Physics Revision Sheet XII IIT by Sumit Upmanyu Sir

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Take up ONE
Subject : PHYSICS
GOAL in your
LIFE. Make that
Topic : One Goal your life-
XI - Syllabus
Think of it, Dream
of it, Live on that
Revision Sheet :
GOAL. Let the
Brain, Muscles,
To be Solved in days.
Nerves, Every part
if your body, be
full of that Goal, and just leave every other
thing alone. This is the only way to SUCCESS,
that is the way great people are produced. :

Q.1 A particle with mass 2 kg moves in one dimension, in the presence of a

force that is described by the following potential energy graph. In parts
(a)-(c), specify your numerical answers to 2 significant figure accuracy.
(a) If the particle is located at x = 0.5 m, what is Fx, the x-component of the
force acting on the particle?
(b) If the particle is located at x = 2 m, what is Fx, the x-component of the
force acting on the particle?
(c) If the particle is released from rest at x = 2 m, what will be its speed when it crosses x = 5 m?

Q.2 An initially empty beaker, in the shape of a cylinder with cross sectional
area A, is left out in the rain. The raindrops hit the beaker vertically
downward with speed v. The rain continues at a constant rate, so the
height of the water in the beaker h(t) increases with time t at a rate dh /dt
= w, where w is negligible compared to v. The raindrops quickly come to
rest inside the beaker, so we can neglect any kinetic energy of the water
that has collected in the beaker. Let denote the density of
water (i.e., the mass per unit volume).
(a) What is the rate at which the mass of the water in the beaker increases with time?
(b) Let ycm(t) denote the height of the center of mass of all the water that has collected in the beaker by time
t. What is the rate dy cm dt at which this height increases?

(c) The total momentum of any system of particles Ptot is equal to the total mass Mtot times the velocity v cm of
the center of mass. Should we conclude, there fore, that the water in the beaker has a vertical momentum equal
to its mass times the value of dy cm dt as described in part (b)? Explain your answer in one or two sentences.
(d) If the beaker is placed on a scale, while the beaker is still in the rain, the impact of the raindrops on the
beaker will cause the reading on the scale to be larger than the weight of the beaker and the water it
contains. By how much is the reading on the scale increased by the impact of the raindrops? (Neglect the
effect of raindrops that hit the scale directly.)
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Q.3 A volume V0 of helium is confined within a chamber. The initial pressure is PA (atmospheric pressure),
and the initial temperature is T0. Helium is a monatomic gas, which we will treat as an ideal gas. Each
atom of helium has a mass mHe = 4 u, where 1 u = 1.66 1027 kg.
(a) What is the number N0 of atoms of helium in the sample. Your answer should be expressed exclusively
in terms of the given quantities, but it may also contain k (the Boltzmann constant) or R(the gas constant).
(b) What is the total internal energy U0 of the gas?
Suppose the gas is allowed to expand to V1 = 1.5 V0, while it is being heated at just the right rate to keep
the pressure constant.
(c) What is the temperature T1 of the gas at the end of this expansion?
(d) During the expansion, how much work W1 is done by the gas?
(e) During the expansion, how much heat Q1 has to be added to the gas.
The gas is then compressed back to its original volume V0, with the compression taking place at the
constant temperature T1.
(f) How much work W2 is done on the gas during this compression.
The gas is allowed to cool back to temperature T0, so the pressure returns to PA and the initial conditions
are restored. A second chamber, also of volume V0, contains neon at pressure PA and temperature T2.
Neon is also a monatomic gas, which we will treat as ideal. The mass of each neon atom is mNe = 20 u.
(g) The two chambers are connected by a tube (of negligible volume), so that the gases can mix. The entire
system is insulated, so that no heat escapes. Once equilibrium is reached, what is the temperature T3 of
the mixture of gases?

Q.4 A particle moves with uniform speed of m/s along a path

comprising of two semicircles from A to B and then from B to C
as shown in figure.
(a) Find magnitude of average velocity for the entire journey
(b) Find magnitude of displacement of the particle from A, sec
after start

Q.5 A pressure cooker is a pan whose lid can be tightly sealed to prevent gas from escaping. Suppose an
empty pressure cooker is left on a hot stove, so that the temperature inside rises to T1. A pressure relief
value on the lid is then opened, allowing hot air to escape until the pressure inside is reduced to atmospheric.
The pot is then sealed, and removed from the stove and allowed to cool. What is the net force due to air
pressure on the lid when the contents have cooled to room temperature, T0? Be sure to give the magnitude
and direction. You may assume that the lid of the pressure cooker is in the shape of a circle of diameter
l, and that the atmospheric pressure is P0. Both temperatures T1 and T0 are measured on an absolute
scale, such as the Kelvin scale.

