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Supernatural Merits and Flaws

Does your Garou bear obvious marks of his heritage, even in human form? Is he haunted by some dreadful
curse? These Merits and Flaws are all some sort of supernatural benefit or detriment. Because of the potential
for imbalance in these particular Traits, the Storyteller might not allow you to choose from this category ask
before you pick any. Furthermore, you should not select such Traits unless they firmly fit your character
concept, and you can explain why your character possesses them. In general, we do not recommend that anyone
have more than one or two supernatural Merits or Flaws they should be under the Storyteller's strict control.

Merit Cost Location Page

Ancestor Ally 1 Werewolf Players Guide 21
Ancestor Ally 1 Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 14
Banespeak 3 Freak Legion: A Players Guide to Fomori 22
Caern Child 5 Tribebook: Black Furies, Revised Ed. 87
Charmed Existence 5 Werewolf Players Guide 22
Charmed Existence 5 Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 15
Danger Sense 3 Werewolf Players Guide 22
Danger Sense 3 Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 15
Destiny 4 Werewolf Players Guide 22
Fetish 5-7 Kinfolk: Unsung Heroes 52
Gnosis 5-7 Kinfolk: Unsung Heroes 52
Guardian Angel 6 Werewolf Players Guide 22
Guardian Angel 6 Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 15
Hidden Power 2 Possessed: A Player's Guide 106
Horn of the Unicorn 1 Children of Gaia Tribebook 54
Immune to Wyrm Emanations 5 Werewolf Players Guide 23
Immune to Wyrm Emanations 6 Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 16
Luck 3 Werewolf Players Guide 23
Luck 3 Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 15
Machine Affinity 4 Glass Walkers Tribebook 51
Moon-Bound 2 Werewolf Players Guide 23
Moon-Bound 2 Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 15
Moon-paint 5 Book of the City 124
Natural Channel 3 Werewolf Players Guide 23
Natural Channel 3 Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 15
Reborn Sage 1-2 Stargazers Tribebook 50
Second Sight 2-6 Tribebook: Fianna, Revised Ed. 83
Silver Tolerance 5-7 Werewolf Players Guide 23
Silver Tolerance 7 Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 16
Spirit Magnet 2 Werewolf Players Guide 23
Spirit's Mark 2 Possessed: A Player's Guide 106
Supernatural Companion 3 Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 15
True Faith 7 Freak Legion: A Players Guide to Fomori 23
True Faith 7 Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 16
True Love 1 Werewolf Players Guide 24
True Love 1 Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 14
True Symbiote 4 Possessed: A Player's Guide 106
Vampire Companion 3 Werewolf Players Guide 24

Flaw Bonus Location Page

Banned Transformation 1-6 Werewolf Players Guide 21
Banned Transformation 1-6 Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 16
Bizarre Hunger 2-5 World of Darkness: Bygone Bestiary 108
Cursed 1-5 Werewolf Players Guide 22
Cursed 1-5 Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 16
Dark Fate 5 Werewolf Players Guide 22
Dark Fate 5 Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 18
Foe From the Past 1-3 Werewolf Players Guide 22
Foe From the Past 1-3 Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 16
Forced Transformation 1-4 Werewolf Players Guide 22
Forced Transformation 1-4 Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 16
Freak Magnet 4 Silent Striders Tribebook 48
Geas 1-7 Tribebook: Fianna, Revised Ed. 83
Insane Ancestor 1 Werewolf Players Guide 23
Insane Past Life 1 Werewolf Players Guide 23
Insane Past Life 1 Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 17
Jackal's Blood 5 Tribebook: Bone Gnawers, Revised Ed. 81
Jinx 3-4 Glass Walkers Tribebook 51
Mark of the Predator 2 Werewolf Players Guide 23
Mark of the Predator 2 Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 17
Offensive to Animals 1 World of Darkness: Bygone Bestiary 108
Pierced Veil 3 Werewolf Players Guide 23
Pierced Veil 3 Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 18
Sign of the Wolf 2 Werewolf Players Guide 23
Sign of the Wolf 2 Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 17
Slip Sideways 1 Werewolf Players Guide 24
Slip Sideways 1 Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 17
Spirit's Mark 2 Possessed: A Player's Guide 106
Taint of Corruption 7 Werewolf Players Guide 24
Taint of Corruption 7 Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 18
Taint of Suspicion 3 Uktena Tribebook 46
Throwback 1-5 Werewolf Players Guide 24
Veiled 5 Kinfolk: Unsung Heroes 53
Wotan's Curse 2 Tribebook: Get of Fenris, Revised Ed. 86
Wyrm-Tainted 4 Kinfolk: Unsung Heroes 53

Ancestor Ally: (1 pt Merit) You are strongly linked to one particular Past Life; the difficulty to channel him is 2
less. Create the ancestor; give him a name, abilities for which he was known (and which you can easily channel)
and decide how renowned he was among other Garou. You must have the Background: Past Life to purchase
this Merit. Silent Striders are barred from the Backgrounds: Past Life & Ancestors and from this Merit.

