NDMC General Security & Emergency Guidelines/Plan

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NDMC General Security &

Emergency Guidelines/Plan

NDMC General Security & Emergency Guidelines/Plan

Curfew Time Inside the Campus: 9:00PM 5:00AM
Wear your ID and Uniform for proper identification. No ID, No UniformNO Entry
No baggage near the security guards area and in the Madonna Faade/Entrance.
Guards on duty will always be on official uniform.
Only guards on duty will be allowed to stay in the guard posts.
Waiting Area shall be beside the Mimeographing Office or at McGrath building.
Security posts shall be cleared of any suspicious belongings.
Guards will present themselves with presentable attire and hair and not under the influence of liquor.
Submit yourself, car, motorcycle and belongings to the SG for inspections whenever necessary and are called for
(basis: vehicle gate pass).
Guards are instructed to be always snappy, render salute, and greet visitors, guests, and persons in authority of the
school at the entrance, exit and everywhere inside the campus.
No shorts, sandos or vulgar attire for any security guard/s on duty. No smoking within and near the guard posts and
inside the campus:
Offices in-charge of the following:
* Discipline Matters: DSAS/Student Formation Officer(for IBED)
* Security Matters: AGSD
Only Pupils/Students/Personnel and those with official business transactions will be allowed inside the campus.
Parents/Guardians and Yaya/s will be allowed to get inside the campus only during flag ceremony. All will be asked
to stay outside the campus after the flag ceremony and can again enter the campus only during the exact time for
dismissal to fetch your son/daughter. You are not allowed to stay anywhere during lunch time, kindly stay at the
canteen or at the students lounge near the canteen only from your specified eating time.
Those outsiders/parents/guardians/visitors/yayas who will fetch your kid/s will be asked to show any valid ID to the
Security Guards on duty and shall be ask to show again same ID upon leaving the campus. No one is allowed to
stand-by anywhere inside the campus.
Those who will pay the tuition (except for NDMC pupil/student) will be asked to leave the ID to the Security Guard/s
on duty and will show the O.R. for verification before your ID will be given back you the owner of the ID.
Passers at the Main Entrance in Madonna Building with firearms licensed or not should be deposited to the Security
Guards on duty at the Main Entrance in Madonna. Your voluntary act of depositing your firearms is an indication of a
peace loving parents/visitor/guest/ stakeholder who also love Notre Dame and the pupils/students and personnel.
Parking Areas for security inside the campus are in the following areas:
1. Parking Area 1: For 4W Vehicle of out-siders:(Parents/Visitors) Front of NDMC Library)
2. Parking Area 2: For 4W Vehicle of NDMC Personnel. Front of NDMC Gym
(NHR/IPV: Near Covered Parking Area of the Bus) (NDMC Grandia: beside President Vehicle)
During schools days, you will be notified upon entering the campus at the Vehicle Main Entrance not to enter the
campus once the parking areas inside are already fully occupied
Find your space outside the campus. The school will not be responsible for your vehicle outside the campus.
You may use the Soccer Field in any big program or activities,
Subject to the approval of the NDMC President through the AGSD
. Motorcycle of Students/outsiders:
3. Parking Area 3: Motorcycle (Separate line space for the Students/ Outsiders and NDMC Personnel)
* Extension Parking Area for Students: Area going to IBED- Elem. Back of Old Library
4. Occupants of HS Building/ JBB Sullivan: use area near the Old HS Court for your Vehicle and
5. Vehicle/Motorcycle owners except for NDMC Vehicle are prohibited to use the road at the back
of the De Mazenod Bldg after: 7:00AM 12:00AM 1:00PM - 6:00PM
c. Teacher and Office Heads are asked to always lead the pupil/s or students or staff
towards the evacuation area.
d. Without the teacher in-charge inside, appoint one as leader or SSG Leader is there is
one present.
e. Always coordinate with the internal security in-charge or the AGSD Head for all
instructions and updates.
6. Open pipe motorcycle even when supported by a stopper is prohibited inside the

7. In case of Emergency: For IBED-ETD, JH, SH And College Student and Personnel
a. Your safest area is the your respective Classroom and Office
b. Teacher in-charge/Office Head/s will automatically act as the leader/contact person

8. The following will be the evacuation area:

a. If Natural/Man-made Calamity (NMC) will start in front or outside of the NDMC


* Guards will lock down all gates

* All will Follow No. 8
b. The leader will bring his/her group going to the NDMC Fishpond Area then to the
safest road and ask for any assistance in the area

c. If the NMC will start at the back of NDMC:

* Follow No. 8
*Gates either for Entrance or Exit will be opened as per instruction of the AGSD
*The leader will bring his/her group going to the NDMC Gate/s nearest to you then to
the safest road and ask for any assistance in the area

d. If NMC will start at the center inside the campus:

* Follow No. 8
* Lock down your door
* The leader will bring his/her group going to the NDMC Gate/s nearest to you then to
the safest road and ask for any assistance in the area

e. If NMC will start in one of the buildings or classrooms of NDMC:

* Immediately apply: Safety Measure

*Follow No. 8
* All nearby classroom or buildings occupants where NMC happens will automatically,
systematically, slowly but surely go out from where you are with your leader
leading the group. Always read and follow instructions found in your classrooms
or the in the area where poster for safety procedure is being posted.
* Proceed to the Evacuation Area, at the center of the Soccer Field and wait for the
Instruction coming from the AGSD Head before making another move or action
*The leader should have the different important emergency telephone and cell numbers
saved in your respective phone
9. All instruction/s to be made by the AGSD as the Security Focal Person will be properly
coordinated to the President in cases like Natural or Man-made Calamity

Emergency Numbers:
Smart: 09499329555 Smart: 093227885379 Landline: 064-2298221
Landline: 064-2298221

Globe: 09177701705 Landline: (064) 2298-455 Smart: 09081969491
Globe: 09171044400

Prepared by: REY D. POSTRADO, MAP


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