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1- Classify your building as per the System Class sheet,

2- Enter the data required from the building in the given data (entering data) table in Class A System sheet
3- You will get the result for all classes (class A, B, C, D & E),
4- Just take only the result as per your building class as classified in the system class (A, B, C, D or E).

in Class A System sheet only,

ss (A, B, C, D or E).


) (blocks of flats
) (dwellings )(maisonettes
(fire origin). )(Residential
: 1
. ) (Class A system

) (fire compartmentation
" " ) (maisonettes )(blocks of flats
(class A (dwelling).
. ) (staircase )system )(Sheltered housing
) (class A system

: 1
. ) (front entrance doors ) (smoke seal
: 2 Class )A
(dwellings) , (system
(fire ,
engineering solutions).
: 3

) (protected space
) (lobby ) (corridor )(staircase
)building designed for 3 door
: 4
(compartmented accommodation) , (

(Protection of Class )B
firefighting shafts). (system

) (Class A System
) (Evacuation ) (Class D System )(Class B System
:- ) (
. ) ( ) (Lobbies -
. 11 ) (Lobbies -
. 18 ) (Lobbies -
. ) (evacuees
, .

(Commercial Class )C
)" premises "using simultaneous evacuation ) (Pressurization System

) (Simultaneous Evacuation
) (Class D System

) (hostels ) (hotels )(hotels

) )(Institutional-type buildings


(institutional-type /
Class )buildings )D
. (
) (Class D System

) (Pressure Differential System

, ) (Lobbies ) (Stairway
) (Pressure Differential System
) (stairway

, ) (Lobbies ) (Stairway

) (Shaft )(Residential-type buildings

(phased evacuation) .
Class )E
)(Phased evacuation
. (system


Project no: Date: Sheet no.: 1 of 2
Subject: Stairwell Pressurisation
Class Class A System

Class A System: Protection of Escape Only staircases

Given Data (Entering Data)
Number of Floors (

Number of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space
(stairwell in our case)

Height of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space
(stairwell in our case), m
Width of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space
(stairwell in our case), m
Allowance of duct work % age

Number of Single leaf doors in frame Opening Outwards

Height of Single leaf doors in frame Opening Outwards
Width of Single leaf doors in frame Opening Outwards
Number of Double leaf doors with or without central rebate
Building Total Height
Each Floor Height
Each accommodation floor length
Each accommodation floor width
Floor Area for Each Story (except stairwell)
Stairwell walls length per floor
Stairwell walls width per floor

Reference Data


Single-leaf opening into a pressurized space

Single-leaf opening outwards from a pressurized space
Double Leaf Door
Lift landing door
Building Exterior Walls Leakage Area Tight
Ratio (includes construction cracks, Average
and cracks around windows &
doors) (A / Aw), A = Leakage area Loose
Very Loose
& Aw = wall area
Stairwell Walls Leakage Area Ratio Tight
(includes construction cracks but not Average
cracks around doors) (A / Aw), A = Loose
Leakage areaArea
Floors Leakage & AwRatio
= wall area Tight
construction cracks and gaps around
construction cracks and gaps around Average
penetrations) (A / Af), A = Leakage Loose
area & Af = floor area
Preliminary Calculated Data
Exterior walls area for Each Story (except stairwell)

Each Story Leakage Area (except stairwell)

Stairwell Walls area per floor
Stairwell Walls Leakage Area (except cracks around windows or
doors) per floor
Pressure Level : 25 Pa

1- Air volume required when all doors are closed & maintain 50 (or 25) Pa inside the sta

QS = 1.5 QL
QS is the total air supply rate required (m3 / s);
QL is the total identified leakage rate from the pressurized space (m3 / s).

