HSK 1 Vocabulary

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HSK 1 Vocabulary List

HSK Test Guide:


Chinese Pinyin English

Personal Pron.
w I, me
wmen we, us (pl.)
n you
nmen you (pl.)
t he, him
t she, her
tmen they (male+female / male, pl.)
tmen they (females, pl.)
Demonstrative Pron.
() zh ( zhr) here, this
() n (nr) there, that
Interrogative Pron.
n (nr) where
shi who
shnme what, why
dusho how many, how much
j a few, how many
znme how
znmeyng how about
y one
r two
sn three
s four
w five
li six
q seven
b eight
ji nine

sh ten
lng zero
g one, a, an
su year
bn volume
xi some
kui piece
b no
mi no
hn quite, very
ti too
du all
h and
zi in, at
wi hello
ji home
xuxio school
fndin restaurant
shngdin store
yyun hospital
huchzhn train station
Zhnggu China
Bijng Beijing
shng up
xi down

qinmin front
humin behind
lmin inside
jntin today
mngtin tomorrow
zutin yesterday
shngw morning
zhngw noon
xiw afternoon
nin year
yu month
r day
xngq week
din dot, spot
fnzhng minute
xinzi now
shhou time
bba father
mma mother
rzi son
nr daughter
losh teacher
xushng student
tngxu shoolmate
pngyu friend
yshng doctor
xinsheng sir
xioji Miss
yfu cloth
shu water
ci vegetable
mfn rice
shugu fruit
pnggu apple
ch tea
bizi cup

qin money
fij airplane
chzch taxi
dinsh television
dinno computer
dinyng movie
tinq weather
mo cat
gu dog
dngxi thing
rn person
mngzi name
sh book
hny mandarin Chinese
z character
zhuzi desk
yzi chair
xixie thank
bkq you are welcome
zijin good-bye
qng please
dubq sorry
migunx It doesn't matter
sh be (am, is, are)
yu have
kn look
tng listen
shuhu speak
d read
xi write
knjin see
jio call
li come
hu return
q go

ch eat
h drink
shujio sleep
ddinhu call up
zu do
mi buy
ki open
zu sit
zh live
xux study
gngzu work
xiy rain
i love
xhun love, like
xing want
rnshi know
hu can
nng can, be able to
ho good
d big
xio small
du many, much
sho few, little
lng cold
r hot
goxng happy
pioliang beautiful

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