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Logic of Phantasy 14

Jacques Lacan
雅克 拉岡

Lacan Seminar 14:

The Logic of Fantasy 5
Seminar 5: Wednesday, December 14, 1966

While I am waiting for this piece of chalk that I may need and that I hope is going to come before long,

let us talk about ... the news. It is a curious thing that is not foreign to what unites us here, to speak

about the way in which this book has been received in a certain zone, precisely the one that you

represent, all of you, such as you are, who are here. I mean that it is curious, for example, that in far-

away universities where I had no reason up to now to think that what I limited myself to saying in the

seminars had such an echo, well I do not know why, this book is sought after. So then, since I am

alluding to Belgium, I point out that this evening as ten o'clock, the third programme of Radio-Bruxelles,

but on FM, (the only people who will be able to benefit from it then are those who live near Lille, but I

know that I also have listeners from Lille) well then, at ten o'clock there will be transmitted a little

response that I gave to someone who is one of the most agreeable of those who came to interview me.

On this point there are others, of course, other countries that are still more distant, in which it is not sure

that it is always so successful.









But in any case I am going to start - because we have to make a transition - I am going to start from an

idiotic question which was put to me. What I am calling an idiotic question is not what one might think, I

mean, something which in no way displeases me - I love idiotic questions - I also love idiots (idiotes). I

also love idiots (idiots), it is not - privilege of the sex. In a word what I call idiotic, is something that, in

this case, is quite simply natural and proper. An idiotism is something that is confused too quickly with

singularity, it is something natural, simple, and in a word, very often linked to the situation. The person in

question, for example, had not opened my book. She posed me the following question: "What is the link

between your Ecrits"?







I must (2) say that it is a question that would never have struck me of my own accord. Of course! I must

also say that it is a question that it would never have struck me would have struck anyone else. But it is

a very interesting question, in truth, to which I made every effort to reply.



And to respond to, well, my God, as it was put to me, namely, that since it was put to me for the first

time, it was for me a veritable source of questions and, to go quickly, I replied to it in the following terms.

That what seemed to me to form the link - I am thinking here not so much of my teaching but by Ecrits

as they may present themselves to someone who, precisely, is going to open them - well then, it is what

- in the order of what is called "identity" - everyone has the right to refer to, in order to apply it to himself.





I mean that from the Mirror stage up to the last notations that I was able to write under the rubric of the

Subversion of the subject, when all is said and done, this would be the link.



And as you know, this year (I am only recalling it for those who come here for the first time), I thought I

ought – in speaking (I am saying it also for them) about the logic of the phantasy - to start from this

remark which, for those who are familiar with them has nothing new about it, but is essential, that the

signifier cannot signify itself. It is not quite the same thing for the subject as this question bearing on the

sort of identity that might be applicable to himself. But anyway, to say things in a way that makes them

resonate, the start - and what remains a link up to the end of this collection - is indeed this something

thoroughly discussed, this is the least that can be said, throughout these Ecrits and which is expressed

in this formula - which comes to everyone and which is maintained, I must say, with regrettable certainty

- which is expressed as follows: "Me, I am me" (moi, je suis moi).








I think there are few of you who do not have to struggle in order to shake off this conviction and, after all,

moreover, even if it were struck from their documents, large or small, it nevertheless remains that it is

always extremely dangerous. In effect what is immediately engaged on, the path onto which people slip

is the following, which I signalled at the beginning of this year - you see that see that the question is

posed immediately and in the most natural fashion. The very people among whom there is so strongly

established this certainty, do not hesitate to settle just as frivolously what is not part of them. "It is not

me". "I did not behave in that way".






It is not the privilege of babies to say "It is not me". A whole theory of the psychological genesis of the

world for each person, will even start quite plainly from this: that the first steps in experience, for the one

who is living it, the being who is "infans", and subsequently infantile, will be for him to make the

distinction (says the professor of psychology) between the (3) "ego" and the non-ego. Once engaged

along this path, it is quite clear that the question cannot be taken further. Because to engage oneself in

this opposition between the ego and the non-ego, as if it were considered as something which could be

decided with the simple limit of a negation (including, in addition, the excluded third, I suppose),

completely rules out, makes it completely out of the question, that there should be attacked, what is

nevertheless the only important question, namely, whether "me, I am me".







It is certain that in opening my book, every reader will be caught very quickly in this link. But this is not,

for all that, a reason for him to remain in it. Because what is bound together by this link, also gives him

enough opportunities, a sufficiently enormous number of opportunities, to occupy himself with other

things, things which, precisely, are illuminated by being caught in this link and, therefore, slip out of its

field again. Which is conceivable because of the fact that it is obviously not on the terrain of

identification itself that the question can really be resolved.





It is precisely by referring, not simply this question, but everything that it involves- in particular the

question of the unconscious, which presents, it has to be said, difficulties which leap much more

immediately to the eye as regards what it should be identified to -it is, with regard to this question of

identification, but not simply limited to what in the subject is believed to be grasped under the

identification me (moi), that we employ the reference to structure. We have to start from something

external to what is given immediately, intuitively, in this field of identification, namely, for example, the

remark that I re-evoked earlier, that no signifier is able to signify itself.






So then, to start today from why I asked for chalk, since it is a matter of structure, what. One of the

sources of my embarrassment here, sometimes, is that it is necessary for me to make rather long

detours to explain certain elements to you. It is certainly not my fault if they are not within your reach,

namely, commonly enough in circulation, for, as one might say, these first truths to be considered as

understood when I speak to you about them. I am going to make for you here the schema of what is

called a group. I alluded on several occasions to what a group signifies starting, for example, from set

theory. I am not going to begin again today, especially given the path that we have to travel. What is

involved is the Klein group, in as much as it is a group defined by a certain number of operations. There

are no more than three of them. What results from them is defined by a very simple series of equalities,

between two of them, and a result that can be obtained otherwise, namely, by one of the others, for

example, one by the other of the two, for example.











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