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NAME: Martalogu Anghelina Mirela

SCHOOL: Scoala Gimnaziala Gheorghe EnescuTamna
DATE: 26.05.2017
CLASS: 7th
TEXTBOOK: Snapshot, Pre Intermediate, Editura Longman
UNIT: He said hed been away
LESSON: Reported statements
SKILLS: listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing
INTERACTION: Teacher-student, student-teacher, student-student
AIDS: Textbooks, blackboard, chalk, notebooks, worksheets
TEACHING TECHNIQUES: conversation, explanation, example, brainstorming,
POSSIBLE PROBLEM: Students may be reluctant to speak.
LESSON AIMS: 1. to allow students to practice tenses
2. - to allow students to give information about themselves
3. - to allow students to develop their speaking and listening skills
OBJECTIVES: 1. Students will learn to use the direct and indirect speech.
2. Students will have developed their language skills-particularly speaking skills.
EVALUATION: - continuous through observation and analysis of answers

ACTIVITY 1: Warm up
Aims: - to encourage students involvement
Teachers activity: Teacher greets students and asks them questions about their mood to encourage
speaking. The students answer the teachers questions. The student on duty tells the absentees, the
teacher writes the absences in the catalogue, then she checks homework and the students correct the
mistakes, if necessary.
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, whole class
Timing: 5
ACTIVITY 2: Brainstorming
Aims: - to introduce students into the new topic
Teachers activity: The teacher asks a student what she did during the break and then she transforms
the sentence into indirect speech, without specifying exactly what she did.
Q: What did you do during the break?
A: I ate my sandwich.
The teacher reports to the students: Your classmate had eaten her sandwich last break.
Lets see another student, etc.
Students activity: The students answer the teachers questions.
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, GW, whole class
Timing: 5

Aims: - to allow students to practice listening
Teachers activity The teacher makes a table on the blackboard writing Direct / Indirect speech. She
explains the difference between them and gives examples from the textbook which she writes on the
2. Brainstorming the tenses they already know (writing them in short sentences in the direct column)
3. Making the transformations (by the teacher), writing in the indirect column in the same sentences.
Students activity: Students pay attention and write only after the teacher has finished explaining.
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, PW
Timing: 10

Aims: - . To develop students ability to listen and recognize the indirect speech
Teachers activity: The teacher gives to the students worksheets containing a song and then they
listen to a song in order to identify the reported statements

Students activity: The students listen to the song and solve the tasks from the worksheets
Interaction: T-Ss, S-Ss,
Timing: 10

ACTIVITY 5: Feed-back
Aims: - To raise students awareness of the transformations involved in indirect speech
Teachers activity: The teacher asks the students to split into 2 teams and gives them worksheets with
different exercises. The students have to solve the exercises and then go to the blackboard and write
down the answers.
The teacher tells the Ss to group into 4 and then displays to them pictures of people talking to each
other. Then the T asks the Ss to write down what they think the characters are saying.

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, PW, whole class

Timing: 10

ACTIVITY 6: Assigning homework

Teachers activity: Then the teacher makes some appreciations concerning students involvement in
the lesson. The students listen to the teachers observations.

Interaction: T-Ss
Timing: 5

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