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Recapping Laughter

xxpeepsxx in 1N2D, Variety September 5, 2016September 15, 2016

3,530 Words

1 Night 2 Days S3 Ep 139

1 Night 2 Days Season 3 Episode 139:

Its time for Games with the Public with some very interesting rules: Win a
game, and you get $10 from the other teams account. Lose a game, and you
have to give $10 to them. Pt.

Both teams win while playing Cham-cham-cham, while JunHyun loses at

Jegichagi. JoonYoung is up next for Palm Wrestling and decides that the strong
guys in front of him wont do. They look for the dad of a kid theyd made
friends with and hit a slight snag, because that dad is o somewhere looking
for his watch which hed let y while showing his son how to stone skip. Pt.

But they soon nd Dad and both guys head into the water. Their
friends/families cheer on each other, though the kid adds that it wouldnt be
too bad even if his father loses, HA! Our guys praise him, with JunHo going
over the top and saying that hell do big things in the future, and even become
the president, pwaha.
JoonYoung and Dad start attacking and defending, their palms dancing
around. There are a few close shaves, but in the end, its JoonYoung who wins.
That means that they get $10!

Over at peaceful Dodam Sambong, TaeHyuns voice splices the calm, having
found out that Team JunHo has won a game. In other words, $10 goes out of
their account. Hehehe.

They immediately search for their game opponents and a middle-age man here
on his late honeymoon with his wife steps up. Thats so cute. Theyre shocked
when he declares that his all-time record for Jegichagi is above 50 and when
he plays scissors-paper-stone with JongMin, he tells the entertainment veteran
not to do anything stupid-like.

Hahahah, the honeymooner goes rst and gets a grand total of 4 kicks before
losing his balance and falling over. Oops. JongMin easily beats that and Team
TaeHyun gets $10 from JunHos team.

Over at Dong River, where Team JunHo has been playing, JunHyun goes into a
game of Eating Lemons with a lady and within three seconds into the game,
which is also the time the lady takes her rst bite of the lemon, JunHyun has
already nished his and blown his conrmation whistle. Pt. Who chews
fruits?! he asks.

Defconn goes up against another lady for Palm Wrestling and even though she
loses, it feels like she won, because she got to fall into BoGums arms, heh.

The games continue and, as TaeHyun once described 1 Night 2 Days in a past
episode, our guys are at beautiful places, pulling ugly faces and measuring how
big their mouths can get. Seriously, this show.

Team JunHo has nished playing all their games and won 4 out of 5 games.
But Team TaeHyun hasnt nished with their games, so they dont know what
the real outcome is yet. JunHo complains that TaeHyuns team has way too
much advantages, especially when they have Park BoGum, whom hes sure, 10
000%, the ladies will lose to on purpose. HA!

Cut to Team TaeHyun calling for participants for BoGums game, Eating a
Lemon. 4 participants volunteer and are told to come up to audition for the
lucky spot, haha. And the rst thing the very rst lady-participant says is, As
much as I love BoGum Oppa, hwaiting! (In other words, Ill try as much as I
love BoGum oppa). Ha.

The rest of the members tease her, saying that she really swallowed the bait
and that she doesnt look like she can eat sour stu well. She insists she can,
but then visibly wilts when shes told that its bad for BoGum Oppa.
HAHAHA. Shes so cute.

Her names EunJi and she starts her audition, which is to eat a slice of lemon
without reacting to the sourness. She does well, as do the other participants
and so they just decide to settle this through good old fashioned scissors-paper-
stone. She beats them all in one try, heh.

Before the game starts, they grill her about her love for BoGum but she cant
say much because BoGum just standing there stresses her out, hee. They make
her look into BoGums eyes for three seconds and she cant even last a second,
ha. She even refuses a hug from BoGum if she wins, because shes too sweaty
and when they ask her mother, apparently, she was a quiet girl before this.
Defconn calls her a rapper now, heh.

They start the game proper, each having to eat three lemons each, and its
EunJi who succumbs to the sourness rst but she powers through and her
reward is a look from BoGum , which makes her heart ip and her turn away
in shyness, hee. In the end, its BoGum who wins it. He even gives EunJi a hug
even without request.

The nal result is that Team TaeHyun gets $20 from JunHos teams account
and with that extra money, they decide to ll their vehicle up on gasoline.
Team JunHo also hurries to get to their next brown destination, but are
encouraged by their accompanying sta to ride the Blob Jump there at the
lake. Theyre not interested, until theyre told that theyll get 100 miles just for
that and since neither JunYoung nor JunHo want to get wet again and all eyes
turn to DongGu, who feigns ignorance, ha. JunHyun oers to be the weight
that sends him ying.

