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Mumps and mumps vaccine: a global review

A.M. Galazka,1 S.E. Robertson, 2 & A. Kraigher 3

Mumps is an acute infectious disease caused by a paramyxovirus. Although the disease is usually mild, up to 10%
of patients can develop aseptic meningitis; a less common but more serious complication is encephalitis, which
can result in death or disability. Permanent deafness, orchitis, and pancreatitis are other untoward effects of
mumps. Based on data reported to WHO up to April 1998, mumps vaccine is routinely used by national immuniza-
tion programmes in 82 countries/areas: 23 (92%) of 25 developed countries, 19 (86%) of 22 countries with
economies in transition (mainly the Newly Independent States of the former Soviet Union), and 40 (24%) of 168
developing countries. Countries that have achieved high coverage have shown a rapid decline in mumps morbid-
ity. Furthermore, in many of these countries, mumps-associated encephalitis and deafness have nearly vanished.
This review considers the disease burden due to mumps; summarizes studies on the immunogenicity, efficacy, and
safety of different strains of mumps vaccine; and highlights lessons learned about implementing mumps immuni-
zation in different countries. Countries already using mumps vaccine should monitor immunization coverage and
establish routine mumps surveillance with investigation of outbreaks. Where mumps is targeted for elimination,
countries need to add a second dose of mumps vaccine for children, keeping in mind that the disease may still
occur in susceptible adults.

Voir page 11 le rsum en franais. En la pgina 12 figura un resumen en espaol.

Introduction Disease burden due to mumps

Mumps is an acute infectious disease caused by a Humans are the only natural hosts for mumps vi-
paramyxovirus closely related to parainfluenza vi- rus, which is usually spread by respiratory droplets.
rus. Although the disease is usually mild, its burden The incubation period of mumps averages 1618
should not be underestimated. Up to 10% of mumps days, with a range of about 24 weeks (1). Infection
patients developed aseptic meningitis; a less com- with mumps virus is asymptomatic in one-third of
mon but more serious complication is encephalitis, cases. Nonspecific prodromal symptoms include low-
which can result in death or disability; and perma- grade fever, anorexia, malaise, and headache. The
nent deafness, orchitis and pancreatitis are other disease can vary from a mild upper respiratory ill-
untoward effects that can be prevented by vaccina- ness to viraemia with widespread systemic involve-
tion. As of mid-1998, mumps vaccine was routinely ment (Table 1). Classic mumps is characterized by
used by national childhood immunization pro- enlargment of the parotid and other salivary glands;
grammes in 82 countries. Where high coverage has parotitis is bilateral in three-quarters of cases; and
been achieved, countries have shown a rapid decline other salivary glands are involved in 10% of cases
in mumps morbidity. Furthermore, in many coun- (1).
tries encephalitis associated with mumps has almost Epididymo-orchitis occurs in about 25% of
totally vanished. postpubertal men who contract mumps. In one large
In this article we review the disease burden cohort study the median age for mumps orchitis was
caused by mumps; summarize studies on the 29 years (range, 1164 years) (2). Testicular atro-
immunogenicity, efficacy, and safety of different phy occurs in about one-third of patients with
strains of mumps vaccine; and highlight lessons mumps orchitis, but sterility is rare. Mumps orchi-
learned about implementing mumps immunization tis appears to be a risk factor for testicular cancer,
from countries in different regions of the world. though not a major one (3). In postpubertal women,
Guidance is provided for countries contemplating mastitis and oophoritis can occur; one study found
the introduction of mumps vaccine and for coun- mastitis in 31% of women over 14 years of age (4).
tries already using this vaccine. Among women who acquire mumps during the first
12 weeks of pregnancy, more than a quarter suffer
1 Professorof Medicine, National Institute of Hygiene, Warsaw, Poland. spontaneous abortion; in a large cohort study, the
2 Medical Officer, Vaccines and Other Biologicals, World Health rate of spontaneous abortion in the first trimester
Organization, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland. Requests for reprints
should be sent to this author.
due to mumps infection was higher than that due to
3 Head, Centre for Communicable Diseases, Institute of Public rubella infection (5). An increased incidence of con-
Health of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 1999, 77 (1) World Health Organization 1999 3

