Identification of Crack in A Rotor System Based On Wavelet Finite Element Method

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Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 43 (2007) 1068 1081

Identication of crack in a rotor system based on wavelet nite

element method
Jiawei Xiang a, , Xuefeng Chen b , Qiuyun Mo a , Zhengjia He b
a School of Mechantronic Engineering, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, PR China
b School of Mechanical Engineering, Xian Jiaotong University, The State Key Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Xian 710049, PR China

Received 10 April 2006; received in revised form 24 March 2007; accepted 6 July 2007
Available online 17 August 2007

The dynamics and diagnosis of cracked rotor have been gaining importance in recent years. In the present study a model-based crack
identication method is proposed for estimating crack location and size in shafts. The rotor system has been modeled using nite element
method of B-spline wavelet on the interval (FEM BSWI), while the crack is considered through local stiffness change. Based on Rayleigh
beam theory, the inuences of rotatory inertia on the exural vibrations of the rotor system are examined to construct BSWI Rayleigh beam
element. The slender shaft and stiffness disc are modeled by BSWI RayleighEuler beam element and BSWI RayleighTimoshenko beam
element, respectively. Then the crack identication forward and inverse problems are solved by using surface-tting technique and contour-
plotting method. The experimental examples are given to verify the validity of the BSWI beam element for crack identication in a rotor
system. From experimental results, the new method can be applied to prognosis and quantitative diagnosis of crack in a rotor system.
2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: B-spline wavelet on the interval; Rayleigh beam element; Rotor system; Model-based method; Crack identication

1. Introduction changes in the spatial variation of the vibration response to de-

termine the crack location. The intensity factor is also estab-
The interest in the ability to monitor a structure and detect lished which relates the size of the cracks to the coefcients of
crack at the stage of the structure still has sufcient integrity to the wavelet expansion. Han and Ren [5] present wavelet packet
allow repair, is pervasive throughout the civil, mechanical and energy rate index (WPERI) method to detect damage in beam-
aerospace engineering communities. The vibration-based crack like structures. Zhu [6] propose a new method for crack iden-
identication methods include non-model-based and model- tication of bridge beam structures under a moving load based
based methods have been rapidly expanding over the last few on wavelet analysis. However, the applications of the above-
years [1]. The wavelets transform method for damage detec- mentioned wavelet methods are mostly in the elds of civil
tion is one of the non-model-based crack identication meth- engineering, such as beam and beam-like structures.
ods [2]. The main advantage of the wavelet transform is its Vibration behavior of cracked structures, in particular
ability to provide information simultaneously in time and scale cracked shafts has received considerable attention in the last
with adaptive windows. Wavelets methods combine the struc- three decades [79]. The model-based method for damage and
tural dynamic parameters such as modal frequencies, modal crack identication in structural components has acquired an
shape and modal damp, etc. with the determined Lipschitz ex- important role in recent years. The methods assume that the
ponent to detect the damage location and depth. Loutridis and monitored structure responds in some predetermined manner
Douka [3,4] extend wavelet transform to identication of cracks that can be accurately discretized by nite element analysis,
in cantilever beams and plate structures by using the sudden such as the response described by EulerBernoulli beam the-
ory. Kisa [10] integrated the nite element method (FEM) and
Corresponding author. component mode synthesis for cracked Timoshenko beam.
E-mail address: (J. Xiang). Lee [11] using the lowest four natural frequencies and cracked
0168-874X/$ - see front matter 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Xiang et al. / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 43 (2007) 1068 1081 1069