Even though its DongGu whos the one supposed to go ying, its JunHyun
whos scared of jumping down onto the blob. To encourage him, their
accompanying PD oers to give them another 100 miles if JunHyun takes over
DongGus place thereafter and goes ying too.

DongGu ops onto the blob and crawls to his spot. JunHyun prepares for his
jump and the moment he does, DongGu hurtles meters into the air, then into
the water. Its JunHyuns turn to go ying, though because he cant get his
bearings right, he loses his balance and rolls backwards into the water, ha!
Anyways, because hes already wet, he decides to ride the blob jump, to get the
100 meters and also partially to check if he really can y o even though hes
heavier than 100kg. And y he does, even if he doesnt y as high as DongGu
does. Once they dry o, they head o for the rest of their Brown Tour.

Team TaeHyun drives around, looking for a petrol kiosk. At the same time,
they search for a place of attraction. They hit gold at Ssogari to nd both at the
same place andat the same time. Ha, they take pictures with the huge sh
statue, the lighted up stairs and even the signboard that elcomes them to the
place. Thats 50 miles earned.

They nd the local market and are attracted by the Garlic Sundae thats
supposed to be the local specialty. They sit in a restaurant, choosing their
menu and then suggest going out along the market to buy more. Heh, JongMin
oers to go get those street food, but of course he doesnt follow through
because he just lied. BoGum and Defconn go instead.
They come back with 2 kinds of dumplings and the receipt for garlic-fried
chicken, since it takes 40 minutes for the chicken to be ready. Their restaurant
dishes arrive not too soon later and the combination of Soondae Soup, Garlic
Soondae and Ddokbaegi Bulgogi (Beef in stone pot) earns them 60 miles. Never
forgetting their Social Media Mission, they take a photo before eating.

They devour the food, particularly surprised by the Soondae Soup. Yoo PD
instead is surprised by how much BoGum eats and then when theyre all full,
the chicken comes, haha. No one can resist fried chicken though, and soon
theyre eating through the box. All that food earns them a total of 100 miles.

On the other hand, JoonYoung wonder just how many miles Team TaeHyun
has and goes on the internet to search Park BoGum. HAHAHA. As expected,
he nds a photo of them at Dodam Sambong with a fan, where their badges
are all on display all round BoGums bag, tipping o the team that Team
TaeHyun has 840 miles accumulated. Thats more than JunHos 760 and so the
guys carry on with their Brown Tour.

Hee, the Hyungs comment that JoonYoung is a scary kid and then fate throws
them in for another one as the next brown sign they see directs them to the
Gossi Caves, the very one they passed by that afternoon while teasing DongGu.

Ha, JunHo gets tickets and joke with the cashier that they took a whole day to
nd the caves. But the moment theyre in the cool caves, they are reduced to
just looking around and gaping in wonder. They dont forget to do their bobble
head dance there before they leave though.

They nd a Mat-Jib (a place that sells delicious food) right outside the caves
and order practically everything there. While waiting for their food, they put
in a call to TaeHyuns Team, who was also eating. HAAAA, TaeHyun attempts
to lie that theyve got more than 1000 miles accumulated and JunHo calls him
out for that, shocking them by telling them exactly how many miles they have
right then and even tells them what theyve been doing.
Heh, that stuns BoGum, who immediately feels guilty, the innocent puppy that
he is.

Team JunHos food comes and they are amazed by the easy and ecient way
JunHyun easily portions the Potato Pancake, lol. Other than that, they have
Gondeure Bap (Rice with Thistle), Chilk Kal-guksu (Kudzu Knife-cut Noodles),
Chilk Bibim-guksu (Kudzu Noodles with Bibim sauce) and Chilk Naeg-myeon
(Kudzu Cold Noodles). Cut to them doing the bobble-head again, Pt.

They ask the gourmet how to eat Cold Noodles and then ask him again the
order they should eat food in. HAHAHA, JunHyun tells them to just eat,
complaining that having to explain everything is work to him and this is
supposed to be a vacation.

They just eat and eat, loving everything and JunHo has to ruin it by noting
that all JunHyun did the whole day was eat and poop, eat and poop.
JunHyuns condent that his poopy scenes wont make it to air but the
variety veteran knows better.

Once done with dinner, both teams search for accommodation. JoonYoung gets
one for $70 while Defconn gets one for $100. Haha, TaeHyun and team get a
huge welcome from the residents of Danyang once they leave the restaurant
and together with them, they shout 1 Night 2 Days!

In the other car, JunHo provides the Kim JunHo brand of air freshener that
needs the windows drawn down. He and JunYoung then mimick HyoJoos way
of speaking and they turn into yet another Brown place of attraction. JunHo
starts to drift o and the others relentlessly call his name over and over again.

