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Research Proponent :



Guidance and counselling program is one of the most important components of the

school curricular activities. The wide range of behavioral problems in schools has amplified

its vitality. However, one of the greatest challenges facing guidance and counselling services

is lack of empirical research on career development and hence lack of implementation of

sound policies (Skorikov, 2007). Guidance and counselling is an integral part of schooling

and a lot of emphasis should be laid on its implementation to ensure that its objectives are

realized. Educational guidance, which is a component of guidance and counselling, is a vital

activity in the education system. It is consumed by learners and helps them set proper

educational and developmental goals as well as pursuance of the right type of education

(Makinde, 2004).

Guidance and counselling are two closely interrelated concepts and each determines

the availability and efficient of the other. According to Makinde (2004) and Patterson (2007),

guidance refers to a abroad area of all educational activities and services aimed at assisting

individual students to understand themselves and adjust to school life.

Guidance and counselling is therefore aimed at bringing about maximum

development and self-realization of human potential for the benefit of the individual and the

society. In a school, the programme assists students in harmonizing their abilities, interests

and values and enables them to develop their full potential. It directs students on appropriate
career and subject choices; solving discipline, education, social and psychological problems;

and general adjustment to school life (Gerardo, 2006).

An effective guidance and counselling program should be led by a trained counsellor

who is responsible for coordinating guidance and counselling activities in the school (Nelson,

2002). Makinde (2004) observes that the trained counsellor is a leader and consultant in the

schools student appraisal program and also helps to plan and develop guidance and

counselling program and the curriculum in relation to students needs. Guidance and

counselling program should have active cooperation of teachers, teacher counsellors and

administrators. The school should make arrangements to enlist the support of the parents and

introduce them to the idea of guidance and counselling.

Therefore, in an effective guidance and counselling program, various guidance and

counselling services are offered to assist students in personal development and psychological

growth towards maturity (Schertzer & Stone, 2006).

Thus, the researcher is motivated to make a study on the influence of guidance and

counseling programs on the academic performance of students in schools within the District

of Talalora. The research proponents interest on the study has its origin in work and

experience as a teacher.

The research proponent will adopt a descriptive survey research design. The study

findings hopefully will reveal that there was positive correlation between guidance and

counseling programs and academic performance of the students. Hence, this study will

significantly assist the Department of Education and other stakeholders in formulating

respective programs in guidance and counseling which will help improve the academic

performance of the students.

Research Problems

This study aims to assess the influence of guidance and counseling program on the academic

performance of students in schools under the district of Talalora. The research study will

focus on the following areas:

1. To establish effectiveness of guidance and counseling program in the schools

under Talalora District.

2. To determine the professional qualifications of the teacher counsellors handling

guidance and counseling program in schools under Talalora District.

3. To identify the role of school administration and other teachers in enhancing

guidance and counseling program.

4. To determine the attitude of students towards educational counseling in their


5. To examine academic performance among students.

6. To establish the relationship between the level of effectiveness of guidance and

counseling and academic performance of students.

7. To identify the challenges facing guidance and counseling program.

Research Questions

The study will be guided by the following questions:

1. What is the effectiveness of guidance and counseling program in schools under

Talalora District?

2. What are the professional qualifications of the teacher counselors handling the

guidance and counseling program in schools under Talalora District?

3. What is the role of the school administration and other teachers in enhancing

guidance and counseling program?

4. What is the attitude of the students towards educational counseling in their


5. What is the academic performance among students in schools under Talalora


6. Is there any relationship between the level of effectiveness of guidance and

counseling and academic performance of students?

7. What are the challenges facing guidance and counseling in schools under the

Talalora District?

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