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Internship Proposal

Loyola University

August 27, 2016

Ashley Mauck Kinney

Kari Cregger

Sean Kinney

Currently, our county is in the midst of transitioning to 1:1 devices. As we

transition to Google chromebooks, it is ironic that more than 50% of our staff dont know

they have a Google account, how to access it, or how to save and access Google staff

drive. Teachers are still using technology as busy work, where students engage in

online games during centers. Many teachers dont include technology and online

resources in their planning for instruction, let alone during instruction or assessment of

students. The innovation we want to implement is differentiated professional

development for all staff in how to effectively use GAFE and their chromebooks, plan for

use of technology, instruct at individual levels (differentiation), and assess students

using technology . We are a SIOP school (sheltered instructional observation protocol)

but a large portion of our staff this year is new to SIOP and new to teaching. We plan to

incorporate the use of technology to our advantage to bring these teachers into the

know on SIOP and show teachers how easy and effective it is for student achievement.

Along with SIOP we are also going to incorporate UDL (Universal Design for Learning)

which organically goes with the professional development we are providing. Our hope

is to show teachers that through technology, we can meet the individual needs and

boost our student achievement while closing the gap.

Learners & Interactions:

The learners for our innovation is the entire staff. We plan to host a professional

development session during preservice. We will split the group of attendees into

beginners, intermediate, and expert. Beginners are those that dont know how to get to
google, need assistance with finding drive, accessing staff shared, and creating and

sharing docs. Intermediates know the basics of Google but need support with navigating

and using Google Classroom. Experts are staff that use Google Apps for Education

daily in their instruction and are looking for additional educational resources to engage,

instruct, and assess students. Throughout the year we will host a tech spotlight at

each monthly professional development meeting. We will highlight an educational

technology tool, examples of how it can be used, and support for how to use it. Since

we have so many first year teachers this year, the school has put together a New

Teacher Cohort. We will plug into those meetings and help support those teachers in

using chromebooks in their classroom and incorporate other beneficial technologies.

Another part of our internship is to support grade levels in creating weebly websites.

The school wants to increase communication with parents and the community so at our

September professional development day, we will have a weebly website work session

for teachers to come and learn, use, create, and ask questions about their websites.

We will use screencasts on weebly and google docs for future reference. We have

created a folder in staff shared and a Google Classroom that teachers can ask

questions, do assignments, give feedback, and reference supporting materials

throughout the school year. The last part of our internship is to develop, implement, and

lead the charge for televising our morning announcements live. Our goal is that students

will read the announcements on camera and we will stream it live from our in house TV

studio. We want to have spotlights by students and teachers, use green screens and
the teachers will have access to use that equipment for other educational purposes

such creating multimedia movies with ease.

Learning Objectives:

Below is a list of the key concepts we will be covering and addressing during our

internship. In addition we provided a rationale under each key concept.

Key Concept 4: 4.1 Help students use technology tools to

Communication Skills collaborate with others inside and outside
the classroom.
4.2 Use technology tools to collaborate
with colleagues.
During our internship, starting with the professional development during pre service and

continuing throughout the year we will be modeling and teaching staff to use technology

tools to collaborate with colleagues. Starting with teaching and modeling how to use

GAFE collaboratively throughout teams and staff. Many teachers do not know the

benefit of use google drive and docs to plan collaboratively. Our goal is to help staff

move from using our old platform of TShared to using google drive to save plans and

resources. Every teacher in our school has access to a chromebook or laptop that they

can take to planning meetings. With this technology provided they can use google docs

to plan and type collaboratively providing a more constructive environment for PLCs.

Key Concept 5: 5.1 Apply technology to facilitate a

Assessment with Technology variety of effective assessment and
evaluation strategies.
5.2 Use technology to collect
assessment data, analyze it, and improve
student learning.
5.3 Use technology to communicate
assessment data with others.
In regards to key concept 5, Assessment with technology our internship is covering all

3 learning objectives. We are modeling and teaching staff how to apply and use

technology to assess and evaluate using google forms and other platforms. We are

also using technology to gain feedback through evaluation from staff. In addition, staff

will learn to collect and analyze student data in their classrooms and across grade

levels using technology. As a staff we will be using google sheets to input data points

from assessments. We will use the google sheets to communicate and discuss student

progress during PLCs.