Like zombies they make their way to the statue of Kim SatGat (real name Kim
ByeongYeon), one of the most inuential poets of humour and satire during
the Joseon Dynasty. JunHo tries to make a poem out of the mans pen-name
and just ruins it, heh.
They each take turns taking a photo with the statue of Kim SatGat and when it
comes to JunHos turn, they very obviously play around with him. But JunHo
doesnt realise it until he sees the picture, pt. As expected, theyd just taken a
photo of him alone, without Kim SatGats statue and in another photo, taken
their own selves. They do the last of the bobble head captures that theyve
been doing the whole day and that combines together to become a rather cool
short clip of them bobble-heading throughout all the dierent places theyd
visited that day, to KC & The Sunshine Bands Thats The Way (I Like It).

Team TaeHyun puts on Cheer Up, the song that will never die and Im sure will
earn the BEST SONG at the year-end Gayos or something. BoGum starts getting
sleepy and even though he does his very best to keep awake, his eyes
eventually utter close and his head lolls around while he sleeps.

Team JunHo heads to their residence for the night too and on the way,
JunYoung calls DongGu East Nine, a phonetically-literal translation
DongGus name. (I dont really think thats what it means, especially when you
look at the Hanja (Chinese characters), but if you only look at the Hangul
(Korean alphabet), thats not wrong.)

While waiting for their accommodation to be readied, the comedians of the

team play around and only DongGu entertains them with laughter. How
sincere that laughter is, I dont know, because its like he was only
half-listening to them while using his phone, heh.

Team TaeHyun reach their accommodation too and are surprised by how good
it looks. JongMin strips to his undies and with the way he slouches over, I
dont think I have ever wanted to NOT see a guy half-naked as much as now

They see BoGum go through his daily facial-cleansing ritual and of course cant
let that opportunity pass, wanting to try everything that he uses.

Before they end the day, they plan their Social Media Mission and again, its
BoGum who writes their entire days itinery. They post their pictures up on the
1 Night 2 Days account on Facebook, as do JunHos Team. Pt, that team
decides that they need something more attractive than theyve got and set their
eyes on BoGum or rather the group picture they took with BoGum that
morning. They erase everyone not on their team o the picture, sans BoGum,
and stick the new and improved photo on some preset backgrounds, pt.
They even put it on their account! Haaa! JooonYoung even goes international
and asks his fans to press Like, with the Chinese translation being Help
JoonYoung a bit/please!. So shameless, heh.

Their day doesnt end yet, because Yoo PD tells them that they have to play
their Sleeping-game too. And thats Will You Come, or Will I Go?
HAHAHAHAHAHHA. JoonYoung is a Fortune teller!

That game blows the minds of everyone at the two residences, even the sta,
who have to follow the losing team to the other residence. Its a word relay
game, and the rule is that the players have to spit their words out within three
seconds after the previous player does so. Theyre playing for the best of three
rounds and against each other, connected through video call.

JunHo notes how worn out BoGum has become and BoGum asks if they cant
just come over. Ha, the alcoholics JoonYoung and JongMin agree for the losing
team to come over with alcohol.

Both teams are given a box lled with Korean Alphabets. Theyre each to pick
one letter at random and with the two letters picked, they have to come up
with words starting with those letters. HA, JunHyun loses it for his team right
away and while the young ones all tell their team to pack up, JunHo and
JunHyun tell them to sit and rest.

They go into their second round and though JoonYoung took more than 3
seconds to answer, JongMin saves them all by continuing it. BoGum comes up
with a word that takes the other team a while to understand, which means that
it takes DongGu more than three seconds to provide his answer. In the end, its
BoGum who supplies a word thats already been used and loses the round
cleanly for his team.

While Team JunHo rejoices, BoGums hyungs call out the two times JunHos
team took more than three seconds to answer. Heh, Yoo PD tries to encourage
them take the loss graciously, since they can just win the next round and the
way he speaks, like hes telling them to pander to JunHos team, makes JunHo
reach out for HIS PD, Lee JeongWook PD. Heh, he tries to point out the time
JongMin stretched out his word and therefore his time too, but in the end,
cant say a thing when TaeHyun explains just why they cant accept the loss.

Kim JunHo: Hey, just close the computer.


JunHo decides to just cancel the round they just played and go again. He
cutesy-tells them all to buck up and then its him who loses the next round
for them. Heh. O to pack your bags you go! JunHo throws his letter balls at
the screen and then has to endure the beatings from his other members. He
screams another word at BoGum but JongMin shuts the computer for real then,

The sta with Team JunHo packs up while JunHo goes around cheering them
up, since hes feeling too guilty.

They load up onto the bus and jokily complain about WiFi, Yoo PD and JunHo.
Meanwhile, BoGum is out like a light and the Hyungs have to tuck him in.