Q.6 A bullet of mass m1 is fired into a pendulum of mass m2 and length L. The speed of the bullet as it enters
the mass m2 is V1 (see figure)

First, assume that the collision is elastic, and that m1 << m2

(a) If the pendulum is initially at rest, what is the speed of the bullet after the collision?
(b) Now suppose that when the collision occurs, the pendulum, at the bottom of its swing, is moving to the
left with velocity V2. What now is the speed of the bullet after the elastic collision?

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Now assume that the collision is completely inelastic. The pendulum is at rest before the collision,
m1< m2, but the speed V1 of the bullet is unknown.
(c) After the collision the pendulum moves to the right and it comes to a halt when the string makes an angle
max with the vertical. What was the speed of the bullet? Substitute in your answer
max = 0. Does your result make sense?
(d) Could max be 90? Explain your answer.

Q.7 A ball of mass m is attached to a rigid vertical rod by means of two massless strings with length L.
The strings are attached to the rod at points a distance L apart (see Figure). The system is rotating about
the axis of the rod, both strings being taut and forming an equilateral triangle. The tension in the upper
string is T1.
(a) Draw a diagram showing all forces acting on the ball.
(b) What is the tension in the lower string?
(c) What is the net force on the ball at the instant shown in Figure?
(d) What is the speed of the ball?
Express all your answers in terms of L, m and T1.

Q.8 M and m are connected as shown in figure. If v and u denote the horizontal
velocity of M and vertical velocity component of m respectively then find the
ratio of u/v.

Q.9 In the given figure an ideal gas changes its state from state A to state C
by two paths ABC and AC. (a) Find the path along which work done
is the least. (b) The internal energy of gas at A is 10J and amount of heat
supplied to change its state to C through the path AC is 200J. Calculate
the internal energy at C. (c) The internal energy of gas at state B is 20J.
Find the amount of heat supplied to the gas from A to B.

Q.10 A child is swinging a ball of mass M around on a light spring which has spring
constant k. The ball describes a horizontal circle a distance h above the floor.
The stretched spring has a length l and makes an angle with the vertical as
shown below. The acceleration due to gravity is g. Neglect air
(a) In terms of only the given quantities, what is the magnitude of the force F that the
spring exerts on the mass M?
(b) In terms of F, k, and l, what is the natural length l0 of the spring, i.e. the length when the spring is not
(c) In terms of F, l, M and , what is the speed v of the ball?
(d) At some instant of time, the spring breaks. The ball moves a horizontal distance x before it hits the floor.
In terms of v, h, and g, whta is x?
(e) Suppose all the above action takes place on the deck of a boat. The boat is moving with velocity v/2
parallel to the bank of a river. Consider the period before the spring breaks. Let ax be the component of
the acceleration of the ball in the direction of the motion of the boat, in the rest frame of the river bank.
sketch for one rotation of the ball ax as a function of time. Take t = 0 the instant when the ball is moving
in the direction of the motion of the boat. Label the axes in terms of only v, l, and .

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Q.11 Find tension in the string and acceleration of all blocks with respect
to ground. Assume friction absent and string and pulley light.

Q.12 Find the acceleration of wedge of mass 4m placed on smooth horizontal

surface as two blocks of masses m and 2m slide over it.

Q.13 Three blocks A, B & C are arranged as shown. Pulleys and strings are ideal. All surfaces are frictionless.
If block C is observed moving down along the incline at 1 m/s2. Find mass of block B, tension in string
and accelerations of A, B as the system is released from rest.

Q.14 A tank filled with water moves vertically with uniform velocity 1 m/s.
There is a hole in its wall near bottom from which water comes out with
constant relative velocity of 2 m/s in horizontal direction. If there is a
tray which is 2m wide kept at 10 m from initial position of tank on floor
find for what duration will the water be falling in the tray. (g = 10 m/s2)

Q.15 The diagram shows particles A and B, of masses 0.2 kg and m kg respectively,
connected by a light inextensible string which passes over a fixed smooth peg.
The system is released from rest, with B at a height of 0.25 m above the floor. B
descends, hitting the floor 0.5 s later. All resistances to motion may be ignored.
(a) Find the acceleration of B as it descends.
(b) Find the tension in the string while B is descending and find also the value of m.
(c) When B hits the floor it comes to rest immediately, and the string becomes slack. Find the length of time
for which B remains at rest on the ground before being jerked into motion again.

Q.16 The system shown in the figure is in equilibrium. Find the initial acceleration of
A, B and C just after the spring-2 is cut.

Q.17 A particle which moves along the curved path shown passes point O with a speed of
12 m/s and slows down to 5 m/s at point A in a distance of 18 m measured along the
curve from O. The deceleration measured along the curve is proportional to distance
from O. If the total acceleration of the particle is 10 m/s2 on it passes A.
Find the radius of curvature of A.