FEM model to detect structural crack. Saavedra and Cuitino model, Chen [29] gave the experimental identication results
[12] presented an identication method combined FEM with in cantilever beams with small identication errors. Xiang [30]
the additional exibility of crack for a cracked free-free beam proposed a BSWI Euler beam model for detecting crack in a
and a U-frame. Lele and Maiti [13], and Patil and Maiti [14], re- beam, the simulation and experimental results show the high
spectively, investigated crack identication techniques based on performance of the BSWI Euler beam element.
eight-node iso-parametric elements to make more efcient cal- In the present work, BSWI RayleighEuler beam element
culation for single and multiple cracks identication in beams. and BSWI RayleighTimoshenko beam element are con-
Dutta [15] using an adaptive h-version FEM for bridge damage structed for the rst time to analysis and make a more effec-
detection in order to control the discretization error because the tively identication in a rotor system. The experimental studies
traditional nite elements are impotent to describe the singular show that the common used Euler beam element without con-
behavior of cracks and numerous elements are needed for nu- sider the cross-section rotatory inertia in some technical litera-
merical computation. However, for the model-based crack iden- ture cannot provide reasonable frequencies in the present rotor
tication method in a rotor system, fewer contributions were system. In addition, the model-based method by using wavelet
given. Sekhar [16] proposed a model-based method which re- nite element is extent to identication cracks in shafts.
placed the fault-induced change of the shaft by equivalent loads The outline of this paper is as follows. In Section 2, we
in the nite element model. Dong [17] presented a parameter present a brief review of the basic theory of BSWI bases. Then
identication method of a rotor with an open crack by using the BSWI RayleighEuler and BSWI RayleighTimoshenko beam
rst two natural frequencies and the rst mode shape, while the elements are constructed in details. In Section 3, the forward
shaft is modeled by an EulerBernoulli beam without regard to and inverse problems of crack identication method are given.
the cross-section rotatory inertia. The effects of the crack location and depth are also analyzed.
A crack in a vibration structure results in stiffness decrease, Some experimental results are given in Section 4. The perfor-
stress concentration, and local exibility, which are func- mance of the proposed elements in dealing with the identica-
tions of the crack location and size. Hence, crack change the tion of crack in shaft is also veried. The inuence of bearing
dynamic characteristics of structures, which can be applied to stiffness is discussed in Section 5 for further researches.
estimate crack in structures. Because the rst three natural fre-
quencies can be easily and cheaply acquired in practice, they 2. BSWI Rayleigh beam element for structural modal
are usually employed for crack identication. In the diagnosis analysis
of structural crack fault, the model-based forward and inverse
problems based on FEM are studied for structural modal anal- Classical approaches to wavelet construction deal with mul-
ysis. And the crack is replaced by a massless rotational spring tiresolution analysis (MRA) on the entire real axis R or a
with a computable stiffness as mentioned in [18] and the rst function space L2 (R). Sometimes the numerical oscillations
three frequencies response functions of normalized crack lo- will be occurred when the boundary value problems are solved
cation and size are approximated by means of surface-tting by WFEM [31]. To overcome this limitation, Chui, Quak and
techniques [19]. Hence, the rst three metrical frequencies Goswami constructed BSWI functions, and presented a fast de-
are employed as inputs of the frequencies response functions. composition and reconstruction algorithm [32,33]. All the scal-
The intersection of the three frequencies contour lines [20] j j
ing functions m,k () and wavelets m,k () for order m = 4 at
predicted the normalized crack location and size.
the scale j = 3 are shown in Fig. 1.
The desirable advantages of WFEM are multi-resolution
In the present work, a continuous model is presented for
properties and various basis functions for structural analysis
vibration analysis and crack identication of a static (non-
[21]. By means of two-scale relations of wavelets, the scale
rotating) shaft with an open crack, which is based on two
adopted can be changed freely according to requirements to
assumptions that the cracked shaft is a Rayleigh beam [34,35]
improve analysis accuracy. Recently, 1D Daubechies wavelet
with circular cross-section and that the cracked region is
Euler beam element had been constructed by Ma [22] and the
modeled as a local stiffness change with fracture mechanics
2D Daubechies wavelet element for thin plate-bending prob-
methods. In this section, two wavelet-based Rayleigh beam
lems had also been constructed by Chen [23]. However, for
elements are given for the model-based crack identication,
discrete wavelets lacking of the explicit function expression,
i.e. BSWI RayleighEuler beam element for slender shaft and
traditional numerical integrals such as Gauss integrals cannot
BSWI RayleighTimoshenko beam element for disc.
provide desirable precision, the key problem is to calculate
connection coefcients, which is a complex process. Han [24]
extended the wavelet-based nite element method (WFEM) 2.1. BSWI RayleighEuler beam element
to thick plate by using mixed variational principle. Xiang
[2527] construct some classes of 1D and 2D BSWI elements The static slender shaft is modeled by a RayleighEuler beam
for structural analysis. He [28] summarized the advanced in considering the effects of the cross-section inertia, the elemental
theory study and engineering application of wavelet nite potential energy U e can be written as
element, especially for the model-based structural crack iden-   2
tication problems. Li [19] presented Daubechies WFEM for
le EI z d2 w
U =
dx, (1)
crack identication with good performance. By using WFEM 0 2 dx 2
1070 J. Xiang et al. / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 43 (2007) 1068 1081