Key Concept 7: 7.1 Model and build a positive school culture

Digital Citizenship that supports the safe, healthy and ethical
use of technology.

Digital Citizenship is a very important component surrounding our internship. During

every professional development session and tech spotlight we provide, we will also

make sure staff know and are cognisant of creating a safe, healthy and ethical

environment in their classroom surrounding technology. At the beginning of the school

year we will provide teachers with an Acceptable Use Policy they can share and go over

with their students. After, the students will sign and have their parents sign to ensure

they are aware and will be digitally safe citizens.

Key Concept 11: 11.1 Apply models of staff development

Staff Development to begin the process of real change in a
During our internship we have multiple opportunities available for staff development in a

variety of models. Before schools starts during pre service week, the staff has the

option to attend a break out session with the three of us facilitating a differentiated

learning session in the computer lab. Each month during staff meetings involving the

whole staff we will have the opportunity to have 15 minutes to provide a tech spotlight

on a program or technology of choice, (macro learning). We are also providing the

opportunity individually guided staff development through the use of our google

classroom. We also hope to have staff observe teachers using and implementing

technology in their classrooms (micro learning). In addition, throughout this process we

will be continuously collecting staff feedback through online evaluations, as well as

sending surveys to gain knowledge on how staff is doing with different technologies and

where they feel their area of need and support is.

Key Concept 13: 13.1 Actively engage in professional

Professional Collaboration and learning networks to collaborate and
Growth share ideas and resources with
13.2 Determine and implement the best
approaches to improving their
technology integration efforts through a
continual process of self-evaluation and

Beginning with pre service week, we will share the code to join our google classroom.

This is a platform that we will be able to collaborate with staff, share ideas and

resources. As stated before, our staff will have a variety of opportunities to give
feedback, evaluate, and provide reflection throughout this process. As facilitators, we

will also be continually looking at their feedback and reflecting ourselves.

Addressing Change:

According to Surry, this innovation meets the various attributes mentioned in his

paper. This innovation has trialability. In fact, I think our trial period is currently

underway. For example, some teachers are using Google Classroom while others have

no idea that they even have one and one that any student can access from any device

that has internet access. Last year we had voluntary Google trainings that more often

than not, people registered and then cancelled at the last minute. Voluntary training in

technology was desired and requested by staff, however, before and after school

proved to be not valued or deemed priority. It also had observability, we think that

teachers will be able to see observable results in the engagement of their students and

would be able to observe the progress of students over time. We think that when we

model applicable uses of these technologies for teachers, they will be able to replicate

and implement them in their classes as well, because they will see the value they bring.

They will certainly see the relative advantage (better than other innovations or the status

quo). Many times it has been expressed that our "professional development' is a waste

of time and people are always wondering where it comes from and who decides on it.

Staff are often requesting resources and ideas for how to engage students, use the

Chromebooks for 1:1 in upper grades, incorporate technology in lower grades, and

rarely ever have a chance to collaborate around it and/or get access to the tools and

websites. We think that they will see the opportunity for how these resources will make
them more effective teachers and ways to reach more students in deeper ways. The

complexity of the innovation offers a range depending on the teachers being discussed.

We think for teachers who have 1:1 devices already, this is not complex and will go very

well with what they already are trying to do. I think for lower grades, we will have some

push back in regards to getting students access to more devices which creates a more

complicated problem. We have lots of mobile labs so in theory, there should be enough

devices, but after a few years laptops get "old" and don't work as well anymore. When

you compare and use new Chromebooks, it is harder to go back to slow devices. We

think a huge misconception is that students can use Google drive, Google classroom

and other apps on PC laptops and that they dont need Chromebooks to accomplish the

same things. We know that our principal already values technology and implementing

new ways to teach and assess and thinks it is a compatible fit. She has a strong need

and desire to learn basic technologies, and so do some of our other staff. When they

don't know what they're missing, there is nothing to miss. We think that it will be difficult

to get all teachers on board, but I think that once we get going and they see how

applicable and helpful it is, they will want to continue with it and the innovation will gain