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Q.18 Four blocks are arranged on a smooth horizontal surface as shown.
The masses of the blocks are given (see the diagram). The coefficient of
static friction between the top and the bottom blocks is s. What is the
maximum value of the horizontal force F, applied to one of the bottom
blocks as shown, that makes all four blocks move with the same

Q.19 The ball of mass m is connected to an elastic string force constant of

spring constant K = mg/L through a inextensible string of length 2L
as shown. Find
(a) the maximum velocity of mass m during fall.
(b) the maximum potential energy stored in the spring during the fall.

Q.20 Find the velocity with which a block of mass 1 kg must be horizontally
projected on a conveyer belt moving uniformly at a velocity of 3 m/s so
that maximum heat is liberated. Take coefficient of friction of 0.1. Also
find the corresponding amount of heat
liberated.What happens when belt velocity is 5 m/s?

Q.21 Two masses A and B connected with an inextensible string of length l lie on a
smooth horizontal plane. A is given a velocity of v m/s along the ground
perpendicular to line AB as shown in figure. Find the tension in
string during their subsequent motion

Q.22 Two blocks A and B of mass 2 kg and 1 kg respectively are connected by a light
inextensible flexible string and arranged as shown in figure. The pulleys P1 and
P2 are light and frictionless. A shell of mass 1 kg moving vertically upwards with
velocity 10 m/s collides with block B and gets stuck to it. Calculate
(a) time after which block B starts moving downwards
(b) maximum height reached by B
(c) total loss of mechanical energy up to that instant.

Q.23 A chain of length L weighing per unit length begins to fall through a
hole in the ceiling.
(a) When the lowest end of the chain has fallen through a distance x show
that its velocity v(x) =
(b) Find the acceleration of the falling chain.
(c) Find the energy loss when the last link of the chain has left the ceiling.
Q.24 Two identical equilateral triangular wedges of mass M rest on a smooth
horizontal surface. A smooth sphere of mass m moving vertically down
with a velocity v0 strikes the wedges symmetrically. If the coefficient of
restitution is e find the velocities of the sphere and that of the wedges
just after collision.

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Q.25 The free end of the open-link chain of total length L and mass per unit length
is released from rest at x = 0. Determine the force R on the fixed end and the
tension T1 in the chain at the lower end of the non moving part in
terms of x. Also find the total loss Q of energy when x = L.

Q.26 Three particles each of mass m , can slide on fixed frictionless circular
tracks in the same horizontal plane as shown . Particle m1 moves with
velocity v0 and hits particle m2. The coefficient of restitution being
e = 1. Assuming that m2 & m3 are motionless and lie along a radial line
before impact and the spring is initially relaxed , find :
(a) the velocity of m2 immediately after impact .
(b) the maximum velocity of m3.
(c) the maximum stretch of the spring .

Q.27 A uniform disc of mass M and radius R is projected at t = 0, with velocity V0

and angular velocity 0 = 0 along an inclined plane having inclination angle .
The coefficient of friction between disc & inclined is = tan. Find total
time of rise of disc on inclined.

Q.28 In the figure shown a light spring of spring constant k is attached at the ends of
two uniform identical rods of mass m and length l each. The rods can rotate
about other ends. They are rotated by same and small angles in opposite direction
in the plane of the figure and released. Neglecting the effect of
gravity, find the frequency of oscillation of the rods.

Q.29 A rod of mass m, length l is hanged at its centre by a string as shown in figure.
Torsional coefficient of the string is k. Two particles of mass m strike elastically with
the rod perpendicularly at its ends with velocity v at time t = 0. Determine the expression
for angular displacement of the rod as the function of time from the initial position.
Q.30 A compound pendulum is constructed by taking a thin, uniform circular ring of mass m and radius R and
affixing a straight, thin uniform rod of mass m and length 2R across one of its diameter as shown in the
diagram .
(a) If it is hung about horizontal axis passing through A. Find its time period
for small disturbance in the plane of paper.
(b) Now the pendulum is displaced by a small angle 0 and released from rest find
maximum velocity of C and its acceleration (i.e of point C) at that moment.
(c) Now if it is hung about B, what is time period for similar oscillation as in part (a).

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Q.31 A uniform rod of mass m and length l is fixed from point A, which is at a distance
l/4 from one end as shown in the figure. The rod is free to rotate in a vertical
plane. The rod is released from horizontal position. Find the reaction force at
the hinge, when kinetic energy of the rod is maximum.