Banespeak: (3 pt Merit) With your transformation, you have discovered a way into your dark spiritual side and
are able to speak with the Bane part of yourself. When you speak with your Bane, you appear to be talking
animatedly to yourself. Your Bane whispers dark secrets to the tattered remains of your soul, and your soul
withers a little more with each vile revelation. Your Storyteller will create the Bane, but will not reveal to you
the extent of its knowledge or its secret powers. While your Bane will not guide you all the time, at moments of
deep urgency it may be able to provide you with clues or information about the Wyrm or Garou worlds which
you would not otherwise know.

Banned Transformation: (1-6 pt Flaw) Some event prevents you from changing, except back to your breed
form. Choose one from below or create your own. You must spend a Willpower point and make a Willpower
roll to change forms successfully when the restricting circumstance occurs.

Flaw Reason
1 pt Soothing music is being played.
2 pt When the wolfsbane plant is near.
3 pt Without spending a Rage point first.
4 pt When silver is nearby.
5 pt During the day.
6 pt When the moon cannot be seen.

Bizarre Hunger: (2-5 pt Flaw) Your daily bread is... odd. Like the gold-eating hen or the ghul, you must
consume dangerous, expensive or revolting substances in order to stay healthy. If you cannot satisfy this hunger,
you begin losing Health Levels at the rate of one per day after the first day of abstinence. Although you may eat
more conventional food, you derive no sustenance from it. In general, the more appalling or inconvenient the
substance required, the greater the Flaw. Examples include:

Flaw Food
2 pt Manure, fresh eggs, paper
3 pt Rotten meat, mare's milk, silk
4 pt Virgin's blood, dead humans, gold
5 pt Water from the Jordan, live humans, diamonds

Caern Child: (5 pt Merit) A Garou character with this Merit: Caern Child was born during the Rite of Bearing a
Caern (see pg 75 of the Black Fury Tribebook). This birth alone is considered to be a very strong positive omen;
the character receives +1 die on all Social rolls when dealing with Garou of her home sept. Additionally, the
totem spirits of the caern to which the character was born pay special attention to her; she receives 1 point in the
Totem background for free, so long as her pack's totem is one of the sept's totem spirits.
This background does bring negative attention to the character as well. Should she fail in any task the
Theurges and Galliards of her home sept are likely to wail and gnash their teeth, as the character's fate is said to
be linked to that of the caern. The character may receive a mentor or two that she didn't seek out or ask for, due
to the sept's need to keep her safe and strong. She is certain to receive unwelcome attention from the local
Wyrm population, who believe - probably quite rightly that the first step to corrupting the new caern is to
force the character down the Black Spiral, corrupting her rather than killing her outright.

Charmed Existence: (5 pt Merit) Your life is somehow protected, and you do not face the perils that others
must. It could be that you are simply lucky. Because of this Merit, you may ignore a single one on every roll
you make, as though you had an extra success. This Merit makes it far more unlikely that you will ever botch
and grants you more successes than others might obtain.

Cursed: (1 to 5 pt Flaw) You have been cursed by someone or something with supernatural or magical powers.
This curse is specific and detailed; it cannot be dispelled without extreme effort, and it can be life threatening.
Some examples:

Flaw Curse
1 pt Your fur falls out in clumps from time to time, lowering your Appearance to 1 for days at a stretch.
1 pt If you pass on a secret that was told to you, your betrayal will later harm you in some way.
2 pt You always wind up losing something very important to you your keys, a minor fetish or that
strategic memo from the Pentex board of directors.
2 pt You stutter uncontrollably when you try to describe what you have seen or heard.
3 pt Tools often break or malfunction and electrical devices short out when you attempt to use them.
4 pt You are doomed to make bitter enemies of those whom you become most attached so whatever
you do, don't get too close to the other characters!
5 pt Any fetishes you use have a 50-50 chance of failing even if you manage to activate them.
5 pt All of your accomplishments or achievements will eventually, inevitably, fail in some way.