QL = QD + QW + QLD + QT + QO
QD is the air leakage rate via gaps around closed doors (m3 / s)
QW is the air leakage rate via cracks around closed windows (m3 / s)
QLD is the air leakage rate via lift landing doors (m3 / s)
QT is the air leakage rate via mechanical extraction from toilet or other areas (m 3 / s
QO is the air leakage rate via other paths that may exist (m3 / s)

Q1P = Volume of Air Required (m3/s)

AE = Staircase leakage Area, (m2)

= 0.23 (m2)

P= Pressure Differential = 25 Pa

Q1P = 0.83 x 0.23 x 5

Although the effective leakage area is known, there are other leaks we are not aware of.
To account for these leaks, Q is increased by 50%, hence:

Q1P = 0.9545 +50%

Total Pressurization Fan Air Volume flow rate to maintain pressure criterion

QTP = Q1P => QTP = 1.43175

Allowance for Leakage in Sheet Metal Ductwork 0

QTP = 1.43175

1V- Air volume required to maintain 0.75 m/s through open door on Fire floor:-

Door Area = 2x 0.8 =

Air Velocity Across Door = 2 m/s

Q1V = A x V => Q1V = 1.6 x 0.75

QTV = 1.2

Allowance for Leakage in Sheet Metal Ductwork 0

QTV = 1.2

QTF = 2.63175

Fan External Static Pressure

Exhaust air flow rate =

Net area of the pressure relief damper =

QTF = Total air volume flow rate of fan required to maintain a proper smoke control
2 Computed by:
Checked by:
Approved by:



18 m
5.5 m
96 m
64 m
7000 m2
6 m
4 m

Area, m2

1760 m2
1.344 m2
110 m
0.0121 m2

25) Pa inside the stairwell (Q = 0.83 x A E x 501/2 or 251/2 = 5.869AE or 2.9345AE):-

ce (m3 / s).

or other areas (m3 / s)

Q1P= 0.83 x AE x P1/n n= 2 for doors & 1.6 for windows

n= Leakage Factor = 2 for doors & 1.6 for windows

: Q1P = 0.9545 m3 / sec

not aware of.

Q1P = 1.43175 m3 / sec

e criterion:-

m3 / s = 3,033.88 cfm

re floor:-

1.6 m2
393.700787 fpm

1.2 m3 / sec

Q1V = 1.2 m3 / sec

m3 / sec

m3 / s = 2542.8 cfm

m3 / s = 5,576.68 cfm

25 Plus Duct Pressure Drop Pa

1.2 m3 / Sec 2,542.66 cfm

ure relief damper = 0.2891566265 m2

er smoke control
Project no: Date: Sheet no.: 1 of 2
Subject: Stairwell Pressurisation
Class Class B System

Class B System: Protection of Escape Only staircases

Given Data (Entering Data)
Number of Floors (

Number of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space
(stairwell in our case)

Height of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space
(stairwell in our case)
Width of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space
(stairwell in our case)
Allowance of duct work % age

Number of Single leaf doors in frame Opening Outwards

Height of Single leaf doors in frame Opening Outwards
Width of Single leaf doors in frame Opening Outwards
Number of Double leaf doors with or without central rebate
Building Total Height
Each Floor Height
Each accommodation floor length
Each accommodation floor width
Floor Area for Each Story (except stairwell)
Stairwell walls length per floor
Stairwell walls width per floor

Reference Data


Single-leaf opening into a pressurized space

Single-leaf opening outwards from a pressurized space
Double Leaf Door
Lift landing door
Building Exterior Walls Leakage Area Tight
Ratio (includes construction cracks, and Average
cracks around windows & doors) (A /
Aw), A = Leakage area & Aw = wall Loose
Very Loose
Stairwell Walls Leakage Area Ratio Tight
(includes construction cracks but not Average
cracks around doors) (A / Aw), A = Loose
Leakage areaArea
Floors Leakage & AwRatio
= wall area
(includes Tight
construction cracks and gaps around Average
penetrations) (A / Af), A = Leakage Loose
area & Af = floor area
Preliminary Calculated Data
Exterior walls area for Each Story (except stairwell)
Each Story Leakage Area (except stairwell)
Stairwell Walls area per floor
Stairwell Walls Leakage Area (except cracks around windows or doors)
per floor

Pressure Level : 25 Pa

1P- Air volume required when all doors are closed & maintain 50 (or 25) Pa inside the stairwe

Q1P = Volume of Air Required (m3/s)

AE = Staircase leakage Area, (m2)

