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Questions for uniformly accelerated motions.

Q1. A motorist travels from a town A to a town B, 145 km in 3 h and 45 min, what is his average speed in kmh-1? In ms-1?
Q2. During a video game, a point on the screen moves 9.6 cm in the position y direction and then 3.6 cm in negative x
direction, all in a time of 3.9s. (a) What is the distance travels of the point?
(b) What is the displacement of the point?
(c) What is the average speed of the point?
(d) What is the average velocity?
Q3. To get to school, you cycle 3.5 m east, then south 6m followed by 1 m west. Your make the trip in 39 min. Then,
(a) What is the distance travels of the point?
(b) What is the displacement of the point?
(c) What is the average speed of the point?
(d) What is the average velocity?
Q4. A car on a straight road accelerates from 2.18 ms-1 to 7.75 ms-1 in a time of 5.57 s. What is the average acceleration and
distance travel? [1 ms2; 27.66 m]
Q5. An airplane in straight-line flight changes speed from 460 kmh-1 to 325 kmh-1 in 52.5 s. Find the average acceleration
in ms-2 and the distance travel? [-0.71 ms-2; 5724.08 m]
Q6. A car moving at 2.7 ms-1 skids to a stop in 10.8s. Find the average acceleration and the distance travels while stopping.
[-0.25 ms-2; 14.58 m]
Q7. A drag racer claims to be able to go from rest to 2kms-1 in 5s. What is the average acceleration of this car in ms-2? How
for does the racer go in this time? [400m; 500ms -1]
Q8. A truck travelling at 22.5 ms-1 decelerates at 2.27 ms-2. (a) How much time does it take for the truck to stop? (b) How
far does it travel while stopping? (c) How far does it travel during the third second after the brakes are applied? [9.91 s;
111.51 m; 16.83 m]
Q9. A car is travelling at 27 ms-1 along a road parallel to a railroad track. How long does it take the car to pass a 920 m long
train travelling at 18.3 ms-1 (a) in the same direction s the car and (b) in the opposite direction?
Q10. Just as a car starts to accelerate from rest at a constant 2.44 ms-2, a bus moving at a constant speed of 19.6 ms-1 posses
the car in a parallel lane. How long before the car overtakes the bus? How fast is the car going then? How far has the
car gone at that point?
Q11. Two cars, both travelling at 30.5ms-1, are headed toward each other in the same traffic lane. When they are 250 m
apart they see each other and began to decelerate at the same rate. What must be the magnitude of this deceleration if
the cars are barely avoid collision?
Q12. A car moving with a velocity of 10 ms-1 accelerates uniformly at 1 ms-2 until it reaches a velocity of 15 ms-1. Calculate
(a) the time taken, (b) the distance traveled during the acceleration, (c) the velocity reached 100 m from the place
where the acceleration began. [62.5 m; 17.32 ms-1]
Q13. A trolley starts from rest on an inclined plane and moves down it with uniform acceleration. After having moved a
distance of 40 cm its velocity is 20 cms-1. Calculate the acceleration in ms-2 and the time taken. [0.05 ms-1; 4 s]
Q14. Mary can run at a top speed of 4.2 ms-1, whereas Kim can run only at 3.4 ms-1. They are to race a distance of 200 m,
starting at the same point. If the race is to be end in tie, how much sooner should Kim start running before Mary does?
Q15. As an alternative plan to the situation in Prob.14, Kim is to start at the same time as Mary, but from a point a distance
s ahead of Mary. (Mary is to run the full 200m.) For the race to end in a tie, what should the distance s be?
Q16. Two dogs start running towards each other from points 135 m apart. One dogs runs at 6.75 ms-1, and another runs at 5.25
ms-1. When they meet, how far are they from where the slower dog started?
Q17. A truck travelling east at 18.8ms-1 is 1.56 km ahead of a car also travelling east, at 25.5 ms-1. Assuming both the speeds
remain constant, how long will it take for the car to pull even with the truck?

Questions for Uniformly accelerated motion represented graphically

1. A body travelling with uniform acceleration covers a distance s after a time t as shown on the following table
s (metres) 0 2 8 12.5 18 24.5 32 40.5 50 60.5 72
t (seconds) 0 1 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
Draw a distance-time graph and determine from this graph the velocities at 2.5s and at 4.5s and from the values
obtained calculate the acceleration.
2. A body which starts from rest and slides down an inclined air-track covers the following distance x in time t:
x (metres) 0 0.128 0.200 0.288 0.392 0.512 0.648
t (seconds) 0 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Show by graphically method that the body moves with uniform acceleration and find its value in ms-2.
3. (a) Sketch a velocity-time graph for a car moving with uniform acceleration from 5ms -1 to 25ms-1 in 15 seconds.
(b) Use the sketch graph to find the values for the acceleration and the total distance travelled during acceleration.
4. Draw a graph of velocity against time for a body that starts with an initial velocity of 4ms-1 and continue to move with
an acceleration of 1.5ms-2 for 6s. Show how you would find from the graph: (a) the average velocity; (b) the distance
moved in 6s.
5. A car travels at a uniform velocity of 20ms-1 for 5s. The brakes are then applied and the car comes to rest with uniform
retardation in a further 8s. Draw a sketch graph of velocity against time. How far does the car travels after the brakes
are applied? And the retardation of the car.
6. A body starts from rest and accelerates at 3ms-2, for 4s. Its velocity remains constant at the maximum value so reached
for 7s and it finally comes to rest with uniform retardation after another 5s. Find by a graphical method: (a) the distance
moved during each stage of the motion; (b) the average velocity over the whole period.
7. A car runs at a constant speed of 15ms-1 for 300s and then accelerates uniformly to a speed of 25ms -1 over a period of
20s. This speed is maintained for 300s before the car is brought to rest with uniform deceleration in 30s. Draw a
velocity-time graph to represent the journey described above. From the graph find:
(a) the acceleration while the velocity changing from 15ms-1 to 25ms-1;
(b) the total distance travelled in the time described above;
(c) the average speed over the time described.

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