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Sorcerer/Wizard Spell List-

0th-level- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Abjuration- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Eyes Open PGSL V Grants +4 resistance bonus vs. sleep effects.
Resistance PHB VSM Subject gains +1 resistance bonus on saving throws.
Conjuration (Creation)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Acid Splash PHB VS Orb deals 1d3 acid damage.
Caltrops Spell VS Creates caltrops in 5ft-square, plus one/2 CL (max 5).
Zap Trap Dr302 VSM Creates a trap that deals 1 electricity damage.
Divination- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Deftness Dr302 VS Grants +2 insight bonus on next skill check.
Detect Magic PHB VS Detects spells and magic items within 60 feet.
Detect Poison PHB VS Detects poison in one creature or small object.
Foraging Charm Dr302 VS Know location of vegetable food within area.
Perfect Pitch Dr302 SF Grants a +2 insight bonus on next Perform check.
Read Magic PHB VSF Read scrolls and spellbooks.
Seekers Chant Dr326 VS Grants +1 untyped bonus on Listen checks, but you
suffer a -2 penalty on Move Silently checks.
Spot Invisible PGSL VS Briefly notice invisible creatures within line of sight.
Enchantment (Charm)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Daydream PGSL S Distracts a foe with a -2 penalty on skill checks.
Enchantment (Compulsion)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Attract Eyes Dr304 V Foe must save against your gaze attack.
Daze PHB VSM Humanoid of 4 HD or less loses next action.
Gasp Dr304 S Force an underwater foe must start making
Constitution checks against drowning.
Vengeful Mount Dr326 VSM The targeted mount is much harder to control.
Evocation- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Candlelight WB11 VM Object sheds light as a candle.
Dancing Lights PHB VS Creates torches or other lights.
Electric Jolt Spell VS Ranged touch attack deals 1d3 electricity damage.
Flare PHB V Dazzles one creature.
Jolt PGSL VSM Foe of 4 HD or less drops whatever items its holding.
Light PHB VM Object shines like a torch.
Ray of Frost PHB VS Ray deals 1d3 cold damage.
Sonic Snap Spell VS Subject takes 1 sonic damage and deafened 1 round.
Suitengus Surge MagR VS Foe misses a chance at an attack of opportunity.
Illusion (Figment)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Chalkboard Dr324 SM Creates plane that the caster can write on with finger.
Flag Dr302 VS Creates a flag over the head of the target.
Ghost Sound PHB VSM Figment sounds.
Mirror Dr302 VS Creates an insubstantial one-way mirror.
Stench Dr302 VS Creates a horrible smell in a 10ft-sphere.
Illusion (Glamer)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Coin of the Realm Dr302 VS Illusion makes pebble appear as a gold coin.
Fleeting Flame Dr326 VS Grants +2 untyped bonus on next Bluff, Diplomacy,
or Intimidate check.
Servant's Guise WB143 S Change your clothing and equipment, grants a +5
untyped bonus on Disguise checks.
Shadowplay Dr326 VS Move and change a creatures shadow.
Silent Portal Spell S Negates sound from door or window.
Illusion (Phantasm)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Phantasmal Whisperer Dr291 VS Send a silent message to a nearby ally.
Unnerving Gaze BoVD VS Subject takes -1 penalty on attacks for 1d3 rounds.
Necromancy- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Disrupt Undead PHB VS Deals 1d6 damage to one undead.
Necrosurgery Dr326 VSM Grants a +2 untyped bonus on next save against a
disease you already have.
Preserve Organ BoVD VS Protects one detached organ from decay for 24 hours.
Touch of Fatigue PHB VSM Touch attack fatigues target.
Unnerve PGSL VS Target with 3 or less HD is shaken.
Transmutation- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Amanuensis Spell VS Copy non-magical text.
Cleaning ToHS VS Cleans 5ft-cube of dirt and grime.
Dry SaltS VS Completely dries a wet object.
Footpads Grace Dr302 SM Grants +3 untyped bonus on Move Silently checks.
Glittering Razors Dr302 VSM Bladed weapon deals +1 damage on next attack.
Groundsmoke Dr326 VS Prevents smoke from rising more than 6in off ground.
Heat Water Dr302 VS Heat up to 2 pints of any liquid to any temperature.
Launch Bolt Spell VSM Launches crossbow bolt up to 80 feet.
Launch Item Spell S Hurls Fine item up to Medium range.
Mage Hand PHB VS 5lb telekinesis.
Mending PHB VS Makes minor repairs on an object.
Message PHB VSF Whispered conversation at distance.
No Light BoVD VS Prevents normal light from illuminating.
Nosy Neighbor Dr326 VSM Grants +1 untyped bonus on Listen checks.
Open/Close PHB VSF Opens or closes small or light things.
Preserve Ectoplasm Ghost VSM Purifies 1 cubic foot/CL of ectoplasm.
Repair Minor Damage Spell VS Repairs 1 damage to any construct.
Resize Dr302 VS Changes the size of nonmagical clothing or armor.
Slash Tongue BoVD VS Foe takes -1 on attacks, saves, and checks for 1 rnd.
Stick Spell VSM Glue an object weighing up to 5lbs to another object.
Yell Dr302 V Amplify up to 10 words, granting a +10 untyped
bonus to Listen checks to hear these words.
Universal- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Arcane Mark PHB VS Inscribes a personal rune (visible or invisible).
Prestidigitation PHB VS Performs minor tricks.
1st-level- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Abjuration- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Alarm PHB VSF Wards an area.
Deflect, Lesser PHB2 V Gain +1 deflection/3 CL (max +5) vs. one attack.
Dispel Ward Spell VS As dispel magic, but affects only wards.
Doramas Battle Ward PGSL VS Creates minor anti-magic field around two creatures.
Ectoplasmic Armor Spell V Gain armor bonus against incorporeal touch attacks.
Enchantment Disruption PGSL VSF Charged items lose 1d6 charges/CL (max 5d6).
End PGSL V Dispels a lower level spell automatically.
Endure Elements PHB VS Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments.
Hold Portal PHB V +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out
elementals and outsiders.
Impede Suns Brilliance Sand S Diminishes the heat and light of the sun in an area.
Ironguts Spell Subject gains +5 bonus on saves against poison.
Karmic Aura CM V Any creature damaging you becomes fatigued for 3
Nightshield Spell Resistance bonus on saves, absorbs magic missiles.
Protection from Chaos PHB VSM +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out
elementals and outsiders.
Protection from Evil PHB VSM +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out
elementals and outsiders.
Protection from Good PHB VSM +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out
elementals and outsiders.
Protection from Incarnum MoI VS Ward a target from attacks by soulmelds and
incarnum creatures.
Protection from Law PHB VSM +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out
elementals and outsiders.
Protection from Possession Ghost Creature cannot be possessed or mentally controlled.
Protection vs. Wing Flyers FR:SS VSM As protection from evil, but against winged flyers.
Resist Planar Alignment Spell VS Subject can resist penalties for being an opposed
alignment on an aligned Outer Plane.
Shield PHB VS Grants +4 shield bonus, blocks magic missiles.
Sidestep VDH VSM Ally avoids automatically a physical attack.
Suspend Disease BoVD Keeps disease from harming creature for 24 hours.
Warding the Eye CallC VS Protects you from the evil eye spell.
Conjuration- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Bestow Wounds BoVD Caster transfers 1hp/CL of wounds to another.
Create Ectoplasm Ghost Create 1lb/CL of raw ectoplasm.
Create Trap RoDR VSM Creates a CR 1 trap.
Conjuration (Creation)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Airbubble Dr314 S Creates air around your head when underwater.
Black Bag BoVD VSM Creates extradimensional bag of torture tools.
Blades of Fire Spell V Your melee weapons deal 1d8 damage for 1 round.
Blockade CS VSM Fill 5ft-square with enormous block of wood.
Bulwark of Reality ToM VST Grants a +6 armor bonus to AC.
Buzzing Bee Spell VSM Bee gives subject -10 penalty on Move Silently
checks and hinders Concentration checks.
Corrosive Grasp Spell One touch/level deals 1d8 acid damage.
Deep Breath Spell S Your lungs fill with air.
Extract Drug BoVD VSF Creates drug from inanimate object.
Fetid Breath WB11 VSM Nauseates creatures in a cone for 1d4+1 rounds.
Glaze Lock Frost VS Jams locks with snow and ice, raising Open Lock DC
by 10 and the locks hardness by 5.
Grease PHB Makes 10ft-square or one object slippery.
Hail of Stone Spell VSM Deals 1d4 damage/CL to creatures in area (max 5d4).
Mage Armor PHB Gives subject +4 armor bonus.
Moonglaive War VS Throw a created glaive at up to three targets.
Nether Trail BoVD Creates a trail compelling evil outsiders to follow.
Obscuring Mist PHB VS Fog surrounds you.
Orb of Acid, Lesser Spell Ranged touch deals 1d8 acid damage +1d8 acid/2 CL
beyond 1st (max 5d8).
Orb of Cold, Lesser Spell Ranged touch deals 1d8 cold damage +1d8 cold/2 CL
beyond 1st (max 5d8).
Orb of Electricity, Lesser Spell Ranged touch deals 1d8 electricity damage +1d8
electricity/2 CL beyond 1st (max 5d8).
Orb of Fire, Lesser Spell Ranged touch deals 1d8 fire damage +1d8 fire/2 CL
beyond 1st (max 5d8).
Orb of Sonic, Lesser Spell Ranged touch deals 1d6 sonic damage +1d6 sonic/2
CL beyond 1st (max 5d8).
Raise Night Fog CallC VS Create an area of darkness during the night.
Resinous Tar CM VSM Sticky substance slows movement or renders object
difficult to drop.
Rot of Ages DragM VS Cloud of rotting debris sickens or nauseates one
creature, provides concealment for others.
Sticky Floor RoDR VSM Entangles and immobilizes creatures in affected area.
Unseen Servant PHB VSM Invisible force obeys your commands.
Wall of Smoke Spell Wall of black smoke obscures vision and nauseates
those who pass though it.
Conjuration (Summoning)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Call Undead I DAM VSF Calls an undead creature to fight for you.
Mount PHB Summons riding horse.
Summon Component CM S Create a non-costly spell component.
Summon Monster I PHB VSF Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Summon Undead I Spell Summons undead to fight for you.
Tracker PGSL VSM Summon a tracking dog.
Conjuration (Teleportation)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Benign Transposition Spell V Two willing creatures switch places.
Scramble True Position ToM You teleport your foes 10ft in a random direction,
knocking them down.
Stand PHB2 Subject stands up from prone.
Conjuration/Evocation- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Kelgores Fire Mist PHB2 1d6 fire damage/CL (max 5d6), partially ignore SR.
Divination- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Ancient Knowledge EberrM VSF Grants a +5 insight bonus on next Knowledge check.
Appraising Touch Spell VS Gain a +10 bonus on Appraise checks.
Arcane Sensitivity FR:SS VS Discern targets spellcasting ability and power level.
Arrow Mind Spell VSM You threaten nearby squares with your bow, and fire
without provoking attacks of opportunity.
Combat Readiness Drow V Target gains a +1 bonus/CL on initiative checks; foes
gain no bonus for being flanked.
Comprehend Languages PHB VSM You understand all spoken and written languages.
Critical Strike Spell You deal +1d6 damage, double threat range, and +4
on attack rolls to confirm critical threats for 1 round.
Detect Currents PGSL VS Detect water currents within 60 feet.
Detect Dragonblood DragM VS Detect dragon and dragonblood creatures within 60ft.
Detect Dragonmark EberrM VSM Detect and identify dragonmarks within 60ft.
Detect Familiar ToHS VS Detect familiars and animal companions within 60ft.
Detect Incarnum MoI VS Detect incarnum within 60 feet.
Detect Life CallC VS Detect the presence of nearby living creatures.
Detect Secret Doors PHB VS Reveals hidden doors within 60ft.
Detect Swag SaltS VS Detect valuables (worth 10 gp or more) within 60ft.
Detect Undead PHB VSM Reveals undead within 60ft.
Detect Vestige ToM VS Detect vestiges bound within 60 feet.
Detect Weaponry City VS Detect manufactured weapons within 60 feet.
Dragon Radar VDH VSM Detect the presence of dragons.
Empathy Dr313 VS You detect the emotions of the target.
Familiarity of Place Dr308 VSD Grants +1 luck to saves in a specified location.
Flawless Navigation SaltS VSM Grants +20 bonus on Profession (navigator) checks.
Golem Strike Spell You can sneak attack constructs for 1 round.
Guided Shot Spell You ignore distance, cover, and concealment for
ranged attacks for 1 round.
Guiding Star Dr340 VS Creates a mote of light that moves as commanded.
Historic Vision LotT V Reveals the age of a creature or object.
Identify PHB Determines properties of magic item.
Insightful Feint Spell +10 bonus on next Bluff check to feint in combat.
Instant Locksmith Spell Make Disable Device or Open Lock check at +2
bonus as a free action.
Instant Search Spell Make Search check at +2 bonus as a free action.
Know Protections FR:Mag VS Determine the targets defenses.
Locate Touchstone Planar VS Find nearest planar touchstone.
Locate Water Sand VSF Reveals location, size, and quality of water sources.
Loresong Dr335 VS Gain access to any trained or untrained skill and
receive a +4 competence bonus to that check.
Magecraft Eberron VF Grants +5 competence bonus on one Craft check.
Masters Touch Spell You gain proficiency in a touched weapon or shield.
Sense Spirit MagR V Detect the nearby presence of spirit beings.
Skillful Moment Dr350 VS Take 20 on a skill check without increasing the time.
Snipers Shot Spell No range limit on next ranged sneak attack.
Spontaneous Search Spell Take 10 on Search check for an area.
Targeting Ray Spell You and allies gain +1 attack/3 CL against subject.
True Casting CM VS Gain +10 bonus on your next spell penetration check.
True Strike PHB VF Grants +20 on your next attack roll.
Vigilant Slumber CM VS Set specific conditions under which you immediately
wake up.
Enchantment- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Drug Resistance BoVD VM Subject is immune to addiction.
Insatiable Thirst VanR VS The target attempts to drink up all nearby liquids.
Sacrificial Skill BoVD Grants +5 untyped bonus on Knowledge (religion)
checks made during a sacrifice.
Shock and Awe Spell Flat-footed creatures take -10 penalty on initiative.
Stupor BoVD Helpless creature is put in a state of servitude.
Stupor PGSL VSM The target loses one spell slot at random.
Enchantment (Charm)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Charm Person PHB VS Makes one person your friend.
Enchantment (Compulsion)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Beckon Person ToM VST Force a humanoid to approach against its will.
Darken the Veil of Sleep WayN S Sleeping creature cannot awaken on its own.
Distract Spell S Subjects take a -4 penalty on Concentration, Listen,
Search, and Spot checks.
Distract Assailant Spell VSM Creature is flat-footed for 1 round.
Forget Spell VDH VSM The target caster forgets one spell at random.
Hand to Hand VDH VS Forces up to 8 creatures to fight without weapons.
Hypnotism PHB VS Fascinates 2d4 HD of creatures.
Incite Spell Subjects cannot ready or delay.
Inhibit Spell Subject delays until next round.
Power Word, Fatigue RoDR V Makes one creature with 100 hp or less fatigued.
Power Word, Pain RoDR V Deals 1d6 damage/round to one creature with 100 hp
or less.
Rouse PHB2 Awakens creatures in area.
Secret Weapon City VSM Makes hidden weapon almost impossible to detect.
Sleep PHB VSM Puts 4 HD of creatures into magical slumber.
Swamp Stench SAC VS Nauseates a creature with the smell of rot.
Taunt BtS V Insult your foes into recklessly attacking you.
Whelm PHB2 Living creature takes 1d6 nonlethal plus 1d6/2 CL
above 1st (max 5d6).
Evocation- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Bigbys Helpful Hand PHB2 VSF Grants a +2 competence bonus on Craft, Disable
Device, and Open Lock checks and can hold a single
small item for you.
Bigbys Tripping Hand PHB2 VSM Hand trips subject
Blast of Air Dr285 VS Cone of air blinds creatures.
Blood Wind Spell VS Subject uses natural weapons at range.
Bonerattle Ghost VSM Vibration deals 1d4 damage/CL to bone.
Burning Hands PHB VS Deals 1d4 fire damage/CL (max 5d4).
Darssons Cooling Breeze FR:SS VS Creates light breeze that travels in one direction.
Dawnburst CM VS Creatures in area glow as torches.
Darklight BoVD VS Creates 5ft-radius where all can see without light.
Distracting Shadows EberrM VM Object radiates shadows in 10ft-radius.
Guiding Light Spell Grants +2 bonus on ranged attacks against creates in
illuminated area.
Disarm WB176 VS Rams an object out a creatures hand.
Fire Bolt D2 VS Fires a bolt of fire for 1d6 fire damage/CL (max 5d6).
Ice Blast D2 VSM Fire a bolt of cold that explodes and may paralyze.
Ice Bolt D2 VSM The target takes 1d4 cold/CL (max 5d4) and may
take penalties.
Ice Dagger Spell Creates a grenade-like weapon deals 1d4 cold
damage/CL, plus area damage.
Jet of Steam CM VS Line of steam deals 1d4 fire damage/CL (max 5d4).
Lantern Light BoED S, Ab Ranged touch attacks deal 1d6 points of damage.
Light of Lunia Spell You radiate a silvery light, which you can expend as
two bolts that deal 1d6 damage.
Luminous Gaze Spell Your eyes emit light, dazzling creatures.
Magic Missile PHB VS 1d4+1 damage; extra missile/2 CL above 1st (max 5).
Noshs Energy Whip WB137 VS As magic missile, except it deals 1d6+1 damage at
close range.
Persistent Blade Spell Blade of force attacks subject, automatically flanks.
Ray of Flame Spell Ray deals 1d6 fire damage/2 CL, ignites subject.
Red Sign of Shudde Mell CallC VS Deal damage to creatures while you concentrate.
Shocking Grasp PHB Touch deals 1d6 electricity damage/CL (max 5d6).
Snillocs Snowball FR:UE VSM Up to five ranged touch attacks deals 1d6 cold
damage plus 1/CL (max 1d6+5).
Sonic Blast Spell Subject takes 1d4 sonic damage/2 CL plus deafness.
Stone Missiles Dr285 VS Fling stones to pummel up to 4 targets.
Tensers Floating Disk PHB Creates 3ft horizontal disk that holds 100lb/CL.
Thunderhead Spell Small lightning bolts deal 1 damage/round.
Time Delay VDH SM Delay the effects of a spell cast simultaneously.
Water Burst Dr285 VS Shoot a high-power water jet at a foe.
Illusion- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Arcane Appearance PGSL S Target appears to be casting your next spell.
Illusion (Figment)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Alustriels Banner WB153 VSM Creates a flag and sound of a horn.
Instant Diversion RoDR VS Creates an illusory double of you.
Silent Image PHB VSF Creates minor illusion of your design.
Trembling Horn Marker WB176 VSF The target emits a loud horn sound if it comes near a
horn of the City Watch of Waterdeep.
Ventriloquism PHB VF Throws voice.
Illusion (Glamer)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Disguise Self PHB VS Changes your appearance.
Elf Disguise WB169 VS As disguise self, except Faernian elf subrace only.
Glamour Costume Dr350 VS As disguise self, except affects clothing only.
Hidden Ward EberrM Hide magical effects on an object.
Nystuls Magic Aura PHB Alters objects magic aura.
Pleasant Visage Ghost Gruesome ghost appear normal and unwounded.
Rankletaste WB118 VSM The target temporarily tastes horrible.
Serene Visage Spell Grants +(1/2 CL) insight bonus on Bluff checks.
Shadow Meld War VS You vanish from sight as long as you remain still.
Vanishing Armor BtS VS A suit of armor or clothing becomes invisible.
Illusion (Pattern)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Color Spray PHB VSM Knocks unconscious, blinds, and/or stuns creatures.
Illusion (Phantasm)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Alibi ExE V Target believes he encountered you recently.
Fengut WB97 VS Nauseates the creature for 1d4+1 rounds.
Friendsight Dr309 VSM Allies glow in a specific color.
Glimpse of Fear Dr333 VS The target is shaken for 1 round/CL.
Illusion (Shadow)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Dead End Spell VSM Removes spoor of one creature/level.
Mordaks Mind Blade VDH VS Summons a +1 longsword that lasts until it misses.
Net of Shadow Spell Ordinary shadows that provide concealment in area.
Necromancy- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Backbiter Spell VSF Weapon strikes wielder.
Blade of Blood PHB2 VS Weapon deals +1d6 or +3d6 if you take 5 damage.
Cause Fear PHB VS One creature of 5HD or less flees for 1d4 rounds.
Chill Touch PHB VS One touch/CL deals 1d6 damage and possibly 1 Str.
Death Grimace BoVD S Caster leaves a magical calling card on corpse.
Deaths Call CM V Living creatures take 1 damage and are fatigued.
Necrotic Awareness LM VSF Sense encysted subjects.
Negative Energy Ray TaB VSM Ranged touch deals 1d6 negative energy damage plus
1d6/2 CL above 1st level (max 5d6).
Parching Touch Sand VS One touch/CL deals 1d6 desiccation damage and may
deal 1 Con damage.
Ray of Enfeeblement PHB Ray deals 1d6+1/2 CL Str damage.
Ray of Fatigue VanR VS Cause the target to become fatigued.
Reaving Aura CM V All creatures below 0 hp within 10ft take 1 damage.
Scab VDH VSM The target stops bleeding damage of 1 hp/round.
Shivering Touch, Lesser Frost VS Touch deals 1d6 Dex damage.
Spirit Worm Spell Subject takes 1 Con damage/round.
Sunstroke Sand VS Target takes 2d6 nonlethal damage and is fatigued.
Transmutation- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
A Moment Ago PGSL VSM Replicate a lower level spell from the previous round.
Aberrate BoVD Target becomes an aberration.
Accelerated Movement Spell SM Balance, Climb, Hide, Move Silently, or Tumble at
normal speed with no penalty on skill check.
Affect Normal Fires LTK VS Increase or decrease brightness of nonmagical fires.
Animate Rope PHB VS Makes a rope move at your command.
Arm VDH VS The target grows an extra arm.
Armor Lock CS VS Targets armor slows movement to 10 ft.
Babau Slime Spell VSM Secrete an acid that damages attacking foes.
Blood Blister Dr300 VSF Creates hideous blisters on creature.
Breath Flare Spell S Your breath weapon dazzles subjects.
Burning Rage PHB2 VS Subject takes 4 damage/round, gains attack and DR.
Cheat Spell VSF Caster rerolls when determining a game of chance.
Cutting Hand Spell Your hand gains a +2 enhancement bonus and deals
1d6 damage.
Disinter PGSL VSM Unburies an object that you know the location of.
Earths Stagnation RCS VS Halves the creatures movement and Jump distance.
Ebon Eyes Spell VSM Subject can see through magical darkness.
Enlarge Person PHB VSM Humanoid doubles in size.
Erase PHB VS Mundane or magical writing vanishes.
Expeditious Retreat PHB VS Your speed increases by 30ft.
Expeditious Retreat, Swift Spell V Your speed increases by 30ft for 1 round.
Extend Shifting RoE V, Sh Increase your shifting duration by 4 rounds, but
become fatigued at the end of it.
Eyes of the Avoral BoED S Grants +8 racial bonus on Spot checks.
False Strike PGSL VF Creature takes -20 penalty on next attack.
Feather Fall PHB V *
Fist of Stone Spell VSM Gain a +6 enhancement bonus to Str and slam attack.
Float Frost VS Causes creature or object to become more buoyant.
Gemfire WB202 V Cause nearby gems to explode.
Ghostly Reload RoDR VSF Automatically pulls crossbow string into the catch.
Hoard Gullet DragM VS Gain an extradimensional second stomach to store
Objects, similar to a bag of holding.
Horrible Taste Spell Creature or object nauseates biting/swallowing foes.
Jump PHB VSM Subject gains bonus on Jump checks.
Kaupaers Quickblast WB165 VSM Fire a small bead of energy as a free action.
Kaupaers Reflexive Strike WB165 VSM Target may take an additional AoO.
Low-Light Vision Spell See twice as far as a human in poor illumination.
Mage Burr CS Double arcane spell failure chance of targets armor.
Mage Hand, Greater Spell As mage hand, but medium range and up to 40lbs.
Magic Weapon PHB VS Weapon gains a +1 bonus.
Mighty Wallop RoDR VSF +1 size category of bludgeoning weapon.
Nerveskitter Spell Subject gains a +5 bonus on initiative checks.
Path of Frost DragM VS Creates a frozen path on the ground that slows
movement and deals cold damage.
Peacebond City VS Weapon is impossible to draw.
Portal Beacon Spell Grant others knowledge of a magic portals location.
Pounding Stones PGSL VSM Fling rocks and pebbles at a foe, dealing damage.
Quickswim Storm VSM Your swim speed increases by 10 feet.
Raging Flame Spell Fire burns twice as hot, half as long.
Ray of Clumsiness Spell Ray delivers Dex penalty of 1d6 +1/2CL.
Reduce Encumbrance VDH VS Doubles the targets carrying capacity.
Reduce Person PHB Humanoid halves in size.
Remove Scent Spell Hides creatures scent.
Repair Light Damage Spell Repairs 1d8 damage +1/CL (max +5) to a construct.
Scatterspray Spell Group of small objects flies apart in a burst.
Sea Legs FR:SS Target can maneuver easily while on a ship
Seething Eyebane BoVD Subject is blinded and all within 5ft take 1d6 damage.
Shield Companion Dr308 VS Dr Cause a nearby shield to float and protect an ally.
Shieldbearer Spell Shield floats near subject to offer protection.
Shifter Prowess RoE VS, Sh Shifter racial bonuses to skills increase by 8.
Silken Grasp PGSL VF Grants you a +20 bonus on grapple checks to hold.
Silvered Weapon BoED VS Transforms one weapon into a silvered weapon.
Skin of Sedefkar CallC VSM Grants the target an increase in its natural armor.
Slide Spell Move subject 5 feet.
Slow Burn Spell Fire burns twice as long.
Snowdrift Frost VSM Forms existing snow into another shape.
Snuff the Light Drow V Extinguish one non-magical light source.
Speed Swim FR:Mag VSF Target gains swim speed of 30 feet.
Spell Flower Spell Hold charge on one touch spell per forelimb.