Fig. 1. m = 4, j = 3: (a) scaling functions and (b) wavelets on the interval [0, 1].

le y le
wr +1
w2 w3 wr -1 wr 1 2 n n n +1
1 x
x 2 n+1
1 2 3 r-1 r r+1  z w1 w2 wn
r+1 wn+1

Fig. 2. The layout of elemental nodes and the corresponding DOF: (a) BSWI RayleighEuler beam element; (b) BSWI RayleighTimoshenko beam element.

j j j
where E is the Youngs modulus, Iz is the moment of inertia, where ={m,m+1 ()m,m+2 () . . . m,2j 1 ()} is the col-
w(x, t) is the transverse displacement, and le is the elemental umn vector combined by the BSWI scaling functions for order
length. m at the scale j, and the C1 type transformation matrix Teb is
The elemental kinetic energy T e of the RayleighEuler beam given by
allowing for the rotatory inertia effect can be expressed as 
 le    le   1 d(1 )
A jw 2 Iz j 2 Tb =
(1 ) (2 ) . . . (r )(r+1 )
Te = dx + dx, (2) le d
0 2 jt 0 2 jt
where  is the density, A is the area of the cross-section, (x, t) 1 d(r+1 ) T
. (5)
is the rotation of the beam section due to bending and can be le d
given by  = dw/dx.
In order to satisfy the displacement and slope compatibility Substituting Eq. (4) into Eqs. (1) and (2), respectively, we obtain
among neighboring elements, the elemental edge nodes should 1 e T e e

U = 2 (w ) Kb (w ),
include the transverse displacements and slopes [2527]. There-
fore, elemental degree-of-freedom (DOF) on each edge node  e T  e     (6)
1 jwe T e jwe
in physical space should include one slope and one transverse T e = 1 jw

Mb e jw
+ Mr ,
displacement DOF. The layout (here, we evenly divide the stan- 2 jt jt 2 jt jt
dard solving domain e into r = 2j + m 4 segments, the node where the bending stiffness matrix Kbe is
number = r + 1, the elemental whole DOF = r + 3) of ele-
mental nodes is shown in Fig. 2(a). The element is abbreviated EI z e T 2,2 e
Kbe = (Tb )  Tb (7)
to BSWImj RayleighEuler beam element. le3
Then elemental physical DOF can be represented by
the translational mass matrix Mbe is
w = {w1 1 w2 w3 wr wr+1 r+1 } ,
e T
Mbe = Al e (Teb )T 0,0 Teb (8)
where 1 = (1/ le )(dw1 /d) and 2 = (1/ le )(dwr+1 /d) denote
rotation on each elemental endpoint. and the rotatory inertia mass matrix is
The unknown eld function w() can be expressed as
Iz e T 1,1 e
Mre = (Tb )  Tb , (9)
w = Teb we , (4) le
J. Xiang et al. / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 43 (2007) 1068 1081 1071

in which The elemental physical DOFs can be represented by

 1 d2 T d2  ue = {w1 1 w2 2 wn n wn+1 n+1 }T (18)
2,2 = 2 2
d, (10)
0 d d
w and  can be independently interpolated by the BSWImj
 1 dT d scaling functions as
= d, (11)
0 d d
w = Te we ,  = Te e , (19)
0,0 = T d. (12) where we = {w1 w2 . . . wn+1 }T , e = {1 2 . . . n+1 }T , the col-
umn vector combined by the BSWImj scaling functions is
The elemental Lagrangian function L is j j j
={m,m+1 () m,m+2 () . . . m,2j 1 ()}, and the C0 type
    transformation matrix Te is given by
1 1 jwe T e jwe
L = U e T e = (we )T Kbe (we ) Mb
2 2 jt jt Te = ([T (1 ) T (2 ) . . . T (n+1 )]T )1 . (20)
 e T  e
1 jw jw
Mre . (13) Substituting Eq. (19) into Eqs. (16) and (17), respectively, we
2 jt jt
Upon applying Hamiltons principle to the elemental La- e 1 e T e,1 e 1 e T e,2 e 1 e T e,3 e
U = 2 (w ) K (w )+ 2 (w ) K ( )+ 2 ( ) K (w )
grangian function L, we can obtain the elemental free vibra-

tion equation + 21 (e )T Ke,4 (e ),

 e T  e  e T  e
 2 e
j w T e = 1 jw

M e,b jw 1 j
+2 M e,r j
(Mb + Mr )
e e
+ Kbe we = 0 (14) 2 jt jt jt jt
jt 2 (21)
and the corresponding elemental free vibration frequency equa- where the elemental stiffness matrices can by solved by
tions is
GA e T 1,1 e
|Kbe 2 (Mbe + Mre )| = 0, (15) Ke,1 = (T )  (T ), (22)
kl e
where  is the angular frequency (rad/s), and the natural fre- GA e T 1,0 e
quency is f = /2 (Hz). Ke,2 = (T )  (T ), (23)

