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Five ’ClockNews

from the Thought Leaders in Career Management and Outplacement



A Publication of The Five O’Clock Club®—

Five O’Clock Club Coaches Talk about Using LinkedIn to

Improve Your Career, Find a Job, Build a Consulting Practice

Social Media: Using LinkedIn to

Advance Your Career
by Kate Wendleton

This is a follow-up to our earlier articles on nected to their cell phones everywhere and how they can affect your career.
social media, which you can find in the they go.
Members Only section of our website. For Twenty years ago, the Internet did Social Media in General
this article, we asked a group of Five not exist. Today, it can dominate our Keep up your contacts while working
O’Clock Club coaches to give us their opin- lives. We think that the new Social Before Social Media came into
ions on Social Media in general and Media are meant to extend our relation- being, we urged our clients who had
LinkedIn in particular. ships, but there are perils as well as bene- landed jobs to make sure they had two
fits. networking meetings a week — no mat-

echnology changes, and you We can all build lots of connections,
have to change with it, but the but let’s be smart about it.
basic techniques and thought Facebook is the cause of
processes for career development don’t many relationship break-
change. As one of our coaches said, “I ups. A 2009 study makes
constantly give my clients this advice: the claim that “increased
even if you do not embrace social net- Facebook use significantly
working you need to understand how predicts Facebook-related
business is using it because it will come jealousy” in romantic rela-
up, sooner rather than later, in business tionships.
conversations. While Facebook tends
“So, please, for self preservation, to be more of a personal
avail yourself of the data. By the way, medium, LinkedIn is more is one of the best for professional relation-
sites for keeping pace with the business ships. Used correctly, it can
uses and business trends involving social help you improve your cur-
media.” rent career, find a new job,
Yes, times have changed. In the or build a consulting prac-
1960s and 1970s, if you left your house tice.
and the phone rang, you missed the call. In future articles, we’ll
People did not have home answering look at Twitter, Blogs and
machines. Nowadays, people are con- other forms of Social Media

Copyright ©2010 by The Five O’Clock Club. No portion of this publication may be reprinted without the express written consent of The Five O’Clock
Club. The writings contained within the pages of this publication do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Five O’Clock Club. The Five O’Clock
Club®, The Forty Year Vision ®, and The Seven Stories Exercise® names and logos are registered trademarks. All rights reserved.
ter what — to keep up their contacts,
keep up with what was happening in
their fields and industries, and to already
have developed contacts if they needed
information to help them in their careers
or wanted to search again.

Be smart about building

your connections.
Celia Currin Win Sheffield Damona Sain Roy Cohen
Social Media can help you keep up
The Five
your contacts, particularly given how
busy everyone is these days, but our O’Clock Club
coaches caution that “nothing substitutes Business
for face-to-face contact. Don’t ever forget Coaches
the value of a phone call over an email.” interviewed
Meeting people virtually does not for this article
replace meeting people directly — either on Social
in person or via telephone. One coach
advised, “Make sure that 20 to 30 per- Bill Belknap Anita Attridge Dr. MaryAnne Walsh
cent of your time — whether in your
job or job hunting — is ‘in the field’ expectation that it will produce a job sometimes intimidating and anxiety-pro-
meeting and connecting with people offer. It’s a resource for managing and ducing effects of reaching out to people
navigating your career. Yes, you use in person. Social Media is also pretty
Social Media is a serious part of the social networking to conduct a dynamic much a ‘2-D’ interaction. That can
resources and tools that help people in job search, but it’s so much more than increase miscommunication possibili-
their jobs and in job search. The basics that. Use it to expand your network, as a ties.”
of managing your career, looking for a resource for information, and to build a
job, or building a consulting practice
community of like-minded people who Comparing Various Social Media
have not changed — just the tools that will support you both on the job as well Facebook is generally for social pur-
help people connect have changed — as in job search.” poses, rather than career development.
ranging from email, on-line search, to
Twitter can be very time intensive and
LinkedIn, Blogs and Twitter. Social Media Can Waste Your Time the tweets move so quickly you can lose
Whether you are employed or not, track of them easily if you stay away a
Use Social Media as
we all know that anything on the couple of days (even hours sometimes!).
one tool to develop your career, Internet (or computer or handheld Blogs are labor intensive, but can be
build a consulting practice, or mobile devices, especially Smartphones) effective if you like to write and write
find a new job. can suck up too much time. One coach well. But check out the blogs you return
advises that you should assess for one or to time and again and figure out why
These tools help you stay in contact two weeks how much time per day you they are appealing. Being too wordy
with your network of people and com- spend online. Track how often you click with no graphics or other media (such as
panies, and to continue to build your on interesting links and surf to unrelated a short video) can be a recipe for lack of
network. You can use social networking topics. Then cut all your time in half for traffic. Other media include verbal pod-
tools to build your reputation as an two weeks. Use that extra time to meet casts, but you need good recording
industry or subject expert by blogging with people directly via phone and in equipment or no one will stay to listen.
and tweeting — or every bit as impor- person rather than relying on virtual This coach observes: “I think well done
tant — responding and commenting on meetings alone. video podcasts (NOT amateur YouTube
other people’s blogs and tweets. As one coach put it: “Let’s face it, it versions!) on Twitter, Facebook, blogs,
As one coach said: “Social network- takes a lot of time and care to build and whatever else there is would proba-
ing should not be viewed as just a job- Stage I and II contacts (getting to know bly appeal to more people—but ONLY
search tool. That’s wrong and inefficient. people who know about your industry if they are well done and if you are pho-
This would be the equivalent of going to and field and then those who are more togenic or a ‘natural’ in front of a cam-
just one interview with the belief and senior than you). It’s easy to avoid the era.”