Danger Sense: (3 pt Merit) You have a sixth sense that warns you of danger. When you are in danger, the
Storyteller should make a secret roll against your Perception + Alertness; the difficulty corresponds to the
remoteness of the danger. If the roll succeeds, the Storyteller tells you that you have a sense of foreboding.
Multiple successes may refine the feeling and give an indication of direction, distance or nature.

Dark Fate: (5 pt Flaw) You are doomed to experience a most horrible demise or, worse, suffer eternal agony.
Ultimately, even your efforts, your struggles and your dreams may come to naught. Even more ghastly, you
have partial knowledge of this end, for you occasionally have visions of it and they are most disturbing. The
malaise these visions bring on can only be overcome through the use of Willpower; even so, it returns after each
vision. In terms of the story, someday you will indeed face your fate, but when and how are completely up to
the Storyteller. Although you can't do anything about your fate, you can still attempt to reach some goal before
it occurs, or at least try to make sure that your friends aren't dragged down with you.

Destiny: (4 pt Merit) You have a great destiny, though you may well not realize it. Your birth was attended by
many powerful omens, and much is expected of you by your sept. You did not suffer any trauma from the
Change, as you were well prepared for it beforehand (your parents were knowing Kinfolk). You begin the game
with 200 points more Renown than usual. Your destiny will become more and more apparent as the chronicle
goes on, prophecies and dreams guide your way, and grant you clues to your nature. The sense of direction and
security this feeling of destiny grants you helps you overcome fear, depression, and discouragement caused by
anything not relevant to your destiny. Until your Destiny is fulfilled, you may suffer setbacks, but nothing will
thwart you permanently. How this is played is up to the Storyteller.

Fetish: (5 to 7 pt Merit) You own a fetish, one you can actually use (or, at the very least, lend to Garou,
ostensibly in return for other favours). You may have inherited this item, received it as a gift or found it on your
own. In any case, the fetish is highly valuable. Fetishes aren't common among Garou, much less Kin. You and
your Storyteller should work together on constructing the item and establishing how it came into your
possession. Five points equal a Level One fetish, six points a Level Two Fetish and seven points a Level Three
fetish. See Chapter four (of the Kinfolk Sourcebook) for sample Kinfolk fetishes. A few rare fetishes allow
expenditure of Willpower rather than Gnosis for attunement and activation.

Foe From the Past: (1-3 pt Flaw) An enemy of one of your ancestors still seeks revenge through you. If the
enemy is supernatural, such as a vampire, mage, wraith, changeling or spirit, this Flaw is worth three points; if
you are being stalked by a fanatical werewolf hunter or other non-supernatural human, it is worth one or two
points, depending on how powerful your foe is. (Such a mortal probably isn't the same person that pursued your
ancestor, but rather a descendant or heir of one of your ancestor's enemies.) She doesn't necessarily pursue you
all the time. She is out for revenge against your ancestor, and you are simply the best path to that vengeance.
You must have the Background: Past Life to purchase this Flaw.

Forced Transformation: (1-4 pt Flaw) Some event or condition forces you to shapeshift uncontrollably. You
must spend a Willpower point each turn to resist the change. Once changed, you cannot shift back until the
condition forcing the change has passed. Choose one event from below or create your own.
Flaw Event
1 pt You change under influence of alcohol: to Glabro
1 pt When you are sexually aroused: to Glabro
1 pt When you get angry (just short of a Rage roll): to Glabro
1 pt When entering the Umbra: to Glabro, Crinos, Hispo
1 pt When you sense Wyrm-taint: to Crinos
1 pt At the sight of a vampire: to Crinos
1 pt At the sight of wolfsbane: to Homid
2 pt You change under influence of alcohol: to Crinos
2 pt When you are sexually aroused: to Crinos
2 pt When you get angry (just short of a Rage roll): to Crinos
2 pt When you frenzy, you take a form other than Crinos: to Glabro or Hispo
3 pt When you frenzy, you take a form other than Crinos: to Hispo
4 pt When you frenzy, you take a form other than Crinos: to Homid
2 pt When entering the Umbra: to Homid or Lupus
2 pt When you sense Wyrm-taint: to Homid
2 pt When you are sexually aroused (If you are a Lupus): to Homid
2 pt Every full moon you must assume Crinos form
2 pt When your auspice waxes you assume Crinos form
2 pt When you frenzy, you take a form other than Crinos: to Glabro or Hispo
3 pt At the sight of a vampire: to Crinos
3 pt When you frenzy, you take a form other than Crinos: to Lupus
4 pt When you frenzy, you take a form other than Crinos: to Homid