2.2. BSWI RayleighTimoshenko beam element Ke,3 = (Ke,2 )T , (24)

EI z e T 1,1 e GAl e e T 0,0 e
The static disc is modeled by a RayleighTimoshenko beam Ke,4 = (T )  (T ) + (T )  (T ) (25)
le k
considering the effects of the cross-section inertia and shear
deformation, the elemental potential energy U e can be written the translational mass matrix Me,b is
 le    le  2 Me,b = Al e (Te )T 0,0 (Te ), (26)
EI z d 2 GA dw
U =
dx +  dx, (16)
0 2 dx 0 2k dx and the rotatory inertia mass matrix is
where E is the Youngs modulus, Iz is the moment of iner- Iz e T 0,0 e
tia, w(x, t) is the transverse displacement, le is the elemental Me,r = (T )  (T ), (27)
length, Gis the shear modulus, A is the area of the cross-section,
k is the shear deformation coefcient (in the present work, we in which
suppose k = 10 
9 ), and (x, t) is the rotation of the beam section 1 dT
due to bending. 1,0 =  d (28)
The elemental kinetic energy T e of the RayleighTimoshenko 0

beam allowing for the rotatory inertia effect can be expressed as and 2,2 , 1,1 and 0,0 are shown in Eqs. (10)(12).
 le    le   Likewise, applying Hamiltons principle to the elemental La-
A jw 2 Iz j 2
Te = dx + dx, (17) grangian function L = U e T e , we can obtain the elemental
0 2 jt 0 2 jt free vibration equation
where  is the density, I is the moment of inertia. j2 we
Fig. 2(b) shows the nodal layout of BSWI Rayleigh  e,b   e,1  e
M 0 jt 2 K Ke,2 w
Timoshenko beam element and the corresponding DOFs. + = 0. (29)
e,r j 
2 e e,3 e,4 e
Each node has two DOFs, i.e. wi , i (i = 1, 2, . . . , n + 1), 0 M K K
n = 2j + m 2. jt 2
1072 J. Xiang et al. / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 43 (2007) 1068 1081

According to the layout of elemental physical DOFs Eq. (18), on beam elements are able to model the effects of an open
Eq. (29) can be rewritten as crack. Because the natural frequencies can be easily and cheaply
e acquired in practice and the linear rotational spring model can
M1,1 e
M1,2 M1,n+1
effectively describe open crack, the present work is based on
Me e M2,n+1
2,1 M2,2 2 e the open transverse crack in shafts and using the rst three
j u
natural frequencies to identify crack location and size.
jt 2
e Fig. 3 shows a simply supported rotor system with a crack in
Mn,1 e
Mn,2 Mn,n+1
e shaft (suppose the crack occurred on segment L2 ). A transverse
Mn+1,1 e
Mn+1,2 e
Mn+1,n+1 crack of depth is considered on a shaft of diameter d1 (the
e corresponding radius is r1 ) as shown in Fig. 4. The shaft has
K1,1 e
K1,2 K1,n+1
Ke local exibility due to the crack, in many directions, depending
K2,2 K2,n+1
on the direction of the applied forces. Here, only bending de-
+ u = 0,
(30) formation will be considered. Axial forces which give coupling
e with transverse motions of the cracked shaft will not be con-
Kn,1 e
Kn,2 e
sidered. Therefore, the shaft is bent by a pure bending moment
Kn+1,1 e
Kn+1,2 e
Kn+1,n+1 and the additional angular deection of the shaft end relative
where to the other will be computed. The local stiffness kt due to the
  crack is [7]
e,1 e,2
kp,q kp,q
Kp,q = (p, q = 1, . . . , (n + 1)2 ), (31) Er 81
kp,q e,4
kp,q kt =
32(1 )
e,1 e,2 e,3 e,4
in which kp,q , kp,q , kp,q , kp,q are the entries of stiffness matri- 1
e,1 e,2 e,3
ces K , K , K , K , and e,4
1(12 ) 2 (r12 2 )[ 0a() F 2 (/H )d]d