All of the above can take entiously, and concisely moving
up so much of your time! Be forward up this ramp using all
sure to track the amount of the tools available to you, espe-
time you are on the computer cially the art of building and
and what you are doing there. It maintaining relationships on an
is very easy to waste time dig- on-going basis throughout your
ging through newsletters, blogs, career. What better vehicle than
junk mail and it is important to LinkedIn to assist you in accom-
keep the time invested under plishing this life-time project of
control. managing yourself?”
What’s more, Social Media Another coach comforted con-
can be a new way of “hiding cerned employees, “Clients some-
out” instead of actually making times worry that their employer
contact with real people. The will see their activity on LinkedIn
Internet in all of its forms is a and assume they are looking for
great research tool. But as we work. You can update your status
used to say, if you are spending on a quarterly basis, or at a mini-
all of your time in the library mum, when you complete each
(or on the Internet), get out major project. You can even men-
more. If you are spending all of tion to your boss that you are
your time meeting with people, tracking your accomplishments
research more. You need both using LinkedIn.”
for a successful career today. Our coaches tend to agree that
Finally, Social Media is LinkedIn is simply a tool. As one
Clubber to his group: “LinkedIn is a ter-
used more heavily in certain industries said, “The key is to build relationships;
rific tool that can help extend a person’s
and professions than others. Here’s one to some extent LinkedIn can nurture or
network and simplify the process of
coach’s thoughts on the subject: “Social even extend a relationship. I think of
identifying members of your network in
Media is a tool to support your career. LinkedIn as a fancy Rolodex and I rely
target companies and industries. It’s free
Like any tool it’s best used when the on it as I would a Rolodex. It is not a
to join so I’ve tried to recruit lots of
audience you’re targeting has embraced substitute for developing the relation-
other Five O’Clock Clubbers. As a quick
it and believes in it. Know whether your ships. It is a medium, a sophisticated
anecdote, I received a cold call this
audience uses it so you don’t waste a lot medium, but in the end, a medium.”
morning from a distant contact in my
of time using the wrong tools to advance
LinkedIn network who is looking for
your career or your search. If everyone Would you like to see a great
help in a number of his projects. I was
in your desired target is heavily invested
the perfect fit. A perfect lead! I wish the LinkedIn profile? Look at Guy
in social networking then you should be, Kawasaki’s.
same good luck to you and pass it on. If
too. For example, I have a client who
you join, make sure you connect to me;
just became the president of a digital ad
the bigger your network the more effec-
agency. He’s on Facebook and LinkedIn
tive it will be.” Get the Professional Headline and
to keep his universe of contacts — both
From one coach’s point-of-view: Profile Right!
professional and personal — apprised of
“LinkedIn is being described as ‘the best’ One coach represented many of our
his whereabouts and plans. He also uses
on-line career management guide coaches when she said, “Mainly, I work
and promotes other technologies to
around; and rightly so. There is a huge with two categories of people — those
demonstrate his commitment to being
WOW factor knowing that at least 45 high potential clients who are on the
million others are on LinkedIn. cusp of promotion and are ripe for busi-
Remember more than 85% of recruiters ness coaching and those individuals who
LinkedIn are trying to find you daily. Just a few are interested in transitioning into a new
years ago we thought of career manage- career. The most important first phase of
Every professional needs to be on ment as a ladder: Get that first job and the coaching is assessment or identifying
LinkedIn. We have over 1000 members hang on that rung until you or someone one’s career distinction, which is a cor-
in our Five O’Clock Club LinkedIn decide it is time to go. The current nerstone piece to crafting a dynamic
Group. LinkedIn has gotten rave reviews thinking is to visualize your career as a profile. I strongly suggest working with
at The Five O’Clock Club. Wrote one ramp where you are consistently, consci- a Five O’Clock Club Coach at this