Freak Magnet: (4 pt Flaw) You attract the very worst sorts of ghosts. Thus, when your 'Haunted' weakness
comes into play, the ghost attracted to you is always a Spectre (see Wraith: The Oblivion). For those of you
without Wraith: The Oblivion, a Spectre is the absolute nastiest kind of ghost for all practical purposes a
powerful Bane that will either seek to do you physical or psychological harm or corrupt you into ruin.

Geas: (1 to 7 pt Flaw) A geas is a mystical prohibition of imperative designed to make life difficult. A central
tenet of Celtic life, a geas was a mark of distinction, a sign of destiny. Many of the Fianna of legend carried at
least one geas, carried from birth or placed upon them by a spirit or druid. In the old legends, geasa are very
common among people of note, from heroes to kings to druids, and the greatest had multiple geasa. Despite
their best efforts, the heroes often ended up breaking a geas, a circumstance which always spelled disaster, not
necessarily immediately but soon (Cuchulain faced a choice between his two geasa 'Never reject hospitality'
and 'Never eat dogmeat' and soon fell into battle).
The point value of a geas starts with a base of one to four points, depending on how difficult it is to avoid (or
fulfill) the ban. A minor geas (easily avoided circumstances) such as 'Never drink brandy while sitting at a table'
is worth one point. 'Must honour every second request' could be worth two points, while 'Never harm a Garou,
save Black Spiral Dancers' would count as four. The severity of the consequences adds to the point value of the
Flaw (e.g., All hair falls out: +0 points; the loss of Gifts, or all difficulties increase by 1: +1 point; ostracism by
all Garou: +2; imminent death: +3). A broken geas that can be forgiven through quest or atonement is worth one
less point.
MET: The Flaw's value is determined by the ban demanded. Easily avoided circumstances are worth one Trait
('Never eat with red-haired men', 'Never eat ham', 'Never harm a cat'). Bans that demand an ordinary sacrifice
are worth two Traits ('Never marry', 'Never refuse hospitality'). More extraordinary sacrifices are worth three
Traits ('Never drink alcohol', 'Remain a virgin'). The value increases up to four Traits for the most difficult bans
('Never harm any Garou, even Black Spiral Dancers'). Further Traits may be added by taking on consequences
for the broken geas. One trait may be added for embarrassing, inconvenient or uncomfortable consequences that
are painful or humiliating (loss of an Ability, loss of a Gift, illness or injury). Three Traits result in the most
serious consequences (imminent death, going blind, becoming crippled). Choosing a second Flaw as a
consequence is permitted, but you gain no extra Traits for it. The Storyteller has final authority on what Geasa
and consequences are permitted in game.

Gnosis: (5-7 pt Merit) More than any other blessing, the possession of Gnosis among Kin is a special mark of
Gaea's favour. It's -extremely- rare for mortals to be so gifted. Having Gnosis grants many privileges, such as
the ability to learn Gifts, use fetishes and, in the case of a vampire's Embrace, the chance to die with dignity and
honour, rather than the unlife. Even the stuffiest Garou gives a nod of respect to a Kin who possesses Gnosis.
Kinfolk lucky enough to possess Gnosis recover it in the same manner as Garou. Kinfolk -cannot- have Rage;
they do not have the fury of Gaea within them. Five points spent on the Merit grants one point of Gnosis; six
points, two points of Gnosis; and seven points, three points of Gnosis.

Guardian Angel: (6 pt Merit) Some supernatural force watches over you and protects you from harm. You have
no idea who or what it is, but you suspect that someone is there looking out for you. In times of great need, you
may be supernaturally protected from harm by peculiar coincidences. However, you can't count on your
protector's intervention. The Storyteller must decide why you are being watched over and by what (not
necessarily an angel, despite the name).

