Zahid Nasim Khattak Cover Letter

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Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a social activist and Humanitarian/Development practitioner and my career objective is to

contribute towards social and human development based on my academic excellence and well-
grounded in my 29 years national as well as international practical experience; less in corporate
and more in the development sector. My experience travails from working in sectors of operations,
emergency, social justice, social protection & coordination (Housing, Land and Property Rights -
HLP), institutional strengthening/strategic planning, resource mobilisation, logistics management,
gender equality, capacity building, youth and women development and sustainable livelihoods. I
have remained in senior management positions, specifically project management
including Monitoring-Evaluation-Accountability-Learning (MEAL). My work has been both in rural
and urban development realms. My special expertise is also working for humanitarian assistance
and has been intensely involved in relief and disaster management.

Another core area of my interest and expertise is close partnership and coordination with the
donors and government systems for strategic planning, resource mobilization and sustainable
development. Having exposed to international and multicultural work environment including United
Nations Organizations UNFPA, UNDP, UN-Habitat, UNESCAP and International donors like UN,
CIDA, USAID, DFID, JICA, gave me extensive opportunities to learn international best practices
which can be used to overcome various challenges faced by the social and development sector
ensuring the sustainability.

I remained member of the Inter-agency Gender and Development Group (INGAD) for three years. I
am a trained Global Protection Expert (Trained through UNHCR at Geneva, Switzerland). I also
remained member of National Protection Cluster for six years representing UN-Habitat; and
Chairperson of sub cluster on Housing, Land and Property Rights (HLP) and our team devised
tools and suggested policy to the National Cluster on protection of vulnerable communities
regarding their HLP rights. I was also member of Sub Clusters on Child Protection, GBV, Age and
disability and Protection Strategic Advisory Group under Protection Cluster. I also remained
Regional Land Administration Expert for South Asia (UN-Habitat/Global Land Tools Network), for 3
years. I also co-chaired Provincial Early Recovery Working Group on Housing (Khyber

I humbly submit that I have been blessed with an ability to motivate people to work for the social
and development causes which is essential to achieve the success and sustainability for the social
and development projects. I also ensured transparency in utilising donors funds through efficient
and effective management of the programme; and advocated with all stakeholders including
provincial and national stakeholders to ensure ownership of programme strategy and results; and
liaised with donors to keep them abreast regarding progress of the interventions funded by them. I
am always eager to contribute towards the social development at national and international level.

Looking forward to discuss and demonstrate my suitability in person for this position.
Zahid Nasim Khattak
Contact +92-345-543 86 89

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