Stamina VDH VSM Doubles the ability to not tire with strenuous activity.
Tail VDH VSM The target grows a prehensile tail.
Tongue Tendrils BoVD Caster spits out tendrils that grapple.
Treacherous Weapon ExE Targets manufactured weapon takes penalty for 1 rd.
Wave Blessing Storm V Keeps one creature/CL from sinking.
Weapon Shift Spell Touched weapon changes form.
Wings of the Sea Spell Grants +30ft to subjects swim speed.
Transmutation (Polymorph)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Spider Form, Lesser Drow VS You take on the form and abilities of a Medium
monstrous spider.
Universal- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Familiar Pocket Spell VSM Garment or container becomes extradimensional safe
haven for your familiar.
Transference WB29 VSF Transfer XP from another creature during the
creation of magical items.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----
2nd-level- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Abjuration- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Aerial Alarm HeroB VSF As alarm, except it extends up 500 feet.
Aiming at the Target Spell S Gain +10 bonus on Concentration checks for
previously cast spell.
Alarm, Attentative CM VSF As alarm, plus learn type and number of creatures
that triggered alarm.
Alarm, Greater Spell VSF As alarm, except it works on coexistent planes.
Arcane Lock PHB VSM Magically locks a portal or chest.
Arcane Mark Ward Dr289 VSM As alarm, except it lasts 1 day/CL.
Arcane Turmoil CM VSM Targeted dispel magic on one subject and subject
loses one spell.
Daggerspell Stance Spell VF You gain +2 insight bonus on attack and damage rolls
during a full attack, SR 5+CL when fighting
defensively, DR 5/magic when using total defense.
Deflect PHB2 VSF Gain bonus to AC for one attack.
Dispelling Fog FR:SS VS Cancels natural and magical fogs in the area.
Dispelling Touch PHB2 VS Dispel one magical effect on touched subject.
Dissonant Chant Spell VS Concentration checks are more difficult in area.
Distracting Ray Spell VS Ray forces spellcaster to make Concentration check.
Dragonwise HotS V Grants +10 bonus on Sense Motive and Cha-based
skill checks against dragons.
Earth Lock Spell VSM Constricts tunnel, preventing access.
Ectoplasmic Feedback Spell VS Incorporeal attackers take 1d6 damage +1/CL.
Eibons Wheel of Mist CallC VSF Creates a mist that only specific creatures can see in.
Filter TaB VSM Protects a creature from inhaled poisons.
Gaze Screen WB203 VS Partially protects a creature from gaze attacks.
Icicle Frost VS Magical trap hangs from ceiling, deals 4d6 damage.
Magical Backlash Drow VS Target takes 2 damage/spell level affecting it.
Mirror Eyes Dr305 VSM The target gains a +10 resistance bonus on saves
against gaze attacks and effects that affect vision.
Murithos Randomscatter WB202 V Grants the target +2 resistance bonus on saves vs.
magical effects, energy resistance 5, and reduces the
damage from 1st-level or lower force effects by 5.
Node Lock FrChR VS Deters others from using a nodes power.
Obscure Object PHB VSM Masks object from scrying.
Portal Alarm Spell VSM You are alerted when a creature passes through a
warded portal.
Protection from Arrows PHB VSF Subject is immune to most ranged attacks.
Protection from Curses VanR VSM Grants the target a +4 bonus on saves against magical
curses and lycanthropy.
Resist Energy PHB VS Ignore the first 10 or more damage/attack from a
specific energy type.
Scintillating Scales Spell V Your natural armor turns into a deflection bonus.
Stormrunners Aura Storm VSM Add a +4 bonus +1/4 CL to a ships checks during
weather storms.
Suppress Dragonmark EberrM SF Suppress spell-like abilities of targets dragonmark.
Suppress Magic MoI VSE Magic item or soulmeld is temporarily suppressed.
Temporal Shield LotT VSM Grants a +6 shield bonus to AC that also applies to
incorporeal touch attacks, and blocks magic missiles.
Turbidity Storm SM Water surrounding you becomes cloudy, granting
Unheavened BoVD VS Dg Subject gains +4 bonus to saves vs. good outsiders.
Ward against Psychics CallC VS Protects an area from the use of Psychometry feat.
Conjuration- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Cloud of Bewilderment Spell VSM Generates a nauseating 10ft-cube.
Cloud of Knives PHB2 VSM Release one knife/round, deals 1d6 damage +1/3 CL
(max 1d6+5).
Familiars Touch Dr280 VS Cast a spell on your familiar at a great distance.
Zone of Glacial Cold Frost VSM Deals 1d6 cold damage to all creatures in the area.
Conjuration (Creation)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Ashstar Sand VS
Hovering construct dehydrates wounded creature.
Bat Accident VDH VSM
Flood an area with nauseating bat guano.
Choke TaB VSM
A pair of hands start choking the target.
Chromatic Rod PGSL VSM
With a melee touch attack stuns you stun the target.
Clothiers Closet EberrM VSM
Conjure several sets of clothing.
Create Magic Tattoo Spell VSMF
Subject receives a magic tattoo with various effects.
Create Obstacle BtS VSM
Create a wall out of a background element.
Decastave FR:UE VSM
Create a staff made of pure force.
Elemental Dart DragL VS
Fire a dart of energy at a several foes.
Falling Feathers WarL VSM
Cause feathers to fall from the sky.
Field of Caltrops VDH VSM
Cover an area with caltrops.
Fog Cloud PHB VS
Fog obscures vision.
Frost Armor War VSF
Grants +4 armor and chills foes that attack you.
Glitterdust PHB VSM
Blinds creatures, outlines invisible creatures.
Gnome Blight RotD VSM
Cloud of itchy pollen sickens living creatures.
Ice Darts Frost VS
Icicle missile deals 2d4 damage, half is cold.
Ice Knife Spell SM
Magical shard of ice deals 2d8 cold damage plus 2
Dex, or deals 1d8 cold damage in 10ft-radius burst.
Incendiary Slime CM VSM Create slippery substance like grease, but flammable.
Inky Cloud Spell VSM Obscures sight underwater beyond 5 feet.
Malevolent Miasma Spell VSF Cloud of fog deals 1d4 nonlethal/CL.
Melfs Acid Arrow PHB VSMF Ranged touch deals 2d4 damage for several rounds.
Mistclaw WB202 VF Creates a dragon claw made of fog that attacks foes.
Morning Mists Dr309 VSM As obscuring mist, except larger area.
Obscuring Snow Frost VS Obscures sight in a 30ft-radius around you.
Silver Dragonmail FrChV VSF Creates a mithral breastplate.
Storm Hammer War VSMF Slam a foe with a hammer made of force.
Unseen Crafter RoE VS Invisible force obeys you and can use the Craft skill.
Wall of Gloom VanR VSM Creates a wall of darkness.
Wall of Thought PGSL V Creates a wall of that blocks most effects.
Web PHB VSM Fills area with sticky spiderwebs
Conjuration (Summoning)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Call Undead II DAM VSF Calls an undead creature to fight for you.
Cavalry Call Dr309 VSM As mount, except summons 25 mounts/CL.
Halasters Fetch II FR:CoS VSF Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you, but
creature stays afterwards as a wandering monster.
Summon Monster II PHB VSF Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Summon Swarm PHB VSM Summons swarm of bats, rats, or spiders.
Summon Undead II Spell VSF Calls undead creature to fight for you.
Conjuration (Teleportation)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Baleful Transposition Spell V Two subjects switch places.
Dimension Hop PHB2 V Teleport subject short distance.
Dimension Leap EberrM V Teleport 10 feet/CL.
Conjuration/Necromancy- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Kelgores Grave Mist PHB2 VSM Deal 1d6 cold damage/CL, cause fatigue, partially
ignores SR.
Divination- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Allied Footsteps CM VS Target knows direction and distance to your location.
Balancing Lorecall Spell VSM You gain a +4 bonus on Balance checks and can
balance on difficult surfaces if you have 5+ ranks.
Chain of Eyes Spell VS See through other creatures eyes.
Cluos Babbling Tongues VSH VM All speech in an area is incoherent.
Confluence LotT VSM Determine if the target has ever been to a location.
Death Deduction SAC VSM Determine the way a creature died.
Detect Thoughts PHB VSF Allows listening to surface thoughts.
Discern Shapechanger Spell VSM Penetrates disguises of shapechanging creatures.
Expose the Dead EberrM VSM
Gain insight bonuses to locate undead or when
investigating a corpse.
Familiars Sense Dr280 VS Extend your senses out to your familiar.
Find Gate CallC VS Locate nearby magical portals.
Gold Finder WB132 VS Locate nearby gold.
Insidious Insight RoE V Gain insight bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate,
and Sense Motive checks against the target.
Insight VanR VM Grants you a +10 insight bonus to Search and Spot.
Insight of Good Fortune PHB2 VSM Subject rolls twice, takes best result.
Locate Node FrChR VSF Finds closest node in 1 mile/CL radius.
Locate Object PHB VSF Senses direction toward object (specific or type).
Marked Man Dr325 VSF Grants bonuses to track a specific creature.
Marked Object Spell VSF You gain bonus to track a specific being.
Rear View VDH VS Grants all-around vision.
See Invisibility PHB VSM Reveals invisible creatures or objects.
Sense Weakness EberrM VS Automatically confirm one critical hit.
Spell Spy VDH S Learn if the targets can cast spells and what spells.
Spymasters Coin CS VSF Hide a scrying sensor in a coin or other Tiny object
for later activation.
Sure Strike PHB2 V Gain +1 bonus /3 CL on next attack roll.
Trace Magic DragLA VSF Detect faint traces of magic that was in the area.
Truth-Testing ToHS VSF Determine if a creature is lying.
View Gate CallC VS Look at the other side of a magical portal.
Vision of Fear Dr333 VS Determine a creatures greatest fear and apply it.
Enchantment- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Addiction BoVD VS Dg Subject becomes addicted to a drug.
Entice Gift Spell VS Subject gives you what its holding.
Exile PGSL VSM Cause creature to retreat from you.
Imaginary Chains PGSL V Effectively doubles the creatures items weight.
Masochism BoVD VSM For every 10 hp damage you take, gain a +1 bonus on
attacks, saves, and checks.
Sadism BoVD VSM For every 10 hp damage you deal, gain a +1 bonus on
attacks, saves, and checks.
Sap Strength BoVD VSM Subject becomes exhausted.
Sekhemkenheps Words CallC S Convince people your words are true.
Enchantment (Charm)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Disarm ToHS VS Causes a foes weapon to become difficult to hold.
Indifference TaB VSM Grants creature immunity to low-level compulsion
and fear effects.
Sirens Song VanR V Compel nearby creatures to follow you.
Stay the Hand PHB2 V Change subjects attitude to helpful for 1 round.
Enchantment (Compulsion)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Black Karma Curse PHB2 VS Subject damages self with melee attack.
Daze Monster PHB VSM Living creature of 6 HD or less loses next turn.
Feline Distraction WB136 VSM Causes the creature to be constantly distracted.
Invasive Telepathy Dr304 S Deal Wisdom damage to a living creature.
Mechanus Mind Spell VS Reformat subjects mind to be coldly calculating.
Mindburn EberrM VSM Target loses a spell or infusion each round.
Mindless Rage Spell VSF Subject compelled to attack you physically.
Mordaks Mortal Combat VDH VSM Creatures in area already in combat are forced to
fight to the death.
Power Word, Sicken RotD V Sickens one creature with 100 hp or less.
Puturos Poise SAC VS Grants a +1 dodge bonus to AC, you can ready two
separate actions at the same time.
Ray of Stupidity Spell VSM Foe takes 1d4+1 Intelligence damage.
Rebuke Spell VSF Subject is dazed 1 round, then shaken.
Shroud from Sight WarL VS
You are effectively invisible.
Sting Ray Spell VSM
For takes only standard or move action, -2 AC, and
must make Concentration checks to cast spells.
Tashas Hideous Laughter PHB VSM Subject laughs uncontrollably losing its actions.
Torrent of Tears CM VSM Subject is temporarily blinded and distraught.
Touch of Idiocy PHB VS Subject takes 1d6 Int, Wis, and Cha damage.
Unfettered Grasp RotD V Grappling creature gains a free escape attempt.
Whelming Blast PHB2 VS Cone deals 1d6 nonlethal damage/2 CL (max 5d6).
Yoke of Mercy BoED V Ab Target deals nonlethal damage.
Evocation- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Battering Ram Spell VSF Deals 1d6 damage plus bull rush.
Bigbys Striking Fist PHB2 VSM Hand of force deals 1d6 nonlethal damage/2 CL (max
5d6) and knocks subject back.
Bigbys Warding Hand PHB2 VSF Hand of force slows opponent.
Blast of Force Spell VS Attack deals 1d6 damage/2 CL (max 5d6).
Boil VDH VSM Boils a large amount of water.
Burning Sword Spell VS Weapon gains flaming burst special ability.
Charged Bolt D2 VS Fire bolts of electricity at multiple creatures.
Cloak of Fire CallC VS Create a fire cloak that grants a increases agility.
Combust Spell VSM Foe takes 1d8 fire damage/CL and might catch fire.
Continual Flame PHB VSM Makes a permanent heatless torch.
Crackling Sphere DragL VS Fire a sphere of electricity at a foe.
Darkness PHB VM 20ft-radius of supernatural shadow.
Darssons Chilling Chamber FR:SS VS Lower temperature in area to extreme cold.
Darssons Fiery Furnace FR:SS VS Raise temperature in area to extreme heat.
Death by Flames CallC VS Cause a foes skin to blister and explode in flames.
Electric Loop Spell VSM Deals 1d6 electricity/2 CL plus stun one creature.
Electric Vengeance PHB2 VS Deals 2d8 damage +1/CL (max 2d8+10) to an
opponent who damages you in melee.
Emerald Planes Dr323 VSM Create several immobile green flat surfaces of force.
Ethereal Chamber Spell VSM You entrap an ethereal subject in a chamber of force.
Fatal Flame CS VSM Targets body burst into flame upon its death.
Fireball, Lesser WB181 V As fireball, except deals 1d6 fire over a smaller area.
Fireburst Spell VSM Creatures within 10 feet take 1d8 fire damage/CL.
Flame Dagger Spell VSM Beam of fire deals 1d4 damage +1/CL.
Flaming Sphere PHB VSM Creates a rolling ball of fire dealing 2d6 fire damage.
Force Hammer EberrS VS Ranged touch deals nonlethal damage; may daze foe.
Force Ladder Spell VSF Creates an immobile ladder of force.
Force Missile Storm Dr309 VSM As magic missile, except a missile/25 creatures/CL.
Fracture VDH VSM Permanently crack and break an object.
Frost Breath Frost VSM Icy breath deals 1d4 damage/2 CL.
Frost Nova D2 VS As nova, except deals cold and may paralyze.
Furnace Within RoE VS Df Flame burst from your body deal 1d8 damage/CL.
Gedlees Electric Loop FRPG VSM Deals 1d6 cold damage/2 CL plus stuns one creature.
Geyser Dr334 VS Ranged touch blast foe with scalding water.
Gust of Wind PHB VS Blows away or knocks down smaller creatures.
Incarnum Arc MoI VSME Movable line deals 1d6 damage +1d6/essentia.
Inferno D2 VS Shoot flames from your hands.
Leomunds Tiny Igloo Frost VS Creates an igloo.
Light of Mercuria Spell VS You radiate golden light, which you can expend as 2
bolts 1d6 damage, 2d6 vs. undead and evil outsiders.
Local Tremor RotD VS Light tremor shakes the area.
Luminous Swarm CM VS Target takes 1d6 damage/rnd, has 20% miss chance.
Molten Strike HeroB VSM 5ft-radius burst deals 2d6 fire, ignites nearby targets.
Mordaks Martial Mimicry VDH VS Assist an ally in combat.
Numbing Sphere Frost VSM Creates rolling ball of intense cold that deals 1d6 cold
damage and 1d4 Dex damage.
Palarandusks Fire Breath FrCoS VS Breath out a cone of fire.
Pressure Sphere Storm VS Water pressure deals 4d6 damage to submerged foes.
Pyrotechnics PHB VSM Turns fire into blinding light or choking smoke.
Radiant Dart WarL VS Fire up to 9 bright bolts of energy.
Rainbow Beam Spell VSF Ray dazzles and deals 1d12 random damage/3 CL.
Ray of Ice Spell VSM Ray deals 1d6 cold damage/2 CL.
Ray of Resurgence FR:Lost VS Yellow light heals Str damage, negates Str penalties,
and reduces the effects of fatigue.
Scimitar of Sand Sand VSM Sand sword deals 1d6 damage +1/2 CL and renders
the target dehydrated.
Scorch Spell VSF Jet of flame deals 1d8 damage/2 CL (max 5d8).
Scorching Ray PHB VS Ray deals 4d6 fire damage +1/4 CL (max 4d6+3)
Scourge of Force FrChR VS Tendrils of force deal 1d8 damage +1/CL.
Seeking Ray PHB2 VS Ray deals 4d6 electricity damage, ignores
concealment and cover, gain a +4 bonus on attack
rolls with rays against the subject.
Shadow Shroud Drow V Negate light blindness/vulnerability; +5 to Hide.
Shatter PHB VSM Sonic vibration damages objects or crystalline foes.
Shock Treatment Dr339 VS Ranged touch deals electricity damage; may stun.
Shocking Spark DragL VSM Fire sparks from your fingers at a creature or object.
Shooting Star Dr340 VSM Cause burning rocks to fall from the sky on foes.
Slapping Hand Spell VSF Hand makes creature provoke attacks of opportunity.
Snowball Swarm Spell VSM Snowballs deal 2d6 cold damage in 10ft-burst.
Static Field D2 VS Creates a ring of electricity to blast out from you.
Sun Bolt FR:SS VS Ray deals 2d6 damage, more against undead; may
blind target.
Theskyns Hearty Wave FR:Lost VS Blast of force pushes creatures away from you.
Toothed Tentacle FR:Lost VSM Project a three-mouthed tentacle from your hand.
Veil of Shadow Spell VS Darkness grants you concealment.
Venomous Volley Dr330 VSF Fire a cone of pseudo-venom from your fingers.
Evocation/Necromancy- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Blaze Bones Dr347 VS Enhance undead with flame and explosiveness.
Cold of the Grave Dr347 VS Ranged touch deals 1d6 cold and 1d6 negative
energy damage; 1 Str damage +1/4 CL (max 5).
Illusion- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Summon Spirit PGSL VS Create an moving image of a humanoid.
Illusion (Figment)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Minor Image PHB VSF As silent image, plus some sound.
Mirror Image PHB VS Creates 1d4 +1/3CL (max 8) decoy duplicates of you.
Illusion (Glamer)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Blinding Color Surge PHB2 VSF Blind subject for 1 round, gain invisibility.
Blur PHB V Attacks miss subject 20% of the time.
Cloak Pool Spell VS Hide a color pool on the Astral Plane from view.
Discolor Pool Spell VSM Change the color of a color pool on the Astral Plane.
Disguise Undead Spell VSF Change appears of one corporeal undead.
Fools Gold WB132 VS Cause an item to appear to be made of gold.
Inaudibility PGSL VS As invisibility, except sound-based.
Invisibility PHB VSM Subject is invisible for 1 min/level or until it attacks.
Leomunds Trap PHB VSM Makes item seem trapped.
Magic Mouth PHB VSM Speaks once when triggered.
Misdirection PHB VS Misleads divination for one creature or object.
Misrepresent Alignment RoE VSF Project a false alignment for an object or creature.
Phades Fearsome Aspect Dr333 VS Cause a creatures appearance to appear intimidating.
Reflective Disguise Spell VS Viewers see you as their own species and gender.
Scorn PGSL VSM Deals 1d4+1 Cha damage whenever it fails any save.
Illusion (Pattern)- -- --
Bladeweave Spell V
Your melee attack dazes your opponent.
Hypnotic Pattern PHB SM
Fascinate 2d4+CL HD of creatures.
Illusion (Phantasm)- -- --
Curse of the Putrid Husk CallC Tear at the fabric of a foes mind.
Delusions of Grandeur Spell V
Subject thinks it is better than it is.
Phantasmal Assailants Spell VSF
Nightmare creatures strike subject for 8 Wis, 8 Dex.
Phantom Foe Spell VSF
Subject is always flanked by one creature.
Pose Mundane CallC Creature or objects appearance is nonmagical.
Vertigo PHB2 VS
Subject must succeed on a DC 10 Balance check to
move each round.
Vision of Entopy FC1 VS Drive a fiend out of the body or object it possesses.
Illusion (Shadow)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Claws of Darkness Spell VS Your hands become reach melee touch attacks that
deal 1d4 cold damage plus slow.
Dark Way Spell VS Creates temporary unbreakable bridge supporting up
to 200lbs/CL.
Shadow Double Drow V Shadowy figure attacks enemies.
Shadow Mask Spell VSM Grants +4 bonus on saves against light spells; grants
protection from gaze attacks.
Shadow Radiance Spell VSM Area filled with intense light that grows brighter.
Shadow Spray Spell VSM Deals 4 Str damage and dazes.
Wall of Gloom Spell VSM Shadow barrier obscures vision.
Necromancy- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Blindness/Deafness PHB V Makes subject blind or deaf.
Bone Chill Frost VSM Corporeal undead are held by a thick layer of frost.
Bone Rot PGSL VSM Damage nearby undead creatures.
Bonefiddle Spell VSF Spectral fiddle bow deals 3d6 damage/round.
Channel the Mishtai MoI VSE Draw a random mishtais soul into the targets body.
Command Undead PHB VSM Undead creature obeys your commands.
Consume Likeness CallC VS Take on the form of freshly deceased creature..
Curse of Impending Blades Spell VSM Subject takes -2 penalty to AC.
Dance of Ruin BoVD VS Non-demons take 2d20 damage.
Darkvision PHB VSM See 60ft in total darkness.
Death Armor Spell VSMF Black aura damages creatures attacking you.
Desiccate Sand VSM Deals 1d6 desiccation damage/2 CL and dehydrates.
Desiccating Bubble Spell SM Globe of air damages by evaporating moisture.
Divest Essentia MoI V Targets essentia becomes uninvested.
Escalating Enfeeblement CM VS As ray of enfeeblement, except greater effect against
an already weakened target.
Evil Eye CallC S Permanently curse a creature with just a look.
False Life PHB VSM Gain 1d10 temporary hp +1/CL (max 1d10+10).
Feign Life ToHS VS Causes a dead or undead body appear still alive.
Ghoul Glyph Spell VSM Glyph wards area, paralyzes victims.
Ghoul Touch PHB VSM Paralyzes one subject, which exudes a stench that
makes those nearby sickened.
Heat Leech Frost VSM Subject takes 1d8 cold damage/round.
Horror of the Spoken Name Tome VST Frighten creature that hears its own name.
Life Bolt Spell VS Ray/2 CL draws 1 hp from you to deal 1d12 damage
to an undead creature.
Necrotic Cyst LM VSF Encyst undead sac of tissue in subject.
Necrotic Scrying LM VSF Hear or see encysted subject at a distance.
Ray of Sickness Spell VS Subject becomes sickened.
Ray of Weakness Spell VS Subject takes a -2 penalty on attacks, -10ft speed.
Return to Rest CallC VS Send a creatures soul, who was brought back by
dark resurrection, back to the underworld.
Scare PHB VSM Panics creatures of less than 6 HD.
Share Life Dr280 VS Transfer hit points to your familiar.
Shriveling BoVD VS Di Subject takes 1d4 damage/CL.
Shroud of Undeath Spell VSM Negative energy shroud makes undead perceive you
as undead.
Slow Consumption BoVD VSL Absorb health and sustenance from helpless foe.
Soul Blight MoI VSM Deal 1d4 essentia damage +1/3 CL to a foe.
Soul Boon MoI VSM Grant 1 point of essentia/3 CL to subject.
Spawn Screen Spell VS Subject resists being transformed into an undead
spawn if slain.
Spectral Hand PHB VS Creates disembodied hand to deliver touch attacks.
Stolen Breath Spell VSF Subject has the wind knocked out of it.
Touch of Agony WarL VS Stun and cripple a living creature.
Toughness of Death Dr304 VSM Grants the undead 2 bonus hit points/HD and +2
resistance bonus to Fortitude saves.
Vestigewrack Tome VSF Detect the presence of nearby creatures that have a
vestige bound to themselves.
Wall of Draining Shadows PGSL VSM Creates a wall of shadows that deals 1d6 Str damage
to those who pass through.
Wither Limb Spell VS Reduce targets speed to 5ft or makes it impossible
for target to use objects or cast somatic spells.
Wracking Touch Spell VS Deals 1d6 damage +1/CL, deals sneak attack damage.
Transmutation- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Adrenaline Surge MotW VS All your summoned creatures in area gain +4 Str.
Alter Self PHB VS Assume form of a similar creature
Ambidexterity PGSL VSM Ignore all two-weapon fighting penalties.
Animalistic Power PHB2 VSM Subject gains +2 bonus to Str, Dex, and Con.
Augment Familiar Spell VS Your familiar becomes more powerful.
Augment Truefiend Tome VS T Subject gains +2 bonus to Str, Dex, and Con.
Balor Nimbus Spell VSM Your flaming body damages foes in grapple.
Bears Endurance PHB VSM Subject gains +4 bonus to Con for 1 min/level.
Belker Claws Spell VSM Touch attack deals 2d12 damage and lingers for +1
round/3 CL.
Body of the Sun Spell VS Your body deals 1d4 fire damage/2 CL.
Boiling Blood CM VS Deal 2d6 fire damage/rnd, extra casting sickens foe.
Bone Soften Dr300 V Causes a creatures bones to weaken greatly.
Bristle Spell VS Armor spikes attack with wearer.
Brumal Stiffening Frost VS Brittle weapons hardness reduced by 5.
Bulls Strength PHB VSM Subject gains +4 bonus to Str for 1 min/level.
Burrow FrUnd VSF Grow claws and gain burrow speed of 10 feet.
Cats Grace PHB VS Subject gains +4 bonus to Dex for 1 min/level.
Catapult CS VS Magically propel an object from your hand.
Celerity, Lesser PHB2 V Take a move action immediately, but dazed 1 round.
Circle of Nausea CallC VSM Pain stricken all those within the area.
Constricting Serpent Arm VDH VSM Your arm turns into a python.
Construct Essence, Lesser RoE VS Grants living construct qualities of the construct type.