 e,b  r1 1(12 )
mp,q 0
Mp,q = (p, q = 1, . . . , (n + 1)2 ), (32) (34)
0 me,r
where E is the Youngs modulus, is the Poissons ratio,
in which me,b e,r
p,q , mp,q are the corresponding entries of mass ma- = /2r1 denotes 
normalized crack size, a() = 2r1 (r1
trices Me,b and Me,r . r12 2 ), H = 2 r12 2 and the function F (/H ) can be
The corresponding elemental free vibration frequency equa- given by the experimental formula [37].
tion is
F (/H ) = 1.122 1.40(/H ) + 7.33(/H )2
|K  M | = 0,
e 2 e
13.08(/H )3 + 14.0(/H )4 . (35)
where  is the angular frequency (rad/s), and the natural fre- Eq. (34) is a function of normalized crack size only and
quency is f = /2 (Hz). can be computed by numerical integration.
= e/L2 denotes
The assembly procedures are similar to traditional FEM. To normalized crack location.
deal with the boundary conditions, the corresponding DOFs are The physical model and rotational spring model with stiffness
set to zero and eliminated from the equation. kt , are shown in Fig. 5.
The corresponding DOF of the left neighboring element
3. Crack identication and estimation method around crack are woleft ={ wj j }T and the corresponding DOF
of the right neighboring element are wright = {wj +1 j +1 }T .
3.1. Forward problem If we change the two entries of woleft to wleft = { j wj }T , the
corresponding row and column entries of the global stiffness
Friswell and Penny [36] compared the different approaches matrix K and mss matrix M should be exchanged their loca-
to crack modeling, and demonstrate that for structural health tions each other. The DOF of wleft and wright can be assembled
monitoring using low-frequency vibration, simple models based to { j wj +1 j +1 , . . . }T .

e crack

= e / L2

L1 L2


Fig. 3. Simply supported rotor system with a crack in shaft.
J. Xiang et al. / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 43 (2007) 1068 1081 1073

Hence, we can assemble cracked stiffness submatrix KS into by using BSWI beam element. The solution of the eigenvalue
the global stiffness matrix easily. The global mass matrix of problem can then proceed as usual.
cracked rotor system is equal to the uncracked one. From now For the determination of the natural frequencies  for a
on, the cracked rotor system nite element model is constructed given crack location (determine the location of cracked stiff-
ness submatrix in global stiffness) and size (determine Kt ),

the normalized crack location
and size are given as input.
The relationship between the natural frequencies and the crack
parameters is
a() fj = Fj ( ,
) (j = 1, 2, 3). (36)

Because the functions Fj (j = 1, 2, 3, . . .) are unknown and
o H the discrete values can be obtained by solving WFEM model,
the surface-tting techniques are needed for the 3D plots of
Eq. (36). Then the crack identication database of forward
problem for cracked rotor system has been built up.

3.2. Vibration analysis

Fig. 4. Geometry of a cracked section in shaft.
In the simulation, the rotor geometries and the material prop-
erties are as follows: L = 300 mm, L1 = 8 mm, L2 = 133 mm,
kt L3 = 18 mm, d1 = 9.5 mm, d2 = 76 mm, E = 2.06 1011 N/m2 ,
j-1 j+1 j+2
 = 7860 kg/m3 , = 0.3.
13 BSWI43 RayleighEuler beam and 1 BSWI43 Rayleigh
Fig. 5. The layout of the corresponding nodes around crack with stiffness Timoshenko beam elements are employed to the vibration
coefcient kt . analysis of rotor system. Fig. 6 shows the relationship between

Fig. 6. The relationship between i (i = 1, 2, 3) and

, ( ,
[0.1, 0.9]).
1074 J. Xiang et al. / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 43 (2007) 1068 1081

Fig. 7. The rst three natural frequencies as a function of normalized crack location
for some of the normalized crack size .

i (i = 1, 2, 3) and all possible normalized crack location Unlike to the effects of the normalized crack location of sim-