assessment stage to help you identify 6. What does it say about your career put a lot of thought into his. If you
your professional reputation or posi- distinction that you bring to an organi- have been working closely with your
tioning. Keep in mind it is hard to do zation? coach, you may be able to simply insert
alone and much more fun to do in con- Compare the feeling you get when your résumé summary statement onto
cert with a professional coach.” you read these two very real Professional your LinkedIn page. Every Five
Before writing your LinkedIn Headlines Joe Mullen: “In career transi- O’Clock Club coach would tell you
Heading and Profile, re-read the section tion” vs. Jill Morey “Big picture vision- that you want to consistently communi-
of our Interviewing book on the Two- ary who gets the job done using creative cate your pitch in all of your communi-
Minute Pitch. As we say at the Club, “if non-traditional tactics.” Which person cations: résumé, cover letter, your verbal
your pitch — the way you’re position- would you want to get to know? pitch about yourself, email messages,
ing yourself — is wrong, everything is Most people decide they want to and all other Social Media.
wrong.” As one coach said, “Whether reposition themselves depending on
you are looking to advance your career, where they want their career to go. A Develop your LinkedIn head-
build a consulting practice, or are look- Clubber who had worked for the big ing and summary
ing for a new job, it’s extremely impor- consulting firms her entire life wanted after you’ve completed
tant that your profile on LinkedIn and people to instead see her as a
other social networking sites be consis- “Communications Executive with 10 your résumé. That way, they
tent in how they position you profes- years of international experience.” How both position you
sionally. It’s amazing how many discon- do you want to be seen? the same way.
nects we see between a member’s profile Would you like to see a great
on LinkedIn, the Summary Statement LinkedIn profile? Look at Guy By the way, if you are proud of
on their résumé, and even they way Kawasaki’s. your LinkedIn profile, be sure to list
they talk about themselves in their your LinkedIn address (see Guy’s
Pitch.” I know: Social Media is his job. address, above) in all of your email cor-
The LinkedIn Professional Heading The Internet is his life’s work. But he is respondence, at the top of your résumé,
is a small field but the most important. a good example of someone who has and so on. If you’ve done a good job on
As one coach noted: “It is your posi- taken full advantage of what LinkedIn your LinkedIn profile, you want others
tioning statement and is the reader’s has to offer. Pay special attention to his to see it. And, rather than using the
first impression of your perceived prom- summary statement. You can see he’s address that is assigned to you, you
ise of value — and we all probably will want to change
know how difficult it is to your LinkedIn address and use
change a first impression! Guy’s format (with his name as
Remember your positioning part of the url).
lives in the hearts and minds All of our coaches echo the
of others for a long time.” same thought: Complete your
This same coach developed LinkedIn profile after you have
the following list for you to completed your résumé. The
consider: Headline, 120 character limit,
should define who you are and
Coaching questions to ask what differentiates you from
yourself: others. The summary, 2000
1. What is the impression I characters, should position you
want to create in the strategically for your career
Professional Headline? development, consulting busi-
2. What do others say ness or job search. Start with
about my Professional the summary section from
Headline? your résumé. Use bullet points
3. Are these congruent or short paragraphs so that it
thoughts? can be easily read. LinkedIn
4. What is the feeling you doesn’t give you the option for
want it to evoke? bullet points, but you can get
5. What is the feeling oth- them anyway by using a
ers get when they read your copy/paste of bullet points
Professional Headline?