Cripple WarC VS The target can only take a single action per round.
Crystalline Memories CM VS Read subjects surface thoughts, deal hit point and Int
Dwarven Constitution VDH VSM Grants the target dwarf-like save bonuses.
Eagles Splendor PHB VSM Subject gains +4 bonus to Cha for 1 min/level.
Earthbind Spell VS Subject cant fly.
Earthen Grasp Spell VSM Arm made of earth and soil grapples foes.
Enhance Weapons Dr309 VSM As magic weapon, except multiple weapons.
Energize Potion BoED VSM Transforms a potion into a grenade that deals energy
damage in a 10ft-radius burst.
Energy Surge, Lesser PHB2 V Attack deals +1d6 energy damage.
Enlarge Weapon CS VS Your weapon grows one size category.
Extend Tentacles Spell V Grants +5ft of reach with tentacle attacks.
False Peacebond City VSF As peacebond, except 0.
Fearsome Grapple Spell V You grow tentacles that help grapple.
Featherweight SaltS VSM Cause the target to become buoyant.
Fins to Feet Spell VS Transforms tails, tentacles, or finned extremities into
humanoid legs and feet.
Fly, Swift Spell V Gain fly speed of 60 feet for 1 round.
Foxs Cunning PHB VSM Subject gains +4 bonus to Int for 1 min/level.
Frost Weapon Frost VSM Weapon gains frost special ability, 1d6 cold damage.
Fuse Arms Spell VS Multiple limbs become one pair of stronger limbs
Ghost Touch Armor Spell VSM Armor works normally against incorporeal attacks.
Grazzts Long Grasp BoVD VS Your hand flies at foe making grapple attacks.
Halasters Light Step FR:CoS As fly, except 20ft fly speed.
Hammerfist PGSL VSF Your hands turn into warhammers.
Heart of Air CM VS Gain +10 bonus on Jump checks, +10ft bonus to fly
speed, use feather fall once.
Heroics Spell VSM Fighter gains one fighter bonus feat.
Hurl Spell VS Thrown weapon returns to thrower.
Hurried Steps MagR VS You can discharge the spell to gain an extra action.
Icemelt WB178 V Vaporize large chucks of ice.
Icy Hands PGSL VS A half-circle of cold blasts creatures in the area.
Increase Virulence PHB2 VSM Poisons DC increases by 2.
Infernal Wound Spell VS Weapon deals persistent, bleeding wounds.
Initiative VDH VSM Grants the creature the highest initiative.
Ironthunder Horn Spell VS Intense vibrations trip those in the area.
Jaws of the Moray Storm VS Subject gains a bite attack.
Knock PHB V Opens locked or magically sealed door.
Kuo-toa Skin Storm VSM Subject gains +8 bonus on Escape Artist checks and
cannot be snared by webs.
Leadweight SaltS VSM Causes the creature to sink quickly.
Levitate PHB VSF Subject moves up and down at your direction.
Lively Step Spell VSF You and allies gain +10ft bonus to speed.
Lucky Streak CS VS Subject gains +2 luck bonus on luck feat rerolls.
Magic Weapon, Legions EberrM VS Allies weapons gain +1 enhancement bonus.
Mana Burn War VS Ranged attack drains spells from a spellcaster.
Mountain Stance Spell VS Subject becomes hard to move.
Owls Wisdom PHB VSM Subject gains +4 bonus to Wis for 1 min/level.
Pillar of Sand Dr351 VSF Causes a cylinder of sand to rise from the ground.
Porcupine Coat VDH VSM Grants defensive spines.
Portal Well FrChV VSM Creates an extradimensional space in a portal.
Quarrelspy SAC VSF See and hear through a to-be fired arrow or bolt.
Quick Potion Spell VS Creates a potion that must be used within 1 hour/CL.
Randomize VDH VS Causes the target to cast a randomly chosen spell
when attempting to cast any spell.
Razorfangs Spell V Your bite or claw attack threatens on a 19 or 20.
Repair Moderate Damage Spell VS Repairs 2d8 damage +1/CL (max 2d8+10) to any
Returning Weapon RotW V Thrown weapon returns to the thrower.
Rheumatism VanR VSF Ranged touch cripples the foe.
Rivers Ravages DLLT VSM Causes the creatures body to age significantly.
Rope Trick PHB VSM Up to 8 creatures can hide in extradimensional space.
Rotating Curse VDH VSM Affect a group of creatures with a curse that travels
throughout the group.
Scale Weakening Spell VSM Subjects natural armor weakens.
Share Talents PHB2 VSM Subjects gain +2 bonus on skill checks.
Shuffle VDH VS Causes the targeted spellcasters remaining spells to
be replaced with randomly chosen spells he knows.
Slide, Greater Spell Move subject 20 feet.
Small Enough Dr308 VS Dr Allows a creature of any size to fit through spaces as
small as 6 inches.
Snakes Swiftness Spell VSM Subject immediately makes one attack.
Sonic Weapon Spell V Weapon deals +1d6 sonic damage with each hit.
Soul of Anarchy DragM VS Gain a +5 bonus on Escape Artist and grapple checks
to avoid grapple, your natural weapons are chaotic,
and you are treated as being chaotic for all effects.
Soul of Order DragM VS Gain a +2 bonus on Will saves vs. enchantments,
your natural weapons are lawful, and you are treated
as being lawful for all effects.
Speak to Allies Spell Targets can converse at distance without moving lips.
Speaking Stones EberrM VS Pass a 25-word message between two magical stones.
Spell Haste VDH VSM Decrease the targeted spellcasters second spells
casting time to a move action.
Spellscatter PGSL VSM Cause targeted spellcaster to lose 1d3 prepared spells.
Spider Climb PHB VSM Grants ability to walk on walls and ceilings.
Steal Size RotD VSM Humanoid doubles in size as targeted humanoid
halves in size.
Stone Bones Spell VSF Corporeal undead gains +3 natural armor.
Stone Shards DragL VS Enhance a small stone to explode when thrown.
Stonemantle Dr314 VSM Increase the toughness of an object.
Stretch Weapon PHB2 V Melee weapon gains 5ft of reach for one attack.
Suffer the Flesh EberrM VSM Take Con damage to make your spellcasting potent.
Surefooted Stride Spell VS You can move over rubble as easily as open ground.
Swim Spell VSM Subject gains a swim speed.
Terns Resistance Storm VSM Target travels overland 50% longer without fatigue.
Tune of Dancing Weapon Dr335 VS Imbue the weapon with the dancing special ability.
Undertow WB115 VS Sudden current may creatures and spill containers.
Urchins Spines Storm VSM Target grows spines that damage opponents.
Whirling Blade Spell VSF Hurled slashing weapon attacks all foes in a 60ft-line.
Whispering Wind PHB VS Sends short message 1 mile/CL.
Wings of Air Spell V Subjects flight maneuverability improves one step.
Wraithstrike Spell VS Your melee attacks strike as touch attacks.
Universal- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Dragoneye Rune DragM VS Creates an invisible mark on an object or creature.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----
3rd-level- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Abjuration- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Abolish Shadows FR:UE VSM Shadow creatures in the area take 1d6 damage/CL
(max 10d6) and may dispel shadow/darkness spells.
Anticipate Teleportation Spell VSF Predict and delay the arrival of creatures teleporting
into range by 1 round.
Antidragon Aura Spell VSM Allies gain bonus to AC and saves against dragons.
Arcane Lock, Improved Strong VSM As arcane lock, except it affects multiple objects.
Arcane Seal EberSh VSF Magically seal a door, portal, or chest.
Ashims Rainbow Shield SU VS Creates a barrier that protects you from one attack of
each of a number of types of damage.
Avoid Planar Effects Spell V Provides temporary protection against overtly
damaging planar traits.
Backblast FR:Lost VS Grants fire resistance 10 and functions like spell
turning with respect to fire spells targeting you.
Bane of the Archrivel ToM VST Grants a +4 bonus to AC and saves, counter mind
control, and keep specific truenamed enemy away.
Bolster Damage Reduction Dr304 VSM Increase the targets DR by 5.
Cast Out Shan CallC VS Force a shan from a possessed victims body.
Chromatic Crown PGSL VSM A glowing crown grants you a SR of 10+CL.
Contagion Ward Dr304 VS The targets disease is resistant to removal.
Deflect Harm CallC VS Deflect ranged attack/CL, but take 2 Int each time.
Dweomer Vortex FrAnA V Negates 3rd-level or lower spells and spell-like
effects within the area.
Disobedience CS VSM Subject is shielded from mind control.
Dispel Magic PHB VS Cancels magical spells and effects.
Flesh Ward CallC VSM Grants you DR 10/magic.
Earthen Grace Spell VSM Subject takes nonlethal damage from earth and stone.
Energy Aegis PHB2 V Subject gains resistance 20 against one energy type
for one attack.
Energy Vulnerability PHB2 VSM Subjects gain vulnerability to a specified energy.
Eradicate Earth Spell VSM Deals 1d8 damage/CL (max 10d8) to earth creatures.
Explosive Runes PHB VS Deals 6d6 damage when read.
Glacial Globe of Invuln. Frost VSM Stops 1st through 3rd-level fire spell effects and
provides concealment.
Groundling PGSL VSM All electricity spells within the area are dispelled.
Karmic Backlash CM Any creature dealing damage to you becomes
exhausted for 2 rounds.
Khyber Trap EberrM SF Trap extraplanar creature in a Khyber dragonshard.
Magic Circle vs. Chaos PHB VSM As protection from chaos, but 10ft-radius and 10
Magic Circle vs. Evil PHB VSM As protection from evil, but 10ft-radius and 10
Magic Circle vs. Good PHB VSM As protection from good, but 10ft-radius and 10
Magic Circle vs. Law PHB VSM As protection from law, but 10ft-radius and 10
Nezrams Amethyst Aura FR:Lost VSM Creates an aura that blocks poison and disease.
Nondetection PHB VSM Hides subject from divination, scrying.
Protection from Desiccation Sand VS Absorb 10 damage/level of desiccation damage.
Protection from Energy PHB VS Absorb 12 damage/level from one kind of energy.
Rend Shadow Weave FrChV VSM Create an area of dead magic that only affects the
Shadow Weave.
Repelling Shield CM VS Invisible disc gives +4 bonus to AC, blocks magic
missiles, and pushes away attackers.
Reverse Arrows Spell VSF As protection from arrows, except negated arrows
turn back upon their source.
Sapphire Psionic Shield WB193 V Protects the target from mind control and a +4
resistance vs. mind-affecting and psionic effects.
Shadow Tentacle, Lesser FR:LoD S Creates a single shadowy tentacle that grapples foes.
Sign of Sealing Spell VSM Magical sigil protects door or chest, deals 1d4
damage/CL (max 10d4) if opened.
Tenacious Dispelling CM VS As targeted dispel magic, except second consecutive
casting is more potent.
Conjuration- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Call Undead III DAM VSF Calls an undead creature to fight for you.
Caustic Smoke CM VS Cloud deals 1d6 acid damage/round, blinds creatures.
Melfs Unicorn Arrow PHB2 VSF Deals 1d8+8 damage and bull rush; one additional
arrow/3 CL beyond 5th level.
Node Door FrChR V Allows teleportation between any known nodes.
Conjuration (Creation)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Acid Breath Spell VSM Cone of acid deals 1d6 damage/CL (max 10d6).
Arctic Haze Frost VS
Fog obscures vision and deals 4 cold damage/CL.
Bands of Steel Spell VSM
Metallic bands immobilize or entangle foe.
Billums Bifrost Bridge DragL VSM
Creates a bridge of crystal.
Contagious Fog Spell VSM
20ft-radius cloud of fog inflicts disease.
Corpse Candle Spell SM
Ghostly hand and candle sheds light, affects
incorporeal creatures.
Create Obstacle, Greater BtS VSM As create obstacle, except one obstacle/2 CL.
Drown BoVD V Subject begins to drown or take 2d6 damage.
Dust Storm Dr331 VS Creates a cloud of whirling sand that obscures sight.
Earth Shield DragL VS Creates a wall of earth that provides a great defense.
Engulfing Terror Drow VS Create a single gelatinous cube.
Flame Arrow PHB VSM Fire a flaming arrow.
Golden Dragonmail FrCoV VSF Creates a golden suit of full plate.
Grasping Wall CS VS Wall sprouts hands that entangle enemies, help allies
to climb.
Haboob Sand VSM Cloud of dust obscures sight and abrades those
passing through it.
Icelance Spell VSF Changes ice into lance, which attacks creature for
6d6 damage and stuns for 1d4 rounds.
Mage Armor, Greater Spell VS Gives subject +6 armor bonus to AC.
Mage Armor, Improved FR:UE VSM As mage armor, except it grants an armor bonus of
+3 plus 1/2 CL (max +8).
Mage Armor, Mass Spell VSF As mage armor, but one creature/CL.
Mistshackles DragLA VSM Creates a cloud of fog that hampers movement.
Nauseating Breath Spell VSM Exhale a cone of nauseating gas.
Ochre Cloud PGSL VS Creatures caught in the area take a penalty to Str.
Phantom Steed PHB VS Magic horse appears for 1 hour/CL.
Sandstorm PGSL VSM Creates an area of blinding sand.
Sephia Snake Sigil PHB VSM Creates text symbol that immobilizes reader.
Servant Horde Spell VSM Create 2d6 unseen servants plus 1/CL (max 2d6+15).
Shark Bolt Dr334 VSM Creates watery missiles that damage creatures.
Sleet Storm PHB VSM Hampers vision and movement.
Stinking Cloud PHB VSM Nauseating vapors, 1 round/level.
Stone Guardian ToHS VSM Creates a humanoid-shaped Medium earth elemental
to fight for you.
Stone Tentacles WarL VSM Create several stony tendrils that grapple your foes.
Wall of Chains BoVD VSM Creates a barrier of woven chains that has 20hp/4 CL.
Wall of Ectoplasm Ghost VSM Create a semisolid wall that blocks incorporeal
creatures from passing through.
Wall of Incarnum MoI VSME Creates a wall of incarnum that deals essentia or Wis
damage to those attempting to pass through it.
Water Glyph Dr294 SM Create a pillar of water that damages creatures that
come in contact with it.
Conjuration (Summoning)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Bedevil FrChR VSM Summon a mischievous spirit to torment your enemy.
Luminous Assassin, Lesser PHB2 VSF Summons an assassin to attack the subject.
Mount, Greater Dr304 VSM As mount, except you summon a Huge mount.
Regal Procession Spell VSM As mount, except you summon several mounts.
Summon Living Dragonm EberrD VS, Dr Summons a living dragonmark to fight for you.
Summon Monster III Spell VSF Summons extraplanar creatures to fight for you.
Summon Monstrous Horde Dr309 VSM As summon monster II, except you summon 25
Summon the Pack and Herd Dr309 VSM As summon natures ally II, except you summon 25
Summon Undead III Spell VSF Summons undead to fight for you.
Vipergout Spell VSM You spit forth celestial or fiendish vipers that attack
your foes.
Conjuration (Teleportation)- -- --
Dimension Step PHB2 VS
Allies can teleport a distance equal to their speed.
Night Watchman VDH VS
Creates shadow guardian that alerts you to intruders.
Regroup PHB2 VS
Teleports nearby allies to your side.
Scattering Trap PHB2 VSM
Imbue one 5ft-square/2 CL with a teleport trap.
Divination- -- --
Adept Spirit MoI VSE
Subject can activate bonus on CL checks, Will saves,
Concentration checks, and Int-based checks.
Alter Fortune PHB2 VX Cause one creature to reroll any die roll.
Analyze Portal Spell VSM Find a nearby portal and discover its properties.
Analyze Touchstone Planar VSM Find a nearby touchstone and discover its properties.
Arcane Sight PHB VS Magical auras become visible to you.
Battlemagic Perception HeroB VS You sense all spells at a distance.
Circle Dance Spell VS Indicates the direction of a known individual.
Crown of Clarity PHB2 VSF Grants a +2 bonus on Listen and Spot checks,
discharge the spell to gain a +8 bonus instead.
Detect Dragon WarL VSM Detect nearby dragons.
Detect Metals & Minerals FR:Race VSM Detect the presence of nearby metals and minerals.
Detect Ship Storm VSF Detect and identify ships.
Devils Eye BoVD VS Caster can see in even magical darkness up to 30ft.
Enduring Scrutiny CM VS You are aware when the target performs a designated
Eyes of the Zombie BoVD VSF Caster sees through a zombies eyes.
Glimpse of Truth BoVD VS Dg Caster gets an answer to a yes-or-no question.
Identify Spirit CallC VSM Reveal any possessing spirits within a creature.
Immerse Mind VanR VS Grants you access of an alive, dead, or undead
creatures most important memory.
Intuit Destination SAC VS Know the destination of an encountered creature
Magic Memory WB183 SM Transfer specific memories to another creature.
See Ethereal Resonance VanR VS The target can see ethereal effects within 60ft.
See Invisibility PHB VSM Reveals invisible creatures and objects.
Spellcasters Bane CM VS Gain a +2 bonus on dispel and counterspell checks,
recognize a cast spell and its caster level.
Stonesight DragLA VSF Grants you the ability to see through earth.
Telepathic Bond, Lesser Spell VS Link with subject within 30 feet for 10 minutes/CL.
Tongues PHB VM Speak any language.
Unluck Spell VSM Subject rerolls all rolls, uses the worse result.
Divination (Scrying)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Clairvoyance/Clairaudience PHB VSF Hear or see at a distance.
Divination/Evocation- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Vision of Omniscient Eye DragM VS Gain a +10 bonus on Spot checks, immunity to being
dazzled or blinded, and one use of faerie fire.
Divination/Transmutation- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Ferocity of Sanguine Rage DragM VS Gain a bonus on melee damage rolls and one use of
true strike.
Enchantment- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Armor Piercing Missile FuryW VM One missile/2 CL ignores the foes armor and natural
armor bonuses to AC.
Burden Dr308 VS Dr The creature can carry an extra 25 lbs/CL.
Elation BoED VS Allies gain a +2 bonus to Str and Dex, and a +5ft
bonus to speed.
Evil Eye BoVD S Foe takes a -4 penalty on attacks, saves, and checks.
Greed DragLA VS All nearby creatures are consumed by greed.
Pain Missile FuryW VM Projectiles cause the struck creature incredible pain.
Enchantment (Charm)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Adoration of the Frightful DragM V Make fearful creatures friendly to you.
Rallying Cry FuryW V All orcs within the area receive a morale increase.
Enchantment (Compulsion)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Bothersome Babble CM VS Subjects speech becomes incoherent, second casting
makes speech painful.
Cloud Memory CallC VS You block a specific memory in the target.
Deep Slumber PHB VSM Puts up to 10 HD of creatures to sleep.
Dolorous Motes BoED VS Sa Creates clouds of flickering light that dazes creatures.
Heroism PHB VS Gives +2 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks.
Hesitate PHB2 VS Force subject to lose actions.
Hold Person PHB VSF Paralyzes one humanoid.
Inevitable Defeat PHB2 VS Subject takes 3d6 nonlethal damage/round.
Ks Spectral Strike Armor SAC VSF Grants a creature a spiked suit of armor.
Mesmerizing Glare Spell S Your gaze fascinates creatures.
Misers Envy Spell VSM Subject jealously covets nearby object.
Persuade to Manifest Ghost VS Forces a creature to manifest on the Material Plane.
Power Word, Deafen RotD V Deafens target with 100 hp or less.
Power Word, Maladroit RotD V Deal 2 Dex damage to target with 75 hp or less.
Power Word, Weaken RotD V Deal 2 Str damage to target with 75 hp or less.
Rage PHB VS Subject gains a +2 bonus to Str and Con, a +1 bonus
to Will saves, and a -2 penalty to AC.
Ray of Dizziness Spell VSF Subject can take only move or standard actions.
Suggestion PHB VM Compel subject to follow stated course of action.
Suppress Breath Weapon Spell V Subject cant use its breath weapon.
Tormenting Thirst Sand VS Subject is overwhelmed by thirst.
Warcry BoED V Creatures within a 30ft-cone cower for 1d4 rounds.
Enchantment/Evocation- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Burning Hate Dr347 VS Deals 1d6 fire damage/2 CL (max 5d6) and grants
you and your allies a +1 morale bonus to attack and
damage against the target.
Evocation- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Ball of Fangs WB193 V Creates a sphere of whirling blades of force.
Barrier of Deflection WarL VSM Creates an invisible barrier of force that protects a
creature and damages those that attack it.
Bigbys Disrupting Hand PHB2 VSF Hand disrupts opponents spellcasting.
Blacklight Spell VSM Creates an area of total darkness.
Blade of Pain and Fear Spell VS Creates a blade of gnashing teeth.
Blaze D2 VS Creates a wall of fire behind you as you move.
Blazing Star PGSL VSM Creates a blinding light.
Blizzard Warc VSM Deals 1d6 impact damage and 1d6 cold damage per
round to all creatures in the area.
Boccabs Rolling Cloud Dr338 VSM A shimmering cloud that deals 1d6 damage/CL (max
10d6) to any creature touching it, may stun.
Body Blaze Sand VSM Youre surrounded by fire and leave a trail of flame.
Capricious Zephyr Spell VS Gale-force winds push creatures.
Chain Missile Spell VS Multiple missiles deal 1d4+1 damage each, then they
strike secondary targets.
Clutch of Nyogtha CallC VS Deals 1d3 points of damage each round and paralyzes
while caster concentrates.
Cold Bolt WB137 VSF Ranged touch deals 1d8 cold damage/CL.
Crack Ice Frost VSM Cause an ice creature or object to explode.
Daylight PHB VS Creates a 60ft-radius of bright light.
Dread Word BoVD V Drains 1d3 Cha drain to one target.
Elemental Blade WarL VSF Creates a elemental blade.
Energize Projectiles Dr304 V One projectile/CL deals +2d6 energy damage.
Favorable Wind Storm VS Produces a strong wind that lasts 10 min/CL.
Fireball PHB VSM Deals 1d6 fire damage/level (max 10d6), 20ft-radius.
Flashburst Spell VSM Flash of light dazzles and blinds creatures in area.
Force Sphere PGSL VSM Creates a protective shield of light.
Forcebarb WB200 V Creates a barrier of force that deals damage to
creatures that pass through the area.
Frost Nova War VSM Blast of cold deals cold damage to nearby creatures
and may be chilled.
Frozen Armor War VS A icy armor protects you from foes attacking you.
Ghost Lantern CM VSM Generate light that only you and your allies can see.
Glowing Orb Spell VSF Creates a permanent magical light; you control the
Great Thunderclap Spell VSM Loud noise causing stunning, deafness, and knocks
prone in a large area.
Hailstones Spell VSM Frigid globes deal 5d6 cold damage.
Ice Burst ToB VSM Shards of ice damage all within the area.
Ks Fiery Mace of Retrib. WB137 VSM As fireball, except can seek out creatures on its own.
Laernals Silver Lance FR:CoS VSF Fire a lance of force at a target.
Leomunds Tiny Hut PHB VSM Creates a shelter for ten creatures.
Light of Venya Spell VS You radiate pearly white light, which you can expend
as 2 bolts that deal 2d6 damage, deals 4d6 damage
instead to undead and evil outsiders.
Lightning Bolt PHB VSM Electrical bolt deals 1d6 electricity damage/CL.
Manyjaws Spell VSM One set of jaws/CL attacks enemies for 1d6 damage.
Palins Pyre DragL VSM Gouts of flame deal fire damage the target.
Prismatic Mist PHB2 V Multicolored mist has a random effect.
Rainbow Blast Spell VSM Line deals 1d6 damage of each energy type.
Ray of the Python PHB2 VS Foe can only attack 1/round, cannot make attacks of
opportunity, and suffers a -10ft penalty to speed.
Resonating Bolt Spell VS Sonic energy deals 1d4 damage/CL (max 10d4).
Rockburst FR:SS VS Cause a stone to explode, damaging nearby creatures.
Rolling Fire Dr309 VSM Creates a movable wall of flames.
Scalespurs WB186 V Create handles on your body that helps riders.
Scattergloom FrDrag V Create six areas of randomly moving darkness.
Scintillating Sphere Spell VSM 20ft-radius burst deals 1d6 electricity damage/CL.
Shatterfloor Spell VSF Deals 1d4 sonic damage/CL, plus damages floors.
Sonorous Hum Spell VS Removes the need to concentrate to maintain on next
spell you cast.
Sound Lance Spell VS Sonic energy deals 1d8 damage/CL.
Stars of Arvandor BoED VS Tiny starbursts each deal 1d8 damage (half-
nonlethal), or 1d8 lethal damage to evil creatures.
Storm Mote Sand VSM Dust devil of flensing wind.
Vile Lance BoVD VSM Creates a +2 shortspear that deals vile damage.
Wall of Light Spell VSM Creates a wall of light, can dazzle creatures.
Wind Wall PHB VSM Deflect arrows, smaller creatures, and gases.
Wreath of Flames DragM VS Flames around you deal 1d6 damage to adjacent foes;
your melee attacks deal +1d6 fire damage.
Evocation/Transmutation- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Wingblast DragM VS Create wings that can transform into a gust of wind
or obscuring mist.
Illusion- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Cloak of Khyber ECoS VSF You are hidden from all divination effects.
Nova D2 VS Deals electricity damage to all creatures in a ring.
Omen of Doom VDH VSM Creates a demonic head that bites a foe when they
miss one their first attack.
Pebble Wind WB198 V As gust of wind, except it creates a whirlwind.
Pressure Wave VDH VS A silent shockwave knocks nearby creatures over.
Shiver Armor D2 VS Foes attacking you in melee become paralyzed from
cold and take a penalty on rolls.
Shockwave EberrS VSM Creates a wave of force that deals nonlethal damage
and dazes living creatures within the area for 1 round.
Shockwave War VSM A wave of force damages creatures and objects
caught on the ground in the area.
The Sky is Falling WB64 VSM Rocks rain down on creatures and objects in the area.
Whip Strike WB199 VS Creates whirlwind of air that strikes at a creature.
Zone of Air KeyD VSM Creates an area of clean, breathable air.
Illusion (Figment)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Crown of Veils PHB2 VSF Grants a +2 bonus on Disguise and Hide checks,
discharge the spell to gain a +8 bonus instead.
Major Image PHB VSF As silent image, plus sound, smell, and thermal
Illusion (Glamer)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Deceptive Faade CM VS Disguise appearance of another creature or object.