In terms of Elys 8 conditions, our school is ready to adapt this technology

innovation. Based on feedback regarding professional development last year, we can

see evidence that teachers are dissatisfied with parts of our system. Many teachers

are dissatisfied with the status quo regarding professional learning, and are interested

and excited to learn more. This year during preservice teachers had a choice to sign up
for different sessions. All of our sessions filled up and people expressed how interested

and excited they were to attend. Other presenters requested information as they

couldnt come to the session but strongly desired it. Most teachers feel they have the

skills to navigate computers, but want to get more comfortable with various aspects of

technology in their classrooms and teaching. Teachers felt that with proper support,

they have the capacity to learn these skills. With regards to resources available, some

teachers, mainly grades 3-5 who have 1:1 devices, feel that resources are available.

The primary teachers and supporting staff do not. They need to realize that they have

access to the computer lab, media center hub, and laptop carts that although they are

not Google, they can still do all the same things with them in their classroom and access

much of it from anywhere. Teachers are concerned about the amount of time required

to learn, create, and implement the technology in their classroom. Our first session is

designed to learn while you create, to show teachers that they dont need additional

time to learn something and then create it, but that they are able to do it simultaneously.

The professional development session during pre-service is time to do this and the first

professional day in September will also give time to create the weebly site. Making sure

that our monthly professional development sessions give us 15 minutes for our Tech

spotlight will be crucial, and we have time to come to New Teacher Cohort Meetings to

target that specific group. We will use our STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering,

the Arts and Math) committee to plan and share resources with grade level teachers to

share back with their teams. Participants are able to contribute to the decision making

of the professional development by providing feedback in the beginning of the year and
throughout. We ask participants to target areas of technology they want to learn more

about and areas that they struggle with. We will also assess and reflect throughout the

year through feedback, collaboration, and sharing examples. We plan to invite staff to

do peer visits to see how and when teachers are implementing technology effectively.

Another way they make decisions is communicating questions, needs, and wants

through their committee members. We plan to show commitment by those who are

involved by communicating regularly with staff, offering support, and answering

questions individually as they come. We are the ones planning and providing the

professional development sessions, recording screencasts, attending new teacher

cohort, and are all participants and co-chairs of STEAM committee. Although most

conditions are clearly met, others are not yet determined. Right now the only reward for

participants in intrinsic reward and motivation to learn the tools and access the

technology. One way we can offer rewards is by entering staff members who

implement technology well into our PBIS staff nomination box for recognition and entry

into raffles. We also hope that that leadership will be evident. We will continue for ask

for time, remind them of our charge, and share information as much as possible. One

concern we have is if professional development runs over, our technology spotlight will

get booted and no one will hear the resources that we would have presented on

because they dont have time to look at it on their own.

At our school, our teachers fall on a wide range of the ACOT model. As

previously stated, teachers in grades 3-5 who already have Chromebooks and have had

them for 2 or more years, are much more in the adaptation and appropriation stage.
They are able to use the 1:1 devices effectively in which students are more engaged

and produce more work. Some teachers are still in the adoption phase with

chromebooks where it simply replaces paper and pencil with a computer. Next year,

when our second grade teachers get their 1:1 devices they will be in entry stage dealing

mainly with the discipline, resource and classroom management of routines and

effective use of the technology. Very few teachers have entered appropriation where

they are able to understand technology and use it effortlessly as a tool to accomplish

real work. I am unaware of any that have developed new instructional practices or any

that have entered the invention stage where new learning environments are created and

fundamental change occurs. Even though we are all in different stages of the models

with technology implementation and how we use it to guide, instruct, and assess, we all

have room to grow. In the next year, we hope to grow our staff to advance from

adoption to adaptation and help the second grade teachers get to adaptation and

appropriation faster than in previous years.