= e/L2 and size = /d1 using surface-tting techniques ply supported shaft without mass disc, as mentioned by Dong
(here, ,
[0.1, 0.9]). [17], the changes in the rst three natural frequencies of a
cracked rotor system with a mass disc, would not monotoni-
3.2.1. Effects of the normalized crack location
cally decrease with the increment of the normalized crack lo-
Fig. 7 shows the rst three natural frequencies as a function cation. The reason is that only the crack of shaft segment L2
of normalized crack location
for some of the normalized crack is considered in the present study, and this is not affecting the
size . It can be seen from Fig. 7(a)(c) that the change in the crack identication results.
rst three natural frequencies were affected when the crack was
located at every normalized location
. For a certain normalized 3.2.2. Effects of the normalized crack size
crack size , Fig. 7(a) show the fundamental frequency would The rst three natural frequencies as a function of normal-
be decreased signicantly with respect to the larger normalized ized crack size for some of the normalized crack location

crack location
. While a correlation between normalized crack are shown in Fig. 8. It is noticed that the change in the rst three
location and size was given, as shown in Fig. 7(b) and (c). natural frequencies were affected when the crack was occurred
Taking = 0.8, for example, the second natural frequency was at every normalized size . For a certain normalized crack lo-
mostly affected when the crack was located at the center of the cation
, Fig. 8(a)(c) show the rst three frequencies would
shaft segment L2 , and the third natural frequency was mostly monotonically decrease if the larger normalized crack size
affected when the crack was located at
= 0.25. Moreover, was given.
Fig. 7(c) shows that the third natural frequency was almost From the above observations, it could be stated that the
unaffected for a crack located at
= 0.75; the reason for this change in frequencies is not only a function of the normal-
zero inuence was that the nodal point for the third mode was ized crack location
but also the normalized crack size . In
located at that position. the procedures of constructing crack identication database of
J. Xiang et al. / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 43 (2007) 1068 1081 1075

Fig. 8. The rst three natural frequencies as a function of normalized crack size for some of the normalized crack location
(1 :
= 0.1; 2 :
= 0.2;
3 :
= 0.3; 4 :
= 0.4; 5 :
= 0.5; 6 :
= 0.6; 7 :
= 0.7; 8 :
= 0.8; 9 :
= 0.9).

forward problem for cracked rotor system, the inuence of the and size . Because the rst three frequencies can be measured
normalized crack size and location
was considered through easily and accurately; they are usually served as inputs to solve
the computation of rotational spring stiffness kt and the loca- the inverse problem in structural damage identication.
tion of inserting cracked stiffness submatrix into global stiff- Supposing the rst three frequencies are known, the fre-
ness, respectively. quency contour plots of the crack identication database of for-
ward problem for cracked rotor system, can be acquired and
3.3. Inverse problem plotted on the same axes. The common intersection of all the
three contour lines indicates the normalized crack location and
The crack identication inverse problem can be described by size. This intersection becomes unique due to the fact that any
cracked structural natural frequency can be represented by a
( ,
) = Fj1 (fj ) (j = 1, 2, 3). (37) frequency equation (see Eq. (36)) that is dependent on normal-
The measurements of any two natural frequencies enable us ized crack parameters [20].
to dene the normalized location and size of a crack if Eq. (36)
has been determined, i.e. the crack identication database of 4. Experimental verication
forward problem for cracked rotor system has been constructed.
However, when we use the method of frequencies contour plots 4.1. Experimental setup
for crack identication of a rotor system, two natural frequen-
cies contour plots may intersect at more than one point. There- Fig. 9 shows the experimental setup used for measuring the
fore a minimum of three frequencies is required to identify the rst three frequencies of the cracked rotor system with a single
two unknown parameters, i.e. the normalized crack location
mass disc using the Doppler signal laser vibrometer. A Polytec
1076 J. Xiang et al. / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 43 (2007) 1068 1081

high-computational precision. And the relative errors of the rst

OFV-5000 PXI signal three frequencies are less than 0.3%. Moreover, the elemental
controller conditioner DOF of 5 BSWI43 Rayleigh beam elements (consider rota-
tory inertia effect) are 58, which are smaller than 402 DOF of
OFV-505 sensor head

BEAM3 elements. The results of this example indicate the accu-

racy and efciency of the BSWI Rayleigh beam element, which
has been constructed herein. Meanwhile, the BSWI Rayleigh
Window XP
beam element can be employed to build up the crack identi-
1.7 MHz
cation database for cracked rotor system.