= 0.23 m2

P= Pressure Differential = 25 Pa

Q1 = 0.83 x 0.23 x 25

Although the effective leakage area is known, there are other leaks we are not aware of.
To account for these leaks, Q is increased by 50%, hence:

Q1 = 0.9545 +50%

Project no: Date: Sheet no.: 2 of 2

Subject: Stairwell Pressurisation
1V- Air volume required to maintain 2 m/s through open door on Fire floor for fire fighting pu

Door Area = 2x 0.8 =

Air Velocity Across Door = 2 m/s

Q1V = A x V => Q1V = 1.6 x 2

QTV = 3.2

Allowance for Leakage in Sheet Metal Ductwork 0

QTV = 3.2

2V- Air volume Through One Open Door into un-pressurized Space above Fire Floor

Pressure to Exhaust Q1V to atmosphere Via Fire Floor = [Q1V /(0.83 x A3 )]2

A1 = Area of the Door above the Fire Floor A2 = Area of Exhaust Vent
A1 = 1.6 m2 A2 = 1.28
A3 = [(1/(A1)2 + (1/A2)2)]-1/2
A3 = 0.99951208 m2

P=[Q1V /(0.83 x A3 )]2 => P= 14.878792278 Pa

A4 = Leakage Area For Each Floor = 1.344 m2
AE = [(1/(A1)2 + (1/A2)2)]-1/21.029107338
Q2V= 0.83 x AE x P1/n
Q2V= 3.29475107 m3 / s

3V- Air volume through open door to outside at the calculated adequate pressure to release f

P = Pressure required to exhaust the exhausted air to atmosphere = 14.8787922775

AE = Area of Door Opening Outward
AE = #REF! m2
AE = #REF! m2

Q= 0.83 x AE x P1/n n= 2 for doors & 1.6 for windows

Q3V= #REF! m3 / s

QTV = Q1 + Q2+Q3 + Q4 =>

QT = #REF!

Allowance for Leakage in Sheet Metal Ductwork Pa

Computed by:
Checked by:
Approved by:



18 m
5.5 m
96 m
64 m
7000 m2
6 m
4 m

Area, m2

1760 m2
1.344 m2
110 m

0.0121 m2

5) Pa inside the stairwell (Q = 0.83 x A E x 501/2 or 251/2 = 5.869AE or 2.9345AE):-

Q1P= 0.83 x AE x P1/n n= 2 for doors & 1.6 for windows

n= Leakage Factor = 2 for doors

: Q1V = 0.9545 m3 / sec

not aware of.

Q1 = 1.43175 m3 / s

Computed by:
Checked by:
Approved by:
loor for fire fighting purposes:-

1.6 m2
393.700787 fpm

3.2 m3 / sec

Q1V = 3.2 m3 / sec

m3 / sec

m3 / s = 6780.8 cfm

bove Fire Floor:-


Q2V = 3.2947510703 m3 / s

te pressure to release flow rate from the above step (Q = 0.83 x A E x P1/2):-

Q3V = #REF! m3 / s

m3 / s = #REF! cfm

m3 / s = #VALUE! cfm
Project no: Date: Sheet no.: 1 of 2
Subject: Stairwell Pressurisation
Class Class C System

Class C System: Protection of Escape Only staircases

Given Data (Entering Data)
Number of Floors (

Number of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space
(stairwell in our case)

Height of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space
(stairwell in our case)
Width of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space
(stairwell in our case)
Allowance of duct work % age

Number of Single leaf doors in frame Opening Outwards

Height of Single leaf doors in frame Opening Outwards
Width of Single leaf doors in frame Opening Outwards
Number of Double leaf doors with or without central rebate
Building Total Height
Each Floor Height
Each accommodation floor length
Each accommodation floor width
Floor Area for Each Story (except stairwell)
Stairwell walls length per floor
Stairwell walls width per floor

