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Simulation of Radiation Pattern of a Hertz Dipole Antenna in

Aim: To simulate the radiation pattern of various Hertz Dipole antennas having a length
(m*)/2 for both even and odd values of m in MATLAB

Simulator Used: MATLAB

Theory: Since the electric field is independent of , the H-plane radiation pattern is a circle
which is same as that of the Hertz dipole. In general a dipole antenna has multiple beams and
multiple nulls. Generally, finding the directions of the nulls is easier compared to finding the
directions of the maximum radiation. We therefore obtain the directions of the nulls and place
one maximum approximately half way between two adjacent nulls. The directions of the nulls
can be obtained by equating () to zero. The directions of the nulls are:

cos( cos null) cos()

sin null

cos( cos null) = cos()

cos null =

cos null = 1 = 1

The current distribution and the radiation pattern of dipoles of different lengths are shown in
Fig. 1.

Fig.1. Current Distribution in dipole antennas of different lengths

The three dimensional radiation patterns for the dipole antennas of length , 3/4 and 2 are
shown in Fig 2.

Fig 2. Three dimensional radiation pattern for , 3/4 and 2 dipole antennas
#antenna radiation pattern code

clear all;
m=input('enter the value of m = ');
theta=0:pi/100:2*pi; #theta values from 0 to 2
l=(m*lam)/2; #length of antenna


if l<=0.1*lam; #for hertz dipole antenna

title('polar graph for hertz dipole antenna');
else #for thin linear antenna
f=(f1-f2)./sin(theta); #equation of [F(,])
title('polar graph for (7lemda/2)');
For Hertz Dipole

Fig 3. Polar Graph for Hertz Dipole Antenna

For odd values of m

Fig 4. Polar Graph for /2, 3/2, 5/2 and 7/2 Hertz Dipole Antenna
For even values of m

Fig 5. Polar Graph for , 2, 3 and 4 Hertz Dipole Antenna

Conclusion: From the above exercise we conclude that the number of sidelobes increases as
the length of the dipole antenna is increased. Also there are atleast two lobes present
irrespective of the length of the antenna. When m is odd, we observe an increase of four lobes
per unit increment of m. However, when m is even, we note an increase of two lobes per unit
increment of m.

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