Q.32 A metal block is placed in a room which is at 10C. It is heated by an electric heater of power
500 W till its temperature becomes 50C. Its initial rate of rise of temperature is 2.5C/sec. The heater
is switched off and now a heater of 100W is required to maintain the temperature of the block at
50C.(Assume Newtons Law of cooling to be valid)
(i) What is the heat capacity of the block?
(ii) What is the rate of cooling of block at 50C if the 100W heater is also switched off?
(iii) What is the heat radiated per second when the block was 30C?

Q.33 A steel wire (Y = 200 GPa, = 1 105 /K) of length 1.00 m and cross-sectional area = 0.1 mm2 is
joined end to end with an Aluminium alloy wire (Y = 100 GPa, = 4 105 /K) of length 2.00m and
cross-sectional are = 0.4 mm2, at a certain temperature. The free ends of the composite wire are fixed
on rigid supports with negligible tension, at the same temperature. By what | T | should the temperature
be lowered so that one or both the wires break. Assume their joint to be infinitely strong. The fracture
tensile stress of Al - alloy is 0.2 GPa and that of steel is 0.5 GPa.

Q.34 A steel rope his length L, area of cross-section A, Youngs modulus Y. [Density = d]
(a) It is pulled on a horizontal frictionless floor with a constant horizontal force F = [dALg]/2 applied at one
end. Find the strain at the midpoint.
(b) If the steel rope is vertical and moving with the force acting vertically up at the upper end. Find the strain
at a point L/3 from lower end.

Q.35 A symmetric block of mass m1 with a notch of hemispherical shape of radius r

rests on a smooth horizontal surface near the wall as shown in the figure. A small
block of mass m2 slides without friction from the initial
position. Find the maximum velocity of the block m1.


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1. (a) 0; (b) 4N; (c) 2 m/s

2. (a) Aw; (b) w/2;
(c) It is therefore incorrect to conclude that the water in the beaker has a total vertical momentum;


PA V0 3 3 1 5 3 3 2T0 T2
3. (a) , (b) PA V0 , (c) T0 , (d) PA V0 , (e) PA V0 , (f) PA V0ln , (g)
kT0 2 2 2 4 2 2 T0 T2

10 1 2 1 T0
4. (a) m/s ; (b) 4 2 2 5. l P0 T
7 4 1

6. (a) Since m2 >> m1, the bullet will leave with the same relative speed with which it came in V1' V1
(b) The speed of the bullet after the collision is now V1 + V2 relative to m2. Therefore, the speed of
m1 is V1' V1 2V2 .

(c) Momentum conservation gives the speed of both masses after the collision, V = m m . This kinetic
1 2
energy brings the system to a height given by
2 2
1 1 m1 V1
(m + m2)V = (m1 + m2)gh ; 2 = gL (1cos max)
2 1 ( m1 m 2 ) 2

m1 m 2
V1 = 2gL (1 cos max ) Notice for =0, V = 0 as it should!
m1 max 1

m1 m 2
(d) If max = 90, then cos max = 0 and V1= 2gL , which is possible. For example, if L = 1 m

and m 102 , then V1 450 m/sec.]

3(T1 mg )l
7. (a) T2 = T1 2mg; (b) 3 (T1 mg ) ; (c)
8. 1 + cos

9. (a)AC, (b)170J, (c) 10J

Mg F lF 2h v2 vt
10. (a) F = , (b) l , (c) v = sin , (d) x = v , (e) ax = l sin sin l sin

cos k M g

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200 40 40 30 70
11. T= N, aM = i , a m1 i j , a m 2 j
17 17 17 17 17
12. g/11
13. MB = 15 kg, T = 15 , aA = 5 m/s2 , aB = 9 m/s2
14. 55 sec
15. (a) 2 ms2, (b) 2.4 N, 0.3 (c) 0.2 s
16. 5g, 5g/2, 0
17. 3.3 m 18. F = 2smg
2 m M
19. (a) 3gL , (b) mgL [2+ 3 ] 20. 4 m/s, 24.5J, 40 J
21. 2mv 2 3l
22. 5.0 J, Total loss of mechanical energy E = E1 + E2 = 30, string becomes right after sec,
1 sec, 2m
g 1
23. (b) ; (c) E = l2g
3 6
3 (1 e)mv 0 ( 2eM 3m ) v 0
24. v2 = ; v1=
2M 3m 2M 3m
1 1
25. R= g(L + 3x), T1 = gx, Q = gL2
2 4
4v 0 m
26. (a) v0, (b) , (c) x = vo
5 5k
g sin

28. =

48v 2 m 12k
29. = sin t
49k m l

5R 12 5R
30. (a) T= 2 , (b) g(1 cos 0 ) , (c) 2
3g 5 3g
31. mg
32. (i) 200 J/C (ii) 0.5 C/sec (iii) 50W
33. steel, 500/9 C
34. (a) (dgL)/4Y, (b) (dgL)/6Y
2m 2 2gr
m1 m 2

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