genital malformations following maternal mumps mumps was the second most frequently identified
infection during pregnancy has not been found (6). viral pathogen after enteroviruses (14).
Pancreatitis is seen in about 4% of patients Deafness is a well-recognized complication of
with mumps (7). There is evidence suggesting that mumps. In Finland, among 298 military personnel
mumps virus can infect human pancreatic beta cells, with mumps who were assessed by audiometric tests,
and may trigger the onset of insulin-dependent dia- 13 (4%) had evidence of high frequency hearing loss
betes mellitus in some individuals (8). (8); for 12 of these patients, hearing loss was revers-
In mumps cases the central nervous system is ible within a few weeks and one patient progressed
frequently infected and about 50% of asymptomatic to permanent deafness (15). In one Welsh commu-
patients exhibit pleocytosis in the cerebrospinal fluid nity, 33 children acquired profound unilateral sen-
(CSF) (9). Aseptic meningitis occurs in up to 10% sorineural hearing loss over 1 year, and in 12 (36%)
of all mumps patients, more often in males. Menin- of the children the onset of deafness was temporar-
gitis is clinically manifest by severe headache aggra- ily related to mumps (16). A study from the United
vated by movement, photophobia, and neck stiffness Republic of Tanzania reported mumps as the etiology
due to spasm of the spinal muscles (10). Mumps of permanent deafness in 53 (15%) of 354 students
meningitis is a benign condition that appears within at a school for the deaf (17).
a few days of parotid swelling, although some men- A variety of other clinical symptoms are seen
ingitis patients do not have any parotid swelling. with mumps. Mild renal function abnormalities are
Patients recover without complications, but many common (18, 19), but these usually resolve sponta-
require hospitalization during the course of the ill- neously. Transient electrocardiogram abnormalities,
ness. In the pre-vaccine era in Sweden, mumps was mainly changes in T waves and ST segments, have
estimated to cause about 1000 cases of meningitis been reported in up to 15% of cases (20), while rare
each year, leading to 20 000 days of hospitalization case reports of fatal nephritis or myocarditis have
and 20 00040 000 days of disability (11). been published (21).
The incidence of mumps encephalitis is re- Death due to mumps is exceedingly rare, and
ported to range from 1 in 6000 mumps cases is mostly caused by mumps encephalitis. In the USA,
(0.02%) (12) to 1 in 300 mumps cases (0.3%) (13). over the period 196671 there were two deaths per
The associated symptoms vary from mild alterations 10 000 mumps cases, with 38% of such deaths in-
of consciousness to coma; emotional lability, irrita- volving persons aged 40 years (13). In the United
bility, and focal neurological signs are also common Kingdom, 93 deaths were registered from mumps
(10). The age distribution of encephalitis cases par- over the period 196281, with 53 (57%) of those
allels that of mumps cases, with 75% of patients who died being aged 45 years (22).
being below 15 years of age. For unknown reasons,
mumps encephalitis affects three times as many males
as females (13). In the USA, mumps was the main Epidemiology of mumps in the pre-
cause of viral encephalitis during the pre-vaccine era, vaccine era
and in 1967 was responsible for 36% of cases of vi-
ral encephalitis (13). In China, before mumps vac- In countries where there is no vaccination against
cine was routinely used, a retrospective study of mumps, its incidence remains high, with epidemic
children hospitalized for encephalitis found that peaks every 25 years and those aged 59 years con-
sistently being the most affected. Historical records
as far back as the eighteenth century document that
Table 1. Major manifestations of mumpsa mumps epidemics occurred worldwide, and were
more frequent in crowded environments, including
prisons, orphanages, boarding schools, ships, and
Manifestation Frequency (%)
military barracks (23). In the pre-vaccine era, mumps
Glandular was a common infectious disease with a high an-
Parotitis 6070 nual incidence, usually >100 per 100 000 popula-
Submandibular and/or sublingual adenitis 10 tion based on routine passive surveillance (Table 2).
Epididymo-orchitis 25 (postpubertal men) One prospective community-based study in the USA
Oophoritis 5 (postpubertal women) found the annual incidence of mumps to be almost
Pancreatitis 4 2000 cases per 100 000 population about 10 times
greater than the number of passively reported cases
Asymptomatic pleocytosis of CSF 50
(24). Incidences greater than 6000 cases per 100 000
Aseptic meningitis 110 have been reported in military populations (25).
Encephalitis 0.020.3 There are few data to assess the burden of mumps
Deafness (usually transient) 4 infection in developing countries. In Oman, where
mumps vaccine was not used until 1997, the annual
Other incidence of mumps over the period 199096 was
Mild renal function abnormalities 3060 269783 per 100 000 population (A.J. Mohammed,
Electrocardiogram abnormalities 515 personal communication, 1997). In Israel, passive
a Modified from ref. 1. surveillance (with an unknown reporting fraction,

4 Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 1999, 77 (1)

Mumps and mumps vaccine: a global review

Table 2. Average annual reported mumps incidence in several countries in the WHO European
Region before and after introduction of mumps vaccine and in two countries with no mumps

Pre-vaccine Post-vaccine
Country Years Average annnual Years Average annual % reduction
incidence incidence
(per 100 000) (per 100 000)

Two-dose schedule
Denmark 197779 726 199395 1 >99
Finland 197779 223 199395 <1 >99
Norway 197779 371 199395 11 97
Slovenia 197779 410 199395 4 >99
Sweden 197779 435 199395 <1 >99
One-dose schedule
Armenia 198385 280 199395 16 94
Croatia 198385 101 199395 12 88
England and Wales 198385 40 199395 5 88
Israel 198385 102 199395 10 90
Latvia 198385 141 199395 3 98
No mumps vaccine
Poland 198385 415 199395 361
Romania 198385 242 199395 217
a See ref. 82

but possibly as low as 20%) found the annual inci- amounts. Sorbitol and hydrolysed gelatin are used
dence of mumps to be 80162 per 100 000 popula- as stabilizers in mumps vaccine, and neomycin is
tion over the period 197788 prior to introduction added as a preservative. Once reconstituted, live at-
of mumps vaccine (26). tenuated mumps vaccines must be used immediately
Serosurveys to assess mumps immunity were or stored at 08 0C, kept away from light, and dis-
conducted in a number of countries prior to the in- carded if not used within 8 hours (34).
troduction of vaccine. Protective maternal antibody There are very few contraindications to mumps
is passively transferred to the infant and its half-life vaccination. Mumps vaccine should not be admin-
is about 3540 days (27). Data from England and istered to individuals with immune deficiency or
Wales (28), Netherlands (29), Singapore (30), and immunosuppression; however, MMR vaccine can be
St Lucia (31) document a steep increase in mumps given to asymptomatic and symptomatic individu-
antibody level from age 23 years; by 46 years of als infected with human immunodeficiency virus
age, 50% of children had acquired natural antibod- (HIV) and who are not severely immunocompro-
ies; by 1415 years of age, 90% of the population mised (35). Mumps vaccine should not be adminis-
was seropositive (Fig. 1). The situation in other coun- tered to pregnant women because of the theoretical
tries is different, with a large proportion of adults
remaining susceptible, for example in Saudi Arabia
Fig. 1. Age-stratified seroprevalence of mumps antibody during
(32) and Poland (33) (Fig. 1). Such findings may
the pre-vaccine era in England and Wales (ref. 28), Netherlands (ref. 29),
reflect real differences in transmission rates of mumps St Lucia (ref. 31), Poland (ref. 33), Singapore (ref. 30)
virus, time elapsed since the most recent outbreak, and Saudi Arabia (ref. 32).
or differences in sampling or laboratory technique.
WHO 98216