cracked rotor system with a single mass disc

4.2. Experimental results

We tested six cracked shafts each having an open crack at

shaft with four crack cases as shown in Table 2. The material of
Fig. 9. The experimental setup. workpiece for experiment was 40Cr steel, and the rotor geome-
tries and the material properties are as follows: L = 300 mm,
L1 = 8 mm, L2 = 188 mm, L3 = 18 mm, d1 = 9.5 mm, d2 =
Doppler laser vibrometer OFV-505/5000 was used to measure 76 mm, Youngs modulus E = 2.06 1011 N/m2 , material den-
the velocities of one point in the shaft. We point out here that sity =7860 kg/m3 , Poissons ratio =0.3. The cracks actually
to measure the rst three frequencies only requires one mea- are slots cut by a wire electrical discharge machine, the crack
surement point. The reason is that for the simple structure, width is 0.2 mm, and the crack depths are 3.8 and 7.2 mm.
single-input and single-output (SISO) modal analysis by using In other words, the normalized crack sizes = /d1 are 0.2
a hammer as excitation, which is a usually used method. To and 0.4. The crack locations e are 75.2, 112.8 and 150.4 mm,
reduce the reection of the laser beam and spectral noise, retro- respectively, and the corresponding normalized crack locations
reective tapes were put on the measurement point in the shaft.
= e/L2 are 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8, respectively.
The laser vibrometer OFV-5000 uses the principle of the In most cases, however, the three lines do not accurately
heterodyne interferometer to acquire the characteristics of me- intersect at one point because of inaccuracies in the modeling
chanical vibrations. For each cracked shaft, the high-metrical as compared to measured results. For this purpose, the zero-
frequencies can be obtained by using the standard FFT program setting procedure that described by Adams [38] is used. In
of the software Matlab. this procedure, Youngs modulus of the structure is changed
Taking the uncracked rotor system with the same geome- by using the undamaged natural frequencies of the structure
tries and the material properties, as given by Section 3.2, and to determine an effective value, and given by the following
the corresponding impulse response signal and power spectrum iterative approach:
are shown in Fig. 10. In the experimental study, the sampling
frequency fs is 5000.  
Different elements are employed to estimate the rst three  2
i M Em  = 0, (38)
frequencies, respectively, i.e.:  E

1. 5 BSWI43 beam elements (not consider rotatory inertia where Em is the corrected value of Youngs modulus E, which
effect); can be acquired through solving Eq. (38) for each frequency. It
2. 200 traditional beam elements (not consider rotatory inertia should be noted that the physical signication for the correction
effect); of Youngs modulus is not to change the value of E but to make
3. 5 BSWI43 Rayleigh beam elements (consider rotatory in- the metrically uncracked natural frequencies match the compu-
ertia effect); tational ones. This procedure can greatly reduce the error be-
4. 200 BEAM3 (Software Ansys) elements (consider rotatory tween theoretical analysis and the experimental studies, which
inertia effect). are caused by boundary conditions and material parameters.
In this section, the rst three metrical frequencies are em-
The results are shown in Table 1. Compared with the exper- ployed as the inputs of inverse problem for crack quantitative
imental frequencies, both 5 BSWI43 beam element (not con- identication. Fig. 11 shows the crack identication results in
sider rotatory inertia effect) and 200 traditional beam elements a shaft by using the frequency contour plots. The intersection
(not consider rotatory inertia effect) have the same computa- point A of three lines indicates the normalized crack location
tional precision. The relative errors of the second frequencies
and size . In the experimental studies, when the three lines
arrive at 61.5%, which can not be used to the model-based do not meet exactly, the centroid of the three pairs of intersec-
crack identication method. However, if we consider the ro- tions is taken as the normalized crack location and size [13].
tatory inertia effect, both 5 BSWI43 Rayleigh beam elements Table 2 shows the comparison of actual normalized crack pa-
(consider rotatory inertia effect) and 200 BEAM3 (Software rameters
and and the predicted crack parameters
Ansys) elements (consider rotatory inertia effect) can achieve . For the given cases, the relative errors of
are not more
J. Xiang et al. / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 43 (2007) 1068 1081 1077

Impulse response signal



Amplitude 0


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

Power spectrum

557.82 1727.54

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
f /Hz

Fig. 10. The impulse response signal and power spectrum.