from Microsoft Word into your profile, 1.Create a script for what they see if there’s anything you can
or simply use dashes or asterisks. want said. add that will keep your name and
Another coach suggested: “I 2.Make sure the content from the expertise showing up via status
understand that people who have com- reference is performance-based or updates. Also, LinkedIn keeps
pleted most of their LinkedIn profile are behaviorally worded, NOT just a adding features. Make sure you
more successful in attracting employers rave about the person. For exam- take advantage of any that will
through the LinkedIn service that finds ple: “When Mary led the XYZ showcase your skills.
people for employers.” • Like all updates (e.g., on
Facebook), it can be overdone.
Recommendations • People change their head-
We asked our coaches about line and summary as they
the number and kinds of recom- become clearer about what is
mendations a person should important to their target mar-
have. Here’s what they said: kets.
• Have at least three or four.
Be careful not to have too Using LinkedIn to Build a
many “reciprocal” recom- Consulting Practice
mendations (i.e., if you You can use LinkedIn
recommend me, I’ll rec- to build a consulting practice
ommend you). by contacting companies or
• People usually get a little key people of interest to you.
suspicious about too many Says one coach: “One financial
recommendations. (Even client who wanted to work
Guy Kawasaki has only 6.) with small companies contact-
On this subject, when you ed all the smaller CPA firms
ask people for a recom- on LinkedIn in his target mar-
mendation it can be very ket. He then met with them to
helpful if you tell them let them know about his skills
quite specifically what you since many small businesses
are hoping they will be contact the CPA firms to ask
comfortable saying — to about recommendations for
the point of writing a “draft” of a project team we met all of our financial people.” Excellent idea.
recommendation that they might committed delivery dates and Another coach suggested using
want to use as a sample and came in under budget. I don’t LinkedIn regularly to record your
change or adjust in any way that think we could have done this accomplishments and advertise your
suits them. This takes the hassle without her leadership.” events.
out of the process for the recom- 3.Choose the same people who are
mender and helps you get the their job references; this makes Your LinkedIn Photo
recommendation you really want. the process much more efficient. I’ve seen some photos that were not
• Recommendations should ideally professional looking. They were way too
be from previous managers or
Too many recommendations sexy. This is not a dating service. Our
colleagues. As with references, if make you look insecure. coaches say:
there are key points you would • Use a plain background, have a
like them to include, let them Why Update Your LinkedIn Page warm smile, use solid colors for
know. Some people — especially consult- background and clothing. Have
• Many of my clients have been ants — regularly update something on your hair under control. Preview
contacted by both internal (com- their LinkedIn page so that a notice will your photo and ask others for
pany) recruiters as well as exter- be sent to everyone in their network and their input. If you have your own
nal. Several were told they were keep them top-of-mind. Whether or not consulting business, it’s best to
being contacted because of the you are a consultant, you can let people have either a studio photo at high
quality of their references. This is know what projects you are working on. resolution so it can be reduced or
because I try (not always success- What our coaches say: enlarged for this and other pur-
fully!) to have my clients: • Check your profile regularly to poses.