Displacement PHB VM Attacks miss subject 50% of the time.
Field of Blurs Dr309 VM As blur, except it affects up to 500 creatures.
Fools Gold FrPow VSM Metal objects appear as if they were made of gold.
Invisibility Sphere PHB VSM Makes everyone within 10ft invisible.
Khelbens Susp. Silence FR:Mag VSM Program object to create an area of silence at your
Mask of the Ideal CM VS Gain a +4 bonus on skill checks and checks to
influence enchanted or conjured creatures.
Phantom Objects Dr316 VSM Create the illusion of finely-crafted objects.
Suspended Silence Spell VSM Object becomes programmed to create an area of
silence at your command.
Illusion (Pattern)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Pall of Twilight CM VS Veil of shadows impedes sight and sound.
Vertigo Field PHB2 VS Creatures have a 20% miss chance and possibly
become nauseated.
Illusion (Phantasm)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Allergen VanR VSF The target believes that they are allergic to an item.
Cone of Dimness Spell VS Foes believe they are engulfed in magical darkness.
Cruel Disappointment BoVD VS Fools subject for 1 round, then impose a -4 penalty
on attack rolls, saves, and checks.
Curse of the Putrid Husk BoVD VS Subject is unconscious for 1d10 minutes.
Curse of the Stone CallC VSM The target is overwhelmed by hallucinations.
Hood of the Cobra CM VS You appear serpentine to target and can deliver
illusory poison bites.
Illusory Script PHB VSM Only intended reader can decipher.
Phantasmal Injury ExE VS Implant illusion that subject is disabled.
Phantasmal Strangler CM VS Nightmare grapples and strangles foe.
Reality Blind BoVD VSM Subject can take no actions and afterward does not
heal naturally.
Spectral Assassin PGSL VS Deals 5d6 nonlethal damage to a single creature.
Illusion (Shadow)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Legion of Sentinels PHB2 VSM Ghostly swordsmen threaten a 10ft-radius, deal 1d8
damage plus 1/3 CL (max 1d8+5).
Shadow Binding Spell VSM Ribbon-like shadows entangle creatures in 10ft area.
Shadow Cache Spell VS You open a small portal to the Plane of Shadow
through which you can put an item for later retrieval.
Shadow Dagger Du115 VS Summons a dagger made of shadows.
Shadowslip Dr337 VS Grants the creature the ability to move though the
Plane of Shadow and a 20% miss chance.
Spectral Weapon Spell VS Use quasi-real weapon to make touch attacks.
Invocation- -- --
Winds of Aggression MagR VS
Causes small, loose objects to fly away from you,
damaging creatures in their path.
Necromancy- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Aging Touch Dr350 VSM Your touch rapidly ages a creature.
Augment Undead VanR VSF As diminish undead, except that the creature gains a
+1 profane bonus to saves and a +3 profane bonus to
its turn resistance.
Blood Siphon Dr300 VS Bleeding creatures blood slithers toward the caster.
Blood Snow Frost VS Area of fallen snow drains 1d2 Con/round and causes
Borrowed Time RPH VS If you die before a specified task, you rise as undead.
Crown of the Grave PHB2 VSMF Command undead, discharge the spell to gain a +4
bonus on turn or rebuke checks.
Curse of Imp. Blades, Mass Spell VSM Enemies take -2 penalty to AC.
Curse of the Gypsies Dr348 V The target permanently has bad luck, an invisible
mark that identifies them, or an unnatural aura.
Depression Dr339 VS Nearby creatures are temporarily fatigued and take a
penalty to their Will saves.
Diminish Undead VanR VSF Undead takes penalties to saves and turn resistance.
Disrupt Undead, Greater Spell VS As disrupt undead, except deals 1d8 damage/CL.
Eyes of the Zombie CallC VSM See through the eyes of a specific undead creature.
Familiars Form Dr280 VS Transfer your spirit into your familiars body.
Feign Death ToB VS The target gains some undead features.
Gentle Repose PHB VSM Preserves one corpse.
Halt Undead PHB VSM Immobilizes undead.
Healing Touch Spell VS Heal subject 1d6 hp/2 CL, but take damage equal to
half the hp healed.
Incorporeal Enhancement Spell VSM Grants bonuses to incorporeal undead.
Infallible Servant ExE VSM Target is utterly destroyed if slain or captured.
Junglerazor Spell VSM Fey, vermin, plants, and animals all take 1d10
Life Tap D2 VS A nearby creatures transfers hp to you when hit.
Mind Poison Spell VSM Your poisonous touch deals Wis damage.
Necrotic Bloat LM VSF Encysted subject takes 1d6 damage/CL.
Negative Energy Burst ToB VS Deals negative energy damage to creatures in area.
Plague Carrier FR:Race VS As contagion, except the disease has an incubation
period and can infect other creatures.
Prickling Torment CM VS Target is sickened, takes damage whenever it attacks.
Rain of Terror Dr348 VS Cause an unnatural rain to fall from the sky.
Ray of Exhaustion PHB VSM Ray makes subject exhausted.
Rotting Grasp WarL VSM Instantly decay a formerly living material.
Skeletal Hand Dr348 VS Creates a skeletal hand that attacks foes.
Shadow Touch VDH VS Touched creature may take damage and Str damage
and turn into a shadow under your control.
Shivering Touch Frost VS Touch deals 3d6 Dex damage.
Skull Watch Spell VSF Skull shrieks when creatures enter warded area.
Slow Death PGSL VS Nearby creatures lose 1 hp/round.
Soul Change WB169 VSF Power a spell-trigger magic item with stolen souls.
Spider Poison Spell VSM Touch deals 1d6 Str damage, repeats in 1 minute.
Sticks and Stones FR:SS VS Animate a pile of debris into a Medium skeleton.
Taint of Undeath PGSL VSM Grants a creature the undead qualities.
Thellers Argauneau WB191 VSM Gain healing powers from a red dragon egg.
Thin Air Frost VS Creatures suffer from altitude sickness.
Tooth Decay VDH VSM Cause the targets teeth to fall out.
Touch of Weakness WarL VS Deals 1d4 ability damage to the targets Strength,
Dexterity, and Constitution.
Transfer Life VDH VS Transfer hit points to or from another creature.
Undead Lieutenant Spell VSF Chosen undead gives orders to your other undead.
Undead Torch Spell VSM Undead creature gains blue aura that deals 2d6
damage against living creatures.
Vampiric Touch PHB VS Touch deals 1d6 damage/2 CL, caster gains damage
as hit points.
Willing Sacrifice ExE V Subject takes 1d10 damage; you gain a profane bonus
equal to half the damage dealt.
Transmutation- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Air Breathing Spell SM Subject can breathe air freely.
Amorphous Form Spell SM Subject becomes puddle-like and can slip through
Animal Form CallC V You take the form and abilities of an animal.
Animate Weapon CM VS Weapon animates and fights for you.
Arcane Staff, Lesser ToHS VSF As arcane staff, except up to 2nd-level spells only.
Bite of the Wererat Spell VSM You gain the Dexterity and attacks of a wererat.
Bladestorm Warc VSM Creates a pair of magical longswords.
Blink PHB VS You randomly vanish and reappear.
Breathbarb WB193 V Turns your breath weapon into a floating ball.
Brittleskin FR:SS VS Subjects natural armor becomes brittle, causing a
weapon against it deal more damage.
Call of Honor SH VSF Hobgoblins gain +2 morale to attack and damage.
Candle Communication CallC VM Two casters communicate verbally through candles.
Clearstone FR:Lost VSM Stone becomes temporarily transparent.
Control Dark and Shadow FrChR VS Manipulate existing areas of darkness and shadow.
Control Temperature Frost VSM raise or lower temperature by one band/5 CL.
Create Crawling Claw FR:Mon VSM Creates a many crawling claws to fight for you.
Crocodile Stone SAC VSM The target gains the resilience of a crocodile.
Crown of Might PHB2 VSF Grants a +2 bonus to Strength, discharge the spell to
gain a +8 bonus instead for 1 round.
Crown of Protection PHB2 VSF Grants a +1 deflection bonus to AC and +1 resistance
bonus to saves, discharge to gain a +4 bonus instead.
Curse of Arrow Attraction PHB2 VS Subject takes a -5 penalty to AC vs. ranged attacks.
Deadly Spray Dr308 VS Dr Your spells can have a cone area instead.
Deeper Darkvision Spell VSM Subject can see 90 feet in magical darkness.
Demon Dirge Spell VS Demons are stunned and take 3d6 damage/round for
3 rounds.
Devil Blight Spell VS Damage and stun baatezu, also damages other lawful
evil creatures.
Diamondsteel Spell VSM Metal armor provides damage reduction.
Distilled Joy BoED VSF Create ambrosia.
Dolorous Blow Spell VS Weapons threat range is doubled and threats are
automatically confirmed.
Dragons Blood DragLA VSM Grants the target some minor dragon abilities.
Dragonbane DragLA VSM The target weapon is more lethal to dragons.
Dragonskin Spell SM Grants bonus to natural armor, energy resistance 10.
Durability Dr305 VS Increase the hardness or armor bonus of an object.
Energy Surge PHB2 V As lesser energy surge, except 2d6 damage instead.
Evards Menacing Tentacles PHB2 VSM Grow two tentacles with a 10ft-reach that deal 1d8
damage each.
False Gravity Spell VSM Travel on a solid surface as if that surface had its own
Fly PHB VSF Subject flies at 60ft speed.
Forced Manifestation Ghost VS Forces an undead creature to manifest.
Full Manifestation Dr304 VSM You manifest onto the Material Plane.
Gaseous Form PHB SM Subject becomes insubstantial and can fly slowly.
Giants Wrath Spell VSM Pebbles you throw become boulders.
Girallon Arms Spell VSM Subject gains an additional pair of arms.
Gullet of Teeth Dr304 VM Swallowed creatures and objects take additional
damage equal to your bite attack.
Halt PHB2 V Subjects feet become stuck to the ground.
Hamatula Barbs Spell VSM Subject grows barbs, which damage foes that attack
the subject in melee.
Handfang FR:Serp VS Your hand grows a fanged mouth that can bite foes.
Hands of Colubra CallC VS Your arms transform into poisonous snakes.
Haste PHB VSM One creature/level moves faster, gains a +1 bonus on
attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves.
Heart of Water CM VS Gain swim speed, ability to breathe water, +5 bonus
on Escape Artist checks, freedom of movement once.
Jump, Mass FR:SS Many creatures gain bonuses to Jump checks.
Keen Edge PHB VS Doubles normal weapons threat range.
Lash of the Kraken Dr334 VS Transforms your arm into a barbed tentacle.
Magic Weapon, Greater PHB VSM As magic weapon, but +1/four levels (max +5).
Mighty Wallop, Greater RotD VSF As mighty wallop, but increase the size up to 5 times.
Modulate Dr338 VS Temporarily change the spell in a wand.
Moons Change Dr340 VSM Grants the creature an increasing enhancement bonus
to its Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution.
Mordaks Mighty Blow VDH VS The target gains one attack that deals double damage.
Primal Form Spell VS You change into an elemental, gain some abilities.
Repair Serious Damage Spell VS Repairs 3d8 damage plus 1/2 CL (max 3d8+15) to
any construct.
Revitalize Legacy, Least WeL VSF Get extra use of chosen least legacy ability.
Rust Ray Spell VSM Metal objects take 2d6 damage plus 1/2 CL.
Scales of Energy Dr308 VS Dr Changes the creatures natural armor bonus to AC
into a deflection bonus.
Scorpion Tail RoE VS, Dw Target grows scorpion tail that deals 2d6 damage
plus Str modifier and possibly stuns foe.
Secret Page PHB VSM Changes one page to hide its real content.
Sense of the Dragon RotD VSM Gain non-visual senses out 30ft to pinpoint creatures.
Sever Ties of the Moon Dr340 VS Increases a lycanthropes control of its form.
Shadow Phase Spell VS Subject becomes partially incorporeal.
Shape of the Beasts ToHS VSM Transforms a creature into an animal.
Shape Water SaltS VS Changes the shape of water into another shape.
Shrink Item PHB VS Object shrinks to one-sixteenth size.
Siphon CS VS Drain 5 or more charges from wand or staff to
replace one or more cast spells.
Slow PHB VSM One subject/CL takes only one action/round, -2
penalty to AC and attack rolls.
Snakes Swiftness, Mass Spell VSM Allies each immediately make one attack.
Spell Vulnerability Spell VS Reduce creatures SR by 1/CL (max 15 penalty).
Spiderskin Spell VSM Subject gains increasing bonus to natural armor,
saves against poison, and Hide checks.
Steeldance Spell VSF Blades hover around you and attack foes.
Stony Grasp Spell VSM Arm made of soil and rock grapples foes.
Telekinetic Blast D2 VS Fling a Medium or smaller creature away from you.
Thorn Shield War VS Foes attacking you with melee weapons or natural
attacks take 1d6 plus 1 damage/CL.
Threesteel WB196 V Split a weapon into three and launch them at foes.
Tongue Serpents BoVD VSM Caster spits one Tiny viper/4 CL.
Transparency Dr305 VSM An object becomes as transparent as glass.
Tremorsense Spell VSF Grants tremorsense to a range of 30 feet.
Trobiands Crystalbrittle FR:CoS VSM Reduces an objects hardness and hp to that of glass.
Unicorn Horn CM VS You grow a horn that functions as a natural weapon.
Venomous Serpent Arm VDH VSM Your arm can make a poisonous bite attack.
Walk the Mountain Path RoS VSM Grants the creature a climb speed and +10
enhancement bonus to Balance and Jump checks.
Wand Modulation CS VS Change wand to caster another, weaker spell.
Water Breathing PHB VSM Subject can breathe underwater.
Water to Acid Storm VSM Transform 1 cu. ft/CL of water into acid.
Weapon of Energy Spell VS Weapon deals extra energy damage.
Weapon of Impact Spell VS As keen edge, but affects only bludgeoning weapons.
Whispering Sand Sand VSF Sand delivers your message.
Transmutation (Polymorph)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Dragonshape, Least DragM VS Take the form and abilities of a pseudodragon.
Shape of the Hellspawned S. CM VS You take the form and abilities of a hell hound.
Spider Form Drow VS Take the form and abilities of a Large fiendish spider.
Transmutation (Teleportation)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Appear Behind VDH V You teleport behind a creature within 25 feet.
Call Familiar Dr280 VS Summon your familiar from up to a mile away.
Return to the Saddle Dr307 VF Instantly returns you to an attuned saddle.
Universal- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Enhance Familiar Spell VS Your familiar receives a +2 bonus on saves, attack
and damage rolls, and AC for 1 hour/CL.
Fortify Familiar Spell VS Your familiar gains 2d8 temporary hp, +2 bonus to
AC, 25% chance to avoid extra sneak attack and
critical damage.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----
4th-level- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Abjuration- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Banishment of Yde Etad CallC VSMX Banish an extraplanar creature back to where it came.
Bar Creature VDH VSM Forces a creature to leave the area or take 1d4 Con
damage per round it remains in the area.
Condemnation PHB2 V Lowers outsiders SR and stuns for 1 round.
Deconstruct VanR VS Reduces the damage reduction of a creature.
Dimensional Anchor PHB VS Bars extradimensional movement.
Dispel War Spell Dr309 VSM As dispel magic, except you gain an additional +10
bonus to dispel or counterspell war spells.
Dispelling Screen Spell VSM Targeted dispel magic on any creatures and
unattended objects (max CL check 1d20+10).
Electrified Lair Dr308 VS Dr Foes that enter the area take 2d6 electricity damage.
Energy Barrier FuryW VSM Creates a wall that protects from a chosen energy
type and prevents creatures of that type from passing
through the wall.
Essentia Lock MoI VSF Target cannot reallocate essentia.
Ethereal Lock PGSL VSM Prevents all creatures in the area from shifting to or
from the Ethereal Plane.
Fire Trap PHB VSM Opened object deals 1d4 damage +1/level.
Forceward Spell VS Creates a sphere of force that protects against force
effects and keeps out incorporeal creatures.
Friendly Fire ExE V Redirect a ranged attack against another target within
30 feet.
Glacial Ward Frost VSM Subject gains SR 18 against fire spells and effects.
Globe of Invuln., Lesser PHB VSM Stops 1st- through 3rd-level spell effects.
Ice Shield Frost VSM Cf Subject gains DR 15/-.
Ilyykurs Mantle FR:UE VSM Grants you electricity resistance 10 and a +1 luck
bonus/3 CL (max +5) to saves against spells and
spell-like abilities.
Nezrams Emerald E S FR:Lost VSM
The target is immune to effects that cause deafness
and language-dependant, mind-affecting effects. Plus
it gains sonic resistance 10 and a +4 untyped bonus
on saves against sonic effects.
Otilukes Suppress Sphere CM VS Spells of chosen school or subtype are suppressed.
Portal Alarm, Improved Spell VSF Warded portal alerts you or a designated creature, to
creatures passing through it.
Psychic Poison BoVD VSM Poisons those casting divination spells or mind-
affecting spells at an object, creature, or area.
Ray Deflection Spell VSF Ray attacks are reflected away.
Ray of Deanimation Spell VS Ray deals 1d6 damage/level to constructs.
Remove Curse PHB VS Frees person or object from a curse.
Resist Energy, Mass Spell VS Multiple creatures ignore chosen energy damage.
Resistance, Greater Spell VSM Subject gains +3 resistance bonus on saving throws.
Seal of Isis CallC VS Protects objects in the area from magical attacks.
Shimmermantle WB200 V Grants you a 20% miss chance against magical and
physical attacks, reduces the effects of non-damaging
effects used against you.
Spell Snare EberrM SM Dragonshard absorbs a spell up to 3rd-level.
Stifle Spell PHB2 V Subject must concentrate of botch spell.
Stoneskin PHB VSM Ignore 10 damage per attack.
Suppress Magic ToHS VSM Suppress all magic items in a 10ft-radius spread.
Time Shield Dr350 VS Spells in the area have their duration halved.
Unshape Soulmeld MoI VS One of the targets soulmelds is destroyed.
Veshemo Wanes PGSL VSF All lycanthropes within the area must change shape.
Wall of Chaos Spell VSM Wall blocks lawful creatures.
Wall of Evil Spell VSM Wall blocks good creatures.
Wall of Good Spell VSM Wall blocks evil creatures.
Wall of Law Spell VSM Wall blocks chaotic creatures.
Abjuration/Evocation- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Slashing Dispel PHB2 VS As dispel magic, but creatures take damage for spells
that are dispelled.
Conjuration- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Call Undead IV DAM VSF Calls an undead creature to fight for you.
Caustic Mire CM VS Acidic sludge slows progress, deals damage.
Explosive Rune Field PHB2 VSM Area is covered with runes that explode on contact
with creatures.
Lightning Fog FR:SS VS Similar to fog cloud, except it deals 1d4 electricity
damage plus 1/CL (max 1d4+15) within in the cloud.
Conjuration (Calling)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Halasters Fetch I FR:CoS VSF Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you, but
creature stays afterwards as a wandering monster.
Conjuration (Creation)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Conjure Lesser M Construct MoI VSME Shape a construct from incarnum to fight for you.
Blast of Flame Spell VSM 60ft-cone of fire that deals 1d6 fire damage/level.
Blast of Sand Sand VSM Cone deals 1d6 damage/level.
Bloodstar Spell VSF Hovering construct deals Con damage each time
nearby foe is damage.
Boiling Oil HeroB VS Creates boiling oil that spills over the creatures in the
area, dealing 4d6 fire damage and 2d6 fire damage
for up to 6 rounds after that.
Bright Worms PHB2 VS Fiery worms damage enemies within 20ft-spread.
Clay Golem D2 VS Summon a clay golem to fight for you.
Column of Ice Frost VSM A column of ice erupts from the ground, lifting
anything in its area into the air.
Create Fetch CS VSM Create a perfect duplicate of yourself that is capable
Of performing simple tasks.
Ethereal Mount Spell VS You conjure swift mounts on the Ethereal Plane.
Evards Black TentaclesPHB VSM Tentacles grapple all with a 15ft-spread.
Hells Power BoVD VSM Dv Caster gains a +2 bonus to AC and +1 to existing DR.
Ice Ship Frost VSM Creates ice runner or ice galleon.
Ice Web Frost VS Cf Creates webs of coldfire that entangle and deal 1d6
frostburn damage per round.
Leomunds Secure Shelter PHB VSMF Creates a sturdy cottage.
Magnetic Pulse WB94 VSM Create a magnetic wave in the area.
Minor Creation PHB VSM Creates cloth or wood object.
Orb of Acid Spell VS Ranged touch deals 1d6 acid damage/level, and
subject might be sickened.
Orb of Cold Spell VS Ranged touch deals 1d6 cold damage/level, and
subject might be blinded.
Orb of Electricity Spell VS Ranged touch deals 1d6 electricity damage/level, and
subject might be entangled.
Orb of Fire Spell VS Ranged touch deals 1d6 fire damage/level, and
subject might be dazed.
Orb of Force Spell VS Globe of force deals 1d6 damage/level (max 10d6).
Orb of Sound Spell VS Ranged touch deals 1d4 sonic damage/level, and
subject might be deafened.
Radiant Fog BoED VS Ab As solid fog, but dazzles or blinds creatures within.
Solid Fog PHB VS Blocks vision and slows movement.
Sparkles FR:SS VSM Glowing sparkles cover living creatures in the area.
Sudden Stalagmite Spell VS Creates a stalagmite to drop on a chosen creature.
Wall of Deadly Chains BoVD VSM Creates a barrier of woven chains that deals 3d6
damage to all within 5 feet.
Wall of Fungus PGSL VS Creates a wall that shoots spores at nearby creatures
whenever it is touched roughly.
Wall of Salt Sand VSM Creates a wall of salt that can be shaped.
Wall of Sand Spell VSM Swirling sand blocks ranged attacks, slows
movement through.
Wall of Water Spell VSM Creates shapeable transparent wall of water.
Conjuration (Summoning)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Abyssal Might BoVD VSM Dm Caster gains a +2 bonus to Str, Dex, Con, and SR.
Crushing Coils Dr330 VSF Creates a snake that constricts the target.
Summon Clockwork M S MM4 VSF Summon a clockwork mender to fight for you.
Summon Monster IV PHB VSF Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Summon Pest Swarm City VSM Summon a pest swarm to fight for you.
Summon Undead IV Spell VSF Summons undead to fight for you.
Watchful Ancestors EberrM VSM Spiritual manifestations prevent you from being
flanked and grant insight bonus on one Reflex save.
Conjuration (Teleportation)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Cynosure Dr338 VS The target rerolls the random chance of its next plane
shift or teleport spell.
Desert Diversion Sand VS Those attempting planar travel are diverted to a
random wasteland.
Dimension Door PHB V Teleports you a short distance.
Halasters Image Swap FR:CoS V Simultaneously swap places with a projected image.
Translocation Trick Spell V You and subject switch and appear as each other.
Conjuration (Teleportation)/Evocation- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Firestride Exhalation DragM VS Deal 8d6 fire damage in 30ft-cone, and teleport
anywhere within the area.
Conjuration/Necromancy- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Doom Scarabs PHB2 VS Scarab swarm deals 1d6 damage/2 levels, gives you
temporary hit points.
Liferot Dr347 VS
Foe sprouts fungus and cannot be healed magically.
Divination- -- --
Anamensis Dr338 VS
Grants a +10 bonus on Knowledge and bardic
knowledge checks.
Assay Spell Resistance Spell VS +10 bonus on CL checks to bypass spell resistance.
Create Scrying Window CallC VSM Look into the past through a piece of glass.
Detect Magnostorm VDH VS Detect nearby magnetic storms.
Detect Scrying PHB VSM Alerts you to magical eavesdropping.
Guardian Spirit MoI VSE Subject can activate bonus on AC, Reflex saves, and
Dex-based checks for 1 minute.
Identify with Flame Dr308 VS Dr Identify one aspect about all creatures within 50 feet.
Know Vulnerabilities Spell VS Determine subjects vulnerabilities and resistances.
Mirror of Tarkhun Atep CallC VS Your image appears the next time the target looks in
a mirror, you can speak briefly to them.
Locate Creature PHB VSM Indicates direction to familiar creature.
Part Deaths Shroud DAM VSM All ethereal creatures and objects in the area appear.
Past-Seeing DLLT VSF See the past week/CL of an object or creature.
River Watch DLLT VS Sense any time-based effects within range.
Sarmars Coin Beacon PGSL VSM Track a touched metal object.
Treasure Scent Spell VS You detect valuable metals and gems.
Zone of Revelation Spell VSM Reveals invisible and incorporeal creatures in area.
Divination (Scrying)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Arcane Eye PHB VSM Invisible floating eye moves 30 ft/round.
Portal View FR:Und VSF Turns target portal transparent.
Scrying PHB VSMF Spies of subject from a distance.
Enchantment- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Anesthesia VanR VSM The target is immune to pain-based attacks.
Contact Human CallC VS Creates a telepathic link with a human and
hypnotizes them.
Heart Seeker Missile KeyD VM 1 projectile/3 levels deals double damage on a hit,
a critical hit increases the multiplier by 1.
Enchantment (Charm)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Battle Hymn Spell VS Allies within 30 feet can reroll one Will save/round.
Charm Monster PHB VS Makes monster believe it is your ally.
Gold Lust PGSL VSM The creature accepts bribes, sells equipment,
provides services, etc. just for money.
Enchantment (Compulsion)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Battle Fury Dr309 VSM As rage, except for all creatures within a 60ft-burst.
Beacon VDH VSM Creates a light that draws creatures near.
Beckon Monster ToM VST Force a creature to approach you against its will.
Burned to Bare Rock Dr309 VSM As fireball, except double the radius.
Confusion PHB VSM Subjects behave oddly for 1 round/level.
Crushing Despair PHB VSM Subject takes -2 penalty on attack and damage rolls,
saves, and checks.
Geas, Lesser PHB V Commands subject of 7 HD or less.
Imprison Mind CallC VS Trap creature in the body it is current possessing.
Leomund Spacious Carriage City VSM Creates a carriage for four to six passengers.
Melfs Slumber Arrows CM VSM Your arrows cause the target to fall asleep for 1 hour.
Mindweb DAM VSM Any creature that enters the area becomes paralyzed.
Power Word, Distract RotD V Makes one creature with 150 hp or less flat-footed.
