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2.0 Introduction
This chapter reviews about the critical analysis of published sources, or literature, on a
particular topic. Means, the researcher will identify and evaluate relevant previous studies related
to the topic of research which is related with computer literacy skill. This literature review is
related with impact of computer literacy skills that it has four objectives which are to determine
the level of computer literacy skills among secondary school teachers in Machang, to analyze
factors that affect the computer literacy skills among secondary school teachers in Machang, to
determine if there is a difference in computer literacy skills identified by teachers demographics
and to identify the relationships between hardware usage, application software usage and
information system usage with computer literacy skills. For theoretical will be focus on hardware
usage, application usage software and information system usage.

2.1 The Research Variables

In this topic, it involves all the variables in the theoretical framework. For this research, the
independent variables that been collected can divided into three that are usage of hardware,
usage of application software and usage of information system. While, the dependent variable is
computer literacy skills that is the main study on this research. The three independent variables
are the factor that contributing to the dependent variable.
Figure 1 Theoretical Framework of the Study

Based on the theoretical framework, the variables clearly identified and labelled. Thus, the
hypotheses are formulated:

H1- There is a positive relationship between the usage of hardware and computer literacy
H2 There is a positive relationship between usage of application software and computer
literacy skills.
H3 - There is a positive relationship between usage of information system and computer
literacy skills.
2.2 Literature Topic 1: Relationship between Hardware Usages toward Computer Literacy

According to Robb (2006), points out the need for school administrations to foster self-
directed learning of technology among their teachers by providing appropriate resources and
environment. Besides that, the confident level of teachers are closely related with technology
use and knowledge said by (Atkins & Vasu, 2000). Furthermore, pressure on teachers to be
competent with a range of technological tools learners use and to possess technical skills for jobs
or promotions (Stockwell, 2009). The formal confirmation of the competence of work with
computer is significant to the employers who want to evaluate the skills of employees and those
applying for the job said by (Denisovas, 2001). According to Emetarom (2001), the usage of
computer as a medium platform such as information gadget, equipment or facility which is can
increase the efficiency and productivity. According to Onasanya (2001), some objectives that
have been identified whose achievement could lead to computer literacy include: knowledge of
the history of computers: knowledge of the components of a computer and how they interact:
knowledge of the issues surrounding computer technology.
According to Lawal (2009) opined that the use of technology, and knowing how
technology can support student learning have become essential skills for professional teachers in
todays world. Teacher attitudes toward computer technology may be a significant factor in the
use of computers in education. Someone can be literate by using computer that can obtain a lot
of benefit when solving lack of knowledge (Satharasinghe, 2006). According to Levi and Okeke
(2006) conclude that teachers discovered ICT as an idea tool for conveying programmed
instruction. The use of computer technology can improve the level of society become more
attractive on computer said by (Nawaz & Kundi, 2010). Knowing how to read and write well
has been an expectation since the development of the printing press. New technologies of our
time are creating higher expectations for literacy (Walker, 1999).
2.2.1 Sub Topic 1: Challenges of Computer Literacy

According to Kessler and Plakans (2008) concluded that revealed that the less confident
teachers were less enthusiastic about the integration of technology into their teaching practices.
Mostly teachers have to learn by their own self on how to use technology that shows education
learning of using computer not give a good impact toward EFL teachers computer literacy said
by (Stockwell, 2009). Other challenges area lacking of knowledge, outdated equipment, lack of
time and lack of technical competency. In the Philippines, higher education institutions highly
prioritized teaching and learning with technology, but the extent of its implementation is
moderate (Marcial, 2012). According to Ali Asghar and Yalda (2012) conclude that
summarized the factors that contribute to technophobia among teachers. These factors are lack
of knowledge about teaching the topic with computers, lack of access to computers, lack of
confidence in computer skills, inadequacy for students needs and the attitude of computer

2.3 Literature Topic 2: Relationship between Application Software Usages toward Computer

According to Cunningham (2000), teachers have expertise of using computer application

for education learning. Compare to another scholar, Aina (2001) concluded that computer
literacy could be measured in terms of ability to operate the computers system and use some of
its application packages to accomplish a given task. According to Ozigi (2007) found in a
study on influence of computer on teachers effectiveness in secondary schools that teachers
exposed to workshops and seminars on the use of computer systems were more effective in
secondary schools. According to Obasi (1998) concluded that application of software computer
cannot be emphasize in teaching purpose.

Physical education teachers should be able to use office automation software in

preparing lesson plans and performance tasks, building parent files and transferring audiovisual
materials (power point, video etc.) to students stated by (FitzPatrick, 2004). According to Fay
and Doolittle (2012) said that teachers are able to use hardware and software application for
purpose of using of video analysis and using of additional computer to observe the performance,
skill and model of students exercise. They are supposed to use office automation software for
professional productivity and development and the internet for the defense of their programs and
cooperation with their colleagues said by (Finkenberg, 1997). The upgrading of learning
process by using digital technologies and the use of software application in teaching process said
by (Osborne, 2013).

2.4 Literature Topic 3: Relationship between Information System Usages toward Computer

The conception of computer literacy is constantly changing because of constant

improvement of information technologies and their fluctuation. Author defined computer
information literacy as ability to understand and to use computer information, like the ability to
write and read defined in communication literacy said by (Henrich, Molenda, Russel, Smaldin,
1999). Computers functions to obtain all information said by counselors and academic advisors
related with study skills tutoring, testing, registration, placement, financial aid, program
evaluation and research, career development and residence halls and student activities (Johnson
& Pyle, 1984). According to Aviram and Eshet (2006) argues that Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) is important for mindful learning in the information
technology society. Have capability for the use of time, utilization, communication and retrieval
of relevant and accurate information system has become an important factors or better teaching-
learning process said by (Adebayo, 2008).
Not only in getting the information but also making the learning and teaching process
more effective, the supposed skills of teachers, related to computers, are described as computer
literacy the idea that there is some basic familiarity with computers said by (Brain, 1983).
Information gives many benefits toward teacher in order to improve teaching learning activities
when they use computer with efficiency said by (Samuel and Ede, 2005). The prevalence and
rapid development of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has transformed
human society from the information technology age to the knowledge age concluded by
(Galbreath, 2000). According to Iyamu and Adawu (2008) noted that these forms of technology
provide teachers and students with vast quantities of information in an easily accessible way that
can be used as a teaching tool. High demand for computer literacy nowadays come from
domination of information and communication technologies that have difference aspects of
modern life said by (Oliver, 2002).

2.4 Conclusion

From this literature review, there are many scholar give their opinion related with
computer literacy skills among secondary school teachers should be seen as invaluable
requirements that would help to improve and facilitate the teaching and learning procedure in
this modern age. The main focus of this study is to determine the impact of computer literacy
skills possessed by secondary school teachers in order to perform tasks and also in integrating
technology with lessons in classroom to improve students learning performance.

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