Table 1
The experimental and differently elemental results of the rst three natural frequencies

Method Computational frequencies/Hz Metrical frequencies/Hz Computational errors/%

f1 f2 f3 f1 f2 f3 f1 f2 f3

1 86.33 900.95 1732.07 0.26 61.51 0.26

2 86.34 901.00 1732.25 0.27 61.52 0.27
86.11 557.82 1727.54
3 86.33 558.17 1728.25 0.26 0.06 0.04
4 86.33 558.17 1728.20 0.26 0.06 0.04

Table 2
Crack cases of shaft and identication results

Metrical frequencies/Hz Predicted
(Error/%) Predicted (Error%)

f1 /Hz f2 /Hz f3 /Hz

1 0.4 0.2 98.2 582.04 1049.88 0.415 (3.75) 0.196 (2)

2 0.4 0.4 96.62 568.43 1016.25 0.41 (2.5) 0.42 (5)
3 0.6 0.2 98.12 583.13 1055.80 0.585 (2.5) 0.17 (14)
4 0.6 0.4 95.76 572.14 1053.12 0.605 (0.83) 0.385 (3.75)
5 0.8 0.2 97.34 583.84 1051.64 0.785 (1.88) 0.225 (12.5)
6 0.8 0.4 93.04 580.87 1032.62 0.794 (0.75) 0.425 (6.25)

than 4% while the relative errors of arrive at 15%. Hence, point out here that the identication precisions of the crack sizes
the proposed model-based crack identication method by using are much larger than those of the crack location. The probable
BSWI Rayleigh beam element is considered to be valid for reason is that the effects of the normalized crack size are much
actual application to detect open cracks in rotor systems. We complicated than those of the normalized crack location
1078 J. Xiang et al. / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 43 (2007) 1068 1081

Fig. 11. Frequency contour plots (- - -: 1st frequency; -.-.-: 2nd frequency; - - -: 3rd frequency): (a) case 1; (b) case 2; (c) case 3; (d) case 4; (e) case 5 and
(f) case 6.

Therefore, for the identication of , the tiny metrical errors structural crack detection is challenging because actual rotor
would be signicantly enlarged. system dynamic responses are always contaminated by un-
known external loads as well as other harmless conditions, such
5. Discussion and further researches as material composition uncertainly, geometric variation, sen-
sor noise, and so on. Therefore, after the possible existence of
Except the open crack, there are many other types of open damage is detected by an on-line damage detection method as
and closed cracks and defects in rotor systems, and different mentioned by Green [9], a reliable inspection of the stopped
types of defects have different controller equations and because system to nd crack location and size is necessary in order
damage estimation is essentially an inverse problem, it is dif- to assure the existence of damage, and the model-based crack
cult to obtain a unique or accurate estimation of cracks, espe- identication method by using BSWI Rayleigh beam element
cially for on-line crack identication of rotor systems. On-line is intended for such use.
J. Xiang et al. / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 43 (2007) 1068 1081 1079

e crack

= e / L2


L1 L3 L1


Fig. 12. Typical rotor-bearing system considered.

Table 3
The rst three natural frequencies under different bearing stiffness

Frequencies Simply supported Bearing stiffness kb (N/m)

1 105 5 105 1 106 1 107 1 108 1 109 5 109

f1 /Hz 96.97 60.25 84.77 90.31 96.25 96.90 96.96 96.97

f2 /Hz 569.13 225.03 398.18 464.15 556.38 567.83 569.002 569.11
f3 /Hz 1019.25 452.90 693.05 827.37 1001.13 1017.48 1019.08 1019.22

Fig. 13. The rst three natural frequencies inuenced by bearing stiffness.
1080 J. Xiang et al. / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 43 (2007) 1068 1081

The effect of the bearing on the fault diagnosis of the rotor Acknowledgments
system is very obvious for the rotating shafts. In this section,
the bearing stiffness is considered, as shown in Fig. 12. The This work is supported by the key project of National Natu-
stiffness matrix considers the stiffness of the shaft elements ral Science Foundation of China (Nos. 50335030, 50505033),
including cracked shaft element and the bearing stiffness kb . Natural Science Foundation of Guilin University of Electronic
The vibration analysis has been carried out using BSWI Technology (No. Z20701). Besides, we express our sincere
Rayleigh beam elements for the rotor system with the same ge- thanks to the anonymous reviewer for his suggestions for the
ometrical and physical parameters as shown in Section 4.2. The improvement of the paper.
bearing stiffness kb is varying from 1105 to 5109 N/m, sup-
posing the normalized crack location
= 0.4 and crack depth References
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