Rebuke, Greater Spell VSF Subject cowers for 1d4 rounds.
Sacrifice VDH VS Trade places with a creature that is about to die.
Sirens Call Storm VS Compel one creature/2 CL to submerse itself.
Trance of the Verdant D DragM VS Fascinate a foe for 3 rounds, and make that foe
vulnerable to your mind-affecting effects.
Vecnas Malevolent Whisper CM V Reduces living creature with 10 hp or lower to -9 hp.
Whelm, Mass PHB2 VS Deals 1d6 nonlethal damage/level (max 10d6) to one
Enchantment/Evocation- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Caustic Disdain Dr347 VS Traps a foe in acid vapors, dealing 1d6 acid damage
per round. Harmless spells cast of the creature fail.
Evocation- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Ball of Disruption VDH VSM Deals 1d6 cold damage/CL (max 15d6) to any
creature caught in a 20ft-radius burst.
Battlefield Illumination HeroB VS Increase the light in the area by one step.
Bleakness PHB2 VS Deals 1d6 damage/level to living creatures, grants
undead turn resistance and fast healing.
Blinding Beauty PGSL VSM Grants the target a +6 enhancement bonus to
Charisma. All creatures that can see the target may be
become hypnotized and blinded.
Blistering Radiance Spell VSM Light dazzles creatures, deals 2d6 fire damage in
50ft-radius spread.
Bloodbriars FR:Lost VSM The creature is surrounded in barbs of energy, it takes
1d8 damage in any round that moves in any way.
Celestial Brilliance BoED VS Object sheds brilliant light to 120 feet, hurts undead
and evil outsiders.
Channeled Pyroburst PHB2 VS Deal fire damage, amount and radius based on the
casting time.
Circle of Cold Dr317 VS Deals 1d6 cold damage/CL (max 10d6) to all
creatures within 10 feet of you; may paralyze them.
Crushing Grip PHB2 VS Subject takes -2 penalty on attacks, checks, saves and
AC, and -20 ft penalty to speed, might be paralyzed.
Dalamar Lightning Lance DragL VSM Up to 3 ranged touch attacks deals 3d6 impact
damage plus 1d6 electricity damage/CL (max 10d6).
Darternaes Sword WB137 VSF Create a plane of force that acts like a +3 brilliant
energy keen longsword.
Desert Burial Dr331 VSM Buries any creature in the area up to its neck.
Glacial Spike D2 VS Deals 1d6 damage/CL (max 5d6) to all creatures in a
20ft-radius burst.
Damning Darkness BoVD VM Darkness deals either 2d6 or 1d6 damage/round.
Dancing Web BoED VSM Energy strands deal 1d6 nonlethal damage/level to
evil creature, plus entangles them for 1d6 rounds.
Defenestrating Sphere Spell VSF Cloudy gray sphere of wind knocks enemies prone,
hurls them upward for subsequent falling damage.
Dragon Breath Spell VSM Choose a dragon type and mimic its breath weapon.
Early Twilight HeroB VM Reduce the light in the area by one step.
Energy Spheres Spell VSM Fiver colored spheres attack with or negate acid,
cold, electricity, fire, and sonic energy.
Explosive Cascade Spell VSM Bouncing ball deals 1d6 fire damage/level.
Fiery Aura Dr304 VSM Deals 1d4 fire damage to all creatures within 15 feet.
Fire Shield PHB VSM Creatures attacking you take fire damage, youre
protected from heat or cold.
Fire Wall D2 VSM Deals 2d4 fire damage out to 10 feet and 1d4 out to
20 feet. Passing through the wall deals 2d6 fire
damage +1/level.
Flamewave WarL VSM A moving sheet of flame that deals 2d6 fire damage
plus 1/CL (max 2d6+20), dealing double to undead.
Floating Disk, Greater Spell VSM As floating disk, but you can ride it.
Force Chest Spell VSM 2ft-cube chest made of force.
Force Claw Spell VSM Force claw guards area, making opportunity attacks.
Force Missiles Spell VS Unerring missiles of force strike for 2d6 damage and
explode in a burst.
Forcewave Spell VSF Bull rushes all creatures within 10 feet.
Frozen Moment DLLT VSM Immobilizes the target in time, effectively making
them invulnerable to all attacks, spells, and damage.
Glacial Spike D2 VS Deals 1d6 damage/CL (max 15d6) to all creatures in
caught a 20ft-radius burst.
Grasp of Cthulhu CallC VS Target is held, taking 2d6 nonlethal damage/round.
Great Electric Bolt Dr309 VSM As lightning bolt, except the width can be 10ft or 20ft
and is not required to travel directly away from you.
Gullet of Fire Dr304 VM Swallowed creatures take 1d6 fire damage for each
size above Medium; you can spit alchemists fire.
Ice Storm PHB VSM Hail deals 5d6 damage in cylinder 40ft across.
Immolation KeyD VSM The target burns from within.
Immolation Warc VSM Deals 1d6 fire damage to all creatures within 5 feet
and protects you from cold-based attacks.
Incendiary Surge CM VS Cone of fire deals 1d6 damage/level, or 1d8
damage/level on consecutive casting.
Lightning Shield Warc VSM Creates a wall of opaque light that emits daylight and
dazzles creatures that pass through it.
Lightwall Dr322 VSM Deals 1d6 electricity damage plus 1/5 CL to all
creatures within 5 feet.
Mindblast CallC S Cause the target to become temporarily insane.
Mirror Sending BoVD VSF Caster sends her image to a mirror and can see and
speak through it.
Moat VDH VSM Excavates large amount of earth and fills with water.
Otilukes Resilient Sphere PHB VSM Force globe protects but traps one subject.
Parboil Sand VSM Flash-heats air dealing fire and Int damage to one or
more creatures.
Personal Combustion VDH VSM Creatures within the area take 3d6 fire damage.
Radiant Shield BoED VS Ab Creatures attacking you take electricity damage; you
are protected from electricity.
Rain of Fire Warc VSM Creatures within the area take 3d6 impact damage
and 2d6 fire damage from small meteorites.
Searing Exposure Sand VSM Target suffers hours of wasteland exposure in a
Shackle VanR VSF Ranged touch attack paralyzes a creature or object.
Shout PHB V Deafens all within cone and deals 5d6 sonic damage.
Skays Flaming Bolt PGSL VSM Up to 6 ranged touch attacks deal 1d4 fire damage
/CL (max 10d4) and the target may catch on fire.
Sonic Shield PGSL VSM You are protected from either acid or sonic, and all
creatures attacking you in melee take 1d6 sonic
damage plus 1/CL (max 1d6+15).
Spark Shield DragL VSM You are protected from electricity, and all creatures
attacking you in melee take 1d4 or 2d4 electricity
damage plus 1/CL (max 1d6+15).
Spell Fangs DrAna VSM Creates a shadowy tentacle that ends in 1d6+2 fanged
mouths that attacks your foes.
Steelsting FR:CoS V Creatures within the area take 1d6 force damage/CL
(max 10d6) as dagger-like darts fly at them.
Storm Wall DragL VSM Creates a wall of electricity that fires small lightning
bolts at creatures on one side of the wall.
Strahds Baneful Attractor Dr348 VSM Force damaging spells to target this creature instead.
Sword of Deception Spell VSF Blade of energy attacks independently, dealing 1d4
damage and penalizes subsequent saves.
Temporal Jolt Dr350 VS Ranged touch attack deals 1d6 damage/3 CL (max
5d6) and causes its nonmagical weapons and armor
to decay rapidly.
Thunderlance Spell VSM
Lance of force deals 3d6 damage and might dispel
force effects.
Vortex of Teeth Spell VSM Creatures in the area take 3d8 force damage/round.
Wall of Coldfire Frost VS Co Deals 2d4 cold damage out to 10ft, and 1d4 cold
damage out to 20ft. Passing through the wall deals
2d6 frostburn damage plus 1/CL.
Wall of Fire PHB VSM Deals 2d4 fire damage out to 10 feet and 1d4 out to
20 feet. Passing through the wall deals 2d6 fire
damage +1/level.
Wall of Ice PHB VSM Creates wall with 15 hp +1/level, or hemisphere that
can trap creatures inside.
Wingbind Spell VS A net of force entangles the subject, causing it to fall.
Evocation/Transmutation- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Passage of Shifting Sands DragM VS Become a swirling sand cloud; gain one gust of wind.
Illusion (Figment)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Creaking Cacophony Spell VS Sound distracts and foes vulnerable to sonic damage.
Illusory Wall PHB VS Wall, floor, or ceiling looks real, but anything can
pass through it.
Inescapable Swarm Dr333 VSM Phantasmal insects feel like theyre crawling over the
victim, leaving him shaken and nauseated.
Mirror Image, Greater PHB2 VS As mirror image, but gain an additional image/round.
Phantom Battle PHB2 VS Illusion of a battle flanks creatures and denies attacks
of opportunity.
Illusion (Glamer)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Disguise Ship Storm VSM Disguises a ship.
Hallucinatory Terrain PHB VSM Makes one type of terrain appear like another (a field
into a forest, or the like).
Invisibility, Greater PHB VS As invisibility, except can attack and stay invisible.
Invisibility, Mass PHB VSM As invisibility, except multiple subjects.
Nondescript WB63 VS Creatures dont recall seeing you, if asked, even with
a description.
Illusion (Pattern)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Rainbow Pattern PHB VSMF Lights fascinate 24 HD of creatures.
Illusion (Phantasm)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Phantasmal Killer PHB VS Fearsome illusion kills subject or deals 3d6 damage.
Sensory Deprivation Spell VSM All of subjects senses are blocked.
Illusion (Shadow)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Nightmare Terrain CM VS Create a patch of illusory terrain that hinders foes and
allows you to hide.
Shadow Conjuration PHB VS Mimics conjuration spells below 4th level, but only
20% real.
Shadow Plate PGSL VSM The target is shrouded in shadowy full or half-plate,
that also absorbs a total of 1 damage/CL.
Shadow Puppeteer Du115 VSM All creatures within a 20ft-radius take 2d6 damage
plus 1/CL (max 2d6+15) as you appear monstrous.
Shadow Well Spell VS Subject enters gloomy pocket plane and emerges
Sphere of Terror Dr333 VSM Creates a 30ft-radius hemisphere of darkness, those
inside become shaken, also the sphere attacks each
once per round for 1d6 damage.
Necromancy- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Aboleth Curse Storm VSM Subjects skin undergoes a horrible transformation.
Affliction BoED VS Infects an evil subject with a chosen affliction.
Animate Dead PHB VSM Creates undead skeletons or zombies.
Animate Infectious Undead ECoS VSM As animate dead, except the undead carry a disease.
Bestow Curse PHB VS Subject takes a -6 penalty; -4 penalty on attack rolls,
saves, and checks; 50% chance of losing each action;
or another penalty.
Black Binding CallC VSM Animate an animal or humanoid into a zombie.
Blood Drinker Dr304 SF Target grows fangs and sucks blood from creatures.
Bloodstones Frightful Jo Dr348 VS You attempt to possess a nearby undead creature.
Burning Blood Spell VSM Subject takes 1d8 acid and 1d8 fire damage/round.
Contagion PHB VS Infects subject with chosen disease.
Curse of Elemental Lords DragM VS Bestow a curse on enemies, making them more
susceptible to your energy damage.
Ebon Ray of Doom FR:Lost VS A ranged touch attack causes the creature to have
difficulty healing for 1 round/CL.
Enervation PHB VS Subject gains 1d4 negative levels.
Ethereal Flame DAM VSM All living creatures caught in a 10ft-radius sphere
take 1d4 Wis damage plus 1 per 5 CL. Undead
instead take 1d4 Cha damage plus 1/CL.
Fear PHB VSM Subjects within cone flee for 1 round/level.
Finger of Agony CM VS Deals 3d6 damage/round, nauseates or sickens foe.
Grim Revenge BoVD VSU Tears hand from the target, dealing 6d6 damage, then
hand attacks the target.
Horrid Sickness CM VS Subjects are nauseated or sickened.
Life Transfer ToHS VS Each round you can make a melee touch attack and
deal 1d4 damage/2 CL (max 10d4) and gain
temporary hit points in the same amount.
Liquid Pain BoVD VSF Extracts one dose of liquid pain from tortured victim.
Mindfrost Frost VSM Deals 5d6 cold damage, 1d4 Int damage.
Necrotic Domination LM VSF Completely control encysted subject.
Negative Energy Wave TaB VS You rebuke or bolster all undead within a 50ft-burst.
Rebuking Breath Spell S Your breath weapon rebukes undead.
Rend Essentia MoI VSM Deal Cha damage or essentia damage to foe; you gain
Seed of Undeath CM VSM A subject that dies before the spell expires rises as a
zombie under your command.
Shadow Curse Dr322 VS The target no longer can heal naturally or magically.
Shadowskin PGSL VSM Targets skin turns black, gaining a +8 circumstance
bonus to Hide checks, and bonuses vs. undead.
Shathys Pestilence PGSL VS Creatures within a line effect are numbed (-2 penalty
to attacks and Dex-based skills) and may start to lose
1d4 hit points/day.
Sinsaburs Baleful Bolt FrAna VS Creatures within a line effect take 1d3 Str and Con
damage plus 1 per 4 CL (max 1d3+3).
Stiffen ExE VS Touch imposes penalties to Dex, speed and reduces
Touch of Years CM VS Target loses 3 points of Str, Dex, and Con; second
casting blinds and deafens.
Unbind Chakra MoI VSE Sever one chakra bind/4 CL; deal 1d6 essentia
damage plus 1d6 per bind severed.
Wall of Pain FR:SS VSF Creates a wall that deals 1d4 nonlethal damage per
caster level (max 15d4) to creatures passing through,
they suffer a -2 penalty to attacks, saves, and checks.
Wall of Souls PGSL VS Creates a wailing wall that cause creatures that pass
through it to take a negative level.
Wither Sand VSM Deals 1d6 desiccation damage/level and dehydrates a
living creature.
Withering Death HOS SM Ranged touch deals Con damage, slain creatures turn
into zombies under the casters control.
Transmutation- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Aerial Alacrity RotW V Increases your fly speed and your maneuverability.
While flying +1 dodge to AC and Reflex saves.
Alliance Undone ExE VSM Suppress team-oriented effects.
Attune Form Spell VSM Grant temporary protection against planar traits.
Awaken the Mind ToHS VSM A creature with 1 or 2 Int gains a +8 bonus to Int and
a +4 bonus to Wis and Cha, and is a magical beast.
Backlash Spell VS Subject takes damage if it uses spells against another.
Baleful Blink PHB2 V Foe has 50% chance of failure on attacks and spells.
Bane Weapon Dr279 VS Grants the bane special ability to a weapon.
Battlefield Fortification HeroB VS Creates a 10ft-wide shallow trench.
Bite of the Werewolf Spell VSM You gain the Strength and attacks of a werewolf.
Bladebane FR:UE VSM Grants the bane special ability to a piercing or
slashing weapon.
Bladebite WB194 VS Transform a piercing or slashing weapon into a
snake-like creature, that attacks your foes.
Blinding Breath Spell S Your breath weapon blinds subjects.
Block Crossroads WB64 VS A nearby crossroads and backroads temporarily stops
Bloodlust Warc VSM The creature gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Str
and can make an extra attack with a full attack action.
Boarding Grapple SaltS VSM Slowly pull another vehicle closer to yours.
Body Warping of Gorg. CallC V You permanently change into an object or creature.
Call of Stone PHB2 VS Slowly turn subject to stone.
Celerity PHB2 V Take a standard action immediately, but you are
dazed for 1 round.
Chitinskin WarL VSM Grants a creature a +1 enhancement bonus to its
natural armor per 2 caster levels.
Cluos Closet PGSL VM Creates a permanent extradimensional storage space.
Control Blood Dr300 VSM Dg Cause targets blood to dangerously clot or thin.
Coral Growth FR:SS VSM Permanently grow coral underwater into any shape.
Corporeal Instability Spell VS Transform a creature into an amorphous mass.
Dancing Chains BoVD VS Animates one chain/level.
Darkvision, Mass Spell VSM As darkvision, but affects one subject/level.
Displacer Form Spell VSM Change into a displacer beast, gaining some abilities.
Distort Summons BoVD VS Creates an area where only evil creatures can be
Enduring Flight RotW V Doubles your flight duration and weight load.
Enlarge Person, Mass PHB VSM Enlarges several creatures.
Entangling Staff Spell VSF Quarterstaff can grapple and constrict foes.
Expel from Lair Dr308 VS Dr Teleport any one creature per round out of an area.
Fang Blade Dr330 VSF Transforms a snake into a steel blade.
Far Gaze Dr304 VS Force a foe to become subject to your gaze attack.
Fetching Carpet PGSL VSF Creates a flying carpet.
Flaming Whips Spell VS Your forelimbs deal 6d6 fire damage.
Flight of the Dragon Spell VM You grow dragon wings.
Fly Like an Arrow Dr308 VS Dr You can fly at great speed.
Fuse Sand Sand VSM Hardens sand and may trap creatures
Heart of Earth CM VS Gain temporary hp; +8 to resist bull rush, overrun,
and trip attacks; and use stoneskin once.
Ice Cloud Dr307 VSM Any movement in fog deals 1d8 cold damage.
Induce Lycanthropy VanR VSM Forces lycanthropy to assume its hybrid form.
Iron Bones Spell VSF Corporeal undead gains a +6 natural armor bonus.
Jhanifers Deliquescence FR:CoS VS As transmute rock to mud, except ice to cold water.
Knock, Greater Dr316 V As knock, except it affects all within an area.
Lower Spell Resistance Drac VS Reduce foes SR by up to 15.
Mark of Enlightened Soul DragM VS Spells gain the good descriptor and deal extra
damage to evil creatures.
Master Shape Dr304 VS Gain Improved Control Shape feat for the duration.
Metal Melt Spell VSM Melts metal object without heat.
Mind of a Beast WB144 VSM Transform a creatures mind into that of an animal.
Mordaks Counterstrike VDH VS The creatures next attack automatically hits.
Open Least Chakra MoI VS Allow target to bind to its crown, feet, or hands
Perfect Summons BoED VS Creates an area where only good creatures can be
Perniarch Spell VS Gain greater control over Limbos morphic essence.
Polymorph PHB VSM Gives one willing subject a new form.
Power Drain CallC VS Drain 1d6 from each of the targets ability scores and
add these points to your own for 1 hour/CL.
Raise from the Deep Spell V Creature or sunken ship made buoyant.
Rebirth of Iron CM VS Completely restore any metal item destroyed by rust,
even if reduced to powder.
Reduce Person, Mass PHB VSM Reduces several creatures.
Repair Critical Damage Spell VS Repairs 4d8 damage +1/level (max 4d8+20) to a
construct or object.
Ruin Delvers Fortune Spell V Cast on another creatures to turn and choose from
several benefits.
Rusted Blade CM VS Touched weapon delivers filth fever.
Sandform Sand VSM You become an ooze-like being of sand.
Sandform WB100 VSM Take the form of living sand.
Scramble Portal Spell VSM You randomize the destination of a magic portal.
Serpent Arrow FrChR VSM Transforms missiles into Tiny serpents.
Sharptooth Spell VS One of your natural weapons deals damage as if you
were one size larger.
Spell Enhancer Spell V Cast another spell in the same round at +2 CL.
Stone Shape PHB VSM Sculpts stone into any shape.
Stone Sphere Spell VSM 3ft-diameter stone sphere rolls over your enemies.
Suppress Lycanthropy VanR VSM Forces lycanthropy into its humanoid form.
Suspension FR:SS VSM You levitate an object and move it at your will.
Talonsnatch WB186 V Instantly place a creature on your back or your claw.
Touch of the Blacken Soul DragM VS Spells gain the evil descriptor and deal extra damage
to good creatures.
Touchstone Lightning Planar VS Use your planar touchstone-granted higher-order
abilities to fuel damaging rays.
Transport Swag SaltS V As teleport, except valuable materials only.
Undeniable Gravity, Legs MiniHB VS Flying creatures lose their flying ability.
Voice of the Dragon Spell VS Grants +10 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and
Intimidate checks; can use one suggestion.
Warp Truename ToM VST Gives foe a form thats grotesque and useless.
Wave in Motion PGSL VSM Forces you to or near the surface of the water.
Wings of Air, Greater Spell V Subjects fly maneuverability improves by two steps.
Wrack CallC VS The target is helpless with pain.
Wraithform Dr348 SM As gaseous form, except its move at its normal speed
and mindless undead dont attack it.
Transmutation (Polymorph)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Aspect of the Icy Hunter CM VS You take the form of a winter wolf.
Trollshape PHB2 VS You take the form and abilities of a troll.
Transmutation (Teleportation)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Fire Stride Spell VS Teleport from one fire to another.
Teleport Item VDH VS Randomly teleport an item to another location.
Teleport Self D2 V As dimension door, except longer distance.
Universal- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Mystic Surge PHB2 V Allys spell gains +2 DC and +1 caster level.
5th-level- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Abjuration- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Anticold Sphere Spell VS Sphere hedges out cold creatures and protects you
from cold.
Antifire Sphere Sand VS Creatures within sphere are immune to fire damage.
Break Enchantment PHB VS Frees subject from enchantments, alterations, curses,
and petrifaction.
Contingent Energy Resist Spell VSM Energy damage triggers a resist energy spell.
Delay Spell VDH VS The target cannot cast spells while affected.
Dismissal PHB VS Forces a creature to return to its native plane.
Dispel Water Sand VS Cancels water spells and effects or dismisses water
Dispelling Breath Spell S Your breath weapon acts as a targeted dispel magic to
all creatures in its area.
Duelward Spell VSM Grants a +4 bonus on Spellcraft checks, counterspell
as an immediate action.
Energy Buffer TaB VS Grants you protection from any energy type.
Energy Shield D2 VSM Allows you to convert unused spell levels to heal hit
point damage as its being dealt.
Field of Resistance PHB2 VS Zone provides SR 11 + caster level.
Guardian Trumpet WB183 VSF As alarm, except it always activates both auditory
and mental alarms. The sound is that of a trumpet.
You can sense the location of the intruder.
Imprison Possessor BoVD VS Subject that can possess creatures is trapped in the
current body.
Indominability Spell VS Subject cant be reduced below 1hp.
Ironguard, Lesser Spell VSM Subject becomes immune to nonmagical iron.
Mana Flux PHB2 VS Magic in area has 20% failure chance.
Mordenkainens Private S PHB VSM Prevents anyone from viewing or scrying an area for
24 hours.
Nezrams Sapphire S of S FR:Lost VSM As shield, except it also grants DR 10/magic.
Planar Tolerance Spell V Provides long-term protection against planar traits.
Reciprocal Gyre Spell VSM Creature or object take 1d12 damage/level (max
25d12) of spell affecting it.
Refusal Spell VSM Spellcasters and creatures with spell-like abilities are
prevented from entering an area.
Scry Trap EberrM VSM If a scry sensor comes near the creature, the caster of
the sensor takes 1d6 damage/CL (max 15d6) and is
blinded. The caster must also make a CL check or the
scrying spell used is dispelled.
Shard Blessing Aura FrChV VSM As lesser globe of invulnerability, except if you are a
sorcerer and worship Selne, you also gain the
benefits of protection from evil.
Skin of the Steel Dragon FrChV VSM Grants you a SR 10+CL; plus +5 saves if a sorcerer.
Soul Anchor RPH VS Permanently binds a creatures life force to an area.
Spell Magnet PGSL VSM The target of this spell becomes an automatic target
for all spells cast within 100 feet of it.
Spell Theft CS VS Dispel spells on the target and gain their benefit.
Spurn Supernatural ToM VST Temporarily suppress a creatures supernatural ability
with a successful Truespeak check.
Symbol of Spell Loss Spell VS Triggered rune absorbs spells yet to be cast.
Telepathy Block BoED VS Block telepathic communication within 80ft-radius.
Temporal Repair Dr350 VSM Prevents any nearby time-altering effects to occur.
Temporal Sphere DLLT VSM Creates a simmering sphere that makes you
invulnerable to effects from outside the sphere.
Vanishing Weapon BoED Weapons touch dispels summoned or quasi-real
Wall of Dispel Magic Spell VS Creatures passing through a transparent wall become
subjects of a target dispel magic.
Watchware FR:UE VSM You know how the object is disturbed and by whom.
Zone of Respite Spell VSM Prevents teleportation and similar effects from
functions in the area.
Abjuration (Shadow)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shadow Tentacle, Greater FrLoD S As lesser shadow tentacle, except stronger and has a
farther reach.
Conjuration- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Call Undead V DAM VSF Calls an undead creature to fight for you.
Conjuration (Calling)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Call Dretch Horde BoVD VS So Summons 2d4 dretches.
Call Faithful Horde BoED VS Ab Ce Summons 1d4 lantern archons, coure eladrins, or
musteval guardinals.
Call Lemure Horde BoVD VS So Summons 2d4 lemures.
Call Nightmare BoVD VS So Summons a nightmare.
Call Zelekhut Spell VSX A zelekhut performs one duty for you.
Dragon Ally, Lesser Spell VX Exchange services with a 9 HD dragon.
Halasters Fetch II FR:CoS VSF Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you, but
creature stays afterwards as a wandering monster.
Planar Binding, Lesser PHB VS Traps extraplanar creature of 6 HD or less until it
performs a task.
Truename Binding, Lesser ToM VSXT As lesser planar binding, except the creature must be
CR 6 or less and know the creatures truename.
Conjuration (Creation)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Acid Rain HeroB VSM A 20ft-radius cylinder that deals 7d6 acid damage.
Acid Sheath Spell VSMF Sheath of acid damages those who attack you,
enhances acid spells.
Arc of Lightning Spell VSM Line of electricity arcs between two creatures (1d6
electricity damage/level).
Battle Tentacles Dr344 VSM Create a field of black tentacles that leash out at any
creatures within the area, dealing 2d6+4 damage.
Black Stench of Laogzed Dr342 VSM Create a foul, black cloud that deals 1d6 acid damage
per 2 CL (max 5d6) and may nauseate those within.
Blackwater Tentacle Storm VSM Create a blackwater tentacle that attacks your foes.
Cloudbank Dr307 VSM Creates a spongy solid cloud to walk on.
Cloudkill PHB VS Kills 3 HD or less; 4-6 HD save or die; 6 or more HD
take Con damage.
Cloudsleep PGSL VS Creates a cloud that causes creatures to fall asleep.