Haunted: (3 pt Flaw) You are haunted by a ghost that only you and certain Garou can see and hear. It actively
dislikes you and enjoys making your life miserable by insulting, berating and distracting you, especially when
you need to keep your cool. It also has a number of minor powers it can use against you (once per story for each
power): hiding small objects; bringing a "chill" over others, making them very ill at ease with you; causing a
loud buzzing in your ear or the ears of others; moving a small object such as a knife or pen; breaking a fragile
item such as a bottle or mirror; tripping you; or making eerie noises, such as chains rattling. Yelling at the ghost
can sometimes drive it away, but it will confuse those who are around you. The Storyteller will likely personify
the ghost in order to make things all the more frustrating for you. (More ideas for this Flaw can be obtained
from Wraith.)

Hidden Power: (2 Pt Merit) All of your powers and Taints are concealable. Whether you're a fomori with slimy
tentacles or a Kami with needle-sharp teeth, you can concentrate for a moment and retract, cover, or otherwise
hide any of the modifications the spirit inside you has made.

Horn of the Unicorn: (1 pt Merit) Grants one automatic success on any roll involving healing or purification.
This is not a real horn, though a short, horn-like shaft of light may appear from the Garous forehead in the

Immune to Wyrm Emanations: (6 pt Merit) You have a special boon from Gaia: You are immune to the toxins
of the Wyrm. You receive no penalty from supernatural radiation, balefire, Wyrm elementals and the like
(although you still suffer damage from such attacks). Likewise, you are immune to Bane possession. Your sept
recognizes this invulnerability and thrusts you into many dangerous perils with the expectation that you will use
your immunity for the good of others.

Insane Ancestor: (1 pt Flaw) An insane ancestor of yours occasionally takes over when you seek help from the
spirits or your forebearers. Usually, this ancestor appears only under certain common circumstances, such as
when a Black Spiral Dancer threatens you or whenever a certain common rite is performed in your presence;
roll your Ancestors Background, difficulty 6. Any successes indicate that your ancestor takes control of you for
the scene, or until a packmate manages to convince him to relinquish control once more. You should create your
ancestor, name him and describe his madness. If you do not play this character at the appropriate time, your
Storyteller may determine that you have spent a Willpower point to stifle this ancestor-spirit. You must purchase
the Background: Ancestors to take this Flaw. Silent Striders are barred from the Background: Ancestors and
from purchasing this Flaw.
Insane Past Life: (1 pt Flaw) One of your ancestors was mad. This Past Life takes over during certain
situations and is quite a hindrance. Choose the situation; it can be anything from "whenever Black Spiral
Dancers appear" to "whenever the Litany law is read at a moot." Create the ancestor; give him a name and some
abilities and define the nature of his madness. Play it to the hilt. If the Storyteller deems you aren't playing the
ancestor well, he can declare that you've spent a Willpower point to suppress your Past Life. You must have the
Background: Past Life to purchase this Flaw.

Jackal's Blood: (5 pt Flaw) You're cursed. In fact, you make the average Bone Gnawer look lucky. Once per
session, something you attempt will go horribly, horribly wrong. It may be something as minor as spilling a
drink or as major as swinging at a foe in combat and hitting your best friend. The Storyteller sets an object in
front of you (as the player) to represent the curse. The moment your Jackal's Blood kicks in, he removes it and
alters the story so that the action you just attempted doesn't just fail, but fails dramatically Rules-minded troupes
can interpret this as an automatic botch on any one dice roll. Drama hounds will prefer sudden story
complications or a dramatic reversal of the hero's biggest success that evening.
MET: Carry with you a card to indicate your Jackal's Curse and make Storytellers aware of it whenever they
wind up overseeing a conflict you're in. The Storyteller can take your Jackal's Curse card at any time, in return,
case you to automatically lose whatever challenge you're currently in. Storytellers take note: Some players will
try to sleaze out of this by entering inconsequential or crummy little scuffles early in the game. Be sure to keep
an eye out for the overall course of the game and look for a time to really put the screws to the player. The
player shouldn't have taken a five-Trait Flaw without knowing in advance that it's going to be a real problem,
after all.

