
organisation. More information are available on my LinkedIn page.

I am a French rural and outer urban development practitioner with a strong experience in global
management, organization and supervision including HR support.

Since years now my field of expertise concerns the general management of INGOs including
operations in war zones in Afghanistan during 42 months (2 assignments), which designs and
implements complex development programs (10-21mln$). I own a specific knowledge in territorial
development able to alleviate poverty and to help the communities in their relevance for a better
prosperity (using mainly the People Led Approach methodology).

Except Afghanistan, I work mainly in West and East Africa ,mainly in the Sahel zone and some sub-
Saharan countries, Madagascar, India and Central (Mongolia) ,South-East Asia (Cambodia, Laos,
Vietnam) and South America (Colombia, Mexico, Ecuador and Peru).

I have an important experience in the management of high-level multicultural and multidisciplinary

teams (For eg. Programs coordinators, PM, support teams including HR, Finance, Fundraising and
Com teams as well as Agronomists, veterinarians, architects ,technical and financial experts etc..).

I have a very strong ability to recruit at short notice , to manage and lead teams in crisis context and
to create an efficient local as global HR management environment focused on results. Because the
multi locations of these teams , Im very experienced in distance management with the use of
technological tools and adapted methodologies and processes.

Im experienced in fundraising and donors relationships as EU, Echo, AFD,DFID,JICA ,Misereor and
USAID and with the WB,ADB and KfW through specific programs.

As I think that to be an efficient Country Director its important to influence also the policies and
strategies , I was committed in many high level steering committees as an adviser with the aim to be
part of the design of national strategies (In Afghanistan: Ministry of Public Health, , MAIL, MoEW,
MRRD and NEPA as for eg. Renewable Energy policy with USAID support and NSP development
strategies with the WB, Low carbon emission for rice mills in Cambodia with EU/UNEP support, Agro
pastoralism regional strategies with the WB,DFID and CEDEAO etc..)

I gained also a good expertise in the driving of monitoring and evaluations activities (internal as
external) and audits as all my missions begins with an organizational audit period.

Furthermore I own a cross domains expertise with a good understanding of the global context and
tendencies of NGOs activities which allow me to accompany efficiently HQ in their strategic stakes
and problematics (for eg. Innovative financing as PBF, stakes of climate disruption, security issues ,
partnership and networking etc..)

About the security management which is a crucial point in our activities, as Country Director in Syria
or Executive Director ,I developed a very strong knowledge and experience focused on context
understanding, policies and rules and regulations design and adapted strategies and action plan
including short notice responses. As Geres Country Director in Afghanistan , on behalf of the French
Embassy I designed and managed the 1rst bunkered safety place for South Kabul and as Maderas
Country Director I coordinated the security of 22 French NGOs in Afghanistan including security
assessments, high level representation to authorities, context follow up and security strategies
design and implementation with official services. In Africa , I designed and implemented for Acting
for Life teams and partners the 1rst Security Policy specifically for the Sahel region (with special rules
and regulations for Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, North Benin and North Togo) as well as for
Colombia Mexico Ecuador and Peru in Latin America.

To complete my quick presentation, since years now Im also a trainer (design and delivery) for one
of the most famous training institution in Europe for Humanitarian professionals (Institut Bioforce
Lyon-France) , mainly in strategic planning, change and knowledge management (In Asia) , HR and
health projects management (eg.ECB consortium Africa program and WHO Logivac program-Africa),
Implementation of standards (Sphere -with the manual- PIN and HAP)

In that activity I trained Logisticians, Programs coordinators and HR-Admin-Fi specialists and also
designed and trained young professionals from the EU Volunteers Corp (EVHAC program)

As I know SIF and the importance of its action in Syria since years I would be happy to bring you my
specific knowledge and experience in the management of this CD position.

Best regards

Jeff Ospital

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