Daltims Fiery Tentacles FR:SS VSM As Evards black tentacles, except it also deals 1 fire
damage/CL (max 15) to creatures in the area.
Disk of Concordant Opp Dr338 VSM Create a disk of energy that your hurl, dealing 1d6
damage/CL (max 15d6). If a creature or object is
reduced to 0 or less hp, it is disintegrated.
Fire and Brimstone CM VSM Subject takes fire damage, might be sicked.
Hidden Lodge Spell VSF Creates a sturdy lodge camouflaged to blend into
natural surroundings.
Leomunds Billet HeroB VSM Creates a sturdy barracks.
Mailed Might of the Mage FR:Lost VSM Grants the touched creature a protective force field.
Major Creation PHB VSM As minor creation, plus stone and metal.
Mordenkainens F Hound PHB VSM Phantom dog can guard, attack
Toxic Weapon PHB2 VS Coats weapon with poison.
Vitriolic Sphere Spell VSM Potent acid deals 6d6 acid damage, plus possible
damage in following 2 rounds.
Wall of Magma Sand VSM Deals 2d6 fire damage out to 10 feet and 1d6 fire
damage out to 20 feet, passing through the wall deals
5d6 fire damage plus 1 damage/level.
Wall of Ooze BoVD VSM Creates a barrier that paralyzes and deals 2d6 damage
to those that touch it.
Wall of Stone PHB VSM Creates a stone wall that can be shaped.
Wall of Water SaltS VSM Creates a water wall that is difficult to move through.
Conjuration (Summoning)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Carrion Swarm Warc VSM Summon a swarm of vermin that deals 1d6
damage/CL (max 15d6).
Elemental Guardian Dr347 VSM Summon a lesser elemental weird to fight for you.
Leomunds Secret Chest PHB VSF Hides an expensive chest on the Ethereal Plane, you
can retrieve it at will.
Luminous Assassin PHB2 VSF As lesser luminous assassin, but the assassin is more
Phantasmal Thief Spell VSM Creates an unseen force that steals from others.
Stirge Swarm DAM VSM Summon 1d4+4 stirges/5 CL (max 4d4+16) to fight.
Summon Monster V PHB VSF Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Summon Undead V Spell VSF Summons undead to fight for you.
Conjuration (Teleportation)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Dimension Door, Greater Spell V Short-range, multiple use dimension door.
Dimension Jumper CM V Teleport up to 30 feet once/round.
Dimension Shuffle PHB2 V Teleport multiple creatures short distances within line
of sight.
Evacuation Rune CS VSM Create an invisible rune that you can teleport to.
Precipitate Breach Planar VM Creates an area where another plane intrudes.
Teleport PHB V Instantly teleport you as far as 100 miles/level.
Viscid Glob Spell VSM Ranged touch attack hurls 5ft-diameter glob of glue
at subject.
Divination- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Contact Other Plane PHB V Lets you ask one question of an extraplanar entity.
Dark Sentinels VanR VF A flock of blackbirds seek out and land on the nearest
undead creature.
Death Deductions, Greater SAC VSM As death deductions, except you can determine if the
item was magical or an artifact. It also identifies the
exact source if not an item, such as poison or a spell.
Prying Eyes PHB VSM Creates 1d4 +1/level floating eyes to scout for you.
Rarys Telepathic Bond PHB VSM Link lets allies communicate.
Share Sight WarL VSF Allows you the ability to share the visual sense with
another creatures eyes, and they yours.
Spirit Sight MagR VS Detect the presence of nearby spirit creatures.
Divination (Scrying)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Flowsight Storm VSM You scry creatures in contact with a body of water.
Enchantment- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Dance of the Kami MagR VS Forces a creature to sing and dance, reducing his
ability to act during a round.
Incite Riot PHB2 V Subjects attack nearest creature.
Seething Blood HOS VM Makes target permanently hostile towards another.
Enchantment (Charm)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Charm Person, Mass Dr312 VS As charm person, except it affects a number of
humanoids whose HD does not exceed your CL.
Circle of Friends WB54 VSM As glyph of warding, except its always a spell glyph
with charm monster cast in it.
Enchantment (Compulsion)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Dominate Person PHB VS Controls humanoid telepathically.
Emotional Brew DAM VSF Create a gallon of liquid that has various mental
effects on those that drink.
Everlasting Terror Dr308 VS Dr Causes a creature already panicked by a dragon to
become permanently afraid of the dragon.
Feeblemind PHB VSM Subjects Int and Cha drop to 1.
Glimpse of Eternity EberrM VSM Bring the creatures past memories back to mind,
dealing 1d6 nonlethal damage/CL (max 15d6).
Hold Monster PHB VSM As hold person, but any creature.
Insidious Suggestion RoE VS Suggestion repeats over and over in creatures mind.
Mind Fog PHB VS Subject in fog gets -10 penalty to Wis and Will saves.
Power Word, Disable RotD V Reduces a living creature with 50 or less hp to 0 hp.
Sleep Mote Sand VSM Dust devil of magic sand puts foes to sleep.
Symbol of Sleep PHB VSM Triggered rune puts nearby creatures into slumber.
Torture Dr348 VS Force the target to answer questions truthfully or
suffer excruciating pain.
Evocation- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Area of Night PGSL VS The object radiates natural darkness in a shaped area.
Awaken from Afar WB179 V Activate spell trigger items from a distance.
Ball Lightning Spell VSM Energy ball deals 1d6 electricity damage/level.
Bigbys Interposing Hand PHB VSF Hand provides cover against one opponent.
Boreal Wind Frost VM A gust of cold wind deals 1d4 cold damage/CL and
knocks creatures back.
Breath of the Deep CallC V The targets lungs fill with water, drowning it.
Burning Gaze WaySh VS Stun creatures by just looking into their eyes.
Cacophonic Burst Spell VS Noise deals 1d6 sonic damage/level to all within area.
Cacophonic Shield Spell VS Shield 10ft from you blocks sounds, deals 1d6 sonic
damage +1/level, deafens creatures passing through.
Channeled Sound Blast CM VS Deal sonic damage in cone; area and damage increase
based on the casting time.
Choking Claw WB180 VSF Create a claw that attempts to fight for you.
Continual Darkness LTK VS Causes the object to permanently radiate darkness.
Coat of Arms CM VS Surround yourself with blades of force.
Cone of Cold PHB VSM Deals 1d6 cold damage/level.
Cyclonic Blast Spell VSF Deals 1d6 damage/level, knocks down creatures.
Dolor Dr336 VS Increase your Cha bonus with a planar binding spell.
Electric Vengeance, Great PHB2 VS As electric vengeance, but 5d8 damage plus 1/level
(max 5d8+15) and dazes subject.
Emerald Burst BoED VSM 20ft-radius burst dazes neutral creatures for 1 round,
stuns evil creatures for 1d4 rounds.
Fire Shield, Mass Spell VSM Creatures attacking allies take damage; allies are
protected from fire or cold.
Firebrand Spell VSM One 5ft-burst/level deals 1d6 fire damage/level plus
burning for 1 round.
Fireburst, Greater Spell VSM Subjects within 15 feet take 1d10 fire damage/level.
Flaywind Burst Sand VSM Blows away and knocks down smaller creatures and
deals 1d6 damage/level.
Icy Sphere Dr317 VS Launch a ball of ice that deals 1d6 cold damage/CL
(max 15d6) and may paralyze those in its path.
Jumpgout FR:CoS V Creates a vertical pillar of flame that deals 1d6 fire
damage/CL (max 15d6); you can teleport nearby.
Lichbane Daggers VanR VS Fire bolts of energy at creatures, dealing damage
based on their creature type.
Meteor D2 VS Deals 3d6 untyped damage plus 1d6 fire damage/CL
(max 3d6 damage plus 15d6 fire damage) to all those
within a 20ft-radius burst.
Mind Transfer CallC VS Permanently switch bodies with someone else.
Moonbow Spell VSM Three motes of electricity each deal 1d6 electricity
damage/2 levels to subjects.
Prismatic Ray Spell VS Ray of light blinds subject, deals random effect.
Radiance PHB2 VS Creates daylight that dazzles undead.
Resounding Thunder CM VS Lasting sound deals 4d6 sonic damage/round, deafens
creatures within the area.
Sending PHB VSM Delivers short message anywhere, instantly.
Shard Storm Spell VSM Blast deals 3d6 damage to creatures in area.
Shock Wave PGSL VSF Electrifies all creatures in a 60ft-cone, dealing 1d6
damage/CL (maximum 15d6).
Shrieking Blast HeroB VSM Unleash a sonic blast that deals 8d6 sonic damage
and permanently deafens all creatures in the area.
Shroud of Flame Spell VSM Foe bursts into flames, taking 2d6 fire damage/round.
Sonic Rumble Spell VSF Cone of sound deals damage.
Sonic Shield PHB2 VS +4 deflection bonus to AC; deals 1d8 sonic damage
and pushes back creatures that hit you in melee.
Sonic Wave Dr304 V Create a 15ft-wide wave of sound that deals 1d6
sonic damage/CL (max 15d6) to all creatures and
unattended objects in the area.
Spill Over VSH VS All damage dealt to the target in excess to its total hp,
is transferred to the nearest creature.
Storm Touch EberrM VS Deal 9d6 electricity to one touched creature per
round/CL, plus may stun the creature.
Streamers FR:SS VSM Create one streamer plus 3/CL beyond 9th-level (max
4), each of these streamers make an attack of
opportunity when the target takes any action.
Sunlight Dr340 VS Object shins like intense, natural sunlight.
Wall of Force PHB VSM Wall is immune to damage.
Wall of Limbs Spell VS Whirling limbs deal 5d6 damage and grab at
creatures trying to pass through.
Evocation/Transmutation- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Lord of the Sky DragM VS Gain flight and one use of lightning bolt; slow
airborne creatures.
Illusion (Figment)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Persistent Image PHB VSF As major image, but no concentration required.
Illusion (Glamer)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
False Vision PHB VSM Fools scrying with an illusion.
Giants Guise ToHS VSM The subject appears to be as large as a giant.
Mirage Arcana PHB VS As hallucinatory terrain, plus structures.
Seeming PHB VS Changes appearance of one person/2 levels.
Illusion (Pattern)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Illusory Feast Spell VSM Subjects become dazed by illusory food.
Retributive Image CM VS Illusion deals damage to those who disbelieve it.
Illusion (Phantasm)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Dream PHB VS Sends message to anyone sleeping.
Fever Dream CM VS Illusory vision fatigues or exhausts the target, makes
spellcasting more difficult.
Friend to Foe PHB2 VSM Make subject believe its allies are its enemies.
Nightmare PHB VS Sends vision dealing 1d10 damage, fatigue.
Phantasmal Wasting ExE VS Touch causes your foe to believe he has aged and
become weaker.
Illusion (Shadow)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shadow Evocation PHB VS Mimics evocation spells below 5th level, but only
20% real.
Shadow Form Spell VSM Gains +4 bonus on Hide, Move Silently, and Escape
Artist checks, and concealment; you can move
through obstacles if you have ranks in Escape Artist.
Shadow Hand Spell VS Medium hand blocks opponents or carries items.
Shadowfade Spell VS Opens a portal to the Plane of Shadow.
Necromancy- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Animate Legion HeroB VSM Creates skeletons or zombies.
Atrophy Dr300 VSM The creature takes 1d8 Dex and Con damage, and its
limbs become nearly useless.
Battle Fright Dr309 VSM As fear, but affects creatures in a 60ft-radius burst.
Blight PHB VS Withers one plant or deals 1d6 damage/level to a
plant creature.
Body Wrack VDH VS Deal 10d6 damage to a creature, the caster has a
chance of permanently losing hit points.
Bone Spurs Dr300 VS Causes the creature to grow painful bone growths,
dealing 2d6 damage and may daze for 1 round. Each
extra round, deals 4d6 damage and 2 Dex damage.
Circlet of Enervation FR:SS VSF Creates a ring of negative energy that deals 2d6
negative damage and bestows one negative level.
Borrowed Time RPH VS If you die before a specified task, you rise as undead.
Channel the Void Dr304 VSM Increase the number of negative levels you deal by 1.
Channeled Lifetheft CM VS Fatigue, exhaust, and deal damage to the target,
depending on the casting time.
Choking Sands Sand VSM Touched creature begins to suffocate on sand.
Corpsebond Dr300 VSM Dg Bind a corpse to you, absorbing damage and spells.
Cryptwardens Grasp CM VS Bestow mummy rot with your touch.
Curse of the Rat-Thing CallC VS Transforms a corpse into a rat-thing.
Curse the Magi ToHS VSM Place a curse on a spellcaster, making them unable to
cast arcane spells and possibly take 4 Con damage.
Death Throes Spell VS Your body explodes when you die.
Disanimate Dr304 VS The target is destroyed if an undead or construct,
otherwise it takes 3d6 damage plus 1/CL.
Extract Gift FC1 VSMX Transfer the essence of a demon into a willing
creature to grant it various abilities.
Feign Undeath VanR VSM Temporarily transforms the creature into a zombie.
Fleshshiver Spell VSM Subject is stunned for 1 round, takes 1d6
damage/level, and is nauseated for 1d4+2 rounds.
Fog of Fear DAM VSM As fog cloud, except those within may become
panicked or frightened.
Gelid Blood Frost VSM Subject takes a -4 penalty on AC, attacks, and Str-
and Dex-related checks, and has a 50% failure with
spells that have somatic components.
Ghost Storm WB103 VS A storm of swirling spirits that slays those within.
Graymantle Spell VSM Inhibits creatures ability to heal and regenerate.
Haunt Shift LM VSM Turn undead into haunting presences.
Leech Ghost Skill WB11 VSM Binds a ghost to magic tattoo on a creatures back.
Magic Jar PHB VSF Enables possession of another creature.
Miasma of Entropy Spell VS Rot all natural materials in 30ft-cone-shaped burst.
Necrotic Burst LM VSF Encysted subject killed, cyst begins to roam.
Nights Caress Spell VS Foe takes 1d6 damage/level plus 1d6+2 Con damage.
Necrotic Spell Bomb FrChR VSM Throw a humanoid skull that explodes delivering 1d4
negative levels to living creatures in the area.
Orb of Dancing Death EberrM VSM Creates a black orb that delivers negative levels for 1
round/CL to a living creature that is struck.
Plague Cloud Dr309 VSM As contagion, except that it affects a 100ft-radius.
Soul Shackles BoVD VSF Lo Imprison soul of a dead creature in a talisman from
which the caster can question it.
Soul Trap CallC VSF Trap a creatures soul into a specially made talisman.
Spectral Hand, Greater Dr304 VS As spectral hand, except that it can channel up to
6th-level spells and any touch related attacks.
Spiritwall Spell VSM Wall of spirits cause panic, deals 1d10 damage, may
bestow negative level if passed through.
Stop Heart BoVD S Dr Subject drops to -8 hp immediately.
Suppress Legacy WeL VS Target temporarily loses legacy abilities of one item.
Symbol of Pain PHB VSM Triggered rune wracks nearby creatures with pain.
Thalassemia Storm VS Turns blood to seawater, dealing 1d6 damage/CL.
Touch of Vecna CM VS Deal negative damage and paralyze with your touch.
Traitors Death WarL VSF You bind a creature to a magical promise, that if
broken, the creature is reduced to -1 hp and is dying.
Transfer Essence ToHS VSM Drain the life force from one creature into another.
Transfusion Dr339 VSM Drain the ability scores from a creature into yourself.
Waves of Fatigue PHB VS Several targets become fatigued.
Will of the Revenant VDH VSM A creature that died within the last 24 hours can
continue to function as if alive towards a specified
purpose. They decay as a normal corpse would.
Wrack Spell VS Renders creature helpless with pain.
Transmutation- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Airy Water Storm SM Turns normal water into a breathable substance;
negate underwater movement and attack penalties.
Animal Growth PHB VS One animal/two levels doubles in size.
Arcane Staff ToHS VSF Store spells of up to 4th-level, in a non-magical
quarterstaff for later use.
Become Spectral Hunter CallC VS Transform a willing creature into an invisible
monster that is under your control.
Bite of the Wereboar Spell VSM You gain the Strength and attacks of a wereboar.
Blink, Greater Spell VS Controlled blinking between the Material Plant and
Ethereal Plane grants defenses for 1 round/level.
Blink, Improved CD VS As blink, but safer and with more control.
Breath Weapon Subs Spell S Your breath weapon deals a different kind of damage.
Burning Blood Drac VS Your blood deals energy damage to nearby creatures
when you are struck.
Burning Water Dr308 VS Dr Transform water into acid.
Clear Sailing SaltS VS Reduce the effects of nearby storms.
Construct Essence RoE VS As lesser construct essence, but grants more qualities
of the construct type.
Create Chosen One FrMon VSM Transform a human into a chosen one.
Dancing Blade PHB2 VSF A weapon attacks on its own.
Draconic Might Spell VS Gain +5 enhancement bonus to Str, Con, and Cha, +4
enhancement bonus to natural armor, immunity to
magic sleep and paralysis.
Draconic Polymorph Drac V As polymorph, but improved.
Dragonsight Spell VSF Gain low-light vision, darkvision, and blindsense.
Earth Reaver Spell VS Eruption deals 7d6 damage to all in area.
Enlarge Person, Greater Spell VSM As enlarge person, except lasts 10 minutes/level.
Ethereal Breath Spell S Your breath weapon manifests on the Ethereal Plane.
Etherealness, Swift PHB2 VS Subject momentarily becomes ethereal.
Extra Ability Dr304 VSM You gain an additional use of one 4th-level or lower
spell-like ability.
Fabricate PHB VSM Transforms raw materials into finished items.
Fiendform Spell VSM Assume form and abilities of fiendish creature,
demon, or devil.
Flaying Tendrils CM VS You grow mind flayer tentacles, which you can use
to attack your foes.
Flesh to Ice Frost VSM Turns subject into a statue of ice.
Flesh to Salt Sand VSM Turns subject into a statue of salt.
Fly, Mass Spell VS One creature/level flies at speed of 60ft.
Focal Stone WB204 VSM Cast a spell into a gem for later use.
Frost Vortex WB178 V Creates a snowflake that that explodes, dealing 1d4
cold damage/CL (max 10d4) and may also be slowed.
Gentle Breath WB183 V Creates a cone of clouds that slows and feather falls
all flying and falling creatures in the area.
Globular Hoard DragK VSM Binds nearby unattended objects into a single object.
Gutsnake Spell VSF A 10 foot tentacle grows from your stomach and
attacks you enemies.
Heart of Fire CM VS Gain +10ft to land speed, fire resistance 10, and use
fire shield once.
Ice Shape Frost VSM Sculpts ice into any shape.
Ice to Flesh Frost VSM Restores a frozen creature.
Involuntary Shapeshifting RoE VS If able to do so, target must change shape.
Keelhaul SaltS VSM Causes the creature to be dragged counterclockwise
along the bottom of a ship multiple times.
Levitate, Greater WB204 VSF As levitate, except up to 1,000 lbs/CL extra weight.
Lightning Leap CM V Transform into a bolt of lightning, damaging foes and
transporting yourself.
Lobotomize Dr339 VSM Cause a creature to forgot the use of an ability.
Lucent Lance Spell VSF Ambient light forms lance, deals various damage.
Magic Weapon, Great Legion EberrM VSM As greater magic weapon, except affects all allies
weapons within a 20ft radius.
Night Fighter PGSL VSM Grants +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity, low-light
vision, and make no sound when moving or touching
or bumping it objects.
Nightstalkers Transform Spell VSM Gain +4 enhancement bonus to Dex, +3 luck bonus to
AC, +5 luck bonus on Reflex saves, +3d6 sneak
Attack damage, and evasion.
Off the Mirror PGSL VSM Simultaneously replace the target with a clone and
teleport the target to another plane.
Overland Flight PHB VS You fly at a speed of 40 ft and can hustle over long
Passwall PHB VSM Creates passage through wood or stone wall.
Poison Weapon Dr304 SF Coats a weapon in a creatures natural venom.
Raise Hummock WB97 VSM Permanently raises a low mound in swampy terrain.
Reduce Person, Greater Spell VSM As reduce person, except lasts 10 minutes/level.
Resonating Resistance BoVD V Fd Foes must check spell resistance twice against you.
Revitalize Legacy, Lesser WeL VSF Get extra use of chosen lesser legacy ability.
Rivers Ravaging Flood DLLT VSM As river ravages, except it strikes all within the area.
Sakkratars Triple Strike FR:Lost VSM Grants one creature/CL two extra attacks when using
a full attack action.
Shape Metal FR:Race VSM As stone shape, except affects metal.
Spell Matrix, Lesser Spell VSF Magical matrix stores a 3rd-level or lower spell to be
cast later as a quickened spell.
Spitting Cobra Dr330 VSF Spray a stream of snake venom at one target/round.
Stunning Breath Spell S Your breath weapon also stuns creatures for 1 round.
Surefooted Stride, Mass Spell VS As surefooted stride, but multiple subjects.
Swarm Form Dr280 V You take the form of a summon swarm spell.
Sympathetic Energies RCS VS Transfer a 4th-level or lower spell currently affecting
you to another legal target within range.
Telekinesis PHB VS Moves object, attacks creature, or hurls object or
Third Eye PGSL VSM Grants you a third eye that cannot be blinded, has
darkvision 60 feet and see invisibility.
Touch of Adamantine BoED VS Weapons gains the properties of adamantine.
Touch of Chaos ExE VSM Touched foe transforms into mass of quivering flesh.
Transformation of t Deep Storm VSM Grant one creature/3 CL water breathing, darkvision,
and pressure immunity.
Transmute Mud to Rock PHB VSM Transmutes two 10ft-cubes/level.
Transmute Rock to Mud PHB VSM Transmutes two 10ft-cubes/level.
Transmute Sand to Glass Sand VSM Transmutes two 10ft-cubes/level.
Transmute Sand to Stone Sand VSM Transmutes two 10ft-cubes/level.
Transmute Stone to Sand Sand VSM Transmutes two 10ft-cubes/level.
Unearthly Heat Sand VS Target is subjected to unearthly heat.
Unfettered Heroism RoE V Spend more that one action point per round, plus gain
one free action point per round.
Unicorn Blood CM VS Gain immunity to poison, compulsion, and charm
effects; bestow temporary hp once.
Unspeakable Oath CallC S You gain a permanent +1 bonus to Intelligence per
year or each time you level up.
Unstoppable Energy Dr308 VS Dr The next source of energy damage you deal ignores
all forms of protection, except for natural immunities.
Vulnerability Spell VS Reduces an opponents damage reduction.
Wither Limb CallC VS Makes the targets arms or legs completely useless.
Xorn Movement Spell VSF Touched creature swims through earth like a xorn.
Zone of Peace City VSM As peacebond, except affects all within an area.
Transmutation (Polymorph)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Baleful Polymorph PHB VS Transforms subject into harmless animal.
Dridershape Drow VS Dw You take the form and abilities of a drider.
Form of the Desert Hunter DragM VS Take the form of a dragonne.
Form of the Threefold B CM VS You take the form of a chimera.
Spider Form, Greater Drow VS You take the form and abilities of a Huge fiendish
monstrous spider.
Transmutation (Teleportation)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Lutzaens Frequent Jaunt FR:Mag V Short-range, multiple-use dimension door.
Snatchport WB185 V As teleport, except only affects an object.
Universal- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Permanency PHB VSX Makes certain spells permanent.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----
6th-level- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Abjuration- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Anticipate Teleport, Great Spell VSF Predict and delay the arrival of creatures teleporting
into range by 3 rounds.
Antimagic Field PHB VSM Negates magic within 10 feet.
Aura of Evasion Spell VSM All within 10 feet gain evasion vs. breath weapons.
Create Barrier of Naach-Tith CallC VS Creatures a barrier that blocks creatures and spells.
Disjoin DragL VSX Removes magic from an item, possibly permanently.
Dispel Magic, Greater PHB VS As dispel magic, but max +20 on check.
Ensnarement Dr336 VSM Augments the effects of a magic circle spell when
used with planar binding spell.
Globe of Invulnerability PHB VSM As lesser globe of invulnerability, plus 4th-level spell
Guards and Wards PHB VSMF Array of magic effects protect area.
Hidden Truename ToM VST Subjects personal truename is hard to discover
through research.
Impotent Possessor BoVD VS Subject that can possess is rendered powerless.
Karmic Retribution CM V Any foe damaging you becomes stunned for 1 round.
Magic Circle vs. Chaos, Great VDH VSM As magic circle against chaos, except double the
bonuses and 24 hrs/level.
Magic Circle vs. Evil, Great VDH VSM As magic circle against evil, except double the
bonuses and 24 hrs/level.
Magic Circle vs. Good, Great VDH VSM As magic circle against good, except double the
bonuses and 24 hrs/level.
Magic Circle vs. Law, Great VDH VSM As magic circle against law, except double the
bonuses and 24 hrs/level.
Portal Seal FRCS VSM Permanently closes a gate or portal.
Prismatic Aura CM VS Shield of colors offers concealment and damages
your attackers.
Repel Ectoplasm Ghost VS As repel wood, except affects ectoplasm only.
Repulsion PHB VSF Creatures cant approach you.
Resistance, Superior Spell VSM Subject gains a +6 resistance bonus on saving throws.
Ruby Ray of Reversal Spell VSF Ray negates magical or mundane hazards.
Seal Portal Spell VSM Seal an interplanar portal or gate.
Sign of Sealing, Greater Spell VSM Magical sigil protects door, chest, or open space,
deals 1d6 damage/level (max 20d6) if opened.
Snare Astral Traveler BoVD VS Captures one astral creature and holds it motionless.
Spell Resistance, Greater Dr304 VSM Add your caster level you a creatures existing SR.
Starmantle BoED VSM Cloak of stars destroys nonmagical weapons in
contact, and allows a Reflex save (DC 15) to reduce
damage from magic weapons by half.
Transcribe Symbol Spell VSF Safely moves an untriggered magical symbol to
another location.
Conjuration- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Call Undead VI DAM VSF Calls an undead creature to fight for you.
Conjuration (Calling)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Alert Bebilith BoVD VSM Calls a bebilith to attack a nearby demon.
Contact Creature CallC VSX Conjure a number of extraplanar beings.
Halasters Fetch III FR:CoS VSF Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you, but
creature stays afterwards as a wandering monster.
Planar Binding PHB VS As lesser planar binding, but up to 12 HD.