Jinx: (3 - 4 pt Flaw) Probably due to your actions in a previous life, technological spirits tend to avoid you. You
cannot learn Gifts from technological spirits (including Net & Pattern Spiders), and you cannot use
technological fetishes or talens. In addition, these spirits may cause technological devices you use to
malfunction youre just a jinx. Fortunately for you, there is one technological spirit that does believe in you. It
likes you and thinks that you have been unjustly accused of whatever annoys the other spirits. This spirit lives
inside of a piece of machinery, although it is not a fetish, and you must have it present when dealing with
technology spirits or you will be ignored. With its aid, you can use any technological fetishes or talen and learn
tech Gifts. If this spirit is ever killed, you are out of luck in dealing with technology. A dangerous quest into the
CyberRealm may yield you a new ally, at the Storytellers discretion. If you purchase the 4 point version of this
Flaw, then your spirit ally does not exist and you suffer all the drawbacks listed above.

Luck: (3 pt Merit) Maybe you were born lucky; maybe Gaia has sent someone to look after you. Either way,
you can repeat three failed rolls per storyline (not per scene). Only one repeat attempt may be made on any
single roll, and the second roll always stands.

Machine Affinity: (4 pt Merit) Working and repairing equipment has always come easy to you. Your
connection to machinery spontaneously awakens technological spirits in your presence and allows you to add
one to all dice pools when dealing with them.

Mark of the Predator: (2 pt Flaw) You give off emanations of a predatory nature. Herbivores fear and shy
away from you, while carnivores see you as a potential threat and may offer challenge. You cannot posses the
Skill: Animal Ken.

Moon-Bound: (2 pt Merit) You are especially tied to your auspice, and when Luna is in the waxing phase of
your auspice, you receive an extra die on all rolls. However, when your moon phase is waning, you lose one die
on all rolls.

Moon-Paint: (5 pt Merit) The wolves of the city are used to electronic and mechanical senses augmenting their
Gaea-given eyes and ears (n the case of the Cyber Dogs, fatally so). Sometimes this can be turned into a Garou's
advantage. Once per story, a Moon-painted Garou can use any true representation of their moon phase (a
television image, painting, tattoo, etc) as if they were seeing their own moon phase for regaining Rage.

Natural Channel: (3 pt Merit) You find the Gauntlet between worlds thinner than most Garou do. Your
difficulty to step sideways is one less, and spirits react a bit more favorably to you. Even if you aren't a Theurge,
you won't find it difficult to obtain training from the Garou shamans.

Offensive to Animals: (1 pt Flaw) Many magical beasts engender fear and hatred in the lesser beasts. Horses
shy at gryphon scent, for example. You cause such fear in other creatures. Unless the Storyteller explicitly rules
otherwise, no mundane animal will have anything to do with you, and may startle, cry out or otherwise object to
your presence. Even mundane animals may have this Flaw if they've been tainted by the supernatural (or just
smell weird). In game terms, you have a two-die penalty for any action involving other animals (except, of
course, fighting them), and you cannot interact with one without causing a fuss.

Pierced Veil: (3 pt Flaw) Unlike most Garou, your Crinos form doesn't trigger the Delirium in mortals. This
Flaw can be a dangerous one, as werewolf hunters find it easier to trace you and perhaps find your caern.

Reborn Sage: (1-2 pt Merit) The character has been officially recognized as the reincarnation of a famous
Garou hero or sage. He thus begins with three extra points of temporary Renown (choose either Wisdom, Honor
or Glory). If the previous life was a Stargazer, the cost of this Merit is 2 pts, for there is a certain amount of
social status that comes with it. Old friends of the previous life (it he was a recent Stargazer) look kindly upon
the character, and rivals consider I he slate to be wiped clean. (This doesn't apply to the Wyrm, however; a
character might just find himself with some "unfinished business" that requires his attention in this life.)
However, if the previous life is that of a Garou from another tribe, there may be some friction with that tribe
the Silver Pangs might not appreciate someone claiming to be an incarnation of royalty, for instance. The cost in
such cases is thus only 1 point.

Second Sight: (2-6 pt Merit) Even a trace of faerie blood produces strange affects in mortals, and many Fianna
have more than a trace. Those with the Sight have limited, uncontrollable clairvoyance and precognition,
ranging from an intuitive nudge to a view of a scene from the future. For two points, you may know who's
calling you before you pick up the phone or feel a visitor is coming. Disorienting flashes of insight and sudden
visions of the future and other places are hallmarks of the Sight at higher levels. For six points, visions are
relatively details and lengthy.
Visions may be of real events or metaphorical, but are usually maddeningly hard to unravel until the foretold
event occurs. The Sight is unpredictable and comes unbidden, in dream or waking as a 'gut feeling' or blinding
flash of insight. The Storyteller should use this for more good than ill, but players should by no means rely on
the Sight to as a sure-fire early warning system. Revealed futures may be dark, and, actions taken to prevent the
occurrence usually end up precipitating the unwelcome event. People with a very active Sight can be a grim,
unhappy lot.
MET: This Merit is best left in the hands of the Storyteller or a Narrator, who drops visions on the character
when necessary, based on the level of Merit taken.

