How To Sleep Sound

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1. Go to sleep & wake up at the same time always.

2. Bath twice in summer, once in morning and again before sleep at night.
3. Drink a cup of warm milk before go to bed.
4. Walk half an hour after dinner at night.
5. Leave TV room 2 hour before sleep.
6. Eat light food in dinner at night & take it within 9 pm.
7. Keep your Bed neat & clean. Wash bed cover once in a week.
8. Ensure proper flow of air & light into bed room.
9. Wear cotton/loose dress for sleep.
10. Use comfortable bed & pillow. And use a cover in day time over bed.
11. Dont be too much cautious/tensed for sleep. Everyday your sleep may not be
sound. It is natural.
12. Dont sleep at the day time if you have problem in sleep.
13. Avoid caffeine & tea after evening.
14. Pray & Meditate before sleep.
15. Do much physical labour at day time (be active/keep moving).
16. If you wake up at midnight or not feel sleepy after half an hour of sleep, just go to
your study room & read some light featured books.
17. Always sleep at your one side, right or left not keeping face in the up/roof and don't
sleep on your belly.
18. Dont take sleeping pill without doctor advice/for long time because after some time
it cannot work properly.
19. Exercise regularly (3/4 times a week). Don't do exercise 4 hours before bedtime.
20. Do some bed time rituals like ode cologne, brush your teeth, comb your hair, read a
light mood book/journal etc.
21. For a matured person sleep time would be not less than 6 hours & not more than 10
22. Keep a routine/sleep schedule or a diary to record your sleep time.
23. Turn off all the electric devices, including mobile, TV, IPS. The red/yellow power
light may hamper your sleep.
24. Manage your stress/tension by doing some aromatherapy, deep breathing, soothing
music etc.
25. Last but not the least be hopeful and relax all of your body.


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