Reference Data


Single-leaf opening into a pressurized space

Single-leaf opening outwards from a pressurized space
Double Leaf Door
Lift landing door
Building Exterior Walls Leakage Area Ratio Tight
(includes construction cracks, and cracks Average
around windows & doors) (A / Aw), A = Loose
Leakage area & Aw = wall area Very Loose
Stairwell Walls Leakage Area Ratio (includes Tight
construction cracks but not cracks around Average
doors) (A / Aw), A = Leakage area & Aw = Loose
Leakage Area Ratio (includes Tight
construction cracks and gaps around Average
penetrations) (A / Af), A = Leakage area & Loose
Af = floor area
Preliminary Calculated Data
Exterior walls area for Each Story (except stairwell)
Each Story Leakage Area (except stairwell)
Stairwell Walls area per floor
Stairwell Walls Leakage Area (except cracks around windows or doors)
per floor
2 Computed by:
Checked by:
Approved by:



18 m
5.5 m
96 m
64 m
7000 m2
6 m
4 m

Leakage Area,

1760 m2
1.344 m2
110 m
0.0121 m2
Project no: Date: Sheet no.:
Subject: Stairwell Pressurisation
Class Class D System

Class D System: Protection of Escape Only staircases

Given Data (Entering Data)
Number of Floors (

Number of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space
(stairwell in our case)

Height of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space
(stairwell in our case)
Width of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space
(stairwell in our case)
Allowance of duct work % age

Number of Single leaf doors in frame Opening Outwards

Height of Single leaf doors in frame Opening Outwards
Width of Single leaf doors in frame Opening Outwards
Number of Double leaf doors with or without central rebate
Building Total Height
Each Floor Height
Each accommodation floor length
Each accommodation floor width
Floor Area for Each Story (except stairwell)
Stairwell walls length per floor
Stairwell walls width per floor

Reference Data


Single-leaf opening into a pressurized space

Single-leaf opening outwards from a pressurized space
Double Leaf Door
Lift landing door
Building Exterior Walls Leakage Area Ratio Tight

(includes construction cracks, and cracks Average

around windows & doors) (A / Aw), A =

Leakage area & Aw = wall area

Building Exterior Walls Leakage Area Ratio

(includes construction cracks, and cracks

around windows & doors) (A / Aw), A = Loose

Leakage area & Aw = wall area Very Loose

Stairwell Walls Leakage Area Ratio Tight
(includes construction cracks but not
cracks around doors) (A / Aw), A =
Leakage area & Aw = wall area
Floors Leakage Area Ratio (includes Tight
construction cracks and gaps around
penetrations) (A / Af), A = Leakage area
& Af = floor area
Preliminary Calculated Data
Exterior walls area for Each Story (except stairwell)
Each Story Leakage Area (except stairwell)

Stairwell Walls area per floor

Stairwell Walls Leakage Area (except cracks around windows or
doors) per floor
Pressure Level : 25 Pa

1P- Air volume required when all doors are closed & maintain 50 (or 25) Pa inside the stair

Q1P = Volume of Air Required (m3/s)

AE = Staircase leakage Area, (m2)

= 0.23 (m2)

P= Pressure Differential = 25

Q1P = 0.83 x 0.23 x

Although the effective leakage area is known, there are other leaks we are not aware of.
To account for these leaks, Q is increased by 50%, hence:

Q1P = 0.9545

2P- Air volume Through Open Door to Outside & maintaining 10 Pa inside staircase (Q =0.8
AE = Door area
Door Area = 2x 0.8
AE = 1.6
Pressure P in Stairwell = 10 Pa
Q2P= 0.83 x A1 x P1/n
Q2P = 4.199504733 m3 / s

3P- Air volume Through One Open Doors into un-pressurized Space & maintaining 10 Pa in

A1 = Area of Fire Floor Door A2=Leakage Area Per Floor

A1 = 1.6 m 2
A2 =
AE = [(1/(A1)2 + (1/A2)2)]-1/2
AE = 1.029107338 m2

Q= 0.83 x AE x P1/n

Q3P= 2.701088211 m3 / sec x 1 =

Total Pressurization Fan Air Volume flow rate to maintain pressure criterion (Q

QTP = Q1P + Q2P+Q3P => QTP =

Allowance for Leakage in Sheet Metal Ductwork

QTP = Total air volume flow rate required to maintain the pressure criterion

Project no: Date: Sheet no.:

