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Angel Joy C.

9 - ACTS
Sir Wilson Melchor R.N.

What you were about to read is an interview of Mrs. Lita S. Quibuyen about her
experience during Mt. Pinatubo eruption.

1. What was your most unforgettable experience during the Mt. Pinatubo eruption?
I wont forget that moment when the sky suddenly became dark when its
supposed to be clear and bright and my two year old daughter began to cry. I with
my daughter in my arms and my neighborhood went out of our houses and got
curious of the sudden darkness, little did we know Mt. Pinatubo in Zambales
already erupted. I called my children immediately whose currently playing in the
backyard that time and asked them to cover their mouth and nose with a

2. Recall some experiences or scenarios you encountered.

I was terrified, we were all terrified. I confessed my sins, thinking it was the end
of the world. We cant deny the fact that Tarlac was not that far from Zambales,
so the ashes reached our province, we find it hard to see because of an almost
zero-visibility cause by the ash falls. Our planted crops that were supposed to be
eaten remained untouched because of the fear, ashes poisoned the plants.

3. How were your day-to-day activities affected?

Our Day-to-day activities became harder than we thought, theres the fear of
dying, theres the fear of losing your properties. We cant be sure of the air we
breathe that time so we kept our mask on and put screens in every door and
window. And also that time we barely eat vegetables and meat because of our
mentality that this food got affected of the ashes so we settled ourselves to canned
goods. The water we drank was boiled twice or even more, we our very afraid for
our health.

4. How did the eruption affect the following:

a) People - We got traumatized. People got traumatized. We fear for our familys
life. We found it hard to breath because of the ashes thickness.
b) Livestock - We owned a lot of chicken that time but because of Mt. Pinatubos
eruption they all died. And for a family like us, it was a big loss. Even my
lovable plants got destroyed; it was years after I regained everything back.
c) Agriculture The eruption destroyed a lot of farm.
Angel Joy C. Valencia
9 - ACTS
Sir Wilson Melchor R.N.

d) Industry/Economy Farms got damaged at that time, a lot of people died

(workers, children, adults etc.) theres a very low supply of water and
e) Infrastructures A lot of infrastructure got destroyed, buildings, houses etc.
Our (Me and my neighborhood) properties was vanished.

5. What safety measures did you apply to survive the eruption?

Unfortunately, my family was one of those who refused to leave their home. It
was hard of course because we dont know where to get food but Im glad that my
husband and I has a habit of storing canned goods and noodles so we had food to
eat. We barely took a bath because of the water shortage, we would just clean our
face and our private parts and was ready again to face another day and wait when
the ashes would stopped from falling.

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