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BBDH 2013 Human Resource Management

Assignment Guide (Group Assignment)

Please ensure that your report includes the following sections:

No Sections Appendix Copy(s) of Forms

1 Cover Page Refer to Appendix 2 1

2 Plagiarism Disclaimer Refer to Appendix 6 1

(Ensure that this is properly
completed and signed)

3 Coursework Feedback form Refer to Appendix 3

4 WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT Refer to Appendix 5
(Group Assignment)
5 1.0 Background -
- Brief description of the situation
that your company is facing.
-Objective of this proposal

2.0 Manpower Planning

What is manpower planning?
Brief discussion on methods
used for manpower planning.
Which method you propose
and why?

3.0 Recommendations to develop

and prepare current employees
- Training and development
- Performance appraisal
- Compensation

4.0 Recommendation to improve

employees relations

5.0 Conclusion
6 References - -
Include also references for Q1
(Where you get the job description
and job specification)
(TAR UC Harvard Referencing

7 Appendices
Safe Assign Report
-(Each group written assignment
must be accompanied by the first
page of the SafeAssign report
generated by the SafeAssign
software in CeL after checking for
plagiarism. Threshold: 15%

- Graphs and tables (if any)

- Soft copy of the assignment
together with ppt slides

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