Sign of the Wolf: (2 pt Flaw) You find it difficult to hide your werewolf heritage. In fact, your Homid form has
all the folkloric signs of werewolves. Your eyebrows have grown together, there is hair on your palms, your
second and third digits are the same length you exhibit all manner of embarrassing conditions, in other
words. In extreme cases, a pentagram may appear on your palm just before and during your auspice's phase of
the moon. Obviously, it's difficult for you to hide from werewolf hunters.

Silver Tolerance: (7 pt Merit) You have an immunity of sorts to silver. You are able to soak silver, although it
still causes you aggravated damage. Also, any Gnosis loss from carrying silver items is halved for Garou with
this Merit. Instead of losing one Gnosis for every silver item you possess, you lose one Gnosis for every pair of
silver items you carry (always round up to the nearest number).
Slip Sideways: (1 pt Flaw) You can't always control your passage to the Umbra. If, during a stressful situation,
you should confront a highly reflective surface, roll Wits + Occult, difficulty 7, to avoid making the shift. You
must still make a Gnosis roll to pass the Gauntlet in this instance, though your difficulty is 1 less but only
when you accidentally step sideways. If you want to go through, you're at normal difficulty.

Spirit Magnet: (2 pt Merit) You naturally attract the attention of the spirits whenever you cross the Gauntlet
into the Umbra. Most of the time, the Umbral inhabitants are simply curious, gathering around you to see who
you are and what you're doing in their 'neck of the woods'. Occasionally, you attract more than you bargained
for -- Banes are as likely to come calling as are the friendly spirits. None of the spirits who collect in your
vicinity are under your command unless you use a Gift that allows you to command them or influence them in
some way. This Merit can be both a boon and a nuisance.

Spirit's Mark: (2 pt Merit or 2 pt Flaw) - The spirit riding you bleeds over into the physical world a bit. You
aren't physically any different (not as a result of this Trait, anyway) but you exude a certain aura. What exactly
that aura feels like depends on A) whether Spirit's Mark is a Merit or a Flaw and B) what kind of spirit
possesses you. An attractive fomori might reek of pure lust, granting a -2 on all Seduction-related difficulties. A
Kami possesses by a predator-spirit might engender a feeling similar to the Curse in humans (+1 to Social
difficulties not related to Intimidation). The Storyteller should work with the player to decide what kind of
feeling the character gives off and how it translates into game play. Generally it should be worth a difficulty
adjustment of 1 or 2, depending on how specific the feeling is.

Supernatural Companion: (3 pt Merit) You have a friend and ally who happens to be a vampire, mage, wraith
or changeling. Although you may call upon her in time of need, she also has the right to call upon you (after all,
you are friends). However, neither your fellows nor hers are likely to appreciate such a relationship, and they'll
punish both of you if you are found out (especially if you're slumming with a Leech). Meeting places and
methods of communication are always risky. The Storyteller creates your companion, but doesn't reveal to you
her full powers and potencies.

Taint of Corruption: (7 pt Flaw) You are touched by the Wyrm and corrupt in the eyes of other Garou. You
appear as a Wyrm creature to others using the Gift: Sense Wyrm. You suffer bad dreams, as manifestations of
the Wyrm come to you in your sleep to lure you to their side. Your only hope may be your pack, if it will stand
beside you. Ridding yourself of this corruption should be a major undertaking; such a quest would certainly
inspire many stories.

The Bard's Tongue: (1 pt Flaw) You speak the truth, uncannily so. Things you say tend to come true. This is
not a facility for blessing or cursing, or a Gift that can be ruled by any conscious control. However, at least once
per story, an uncomfortable truth regarding any current situation will appear in your head and come out your
lips. To avoid speaking prophecy, the owner of this 'gift' must expend a Willpower point and take a wound level
from the strain of resisting (especially if he bites a hole in his tongue).