What resources (Online Component) Timeline & Evaluation:


Action Person/Grou Datetobe Evaluation

p CompletedBy

Meetwithprincipalandshareideas Technology June17,2016 Letterofintentforthe

andgoalsofproposedPDplanon Coaches, principaltosign
technology. Principal,

PresentPDmaptoSITteamfor Technology August2016 Evaluationform&vote

leadershipbuyinandapprovalof Coaches, yesorno.
stakeholders. leadership

Create&sharegoogleclassroomfor Technology Priortofirstday Classroomcodewillbe

TechnologyPDWewillshare Coaches ofschoolAug sharedatPre=service
resources,answerquestions,provide 2016 withparticipants.

Pre-servicePD:Differentiation: Technology Aug23rd&25th ShareSlideswithstaff,

Beginners:GoogleDrive(accessingit Coaches 2016 uploadtostaffshared
andstaffshared,makingfolders) Pre-service (getparticipants
GoogleDocs&Sheets(creating& breakout access)&via
sharing) sessions Classroom(all
Intermediate:GAFEreview,questions, participantsjoin),
focusonexploringandcreating evaluation/surveyon
GoogleClassroom GoogleForms

Sharesurveywiththeentirestaffwho Technology August29th GoogleFormstobe

missedtechnologybreakoutsessions Coach submittedviaMCPS
viaclassroom&emaillink. account

Analyzesurveyresultsfromstaffand Technology August-Septem Targetspecific

identifyprofessionaldevelopmentbig Coaches ber15th educationalapps,
ideatopicsforsessionsduringFY17 assessments,
schoolyear instructionalignedwith

WeeblyScreencasts- Technology September Providegoogledoc

staff/participantswillviewa coaches 1-10th,2016 signinwithlinkto
screencastonhowtologintoweebly, screencast,aswellas
howtocreateawebpageandadd linktoagoogleformfor
features,publishetc.Online evaluation

WeeblyWorkSession-staffwillcreate Technology September12th Googleformtoget

pages,uploadimages,collaborateon coaches, Professional feedbackonsessionas
weeblygradelevelwebsites. Day wellashowteachers
Technologycoacheswillassistand areprogressingwith
supportasneeded theirwebsiteand

OctoberPDTechnologySpotlight: Technology October17th Teacherswillposttheir

TBD Coaches, StaffMeeting created___and
committee 2016 providefeedbackon
members oneperson

NovemberPDTechnologySpotlight: Technology November21st Meetingagendas

TBD Coaches, 2016Staff evaluation(+/delta)
committee meeting usingonline
members assessment

DecemberPDTechnologySpotlight: Technology December19th Meetingagenda,Exit

TBD Coaches, StaffMeeting cardviagoogle
. committee classroom.

JanuaryPDTechnologySpotlight: Technology January2017 Checkin-Howisit

TBD Coaches, Online-nostaff going?Whataresome
committee meeting thingsthathave
members improved?Whatare
Analyzethecheckin Technology January2017 AdjustPDplan
Coaches, remainderofyear

FebPDTechnologySpotlight:TBD Technology Feb13,2017 TBD

Coaches, StaffMeeting

MarchPDPDTechnology Technology March13,2017 Tbd

Spotlight:TBD Coaches, committee
committee meeting

AprilPDTechnologySpotlight:TBD Technology April3,2017 TBD

Coaches, StaffMeeting

MayPD:Showcase.Wheredowego Technology May1,2017 Onlinesurvey,online

fromhere?YearEvaluation Coaches, StaffMeeting evaluation

AnalyzeMayReviewyearlongonline Technology May15,2017 Evaluationresults,

evaluation Coaches, committee graphs,analysis.
Committee meeting

Plan for documenting the process, progress and reflections:

To document our process and progress we will have a running google document

for the year with the table provided above. After each professional development or

learning activity we provide, we will have an additional row for reflection. We will reflect
together after each task on what worked well and what areas we have room for

improvement. Then, we will add our reflections to the document. After looking over the

evaluations from staff we will also add our reflections from their feedback.

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