England and Wales Netherlands
Mumps vaccines 60 198687 197778 St Lucia
General considerations 40 198586
% seropositive

Live mumps vaccines are available as monovalent 20

mumps vaccine, bivalent measlesmumps (MM) 0
vaccine, and trivalent measlesmumpsrubella 100
(MMR) vaccine. WHO requirements do not specify 80
the minimum amount of vaccine virus that one hu- Poland Singapore
man dose should contain; rather, this is determined 197982 198990
40 Saudi Arabia
by the national control authority of the country 1987
where the vaccine is produced (34). Most countries 20
use at least 1000 CCID50 of attenuated mumps vi- 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
rus per dose, but many vaccines contain higher Age (years)

Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 1999, 77 (1) 5


risk of fetal damage, and pregnancy should be associated with 0.1 aseptic meningitis cases per
avoided for 3 months after vaccination (35). Indi- 100 000 vaccine doses (49).
viduals with common forms of allergy (atopic ec- Leningrad-3 strain mumps vaccine. The Len-
zema, asthma, cows milk allergy) can be vaccinated ingrad-3 mumps attenuated strain was developed in
safely with MMR vaccine (36). In the past, egg al- the Soviet Union in guinea-pig kidney cell culture,
lergy was considered a reason not to administer with further passages in Japanese quail embryo cul-
mumps vaccine; however, recent studies document tures (50). Vaccines based on the Leningrad-3 strain
that among 1227 known egg-allergic individuals who have been used since 1974 in the former Soviet
received a standard dose of mumps vaccine only two Union and other countries. Approximately 811
(0.16%) had any symptoms suggesting anaphylaxis million doses of Leningrad-3 mumps vaccine are
(37). Other components of MMR vaccine, such as produced annually (34). Studies have shown 89
gelatin (38) and neomycin (39), can produce hy- 98% seroconversion among children aged 17 years
persensitivity to the vaccine in some individuals. following receipt of Leningrad-3 mumps vaccine,
and a protective efficacy of 9299% (50). A large-
Immunogenicity, efficacy, and safety scale efficacy trial that enrolled more than 100 000
We review data on immunogenicity, efficacy, and children found the vaccine to have 97% protective
safety for the five most commonly used mumps vac- efficacy in the outbreak setting (51).
cine strains below. The scope of this article does not In Slovenia, passive surveillance over the pe-
permit comparisons of serological methods, case defi- riod 197985 identified 20 cases of aseptic menin-
nitions, or methods of surveillance. Information on gitis per 100 000 doses of MM vaccine with the
safety is limited to reported rates of vaccine-associ- Leningrad-3 mumps strain (52). Further retrospec-
ated aseptic meningitis, which have been recalcu- tive review of the medical records of Slovenian pa-
lated as rates per 100 000 vaccine doses. tients hospitalized for aseptic meningitis during
Jeryl Lynn strain mumps vaccine. The Jeryl 197986 found an incidence of 100 cases of aseptic
Lynn strain, named after the child from whom the meningitis per 100 000 doses of MM vaccine con-
virus was isolated, was developed in the USA by taining Leningrad-3 mumps strain; however, at the
passaging the virus in embryonated hens eggs, then time of discharge, all symptoms had resolved and
in chick embryo cell cultures (40). The strain was no patient had any sequelae (53).
licensed in the USA in 1967, and by 1992 it had L-Zagreb strain mumps vaccine. In Croatia,
been administered to approximately 135 million the L-Zagreb strain was obtained by further attenu-
children and adults around the world (34). ation of Leningrad-3 mumps virus by adaptation and
Clinical studies in industrialized countries passage on chick embryo fibroblast cell culture (54).
show that a single dose of Jeryl Lynn strain mumps Over the period 197687, more than 10 million
vaccine leads to initial seroconversion rates of 80 doses of L-Zagreb mumps vaccine were distributed
100% (41). Further studies document persistence in the former Yugoslavia and elsewhere (54).
of antibody in a large proportion of vaccinees. In Studies in Croatia showed 87100%
Sweden, 73% of 229 children who received MMR seroresponse to L-Zagreb mumps vaccine and a vac-
vaccine containing Jeryl Lynn strain mumps vaccine cine efficacy of 97100% (54). In India, a single
at 18 months of age remained seropositive 10.5 years dose of locally produced MMR vaccine containing
later (42). In Finland, 4 years after the second MMR the L-Zagreb mumps strain increased mumps sero-
vaccine dose (with Jeryl Lynn mumps strain) and 9 positivity from 12% to 92% among 1524-month-
years after the initial dose the seropositivity rate was olds (55).
86% (43). The clinical protective efficacy of the Jeryl In Slovenia, MMR vaccine containing the L-
Lynn strain of mumps vaccine in outbreak-based Zagreb mumps strain has been used since 1990, and
studies in the USA has ranged from 75% to 91% passive surveillance over the period 199096 revealed
(44). Two recent outbreak investigations in the USA two cases of aseptic meningitis per 100 000 doses
found that the risk of mumps increased with time (A. Kraigher, unpublished data, 1997). In Croatia,
elapsed since vaccination, suggesting possible wan- there were 90 cases of aseptic meningitis per 100 000
ing of vaccine-induced immunity (45, 46). Few stud- doses of MMR vaccine containing the L-Zagreb
ies of Jeryl Lynn vaccine have been conducted in mumps strain over the period 198892 (56).
developing countries; however, in the Dominican Rubini strain mumps vaccine. The Rubini
Republic, a study of this vaccine reported 94% mumps virus strain was passaged first in a human
seroconversion among 72 seronegative children aged diploid cell line, serially passaged in embryonated
16 years (47). hens eggs, then adapted to the MRC-5 human dip-
In the USA, a 10-year retrospective study of loid cell line (57). Mumps vaccine based on the
hospitalized cases of mumps found one case of asep- Rubini strain was licensed in Switzerland in 1985,
tic meningitis per 100 000 doses of MMR vaccine and by 1990 more than 4 million people around
(with Jeryl Lynn mumps strain) in a cohort of chil- the world had been immunized with it (34).
dren aged 1223 months (48). Although these find- A study in Germany of children aged 1424
ings are reassuring, further prospective studies are months who received a dose of MMR vaccine found
planned. In Germany, the Jeryl Lynn strain was that 95% seroconverted when the mumps strain was