By the time JunHo and team arrive, TaeHyuns team has already all fallen into
deep slumber. They call out for blankets but are told that the other team has
taken them all, haaa, so DongGu sneaks into their room and steals some. He
gives the blankets to his hyungs, but JunHyun says that hes okay without one.
JoonYoung just goes to the other room to sleep, heh.

In the morning, day breaks and the guy who said he didnt need blankets is all
cocooned up in one. Pt, he groans as he wakes, but DongGu has already long
woken up and is already packing his luggage. Defconn comes along to greet

The morning song plays and BoGum sits right up, like a boy scout. Hes the
only one who folds his blankets.
They gather outside for the closing, where JunHo complains about the
cameraman wanting to hit him with the camera, ha.

They get the results for their Social Media Mission from last night and while
JunHos Team got 1,406 likes, Team TaeHyun got 2,030 Likes, meaning that
the latter wins 20 miles. Pft. All that hard work for one dishs worth of
mileage. JunHo loudly wonders why they got so little likes even though they
had BoGum with them on their trip, referring to the haphazard photo-shop
they did last night, hee.

Then its time to accumulate all the miles theyve earned.

JunHos Team gets 143 miles while TaeHyuns team only gets 122 miles for the
distance theyd travelled. In terms of food, JunHos Team gets 210 miles while
TaeHyuns team gets 140 miles. JunHos Team gets 250 for visiting places of
interest while TaeHyuns team got 200 miles. For activities, JunHo gets 500
while TaeHyun gets 700.

In total, that means that JunHos Team earned 1,103 miles while TaeHyuns
team earned 1,182, after the addition of the 20 miles the earned for winning
the Social Media Mission. Therefore, Team TaeHyun wins the 2 days and 1
night long competition.

Pt, Yoo PD oers to gift them as much cash as their accumulated mileage and
the rest balk, because 1,182 won basically translates to about $1.182 dollars.
HA! Even BoGum mutters Mudori when JunHyun remarks that the people
here are funny.

In any case, because they promised them yesterday, the winners get 24K gold,
in the form of gold rings. But then those boxes are numbered, because only one
of them is real gold. PWAHAHAHAHHA!

Yoo PD: It was more expensive than Id expected.

JunHo helps them mix those boxes up, under JongMins watchful eye and the
winners now choose their boxes.

JongMin opens the paper that came with his box to nd that hes missed the
real gold ring. Heh, JunHo bites on it to check that its real silver and puts a
dent in it, heh. Defconn misses the gold ring too and its down to BoGum and

The two put on their rings and amazingly, the rings t BoGum perfectly. They
both open their papers at the same time and its TaeHyun who has the real
certicate guaranteeing that his ring is real gold.

JunHyun and BoGum give their last words and when BoGum promises to come
again the next time, JunHo proposes waxing for him. Pt, TaeHyun makes him
wear Walrus Teeth and he adorably waves his hands like one.

JunHyun: For delicious food,

JunHo: For interesting activities,

JoonYoung: For feel-good meetings,

DongGu: For memories that youll never forget,

JongMin: As long as youre with your friend,

Defconn: Then thats the best vacation location.

BoGum: If youre hesitating over whether to go or not,

TaeHyun: Then just go!

Next Week:

Yoo PD cant raise his head as the members all attempt to save each other. Pt.

8 thoughts on 1 Night 2 Days S3 Ep 139

mellina says:
September 6, 2016 at 5:10 am
Im so so gonna miss Bogum on this show..*sni sni*
xxpeepsxx says:
September 6, 2016 at 8:36 am
Thats true. You know what? I suddenly want Seo inGuk on the show. I
wonder what thatll do to them.

Maybe one day they can both come on at the same time!

Kumiko Shin says:
September 6, 2016 at 7:11 am
Aww. Tired puppy is out like a light by the end of the day. The hyungs
tucking him in is the cutest thing in this episode.

xxpeepsxx says:
September 6, 2016 at 8:35 am
I know right? So adorable.

mekme says:
September 6, 2016 at 12:40 pm
The sleeping game was really fun and hahaha that photoshop pic they
posted. Im excited for next week. Thanks for the recap!

xxpeepsxx says:
September 6, 2016 at 2:28 pm
Youre welcome! See you next week too!

An-naum says:
September 12, 2016 at 11:36 pm
On season 2, Joo Won slept like a baby because he was so tired shooting
Gaksital. So, i guess, Bo Gum also too tired because he was shooting
Moonlight Drawn By Clouds. Tae Hyun did drama as well but I dont
remember him looking tired. Hes awesome by the way good/loving
hubby n father, good manners, not smoking nor drinking. Tq for the recaps.

xxpeepsxx says:
September 13, 2016 at 10:16 am
Youre welcome! TaeHyun is like superman. Its understandable that
BoGum was tired. It was just really cute to see the hyungs tuck him in
like that.


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