Throwback: (1-5 pt. Flaw) One or more of your past lives still affects you... badly. Their fears come back to
haunt you in your dreams, and you have flashbacks of their worst memories (such as their death, or, even worse,
a personality that encroaches on your own). For bad dreams or flashbacks, take one to two points depending on
the severity of the condition and how much it will affect your studies or performance in dangerous situations.
For a "roommate in your head," take three points (whether you know he exists or not). For the package deal and
a truly miserable existence, take 5 points, but expect the Storyteller to take every opportunity to use these
against you. This Flaw can be "worked off" during the course of play, but only with difficulty.

True Faith: (7 pt Merit) You have a deep-seated faith in (and love for) Gaia, God or whatever it is you consider
the Almighty. You begin the game with one point of Faith (a Trait that ranges from 1-10). This Faith provides
you with an inner strength and comfort that continues to support you when all else betrays you. Your Faith adds
to Willpower rolls as an extra die to that Dice Pool for each point in Faith. The exact supernatural effects of
Faith, if any, are completely up to the Storyteller, although it typically repels vampires. (The werewolf must
make a Faith roll against a difficulty of the vampire's Willpower to repel him. For more rules, see Vampire
Players Guide, p. 30, or The Hunters Hunted, pp. 64-66.) The effects of Faith certainly vary from Garou to
Garou, and some are almost never obvious some of the most saintly people never perform miracles greater
than managing to ease an injured soul's suffering. The nature of any miracles you might perform is usually tied
to your own auspice or Nature, and you may never realize that you receive aid from a force beyond yourself.
True Faith is a rare attribute in this day and age. No one may start the game with more than one Faith point.
Additional points are only awarded at the Storyteller's discretion, based on appropriate behavior and deeds.

True Love: (1 pt Merit) You have discovered, and possibly lost (at least temporarily) a true love not just a
romance, but a source of joy in an increasingly darkening world. The Wyrm may be winning, but you know
there is something to keep fighting for. Whenever you are suffering, in danger or dejected, the thought of your
true love is enough to give you the strength to persevere. In game terms, this love allows you to succeed
automatically on any Willpower roll, but only when you are actively striving to protect or come closer to your
true love. Also, the power of your love may be enough to protect you from other supernatural forces
(Storyteller's discretion). However, your true love may also be a hindrance and require aid (or even rescue) from
time to time. Be forewarned: This Merit is a most exacting one to play over the course of a chronicle. Be
prepared to roleplay it well.

True Symbiote: (4 pt Merit) - Possessed? Maybe, but by sharing your mind and body with a sprit, you've
discovered your place in life. You have been very accommodating to the spirit inside.

Vampire Companion: (3 pt Merit) You have a friend and ally who happens to be a vampire. Though you may
call upon him in time of need, he also has the right to call upon you (after all, you are friends). However, neither
your kind, nor his, appreciate such a relationship, and will punish both of you if you are found out. It will be
difficult to arrange meeting places and methods of communication. The Storyteller will create the vampire
character, but will not reveal to you his full powers and potencies.

Veiled: (5 pt Flaw) You may believe in Gaea and the Garou way with all your heart and soul, but, for some
reason, you're not immune to the Delirium. Gifts such as Rending the Veil and the Rite of the Parted Veil have
no effect on you. You do receive a +1 bonus on the Delirium char and retain all your memories of what you see,
but the sight of a Garou in Crinos form still invokes some sort of instinctive, uncontrollable reaction in you.

Wotan's Curse: (2 pt Flaw) The curse of Wotan has fallen on your bloodline, and has unluckily manifested
itself in you. You are vulnerable to the powers of the walking dead, the servants of One-Eye. Whenever a
vampire, wraith, or other undead entity attempts to affect you with one of their supernatural powers, the
difficulty to do so is reduced by one. This curse makes you somewhat a liability in many operations, which may
affect your standing among fellow Fenrir.
MET: Wraiths, vampires, Risen and walking dead gain a single free retest when attempting to use a power that
targets you. The second test's results must stand.

Wyrm-Tainted: (4 pt Flaw) Whether through your own twisted service to the Wyrm, an unfortunate quirk of
heredity or just because of a supernatural accident, you reek of the enemy's blight. A number of Gifts allow
shapechangers to notice your foul stench and most may want to kill you outright. This is a risky Flaw!

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