6 Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 1999, 77 (1)

Mumps and mumps vaccine: a global review

Rubini, compared with 100% when the strain was Following reports of aseptic meningitis cases
Jeryl Lynn (58). Recent studies in Switzerland, Italy, temporally associated with the administration of
and Portugal provide evidence that mumps vaccine MMR vaccine containing Urabe mumps virus strain,
based on the Rubini strain does not appear to offer Canada initiated molecular studies, which showed
long-term protection against the disease. In Swit- that the Urabe vaccine is a mixture of viruses, with
zerland, a study of secondary attack rates among the wild type A and variant G. Spinal fluid from Urabe
family contacts 16 y ears of age (median age, 6.9 strain vaccinees who developed aseptic meningitis or
years) of confirmed mumps cases (median age, 6.2 parotitis showed predominately wild type A (71). MMR
years) found a protective efficacy of 6% for the vaccine containing the Urabe strain was therefore with-
Rubini strain mumps vaccine compared with 73% drawn from the market in Canada in 1990 (72).
for the Urabe strain vaccine and 62% for the Jeryl Several studies in the United Kingdom have
Lynn strain vaccine (59). Several other Swiss studies examined rates of aseptic meningitis following vac-
confirm the low efficacy of the Rubini strain vac- cination with Urabe strain vaccine. A study in Not-
cine (60, 61). In Italy, a casecontrol study con- tingham was followed by a multi-centre confirmatory
ducted during 199596 found that, compared with study, which showed a rate of 9 aseptic meningitis
children vaccinated with Jeryl Lynn or Urabe strain cases per 100 000 vaccine doses (73). As a result,
mumps vaccine, children vaccinated with the Rubini the Public Health Service in the United Kingdom
strain vaccine had a higher risk of contracting stopped purchasing Urabe strain vaccine in 1992.
mumps: 1.2 for children aged <4 years; 3.0 for 46- In Japan, nationwide surveillance conducted
year-olds; and 12.8 for 712-year-olds (62). In Por- by the Ministry of Health and Welfare during 1989
tugal, MMR coverage of children aged 1223 demonstrated an overall rate of 49 cases of aseptic
months has been >90% since 1991; despite this, a meningitis per 100 000 doses of domestically pro-
large mumps epidemic occurred in 199596 with duced MMR vaccine containing Urabe mumps
the highest incidence among children aged 14 years. strain (74). Subsequent studies up to 1993 identi-
A plot of the number of cases according to their prob- fied an incidence of approximately 100 aseptic men-
able month and year of vaccination showed that there ingitis cases per 100 000 doses of MMR containing
was a large increase in mumps incidence among chil- Urabe mumps strain (although rates differed by
dren vaccinated after October 1992, which corre- manufacturer), and in April 1993 the Ministry of
sponded to the date when Portugal began to use the Health and Welfare of Japan withdrew all domesti-
Rubini strain of mumps vaccine exclusively (63). cally produced MMR vaccines (75).
Urabe strain mumps vaccine. The Urabe strain
of live mumps vaccine was first licensed in Japan in
1979, and thereafter in Belgium, France, and Italy Use of mumps vaccine around the
(34). It is produced either in the amnion of embryo- world
nated hens eggs or in chick embryo cell cultures. By
1991, more than 60 million persons around the Based on data reported to WHO up to April 1998,
world had been immunized with the Urabe strain of a total of 82 countries/areas (38%) are using mumps
mumps vaccine (34). vaccine in their national immunization programme.
In a study in Finland, among children who This is similar to the situation for rubella vaccine,
received mumps vaccine at 1420 months of age, which is used on a national basis in 78 countries/
95% seroconverted with the Urabe strain, compared areas (76). Based on the United Nations country
with 97% with the Jeryl Lynn strain (64). Several classification scheme (77), mumps vaccine is used
studies have assessed the immunogenicity of the by 23 (92%) of 25 developed countries; 19 (86%)
Urabe strain mumps vaccine in developing coun- of 22 countries with economies in transition (mainly
tries. Among seronegative children who received the Newly Independent States of the former Soviet
Urabe strain mumps vaccine at 9 months of age, Union); and 40 (24%) of 168 developing countries.
99% seroconverted in Brazil (65), 98% in South Among the 82 countries/areas using mumps vaccine,
Africa (66), and 75% in India (67). Among chil- 52 (63%) schedule one dose of mumps vaccine and
dren aged 12 months, 100% responded in Brazil 30 (37%) have a two-dose schedule. Mumps vac-
(65), 98% in China (Province of Taiwan) (68), and cine use varies widely by region (Table 3), as de-
92% in India (67). At 15 months of age, 100% of tailed below.
recipients responded in South Africa (66), and at
1418 months, 98% responded in China (Province African Region
of Taiwan) (68). No countries in the WHO African Region include
In the United Kingdom, a study showed that mumps vaccine in their national immunization
4 years after a single dose of MMR vaccine the sero- schedule.
positivity rates were 85% for the Urabe strain, com-
pared with 81% for the Jeryl Lynn strain (69). In Region of the Americas
Canada, a study found that 56 years after one dose In the WHO Region of the Americas, 21 (45%)
of MMR vaccine the seropositivity rate was 93% countries/areas use mumps vaccine: 15 give one dose
for the Urabe strain, compared with 85% for the of MMR vaccine and 6 give two doses of MMR vac-
Jeryl Lynn strain (70). cine (Table 3). Use of MMR vaccine is receiving

Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 1999, 77 (1) 7


increasing attention in the Americas, and regional basis (Table 3). In western Europe, most countries
targets for mumps control and eventual elimination schedule one or two doses of MMR vaccine. Among
are under discussion. the Newly Independent States of the former Soviet
Canada. In Quebec Province, one dose of Union, 14 countries administer a single dose of
MMR vaccine was introduced in 1976 for children monovalent mumps vaccine. In 1991, the European
at 12 months of age; coverage has been >95% since Region set a target of mumps elimination by the
1980. The annual number of reported mumps cases year 2000; and in 1993 this was defined as an an-
has fallen from 6858 in 1977 to fewer than 100 per nual mumps incidence of <1 case per 100 000 popu-
year since 1981, with the exception of an outbreak lation in each country (80). The Health for All
in 198889 (78). Cases in the outbreak occurred database of the European Regional Office includes
largely among unvaccinated students aged 1519 the annual number of reported mumps cases and
years, who were born prior to the introduction of incidence by country (81). These data show that in
vaccine. Because of the low incidence of mumps in the pre-vaccine era mumps incidence generally ex-
Quebec, the province has elected not to add a sec- ceeded 100 per 100 000 population (Table 2). Fol-
ond dose of mumps vaccine. lowing the introduction of mumps vaccine, the
USA. Use of mumps vaccine began in the USA average annual incidence of the disease dropped sig-
in 1967, when the incidence of the disease was al- nificantly in countries using a one-dose immuniza-
most 90 per 100 000 population (79). However, tion schedule, and reached levels <1 per 100 000
during the next decade mumps immunization was population in several countries using a two-dose
considered a low priority. In 1977, routine mumps schedule.
immunization was recommended at 12 months of Croatia. In the Rijeka region (population,
age or older, and this was facilitated by the availabil- 340 000 in 1990), mumps immunization started in
ity of MMR vaccine. During 198586 large mumps 1976. At 15 months of age children receive a dose
outbreaks occurred among underimmunized cohorts of MMR vaccine containing the L-Zagreb strain;
born in the period 196777, resulting in a shift in coverage has been 92% (82). In 1977 and 1981
peak incidence from 59-year-olds to 1019-year- 82 mumps outbreaks occurred, and then there was
olds. In 1989, a second dose of MMR vaccine was an 8-year period with lower incidence (3178
recommended at 46 years of age. The incidence of mumps cases per 100 000 population). Mumps vac-
mumps fell from 2 per 100 000 population in 1988 cination led to a shift in the age distribution of cases,
to 0.7 per 100 000 population in 1993 (79). with the highest incidence being among 59-year-
olds over the period 197682, and among 1519-
Eastern Mediterranean Region year-olds over the period 198390.
In the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region, 11 England and Wales. From 1962 to 1981 Eng-
countries/areas (48%) include mumps vaccine in the land and Wales had an annual mumps incidence of
national immunization schedule: six countries use 1601011 cases per 100 000 population (22).
one dose and five countries use two doses of MMR Mumps vaccine was introduced in October 1988,
vaccine (Table 3). when MMR vaccine was scheduled for all children
aged 1215 months (83). In addition, all pre-school
European Region children were offered MMR vaccine in a 3-year
Of the 51 countries/areas in the WHO European catch-up programme. Since 1991, mumps vaccine
Region, 43 (84%) use mumps vaccine on a national coverage of children by their second birthday has
exceeded 90%. The annual incidence of mumps fell
Table 3. National schedules for mumps immunization used by to 5 per 100 000 population in the period 199395
countries/areas in different WHO regionsa (Table 2). The number of hospital admissions for
mumps fell by 92% compared with the pre-vaccine
era (83). Nevertheless, studies in vaccinated pre-
WHO region No. of One-dose Two-doses No. using school cohorts showed that 15% of children were
countries/ mumps mumps any mumps
seronegative for mumps. Therefore, in 1997 a sec-
areasb vaccine vaccine vaccine
ond dose of MMR vaccine was added at age 4 years
Africa 48 0 0 0 Finland. In the 1970s the mean annual inci-
Americas 47 15 6 21 (45)c
dence of mumps was 240 cases per 100 000 popula-
Eastern Mediterranean 23 6 5 11 (48)
tion, meningitis and orchitis were common
Europe 51 25 18 43 (84)
complications, and occasional deaths were reported.
South-East Asia 10 0 0 0
Western Pacific 36 6 1 7 (19)
In 1982 a national immunization programme was
begun, with two doses of MMR vaccine (with Jeryl
Total 215 52 30 82 (38) Lynn mumps strain) at age 1418 months and 6
years (84). Over a period of 12 years, 1.5 million of
a Based on data reported to the WHO Global Programme for Vaccines and Immunization. the 5 million Finnish population were vaccinated.
b No. of countries/areas reporting is greater than the number of Member States. As a result, there was a 99% decrease in the inci-
c Figures in parentheses are percentages. dence of mumps and the annual incidence dropped