• The photo needs to be profes- I remember trying to help a How to Contact People through
sional — ideally, professionally client find groups related to LinkedIn
done. The photo is your business accounting and the results were I get requests all the time. The stan-
picture and should be as profes- not what he was looking for. dard request that LinkedIn provides
sional as your image and presen- That might have been a keyword does not help me figure out who this
tation would be on an interview. issue or simply that typical person is. Here’s what our coaches have
accountants don’t set up these to say:
Don’t use a sexy photo. This is groups. (There were plenty of • Always customize your invitation
business, groups for CPAs, for example.) to others you ask to join your
not a dating service. • A footnote to the advice about connections list. The standard-
not joining too many groups: If ized invitation is very impersonal
you are going to join a group try and shows you don’t care enough
Should you put Personal Information
to be active in it and get to know to reach out personally.
on LinkedIn? the people in it. That’s the point • I absolutely agree that if you are
To repeat what we say at the — not just having a laundry list building your network you
Club, if it helps your search, put it in. If of groups. As in all career devel- should personalize all correspon-
it doesn’t help, leave it out. If you’re opment activities, you should be dence — this is the chance to
interested in skiing, for example, a
reach out and touch and make it
reader could have a positive or nega-
personal and leave an impression
tive reaction to this information.
in someone’s mind. Don’t blow
Our coaches say:
it to save two minutes.
• Be strategic about personal
• I am not offended if some-
one I know sends a standard
• Don’t think of LinkedIn as a
request. Even so, I appreciate a
place for any personal infor-
custom note. If the custom note
mation. It seems out of place
is from someone I don’t know
there — it’s more appropriate
well, I feel it is a little pushy. In
on Facebook.
the end, I will only connect with
• The Club rule is right. those I know.
• Personalizing your
Joining Groups LinkedIn request helps to make
Joining as many groups as pos- your request stand out from
sible increases your network base. many other requests the person
Groups that can be most helpful are
may be receiving.
professional (industry and function),
alumni groups, special interest The standard request
groups and, of course, the Five
O’Clock Club group. What else do
that LinkedIn provides
our coaches have to say? does not help me figure
• Joining groups is a great idea, conscious of whether it is work- out who this person is.
especially when you can partici- ing for you. Are you seeing real
pate in their discussions. Not results? Building a network? How to Build Your Network on
only do they help you showcase Study the metrics. LinkedIn
your knowledge and skills to a • Again, Club rules apply: if it • Be sure you know the people you
very targeted audience, but you works, do it, if not, stop. LinkedIn with — whether you
can keep up-to-date in your field are going to them or they are
as you read others’ posts. coming to you. Make sure your
However, if you join too many Use LinkedIn the same as you network is full of people who
groups, you can waste time with would any other actually know you and you know
status updates; so prioritize the medium. Use it in a them.
ones you think will be best for • Check out the connections your
your purpose. Searching is all professional manner.
connections have. If you find
about finding the right keywords. someone you’d like to reach out


to, first check with your connec- are more successful when using quite easy and it lets you reach
tion to find out how they know LinkedIn and other sites to devel- out and touch lots of contacts
the other person, just as you op contacts and generate infor- before you need the favor — and
would in a live networking situa- mational meetings. It’s really when you might be able to put
tion. Then customize (always cus- about going after those Stage 2 some money in the favor bank.
tomize) your request appropriate- contacts (people one or two levels • As for the time you might spend
ly. higher than you are who are in a on LinkedIn, review it as you
• I stick to my contacts’ contacts. I position to hire you or recom- would ads, maybe look at it after
tried to go further and it fizzled mend that you be hired), then five o’clock once a day or look at
— no relationship, so no result. following up with a targeted it once a week.
• It’s important to be selective in mailing, and good old fashioned • LinkedIn should be used as any
the invitations to accept. On phone calls. other resource on an as-needed
most sites, as soon as you accept • I have observed a trend among basis and with a purpose. It’s
someone’s invitation you become some job hunters using LinkedIn important to build your
part of their network, and may to identify the hiring manager, or LinkedIn network including
get invitations from people who someone of influence within the using groups. With a rich
may really not fit within LinkedIn network, you can then
your network. If they cannot use it to source candidates and
really help you, or you can- companies. Like any of the social
not be of help to them, why networking tools it should be
do it? used with a purpose in mind.
• Check your privacy set-
How to Contact Someone in a tings. Look at your progress bar
Targeted Organization and try to have it at least 75%
Should you simply contact that complete. Look for groups per-
person directly (direct contact) or taining to your industry/profes-
should you ask someone else for an sion and join them. Follow dis-
introduction (networking)? Is con- cussions and contribute whenever
tacting someone via LinkedIn any possible.
different from our typical advice?
• Most of our coaches agree: Getting a Job Interview
This is just like the Club’s through LinkedIn.
advice with other mediums: We asked our coaches whether
Contacting the person any of their job hunters have ever
directly will provide you with gotten a job interview through
the most control in connect- LinkedIn ads. Here are some of
ing with someone. If you are their answers:
trying to connect with a very • One group member did
senior person, you may want to company for which they have and was surprised to be hired for
contact a person you know before applied on-line for a position. It’s a position overseas.
contacting the senior person. what I call the “one-two punch” • None of mine but I have heard of
LinkedIn is the same as with any — the same as if you were
people getting interviews through
other medium. answering an ad, but also get
• At The Five O’Clock Club, we your résumé bumped up because
• I have clients who have gotten
advocate both ways to contact of your effective use of direct
interviews through recruiters. As
others. I’d look at the person’s contact or networking.
many have noted, recruiters regu-
level. Unless you’re a high-level larly troll LinkedIn for candi-
executive, don’t approach a CEO Some General LinkedIn Suggestions
of a medium to large company • I think it is important to regular-
• One client today said a recruiter
directly. Remember our phrase, ly spend some time on LinkedIn
called her about a position that
“contact people one to two levels and to be thoughtful about
he had posted since her skills fit
higher than you are.” extending your network before
their profile. It appears that
• Most job hunters I have observed you might really need to.
recruiters — both independent
LinkedIn makes networking


