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Epidoria Birth Weight Study

Low Birthweight
Normal Birthweight
a. What kind of study is this? What is the exposure This is a cohort study. The exposure is birthweight, low versus no
under the study? What is the outcome? versus normal development

b. Calculate the crude cumulative incidence ratio RR=(140/360)/(77/360)

(relative risk)
c. Calculate the stratified cumulative incidence Are blood lead levels a potential confounder (or effect modifier) f
ratio (relative risk) this, stratify the data into elevated and normal lead levels among

Elevated Lead Levels

Low Birthweight
Normal Birthweight

Normal Lead Levels

Low Birthweight
Normal Birthweight
d. Compare the findings. Is there confounding?
Yes, the crude and stratified rates differ by 16.9% and therefore c
e. Is there evidence of an association between blood lead
levels and the primary exposure in this study? To answer this question, you have to create a new 2x2 table of el
birthweight (cases) and see if there is a significant association (RR

Elevated Lead Levels

Normal Lead Levels

Yes, there is a relationship between blood lead levels and low birt
are 1.79 times more likely to have low birthweight than those wit
Delayed Normal Total
140 220 360
77 283 360
217 503 720
The exposure is birthweight, low versus normal. The outcome is developmental delays

potential confounder (or effect modifier) for birthweight and development? To answer
nto elevated and normal lead levels among the population, and then calculate RR again.

Delayed Normal Total

88 85 173
24 48 72
112 133 245

Delayed Normal Total

52 135 187
53 235 288
105 370 475
1.51 compare crude RR to stra 0.1689234184

tified rates differ by 16.9% and therefore confounding exists in this sample by lead levels.
n, you have to create a new 2x2 table of elevated lead levels (exposure) and low
d see if there is a significant association (RR above 1.0)
Low Birthweight Normal Birthweight
173 72 245
187 288 475
360 360 720
hip between blood lead levels and low birthweight. Those with elevated blood lead levels
ely to have low birthweight than those with normal blood lead levels.

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