8 Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 1999, 77 (1)

Mumps and mumps vaccine: a global review

to <1 case per 100 000 population (Fig. 2); encepha- Fig. 2. Annual incidence of mumps in Finland, 197796 (ref. 81).
litis with mumps (and rubella and measles) totally
vanished (85). 1 000
Israel. Mumps vaccine was introduced in April Two-dose MMR schedule at 1618
1984, but had to be discontinued 16 months later months and 6 years started in 1982
due to budgetary constraints. In December 1998,

Incidence per 100 000

measles vaccine was replaced by MMR vaccine at
age 15 months in the routine childhood vaccina- 10
tion schedule. In 1990 MMR coverage reached 91%
nationwide (26). The incidence of mumps varied
from 80 to 162 cases per 100 000 population over
the period 197788. By 199395, the annual
mumps incidence had fallen to 10 cases per 100 000 0.1

WHO 98326
population (Table 2).
Portugal. In Portugal, a dose of MMR vac-
cine at age 15 months was introduced in 1987; in 1980 1985 1990 1995
1990 a second dose at age 1113 years was added.
The number of reported mumps cases decreased
from 2197 in 1987 to 627 in 1993. Subsequently, drop in mumps incidence was followed by a steep
the country experienced a large epidemic, with 1841 increase in the 1990s, with an incidence above 400
mumps cases in 1995 and 7620 cases in the first 8 per 100 000 population in 1994 (59). Several out-
months of 1996 (63). Epidemiological investigations break investigations found that the clinical protec-
suggest the outbreak may have been related to ex- tive efficacy of the Rubini strain used was very low
clusive use of Rubini strain vaccine since October (5961); since October 1994, the Swiss Federal Of-
1992. fice for Public Health has recommended using only
Slovenia. Prior to 1979, over 400 cases of MMR vaccine with the Jeryl Lynn mumps strain,
mumps were notified each year, and more than 50% except for children with allergies (61).
of children contracted the disease before their sec-
ond birthday (A. Kraigher, unpublished data, 1998). South-East Asia Region
In 1979, the country scheduled two doses of MM In the WHO South-East Asia Region, no countries
vaccine (with Leningrad-3 mumps strain) at ages 12 have a national policy for use of mumps vaccine.
16 months and 67 years. In 1990, MM vaccine
was changed to MMR vaccine (with L-Zagreb Western Pacific Region
mumps strain). Coverage for both doses has been In the Western Pacific Region, seven countries/
>90% since 1990. Mumps has declined steadily to areas (19%) use mumps vaccine: six countries em-
an annual incidence of <5 per 100 000. ploy a one-dose MMR schedule and one country a
Sweden. In May 1982, Sweden introduced a two-dose MMR schedule (Table 3).
two-dose MMR immunization schedule (using the Singapore. Prior to the introduction of MMR
Jeryl Lynn strain of mumps vaccine), with the aim vaccine, Singapore conducted a serosurvey of per-
of eliminating measles, mumps, and rubella (42). sons aged 6 months to 45 years (30). Overall 72%
MMR vaccine is given at 18 months and 12 years of of the population possessed antibodies against
age, with coverage being >95% in both groups. The mumps virus; in the 04-year age group only 22%
rationale for the two-dose schedule is to boost de- were seropositive. In 1990, Singapore introduced a
clining antibody concentrations, reach those who did single dose of MMR vaccine at 12 months of age.
not receive the first dose or failed to respond to it,
and avoid the build-up of susceptibles among young
adults. Sweden experienced dramatic reductions in
the incidence of mumps and its complications. One Lessons learned
study in Gothenburg found no mumps- or rubella- By 1998, a total of 82 countries/areas had added
associated hearing impairment among children af- mumps vaccine to their routine national immuni-
ter the introduction of MMR vaccine, whereas zation programmes. In addition, MMR vaccines are
mumps and rubella had previously accounted for popular in the private sector, even in countries with-
12% of all hearing impairments among pre-school out a national mumps control programme (87).
children in the country (86). In Sweden, the inci- Vaccine has been introduced mainly in countries
dence of mumps has remained very low but stable, with the highest per capita income, which can af-
with 80% of cases occurring among persons born ford the resources to sustain high coverage. Most
before the start of the programme (42). countries did not introduce mumps vaccine into
Switzerland. In Switzerland, one dose of their national programmes until immunization cov-
MMR vaccine at 15 months of age was introduced erage of infants with BCG, poliovirus, diphtheria
nationally in 1987, and coverage of children aged pertussistetanus, and measles vaccines exceeded
2736 months reached 80% in 1991. While the in- 80%, often above 90%. Countries that introduced
cidence of measles and rubella fell sharply, an initial mumps vaccine into their immunization pro-

Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 1999, 77 (1) 9


grammes exhibited a rapid decline in mumps mor- rubella syndrome (76). If a large proportion of the
bidity. Countries implementing a one-dose sched- adult population remains seronegative for mumps,
ule at high coverage levels reported reductions in care should be taken to provide mumps vaccine to
mumps incidence of 88% (Table 2). Countries im- adults who may be at special risk, including health
plementing a two-dose schedule at high levels of workers, teachers, and military personnel.
coverage for both doses show reductions in mumps
incidence of 97%, and several countries reached Select the mumps vaccine
the elimination target of <1 mumps case per 100 000 Several mumps vaccines based on different attenu-
population (Table 2). Sustained high levels of vacci- ated strains are available. Recent studies indicate that
nation against mumps can be expected to lengthen the Rubini strain does not provide sufficient long-
the inter-epidemic period, while susceptibles accu- term clinical protection, although several other
mulate in the population; thus, mumps outbreaks mumps vaccine strains do provide better long-term
can be expected 1020 years after the introduction protection as demonstrated in outbreak investiga-
of routine mumps immunization. Such outbreaks tions. Among the available strains, the rates of vac-
are more likely to be seen among older age groups, cine-associated aseptic meningitis vary; however,
especially those aged 1530 years, who were too old vaccine-associated meningitis resolves spontaneously
to receive vaccine and whose exposure to wild in less than a week, and there are no sequelae. Natu-
mumps virus was reduced by the herd effect of the ral mumps infection leads to aseptic meningitis in
vaccination programme. up to 10% of patients, and this also resolves sponta-
neously within a week without sequelae. It is of far
greater concern that natural mumps infection can
Guidance for countries considering lead to encephalitis, with a risk of death or perma-
nent disability. Thus, countries need to consider that
using mumps vaccine the incidence and severity of meningitis and en-
So far, mumps vaccine has not been recommended cephalitis following natural infection greatly exceed
as part of the global Expanded Programme on Im- those associated with any protective mumps vaccine
munization. Countries considering the use of currently available in international commerce (89).
mumps vaccine should review the WHO guidelines
for introduction of new vaccines (88), paying care- Assess costs
ful attention to the aspects discussed below. Studies in several countries have found that the in-
troduction of routine mumps vaccine is economi-
Consider the disease burden cally justifiable. In Austria, the benefitcost ratio was
Information on the incidence of mumps and the age 3.6 for routine immunization using Jeryl Lynn
groups affected should be examined. Data on the mumps vaccine (90). In Israel, the benefitcost ra-
proportion of encephalitis and meningitis due to tio was 5.9 for routine immunization with MMR
mumps can help in determining the importance of vaccine at 15 months of age (91). The results of
the disease. In some countries, Japanese encephali- benefitcost analyses may, however, differ from one
tis, dengue, varicella, or tick-borne encephalitis may country to another, and countries should consider
be the primary causes of encephalitis, but local data local estimates of disease burden, costs of treatment,
need to be examined to determine the relative dis- costs of vaccination, and the rates of adverse events
ease burden due to mumps. Studies to assess hear- for the vaccine strain of interest. Some countries
ing disabilities should consider mumps as a possible which have attained high measles vaccine coverage
etiology. and have concerns about the burden of mumps dis-
ease may find that they cannot afford to replace
Decide on an appropriate routine monovalent measles vaccine with MMR because of
schedule the cost of the vaccine. Benefitcost analysis may
Mumps vaccine can be most efficiently incorporated help in approaching potential donors.
into the immunization schedule by using MMR vac-
cine. Separate delivery of single-antigen mumps vac-
cine is less practical, since this requires an extra Recommendations for countries
injection and may also lead to an additional health
care visit. Serological studies show that vaccine re-
already using mumps vaccine
sponse rates are excellent from the age of 12 months. For countries already using mumps vaccine, mumps
For the Urabe strain mumps vaccine, the control programmes should include the activities
seroresponse rates appear high from the age of 9 discussed below.
months. An initial target of mumps control would
suggest use of a single dose of MMR vaccine at 9 Monitor immunization coverage
15 months of age, and countries should aim for cov- Where mumps vaccine is delivered as MMR vac-
erage of 80%. Using MMR instead of measles cine, immunization coverage monitoring is likely
vaccine will require further considerations about already to be in place. Countries that deliver single-
what strategy is appropriate to prevent congenital antigen mumps vaccine need to be certain that the

10 Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 1999, 77 (1)

Mumps and mumps vaccine: a global review

coverage is monitored. When second doses are de- substituted by MMR vaccine; however, mass cam-
livered to pre-school or school-aged populations, paigns with MMR vaccine should be planned only
coverage should also be monitored. where long-term routine immunization against ru-
bella and mumps is being implemented.
Conduct routine surveillance of
mumps Conduct research
Mumps should be a notifiable disease, recognizing When new mumps vaccine strains are introduced,
that passive surveillance generally underreports dis- studies on their immunogenicity should be carried
ease incidence but it can monitor trends and signal out in both industrialized and developing countries.
outbreaks. It is important to remember that mumps The field effectiveness of vaccines, especially newer
affects adults; WHO surveillance guidelines, which strains, needs to be monitored. A more difficult task
include recommended case definitions, are being is to establish and maintain sufficiently sensitive
developed. monitoring systems that can provide reliable data
on rare adverse events. In countries where mumps
Investigate outbreaks vaccine has been in use for many years, there is a
Mumps outbreaks should be investigated to the ex- need for continued study of the duration of protec-
tent that resources allow. tion following vaccination in childhood, particularly
if there is little natural boosting from exposure to
Assess (and re-assess) control versus wild mumps virus.
elimination strategies
Countries already using a single dose of mumps vac- Acknowledgements
cine may eventually contemplate including a sec- This review was conducted at the request of the Steer-
ond dose. The potential benefit will depend on ing Committee on Epidemiology and Field Research,
whether the objective of the programme is control with support from the WHO Global Programme
or elimination of the disease. As countries use mass for Vaccines and Immunization. We thank A.M.
campaigns to deliver extra doses of measles vaccine Henao-Restrepo and J.-M. Oliv for their helpful
to particular target groups, measles vaccine can be comments.

