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Explain the likely findings in a patient with damage to the spinal cord or spinal nerves at cervical, thoracic
and lumbar levels in relation to the anatomy of the spinal cord
a. Lower motor neuron lesions: Damage affecting neurons arising in anterior horn and ending at the muscle junction
i. Symptoms: paralysis, hypotonia, hyporeflexia, Babinksi absent, muscle weakness
b. Upper motor neuron lesions: Damage affecting neurons arising in the brain, or arising and contained in the spinal
i. Symptoms: hyperreflexia, pronator drift, Babinski +, Spasticity (increased muscle tone)

II. Describe the physical and psychological rehabilitation needs of a patient with clinical sequelae resulting from
head injury or spinal cord injury, and the roles of different professionals and services involved
a. Treatment team:
i. Doctor: Coordination of care
ii. Nurse: Mostly inpatient care
iii. Physiotherapist: Recovery of some muscle activity
iv. OT: Help managing day to day life tasks
v. Neurophysiologist: Assesment of patients mental skills and weaknesses, arranging help acordingly
vi. Social worker: Access for family to benefits, transport
vii. SALT: Helps with communication

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