Conjuration (Creation)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Acid Fog PHB VSM Fog deals acid damage.
Acid Storm Spell VSM 1d6 acid damage/level (max 15d6) in a 20ft-radius.
Conjure Midnight Const. MoI VSME Shape a construct from incarnum to fight for you.
Dust Storm PGSL VSM Create a cloud of dust to hinders sight and breathing.
Freezing Fog Spell VS Fog slows creatures, obscures vision, and hinders
Mordenkainens T. B. Hound CM VSM Create a ferocious hound that tracks and attacks foes.
Mudslide Storm VSM Landslide buries, mires creatures within 40ft-radius.
Shalanthas Delicate Disk FR:Lost VSM Stores 5th-level or lower spell in an egg, until broken.
Small Stronghold Dr309 VSM Creates a small temporary keep.
Spore Cloak FR:Race VSM You are concealed by a cloud of yellow mold spores.
Tunnel Swallow Spell VSM Tunnels peristaltic convulsions deal 1d6
damage/level (max 15d6).
Wall of Gears Spell VSM Creates a wall of moving gears that deals 1d6
damage/2 levels to creatures within 10 feet.
Wall of Iron PHB VSM Creates a wall, 30 hp/4 levels; can topple onto foes.
Wall of Maggots Dr300 VSM Creates a wall of writhing maggots that deals 1d4
damage/2 levels (max 10d4) to those in contact.
Conjuration (Summoning)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Brain Slave of Ilsensine Dr342 VSM Summons one or more green floating brains that
attack and grapple nearby foes.
Call of Twilight Defender DragM V Summon a twilight guardian to fight for you.
Fire Spiders Spell VSM Swarm of Fine fire elementals deals fire damage.
Steal Summoning CM VS Take control of another casters summoned monster.
Summon Monster VI PHB VSF Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Conjuration (Teleportation)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Familiar Refuge CM V Safely teleport self to your familiar or vice versa.
Frame Teleport WB185 VF As teleport, except that you teleport between a pair of
wooden frames.
Gemjump Spell VSF Teleport to the location of a specially prepared gem.
Shuffle FR:SS VS Subjects can teleport short distances as move actions.
Stormwalk Storm VS Teleport you and one creature/2 levels from a storm.
Tactical Teleportation CM VS Teleport one creature/3 levels a short distance.
Trobiands Baleful Teleport FR:CoS V As teleport, except only affects one creature.
Divination- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Analyze Dweomer PHB VSF Reveals magical aspects of subject.
Eyes of the Oracle DragM VSM Gain +2 bonus to AC and Reflex saves; ready one
extra action.
Glimpse of Prophecy EberrM VS Grants +1 insight to AC and saves. Expend spell to
gain an insight bonus/2 level (max +10) to one save.
Interplanar Telepath Bond Spell VSM Link lets allies communicate across planes.
Legend Lore PHB VSMF Lets you learn tales about a person, place, or thing.
Probe Thoughts Spell VS Read subjects memories, one question/round.
River Watch DLLT VS Notice the disturbances of time-based effects.
True Seeing PHB VSM Lets you see all things as they really are.
Divination (Scrying)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Eye of Stone RoS VS As arcane eye, but the eye can move through stone.
Scry Location CS VSMF Spy on a distant location.
Enchantment- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Cloak of Hate HeroH VSM All NPCs view the target with hostility.
Ensnare the Heart DAM VS As charm person, except the effects are permanent.
Freezing Glance Frost VS Gaze freezes subjects in place.
Enchantment (Charm)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Symbol of Persuasion PHB VSM Triggered rune charms nearby creatures.
Enchantment (Compulsion)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Control Elemental EberrM VS Verbally command an elemental creature.
Displace Memory ToHS VSM Temporarily replace a specific memory.
Endless Slumber CM VSM Subject falls asleep and is not easily roused.
Geas/Quest PHB V As lesser geas, plus it affects any creature.
Heroism, Greater PHB VS Gives +4 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks;
immunity to fear; temporary hp.
Lunacy Dr340 VSM Subject permanently suffers from a random mental
disorder that triggers on the next full moon.
Overwhelm PHB2 VS Nonlethal damage knocks out subject.
Power Word, Halt SAC V Stops one creature with 50 hp or less from moving.
Power Word, Nauseate RotD V Makes one creature with 150 hp or less nauseated.
Remorseless Charm FrChR VSM Permanently smothers a creatures conscience.
Suggestion, Mass PHB VM As suggestion, plus one subject/level.
Symbol of Thirst Sand VSM Triggered rune overwhelms nearby creatures with
Wages of Sin BoED V Ab Evil creatures attack other evil creatures.
Enchantment/Evocation- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Stormslave Dr347 VS Binds the target in chains of lightning that deals 2d6
electricity damage/round, or willingly be charmed.
Evocation- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Bigbys Forceful Hand PHB VSF Hand pushes creatures away.
Breathball WB194 VS Sphere of wind explodes, delivering either your
breath weapon damage or a 6th-level or lower spell.
Contingency PHB VSMF Sets trigger condition for another spell.
Crushing Sphere FrAna VS As Otilukes resilient sphere, but it crushes the foe.
Enchant D2 VS You weapon deals +1 fire damage/level.
Entomb Frost VSM
Captures subjects in blocks of ice, suffocating them.
Fires of Purity Spell VS
Subject bursts into magical flame, becoming a
dangerous weapon.
Halasters Shaking Hand FR:CoS VSF As Bigbys interposing hand, except grapples another
Bigbys hand spell.
Haze of Smoldering Stone DragM VS Volcanic stones deal 4d6 bludgeoning and 8d6 fire
damage in to a 60ft-cone.
Howling Chain Spell VSF Chain of force trips and attacks opponents.
Ice Rift Frost VSM Intense quake shakes 40ft-radius spread of ice.
Lingering Flames CM VSM Eruption of fire deals 1d6 damage/level for 3 rounds.
Otilukes Freezing Sphere PHB VSF Freezes water or deals cold damage.
Overwhelming Revelations EberrM VSM Creatures take a -2d6 penalty to Wisdom, are
confused for 1 round.
Raistlins Wheel of Flame ToHS VSM Creates a stationary circle of flame that deals
increasing fire damage.
Ray of Light Spell VS Ray blinds subject.
Roaring Wall Dr308 VS Dr Create a wall of noise, that deafens those within 20ft
and deals 2d6 sonic damage to those within 10ft.
Sand Spiral Dr331 VSM Blast of sand deals 1d6 damage/level (max 15d6)
plus wounds dealt are painful.
Sandblast FrAna VSM Creatures caught in the blast take 6d8 damage and
subject to hurricane-force winds.
Storm of Fire and Ice CM VS Storm provides concealment, slows movement, and
deals cold and fire damage.
Thunder Field PHB2 VS Creatures in area take 1d8 sonic damage/round,
knocked prone.
Illusion (Figment)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Permanent Image PHB VSF Includes sight, sound, and smell.
Programmed Image PHB VSF As major image, plus triggered by an event.
Illusion (Figment and Glamer)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Mislead PHB S Turns you invisible and creates illusory double.
Illusion (Glamer)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
False Sending BoVD VSM As sending, except caster imitates someone else.
Illusory Pit Spell VS Creatures in area are knocked prone while believing
theyre falling.
Reflective Disguise, Mass Spell VS Viewers see subjects as their own species and gender.
Veil PHB VS Changes appearance of a group of creatures.
Illusion (Phantasm)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Dream Casting Spell VS Alter subjects dreams to produce desired effect.
Illusion (Shadow)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Shadow Walk PHB VS Step into shadow to travel rapidly.
Shadowy Grappler Spell VSM Illusory grapples subject.
Necromancy- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Animate Dread Warrior FR:UE VSMX Animates a dread warrior under your command.
Animate Undead Legion Dr309 VSM Creates massive numbers of skeletons or zombies
from nearby corpses under your command.
Ashen Union Sand VSM Drains moisture from a creature, possibly killing it
and destroying its body.
Aura of Terror Spell V You gain an aura of fear, or your frightful presence
becomes more effective.
Bind Soul CallC VSF Trap subjects soul in a jar, draining his body of life.
Blackwater Taint Storm VSM Desecrate water, deal 1d6 negative energy damage/2
levels, and bestow a negative level.
Breath of Contagion Dr304 S As contagion, except as a 30ft-cone.
Channel the Mishtai, Great MoI VSE Draw a chosen mishtais soul into a creatures body
Circle of Death PHB VSM Kills 1d4 HD/level or creatures.
Contagion, Mass Spell VS As contagion, but with a 20ft-radius.
Create Undead PHB VSM Creates ghouls, ghasts, mummies, or mohrgs.
Desiccate, Mass Sand VSM Desiccate several creatures.
Dread Curse of Azathoth CallC V Drains the target of 1d3 Charisma.
Ectoplasmic Enhancement BoVD VS Incorporeal undead gains +1 AC and attack, +2 turn
resistance, and +1d8hp per 3 levels.
Eyebite PHB VSM Target becomes panicked, sickened, and comatose.
Ghoul Gauntlet Spell VS Convert victim to a ghoul under your control.
Graft Flesh Dr304 VSF Using negative energy, you either heal undead or
damage living creature, 1d8 hp +1/level (max +20).
Heartfreeze Frost VSM Subject exhausted, dies in 1d3+2 rounds.
Imperious Glare Spell S You cause subjects to cower in fear.
Incorporeal Nova Spell VS Destroy incorporeal undead.
Kyristans M. Tentacles FR:SS VSM As Evards black tentacles, except grappled creatures
also gain negative levels.
Lifesap PGSL VSM Drains a level from all creatures within 10 feet.
Mummify Sand VSM Touched living creature dies and is mummified.
Necrotic Eruption LM VSF Encysted subject killed, those nearby are damaged
and possibly encysted.
Opalescent Glare Spell VS Kill creatures with a look, or make them very afraid.
Ray of Entropy Spell VS Subject takes a -4 penalty to Str, Dex, and Con.
Revive Undead Spell VSM Restores undeath to undead that was destroyed up to
1 day/level ago.
Shadow Canopy FR:Race VSM Creates a cylinder of magical darkness that even
darkvision cannot see through.
Shadow Shield Dr322 VSM Blinds creatures attacking you in melee.
Spectral Razor CallC VS Summon a energy beam that deals 2d6 damage.
Spectral Touch Spell VS Your touch bestows one negative level/round.
Storm Prison WB112 VS Enclose a creature in a prison of crackling electricity.
Symbol of Fear PHB VSM Triggered rune panics nearby creatures.
The Seed of Qanon SU VS The two subjects each share all each other weapon
proficiencies, skills, and ability scores, using the best.
Undeath to Death PHB VSM Destroys 1d4 HD/level of undead (max 20d4).
Waves of Cold Frost VS Cf Fire creatures become shaken and cold creatures lose
immunity to cold.
Wrathful Doom MoI VS Target is dazed and takes damage each round equal to
his essentia pool.
Wyrmcone Dr344 VSM Create a cone that deals 2d4 damage/level (max
30d4), half is force, the other is the chosen energy.
Transmutation- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Bears Endurance, Mass PHB VSM As bears endurance, but affects one subject/level.
Bite of the Weretiger Spell VSM You gain the Strength and attacks of a weretiger.
Brilliant Blade Spell VS Weapon or projectile sheds light, ignore armor.
Bulls Strength, Mass PHB VSM As bulls strength, but affects one subject/level.
Call upon Drac Heritage DR304 VSF Grants various benefits if you have draconic blood.
Cats Grace, Mass PHB VSM As cats grace, but affects one subject/level.
Chasing Perfection PHB2 VSM Subject gains a +4 enhancement bonus to all abilities.
Cloak of the Sea Spell VS Gain blur, freedom of movement, and water
breathing while in water.
Control Water PHB VSM Raises or lowers bodies of water.
Curse of Split Water Dr334 VSM Permanently turn the creature into normal water.
Demonic Blood Infusion WB11 VSM Temporarily grants a creature the fiendish template.
Disintegrate PHB VSM Makes one creature or object vanish.
Eagles Splendor, Mass PHB VSM As eagles splendor, but affects one subject/level.
Electrical Form VDH VSM The subject becomes an insubstantial cloud of
electricity, but at great cost.
Empower Venom Dr304 SM The creatures poison deals +50% more ability
damage or drain.
Energy Surge, Greater PHB2 V As energy surge, but 3d6 damage.
Extract Water Elemental Spell VS Pulls water from victim, forms a water elemental.
Fiendish Quickening BoVD VS Fd Casters ability to teleport is quickened.
Flashback PGSL VS Repeat a failed or incorrect recent action.
Flashback VDH VS Erase and repeat a failed or incorrect recent action.
Flesh to Stone PHB VSM Turns subject creature into a statue.
Foxs Cunning, Mass PHB VSM As foxs cunning, but affects one subject/level.
Ghorus Toths Magnetism FR:UE VSM Turns a metallic creature or object into a magnet.
Hardening Spell VSM Increase objects hardness by 1 point/2 levels.
Make Manifest Spell S You cause a creature on a coexistent plane to appear
on your plane.
Mineralize Warrior FR:Und VSMX Grants willing subject the mineral warrior template.
Mire Dr309 VSM As transmute rock to mud, except permanent.
Move Earth PHB VSM Digs trenches and builds hills.
Move Snow and Ice Frost VSM Digs trenches and builds hills in ice and snow.
Nybor's Psychic Imprint WB168 VSM Stores a creatures mind in a gem for use in crafting.
Oozepuppet Spell VS You telekinetically control an ooze.
Owls Wisdom, Mass PHB VSM As owls wisdom, but affects one subject/level.
Quickshift BoED VS Cel Casters can use teleport or greater teleport spell-like
ability as free action for 1 round/level.
Reshape Metal DAM VSM As stone shape, except affects metal only.
Rises from the Ashes PGSL VSM Heals up to 100 hp dealt by fire to an item, even one
that has been destroyed.
Scalding Mud Sand VSM Transmute rock or earth into boiling muck.
Sherem Transformation Ghost VSMF Grants an unborn human the Kihu-Sherem Guardian,
Sherem-Lar Sorcery, or Sherezem-Lar Sorcery feat.
Smoky Confinement CM VSF Subject is imprisoned within a Tiny receptacle.
Stone Body Spell VSM Your body becomes living stone.
Stone Metamorphosis FR:Und VSM Change one existing stone type to another.
Stone to Flesh PHB VSM Restores petrified creature.
Subvert Planar Essence Spell VSM Reduces subjects DR and spell resistance.
Suppress Flame Frost VS Cf Reduces damage and illumination from fire.
Tensers Transformation PHB VSM You gain combat bonuses.
Trobiands Glassee FR:CoS VSM Makes the object as clear as glass.
World of Deafness PGSL VS Deafens all other creatures caught in 100ft-cone.
Transmutation (Polymorph)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Dragonshape, Lesser DragM VS Take the form of a Large red dragon.
Transmutation (Teleportation)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Cubehop LIF VM Teleport from one cube in Acheron to another.
Teleport Legion Dr309 VSM As teleport, except it teleports all willing creatures
within a 60ft-radius burst.
Universal- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Imbue Familiar with S. A. Spell VS Transfer spells and casting ability into your familiar.
7th-level- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Abjuration- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Antimagic Aura FR:Mag VSM Antimagic field that affects one creature.
Antimagic Ray Spell VSM Subject loses all magical powers.
Banishment PHB VSF Banishes 2 HD/level of extraplanar creatures.
Dispelling Screen, Greater Spell VSM Targeted dispel magic on any creatures and
unattended items (max +20).
Energy Absorption CM VS Target gains energy resistance 10; can turn one
energy attack into healing.
Energy Immunity Spell VS Subject and equipment gains immunity to damage of
specified energy type.
Ghost Trap Spell VS Incorporeal creatures turn corporeal.
Glacial Ward Frost VSM Cf The area around you provides SR 25 vs. fire effects.
Hide from Dragons Spell SM Dragons cant perceive one creature/2 levels.
Ironguard Spell VSMF Subject becomes immune to all metal.
Justice of the Wyrm King DragM VS Create a field of arcane force that deals 4d6 damage
to melee attackers.
Kiss of Draconic Defiance DragM VSM Hinder nearby spellcasters; counter one spell
Planar Bubble Spell VSM Creates a bubble around the creature that emulates its
native planar environment.
Reveal True Form DAM VS Force shapechangers to painfully revert to their
original forms.
Sequester PHB VSM Subject is invisible to sight and scrying, renders
creature comatose.
Spell Snare, Greater EberrM SM Dragonshard absorbs a spell or spell-like ability of up
to 6th-level.
Spell Turning PHB VSM Reflect 1d4+6 spell levels back at caster.
Spiritward DAM VSM Prevents any Ethereal travel or access in the area.
Temporal Sphere, Selective DLLT VSM As temporal sphere, except creatures leaving the
sphere are unhindered.
Conjuration- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Call Undead VII DAM VSF Calls an undead creature to fight for you.
Conjuration (Calling)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Call Kolyarut Spell VSX A Kolyarut performs one duty for you.
Dragon Ally Spell VX As lesser dragon ally, but up to 15 HD.
Fey Ring WB88 VSX Creates a ring of mushrooms and guardian fey.
Halasters Fetch IV FR:CoS VSF Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you, but
creature stays afterwards as a wandering monster.
Summon/Bind Creature CallC VS Summon a greater or lesser servitor, based on the
deity youre requesting it from.
Truename Binding ToM VSXT Enslaves extraplanar creature of CR 10 or less with
the power of its truename.
Conjuration (Creation)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Choking Cobwebs CM VS Cobwebs provide concealment, slow movement, and
sicken creatures.
Freezing Cloud Dr308 VS Dr Freezing cloud deals 3d6 cold damage to those
within, plus slow, concealment from those looking in.
Ice Castle Frost VSF Creates a castle of snow and ice with an array of
magical effects.
Incarnum Bladestorm MoI VSME Storm of blades deals Wis damage to living creatures.
Mordenkainens M Mans. PHB VSF Door leads to extradimensional mansion.
Poison of the Windspider RCS VS Creates a green cloud of gas that deals 10d6 damage,
blinds, and nauseates to those caught within.
Phase Door PHB V Creates an invisible passage through wood or stone.
Stun Ray Spell VSM Creature is stunned for 1d4+1 rounds.
Volcanic Storm WB91 VSM This fiery cloud nauseates the first round, sends red-
hot rock showers the second, and torrents of lava on
the third round.
Wall of Eyes BoVD VSM Creates a barrier that caster can see through and that
paralyzes and consumes those that touch it.
Waterspout Spell VS Water rises up into a whirling vortex that deals 3d8
damage and sucks creatures in.
Conjuration (Summoning)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Drawmijs Instant Sum. PHB VSM Prepared object appears in your hand.
Guardian of Air MagR VS Summons a pair of Small or one Medium Air
elementals to fight for you.
Guardian of Earth MagR VS
Summons a pair of Small or one Medium Earth
elementals to fight for you.
Guardian of Fire MagR VS Summons a pair of Small or one Medium Fire
elementals to fight for you.
Guardian of Water MagR VS Summons a pair of Small or one Medium Water
elementals to fight for you.
Luminous Assassin, Great PHB2 VSF As luminous assassin, but the assassin is more
Mystick Cage VanR VSF Summon and trap a fiend in an item.
Shadow Trap FrChR VSM Bind a greater shadow to an object as its guardian.
Summon Asp. of Bahamut RotD VSF Summons an aspect of Bahamut.
Summon Monster VII PHB VSF Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Conjuration (Teleportation)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Nybors Joyful Voyage WB168 V Teleports another creature to a random location.
Plane Shift PHB VSF As many as eight subjects travel to another plane.
Teleport, Greater PHB V As teleport, but no range limit and no off-target
Teleport Object PHB V As teleport, but affects a touched object.
Divination- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Adept Spirit, Mass MoI VSE One subject/level can activate bonus on caster level
checks, Will saves, Concentration checks, and Int-
based checks for 1 minute.
Arcane Sight, Greater PHB VS As arcane sight, but also reveals magic effects on
creatures and objects.
Detect Passage FW VS Detect portals to the Spirit Realm.
Fiendish Clarity FC1 VS Caster sees in magical darkness, sees invisible
creatures up to 60 feet, and can detect good.
Vision PHB VSMX As legend lore, but quicker and strenuous.
Divination (Scrying)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Arcane Eye, Greater ToHS VSM As arcane eye, plus it sees with true seeing.
Scrying, Greater PHB VS As scrying, but faster and longer.
Enchantment (Compulsion)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Crown of Despair Dr331 VSM Creatures that see you are paralyzed for 1d4 rounds.
Errant Heart HOS VM The target becomes deathly obsessed with the item.
Exation Dr336 VS Make a material sacrifice to better your odds with a
magically trapped extraplanar creature.
Geas, Mass Lesser Dr312 V As lesser geas, except multiple creatures.
Hiss of Sleep Spell V You induce comatose slumber in subjects.
Hold Person, Mass PHB VSF As hold person, but all within 30 feet.
Insanity PHB VS Subject suffers continuous confusion.
Power Word, Blind PHB V Blinds creatures with 200 hp or less.
Rebuke, Final Spell VSF As rebuke, except subject must save or die.
Symbol of Stunning PHB VSM Triggered rune stuns nearby creatures.
Symphonic Nightmare Spell VSF Discordant noise haunts subjects sleep.
Transfix Spell VSM Humanoids freeze in place until a condition you
specify is met.
Evocation- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Amber Sarcophagus BoED VSM Target is trapped in stasis inside amber.
Bigbys Grasping Hand PHB VSF Hand provides cover, pushes, or grapples.
Chilling Armor D2 VS When struck in melee, an ice bolt fires at the attacker
dealing 5d4 cold damage and possible penalties.
Concussive Fireball SaltS VSM As fireball, except half the damage is force damage,
plus it bull rushes any affected creatures.
Deep Freeze DragL VSM Slowly turn a creature into a block of ice.
Delayed Blast Fireball PHB VSM Deals 1d6 fire damage/level, you can postpone the
blast for 5 rounds.
Electrical Storm DragL VSM Bolts of lightning deal 4d6 electricity damage to all
within the area.
Emerald Flame Fist Spell VS Touch attack deals 3d6 fire damage +1/level (max
3d6+20); subject can be engulfed by flame for
additional damage.
Forcecage PHB VSM Cube or cage of force imprisons all inside.
Glorious Master of the El. DragM none Channel acid, cold, electricity, or fire into your
ranged touch attacks.
Ice Claw Spell VSF Claw of ice grapples and deals cold damage.
Mordenkainens Sword PHB VSF Floating magic blade strikes opponents.
Prismatic Eye Spell VSF Orb fires individual prismatic rays as touch attacks.
Prismatic Spray PHB VS Ray hits subjects with a variety of effects.
Radiant Assault Spell VSF Deal 1d6 damage/level, victims dazed or dazzled.
Scalding Touch EberrM VS Touch deals 13d6 fire damage and dazes victim;
usable a number of times equal to level.
Submerge Ship Spell VSF Control ship mentally while it travels underwater.
Submersion Treatment Dr339 VSM A column of freezing water paralyzes the creature,
and begins to drown it, if it doesnt hold its breath.
Thunder Storm D2 VS This storm cloud hurls lightning bolts every 2 rounds
at a random foe, dealing 6d6 points of damage.
Torment Dr336 VS Grants a +5 plus 1 per 2 levels beyond CL 13 to your
charisma check vs. magically trapped creatures. Plus
they cannot subvert their instructions.
Whirlwind of Teeth BoVD VSM Creates a moving 5ft/level cylinder that deals 1d8
damage/2 levels each round.
Illusion (Phantasm)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Mindspin ToHS VSMX Force a creature to fall asleep and become trapped in
a nightmarish dreamspace.
Solipsism Spell V Subject believes it alone exists.
Illusion (Shadow)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Project Alternate Image WB182 V As project image, except it can have any form.
Project Image PHB VSM Illusory double can talk and cast spells.
Shadow Conj, Greater PHB VS As shadow conjuration, but 6th-level and 60% real.
Simulacrum PHB VSMX Creates partially real double of a creature.
Necromancy- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Arrow of Bone Spell VSM Missile or thrown weapon gains +4 bonus, subject
takes 3d6 damage +1/level (max 3d6+20) or is slain.
Avasculate Spell VS Reduce foe to half hp and stun.
Awaken Undead Spell VSMX Grant sentience to otherwise mindless undead.
Barghests Feast Spell VSM Destroy a corpse, potentially preventing its return.
Bind Spirit DAM VSF Bind a recently deceased soul to a non-living item.
Bonemelt WB182 V Turn subject to a boneless blob.
Borrowed Time, Greater RPH VM As borrowed time, except you animate as a 4th-rank
ancient dead or ghost.
Cheat Death Dr308 VSM Dr Your soul might be transported to a Astral receptacle,
if you would be killed. Then after 1d100-CL days, it
returns to the same location, staggered.
Control Undead PHB VSM Undead dont attack you while under your command.
Dark Resurrection CallC VSM Return a creature from the dead.
Energy Ebb Spell VS Give subject 1 negative level/round for 1 round/level.
Evil Glare Spell VS Paralyze creature with your glare.
Finger of Death PHB VS Kills one subject.
Inviolate Soul VanR VS Protects you from attacks that target your soul.
Kiss of the Vampire Spell VSM You gain vampire-like supernatural abilities, but are
vulnerable to attacks that harm undead.
Necrotic Curse CM VSM Cure spells in area deal damage, living beings dont
heal with rest.
Necrotic Tumor LM VSF Permanently control encysted subject.
Pulse of Hate PHB2 VSM Nearby enemies take 2d6 damage/round.
Retributive Enervation CM VS Any living creature that strikes you in melee gains a
negative level.
Righteous Glare BoED VS Your gaze kills evil creatures with 4 or less HD,
causes fear in others.
Seed of Undeath, Greater CM VSM As seed of undeath, but affects an area.
Semblance of Life Dr304 VSM You lose many of the undead vulnerabilities.
Soul Link FC1 VSM You telepathically know where the subject is and
their condition.
Spirit Walk DragL VSF Your spirit roams the plane of existence.
Sword of Darkness Spell VSM Blade of negative energy bestows 1+ negative levels.
Symbol of Weakness PHB VSM Triggered rune weakens nearby creatures.
Vile Rebellion Dr300 VSM Your victims limbs and torso are ripped away and
animated as zombies, going insane while still in
control of only his head.