Subject: Stairwell Pressurisation

Velocity Criterion:-

1V- Air volume required to maintain 0.75 m/s through open door on Fire floor (Q = AE . V)
AE = Fire Floor Door Area
Door Area = 2x 0.8
Air Velocity Across Door = 0.75

Q1V = A x V => Q1V = 1.6 x

Q1V should be exhausted to atmosphere to maintain 0.75 m/s thru the fire floor door

2V- Air volume through open door to outside at the calculated adequate pressure to releas

Pressure to Exhaust Q1V = 1.2 m3 / sec to atmosphere Via Fire Floor

A1 = Area of the Fire Floor Door A2 = Area of Exhaust Vent From Fire
A1 = 1.6 m 2
A2 =
AE = [(1/(A1)2 + (1/A2)2)]-1/2
AE = 0.459756617 m2

P=[Q1V /(0.83 x AE )]2 => P= 9.888953

P = Pressure required to exhaust the exhausted air to atmosphere =

AE = Area of Door Opening Outward
AE = 1.6 m2

AE = 1.6 m2

Q= 0.83 x AE x P1/n n= 2 for doors & 1.6 for windows

Q2V= 4.176122604 m3 / sec

QTV = Q1V + Q2V => QTV =

Allowance for Leakage in Sheet Metal Ductwork


ConclusionVelocity Criterion is Dominant


Fan External Static Pressu

Exhaust air flow rate =

Net area of the pressure relief damp
QTF = Total air volume flow rate of fan required to maintain a proper smoke control
1 of 2 Computed by:
Checked by:
Approved by:

ering Data)
ng into pressurized Space

into pressurized Space

into pressurized Space


ng Outwards

Outwards 2
Outwards 0.8
ut central rebate 0
18 m
5.5 m
96 m
64 m
7000 m2
6 m
4 m

Leakage Area,

ized space 0.02


Tight 0.00005

Very Loose 0.0012

Tight 0.000014
Average 0.00011
Tight 0.0000066
Average 0.000052
Loose 0.00017

ulated Data
irwell) 1760 m2
1.344 m2
110 m
around windows or 0.0121 m2

in 50 (or 25) Pa inside the stairwell (Q = 0.83 x A E x 501/2 or 251/2 = 5.869AE or 2.9345AE):-

Q1P= 0.83 x AE x P1/n n= 2 for doors & 1.6 for windows

Pa n= Leakage Factor = 2 for doors & 1.6 for windows

5: Q1P = 0.9545 m3 / sec

aks we are not aware of.

+50% Q1P = 1.43175 m3 / sec

g 10 Pa inside staircase (Q =0.83 x A E x 101/2 = 2.6247 AE):-

= 1.6 m2
Q2P = 4.1995047 m3 / sec

ed Space & maintaining 10 Pa inside staircase (Q= 0.83 x A E x 101/2 = 2.6247 AE):-

A2=Leakage Area Per Floor

1.344 m2

2.701088211 m3 / sec
Q3P = 2.7010882 m3 / sec

n pressure criterion (Q TP):-

8.332342944 m3 / sec = 17656.235 cfm


8.332342944 m3 / sec = 17656.235 cfm

pressure criterion

2 of 2 Computed by:
Checked by:
Approved by:

door on Fire floor (Q = AE . V):-

= 1.6 m2
m/s 394 fpm

0.75 1.2 m3 / sec

5 m/s thru the fire floor door Q1V = 1.2 m3 / sec

ed adequate pressure to release flow rate from the above step (Q = 0.83 x A E x P1/2):-

to atmosphere Via Fire Floor

A2 = Area of Exhaust Vent From Fire Floor

0.48 m2


9.888953404 Pa

Q2V = 4.1761226 m3 / sec

5.376122604 m3 / sec = 11392 cfm


5.376122604 m3 / sec = 11392 cfm

8.332342944 m3 / sec = 17,656.23 cfm

Fan External Static Pressu 25 Plus Duct Pressure Drop Pa

Exhaust air flow rate = 6.9005929437 m3 / Sec 14,621.53 cfm

Net area of the pressure relief damper = 1.6627934804 m2

ain a proper smoke control

Project no: Date: Sheet no.:
Subject: Stairwell Pressurisation
Class Class E System

