Buddhist Terminology - Trilingual

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Buddhist Terminology - Trilingual


English, (Japanese), [Sanskrit]

Four Noble Truths, (shitai), [Erya-satya]

1)Truth of Suffering, (kutai), [duhka]
2)Truth of Cause, (jittai), [samudEya]
3)Truth of Extinction, (mettai), [nirodha]
4)Truth of the Path, (dtai), []

Eightfold Path, (), [ashtangika-mErga]

1)Right View, (sh-ken), [samyagdristhi]

2)Right Thinking, (sh-shi), [samyak-samkalpa]

3)Right Speech, (sh-go), [samyag-vEch]

4)Right Action, (sh-gy), [samyak-karmEnta]

5)Right Living, (sh-my), [samyag-Ejiva]
Buddhist Terminology - Trilingual

6)Right Endeavor, (sh-shjin), [samyag-vyEyamE]

7)Right Memory, (sh-nen), [samyak-smriti]

8)Right Meditation, (sh-j), [samyak-samEdhi]

Six Perfections, (), [paramitas]

1)Donations, (fuse), [dEna-pEramitE]

2)Keeping the Precepts, (jikai), [shhla-pEramitE]

3)Perseverance, (ninniku), [ksEnti-pEramitE]

4)Assiduity, (shjin), [vhrya-pEramitE]

5)Meditation, (zenj), [dhyEna-pEramitE]

6)Wisdom, (chie), [prajE-pEramitE]

Seal of the Three Laws, (samb-in), [dharmas]

1)All things are impermanent, (shogy muj), [anitya]

2)Nothing has an ego, (shoh muga), [anatman]

3)Nirvana is tranquility, (nehan jakuj), []

Doctrine of Reality of All Existence, (shoho jisso), []

Law of the Twelve Causes, (juni-innen), [paticca-samuppEda]

1)Ignorance (mumy), [avidyE]

2)Actions (gy),[samskEra]

3)Consciousness (shiki), [vijnEna]

4)Name and Form (my-shiki), [nEmE-rpa]

5)Six Entrances (rokuny), [sad-Eyatana]

6)Contact (soku), [sparsha]

7)Sensation (ju), [vedanE]
Buddhist Terminology - Trilingual

8)Desire (ai), [trsnE]

9)Clinging (shu), [updEnE]

10)Existence (u), [bhava]

11)Birth (sh), [jEti]

12)Old Age and Death (r-shi), [jarE-marana]

Transmigration, (rinne), [samsEra]

Six Worlds, (rokud), []

1)Hell, (jigoku), []

2)Hungry Spirits, (gaki), []

3)Animals, (chikush), []

4)Demons, (shura), []

5)Human Beings, (ningen), []

6)Heaven, (tenj), []

7)(shmon), [sravakas]

8)(engaku), [pratyekabuddhas]

9) (bosatsu), [bodhisattvas]

10)(butsu), [buddhas]
(g), [karma]

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