Waves of Exhaustion PHB VS Several targets become exhausted.
Whirlwind of Bones Dr284 VSM Creates a whirling cylinder of bones that deals 1d6
damage plus 1/level (max 1d6+10) to any creature
in the area. Half bludgeoning, half negative energy.
Transmutation- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Adamantine Wings CM VS Wings grant fly 60ft, and provide natural attacks.
Animalistic Power, Mass PHB2 VSM As animalistic power, but multiple subjects.
Animate Breath Spell S Your breath weapon becomes an elemental.
Arcane Staff, Greater ToHS VSF As arcane staff, except up to 6th-level spells and add
your spellcasting modifier to the number of spell
levels that can be stored in the staff.
As the Frost PHB2 VSM Transform into a creature of cold.
Bite of the Werebear Spell VSM You gain the Strength and attacks of a werebear.
Body of War Spell VSM You change into a warforged titan, gaining some of
its abilities.
Brilliant Aura Spell VS Allies weapons become brilliant energy.
Call Upon Celestial Herit Dr304 VSF Grants various benefits if you have celestial blood.
Changestones FR:Und VSF Prepared stones become liths.
Control Weather PHB VS Changes weather in local area.
Create Self-Ward CallC VSM Grants DR 10/magic, in replace of slower healing.
Eladrin Form BoED V You become an incorporeal globe.
Elemental Body Spell VSM You take on the qualities of a type of elemental.
Energy Transformation F. Spell VSMX Area absorbs magic to power a predetermined spell.
Ethereal Jaunt PHB VS You become ethereal for 1 round/level.
Expeditious Excavation WB103 VSMF Move all loose gravel and rubble to another location.
Eye of the Beholder BoVD VS Casters eye gains a random beholder ray.
Flesh to Salt, Mass Sand VSM Turns several creatures into statues of salt.
Glass Strike Spell VSF Turns subject into glass.
Gold Finger WB132 VSM Any non-magical object you touch becomes gold
Heighten Venom Dr304 SM Increase the save DC of your poison by 2 or more.
Mind of Another WB144 VSM Moves a creatures mind into the body of an
aberration, animal, fey, giant, humanoid, magical
beast, monstrous humanoid, or vermin.
Nar Demonbind FR:Lost VSMX Another creature gains the half-fiend template.
Open Lesser Chakra MoI VS Allow target to bind to its arms, brow, crown, feet,
hands, or shoulders chakra.
Reverse Gravity PHB VSM Objects and creatures fall upward.
Spell Matrix Spell VSF Stores up to two spells of 3rd-level or lower to be
released later.
Statue PHB VSM Subject can become a statue at will.
Steal Life CallC VS Drain 1 ability score each round from a victim, if it is
the night of a full moon, you become younger.
Stone Shape, Greater Spell VSM Sculpts 10 cu. feet +10/level of stone into any shape.
Stone Trap FR:SS VSM Causes a massive stone block to hover and fall on
someone when the trap is sprung.
Synostodweomer Spell VS Channel a spell into positive energy to cure 1d8
hp/spell level.
Timeheal ToHS VSMX Heal a creature by moving it back in time.
Tomb of Light BoED VSM Entraps and harms evil extraplanar creatures.
Unicorn Heart CM VS Gain speed 60ft, +4 bonus on Str-, Dex-, and Con-
based checks; use dimension door once.
Vitrify Sand VSM Melts sand into glass.
Wandering Soul CallC VS While you sleep, your ethereal spirit roams the world.
Wave of Destruction PGSL VSM Break all objects in the area, plus deal 1d6
damage/level (max 20d6) to constructs in the area.
Universal- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Arcane Spellsurge DragM VS Reduce the casting time of your arcane spells.
Limited Wish PHB VSX Alters realitywithin spell limits.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----
8th-level- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Abjuration- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Chain Dispel PHB2 VSM Dispel multiple magical effects in multiple creatures.
Dimensional Lock PHB VS Teleportation and interplanar travel blocked.
Elder Sign CallC VSF Permanently forbid minions of the Great Old Ones
and Outer gods from passing through the symbols.
Expunge the Supernatural ToM VSXT Permanently removes a foes supernatural ability.
Freedom of Passage Du100 VSF As freedom of movement, plus you can bypass
dimensional barriers.
Mind Blank PHB VS Subject is immune to mental/emotional magic and
Mystic Shield FrAna VSM Protects the target from spells of 6th-level and lower.
Mysterious Redirection CM VS Attacks against you have a 50% chance to strike an
adjacent target instead.
Prismatic Wall PHB VS Walls colors have array of effects.
Protection from Spells PHB VSMF Confers +8 resistance bonus.
Shun the Dark Chaos FC1 VSX Replaces the targets Abyssal Heritor feats with other
Soulbanned Zone MoI VS Create an immobile area that blocks all incarnum
effects for 10 min/level.
Spell Resistance, Greater LTK VSF Grants creature or object SR 14+CL.
Spell Star Dr338 VSM Counters any of the stored 6th-level or lower spells.
Truename Dispel ToM VST As dispel magic, except affects creature only, you
learn each ongoing spell, and automatically dispel
effects with a successful Truespeak check.
Tune Tomb WB100 VSM Traps creature within a sand dune for 1 day/level.
Wall of Greater Dispel M Spell VS Creatures passing through a transparent wall become
subject of targeted greater dispel magic.
Conjuration- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Call Undead VIII DAM VSF Calls an undead creature to fight for you.
Deadly Lahar CM VS Create a wave of molten rock that sticks to creatures.
Maze PHB VS Traps subject in extradimensional maze.
Conjuration (Calling)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Halasters Fetch V FR:CoS VSF Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you, but
creature stays afterwards as a wandering monster.
Planar Binding, Greater PHB VSX
As lesser planar binding, but up to 18 HD.
Conjuration (Creation)- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
Conjure Great Midnight C MoI VSME
Shape a construct from incarnum to fight for you.
Fistandantiluss Portal DragL VSMX
Create a temporary portal between two locations.
Hydra D2 VSThree hydra heads sprout from the ground, each head
can fire two fire bolts or one fireball per round.
Incendiary Cloud PHB VS Cloud deals 4d6 fire damage/round.
Lava Spikes Dr294 VS Fiery stone deals 10d6 fire damage and 3d6 impact
damage to multiple creatures, plus may pin them.
Mordenkainens C Caravel Storm VSF Creates ship with extradimensional staterooms.
Conjuration (Summoning)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Fierce Pride of the Beastl. Spell VS Summon celestial lions and celestial dire lions to
follow your commands.
Icy Claw FR:Drag VSF Creates four claws that attack nearby foes.
Minimus Containment Dr336 VSF Binds a magical bound creature to your services via a
magical contract.
Summon Monster VIII PHB VSF Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Symbol of Lycanthropy LTK VSM Triggered rune inflicts nearby creatures with
Trap the Soul PHB VSMF Imprisons subject within gem.
Conjuration (Teleportation)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Plane Shift, Greater Spell VSF Plane shift accurately to your desired destination.
Swallow Dr323 VS Traps foe in an extradimensional stomach that deals
2d6 damage +1/level plus 6 acid damage per round.
Divination- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Discern Location PHB VS Reveals exact location of creature or object.
Familiarity of Place, Great Dr308 VS Dr Grants a +1 luck bonus, plus 1/five CL to saves
within area. Plus 3%/CL chance of knowing of
location and identities of creatures entering area.
Guardian Spirit, Mass MoI VSE One subject/level can activate bonus on AC, Reflex
saves, and Dex-based checks for 1 minute.
Moment of Prescience PHB VS Gain insight bonus on single attack, check, or save.
Prying Eyes, Greater PHB VSM As prying eyes, but eyes have true seeing.
Enchantment (Charm)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Charm Monster, Mass PHB V As charm monster, but all within 30 feet.
Enchantment (Compulsion)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Antipathy PHB VSM Object or location affected repels certain creatures.
Binding PHB VSM Utilizes an array of techniques to imprison a creature.
Demand PHB VSM As sending, plus you send suggestion.
Desert Binding Sand VSM Imprisons creature as sand in an hourglass or wind in
the waste.
Dominate Person, Mass Dr312 VS As dominate person, but multiple humanoids.
Maddening Whispers Spell V You induce confusion and madness in subjects.
Mind of the Labyrinth DragM VS Confuse foes who try to affect your mind; dominate
one such attacker.
Minstrel VDH VSMX Creates a permanent minstrel of your sex and race to
sing of your glories, and follow you around.
Ottos Irresistible Dance PHB V Forces subject to dance.
Power Word, Petrify RotD V Petrifies one creature with 100 hp or less.
Power Word, Stun PHB V Stuns creature with 150 hp or less.
Symbol of Insanity PHB VSM Triggered rune renders nearby creatures insane.
Sympathy PHB VSM Object or location attracts certain creatures.
Wrathful Castigation Spell VSF Subject dies or is dazed and -4 on saves.
Evocation- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Bigbys Clenched Fist PHB VSF Large hand provides cover, pushes, or attacks foes.
Blizzard D2 VS Deal 1d6+1 cold damage/CL (max 15d6+15) in area.
Breathdoom WB194 VS As breathball, except permanent until discharged.
Cluos Living Swamp SAC VSM Animates an area of the swamp to attack your foes.
Depthsurge Storm VSM Water slam deals 2d6+level damage to all in 20ft-
radius, pushes targets back, sinks ships.
Eye of Light and Darkness CallC VSMF Create a permanent sigil that weakens all nearby
minions of the Great Old Ones and Outer gods.
Field of Icy Razors Spell VSF Creatures in area take normal and cold damage,
plus might be slowed.
Frozen Orb D2 VSM Orb fires ice bolts at each foe within 50ft of the orb,
dealing 10d4 cold damage, plus various penalties.
Halasters Blacksphere FR:CoS VSM Creates a blast of force dealing 1d6 damage/level and
traps creatures in a sphere.
Illusion Purge RoE VS Dispels illusions within 5ft/level.
Lightning Ring Spell VSM Ring of lightning gives you electricity resistance 20,
damages adjacent creatures, and emits 2 lightning
bolts per round.
Otilukes Telekinetic Sphere PHB VSM As Otilukes resilient sphere, but you can move the
sphere telekinetically.
Polar Ray PHB VSF Ranged touch attack deals 1d6 cold damage/level.
Prismatic Bow CM VS Creates bow that allows seven attacks, each of which
is a different prismatic effect.
Shout, Greater PHB VSF Devastating yell deals 10d6 sonic damage; stuns
creatures, damages objects.
Sunburst PHB VSM Blinds all within 10 feet, deals 6d6 damage.
Zajimarns Field of Icy R. FR:Mag VSF Creatures in area take normal and cold damage, plus
may be slowed.
Illusion (Glamer)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Invisibility, Superior Spell VS Subject is invisible to sight, hearing, and scent for 1
min/level, and can attack.
Screen PHB VS Illusion hides area from vision, scrying.
Shifting Paths Spell VS Illusion hides path, creates false new path.
Illusion (Pattern)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Scintillating Pattern PHB VSM Twisting colors confuse, stun or render unconscious.
Illusion (Shadow)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Project Multiple Images WB183 VSM As project image, except 1d3+1 independent images.
Shadow Evocation, Great PHB VS As shadow evocation, except up to 7th and 60% real.
Necromancy- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Avascular Mass Spell VS Reduce foe to half hp and stun, entangle in 20ft-
radius from the victim.
Bestow Curse, Greater Spell VS As bestow curse, but more severe penalties.
Blackfire Spell VSM Subject is engulfed in black flames, takes 1d4 Con
and becomes nauseated; flames and effects can
spread to adjacent living creatures.
Clone PHB VSMF Duplicate awakens when original dies.
Create Greater Undead PHB VSM Creates shadows, wraiths, specters, or devourers.
Devastate Undead FrLoD VSF You destroy all nearby undead creatures, drawing
their essence into you.
Eternal Repose DAM VSM Permanently protects a corpse in a amber coffin.
Gutwrench BoVD VSU Kills the subject and gives the caster 4d6 temporary
hp and a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength.
Hasten the End HOS VSM Foe makes a save each round, or loses a level and
ages 10 years that round.
Heart of Stone Spell VSFX Exchange your heart with stone to gain DR,
resistance to energy for 1 year.
Horrid Wilting PHB VSM Deals 1d6 damage/level within 30 feet.
Last Judgement BoED VC Evil creatures struck dead and sent to Lower Planes.
Leech Undeath EberrM VSM Harm undead to gain temporary hp.
Necrotic Empowerment LM VSF Draw personal vigor from mother cyst.
Plague PHB2 VS One creature/level contracts quickly terminal disease.
Sever Legacy WeL VS Target permanently loses all legacy abilities.
Skeletal Guard Spell VSM Creates one skeleton/level with turn resistance.
Steal Life BoVD VSL Caster drains 1 ability score point per round and
becomes younger.
Symbol of Death PHB VSM Triggered rune slays nearby creatures.
Touch of the Graveborn CM VS Melee touch deals 10d6 damage or controls undead.
Vampiric Drain Dr317 VS Nearby creatures take 1d6 negative damage/four
levels (max 5d6) and you heal half the damage dealt.
Veil of Undeath Spell VSM You gain undead traits.
Transmutation- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Awaken Ooze Dr304 VSX As awaken, except only affects an ooze.
Axiomatic Creature BoED VSMX Ar Transforms a creature into an axiomatic creature.
Banish Warc- VS Target becomes ethereal for 1 round/level.
Blackstaff FR:Mag VSF Greatly enhances staff or quarterstaff.
Call upon Fiend Heritage DR304 VSF Grants various benefits if you have fiendish blood.
Capsizing Waters HOS VSM Sinks boats in area based on your caster level.
Celerity, Greater PHB2 V Take extra full-round action, but dazed for 1 round.
Create Gate CallC VM Creates a permanent portal to another world.
Earth Glide RoS VS Target glides through stone as easily as a fish swims
through water.
Embrace the Dark Chaos FC1 VSX Target replaces a feat with an Abyssal Heritor feat.
Excavate Spell VSM Creates permanent passage in earth and walls.
Extra Ability, Greater Dr304 VSM Use a 7th-level or lower spell-like ability once more.
Fimbulwinter Frost VSX Creates winter weather for miles around you that
lasts for months.
Flensing Spell VSM Pain and trauma deals 2d6 damage, 1d6 Con, and 1d6
Cha for up to 4 rounds.
Ghostform Spell VS You assume incorporeal form and gain some
incorporeal traits and bonuses.
Golem Immunity RoE VS Grants a construct the magic immunity special
quality of a particular golem.
Iron Body PHB VSM Your body becomes living iron.
Look to the Future CallC VS You send a willing creature into the future.
Mailed Might Dr344 VSF Animates armor into a pair of variant helmed horrors.
Make Manifest, Mass Spell VSM As make manifest, but all creatures in the area.
Maximize Venom Dr304 SM Targets poison attack deals maximum damage.
Polymorph Any Object PHB VSM Changes any subject into anything else.
Ritual of Renaming ToM VSXT Permanently change a willing creatures truename.
Rivers Ravages, Greater DLLT VSM As rivers ravages, except the effects are permanent.
Souls Treasure Lost BoVD VSM Disintegrates subjects most valuable object.
Stone Metamorpho, Great FR:Und VSM Changes stone to another type of stone.
Stunning Breath, Greater Spell S Your breath weapon stuns creatures for 2d4 rounds.
Temporal Stasis PHB VSM Puts subject into suspended animation.
Transmute Rock to Sickst WB109 VSM Turns normal stone into a magical diseased stone.
Vorpal Claws Dr308 VS Dr On a successful critical hit, the targets claws
decapitate a foes head.
Transmutation (Polymorph)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Dreaded Form of the Eye CM VS You take the form of a beholder.
Unyielding Form of I. D CM VS You take the form of a marut.
Universal- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Symbol of Silence LTK VSM Triggered rune silences nearby creatures.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----
9th-level- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Abjuration- -- --
Absorption Spell VS
You absorb spell energy to power spells of your own.
Bar Creature, Greater VDH VSM
Permanently blocks a single creature for an area.
Dismiss Deity CallC VSF
Banish an avatar, Great Old One, or Outer God.
Effulgent Epuration Spell VS
Creates sphere/level to negate hostile magic.
Freedom PHB VS
Releases creature from imprisonment.
Halasters Scrying Cage UndM VSM
All divination spells cast within, into, out of, fail.
Halasters Teleport Cage FR:CoS VSM
All teleportation spells cast within instead teleport to
another teleport cage area.
Imprisonment PHB VS Entombs subject beneath the earth.
Khelbens Dweomerdoom FR:CoS VSF Counterspell the targets spell even before its cast.
Magic Miasma Spell VSM Solid fog reduces caster level by 4.
Maw of Chaos Spell VSM Chaotic energy dazes, deals damage, and impedes
Mordenkainens Disjunction PHB V Dispels magic, disenchants magic items.
Prismatic Sphere PHB V As prismatic wall, but surrounds on all sides.
Reaving Dispel Spell VS On a targeted dispel, steal spell power and effects.
Soulmeld Disjunction MoI VS One or more of the targets soulmelds are destroyed.
Srinshees Spell Shift FR:Lost VSM Increases your ability to identify and counterspell.
Temporal Sphere, Mobile DLLT VSM As selective temporal sphere, but moves with caster.
Unbinding Spell VSM Frees creatures from spells that constrain or bind.
Conjuration- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Call Undead IX DAM VSF Calls an undead creature to fight for you.
Contact Deity CallC VS Contact an Elder God, Great Old One, or Outer God.
Tsunami SaltS VS Create an earthquake and tidal wave that deals 10d6
damage to anything in its path, plus bull rushs.
Conjuration (Calling)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Abyssal Rift FC1 VSM Tear a fiery hole to the Abyss.
Call Marut Spell VSX A marut performs one duty for you.
Dragon Ally, Greater Spell VX As lesser dragon ally, but up to 21 HD.
Halasters Fetch VI FR:CoS VSF Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you, but
creature stays afterwards as a wandering monster.
Implore Dr336 VSX As greater planar binding, but the creature takes a -4
penalty on its save and cannot subvert instructions.
Summoning Pact Dr308 VS Dr Summon a specific creature to you.
Truename Binding, Great ToM VSXT Enslaves extraplanar creature of CR 14 or less with
the power of its truename.
Vile Death Spell VSMX Undead creature gains fiendish template.
Conjuration (Calling and Creation)- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Gate PHB VSX Connects two planes for travel or summoning.
Conjuration (Creation)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Black Blade of Disaster Spell VS Floating magic weapon disintegrates subjects.
Blinding Glory BoED VSM 100ft-radius /level of light that blinds evil creatures.
Genesis ELH VSMX Create a demiplane .
Genius Loci CM VSM Create a guardian spirit for a specific location.
Node Genesis FrChR VSX Creases a Class 1 node.
Obedient Avalanche Spell VS Snowy avalanche crushes and buries your foes.
Ring of Fire ExE VSM Creates a spreading area of lava.
Sphere of Ultimate Destru. Spell VSM Black sphere does 2d6 damage/level, disintegrates.
Towering Thunderhead CM VS Clouds provide concealment, block ranged attacks,
and empower sonic or electricity spells.
Conjuration (Summoning)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Abyssal Army Spell VS Summons demons to fight for you.
Heavenly Horde Spell VS Summons archons to fight for you.
Hellish Horde Spell VS Summons devils to fight for you.
Imbrue Dr336 VS Trap an extraplanar creature within a creatures body.
Summon Avatar of E. Evil Dr347 VSM Calls powerful elemental creature to fight for you.
Summon E. Monolith Spell VSM Calls powerful elemental creature to fight for you.
Summon Golem PHB2 VSF Summon a clay, flesh, iron, or stone golem.
Summon Monster IX PHB VSF Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Conjuration (Teleportation)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Dimension Jumper, Great CM V Teleport yourself up to 60 feet once per round.
Planar Navigation Storm VSF Send a whole ship to another plane.
Precipitate Complete Breach Planar VMX You rip wide the boundary between two planes.
Refuge PHB VSM Alters item to transport its possessor to you.
Teleportation Circle PHB VM Circle teleports a creature inside to designated spot.
Utterdark BoVD VSM 100ft-radius/level of darkness that only evil creatures
can see through.
Divination- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Foresight PHB VSM Sixth sense warns of impending danger.
Hindsight Spell VSM You see into the past.
Divination (Scrying)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Eye of Power Spell VSM As arcane eye, but you cast spells of 3rd-level or
lower through it.
Enchantment- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Mindrape BoVD VS Caster learns everything subject knows and can alter
its memory or knowledge.
Turmoil MagR VS The target is confused and takes 1d8 drain to a
random ability score, unless he takes no actions.
Enchantment (Compulsion)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Dominate Monster PHB VS As dominate person, but any creature.
Hold Monster, Mass PHB VSF As hold monster, except all within 30 feet.
Power Word, Kill PHB V Kills one creature with 100 hp or less.
Programmed Amnesia Spell VSM Destroy, alter, or replace memories in subject.
Evocation- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Bigbys Crushing Hand PHB VSMF Large hand provides cover, pushes, or crushes foes.
Binding Chain of Fate FR:CoS VSM Binds the subject in an extradimensional chain of
force, that deals 2d6 force damage per round.
Crushing Fist of Spite BoVD VSM Di Fist deals 1d6 damage/level each round.
Deadly Sunstroke CM VS Creatures take 1d6 fire damage/level and become
Detonate PHB2 VSM Slays subject and creates a 20ft-radius explosion that
deals 1d6 damage/level (max 20d6).
Eternal Darkness LTK VS Creates a permanent area of magical darkness.
Force Burn WB189 V Force bolt deals 1d6 damage/2 levels (max 25d6)
plus drains 1d4 prepared spells or spells slots.
Iceberg Frost VS Block of ice falls from sky, dealing 20d6 damage and
burying subjects.
Instant Refuge Spell VSMX Transport to a safe location of your choice.
Invoke Magic LoM VSM You can cast a single spell within an antimagic field
or a dead magic area.
Lash of Force CM VS Whip of force strikes for 5d6 damage; can become a
line attack that deals 15d6 damage.
Magiuss Light of Truth DragL VSFX Kills, paralyzes, stuns, or dazes neutral subjects.
Meteor Swarm PHB VS Four exploding spheres each deal 6d6 fire damage.
Mycontils Last Resort FR:SS VSM Sacrifice all your remaining spells to unleash a
devastating explosion.
Prismatic Deluge CM VS Call down a prismatic effect over a wide area.
Reality Maelstrom Spell VSM Hole sends creatures and objects to another plane.
Starfall Warc VS Deals 1d6 damage/level (max 10d6) to two creatures,
structures, or objects per round.
Taaiirs Tearing Talons PGSL VSF Creates three claws that attack your foes.
Tidal Wave FR:SS VSMX Massive wave damages boats, creatures and
structures on a coast.
Evocation/Transmutation- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Burst of Glacial Wrath DragM VS Freeze nearby creatures, turning them into ice.
Illusion (Glamer)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Stalking Spell Dr291 VS Conceals subject from all senses, plus prevents most
spells that reveal invisible creatures from working.
Illusion (Phantasm)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Mindspin, Greater ToHS VSMX Force multiple creatures to fall asleep and become
trapped in a nightmarish dreamspace.
Weird PHB VS As phantasmal killer, but affects all within 30 feet.
Illusion (Shadow)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Ice Assassin Frost VSMX Creates duplicate of creature with sole purpose to
slay the original.
Shades PHB VS As shadow conjuration, but 8th-level and 80% real.
Skyrift WB112 VSMFX Creates a one-mile region of permanent night.
Necromancy- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Astral Projection PHB VSM Projects you and companions onto Astral Plane.
Energy Drain PHB VS Subject gains 2d4 negative levels.
Enervating Breath Spell S Your breath weapon bestows 2d4 negative levels.
Ensuls Soultheft FR:CoS VSM Drain life from subject, you become younger.
Hide Life TaB VSMX Store life force in a severed body part to never die.
Kissed by the Ages Dr354 VSFX While carrying specific item, subject no longer ages.
Laerals Crowning Touch FR:CoS VSFX Subject is cursed, every time it casts a spell, it gains
negative levels equal to the spells level.
Necrotic Termination LM VSFX Permanently eliminates encysted subject.
Plague of Undead Spell VSM Animates horde of undead.
Reverse Death ToHS VSMX Force a creature to return from the dead.
Soul Bind PHB VSF Traps newly dead soul to prevent resurrection.
Stasis Clone FrLoD VSMF As clone, except you can have multiple copies that
dont decay and trigger each in turn when you die.
Unname ToM VST Erase a creature from reality.
Wail of the Banshee PHB V Kills one subject/level.
Transmutation- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Awaken Construct Spell VSMX Construct gains human-like sentience.
Breath Weapon Admixture Spell S Add a second kind of energy to your breath weapon.
Construct Essence, Great RoE VS Grants a living construct all the benefits of the
construct type.
Create Time Gate CallC VM Create a permanent portal into the past or future.
Etherealness PHB VS Travel to Ethereal Plane with companions.
Frostfell Frost VSM Intense cold turns all subjects in area into ice.
Incarnate Construct SS VSMX Turns a construct into a living creature.
Open Greater Chakra MoI VS Allow target to bind to its arms, brow, crown, feet,
hands, shoulders, throat, or waist chakra.
Perniarch, Planar Spell VS Gain control over a small area of any divinely
morphic plane.
Planar Pocket Dr304 VSM Creates an area around you that mimics home plane.
Replicate Casting Spell VS Duplicate observed spell or spell-like ability.
Revitalize Legacy, Greater WeL VSF Get extra use of chosen greater legacy ability.
Shifting Sanction Dr308 VS Dr Transport self and nearby area to another location.
Spell Matrix, Greater Spell VSF Stores up to three spells of 3rd-level or lower to be
released later.
Time Stop PHB V You act freely for 1d4+1 rounds.
Timereaver DLLT VSMFX Create a temporary port to travel forward or
backward in time.
Transmute Rock to Lava Spell VS Transforms one 10ft-cube with subsequent fire
damage and effects.
Travel the Paths of Mind ToHS VSMX Travel back through a creatures memories.
Undermaster Spell VM You gain earth-related spell-like abilities.
Transmutation (Polymorph)- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Dragonshape PHB2 VS You take the form and abilities of a Huge red dragon.
Shapechange PHB VSF Transforms you into any creature, and change forms
once per round.
Universal- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Wish PHB VX As limited wish, but with fewer limits.
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