Class E System: Protection of Escape Only staircases

Given Data (Entering Data)
Number of Floors (

Number of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space
(stairwell in our case)

Height of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space
(stairwell in our case)
Width of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space
(stairwell in our case)
Allowance of duct work % age

Number of Single leaf doors in frame Opening Outwards

Height of Single leaf doors in frame Opening Outwards
Width of Single leaf doors in frame Opening Outwards
Number of Double leaf doors with or without central rebate
Building Total Height
Each Floor Height
Each accommodation floor length
Each accommodation floor width
Floor Area for Each Story (except stairwell)
Stairwell walls length per floor
Stairwell walls width per floor

Reference Data


Single-leaf opening into a pressurized space

Single-leaf opening outwards from a pressurized space

Double Leaf Door

Lift landing door

Building Exterior Walls Leakage Area Ratio Tight

(includes construction cracks, and cracks around Average
windows & doors) (A / Aw), A = Leakage area
& Aw = wall area
Building Exterior Walls Leakage Area Ratio
(includes construction cracks, and cracks around
windows & doors) (A / Aw), A = Leakage area Loose
& Aw = wall area Very Loose
Stairwell Walls Leakage Area Ratio (includes Tight
construction cracks but not cracks around doors) Average
(A / Aw), A = Leakage area & Aw = wall area
Floors Leakage Area Ratio (includes construction Tight
cracks and gaps around penetrations) (A / Af), A Average
= Leakage area & Af = floor area

Preliminary Calculated Data

Exterior walls area for Each Story (except stairwell)
Each Story Leakage Area (except stairwell)
Stairwell Walls area per floor

Stairwell Walls Leakage Area (except cracks around windows or doors) per

Pressure Level : 25 Pa

1P- Air volume required when all doors are closed & maintain 50 (or 25) Pa inside the sta

Q1P = Volume of Air Required (m3/s)

AE = Staircase leakage Area, (m2)

= 0.23 (m2)

P= Pressure Differential = 25

Q1P = 0.83 x 0.23 x

Although the effective leakage area is known, there are other leaks we are not aware of.
To account for these leaks, Q is increased by 50%, hence:

Q1P = 0.9545

2P- Air volume Through Open Door to Outside & maintaining 10 Pa inside staircase (Q =0
AE = Door area
Door Area = 2x 0.8
AE = 1.6 m2
Pressure P in Stairwell = 10 Pa
Q2P= 0.83 x A1 x P1/n
Q2P = 4.1995047327 m3 / s

3P- Air volume Through Two Open Doors into un-pressurized Space & maintaining 10 Pa

A1 = Area of Fire Floor Door A2=Leakage Area Per Floor

A1 = 1.6 m 2
A2 =
AE = [(1/(A1)2 + (1/A2)2)]-1/2
AE = 0.8625253881 m2

Q= 0.83 x AE x P1/n

Q3P= 2.2638621558 m3 / s x 2 =

Total Pressurization Fan Air Volume flow rate to maintain pressure criterion

QTP = Q1P + Q2P+Q3P => QTP =

Allowance for Leakage in Sheet Metal Ductwork

QTP = Total air volume flow rate required to maintain the pressure criterion

Project no: Date: Sheet no.:

Subject: Stairwell Pressurisation

Velocity Criterion:-

1V- Air volume required to maintain 0.75 m/s through open door on Fire floor (Q = A
AE = Fire Floor Door Area
Door Area = 2x 0.8
Air Velocity Across Door = 0.75

Q1V = A x V => Q2 = 1.6 x

Q1V should be exhausted to atmosphere in order to maintain 0.75 m/s thru the fire floo

2V- Air volume Through One Open Door into un-pressurized Space above Fire Floor

Pressure to Exhaust Q1V to atmosphere Via Fire Floor = [Q1V /(0.83 x A3 )]2

A1 = Area of the Door above the Fire Floor A2 = Area of Exhaust Vent
A1 = 1.6 m2 A2 =
A3 = [(1/(A1)2 + (1/A2)2)]-1/2
A3 = 0.4597566169 m2