and for companies — are already Googled yourself to see
more aggressively using what the world would see. If not,
LinkedIn to identify candi- you really ought to.
dates. • Go to the Google Blog page
and see what comes up. You
If you’re not using Google might get some really good (but
Alerts, you’re not a player not necessarily trustworthy)
in your organization, information about a person or
industry or profession.
• Take a look at our Research
Resources in the Members Only
Some Cool Advice section of our website,
One coach suggested this
very powerful LinkedIn tech-
• Subscribe to online journals
nique. “Use the counterintuitive
about your field or industry.
approach of typing in your target
You’ll get their newsletters with
company’s name in the People
the hot topics of the day.
box. If you type in Medco, as an
example, the search engine brings • And, one of our tried and true
favorites: Join professional or
up the names of all the people
trade associations. You really do
1,2,3 degrees of separation from
need to get out there and see real
you who work [or used to work]
people. l
at Medco. Very powerful.
“You can also do this on Twitter not good. Consider the following
and Facebook. For those who are social- basics for starters:
• Many members use Google for
network challenged or cynical (believe it
industry, company or people
How do people get jobs?
or not many of my clients are...but not
for long!), this will quickly tell you if information, even if they’re going In surveys, The Five O’Clock
some of your targets are social network after esoteric industries such as Club never uses the word “network-
savvy. For example Medco and WebMD social service agencies, ethics, ing” because people call it networking
(and hundreds of Fortune 500 compa- education policy, think tanks and when it is not.
nies) pay for Twitter ads. Currently, nanotechnology. Key any indus- “Networking” means getting in to
many of the world’s largest companies try name into Google and see see someone by using someone else’s
and consulting firms use Twitter as part what comes up. You may have to name.
of their recruiting strategy. look through a few pages of Direct Contact means contacting
“If you do the above on Facebook information, but there will prob- the person directly. Many people
(e.g., type Medco in the people search ably be a site that is a key one for think the best ways to find a job are
box) it will give you a list of people who your industry or field. Key in through networking, search firms and
work or worked at Medco and are on people you are trying to research. ads. But Direct Contact is the most
Facebook. It also give a hotlink so you Chances are, you’ll find them. efficient way to get meetings and jobs.
can make Direct Contact! How cool is • Make sure you use Google alerts
that?” for the organization you work for How People Get Jobs/Meetings
and your main competitors. If · 28% of those surveyed got meet-
Keeping Plugged in to Your Industry you’re not doing that, you’re not ings/jobs through networking, but it
and Profession a player. Just go to Google, key in took 61% of their time.
One problem is that we tend to the word “alerts” and it will take · 36% got meetings/jobs through
focus on the next hot thing, but spend- you to the Google alert page. Key Direct Contact — it took only 11%
ing your time wisely matters! Whether in the words you would like an of their time.
you are employed or not, you need to alert for, see a preview of the kind · Other techniques to consider
conduct research to stay up with that’s of results you would get, modify include online job boards, company
happening in your industry or field. the word if you don’t like the websites, ads and search firms.
Don’t forget the basics that we teach at results, and note how often you · Adopt a research mentality. See
The Five O’Clock Club. If your only would like to get alerts on these which techniques are resulting in
source of research is LinkedIn, that’s keywords. You’ve probably meetings for you.


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