Les oreillons et le vaccin antiourlien : la situation dans le monde
Les oreillons sont une maladie infectieuse aigu due les encphalites et les surdits conscutives aux oreillons
un paramyxovirus trs proche des virus parainfluenza. ont presque totalement disparu.
En labsence de vaccination, cest une affection cou- Selon les donnes communiques lOMS jus-
rante dont lincidence annuelle est leve : en gnral quen avril 1998, la vaccination antiourlienne fait par-
plus de 100 cas pour 100 000 habitants. La surveillance tie des vaccinations de lenfance dans 82 pays (38%).
base communautaire donne de son ct un taux din- Selon le systme de classification des pays adopt par
cidence de 2000 pour 100 000 soit environ 10 fois les Nations Unies, la vaccination antiourlienne est pra-
plus de cas que nen dnombre la notification passive. tique dans 23 pays dvelopps sur 25 (92%), dans
Des pidmies doreillons se produisent tous les 2 19 pays en transition conomique sur 22 (86%) (prin-
5 ans. cipalement les nouveaux Etats indpendants de
Sous sa forme habituelle, la maladie se caract- lancienne Union sovitique) et dans 40 pays en dve-
rise par une tumfaction parotidienne avec atteinte loppement sur 168 (24%).
associe des autres glandes salivaires. Elle est le plus Dans 52 pays, la vaccination comporte ladmi-
souvent bnigne mais peut se compliquer dune m- nistration dune seule dose de vaccin alors que dans 30
ningite aseptique dans 10% des cas. Lencphalite est autres elle en comporte deux.
une complication moins frquente mais plus grave et Les pays qui envisagent dintroduire la vaccina-
peut entraner la mort ou du moins une invalidit per- tion antiourlienne pour lutter contre la maladie, doi-
manente. Aprs la pubert, il peut se produire une vent valuer la charge que cette maladie reprsente,
pididymo-orchite dans 25% des cas. Chez la femme dfinir lge de vaccination systmatique et choisir la
enceinte, la maladie provoque dans un quart des cas souche vaccinale de virus vivant attnu acqurir. Une
un avortement spontan lorsquelle est contracte au analyse cot-avantages ne serait pas inutile cet gard.
cours du premier trimestre. Chez 4% des malades, on Les pays qui pratiquent dj la vaccination contre les
observe une surdit passagre qui, chez un petit nom- oreillons doivent contrler la couverture vaccinale, met-
bre dentre eux, peut voluer vers une perte auditive tre en place une surveillance systmatique des oreillons
importante et dfinitive. Les pays qui ont inscrit la vac- et faire une enqute chaque fois quune flambe se
cination contre les oreillons leur programme national produit. L o lon sest fix pour but dliminer la ma-
de vaccinations courantes et sont parvenus assurer ladie, il faut ajouter une seconde dose de vaccin chez
une bonne couverture, ont vu la morbidit ourlienne lenfant, sans perdre de vue que les oreillons peuvent
dcliner rapidement. En outre, dans nombre dentre eux, aussi frapper les adultes sensibles.

Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 1999, 77 (1) 11


La parotiditis y la vacuna antiparotidtica: situacin mundial
La parotiditis, o paperas, es una enfermedad infecciosa asociados a la parotiditis han desaparecido casi por
aguda causada por un paramixovirus estrechamente completo.
relacionado con el virus parainfluenza. Si no se vacuna Segn los datos notificados a la OMS hasta abril
contra ella, la parotiditis es una enfermedad comn, de 1998, la vacuna contra la parotiditis se utiliza
con una alta incidencia anual, generalmente superior a sistemticamente en los programas nacionales de in-
100 casos por 100 000 habitantes. La vigilancia comu- munizacin de 82 pases (38%). Segn el sistema em-
nitaria ha revelado cifras de incidencia del orden de pleado por las Naciones Unidas para clasificar los pases,
2000 casos por 100 000 habitantes, esto es, unas diez utilizan la vacuna antiparotidtica 23 (92%) de 25 pa-
veces ms que el nmero de casos notificados pasiva- ses desarrollados, 19 (86%) de 22 pases con econo-
mente. Cada 2-5 aos se declaran epidemias de mas en transicin (principalmente los nuevos Estados
parotiditis. independientes de la antigua Unin Sovitica) y 40
La parotiditis clsica se caracteriza por una infla- (24%) de 168 pases en desarrollo.
macin de la glndula partida y de otras glndulas En 52 pases se administra una sola dosis de la
salivales. Aunque suele ser benigna, hasta un 10% de vacuna, mientras que en los otros 30 se emplean dos
los pacientes desarrollan meningitis asptica. Una com- dosis.
plicacin menos frecuente, pero ms grave, es la ence- Los pases interesados en implantar la vacuna-
falitis, que puede ser causa de muerte o de discapacidad cin contra la parotiditis para combatir esa enferme-
permanente. Adems, un 25% de los hombres que con- dad tendrn que evaluar la carga de morbilidad que
traen la enfermedad tras la pubertad sufren epididimor- representa, determinar la edad idnea para la vacuna-
quitis. Entre las mujeres afectadas durante el primer cin sistemtica, y seleccionar la cepa de vacuna viva
trimestre de embarazo, una cuarta parte sufren aborto atenuada que deba comprarse. Los anlisis costo-be-
espontneo. Aparece sordera transitoria en un 4% de neficio pueden ser de utilidad a ese efecto. Los pases
los pacientes, una pequea proporcin de los cuales que ya utilizan la vacuna contra la parotiditis deberan
queda aquejado permanentemente de prdida de seguir de cerca la cobertura de inmunizacin y estable-
odo profunda. Los pases que han incluido la vacuna cer mecanismos de vigilancia sistemtica de la enfer-
contra la parotiditis en sus programas nacionales de medad, incluida la investigacin de los posibles brotes.
inmunizacin sistemtica y han logrado una alta co- All donde se haya fijado la meta de eliminar la
bertura han mostrado un rpido descenso de la parotiditis, los pases habrn de aadir una segunda
morbilidad por la enfermedad. Por aadidura, en mu- dosis de vacuna para los nios, sin olvidar que la enfer-
chos de esos pases los casos de encefalitis y sordera medad puede afectar con todo a adultos susceptibles.

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