P=[Q1V /(0.83 x A3 )]2 => P= 9.8889534

A4 = Leakage Area For Each Floor = 1.344 m2
AE = [(1/(A1)2 + (1/A2)2)]-1/2 = 1.0291073383
Q2V= 0.83 x AE x P1/n
Q2V= 2.6860490105 m3 / s

3V- Air volume through open door to outside at the calculated adequate pressure to relea

P = Pressure required to exhaust the exhausted air to atmosphere =

AE = Area of Door Opening Outward
AE = 1.6 m2

AE = 1.6 m2

Q= 0.83 x AE x P1/n n= 2 for doors & 1.6 for windows

Q3V= 4.1761226036 m3 / s

QTV = Q1 + Q2+Q3 + Q4 => QT =

Allowance for Leakage in Sheet Metal Ductwork

Conclusion: Velocity Criterion is Dominant


Fan External Static Pressure

Exhaust air flow rate =

Net area of the pressure relief dampe

QTF = Total air volume flow rate of fan required to maintain a proper smoke control
1 of 2 Computed by:
Checked by:
Approved by:

ng Data)
ressurized Space

essurized Space

ssurized Space


ds 2
ds 0.8
al rebate 0
18 m
5.5 m
96 m
64 m
7000 m2
6 m
4 m


Leakage Area, m2

ce 0.02


ght 0.00005
verage 0.00017
ose 0.00035
ry Loose 0.0012
ght 0.000014
verage 0.00011
ght 0.0000066
verage 0.000052

ted Data
1760 m2
1.344 m2
110 m
windows or doors) per
0.0121 m2

ain 50 (or 25) Pa inside the stairwell (Q = 0.83 x A E x 501/2 or 251/2 = 5.869AE or 2.9345AE):-

Q1P= 0.83 x AE x P1/n n= 2 for doors & 1.6 for windows

Pa n= Leakage Factor = 2 for doors & 1.6 for windows

25 : Q1P = 0.9545 m3 / sec

eaks we are not aware of.

+50% Q1P = 1.43175 m3 / s

ng 10 Pa inside staircase (Q =0.83 x A E x 101/2 = 2.6247 AE) :-

= 1.6 m2
Q2P = 4.1995047 m3 / s

zed Space & maintaining 10 Pa inside staircase (Q= 0.83 x A E x 101/2 = 2.6247 AE):-

2=Leakage Area Per Floor

1.344 m2

4.527724312 m3 / s
Q3P = 4.5277243 m3 / s

ain pressure criterion:-

10.15897904 m3 / s = 21526.877 cfm


10.15897904 m3 / s = 21526.877 cfm

e pressure criterion

2 of 2 Computed by:
Checked by:
Approved by:

door on Fire floor (Q = A E . V):-

= 1.6 m2
m/s 394 fpm

0.75 1.2 m3 / s

ntain 0.75 m/s thru the fire floor door Q1V = 1.2 m3 / s

ed Space above Fire Floor:-

Q1V /(0.83 x A3 )]2

2 = Area of Exhaust Vent

0.48 m2


Q2V = 2.686049 m3 / s

ated adequate pressure to release flow rate from the above step (Q = 0.83 x A E x P1/2):-

9.888953404 Pa

Q3V = 4.1761226 m3 / s

9.493921614 m3 / s = 20117.62 cfm


9.493921614 m3 / s = 20117.62 cfm

10.15897904 m3 / s = 21,526.88 cfm

n External Static Pressure 25 Plus Duct Pressure Drop Pa

haust air flow rate = 8.7272290444 m3 / Sec 18,491.95 cfm

et area of the pressure relief damper = 2.1029467577 m2

ain a proper smoke control


m3 / Sec CFM m3 / Sec CFM

1 A 2.631750 5,577 1.200000 2,543

2 B
3 C
4 D 8.332343 17,656 6.900593 14,622
5 E 10.158979 21,527 8.727229 18,492
AREA, m2



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